PPE Exam 3

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Your friend is planning a wedding, and is feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes she spends hours planning and sometimes she avoids it for weeks. She says she feels like she will never be able to get it all done like she wants it to be. How would the wedding in this scenario best be classified?

A stressor

Jon has lots of money. Andrea has just enough money to afford her small apartment and weekly groceries. Based only on the information given, which of the two people will be happier?

Both equally happy

When you found out that the bars in your state had reopened, you yelled in excitement and jumped up and down. When your roommate found out the same news, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, a sign of his happiness. Which emotional style is better, yours or your roommate's?

Both good in different ways

You are high in dominance. In which of the following ways are you most likely to upset your spouse?

By acting condescending toward them

You believe that your friends see you as nothing more than a burden and are one day going to abandon you. Therefore, you constantly ask them if you're a burden, apologize for being a burden, and are just sad and negative whenever you're with them. This makes you a burden on them, and they gradually start spending less time with you. Which process is occurring here?

Expectancy confirmation

You have been gaining a lot of weight lately. You feel very stressed about this because you believe it is all your fault. Which dimension of attributional style does this belief reflect?


You are a highly introverted and neurotic person. Which of the following best describes your ideal partner?

Introverted and neurotic, but slightly less so than you

You tend to think about situations in pessimistic ways. How might this tendency affect your physical health?

It might lead to decreased immune system functioning

You have quickly climbed the career ladder in your company. This has been possible for you because you have used lying, cheating, and flattery to get the people around you to do things that will benefit you. Which of the following personality traits are you likely high in?


You tend to only put yourself in situations where, and around people who, make you look good and flatter you. Which of the following personality traits are you likely high in?


It is nearly the end of the semester and you are feeling tense because of all of the assignments and exams you have to complete in 2 weeks. Based on this description, where do you currently fall on the Circumplex Model of Emotion?

Negative valence, high arousal

You have always said that you wanted to be with a partner who made you laugh. Now, you have found a partner who makes you laugh. Is this likely to predict how happy you are in your relationship?

No; people who get what they want aren't necessarily happier

You got into a bad argument with your girlfriend last night. Today, you decide that you were probably both just tired last night. You'll both be more understanding when you've gotten more sleep. You know you're a guy that any girl would be lucky to be with. Which attributional style do you have?


Jim is low on neuroticism. Paul is low on neuroticism and high on extraversion. Based only on the information given, which of the two people will be happier?


You got into a bad argument with your girlfriend last night. Today, you decide that it was probably all your fault. You believe you're going to keep losing your temper with her in the future. In fact, you believe that you really have no self-control in any area of your life. Which attributional style do you have?


You have noticed that you tend to feel emotions very intensely and deeply. Which of the following might be an advantage of this tendency?

Positive emotions will feel more rewarding to you

On a lazy Sunday, Sean is lying in his hammock by the lake, enjoying the warm sunshine on his face and feeling relaxed and calm. Based on this description, where does Sean currently fall on the Circumplex Model of Emotion?

Positive valence, low arousal

How would your friend's perception that "she will never be able to get it [the wedding planning] done like she wants it to be" from the question above best be classified?

Secondary appraisal

You didn't get the job you wanted. You think, "Well, I'm not surprised; I never get what I want in any area of my life." Which dimension of attributional style does this belief reflect?


You played a bad game last night. You feel very stressed about this because you think you will keep playing bad games for the foreseeable future. Which dimension of attributional style does this belief reflect?


A highly extraverted person and a highly neurotic person walk into a bar. In the bar, they both see their respective exes (which is not a good thing). Which person will likely be in a worse mood at the end of the night?

The neurotic person

In which of the following ways might a highly altruistic person engage in evocation of their social environment?

The people around them might show gratitude toward them

Imagine that a person has an interview coming up soon for their dream job, and they are feeling stressed. What is causing their stress?

Their reaction to the upcoming interview

In which of the following ways might a highly altruistic person engage in manipulation of their social environment?

They might convince the people around them to help others as well

In which of the following ways might a highly altruistic person engage in selection of their social environment?

They might spend time around people who are in need

You have been feeling a lot of stress lately. Which of the following strategies would be a healthy way of dealing with your stress?

Write about it or talk about it with a friend

You, a highly motivated and intelligent college student, are dating another student at your school who also happens to be highly motivated and intelligent. Based on what you have learned, which of the following is the most likely reason why you ended up with this person?

You actively and intentionally chose someone who was similar to you

You are feeling depressed, your chest and stomach feel tight, and you have been unable to get out of bed all day. Which part of that statement describes the action tendency aspect of emotion?

You have been unable to get out of bed all day

You have high self-esteem, volunteer to help those in need, exercise regularly, and have a booming social life. Based on what you have learned, did these things make you a happy person or did you start doing these things because you were a happy person to begin with?


Based only on the information provided, who is likely happier - you, a 20-year-old female, or your grandfather, an 85-year-old male?

both are equally happy

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