POLS 1101 Review

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the total number of justices to be increased according to the age of sitting justices.

. Franklin Roosevelt's plan to reorganize the Supreme Court called for a. the Court to meet once every other year. b. the total number of justices to be increased according to the age of sitting justices. c. the president to select justices without senatorial confirmation. d. the Senate to have the power to remove justices from the Court at will. e. all New Deal legislation to be removed from the Court's jurisdiction.

reorganization of the executive branch.

. One item on the presidential agenda for almost every president since Herbert Hoover has been a. reduction in the separation of powers b. expanding legislative power c. reforming the federal judiciary d. lowering taxes. e. reorganization of the executive branch.


. Political scientists define a "safe" district as one where the incumbent received ___ percent or more of the vote in the previous election. a. 50 b. 55 c. 60 d. 65 e. 80

civil rights.

. Studies have found correlations between constituency opinion and congressional roll-call votes on bills related to a. civil rights. b. foreign policy. c. social welfare. d. international trade e. A and C.


. T F Courts have come to play a larger role in our lives because Congress, the bureaucracy and the president have come to play a larger ones.


. T F From the Eisenhower years through the Reagan administration, Congress often took the lead in setting the legislative agenda.


. T F George Washington was a strong supporter of political parties.


. T F If the government kills your cow while testing a new cannon, you automatically have standing to sue the government


. T F In 1996, Congress effectively gave the president the power of the line item veto with the introduction of the "enhanced rescission."


. T F Members of Congress who win in close races are usually eager to vote the way their constituents want.


. T F Most congressional districts are not competitive.


. T F President Roosevelt failed to "purge" members of Congress who opposed his program


. T F Signing statements were the creation of presidents in the early 1900s.


. T F The Conservative Coalition consisted of Republicans and certain Southern Democrats.


. T F The Senate eventually agreed to a constitutional amendment that changed the manner in which its members were elected.


. T F The critical decision for a member of parliament is whether or not to support the government.


. T F The tradition of senatorial courtesy gives great weight to the preferences of the senators from the states where judges on the U.S. Courts of Appeals are to serve.


. T F The vague language in congressional statutes provide additional opportunities for courts to exercise power.


. T F Typically, senior White House staff members are drawn from the ranks of the president's campaign staff.

president's need for confidential advice.

. The doctrine of executive privilege is based on separation of powers and on the a. constitutional requirements for secrecy. b. War Powers Act. c. president's need for confidential advice. d. White House Sourcebook. e. integrity of each branch of government.

constitutional and legislative.

. The two kinds of lower federal courts created to handle cases that need not be decided by the Supreme Court are a. constitutional and district. b. appeals and limited jurisdiction. c. district and appeals. d. appeals and legislative. e. constitutional and legislative.

It established the supremacy of national laws over state laws.

. Which of the following statements about McCulloch v. Maryland is correct? a. It established judicial review. b. It ruled a national bank unconstitutional. c. It restricted the scope of congressional power. d. It allowed states to tax federal agencies. e. It established the supremacy of national laws over state laws.


. Which organizational structure lends itself to confusion and conflict? a. pyramid b. circular c. ad hoc d. titular e. vertical

a political meeting

A "caucus" is: a. a political meeting b. a place where people vote c. a committee of Congress d. part of a political campaign

a writ of mandamus

A court-issued command that orders a public official to carry out a specific act or duty is known as which of the following? A. a writ of certiorari B. an amicus curiae brief C. a writ of habeas corpus D. a writ of mandamus

carrying a gun

A dramatic change in a long standing trends began in the early 1990s, when the Court struck down a congressional statute on the premise that ______did not affect interstate commerce. a. nude dancing b. racial discrimination c. carrying a gun d. commercial advertising e. the trucking industry

government plays a greater role generally.

A major reason that the courts play a greater role in American society today than they did earlier in the century is that a. government plays a greater role generally. b. lawyers are more influential than ever. c. public opinion is less focused. d. judges are better trained. e. the courts are more representative of American society.


A new Congress convenes every ____ years. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 e. 10

running in a primary election

A person ordinarily becomes a candidate for representative or senator by a. appealing to party leaders. b. serving first in the state legislature. c. serving in the state judiciary. d. running in a primary election. e. serving first in a government agency

that the Constitution has left to another branch of government.

A political question is a matter a. involving voters. b. that the Constitution has left to another branch of government. c. that an elected state judge has dealt with. d. that causes conflict among average voters. e. that must first be acted on by Congress.

Congress decides who is president.

A president suffers a stroke that leaves him or her partially paralyzed. The vice president, with the support of a majority of the cabinet, declares that the president is unable to discharge the duties of the office, but the president disagrees. What happens next? a. Congress decides who is president. b. Because the vice president has the support of a majority of the cabinet, the vice president assumes the presidency. c. Because the president is still alive, he or she remains president. d. Because the president and vice president disagree, a new election is held, allowing the people to decide who should be president. e. The Supreme Court decides who is president.

each member of the House or Senate votes and his or her specific vote is recorded

A roll call vote means that: a. the votes are voice votes, so the public is not able to tell how each member of the House or Senate voted b. each House or Senate member's name is called to find out if they are present before a vote is taken c. voting is done by alphabetical order, first by majority party members and then by minority party members d. each member of the House of Senate votes and his or her specific vote is recorded


About how many cases are decided by the Supreme Court per year? A. 10 B. 100 C. 1,000 D. 10,000

high expectations that citizens and others have compared to the limited powers of the office

According to the book, the most important dilemma facing U.S. presidents lies in which of the following? A. risks of agency loss entailed in delegating to cabinet secretaries and White House staff B. high expectations that citizens and others have compared to the limited powers of the office C. increasing frequency of divided government D. rising costs and demands of the permanent campaign


According to the text, most categories of pork spending have _______ in the last ten or fifteen years. a. decreased b. remained at approximately the same levels c. increased d. slightly increased e. dramatically increased

the kinds of remedies that courts will impose.

According to the text, the most powerful indicator of judicial power is probably a. the use of judicial review. b. the extent to which precedent is followed. c. the types of political questions courts are willing to handle. d. the kinds of remedies that courts will impose. e. the use of per curiam opinions.

determining the boundaries of congressional districts

All of the following are powers granted to Congress by the Constitution except: a. determining the boundaries of congressional districts b. declaring war on another c. coining and borrowing money d. regulating interstate and foreign commerce

General Accountability Office

All of the following government agencies are housed in the Executive Office of the President except: A. Council of Economic Advisers B. Office of Management and Budget C. General Accountability Office D. National Security Council

Senators generally favor such appointees because of their heavy nomination workload.

All of the following statements regarding "acting appointments" are correct except: a. Such appointees hold office until the Senate acts on their nomination. b. Such appointees have been known to hold office for months without confirmation. c. Senators generally favor such appointees because of their heavy nomination workload. d. Presidents see the allowance of such appointees as a necessity. e. The existence of such appointees appears to be contrary to the Vacancies Act of 1868

the Constitution gives unelected judges with lifetime tenure the ability to overrule the activities of the elected branches

All of the following statements support Alexander Hamilton's argument about the judiciary being "the least dangerous branch" except: A. judges lack the ability to enforce the decisions that they make B. higher courts have limited resources for ensuring that lower courts comply with the decisions that they make C. the ability of the president to appoint judges and Congress to reorganize the federal courts ensures that the judiciary does not stray far from the will of national majorities D. the Constitution gives unelected judges with lifetime tenure the ability to overrule the activities of the elected branches

"friend of the court."

Amicus curiae is generally translated as meaning a. "friend of the court." b. "amicable but curious." c. "let the decision stand." d. "to reveal." e. none of the above.

House and Senate voted against it.

An extreme example of party voting was the response to Clinton's 1993 budget plan in which every Republican in the a. House voted against it. b. Senate voted for it. c. House and Senate voted against it. d. House and Senate voted for it. e. House and Senate refused to vote on the matter at all.

he used it more than all of the presidents before him combined.

