Political Ideologies Quiz

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Which of the following groups would be most likely to support spreading American values abroad?


Which of these provides a nationalist country with the strongest unifying factor?

A common enemy.

Daniel Bell and Francis Fukuyama would agree that:

Capitalism has no serious rivals in today's world or future.

Which statement accurately describes present-day China?

China retains an authoritarian structure even as it continues to open its markets.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes environmentalism in the United States?

Environmentalists' demands have only been partially satisfied

Which of these is an extreme form of nationalism?


Classical liberals and modern liberals generally agree on the benefits of:

Free Speech

A modern liberal would most likely support which of the following policy proposals?

Increase regulations on the banking sector.

Giuseppe Mazzini's concept of freedom asserts that:

Individuals gain meaning through subordination of their will to the national will.

According to Karl Marx, a communist system is one where the government:

Is rendered unnecessary.

Which of these was central to Lenin's vision of the Russian socialist party?

It had to be centrally organized.

The laissez-faire viewpoint recommends:

Leaving the economy alone to promote growth.

Which ideology prefers virtually no government involvement in anything other than personal and national security?


Which statement describes a central difference between Marx and Lenin?

Marx focused on the situation within a particular capitalist country, whereas Lenin focused on promoting global revolution.

Milton Freidman's ideas contributed to the development of:

Modern Conservatism

Which of the following best expresses the differences between political scientists and ideologues?

Political scientists are concerned with real conditions, while ideologues focus on how conditions should be.

A modern liberal would argue that markets:

Require regulation to function properly.

Which of these ideas was first advanced by Adam Smith?

Self-interest can produce social benefits.

Modern conservativism combines which of these sets of views?

Smith's economic views and Burke's social views

Many Americans find it difficult to grasp the power of ideological motivation because of:

The emphasis on moderation and pragmatism in American culture.

How do classical conservatives address the issue of change?

They believe that change should happen gradually rather than suddenly.

Neoconservatives are opposed to:

Welfare Spending.

Which statement fits with feminist views of the challenges women face in the present-day world?

Women have difficulty gaining economic and political power because men are socialized into leadership roles.

An ideology consists of:

A set of plans to improve society.

How did Irving Kristol conceptualize the relationship between neoconservativism and liberalism?

Neoconservativism recognized what he perceived to be the naivete of liberalism.

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