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The ELL works toward proficiency in listening and speaking. which of the following must ELLs acquire? 1. Academic language proficiency in English needed to think critically understand new concepts process complex academic material and interact and communicate in academic settings. 2. cross curricular linguistics and knowledge of the TEKS 3. Advanced proficiency in language

1 & 2

Ineffective/Effective Communication Tools--

1. Document camera/ Projector 2. Online assistance


1. Emails 2. conferences

Strategies for adjusting communication-

1. Repetition 2. Offering tutoring 3. Providing examples 4. Simplifying complex ideas

An elementary teacher is creating a reading benchmark assessment for her 2nd grade class. It is imperative that the teacher align the benchmark assessment questions with the--

1. language that is appropriate to students ages 2. interests of the student


1.Shelter 2. food


1.Single-parent home 2. Both parents deceased

Sandy got 34 out of 50 questions correct on a 6th grade science test. Sandy's raw score is-


Mr. Zhong is examining grades his students earned on a math test. The grades are: 42,36,51,90,59,91,87,73,68,96,90,84,87,90,75 Which of the following answers reflects the mean?


Ms.Gauss is examining grades her students earned on a history test. The grades are: 81,72,44,81,93,76,52,68,86,72,81,77,48,81,93 Which of the following answers reflects the mode?


Which of the following demonstrates an effective community-based partnership with a local elementary school?

A local veterinarian clinic committing to coming to the school to teach students about caring for and being safe around animals.

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates an effective use of a portfolio for professional growth?

A practitioner collects artifacts related to teaching practices to use over time or to help with job interviews

Mrs. Knudson's 8th grade students lack self- motivation. They are not interested in course content and many students are not submitting quality work. Which of the following strategies would most likely develop self-motivation

Incorporating class assignments that include student choice

Response to intervention reflects a three-tiered approach to instruction. Which of the following legislative actions led to the RTI tiered model of instruction to prevent academic failure ?

Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA )

Action research is one way to understand teaching and to solve problems related to learning. Which of the following describes action research?

Action research is a classroom-based study conducted by the teacher

Mr. Salim teaches in an urban middle school where the principle has asked teachers to make a special effort to meet the needs of all students especially those with varying disabilities. As the school year begins, Mr. Salim is considering ways to adapt instruction to meet these students needs. In planning to modify instruction to help accommodate these special needs students in the classroom Mr. Salim most likely is thing of-

Addressing the same instructional goals and objectives as those addressed to non-disabled students with some modifications to meet each students needs.

A teacher has an ELL who exhibits the following characteristics: Can participate in most writing activities, with second-language acquisition support. Uses predominately grade appropriate English to write, using some detail. With support from the teacher has an emerging ability to express herself using self-generated connected text. occasionally exhibits second-language acquisition errors. Which of the following levels of proficiency best describes the student?


Mr. Chaucer has just given an end-of-unit test to assess his 4th grade students knowledge of division. Most of the students have made at least several mistakes on the test and many have shown significant difficulties. Which of the following is an effective aproach for Mr. Chaucer to take as he evaluates the test results?

Analyze the types of mistakes that were made. Reflect on the instruction that has been given so far Summarize the test results to help plan future instruction.

A 5th grade teacher has several struggling readers performing below grade level. Which of the following steps would the teacher take in order to support student learning?

Assess students in order to identify strengths and weaknesses.

A middle school science teacher often has students engage in group activities. There are a few students who do not participate fully in their groups. Which of the following approaches would best meet these students needs?

Assign clear roles and responsibilities to each member of all groups and rotate the roles among all students

Which of the following instructional strategies may be contrasted with explicit teaching?


Maslows hierarchy of needs includes physiological needs as a basic need. What does this mean for educators?

Basics needs such as food, drink, shelter, warmth, and sleep must be met before students are motivated to learn.

Bonnie a 7th grader receives a score report from a standardized math test taken by her entire 7th grade class. The results include both a grade-equivalent score and a national percentile rank. Bonnie's grade- equivalent is 9.3. Her percentile rank is 78. Bonnies percentile rank score indicates that-

Bonnie did as well as or better than 78% of other 7th graders who took the same test.

