Physics Test 3

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A series of alternate reinforcements and cancellations produced by the interference of two waves of lsightly different frequency heard as a throbbing effect in sound waves.

The phenomenon of diffraction is closely related to


Which of these cities has the smallest incidence of cosmic rays?


Coceptual model

describes a system.

The underlying physics of an electric motor is that

a current carrying wire experiences force in a magnetic field


a material made of only one kind of atom. Pure gold is an example as it is made of only gold atoms. Used when referring to macroscopic quantities

Physical model

a model that replicates the object at a more convenient scale

The actual speed of electrons drifting along in a common electric circuit is about the speed of

a slow moving snail

Standing wave

a stationary wave pattern formed in a medium when two sets of identical waves pass through the medium in opposite directions

When you increase the number of turns in a coil to induce more voltage, you

do more work to induce greater voltage.

A magnetic force acts most strongly on a current carrying wire when the wire

either or both of these. Carries a vary large current and is perpendicular to the magnetic field

An electric field surrounds all

electric charge, electrons, and protons

Surrounding moving electric charges are______

both of these. electric fields and magnetic fields

The essential physics concept in an electric generator is

faraday's law

When a pair of charged particles are brought twice as close to each other, the force between them becomes ______

four times as strong

When light refracts at an angle when passing from one medium to another, which of the following does not change?


The pitch of a musical note corresponds to the sound wave's



how frequently a vibration occurs. Frequency=1/period

Charge polarization is normally produced by


Frequency and period are related, in that they are

inverses of each other.

When magenta is taken out of white light, the color that remains is

none of these

How many electrons are in the third shell of sodium ( atomic number 11)?


If you double both the current and the voltage in a circuit the power_______



the return of a sound wave and echo

In a simple circuit consisting of a single lamp and a single battery, when the current in the lamp is 2A the current in the battery is _____


Consider a transformer with a primary that has 50 turns of wire and a secondary of 250 turns. Based on this information, a 110-V input will produce an output of how many volts?

550 volts.

What is the wave speed for a wave of 2 meters wavelength that has a frequency of 3 hertz?

6 m/s. Correct, for wave speed = frequency x wavelength.

An element found in another galaxy exists as two isotopes. If 80% of the atoms have the atomic mass of 80 amu and the other have 20% have an atomic mass of 82 amu. what is the approximate atomic mass of the element?

80.4 amu

The amount of energy dissipated by a 100-W bulb in a common parallel circuit

All of the above. Depends on how long the bulb is lit, normally 100 joules per second and depends on the voltage supplied to the lamp.

Sound waves have which of these properties?

All of these. Reflection.Refraction.Interference.Capable of producing beats.

Wave interference is characteristic of which type of waves listed below?

All waves.

Series Circuit

An electric circuit with devices connected in such a way that the current is the same in each device

Parallel Circuit

An electric circuit with two or more devices connected in a way that the same voltage acts across each one and any single one completes the circuit independently of all the others.The total current divideds among the parallel circuits. As the number of brances is increased, the resistance of the circuit is decreased.

Alternating current

An electric current that repeatedly reverses its direction. The electric charges vibrate about relatively fixed points. In the us the rate is 60hz

What is a valence electron?

An electron of the outermost occupied shell of an atom.

Which element has chemical properties the most similar to chlorine( chlorine atomic number 17)?


Who is credited with discovering electromagnetic induction?

Faraday and Henry.

Resonance in sound is most closely related to which of the following?

Forced vibrations.

Is light a wave or a stream of particles?

Light can be described by both models-it exhibits properties of both a wave or a particle, depending on the experiment. Known as wave-particle duality. The amount of energy in a photon is directly proportional to the frequency of light. E~f

Transparent and opaque materials

Light is transmitted similar to sound. Light incident on matter forces some electrons in matter to vibrate. opaque materials: colored glass is opaque to much of incident white light

Fundamental rule of electric behavior

Like charges repel and opposites attract

Compressions and rarefactions are characteristic of what type of waves?

Longitudinal waves.

Magnetic force

Similar to an electrical force in that a magnet can both attract and repel without touching and the strength ofits interaction depends on the distance between magnets. Magnetic poles give rise to magnetic force

Doppler effect

The change in frequency of wave motion resulting from motion of the sender or the reciever


a beam of light consists of zillions of small discrete packets of energy. Each packet is called a quantum

Electric Current

a flow of charged particles. Transports energy from one place to another.

