Poli Sci old test questions

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How many members are in the U.S. Senate? A. 100 B. 102 C. 350 D. 435 E. 535

A. 100

After the Brown decision, what was the status of the ability to regulate de jure and de facto segregation in public educational settings? A. De jure segregation was banned; de facto segregation was not B. De jure and de facto segregation were banned in secondary schools but not in elementary schools C. De jure and de facto segregation were banned D. De facto segregation was banned; de jure segregation was not E. De jure and de facto segregation were banned in elementary schools but not in secondary

A. De jure segregation was banned; de facto segregation was not

Prior to the Revolutionary War, British policies harmed the economic interest of which two large sectors of colonial society that previously supported British rule? A. Southern planters and New England merchants B. royalists and small farmers C. New England merchants and shopkeepers D. laborers and small farmers E. Southern planters and royalists

A. Southern planters and New England merchants

In reaction to English legislative attempts in 765 to extract tax revenue to pay for the troops that were being sent to defend the colonial frontier, protests erupted throughout the colonies against the infamous: A. Stamp Act B. Red Tape Act C. Pitt Act D. Coinage Act E. Westchester Act

A. Stamp Act

Why did the British gov impose taxes such as the Stamp Act specifically on the American colonies instead of in England only? A. The British gov spent large sums of money on defending the colonies and sought to recapture that revenue from the colonists B. Increased taxes were politically unpopular in England, so the gov chose to raise taxes on the colonists instead C. It was especially costly to mail to and from the colonies D. Money raised from the taxes was intended to be used to pacify revolutionary citizens in the colonies E. Influential groups supported the colonial taxes

A. The British gov spent large sums of money on defending the colonies and sought to recapture that revenue from the colonists

Which of the following standards is NOT part of the Lemon test? A. The action does not involve invoking the name of deity B. The actions does not entangle gov and religious institutions in one another's affairs C. The actions primary effect is not to advance religion D. The action must have a secular purpose E. The action's effect is not to inhibit religion

A. The action does not involve invoking the name of deity

The incorporation of the Bill of Rights into the 14th Amendment took place by: A. action of the U.S. Supreme Court gradually over time B. executive order of the president C. a single legislative action of Congress that was signed by the president D. a single major decision of the U.S. Supreme Court E. action of state governments gradually over time

A. action of the U.S. Supreme Court gradually over time

A policy that gave extra "points: toward law school admission for a minority student would exemplify which kind of program? A. affirmative action B. reparative undertakings C. supportive redistribution D. reparations E. quota systems

A. affirmative action

What was the ultimate goal of the radical participants in the Boston Tea Party? A. alienate the British gov from its colonial supporters B. close Boston harbor to British commerce C. rescind the Stamp Act D. rescind the Tea Act E. prevent the removal of the British garrison troops

A. alienate the British gov from its colonial supporters

The state legislature of GA, known as the Ga General Assembly, with its upper chamber (the GA Senate) and lower chamber ( the Ga House of Reps), is an institution that exemplifies the principle of: A. bicameralism B. bifurcated representation C. binary legislativism D. institutional dualism E. bilateralism

A. bicameralism

In the case of McCulloch v. Maryland, the main issue was whether or not Congress had the power to: A. charter a bank B. abolish slavery C. license public accommodations D. redeploy state militias E. tax state corporations

A. charter a bank

A rule allowing a 3/5s majority of U.S. senators to set a time limit on debate over a given bill is called: A. cloture B. preemption C. a closed rule D. a legislative veto E. duration power

A. cloture

What notion did the 1833 case Barron v. Baltimore confirm? A. dual citizenship B. the expansion of the 2nd Amendment to the states C. the right an attorney D. free speech E. the right to privacy

A. dual citizenship

In 2003, the Texas legislature redrew the Texas congressional district boundaries in a way that favored Republicans. This exemplifies the practice known as: A. gerrymandering B. pork-barreling C. casework D. the franking privilege E. filibustering

A. gerrymandering

Compared to the House of Reps, the Senate serves constituencies that are: A. larger and more diverse B. smaller and more diverse C. larger and more homogeneous D. smaller and more homogeneous E. older and wealthier

A. larger and more diverse

The result of the 1777 Continental Congress was a constitution concerned primarily with: A. limiting the powers of the central gov B. centralizing currency and monetary policy C. preventing domestic insurrection D. regulating trade among the colonies as well as imports and exports E. generating new tax revenues to hep pay for armed resistance

A. limiting the powers of the central gov

THe provision by the House Rules COmmittee that permits floor debate and the addition of amendments to a bill is a(n): A. open rule B. modifying rule C. developing rule D. closed rule E. motion to recommit

