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Which of the following are consequences of the current increase in media monopolies?

- Individuals expressing less popular viewpoints may find it difficult to get media exposure. - A smaller number of companies control the media's agenda setting power.

Studies have shown that voters with higher income levels and higher levels of education wield more influence over policy makers. What are some of the reasons this is the case?

- They are more likely to contribute money to campaigns -They vote at higher rates

Articles of Confederation

- limited the powers of the national government, allowed states t retain sovereignty

Which of the following are the three fundamental problems of democracy that political parties solve?

- mobilizing voters - regulating the number of people seeking office - accomplishing legislative goals

Conflict over the direction, identity, and resources of an organization is -. The ability to influence that process is -.

- politics- power

Choose all of the functions that the media serve in democratic politics.

- watch the government and politicians for any wrongdoing on their part - inform the public about current political issues - provide a forum for politicians to debate policies

Place in chronological order

-Annapolis convention -shays's rebellion -constitutional convention

Which statement best characterizes the partisan differences in public opinion?

-Democrat and Republican voters strongly disagree on almost all issues.

Which steps has the government taken to reduce the burden of unfunded mandates?

-The Congressional Budget Office must assess the cost of any particularly expensive unfunded mandates.-Congress is required to find funding for unfunded mandates that exceed the maximum amount set by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.

Which of the following statements on the balance between state and federal power today are accurate?

-The Supreme Court often must intervene to resolve balance-of-power issues between the states and the federal government.-Conservatives are willing to increase federal power, just as liberals are willing to expand state autonomy

How did the Great Depression influence the power of the federal government?

-The federal government took a more active role than before in providing economic security for Americans.-Federal grants-in-aid became a powerful tool to redirect state governments' policy.

Study the graph below, which presents the occurrences of Civil Rights demonstrations. Which of the following statements are supported by the graph?

-The formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in 1960 led to a wave of new protests. -The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed many concerns related to public accommodations.

A strong federal government, and its influence over policy, offers some benefits that devolution to the states might not. Which of the following are potential benefits of federal control?

-The national interest sometimes overrides the local needs of the states. -Competition between different state and local governments to attract businesses to their communities can undermine other policy goals.

Why did the Federal Communications Commission stop enforcing the fairness doctrine?

-There are so many radio and TV stations that different viewpoints are already being presented.

Which of the following set groups such as 527s and 501(c)(4)s apart from more traditional campaign finance groups such as political action committees?

-These groups are not subject to the spending limits of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act -These groups cannot coordinate directly with campaigns

In the early 1800s, during the era of dual federalism, which statements accurately describe the relationship between the powers of federal and state governments?

-Very little overlap existed between the powers of the federal and state governments.-State and local governments made most of the laws that impacted daily life.

The ability of people to choose their leaders in free and fair elections is called -, while - refers to freedom from government control.

-democracy -liberty

Order these eras of federalism by when they first started, from earliest to most recent.

-dual -cooperative -new

Foreign policy, especially such issues as declaring war, is primarily conducted at the ____ level. The only level of government not mentioned in the Constitution is the ____ level.

-federal -local

categorical grants

-federal funds to states for a specific purpose -offer more power to the federal government

The trend in campaign finance law over time has been toward which of the following?

-fewer restrictions of campaign donations

Maria is deciding whether to vote to re-elect a sitting president or to vote for the other party's challenger. She decides to engage in retrospective voting. As a retrospective voter, she might consider which of the following?

-how the economy did during the president's previous term in office

block grants

-offer more power to states -federal funds to states for a general policy purpose -offer more flexibility

When is party identification most likely to influence a person's vote choice?

-when that person is voting on state legislative candidates -when that person knows little about the candidates -when that person is unfamiliar with the issues

Which of the following are reasons that policy change may shape public opinion?

1. A policy might act as a signal of an ethical or moral view. 2. The policy may expose the public to a new idea .3. The policy may give the public new information.