An electric motor best makes use of the fact that on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field there exists

a force.

A rainbow is a result of light in raindrops that undergoes

all of the above( internal reflection, dispersion, and refraction)

Total internal reflection occurs when light enters

all of these (a diamond.the water drops that produce a rainbow.prism binoculars.)

The loudness of sound is most closely related to its


A sonic boom cannot be produced by

an aircraft flying slower than the speed of sound.

When you thrust a bar magnet to and fro into a coil of wire you induce

an alternating current

Atomic Spectrum

an elements fingerprint


an instrument that separates and spreads light into its component frequencies. Allows analysis of light emitted by elements when they are made to glow-identifies each element by its characteristic pattern. Each element emits a distinctive glow when energized and displays a distinctive spectral pattern, its fingerprint

law of reflection

angle of incidence=angle of reflection


are identical, repel electrons of neighboring atoms, and have electrical repulsion that prevents atomic closeness

Average speed of light through different material

as light travels through denser material it slows down

When a light ray passes at an angle from water into air,the ray in the air bends

away from the normal

You could swallow a capsul of germanium, without significaant ill effects. If proton were added to each germanium nucleus, however, you would not want to swallow the capsule because the germanium would

become arsenic

Rainbows are seen from ground when the Sun is normally

behind you as you face the rainbow.

Refraction (light)

bending of light when it passes from one medium to another caused by change in speed of light.

Light has a maximum constant speed in

between the atoms in glass, water, or the atmosphere.

A magnetic field can be found surrounding any

both of these-current-carrying wire. moving electric charge

The vibrations set up in a radio loudspeaker have the same frequencies as the vibrations

both of these. in the electric signal fed to the loudspeaker and that produce the sound you hear


both protons and neutrons. Called this becahse of their location in the atomic nucleus

Are atoms made out of elements or are elements made out of atoms?

elements are made of atoms


constant in coulombs law. k=9.0X10^9 N.m^2/C^2

Convex and Concave mirrors

convex mirror(curves outward)-virtual image is smaller and closer to the mirror than object. Concave(curves inward)-virtual image is larger and farther away than the object

When you double the voltage in a simple electric circuit, you double the_____


The shell model

cutaway view of shells in the shell model of the atom. How many electrons on each shell; 2, 8, 8,18,18,32,32. Groups are similar in their electron configurations( halogens, noble gases etc)

To say an object has a negative charge is to say it has an excess of what kind of charges?


A sonic boom is produced by an aircraft when it

flies continuously faster than sound.

Electric Field

force per unit charge. Can be considered an energetic aura surrounding charged objects. About a charged point the field decreases with distance. Between oppositely charged parallel plates the electric field is uniform.

When a fire engine approaches you with its siren blasting away, sound waves passing you have an increased



fundamental unit of an element. Used when discussing the submicroscopic. Atoms make up all matter around us. To dat 118 distinct kinds of atoms-98 found in nature and remainder synthesized

In any region of space where a magnetic field is changing in time, there is an

induced electric field, also changing in time.

Beats in sound are the result of wave


Noise canceling devices such as jackhammer earphones make use of sound


The colors seen in a thin film of gasoline on a wet street are produced by


The iridescent colors seen in the pearly luster of the inside of many seashells are due to


To say a substance is electrically polarized is to say that its net charge is

is normally zero with opposite charges on opposite ends.

To say that charge is conserved is to say that charge

is transferred, but never created or destroyed

Electric potential is measured in units of

joules per coulomb, or volts

Transparent materials

materials such as glass and water allow light to pass through with almost no absorption.

In a circuit with two lamps in parallel if the current in one lamp is 2A the current in the battery is _____

more than 2A

When a 134 hz tuning fork and a 144 hz tuning fork struck the beat frequency is

more than 8 hz

The key ingredient in anything magnetic is

moving electric charge.

Electric potential and electric potential energy are

neither of these

The shape of a magnetic field about a current-carrying wire is much the same as the shape of an electric field

none of the above

When light reflects from a smooth surface, it undergoes a change in

none of these

Sound waves cannot be

none of these (reflected absorbed and diminished by interference)

When we say charge is conserved, we mean that charge can be

not created or destroyed

Atomic number

number of protons in each element listed in the periodic table.