Andrew Jackson's use of the veto power was conspicuous because a. he rarely used it. b. he used it more than all of the presidents before him combined. c. all of his vetoes were overridden. d. he would not use the power unless he thought legislation was unconstitutional. e. he would not use the veto simply because of a policy disagreement.

nation/state authority

Before the Civil War, the most important cases that came before the Supreme Court tended to deal with which of the following issues? A. civil rights and liberties B. nation/state authority C. government regulation of the economy D. foreign policy

conservative Republicans

Beginning in the late 1970s, ________ began to regain seats in the Senate. a. northern senators b. liberal senators c. conservative Republicans d. southern senators e. freshman senators

liberal senators

Beginning in the mid-1960s, ________ rose steadily in number, seniority and influence. a. northern senators b. liberal senators c. conservative Republicans d. southern senators e. freshman senators

civil rights and liberties

Beginning in the1930s, what issue area did most of the important cases that came before the Supreme Court concern? A. civil rights and liberties B. nation/state authority C. government regulation of the economy D. foreign policy

Christmas Tree

Bills which contain a large number of "riders" are known as "__________ bills." a. Loaded b. Constituency c. Valentine d. Dry Ice e. Christmas Tree

seniority rule;transaction costs

By routinely allocating first choice in committee chairs, offices, and committee assignments to majority party members who have served the longest, the _____ reduces the _____ of individual members. a. seniority rule;conformity costs b. seniority rule;transaction costs c. rules committee;conformity costs d. rules committee;transaction costs


Cert is issued and a case is scheduled for a hearing if ______ justices agree to hear it. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 8 e. all nine of the

"made more certain."

Certiorari is a Latin word meaning, roughly, a. "certified." b. "made more certain." c. "without certainty." d. "appealed." e. "judicial."

judicial activism only works when laws are devoid of ambiguous language.

Common criticisms of judicial activism include all of the following except a. judicial activism only works when laws are devoid of ambiguous language. b. judges usually have no expertise in designing complex institutions. c. judges are not elected and are therefore immune to popular control. d. judicial activism often fails to account for the costs of implementing activist rulings. e. judges usually have no expertise in managing complex institutions.


Congress can change the number of members who are allowed to sit on the Supreme Court.


Congress was designed by the Founders in ways that almost inevitably make it popular with voters.

wish to end policy gridlock by making Congress capable of speedily adopting sweeping changes in national policies.

Contemporary critics of Congress disagree with the Framers' vision of Congress in that the critics a. believe that Congress should normally proceed slowly in its deliberations. b. believe that Congress should rarely act without guidance from the executive branch. c. view Congress as designed to check and balance strong leaders in the executive branch. d. wish to end policy gridlock by making Congress capable of speedily adopting sweeping changes in national policies. e. wish to make changes to prevent the American political system from resembling a parliamentary system.

13 ... 158

Currently, the U.S. Courts of Appeals consist of _____ courts administered by approximately _____ judges. A. 13 ... 158 B. 28 ... 113 C. 94 ... 642 D. 157 ... 805

divided control of the White House and Senate

During Bill Clinton's second term in office and George W. Bush's first term in office, the biggest obstacle that nominees to the federal judiciary faced in securing confirmation was _____. A. senatorial courtesy B. divided control of the White House and Senate C. negative media attention D. overly hostile confirmation hearings

between 400 and 600

During an average year, Congress passes __________ bills. a. between 50 and 100 b. between 200 and 300 c. between 400 and 600 d. over one thousand e. over six thousand

filling job vacancies

During most of the nineteenth century, presidents spent much of their day: a. negotiating treaties and executive agreements b. filling job vacancies c. issuing pocket vetoes d. preparing the budget

southern senators.

During the 1950s and 1960s, the Senate was dominated by a. northern senators. b. liberal senators. c. conservative Republicans. d. southern senators. e. freshman senators

influence with fellow partisans or the electorate

During the nineteenth century, cabinet appointees were selected primarily on the basis of which of the following? a. loyalty to the president b. influence with fellow partisans or the electorate c. management abilities and technical expertise d. all of the above

government regulation of the economy.

During the period from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the New Deal, the dominant issue that the Supreme Court faced was that of a. government regulation of the economy. b. rights of privacy. c. states' rights versus federal supremacy. d. slavery. e. government regulation of interstate commerce.


Each member of the House usually serves on ___ standing committees. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 e. 7

the committee system; increase conformity costs

Encouraging members to develop expertise in particular policy areas through _________ allows Congress to make better-informed decisions, but the diminished participation in policymaking outside one's specialty might _____________ for the policy. a. delegation to party leaders; increase conformity costs b. delegation to party leaders; increase transaction costs c. the committee system; increase conformity costs d. the committee system; increase transaction costs

had relatively little to do.

Establishing the legitimacy of the presidency in the early years was made easier by the fact that the national government a. was both efficient and popular. b. acted cautiously because it was in debt. c. had relatively little to do. d. kept the Treasury Department weak. e. was dominated by one political faction.

influence the way in which the Court decided its cases.

FDR's court-packing bill is an example of a presidential action designed to a. help the Court reduce its backlog. b. influence the way in which the Court decided its cases. c. make the Court more impartial. d. discourage the Court from rendering decisions on major economic questions. e. allow the Court to grow with society.

collect costs from the defendant if the defendant loses.

Fee shifting enables the plaintiff to a. get paid by the Department of Justice. b. split costs with the court. c. have taxpayers pay his or her costs. d. split the costs with the defendant. e. collect costs from the defendant if the defendant loses.

popular elections;about as successful

Following passage of the Seventeenth Amendment, which instituted _____ for U.S. senators, Senate incumbents have been _____ in securing reelection. a. popular elections;much less successful b. popular elections;about as successful c.party primaries;much less successful c. party primaries;about as successful

the separation of powers.

For years Congress defended the manner in which it exempted itself from many of its own laws by reference to a. federalism. b. bicameralism. c. the separation of powers. d. legislative supremacy. e. the committee structure.

all communications to Congress that could affect future budgets had to be cleared as consistent with the president's policy by the Bureau of the Budget

Franklin Roosevelt's central clearance executive order provided that: A. before the House or Senate voted on a bill, the executive would review it for constitutionality B. all communications to Congress that could affect future budgets had to be cleared as consistent with the president's policy by the Bureau of the Budget C. nominees for the courts had to be submitted by senators to the executive for consideration before nomination D. all applicants for jobs in the State Department had to be cleared first by the FBI

regulation of business

From 1937 to 1974, the Supreme Court did not declare a single federal law dealing with _______ unconstitutional. a. freedom of speech b. communists c. regulation of business d. citizenship e. government benefits


From George Washington to Bill Clinton, about ____ percent of over 2,500 presidential vetoes have been overridden. a. 4 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25 e. 30

government regulation of the economy

From the Civil War to the 1930s, what issue area did most of the important cases that came before the Supreme Court address? A. civil rights and liberties B. nation/state authority C. government regulation of the economy D. foreign policy


From the founding of the Supreme Court until 1860, the Court struck down portions of a total of ______ federal laws. A. 2 B. 51 C. 208 D. 1,208

drawing legislative districts in such a way as to give one political party a disproportionately large share of sets for the share of votes its candidates win

Gerrymandering refers to which of the following? a. a tactic used in the Senate to halt action on a bill that involves making long speeches until the majority retreats b. drawing legislative districts in such a way as to give one political party a disproportionately large share of sets for the share of votes its candidates win c. a resolution in the Senate,requiring the agreement of all members that restricts debate and limits amendments to bills on the floor d. a tactic used it the House in which debate on a bill is scheduled during periods when Congress is in recess

vote by four of the nine justices

How does the Supreme Court decide which cases, among the thousands submitted to it each year, to hear? A. vote by one of the nine justices B. vote by four of the nine justices C. vote by five of the nine justices D. vote by six or more justices

may write a concurring opinion explaining their reasons

If a Supreme Court justice agrees with the majority of the other justices about what the outcome of a case should be but does so for unique reasons, they: A. may write a concurring opinion explaining their reasons B. may write a dissenting opinion explaining their reasons C. must agree to the majority opinion anyway and keep their reasons to themselves D. bring the Supreme Court to a standstill because the majority must agree about the reasoning behind their decision

a discharge petition

If a bill is stuck in a House committee, which tool should House members use to get it out? a. markup b. cloture c. central clearance d. a discharge petition

concurring opinion.

If a justice agrees with the conclusion of the Court's decision, but disagrees with the logic of the opinion of the Court, he/she would probably write a a. concurring opinion. b. majority opinion. c. plurality opinion. d. per curiam opinion. e. dissenting opinion.

has a clear idea what the voters want him to do

If a newly-elected president has a "mandate, he: a. has majorities in both the House and Senate b. has a clear idea what the voters want him to do c. has the support of his political party d. is going out to have a beer with the guys


If a person brings a case before a court over a matter that did not directly harm them or threaten to harm them, the court may use the doctrine of _______ to decline to hear the case. A.stare decisis B. standing C.amicus curiae D.certiorari

amicus curiae

If an interest group wants to take a side in a court case, it may file a(n) _________ brief. A. amicus curiae B.stare decisis C. jurisdictional D. justiciable controversy

either a federal or a state court.

