Physics I Honors Chapter 9 Test

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When the distance between two stars decreases by one-third, the force between them decreases by one third increases to twice as much increases to 9 times as much decreases by 1/9th

increases to 9 times as much

Which rocket would require more fuel? one going from the Moon to Earth one going from Earth to the Moon both the same

one going from Earth to the Moon

Half-way to the center of a planet of uniform density, your weight compared to that at the surface would be one-quarter one-half. three-quarters the same as at the surface


For lunar tides to occur in the human body - most of the body would have to be in the liquid state - Earth's gravitation would have to be incredibly small - parts of the body would have to be appreciably closer to the Moon than other parts - none of the above

parts of the body would have to be appreciably closer to the Moon than other parts

Suppose the Moon had twice the diameter but the same mass and same orbital distance from Earth. In that case, the high tides on Earth would be lower unequal in size higher practically the same

practically the same

The force of gravity acts on all apples on an apple tree. Some apples are twice as far from the ground as others. For the same mass these twice-as-high apples have 1/4 the weight 1/2 the weight practically the same weight

practically the same weight

If your mass, the mass of Earth, and the mass of everything in the solar system were twice as much as it is now, yet everything stayed the same size, your weight on Earth would be the same double quadruple be eight times as much as now


The force of gravity acting on you will increase if you burrow deep inside Earth stand on a planet with a shrinking radius both of these neither of these

stand on a planet with a shrinking radius

Newton discovered gravity that gravity is universal neither of these both of these

that gravity is universal

Which of these three produces the greatest tidal effect on you right now? the Moon the Sun the Earth

the Earth

The difference between Newton's law as a proportion and an equation involves the constant G the equal sign one being a vector and the other not magnitude and direction

the constant G

Tidal bulges on the Moon involve the concept of torques elasticity slight water on the Moon magnetism


A weight watcher who normally weighs 400 N stands on top of a very tall ladder so she is one Earth radius above Earth's surface. How much is her weight there? 0 N 100 N 200 N 400 N

100 N

If the Moon were covered with water, tidal effects caused by Earth would find the Moon with 1 tidal bulge 2 tidal bulges 3 tidal bulges 4 tidal bulges

2 tidal bulges

An asteroid exerts a 360-N gravitational force on a nearby spacecraft. If the spacecraft moves to a position three times as far from the center of the asteroid, the force will be zero 40 N 120 N 360 N

40 N

What is the force of gravity on a 500-N woman standing on Earth's surface? 50 N 250 N 500 N none of these

500 N

If an object is placed exactly halfway between Earth and the Moon, it would fall toward the Earth Moon neither of these


The origin of any microtides in the human body is most likely the Sun Moon Earth


The planet Jupiter is about 300 times as massive as Earth, yet on its surface you would weigh only about 3 times as much because your mass is 100 times less on Jupiter. Jupiter is significantly farther from the Sun. Jupiter's radius is about 10 times Earth's radius. you are 100 times more weightless there.

Jupiter's radius is about 10 times Earth's radius.

Which is most responsible for Earth's ocean tides? Moon Sun both contribute equally


Wobbles in the path of Uranus led to the discovery of Jupiter Mars Neptune none of these


The concept of force is fundamental to Newton's theory of gravitation Einstein's theory of gravitation both of these neither of these

Newton's theory of gravitation

Which pulls on the oceans of Earth with a greater force? Moon Sun both pull equally


Half-way to the center of a completely hollow planet with a thin uniform shell, your weight would be one-quarter of your weight on the surface one-half of your weight on the surface the same as at the surface Zero


