Port State Control PSCG PQS tasks

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PSCG54: Describe what a Classification Society "Class" Document is. o When it is needed.


PSCG52: Locate CG policy for enforcement of ISM code and verify the objectives and key elements of the ISM code are being followed. o Master familiar with Safety Management System (SMS) o SMS Manuals in language understood by crew o Written procedures kept on board vessel o Essential or critical equipment identified o Procedures for reporting non-conformities o Company has designated person for point of contact for vessel o Documented maintenance system o Crew familiar with SMS issues and internal audit procedures o External audits conducted o SMS reviews conducted by Master.


PSCG53: Describe the procedures and articulate when to expand the scope of the PSC exam to include further examination of the vessel's Safety Management System. o Define "non-conformity" o Define "major non-conformity" o Define "objective evidence" o Define "observation"


PSCG56: Describe in general common problems that can occur to a vessel that has been or is being loaded / unloaded improperly. o Excessive sagging o Excessive hogging


PSCG42: State the difference between gross tonnage (GT), net tonnage (NT) and deadweight tonnage.

- Gross tonnage is produced by a formula which is a function of the moulded volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship. - Net tonnage is produced by a formula which is a function of the moulded volume of all cargo spaces of the ship. The net tonnage shall not be taken as less than 30 per cent of the gross tonnage. - Deadweight tonnage is a measure of how much mass or weight of cargo or burden a ship can safely carry. Deadweight tonnage was historically expressed in long tons but is now largely replaced internationally by tonnes. Deadweight tonnage is not a measure of the ship's displacement and should not be confused with terms such as gross register tonnage, net tonnage, or displacement. Deadweight tonnage at any given time is defined as the sum of the weights or masses of cargo, fuel, fresh water, ballast water, provisions, passengers and crew.

PSCG55: Describe in general the reason a ship conducts ballast operations.

- Ballast operations allow a ship to pump water in and out of very large tanks to compensate for changes in cargo load, shallow draft conditions, or weather. - This allows vessels to carry a light or heavy load while maintaining ideal buoyancy and handling conditions in all situations. - A ship might discharge all ballast water tanks to pass a shallow area or forward tanks only to raise the bow in rough open seas.

PSCG45: Define other U.S. government agencies the USCG works with to address ILO 147 deficiencies.

- Department of Labor - Centers for Disease Control - Food and Drug Administration - Public Health Service The DOL has a separate branch that will deal in ILO issues; the Bureau of International Labor Affairs.

PSCG6: Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 (IMO Pub I656E)

- Examine garbage management plan and ensure compliance with MARPOL Annex V - Management plan is in language of crew - Designated person responsible for carrying out plan - Examine garbage record book: - In English, French or Spanish - Each page signed by master - Maintained for 2 years - Last entry for incineration or discharge including date and time, type of garbage, & estimated amount of incineration/discharge. - Garbage receipts - Latitude / Longitude - Special area discharge requirements

PSCG7: Define Coast Guard resources and be able to locate PSC policy and program guidance. o Marine Safety Manual o NVIC - purpose o Policy letters o PSC Monthly Message o PSC Homeport o PSC CG Central Page

... NVICs: provides detailed guidance about enforcement or compliance with certain CFRs and CG marine safety programs. NVICs are non-directive. Non-compliance with a NVIC is not a violation of the law in and of itself, but it may be an indication that there is non-compliance with a law, a regulation or a policy. Policy letters: interim guidance from program managers to field personnel - provides quick guidance until it can be incorporated into the MSM.

PSCG36: Identify all regulatory documents issued under MARPOL authority citing the general category of standards each document addresses, i.e. IOPP, Form B, etc.

Annex I: IOPP (Int'l Oil Pollution Prevention) certificate - to any oil tanker > or equal to 150GT and any other ships > or equal to 400GT; issued by vessel's Administration, Class society, or other flag state as auth/requested by Administration. - Valid for up to 5yrs. - Certificate SHALL be supplemented by a Record of Construction and Equipment. -- Must be accompanied by one of the following Supplements: Form A: used for ships other than oil tankers and ships other than oil tankers with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex I of MARPOL Form B: used for oil tankers and ships other than oil tankers w/cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex I of MARPOL. - Vessels must carry on board a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) Annex II: Int'l Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk - to any ship intended to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk - Valid for up to 5yrs. - Vessels must carry on board a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious substances approved by Admin ISPP (Int'l Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate - U.S. not signatory) - Valid for up to 5yrs. There is no Annex V (garbage) certificate; Garbage Record Book only. Annex VI: Int'l Air Pollution Prevention Certificate

PSCG31: State the additional PPE required for CG personnel when entering a confined space.

- A multi-gas meter (BW Technologies GasAlertMicro (GAMIC), GasAlertMicro Clip, or equivalent. - Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD). - Portable Communications (intrinsically safe) - Whistles or Noise Making Device (recommended)

PSCG16 QUALSHIP21 o USCG HQ reporting requirements


PSCG41: State the difference between international tonnage and regulatory tonnage.

Int'l tonnage measures tonnage by the ITC system using gross and net tonnage (GT and NT), and is now mandatory for ships, 79ft (24m) or greater in length, registered to IMO/ITC contracting govt's, on international voyages. Regulatory tonnage represents the internal volume of a vessel, in cubic feet, without any sliding scale factor. It is still optionally used by U.S. ships engaged on domestic voyages.