An effectively delivered lesson brings closure to students. Which of the following are benefits of providing closure in a lesson for middle grade students?

Confirm understanding of what was learned Self-assess understanding of what was taught Share learning with peers Reinforce the concepts which were taught Reflect on how they engaged with the learning

A 5th grade English teacher would like her students to use a variety of communication tools to complete a project related to a book study. Her goal is for the students to use computer- based tools to demonstrate 21st century literacy skills. Which of the following projects aligns with her goal?

Create a book trailer using a technology tool

Mr. Lopez plans to develop an effective set of behavior expectations for students in his 4th grade classroom. Which of the following practices will most likely help him attain this goal?

Create behavior standards in class to include student input and discussion

A teacher plans to use technology applications in problem-solving and decision-making into her weekly lessons to promote collaboration and teamwork among the students. Which of the following student activities will be most engaging to the students while at the same time achieving the teachers plans?

Creating a student interactive blog with helpful hints to assist in problem solving and decision making

A 5th grade teacher must explain the results of Tim's state test which measured his success on predetermined reading objectives. Tim mastered most of the objectives but according to the results he needed to work on summary and main idea. Based on the information provided what type of test did Tim take?

Criterion- referenced test

A kindergarten teacher would like to expose her students to the computer. After brief observation of the students sitting on the computer she noticed they did not have a knowledge base of how to properly use the computer. Which would be the teachers next step?

Demonstrate basic terms and functions of the computer

The evaluation team at Chrysler Young middle school has asked its teachers to evaluate several aspects of the school improvement plan. Mrs. Blackwell decided to first evaluate classroom climate in her physics class. Which if the following would be least important for her to consider in her evaluation?

Do I employ enough assessment techniques to monitor students progress in achieving outcomes?

The fourth grade teacher wants her ELLs to feel comfortable sharing aloud during classroom discussions. Which of the following strategies would best support the ELLs speaking skills?

Incorporate think pair-share activities into classroom practices so students have an opportunity to interact with another student prior to whole-class sharing.

Ricardo a fourth grade student from Italy is experiencing difficulty with word recognition skills and has fallen behind the rest of the class. The room teacher is arranging for a resource teacher to work with the student. Which of the following time/place settings should the room teacher request for the resource teacher to work with the student?

During class time in the classroom when students are engaged in other learning activities.

When using conflict resolution techniques to address a dispute between two students a teachers primary goal should be to-

Encourage the students to work toward a mutually agreeable settlement

Which of the following strategies would be effective in increasing student engagement in the classroom?

Giving students thinking time after asking probing questions

Mr. Scopes is the science teacher for a mixed abilities group of eighth graders. He wants all of his students to learn how to design and conduct a simple controlled experiment. Mr. Scopes sets a goal for all students to improve their skill level their confidence and their attitude toward science. How can Mr. Scopes best achieve his goals especially with his low-achieving students?

He can break down the science controlled experiment into short clear steps that guide students through the investigation process. Every class period has some time set aside for working on the project and receiving teacher assistance.

Which of the following instructional strategies would best communicate high teacher expectations to a 1st grade student who has significant academic needs

Help the student set challenging learning goals and provide the student with the assistance necessary to achieve the goals

Students in ms. claire's 7th grade class are very diverse group. The class includes both gifted and talented students as well as students who regularly spend time with the schools resource teacher. In addition Ms. Claire is aware that in any given classroom student cognitive abilities and readiness may range over two or three grade levels. Which of the following is most important as Ms. Claire considers how to adapt her instructional strategies as she plans her special needs students?

Her instructional strategies must ensure that no group of students is singled out and made to feel different or isolated from the other students.

Mrs. Pearson talked with her 9th graders about learning styles. SHe mentioned to her class she was a visual learner. A couple students mentioned auditory learning was a strength. Most students in the class however noted they learn by doing hands on activities. Mrs. Pearson decided to plan her instruction with this in mind. therefore mrs. pearsons teaching will reflect which theorists views?

Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligences

An ELL who is at an advanced high level of language proficiency is preparing a report on a historical figure. The teacher would most likely expect the ELLs report to-

Include grade-level content presented with few language related errors.

Mr. Schultz has his six grade students explore how carbon is taken from the atmosphere by observing and interacting with a touch-screen diagram that illustrates the carbon cycle before he discusses it with them. After debriefing the students, he shows a video that illustrates that plants performing the process of photosynthesis describe one way carbon is taken from the atmosphere. He then has the students work in pairs to write how the photosynthesis process takes place. Mr.Schultz always asks himself how science lessons he plans to meet the needs of his students might be interpreted by the various cultures represented in his class. What is the primary reason that this is such an important consideration for him?

It represents Mr. Schultz commitment to plan and adapt lessons to address all students diverse backgrounds and needs.

Ms. Lara a first year teacher is happily surprised with the response in achievement from her low achieving students in her fifth grade regular class after implementing the Cooperative Learning strategy. For several weeks she had tried different teaching strategies to help improve student learning to no avail until she started using cooperative learning. However she is concerned that Mario although a well behaved student consistently performs poorly in class. Which of the following is the best possible explanation for Mario's performance class?

Mario has a learning disability

Mrs. Fields intentions this year is to implement activities that emphasize collaboration and teamwork. Parents have given their consent for the students to have internet access and post their responses. Which of the following is the next step the teacher should take?

Modeling the types of conversations the students should post when collaborating.

Mr.Bates has several gifted students in his 6th grade class who are underachievers. Which strategy might help him address this concern?

Mr. Bates should allow them to pursue individual interests and to explore complex challenging tasks

During teacher parent conferences night, Mr. Brown a 5th grade classroom teacher at Clara Sunrise Middle School braced himself as he prepares to have a face-to-face conference with Mr. and Mrs. Sims. John Sims a student that Mr.Brown has had difficulties with for 3 weeks, walks into the classroom with his parents and states,"Mr.Brown these are my parents" and walks away. Although Mr. Brown has sent several notices to inform the parents of John's inappropriate behavior class, Mr. Brown has not received any feedback from the parents. Which of the following strategies would best support a successful parent-teacher conference between Mr. Brown and the Sims?

Mr. Brown should maintain a calm voice during the meeting but yet be firm on decisions to help the student

Mrs. Matthews is a new 7th grade math teacher. Because she is still learning how to convey course content, Mrs. Matthews spends time reading from her power points and working math examples with her back to the class. Therefore she is not engaging her students. Which of the following communication practices should Mrs. Matthews adopt to become a more effective teacher?

Mrs. Matthews should increase eye contact with her students

Current trends in education suggest teaching practices reflect evidence-based instruction in the classroom. Which of the following statements should teachers consider as they locate and implement evidence-based practices?

One study cannot provide evidences to support a particular practice; it is a convergence of evidence that deems a practice appropriate

a 6th grade teacher uses clicker technology as a way of having her students respond to in class questioning and to require participation for all learners. Which of the following answers most likely supports the teachers rationale or this practice?

The teacher is able to use nonverbal prompting to monitor progress of each student.

Before beginning a unit on human cells an eighth grade teacher asks students the question "what do you know about human cells ?" After the students brainstorm answers to this question together in class the teacher has students develop and write down questions they have about the topic. Which of the following statements reflects the primary reason for having students ask their own questions about the topic?T

The teacher is developing interest and setting a purpose for learning

Which of the following professional strategies is most likely to result in a positive classroom environment in an elementary classroom?

Posting work of all students around the room

A 7th grade ELL struggles during reading. The student specifically struggles with determining the meaning of unknown vocab words in the text. Which of the following activities would develop the students skills in this area?

Practice using contextual evidence to infer word meanings

A child watches a teacher conduct a science experiment. The teacher uses three beakers of varying sizes but the liquid amounts in each beaker is the same. A child who cannot understand how the liquid amounts could be the same is in Piaget's __________ stage thinking.


A middle school science classroom has several ELL at the beginning level of English language acquisition. Which of the following instructional strategies best supports beginning level ELL in middle school science classroom as students develop English speaking skills?

