_____£, Final Exam
Which facial expression of emotions is described by the following: nasalis wrinkles in the nose, etc.
Biological view of emotion, about how many different emotions are there?
A small number- between 2 and 10
The subject matter of psycholonayalysis is:
Abnormal behavior, unconscious
What are the three types of needs?
Achievement, affiliation, and power
According to the research, the need for _____ encourages Adam to engage politely with his coworkers.
According to the weak version of the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following conclusions is true?
All of the above
An infant sucking is a good example of _____
Which emotion would a person most likely experience following these four appraisals of an emotional situation? An important goal was at stake, the goal was lost, another person blocked my goal attainment, and the loss was undesivered/illegitmate-other person's fault why you did not attain a goal.
Which of the following is a way anorexia nervosa is different from bulimia nervosa?
Anorexia is associated with starvation, and bulimia is associated with binge eating.
All of the following criticisms of the drive theory
Answer: some motives emerge independent of biological needs; behavior is also influenced by environmental events or stimuli; and learning occurs w/o drive reduction.
In terms of the historical study of motivation, what was so important about the fact that motivational thinkers began to embrace the cognitive revolution?
Answer: An ideological shift away from studying animal, biological, and evolutionary motivational constructs.
______ is the so-called stress hormone that is typically released from the adrenal gland to prepare the body for a social-evaluative threat, such as public speaking.
Answer: Cortisol
T or F: The downfall of arousal theory is it cannot explain individual differences.
Answer: False
Freud's Drive Theory
Answer: If need based energy accumulates unchecked over time, motivation arises as a sort of emergency warning system in the form of psychological anxiety that signals action needs to be taken. Once action is initiated, both bodily need and psychological anxiety are quieted.
In terms of the historical study of motivation, what was so important about the fact that motivational thinkers began to emphasize the active nature of the person?
Answer: The understanding that motivation is a constant, fluctuating, and universal aspect of every living person.
One function of the left prefrontal cerebral cortex is to generate:
Answer: approach motivation and emotion
Extrinsic motivation is based on the _____.
Answer: desire for the rewards or threats of punishments
A crucial concept in Hull's theory of motivation that explained when learning occurred and when habit was reinforced was?
Answer: drive reduction
Which of the motivational states can be experimentally manipulated and changed in a laboratory setting?
Answer: drive state
What are the examples of the social level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
Answer: family and friendships
In Clark Hull's sEr = sHr x D x K formula, K was later added to account for influence of external stimuli. What does K stand for?
Answer: incentive
Arousal Theory explains the interaction between:
Answer: individual performance and environmental stimulation
What are habits?
Answer: learned sequences of acts that have become automatic responses to specific cues, and are functional in obtaining certain goals or end states
What are goals?
Answer: mental representations of desired outcomes to which people are committed
Answer: mental representations of desired outcomes to which people are committed -motivating individuals to make an effort to reduce the discrepancy between the current state and a desired state a)goal intentions = a desired end state b)goal commitment = how much that end state is desired and motivates action
Which of the following structures plays a key role in arousal, alertness, and the process of awakening the brain so to process incoming sensory information?
Answer: recticular formation
What are the limitations of Drive Theories including Freud's?
Answer: some motives emerge independent of biological need; learning occurs without drive reduction; and behavior is also influenced by environmental events.
Goal Setting Theory
Answer: specific, high goal leads to higher task/job performance than a specific, easy/vague/no goal -linear relationship between degree of goal difficulty & performance -when individuals reach the limits of their ability at high goal difficulty levels, performance levels off
In Clark Hull's sEr = sHr x D x K formula, what does sEr stand for?
Answer: strength of behavior
56) Habits are automatic responses to specific cues, what are the examples
Answer: time of day, sight of someone you know, a bowl of popcorn on your lap and the feeling of hunger
According to Arousal Theory, our performance at a task is optimal when:
Answer: when our arousal is moderate
_______ is the cognitives process that evaluates the significance or environmental events of terms of one's well-being (is this situation significant to me and my well-being)
Which of the following exemplifies intrinsically motivated behavior?
Attending a mosque because you believe it is the correct thing to do
Which emotion regulation strategy is described as : facing a threatened/boring situation
Attentional focus
Which of the following exemplifies extruinscially motivated behavior?
Babysitting your younger brother in order to receive your parents approval
An example of self efficacy is...
Believing that you will win a hotdog eating competition, Naomi believes she can successfully complete law school.
_______ is a complex emotion partly because it is uniquely both a positive and negative emotion
Rumination is the catlyst that results in often what kind of emotional or mental presentation:
Humanistic theories emphasize that human beings are motivated to:
Develop their full potential, strive for personal fulfillment, discover human potential, inherit potentialities. (1) toward growth and self-realization and (2) away from facade, self-concealment, and the pleasing of others
Person automatically mimics another's emotional expressions and begin to synchronize
Emotional contagion
Give an example of how physiological mechanisms serve as the basis for hunger.
Empty stomachs contract, causing both hunger pangs and the secretion of the chemical messages that travel to the brain to serve as the signal to initiate behavior
If you suggest that smiling can make someone feel happier, then you believe in what hypothesis?
Facial Feedback
T or F; Motivation never changes
____ arises after the person evaluates his behavior as a failure
In the drive reduction theory, motivation decreases once ____ is reached.