If citizens of different states wish to sue one another in a matter involving more than $75,000, they can do so in a. either a federal or a state court. b. a court in the plaintiff's state only. c. an intermediate court of appeals. d. a court in the defendant's state only. e. a federal court only.

a federal district court.

If you wish to declare bankruptcy, you must do so in a. a court in the state in which you reside. b. a state appellate court. c. a federal appellate court. d. the U.S. Supreme Court. e. a federal district court.

every ascertainable member of a class be individually notified of a suit.

In 1974, the Supreme Court discouraged class action suits by requiring a. lawyers to provide at least 20 amicus briefs supporting their claims. b. a special panel of judges to review all such suits. c. such suits to impact at least 300,000 persons. d. all fees in such suits be initially shifted to plaintiffs. e. every ascertainable member of a class be individually notified of a suit.

was elected to the Senate

In 1994, Native American Ben Nighthorse Campbell a. was elected to the Senate. b. was elected to the House. c. used radio programs to argue persuasively in favor of term limits. d. was allowed to fill a congressional seat as the result of a resignation. e. ran for seats in the House and the Senate simultaneously.

limits on campaign spending are unconstitutional

In Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court ruled that: a. limits on campaign spending are unconstitutional b. people who cannon speak English must be allowed to vote c. states must count absentee ballots on election day d. George Bush won Florida's electoral votes in 2000

for actions taken before he became president.

In Clinton v.. Jones (1997) the Supreme Court ruled that the president can be sued a. while in office. b. for actions taken before he became president. c. in state and federal court. d. by non-U.S. citizens. e. A and D.

least dangerous

In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton described the judicial branch as the ________ branch. a. most corrupt b. least political c. reliable d. existential e. least dangerous


In a parliamentary system the prime minister is chosen by the a. people. b. signatories. c. electors. d. legislature. e. monarch.

about half of

In a typical term, the federal government is party to _________ the cases that the Supreme Court hears. a. very few of b. thirty percent of c. about half of d. almost all of e. a limit of two of


In recent administrations there has been a tendency for presidents to place in their cabinet people known for their a. independent political power. b. personal wealth. c. creativity. d. loyalty to Congress. e. expertise.


In recent years, the Senate has become more hospitable to a. lawyers. b. ideologues. c. partisans. d. state legislators. e. freshmen

it is easier to stage one.

In recent years, the filibuster has occurred more frequently because a. the Senate has increased in size. b. Republicans have gained seats in the Senate. c. Democrats have gained seats in the Senate. d. participants are guaranteed media exposure. e. it is easier to stage one.

all of the above.

In the 1860s, being a congressman was not regarded as a "career" because a. the federal government was not very important. b. travel to Washington, D.C., was difficult. c. the job did not pay well. d. Washington was not generally considered a pleasant place to live. e. all of the above.

appropriations committee

In the House of Representatives, which institution has traditionally used its authority to prevent members' desire for pork-barrel legislation from pushing up taxes or deficits to politically intolerable levels? a. the Office of the Speaker of the House b. Government Reform Committee c. Rules Committee D. Appropriations Committee

a discharge petition.

In the House, a stalled bill can be extracted from a committee and brought to the floor by means of a. a discharge petition. b. an extraction bill. c. a committee rule. d. cloture. e. a unanimous consent vote


In the House, the most important position is the a. majority leader. b. manager. c. Speaker. d. president pro tempore. e. floor leader.

cabinet members

In the nineteenth century, ________ performed many of the tasks now carried out by the president's staff. A. congressional committees B. cabinet members C. the army D. the press


In the twentieth century, the trend in congressional decision-making has been toward a. centralization. b. increasing the power of the Speaker. c. increasing the power of party leaders. d. increasing the power of the president. e. decentralization

apply rules that are clearly stated in the Constitution.

In theory, restraint oriented judges differ from activist judges in that they are more likely to a. adopt a liberal viewpoint on such issues as states' rights and birth control. b. apply rules that are clearly stated in the Constitution. c. see, and take advantage of, opportunities in the law for the exercise of discretion. d. believe in the application of judicial review to criminal matters. e. look for and apply the general principles underlying the Constitution.

none of the above

In which of the following cases did Congress declare war? A. Korean War B. Vietnam War C. The war in Afghanistan D. none of the above

the president has not signed the bill in ten days and Congress is in session

In which of the following cases will a bill become law? a. the president has not signed the bill in ten days and Congress is in session b. the president has not signed the bill in ten days and Congress is not in session c. the president vetoes the bill and his veto is overridden by the originating chamber d. the president vetoes the bill

seek to use government to achieve their own goals

Interest groups are organizations whose main purpose is to: a. nominate candidates for public office b. work to define public interest in a way acceptable to all c. seek to use government to achieve their own goals d. encourage people to get out and vote

emerged as the norm a century later.

Jackson's view of a strong and independent presidency a. was forsaken after two years in office. b. has not been adopted by any other president. c. was only adopted by Abraham Lincoln. d. emerged as the norm a century later. e. has been adopted by the Democratic Party

state primaries

Most delegates to national party conventions are now selected by: a. party leaders b. the caucus method c. congressional leadership d. state primaries

part of an interest group

Most of the time, a PAC is: a. party of a political party b. party of an interest group c. party of a candidate's campaign organization d. party of the House or the Senate

other politicians and leaders in Washington.

Of the three audiences that the president confronts, the one that is most often important for maintaining and exercising power is a. other politicians and leaders in Washington. b. the mass public throughout the nation. c. party activists. d. foreign leaders. e. officeholders outside Washington.


Once a bill has been referred to a committee, the most common thing that happens next is: a. nothing b. referral to subcommittee c. markup d. hearings

decline over time.

Once in office a president can expect to see his popularity a. increase over time. b. remain about the same. c. fluctuate in a manner that admits of no generalization. d. decline over time. e. be dependent on the actions of Congress.

the House allocates seats by population; the Senate is composed of two members from each state

One major difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate is: a. the Senate allocated seats by population; the House is composed of two members from each state b. the members of the House of Representatives were originally chosen by their state legislatures; senators were elected c. the House allocates seats by population; the Senate is composed of two members from each state d. the members of the House of Representatives were originally chosen by the executive cabinet; senators were elected


Originally, filibusterers were sixteenth century a. auctioneers. b. lawyers. c. salesmen. d. cavalrymen. e. pirates.

public opinion.

Owen Roberts' change of view was a clear concession to a. established precedent. b. public opinion. c. his legal training. d. Roosevelt's court-packing plan. e. the Chief Justice

the emergence of new issues

Party realignment is caused by: a. the dominance of one party b. the emergence of new issues c. the rise of third parties d. proportional representation


Political parties cannot discipline members of Congress who fail to support the party leadership.

issuing more minor addresses and appearing more frequently before targeted audiences

Presidents have responded to the erosion of network television as a tool for "going public" by doing which of the following? A. issuing more minor addresses and appearing more frequently before targeted audiences B. nearly doubling the number of press conferences they give C. focusing exclusively on cable news channels D. all of the above

growing numbers of people don't identify with a party

Realignment occurs when: a. voters transfer allegiance from one party to another b. parties in Congress can't control their members' votes c. growing numbers of people don't identify with a party d. interest groups begin to desert the political parties

conference committees

Reconciling the differences between House and Senate versions of a bill is the job of: a. conference committees b. presidents c. standing committees d. the Brownlow committee

making it easier for voters to register

Reforms encouraged by the progressive movement of the early 20th century included: a. primary elections b. legalizing political action committees c. strengthening political parties d. making it easier for voters to register

gridlock ... unilateral powers

Relations between the president and Congress during periods of divided government are characterized by _____ with presidents tapping a variety of _____ to accomplish policy objectives. A. conditional party government ... coalition strategies B. gridlock ... unilateral powers C. the imperial presidency ... emergency powers D. the unitary executive ... veto threats


Richard Nixon thrived on personal confrontation and face-to-face encounters with other politicians.

was an advocate of states' rights.

Roger B. Taney was deliberately chosen for the Supreme Court because he a. opposed the invention of the steamboat. b. opposed the creation of a national bank. c. favored a strong national government. d. was an advocate of states' rights. e. opposed slavery

an informal practice in which senators of the president's party choose nominees for the district court in their home states

Senatorial courtesy is defined as which of the following? A. an informal practice in which senators of the president's party choose nominees for the district court in their home states B. a brief filed in a lawsuit by an individual or group that is not party to the lawsuit but that has an interest in the outcome C. spending by the Democratic and Republican Party committees in incumbent senators' campaigns D. the authority of the Senate to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional and therefore invalid


Serving in Congress became a career by the a. 1920s. b. 1940s. c. 1950s. d. 1970s. e. 1990s.