Providing native language translations of academic vocabulary

Which of the following teaching strategies best supports beginning level ELL as they development English-speaking skills in a science classroom?

Providing native language translations of academic vocabulary

Eagle Middle school has been awarded a 10 million dollar grant to upgrade students electronic devices. The devices are to remain at school and utilized to expedite the grading system to allow immediate feedback on exams. Students will need to access their exams, complete the exams, submit the exams for electronic grading and then forward their grades electronically to their teachers. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teachers to ensure that students will be efficient in accessing, completing, submitting and then forwarding their exams to their teachers

Providing time in class to teach procedures in following each step for sharing information through online communication.

Rafael is an 11th grade student who was tested for special education but did not qualify for services. He has not passed the exit level state testing and currently has a D grade point average; and the most recent in house school assessment indicates the student is not learning the standards necessary to pass his math and english courses. When asked Rafael explains that he doesnt know what is wrong and he does not care what he does after high school because he is dumb. He feels guilty to be in this predicament because he is the first in his family to graduate from high school. He has difficulty sleeping at night, is chronically tardy to school and is one absence away from losing credit for the school year. He usually wears the same black hoodie and rarely looks people in the face. Which of the following answer choices best describes this student?

Rafael's depressive behavior mirrors his academic achievement

Which of the following professional strategies is most likely to result in a positive classroom environment in a middle school classroom?

get to know the students

Mr. Hernandez observes that a child in his 1st grade class is sleeping during activities and has trouble paying attention during instruction. The child has trouble concentrating on his work and frequently gets into altercations with other children. Which of the following actions would be the most appropriate way to respond to the situation?

Set up a conference with the child's parents to discuss home behavior and sleep schedules

Which of the following professional strategies is most likely to help middle school teachers connect with students of diverse backgrounds?

Share and discuss literature from a variety of cultures

Ms. Salazar teaches English to families for which English is a second language, two Saturdays out of the month. These events form string parent teacher bonds. What does this illustrate about Ms. Salazar's professional commitment to the community?

She understands how to appropriately interact with families of diverse backgrounds

A 7th grade teacher notices her class is off task. Many students are talking and one student is on her cell phone. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate?

Shift to an engaging activity and reevaluate the failed lesson at a later time

Which of the following theorists contributed to the idea that children may respond to positive reinforcement?


Which of the following is the most accurate predictor of academic success?

Socioeconomic status

Mr. Holmes a middle school teacher is utilizing an online interactive software to encourage student participation in History. Students are selected at random every day to post a topic about the lesson they have been studying and the rest of the class is required to respond to the pasts. Mr. Holmes expectation is to engage students on ongoing verbal and nonverbal communication among themselves as they discuss the lesson. Mr. Holmes has noticed one student never posts or gets involved in the online discussions. Which of the following will best assist the student in meeting the teachers expectations?

Speak to the student about his lack of participation about consequences for his behavior and ensure him his support.

A teacher uses the constructivist approach in her classroom to help students learn how to learn. Which of the following activities would the teacher most likely use with her seventh graders?

Students learn about density by hypothesizing weights of various candy bars f similar size weighing the bars and then discussing why candy bars of the same size might have different weights.

A 9th grade ELA teacher would like her students to use technology tools to collaborate during writing projects. Her goal is for students to use computer-based tools to collaborate at home and at school to enrich the learning environment. Which of the following projects aligns with her goals?

Students use GoogleDocs to write together in virtual environment.

Mr. Murray a high school principal at Believers are Achievers Preparatory School of Arts challenged all high school teachers to strongly encourage parents to be active participants in student learning. Mr. Murray is persuaded that parents that are active partners in the learning of their children will ensure the best possible education experience for their children. What would be the best way for teachers to communicate this information to parents in order to achieve Mr. Murray's goal?

Teachers should communicate with families on a regular basis students progress, test dates, projects deadlines, the expectations for students academic performance and respond to their concerns.

Current trends in education suggest teachers use evidence-based practices in their classrooms. Which of the following conclusions for research relates to this trend?