The universal gravitational constant G was first measured before Newton's time by Newton after Newton's time

after Newton's time

An outcome of universal gravitation is that planets aren't cubes with sharp corners other laws of nature were discovered planets were predicted and discovered all of the above

all of the above

Tides caused mainly by the Moon occur in Earth's oceans atmosphere interior all of the above

all of the above

You can experience weight standing on Earth's surface in an accelerating elevator away from Earth in a rotating habitat in space all of the above

all of the above

You experience weightlessness in the absence of a supporting surface. momentarily when you step off a chair. in a freely falling elevator all of the above

all of the above

We do not observe tides in a community swimming pool because gravitation on the small mass of water is negligibly small it is shallow compared to the ocean all parts of it are practically the same distance from the Moon they are masked by the much stronger pull of Earth gravity

all parts of it are practically the same distance from the Moon

Rate this statement: No force due to Earth's gravity acts on astronauts inside the orbiting space station. always true while in orbit sometimes true while in orbit always false

always false

A very massive object A and a less massive object B move toward each other under the influence of gravity. Which force, if either, is greater? the force on A the force on B both forces are the same

both forces are the same

Earth's gravitational field extends only above and beyond Earth's surface and cancels inside Earth both inside and outside Earth and throughout the entire universe neither of these

both inside and outside Earth and throughout the entire universe

If the Sun were twice as massive its pull on Earth would double the pull of Earth on the Sun would double both of these neither of these

both of these

Surrounding a magnet is a magnetic field. Surrounding an electron is an electric field. Surrounding Earth is a gravitational field an alteration in space in which mass experiences a force both of these

both of these

To make a profit, a business student purchases metal by weight at one altitude and sells it at the same price per pound at another altitude. The student should buy at a high altitude and sell at a low altitude buy at a low altitude and sell at a high altitude. it makes no difference

buy at a high altitude and sell at a low altitude

If Earth's radius somehow increased with no change in mass, your weight would increase also decrease stay the same all of the above


If Earth's mass decreased to one-half its original mass with no change in radius, then your weight would a decrease to 1/4 decrease to half stay the same none of the above

decrease to half

On each given day and location, tides rise and fall at about the same time exactly the same time different times

different times

During an eclipse of the Sun the high ocean tides on Earth are extra high extra low not significantly different

extra high

How far must one travel to escape Earth's gravitational field? to a region above Earth's atmosphere to a region well beyond the Moon to a region beyond the solar system forget it; you can't travel far enough

forget it; you can't travel far enough

The force of Earth's gravity on a capsule in space increases as it comes closer. When the capsule moves to half its distance, the force toward Earth is then twice three times greater four times greater none of the abpove

four times greater

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects, the less the gravitational force between them greater the gravitational force between them greater the force between them by the square of the masses all of the above

greater the gravitational force between them

The direction of a gravitational field is in the same direction as gravitational attraction away from the center of gravity of an object opposite to the direction of gravitational attraction

in the same direction as gravitational attraction

If the mass of Earth somehow increased with no change in radius, your weight would increase also decrease stay the same all of these

increase also

As two objects moving toward each other due to gravity get closer, the acceleration of each decreases remains constant increases


Two objects move toward each other due to gravity. As the objects get closer and closer, the force between them increases decreases remains constant


If the Moon had twice as much mass and still orbits Earth at the same distance, ocean bulges on Earth would be smaller larger unequal in size not significantly different


When you weigh yourself on a bathroom scale on a slight incline instead of a level surface, your weight reading on the scale will be less no different more


Each of us weighs a tiny bit less inside the ground floor of a skyscraper than we do on the ground away from the skyscraper because the gravitational field is shielded inside the building mass of the building above slightly attracts us upward both of these neither of these

mass of the building above slightly attracts us upward

The amount of gravitational force that acts on a space vehicle while in Earth orbit is nearly zero. nearly as much as the vehicle's weight on Earth's surface the same as the vehicle's weight on Earth's surface

nearly as much as the vehicle's weight on Earth's surface

The best time for digging clams (when the low tide is extra low) is during the time of the new or full moon half moon quarter moon

new or full moon

A hollow spherical planet is inhabited by people who live inside it, where the gravitational field is zero. When a very massive spaceship lands on the planet's surface, inhabitants find that the gravitational field inside the planet is still zero non-zero, directed toward the spaceship non-zero, directed away from the spaceship

