pols exam 1 ( ch 1-4)

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what is the oldest, and shortest, written constitutions of the modern era still in existence?

US constitution

What is a representative democracy?

a government in which citizens choose a smaller group to govern on their behalf

what is a direct democracy?

a government in which people vote to make their own rules and laws

whats the stamp act?

a tax on all printed materials

what is civic engagement?

actively participating in community or public affairs

how is taxation involved in the american revolution?

after a 7 year war between britian and france, britain gained ownership of all american land east of Miss River but the war made britian bankrupt To increase revenue, British increased taxes on american colonies

The national ____ was worthless and rarely used becuase most citizens wanted to use there currency from there states banks


what declared the independence of the american colonies from british rule?

declaration of independence

Although S states wanted all slaves and non slaves to be counted towards a vote and N states wanted all slaves not counted and citizens counted, the 3/5 compromise did what?

gave citizens full vote and out of every 5 slaves, 3 will only be counted for

what is toll good?

good available to many people but is used only by those who can pay the price to do so

what are public goods?

goods provided by government that anyone can use without charge

what are private goods?

goods provided by private businesses that can be used only by those who pay for them

according to the pluralist theory of government, ____

government does what the majority of voters want it to do

after a long debate of virginia plan and new jersey plan, we came up with the ___ ____?

great compromise

the legislative most powerful tool to restrict the power of the executive branch lies in the congressional power to ___ and ___ the president.

impeach and remove

whats the townshend act?

imposed taxes on everyday objects such as glass tea and paint

The belief of some delegates that a strong national gov could deprive citizens of ___ ___ vs. increased security and _____ provided by a powerful national gov

individual rights stability

citizens of other states, were reluctant to accept currency produced by a different states bank resulting in the crippling of ___ ___

interstate commerce

British colonists in N America in the late seventeenth century were greatly influenced by the political though of?

john locke

who had ideas regarding the relationship between government and natrual rights which were believed to be god- given rights to life, liberty, and property?

john locke

who was the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment?

john locke

when a person is asked a question about a political issue that person has little interest in and has not though much about, the person's answer will likely reflect?

latent preferences

What are the 3 branches of seperation of powers?

legislative executive judicial

Before john locke what document also promised protections for life, liberty and property?

magna carta

what is a non-rivalrous good?

many people can use the same good or service at the same time

supporting the actions of the democratic party simply because one identifies oneself as a member of that party is an example of ?


Since the first convention failed , the second convention which met in ___ in ____ only 12 states came and so the AOC remained impossible to revise

philly , 1787

what kind of theorists assume that citizens who want to get involved in the system do so because of the great numbber of access points to goverment?


what is a elite theory?

political power rests in hands of a small elite group of people

what is pluralist theory?

power rests in the hands of group of people

What goods are available to all without direct payment?

public goods

the american colonies were denied elected _____ in parliament which led many colonist to view increased ____ as a violation of their individual rights and the ____ _____

representation taxation social contract

Southern states, called for _____ slavery to support their agricultural economics and for apportionment of taxes and representation


what does the judicial branch do?

reviews laws

The declaration of independence reflected the lockean view of colonists right to ....?

right to self-governance and the individual right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

what is a oligarchy?

rule by a few

After the first and second convention to revise the AOC failed, what did the gov decide to do?

scrap the AOC and form a new gov

The articles of confederation provided for a strong ____ _____ _____ and a weak ____ ____.

self governing states central gov

fearing that a stron centralized gov and a stron executive branch would use there power in a wrong way, delegates resolved this debate by placing?

seperation of powers and checks and balances

when was the US constitution created?

sept 1787

After the american rev, the legislatures of some N states required the immediate or gradual abolition of ____?


John lockes ideas lead to people join together thru ___ ____ to form a government to protect their common interests.

social contract

the agreement that citizens will consent to be governed so long as government protects their natural rights is called?

social contract

With the AOC they lacked power of taxation and the national gov had to acquire funds from the states , what went wrong with this?

states wouldnt give them the money or would fall behind on the money

what were some points of contention among the states after the philly convention for the AOC?

strengthen the national gov but maintain a high level of state power protect the power of small states in a new national gov from the power of more populous states continuint to permit states to allow slavery

what is an example of common goods?

such as water or natural resources

the national gov lacked the power to impose ___ which caused economic problems


IN 1786 there was a convention to revise the AOC which failed bc only _ states sent delegates.


what is a monarchy?

A government ruled by a king or queen

who is apart of the legislative branch?

Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)

T or F, besides china, vitenam and cuba, the rest of the world is representative democracy?


T or F the boston massacre solved the tension between colonists and britian?

F, it made it worse

what is a partisanship?

Government action based on firm allegiance to a political party

What is totalitarianism?

Government has total control of a country/ citizens no rights

how often do house of rep get elected vs a senate?

HOR= two year terms senate- six year terms

what is the difference between a representative democracy and direct democracy?

In a direct democracy the people have a direct vote (say) on the decisions and laws the government makes. In a representative democracy the people choose a representative to act on their behalf in congress or another type of legislature.

what does government do for people?

It cares for and protects the rights and life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for its people

what does the legislative branch do?

Makes laws

in the 3/5 comporimise why did the north and south states disagree?

N opposed including enslaved ppl in the population of each state for the purposes of congressional apportionment S aggreed bc would increase # of members of HOR given to southern states

who is apart of the executive branch?

President, Vice President, Cabinet

Who is apart of the Judicial Branch?

Supreme Court and other federal courts

what is a democracy?

Rule by the people

what is socialism?

Socialism is the economic system in which the people control production and distribution through the government and then the people share the profits. Under socialism, everything and everyone was equal.

What is judicial review?

The Supreme Court's authority to decide if a law violates the Constitution

whats a good example of a tradeoff?

The government pleases environmental activists by preserving public lands but also pleases ranchers by allowing them to rent public lands for grazing purposes.

Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Why did the Boston Massacre occur?

Townshend taxes

what are non-excludable goods/.

all people have acces to these goods

in nov 1777 continental congress approved the framework for a new gov under the ___ __ ____

articles of confederation

the constitution provides checks and balances to ensure that one branch of gov doesnt exceed its ___.


what is intense preferences?

beliefs and preferences based on strong feelings regarding an issue that someon adheres to over time

what is latent preferences?

beliefs and preferences people are not deeply committed to and that change over time

what is an example of a non-rivalrous good?

cable TV, private school education

what does the executive branch do?

carry out laws

what is an example of rivalrous goods?

cell phones, automobiles

what countries are oligarchy?

china vietnam and cuba

what is tradeoffs perspective?

compromises between the elite and pluralist

who has the authority to check the presidents authority as commander in chief by rejecting a presidentials request to declare war or refusing to provide the funding required for military action?


who has the power to override a presidential veto with a 2/3 vote in botht the house and senate?


what is a social capital?

connections with others and the willingness to interact and aid them

according to the elite theory, the wealthy use their power to control the nations ____ in such a way that those below them canot advance economically


american citizens have the opportunity to participate in goverment at the ____,_____,___ level

federal, state, local level

enraged colonists formed the ____ _____ ______ to oppose british rule.

first continental congress

What is government?

means by which society organizes itself and how it allocates authority in order to accomplish collective goals and provide benefits that the society as a whole needs

what are excludable goods?

not everyone has access to these goods, those must pay to have access to the goods

in which form of government does a small group of elite people hold political power?


what are rivalrous goods?

only one person can ise the goods or service at a time

what are common goods?

○ Free of charge, but of limited supply.

What is ideology?

the beliefs and ideals that help to shape political opinion and eventually policy

the more wealthier and educated you are ....?

the more likely to vote

Beside taxation what was another problem of AOC?

the national gov was not allowed to raise a army or navy in which they couldn't have any protection

what are politics?

the process of gaining and exercising control within a government for the purpose of setting and achieving particular goals, especially those related to the division of resources within a nation

what is politics?

the process that determines the decisions made by government

What were the two competing plans for state representation at the national level were proposed at the convention?

the virginia plan provided a bicameral national legislature ( 2) with the number of representatives from each state based on population ( more bs states r big) new jersey plan provided a unicameral national legsilature with an equal number of representatives from each state ( wanted all states have equal amount bc not all states r the same size)

while congress has the power to pass legislation to become the law, the president has the authrotity to ___ it.

veto, reject

What did the Great Compromise decide?

virginia plan= based on state pop, would get a certain number of house of rep new jersey= all states would get 2 senates per sate

what greatly influences civic engagement?

wealth and education

The elite theory of government maintains that ________.

wealthy, politically powerful peole control govern, and government has no interest in meeting the needs of ordinary people

did britian declare war on the rebellious american colonies following the signing of the declaration of independece?


what was locke's concept of property rights?

you are allowed to invest in common goods such as land forests and water but you can not take to much bc u need to leave some for others

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