Political Science Exam 2

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Which of the following is not one of the four major elements of terrorism? a) It is political in nature/intent. b)The targets are primarily military personnel and compounds. c)Attacks are unconventional and difficult to predict. d)The perpetrators are nonstate actors e) None of the above

b)The targets are primarily military personnel and compounds.

"An attack against one is an attack against all" effectively captures the idea behind: a)The self-help system b)collective security c) Disarmament d) balance of power

b)collective security

Some people argue that the Argentine government started a war with Enlgand over the Malvinas Islands in 1982 in order to rally its population around the war rather than focus on the country's economic crisis. If this is true, this is an example of what type of war? a) Guerilla war b) Clash of civilizations c) Diversionary war d)Total war

c) Diversionary war

The International Court of Justice is basically a weak institution for which of the following reasons? a) Most of its cases are quite controversial and remain unresolved. b) Only individuals are allowed to initiate court proceedings. c) It lacks the compulsory jurisdiction that domestic courts enjoy.

c) It lacks the compulsory jurisdiction that domestic courts enjoy.

According to the text, why has the United States government objected to the International Criminal Court? a) Costs for the Court fall overwhelmingly on the US. b) The Court forces governments to hand over war criminals even when their home government is willing to put them on trial. c) The Court will infringe upon US sovereignty. d) all of the above

c) The Court will infringe upon US sovereignty

Which of the following is a system-level realist explanation for war? a) Leaders in the international system misperceive the actions of other states' intentions b) Democratic states are unlikely to engage in war with other democratic states c) War occurs because in anarchy, nothing is there to prevent it. d) Dominant capitalist states need to expand in the international system and wage war for profits.

c) War occurs because in anarchy, nothing is there to prevent it.

Functionalism, one theory regarding the formation of intergovernmental organizations, proposes that: a) the primary purpose of international organizations is to protect the interests of powerful member states. b) eliminating economic disparities between countries increases the likelihood of war. c) cooperative habits surrounding technical issues can spill over into cooperation over more politically contentious issues. d)all of the above.

c) cooperative habits surrounding technical issues can spill over into cooperation over more politically contentious issues.

When national leaders resort to external conflict in order to build internal cohesion and to distract citizens from economic problems it is called: a) external balancing b) collective security c) diversionary war d) asymmetric warfare

c) diversionary war

A major limitation of the balance-of-power approach is its: a) strong emphasis on economic relationships. b) inability to manage security during periods of fundamental change. c) failure to account for leaders' personality characteristics. d) assumption that individuals naturally cooperate with one another.

c) failure to account for leaders' personality characteristics.

Wars that take place within states are referred to as: a) Asymmetric Wars b) Interstate wars c) Intrastate wars d) Total Wars

c) intrastate wars

Realists assert that the balance of power is the most important technique for managing the problem of war, because it: a) is consistent with institutional frameworks already in place. b) allows states to engage in war multilaterally. c) raises the costs of going to war, even for powerful states. d) favors less powerful states. e) is compatible with international law.

c) raises the costs of going to war, even for powerful states.

According to the text, what factor might explain Russia's use of force in South Ossetia? a) Russia's alliance with Georgia. b)Vladimir Putin's reputation for favoring negotiations. c) NATO's support of South Ossetia. d) A desire to assert Russian influence in bordering states.

d) A desire to assert Russian influence in bordering states.

Which of the following is among the fundamental assumptions of collective security? a) It is not always clear who the aggressor is. b) Only powerful states can respond to aggressors. c) Military action can stop wars. d) Aggression is morally wrong and deserves a collective response.

d) Aggression is morally wrong and deserves a collective response.

