POC 14004 Block 6

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Memorandum of agreement (MOA)

A _____ may be created to provide a framework and detailed procedures for joint interoperability.


A _____ statement is a short paragraph which describes the mission a Unit Type Code (UTC) is capable of accomplishing. It describes significant employment information and may or may not be classified.

AEF Libraries

Both the C-MAJCOM and AFPC/DPW query the _____ to identify/select the most appropriate sourcing solutions to meet the SECDEF's approved course of action.

Readiness Assessments and Tasking Assessments.

Commanders conduct two types of UTC assessments in ART:

Department of State or the Department of Defense

Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) are operations directed by the (2) _____, or other appropriate authority whereby noncombatants are evacuated from areas of danger overseas to safe havens or to the United States


Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) is a _____ that is the USAF component to United States Pacific Command (USPACOM).

The IDO, Logistics Plans, and IPR personnel

Permanent IDRC staff consists of:

•The member is physically present •The member has been contacted or has made contact (e.g. by telephone or other means) •The member is in an official status of unauthorized absence, desertion, deceased, or missing.

Personnel are considered "accounted for" when any of the following occur:

- Does not possess sufficient or qualified personnel to support a tasking - The tasking is impossible to meet or will shut down critical elements of the home station mission - wing commander

Units will make every effort to meet all taskings. Generally, relief will only be sought when a wing or tasked unit (2) _____, as determined by the _____ or equivalent.

PFS Base Level CGO

A UTC of RFL05 would be for a:

Unit Type Code (UTC)

A _____ is a capability to accomplish a specific AF mission

•A brief explanation of mission capabilities. •The types of bases to which the unit can be deployed. •Response Capability

A MISCAP should contain (3):

•Strike •Mobility •C2ISR •Space & Cyberspace •Special Operations •Agile Combat Support (ACS)

APTs are Air, Space or Cyberspace capability-based assets and forces that fall currently under six types:


AF FAMs usually intiate development of a new UTC. This process usually occurs ______ days prior to intial operational capability.


Access to GCCS is provided through the _____, the secret layer of the Defense Information Systems Network.

Submit a reclama

After the initial 10-day sourcing window, MAJCOMs will either verify the requirement or:

•Report accountability status •Update contact/local information •Complete needs assessment •View reference information

Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (AFPAAS) allows personnel to (4):


Air Force goal is ___% accountability of all personnel within __ hours of a catastrophic event.


Alignment of forces across the AEF Teaming concept defines battle rhythm and allows the Air Force to address the questions, "Who goes first?" and "Who goes next?" Which AEF Key Prinicple does this fulfill?

6 months

All 3S0X1 personnel in the IPR must complete a formal DCAPES Wing-level Users course within _____ of being assigned to the IPR


Annex D of the OPLAN is:

Subsistence Support

Annex D, Appendix 9. This appendix addresses:


Annex E of the OPLAN is:


Annex E, Appendix 7. This appendix will outline the _____ activities

Fundamental capabilities

Core METL consists of the _____ for which a unit was organized and designed. All units will assess a Core METL.

Operation plans

DCAPES is used, by the Air Force for planning and executing:

PERSCO/PERSCO Web Application

DCAPES provides support to deployed _____ teams via the DCAPES ______, which is a web-based software product that allows real-time access and update of data on all servers


DOC statements must be reviewed _____ by the MAJCOM staff and the measured unit commander.


Each OPLAN annex and appendix consists of ___ sections


Each UTC is assigned a ___-character availability code

-Global mobility forces -Special operations -Space forces

Enabler Forces (think high demand/low supply) include common user assets, such as:


For ART Assessments, Green means?

Description of the shortfall, Corrective action(s) Projected get-well date.

For ART Assessments, Red means no go. The UTC has missing or deficient capability that prevents the UTC from being tasked and accomplishing its mission in a contingency and/or AEF rotation. Units will provide a Detailed explanation of the shortfall in remarks—include (3):

The UTC has a missing or deficient capability that does not prevent the UTC from being tasked and accomplishing its mission in a contingency and/or AEF rotation.

For ART Assessments, Yellow means caution. Describe it.

Stoplight assessments (Green, Yellow, or Red)

For ART Assessments, what type of assessments are used?

Agile Combat Support/ Expeditionary Combat Support (ACS/ECS)

Force Support provides the functional capabilities of education, training, manpower, personnel, and services. These functional capabilities support the _____.

Providing contingency food service, lodging, fitness and recreation, and mortuary affairs.

Force Support students receive additional training on (4) _____ while under simulated wartime conditions.

Pre-commissioning programs, PME, professional continuing education, higher education, and transition/career assistance.

Force Support teams enable continuing education of deployed Airmen to include these five programs:

Developing Airmen

Force support readiness capability that enables continuing education of deployed Airmen

Non-Standard/"Associate" UTC (A-UTC)

Funded authorizations that cannot be described with or do not fit into an existing standard UTC will be postured into an _____.