non-zero, directed toward the spaceship

All places on Earth would have high tides at the same instant if the Moon did not revolve Moon did not rotate Sun did not revolve none of the above

none of the above

There would be only one ocean tide per 24-hour day if the Earth and Moon were equally massive Moon were more massive than Earth Sun's influence on the tides were negligible none of the above

none of the above

Two planets in space gravitationally attract each other. Double the masses and the distance between them, and the force between them becomes one fourth half as much four times as much none of the above

none of the above

If the Sun became twice as massive, your attraction to the Sun would double and your weight as measured on Earth would double quadruple not change

not change

The main reason ocean tides exist is that Moon's pull is stronger than the pull of the Sun. on water closer to it than on water farther away on Earth's oceans than on Earth itself all of the above

on water closer to it than on water farther away

According to Newton, when the distance between two interacting objects doubles, the gravitational force is one half one fourth the same twice as much

one fourth

The force of Earth's gravity on a capsule in space will lessen as it moves farther away. If the capsule moves to twice its distance, the force toward Earth becomes half three-quarters one fourth none of the above

one fourth

Earth is presently accelerating toward the Sun (centripetal acceleration). If the Sun collapsed into a black hole, this acceleration would increase decrease remain the same

remain the same

If the Sun collapsed to a black hole, Earth's gravitational attraction to it would increase decrease remain the same

remain the same

When a star collapses to form a black hole, its mass increases decreases remains the same

remains the same

If you drop a stone into a hole drilled all the way to the other side of Earth (neglect the molten core), the stone will come to an abrupt stop at Earth's center speed up until it gets to Earth's center speed up until it reaches Earth's other side slow down until it reaches Earth's center

speed up until it gets to Earth's center

Which produces a greater tidal effect in your body, the Moon or a 1-kg melon held at arm's length above your head? the Moon the melon both about equally

the melon

If you bounce up and down on a bathroom scale, what varies on the scale reading is mg the normal force both neither

the normal force

Planets wobble in their orbits due to uncertainties in the inverse-square law. elliptical-orbit quirks. all of these the pull of other planets.

the pull of other planets.

A black hole is an empty region of space with a huge gravitational field at the center if all stars. the remains of a giant star that has undergone gravitational collapse

the remains of a giant star that has undergone gravitational collapse

One side of the Moon continually facing Earth is a passing phenomenon a cosmic coincidence tidal lock.

tidal lock.

An asteroid exerts a 360-N gravitational force on a nearby spacecraft. The 360-N force on the spacecraft is directed toward the asteroid. away from the asteroid toward the Sun

toward the asteroid.

Tidal forces in general are the result of two or more sources of gravitation a combination of any kind of forces acting on a body unequal forces acting on different parts of a body the inverse-square law

unequal forces acting on different parts of a body

In comparison with other fundamental forces, the universal gravitational constant G indicates that gravity is very weak strong very strong

very weak

Inside a freely-falling elevator, you would have no gravitational force on you weight both of these neither of these


Inside a freely-falling runaway elevator, your acceleration is zero. weight is zero gravitational interaction with Earth is zero. all of the above

weight is zero

The Earth is closer to the Sun in January than in July, which accounts for the fact that the highest high tides in the Northern Hemisphere occur in winter spring summer fall


Passengers in a high-flying jumbo jet feel their normal weight in flight, while passengers in an orbiting space vehicle do not, because passengers in the space vehicle are beyond the main pull of Earth's gravity above Earth's atmosphere without support forces all of the above

without support forces

Your weight is the force due to gravity only. you exert against a supporting surface. equal to your normal force on any surface.

you exert against a supporting surface.

When you step on a weighing scale at noon, Earth pulls you downward and the overhead Sun pulls you upward. The reason the Sun's pull doesn't decrease your weight at noon is because - the Sun's pull on you is negligibly small - the weighing scale is calibrated only in Earth weight - you, the scale, and Earth are in free fall (in orbit) around the Sun - the Sun's pull is cancelled by the gravitation of other celestial bodies

you, the scale, and Earth are in free fall (in orbit) around the Sun

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