Diffuse reflection

occurs when light is incident on a rough surface and reflected in many directions


occurs when sound continues through a medium and bends. The bending of a wave either through a non uniform medium or from one medium to another caused by differences in wave speed

To better see an image of your full face in a steamy mirror, the minimum amount of steam to wipe away should be a patch

one-half the height of your face.

A magnetic force acting on a beam of electrons can change

only the direction of the beam


our subjective impression about the frequency of sound

List the following atoms in order from increasing atomic size; thallium(ti) germanium(Ge) Tin(Sn) and phosphorus(P)

p, ge, sn,ti

If we lived on a planet where red light was most scattered in the atmosphere, the sky would look

red and the sunsets blue

When white light passes through a prism, green light is bent more than

red light

The redness of a sunrise or sunset is due mostly to light


The source of all wave motion is

something vibrating.

A common example of a longitudinal wave is


Which of these do not belong in the family of electromagnetic waves?


Which of these is not an application of electromagnetic induction?



sound due to multiple reflections. Re echoed sounds

A transverse wave typifies light, and a longitudinal wave typifies


Refraction occurs when there is a change in wave


Refracted light that bends away from the normal is light that has

speeded up

The speed of sound varies with


Electrically polarized

term applied to an atom or molecule in which the charges are aligned so that one side has slight excess of pos charge and the other side has a slight excess of neg charge.


the alignment of the transverse electric vectors that make up electromagnetic radiation. Such waves aligned vibrations are said to be polarized.

The source of all magnetism is______

the motion of electrons

How is the atomic number of an element defined?

the number of protons in an elements nucleus

Fourier discovered that periodic waves can be represented by

the summation of a series of simple sine waves.

The slowing of light in transparent materials has to do with

the time for absorption and re-emission of light


the unit of frequency

Electromagnetic wave

the vibrating electric and magnetic fiels make up an electromagnetic wave


the wavelength of a wave is the distance from the top of one crest to the top of the next one or equivalently the distance between successive identical parts of the wave.

Atomic mass

total mass of the atom. Listed in periodic table as atomic mass unit. One atomic mass unit is 1.661X 10^-24 g or 1.661X 10^-27 kg. A nucleus with an atomic number of 44 and a mass of 100 must have 56 neutrons.

What statement is correct?

Charge flows in a circuit

Important facts about atoms

1-every atom has a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. 2-All electrons are identical(same mass and quantity of neg charge).3-Nucleus composed of protons and neutrons.

What is the power rating of a lamp connected to a 12V source when it carries 2.5 A

30 W p=cXv

How much resistance must a 9-V device have to keep the current about 1 A?

9 ohms

If an atom has 43 electrons, 56 neutrons, and 43 protons what is the approximate atomic mass. What is the name of this element?

99 amu technetium


A device for transferring electric power from one coil of wire to another by means of electromagnetic induction. Consists of an input coil of wire and an output coil of wire. primary voltage/number of primary turns=secondary voltage/number of secondary turns.


A condensed region of the medium through which the longitudinal wave travels


A magnet whose field is produced by an electric current. It is usually in the form of a wire coil with a piece of iron inside the coil.

What is the principle quantum number?

A number that specifies the energy level of an electron.


A partial tone that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. the vibration that begins with the fundamental vibrating frequency is the first harmonic twice the fundamental is the second harmonic and so on.


A property of all types of waves a result of superimposing different waves often of the same wave length


A rarefied region or a region of lessened pressure of the medium through which a longitudinal wave travels

Longitudinal wave

A wave in which the medium vibrates in a direction parallel to the direction which the wave travels. Sound consists of longitudinal waves.

Transverse wave

A wave in which the medium vibrates in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels. Light is considered a transverse wave

How much more mass does a proton have compared to an electron?

About 1800 times as much mass.

The speed of sound is slowest in which of the following mediums?


Which of these are correct for an electric field?

All of the above. It's a vector quantity, and can be cancelled. It's the altered space surrounding electric charge. It stores electric energy.

Which of these is the same in identical branches of a parallel circuit?

All of the above. Current Voltage and Resistence.

Why does the atomic size of the elements increase as you look down the first group?

Another shell is added for each element as you move down the group.


Any material having free charged particles that easily flow through it when an electric force acts on them is called an electric conductor.


Any material in which charged particles do not easily flow

Direct Current

Charges flowing in one direction.

