Plant and Soil Science 2017

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Define photosynthetic active radiation.

(PAR) Radiation in 400-700 NM (nano-meter) spectral waveband

Average lot sized for new homes are about ______________________________.

0.15 hectare/0.4 acre

It is possible to feed an adult on a plant diet from about ____________________ of land.

0.2 hectares

Cultivated plants are grouped into 6 categories. List those 6 categories and examples of each.

1) Cereal crops- wheat, maize (corn), rice, barley, oats, sorghum, rye, and millet 2) Roots and tubers- potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cassavas 3) Oil crops- soybeans, corn, peanuts, palm, coconuts, sunflowers, olive, and safflower 4) Sugar- sugar cane and sugar beets 5) Fruit crops- bananas, oranges, apples, pears, etc. 6) Vegetable crops- tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, melons, asparagus, etc.

The keys to developing a successful production system are _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1). Recognizing and understanding the types of interactions that occur among production factors, as well various yield limiting factors 2) Developing management systems that maximize the beneficial aspect of each interaction

List the categories in which symptoms can generally be placed:

1. Abnormal tissue coloration 2. Wilting 3.Tissue Death 4.Defoliation 5. Abnormal increase in tissue size 6. Dwarfing 7. Replacement of host plant tissue of the infectious organism

List the six environmental factors influencing seed germination:

1. Adequate Moisture 2. Proper Temperature 3. Good aeration 4. Light 5. Freedom from pathogenic organisms 6. Freedom from toxic amounts of salts

List and define the four classes of seeds in agronomic crops:

1. Breeder Seed: Produced only in small amounts and is under the control of the plant breeder, planted to produce foundation seed, labeled with a white tag 2. Foundation Seed: multiplied from breeder seed, available in limited amounts, planted to produce registered seed, controlled by private or public seed stock organization, labeled with white tag 3. Registered Seed: Seed source for growers of certified seed, under control of registered seed producers, the progeny of either breeder or foundation seed, labeled with a purple tag 4. Certified seed: Available in large quantities and sold to farmers for general crop production, known genetic identity and purity, labeled with blue tag

List the five step approach referred to on page 333 available for diagnosing plant disorders. Be familiar what takes place in each step.

1. Define the problem- Determine a problem exists, correctly identify host plant and be familiar with its normal/ healthy state and characteristics, take seasonal effects into account, know how the host changes with the seasons 2. Examine the entire plant community- Don't only look at affected plant/area, examine everything, take notes of light intensities, wind direction, slope of land, air movement, develop an overview of the situation and then focus on the affected plant/area, look at ENTIRE plant before jumping to signs or symptoms 3. Look for patterns- Determine how many plants are affected, if the disorder is restricted to a certain area or a single species and are the symptoms random or do they have a distinct pattern, random patterns usually indicate pathogens or insects as the culprits while as uniform damage indicates an abiotic culprit 4. Consider how the damage developed over time- Did the damage appear suddenly or over time? Has it spread or stayed in the same location? Progressive development and spread over time indicates pathogens or insects, Damage that hasn't spread and occurs suddenly indicates abiotic factors 5. Ask questions, gather information, and determine causes of plant damage- Gather as much information as possible to help develop a solid mental picture of what led up to the damage being observed. Look for evidence of a pathogen or insect activity. Look for key diagnostic signs/symptoms, after gathering the information and ruling out insects and pathogens, retrace your steps and focus on abiotic factors.

List and define the five methods for managing plant pests:

1. Genetic host resistance: use of genetically resistant plants to minimize or avoid losses caused by insect pests and/or pathogens 2. Cultural Practices: use of agronomic or horticultural practices that favor plant development and minimize pest or pathogen activity 3. Chemical Applicants: use of pesticides such as herbicides (weeds), insecticides (insect pests), miticides (mites), antibiotics (bacteria), fungicides (fungi), and nematicides (nematodes) to suppress or inhibit pest/pathogen activity 4. Biological control: the use of beneficial or antagonistic organisms that kill/suppress plant pests/pathogens 5. Government Regulatory Measures: the use of quarantines and pest-eradication programs to stop the introduction or spread of deleterious plants pests and/or pathogens

Agriculture accounts for only about __________ of US energy use, so it can make only _______________________________________________________.

2 percent; a minor contribution to energy consumption

Agriculture accounts for only about _______ of ____________________________________________ in North America and Europe, it would amount to about ______ of energy demand in the rest of the world.

2%, energy consumption, 10%

About ________ of pharmaceuticals are _______________________________, and the rest are produced ________________.

25 percent; based on plant products; synthetically

Humans as a race appeared around _____________________ years ago and modern man, homo sapiens, appeared about _______________ years ago.

3 million, 28,000

The pH drops to _____________________________, inhibiting spoilage bacteria and enzyme action, thus ____________________________________.

4.2 or below, preventing deterioration

About _________ of the world's population relies on _________________ as its primary energy source, but these same people are mostly in ________________________________________________ and consume _____________________________________ by US Standards.

40%, biomass, undeveloped countries, very little energy

The distribution gap which indicates access to food is projected to rise from _________________________________________ to more than ________________________________________________.

44 million tons (2007), 57 million tons (2017)

The combined value of the ornamental crops is about _____ of the value of corn.

50 percent

By ________________________________, years ago, crops were being grown in Europe and Mexico.

6,000 to 5,000

The estimated _______________________ people living in the world depend on cultivated plants for _____________________________________________________________. The global population _____________________________________________________________.

6.5 billion, nourishment and to provide quality to their lives, cannot survive as hunters and gatherers

After two centuries of exponential growth, world population shows signs of stabilizing at about ____________________________________________.

9 billion in 2050

Define liane. _____________________________________________________

A climbing or twining plant, usually woody

When the people of a country become more affluent, they want and can afford to purchase ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

A greater portion of their protein requirements in the form of the more palatable animal products

A plant hormone is ________________________________________________________________________ that acts to control plant activities.

A natural substance (produced by the plant itself)

Define long-day plant.

A plant that flowers when the light period is greater than a critical duration.

Define salicylic acid.

A recently identified plant hormone that plays a role in a plant's response to pathogen attack

The four principle function of roots in higher plants are:

A. Anchoring plants in the soil B. Absorbing water and minerals nutrients C. Conducting water and dissolved minerals, as well as organic materials to other parts of the plants D. Storing food materials for example, in plants such as sweet potatoes, sugar beets, and carrots

What are six common functional groups for grasslands? Give examples of each.

A. C3-cool season grasses-perennial ryegrass, orchardgrass, timothy, kentucky bluegrass, tall rescue, reed canary grass, crested wheatgrass, smooth promegrass B. Legumes- Alfalfa, red clover, white clover, birdsfoot C. C4- Warm season grasses- Bermuda grass, big blustem, switchgrass, indiangrass, limpograss, and paspalum D. Forbs- Chicory and plantain E. Annual species- Ceral rye, wheat, oats, subteranean clover F. Shrubs- Tropical grazing systems

List the management practices for controlling insect pests and give examples of each where appropriate.