Order the political candidates on their likelihood of attracting campaign donations from interest groups from most likely to least likely. Starting with the first item in the sequence.

1. Incumbent members of majority party 2. Incumbent member of minority party 3. Challenger candidate from majority party 4. Challenger candidate from minority party

Which of the following accurately describe the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

1. The protection of property was one of the delegates' primary goals 2. The convention was primarily organized by merchants and large planters. 3. the delegates influenced by the work of political theorists

Which of the following are mechanisms found in the Constitution that limit the national government's power?

1. checks and balances 2. Bill of Rights

What powers did the Constitution grant to the judicial branch and the Supreme Court?

1. lifetime appointments 2. power to resolve conflicts between state and federal laws

What were some of the major points of disagreements during the ratification of the Constitution?

1. limits on the power of government2. how much representation the people should have in the government3. how to prevent tyranny

Which amendment to the Constitution is most frequently cited to bolster arguments in favor of states' rights?


Which amendment provides the most substantial grounding for modern civil rights legislation?


Put these major moments from civil rights history in order from earliest to most recent.

14 amendment is ratified Plessy v. Ferguson is decided by the Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education is decided by the Supreme Court The voting rights act is passed

unitary system

A central government makes the most important decisions.

federal system

A central government shares power with lower levels of government.

Which form of journalism is most closely related to government transparency?

Adversarial journalism

How did the Civil War and Reconstruction affect the rights of blacks in the United States?

After the Civil War, three amendments to the Constitution (expanded) civil rights for African Americans. One Reconstruction ended, however, (Jim Crow laws) severely restricted the rights of African Americans, with (southern) states taking the lead in segregating many public facilities

When the media does not report on a particular idea, which form of influence are they exercising?

Agenda setting

Order the political candidates on their likelihood of attracting campaign donations from interest groups from most likely to least likely.

Ballot Initiatives: Allow citizens to place proposed laws directly on ballot Referenda: State legislatures refers laws to voters for popular vote; present in 50 states

Match the U.S. Supreme Court case to the effect it had on campaign spending.removed limits on individuals' campaign contributions introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations

Buckley v. Valeo- introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech Citizens United v. FEC (2010)- government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations McCutcheon et al. v. FEC (2014)-removed limits on individuals' campaign contributions

Which of the following is correct regarding the effect of the marketplace of ideas on opinion formation?

Competing forces try to persuade as many people as possible, and few people resist modification of their beliefs

How did the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation?

Constitution - Only the national government can coin money, it created an executive branch of government Articles of Confederation - the national legislature was a unicameral body The national government depends upon the states to collect taxes

Which of the following statements about Americans' use of social media as a news source are true?

Correct answers - There are multiple social media sources that individuals can use to get news Incorrect answers -Politicians use Twitter to reach the greatest number of Americans .-The majority of Americans get their news from social media outlets.

Which of the following media forms is the Federal Communications Commission able to regulate content on

Correct answers -FM radio -AM radio -television stations Incorrect answers -the Internet -satellite radio

Which statements are correct regarding political knowledge?

Correct answers -Most voters are relatively informed about an issue that matters to them -Most voters are generally poorly informed about politics. incorrect answers -Most voters are generally poorly informed about an issue that matters to them -Most voters are relatively informed about politics.

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the effect of party polarization on public opinion?

Correct answers -Party polarization decreases the impact of other information on public opinion. -Party endorsements have a larger impact on opinion formation than it used to. Incorrect answers -People tend to ignore the parties more now than they used to, since they are so extreme. -The political parties are now sending inconsistent policy cues more than they used to.

How has the media landscape changed as the FCC's regulatory powers changed in the past several decades?

Correct answers -Restrictions on media ownership have been relaxed. Incorrect answers -Broadcast TV stations are allowed to air explicit sexual content. -Media outlets no longer need to maintain the equal time provision. -The FCC is only allowed to regulate wireless communication companies now.

Match the following issues to the party in government whose leaders emphasize them.