Explanations for Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait can be found at the _____ level(s) of analysis. a) individual b)state c) international system d) all of the above

d) all of the above

According to power transition theory, _____ lead to war. a) advances in communications technology b)increasingly destructive weapons c) contests over the structure of the state d) changes in state capabilities

d) changes in state capabilities

"Saddam Hussein misperceived/misinterpreted US Ambassador Gillespie's statements supporting Iraq's intentions in Kuwait" is an argument about the cause of this war at which level of analysis? a) State b) System c) Bureaucratic d) Individual

d) individual

Generally speaking, how can the liberal approach to managing insecurity be characterized? a) Liberals stress the use of military force. b) Liberals stress unilateral action. c) Liberals stress reliance on international appeasement or bandwagoning. d) none of above.

d) none of the above

In the context of the IMF and the World Bank, what does "conditionality" refer to: The fact that one organization cannot make a major policy decision without consulting the other. The conditions under which certian voting rules apply. Correct Response Policy changes, such as "structural adjustment," that a government must agee to undertake in return for a loan. An assessment made by NGOs regarding the domestic economic conditions in a country.


British economist David Ricardo argued that states should trade based on their _____, whereby each state produces and exports those products that it can produce most efficiently relative to other states. competitive trading bloc absolute advantage Correct Response comparative advantage national interest


Constructivism's major theoretical proposition is that: International relations are based solely on economic power. Foreign policies are more important than domestic policies. Cooperation between states is guided by international structures. Correct Response State behavior is shaped by elite beliefs, identities, and social norms. States are more important actors than individuals.


During the Cold War, the Soviet Union chose alliance partners based on their shared identity with the communist ideology, rather than because they would best enhance Soviet power. This is an example of: A structural realist theory A state-level Marxist theory A state-level liberal theory Correct Answer A state-level constructivist theory


Economic liberals argue that free trade and open markets on an international scale will create: Correct Response greater economic growth for all states involved. stratification between rich and poor countries. fewer benefits for rich states than for poor ones. loss of power for some states.


For liberal theories at the system level of analysis, what is the key feature of the international system? Correct Response interdependence anarchy hierachy shared identities


How do economic liberals view human nature? Humans are agressive. Humans always have conflictual tendencies. Humans have conflictual tendencies only when they are in groups. Correct Response Humans are rational and act to maximize self-interest.


In September 2013, the US and Iran did what for the first time since 1979? Drafted a trade agreement for oil Cut off diplomatic ties with one another Correct Response Engaged in direct talks with each other Agreed on US policy regarding Israel


In his Fourteen Points speech, Wilson argues, among other things: That the US and Russia should come together to develop an arms control agreement. That war is inevitable but can be made less costly That the League of Nations has been a failed institution Correct Response In favor of an institution for collective security


International cooperation over ozone depletion is considered: an example of a problem caused by developing countries. a good example of how developed and developing countries can never cooperate to solve environmental problems. a good example of collective security. Correct Response a relative success story, where the problem was addressed before it became a crisis (though some effects remain)


Leaders pursuing ___________ strategies will seek to end a conflict with minimal involvement in a state's domestic affairs. Deterrent Correct Response Nontransformative Transformative Internally focused


Neorealists argue that the structure of the international system is __________ and that the interacting units in the system are __________. Correct Response anarchy; states anarchy; individuals hierarchy; individuals anarchy; institutions


What method does Hardin propose as a way to solve commons problems? There is no solution because commons problems are essentially prisoner's dilemma games Appeal to individuals' consciences Allow the invisible hand of the free market to operate Correct Response Mutual coercion


What role have NGOs played in environmental affairs? They use the media to place environmental problems on the national and international agenda. They work through intergovernmental organizations. They monitor and enforce environmental regulations. They have expertise related to the environment. Correct Response All of the above


What treaty, signed in 1997, imposed binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions? Correct Response Kyoto Protocol Montreal Protocol UN Convention on Environment and Development Framework Convention on Climate Change


When exchange rates "float", currencies: Correct Response sell at a value determined by the market. sell at a predetermined rate. are pegged to the value of gold or silver. sell for more than their market value.


