Physics Final Exam Review

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A ball at the end of a string is being swung in a horizontal circle. The ball is accelerating because A. The speed is changing. B. The direction is changing. C. The speed and the direction are changing. D. The ball is not accelerating.


A ball at the end of a string is being swung in a horizontal circle. What is the direction of the acceleration of the ball? A. Tangent to the circle, in the direction of the ball's motion B. Toward the center of the circle


A ball at the end of a string is being swung in a horizontal circle. What is the direction of the net force on the ball? A. Tangent to the circle B. Toward the center of the circle C. There is no net force.


A ball is tossed straight up in the air. At its very highest point, the ball's instantaneous acceleration ay is A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Zero.


A bicycle is moving to the left with increasing speed. Which of the following motion diagrams illustrates this motion?


A blender does 5000 J of work on the food in its bowl. During the time the blender runs, 2000 J of heat transferred from the warm food to the cooler environment. What is the change in the thermal energy of the food? A. +2000 J B. +3000 J C. +7000 J D. −2000 J E. −3000 J


A child is on a playground swing, motionless at the highest point of his arc. What energy transformation takes place as he swings back down to the lowest point of his motion? A. K into Ug B. Ug into K C. Eth into K D. Ug into Eth E. K into Eth


A constant force causes an object to accelerate atWhat is the acceleration of an object with twice the mass that experiences the same force? A. 1 m/s^2 B. 2 m/s^2 C. 4 m/s^2 D. 8 m/s^2 E. 16 m/s^2


A crane lowers a girder into place at constant speed. Consider the work Wg done by gravity and the work WTdone by the tension in the cable. Which is true? A.Wg >0 and WT >0 B.Wg >0 and WT <0 C.Wg <0 and WT >0 D.Wg <0 and WT <0 E.Wg =0 and WT =0


A hockey puck sliding on smooth ice at 4 m/s comes to a 1-m-high hill. Will it make it to the top of the hill? A. Yes. B. No. C. Can't answer without knowing the mass of the puck. D. Can't say without knowing the angle of the hill.


A light plastic cart and a heavy steel cart are both pushed with the same force for 1.0 s, starting from rest. After the force is removed, the momentum of the light plastic cart is _____ that of the heavy steel cart. A. Greater than B. Equal to C. Less than D. Can't say. It depends on how big the force is.


A light plastic cart and a heavy steel cart are both pushed with the same force for a distance of 1.0 m, starting from rest. After the force is removed, the kinetic energy of the light plastic cart is ______ that of the heavy steel cart. A. greater than B. equal to C. less than D. Can't say. It depends on how big the force is.


A refrigerator is an example of a A. Reversible process. B. Heat pump. C. Cold reservoir. D. Heat engine. E. Hot reservoir.


A skydiver has reached terminal velocity—she now falls at a constant speed, so her acceleration is zero. Is there a net force on her? If so, what is the direction? A. There is a net force directed upward. B. There is no net force. C. There is a net force directed downward.


A steel beam hangs from a cable as a crane lifts the beam. What forces act on the beam? A. Gravity B. Gravity and tension in the cable C. Gravity and a force of motion D. Gravity and tension and a force of motion


A swan is landing on an icy lake, sliding across the ice and gradually coming to a stop. As the swan slides, the direction of the acceleration is A. To the left. B. To the right. C. Upward. D. Downward.


All three 50-kg blocks are at rest. The tension in rope 2 is A. Greater than the tension in rope 1. B. Equal to the tension in rope 1. C. Less than the tension in rope 1.


An elevator is suspended from a cable. It is moving upward at a steady speed. Which is the correct free-body diagram for this situation?


An object on a rope is lowered at constant speed. Which is true? A. The rope tension is greater than the object's weight. B. The rope tension equals the object's weight. C. The rope tension is less than the object's weight. D. The rope tension can't be compared to the object's weight.


An object's angular momentum is proportional to its A. Mass. B. Moment of inertia. C. Kinetic energy. D. Linear momentum.