Magnetic domain

Clustered regions of aligned magnetic atoms. When these regions themselves are aligned with one another, the substance containing them is a magnet

Coulomb's Law

Electrical force decreases inversely as the square of the distance between charges. F=k q1q2/d^2

Bohrs model

Electrons can lose only specific amounts of energy equivalent to transitions between levels. An atoms reaches the lowest energy level called the ground state, where the electron cant lose more energy and can't

How can a spectroscope help us identify elements?

Elements only emit characteristic frequencies of color, much like a fingerprint

Electric Potential Energy

Energy possessed by the charged pareticle that is due to its location. Electric potential= electric pe/amount of charge. The unit of electric potential is the volt (1 joule/1coulomb)

Electric motor

If we change the design of the galvanometer slightly so that deflection makes a complete turn rather than a partial rotation we have an electric motor.

Quantum Hypothesis

Max Planck german physicist- hypothesized that warm bodies emit radiant energy in discrete bundles called quanta. Energy in each energy bundle is proportional to the frequency of radiation. Einstein stated that light itself is quantize-A beam of light is not a continuous stream of energy but consists of countless small discrete quanta of energy, each quantum called a photon.

Can more than one sound wave exist in the same place at the same time?

Most certainly. Music depends on the superposition of waves.

What is the key ingredient for electromagnetic induction?

Motion. The wire, the field, or the charges have to move for induction to occur.

Can sound travel in a vacuum?

No but light can because light is a vibration of nonmaterial electric and magnetic fields

If you double the frequency of sound, you also double its

None of these.

Consider a wave that travels a distance of 3 meters in 1 second with a frequency of 2 hertz. What is its amplitude?

Not enough information is given.


Opposite of a motor. converts mechanical energy into electric energy. An electromagnetic device that produces electric current by rotating a coil within a stationary magnetic field

When we consider the time it takes for a pendulum to swing to and fro were talking about the pendulums ______


Ohm's law

The current in a circuit varies in direct proportions to the potential difference or voltage and inversely with the resistance. Current(amperes)=voltage(volts)/resistance(ohms).

What does a frequency of light emitted by an atom correspond to?

The drop of an electron from a higher to lower energy level.

Natural frequency

The frequency at which an elastic object naturally tend to vibrate so that minimum energy is required to produce a forced vibration or to continue vibration at the frequency

Faraday's Law

The law of electromagnetic induction, in which the induced voltage in a coil is proportional to the number of loops multiplied by the rate at which the magnetic field changes within those loops.

Electrical resistance

The property of a material that resists the flow of an electric current through it. Measured in ohms ( Ω)

Electric power

The rate at which work is done. The rate of energy transfer. Power(watts)=current(amperes)Xvoltage(volts)


The rate of electric flow is measured in amperes. Rate of flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second.

Magnetic field

The region of magnetic influence around a magnetic pole or a moving charged particle.

What do elements in the same group have in common?

They have similar physical and chemical properties.

Which of the following is not part of the family of electromagnetic radiation?

Wait a minute-all of these are types of electromagnetic radiation.

Wave speed

Wave speed=frequencyXwavelength

The part of the eye in the retina that is most sensitive to color contains mostly



When an electric current passes through the coil, each loop produces its own effect on the needle so even a very small current can be detected. Such a current indicating instrument is called a galvanometer. Can be calibrated to measure amperes then called an ammeter or calibrated in volts then called a voltameter.

How does the wave model of electrons orbiting the nucleus account for the fact that the electrons can have only discrete energy values?

When an electron wave is confined it is reinforced at only particle frequencies


When the frequency of forced vibrations on an object matches the objects natural frequency a dramatic increase in amplitude occurs

Potential difference

Without this there will be no flow of charge. When the ends of an electric conductor are at different electric potentials charges in the conductor flow from higher potential to the lower potential

Atomic excitation

a photon of light is emitted. Electron gains pe and moves further from nucleus and a photon of light is absorbed. Electron loses pe and moves close to nucleus

The visible spectrum occupies

a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum


a wiggle in space and time


a wiggle in time

A galvanometer best makes use of the fact that a magnetic field exists

about a current-carrying wire.


accompany protons in the nucleus. Have about the same mass as protons but no charge so are electrically neutral. Both protons and neutrons are nucleons


carry a positive charge-same quantity of charge as electrons. Proton mass-1800x electron mass. Number of protons in the nucleus=# of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an electrically neutral atom.


caused by refraction: objects submerged in water appear closer to the surface. Objects such as the sun seen through air are displaced because of atmospheric refraction. Atmospheric refraction is the cause of mirages.