PSCG1: Describe difference between U.S. domestic vessel Inspections and Port State Control (PSC) Examinations.

Exams are spot checks for safety and security regulation compliance on foreign vessels, whereas an inspection is much more thorough in the construction and performance of the machinery and is only conducted on domestic vessels. For deficiencies, PSC may only say what is wrong, but Domestics is very specific on how something should be fixed.

PSCG43: Determine applicability of ILO 147.

Except as otherwise provided, the Merchant Shipping Convention (1976) applies to every sea-going ship, whether publicly or privately owned, which is engaged in the transport of cargo or passengers for the purpose of trade or is employed for any other commercial purpose. Not applicable to: (a) sailing ships; (b) ships engaged in fishing or in whaling or in similar pursuits; (c) small vessels and vessels such as oil rigs and drilling platforms when not engaged in navigation.

PSCG6: International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)

Adopted 7 July 1978 Resolution 1, Annex - Chapter I: General provisions - Chapter II: Master & deck department - Chapter III: Engine department - Chapter IV: Radiocommunication & radio operators - Chapter V: Special traning reqs for personnel on certain types of ships - Chapter VI: Emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care, & survival functions - Chapter VII Alternative certification - Chapter VIII Watchkeeping Part A: Mandatory provisions to which specific reference is made in the annex to the STCW convention and which give, in detail, the minimum standards required to be maintained by parties in order to give full and complete effect to the provisions of the STCW convention Part B: Recommended guidance to assist parties to the STCW convention and those involved in implementing, applying or enforcing its measures to give the STCW convention full and complete effect in a uniform manner.

PSCG5: Define a sub-standard vessel and give examples of detainable items under each of the IMO conventions.

A ship whose hull, machinery, equipment, or operational safety is substantially below the standards required by the relevant convention or whose crew is not in conformance with the safe manning document." - A.1052(27) As evidence by: -the absence of principal equipment or arrangement required by the conventions, -non-compliance of equipment or arrangement with relevant specifications of the conventions, -substantial deterioration of the ship or its equipment, for example, because of poor maintenance, -Insufficiency of operational proficiency, or unfamiliarity of essential operational procedures by the crew, -Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers. EXAMPLES: -Lack of, or expired/invalid/incomplete, International Ship Security Certificate, Ship Security Plan; incompetent Ship Security Officer regarding vessel security; crew anomolies, etc. -Failure of proper operation of the main and auxiliary steering gear. (SOLAS) -Absence, non-compliance or substantial deterioration of lights, shapes or sound signals. (SOLAS) -Ventilators in cargo area not operable. (Intl Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (SIMSBC) code) -Overloading. (ICLL) -Significant areas of damage or corrosion, unless properly authorized temporary repairs for a voyage to a port for permanent repairs have been carried out. (ICLL) -MARPOL Absence, serious deterioration, or failure of the oily water separator, the oil discharge monitoring and control system, or the 15-ppm alarm arrangements -STCW Failure of seafarers to hold a certificate; failure to comply with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Flag State Administration

PSCG47: Describe the difference between a vessel owner, operator, charterer and bareboat charterer.

A vessel owner actually bought and owns the vessel. Usually a company. An operator runs the day to day operations onboard. The owner can be the operator as well, but could be contracted out. A charterer is renting or leasing the vessel, but the owner/operator has its own crews onboard. A bareboat charter is for the hiring of a boat, whereby no crew or provisions are included as party of the agreement; instead, the people who rent the boat from the owner are responsible for taking care of such things.

PSCG6: international Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code)

Adopted June 1996 in order to provide international standards for the life-saving appliances required by chapter III of the 1974 SOLAS convention. LSA - Structure and Content Chapter I- General Chapter II- Personal life-saving appliances Chapter III- Visual signals Chapter IV- Survival craft Chapter V- Rescue boats Chapter VI- Launching and embarkation appliances Chapter VII- Other life-saving appliances

PSCG12: Explain the requirements for a class society or its agent to "review, examine, survey or certify the construction, repair, or alteration of a vessel in the U.S. - State the US regulations that provide classification societies their authorization to do this.

It must be an IACS member or approved by the Coast Guard 2004 Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act Amended 46 U.S.C. 3316(c)

PSCG15: Enroll in and state the requirements of the Occupational Medical Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OMSEP) and identify the unit program coordinator.

MSTC Darryl Harvey (as of July 2013)

PSCG21: Describe locations on a vessel that are considered a confined space.

cargo tanks or holds; pump rooms; storage lockers; tanks containing flammable or combustible liquids, aircraft fuel tanks, gases, or solids; double bottoms/sides; voids; forepeak/rake ends; crawl spaces; or accessways. Confined spaces may also include machinery or other structures that may not normally be thought of as a space, such as: large piping systems, engine crankcases, large heat exchangers, scavenging spaces, boiler mud or steam drums, cofferdams, deck storage lockers, chain lockers, etc.