Democrats: expanding social services spending increased regulation of business Republicans: maintaining high levels of military spending tax incentives for businesses

Ballot initiatives and referenda in the United States are examples of what kind of democracy?


California's citizens vote to recall their governor and a state constitution is amended following referendum A state constitution is amended following a referendum.

Direct democracy

In 2016, - won the electoral college. In that same election, - won the popular vote.

Donald Trump Hillary Clinton

Match each political value to its definition. democracy equality of opportunity liberty

Every citizen should have the opportunity to take part in the government process.- democracy Government interference in individuals' lives should be kept to a minimum.- liberty All individuals should be allowed to seek personal and material success.- equality of opportunity

Which of the following are attributes of executive agreements, and which are attributes of treaties

Executive Agreement- do not require any Senate action, most commonly used on minor matters, can be overturned by executive action alone Treaty- can only be overturned by presidential and Senate action, require two-thirds vote of approval by the Senate

The - Amendment's - is primarily concerned with Congress sponsoring or favoring a specific religion, whereas the - has to do with Congress prohibiting or interfering with the practice of religion.

First establishment clause free exercise clause

The right to privacy was formally established in which case?

Griswold v. Connecticut

Which of the following statements is correct?

Highly knowledgeable citizens tend to maintain beliefs most consistent with their interests.

Virginia Plan

House of Representatives, representation based on population

How is a chair chosen for each of the committees in Congress?

House:encourages specialization gives leadership control over process organized body Senate:deliberative body

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the stability of party identification?

Individuals rarely change their party identification. Looking at the electorate as a whole, party identification is stable.

Choose all of the following that are true about internal mobilization.

It is one of the ways a political party forms. It is driven by government officials. This is how the first parties in the United States formed.


It is possible to estimate the country's opinion based on a rather small sample of people.

Which of the following statements accurately describe how lobbyists interact with Congress?

Lobbyists provide information to busy members of Congress.Lobbyists can often have direct input into the exact language that appears in legislat

unitary system

Lower levels primarily implement central government decisions

How are the various successful constitutional amendments similar?

Many tend to be concerned with the structure of the government.

How do parties influence the committee system?

Membership depends on the percentage of seats held by the party transfer from one committee to another requires party authorization

Within each demographic group (gender, age, race, and income) in the following chart, identify which members of the group tend to have the greatest proportion of support for the Republican Party.

Men 60-64 White >676k

The state that had the lowest black participation before the VRA was -, while after the VRA it was -. Overall, after the VRA, - had the lowest gap between white and black voting rates.

Mississippi Norh Carolina Georgia

Which of the following statements about Americans' ideology is correct?

More Americans today identify themselves as "conservatives" than "liberals."

The state with the highest turnout in presidential primaries is usually -.The state with the highest turnout in presidential caucuses is usually -.

New Hampshire Iowa

The (Virginia Plan) pushed for representation based on population, whereas the (New Jersey Plan) called for equal representation for all states. The Great Compromise, proposed by (Connecticut) split the difference between the two and saved the Constitutional Convention from dissolving.

New Jersey Plan - equal representation for each state; The Senate Virginia Plan - representation based on population; House of Representatives

Which statements correctly reflect the characteristics of traditional and online media?

Online media have a higher potential for misinformation than traditional media.Traditional media are often forced to account for online media reports in their own stories.

Which of the following characteristics belong to PACs and which to Super PACs?

PACs -can contribute up to $5,000 to a federal candidate for office Super PACs cannot contribute directly to candidates Correct label:may raise unlimited sums from corporations, unions, and individuals

What is the best definition of "digital citizenship?"

Participation in society through the Internet

Which of the following statements about the nature of party unity in voting are accurate?

Party unity is generally based on members sharing ideological preferences party unity has been higher in the twenty-first century than it was in 1970s and 1980s

Identify whether income group influences the form of political participation. Attending a protest or march signing a petition contacting a member of congress attending a city council meeting

People of all incomes participate at about the same rate - attending a protest or march higher earners participate more - signing a petition, - contacting members of congress - attending a city council meeting

How is power distributed in the U.S. federal system?