The lowest resistance in a common electric circuit containing a common lamp is in the

connecting wires

The colors on the cover of your physical science book are due to

color subtraction

As more branches are added to a parallel circuit, the overall resistance of the circuit

definitely decreased

Electromagnetic induction

discovered by faraday and henry. Discovered that electric current could be produced in a wire simply by moving a magnet into or out of a coil wire. The induction of voltage when a magnetic field changes with time


each horizontal row is called a period. Across any period the poperties of elements change. For example atomic size tends to decrease as you move from left to right.


each quantum light is called a pohoton


each vertical colum is called a group. The properties of elements tend to be remarkably similar which is why the elements are said to be grouped.


electromagnetic waves created by vibrating electric charges having frequencies that fall within the range of sight. Frequency of vibrating electrons equals the frequency of the light. Travels nearly a million times faster than sound in air. Light and all electromagnetic waves are transverse wave.

The source of electromagnetic waves is vibrating



have zero electrical resistance to the flow of charge. Electrons flow without losing energy and without generating heat.

Electron waves

if light can have both wave and particle properties, then what about matter? Louis de Brogilie suggested that elementary particles( electrons) can behave like waves too. This is like how we can see small things under a microscope. Can only see atoms with an electron microscope. Wavelength of atoms much smaller than visible light so need the electron microscope to see it.

An electron beam passing perpendicularly through a magnetic field is deflected. If the beam were instead composed of protons, the beam would be deflected

in the opposite direction.

Electricity and magnetism connect to form


Periodic table

listing of all the known elements. Don't need to memorize just learn how to read. The elements are highly organized within the periodic table. Each vertical column is called a group and each horizontal row is called a period

Diffraction is most pronounced for waves that are relatively


The vibration along a transverse wave move in a direction

perpendicular to the wave direction

Planetary model of the atom

photons are emitted by atoms as electrons move from higher energy outer levels to lower energy inner levels. The energy of an emitted photon is equal to the difference in energy between two levels.

Would you use a physical model or a conceptual model to describe the following; the brain the mind the solar system or the beginning of the universe.

physical conceptual physical conceptual

What two subatomic particles make up the nucleus?

proton and neutron

Atomic Nucleus

protons and neutrons are bound together to form the atomic nucleus

The number of electrons that move about the nucleus of an electrically neutral atom is the same as the number of

protons in the nucleus


refers to atoms of the same element that contain the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. Identified by mass number which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Differ only in mass and not by electric charge therefore isotopes share many characteristics. Total number of neutrons in isotope=mass number-atomic number


refers to the distance from the midpoint to the crest of the wave.

Why aren't atomic masses given in the periodic table whole numbers?

the atomic masses are average atomic masses

Electromagnetic spectrum

the classification of electromagnetic waves according to frequency from radiowaves to gamma rays

Reflection (light)

the returning of a wave to the medium through which it came and when encountering a reflective surface.

Opaque materials

they absorb light without re-emission. Books, desks, chairs and people.

Which are older: the atoms in the body of an elderly person or the atoms in the body of a baby?

they are the same age, which is appreciably older than the solar system


time it takes for a complete vibration for a complete cycle. Period=1/frequency

Polarization occurs for waves that are


The relationship between magnetic force and magnetic pole strength is similar to the relationship between

two of these. force, mass, and distance in Newton's law of gravity. force, charge, and distance in Coulomb's law current, voltage, and resistance in Ohm's law.

Earth's atmosphere is transparent to visible light and opaque to



unit of charge abbreviated as C. The charge of 1C is the charge associated with 6.25 billion billion electrons.

Touch a 5000-V charged balloon and you're not harmed because, although the energy-charge ratio is high, there is

very little energy on the balloon.

Different colors of light correspond to different

vibrations of electrons in atoms.

A step up transformer in an electric circuit can step up


Electric current is a flow of electric charge that moves due to an electric pressure called


The current in a circuit is directly proportional to the impressed


The function of an electric generator is to produce

voltage and current.

Whether a particular surface acts as a polished reflector or a diffuse reflector depends on the

wavelength of light

When is an object considered to be electrically charged?

when an object has unequal numbers of electrons and protons. More electrons=negatively charged. More protons=positively charged.

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