PLAP 3140 Quiz 1 & 2

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This candidate famously exclaimed, "Oops..." during a debate, thereby likely derailing his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. A. who is Newt Gingrich? B. who is Rick Perry? C. who is Donald Trump? D. who is Mitt Romney? E. who is Rick Scott?


Which of the following authors suggests that concentration of media ownership is not something to be concerned about at the present time? A. McChesney B. Compaine C. Goldberg D. Lippmann E. Schudson


Which of the following authors writes about the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal? A. Rutten B. Kalb C. Druckman D. Patterson E. none of the above


They "were spokesmen for egalitarian ideals in politics, economic life, and social life through their organization of sales, their solicitation of advertising, their emphasis on news, their catering to large audiences, their decreasing concern with the editorial." A. what are blogs? B. what are partisan papers? C. what are penny papers? D. what are newspapers? E. what are the Federalist Papers?


As of October 1, 2018, how many FCC Commissioners of each party are currently serving? A. 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats B. 2 Republicans and 3 Democrats C. 3 Republicans and 1 Democrat D. 1 Republican and 3 Democrats E. 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats


Illustrating an ABC news story with footage from a Disney movie showing asteroids striking the Earth is an example of this. A. what is direct evidence of bias? B. what are sins of the news? C. what are sins of commission? D. what are sins of omission? E. what is viewpoint diversity?


In 1985, this part of President Ronald Reagan's anatomy was featured in a page-one New York Times story. A. what is a big toe? B. what is a liver? C. what is a colon? D. what is a heart? E. what is a spleen?


In the wake of the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show, CBS/Viacom was initially fined how much money by the FCC? A. $5,500 B. $55,000 C. $550,000 D. $5,500,000 E. there was no fine proposed by the FCC


Nichols and McChesney (2009) argue in favor of which of the following? A. greater corporate ownership of media B. reformulating newspapers as non-profit entities supported by endowments C. tax credits for newspaper subscriptions D. all of the above E. none of the above


"Net Neutrality" protections are currently in place in the form of FCC regulations that prevent internet service providers from creating "fast lanes" for particular internet content. True False


According to the ASNE 2017 Newsroom Survey, African American women are actually slightly overrepresented in American newsrooms, relative to their numbers in the population. True False


As a candidate, through February, 2016, Donald Trump received more "earned" (or "free") media coverage than any other candidate except for Hillary Clinton. True False


As discussed in class, President Trump's relationship with the press is essentially the same as that of most recent presidents, all of whom have had antagonistic relationships with the media. True False


Gilens and Hertzman base their conclusions primarily on face-to-face interviews with journalists who cover the telecommunications industry. True False


Gilens and Hertzman undertake a content analysis of television coverage. True False


Gilens and Hertzman undertake a systematic content analysis of television coverage. True False


In Food Lion vs. ABC News, the jury ruled against ABC on the grounds that the content of its reporting was inaccurate and misleading. True False


Ladd writes that the United States has had "an independent, powerful, widely respected news media" since the mid-18th century. True False


More Americans in the 18-29 age group "often" get news from television than from online sources. True False


Newspapers now receive more revenue from digital advertising than from print advertising. True False


Television has been eclipsed by online news sources as the source relied upon "often" by the largest percentage of Americans. True False


The Charlottesville Daily Progress is currently owned by Media General. True False


The FCC has jurisdiction over media content but not media ownership. True False


The FCC requires complaints about broadcast indecency to be submitted in person at specially scheduled hearings. True False


The persuasive impact of newspaper endorsements likely declines as trust in the media increases. True False


Tocqueville advocated centralized government ownership and control over newspapers. True False


Younger Americans watch more television news than do older Americans. True False


According to Farnsworth and Lichter, in 2008 Barack Obama received more favorable coverage on MSNBC than did any other candidate. True False


According to Gallup data presented in class, most Americans report following President Trump's tweets. True False


According to Gallup data presented in class, most Americans who follow the President's tweets do NOT encounter them directly by reading them on Twitter. True False


According to Gilens and Hertzman, newspapers owned by corporations with heavy television interests gave more favorable coverage to provisions of the 1996 Telecom Act that benefit television owners than did newspapers owned by corporations without television interests. True False


According to Patterson, in 1960 the vast majority of the evaluative references to the major presidential candidates appearing in newsmagazines were favorable, while the majority of the evaluative references in 1992 were unfavorable. True False