A. open rule

Who is the chief presiding officer in the US House of Reps? A. the speaker of the house B. the majority leader C. the minority leader D. the president pro tempore E. the House clerk

A. the speaker of the House

The agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention to adopt the proposal that gave each state an equal # of senators regardless of population, nut linked representation in the H of R to population, became known as the: A. Philadelphia Plan B. Great Compromise C. 2/5s Compromise D. Boston Plan E. Jefferson Compromise

B. Great Compromise

As a consequence of Brown v. Board of Education: A. discrimination in employment was also banned in addition to discrimination in schools B. Schools eventually allowed students to attend their neighborhood school regardless of race, although segregation continued due to racially segregated housing C. Schools quickly moved to comply with the ruling and integrate schools D. Northerners and Southerners moved to address de facto segregation in order to comply with the ruling E. discrimination in jury selection was also banned in addition to discrimination in schools

B. Schools eventually allowed students to attend their neighborhood school regardless of race, although segregation continued due to racially segregated housing

What is one way in which the founders made the Senate more distant from the will of the majority than the House? A. Senators have to be U.S. citizens longer than House members B. Senators have longer term than House members C. There are more senators than members of the HOuse D. Senators have shorter terms than members of the House E. Senators have higher salaries than members of the House

B. Senators have longer term than House members

The colonists organized and participated in the Boston Tea Party of 1773 as a response to: A. the withdrawal of military protection form commercial ships sailing to the Americas B. The Bristish granting the East India Company a monopoly in the export if tea from Britain C. atrocities by British garrison troops D. military seizure of tea and other agricultural goods in Boston harbor E. the unjustness of the Stamp Act

B. The Bristish granting the East India Company a monopoly in the export if tea from Britain

The proposal to alter the Articles of Confederation by providing for a system of representation in the national legislature based on the population of each state or the proportion of each state's revenue contribution, or both, was known as: A. New Jersey Plan B. Virginia Plan C. Massachusetts Plan D. Connecticut Plan E. Rousseau solution

B. Virginia Plan

the kind of rule in which the power of gov has only minimal legal limits but is effectively restrained by other social, religious, or economic institutions is called: A. autocratic B. authoritarian C. totalitarian D. constitutional E. democracy

B. authoritarian

What term describes governmental guarantees of equal entitlement to certain privileges? A. civil liberties B. civil rights C. civil actions D. civil disputes E. civil duties

B. civil rights

What is an example of a public good? A. home-grown vegetables given from one person to another B. clean air C. groceries sold at the grocery store D. garbage collection service E. shoes sold at the shoe store

B. clean air

A bill's supporters generally prefer that the Rules COmmittee decide to use a(n) ___ rule. A. open B. closed C. termination D. commencement E. previous question

B. closed

How often do voters elect members to the House of Reps? A. every year B. every 2 years C. every 4 years D. every 6 years E. members serve life terms

B. every 2 years

When evidence obtained from an illegal search of Dollree Mapp's house was thrown out by the U.S. Supreme Court as inadmissible evidence, it exemplified the: A. equal protection clause B. exclusionary rule C. illegal searches and seizures rule D. criminal rights standard E. "constable has blundered" policy

B. exclusionary rule

When Senator Strom Thurmond spoke for over 24 house in an attempt t block a piece of civil rights legislation, he used the: A. cloture notion B. filibuster C. blockade D. blowback method E. moonshine

B. filibuster

In order to protect federal judges from political influence from citizens and other branches, the framers: A. ruled that urges cannot run for reelection at the end of their terms B. granted federal judges lifetime appointments to their offices C. ordered that federal judges be selected in democratic elections D. prohibited Congress from impeaching federal judges E. prohibited the selection of federal judges that share the sitting president's party identification

B. granted federal judges lifetime appointments to their offices

Which form of speech is the most consistently protected? A. artistic B. political C. individual D. religious E. commercial

B. political

When the Supreme Court ruled that the gov could not block the publication of secret Defense Department documents in the NY TImes, it did so bc of the doctrine preventing: A. intrusive searches B. prior restraint C. fighting words D. libel E. slander

B. prior restraint

Which two clauses in the 1st Amendment deal with freedom of religion? A. the religious test clause and the wall of separation clause B. the free exercise clause and the establishment clause C. the freedom of consciences clause and the prohibition clause D. the freedom of consciences clause and the establishment clause E. the establishment clause and the prohibition clause

B. the free exercise clause and the establishment clause

Members of Congress owe their primary responsibility to: A. the president B. their constituency C. their political party D. the congressional leadership E. campaign donors