An object, when pushed with a net force F, has an acceleration of 2 m/s^2. Now twice the force is applied to an object that has four times the mass. Its acceleration will be A. 1/2 m/s^2 B. 1 m/s^2 C. 2 m/s^2 D. 4 m/s^2


An old-fashioned tire swing exerts a force on the branch and a torque about the point where the branch meets the trunk. If you hang the swing closer to the trunk, this will fill in the blank fill in the blank the torque. A. Increase, increase B. Not change, increase C. Not change, not change D. Not change, decrease E. Decrease, not change F. Decrease, decrease the force and


As an audio CD plays, the frequency at which the disk spins changes. At 210 rpm, the speed of a point on the outside edge of the disk is 1.3 m/s. At 420 rpm, the speed of a point on the outside edge is A. 1.3 m/s B. 2.6 m/s C. 3.9 m/s D. 5.2 m/s


Ball A has half the mass and eight times the kinetic energy of ball B. What is the speed ratio v A/v B? A. 16 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1/4 E. 1/16


Each of the 1.0 kg boxes starts at rest and is then is pulled for 2.0 m across a level, frictionless floor by a rope with the noted force at the noted angle. Which box has the highest final speed?


For uniform circular motion, the acceleration A. Is parallel to the velocity. B. Is directed toward the center of the circle. C. Is larger for a larger orbit at the same speed. D. Is always due to gravity. E. Is always negative.


Here is a motion diagram of a car speeding up on a straight road: The sign of the acceleration ax is A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Zero.


Hooke's law describes the force of A. Gravity. B. A spring. C. Collisions. D. Tension. E. None of the above.


If Sam walks 100 m to the right, then 200 m to the left, his net displacement vector A. Points to the right. B. Points to the left. C. Has zero length. D. Cannot tell without more information.


If an object is rotating clockwise, this corresponds to aFill in the blank angular velocity. A. Positive B. Negative


If you are standing on the floor, motionless, what are the forces that act on you? A. Weight force B. Weight force and normal force C. Normal force and friction force D. Weight force and tension force


If you hold a heavy weight over your head, the work you do A. Is greater than zero. B. Is zero. C. Is less than zero. D. Is converted into chemical energy. E. Is converted into potential energy.


In an inelastic collision, A. Impulse is conserved. B. Momentum is conserved. C. Force is conserved. D. Energy is conserved. E. Elasticity is conserved.


Is gauge pressure larger, smaller, or the same as absolute pressure? A. Greater B. Smaller C. The same


Rasheed and Sofia are riding a merry-go-round that is spinning steadily. Sofia is twice as far from the axis as is Rasheed. Sofia's angular velocity is ________ that of Rasheed. A. Half B. The same as C. Twice D. Four times E. We can't say without knowing their radii.


Starting from rest, a wheel with constant angular acceleration spins up to 25 rpm in a time t. What will its angular velocity be after time 2t? A. 25 rpm B. 50 rpm C. 75 rpm D. 100 rpm E. 200 rpm


The 1-kg box is sliding along a frictionless surface. It collides with and sticks to the 2-kg box. Afterward, the speed of the two boxes is A. 0 m/s B. 1 m/s C. 2 m/s D. 3 m/s E. There's not enough information to tell.


The angular displacement of a rotating object is measured in A. Degrees. B. Radians. C. Degrees per second. D. Radians per second.


The defining equation for calorimetry is A. (change of Q1)=(change of Q2)=0 B. Q1+Q2=0 C. (change of T1)+(change of T2)=0 D. Q=ML


The slope at a point on a position-versus-time graph of an object is A. The object's speed at that point. B. The object's velocity at that point. C. The object's acceleration at that point. D. The distance traveled by the object to that point. E. I am not sure.


The total momentum of a system is conserved A. Always. B. If no external forces act on the system. C. If no internal forces act on the system. D. Never; it's just an approximation.


The two boxes are on a frictionless surface. They had been sitting together at rest, but an explosion between them has just pushed them apart. How fast is the 2-kg box going? A. 1 m/s B. 2 m/s C. 4 m/s D. 8 m/s E. There's not enough information to tell.


Two boxes are suspended from a rope over a pulley. Each box has weight 50 N. What is the tension in the rope? A. 25 N B. 50 N C. 100 N D. 200 N


Two coins rotate on a turntable. Coin B is twice as far from the axis as coin A. A. The angular velocity of A is twice that of B B. The angular velocity of A equals that of B C. The angular velocity of A is half that of B


Two identical satellites have different circular orbits. Which has a higher speed? A. The one in the larger orbit B. The one in the smaller orbit C. They have the same speed.