PSCG29: List the criteria for the following confined space standard safety designations. o Safe for workers o Not safe for workers o Enter with restrictions o Safe for hot work o Not safe for hot work o Safe for limited hot work COMDTCHANGENOTE 16000 20 APRIL 2012 to COMDTINST M16000.6 (MSM Vol. I)

o Safe for workers: oxygen content 19.5-22.0%; concentration of flammable vapors < 10% of LEL; any toxic materials are within permissible limits; any residues or materials assoc w/work are authorized by a Marine Chemist, Certified Industrial Hygienist, or Competent Person as not producing uncontrolled release of tox materials under existing atmospheric conditions while maintained as directed. o Not safe for workers: A standard safety designation that indicates that the compartment or space so designated shall not be entered by personnel. o Enter with restrictions: A standard safety designation that indicates that in all spaces so designated, entry for work shall be permitted only if conditions of proper protective equipment, or clothing, or time, or all of the aforementioned, as appropriate, are specified. o Safe for hot work: oxygen content <22.0%; concentration of flammable vapors < 10% of LEL; residues or materials in spaces are not cacapable of producing a higher concentration than permitted in the above, under existing atmospheric conditions in the presence of hot work and while maintained as directed by a Marine Chemist or Competent Person. o Not safe for hot work: A standard safety designation that indicates that in the compartment so designated, hot work shall not be permitted. o Safe for limited hot work:A standard safety designation that indicates that the compartment or space so designated, as well as all adjacent spaces, meet the requirements of NFPA 306 to enable hot work to be safely conducted in a specific area of the subject space as stated on the Certificate.

PSCG6: International Safety Management Code (ISM Code)

Provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships, including pollution prevention. Requires that companies establish safety objectives as per ISM Code section 1.2. Companies develop, implement and maintain a safety management system which includes functional requirements as listed in section 1.4

PSCG10: Describe the role of a Recognized Security Organization (RSO).

Recognized Security Organization means an organization with appropriate expertise in security matters and with appropriate knowledge of ship and port operations authorized to carry out an assessment, verification, approval, or a certification activity, required by Chap. XI-2 or by Part A of the ISPS Code. Basically, an RSO is like a Class Society, but it deals with security instead of safety. Have to be knowledgeable Have to be authorized Can carry out various types of surveys (Ship Security Assessments, Security Audits, verifications, approvals, and certifications) and issue ISSCs and SSPs. -- RSOs CANNOT be delegated to: -Set applicable security level -Approve a port facility security assessment -Determine the port facilities which will be required to designate an Facility Security Officer -Approve an Facility Security Plan and amendments -Exercise control and compliance measures -Establish Declaration of Security requirements

PSCG6: U.S. Regulations, U.S. Code

Regulations: - Is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations - Regulations exist because they are authorized or required by law - Divided into 50 Titles 29 - Labor 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters 46 - Shipping 49 - Transportation Codes: - Is a compilation and codification of the general and permanent federal laws of the United States - Authorizes or requires executive agencies to create regulations - Divided into 51 Titles 14 - Coast Guard 29 - Labor 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters 46 - Shipping 49 - Transportation

PSCG2: Describe the purpose of IMO Resolutions and Circulars.

Resolutions are created to clarify regulations and are voted on by the entire IMO Assembly, which is the governing body of the organization. Resolutions are annotated in a certain way. A.1052(27); A is for Assembly, 1052nd resolution and voted on in the 27th meeting. Circulars are documents used to clarify regulations, but because they are limited in scope they are created by a committee instead of the whole assembly. If a circular is adopted, as in signed in by flag states, it becomes mandatory. MSC/Circ.1046; MSC is for the committee Marine Safety Committee, and is the 1046th circular published by that committee.

PSCG49: Describe the general difference between the High Interest Vessel (HIV) and ISPS matrices.

- HIV Matrix: a classified, risk-based tool used to evaluate the security risk of a vessel entering into port. - ISPS Matrix: a screening tool that promotes systematic evaluation of several risk factors related to a vessel's compliance or noncompliance with domestic and international maritime security standards. The risk factors are: ship management; flag State; recognized security organization (RSO); the individual vessel's security compliance history (the degree that vessel meets both domestic and international maritime security standards); and last ports of call information. In other words, the HIV matrix determines the security risk level in allowing a vessel into port; the ISPS matrix determines risk level related to compliance/noncompliance with laws, regulations, and conventions.

PSCG16 QUALSHIP21 o Disenrollment criteria

- If the vessel is detained and determined to be substandard, in U.S. waters. - The vessel is found with serious deficiencies (e.g. detention warranted) that are not being monitored by the vessel's Flag State or class society, acting on behalf of the Flag State, or the vessel is found to not have reported a hazardous condition prior to arrival. If the vessel is within the time limits imposed by the Flag State or class society to correct deficiencies, the vessel will not lose eligibility for incentives. - The vessel has a marine violation, more than one paid Notice of Violation ticket, or a reportable marine casualty that meets the definition of a serious marine incident or major marine casualty - The vessel transfers class to a targeted class society - The vessel changes its Flag State to one that has a detention ratio greater than 1.0%, or to a Flag State that does not have at least 10 distinct arrivals in each of the previous 3 years - Vessel is associated with a company that is required by the U.S. Department of Justice to have and follow an Environmental Compliance Plan due to criminal prosecution of environmental laws or vessel has any other pending criminal investigations.

PSCG46: Locate CG policy and explain purpose and applicability of CG Ballast Water Management program.

- Location: 33 CFR 151 (Subpart D); NVIC 07-04; - Purpose: to prevent, to the maximum extent practicable, the unintentional introduction and spread of aquatic nuisance species (ANS) in U.S. waters. - Applicability: all non-recreational vessels, U.S. and foreign, that are equipped with ballast tanks and operate in U.S. waters - except: - exempt from ALL parts of 33CFR151partD: U.S. and foreign warships and gov't non-commercial vessels; - exempt from BWM, reporting, and recording req's: - crude oil tankers engaged in coastwise trade; - vessels that operate exclusively in one COTP zone. - exempt from BWM requirements: - Seagoing vessels that operate in more than one COTP Zone, do not operate outside of the EEZ, and are less than or equal to 1,600 GRT or less than or equal to 3,000 GT - Non-seagoing vessels - Vessels that take on and discharge ballast water exclusively in one COTP Zone.