When states join with a powerful state rather than balance against it, this behavior is known as ____________. short-sighted threatening Correct Response bandwagoning ganging up


Which economic policy would a statist favor? Correct Response Promoting exports over imports Free trade Promoting equitable distribution of resources in the international system None of the above


Which level of analysis treats states as functionally similar 'black boxes'? Societal level State level Correct Answer International system level Individual level


Which model of foreign policy decision-making emphasizes competition among domestic interest groups and the influence of public opinion? Organizational process model Correct Answer Pluralist model Bureaucratic politics Rational model


Which of the following actions is not a typical component of a structural adjustment policy? Ending government monopolies. Removing high tariffs. Cutting bloated government spending. Correct Response Subsidizing food.


Which of the following actors would not be considered part of the international system level of analysis? Intergovernmental organizations like the World Trade Organization Alliances among countries like the Warsaw Pact Correct Response Government bureaucracies like the Department of Homeland Security Multinational corporations like Daimler-Chrysler


The general consensus from work in psychology is that individuals are fully rational decision-makers.


Which of the following ideas/concepts is associated with Wilsonian idealism? States are power-maximizers Institutions reduce transaction costs Correct Response Collective security Anarchy is what states make of it.


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism through which NGOs work to combat environmental problems? Correct Response Providing true international laws related to the environment Providing expertise and information to governments and IOs Monitoring compliance with agreements Increasing awareness of issues


Which of the following is NOT an example of a collective goods problem, according to the reading? Desertification Pollution Correct Answer Acid Rain Deforestation


Which of the following is NOT one of the assumptions that are necessary for nuclear deterrence to be successful? Leaders must have accurate beliefs The state must have command and control over the arsenal Correct Response A taboo must exist against the use of the weapons Leaders must be rational None of the above


Which of the following is a pathway through which the nuclear taboo developed, according to Tannenwald? Societal pressure Normative power politics The repeitition of non-use over time Individual decisions of nuclear restraint Correct Response All of the above


Which of the following is a possible explanation for Iran's desire to proliferate, as discussed in the lecture? Correct Answer They want nuclear weapons as a status symbol, so that they can return to a position of being treated as a major power. They want nuclear weapons because the pro-democracy movement in the country sees them as a marker of democratic states. They want a nuclear arsenal to protect their valuable oil reserves. None of the above.


Which of the following is not true about the impacts of climate change? It is likely to result in higher sea levels around the world. Correct Response It will affect rich countries as much as developing countries. The distribution of impacts will be uneven. It is likely to increase the frequency of extreme weather events.


Which of the following statements is associated with the constructivist theoretical perspective? Democracies do not go to war with one another. Correct Response Anarchy is what states make of it. The history of all hitherto existing socities is the history of class struggles. Anarchy is the permissive cause of war.


Which of the following theories is NOT part of the liberal tradition of IR theory? Institutionalism Democratic Peace Theory Correct Answer Balance of Power Theory The Commercial Peace


Which theoretical perspective on IR claims that environmental issues will always be subordinate to security issues when it comes to defining a state's priorities? Liberalism Constructivism Correct Response Realism Pluralism


Which type of actor in the international system is most likely to coordinate the actions of multiple groups and provide forums for negotiations over environmental issues? Norm entrepreneurs States Correct Answer International Organizations Non-governmental organizations


According to constructivist scholars like Hopf, identities shape interests, rather than the other way around.


General wars typically involve ambitious goals, such as conquering an enemy's territory. True False


Posen argues that Iran is unlikely to provide nuclear weapons to non-state actors, because it serves no strategic purpose and might encourage retaliation.


Sagan's "norms model" of proliferation provides an explanation for Ukraine's choice to give up their nuclear weapons.


The 2009 Copenhagen Accord does not impose binding obligations on states with regard to greenhouse gas emissions.


The two main factors that determine whether the offense or the defense has the advantage are technology and geography. True False


There can be many different theories situated at a single level of analysis.


While states can do some things on their own to help address climate change, the problem is inherently transnational and thus cooperative efforts are essential.


