Physics final

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How many ml are in 5.1 cubic centimeters?

121 J

CH5Q12 A 0.50 kg ball has a velocity of 22 m/s. What is the magnitude of the work done to stop the ball when you catch it? Question options: none of these 11 J 121 J 242 J


1.5 m = ____ mm or How many mm are in 1.5 m?


19 cm = ____ m This may also be stated as Convert 19 cm to meters.


19 m = ____ cm Convert 19 meters to centimeters.

the hair gives electrons to the rubber balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge.

CH10Q12 When you rub a rubber balloon on your hair the hair gives electrons to the rubber balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge. the hair gives electrons to the rubber balloon, giving the balloon a positive charge. the hair gives electrons to the rubber balloon, giving the hair a negative charge. both the hair and the balloon will become polarized, but the net charge on each stays the same.

5 V

CH11Q22 Three different size lights are running off a low voltage system. The resistance of the three lights are R1 =3 ohms, R2 = 9 ohms, and R3 = 9 ohms. They are all connected in parallel with a 5.0 V battery. The internal resistance of the battery is negligible. What is the voltage across R3? 0.24 Volts 3 V 1.67 Volts 5 V

12 W

CH11Q27 A light bulb with a resistance of 3 ohms has a voltage difference of 6 V across its leads. What is the power drawn by the bulb? 12 W 0.5 W 2 W 18 W

one fourth

CH12Q19 If you double the distance between two magnets, how much does the force between them change? one fourth one half twice as much four time stronger

374 m

CH13Q27 When needed, use 340 m/s for the speed of sound and 3.00 x 108 m/s for the speed of light. A hiker determines the length of a lake by listening for the echo of her shout reflected by a cliff at the far end of the lake. She hears the echo 2.20 s after shouting. How long is the lake? 748 m 170 m 270 m 374 m

3.3 m

CH13Q30 If you listento radio, you know stations have numbers like 92.3. The number refers to the frequency of the channel in megahertz, as in 92.3 MHz. What is the wavelength of the radio wave? 3.3 m 3.7 m 0.0000037 m 3,300,000 m

negative acceleration going up, negative acceleration at the top negative acceleration going down

CH2Q10 Which of these best describes the motion of an object thrown straight up into the air? Take up to be positive. positive acceleration going up, no acceleration at the top negative acceleration going down positive speed going up, no acceleration at the top negative acceleration going down negative acceleration going up no acceleration at the top positive acceleration going down negative acceleration going up, negative acceleration at the top negative acceleration going down

77.5 m

CH2Q14 A car is traveling at 33.0 m/s when the driver uses the brakes to slow down to 29.0 m/s in 2.50 seconds. How many meters will it travel during that time? 0.05 km 87.5 m 77.5 m 82.5 m

8.6 m/s down

CH2Q15 ball is thrown straight up from a bridge at a speed of 11.0 m/s. What will be its velocity (speed and direction) after 2.0 seconds? 8.6 m/s up. 8.6 m/s down 5.6 m/s down 5.5 m/s up

88.0 m

CH2Q16 A ball is thrown straight up from a bridge at a speed of 11.0 m/s. If it takes 5.50 seconds to hit the water below, how high is the bridge? 55.0 m 34.0 m 209 m 88.0 m

-43 m/s

CH2Q17 A ball is thrown straight up from a bridge at a speed of 11.0 m/s. If it takes 5.5 seconds to hit the water below, what is the velocity just before it hits the water? -60.5 m/s -54 m/s -43 m/s 65 m/s

5.6 hours

CH2Q18 A car travels at 75 km/hrs. How long will it take to travel 420 km? 6.0 hours 8.0 min 5.0 hours 5.6 hours


CH2Q24 A rock dropped from a bridge takes 3.23 to hit the water. How high is the bridge in meters? (no units required and you may leave the answer as positive)


CH2Q9 An object falling near the Earth shows constant ___ if friction is insignificant. speed displacement acceleration velocity

4.0 m/s2 right

CH3Q17 A force of 25 newtons is to the right pushes on a 5.0 kg wagon. There is a friction force of 5.0 N. What is the acceleration? 4.0 m/s2 right 125 N left 20. m/s2 right 5.0 m/s2 right


CH3Q19 An elevator has a mass of 1200.0 kg. It is rising at a steady acceleration UPWARD of 3.00 m/s2 . What is the tension in the cable lifting the elevator? 11800 N 15400 N 8160 N 3600 N


CH3Q4 What do we call a force that supports a person standing on a floor? tension gravity friction normal

15.6 s

CH4Q21 A bomb is dropped from an airplane at a height of 1200 meters. How long will it take to hit the ground? (This is a review from chapter 3, but you need it to do the second part of these questions in chapter 4) Question options: 18.2 s 15.6 s 12.7 s 245 s

Work; although you must remember that work is equal to change in energy, so you can use change in energy over time.