Seventy years ago judicial activists tended to be a. strict constructionists. b. liberals. c. conservatives. d. moderates. e. radicals.

"let the decision stand."

Stare decisis is generally translated as meaning a. "friend of the court." b. "amicable but curious." c. "let the decision stand." d. "to reveal." e. none of the above.


T F A member's final vote on a bill may conceal as much as it reveals.


T F A president rarely knows more than a few of the people that he appoints.


T F A taxpayer brought a lawsuit in order to require the CIA to make its budget public and won.


T F Abraham Lincoln praised Andrew Jackson's exceptional use of executive authority.


T F According to the text, much of Eisenhower's bumbling, incoherent manner of speaking was a strategic "public disguise."


T F Although he had been elected as a military hero, Andrew Jackson had also been a member of both the House and the Senate.


T F As judges, Democrats are more likely to make conservative decisions than Republican ones.


T F Bills which feature the spending of a lot of money tend to move through Congress more quickly than others.


T F By the end of the nineteenth century, the House was known as the "Millionaires' Club."


T F Conferences tend to report bills that favor the Senate version.


T F Congress cannot alter the jurisdiction of district courts and appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.


T F Congress decided no president's image would appear on currency until after his death.


T F Congress derives from a Latin term that means "a coming together." ___________________________________


T F Congress has become an increasingly ideological organization


T F Congress has become less male and white.


T F Defendants may not be tried in both state and federal courts for the same offense.


T F Democratic president Jimmy Cater could not get the Democratic-controlled Senate to ratify his strategic arms limitation treaty.


T F Democrats tend to do exceptionally well in low-turnout districts.


T F Divided government has been the result of most national elections since 1952.


T F During the 1980s, about forty members of Congress were charged with misconduct.


T F For most of our nation's history, there was no serious challenge to the claim of presidential confidentiality


T F Franklin Roosevelt was unable to alter the composition of the Supreme Court in his first term as president.


T F George Washington limited himself to two terms.


T F Grover Cleveland used federal troops to break a labor strike in the 1890s.


T F If a tie vote occurs on the Supreme Court, the case is held over for the next term.


T F If implemented, Roosevelt's reorganization plan for the Court would have allowed him to make two new appointments.


T F In 1841, John Tyler became the first vice president to become president because of the death of his predecessor.


T F In 1995, Republicans increased the number of committees in Congress.


T F In a typical Congress, several hundred bills are introduced.


T F In a typical presidential election, one half of all voters will vote for one party's candidate for president and the other party's candidate for Congress.


T F In a typical year, the Supreme Court may consider over seven thousand petitions.


T F In conference, the Chief Justice speaks first, followed by the other justices in order of seniority.


T F In every election from 1968 to 1992, Republicans have gathered a higher percentage of the popular vote than they have the percentage of seats in the House of Representatives


T F In most instances, the conference report on a bill is accepted by the respective chambers.


T F In recent years, Supreme Court nominations have usually been confirmed by the Senate.


T F In the United States, political parties exercise considerable control over the choice of who is nominated to run for congressional office.


T F In the immediate aftermath of the Marbury decision, the Court began exercising judicial review with great frequency.


T F In this country, each party to a lawsuit must pay its own costs


T F Interest groups politely "lobby" the Supreme Court through the use of amicus briefs.


T F John Marshall and the Supreme Court struck down a license the State of New York gave to Robert Fulton to navigate waterways.


T F Judicial review can be exercised in France, but only on the request of a government official.


T F Judicial review is not mentioned in the Constitution.


T F Leadership carries more power in the Senate than in the House.


T F Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation Act without prior congressional approval.


T F Lincoln raised an army and spent money without prior approval of Congress.


T F Members of Congress are more concerned with their own constituencies than they are with the interests of any organized party.


T F Members of Congress are more likely to deal with one another through staff intermediaries than personally.


T F Members of Congress have encouraged presidents to accompany legislation with signing statements.


T F Members of the British House of Commons are poorly paid and have no offices of their own


T F Members of the majority party could, in theory, occupy all of the seats on all of the committees.


T F Most bills die in committee and they are often introduced only to get publicity for a member of Congress.


T F Most bills require a conference of committees from each house.


T F Most state governors possess the power of the line-item veto.


T F No federal judge has ever been impeached.


T F One president has gone on to become a Supreme Court justice.


T F One valid explanation for increasing judicial activism is the dramatic increase in the number of lawyers in the United States.


T F Only two presidents have ever been impeached.


T F Pending legislation does not carry over from one Congress to the next.


T F President Carter employed the pyramid structure for organization of personal staff.


T F Presidential elections have never been decided by the House of Representatives


T F Presidents have made fewer and fewer impromptu remarks in the years since Franklin Roosevelt held office.


T F Presidents routinely complain of what they feel is the limited scope of their power


T F Republicans in Congress also implemented term limits for committee chairmen.


T F Research suggests divided governments do not ratify significant treaties or pass important laws.


T F Roosevelt actually left the presidency without ever having the opportunity to make a Supreme Court appointment.


T F Senators are more likely to lose bids for reelection than members of the House.


T F Senators are often less in tune with public opinion than members of the House.


T F Sequential referrals have slowed down the business of Congress considerably.


T F Serving in Congress had become a career by the 1930s.


T F Some presidents have not experienced a "honeymoon" in the sense of initially high levels of public support and congressional compliance.


T F Studies suggest the incumbency advantage is worth about two to three points in an election today.


T F Taxpayers automatically have standing and can challenge the constitutionality of a federal government action.


T F The Clean Air Act (1990) and the Welfare Reform Act (1996) were both bills deigned by Congress, not by the president.


T F The Constitution sets the number of justices on the Court at nine.


T F The Constitution specifically requires the president to divulge private communications between himself and his principal advisors if a congressional investigation demands such information.


T F The Constitution specifically requires the president to spend money that is appropriated by Congress.


T F The Democratic Caucus changed the rules of Congress so that House chairmen were elected by secret ballot in party caucus.


T F The Nation's early presidents made extensive use of the veto power


T F The Senate highlights the fact that the Republican Party is more deeply divided than the Democratic Party.


T F The Supreme Court begins each term in the month of August


T F The Supreme Court does not have to hear any appeal it does not want to hear


T F The Supreme Court has declared so-called legislative vetoes unconstitutional.


T F The Supreme Court has declared thousands of federal laws to be unconstitutional since 1789.


T F The Supreme Court has made the rules governing class actions suits more lenient in recent years.


T F The Supreme Court struck down an effort by a state to impose term limits on its own members of Congress


T F The Supreme Court upheld the power of the president to carve up legislation, retaining only those parts with which he is in agreement.


T F The conservative Court of Chief Justice Rehnquist has overturned most of the critical decisions that came out of the more liberal Court, headed by Chief Justice Warren.


T F The general assumption of the Framers of the Constitution was that George Washington would be the first president.


T F The influence of law clerks on the selection of the Supreme Court's cases and the rendering of its decisions is considerable.


T F The litmus test issue is not as important when selecting Supreme Court justices


T F The most activist periods of the Court's history have coincided with time when the political system was calm and, by all measures, stable


T F The only federal court the Constitution requires is the Supreme Court


T F The only official task of the vice president is to preside over the Senate and to vote in case of a tie.


T F The organizational explanation of how members of Congress vote has increased in importance.


T F The popularly elected president is an American invention.


T F The text suggests conservatives in the Senate monopolized the use of the filibuster for both lofty and self-serving purposes.


T F The text suggests that a sixty-hour workweek is typical for a president.


T F The text suggests that schools all over the country were allowing prayers long after the Supreme Court ruled such activities were not allowed in public schools.


T F The text suggests that the only way to get rid of congressional "pork" is to eliminate Congress altogether and replace it with a tightly controlled parliament.


T F The text suggests that the typical district court case holds marvelous potential for broad policy-making


T F The text suggests that there has been an increase in politically conservative judges who accept the activist view of the function of courts.


T F The tradition of unlimited debate remains strong in the Senate.


T F The votes of Republicans on the four impeachment articles against President Clinton did not even represent the views of their districts.


T F There are ten major executive departments headed by cabinet officers.


T F Today, members of the House are more likely to investigate and denounce each other.