If there is a probability that a military intervention by a state into a humanitarian crisis will cause more damage than not acting, this is not a legitimate intervention according to Evans. This reflects which of his criteria for legitimacy? a) Seriousness of threat b) Balance of consequences c) proper purpose d) Last resort

b) Balance of consequences

State A and state B are equal in power. If the leader of state A miscalculates and believes that they are vastly more powerful than state B and thus chooses to go to war, the result demonstrates a problem with which approach to managing insecurity? a) Arms Control b) Balance of power c) Rational Deterrence d) Collective Security

b) Balance of power

According to the text, what is a drawback to using the individual level of analysis to explain why war breaks out? a) Some states with multiethnic populations do not go to war. b) While human nature is constant, wars come and go. c) Capitalist individuals are not always warlike. d) Not all individuals are persuaded by scapegoating.

b) While human nature is constant, wars come and go.

The "security dilemma" refers to a situation in which: a) all states can achieve security, but only after making tough choices. b) one state's becoming more secure diminishes another state's security. c) each state must rely on security agreements with neighboring states. d) states intentionally threaten each other even if they feel secure.

b) one state's becoming more secure diminishes another state's security.

Guerilla wars are an example of: a) An obsolete form of warfare b) Total war c) Just war theory d) Asymmetric conflict

d) Asymmetric conflict

According to Huntington, the fundamental source of conflict in the future will be: a) Intrastate conflict between different tribal civilizations b) Clashes between nations in volatile regions c) A continuation of traditional rivalries between great powers such as Japan and China or Russia and the US d) Faultlines between major civilizations

d) Faultlines between major civilizations

Which of the following is not true about nongovernmental organizations? a) NGOs have increased in number since the end of the Cold War. b) NGOs have attended conferences to address globalizing issues. c) The rise of democracy has increased NGO access to government leaders. d)NGOs never work cooperatively with states or IGOs.

d) NGOs never work cooperatively with states or IGOs.

According to Clausewitz: a)Political leaders should defer judgment to military officers b)The international system is characterized by anarchy c)Balance of threat is a better argument than balance of power d)War is an extension of politics and should be controlled by civilians

d) War is an extension of politics and should be controlled by civilians

That decision makers are rational, that there is a large threat of destruction from warfare, and that alternatives to war are available to leaders are all theoretical assumptions upon which _____ theory is based. a) balance-of-power b) just war c) collective security d) none of the above.

d) none of the above

Realist approaches to managing insecurity place less faith in _____ and more faith in ________ than do liberal approaches. a) the international community; individual state power b) international courts; the international community c) individual state power; strong leaders d) strong leaders; international institutions

d) strong leaders; international institutions

"Total war" is typically characterized by: a)Attempts to capture the adversary's capital b)The mobilization of society's resources c)Social change on the domestic front d) All of the above None of the above

e) all of the above

Article 51 of the UN charter is typically interpreted to say that: a) pre-emptive war is legal b) preventive war is legal c)All wars must be authorized by the UNSC d) All of the above e) Both a and b

e) both a and b

"The US does not invade Canada because Canada is a member of many of the same institutions as the US, encouraging cooperation rather than war" is an example of a ____________ argument. Correct Response Liberal Radical Realist Constructivist


"Wars occur because humans are greedy" is an example of a ______________, and "We will see wars occur when there are valuable resources that a leader can gain from fighting" is an example of a _____________. level of analysis/theory Correct Response theory/hypothesis hypothesis/theory perspective/level of analysis


A drawback of globalization is: illegal immigration and human trafficking. increasingly protectionist trade policies. the rise of illegal markets for drugs and intellectual property. both a and b. Correct Answer both a and c.


According to Marxist (or Radical) theories, capitalist states: Are more peaceful than others Correct Answer Tend to engage in imperialist expansion Tend to balance against power Tend to engage in humanitarian intervention


According to Morgenthau's description of the balance of power, a state that is the "holder" of the balance has what distinguishing characteristic? Correct Answer It is the state committed to throwing its weight behind whichever side is needed to maintain a balance. It is the state with the most ideologically inflexible commitments It is the state with the most power in the system It is the state whose domestic political 'balance of power' is most balanced


According to Posen, which of the following is the best policy option for the US in dealing with Iran? I.e. which policy is most likely to achieve US strategic goals? Incorrect Response Economic coercion (i.e. sanctions) Correct Answer Containment and deterrence of a nuclear Iran Allowing proliferation and then backing out of the region Preventive strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities


According to Sagan, the primary reason states develop nuclear weapons under the security model is because ___. They seek to dominate other states in their region and thus increase their security. Correct Response They proliferate due to a growing nuclear threat from a neighboring rival country. States with nuclear weapons can focus on increasing conventional security measures, which are more effective in combat. None of the above.


According to Sagan, the security model explains why which of the following countries stopped its development of nuclear weapons? South Africa Argentina Brazil Correct Answer All of the above.


According to Saunders, what type of leader believes that threatening foreign policies from other states stem from that state's government institutions or society? Non-Transformative Participatory Correct Response Internally focused Externally focused


According to _____, the international political economy should be characterized by open markets, free trade, and minimal government intervention. Mercantilism Postmodernists Correct Response Economic Liberalism Statists


According to international relations scholars, what is the impact of the presence of nuclear weapons in the system on the probability of war? Schlars agree that more nuclear weapons mean that deterrence is more effective, making wars less likely and the system more stable. Scholars agree that proliferation makes the world less safe because war could more easily break out accidentally. International relations scholarship does not seek to address this question, focusing instead on the question of why states choose to proliferate. Correct Response Scholars disagree on the correct answer to this question, with arguments that nuclear weapons might increase or decrease stability.


According to the text, what factors have hampered international efforts to combat the Earth's growing population? It is a "collective goods" problem, which means that what is economically rational for individuals is not sustainable for the world as a whole. Lack of access to family planning in the developing world. Opposition on the part of the Catholic Church and fundamentalist Islamic sects. Correct Answer All of the above


Adam Smith believed that: Humans act rationally to pursue their self-interest Governments should not interfere with the economy Countries should specialize according to their comparative advantage Free trade is good Correct Answer All of the above


Although the EU has generally been oriented toward increased free trade, an exception involving state intervention has occurred in which area? The movement of services. The movement of goods. Correct Answer The agricultural sector. The high technology sector. None of the above.


At what historic meeting did leaders outline the shape of post-World War II economic institutions? Correct Answer Bretton Woods Westphalia Versailles Yalta


Both US presidential candidates in the 2012 election advocated the US becoming "energy independent" (developing alternative fuel sources or tapping into domestic resources to avoid relying on foreign countries for oil). This argument is most consistent with which perspective on political economy? Marxism Liberalism Correct Response Statism Radicalism


Robert Putnam describes international diplomatic negotiations as a two-level game. Which of the following is an example of such a game? The US executive trying to win both Congressional and mass public support for an arms control treaty. The US executive negotiating with both hawks and doves in Congress over the terms of an arms control treaty Correct Response The US government negotiating with the Russian government and hawks in Congress over the terms of an arms control treaty The US government simultaneously negotiating arms control treaties with both Russia and China


Sagan argues that the choice to proliferate was based on the bargaining between domestic politcal coalitions in which of the following states: France Correct Answer India Ukraine China


The Saunders reading offers a good example of which of the following hypotheses mentioned in lecture: "The more power is concentrated in the hands of an individual leader, the greater the influence of that leader's personality and preferences" Correct Answer "Individual leaders shape their state's strategies" "Individuals are more important when circumstances are fluid" "Individual leaders can be an important component of a state's diplomatic influence and military power"


The UN's Millennium Development Goals set forth eight categories of goals designed to: Correct Response reduce poverty and increase sustainable human development decrease attention paid to 'soft' issues such as education and healthcare reform international lending agencies such as the IMF and World Bank abolish the capitalist system


The World Trade Organization (WTO): has a director-general charged with setting tariff rates and creating other free-trade rules. Correct Answer includes a venue for settling trade disputes. briefly expelled China as a member because of trade violations. all of the above.


The belief that environmental issues are ripe for international cooperation in the twenty-first century is characteristic of: Marxists Realists Correct Response Liberals Both a and c.


The costly, unintended consequences of economic development, which often cross national boundaries, are known as: Unproductive growth Conservation costs Correct Response Negative externalities Inescapable forces


The developed countries sometimes blame developing countries for contributing to environmental problems. How do the developing countries typically respond to these accusations? They agree and have taken the lead to improve the environment. They agree but refuse to take responsibility for their contribution to environmental problems. Correct Response They argue that developed countries have been responsible for most environmental problems and should bear most of the cost for cleaning them up. They disagree and blame environmental problems on population growth in Europe and North America.


The idea that international institutions promote cooperation among states is most consistent with what theoretical perspective on IR? Realism Behavioralism Constructivism Correct Response Liberalism


The mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) includes which of the following? Correct Answer Prevent the spread of nuclear weapons technology to countries that do not have such weapons. To peacefully increase the number and lethality of nuclear weapons currently in existence. To halt the spread peaceful nuclear energy technology to non-nuclear states. All of the above.


The portion of a country's deliverable nuclear arsenal that remains after that country suffers an initial attack is called: Remainder force Retaliation munitions Correct Answer Second strike capability MAD


The reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have asserted that: Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have begun to decline The impacts of climate change will be felt most severely in Northern and Eastern Europe Correct Response There is increasing certainty about the connection between human activities and climate change Political obstacles to climate change cooperation have diminished over time


Those wanting to reform the IMF and World Bank: say the World Bank and the IMF have not done enough to end global economic inequality. suggest reforms to the voting structures of the World Bank and the IMF. call for an increase in the number of Western-trained economists employed at the World Bank and IMF. Correct Response both a and b. both a and c.


Vertical nuclear proliferation differs from horizontal nuclear proliferation in that: Vertical nuclear proliferation refers to the spread of weapons to new, formerly non-nuclear, states. Vertical nuclear proflieration refers to developing weapons that explode in the atmosphere rather than underground. Vertical nuclear proliferation refers to cases where a nuclear weapon state lends its weapons to another state. Correct Response Vertical nuclear proliferation refers to existing nuclear weapons states adding more warheads.


What aspect of environmental issues do contructivists tend to be most interested in? They stress the material costs of addressing environmental issues at the international level. Correct Response They tend to focus on how elites define environmental problems and how those definitions change over time as new ideas and beliefs arise and become norms. They argue that environmental problems show the importance of strategic interdependence among states. Constructivism has little to say about environmental issues.


What did governments in the developing world demand as part of their call for a New International Economic Order? The deregulation of multinational corporations. The preservation of the World Bank and IMF's weighted voting system. Correct Answer Stabilizing commodity prices. None of the above.


What is the "development gap"? The difference between the economically well off South and the poorer North The difference between the highly developed international organizations in the South and the weakly developed international organizations in the North The difference between the highly developed international organizations in the North and the weakly developed international organizations in the South Correct Response The difference between the high levels of wealth and social welfare in the North and the lower levels of development in the South


Which of the following are provisions of the Nonproliferation Treaty? a) Signatory non-nuclear states agree not to acquire or attempt to acquire nuclear weapons. b) Nuclear states agree not to transfer or assist with any type of nuclear technology, even technology for civilian energy purposes, to non-nuclear states. c) States that already possessed nuclear weapons at the time of the treaty are allowed to keep their weapons but must not share them with other states. Correct Response d) a and c only e) a and b only f) All of the above


Which of the following best describes Finnemore's main research question in the piece that you read for class? Correct Answer Why do states intervene abroad when it serves no geostrategic or ecnomic interest? Why do states intervene in humanitarian crises in strategically crucial regions of the globe? What are the laws of war and how did the new norms about them emerge? Why was humanitarian intervention historically aimed at saving Christians?


Which of the following is NOT one of the potential threats of a nuclear Iran, according to Posen? Iran might threaten other states with nuclear weapons directly Correct Response Iran could attack the United States with nuclear weapons A more adventurous and aggressive Iranian foreign policy Iran could provide nuclear technology to non-state actors


Which of the following is a means by which the state can exercise its power? Diplomatic tools Economic tools Military tools Correct Response All of the above None of the above


Which of the following is a typical role played by NGOs in international political economy? They pursue government interests by increasing state resources. They help bring MNCs together in pursuit of reforms to the international capitalist system. Correct Response They help implement local development projects and channel finance to individuals. all of the above.


Which of the following is an individual-level explanation for the U.S. invasion of Iraq? Correct Response George W. Bush had sought to remove Saddam Hussein from office since the late 1990s. The U.S. economy needs a stable oil supply. U.N. resolutions condemning Iraq had to be enforced in order to maintain the legitimacy of the organization. None of the above


Which of the following is true of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol? It imposed binding constraints (with financial penalties) on countries that exceed their carbon emission targets. The United States has complied with its emissions target under Kyoto. It has led to a rapid decline in the overall level of carbon emissions from developing countries. Correct Answer None of the above.


Which of the following statements best describes the security dilemma? Security is extremely difficult to maintain in the anarchic international system. When one state attempts to maximize their power, other states will seek to enhance their power as well. Correct Response What one state does to increase its own security automatically decreases the security of other states. When one state tries to make other states feel less secure, those states ally together to feel more secure.


Which perspective would argue that because Chinese leaders are driven by human nature to be greedy and seek power, and thus will strive to become dominant, the US should begin preparing for the eventual possibiliy of war. Offensive realism Power transition realism Defensive realism Correct Answer Classical realism


Why do realists downplay the individual level of analysis? They believe individuals are unpredictable so there can be no theory of the individual. They believe there is not enough data available to study this level of analysis. Correct Response They think the international system is more important than the individual in determining global politics. None of the above.


__________ involves simultaneously achieving economic growth and environmental protection. Viability Correct Response Sustainability Collectivity Functionalism


If a large group of states all promise one another that if one member of their group is attacked, all other members of the group will come to their defense against the aggressor state, they are enacting a policy of ____________. Neoliberal institutionalism Security dilemma Balance of threat Correct Response Collective security

Constructivists argue that the international slave trade was abolished because a shift in norms led states to see it as morally reprehensible.

According to Byman and Pollack, individuals leaders do not shape a state's interests because the international system dictates what is in the interest of a state.


Defining characteristics of terrorism are that its targets are primarily military and that terrorists usually strike spontaneously, without premeditation. True False


If the US tells North Korea that they must dismantle their nuclear weapons or face the end of all food aid programs, they are making a ___________, because they want North Korea to take a specific action. Soft power threat Correct Answer Compellent threat Deterrent threat Brute force threat


Tannenwald argues that nuclear deterrence has effectively prevented the use of nuclear weapons in all cases, and that other factors are irrelevant.


The Malthusian dilemma involves concern that food production will outstrip population growth leading to widespread obesity.


The US and Iran have been enemies since the shah came to power and changed the name of the country from Persia to Iran in 1935.


Thucydides reports on how international norms of equality applied during ancient times, as the Athenians accepted the appeals of the Melians to allow them to remain neutral.


IGOs often lead to the creation and maintenance of "regimes," which are: a) clearly delineated international laws. b) international norms, rules, and decision making procedures in a certain issue area. c) world federal systems. d) all of the above

b) international norms, rules, and decision making procedures in a certain issue area.

How has the European Union changed over time? a) It has expanded from one policy area to another with no public opposition. b) Its membership has increased over time. c) Its membership has decreased over time. d) The EU has remained relatively unchanged since its founding.

b) Its membership has increased over time.