A. Cultural practices Ex. timing of planting, tillage, crop rotation B. Seed,soil and foliar applied insecticides C. Biological control Ex. Reducing pest populations through the use of natural predators D. Insect Resistant Crops Ex. Varietal/hybrid tolerance to pests

What are the three methods of herbicide application?

A. Pre-plant: Applying before crop is planted B. Preemergence: After crop is planted but before crop emergence C. Postemergence: After crop emergence

Some important commercial uses of synthetic auxins are _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Adventitious root initiation, weed control, inhibition of stem sprouting, and tissue culture

The ____________________ and ______________________ use of plants is important in urban and suburban areas.

Aesthetic, Recreational

Tomatoes grown for processing and turfgrass are examples of crops that can be designated _________________________ or _______________________.

Agronomic, horticultural

___________________________ is the study of field-grown crops such as wheat.


Silos for silage must be _________________ structures and are either ________________________________________.

Airtight, vertical or horizontal

In wood perennial plants, both the shoot and the root system remain ___________________________________, each growing to the ultimate size for that particular plant as programmed by __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Alive indefinitely, its gene component and the environment in which it is growing

Define community. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

All the plant populations within a given habitat; usually the populations are considered to be interdependent

Define Plant Growth.

An irreversible increase in size of a plant

Define symbiosis. _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

An obligate relationship between two organisms of different species living together in close association for their mutual benefit

Define saprophyte. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

An organism deriving its nutrients from the dead body or the nonliving products of another plant or animal

Define obligate parasite. ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

An organism that must live as a parasite and cannot otherwise survive

__________________________ is the group of plants to which grasses, flowers, vegetables, fruits, trees, and shrubs belong.


___________________________ reproduce by seed only and complete their life cycle within one year.


Define genetically modified organism (GMO).

Any organism that is the product of genetic recombination, which includes almost all organisms except those produced clonally or parthenogenically, sometimes different species, such as plant and bacteria can exchange genetic material for example wheat, includes, but is not limited too, genetically engineered organisms.

Once flowering is induced for whatever reason, there is a change in the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive

Define Pasture.

Area of domesticated forges, usually improved, on which animals are grazed.

Define microclimates. ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Atmospheric environmental conditions in the immediate vicinity of the plant, including interchanges of energy, gases, and water between atmosphere and soil

__________________ were the first group of plant hormone to be discovered.


There are five traditionally recognized groups of natural plant hormones:

Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, and absisic acid

___________________ are microscopic, single-celled organisms.


Silage is moist forage, preserved by ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Bacterial fermentation under anaerobic conditions

Why have grasslands been the most extensively modified biome? ________________________________________________________________

Because of their value for agriculture

Cultivated grains and grasses, fruitsm vegetables, and ornamentals have ____________________________________________________________________.

Become independent on human interaction to survive

_________________________ live for two years and reproduce only by seed.


What are the two types of biofuels? ___________________________________

Biodiesel and ethanol

What is the advantage of biofuels over fossil fuels? ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Biofuels are renewable and they sequester CO2 during their growth cycle, thereby reducing the carbon footprint

Circadian rhythms are ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Biological rhythms that complete one cycle in 24 hours

________________________________________________________ involves introduction of a living organism, often a natural pest or disease, to control a weed species.

Biological weed control

___________________________ in a broad sense, can be defined as the management of biological systems for the benefit of humanity.


__________________________________ is a recent, but major threat to agriculture.


What are the signals that trigger the action of the regulatory genes?

Biotic signals: Plant hormones, certain inorganic ions, co-enzymes, and other metabolites

Worldwide food scarcity in the years ahead is a real possibility unless measures are taken to ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Both control population and increase food production

Also called _______________________________________ and ________________________________________________ applies seed directly to existing vegetation.

Broadcast seeding, over sowing frost seeding

A __________ is a short underground organ having a basal plate stem tissue with fleshy leaf scales surrounding a growing point.


A ________________________________________ is applied to remove all existing weeds in the field thus preparing for a clean seedbed for planting.

Burn down herbicide

Families can enjoy a visit to the local farm to _________ or __________ their own produce. This interaction may help maintain ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Buy, pick, Contact and understanding between the mass of the population and the few remaining farmers

________________ is the basis of many of the fibers that we use for clothing, rope, and the like.


Photosynthesis occurs in _________________.


______________ is the main influence on the type of __________ that develops.

Climate; vegetation

Cultivators originating from a single plant or plant part and maintained in this manner by vegetative propagation are called ___________.


_____________ make up the dominant vegetation in this boreal forest, or _____, and plant diversity is _______________________________________________.

Coniferous trees; taiga; much lower than in the temperate and tropical forests

Forage crops are often ____________________________________________ and fed later to livestock.

Conserved or preserved

___________________ allows for the comparison needed to __________________________________________________________.

Controls, draw conclusions about treatment effects

A swollen underground base of a stem axis which has nodes and internodes and is enclosed by dry scale like leaves is a ____________.


What is the most important and best-known plant fiber crop? ________________


Some of the earliest products of the industrial revolution were farm implements for ____________________________________.

Crop cultivation

______________________________ have one or a few species that do not ________________________________________________________________.

Crop ecosystems; exploit all of the resources of the environment

Increased food production must come primarily from _____________________________________________________________________________________________.

Crop plants with high caloric output per unit area of land

Agricultural research made new cultivators or ____________________________________ of high yielding ____________________________________________ and other crops available to highly populated developing countries.

Cultivated varieties, wheat, corn, rice

Humans began the purposeful growing or ________________________ of plants to improve the supply of materials obtained from these plants.


Much of the world's best agricultural land is already under _______________________________, although there is still _________________________________________________ awaiting development in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Sudan, and Australia,

Cultivation, unused productive land

___________________________________________________ describes any method of crop production that enhances the capacity of a crop to compete with weeds.

Cultural weed control

A _______________ is a piece of vegetative tissue that, when placed under the proper environmental conditions, regenerates the missing parts, roots, shoots, or both and develops into a self-sustaining plant.


Which group of plant hormones primarily promotes cell division, but also participates in a great many aspects of plant growth and development?


__________ is a polymer, a very large molecule made up of many repeating units, but the repeating units called __________________ can vary.

DNA, nucleotides

What is the most common maturity rating system in the United States?

Days-to-maturity system

In the United States, even though the number of farms is _________________________ the size of farms is _________________________.

Decreasing, increasing

The demand for food and fuel is leading to _____________________________ in many tropical countries.


What is the largest biome? ______________


____________________________ are chemicals or materials that can cause insects to lose water faster than they can replace it.


_______________ refers to two sets of chromosomes.


Light intensity is ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Directly related to plant photosynthetic rates

A ________________________________ is defined as sub-optimal plant growth brought about by continuous irritant such as a pathogen or via chronic exposure to less than ideal growing conditions.


