Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)- Final
What does PTSD mean?
Trauma: events outside of everyday experience that would be distressing to almost anyone. PTSD: intrusive, avoidance, negative cognitive, and mood states, and arousal following a traumatic event Symptoms must last at least 1 month
How can schools help?
- Balance accountability with knowledge of trauma - Rules vs. abuse - Positive behavioral support - Consistency - Model appropriate behavior
What are examples of PTSD?
- Boston Marathon Bombing - Twin Towars
DSM 5 Criteria for 6 years and younger, what is it? 1+ symptoms should be shown to be diagnosted for a month
- Does not know why people die of old age - experience an event - witness/HEAR someone you care about experience a bad event. - Flashbacks - Dreams - Thinking about the event - Location of event scars children - Reminders of event - Avoid reminder of event - avoidance of activities and people - Social withdraws - not interested in participating in activities - irritable and angry outburst - not able to concentrate - Scared to go to sleep - DURATION: longer than 1 month
What category under IDEA would PTSD fall under?
- Emotional Disturbance (ED) - or qualify for 504 based on diagnosis +implairment
What are some class room considerations?
- Finds islands of competence - Predictability (schedule) - Safety
What are problematic behaviors in the classroom?
- Reactivity - Aggression - Defiance - Withdrawal - Perfectionism
What is the Trauma cycle?
- Trauma - Emotional damage - Behavioral problems - Punishment - Repeat
Criteria for kids 7 and older with PTSD? 2 symptoms or more to be diagnosed.
- death is understandable - Trauma (exposed to death) - Avoidance (might avoid memories) - negative cognitive and mood (Flashes, Negative view of the world, blaming themselves, always feeling scared angry and shame, feeling of detachment or estrangement from others)
What are the three important factors regarding trauma?
1. Strong parent-child relationship 2. Good cognitive skills 3. ability to self-regulate attention, emotion, and behavior
What is this? - Michelle is 5 - Her grandma passed away - she has flashbacks when she reenacts through play - Has nightmares - Avoids things with fears - Has problems with sleeping - Is uncomfortable with the hospital
Has PTSD (6- Ages)
Have adults recovered from PTSD?
In adults, half have completely recovered within 3 months.
How long do the symptoms have to last in order to diagnose someone?
Last for 1 month
Is trauma and PTSD the same thing?
No they are not.
How is classical conditioning works with PTSD?
Pair locations with events youve experienced.