T F Today, most bills are considered under strict time limits and no possibility of amendment from the floor


T F We may have had a truly unified government in 1933 and 1965.


T F What the filibuster means in practice is that neither political party can control the Senate unless it has at least sixty votes.

members of the House who happen to be on the floor when a bill is discussed.

The "Committee of the Whole" refers to a. a collection of committee chairs in the House. b. the senior sponsors of a piece of legislation. c. freshmen members of both the House and the Senate. d. members of the House who happen to be on the floor when a bill is discussed. e. none of the above.

Congress took away the Court's power to consider the case in the middle of his appeal.

The 1868, case of Mississippi newspaper editor William McCardle was extraordinary because a. the Supreme Court accepted his appeal before it was formally filed. b. it seems almost certain that he would have remained in jail for the rest of his natural life despite having committed the most trivial of offenses. c. a federal district court insisted that he be released from jail after Congress issued a proclamation demanding such. d. Congress took away the Court's power to consider the case in the middle of his appeal. e. a unanimous Court declared Reconstruction policy (under which he was convicted) unconstitutional.

the president needs a professional staff

The Brownlow report determined: A. central clearance violates separation of powers B. the president needs a professional staff C. the president should stop issuing executive orders D. the line-item veto is unconstitutional

originate in the House of Representatives."

The Constitution requires that "all bills for raising revenue shall ... a. originate in the House of Representatives." b. originate in the Senate." c. originate in Conference Committee." d. require a unanimous vote." e. be exempt from the veto of the President."


The Court of Military Appeals is an example of a(n) _________ court. a. district b. appellate c. legislative d. general jurisdiction e. second level appellate


The Court tends to overturn its own precedents more frequently than it exercises judicial review of federal legislation.


The Framers first considered having __________ select the president. a. the Supreme Court b. Congress c. the state legislatures d. the various governors e. the large states


The House has 335 members.

reviews departmental legislative proposals.

The Office of Management and Budget both assembles the president's budget and a. manages the departments. b. reviews departmental legislative proposals. c. manages federal personnel. d. organizes presidential cabinet meetings. e. reviews the Senior Executive Service.

Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha

The Supreme Court's 1983 decision in _____ established that provisions included in public laws that allow either house of Congress to reject an agency rule or action by passing a resolution are unconstitutional. A.Stuart v. Laird B.Employment Division v. Smith C.Gideon v. Wainwright D. Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha


The Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution addresses the problem of presidential succession.

the president inform Congress within forty-eight hours of committing troops abroad in a military action, and that the action must end within sixty days unless Congress approves an extension

The War Powers Act requires that: A. the president inform Congress within sixty days of committing troops abroad in a military action, and that the action must end within twelve months unless Congress approves an extension B. the president inform only the Senate within forty-eight hours of committing troops abroad in a military action, and that the action must end within sixty days unless the Senate approves an extension C. the president inform Congress within forty-eight hours of committing troops abroad in a military action, and that the action must end within sixty days unless Congress approves an extension D. the president inform only the Senate within sixty days of committing troops abroad in a military action, and that the action must end within twelve months unless the Senate approves an extension

consents to be sued.

The doctrine of sovereign immunity prevents citizens from suing the government unless the government a. consents to be sued. b. has violated a state law. c. has violated both a state and federal law. d. is exempt from having to pay fees. e. has clearly been involved in manipulation of evidence.

the Court plays such a large role in making public policy.

The dramatic and sometimes bitter conflict surrounding some Supreme Court nominations can only be explained by the fact that a. there are only nine people on the Court at any given point in time. b. the Court plays such a large role in making public policy. c. the partisan balance of the Court is quite skewed. d. Presidents rarely seek the "advice" of the Senate. e. nominees are rarely qualified for the job.

encouraging third parties.

The elimination of the Electoral College might have the effect of a. encouraging third parties. b. reducing vote turnout. c. increasing the importance of less populous states. d. reducing the importance of independent candidates. e. expediting the results of presidential elections.

striking, but anecdotal.

The evidence that the electoral fortunes of members of Congress are shaped by the redrawing of congressional districts is a. compelling. b. striking, but anecdotal. c. long-standing. d. irrefutable. e. somewhat mixed, but convincing.

there have been only two major political parties

The fact that the U.S. uses the single-member-district, winner-take-all system of elections is an important helps to explain why: a. voting turnout is lower than in other countries b. interest groups have become important in campaigns c. political "machines" have become commonplace d. there have been only two major political parties

limited ... concern "federal questions" or cases involving citizens of different states

The federal courts are courts of _____ jurisdiction, authorized to hear cases that _____. A. limited ... cannot be tried in the various state courts B. limited ... concern "federal questions" or cases involving citizens of different states C. original ... are explicitly or implicitly referenced in Article III of the Constitution D. original ... concern "federal questions" or "state-federal" disputes

politics and public opinion

The greatest source of presidential power is found in a. the Constitution. b. Congress. c. public communication. d. the bureaucracy. e. politics and public opinion

the minority leader

The head of the minority party in the House of Representatives is called: a. the sub-speaker b. the minority leader c. the deputy whip d. the minority speaker

the U.S. Courts of Appeal.

The increasing importance of a political litmus test is evident in the dramatic drop in the confirmation rates of nominees to a. the U.S. District Courts. b. the U.S. Courts of Appeal. c. the Supreme Court. d. the trial courts of limited jurisdiction in the federal system. e. all of the above

investigate and denounce each other.

The increasingly ideological nature of the House means today's members are more likely to a. consult with campaign managers before voting. b. be influenced by PAC contributions when they vote. c. serve on low-profile committees. d. investigate and denounce each other. e. sponsor legislation written by interest groups.

Richard Nixon attempted to withhold tape recordings from a special prosecutor.

The issue of executive privilege was not directly addressed by the Supreme Court until a. John F. Kennedy was reported to have had dealings with organized crime. b. Harry Truman refused to provide testimony in regard to some controversial last minute pardons. c. George Bush interfered with Iran-Contra prosecutions. d. Richard Nixon attempted to withhold tape recordings from a special prosecutor. e. Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon.


The key to the success of urban political machines was: a. ideology b. technology c. reform d. patrongage

candidates tend to avoid campaigning in small states

The logic of the Electoral College effects the way U.S. presidential campaigns are waged. One consequence of the Electoral College is that: a. candidates tend to avoid campaigning in small states b. presidential candidates almost always come from the South c. Candidates' positions on issues matter very little to voters d. whoever wins the most primary elections will be president

serve at the president's discretion.

The main difference between a presidential agency and an independent agency is that heads of the former a. cannot have their salaries reduced. b. serve at the president's discretion. c. can only be removed "for cause." d. cannot sponsor legislation. e. serve at Congress's pleasure

read certiorari petitions and make recommendations to the justice

The main job of law clerks who work for Supreme Court justices is to: A. answer the justice's phone and mail B. give tours of the Supreme Court C. read certiorari petitions and make recommendations to the justice D. monitor the district courts for agency loss

the requirement that a two-thirds majority of the Senate ratify treaties

The most important constitutional limitation on the president's ability to conduct foreign affairs is: A. the requirement that a two-thirds majority of the House ratify treaties B. the requirement that a two-thirds majority of the Senate ratify treaties C. the requirement that a two-thirds majority of both the House and Senate ratify treaties D. the requirement that a simple majority of the Senate ratify treaties

committee structure.

The most important organizational feature of Congress is the a. party caucus. b. floor leader. c. committee structure. d. legislative leadership program. e. congressional campaign committee

the Judiciary Act of 1925, which gave the Supreme Court control over its own docket

The percentage of cases for which justices have written concurring and dissenting opinions has dramatically risen since the 1930s. Which of the following has been a factor? A. the Court's more active intervention on economic issues B. increasing ideological homogeneity among the justices C. the Judiciary Act of 1925, which gave the Supreme Court control over its own docket D. all of the above

How Congress treats presidential legislative proposals

The personal popularity of the president affects which of the following most directly? a. How Congress treats presidential legislative proposals b. How members of the president's party do in House elections c. How members of the president's party do in Senate elections d. The president's ability to conduct foreign affairs e. b and d

affirmative action.

The phrase "mend it but don't end it" was poll-tested by Bill Clinton for use in discussions concerning a. affirmative action. b. sexual harassment. c. our relationship with Israel. d. his relationship with Republicans after impeachment. e. Social Security

it requires a much smaller number of members to hold quorum.

