Place Value with Decimals Review
multi-digit number
A number greater (>9) than 9.
Equal Sign
equal sign is a symbol that shows two amounts have the same value Equal sign means the same as!
Greater Than
greater than the symbol > shows the first set is larger or more than the second set
whole numbers
the set of numbers that start with zero & go on forever; not fractions or decimals
Comparing Numbers
to determine if two quantities are greater than, equal to, or less than each other < > +
Round off numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand.
The first place left of the decimal.
decimal number
A number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point.
decimal point
A point that separates whole numbers and decimal numbers.
whole number
A positive number, including zero, that does not contain a fraction or decimal.
Any of the symbols used to write numbers.
decimal point
Is a symbol used to separate a whole number from values less than one. ex. In this picture I have 2 wholes!
The first place value after a decimal point.
The fourth place left of the decimal.
The second place left of the decimal.
The second place value after a decimal point.
The seventh place left of the decimal.
hundred thousands
The sixth place left of the decimal.
The third place left of the decimal.
The third place value after a decimal point.
place value
The value of a digit based on its position in a number.
To look at similarities and differences.
equivalent decimals
decimals that name the same number
Second number to the right of the decimal is
hundredths 1 penny 100 pennies = $1.00 .001 = $ 0.01 1/100
Less Than
less than is a symbol < show the first set is smaller or less than the second set looks like an 'L'
The first number to the right of the decimal is
tenths 1 dime 10 dimes = $1.00 .10 = $ 0.10 1/10
ten thousands
the fifth place left of the decimal