PSCG50: Describe a Non-Convention vessel security compliance examination.

- Looks at how vessels comply with domestic security regulations like MTSA, rather than ISPS code, SOLAS convention, etc. - Boarding authority: 50 USC 191, 14 USC 89, 33 USC 1226 and 33 CFR Part 6.

PSCG16 QUALSHIP21 o Eligibility criteria

- Must be a non-U.S. flagged ship - No substandard vessel detentions in the U.S. within previous 36 months - No marine violations or serious marine casualties, and no more than one ticket in U.S. within previous 36 months - Successful U. S. PSC Safety exam within previous 12 months - Not owned or operated by any company that has been associated with any PSC detention in U.S. waters within the previous 24 months - Not classed by, or have their statutory Convention Certificate issued by, a targeted class society. - Not registered with a Flag State that has a detention ratio greater than 1.0%; also, the vessel's Flag State must have at least 10 distinct arrivals in each of the previous 3 years - Vessel's Flag State must have submitted their Self-Assessment of Flag State Performance to the IMO and provided a copy to the U.S. Coast Guard

PSCG18: Demonstrate understanding of the Special Interest Vessel (SIV) Program. o List the non-entrant countries o List the restricted countries o Define a non-entrant vessel o Define a restricted vessel o Port entry procedures for SIV vessels o List the Controlled Ports ************************************************************* o Draft MAREP Message - state requirements. o Additional NOA requirements for vessels under 300 GT o SIV Desk number and purpose o MSM Vol VIII o Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan (MOTR) o Shipping agent guidelines

- Non-entrant countries: Cambodia, Vietnam - Restricted countries: Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria Non-entrant vessels: - Entitled to fly the flag of non-entrant country - Not entitled to fly the flag of a non-entrant country, but operates under the authority of non-entrant country - Operated or chartered by non-entrant country - Any person on board a citizen or resident of non-entrant country - Any other person on board that MOTR determines is a threat or potential threat - Shall be denied access to internal waters and ports and territorial seas of the U.S. Restricted vessels: - Entitled to fly the flag of a restricted country - Operated or chartered by a restricted country - Any person on board a citizen or resident of restricted country Port entry procedures: - Non-entrant vessels are not allowed in US waters unless force majeure or other emergency situation is validated by the COTP - All restricted vessels entering a controlled port must provide a NOA 96 hours prior Controlled Ports: - Portsmouth, NH - New London/Groton, CT - Hampton Roads, VA - Kings Bay, GA - Jacksonville, FL - Port Canaveral, FL - Panama City, FL - Port Hueneme, CA - Puget Sound, WA - Honolulu, HI - Apra Harbor, Guam Under 300GT: foreign vessels entering any port or place in the Seventh Coast Guard District must submit a NOA.

PSCG33: Determine applicability of SOLAS regulations as they pertain to individual vessel's keel laid date. o Determine applicability by chapter. o Describe what an "All Ships" cite is.

- SOLAS contents: Part 1 consists of Chapters I-XII and the appendix (each chapter contains parts, which contain regulations, which contain paragraphs); Part 2 consists of Annexes 1-4 - All Ships cite: applies to all ships regardless of build date. These cites often contain the words "all ships" or "all passenger ships" or "all freight ships". An "all ships" cite can either be an entire chapter or a specific regulation. In some cases, the "all ships" cites may even be part of a regulation - Regular Ships cite: not retroactive.

PSCG48: Describe the difference between a Security Examination (ISPS) and a Security Boarding.

- Security exam (ISPS): to verify that vessels and their crews are in substantial compliance with international conventions and applicable U.S. laws related to security - in other words, to see how vessels comply with security regulations and conventions. - Authority: SOLAS '74, Chapter XI-2; MTSA, including 33 CFR Parts 101-106. - Security boarding: a limited examination by an armed boarding team of a vessel (including the cargo, documentation, and persons on board) designated by the COTP, arriving or departing at a U.S. port, to deter acts of terrorism and/or transportation security incidents. - Authority: 14 USC 89(a)

PSCG38: Describe in general the various types of items regulated under the ICLL 66. For example: o Load Line Mark o Freeing Ports o Hatchways, doorways o Free Boards o Etc.

- protection of openings - guard rails - freeing ports - means of access to crew's quarters - freeboard - deck line - load line mark - mark of assigning authority - details of marking - doors and hatchways - portable beams - covers - weathertightness: covers, means for securing - ventilators and air pipes - cargo ports and other similar openings - scuppers, inlets, and discharges - machinery space openings - misc openings in freeboard and superstructure decks - sidescuttles - protection of the crew

PSCG14: State the required PPE needed to complete a PSC exam. (COMDTINST M5100.47, Ch. 11) - PPE required for at sea examinations. (cold water / warm water) - Define when emergency escape breathing devices apparatus (EEBD) are required.