The practical advantage of the "Committee of the Whole" is that a. committee chairs have greater understanding of parliamentary procedure. b. senior members of Congress are probably more enthusiastic supporters of legislation. c. new members of Congress are made to feel more welcomed in chambers. d. it requires a much smaller number of members to hold quorum. e. none of the above

only Congress can declare war

The president's role as commander in chief is limited in part by the Constitution because: a. only Congress can declare war b. The Supreme Court must certify a conflict as a war c. a declaration of war must be submitted to the states for approval d. presidents are only allowed to serve as commanders in chief if they have previous military experience

ongress favors a more drastic change in policy than does the president

The presidential veto power is used most effectively when which of the following occurs? A. the president and Congress have sharply different policy preferences B. Congress favors a more drastic change in policy than does the president C. the president favors a more drastic policy change than does Congress D. the president and Congress have nearly identical policy preferences


The principle of _______ helped resolve a dispute at the Constitutional Convention about how to balance the demands of large states for national representation against those of small states for protection of states' rights. a. popular sovereignty b. broad suffrage c. bicameralism d. none of the above

lawyers are gifted at showing cases are different in some relevant way.

The principle of precedent is not always so clear because a. lawyers are gifted at showing cases are different in some relevant way. b. records of judicial decisions are not particularly well organized. c. most appellate decisions are not accompanied by written decisions. d. the Court rarely gets a case that is at all similar to a previous case. e. Justices are notable for insisting that their work be original.

members of the Senate to focus on other business during a filibuster.

The process of "double tracking" allows a. committees to consider recently rejected legislation within a limited time frame. b. members of the House to filibuster two bills at the same time. c. the president to influence congressional votes at the beginning and end of the legislative session. d. members of the Senate to focus on other business during a filibuster. e. freshmen members of Congress two chances to pass their first piece of legislation

prevent minority candidates from winning any legislative seats

The purpose of a "racial gerrymander" is to: a. reduce the hold of bosses and machines over parties b. prevent minority candidates from winning any legislative seats c. prevent minority candidates from winning any legislative seats d. discourage members of minority groups from voting

age and length of citizenship

The qualifications for office for the Senate and House of Representatives differ by: a. age and length of citizenship b. length of residence in the state of representation c. whether a felony conviction disqualifies a candidate d. the limitations on numbers of consecutive terms members may serve

majority leader.

The real leadership in the Senate rests with the a. majority leader. b. president pro tempore. c. managers. d. vice president. e. Senate whip.

stare decisis

The reliance on precedents, or previous rulings, in formulating court decisions in new cases is known as ____________. A. writ of mandamus B. stare decisis C. judicial doctrine D.amicus curiae

the Budget and Accountability Act of 1921

The responsibility of the president for compiling budgets from the executive departments and submitting them to Congress derives from which of the following? A. the Budget and Accountability Act of 1921 B. the Tenure of Office Act of 1867 C. Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution D. Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution

the person's party identification

The single most reliable predictor of an individual's voting choice is: a. the region in which the person lives b. the person's party identification c. the person's views on national security issues d. the person's age

deciding which cases the government will appeal from the lower courts.

The solicitor general has the job of a. serving as liaison between the Department of Justice and the president. b. deciding whether to sue large corporations. c. deciding who is eligible for the Supreme Court. d. deciding which cases the government will appeal from the lower courts. e. deciding which cases the Supreme Court will hear.

the prisoner's dilemma

The tension in Congress between individual and collective political welfare is a good example of: a. transaction costs b. the free-rider problem c. a tragedy of the commons d. the prisoner's dilemma

women are more likely than men to vote for Democrats

The term "gender gap" refers to the fact that: a. men are more likely to vote than women b. strong interest groups promote women's issues c. men follow political news more than women do d. women are more likely than men to vote for Democrats

where he should go on vacation

The text reports Bill Clinton actually used public opinion polls to determine a. how to decorate the inside of the White House. b. what to name his pets. c. how he should answer the question of marijuana use. d. what color his saxophone should be. e. where he should go on vacation


The text suggests "judicial activism" was born in the a. 1970s. b. 1960s. c. 1950s. d. 1930s. e. 1890s.

congressional caucuses

The text suggests ____________ are "a growing rival to the parties as a source of policy leadership." a. senior leadership councils b. PAC-based think tanks c. regional alliances d. executive liaisons e. congressional caucuses

made it easier to get things done.

The text suggests that closed rules, proxy voting and strong committee chairmen a. were desired by Democrats, but not the Republicans. b. were a major campaign issue in 1976. c. reduced the number of bills that were introduced in Congress. d. made it easier to get things done. e. enhanced the public reputation of Congress.

representative democracy.

The text suggests that policy gridlock is a necessary consequence of a. representative democracy. b. big government. c. direct democracy. d. divided government. e. unified government.


The text suggests that the ability of a presidential assistant to influence the president is governed by the rule of a. reason. b. propinquity. c. law. d. integrity. e. Congress.

district courts, circuit courts of appeals, and the Supreme Court

The three levels of the federal judicial pyramid are: A. magistrate courts, interim courts, and the Supreme Court B. criminal law courts, civil law courts, and the Supreme Court C. state courts, district courts of appeals, and the Supreme Court D. district courts, circuit courts of appeals, and the Supreme Court

all of the above

The typical representative or senator is a. white. b. male. c. Protestant. d. a lawyer. e. all of the above.

alter the compensation of subordinates in the executive branch

The unitary executive argument states that presidents can do all of the following actions except: a. alter the compensation of subordinates in the executive branch b. remove any subordinates in the executive branch c. direct employees in the executive branch to take a particular action d. veto objectionable actions, even when they are mandated by Congress

explicit delegations by law from Congress to the president

The vast majority of executive orders arise from the authority and responsibilities provided by which of the following? A. the "take care" clause in Article II of the Constitution B. the Supreme Court through successive decisions C. explicit delegations by law from Congress to the president D. all of the above


There are ____ U.S. District Courts. a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 50 e. 94

press conferences held

There is a noticeable decline in the number of __________ by recent presidents. a. public appearances made b. public speeches given c. press conferences held d. cabinet meetings called e. State of the Union addresses given

he/she has standing

To bring suit in a court, a plaintiff must first show that a. there is a defendant. b. the defendant is a real person. c. there is no true case and controversy. d. the defendant is a citizen of the United States. e. he/she has standing

all of the above

To discourage members from breaking ranks to enhance their own electoral fortunes at the expense of the party's collective reputation, party leaders are invested with resources for inducing cooperation. These include which of the following? a influence in assigning members to committees b. greater fund-raising capacity c. control of the legislative agenda d. all of the above

three-fifths of the Senate (60 votes)

To end a filibuster in the Senate, cloture must be invoked by: a. a majority of the Senate (50 votes plus one) b. the vice president c. the president pro tempore d. three-fifths of the Senate (60 votes)

almost all of the conservatives are now in the Republican party.

Today, few congressional votes feature the so-called "conservative coalition" because a. congressmen are increasingly facing strong challengers in their bid for reelection. b. members of Congress have generally become more moderate in terms of ideology. c. very few votes have an ideological dimension. d. the Republicans deeply offended Southern Democrats during the Carter administration. e. almost all of the conservatives are now in the Republican party.


Today, winning the presidency means a candidate must get ____ electoral votes. a. 100 b. 170 c. 250 d. 270 e. 538

demonstrate one way the minority party has more influence in the business of the Senate then the house

Unanimous consent agreements in the Senate: a. demonstrate one way the minority party has more influence in the business of the Senate then the house b. are misnamed because they only refer to unanimous consent among the majority party in the Senate c. happen only when the Senate fully agrees with the version of the bill passed by the House d. demonstrate one way the minority party has less influence in the business of the Senate than the House.