B. their constituency

The Supreme Court case that firmly defined interstate commerce was: A. Marbury v. Madison B. Hicklin v. Orbeck C. Gibbons v. Ogden D. City of Boerne v. Flores E. Printz v. United States

C. Gibbons v. Ogden

Which presidents advocated converting federal programs into block grants as a strategy labeled the "New Federalism"? A. Clinton and Obama B. Ford and Clinton C. Nixon and Reagan D. Eisenhower and Kennedy E. Carter and Clinton

C. Nixon and Reagan

It is possible that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia would never have taken place at all if not for a single event that occurred soon after the Annapolis Convention. This event was: A. the hanging in effigy of the tax man B. the Boston Massacre C. Shay's Rebellion D. the assassination of Elbridge Gerry, gov of Massachusetts E. the Boston Tea Party

C. Shay's Rebellion

Which is an example of a special Senate power? A. impeachment B. the pocket veto C. advise and content D. executive agreement E. declaring war

C. advise and consent

Representatives who believe that they have been elected in order to do the bidding of those who sent them to the legislature are considered to be serving as: A. trustees B. politicos C. delegates D. "fingers in the wind" E. bosses

C. delegates

As forbidden by the U.S. Constitution, a trial conducted more than once for the same crime is refereed to as: A. dual adjudication B. dual jeopardy C. double jeopardy D. double adjudication E. double booking

C. double jeopardy

Which clause in the Constitution extended civil rights to all persons? A. necessary and proper clause B. supremacy clause C. equal protection clause D. full faith and credit clause E. privileges and immunities clause

C. equal protection clause

What are the powers specifically granted to the president in the text of the Constitution called? A. manifest prose B. delegated powers C. expressed powers D. articulated authorities E. direct investitures

C. expressed powers

Limiting gov by dividing it into two levels, national and state, each with sufficient independence to compete with the other, is called: A. separation of powers B. checks and balances C. federalism D. representation E. nationalism

C. federalism

Powers derived from the necessary and proper clause of Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution are called: A. essential powers B. expressed powers C. implied powers D. appropriate powers E. surplus powers

C. implied powers

The president's inherent power to bring legislative agenda before Congress is know as the power of: A. legislative orders B. legislative agenda-setting C. legislative initiative D. executive privilege E. executive orders

C. legislative initiative

When a small group of landowners, military offers, or wealthy merchants controls most of the governing decisions, the gov is said to be a(n): A. meritocracy B. democracy C. oligarchy D. autocracy E. theocracy

C. oligarchy

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson because: A. the federal gov had no authority to enforce political or social equality B. a majority of the people had banded together to support overturning Plessy C. separate educational facilities are inherently unequal D. separate educational facilities did not deprive children of adequate educational opportunities E. Linda Brown was a child and no tests of the "separate but equal" doctrine had involved a minor

C. separate educational facilities are inherently unequal

How long is the term of office for a U.S. senator? A. two years B. four years C. six years D. eight years E. twenty years

C. six years

Under the Articles of Confederation, what power was Congress given? A. the power to regulate commerce B. the power to build a standing army C. the power to declare war D. the power to restrict slavery E. the power to levy taxes

C. the power to declare war

The issue of counting slaves for purposes of representation was settled by the: A. Franklin Proviso B. 7th Amendment C. Virginia Plan D. 3/5s Compromise E. great Compromise

D. 3/5s Compromise

How many members are in the U.S. House of Reps? A. 100 B. 350 C. 390 D. 435 E. 535

D. 435

In recent years, the rate of reelection for representatives seeking to return to service in the U.S. House of Reps has been about ___ percent. A. 355 B. 55% C. 75% D. 90% E. 100%

D. 90%

The American presidency was established by: A. Congress B. the Declaration of Independence C. Article I of the Articles of Confederation D. Article II of the Constitution E. Article III of the Constitution

D. Article II of the Constitution

Under the American Constitution, the part of elected gov designed to be directly responsible to the people was the: A. senate B. Electoral College C. bureaucracy D. House of Representatives E. judiciary

D. House of Representatives

Perhaps the most important factor determined who runs for Congress is: A. local party officials B. national party leaders C. incumbent politicians D. candidates' personal ambitions E. ballot access laws

D. candidates' personal ambitions

The presidential veto power over legislation, the power of the Senate to prove presidential appointments, and the the judicial review over acts of Congress and presidential actions are examples of the principle in the American political system of: A. separated institutions sharing powers B. federalism C. separation of powers D. checks and balances E. gridlock intervals