In 2016, several newspapers that had previously endorsed Republican presidential candidates endorsed Hillary Clinton. True False


In the aggregate, more Americans "often" get news from television than from online sources. True False


Television is Americans' main source of election news. True False


The FCC indecency case against Viacom for the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show was not resolved until 2012. True False


The Voice of America represents public broadcasting as defined by Graber and Dunaway. True False


The impact of newspaper endorsements is likely greater in local, low-information elections True False


The longstanding ban on "domestic propaganda" was finally lifted in 2013. True False


"Language or material that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory organs or activities," and therefore subject to regulation by the FCC although protected by the First Amendment. A. what is "indecency"? B. what is "pornographic content"? C. what is "obscenity"? D. what is "educational content"? E. what is "age-inappropriate content"?


"The anticipation that superiors might disapprove of this or that story is usually enough to discourage a reporter from writing it, or an editor from assigning it. Many of the limitations placed on reporting come not from direct censorship," but from this. A. what is anticipatory self-censorship? B. what is government censorship? C. what is strategic avoidance of professional disapproval? D. what is corporate viewpoint consolidation? E. what is subjective self-silencing?


About how many newspapers endorsed Donald Trump for President in the 2016 general election? A. Fewer than 5 B. 5-10 C. 10-20 D. 20-50 E. More than 50.


About how much did newspapers cost before the advent of the penny press? A. six cents B. one Silver Dollar C. one Wooden Nickel D. twenty-five cents E. three shillings


According to Kalb, which of the following is not a feature of the "New News"? A. an emphasis on the use of polls and focus groups B. a blurring of the lines between commentators and reporters C. a decline in quantity and quality of sources D. a blurring of the lines between reporters and participants E. a willingness to report stories simply because they are "out there"


According to Ladd, what was the earliest event that "changed the relationship between political elites and newspapers"? A. the American Revolution B. Watergate C. the Civil War D. the New Deal E. the founding of the postal service


Commenting on a controversial media story, Marvin Kalb asks, "in an industry theoretically still devoted to truth-telling, can deception, in whatever guise, be regarded as an acceptable way of getting the news?" To what deceptive practices was he referring? A. the use of hidden cameras or microphones B. revealing confidential sources C. plagiarism D. failing to acknowledge a conflict of interest based on media ownership E. using actors to dramatize or recreate news stories


Illustrating an ABC news story with footage from a Disney movie showing asteroids striking the Earth can best be understood as a violation of which permeable membrane? A. News vs. Advertising B. New Media Sources vs. Traditional Media C. Opinion vs. News D. Localism vs. Competition E. News vs. Entertainment


Imagine A. J. Pennypacker, a wealthy industrialist, comes to Charlottesville and buys both The Daily Progress newspaper and Channel 29, the local NBC television affiliate. This is an example of which of the following: A. crossmedia ownership B. owner-imposed bias C. public ownership D. semipublic ownership E. multiple ownership


Which of the following individuals had more Twitter followers than Donald Trump in 2017, according to data presented in class? A. all of the above B. Katy Perry C. Barack Obama D. Justin Bieber E. Justin Timberlake


"A story line or central organizing idea that calls attention to some aspects of the story, connects events to one another, and thereby helps us understand what they mean. It offers an answer to the question: What is most significant about this story?" A. what is a media cascade? B. what is a media frame? C. what is a media byline? D. what is media bias? E. what is a media story line?


According to Graber and Dunaway, this small number of journalists has "final control over story choices" and includes reporters, editors and others who select stories and make final decisions about "what news to use." As a result, these decision makers "wield an awesome amount of political power." A. what is the New York Times? B. who are gatekeepers? C. who are News Corporation employees? D. who are liberals? E. who are media elites?


In an authoritarian political system, the media are primarily used to do which of the following: A. help bring government policy in line with public opinion B. help bring public opinion in line with the policies or interests of the governing regime C. help bring citizens or subjects some news about the state of their public weal D. help citizens act collectively to pursue their interests and passions E. help enhance the quality of representation


Swensen and Schmidt (2009) argue in favor of which of the following? A. greater corporate ownership of media B. reformulating newspapers as non-profit entities supported by endowments C. tax credits for newspaper subscriptions D. all of the above E. none of the above


This author argues most strongly that the mainstream media have a decidedly left-leaning bias A. who is Druckman? B. who is Goldberg? C. who is Patterson? D. who is McChesney? E. who is Barstow?