Powers are divided between the national and state governments

Place the following affirmative action policy changes in order.

President Johnson promotes the minority employment among the federal civil service The federal government makes affirmative action a prominent goal The Supreme Court subjects Affirmative action policies to strict scrutiny

Rank the following elections by voter turnout levels, from highest participation rate to lowest.

Presidential elections midterm elections state and local elections

Label the following examples of an interest group benefit with the type of benefit it represents.

Purposive: An individual draws pride from having contributed to an interest group's introduction of a particular piece of legislation Material: An interest-group member receives a free T-shirt for joining. An interest-group member receives discounts from local businesses related to the interest group. Solidary: An individual joins an environmental protection organization to meet and network with other local environmentalists.

Which level of scrutiny makes it easiest for the government to discriminate against a subset of citizens?

Rational basis test

A major bill that many legislators campaigned on passes Congress Congress votes to impeach an unpopular president A major bill supported by the majority of citizens passes a state legislature

Representative democracy

Match the ideology with the party.

Republican: conservative Democrat:liberal

Latinos have a complex relationship with the two main political parties. Match the predominant voting habits and policy beliefs of most Latino voters to the appropriate party.

Republicans- social issues, such as views on abortion Democrats- position on immigration reform, party affiliation

Republicans Democrats

Republicans: -religious and social conservatives -business owners Democrats: -racial minorities -organized labor

Place in chronological order

Stamp act; Boston Tea Party; Declaration of Independence Articles of confederation adopted constitution adopted

How does the "wall of separation" apply to the establishment clause?

The "wall of separation" refers to the dissociation between church and state.

How have the following Supreme Court decisions influenced how affirmative action policies are evaluated?

The Court ruled that quotas for minority students were unconstitutional.Correct label:Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) The Court ruled that specific points given to minority students too closely resembled a quota.Correct label:Gratz v. Bollinger (2003) The Court ruled that some intrusion on equal protection was warranted by the importance of creating a diverse student body.Correct label:Fisher v. University of Texas (2016)

How does the Fourth Amendment protect citizens from the government?

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by making illegally obtained evidence inadmissible in court.

Place these legal standards in order from the toughest to the most permissive.

The President's Commission on Civil Rights suggested that Congress try to pass civil rights legislation - Congress made it illegal for southern states to force African Americans to use separate public facilities - NAACP lawyers won several important court cases

How did Dred Scott v. Sanford influence civil rights in the United States?

The decision denied civil rights to all blacks

Put these major moments in the history of American political parties in order from earliest to latest.

The federalists the democrats the republican the new deal

How has the power of the federal government developed over time?

The power of the federal government has increased

New Jersey Plan

The senate, equal representation

Put the items related to the evolution of privacy rights in order from oldest to most recent.

The supreme court ruled in favor of marital privacy in contraceptive use The supreme court expanded the right to privacy with regard to abortions The supreme court ruled that gays have a right to privacy

Imagine that you have been arrested for a speech criticizing the government. In which years and at which levels of government would this be an unconstitutional violation of your civil liberties?

The year is 1986, and you were arrested by the federal government.The year is 1886, and you were arrested by the federal government.The year is 1986, and you were arrested by the state government.

What is the key feature that makes American political parties different from interest groups?

They try to control the government by winning elections.

federal system

This system tends to occur in states with diverse ethnic or language groupings.

What congressional action did the Supreme Court use as their foundation for opposing sexual harassment?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Few attempts to amend the Constitution have been successful.


What is true regarding socialization, the attitudes about political issues, and underlying political values?

Underlying values are formed through political socialization. Underlying values tend to shape specific attitudes

Consider the graph of survey data below, and answer the following question.Based on the graph, which of the following statements about public opinion is correct?

When public opinion changes, it tend to move slowly

In the "receive-accept-sample" model of public opinion, what happens when you hear a media report that goes against your beliefs about tax cuts?