D. checks and balances

Which term defines the protection of citizens form improper governmental action? A. civic entitlements B. civil rights C. civic duties D. civil liberties E. civic equities

D. civil liberties

The purpose of the 10 amendments in the Bill of RIghts was basically to give each of the 3 branches of gov: A. increased flexibility B. broader and more explicit powers C. fewer opportunities to come into conflict with each other D. clearer and more restricted boundaries E. a broader grant of power

D. clearer and more restricted boundaries

The power to levy taxes is an example of a(n) ___ power A. police B. socialist C. exclusive D. concurrent E. reserved

D. concurrent

Which term decries a system of rule in which formal and effective limits are placed on the powers of gov? A. representative gov B. pluralism C. monarchy D. constitutional gov E. democracy

D. constitutional gov

A type of federalism existing since the New Deal era in which grants-in-aid have been used strategically to encourage states and localities (without commanding them) to pursue nationally defined goals is known as ___ federalism. A. welfare B. subsidy C. dual D. cooperative E. commercial

D. cooperative

Which of the following is NOT one of the president's expressed poets? A. receive ambassadors B. invoke executive privilege C. nominate federal judges D. declare war E. command the national military

D. declare war

A system of government in which fundamental governmental powers are shared between the fed era and state governments and in which that states exercise the most important powers is known as: A. separation of powers B. a duopoly C. a confederacy D. dual federalism E. marble cake federalism

D. dual federalism

Charles Beard's interpretation of the framing of the Constitution was primarily: A. philosophical B. ethical C. legal D. economic E. ontological

D. economic

Holding a political office for which one is running is called: A. rank B. tenure C. seniority D. incumbency E. ladder-clinging

D. incumbency

The clear intent of the framers of the Constitution was for: A. judicial dominance B. military dominance C. executive dominance D. legislative supremacy E. bureaucratic autonomy

D. legislative supremacy

Within the system of separated powers, the framers provided for supremacy by the" A. executive B. bureaucracy C. judiciary D. legislature E. Electoral College

D. legislature

In response to court-ordered desegregation, the states of the Deep South responded with a carefully planned tactic known as: A, the defiance initiative B. the Atlanta model C. the MacArthur Plan D. massive resistance E. the Beauregard Solution

D. massive resistance

The party conference or caucus is a: A. group of nonofficeholders who administer the day-today affairs of the national parties B. communications network in each house of Congress that polls the membership to learn their voting intentions C. party organ designed to promotes the election of flow party candidates D. meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates or leaders E. meeting of legislators held every 4 years to choose a presidential candidate

D. meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates or leaders

Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution is a section that prohibits a state from discriminating against someone from another state or giving special advantages to its own residents. This section is referred to as the ___ clause. A. interstate relations B. habeus corpus C. establishment D. privileges and immunities E. general welfare

D. privileges and immunities

A good that may be enjoyed by anyone, if provided, and that may not be denied to anyone once it has been provided is called a(n) A. private good B. universal good C. externality D. public good E. negative good

D. public good

The type of federalism that occurs when the national gov actually threatens to withhold grant money unless state and local gov conform to national standards is known as ___ federalism. A. contingent B. competitive C. hostage D. regulated E. restricted

D. regulated

State legislatures must redraw congressional districts to reflect population changes every __ years. A.two B. four C. six D. ten E. twenty

D. ten

What is the status of the Equal Rights Amendment? A. It has cleared Congress and is currently awaiting ratification by the states B. It has not been introduced in Congress since the 1800s C. It was ratified as the 28th Amendment D. It never cleared Congress E. It previously cleared Congress but failed to get ratification by states by the deadline

E. It previously cleared Congress but failed to get ratification by states by the deadline

The best-known arguments support ratification of the Constitution were the 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James MAdison, and John Jay under the name of "Publius". there essays are collectively known as: A. A modest Proposal B. Common Sense C. The New Yorker D. The Democracy Dialogues E. The Federalist Papers

E. The Federalist Papers

The proposal offered by the smaller states during the Constitutional Convention that argued each state should be equally represented in the new regime regardless of its population was known as the: A. Virginia Plan B. Connecticut PLan C. Massachusetts D. Brunswick Plan E. New Jersey Plan

E. The New Jersey Plan

Why was the proposal by Virginia delegate George Mason for a bill of rights turned down with little debate in the waning days of the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in September 1787? A. The delegates thought the proposed bill of rights imposed too many limits on the federal gov B. The delegates came from the wealthy elite social class and were on the while against individual rights C. The delegates were simply too hot and tired and wanted to go home D.The delegates believed a bill of rights would discourage a strong and healthy central gov E. The delegates thought a bill of rights was unnecessary for a gov with such limited powers