The convergence of evidence deems a practice appropriate

A teacher works with an ELL who is reading at the beginning level of proficiency. The teacher provides the student with text written in English to read aloud. Which of the following is not a true statement about the student?

The student comprehends grade-level text only if provided enough time to read the text slowly.

A teacher has a new student in the classroom who is reading at an intermediate level of proficiency. The teacher listens to the student reads in order to assess reading ability and comprehension. Which of the following is most likely a true statement about the student?

The learner will have the ability to read and understand simple high frequency English used in routine academic and social contexts.

6th grade teachers reviewed their newly adopted Language arts textbook in order to plan for the year. They aligned the scope and sequence with district expectations. which of the following reflects the scope?

The learning objective

The following is an instructional objective for a 9th grade biology class: List the major chemical elements in cells (i.e. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, sulfur, trace elements) This objective reflects-

The remember level if blooms cognitive domain

Mrs. Bauer has been very concerned about Vadim a student in her 10th grade English class that has recently moved to the US from Russia. His English is good and he already seems to be popular with other students. However he has turned in few of his assignments is constantly late for class and when he is in class he is either non-responsive or rude. Mrs. Bauer has already spoken to Vadim about his conduct and has predicted failure many times but he makes excuse after excuse for not turning in his work. He doesn't seem to care that he is failing and has indicated that his parents won't care either. Vadim says his parents only want him to be old enough to leave school and work. Mrs. Bauer has tried to call Vadim's parents for a conference but realized that they would not be able to communicate in English. How could Mrs. Bauer best solve this problem?

The teacher should arrange for a translator to contact Vadim's parents and set up a conference

Five year old Maria Valdez is in kindergarten class at Villa Nova Elementary School. Her teacher asks her to name the colors pointing to several figures on the wall. As Maria starts naming all the colors in Spanish correctly the teacher follows her through the list telling the colors in English. Which is the best analysis of the teachers response?

The teacher should have acknowledged Maria's appropriate use of her native language before introducing the colors in English.

Ms. Jackson gave her class of 5th graders a test that included vocab words from The Diary of Ann Frank. She noticed that Cody placed his list of vocab words where he could easily see it on the floor and that Cody was looking at it during the test. What should Ms. Jackson have done when she noticed this?

The teacher should have quietly walked over to Cody's desk and removed the vocab list letting Cody continue taking the test.

A teacher assesses students knowledge about the lives of Native Americans. Which of the following strategies would the teacher use to adapt an assignment for students at the beginning and intermediate level of English language proficiency in reading and writing where they have to provide written answers to questions about the lives of Native Americans?

The teacher should provide sentence stems for students to use when answering questions.

Before beginning a unit on marine mammals a teacher asks students the question "What do you know about the ocean?" Which of the following statements reflects the primary reason for this question?

The teacher wants to assess prior knowledge of the topic

an 8th grade math teacher gives weekly math quizzes to gauge student understanding and retention of concepts. Which of the following are benefits to this ongoing assessment?

The weekly quiz results provide ongoing feedback to students. The weekly quizzes can provide accountability to students The weekly quiz results provide info. about the effectiveness of instruction The weekly quiz results can help show a need for a change in instructional strategy

Mrs. Sanders plans her instruction using a framework for integrating language arts with other content areas. She uses a common topic for instruction and plans meaningful engaging activities. Which of the following instructional approaches is Ms. Sanchez using?

Thematic Units

A sixth grade teacher wants to promote active learning through class discussions. The ELLs in class tend to be quiet and hesitant to share in class. Which of the following grouping configurations might engage ELLs in conversation?

Think-pair-share strategies where students have an opportunity to engage in language prior to whole-class sharing

Mrs. Belvedere a school counselor at Collins High is concerned with Ann a 10th grader who is missing class more and more frequently. when Mrs. Belvedere expresses her concern to Ann the student responds that school is no longer a priority for her at the moment and that she is working part time she likes what she does at work as well as the pay that goes with it and she even excited that the job may turn into a full time position in the near future. What developmental knowledge does Mrs. Belvedere need for understanding this students perspective?

This student is more concerned with the present than the future.

