PMP Course: Executing Pt. 1 (Direct & Manage Project Work, Manage Quality)
Direct and manage project work
-Performing the work defined in the project management plan -involves managing people and keeping them engaged, improving the processes, requesting changes, and implementing approved changes
manage quality
-The process of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities that incorporate the organization's quality policies into the project. -also called quality assurance -confirm quality processes used are meeting the quality objectives
issue log
-a record of all the issues/problems you have encountered on the project -all issues are described, assigned, prioritized, and addressed
preventive action
-fixing future errors -questions if everything is aligned with the project plan
corrective action
-fixing past errors -realigns the project performance
lessons learned register
-gathered throughout the project, not just at the end -updated whenever new knowledge within the project is discovered by any stakeholder
work performance data
-information on the status of the deliverables -is it tracking positive or negative against the plan/baseline (cost/durations) -work completed, start/end dates of activities, # of change requests, # of defects
quality improvement methods
Find ways to improve the quality processes
Problem Solving
Finding solutions to problems. Identifying the problem, determining what's causing it, looking at possible solutions, selecting a solution, and verifying that it solves the problem
tacit knowledge
Knowledge contained in people's heads (experience, thinking)
defect repair
Modify a nonconforming product or result
Matrix diagram
Tool for manage quality A data analysis table that shows the strength between variables and relationships in the matrix.
cause and effect diagram
Tool for manage quality tells the causes of defects also known as Ishikawa or Fishbone
Affinity Diagram
Tool for manage quality A group creativity technique that allows large numbers of ideas to be classified into groups for review and analysis.
Tool for manage quality show you a graphical representation of the process and any room for improvements
Tool used for managing quality -Identify all best practices are being executed -Identify all short comings and gaps in the process
Design for X
Tool used for managing quality Used by engineers in order to design a particular aspect of a product
manage project knowledge
Using existing knowledge and creating new knowledge to achieve the project's objectives and contribute to organizational learning (explicit and tacit knowledge)
Pareto Chart
a bar graph whose bars are drawn in decreasing order of frequency or relative frequency
scatter diagram
a graph that shows the degree and direction of relationship between two variables
any product, service, or result required to complete the project
explicit knowledge
can be formally documented and shared (data, documents, records)
change requests
corrective action, preventive action, and defect repair are all actions that have to do with _______ _________
quality reports
output of manage quality report generally includes information about quality issues on the project and recommendations on how to improve the processes being used
test and evaluation documents
output of manage quality these documents generally take the form of a checklist that can be used when checking the quality of deliverables
information management
the collection, storage, dissemination, archiving, and destruction of information
knowledge management
the sharing of knowledge between stakeholders on a project. Used to foster project interactions. Networking, workshops, meetings
tool for manage quality bar charts that show the distribution of numerical data Pareto Diagram (use the principle of 80/20)