A 50-kg student (mg = 490 N) gets in a 1000-kg elevator at rest and stands on a metric bathroom scale. As the elevator accelerates upward, the scale reads A. > 490 N B. 490 N C. < 490 N but not 0 N D. 0 N


A 60-kg person stands on each of the following planets. On which planet is her weight the greatest?


A ball rolls around a circular track with an angular velocity of 4π rad/s. What is the period of the motion? A. 1/2 s B. 1 s C. 2 s D. 1/2(pi) s E. 1/4(pi) s


A ball rolls down an incline and off a horizontal ramp. Ignoring air resistance, what force or forces act on the ball as it moves through the air just after leaving the horizontal ramp? A. The weight of the ball acting vertically down. B. A horizontal force that maintains the motion. C. A force whose direction changes as the direction of motion changes. D. The weight of the ball and a horizontal force.E. The weight of the ball and a force in the direction of motion.


A car pulls away from a stop sign with a constant acceleration. After traveling 10 m, its speed is 5 m/s. What will its speed be after traveling 40 m? A. 10 m/s B. 20 m/s C. 30 m/s D. 40 m/s


A coin is rotating on a turntable; it moves without sliding. At the instant shown in the figure, which arrow gives the direction of the coin's velocity?


A coin is rotating on a turntable; it moves without sliding. At the instant shown, suppose the frictional force disappeared. In what direction would the coin move?


A sample of nitrogen gas is in a sealed container with a constant volume. Heat is added to the gas. The pressure A. Increases. B. Stays the same. C. Decreases. D. Can't be determined with the information given.


Acceleration versus time graphs for five objects are shown below. All axes have the same scale. Which object had the greatest change in velocity during the interval


Bars A and B are attached to a wall on the left and pulled with equal forces to the right. Bar B, with twice the radius, is stretched half as far as bar A. Which has the larger value of Young's modulus Y? A. YA > YB B. YA = YB C. YA < YB D. Not enough information to tell


Given vectors P and Q, what is P+Q?


If you are performing the weightlifting exercise known as the strict curl, the tension in your biceps tendon is A. Larger than the weight you are lifting. B. Equal to the weight you are lifting. C. Smaller than the weight you are lifting.


In the impulse approximation, A. A large force acts for a very short time. B. The true impulse is approximated by a rectangular pulse. C. No external forces act during the time the impulsive force acts. D. The forces between colliding objects can be neglected.


Maria is at position x = 23 m. She then undergoes a displacement (change of x)=-50m. What is her final position? A. −27 m B. −50 m C. 23 m D. 73 m


Moment of inertia is A. The rotational equivalent of mass. B. The time at which inertia occurs. C. The point at which all forces appear to act. D. An alternative term for moment arm.


Motion diagrams are made of two cars. Both have the same time interval between photos. Which car, A or B, is going slower?


Rank in order, from the most to the least, the number of significant figures in the following numbers. For example, if b has more than c, c has the same number as a, and a has more than d, you would give your answer as b > c = a > d. a. 82 b. 0.0052 c. 0.430 d. 4.321 x 10^-10 A. d > c > b = a B. a = b = d > c C. b = d > c > a D. d > c > a > b E. a = d > c > b


Robert pushes the box to the left at constant speed. In doing so, Robert does _____ work on the box. A. positive B. negative C. zero


The box is sitting on the floor of an elevator. The elevator is accelerating upward. The magnitude of the normal force on the box is A. n > mg B. n = mg C. n < mg D. n = 0 E. Not enough information to tell


The drag force pushes opposite your motion as you ride a bicycle. If you double your speed, what happens to the magnitude of the drag force? A. The drag force increases. B. The drag force stays the same. C. The drag force decreases.


The following pairs of temperatures represent the temperatures of hot and cold reservoirs for heat engines. Which heat engine has the highest possible efficiency? A. 300°C, 30°C B. 250°C, 30°C C. 200°C, 20°C D. 100°C, 10°C E. 90°C, 0°C


The four forces shown have the same strength. Which force would be most effective in opening the door? A. Force F1 B. Force F2 C. Force F3 D. Force F4 E. Either F1 or F3


The restoring force of three springs is measured as they are stretched. Which spring has the largest spring constant?


