Physics quiz 1

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As asteroid exerts a 360-N gravitational force on a nearby spacecraft. If the spacecraft moves to a position three times as far from the center of the asteroid, the force will be A) 1080 N B) zero C) 360 N D) 40 N


Consider two planets in space that gravitationally attract each other. If the masses of both planets are doubled, and the distance between them is also doubled, then the force between them is A) twice as much B) four times as much C) one quarter D) none of these


If an astronaut were exactly half way between the earth and the moon, the net gravitational force exerted on the astronaut by these two object would be A) directed toward earth B) zero C) directed toward the moon


If the mass of earth somehow increased with no change in radius, your weight would A) increase also B) decrease C) stay the same


If you push an object twice as far while applying the same force, you do A) twice as much work B) the same amount of work C) half as much work D) four times as much work


In Fig. 5-2. showing pendulum, at what position is the potential energy maximum? A) at the bottom B) in the middle C) at the top


In a collision between two unequal masses, which mass receives a greater magnitude impulse? A) they receive equal impulses B) the small mass C) the larger mass


Inside a freely falling runaway elevator, your A) apparent weight is zero B) acceleration is zero C) gravitational interaction with the earth is zero D) all of these


Suppose that the gravitational force by earth on the moon suddenly shut off. How would the moon then move? A) It would move straight ahead in a straight line, at a constant speed B) It would go into a larger circular orbit C) It would slow down and stop D) It would move directly outward, away from earth


When a twirling ice skater brings her arms inward, her rotational speed A) increases B) remains the same C) decreases


When an object is lifted 10 m, it gains a certain amount of potential energy. If the same object is lifted 20 m, it's potential energy gain is A) twice as much B) more than four times as much C) four times as much D) less


When you drop a pebble from height, H, it reaches the ground with kinetic energy K if there is no air resistance. From what height should you drop it so it will reach the ground with twice as much kinetic energy? A) 2H B) 8H C) 4H D) 16H


Which moves faster in m/s on a merry-go-round: a horse on the inside or a horse on the outside near the outer rail? A) outside horse B) inside horse C) Both


Which one has larger kinetic energy: a 500-kg object moving at 40 m/s or a 1000-kg object moving at 20 m/s? A) the 500-kg object B) the 1000-kg object C) Both have the same kinetic energy


If you push for a half hour or a whole hour against a stationary wall A) twice as much work is done during the half hour B) half as much work is done during the half hour C) it is impossible to determine how much work is done D) no work on the wall is done in either case


It is correct to say that impulse is equal to A) velocity multiplied by time B) momentum C) the force multiplied by the distance the force acts D) the change in momentum it produces


Jill does twice as much work as Jack does and in half the time. Jill's power output is A) one-half as much as Jack's power output B) the same as Jack's power output C) twice Jack's power output D) four times Jack's power output


Padded dashboards in cars are safer in an accident than non padded ones because on occupant hitting the dash has A) decreased time of impact B) increased momentum C) decreased impulse D) increased time of impact


Planet Z-34 has a mass equal to one-third that of earth and a radius equal to one-third that of earth. With g representing, as usual, the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Z-34 is A) g/3 B) 6 g C) g/9 D) 3 g


The ball rolling down an incline has its maximum potential energy at A) a quarter of the way down B) halfway down C) the bottom D) the top


If the mass of the earth and all objects on it were suddenly doubled, but the size remained the same, the acceleration due to gravity at the surface would become A) 2 times what it now is B) 1/2 of what it now is C) 1/4 of what it now is D) 4 times what it now is


If the speed of a moving object doubles, which of the following also doubles? A) kinetic energy B) acceleration C) all of the above D) momentum


A 4kg ball has momentum of 12kg m/s. What is the ball's speed? A) 3 m/s B) 48 m/s C) 4 m/s D) 12 m/s


A ball rolling down an incline has a maximum kinetic energy at A) the bottom B) three-quarters of the way down C) the top D) halfway down


A force produces power P by doing work W in a time T. What power will be produced by a force that does six times as much work in half as much time? A) 12P B) 6P C) 1/6P D) 1/12P


A toy cart moves with a kinetic energy of 40J. If it moves with twice the speed, its kinetic will be A) 160J B) 80J C) 40J D) unknown unless we know the mass of the cart


According to Newton, doubling the distance between two interacting objects A) divides by 4 the gravitational force between them B) multiplies by 2 the gravitational force between them C) divides by 2 the gravitational force between them D) multiplies by 4 the gravitational force between them


Compared with falling on a wooden floor, a wine glass may not break when it falls to a carpeted floor because of the A) longer time to stop B) lesser impulse in stopping C) both A and B D) neither A or B


For a system in mechanical equilibrium A) the resultant force must be zero B) the resultant torques must be zero C) the resultant forces and torques must be zero D) the resultant forces and torques must both be equal


Horses that move with the fastest linear speed on a merry-go-round are located A) near the outside B) anywhere, because they all move at the same speed C) near the center


If a monkey floating in outer space throws his hat away, the hat and the monkey will both A) move away from each other, but at different speeds B) move a short distance and then go faster C) come to a stop after a few minutes D) move a short distance and then slow down