GCCS is a standard platform for a large group of _____ applications.

PERSCO team members and Installation Personnel Readiness (IPR) members.

HSRT for personnel specialists includes training for _____ and _____.

Deployment checklist

If the IDO deems a stand-alone PDF line is not required, deploying personnel must be provided a _____ to ensure deploying personnel receive the same processing and services that are afforded in the formal PDF line.


In a Joint Force, PERSCO teams might also need to develop processes to report _____ information through joint channels.

Personnel Support for Contingency Operations (PERSCO)

In a Joint Force, _____ teams will need to develop processes to account for all assets under their control, to include joint personnel.

Concept of Operations (CONOPS).

In operational planning, a _____ is a verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a CCDR's assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations


J1 may be tasked to perform ________ for all assigned forces under their functional control

Two or more military departments/single joint force commander

Joint Force is a general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or attached, of _____ operating under a ______.


NAF financial manager and marketing/events coordinator fall under the _____ staff in an EFSS construct.

Primary mission: Full wartime mission setfull wartime mission set Secondary mission: Undertake a major portion Tertiary mission: Undertake ancillary missions

On the Designed Operational Capability (DOC) Statements match the following: Primary mission Secondary mission Tertiary mission with: Full wartime mission setfull wartime mission set Undertake ancillary missions Undertake a major portion


Once the wing commander or equivalent approves the UTC shortfall request, the ___ will submit to their MAJCOM.

Transient Accountability

One of the Six Elements of Total Force Accountability are personnel that spend at least one night in billeting at a location but are enroute to their final duty location

PERSCO will maintain accountability over all personnel on the ground, including transients, at their deployed and designated geographically separated locations, regardless of status.

One of the Six Elements of Total Force Accountability is Strength Accountability. Describe it.

PERSCO UTC positions coded with SEI 295 (DCAPES Operator)

Only 3S0X1 personnel assigned to _____ are required complete the formal DCAPES Wing-level Users course.

24 hours

Open the Airbase forces will normally arrive first and assess the airbase approximately _____ from the arrival of forces

•Establishes deployment eligibility and medical stations for processing deploying forces. •Advises commanders when personnel selected for deployment are ineligible to deploy. •Uses DCAPES via IPR to produce Contingency Exercise Deployment orders.

PDF Responsibilities (3):

Finance, Legal, Chaplain, Public Affairs

PDF processing line actions will coordinate with base activities (4):

•Prepare new ID tags, CACs for both military and civilian with the correct Geneva Convention status, benefits, and entitlements. •Ensure deploying individuals have a printed copy of their Virtual Record of Emergency Data. •Collect completed AF Form 245, Employment Locator and Processing Checklist

Processing actions accomplished during PDF line operations may include the following (3):


SORTS Measurement Scales, which rating indicates the unit possesses the required resources and training to undertake MOST OF THE WARTIME MISSION(s) for which it is organized and designed.


SORTS Measurement Scales, which rating indicates the unit possesses the required resources and training to undertake the FULL WARTIME MISSION(s) for which it is organized and designed

•New equipment •Significant change in operational concept or mission •Significant program changes to manpower or equipment

Some examples of reasons for a new UTC are (3):

Logistics Detail (LOGDET)

The_____ is the equipment portion of a UTC.

Installation/wing commander.

The IDRC has direct line of communication and responsibility to the:

Manpower Force Packaging System (MANFOR) and Logistics Force Packaging System (LOGFOR)

The MEFPAK contains these two systems:

•Employed Functional Account Code (FAC) •AFSC •Grade •Special experience identifier (SEI) •Command remarks •Quantity

The MFE lists manpower requirements of each UTC. The MFE contains (6):

Create efficiencies, encourage retention of valuable human capital, and increase Air Force combat capabilities.

The Total Force concept will provide the following three benefits:

Operate the Airbase

The _____ force module contains mission support forces needed to achieve full operating capability.

Installation Deployment Readiness Cell (IDRC)

The _____ is a centralized function aligned under the Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) Commander and generally located within LRS facilities.

Manpower Force Element (MFE)

The _____ is the basis for AEF Reporting Tool (ART)

Air Expeditionary Force (AEF)

The _____ is the methodology that allows the Air Force to prepare and present forces to meet defense strategy requirements while reconstituting the rest of the force so that the capability can be provided on a sustained basis

Requirements Development Phase

The _____ phase of contingency sourcing in which both the C-MAJCOM and AFPC/DPW query the AEF libraries to identify/select the most appropriate sourcing solutions


The details of an OPLAN are found in its _____.

-Manpower only -Equipment only -Manpower and equipment.