If a seed must be scarified and stratified it is said to have ____________________.

Double Dormancy

GMO's have been created that ______________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Dramatically reduce the need for pesticides and field tillage

Forages are also conserved in two primary forms:

Dry hay or moist silage

The three essential parts of a seed are:

Embryo, food storage material, seed coverings

What are the phases of development that a seedling will undergo?

Embryonic growth, juvenility, transition stage called "phase change" in plants, adult/maturity phase, senescence deterioration, and death

Odum's concept of embodied energy, or ________________ is the amount of solar energy represented in the resource or commodity.


_________________________ is the study of insects.


___________________________________ (EPA) data imply that ___________ ________________________________________________________________.

Environmental Protection Agency; more pesticides, mostly herbicides, are applied to lawns than to agronomic crops

Root hairs, which are an extension of the ___________________________________________________________________ are the site of __________________________________________________________________________________.

Epidermal cells of young roots, most water and nutrient absorption

List and describe the three groups in which higher plants parasites can be placed:

Epiphytes- do little/no harm to host plants, using them for physical support and protection Hemiparasites- do injure host plant, absorbs water and minerals from them, possess chlorophyll True parasites-lack chlorophyll and depend on host for all nourishments- carbohydrates, minerals, and water

Some organic farming practices, such as __________________________________________ may have ____________________ environmental impacts.

Erosion from soil cultivation, negative

____________________, the study of plant usage by _____________________ ________________________________________________________________, has become an important branch of plant science.

Ethanobotany; indigenous cultures and the preservation of that knowledge about plants

_________________ is the yellowing or whitening of a plant due to the absence of light.


Economists call costs and benefits that are not included in the price ______________________________.


Enough food is produced to _______________________________________. However, _________________________________________ exist in both developed and undeveloped countries.

Feed the world's population, malnutrition and starvation

Be able to list examples of the 5 methods above from the text.

Fertalization, Seed development, germination, juvenile, vegetative, reproductive, senescence, and death.

___________________ is the union of an egg and sperm (gametes) to form a zygote.


The quality of forage is affected primarily by the amount of ______________________ it contains and its ________________________________.

Fiber, digestibility

Surface fibers are those in which the ________________ are produced on the _________________ of the plant in association with _____________________________. Examples: _______________________________

Fibers, surface, floral structures, cotton, kapack

Most annual and biennial plants ___________________________________________________________________________________.

Flower and fruit only once before dying

Define forb.

Flowering herbaceous plants that are not grasses, sedges, or rushes

Numerous aspects of plant growth and development are controlled by photoperiod including

Flowering, induction of bud dormancy in woody species, and the formation of vegetative propagules such as bulbs, tubers, corms, and runners (stolons).

This shift in food consumption patterns coupled with the tremendous increase in world population, especially in developing regions, requires continuing increases in the world's _________________________________________.

Food producing capability

Plant scientists have to find ways to meet our needs for _______________________________________________________________________________ from plants without ____________________________________________________________________________.

Food, fuel, and other products and services, negatively affecting the environment

Humans depend on field crops for much of their _________________________________________________________________________________________________________, and for many other industrial uses.

Food, grains for animal feed, clothing, rope, bio-fuels

The better-known uses of plant oils are ________________________________________________________________________________.

For cooking, flavoring, margarine and salad dressings

The main plant factors affecting forage fiber and other quality factors are:

Forage species, leaf-to-stem ratio, maturity, antiquality components

_____________________________________________ are the edible parts of plants, primarily the ___________________________________ that can be fed directly or following storage to livestock.

Forage, browse, or herbage, leaves and digestible stems

Vernalizing bulbs in coolers then bringing them into the greenhouse where the warm temperatures cause the plants to flower and grow is called _______________.


Growth can be measured as increase in _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Fresh or dry weigh, or in volume, length, height, or surface area.

If a plant is self-fertile, it produces ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Fruit and seed with its own pollen, without the transfer of pollen from another plant

In contrast to some of the other plant hormones, ethylene and ethylene-releasing chemicals have several valuable commercial applications:

Fruit ripening, flower intitation, changing sex expression, degreening oranges, lemons and grapefruits, harvest aids, and growth regulation

__________________________________________________________________________ starts with pollination, which is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma in angiosperms.

Fruit, grain, and seed formation

Define biofuel. ____________________________________________________

Fuel that is produced from recently living organic matter

The most expensive and most reliable establishment option of forage crops is __________________________________. It involves destruction of the ___________________________________________ by mechanical or chemical means, a mechanical operation to __________________________________________________, mechanical treatment of the soil to establish a __________________________________________________.

Full cultivation, existing vegetation, bury this vegetation, fine and firm seedbed

__________ are still in control of the plant's characteristics, even if an environmental factor drastically alters the phenotype.


When a gene is introduced into a species that otherwise does not have that gene, it is called ____________________________________________.

Genetic Engineering

The word biotechnology, as generally used now means organisms developed by molecular biology and molecular genetics using advanced __________________________________________.

Genetic Engineering Techniques

__________________________________ compliments but does not _______________ traditional breeding techniques.

Genetic engineering, replace

What does GMO stand for?

Genetically Modified Organism

The term __________________________________________ (GMO) is used to describe genetically engineered plants, but ___________________________ is a more accurate term.

Genetically Modified Organism, genetically engineered

A ______________________________________________________________ is one that is derived through the use of molecular biology techniques.

Genetically resistant plant

A side effect of the ________________________________ of trade is that ______________________________________ are spread around the world more easily. A recent example is the introduction of the __________________________________ into the _______________________________ from wooden pallets, carrying goods from ______________ to the port of Detroit.

Globalization, pests and diseases, Emerald Ash Borer, Great Lakes Region, China

When a compatible graft fails for any reason, it is labeled as an __________________________.

Graft Incompatibility

The art of joining parts of plants together so they will unite and continue their growth as one plant is termed _______________.


What type of plants accumulate nutrients in the roots and stems that are renewed from year to year? ___________________________

Grassland plants

Conserved forages also provide a useful function by providing forage during periods when _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Grasslands might be dormant or not growing rapidly enough to support livestock needs

Economic losses resulting from sudden outbreaks of pest activity can be prevented if ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Growers are aware of the biology of the various crop pests, monitor fluctuations in pest population activity, and implement timely corrective action

_______________________________________________________ are a way to measure heat accumulation.

Growing degree days (GDD)

To overcome excessive fruit set __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ either by hand thinning, machine shaking, or chemical sprays.

Half-or more- of the fruits are removed at a very early stage

________________ refers to one set of chromosomes.


Annuals, which are ________________________________________________ complete their life cycle (seed to seed) in ______________________________________________________________________.

Herbaceous (non-woody) plants, one growing season

Perennials are either _______________________________________________.

Herbaceous or woody

Organisms, including humans that cannot synthesize those compounds are called ________________.


The world's terrestrial ecosystems can be divided into three broad groups ________________________________________________________________.

High, intermediate, and low photosynthetic productivity

What determines a microclimate? _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hills, valleys, small depressions in a field, proximity to large and small bodies of water, presence of large land masses or buildings

In each vegetative cell are pairs of each individual chromosome. These pairs are called ___________________________________.

Homologous Chromosomes

Define plagiotropic growth.

Horizontal growth

__________________________ is the study of crops that require more intense and constant care, from planting through delivery to the consumer.


The disease triangle concept consists of 3 things:

Host, Pathogen, Environment

____________ seed produces the F1 generation from a cross of two different yet homozygous parents.


List the steps to scientific inquiry.

Identify the problem or question, make a hypothesis of the cause of the problem/question, test the hypothesis by doing expierments or a study, check and interpret the results, report the results

The designation as long- or short-day plant is not based on the absolute length of day, but rather ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

If the photoperiodically controlled process is induced only at day lengths longer or shorter than specific day length, called the critical day length (CDL).

Seed germination occurs in three stages. What are they?

Imbibition (water uptake), increase in biological activity, and radicle (root) and shoot emergence

Plant scientists studied ways to improve crop productivity _____________________________________________.

In a cost effective way

How are biomes described? _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

In terms of the vegetation that existed before human interference

When a plant's own pollen will not growth through the style into its embryo sac, this is called _______________________________________.


Increases in plant population may ______________________________________________________________________________, thereby increasing the risk of _________________.

Increase plant height and reduce stem and stalk strength, lodging

Two major trends that will affect crop production and the global environment are the ____________________________________________________.

Increases in human population and energy use

As the sun rises the angle of incidence ________________, light intensity ______________, so does ______________________________________ until the photosynthetic machinery is _________________. Then photosynthetic activity gradually ___________________________________________________________________________.

Increases, increases, photosynthetic activity, saturated, declines as the day progresses toward sunset

What are the agricultural uses for gibberellins?

Increasing fruit size of seedless grapes, stimulating seed germination and seedling growth, promoting male flowers in cucumbers, overcoming cold requirements for some plants

Vernalization is any cold temperature treatment that ____________________________________________________________.

Induces or promotes flowering

The yields we achieve in _______________________ countries need to be achieved worldwide. These yields in turn require that _________________ at least of ____________________________________________________________ have to rise in other countries to match those in _________________________________________.

Industrial, inputs, fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, North America, Europe

In most if not all developed countries , farmland is being lost forever to ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Industrial, residential, or recreational development

_______________________________ are applied as fumigants and inhaled as a vapor or dust by the insect or mite, and the material is then absorbed through the respiratory system.


_______________________ is loss of plant vigor resulting from an instantaneous event such as lightning strike, hail damage, chemical burn or mechanical damage.


Pollen transfer from the anthers to the stigmas is principally by ___________________________________________.

Insects and wind

_______________________________________________________________________ relies on the use of several methods rather than one single means for developing an effective and sustainable pest management program.

Integrated plant health management (IPHM)

____________________________ consists of simultaneously producing two or more crops in the same field.


The term _________________________________________ is used to classify species that are particulary aggressive, regardless of their life cycle.

Invasive weed species

Plant development is ___________________________________________________________________________________.

Its progress through its life cycle

Define grazing land.

Land that is suitable for use as pastures for animals though it may not be suitable for growing other crops.

New homes are an expanding market for ____________________.


Define biome. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Large terrestrial ecosystem characterized by specific communities, usually named after the predominant vegetation found there (ex: temperate forest)

_________________________________ is the stages an organism goes through from fertilization to death.

Life cycle

The light intensity at which photosynthesis and repiration rates are equal is called the ______________________________.

Light Compensation Point

It also affects the amount of _____________________________________ and available for absorption by _________________________.

Light entering the leaf, chlorophyll

_________________________ does not refer to how beneficial the light is for the plant, but rather __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Light quality, to the relative quantity of individual component wavelengths contained in an incident beam of light

Define visible light.

Light with wave lengths of 400 to 700 NM, which is the light range visible to the human eye.

They studied _______________________________________________________________ and developed ways of managing or monitoring those factors to _________________________________________________________________.

Light, soil, water, and temperature, influence or predict plant growth

If a plant reproduces "true" by seeds with no characteristics changed the cultivar is termed a ________.


__________________________ is the breaking or collapse of stalks or stems usually at or near maturity.


Light that is reflected from the surface of a leaf is _______________________________________.

Lost for photosynthesis

Heliotropic movements are also used to _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Lower the amount of light absorbed by reducing the angle of incidence of sunlight on the leaf when overheating might occur.

Surviving farms can __________________ directly to the surrounding population.


The most important objective in grazing is to _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Match the supply of forage production to the nutritional requirements of livestock.

______________________________________________________________________________ are important factors to insider in variety selection for all crops.

Maturity, yield potential, and insect and disease resistance

_____________________________________ is the rapid multiplication of plants by using small pieces of tissue and placing them on a specific type of medium in petri dishes or clear jars.


The term often used when discussing the action of herbicides on biochemical processes is ____________________________________.

Mode of action

List several examples of cultural weed control:

Modification of crop planting date, crop row spacing, crop rotation, flooding, the use of cover crops, mechanical weed control, mulches and fire

___________________________ is growing the same crop in a field continuously over a period of time.


Simple, microscopic, multicellular animals typically containing 1,000 cells or less are __________________________.


What has to happen to allow the family farm to remain viable?

New uses for old crops and production strategies for new crops will have to be developed.

_________________________ plants are important for maintaining the nitrogen supply in natural ecosystems.


Forage crops and rangelands have ________________________________________________ to humans in terms of _____________________________________.

No immediate value, direct food products

Even though cytokinins are strongly involved in plant growth regulation, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

No important agricultural uses have been developed for them

Without fertalization, ______________________________________________; therefore, parthenocarpic fruits are __________________.

No seeds are produced, seedless

__________________________________________ involves pasture establishment without tillage of the soil.

No-till planting

Although usually constant for a given species, the _____________ ____________ and ________________ of chromosomes vary considerably between different plant species.

Number, size, appearance

__________________________________________________ provide the plants for the urban environment.

Nurseries, greenhouses, and sod farms

What is the most important management tool for the control of forage production?

Nutrient Balances

____________ are passed continuously from one organism to another along with the _______________________________________ that sustain the whole ecosystem and that ________________________________________________.

Nutrients; energy and carbon compounds; originally came from plants

Ecological research is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Often descriptive of a situation within an area that represents the larger ecosystem

________________________________ does not allow the use of ________ and certain types of ___________________________________________________________.

Organic farming, GMO's, chemicals for pest control and fertilization

________________________ contains reserves of nutrients and makes up a large part of the _________________________ that are characteristic of _________________________ around the world.

Organic matter; black earths; moist grasslands

Define autotrophs. _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Organisms that can synthesize their own food from inorganic compounds via a process called photosynthesis

Define heterotrophs. _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Organisms that depend on the compounds synthesized by autotrophs for nourishment

How can arid lands be turned into desert? ____________________________


After the ____________________ in the mass of tightly packed chopped material is used up by plant respiration, ______________________________________________________ and act on the carbohydrates in the plant tissue to form ________________________, which essentially _________________ the plant material.

Oxygen, anaerobic bacteria multiply, lactic acid, ferment

_____________ are organisms that derive their nutrition by ________________ ______________________________________, often _____________________ _________________________________ such as swellings or discolored tissue.

Parasites; living in or on the tissues of another organism; producing symptoms of disease

________________ is a long-term relationship between ___________________ _____________, in which the host ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

Parasitism; a host and a pathogen; does not usually die because this would also entail the death of the pathogen

Most farms are run as ___________________________________________.

Part-time businesses

A ___________________________ is a disease causing organism.


Most forage and rangeland species are ___________________________________ and part of _____________________________________________________________.

Perennial plants, year-round productive systems

Fiber in forage can be present as _______________________________________________________________________________________________.

Pertin and heicellulose, cellulose, and lignin

A pesticide has one or more ways in which it can get into an insect or mite. These are known as the _____________________________________________________________________________.

Pesticide mode of entry

__________________________ can interfere with an insects normal nervous system functions.


___________________ refers to the plant's appearance, behavior, and chemical and physical properties.


The chemicals that insects normally use to communicate with each other are called _____________________________.


Phototropin is responsible for ________________________ which is movement ______________________________________________________.

Phototropism, in response to light

Increasing the use and efficiency of _________________________ and _____________________________ would be a way to utilize photosynthetically captured energy.

Plant biomass, bio-based fuels

Define day-neutral plant.

Plant capable of flowering either under long or short day-lengths

Plant growth regulators include _______________________________ - _______________________________________ - as well as other chemicals not found naturally in plants, but that when applied to plants, influence their growth and development.

Plant hormones, natural and synthetic

Hay quality is determined by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Plant maturity, leafiness, color, odor, and amount of foreign material

The study of plant disease is termed __________________________________________________.

Plant pathology

Define photomorphogenesis.

Plant shape determined by light quality particularly through relative amounts of red, far-red, and blue light.

Define short-day plant.

Plant that initiates flowers only under short-day conditions

We have learned the hard way that ___________________________________________________________ and what we do to help in one aspect of plant growth _________________________________________________________.

Plants do not grow in isolation, may have detrimental consequences elsewhere

_________ are consumed by a wide range of animals, which we call _________.

Plants; herbivores

__________ are the key components of the _______________ and influence ________________________________________________________________.

Plants; soil ecosystem; all of the other organisms present

A multitiude of other uses include the manufacture of ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Plastics, paint, varnishes, lacquers, soaps, detergents, inks, cosmetics, lubricants, medicines, fabric and paper

____________________________________________ are applied directly to foliage after weed emergence.

Postmergence herbicides

____________________________________ are applied before the crop is planted.

Pre-plant herbicides

________________________________________ are applied to soil after crop planting but prior to the emergence of the weeds, crops, or both.

Preemergence Herbicides

Most weed-control programs use one or more of the following three strategies:

Prevention (restricting introduction or expansion of a weed problem), eradication (complete elimination of weed plants or seeds from an area), and reduction of weed plants and seed to a tolerable level

List the categories of organisms found in all terrestrial ecosystems. __________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Primary producers, herbivores, parasites, commensals, detritovores, and saprophytes

It is not known if organic farming has the capability to _____________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Produce the quantities of crop products needed in today's world.

The _____________________________ of farming has been helped to some extent by _________________________ the uses of staple crops (e.g. ______________ and ________________ made from corn and __________ from soybeans and by adopting ______________________ crops.

Profitability, diversifying, ethanol, syrup, tofu, alternative

The process of increasing plant numbers is called ___________________.


Define transcription factors.

Proteins that regulate structural gene activity

_____________________ is a serious pathogen of several of our crop foods. The potential of the fungus to __________________ those crops is the reason it has been _____________________________________________________________________________.

Ralstonia, devastate, listed as a bioterror organism

Anyone who works with growing plants for a living has to be able to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Read and interpret the scientific and trade literature of his/her discipline

Plants compete for light by ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Redirecting growth and development so that they produce leaves that are above the leaves of their neighbors

Improvements in production were developed not only to _____________________________________________________________________________, but also to allow farmers to be _________________________________________________________.

Reduce labor and increase productivity and profit, better stewards of the environment

Some plants can compensate for the ________________________________________________________________________________________________ at low solar angles through _______________________________________________ in which leaf angles are ______________________ so that the sun's rays are normal, or ______________________________________, to the leaf during most of the day.

Reduced light intensity and increased reflection, heliotropic movements, adjusted, perpendicular

Define vegetative growth.

Referring to asexual development in plants in contrast to sexual development.

Radiation passing through the earth's atmosphere can be _____________________________, resulting in signification of light back into outer space and thus ___________________________________________________________________________________.

Refracted or scattered, reducing the amount of light available for photosynthesis

__________________ and ________________________ landscaping is a business that generates billions of dollars annually in the United States.

Residential, commercial

___________________________________ (RNA) controls the growth process in the cell.

Ribonucleic Acid

The lower part of the graft combination that is to become the root system is termed the ____________________.


In herbaceous perennials, the ____________________________ an remain alive _______________________ but the shoot system may be killed by __________________________________________________________________________________________.

Roots and shoots, indefinitely, frosts in cold winter regions or by senescence inducing factors

Hard fibers are those that are ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Examples: ______________

Rougher, more lignified strands of vein-like bundles of phloem and xylem supporting cells primarily from leaves of monotony ledons.

________________________ (sheep, goats and cattle) have four digestive chambers, the first of which (the rumen) is filled with ____________________________________________________________________________________________.

Ruminants, microorganisms that digest and break down forage fiber

The ________________________________ was a very distinct line of demarcation with a defense wall separating wall from rural areas.

Rural/urban interface

__________________________ is scratching or rupturing the surface of the seed.


_____________________________ or the ___________________________ is the systematic approach to understanding and solving a problem.

Scientific inquiry, scientific method

The ____________ is the part of the graft combination that is to become the upper or top portion of the plant.


The ______________________________ serves as the primary source of seed for annual weed infestations in crop fields.

Seed bank

____________________________________ and the vigor and timing of planting are major factors that need to be considered when determining __________________________________________________________________________________________.

Seed germability, the seeding rate required to achieve a target plant population

Examples of cold-induced processes include:

Seed germination, flowering, dormancy breakage, acquisition of cold and freeze tolerance

Stages of development include:

Seed germination, growth of vegetative organs and tissues, initiation and maturation of reproductive organs and tissues, fertilization, seed development and maturation, senescence and death.

Factors affecting seeding depth include ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Seed size, type of emergence, soil and seedbed conditions, date of planting and available moisture supply

The control of development through ____________________________________________ is mediated mostly but not entirely through the action of ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Selective gene activation, transcription factors that turn genes on or off

If it is _______________, it cannot set fruit and seed with its own pollen, but instead requires pollen from ___________________________, usually of a different clone.

Self-fertile, another plant

____________________ is considered to be a terminal, irreversible _______________________________ in living organisms, leading to cellular and tissue breakdown and _____________.

Senescence, deteriorative change, death

Hay is defined as the _________________________________________ and in some cases, the flowers, fruits, and seeds, or forage plants that are preserved by _______________________________________________________________________________________________.

Shoots and leaves, field drying, harvested, and stored for future feeding to livestock

The term __________ is used when the pathogen or part of the pathogen is observed in or on the affected plant.


The two signs often used when dicussing plant disease and injury are _____________________________________________________.

Sign and symptoms

The tropical forests are a major ____________ or depository for the carbon dioxide that we generate through our ___________________________________________________________. Losing that depository contributes to increasing atmospheric _________ and ______________________________.

Sink, fossil fuel consumption, CO2, global warming

The loss of the _______________________________________________ and the increase of the ________________________________________________________ have become a serious _________________ and _________________________ issue.

Small family farm, corporate megafarms, social, political

Define spring ephemerals. __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Small flowering plants that grow in deciduous forests that start and complete their annual lifecycle in a very short time in the spring before trees leaf out

Why do malnutriention and starvation exist in both developed and undeveloped countries?

Social and political issues prevent the distribution of food to those who need it.

_____________________________ are those in which fibers are located in the stems or, more precisely, in the outer phloem tissues of the bark. Examples: _________________________________________________________

Soft or blast fibers, flax, hemp, jute, kenat, and ramie

________________ can be a devastating consequence of attempted cultivation.

Soil erosion

In temperate regions, the major environmental factors determining planting data are ________________________________________________________.

Soil temperatures and moisture

Leaves may be ___________________ or sunburned when exposed to ________________________________________________.

Solarized, high light intensities

List the four types of cuttings referenced in the book.

Stem, leaf, leaf-bud, and root

___________________________________ refers to the materials that enter the insect by mouth, and kill by being absorbed into the body through the digestive track.

Stomach poison

Exposing the seeds to colder temperatures for a set amount of time is called __________________.


____________________ are payments that are supposed to help farms stay in business, but end up as one more factor encouraging consolidation in the industry.


____________ is the most common form of sugar transported in the plant and is the sweetener that we commonly call _____________________.

Sucrose, table sugar

According to classical economics, the price of commodities results from the balance between the _________________ of commodities and the ___________________ for them.

Supply, demand

Many people have criticized the aspects of _________________________________ but it leads to new opportunities.

Surburban Sprawl

The idea of _____________________________ as a guiding principle in crop production is an attempt to transcend the mind-set of high yields this year being more important than low yields in future yields because of soil degradation.


__________________ are visual or otherwise detectable reactions or alterations of a plant as a result of disease or injury.


_________________________________________________________________ are materials generally act by slowing, but not stopping, cell division and elongation in subapical meristems, usually without causing stem or leaf malformations.

Synthetic Growth Retardants

Organic producers grow crops without the use of _______________________________________________________.

Synthetic herbicides and fertilizers

What is the second largest biome? _______________


___________________________ strongly influences fruit set. Temperatures that are _________________________________________ at this critical period are often responsible for ___________________________.

Temperature, too low or too high, crop failures

Some plants of tropical origin may be injured at ___________________________________________________________________________. This is referred to as a _______________________________.

Temperatures well above the freezing-point for some, a chilling injury

Define florigen.

Term given to a stimulus (suspected of being a protein) that promotes flowering

Define sustainability. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________.

The ability to be maintained with little input of nonrenewable resources

Define angle of incidence.

The angle at which an object intersects a surface, relative to that surface.

Define determinate growth.

The flowering of plant species uniformly within certain time limits, allowing most of the fruit to ripen at the same time

Define indeterminate growth.

The flowers on plants are borne on lateral branches, the central stem continues vegetative growth, with blooming continued for a long period

Define human footprint. _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

The impact that human activity has on ecosystems and global resources

The juvenile phase is chracterized by _____________________________________________________________________.

The inability to reproduce sexually

Define carbon dioxide compensation point.

The level of carbon dioxide available to the leaf for photosynthesis equals the amount of carbon dioxide generated by the plant's respiration. Photosynthesis cannot increase unless the amount of available carbon dioxide is increased by further respiration.

Controlled experiments are _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The most certain way of obtaining reliable information on which to base designs

Define Calvin Cycle

The non-light requiring reaction in photosynthesis where carbon fixation occurs. The energy from the light reaction provides the energy for the Calvin Cycle.

The key to a meaningful controlled experiment is to be sure that ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The only factor affecting the outcome is the factor we set out to study

In the warmer tropical and subtropical climates, the planting dates are often determined by ____________________________________.

The onset of rains

One of those the most important aspects of growing field crops is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The order in which crops follow one another either during the same growing season or through consecutive seasons

The data must be analyzed statistically to see if ____________________________________________________________________________________.

The original hypothesis is supported or not

Define harvest index. ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

The percentage of a plant's biomass that is incorporates into the harvestable plant

The seeding rate of a crop is determined by _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The plant population required to optimize yields in a particular environment

Define photosynthesis

The process in green plants of converting water and carbon dioxide into sugar with light energy, accompanied by the production of oxygen

Define Carbon Cycle

The recycling of carbon through the process of photosynthesis and respiration

Define climax community. __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

The stable community of plants and animals that results from a complex community replacing simpler ones

Parthenocarpy is the formation of fruit without ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The stimulation of pollination and fertilization

Define independent variable.

The variable in an experiment that is manipulated to evaluate its effect on another variable (dependent)

Define dependent variable.

The variable that is made measured or evaluated as the result of a change in another variable in an experiment.

The level of infestation or infection below which the economic value of a plant or crop is not compromised is referred to as the ___________________________________.

Threshold Level

The basic component of a grass is the __________________ and a grass clump is a __________________________________________________.

Tiller, a collection of tillers

Worldwide, more land is devoted to grasslands than __________________________________________________________ and totals __________________________________________________________________.

To all crops combined, 26.1%of the world's land area

The ability of a plant to maintain its yield in spite of heavy disease or plant pressure is known as ________________________.


By cultivating plants, humans reduced the need to _________________________________________________________.

Travel to follow the food supply

_______________ in grassland and savanna is limited to some extent by ______ ________, but ____________________________________________________ ______________________.

Tree growth; lack of water; fire and grazing animals are also important in maintaining these ecosystems

Plant cultivation is believed to have started in ______________ and ________________ regions in the Middle East and Africa.

Tropical, subtropical

The United States has about ______________________________________________________ as China but ___________________________________.

Twice as much cropland, 1/5 of its population

Double cropping involves the production of ________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Two crops, one following another, during one growing system

Biennials, which are herbaceous plants, require ________________________________________________________________________ to complete their life cycle (seed to seed).

Two growing seasons (not necessarily two years)

Once a disease has been identified, its prevention and/or control depends on __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Understand its cause, the factors that favor the disease, which plant parts are affected and when the disease organisms are spread.

Define orthotropic growth.

Upright growth

_______________ populations have increased in every U.S state


Photoperiodism is the photomorphogenic response to _______________________________________________________.

Variations in day length

Organisms that carry or transport disease are called __________________.


Define by-pass growth.

Vegetative growth that occurs if the switch to reproductive growth is interrupted

_______________ are intracellular pathogenic particles that infect other living organisms.


Any plant out of place, growing where it is wanted, that interferes with human activities or competes with a desired plant for water, nutrients or sunlight is a ___________.


When is a plant saturated?

When further increases in light intensity increase photosynthesis little or not at all

The plants we cultivate for our survival and pleasure all originated from ________ plants.


In contrast to many other countries, the United States has seen an overall increase in the area of _________________________.


Many kinds of plants are cultivated for their fibers which are used to make _________________________________________________________________________________, and hundreds of other products.

Yarn, fabrics, rope, paper, insulation, raw cellulose

An ecosystem consists of ___________________________________________.

a community of organisms in a physical environment

Niches exist when _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

a resource is partitioned so that different portions of it are accessible to only certain species

Fruit and seed production involves several phases:

a. Flower induction and initiation b. Flower differentiation and development c. Pollination d. Fertilization e. Fruit set and seed formation f. growth and maturation of fruit and seed g. Fruit senescence

Environmental and plant growth factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis are:

a. Light Quality b. Light intensity c. Carbon Dioxide concentration d. heat e. water availability f. Plant development

These crops with purely ____________________ are produced in about 6,800 hectares of ____________________ and 280,000 hectares of ______________, which corresponds to about _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

aesthetic value; greenhouses; open area; 0.15 percent of the U.S. crop area, or about 1 percent of the area used for corn

A single species cannot utilize _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

all of the resources or the whole of any one resource in the environment

Genes are termed ____________ to each other if they occupy the same position on homologous chromosomes and affect the same trait.


Parasitoids are ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________. When they emerge as adults __________________________________.

animals, often insects, that spend the juvenile phase of their lifecycle in the tissues of another insect; the host is killed

Chromosomes change in _____________________ during cellular development and division.


A population can be defined _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

as all of the individuals of a species that inhabit a particular environment

Heterotophs must consume ____________________________________________ in order to get the energy-releasing carbohydrates.

autotrophs or other heterotophs that have fed on autotrophs

Organisms such as plants and the bacteria that can photosynthesize are called ____________ because _________________________________________________________.

autotrophs, they can synthesize the compounds that release energy during respiration

The way that we define the environment determines the ___________________ ________________________________.

boundaries of the population

Temperate oil crops, such as ___________________________ are used in the manufacturing of _______________________________________.

canola and soybean; lubricants and plastics

A healthy diet requires an energy source such as ________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

carbohydrate, or fat, protein. linoleic acid, and various vitamins, minerals, and water

The radiant energy is used to synthesize carbon based molecules called __________ from ______________ and __________, releasing ___________ in the process.

carbohydrates, carbon dioxide (Co2), water (H2O), oxygen

It may be necessary to use __________________________________________ __________________________________________.

chemicals, introduced predators and parasites (biocontrols, or other means to control slugs, insects, rodents, birds, or deer)

Tropical oil crops, such as ___________________________________ are the main sources of oils used in _________________________________________.

coconut and palm oil; soaps and detergents

A more general term for a mutually beneficial association between organisms is _______________________________.


In the desert, fertilizers must be used to ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

compensate for the low fertility of the soils

Most of the energy used for our food supply is ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

consumed )for transportation, processing, and storage) after produce leaves the farm

Plants are essentially the only terrestrial organisms that ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

convert inorganic carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur to organic forms through photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process of ___________________________________________________.

converting light (radiant) energy to chemical energy in the form of reduced carbon compounds

Detritovores and saprophytes may be less important in crop ecosystems than in nature because ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

crops and crop residues are removed and the nutrients are replaced by synthetic fertilizers

Saprophytes are aided in their activity by _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

detritovores that break up large pieces of organic matter as they consume it

The __________________________ of herbivores emphasize the importance of __________________________________________________.

diversity and large numbers; plants as a food source in terrestrial ecosystems

A ________________ gene is one that causes a certain characteristic to be expressed.


If light is not limiting, the rate of photosynthetic activity ___________________ for each ____________ increase in temperature for many plant species, up to a point.

doubles, 10 degrees Celsius (18 degrees f)

Plants are the source of many ______________________________.

drugs and medicines

The short melt period in the summer allows only a low vegetation of __________ ______________________________________________________.

dwarf shrubs, sedges, and grasses to develop

Much of our footprint is related to _________________________.

energy use

In healthy, natural ecosystems, ______________________________, and consequently ___________________________________. It is difficult for new species to colonize the environment because it __________________________ ________________________ and the result is called ___________________.

every available niche tends to be filled; resources are fully exploited; lacks open niches or unexploited resources; exclusion

Parasites that can grow outside the plant are called _______________.


Only about 2.5 percent of cropland is devoted to ____________________, both in the United States and worldwide.

fiber crops

Most of our energy consumption is based on ________________, and a footprint is associated with _________________________________________________.

fossil fuels; extraction, processing, and distribution of theses fuels

A far greater footprint arises _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

from the carbon produced as the fuel is burned to generate energy

The ___________ is the ultimate hereditary unit that functions as a certain part of a chromosome determining the development of particular characteristics.


The term ___________ refers to the genetic makeup of the plant.


After the forest is cleared, ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

good crops can be raised for a year or two, but the nutrients are soon exhausted

Herbicides are often broadly classified as ________________________________________________________________________________________________.

grass killers, broad-leaf killers, or nonselective (kills grass and broad leaves)

The area between the deserts and the forests consists of __________________ ____________________________________.

grassland and savanna

The larger leaves allow for a ________________________________________________.

greater area to absorb light

Crop ecosystems are usually more vulnerable to _____________ because the number of _______________________________________________________.

herbivory; predators is low or nonexistent

From the earliest history of modern humans, the shaman and wise elders of a tribe used _______________________________________________________.

herbs to treat diseases and disorders among tribal members

The productivity of ecosystems is an indication of ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

how much we can expect to harvests from them without causing lass of species or collapse of the whole ecosystem

Parasitoids can be helpful in crop ecosystems when they __________________ ________________________________________________________________.

infect herbivorous insects such as caterpillars

The chloroplasts contain pigments capable of _________________________________________________ necessary to drive the photosynthetic processes.

intercepting light and converting electromagnetic energy into the chemical energy

These enterprises provide __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________.

jobs for many people, from day laborers to corporate executives

Rotating a nitrogen-fixing legume crop with a nonlegume on a regular basis is a common farming practice to _________________________________________.

keep nitrogen levels up in a field

Ornamental crops are much more ____________________________________, accounting for nearly _______________________________________________.

labor intensive than other crops; 20 percent of U.S agricultural labor costs

Temperature is primarily influenced by _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

latitude, and within latitudes, it is influenced by the height of the land above sea level

By observing the full range of interactions and processes in natural ecosystems, we can __________________________________________________________ _____________________________.

learn how to manage crop ecosystems to achieve the goal of sustainability

The __________________________ includes many important crops such as ________________________________________________________________.

legume family; beans, peas, and alfalfa

Plants require _____________________________________________ and many may require _________________________________________________.

light, water, and nutrients for growth; pollinators and dispersal agents for reproduction

At low light levels, temperature ________________ on the rate of photosynthesis because light is the _____________________.

little effect, limiting factor

Under conditions of __________________________________________________________ plants often lose water through transpiration faster than their roots can absorb it. This causes the __________________ to close and the leaves to _____________________________.

low soil moisture (drought) and hot, drying winds, stomates, wilt temporarily

Coniferous trees are a valuable crop for ________________________________.

lumber and paper making

Competition occurs when ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

more than one organism draws on a resource that is in short supply

When fires sweep through grassland, ______________________________, but grasses and herbaceous perennials, __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

most trees are killed; which have their growing points at or below the soil surface, typically survive

With so many cells being involved in the reproduction process, errors can and do occur. When they do they are called _____________________.


Because the crops used are often food crops, using them for fuel ____________ ______________________________________________. Even if they are not food crops, they may _______________________________________________.

negatively affects the food supply for humans and domesticated animals; occupy land that was formerly used for food crops

Other classes of parasites include _______________ and some ____________ ______________, particularly those that form ___________________________.

nematodes; insects and mites; galls on leaves and stems

Because of high rates of growth, ______________________________________ ____________________________________________ so rainforest soils contain little in the way of free nutrients.

nutrients are rapidly taken up by plants and rapidly recycled from dead organisms

The leaves contain on a fraction of the _________________________________ _________________________________, and trees manage to withdraw much of the __________________________________ from their leaves before they are shed. So forest soils ______________________________ and tend to have only ____________________________________________________________.

nutrients locked up in the permanent structure of the tree; nitrogen and phosphorus; develop slowly; a thin organic-rich layer

Apart from fiber and biofuel, the major nonfood use of crops is for ___________ ___________________________________.

oil-based industrial products

Anywhere _______________ exist is, in a strict sense, _______________.

organisms; an ecosystem

Soils are produced from ____________________________________________ __________________________________________.

parent material, such as rock, by the interaction of climate and organisms

In the tundra, the ground is __________________________________________ ___________________________________.

permanently frozen except for a surface layer throughout the year

Succession begins with ______________________________ that can survive under special conditions.

pioneer species

A condition in which individual plants have more than two sets of homologous chromosomes in their somatic cells is termed ______________________.


The oil seed meal from crops ________________________ and the __________ _________ from ethanol production can be used as ____________________.

processed for biodiesel; fermentation residue; animal feed

A _________________ gene causes the character it controls to be expressed only if both alleles are recessive.


When these pigments are irradiated with light containing all the visible wavelengths, they absorb mostly from the _____________________________ of the spectrum and reflect or transmit much of the ______________________________________________________________________________.

red and blue portions, green portion which is why leaves are seen as being green

One of the characteristics of DNA that makes it possible for the chromosomes to transmit genetic information from one cell generation to the next is its ability to ________________ itself.


We often think of an environment as a limited area in which the individuals _____ ______________________________________________.

share the available resources

Because the conifers are mostly ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

slow-growing evergreens, recycling and the availability of nutrients is lower than in the deciduous forest

A key component in the relationship between climate and vegetation is _______.


Oil from _______________ and other oil crops such as ____________________ is extracted and processed to be used as ____________________.

soybeans; sunflower and canola; biodiesel fuel

The _________________________ in corn and switchgrass are ____________ _________________________________________.

starches and sugars; fermented to produce ethanol

The change in plant communities over time is known as ___________________.


The annual leaf fall adds a certain amount of nutrients to the litter layer of the ________________________________________________________________.

temperate deciduous forest

The most important climatic variables are ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

temperature, rainfall (more correctly, precipitation), and any seasonal variation in both

We can reduce our human footprint by reducing _________________________ _______________________________________________.

the area or the intensity of our activities

net photosynthesis is the term for _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

the gain in carbohydrates from photosynthesis after carbohydrate loss through respiration is deducted.

The further from the climax community we try to stay, _____________________ ________________________________________________________________.

the more work and inputs are required to maintain the ecosystem

The organisms in an ecosystem interact according to ______________________ ________________________________________________________________.

the nature of the species and their role in the ecosystem

Many of the most important organisms and ecological processes in all ecosystems are invisible to us because _________________________________ _____________________________________________________.

the organisms are small or because they and the processes occur in the soil

When the desert is irrigated, _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

the salts are left behind after the water evaporates from the soil or through plant transpiration

Desert soils are difficult to manage in the long term because _______________ ________________________________________________________________.

the salts tend to accumulate to levels that inhibit the growth of plants

Parasites differ from herbivores because _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

they cause a disease rather than simply eating their way through the tissue

For species to coexist in an ecosystem, ________________________________.

they must occupy different niches

Generally, the leaves of a given plant species grow ________________________ in areas under low light intensity than under high light intensity.

thinner and longer

Golf alone is now equivalent to about _______________ of major crop sales and involves ______________ of the US population.

two-thirds, 12%

The __________________ is composed of the plants that grow under the canopy of other taller plants.


Breeding means selecting a female and male parent with _________________________________________________ and crossing them to produce offspring with both sets of desirable traits.

unique desirable traits

Plant parasites include many kinds of __________________________________.

viruses, bacteria, and fungi

All ____________ are obligate parasites, whereas ________________________ may be obligate parasites or facultative.

viruses; fungi and bacteria

Although the hose may not die, it is usually _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

weakened, making it vulnerable to attacks by other (secondary) organisms

We call the other plants __________, and their presence is ________________ ________________________________________________________________.

weeds; a problem to the extent that their resource requirements overlap those of the crop species

Without cultivation __________ would move in, followed by a thicket of _______ _________, and the process would culminate in a ________________________ _______________________________________.

weeds; woody plants; forest of the longer-lived tree species

All of the kinds of ecosystems that made up the biomes contained ___________ _______________________ which were often __________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

wet areas or wetlands; the most productive areas because water was permanently available

One of the newest plants to be recognized for its medicinal benefits is a _______ ______________________________________, a chemical shows promise in the treatment of ______________.

yew (Taxus) that produced taxol; cancer

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