"Fewer weapons means greater security" is the logic behind: a) Arms control b) Deterrence c) Balancing d) Reductionism

a) Arms control

What does external balancing involve? a) Forming alliances with other states to stop another state from obtaining a dominant position internationally. b) Joining with all other states in the international system to build a collective security agreement. c) Reducing the number of weapons each side has until power has been balanced. d) Obtaining enough nuclear weapons to dissuade an opponent from striking first.

a) Forming alliances with other states to stop another state from obtaining a dominant position internationally.

One of the main principles declared by the ICISS is that: a) It is the responsibility of the international community to intervene when a population is suffering serious harm. b) The principle of sovereignty should always prevent states from intervening in the internal affairs of other states. c) States should always intervene in humanitarian crises when they see fit. d) Pre-emptive war is legal, because there is an imminent threat.

a) It is the responsibility of the international community to intervene when a population is suffering serious harm.

Japan formed an alliance with the United States to balance against China in East Asia. This is an example of which of the following concepts? a) Regional-level balance of power b) Internal balancing c) Collective Security d) Arms Control

a) Regional-level balance of power

What is the source of NGOs' power in the international system? a)Their credible information and expertise b)Their complete separation from grassroots groups c)Large military arsenals d)Their rigid structure

a) Their credible information and expertise

According to Jervis, the security dilemma is least problematic (the world is most stable) under what two conditions? a) defensive advantage; offense/defense are distinguishable b) offensive advantage; offense/defense are not distinguishable c) offensive advantage; offense/defense are distinguishable d) defensive advantage; offense/defense are not distinguishable

a) defensive advantage; offense/defense are distinguishable

Neoliberal institutionalists argue IGOs help states by: requiring states to reduce their sovereignty. a) reducing cheating by monitoring states and identifying rule breakers. b) giving all states an equal vote. c) pooling resources to create a world police force.

a) reducing cheating by monitoring states and identifying rule breakers.

Liberal theorists argue that states with capitalist economic systems are less susceptible to war, while radical theorists (or Marxists) argue that capitalist states are more susceptible to war. a) True b) False

a) true

The possibility that states will attempt to pass the responsibility of responding to an aggressor onto other states in the collective security agreement (thus getting the benefit while avoiding the cost) describes the problem of free-riding. True False

a) true

How has the practice of UN peacekeeping changed over time? a) The Security Council and General Assembly must now agree before a peacekeeping mission is authorized. b) Since the end of the Cold War, peacekeeping missions have taken on more complex mandates and now engage in more "peacebuilding" functions c) While the UN had to rely on troop contributions by member-states in the past, it now has a standing army of its own. d) Peacekeeping has been used less frequently since the end of the Cold War.

b) Since the end of the Cold War, peacekeeping missions have taken on more complex mandates and now engage in more "peacebuilding" functions

According to _____ theorists, alliances are the most important institutional tool for managing insecurity. a) disarmament b) balance-of-power. c) self-help d) constructivist

b) balance-of-power.

The United Nations Security Council contains over 190 states while the smaller General Assembly has only 15 permanent members including Canada and Germany. a) true b) false

b) false

Which of the following are both elements of the "justice in war" part of the just war tradition? a) just cause; right intent b) proportionality; discriminatory weapons c) proportionality; just cause d) right intent; discrimination

b) proportionality; discriminatory weapons

The term or category of "weapons of mass destruction" includes which of the following? a) Nuclear Weapons b) Conventional weapons c) Chemical weapons d) All of the above e)a and c only f) a and b only

e) a and c only

In order for state A to deter state B, they should do which of the following? a) Raise the probability of victory for state B b) Lower the probability of victory for state B c) Increase the cost of fighting for state B d) Decrease the cost of fighting for state B e) either b or c f) either b or d

e) either b or c

Consistent with Samuel Huntington's "clash of civilizations" argument, some scholars argue that which of the following explains the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? a) U.S. fears of the spread of weapons of mass destruction by rogue states. b) A need for the United States to attack all entities that have announced their intention to attack the U.S. mainland. c) The U.S. needed to invade both Iraq and Afghanistan due to their oil and mineral wealth. d) both a and b. e) none of the above.

e) none of the above

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