James Lange theory of emotion sequence of events
I see a dog, my heart races, I feel fear
Which of the following is most likely to experience depression. The person with:
Immature defense mechanisms and stressful life circumstance
The following statement describes: Individuals perceives himself as having characteristics; a, b, and c, and feelings u, v, and w, but that same person publicly express characteristics d, e, f, and feeling x , y, z describes:
Short-lived psychological-physiological phenomena to present efficient modes of adaptation to changing environmental demands
According to the ____ theory, basic survival and security needs must be satisfied before one can move on to such higher needs as self-actualization
Envy has 2 subcategories "___envy involves a moving-up motivation, while ___ envy involves a pulling down motivation
Moving up: Benign Pulling down: Malicious
The brain structure that corresponds best to ego functions and principles are ______
Prefrontal lobes of neocortex
The appraisal, "is the situation relevant to my well-being", constitutes a(n) appraisal of
Which of the following historical figures actively promoted the will as a grand theory to explain motivation?
Rene Decartes
Taking pleasure in the misfortune of another person is called
Lazaur's theory of emotion —-> _____ appraisals occur after some reflection, involves an estimate of whether one can do anything to cope with a potental stressor
self esteem
Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represents the _____ needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
The primary appraisal of falling to live up to an ego ideal often leads, in a reliable way to the emotional experience of:
_____ an overwhemingly powerful emotion associated with feelings of inferiority, a sense of worthlessness, and damaged self image.
The brain structure that corresponds best to id functions and processes is the
Subcortical Lobe
From the following regulation strategies, which is generally recognized as the least effective strategy?
According to those who study the functions of emotions, which of the following statements is mostly true?
There is no such thing as "bad" emotions
Signals social dominance that has an air of aggression, tension release, and taunting of opponents that seeks to put them in their place
T or F; Research shows that moderate arousal is generally the best?
Contempt is one of the 4 emotions recognizable by its unique facial expression indicator the ______
Unilateral lip raise
When does performance tend to suffer?
When arousal is very high or low
______ motivation is based on internal feelings rather than external rewards.
_______motivation arises from external factors or rewards.
Test-operate-test-exit (TOTE):
a goal is first planned, and a test is performed to determine whether the goal has been accomplished. If it has not been accomplished, operations are performed to achieve the goal
The ______ runs on automatic pilot as it carries out countless computations and innumerable adjustments during acts such as driving a car and playing the piano
adaptive unconscious
Which of the following sequences best describes Arnold's appraisal view of emotions?
appraisal ——> emotion ——> action.
Discrepency reduction:
based on the discrepancy-detecting feedback that underlies plans and corrective motivation
Evolutionary theories of emotions propose that....
basic emotions originate in the limbic system
The evolutionary theory of emotions is supported by _____
cross cultural studies
CCT (Compairion Cultivating Training) program to help member of community cultivate a greater capacity for compassion for themselves and others. Levels of worry regarding self-suffering:
decreases worry
What is the main idea of drive theory?
deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs
Humanistic psychology base premises
discovering human potential and encouraging its development Free will, self efficacy, and self actualization
The motivational concept that arose to replace instinct as the grand explanatory construct with?
The fundamental assumption of drive theory was that:
drive emerged from the disturbance of bodily needs; drive reduction was reinforcing and produced learning; and drive had a general energizing effect on behavior.
Feed back (goal setting):
enhances performance by providing an emotionally meaningful context
The parent's statement to a child, "We want you to get A's like our neighbor's son" will lead to ____.
extrinsitic motivation
Unlike emotions, moods:
function mostly to bias cognitions and what the person thinks about
According to Arousal Theory, we experience stress when the environment stimulation is
The ____ is a small brain structure that comprises less than 1% of the total volume of the brain. Despite its small size, it is a motivational giant associated with motivations such as hunger and thirst.
A behavior pattern that is unlearned, always expressed in the same way, and universal within a species is called an
Charles Darwin's biological determinism and the study of animal's inherited behavior gave rise to which motivational concept?
People often try and control their emotions. The first opportunity within any emotional episode to control that emotion is to....
intentionally select into which situation you put yourself
Some studies show that _____ motivation may not be entirely vulnerable to the effects of existinic reinforcements; in fact, reinforcements such as verbal praise might actually increase ____ motivation.
Compassion can be learned through engaging in exercises such as:
meditation training
Hunger, arousal, and achievement are the three basic ____
Research shows that receiving some sort of existintic reinforcement for engaging in behaviors that we enjoy lead to behaviors of ______
no longer providing that same type of enjoyment
What are implementation intentions?
people's specific plans about where, when, and how they will fulfill a goal Help us start, stay on track and resume Ex: My goal is to stop shopping. If it is 5pm to 10pm, I am not allowed to online shop. The goal is to stop online shopping, the goal is to save money. These implementations help us to initiate a task, makes us stay and track, and continues our tasks.
Which parenting style is most likely to lead child experience pressure driving, fcuntioning, emotional suppression, and a tendancy to self-aggrandizement after success and self criticism after failure?
positive conditional regard
Which one of the following happiness exercises is not a recommended approach to therapy within positive psychology therapy?
quest to avoid the daily mistake
Which of the following is a good example of the security levels of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
safety and employment
Humanist, ______ is an inherent developmental striving- a process of leaving behind defenses and moving toward autonomous self-regulation
self actualization
During the emotional arousal, the ____ nervous system prepares the body for the fight or flight and the ____ nervous system restores the body to homeostasis.
sympathetic, parasympathetic
The goal of psychoanalytic therapy has awlays been to
understand the condusing activities of unconscious so as to free the ego to deal effecivetly with reality
Mood exists as a blend of two dimensions, which are:
valence and arousal
The first grand theory of motivation study was: