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Which of the following elections was described as critical and was responsible for a major realignment that brought Democrats to power?


Which of the following were ideas associated with Alexander Hamilton and his vision for the new nation?

A strong national government with broad authority A strong commercial force in the world

Which of the following is probably the biggest hurdle for a first-time candidate?

Accumulating a financial backing

Which of the following typified the American family's relationship to radio by the mid-1930s?

Almost every household in America owned a radio.

Contemporary partisan polarization is best described by which of the following?

An increasingly liberal Democratic Party and increasingly conservative Republican Party

Why did exit polls create an exciting new dynamic for election night reporting?

Because the media would know in advance which candidate was projected to win

The first American newspapers were circulated in which city?


How do congressional members from safe seats often assist candidates in more competitive races?

By making donations to leadership PACs

In which of the following ways does the national party organization most assist local party organizations in their work?

By providing information gleaned from new technologies

An independent candidate is generally excluded from voting in which type of primary?

Closed Primary

Which of the following are reasons why parties sometimes rise or fall?

Competition Internal struggles among factions Failure to adapt policies or positions to changing times

Campaigns and political parties have utilized the Internet and social media for which of the following initiatives?

Connecting with supporters Fundraising Organizing party activities

Historically, which of the following were included in intercolonial articles?

Crime stories Official proclamations Political speeches

How does the coverage of the national media impact people's perceptions of Congress?

Cynical coverage tends to trivialize congressional policy and accomplishments.

The first mass political party was created by Andrew Jackson and was known as the


Around what issue did the Green Party arise?

Environmental reform

Surveys of voters taken when they leave the polling place, which are then used to project the election winner, are known as_______ polls.


As demonstrated in the 2020 election, paid advertising is the key to electoral success.


Studies show that the liberal leaning of journalists translates into bias against Republican and conservative candidates.


True or false: Local party organizations are stronger today than they were in the days of the political machines.


True or false: Parties were created because our Constitution said they must be.


Which two political parties were competitive during the first party system?

Federalists Democratic-Republicans

What was George Washington's view of the press?

He fumed at partisan papers for harsh treatment.

Which of the following are examples of mass media trends that shape the messages we receive about the government?

Highly concentrated private ownership of media Expansion of entertainment content Adversarial style of journalism

Why did Richard Nixon "lose" the 1960 presidential debates?

His campaign did not prepare for the visual aspects of the event.

Which type of third party is organized around distinct principles that often run counter to position of most voters?

Ideological parties

What obstacles often prevent the persistence of third parties and their candidates?

Impediments to getting on the ballot Problems with raising enough funds Difficulties with organizing supporters

Precincts, and their leaders, perform which of the following vital functions for voters?

Inform of registration deadlines Educate about local issues Transport voters to polling places

Precincts, and their leaders, perform which of the following vital functions for voters?

Inform of registration deadlines Transport voters to polling places Educate about local issues

The emergence of exit polls did which of the following?

It discouraged people from voting.

What is the Supreme Court's attitude on media coverage?

It does not allow any access to any media outlet.

What is the result of having access to cable or satellite television?

It enables viewers to entertain their specific and narrow interests.

Which of the following did the FCC do when it announced new rules in June 2003?

It encouraged greater concentration of media ownership.

What effect did increased advertising have on newspapers?

It freed them from financial dependence on government contracts and political parties.

Scholars have made which of the following observations about media culture in America? (Choose every correct answer.)

It is increasingly fragmented. It is prone to emphasize the negative of our political system. It is steeped in cynicism.

Which statement accurately depicts media coverage of members of Congress?

It is very difficult to pay much attention to them because of their massive numbers.

What was the impact of the flourishing of newspapers on the eve of the American Revolution?

It threatened the deferential politics that had flourished in colonial American society.

Why was the establishment of the Jacksonian Democratic Party so significant?

It was the first time average people were mobilized into a mass-based political party.

Which of the following presidents had personal matters that the media kept private and chose not to report?

John Kennedy Franklin Roosevelt

Which one of the following notable publishers practiced yellow journalism?

Joseph Pulitzer

Which of the following have resulted from the increase in super PACs in the political arena?

Less political transparency An increase in private money in campaigns

Journalists who work for large newspapers and television networks are more likely to identify themselves with which ideology?


Which of the following best defines third parties?

Minor parties that run a slate of their own candidates in opposition to the major-party organization

The majority of bloggers have which background?

Most are citizens who blog as a forum for sharing their political opinions.

Which of the following are advantages of incumbents?

Name recognition Free publicity

Which of the following refers to the propensity of some voters to be motivated simply by opposition to their preferred party choice, regardless of either party's ideology or standing on issues?

Negative partisanship

Today, print media enjoy relative protection from libel suits as a result of which Supreme Court decision?

New York Times v. Sullivan

Which of the following resulted from the technological advances in newspaper publications in the 1830s?

Newspaper advertising generated a lot of revenue. Newspapers no longer depended on government financial support. Newspapers were freed from government contracts and political parties.

Which of the following best characterizes the way politics was communicated in the earliest days of the United States?


Which of the following can political parties do, given their nature in the United States?

Organize voting majorities Identify potential candidates Campaign for candidates

Which of the following is true of political party organization in the United States?

Party organizations have multiple levels that each focus on electing candidates for the offices at their level.

Which of the following statements about partisan polarization is true?

Periodic polarization is not a new phenomenon.

Which of the following are accepted explanations for the rise of media investigation into the personal lives of candidates and officials?

Political corruption such as Watergate Inclusion of women in the press corps Supreme Court decisions decreasing media liability for libel The rise of television news

In a proportional representation system, which of the following is most likely true?

Political parties win a number of seats in the legislature equal to the percent of the vote each party receives.

What is narrowcasting?

Programming directed to a small, specific segment of the population

Which of the following best explains the immediate success of the radio?

Radio provided an immediacy that newspapers could not match.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three possible fates generally faced by third parties?

Realigning the political system due to their electoral success

What are some of the roles of the state party committees?

Recruit candidates Fund campaigns Get out the vote

Which of the following are one of the major categories of third parties?

Single issue or candidate parties Splinter parties Ideological parties

Third parties formed to promote a stance on a particular concern that is not being addressed by a major-party candidate are known as which of the following?

Single issue parties

Which of the following are examples of ideological parties?

Socialists Libertarians

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 banned parties from spending and raising_______ money but increased contribution limits on_______ money.

Soft Hard

Beginning with Richard Nixon's campaign in 1968, Republicans employed a campaign strategy known as the_______ _______ that appealed to social conservatives.

Southern Strategy

Which of the following voting blocs is most notable in its migration to the Republican Party since the 1960s?

Southern whites

Which of the following is made up of members of smaller units of government like municipalities and legislative districts?

State parties

When employing game coverage, the media pay most attention to which of the following?

Strategy and tactics

Advertising in political campaigns includes which of the following media?

Television commercials Radio advertisements Direct mail

Which of the following occurred as the result of the Watergate scandal?

The American public became inundated with negative news. Major networks invested in building investigative units.

Which of the following most contributed to the development of the partisan press?

The granting of lucrative contacts to newspapers to print government documents

Which statement best describes Supreme Court decisions?

The language is very technical and difficult to summarize.

Joseph Cappella and Katherine Hall Jamieson made which of the following comments on the modern media culture?

The media are prone to emphasize negative aspects of our political system.

How does the relationship with the media benefit government officials?

The media provide a public forum to persuade people to support their policies.

How has media coverage of candidates' personal lives changed over the years?

The media's probing of candidates' personal lives has increased.

Which of the following is true about news consumption in America today? (Choose every correct answer.)

The millennial generation spends less time following news on a daily basis. There has been a decline in network news viewership. Newspaper readership has declined.

Which of the following inventions revolutionized newspaper journalism in the early 1800s?

The telegraph The rotary press

Political campaigns want the media to focus on which aspect of elections?

Their policy positions and priorities.

Which of the following is true of candidates who are "testing the waters" trying to decide whether or not to run for office?

They are acting on their own without the full backing of major political party.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the major media outlets in the United States?

They are owned by private individuals.

Which of the following best describes John Adams's and Thomas Jefferson's views of having newspapers once the U.S. Constitution was ratified?

They believed that newspapers should promote their viewpoints and articulate their positions on political matters.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between the media and political candidates?

They need each other to achieve their ends.

Which of the following are true of third parties in American political life?

They usually arise in periods of great change or crisis. They tend to attract many who have not previously voted. They are attractive to those who don't perceive a genuine difference between the two major parties.

Negative partisanship contributes to an environment in which members of opposing parties cannot even agree on the basic facts.


The Republican Party began as a splinter party. True false question.


True or false: A president's success often depends on the interpretations placed on events by the media.


True or false: Audiences that listened to the 1960 presidential debate on the radio believed that Nixon won, while those who watched it on TV saw Kennedy as the clear winner.


True or false: Because of the limited number of frequencies available for broadcast, the U.S. government has declared the airwaves public property and therefore subject to federal regulation.


True or false: Following the Supreme Court's rulings in Citizens United v. FEC, SpeechNow v. FEC, and McCutcheon v. FEC, super PACs began funneling unlimited amounts of money into independent campaign activities and bypassing candidate committees, political parties, and traditional PACs.


True or false: National party organizations can contribute more to individual Senate candidates than to House candidates.


True or false: Political parties have played a vital role in the expansion of the voting franchise to new voters.


True or false: The manner in which elections are conducted directly relates to the amount of viable political parties in a political system.


Among which groups of voters have Republicans seen significant increases in electoral support from since the 1970s?

White Catholics Upper-income professionals Blue-collar workers

Which president was the first to conduct regular press conferences?

Woodrow Wilson

The form of journalism that adopts a hostile position toward government, politics, and political figures is known as ______ journalism.


The private lives and personal failures of candidates are all fair game in

adversarial reporting. "gotcha journalism."

In the modern era, ______ have taken a much more active role in running campaigns, although parties remain a major electoral force.


In today's political arena, candidates

carry a substantial burden of campaigning on themselves.

Today, the networks' evening news broadcasts feature a greater emphasis on

celebrities. human-interest stories.

A state that prevents members of one political party from voting for another party's nominees has which type of primary?


The equal time rule promotes ______ in political broadcasting.


In 1949, the FCC issued the controversial_______ doctrine, designed to ensure that broadcasters presented all points of view on news events and public issues.


True or false: Journalists are representative of the general public.


Higher-level officeholders are often eager to help local party organizations because of their importance in Multiple choice question.

getting out the vote.

A campaign will "stroke" the members of the media by

granting them an exclusive interview.

The term ______ money refers to donations received by candidates or parties that can be used for any electoral activity.


Factional or splinter parties are third parties that

have broken off from one of the two dominant parties.

The favorite game reference in political coverage is the

horse race.

The changes that the media have undergone over time have

impacted how the American people view their government. impacted how the government connects to its citizens.

In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that individuals, corporations, unions, trade associations, and nonprofit organizations may spend unlimited amounts of money advocating for candidates and causes as long as the expenditures are


Retail style politics would be most feasible in which type(s) of election?


Spin doctors are usually

members of the campaign press staff.

Current media trends and changes in them most directly influence the

messages Americans receive about their government.

Parties have begun experimenting with new technologies to both identify and ______ potential voters at the national and local levels.


Some media critics are concerned that media are

more interested in producing good consumers than good citizens.

In general, turnout for non-presidential elections is ______ in presidential election years.

much lower than

The idea behind the closed primary is that

only party members should chose who should lead them in the general election.

For much of America's history, campaigns were ______-centered, with candidates being groomed for office and rewarded for being "team players."


A shift in party allegiances or electoral support is known as a


As a result of infotainment, the media environment has contributed to a(n)

reduction in the number of people who follow the news. increase in those following media that conform to their beliefs.

When an incumbent faces only limited or token opposition, it is called a(n)______ seat.


Yellow journalism featured ______ stories.


A campaign's favorable interpretation of their campaign and unfavorable view of the opponent's activities is called


The primary focus for the state party officers and their staffs is

statewide elective offices such as governor.

Independent expenditure-only committees that are permitted to accept unlimited contributions and make unlimited expenditures to help elect or defeat federal candidates are referred to as_______ PACs.


Some third parties are absorbed by a major party that takes up their cause such as the ______ Party, which was absorbed by the Republican party following its success in the 2010 elections.


All of the following are splinter parties that broke off from one of the two major-party organizations, EXCEPT

the Tea Party.

Which one of the following forms of media has had the biggest role in making politics more participative?

the internet

When it comes to FCC regulation of the private ownership of media, the trend is toward

the lessening of government regulation.

Campaign advertisements on television are

the most expensive way to reach voters.

The amount of money that a candidate spends on mass media advertising depends on

the size of the media market.

The main role of political parties for candidates for office is to help

them gain power.

Political scientists argue that political parties today are more internally ______ and ideologically ______ than they have been in over a century.

unified; distinct

The increased desire of people to follow infotainment-type news has ______ the knowledge gap among citizens.


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