Which of the following best describes Druckman's findings? A. television debate viewers rely less on personality traits (e.g., perceptions of leadership and integrity) than do radio listeners when it comes to evaluating the candidates; B. television debate viewers rely more on personality traits (e.g., perceptions of leadership and integrity) than do radio listeners when it comes to evaluating the candidates; C. television debate viewers rely more on issue agreement than do radio listeners (for whom issues don't matter) when it comes to evaluating the candidates; D. political "novices" learn more than political "sophisticates" do; E. none of the above, Druckman's findings were inconclusive due to a small student sample.


Which of the following developments, according to Schudson, is responsible for the emergence of the norm of objectivity? A. the emergence of 24-hour cable news B. the emergence of penny papers C. the migration of print newspapers to the web D. the decline of classified ad revenues E. the rise of the blogosphere


Which of the following has been increasing over the last several decades, according to Patterson? A. policy or governing frames B. game or strategic frames C. trust in the news media D. the length of sound bites E. descriptive frames


"The journalistic norm of balanced reporting - telling 'both' sides of the story. . . skewed and distorted global warming coverage. . . This supports the hypothesis that journalistic balance can often lead to a form of informational bias." Which of the following is best described by this quote: A. agenda-setting bias B. ideological bias C. false equivalence bias D. inferential bias E. anticipatory self-censorship


A private, nonprofit corporation created by Congress in 1967; its mission is to provide funding for, facilitate the development of, and ensure universal access to, non-commercial high-quality programming and telecommunications services. It does this in conjunction with non-commercial educational telecommunications licensees across America. A. what is C-SPAN? B. what is NPR? C. what is CPB? D. what is CNN? E. what is PBS?


According to Kovach and Rosenstiel, journalism's first obligation is to what? A. democracy B. be informative while also entertaining C. the truth D. provide a profitable return on the investment of corporate stockholders E. maintain access to important sources


This author argues most strongly that the mainstream media have a decidedly left-leaning bias. A. who is Parenti? B. who is Stewart? C. who is Goldberg? D. who is Tocqueville? E. who is McChesney?


This author argues that Donald Trump was a "ratings machine," who "focused on generating drama and conflict to capture media attention." A. who is Klein? B. who is Patterson? C. who is Hershey? D. who is Auletta? E. who is Ladd?


Voice of America falls under the jurisdiction of which of the following? A. National Public Radio B. Corporation for Public Broadcasting C. Broadcasting Board of Governors/U.S. Agency for Global Media D. Radio Free Europe E. Public Broadcasting Service


Which of the following candidates, according to Farnsworth and Lichter, received the most favorable coverage on television news in 2008? A. McCain B. Palin C. Obama D. Biden E. all received about the same degree of favorable coverage


Which of the following presidential debates does Druckman explore? A. Dukakis-Bush, 1988 B. Nixon-McGovern, 1972 C. Kennedy-Nixon, 1960 D. All of the above E. Only "b" and "c"


By 2011, how many companies owned approximately 90 percent of American media? A. 50 B. 25 C. 10 D. 6 E. 4


How does Druckman study the effects of televised presidential debates? A. archival analysis of presidential debate footage B. a content analysis of debate transcripts C. a longitudinal survey of self-identified debate watchers D. a randomized controlled experiment E. none of the above, Druckman is not concerned with effects


In its decision in Miller v. California (1973) the Supreme Court included the following criterion: "The average person, applying contemporary community standards would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest." This was one component of a three-part test for establishing which of the following: A. pornography B. defamation C. indecency D. obscenity E. newsworthiness


This author or set of authors wrote: "In sum, concentrated corporate control of the media has produced a broadcast journalism that is great at generating profit, pleasing advertisers, and protecting powerful institutions from scrutiny, but lousy at what it's supposed to do: informing the citizenry and confronting abuses of power. If we are serious about democracy, we need decent journalism. And to get decent journalism, we need to make fundamental reforms in our media system." A. who are Gilens and Hertzman? B. who are Swensen and Schmidt? C. who is Lippmann? D. who is McChesney? E. who is Tocqueville?


This organization directs journalists to "seek truth and report it," and to "be accountable and transparent." A. what is the Society for Excellence in Reporting? B. what is the Pew Research Center? C. what is the American Society of News Editors? D. what is the Society of Professional Journalists? E. what is Reporters Without Borders?