The top block is accelerated across a frictionless table by the falling mass m. The string is massless, and the pulley is both massless and frictionless. The tension in the string is A. T < mg B. T = mg C. T > mg


Two runners jog along a track. The positions are shown at 1 s intervals. Which runner is moving faster?


Velocity vectors point A. In the same direction as displacement vectors. B. In the opposite direction as displacement vectors. C. Perpendicular to displacement vectors. D. In the same direction as acceleration vectors. E. Velocity is not represented by a vector.


When a car turns a corner on a level road, which force provides the necessary centripetal acceleration? A. Friction B. Normal force C. Gravity D. TensionE. Air resistance


When do objects 1 and 2 have the same velocity? A. At some instant before time t0 B. At time t0 C. At some instant after time t0 D. Both A and B E. Never


When steam condenses into water, A. Heat is given off by the water. B. Heat is absorbed by the water. C. No heat is given off or absorbed.


Which point could be the center of gravity of this L-shaped piece?


Which third force on the wheel, applied at point P, will make the net torque zero?


A 2.0 kg object moving to the right with speed 0.50 m/s experiences the force shown. What are the object's speed and direction after the force ends? A. 0.50 m/s left B. At rest C. 0.50 m/s right D. 1.0 m/s right E. 2.0 m/s right


A 50-kg student (mg = 490 N) gets in a 1000-kg elevator at rest and stands on a metric bathroom scale. Sadly, the elevator cable breaks. What is the reading on the scale during the few seconds it takes the student to plunge to his doom? A. > 490 N B. 490 N C. < 490 N but not 0 N D. 0 N


A ball at the end of a string is being swung in a horizontal circle. What force is producing the centripetal acceleration of the ball? A. Gravity B. Air resistance C. Normal force D. Tension in the string


A ball has been tossed straight up. Which is the correct free-body diagram just after the ball has left the hand? Ignore air resistance.


A bobsledder pushes her sled across horizontal snow to get it going, then jumps in. After she jumps in, the sled gradually slows to a halt. What forces act on the sled just after she's jumped in? A. Gravity and kinetic friction B. Gravity and a normal force C. Gravity and the force of the push D. Gravity, a normal force, and kinetic friction E. Gravity, a normal force, kinetic friction, and the force of the push


A coin is rotating on a turntable; it moves without sliding. At the instant shown in the figure, which arrow gives the direction of the frictional force on the coin?


A constant force F® pushes a particle through a displacement D®r . In which of these three cases does the force do negative work? A. B. C. D. Both A and B E. Both A and C


A force pushes the cart for 1 s, starting from rest. To achieve the same speed with a force half as big, the force would need to push for A. 1/4 s B. 1/2 s C. 1 s D. 2 s E. 4 s


A passenger on a carnival ride rides in a car that spins in a horizontal circle as shown at right. At the instant shown, which arrow gives the direction of the net force on one of the riders?


A skier is gliding down a gentle slope at a constant speed. What energy transformation is taking place? A. K into Ug B. Ug into K C. Eth into K D. Ug into Eth E. K into Eth


A small child slides down the four frictionless slides A-D. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, her speeds at the bottom. A.vD >vA >vB >vC B.vD >vA =vB >vC C.vC >vA >vB >vD D.vA =vB =vC =vD


A spring-loaded gun shoots a plastic ball with a launch speed of 2.0 m/s. If the spring is compressed twice as far, the ball's launch speed will be A. 1.0 m/s B. 2.0 m/s C. 2.8 m/s D. 4.0 m/s E. 16.0 m/s


A very rigid material—one that stretches or compresses only slightly under large forces—has a large value of A. Tensile strength. B. Elastic limit. C. Density. D. Young's modulus.


An action/reaction pair of forces A. Points in the same direction. B. Acts on the same object. C. Are always long-range forces. D. Acts on two different objects.


An object is in equilibrium if A. Fnet=0 B. Tnet=0 C. Either A or B D. Both A and B


Consider the situation in the figure. Which pair of forces is an action/reaction pair? A. The tension of the string and the friction force acting on A B. The normal force on A due to B and the weight of A C. The normal force on A due to B and the weight of B D. The friction force acting on A and the friction force acting on B


Each of the boxes shown is pulled for 10 m across a level, frictionless floor by the force given. Which box experiences the greatest change in its kinetic energy?


Kevin is riding a merry-go-round with a radius of 5m at a constant speed of 6 m/s. If his speed is halved, the centripetal force on him will be A. the same B. halved C. doubled D. None of the above.


Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the gravitational potential energies of the balls. A. 1 > 2 = 4 > 3 B. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 C. 3 > 2 > 4 > 1 D. 3 > 2 = 4 > 1


Starting from rest, a wheel with constant angular acceleration turns through an angle of 25 rad in a time t. Through what angle will it have turned after time 2t? A. 25 rad B. 50 rad C. 75 rad D. 100 rad E. 200 rad


The area under a velocity-versus-time graph of an object is A. The object's speed at that point. B. The object's acceleration at that point. C. The distance traveled by the object. D. The displacement of the object. E. This topic was not covered in this chapter.


The efficiency of this heat engine is A. 1.00 B. 0.60 C. 0.50 D. 0.40 E. 0.20


The entropy of an isolated system A. Always increases. B. Always decreases. C. Remains constant. D. Either increases or remains constant. E. Either decreases or remains constant.


This is the angular velocity graph of a wheel. How many revolutions does the wheel make in the first 4 s? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8


Three balls are thrown from a cliff with the same speed but at different angles. Which ball has the greatest speed just before it hits the ground? A. Ball A. B. Ball B. C. Ball C. D. All balls have the same speed.


To the right is a position versus time graph of an object's motion. Which sentence is the best interpretation? A. The object is moving with a constant, non-zero acceleration. B. The object does not move. C. The object is moving with a uniformly increasing velocity. D. The object is moving at a constant velocity. E. The object is moving with a uniformly increasing acceleration.


Which is the largest increase of temperature? A. An increase of 1°F B. An increase of 1°C C. An increase of 1 K D. Both B and C, which are the same and larger than A E. A, B, and C are all the same increase.


Which object is in static equilibrium?


Which of the following is an example of uniform motion? A. A car going around a circular track at a constant speed. B. A person at rest starts running in a straight line in a fixed direction. C. A ball dropped from the top of a building. D. A hockey puck sliding in a straight line at a constant speed.


Which of these objects is in equilibrium? A. A car driving down the road at a constant speed B. A block sitting at rest on a table C. A skydiver falling at a constant speed D. All of the above


Which type of heat transfer can happen through empty space? A. Conduction B. Evaporation C. Convection D. Radiation


What is the difference between speed and velocity? A. Speed is an average quantity while velocity is not. B. Velocity contains information about the direction of motion while speed does not. C. Speed is measured in mph, while velocity is measured in m/s. D. The concept of speed applies only to objects that are neither speeding up nor slowing down, while velocity applies to every kind of motion. E. Speed is used to measure how fast an object is moving in a straight line, while velocity is used for objects moving along curved paths.


When a viscous fluid flows in a tube, its velocity is A. Greatest at the wall of the tube. B. Greatest at the center of the tube. C. The same everywhere.


Which factor does the torque on an object not depend on? A. The magnitude of the applied force B. The object's angular velocity C. The angle at which the force is applied D. The distance from the axis to the point at which the force is applied


Which is the correct ranking of temperatures, from highest to lowest? A. 300°C > 300 K > 300°F B. 300°C > 300°F > 300 K C. 300 K > 300°F > 300°C D. 300 K > 300°C > 300°F E. 300°F > 300 K > 300°C


Which of the following is an energy transfer? A. Kinetic energy B. Work C. Potential energy D. Chemical energy E. Thermal energy


Which path in the figure at right would the ball most closely follow after it exits the channel at "r" and moves across the frictionless table top?


A 1-pound ball and a 100-pound ball are dropped from a height of 10 feet at the same time. In the absence of air resistance A. The 1-pound ball wins the race. B. The 100-pound ball wins the race. C. The two balls end in a tie. D. There's not enough information to determine which ball wins the race.


A box is being pulled to the right at steady speed by a rope that angles upward. In this situation: A. n > mg B. n = mg C. n < mg D. n = 0 E. Not enough information to judge the size of the normal force


A cart is pulled to the right with a constant, steady force. How will its acceleration graph look?