CH5Q3 In the formula for power, power is equal to ____ divided by time. Question options: Distance The sum of all the energies, both kinetic and potential, and the work Work; although you must remember that work is equal to change in energy, so you can use change in energy over time.

4 times

CH5Q8 If you double the speed of a car, how much does the kinetic energy increase? Question options: 4 times 1 times The kinetic energy of a car does not increase when you change the speed. 2 times

176 joules

CH5Q9 A basketball player throws a 1.2 kg ball 15 meters into the air. What is the increase in potential energy? Question options: 18 joules 176 newtons 176 joules 12.5 joules

-1.67 m/s

CH6Q12 A 3.0 kg paint gun recoils when it fires a 0.050 kg paint ball at 100 m/s. How fast will the gun recoil? Question options: -1.67 m/s -5.0 m/s -300 m/s 15 m/s

0.71 m/s

CH6Q13 A 12000 kg train engine moving at 2.2 m/s hits and locks into 3 boxcars with a total mass of 25000 kg sitting still. If the collision is inelastic and has little friction, how fast will the engine and cars move? Question options: 0.71 m/s 2.2 m/s 1.06 m/s 1.5 m/s

Both elastic and inelastic collisions have conservation of momentum if there are no outside forces. They are different in that elastic collisions bounce and inelastic collisions stick, and kinetic energy is not conserved in inelastic collisions.

CH6Q4 Contrast and compare elastic and inelastic collisions. Question options: They are basically the same thing, except the units are different. Elastic collisions do not have conservation of momentum and inelastic collisions have conservation of momentum if there are no outside forces. They are different in that elastic collisions bounce and inelastic collisions stick, and kinetic energy is not conserved in inelastic collisions. Both elastic and inelastic collisions have conservation of momentum if there are no outside forces. They are different in that elastic collisions bounce and inelastic collisions stick, and kinetic energy is not conserved in inelastic collisions. Both elastic and inelastic collisions have conservation of momentum if there are no outside forces. They are different in that elastic collisions bounce and inelastic collisions stick, and kinetic energy is conserved in inelastic collisions.

In an inelastic collision p is conserved but KE is not. MAKE SURE ANSWER IS CORRECT BECAUSE I GUESSED THE ANSWER

CH6Q7 Which is correct? Question options: In an inelastic collision p is conserved but KE is not. In an elastic collision neither KE nor p is conserved. In an elastic collision p is conserved but KE is not. In an inelastic collision both KE and p are conserved.


CH7Q11 A 4.4 meter long see-saw has a fulcrum in the middle. There is a 205 newton child on the right end of the beam. If a 240 newton child wants to balance the see-saw, how far from the center should she sit? 1.8 m 1.9m -2.1 m 0.9 m


CH7Q17 What is the net torque on a pulley if there is a 25.0 N counterclockwise force at 4.01 cm from the pivot and a 4.5 N friction force on the axle 1.80 cm from the pivot point. Give the answer in Nm and work to 2 decimal places.


CH8Q18 You have 250 grams of ice at 0 o C. How much heat is required to melt it and raise the temperature to 20o C? (answer in calories) 5000 35000 20000 25000

0.17 cal/gᵒC

CH8Q21 77 grams of an unknown metal at 99ᵒC is placed in 225 grams of water which is initially at 22ᵒC. The water is inside a 44 gram aluminum cup with a specific heat of 0.22 cal/gᵒC. The final temperature of the system is 26ᵒC. What is the specific heat of the unknown metal? 0.17 cal/gᵒC 4.22 cal/gᵒC 0.22 cal/gᵒC 0.15 cal/gᵒC

48 m/s

CH9Q21 A water hose is 1.0 inch in diameter. A squirt tip only 0.25 inches in diameter is attached to the end. If the water is fed into the hose at 3.0 meters/sec, how fast will it come out the squirt tip? 48 m/s 0.75 m/s 3 m/s 12 m/s

Answer: 13540

CH9Q23 The input piston of a hydraulic jack is 1.20 cm in diameter. The output piston is 12.2 cm in diameter. The input force is 131 newtons. What is the output force in newtons?

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