Where would one be most likely to encounter the following statement: "News is what someone somewhere wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising." A. in a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville B. on a slip of paper in Sean Hannity's desk drawer C. on a Starbucks cup D. on a wall at the Newseum E. in a quote from Marvin Kalb


Which of the following developments made it easier for media owners to acquire additional properties: A. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 B. The FCC rules changes of 2003 C. The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2006 D. both a and b E. none of the above


Which of the following features was NOT presented as one of the defining characteristics of propaganda? A. deliberate and systematic B. designed to affect, shape, or manipulate opinion (usually political) C. often involves biased, misleading or false information or messages D. promulgated only in authoritarian regimes E. none of the above; all were presented as defining characteristics of propaganda


Which of the following relationships was described as being simultaneously symbiotic and parasitic? A. sources and reporters B. political decision makers and citizens C. broadcasters and viewers D. media actors and political actors E. editors and reporters


"Journalistic integrity, you know, fact-based reporting, serious investigative reporting, how to retain those ethics in all these different new media and how to make sure that it's paid for, is really a challenge. But it's something that I think is absolutely critical to the health of our democracy." A. Paul Ryan B. Donald Trump C. Lee Bollinger D. Robert McChesney E. Barack Obama


"Language or material that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory organs or activities," and therefore subject to regulation by the FCC although protected by the First Amendment. A. what is "educational content"? B. what is "pornographic content"? C. what is "age-inappropriate content"? D. what is "obscenity"? E. what is "indecency"?


"The press coverage attending any political event or circumstance where a critical mass of journalists leap to cover the same embarrassing or scandalous subject and pursue it intensely, often excessively, and sometimes uncontrollably." A. what is "media obscenity"? B. what is "symbiosis"? C. what is "mutual manipulation"? D. what is "infotainment"? E. what is a "feeding frenzy"?


A private, nonprofit corporation created by Congress in 1967; its mission is to provide funding for, facilitate the development of, and ensure universal access to, non-commercial high-quality programming and telecommunications services. It does this in conjunction with non-commercial educational telecommunications licensees across America. A. what is PBS? B. what is CNN? C. what is NPR? D. what is C-SPAN? E. what is CPB?


According to Tim Rutten, what was significant about the revelation that John Edwards had lied about an affair with a campaign staffer? A. the story represented the first time a presidential campaign had been derailed by allegations of an extramarital affair B. the story was covered with unusual balance and objectivity by the mainstream news media C. the story was confusing and difficult to follow for most Americans D. beginning with this story, the practice of news organizations paying sources for information became commonplace E. the story was initially investigated and reported primarily by non-traditional, "tabloid" news media


Citizens, according to this author, "require a journal to bring to them every day, in the midst of their own minor concerns, some intelligence of the state of their public weal." A. who is McChesney? B. who is Schudson? C. who is Parenti? D. who is Lippmann? E. who is Tocqueville?


In which of the following ways do political actors seek to use the media? A. to help set and control the agenda B. to frame the debate C. to send signals to actors inside government D. to send signals to members of the public E. all of the above.


Suggesting that the media are biased because a majority of reporters self-identify as liberal Democrats is an example of which of the following: A. content analysis B. observational claims of bias C. liberal media bias D. a self-selected sample E. inferential claims of bias


Suggesting that the media are biased because a majority of reporters self-identify as liberal Democrats is an example of which of the following: A. liberal media bias B. working the refs C. observational claims of bias D. content analysis E. inferential claims of bias


This candidate refused to take the stage during a 2014 gubernatorial debate because his opponent was using a small electric fan, allegedly in violation of debate rules. A. who is Bill Nelson? B. who is Tim Kaine? C. who is Donald Trump? D. who is Rick Perry? E. who is Rick Scott?


Until 2013, which of the following pieces of legislation barred the domestic broadcast of Voice of America (and other forms of "domestic propaganda")? A. Public Broadcasting Authorization Act of 1999 B. Communications Act of 1934 C. Telecommunications Act of 1996 D. Telecommunications Modernization Act of 2003 E. Smith-Mundt Act of 1948


Which of the following companies was used to illustrate the "Starbucksification" of media? A. General Electric B. Media General C. the Walt Disney Company D. McClatchey E. Clear Channel / iHeartRadio


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