-Hard Hat -Safety Glasses -Hearing Protection -Safety Boots -PFDs -Leather Gloves -Sunscreen -Appropriate clothing to avoid heat and cold stress -Cold water: anti-exposure suit (Mustang suit) or drysuit, depending on air/water temp (50/50 box) EEBDs required when: -Near compressed or liquefied cargoes -During initial pollution response activities or other emergency response activities -In Pump rooms on vessels carrying cargo -During cargo transfers of subchapter D and O cargoes -During subchapter O cargo tanks entries to the extent that they do not create a serious safety hazard -When entering other spaces that have the potential for suddenly changing atmospheres. Examples include, but are not limited to: ---Confined Spaces next to inert spaces or spaces containing compressed or liquefied cargoes due to the risk of suddenly changing conditions due to leaks

PSCG20: List the three distinct characteristics of a "confined space".

-Is large enough that a person can "Bodily" enter and perform assigned work -Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit -Is not designed for continuous occupancy

PSCG3: State where the U.S. Coast Guard has jurisdiction to conduct Port State Control Exams.


PSCG40: State the methods by which flag administrations issue STCW 95 endorsements.


PSCG25: Describe the conditions that must be met in order for the Marine Chemist certificate to remain valid.

-The work authorized on the certificate must be commenced within 24 hours. -Special conditions mentioned on the certificate must be maintained. -All spaces affected by the certificate must be re-inspected by a competent person every 24 hrs, unless otherwise specified. -Unless movement is authorized by the chemist, all work must be done in the original location.

PSCG51: Describe the Enhanced Seaway Inspection program and state whether or not an Enhanced Seaway Inspection counts for a safety examination.


PSCG8: Describe the role of a vessel agent.

33 CFR 160.220 defines an agent as any person, partnership, firm, company, or corporation enagaged by the owner or charterer of a vessel to act on their behalf for matters concerning the vessel. This includes finding moorage space, ordering stores, running crewmembers to and from the airport, helping in pollution response, and even regulatory compliance advice.

PSCG6: International Convention on Load Lines , 1966 (ICLL)

A Load Line Certificate is issued to a vessel ensuring compliance with the Code to establish a safe loading limit and provide for the safety of crewmembers through structural adequacy and watertight integrity of the vessel. Valid for 5yrs. ICLL also ensures that vessels: - Are structurally adequate for voyage - Have adequate stability for service intended - Have adequate watertight integrity - Have a high working platform for crew during heavy weather - Have sufficient reserve buoyancy above waterline so vessel will not founder in heavy weather. - NVIC 5-83: Guidelines for interpretation of the 1966 International Load Line Convention. - NVIC 2-85: Enforcement of load line requirements VESSEL CATEGORIES - Type "A": Designed to carry only liquid in bulk; high degree of watertight integrity of the deck exposed to weather; has low permeability of loaded cargo compartments. - Type "B": All others.

PSCG6: International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)

Adopted November 2001 The ISPS Code is implemented through chapter XI-2 Special measures to enhance maritime security in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). The Code has two parts, one mandatory and one recommendatory. The ISPS Code is part of SOLAS so compliance is mandatory for the 148 Contracting Governments to SOLAS (not all member states) ISPS has 3 security levels - normal, heightened, exceptional. The objectives of this code are to: Establish an international framework involving cooperation between contacting governments, government agencies, local administration, and the shipping and port industries to detect/assess security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade. Establish the respective roles and responsibilities of all these parties concerned, at the national and international level, for ensuring maritime security Ensure the early and efficient collation and exchange of security-related information Provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security levels Ensure confidence and proportionate maritime security measures are in place.

PSCG6: International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)

Adopted by the Maritime safety committee (MSC) December 2000 FSS - Structure and Content Chapter I- General Chapter II- International shore connections Chapter III- Personal protection Chapter IV- Fire extinguishers Chapter V- Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems Chapter VI- Fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems Chapter VII- Fixed pressure water-spraying and water-mist fire-extinguishing systems Chapter VIII- Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems Chapter IX- Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems Chapter X- Sample extraction smoke detection systems Chapter XI- low-location lighting systems Chapter XII- Fixed emergency fire pumps Chapter XIII- Arrangement of means of escape Chapter XIV- Fixed deck foam systems Chapter XV- Inert gas systems Provides international standards for the fire safety systems and equipment required by chapter II-2 of SOLAS Unless expressly provided otherwise, this code is applicable for the fire safety systems of ships the keel of which are laid or which are at a similar stage on or after 1 July 2002

PSCG16 QUALSHIP21 o Targeting differences

All vessels will continue to be screened using the PSC Safety and Environmental Protection Compliance Targeting Matrix. Qualship 21 vessels will not be assigned additional points for ship type (column V). All other overriding conditions in the targeting matrix should be considered.

PSCG6: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

Annex 1 Oil Annex 2 Noxious Liquid Substance in Bulk Annex 3 Harmful substances carried in packaged form Annex 4 Sewage from ships (U.S. not signatory, but can be enforced with ISM by "not following the vessel's SMS" Annex 5 Garbage (U.S. is signatory but enforces w/CFRs rather than MARPOL Annex 6 Air pollution

PSCG35: Determine applicability of MARPOL regulations / annexes as they pertain to individual vessels.