A cylinder of gas has a frictionless but tightly sealed piston of mass M. Small masses are placed onto the top of the piston, causing it to slowly move downward. A water bath keeps the temperature constant. In this process A. Q > 0 B. Q = 0 C. Q < 0 D. There's not enough information to say anything about the heat.


A hammer hits a nail. The force of the nail on the hammer is A. Greater than the force of the hammer on the nail. B. Less than the force of the hammer on the nail. C. Equal to the force of the hammer on the nail. D. Zero.


A hollow tube lies flat on a table. A ball is shot through the tube. As the ball emerges from the other end, which path does it follow?


A mosquito and a truck have a head-on collision. Splat! Which has a larger change of momentum? A. The mosquito B. The truck C. They have the same change of momentum. D. Can't say without knowing their initial velocities.


A net torque applied to an object causes A. A linear acceleration of the object. B. The object to rotate at a constant rate. C. The angular velocity of the object to change. D. The moment of inertia of the object to change.


A rigid container holds both hydrogen gas (H2) and nitrogen gas (N2) at 100°C. Which statement describes their rms speeds? A.vrms ofH2 <vrms ofN2 B.vrms ofH2 =vrms ofN2 C.vrms ofH2 >vrms ofN2


A sample of nitrogen gas is inside a sealed container. The container is slowly compressed, while the temperature is kept constant. This is a ______ process. A. Constant-volume B. Isobaric C. Isothermal D. Adiabatic


A spring-loaded gun shoots a plastic ball with a launch speed of 2.0 m/s. If the spring is replaced with a new spring having twice the spring constant (but still compressed the same distance), the ball's launch speed will be A. 1.0 m/s B. 2.0 m/s C. 2.8 m/s D. 4.0 m/s E. 16.0 m/s


An object will be stable if A. Its center of gravity is below its highest point. B. Its center of gravity lies over its base of support. C. Its center of gravity lies outside its base of support. D. The height of its center of gravity is less than 1/2 its total height.


Given that 1 g of pure fat = 37 kJ of chemical energy, and 1.00 Cal = 1000 cal = 4.19 kJ, how many Calories do you burn if you lose 16 g of your body fat? A. 180 Cal B. 160 Cal C. 140 Cal D. 120 Cal


Here is the velocity graph of an object that is at the origin (x = 0 m) at t = 0 s. At t = 4.0 s, the object's position is A. 20 m B. 16 m C. 12 m D. 8 m E. 4 m


I swing a ball around my head at constant speed in a circle with circumference 3 m. What is the work done on the ball by the 10 N tension force in the string during one revolution of the ball? A. 30 J B. 20 J C. 10 J D. 0 J


If a system is isolated, the total energy of the system A. Increases constantly. B. Decreases constantly. C. Is constant. D. Depends on the work into the system. E. Depends on the work out of the system.


If an object is speeding up, A. Its acceleration is positive. B. Its acceleration is negative. C. Its acceleration can be positive or negative depending on the direction of motion.


If you are not wearing a seat belt and the car you are driving hits a fixed barrier, you will hit the steering wheel with some force. This is because A. The force of the collision has thrown you forward. B. The steering wheel has been pushed back toward you. C. You continue moving even after the car has stopped.


If you raise an object to a greater height, you are increasing A. Kinetic energy. B. Heat. C. Potential energy. D. Chemical energy. E. Thermal energy.


Impulse is A. A force that is applied at a random time. B. A force that is applied very suddenly. C. The area under the force curve in a force-versus-time graph. D. The time interval that a force lasts.


In general, the coefficient of static friction is A. Smaller than the coefficient of kinetic friction. B. Equal to the coefficient of kinetic friction. C. Greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.


Rasheed and Sofia are riding a merry-go-round that is spinning steadily. Sofia is twice as far from the axis as is Rasheed. Sofia's speed is _______ Rasheed. A. Half B. The same as C. Twice D. Four times E. We can't say without knowing their radii.


Starting from rest, a marble first rolls down a steeper hill, then down a less steep hill of the same height. For which is it going faster at the bottom? A. Faster at the bottom of the steeper hill. B. Faster at the bottom of the less steep hill. C. Same speed at the bottom of both hills. D. Can't say without knowing the mass of the marble.


