POSI Chapter 11

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Typically passed by an overwhelming majority

Bills that emerge from committee with the full support of the committee members are what?


Donors are more willing to make campaign contributions to


Ensuring that laws are being administered by the executive branch in the way intended by Congress is an important function of Congress and is known as____.

mark up

In the House, both the full committee and subcommittee may _____, or propose changes to, a bill.


Members of the US House of Representatives are re-elected in _____ of races.

domestic policy

Partisan voting occurs more often when members are voting on _____ issues that involve intense partisan differences.

Congressional committees

Specialize in a certain area of legislation Make it possible for Congress to consider a high volume of bills


The redrawing of congressional boundaries to benefit a political party is called

-Choose who may speak on the House floor -speak first during House debate on legislation -select the chairperson of the House Rules Committee

The speaker of the house has the right to

Party caucus

To plan strategy and resolve policy issues, party members in Congress typically meet behind closed doors in a session called a ______

Most are poorly concieved or of little interest to anyone They can be brought back to life by a vote of the full House or Senate. Some bills are not supported by the members who introduced them

What is true of bills that are killed in committee?


When a bill falls into the area in which a committee is authorized to act, that committee is said to have _____


When congressional district boundaries are redrawn within a state, it is known as _____


When members of the Senate wish to halt or delay the passage of a bill, a ____ may take place.

No executive agency or lower court can exist without congressional authorization.

Which of the following describes the power of Congress to the other branches of government?

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