Population and Demography Exam 1

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As in 2006, Russia was estimated to be losing population at the rate of 0.6% per year. In which year will the pop of Russia be halved

-69/-r (115)

The modern day decennial census in the US began in


Who among the following is not a neo- Malthusian

Adam smith

Regionally, the projections for the next 30 years or so indicate that while____ have the highest birth rate ____ will add the most number of people

Africa, Asia

In the 2010 census, the long form was substituted by

American community survey data

Who among the following pre-modern thinkers was in favor of abortion as a means to population growth?


In the US pop history, what is it mean by baby booblet period?

Baby boomlet is the group of children born from the baby boomers. It is like the after shock of the pop increases after WWII

What does carrying capacity mean?

Carrying capacity is how many people the land can sustain because of the amount of available resources.

Compare and contrast census and survey as sources of demographic data.

Census is a head count of everyone at their place of usual residence. A survey is a sample of those who are counted (1 of 6) to use a long form as a census is expensive, but it would be more precise. Survey are effective, but because not everyone is filing them out it is less accurate.

List the 3 most populous countries in 2018

China, India, and USA

Which theory suggests that decline in mortality may not occur necessarily due to industrialization?

Cultural diffusion

In 1990, using the 1990 rate of growth of the population, you predicted the number of people in the US will double in 2020. However, the present calculations indicate that the population will double in 2028 (from what it was in 1990) and not 2020. Does that mean the rate of growth of population has _____ relative to what it was in 1990.

Decreased. 2020-1990 = 30 years 2028 - 1990 = 38 years, it will take longer to double than what was planned.

"prudential restraint' according to Malthus means

Delaying marriage till a point when family is affordable.

Which of following classical sociological theorist had influence on the development of the DTT?

Emile Durkheim

The demographic explanation for the rather slow growth of the human population during the first 99 percent of human history is

High death rates combine with not very high birth rates.

Malthusian theory critique

His religious beliefs prevented him from grasping the possibility of the widespread use of contraceptives.

Relative Cohort Size Hypothesis

If times are good (relative to when you were a kid) then it is easier to achieve one's lifestyle goals and you are more likely to marry and start a family earlier than later. If times are bad then you will delay marriage and childbearing until you have achieved the lifestyle you aspire to.

What was the response and the change in the 'theory of demographic change and response?

Individuals and families respond to demographic change (mortality decline) in ways determined by their own goals and aspirations. (proposed by Kingsley Davis)

What is natural increase?

Natural increase is the rate of pop growth found by births- deaths

what is vital registration data? what are the events that vital registration system collects data? what is the significance?

Statistics based on these death records are of particular importance in public health for identifying the magnitude and distribution of major disease problems, and are essential for the design, implementation, monitoring, and assessment of health programs and policies.

While the US is the home to the largest number of foreign born, compared to any other country in the world. Canada receives a greater number of foreign born per person than the US. Explain this statement.

The United states has a larger base that Canada so even though Canadas immigration rate is higher, the number of immigrants in Canada is low.

Which of the following statements about the us census is not true

US census count the de facto population.

the two types of non sampling errors in data collection are

coverage and content

Which of the following statements about demography is not true

demographers believe that pip processes are independent from social processes

All except one is true about doctrine...

doctrine makes predictions w certainty and theory does not.

As far as Malthus was concerned, the only acceptable way to avoid negative consequences of his natural law of population growth was to

exercise moral restraint

As compared to the other more developed countries of the world, birth rates in the US are


Which of the following countries in Asia is experiencing the most rapid growth of elderly people


the net census undercount is calculated at

overcount+ undercount

population balancing equation

p2= p1 +b-d+im-om

The methodology of enumeration used across Canada, Mexico, and the US

place of usual residence.

Although the rate of growth of population has declined, the population size is still very large because of

population momentum

The second demographic transition is composed of the following components

postponement of marriage and childbirth and premarital cohabitation.

Moral restraint as per Malthus is a

preventive check

What do the terms pro natalist and anti natalist

pronatalist are for higher fertility. Anti natalist prefer low growth rates because of over population.

Which of these population movements has been significant since WWII

south to north migration

Malthusian Theory

theory of exponential population growth and arithmetic food supply growth

Marxian theory

three stages. stage 1: High birth rates and high death rates. little pop growth Stage 2: High birth rates and declining death rates with rapid population growth. Stage 3: Low birth and death rates with slow population growth.

Population change

(p2-p1)/p1 *100

P2 = p1 * r??

?? rate and time

Arithmetic growth is


Critique Marxian theory

it does not provide a time frame for a country to move from one stage to another

Geometric growth is


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