You receive the message, but do not accept it.

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

Match each of the following amendments to its specific goals.

abolished slavery Correct label:Thirteenth guaranteed voting rights for black men Correct label:Fifteenth guaranteed equal protection of the laws Correct fourteenth

Allowing citizens to vote directly on things like legalization of marijuana or changing the minimum wage are examples of -. These have a tendency to - turnout.

ballot initiatives, increase

In the context of understanding public opinion, which of the following is the best definition of values?

basic principles that shape a person's opinions about issues and events


believed that direct democracy was problematic


believed that most governments became "arstocratic" wanted to limit the power of the national govt preferred small republics of existing states

federal and state


Since America's Founding, candidates for president have been nominated using a variety of methods. Put the following nomination methods in order from earliest in American history to the most recent.

congressional "King Caucus" delegates chosen by state party leaders delegates chosen by primaries and caucuses

Which of the following statements about Congress's oversight capacity is accurate?

congressional committees may investigate a program and choose to change or eliminate it

power of the federal courts

courts can only offer limited forms of relief judges must wait for cases to come to them courts lack enforcement powers

14th Amendment

defines citizenship and applied due process to the states

Recent research and opinion polls suggest that women tend to offer greater support to candidates from the - Party. Surveys suggest that women voters tend to support war - than male voters, and - stronger action from the government on social programs.

democratic, less, favor

In the 1960s, the federal government proposed - programs, but in the 1970s the government proposed - programs.


This kind of voting allows people to cast their votes at their regular polling places or by mail before the election

early voting

Match each example of a specific interest group to the correct category of interest groups.

economic and corporate groups Independent Petroleum Association of America citizen groups Natural Resources Defense Council public-sector groups National League of Cities professional associations American Bar Association labor groups AFL-CIO

Why can it be difficult to find quality candidates to run for office?

even running for a lower office requires raising large sums of money. party leaders are rarely willing to offer monetary support unless a candidate can raise some funds on his or her own. Candidates expect to have their lives scrutinized during a campaign.

which of the following is best supported by the figure below?

even unpopular candidates win the vast majority of their own party's voters.


expressed implied

What is the most effective way to boost voter mobilization?

face-to-face interaction with a canvasser

The Democrats and Republicans have grown more similar in terms of their policy positions over the last fifty years.


The United States uses a proportional representation system.


The government can easily and substantially influence public opinion.


Turnout rate is higher today than it used to be in the 1800s.


Which of the following is an example of an outsider strategy?

grassroots mobilization

How did each of the following contribute to the expansion of civil rights in the United States?

guaranteed equal protection under the law Correct label:Fourteenth Amendment outlawed job discrimination based on gender and race Correct label:Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended the era of "separate but equal" schools Correct label:Brown v. Board of Education allowed the government to initiate legal action in cases of housing discrimination Correct label:Fair Housing Act

Media monopolies often make it ___ for opponents of the status quo to get much ___ media coverage.

harder national

To prevent having multiple candidates from the same party confusing voters in a general election, political parties take which of the following actions?

hold nomination elections

Which of the following are external sources of influence on congressional policies?

interest group coalitions constituency concerns

Choose all of the following that can influence individuals who are trying to form opinions about a particular policy issue.

interest groups the media the government

Sort the following activities into whether they are more characteristic of interest groups or of political parties.

interest groups: more limited in scope try to influence the government through activities such as lobbying. Political Parties: run candidates in elections more responsive to the public at large

How did the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Nixon (1974) affect the office of the president?

it affirmed the power of executive privilege, but with limits

Which of the following represent the things that most interest-group organizational structures have in common?

leadership, money and members

match each type of media source to its relevant characteristics

least popular source for news today oldest form of media -newspapers and magazines the most open to new participants such as citizen journalists -digital media features the most interaction between audience and the press -digital media broadest reach of all news sources -broadcast media

Pollsters are using online surveys, which are - costly and - time consuming than telephone surveys. However, online surveys are - likely to collect a random sample than telephone surveys.


citizen group to their likelihood of participating in digital citizenship are.. (less likely amd more likely)

less likely: elderly, african americans, latinosmore likely: whites, millenials

The Bill of Rights of the US Constitution primarily addressed which core American value?