A 3rd grade teacher is planning a lesson on landforms. one of the teachers goals is for students to be able to compare and contrast differences in the shapes and locations of various landforms. Which of the following activities should the teacher incorporate in order to meet this goal?

Use a semantic feature analysis to distinguish characteristics of landforms

Middle school teachers should ask a variety of question types. Which of the following questions prompts higher level thinking skills?

What is the author's purpose?

Students in 4th grade at Cypress Creek elementary keep a daily writing journal, some samples of which will be part of their portfolio at the end of the six weeks. Which of the following types of software application would be most appropriate for students at this grade level to use when writing their journals?

Word processing

Mrs. Lamont needs to assess progress in the writing skills for her second-grade students. Which of the following are appropriate assessment tools for her to use?

Work samples Portfolios checklists rubrics observation

A middle school teacher begins a lesson on US history by asking the class "what do you think of when you hear the word conflict?" this method of opening the lesson helps promote widespread student engagement in learning primarily because it-

addresses a topic that most students will probably have some ideas about while making it clear that no single correct answer is expected.

Mr. Mark develops plans to have his 7th graders compare and contrast literary characters in the Giver. Which level of Bloom's taxonomy aligns with this activity?


Eduardo is 5th grader who will do or say just about anything to draw attention to himself in class. determined to be in the spotlight he is willing to persist with his wisecracks or smart-aleck responses until he gets the attention he craves. The teacher is aware that eduardo has a bad home life and speculates that the attention he gets from the class makes him feel like one of the gang. eduardo's behavior in class is probably associated with fears related to ---

being rejected by peers

Samantha a fourth grade student was experiencing difficulty with word recognition skills and was not performing at the expected grade level. After the administration of a series of tests it was determined that Samantha has mild intellectual disability. Her teacher can best address her problems by-

modifying instruction to address the program designed to meet Samantha's unique needs.

A 6th grader encounters science content that varies from her present beliefs about the content. A situation involving conflicting attitudes is called-

cognitive dissonance

Which of the following instructional strategies may be contrasted with inquiry based teaching?

explicit instruction

A 2nd grade teacher has been hired for a classroom where 12 of 23 students are at risk students. The principle tells the teacher that these children are low academic achievers and since kindergarten they have exhibited low self-esteem. The principals comment is likely based on his awareness that children at this age develop a sense of inferiority if they-

fail to experience satisfaction or success with the completion of tasks they are assigned

A math teacher uses class time for direct instruction of math skills and for the most part he models to students the process of solving the math problems. He then sends the students home with math problems to complete for homework. Upon evaluating students performance on homework and tests the teacher isnt satisfied with student progress.

guided practice

Ms. Leda learned in a workshop about cooperative learning that grouping her students heterogeneously by ability and ethnicity is the most effective way to help all students-

have an opportunity to work with varying academic levels and cultural backgrounds that may differ from their own.

An ELL who is at an intermediate level of proficiency listens as a teacher provides instructions about an assignment. If the ELL did not understand the instructions, the ELL at this level of proficiency will most likely-

have the ability to seek clarification from the teacher in English. T

The proficiency levels of beginning intermediate advanced and advanced high are-

inclusive of listening, speaking, reading and writing

A middle school implemented instruction where students create projects or presentations as a demonstration of their research and understanding. this type of student centered learning is an example of

inquiry based learning

Mrs. McCaffery a health teacher is discussing the typical sequence of physical development in adolescence with her middle school students. Shes aware that the timing and rate at which puberty occurs vary widely. these differences mean that some of Mrs. McCaffery's students may be completely mature while others have not begun puberty. As a health teacher Mrs. McCaffery is likely to be aware that nutritional deficiencies among her students are-

more common among girls than boys

A high school teacher is aware that the students in his class differ significantly in their prior experience with the subject matter and their current level of knowledge and skills. In this situation the teacher can best create a positive and supportive learning environment for all students by using an assessment system in which-

process and progress are considered as well as product in determining grades

When planning lessons teachers van ensure the effectiveness and appropriateness of the lesson for students of varying backgrounds and economic status by--

using content examples which are familiar and relevant to students with varied life experiences

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