Annex I: Regulation 6: Surveys: applies to oil tankers of 150 GT and up, and to all other ships of 400 GT and up. Regulation 14: Oil filtering equipment: Ships between 400 and 10,000 GT must comply with paragraph 6. Must ensure bilge water discharged does not exceed 15 ppm. Ships above 10,000 GT must comply with paragraphs 6 and 7. Must be equipped with an alarm and automatic stopping device. Annex II: All ships unless otherwise specified Annex III: All ships unless otherwise specified Annex IV: All ships of 400GT and above; all ships <400GT certified to carry >15 persons. (U.S. is not a signatory to this annex and thus cannot enforce it; refer to 33CFR159 for MSD regulations.) Annex V: All ships unless otherwise specified Annex VI: Surveys: applies to every ship 400GT and above and every fixed and floating drilling rig and other platforms.

PSCG6: International Labor Office, Convention 147 (ILO 147)

Annexes: I: Substantive provisions of the merchant shipping (minimum standards) convention, 1976 (#147) II: Substantive provisions of the labor inspection (seamen) recommendation, 1926 (#28) ILO provides: guide-lines for ship inspectors Minimum age Articles of agreement Vocational training Officers' certificates of competency Food and catering Crew accommodation Hours of work and manning Prevention of occupational accidents Sickness or injury benefits Repatriation Freedom of association, protection of the right to organize and collective bargaining

PSCG30: Define the term hot work.

Any activity involving riveting, welding, burning or the use of powder-actuated tools or similar fire-producing operations. Grinding, drilling, abrasive blasting, or similar spark-producing operations are also considered hot work except when such operations are isolated physically from any atmosphere containing more than 10 percent of the lower explosive limit of a flammable or combustible substance.

PSCG44: Locate and explain the USCG policy associated with ILO 147 and PSC.

COMDTINST 16711.12A: The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO 147) and Port State Control (PSC). Per COMDTINST 16711.12A "... to improve employment conditions in merchant ships and to expand the ability of port states which are party to the convention to take steps to protect the health and safety of merchant seamen manning merchant vessels calling in those states." paragraph (e): "... may take measures necessary to rectify any conditions on board which are clearly hazardous to safety or health." When conditions on the ship are discovered and deemed to be "clearly hazardous to safety or health" PSC action can be taken. ***If the Flag of the inspected vessel is not party to ILO147 the Ports and Waterways Safety Act, 33 USC 1223(b)(3), can be used. This states that: "The Secretary may order any vessel, in a port or place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or in the navigable waters of the United States, to operate or anchor in a manner he directs if-- (3) by reason of weather, visibility, sea conditions, port congestion, other hazardous circumstances, or the condition of such vessel, he is satisfied that such directive is justified in the interest of safety".

PSCG32: Locate CG Ethics Policy and determine relevance to PSC program. o Accepting gifts o Eating lunch o Accepting beverages

COMDTINST M5370.8B - Accepting gifts: Unsolicited gifts with a market value of $20 or less per occasion, aggregating no more than $50 in a calendar year from any one source, or when clearly motivated by a family relationship or personal friendship are allowed, are allowed. - Eating lunch: may accept food not part of a meal. - Accepting beverages: non-alcoholic only.

PSCG34: Identify all regulatory documents issued under SOLAS authority citing the general category of standards each document addresses, i.e. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Cert, Cargo Ship Safety Construction, etc.

Certificate of Registry Class Certificate International Tonnage Certificate (ITC) Chapter I Certificates - Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (valid up to 12 months) - to comply w/Ch II-1, II-2, III, IV, V; shall be supplemented by Record of Equipment (Form P). - Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate - to comply w/Ch II-1, II-2, III, V. - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate - to comply w/Ch II-1, II-2 (except fire safety systems & appliances & fire control plans); shall be supplemented by Record of Equipment (Form E) - Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate - to comply w/Ch IV; shall be supplemented by Record of Equipment of Radio Facilities (Form R). - Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (in lieu of above 3 Cargo Ship certificates); shall be supplemented by Record of Equipment (Form C). - Form of Exemption Certificate - to exempt a ship from a requirement of the Convention, under given conditions or on given voyages. - Nuclear Passener Ship Safety Certificate - Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate Chapter IX Certificates - Document of Compliance (DOC, to comply w/ISM Code) - Safety Management Certificate - International Load Line Certificate (ILLC) (SMC) Safe Manning Certificate (compare to crew list) =========================================== - International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) International Anti-fouling Systems (IAFS) Certificate Engine IAPP (EIAPP) Dangerous Goods Document of Compliance

PSCG19: Locate the CG confined space entry policy and state the entry requirements. o COMDTINST M5100.47, CH. 11

Chapter 6 of Safety and Environmental Health Manual.

PSCG23: Define the role of a certified Marine Chemist.

Clearing confined spaces for entry and hot work. - must possess a valid Marine Chemist Certificate issued by the National Fire Protection Association.

PSCG13: List safety and health hazards PSCOs may encounter on the job including their sources. - State the health effects of those hazards.

Contaminated Water Contaminated Food Bacterial Infection Contagious Diseases Exposed Pipes (Burn Hazard) Moving Machinery Heat and Cold stress Slips, Trips and Falls Asbestos Noise Health effects: disease, infection, dehydration, exhaustion, cuts/abrasions, broken bones, organ damage, etc.