A spherically symmetric planet has four times the earth's mass and twice its radius. If a jar of peanut butter weighs 12N on the surface of the earth, how much would it weigh on the surface of this planet A) 24N B) 6N C) 30N D) 12N


A bow is drawn so that it has 40J of potential energy. When fired, the arrow will ideally have a kinetic energy of A) more than 40J B) 40J C) less than 40J


A car moves 4 times as fast as another identical car. Compared to the slower car, the faster car has A) 12 times the KE B) 16 times the KE C) 4 times the KE D) 8 times the KE


A car travels in a circle with constant speed. The net force on the car is A) directed forward, in the direction of travel B) directed toward the center of the curve C) zero because the car is not accelerating D) none of these


A tall tree and a short tree (both having the same width and mass density) are cut at the base at the same time, and begin tipping over. Which tree hits the ground first? A) the tall tree B) the short tree C) they hit at the same time


A woman who normally weighs 400N stands on top of a very tall ladder so she is one earth radius above earth's surface. How much would she weigh there? A) 200 N B) 100 N C) zero D) 400 N


According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects, the A) less the gravitational force between them B) greater the gravitational force between them C) greater the force between them by the square of the masses


Does the centripetal force acting on an object do work on the object? A) no, because the object has constant speed B) no, because the force and the displacement of the object are perpendicular C) yes, because the force and the displacement of the object are perpendicular D) yes, since it takes energy to turn an object


If a satellite moves with constant speed in a perfectly circular orbit around the earth, what is the direction of the acceleration of the satellite? A) outward away from the earth B) inward toward the earth C) in the backward direction D) in the forward direction


If an object is raised twice as high, its potential energy will be A) half as much B) twice as much C) four times as much


Newton discovered A) gravity B) that gravity is universal C) neither A or B


On a balanced seesaw, a boy three times as heavy as his partner sits A) more than 1/3 the distance from the fulcrum B) 1/3 the distance from the fulcrum C) less than 1/3 the distance from the fulcrum


The amount of gravitational force that acts on the space shuttle while in orbit is A) the same as the shuttle's weight on the earth's surface B) almost as much as the shuttle's weight o the earth's surface C) nearly zero


The conservation of momentum is most closely related to A) Newton's 1st Law B) Newton's 3rd Law C) Newton's 2nd Law D) Newton's 4th Law


The energy of motion is referred to as A) work B) kinetic energy C) freezing D) potential energy


Two objects have the same size and shape, but one is much heavier than the other. When they are dropped simultaneously from a tower, they reach the ground at the same time, but the heavier one has a greater A) speed B) momentum C) acceleration D) all of these


When you are in the way of a fast-moving object and can't get out of the way, you will suffer a smaller force of impact if you decrease its momentum over a A) short time B) long time C) same way either way


You are making a circular turn in your car on a horizontal road when you hit a big patch of ice, causing the force of friction between the tires and the road to become zero. While the car is on the ice, it A) continues to follow a circular path, but with a radius larger than the original radius B) moves along a straight-line path in its original direction C) moves along a path that is neither straight nor circular D) moves along a straight-line path away from the center of the circle


You're driving down the highway and a bug spatters into your windshield. Which undergoes the greater change in momentum during the time of contact? A) the bug B) both the same C) your car


You're driving down the highway and a bug spatters into your windshield. Which undergoes the greater change in momentum during the time of contact? A) your car B) both the same C) the bug


A rifle recoils while firing a bullet. The speed of the rifle's recoil is small because the A) force against the rifle is smaller that against the bullet B) momentum of the rifle is smaller C) momentum is mainly concentrated in the bullet D) rifle has much more mass than the bullet


A 1-kg chunk of putty moving at 1 m/s collides with an sticks to a 5-kg bowling ball initially at rest. The bowling ball and putty then move with a momentum of A) 5kg m/s B) more than 5kg m/s C) 1kg m/s D) 2kg m/s


A 4kg ball has a momentum of 12kg m/s. What is the ball's speed? A) 48 m/s B) 4 m/s C) 3 m/s D) 12 m/s


A TV set is pushed a distance of 2 m with a force of 20 N that is in the same direction as the set moves. How much work is done on the set? A) 20J B) 2J C) 40J D) 10J


A coin and a ring roll down an incline starting at the same time. The one to reach the bottom first will be the A) both reach the bottom at the same time B) ring C) coin


A heavy boy and a lightweight girl are balanced on a massless seesaw. If they both move forward so that they are one-half their original distance from the pivot point, what will happen to the seesaw? A) the side the boy is sitting on will tilt downward B) it is impossible to say without knowing the masses C) Nothing, the seesaw will still be balanced D) It is impossible to say without knowing the distances


A karate expert executes a swift blow and breaks a cement block with her bare hand. The magnitude of the force experienced by her hand is A) less than the force applied to the cement block B) zero C) identical to the force applied to the block D) more than the force applied to the block


