Poe Unit

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In "Annabel Lee," Who is the assumed speaker?

Poe or husband of Annabel Lee

Why did The Mask of the Red Death strike close to Poe's heart?

Tuberculosis had a strong meaning to him


Two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds.

What military school did he attend for a brief time?


A Dream Within A Dream

•The narrator is leaving and parting with someone. He wants to share something with someone before he leaves. It has been so wonderful that is he not aware whether this was in real life. •The narrator's hope is gone, this is potentially Poe saying goodbye to someone that he loved. •He is wondering if everything that if everything in life was real maybe two dreams from reality. •The first stanza mood is calm, solemn because he doesn't want someone to be taken from him. •In the second stanza, the narrator is on a beach and waves are crashing onto the shore. •These waves are big waves crashing, tormenting the shore. The narrator is holding onto grains of sand, but the sand keeps slipping through the narrator's fingers. •The only thing the narrator wants to do is hold onto the sand. The sand symbolizes the passage of time. The narrator is trying to hold onto the time.

How much did Poe earn for The Raven?


Order Of Events In The Raven

(1) The narrator reads by the fire. (2) The narrator whispers "Lenore" into the hallway. (3) The narrator hears something at the window and opens it. (4) The raven comes in and perches above the narrator's door. (5) The narrator questions whether the bird is natural or supernatural. (6) The narrator yells at the raven to leave.

Name some of the theories of what happened to Poe:

- He was a victim of a political kidnapping - Drinking

How old was Edgar when his father abandoned him?


When was The Raven published and in what publication?

1845 in the New York Daily Mirror

How many children did Mrs. Elizabeth Poe have?


How long did Virginia fight the illness?

5 years

In "Annabel Lee," What is the format? a. stanza(s): b. lines per stanza: c. rhyme scheme(s)

6 stanzas / 6 to 8 lines per stanza/Narrative Poem/rhyme scheme ababcb


A figure of speech in which a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes. The non-human objects are portrayed in such a way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings.


A literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer. As a rhetorical device, it could be a word, a phrase or a full sentence or a poetical line repeated to emphasize its significance in the entire text.

What was the poem Annabel Lee about?

A love between the narrator and a girl. The girl dies.

In the following stanza from the Raven, name which part this is in the plot line: Prophet!' said I, 'thing of evil! - prophet still if bird or devil! - On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; Whether tempest sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted - On this home by horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore - Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell me - tell me, I implore!' Quoth the raven, "Nevermore.'


What was Virginia Clemm's relationship to Edgar?


In the following stanza from the Raven, name which part this is in the plot line: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. ' 'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, 'tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more.'


In the following stanza from the Raven, name which part this is in the plot line: 'Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting - 'Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'

Falling Action

What are his themes of stories firmly rooted in?

Grim reality of his life

In the "Bells" poem, the golden wedding bells of sections II shift the mood from the childish merriment of sleigh bells to the happiness of mature love. Here all is "harmony," and everything is "in tune." How is this harmony conveyed in such phrases as "molten-golden" and euphony voluminously?

Harmony is being conveyed when he uses "molten-golden" because it expresses how everything is in tune. That shows a sense of harmony. It is also being conveyed when he uses the words "euphony voluminously" because this is large amounts of pleasant sounds, which is what harmony could be classified under. Those words help with harmony because it helps get the flow of the poem across, the poem is very melodic.

Why did Edgar join the army under another name?

He did not want to be sent to debtors prison

What happened to Edgar while he was at the University of Virginia?

He liked to draw over the walls, and he ran out of money (so he gambled)

Describe Edgar's relationship with women.

He saw them as angelic figures. He respected them.

What happened to Poe after his wife passed away?

He was confused and started talking to multiple women at once

How did Poe do as an editor?

He was successful, yet he always got into arguments with his bosses

Who did Poe accuse of being a plagiarist

Henry Wadsworth

In "Annabel Lee," What does "coveted" (synonym from poem) mean, and who portrayed this action?

envied, angels/seraphs

Why did Mrs. Poe put in an ad in the Richmond Enquirer?

Looking for someone to take her children knowing she was passing soon

Was Poe able to financially pay for college? Why or why not?

No, his father did not give him enough money to be stable so he gambled

How old was she when he married Virginia?

Not even 13

How old was Edgar when it Mrs. Poe died?

Not even 3

When did he die?

October 7th, 1849

In what ways does the author create "mood" in the opening stanza from "The Raven"?

Setting is happening at midnight, dark and dreary, he is weak and weary (tired). The mood is very dark, depressing, mysterious, ominous. Narrator was nearly napping not fully sleeping so not fully aware (cleary tired).

What ended up happening to Mrs. Poe?

She died of tuberculosis

What happened to Mrs. Frances Allan in 1829?

She died of tuberculosis

Why did Mrs. Allan take Edgar in 1829?

She wanted kids

What did Mrs. Elizabeth Poe do for a living?

She was an actress

What happened to Virginia as she was singing in 1842?

She was singing and then she coughed. Then Poe saw a drop of blood when she coughed.

What was Poe's new nickname after he wrote The Raven?