E. The delegates thought a bill of rights was unnecessary for a gov with such limited powers

The Declaration of Independence was written by: A. George Washington B. James Madison C. John Randolph D. Alexander Hamilton E. Thomas Jefferson

E. Thomas Jefferson

What is the Bill of Rights? A. a series of economic claims against the new American government B. a series of general ethical and moral principles to govern human behavior C. a series of grievances directed against King George III of England D. a series of statements regarding the purpose of government E. a series if substantive and procedural restraints on government

E. a series if substantive and procedural restraints on government

When England colonized America under the Rule of King George, it exemplified the government system known as: A. An oligarchy B. A unigarchy C. Totalitarianism D. A democracy E. An autocracy

E. an autocracy

If the populace has some influence over decision making, the gov is most likely: A. pluralistic B. autocratic C. constitutional D. representative E. democratic

E. democratic

the following question is an example of a(n) ___ question in poli sci: "Which political party do a majority of Latinos support in presidential elections?" A. fundamental B. analytical C. policy D. normative E. empirical

E. empirical

The idea that the federal gov can exercise only the power specifically articulated in the Constitution is known as the doctrine of: A. implied powers B. necessary and proper clause C. separation of powers D. original limits E. expressed powers

E. expressed powers

Which of the following is NOT a way in which incumbency helps win elections? A. using the tools of office, such as the franking privilege B. developing name recognition among constituents C. being able to secure pork-barrel legislation D. performing casework for constituents E. frequently inviting tough challengers

E. frequently inviting tough challengers

If a couple marries in Texas as regulated by state law, then Missouri must also recognize that marriage even though they were not married under Missouri state law; this is according to the ___ clause. A. comity B. necessary and proper C. supremacy D. privileges and immunities E. full faith and credit

E. full faith and credit

States and tribal councils are examples of which set of institutions and procedures? A. democracy B. legislative bodies C. formal instituions D. bureaucracies E. governments

E. governments

The fact that the framers established a federals system in which the states retained significant powers is an illustration of the importance of the: A. policy principle B. rationality principle C. institutions principle D. writ of habeas corpus E. history principle

E. history principle

What is the area of policy over which a committee is assigned responsibility? A. area of expertise B. central function C. domain D. home turf E. jurisdiction

E. jurisdiction

Then national gov under the Articles of Confederation is an example of a national gov that: A. was dominated by the executive branch B. effectively managed interstate conflicts C. singularly regulated interstate commerce D. had too little power E. lacked sovereignty

E. lacked sovereignty

Article I of the U.S. Constitution provides for the: A. role of state govs B. executive branch C. judicial branch D. freedom of speech, religion, and press E. legislative branch

E. legislative branch

Powers reserved to the gov to regulate health, safety, and morals of its citizens are known as ___ powers A. implied B. essential C. concurrent D. nanny E. police

E. police

The struggle over who gets what, when, and how is known as: A. lobbying B. government C. authoritarianism D. redistribution E. politics

E. politics

The 1833 case of Barron v. Baltimore revolved around the deprivation of: A. privacy B. life C. free speech D. religious freedom E. property

E. property

The saying "All political behavior has a purpose" is an expression of the: A. collective action principle B. institution principle C. principle-agent relationship C. history principle E. rationality principle

E. rationality principle

What was the most difficult issue faced by the framers of the Constitution? A. foreign trade B. religion C. taxes D. the status of the Native American tribes E. slavery

E. slavery

The Antifederalists perceived the danger of tyranny to be posed most severely by: A. majorities that wished to impose their will on minorities B. direct democracy provisions like the initiative or referendum C. invasion by foreign autocracies D. the H or Reps E. small numbers of individuals in positions of authority

E. small numbers of individuals in positions of authority

The Supreme Court case Regents of the UNiversity of California v. Bakke effectively outlawed: A. affirmative action B. race-concious decisions C. any preferential treatment of minorities D. the goal of diversity in a university setting E. strict quotas

E. strict quotas

Which of these is NOT a constitutional mechanism for the three branches of government to check and balance each other? A. the Supreme Court's power of judicial review B. the power of Congress to impeach and remove the president and judges C. the president's ability to veto congressional legislation D. the Senate's power to approve or reject executive appointments E. the congressional right of stare decisis

E. the congressional right of stare decisis

Representatives who believe that they have been selected by their fellow citizens in order to do what the legislator thinks is "right: act as: A. masters B. politicos C. delegates D. guardians E. trustees

E. trustees

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