PSCG21 QUALSHIP21 o Vessel incentives

INCENTIVES - All Ships - Qualship 21 Certificate valid for 2 years - Vessel names posted on U.S. Port State Control Website & EQUASIS - Freight Ships - Two years of limited Port State Control oversight - Tank Ships - Annual COC exams reduced in scope - Increased flexibility for tanker owners - Passenger Vessel - No reduced Port State Control exams, but will receive QUALSHIP 21 Certificates and recognition on the QUALSHIP 21 web page

PSCG11: Define the role and members of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)

Member role: to provide technical support, compliance verification and research and development for maritime safety and regulation. Member States: American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Bureau Veritas (BV) China Classification Society (CCS) Hrvatski Registar Brodova (CRS) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Germanischer Lloyd (GL) Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) Korean Register of Shipping (KR) Lloyd's Register (LR) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) Polski Rejestr Statkow (PRS) Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS)

GE5.8 Examine Vessel Response Plan (VRP) o Verify USCG approval letter o Verify accuracy of local response contacts

NTVRP applicability: nontank vessels >= 400GT. Plan must: - be consisten w/nat'l and area contingency plans (NCP/ACP) - ID qualified individual w/full auth to interact w/FOSCR and others to take needed actions and comms - describe training, drills, equipment testing, response actions of persons onboard needed to be ready for response

PSCG27: Define the role of a Certified Industrial Hygienist. o State whether a Certified Industrial Hygienist can authorize INITIAL entry into a confined space.

Not necessarily. The CIH would also have to either be a Marine Chemist or be a Coast Guard member designated as a competent person. CIH's are not, by virtue of their certification, a Marine Chemist or a competent person. Although a CIH should have knowledge of all the atmospheric testing requirements performed by a competent person, they may not be familiar with the structure, location and designation of spaces where work is to be conducted and they may not be familiar with shipyard occupational safety regulations (29 CFR Part 1915) or NFPA 306.

PSCG6: International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)

SOLAS Ch VII - Carriage of Dangerous Goods and MARPOL Annex II - Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk both cover carriage of chemicals in bulk. Both Conventions require chemical tankers built after 1 July 1986 to comply with the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code). The IBC Code provides an international standard for the safe carriage by sea of dangerous and noxious liquid chemicals in bulk. To minimize the risks to ships, their crews and the environment, the Code prescribes the design and construction standards of ships and the equipment they should carry, with due regard to the nature of the products involved. The code requires one of three types of ship designs. Type 1, 2, and 3 ships are chemical tankers intended to transport chapter 17 products with very severe, appreciably severe, and sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards, respectively, which require maximum, significant, and a moderate degree of preventive measures, respectively, to preclude an escape of such cargo.

PSCG6: Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

SOLAS applies to ships engaged on international voyages; and SOLAS does not apply to: Ships of war and troopships Cargo ships less than 500 GT Ships not propelled by mechanical means Pleasure yachts not engaged in trade Fishing Vessels SOLAS applicability is determined by keel laid date. SOLAS- Adopted in 1929 Chapter I- General provisions Chapter II-1- Construction - Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations Chapter II-2 - Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction Chapter III - Life-saving appliances and arrangements Chapter IV - Radio communications Chapter V - Safety of navigation Chapter VI- Carriage of cargoes Chapter VII- Carriage of dangerous goods Chapter VIII- Nuclear ships Chapter IX- Management for the safe operation of ships Chapter X- Safety measurements for high-speed craft Chapter XI-1- Special measures to enhance maritime security Chapter XII- Additional safety measures for bulk carriers

PSCG39: State the applicability of STCW 95.

Seafarers serving on board all seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party except warships/non-commercial gov't ships, fishing vessels, pleasure yachts not engaged in trade, primitive wooden ships.

PSCG16: Demonstrate understanding of the Quality Shipping in the 21st Century (Qualship 21) Program. o Demonstrate how to determine if a vessel is in the Qualship 21 program in MISLE.

See 6 individual QUALSHIP 21 cards.

PSCG6: Explain the general content and structure with international conventions. MARPOL, IMO Pub I656E, SOLAS, ISPS, ISM, LSA, FSS, STCW, ICLL, ILO 147, ITC, IBC, U.S. regs

See additional PSCG6 cards.

PSCG24 Examine and explain the required information on a Marine Chemist Certificate. o Listing of the 3 previous cargoes carried within the confined space o Tests performed and levels found within each confined space. o Oxygen content, % of Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), and air concentration of any toxics identified during the inspection. o Standard Safety Designation for each specified confined space. o Date and time survey completed. o Frequency and type of additional tests and inspections of space required. o Any conditions for consulting or recalling the Marine Chemist. o Any protective equipment and devices or other precautions required (i.e. fire watch, ventilation) o Specific location of vessel. o Two signatures (one for Marine Chemist and one for the person from the vessel accepting responsibility for the certificate.

Tests to perform: -O2 content (% by volume; should be 19.5-22% [20.8%]) -Flammable gas (% LEL; should be < 10% of LEL) -Toxic gas (CO < 25ppm, H2S <10ppm)

PSCG16 QUALSHIP21 o Current eligible flag States

The Bahamas Bermuda Canada Cayman Islands Denmark France Germany Greece Hong Kong India Isle of Man Japan Liberia Malaysia Marshall Islands The Netherlands Norway Republic of Korea Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Vanuatu

PSCG6: International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (ITC)

The Convention established uniform principles and rules to determine tonnage of ships engaged on international voyages; provides for gross and net tonnages, both of which are calculated independently. The rules apply to all ships built on or after 18 July 1982 - the date of entry into force - while ships built before that date were allowed to retain their existing tonnage for 12 years after entry into force, or until 18 July 1994. Gross tonnage forms the basis for manning regulations, safety rules and registration fees. Contains 22 articles and 2 annexes Article 1 General obligation under the Convention Article 2 Definitions Article 3 Application Article 4 Exceptions Article 5 Force majeure Article 6 Determination of tonnages Article 7 Issue of certificate Article 8 Issue of certificate by another government ... Annex I Regulations for Determining Gross and Net Tonnages of Ships Annex II International tonnage certificate (1969)

PSCG4: Describe the diplomatic relationships, international implications and economic factors that are evident during a PSC examination. Articulate in general the impact / trickle down consequences of delaying a vessel.