The Raven


The general atmosphere created by the author's words. It is the feeling the reader gets from reading those words. It may be the same, or it may change from situation to situation.

In the "Bells" poem, the iron funeral bells of the final section again shift the mood, the music is now a "monody." There is an interesting change within this section. After the slow lines of the beginning, which suggest a funeral march, the rhymes quickens, as in a fast dance. Who is the "king" who dances and yells in this last part of the poem?

The king who dances and sings in the last section is the king of the Ghouls or the king of the underworld. The King of Ghouls is joyful because all of the people were dying.

In the "Tell-Tale Heart," The narrator constantly addresses the reader and tries to convince the reader that he/she is not insane. Did the narrator's arguments against his/her own insanity convince you, or did they make you suspicious that he/she was, indeed, insane? Use an example from the story to support your answer.

By constantly proclaiming his sanity, the narrator arouses suspicion.

Internal Rhyme

A poetic device which can be defined as metrical lines in which its middle words and its end words rhyme with each other. It is also called middle rhyme, since it comes in the middle of lines.

Who did the killing in The Murders in the Rue Morgue?

A razor wielding orangatang


A stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.

What was The Tell-Tale Heart about?

A tortured narrator telling a story of how they murdered and chopped up and old man


A word, which imitates the natural sounds of a thing. It creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and interesting.

Poe yearned for a connection to what world? Why?

After life because all of his love ones died

In "Annabel Lee," Where are the angels located? Demons?

Angels- Heaven above Demons- down under the sea

Edgar was not only a great writer but also an amazing?


What is Maria Clemm's relationship to Edgar?


In "Annabel Lee," What names does the speaker refer Annabel as?

Beautiful, maiden, Annabel Lee, child, her, darling, my life, my bride

Describe Poe's last year of life:

Depressing and confused

Describe Virginia's and Poe's relationship.

Devoted, loving couple, and childish. He was able to relive the childhood he never had.

In "Annabel Lee," Where does the speaker spend most of this time after the death of Annabel?

Down by the side of Annabel's grave

Who is Mrs. Frances Allan?

Edgar's foster mom (she saw his mom perform)

Why did Edgar move in with Maria Clemm?

In search for an ideal family

Why did Edgar have a hard time selling The Tell-Tale Heart?

It was too loud

In "Annabel Lee," What is the setting?

Kingdom by the sea

In "Annabel Lee," What line addresses the young age of the two loves?

Line 7 "...I was a child, and she was a child..."

In "Annabel Lee," According to the speaker, why did Annabel die? Put the lines that support this answer.

Lines 11 and 12 "...went envying her and me...yes-that was the reason (as all men know)..." angels envied her and me

In "Annabel Lee," What lines inform you of Annabel's death? (number)

Lines 15 and 26 "...chilling and killing..."

In "Annabel Lee," The speaker seems to have difficulty forgetting his love; what lines support his inference? Write the number or the lines.

Lines 34 and 36, "...for the moon never beams... "...And the stars never rise..."

What did Mr. John Allan do for a living?

Scotch merchant

Throughout "the Raven", many words are repeated (ex: chamber, sorrow, Nevermore, Lenore). Why does Poe do this? What type of effect does it have on the reader?

Repetition will allow you to get a point across and allow you to add emphasis to the story.

In the following stanza from the Raven, name which part this is in the plot line: And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas jsut above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o'ver his streaming throws his shadown on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted - nevermore!


In the following stanza from the Raven, name which part this is in the plot line: Presently my heart grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, 'Sir,' said I, ' or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scrace was sure I hear you' - here I opened wide the door; - Darkness there, and nothing more.

Rising Action

In the "Bells" poem, section III turns abruptly to the alarm bells that announce disaster. Now the harmony is gone, all is "out of tune," and the rhythm and many of the words are jagged and harsh rather than smooth. In lines 57-64, what sounds are repeated to give this sense of harsh discord?

Sounds that are repeated to show a sense of harsh discord include the letters ing, which were used in the words twanging, clanging, jangling, and wrangling.

In the "Bells" poem, compare the last lines of the four sections of the poem (lines 14, 35, 69, 113). Describe the different effects of these lines and show how each effect depends on sound devices.

Stanza I (silver bells) - Very light hearted because silver bells show child-like feature. The bells are very melodic. Stanza II (copper bells)- More mature yet kind because of the martial components of golden bells. The bells are very melodic. Stanza III (copper bells)- Chaos is conveyed in the stanza because of brazen bells and warnings. These bells are not harmonizing. Stanza IV (iron bells) - Death is a scary thought and this stanza is more serious and included despair.

In the "Bells" poem, describe the setting of each stanza.

Stanza I- Around Christmas time, with the icy air and sledges. This is signifying the time in one's life when they are born since Christmas is a celebration towards Jesus's birth. Stanza II- This stanza is the time when two people get married. This is because of the golden bells, which is the same color as the golden wedding rings. Stanza III- This stanza is the time when chaos strikes with a fire. The copper bells were used to warn others when a dangerous situation arises. Stanza IV- This stanza talks about the underworld welcoming people. In other words the stanza talks about the point in one's life when they experience death.