A moving object has A) momentum B) energy C) all of these D) velocity


A small car meshes with a larger truck in a head-on collision. Which of the following statements concerning the magnitude of the momentum change during the collision is correct? A) the small car experiences the greater magnitude momentum change B) The truck experiences the greater magnitude momentum change C) the small car and the truck experience the same magnitude momentum change D) the magnitude of the momentum change experience by each one is inversely proportional to its mass


A torque acting on an object tends to produce A) velocity B) linear motion C) rotation D) a center of gravity


A very massive object A and a less massive object B move toward each other under the influence of gravitation. Which force, if either, is greater? A) the force on A B) the force on B C) both forces are the same


The impulse-momentum relationship is a direct result of A) Newton's 3rd Law B) Newton's 4th Law C) Newton's 2nd Law D) Newton's 1st Law


The power required to exert 1N force, over a distance of 1 m in 1 second is A) 2W B) 1/3W C) 1W D) 3W


The rotational inertia of your leg is greater when your leg is A) bent B) same either way C) straight


Two children ride on a merry-go-round, George is at a greater distance from the axis of rotation than Jacques. It is a true statement that A) Jacques and George have the same angular velocity B) Jacques has a greater angular velocity than George C) Jacques has a smaller angular velocity than George D) both have zero angular velocity


Two objects move toward each other because of gravity. As the objects get closer and closer, the acceleration of each A) remains constant B) decreases C) increases


Two objects, one of mass m and the other of mass 2m, are dropped from the top of a building. When they hit the ground A) both of them will have the same kinetic energy. B) the heavier one will have four times the kinetic energy of the lighter one C) the heavier one will have twice the kinetic energy of the lighter one


When a car goes around a circular curve on a horizontal road at a constant speed, what a force causes it to follow the circular path? A) gravity B) the normal force from the road C) the friction force from the road D) No force causes the car to do this because the car is traveling at constant speed and therefore has no acceleration


Which of the following has the largest momentum relative to the earth's surface? A) a tightrope walker crossing Niagara Falls B) a dog running down the street C) a pickup truck speeding along a highway D) the Science building on campus


A ball is projected into the air with 100J of kinetic energy that is transformed to gravitational potential energy at the top of its trajectory. When it returns to its original level after encountering air resistance, its kinetic energy is A) more than 100J B) 100J C) not enough information given D) less than 100J


A car moves four times as fast as an identical car. Compared to the slower car, the faster car has A) 12 times the KE B) 4 times the KE C) 8 times the KE D) 16 times the KE


A car, driven around a circle with constant speed, must have A) zero acceleration B) a centrifugal acceleration C) zero velocity D) a centripetal acceleration


A freight train rolls along a track with considerable momentum. If it rolls at the same speed but has twice as much mass, its momentum A) is unchanged B) zero C) quadrupled D) doubled


A freight train rolls along a track with considerable momentum. If it rolls at the same speed but has twice as much mass, its momentum is A) zero B) quadrupled C) unchanged D) doubled


A heavy truck and a small truck roll down a hill. Neglecting friction, at the bottom of the hill, the heavy truck will have a greater A) acceleration B) speed C) all of the above D) momentum


A job is done slowly, while an identical job is done quickly. Both jobs require the same amount of work, but different amounts of A) effort B) energy C) none of these D) power


The gravitational force between two objects is inversely proportional to A) the distance between two objects B) the square of the product of the masses of the two objects C) the product of the masses of the two objects D) the square of the distances between the two objects


Three cars, car X, car Y, and car Z, begin accelerating from rest at the same time. Car X is more massive than car Y, which massive than car Z. The net accelerating force exerted on each car is identical. After 10 second, which car has the most amount of momentum? A) Car X B) Car Y C) Car Z D) They all have the same amount of momentum


Two children are riding on a merry-go-round. Child A is at a greater distance from the axis of rotation than Child B. Which child has the larger tangential speed? A) Child B B) They have the same non-zero tangential speed C) They have the same zero tangential speed D) Child A


Two cyclists who weigh the same and have identical bikes ride up the same mountain, both starting at the same time. Joe rides straight up the mountain, and Bob rides up the longer road that has a lower grade. Joe gets to the top before Bob. Ignoring friction and wind resistance, which one of the following statements is true? A) The amount of work done by Joe is greater than the amount of work done by Bob, and the average power exerted by Joe is greater than that of Bob. B) Bob and Joe exerted the same amount of work, and the average power of each cyclist was also the same C) The average power exerted by Bob and Joe was the same, but Joe exerted more work in getting there D) The amount of work done by Joe is equal to the amount of work done by Bob, but the average power exerted by Joe is greater than that of Bob


What is the quantity used to measure an object's resistance to changes in rotational motion? A) mass B) angular velocity C) torque D) moment of inertia


Which of the following is an example of something best described as having kinetic energy? A) a candy bar with 230 kilocalories B) a boulder at the bottom of a cliff C) a dart stuck into a dartboard D) a ball falling through the air


Astronaut in orbiting satellites are weightless because they are so far from earth that its gravitational pull is too weak to feel. True or false.


The gravitational force that the sun exerts on earth is much larger than the gravitational force that earth exerts on the sun. True or false?


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