Whereas ________ limits the role of government, _______ implies an obligation of the government to the people.

liberty ; equality

Match the type of campaign on the left with each campaign characteristic that describes it on the right

local campaign-grassroots campaign organizationally driven-grassroots campaign statewide campaign-mass media campaign money-intensive-mass media campaign

Internet access has a measurable effect on political participation. Identify those groups that have greater and lesser access to the Internet.

more access - more educated & higher incomeless access - less educated & lower income

Watch the animation, and then label the following activities as more likely to be done by those 65 or older or by those between the ages of 18 and 24.

more likely to be done by those 18 to 24 years old: attended a political meeting or rally more likely to be done by those 65 or older: voting talk about voting donating money

The first spouse's role in the government has changed over time. Which of the following statements accurately describe the role they play today?

most first spouses adopt a policy area to focus on they often serve the head of state function of the presidency

Match the following states to their "battleground" status in presidential elections.

nonbattleground: California, New York, and Texas Battleground: Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania

Which of the following statements about social media use are accurate?

older Americans are much less likely than younger Americans to engage with politics on social media Women are more active than men in sending political messages on social media

Democrats tend to --- voter ID requirements. Republicans tend to --- them.

oppose, favor

In campaign fundraising, "soft money" refers to money that is given directly to a political -, which - regulated by federal spending laws

party is not

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the media and public opinion?

political opinion can be manipulated by political elites people may support policies against their own self interest

Match the frequency of the election cycle to the corresponding election type.

presidential - 4 years congressional - 2 years

Winners of _____ elections go on to face each other in the _____ election.

primary, general

Match each of the following First Amendment concepts to its meaning

protection of public spaces traditionally used for assembly Correct label: public forum doctrine speech accompanied by actions such as protesting Correct label:speech plus government efforts to block the publication of material Correct label:prior restraint


protects against unreasonable searches and seizures


protects citizens by giving the right to receive counsel for defense of a crime


protects citizens from being tortured or excessively threatened


protects citizens from being tried twice for the same alleged crime (double jeopardy)

1st Amendment

protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press

Which of the following types of interest groups is most likely to be involved in protesting the expansion of oil pipelines in the United States?

public interest group

During the 1890s and 1930s, we saw a massive increase in the number of interest groups because of -.

rapid growth in the size of government



10th Amendment

reserves certain rights for the states or people

Government policy - to public opinion; public opinion - to government policy.

responds, responds

Most leaked confidential information comes from - government officials, who have - relationships with journalists.

senior long-term

The transfer of national - money to state and local organizations has led to - integration between state and national parties

soft more

Declaration of Independence

sought to develop a unified national identity emphasized importance of unalienable rights

Which of the following has caused an increase in the executive branch's delegated powers?

the expansion of the federal government's responsibilities and an inability for Congress to administer the program it creates

Match each example of political participation to whether it represents digital or traditional participation

traditional: has existed since the founding of the country includes voting digital: includes signing an online petition becoming more popular over time

In general, groups organized on behalf of businesses and industries have more lobbyists and more financial resources than citizen groups.


National conventions no longer spend much time on debating the selection of the presidential nominee for their party.


The __ has grown the most as a percentage of the population since the 1900, while the __ has declined the most.

west; midwest

When is party identification most likely to influence a person's vote choice?

when that person is voting on state legislative candidates when that person is unfamiliar with the issues when that person knows little about the candidates

Put these groups in the order in which they received the right to vote from earliest to most recent.

white males with property black males women people aged 18-20

Which of the following elements do pollsters have to consider before conducting a poll that will forecast the election?

wording of survey questions ability to randomly select respondents a large sample

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