In the "Bells" poem, what is the mood and tone of each section?

Stanza I- Tone and mood of the first stanza is very light-hearted and welcoming. The silver bells signify happiness and joy so the entire stanza is very child-like. Stanza II- The tone of this stanza is joyful and the mood is a happy time during life, like a wedding. Stanza III- The tone and mood now conveys danger, suspenseful, disastrous, panic and despair. The copper bells were not as melodic as the previous bells were. Stanza IV- The tone of stanza 4 is evil. The mood of this stanza is dark and underworld like. It is also very deadly.

What is The Raven about?

Tells the story of a poet longing for his last love

What was the first detective story Poe published?

The Murders in the Rue Morgue

What was Poe's nickname? Why?

The Tomahawk Man because of his brutal reviews and criticism


The author's attitude toward the writing (his characters, the situation) and the readers. A work of writing can have more than one tone. An example of tone could be both serious and humorous. Tone is set by word choice and dialogue.

In the "Bells" poem, in section I, the silver bells of sleighs create such "a world of merriment" that even the stars seem to be "keeping time." How are the stars, which are of course soundless, linked to the sound of the bells through the rhymes?

The bells tinkle and the stars twinkle at the same time. These two words both rhyme.

What was Poe projecting ahead to? Why?

The death of his loved one

What is the setting of "The Raven"? Include month and weather.

The month was December, the time was midnight and the weather was cold since it is winter. Explain the conflict in "The Raven." Character vs. self & character vs. character.

In the "Tell-Tale Heart," The narrator says that a disease has sharpened his/her senses, especially his/her sense of hearing. What does he/she hear that a person with "normal" hearing would not? What type of "disease" might cause a person to hear such a thing?

The narrator is able to the hear the beating of the old man's heart. Only mental illness could cause the narrator to hear the beating of the old man's dead heart.

In the Raven, what does the narrator ask the Raven?

The narrator wants to know if he can ever be with Lenore again so he asks the Raven. His greatest fear is that he will never see Virginia again.

In the Raven, is there any indication that the narrator may have dreamt the entire episode?

The narrator was reading stories and suddenly hears tapping. This could either be happening or for him dreaming. He was nearly napping.

Rhyme Scheme

The pattern of rhymes at the end of each line of a poem or song. It is usually referred to by using letters to indicate which lines rhyme; lines designated with the same letter all rhyme with each other.


The struggling between opposing forces. Types of conflict- •character vs character •character vs nature •character vs society •character vs destiny/fate •character vs self

In the "Tell-Tale Heart," Although the narrator has convinced himself/herself that he/she can calmly visit with the police officers without revealing anything, he/she becomes pale and achy and hears a ringing in his/her ears. What do you believe these symptoms indicate? Explain your answer.

The symptoms could accompany fear or guilt.

In the "Tell-Tale Heart," When describing the way he/she dismembered and hid the old man's body, the narrator refers to his/her actions as "wise." Do you think the narrator used the word wise appropriately? What words would you use to describe the narrator's actions?

The word wise suggest good judgment, which the narrator does not possess. More appropriate words include devious, deceptive, deranged, and sneaky.

Describe Mr. John Allan relationship with Edgar?

They did not like each other

What happened to the children of Mrs. Poe when she died?

They went to foster parents

In the "Tell-Tale Heart," The narrator claims that his/her reason for murdering the old man was that the man's eye haunted him. What does the fact that the narrator wakes up every night at midnight with internal terror suggest about the cause of his torment?

This fact suggest the narrator is mentally disturbed even when he is unable to see the eye.

In the "Bells" poem, explain below how writer's tools (onomatopoeia, assonance, personification, and alliteration) heighten the effectiveness of the lines in which they occur.

When using writing tools, it helps increase the poem's ability to tell a story (add emphasis) and it also give it a more rhythmic way of both reading and reciting the poem, a key element in a poem.


quaint - attractively unusual or old-fashioned bleak - charmless, inhospitable obeisance - a gesture expressing respect, such as a bow or curtsy countenance - a person's facial features placid - not easily upset, calm, peaceful ominous - an impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen tempest - a violently windy storm lore - a body of traditions held by a particular group implore- beg someone to do something beguiling - to charm or enchant discourse - a written or spoken communication or debate dirges - a passionate expression of grief for the dead, a mournful song censer - a container in which an incense (substance) is burned undaunted - not discouraged by difficulty or disappointment chamber - a private room like a bedroom token - a tangible object representing something such as a fact, quality, or feeling decorum - behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety relevancy - something relating to the subject in an appropriate way melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness nepenthe - a potion used by ancients to induce forgetfulness of pain or sorrow, something capable of causing oblivion of grief or suffering, the drug of forgetfulness balm - a fragrant ointment or preparation used to heal or soothe the skin entreating- to ask for or request earnestly mein- a person's look or manner quaff- to drink heartedly plume- feather from a bird surcease- comfort or relief

In "Annabel Lee," The speaker states that his and Annabel's love is stronger than what two groups of people? Write the number of the two lines that support this statement or write the lines.

wiser and older, lines 28 and 29

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