Under some circumstances, a criminal case involving only a violation of state law can be appealed to the United States Supreme Court.

whenever the vice president is unavailable, although neither office has any real leadership role in the Senate

Under the Constitution, the president pro tempore presides over the Senate: a. whenever the Speaker of the Senate is unavailable b. whenever the Speaker of the House is unavailable c. whenever the vice president is unavailable, although neither office has any real leadership role in the senate d. whenever the vice president is unavailable, even though only the vice president has any real leadership role in the Senate

picked by state legislatures

Until 1913 senators were a. popularly elected. b. picked by state legislatures. c. appointed by state governors. d. selected by the state judiciaries. e. elected by the electoral college.

all of the above

What aspects of a case increase the likelihood that it will be heard by the Supreme Court? A. the facts of the case suggest a definitive ruling can be made that will serve to guide the activity of lower courts B. the case has attracted the attention of important interested parties, such as the Office of the U.S. Solicitor General C. the case emerged from a lower court whose preferences differ substantially from the Supreme Court's D. all of the above

given their limited time and heavy caseload, the justices prefer to focus their attention on cases in which errors have been made

What explains the relatively high (two-thirds) likelihood that the Supreme Court will overturn a decision if it grants certiorari? A. the internal divisions of the Supreme Court are more pronounced than in other levels of the judiciary B. the Court relies heavily on the opinions of Congress and the executive branch, both of which generally prefer changes in policy C. given their limited time and heavy caseload, the justices prefer to focus their attention on cases in which errors have been made D. the life tenures of the justices enable them to buck the trends of popular legislation and policy

to appeal to the public and constitutents

What is the main purpose of floor debates? a. to make sure all sides of an issue have been thoroughly examined before a bill's passage b. to sway the minds of members on the other side of an issue c. to practice and refine speaking skills d. to appeal to he public and constituents

99 percent

What percentage of appeals court cases are rejected by the Supreme Court? a. 1 or 2 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. 50 percent e. 99 percent

writ of certiorari

What tool does the Supreme Court use to gain greater control over its caseload? A. writ of mandamus B. federal bureaucracy C. judicial review D. writ of certiorari

an impoundment

When a president instructs the Treasury Department to withhold funds appropriated to an agency, this is known as: A. a line-item veto B. a signing statement C. central clearance D. an impoundment

the Supreme Court struck down the effort.

When a state attempted to impose term limits on its own members of Congress a. four other states did the same. b. a majority of states did the same. c. Congress outlawed the practice. d. the Supreme Court struck down the effort. e. a majority of incumbents nationwide announced they would not seek reelection.

not part of the group that is currently in power

When politicians complain about the use of "litmus tests" in judicial nominations, they are probably a. Democrats. b. Republicans. c. Liberals. d. Conservatives. e. not part of the group that is currently in power

going public

When presidents attempt to promote their policies to the voters and thereby induce cooperation from other elected officeholders in Washington, they are ____________. A. issuing executive orders B. using their veto power C. encouraging central clearance D. going public

create an imperial presidency

When presidents try to extend their influence through unilateral actions, critics charge the president with trying to: A. go public B. act like a clerk C. put up red tape D. create an imperial presidency

their colleagues.

When voting on matters where constituency interests or opinion are not vitally at stake, members of Congress respond primarily to voting cues provided by a. their colleagues. b. judicial rulings. c. interest groups. d. PACs. e. administrative agencies

representation and action

Whereas the principal work of a parliament is debate, that of a congress is a. representation and action. b. oversight and assessment. c. administration. d. investigation and reorganization. e. discussion.


Which amendment changed the manner in which U.S. Senators are selected? a. Tenth. b. Fourteenth. c. Fifteenth. d. Seventeenth. e. Twenty-first.


Which amendment formally limited presidents to two terms? a. 9th b. 10th c. 17th d. 22nd e. 26th

Dwight Eisenhower

Which modern president is almost the only one given credit for coming close to making his cabinet a truly deliberative body? a. Harry Truman b. Calvin Coolidge c. John F. Kennedy d. Dwight Eisenhower e. Bill Clinton

the demographic makeup of the House and Senate does not mirror that of the United States

Which of the following accurately characterizes who serves in Congress? a. the demographic makeup of the House and Senate mirrors that of the United States b. the demographic makeup of the House mirrors that of the United States while the Senate is unrepresentative c. the demographic makeup of the Senate mirrors that of the United States while the House is unrepresentative d. The demographic makeup of the House and Senate does not mirror that of the United States.

all of the above

Which of the following actions can nullify an executive order? A. the president by retracting it B. Congress by nullifying it C. A federal court by ruling it unconstitutional D. all of the above

all of the above.

Which of the following actions did Abraham Lincoln take without prior congressional approval? a. Raised an army. b. Spent money. c. Blockaded Southern ports. d. Suspended habeas corpus. e. all of the above.

all of the above

Which of the following actions were taken by Abraham Lincoln without the support of Congress? A. he suspended the writ of habeas corpus B. he approved a naval blockade of southern ports C. he increased the size of the army and navy and authorized the purchase of material D. all of the above

the ability to require written reports from the principal officers of the executive departments

Which of the following administrative tools are provided in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution? A. unilateral authority to appoint the principal officers of the executive departments B. the power to fire subordinates in the executive branch C. the ability to require written reports from the principal officers of the executive departments D. none of the above

Americans have a fairly low opinion of Congress as a whole but a higher opinion of their own member of Congress

Which of the following best describes most Americans' views of Congress? a. Americans have a fairly low opinion of Congress as a whole but a higher opinion of their own member of Congress b. Americans have a fairly low opinion of their own member of Congress but a higher opinion of Congress as a whole c. Americans have equally low opinions of both their own member of Congress and Congress as a whole d. Americans have very high opinions of both Congress as a whole and their own member of Congress

members of the House face greater transaction costs due to the larger size of the chamber and shorter legislative terms

Which of the following best explains why party leadership is much stronger in the House than in the Senate? a. parties formed in the House a half-century earlier than they did in the Senate b. members of the House face greater transaction costs due to the larger size of the chamber and shorter legislative terms c. the Senate is required to operate by loose procedural rules, such as the unanimous consent agreement d. party leadership in the Senate is supplied by the vice president, who serves as the body's presiding officer

most Democrats feared being accused of abandoning the troops in the field

Which of the following best explains why the Democratic-controlled Congress failed to end the Iraq War in 2007, despite pledges to do so? a. Democrats lacked a sufficient majority to undertake major policy changes b. most Democrats feared being accused of abandoning the troops in the field c. the president's authority as commander in chief gives him the ability to unilaterally declare war and control the U.S. military d. the Iraq War was still favored by a majority of Americans

Union Calendar

Which of the following calendars would be used to schedule action on a money-related bill? a. Union Calender b. House Calendar c. Consent Calendar d. Private Calendar

a standing committtee

Which of the following committees automatically exists from one session of Congress to the next? a. an ad hoc committee b. a select committee c. a standing committee d. a conference committee

having a decision reversed by a higher court constitutes a defeat for a judge, and frequent reversals might damage his or her reputation

Which of the following considerations, if true, might explain why lower court judges comply with Supreme Court decisions? A. the Supreme Court can reassign a case to a different court and take away a lower court judge's cases B. given the constraints on the time and attention of the Supreme Court, relatively few lower court decisions are overturned C. having a decision reversed by a higher court constitutes a defeat for a judge, and frequent reversals might damage his or her reputation D. none of the above

Supreme Court

Which of the following courts are established by the Constitution? A. Supreme Court B. district courts C. courts of appeal D. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following enhances the risks of agency loss that Congress faces when it delegates authority to the president? A. the presidential veto, which gives presidents the ability to resist congressional control B. separate election of the president and members of Congress C. frequent episodes of divided government D. all of the above

The limits of the president's time and attention

Which of the following factors is emphasized by the text as placing considerable constraint on a president's ability to plan a program? a. The president's personal ideology b. The limits of the president's time and attention c. The need to campaign d. The leaders in his own party e. The mass media

The lack of effective enforcement power.

Which of the following is a major restraint on the influence of federal judges? a. Politics, especially the results of recent elections. b. Rule 17. c. The lack of effective enforcement power. d. The veto power of the president. e. International law.

helping a constituent find out the status of his or her Social Security check

Which of the following is an example of casework? a. helping a constituent find out the status of his or her Social Security check b. answering questions from the president about the state of the budget c. working late at night on the budget d. filing cases in private practice while also serving as a representative.

Joint resolution.

Which of the following is required in order to propose a constitutional amendment? a. Simple resolution. b. Concurrent resolution. c. Parallel resolution. d. Joint resolution. e. A and B.

Joint resolution.

Which of the following is signed by the president and has the force of law? a. Simple resolution. b. Concurrent resolution. c. Parallel resolution. d. Joint resolution. e. A and B.

it can be exercised by any federal court when someone with standing to sue brings a case before them

Which of the following is true about the power of judicial review? A. it can only be exercised by the Supreme Court; the lower courts may not use it B. it can only be exercised when Congress or the president asks the court to review a law C. it can be exercised by any federal court when someone with standing to sue brings a case before them D. it refers to the Senate's responsibility of confirming judges

it helped make compromise impossible, killing any chance for reform that year

Which of the following most accurately describes the impact of President Clinton's threat to veto any health care reform that failed to guarantee all Americans private health insurance? a. it had no impact; the public had always been solidly against health care reform, so Congress would never had enacted reform in the first place b. it helped make compromise impossible, killing any chance for reform that year c. it won support for his proposal from Republicans in the Senate but not in the House d. it resulted in the successful enactment of health care reform

The pardoning power

Which of the following presidential powers is not a shared power? a. Treaty making b. Appointment of ambassadors c. Approval of legislation d. The pardoning power e. Appointment of judges and high officials

none of the above.