There are three main types of UTCs:

Regular Air Force, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, retired members, civilian personnel, contractor staff, and host-nation support personnel.

Total Force includes these seven demographics:

Air Force JOPES Editing Tool (AFJET)

The primary purpose of _____ is to allow AF planners to update and maintain JOPES TPFDDs

Capabilities or limitations

The second and third characters of a UTC's posturing code represent specific _____ of the UTC.

Scope and intent

The specific areas covered in annexes and the depth of coverage depends on the ______ of the OPLAN

The IDO and the MPS chief

The_____ and the _____ establish a PDF IAW AFI 36-3802 and AFI 10-403

Establish the Airbase

This FM contains limited forces to bring the base to an initial operating capability.

Operate the Airbase

This FM module will provide capabilities to enhance force protection, communications, cargo handling, quality of life activities:

Standard deployable UTCs (D-UTC)

This type of UTC represents a package of capability with a specific MISCAP

Accountability and casualty

Under the FS FM of Open the Airbase, two critical capabilities force support provides from the onset of an operation are _____ reporting.

Establish the Airbase

Under what FM do the bulk of force support UTCs arrive


Under AEF Teaming, each base will support _____ Periods.

Little hit

Under AEF Teaming, one period will consist of 40% of the other forces vulnerable to deploy (known as the _____.)


Under AEF Teaming, one period will consist of a _____% of the forces vulnerable to deploy (known as the big hit.)

-(Yes/Green) -(Qualified Yes/Yellow) -(No/Red) Make a judgment as to whether the mission objectives can still be accomplished

Under DRRS mission assessments, what are the three ratings? And what happens if the CC makes a "No" rating?

-Recreation section -Combined Airman & Family Readiness Center Deployed (A&FRC-D) -Learning Resource Center.

Under an EFSS construct, Community Services Flight consists of (3):

The commander, deputy, and command support staff

Under the Expeditionary Force Support Squadron Construct, the Command Section consists of (3):

Establish the Airbase

What FM would contain the airfield's earliest capability to execute its assigned mission?

Part 1: combat forces. Part 2: AF UTC Availability and all postured UTC capability in the AF.

What are the first two parts of Volume 3 (WMP-3), Combat and Support Forces?

Predictability, Equitability, and Transparency.

What are the three AEF Key Principles?

To ask or order to return.

What is a recall?

Shortfall Validation Team

When the tasked unit commander cannot support a tasking, that commander will request relief by submitting a UTC shortfall through the reclama process to the _____

Manpower Force Packaging System (MANFOR)

Within the MEFPAK, the _____ is the packaging system that defines the manpower characteristics.

Logistics Force Packaging System (LOGFOR)

Within the MEFPAK, the _____ is the packaging system that provides equipment and material requirements

Augmentation (or Extended) FMs

_____ FMs provide the additional capability to meet a more demanding requirement with extended capabilities.


_____ Force consists of forces assigned to organizations responsible to carry out statutory functions (e.g. organize, train, equip, recruit) at the Air Force level. Do these organizations represent a warfighting capability as a whole?

Unit Commanders

_____ are the first and most critical link when it comes to establishing accountability. The Air Force's ability to track its members will succeed or fail based on their efforts.

Air Force Crisis Action Team Director

_____ initiates Air Force Total Force Accountability (TFA) actions via established command and control procedures.

Global Command and Control System (GCCS)

_____ is a Department of Defense (DOD) automated system that integrates the strategic command, control, communications, and intelligence functions.

Logistics Module (LOGMOD)

_____ is a logistics-planning program that receives and maintains the cargo and personnel details for UTCs and taskings.

Deliberate Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segment (DCAPES)

_____ is the Air Force standard automated data processing subsystem that downloads all Air Force-specific information from JOPES

Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)

_____ is the DOD-directed single, integrated joint command and control system for conventional operation planning and execution (to include theater-level nuclear and chemical plans).


_____ is the act of converting the unit manpower document into UTCs and aligning them to a specific AEF.

Unit Deployment Manager (UDM)

_____ manages all deployment readiness and training aspects for all deployable personnel and equipment within their unit to ensure they are deployment ready.

JOPES Edit Tool (JET)

_____ provides a capability for the planner to create and modify a TPFDD file and build a force list.

Rapid Query Tool (RQT)

_____ provides a capability for the planner to query and produce reports from a TPFDD file.

Volume 1 (WMP-1), Basic Plan and Supporting Supplements.

_____ provides a consolidated reference source for general policies and guidance for mobilization planning and the support of combat forces in time of war.

Readily Available

______ Force is the primary pool of resources fulfilling Air Force rotational requirements.

Leadership, Equal Opportunity, and Airman and Family Readiness

______ are the three enabling functions. They enable an environment conducive to accomplishing the other functions.


______ provides the ability to plan, schedule, coordinate and conduct functions such as ceremonies and conferences.

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