Planets Test Review

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Mercury has virtually no ____________.


Because Mercury is so small, its ________ is weak, letting fast-moving ______ particles escape into _______.

gravity; gas; space

The trapping of heat by the atmosphere is called the _________ _____________.

greenhouse effect

Venus has the _________ surface of any planet.


Gas giants are composed of ________ and _________.

hydrogen and helium

Some of Mar's water is located in the planet's two polar ______ _________.

ice caps

Earth has a dense core made mainly of ______ and nickel.


The outer planets are much more ________ and _________ than the inner planets

larger and massive

Jupiter is the most ________ and _______ planet.

largest and massive

Probes on Mars found strong evidence that ______ water was once present.


Earth is unique in our system for having __________ _________- at its surface.

liquid water

Neptune was discovered because of a _____________ __________.

mathematical prediction

Uranus looks blue-green because of traces of ________ in its atmosphere.


All gas giants have many ________.


Most of Earth's atmosphere is made up of the gas ___________.


Earth is the only planet rich in _________.


Mars is called the "_____" planet


Astronomers think that Jupiter has a dense core of _______ and _______ at its center.

rock and metal

Probes on Mars examined samples of _________ and __________.

rock and soil

Unlike the inner planets, the outer planets do not have _________ ________.

rocky surfaces

Saturn is the ________ largest planet in the solar system.


Venus is so similar in ________ and _______ to Earth.

size and density

Mercury is the ___________ terrestrial planet.


The Great Red Spot is a _______ on Jupiter that is larger than ______.

storm; Earth

The clouds on Venus are made mostly of _______ _____.

sulfuric acid

Earth has a suitable __________ range for water to exist in 3 forms.


Outer planets have a ________ atmosphere


Venus's atmosphere is so _________ that it is always cloudy there.


Inner planets have a _______ atmosphere.


Venus is referred to as ___________ twin.


An interesting feature on Jupiter's atmosphere is the " ___________ ______ ________"

Great Red Spot

Who proposed the heliocentric view?

Aristarchus, Galileo, Kepler, Herschel, Nicholas Copernicus

Saturn's largest moon is __________ which is larger than the planet ___________.

Titan; Mercury

What is Neptune's largest moon?


Water can not stay at its liquid state on Mars for too long because it would instantly turn into a _______.


Because the gas giants are so massive, their strong __________ force keeps gases from escaping, making them have __________ atmospheres.

gravitational; thick

Earth has enough ________ to hold on to most gases.


the three things a object in space needs to be considered as a legit planet....

1) needs to orbit Sun 2) needs to have enough gravity to be a sphere 3) needs to have cleared its orbit of other objects

In _________, Uranus became the first planet to be discovered since ancient times.


Mars has _____ moons.


Oxygen makes up about ____% of Earth's atmosphere.


Recently, astronomers have discovered a total of ____ moons orbiting Uranus.


Olympus Mons is ______ times as tall as Mount Everest.


Uranus is ___ times the diameter of Earth.


During the day, the side of Mercury facing the sun reaches temperatures of ________ and at night reaches temperatures of ________.

430 degrees; -170 degrees

It's average daytime temperature reaches to ______.

460 degrees celsius

It takes about ____ Earth months for Venus to revolve once around the Sun.


Astronomers have discovered a total of at least __ moons orbiting Neptune.


It only takes ___ months for Venus to rotate on its axis.


The pressure of Venus's atmosphere is ____ times greater than the pressure of Earth's atmosphere.


The atmosphere on Mars is more than _______% carbon dioxide.


Uranus's axis of rotation is tilted at ________ degrees from the vertical.


What is Curiosity? What planet is it on and what is the mission for?

A mission to investigate located on the planet Mars that is designed to determine the planet's habitability and see the surface climate geology and to research about the water.

Jupiter's four largest moons are _______, ________, ________, ___________.

Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto

Name the outer planets:

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

List all the planets in size from largest to smallest.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.

The probe that flew to Mercury has gained us much knowledge of Mercury in 1974-1975. The name of this probe is _____________.

Mariner 10

List all the planets in size from smallest to largest.

Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter.

Name the inner planets:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

List all the planets from distance from the Sun. (closest to farthest)

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

What is the biggest volcano in the solar system?

Olympus Mons

Where is the largest volcano in the solar system located?

On Mars

What are the names of Mars's small moons?

Phobos and Deimos

Who proposed the geocentric view?


Where in the solar system does Pluto lie?

The Kuiper Belt

Like the _______, Gas Giants are composed of hydrogen and helium.


What is the definition of a geocentric view?

The view that everything in space orbits Earth.

What is the definition of a heliocentric view?

The view that everything in space orbits the Sun.

_________ and ________ are similar in size and color.

Uranus and Neptune

Mars has seasons just like Earth does because it has an ________ ______.

axial tilt

The ___________ __________ in Venus's atmosphere traps heat.

carbon dioxide

Mercury is the _____________ planet to the Sun.


Outer planets have _________ temperatures.


Earth has three main layers- a _____, a ________ and a ______.

crust, mantle and core

Venus rotates from ________ to _________.

east to west

Venus is also known as the "___________ ________"

evening star

The photographs taken of Mercury revealed to us that Mercury had many _________ __________ and _________.

flat plains and craters

If you were to take Saturn and place it in a tub of water, Saturn would ________.


Mars's polar ice caps contain _______ water and _______ ______.

frozen: carbon dioxide

Some regions on Mars have giant _________.


Inner planets have _______ temperatures.


70% of Earth's surface consists of ______.


Saturn is the only planet whose average density is less than _______.


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