Which of the following statements about George W. Bush's approval ratings is incorrect? a. His initial ratings were comparable to those of President Clinton's in 1993. b. His disapproval rating was the highest of any president since polling began. c. His approval rating for the first six months was fairly typical for modern presidents. d. His approval ratings after the September 11 attack were the highest ever recorded. e. none of the above.

one party cannot draw district lines that favor its candidates

Which of the following statements about the redrawing of district lines is false? a. race cannot be the predominant consideration b. population across districts must be approximately the same c. one party cannot draw district lines that favor its candidates d. a state's total number of House seats is determined by the decennial census

Presidents generally appoint judges whose political views reflect their own.

Which of the following statements about the selection of federal judges is correct? a. The principle of senatorial courtesy applies to the selection of Supreme Court justices. b. Presidents generally appoint judges whose political views reflect their own. c. Since personal attitudes and opinions have little impact in judicial decision-making, presidents are usually not too concerned about who they nominate. d. Nominees for district judgeships often face tough confirmation battles in the Senate. e. The application of political litmus tests to Supreme Court nominees is no longer legal.

No federal judge has ever been removed by impeachment.

Which of the following statements is incorrect? a. Sixteen persons have been impeached by the House. b. Seven persons have been convicted by the Senate. c. No federal judge has ever been removed by impeachment. d. The impeachment case against Andrew Johnson was "flimsy." e. Clinton's impeachment led to the expiration of the office of independent council

Presidents and the legislature often work at cross-purposes.

Which of the following statements is true of U.S. presidents but not of British prime ministers? a. Presidents and the legislature often work at cross-purposes. b. Presidents are selected by the legislature. c. Presidents have more strict control over members of their party. d. Presidents are most often government insiders. e. Presidents generally choose their cabinets from among members of Congress.

It becomes law automatically.

Which of the following statements is true of a bill that is not signed or vetoed within ten days while Congress is still in session? a. It is considered to have received a pocket veto. b. It is returned to Congress. c. It must be given a veto message. d. It becomes a law until the next session of Congress. e. It becomes law automatically.

The possibility of impeachment is an important influence on judicial policy making

Which of the following statements regarding judicial impeachments is incorrect? a. Fifteen federal judges have been impeached. b. Some judges have resigned in the face of probable impeachment. c. Seven impeached judges were acquitted. d. The most recent conviction of a federal judge occurred in 1989. e. The possibility of impeachment is an important influence on judicial policy making

whether Congress had the ability to create a national bank, even if the power to do so was not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution

Which of the following was at issue in the Supreme Court's 1819 decision in McCulloch v. Maryland? A. whether the secretary of state was required by law to deliver a commission to the person it was awarded to by a previous administration B. whether Congress had the authority under Article III of the Constitution to reorganize the federal judiciary C. whether Congress had the ability to create a national bank, even if the power to do so was not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution D. whether a state had the ability to restrict the number of hours worked by bakers each day or over the course of a week

whether a state had the ability to restrict the number of hours worked by bakers each day or over the course of a week

Which of the following was at issue in the Supreme Court's 1905 decision in Lochner v. New York? A. whether the secretary of state was required by law to deliver a commission to the person it was awarded to by a previous administration B. whether Congress had the authority under Article III of the Constitution to reorganize the federal judiciary C. whether Congress had the ability to create a national bank, even if the power to do so was not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution D. whether a state had the ability to restrict the number of hours worked by bakers each day or over the course of a week

a lawyer

Which of the following was not described as one of the insults the Federalists used to attack Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800? A. a lawyer B. a philosopher C. an infidel and atheist D. the author of a textbook on American government that promoted abstract ideas


Which organizational structure runs the risk of isolating or misinforming the president? a. pyramid b. circular c. ad hoc d. titular e. vertical

Gerald Ford

Which recent president vetoed the most bills per year, on average? A. Ronald Reagan B. Franklin Roosevelt C. Lyndon Johnson D. Gerald Ford

He has hardly used the power at all.

Which statement best describes George W. Bush's use of the veto power? a. He has used it about as much as most recent presidents. b. He has used it more often than recent presidents. c. He has used it slightly less than recent presidents. d. He has hardly used the power at all. e. He has vetoed more legislation than any modern president.

Per curiam opinion.

Which type of opinion is typically brief and unsigned? a. Opinion of the Court. b. Majority opinion. c. Plurality opinion. d. Per curiam opinion. e. Dissenting opinion.

party leaders

Who are the "traffic cops" of Congress? a. party leaders b. rank-and-file members c. the sergeants-at-arms d. legislative staff members

Alexander Hamilton

Who called for something like an elective monarchy here in the United States? a. George Washington b. John Adams c. Thomas Jefferson d. John Jay e. Alexander Hamilton

President Andrew Jackson.

Who was defiant of Supreme Court rulings and supposedly taunted the Chief Justice to go and "enforce" one of its decisions? a. The Mayor of New York City. b. The Governor of New York. c. The Cherokee Indians of Georgia. d. Robert Fulton. e. President Andrew Jackson.

Jimmy Carter

Who was the last president to use the "collegial" staff system? A. Franklin Roosevelt B. Dwight Eisenhower C. Jimmy Carter D. Ronald Reagan

all of the above

Why do Senate races tend to be more variable and competitive than House races? a. states are more diverse and populous than congressional districts b. states are more likely to have balanced party competition than congressional districts c. Senate races tend to attract higher-quality challengers d. all of the above

to protect party members from potentially embarrassing votes or prevent legislative packages from unraveling

Why do majority party leaders in the House often favor using restricted or closed rules when bringing legislation to the floor for debate? a. more restrictive rules prevent filibusters from individual members b. members of the majority party are typically less likely to introduce amendments c. to protect party members from potentially embarrassing votes or prevent legislative packages from unraveling d. more restrictive rules reduce the threat of a discharge petition

with increased control over its docket, the Court has concentrated more on controversial cases

Why does the Court produce less unanimous decisions now than it did in the period before 1925? A. the move away from economic regulation has decreased internal conflict in the Court B. with increased control over its docket, the Court has concentrated more on controversial cases C. partisan control over the elected branches has switched more rapidly in the latter period, preventing one party from gaining dominance in the Court's membership D. the norm of deference to colleagues has largely been abandoned

the policy is likely to impose direct costs on specific firms in exchange for diffuse benefits to society

Why might a policy like installing antipollution devices at power plants be difficult for Congress to pass? a. congress knows so little about the environment and has access to relatively few credible sources of information b. the national news media might pick up the story and give it prominent coverage c. the policy is likely to impose direct costs on specific firms in exchange for diffuse benefits to society d. the Supreme Court has often been unwilling to declare such laws constitutional, making members unwilling to expend effort on passage

it would make it harder for members of Congress to serve their constituencies by bring federal projects to their district

Why will it be a remarkable transformation if Congress gives up the practice of earmarks? a. doing so would require a congressional amendment b. both the Democrats and Republicans support earmarks in their platforms c. it would make it harder for members of Congress to serve their constituencies by bringing federal projects to their district d. it would add to the federal deficit

to avoid blame

Why would Congress choose to delegate to the executive branch decisions regarding topics like endangered species? A. to avoid blame B. to take advantage of greater administration expertise regarding the environment C. because voters demanded this strategy D. sheer, unadulterated laziness

revising Senate rules to block filibusters.

With respect to a recent controversy regarding judicial appointments, the "nuclear option" focused on the possibility of a. requiring all judicial nominees to have federal experience. b. forcing all Supreme Court nominees to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee. c. revising Senate rules to block filibusters. d. allowing "voice votes" on judicial nominations. e. requiring 60 votes of support to confirm judicial nominations

select committees

_____ are committees appointed to deal with specific problems and then disappear. a. joint committees b. conference committees c. select committees d. ad hoc committees

Executive agreements

_____ are statements of understanding between the administration and a foreign government. A. Signing statements B. Treaties C. Executive agreements D. Executive orders

Herbert Hoover

_____________ was the last president not to use public opinion polls. a. Woodrow Wilson b. Herbert Hoover c. John F. Kennedy d. Franklin Roosevelt e. Harry Truman

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