The fan blade is slowing down. What are the signs of w and α? A. w is positive a is positive B. w is positive and a is negative C. w is negative and a is positive D. w is negative and a is negative E. w is positive and a is zero


The force of Planet Y on Planet X is Fill in the blank ! F. XonY A. One quarter B. One half C. The same as D. Twice E. Four times


The net force on an object points to the left. Two of three forces are shown. Which is the missing third force?


The slope at a point on a position-versus-time graph of an object is the A. Object's speed at that point. B. Object's average velocity at that point. C. Object's instantaneous velocity at that point. D. Object's acceleration at that point. E. Distance traveled by the object to that point.


The two boxes are sliding along a frictionless surface. They collide and stick together. Afterward, the velocity of the two boxes is A. 2 m/s to the left B. 1 m/s to the left C. 0 m/s, at rest D. 1 m/s to the right E. 2 m/s to the right


Two 1.0 kg stationary cue balls are struck by cue sticks. The cues exert the forces shown. Which ball has the greater final speed? A. Ball 1 B. Ball 2 C. Both balls have the same final speed.


Two metal balls are the same size but one weighs twice as much as the other. The balls are dropped from the roof of a single story building at the same instant of time. The time it takes the balls to reach the ground below will be: A. about half as long for the heavier ball as for the lighter one. B. about half as long for the lighter ball as for the heavier one. C. about the same for both balls. D. considerably less for the heavier ball, but not necessarily half as long. E. considerably less for the lighter ball, but not necessarily half as long.


Two runners jog along a track. The times at each position are shown. Which runner is moving faster? A. Runner A B. Runner B C. Both runners are moving at the same speed


Water flows from left to right through this pipe. What can you say about the speed of the water at points 1 and 2? A.v1 >v2 B.v1 =v2 C. v1< v2


What can you say about the pressures at points 1 and 2? A.p1 >p2 B.p1 <p2 C.p1 =p2


What does the scale read? A. 500 N B. 1000 N C. 2000 N D. 4000 N


What is the SI unit of pressure? A. The newton B. The erg C. The pascal D. The poise


Which contains more molecules, a mole of hydrogen gas (H2) or a mole of oxygen gas (O2)? A. The hydrogen B. The oxygen C. They each contain the same number of molecules. D. Can't tell without knowing their temperatures.


Which force below does the most work? All three displacements are the same. sin 60=0.87 cos 60=0.50 A. The 10 N force. B. The 8 N force C. The 6 N force. D. They all do the same work.


A machine uses 1000 J of electric energy to raise a heavy mass, increasing its potential energy by 300 J. What is the efficiency of this process? A. 100% B. 85% C. 70% D. 35% E. 30%


A ring, seen from above, is pulled on by three forces. The ring is not moving. How big is the force F? A. 20 N B. 10 cos(theta)N C. 10 sin(theta)N D. 20 cos(theta)N E. 20 sin(theta)N


A tow rope pulls a skier up the slope at constant speed. What energy transfer (or transfers) is taking place? A. W into Ug B. W into K C. W into Eth D. Both A and B E. both A and C


An ant zig-zags back and forth on a picnic table as shown. The ant's distance traveled and displacement are A. 50 cm and 50 cm B. 30 cm and 50 cm C. 50 cm and 30 cm D. 50 cm and −50 cm E. 50 cm and −30 cm


An object moving faster than the earth's escape velocity (about 11 km/s) has enough energy to escape the pull of the earth's gravity. Which of the following gas molecules would be most likely to be moving at a speed high enough to escape the earth's atmosphere? A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Water vapor E. Hydrogen


Astronauts on the International Space Station are weightless because A. There's no gravity in outer space. B. The net force on them is zero. C. The centrifugal force balances the gravitational force. D. g is very small, although not zero. E. They are in free fall.


Newton's law of gravity describes the gravitational force between A. The earth and the moon. B. The earth and the sun. C. The sun and the planets. D. A person and the earth. E. All of the above.


The cart's change of momentum Dpx is A. -20 kg m/s B. −10 kg m/s C. 0 kg m/s D. 10 kg m/s E. 30 kg m/s


The unit of work is A. The watt. B. The poise. C. The hertz. D. The pascal. E. The joule.


What can you say about the pressures at points 1, 2, and 3? A.p1 =p2 =p3 B.p1 =p2 >p3 C.p1 >p2 =p3 D.p1 >p2 >p3 E.p1 <p2 =p3


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