The IMO is a organization under the UN which is a diplomatic international partnership. Delays and detentions cause large economic impacts. The development of the world economy is closely related and highly influenced by the commercial shipping industry. "The PSCO should exercise professional judgment to determine whether to detain a ship until the deficiencies are corrected or to allow it to sail with certain deficiencies, having regard to the particular circumstances of the intended voyage." A.1052(27) 2.3.5 [IMO assembly resolution]

PSCG3: Define the Coast Guard's authority to board foreign vessels and conduct PSC exams.

The U.S. is party to SOLAS, ICLL, MARPOL, and STCW 95, which provide authority for port states to exercise control procedures to secure compliance with applicable convention. 33 USC 1221 - Ports and Waterways Safety Act - designed to promote navigation, vessel safety, and protection of the marine environment; applies in any port or place under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Magnuson Act of 1950 - pertains to the movement and inspection of foreign vessels in U.S. Waters. 14 USC 89 - SEASII on high seas and waters subject to U.S. jurisdiction for the prevention, detection, and suppression of violations of laws of the United States

PSCG22: Define the term "entry" as it pertains to a confined space.

The action by which a person passes through an opening into a space. Entry includes ensuing work activities in that space and is considered to have occurred as soon as any part of the entrant's body breaks the plane of an opening into the space.

PSCG9: Describe the role of a Recognized Organization (RO).

The vessel's flag state is ultimately responsible for all surveys of the vessel. The flag state may, however, delegate that responsibility to someone else, namely a Recognized Organization. An RO is thus an 'organization' that has been 'recognized' by a government as being competent to carry out the surveys required by SOLAS. RO usually refers to a vessel's Classification Society. Administrations grant RO these powers: (i) require repairs to a ship; and (ii) carry out inspections and surveys if requested by the appropriate authorities of a port State. If corrective action is not taken, the RO should withdraw the relevant certificate.

- PSCG37: Describe in general the primary purpose a vessel is assigned a load lines.

To ensure the seaworthiness of the intact (undamaged) vessel. This is accomplished by: - Ensuring a robust hull that can withstand severe sea conditions (i.e., structural design, construction, & maintenance) - Ensuring weathertight & watertight integrity (i.e., coamings; exposed doors, hatches, hull valves, etc, are in good working condition) - Ensuring that the vessel has reserve buoyancy and is not overloaded (by limiting the maximum loaded draft) - Ensuring that the vessel has adequate stability for all loading & operating conditions (by approved stability documentation & instructions) - Ensuring rapid drainage of water on deck (boarding seas) (by adequate arrangement of freeing ports in bulwarks) - Ensuring safety of crew while working on deck (by increased freeboard to reduce boarding seas, guardrails) - Ensuring that modifications to vessel do not compromise seaworthiness (modifications must be approved by LL assigning authority) - Periodic inspections (afloat and drydocked) to verify that the above are properly maintained (by LL assigning authority)

PSCG26: Define the role of a Competent Person. o State whether a Competent Person can authorize INITIAL entry into a confined space.

To recognize and evaluate employee exposure to hazardous substances or to other unsafe conditions and specify the necessary protection and precautions to be taken to ensure the safety of employees as necessary. Has the authority to take prompt measures to eliminate hazards at the work site and has the experience to be capable of identifying these hazards. Can authorize a space for initial entry unless the space requires a marine chemist certificate. Otherwise, no.

PSCG17: State the goal of the CG High Interest Vessel program.

To safeguard the public and vessels and their crews from sabotage or other subversive acts, accidents, or other causes of a similar nature. The Coast Guard boards these vessels before their arrival in a port to mitigate any potential risk to the U.S. Evaluate HIVs by the: - vessel characteristics - compliance history with security regulations - Notice of Arrival (NOA) info - intelligence info

PSCG1: Describe the purpose/ goal of the USCG Port State Control program.

To verifiy foreign flagged vessels operating in U.S. waters comply with applicable international conventions and U.S. laws and regulations; to identify and eliminate substandard ships from U.S. waters.

PSCG28: Define the role and limitations of a Coast Guard designated Competent Person as it pertains to confined spaces. o When a CG designated Competent Person would be used. ****************************************************************** oWho authorizes the use of CG designated Competent Person. o In general what training requirements a CG designated Competent Person must complete.

Used when there is a need for: -Determining O2 content of spaces prior to workers' entry. -Determining content of flammable vapors in tanks or spaces that contained flammable materials prior to entry. -Maintaining safe conditions relating to cleaning and cold work in tanks having contained flammable materials. -Determining content of flammable vapors in spaces not requiring a marine chemist certificate prior to hot work. -Maintaining, receipting for, and posting marine chemist certificates and appropriate warning signs. -Maintaining and testing conditions after certification by a marine chemist. -Maintaining a log of tests, inspections, operations, and any instructions from a marine chemist.

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