Practical Lab 2

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The figure below depicts the four types of plates you made for the pGLO transformation experiment. If there are any genetically transformed bacterial cells, on which plate(s) would they most likely be located? Select all that apply below.


If a cell of an organism has 46 chromosomes before meiosis, how many chromosomes will exist in each nucleus after meiosis?


In the picture of the mRNA being translated inside of a ribosome below the first codon of the mRNA is base pairing with the complementary tRNA. What is the sequence of the anticodon in this tRNA?

3' - CGU - 5'

If two black-furred F1 mice from the problems above are bred with one another, what phenotypes will the F2 offspring phenotype ratio be?

3/4 Black : 1/4 Brown

In fruit flies, red eyes (R) are dominant over purple eyes (r). Two red-eyed fruit flies were crossed, producing the following offspring: 76 red-eyed flies 24 purple-eyed flies What is the approximate phenotypic ratio of red-eyed to purple-eyed flies?

3/4 red-eyed : 1/4 purple-eyed

The results of a cross between tan and black strains of Sordaria are in the table below. From the results determine the recombination frequency using this equation: recombination frequency = (recombinant asci/total asci) x 100


In the picture of the mRNA being translated inside of a ribosome below, what is the sequence of the first codon?

5' - GCA - 3'

If a template strand of DNA has this sequence: 3' - ATGGCCTAG - 5' What will the sequence of the mRNA strand be that is produced from this template strand?

5' - UACCGGAUC - 3'

If the F1 plants are crossed, what will be the expected phenotype frequencies of the F2 generation? Fill in the blanks below with fractions like 1/4, 1/16, 1/2, etc.

9/16 Yellow and Round peas 0.5625,56.25%,56.25,9 3/16 Yellow and wrinkled peas 0.1875,18.75%,18.75,3 3/16 green and Round peas 0.1875,18.75%,18.75,3 1/16 green and wrinkled peas 0.0625,6.25%,6.25,1

The figure below depicts the different DNA puzzle pieces we used to make RNA and DNA nucleotides. Select all of the puzzle pieces that are used to make DNA below.

Adenine Guanine Phosphate Thymine Deoxyribose Cytosine

A catabolic pathway that breaks down organic molecules and uses an electron transport chain for the production of ATP.

Aerobic respiration

Which of the labeled asci below is a recombinant ascus? Approximately how many recombinant asci are in the picture below?

B; 20

Which of the pictures below depicts the production of recombinant asci? What process is directly responsible for creating recombinant chromosomes?

B; Crossing over

Breeding a brown mouse and a homozygous black mouse produces all black offspring. What genotype is the black-furred parent?


Breeding a brown mouse and a homozygous black mouse produces all black offspring. What genotype is the black-furred offspring?


Bread is made by mixing flour, water, sugar, and yeast to form a dense dough. As bread bakes, it rises because empty spaces form in the bread. What gas is responsible for causing bread to rise by creating empty spaces in the bread?


Breakage and refusion points that develop between synapsed chromosomes result from pieces of the two homologues being switched in an equal and reciprocal fashion are called


An organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or substances derived from them.


The presence of horns on Hereford cattle is controlled by a single gene. The hornless (H) condition is dominant over the horned (h) condition. A hornless cow was crossed repeatedly with the same horned bull. The following results were obtained in the F1 offspring: 8 hornless cattle 7 horned cattle What are the parents' genotypes?

Hh cow x hh bull

The multicellular fungal body is composed of haploid cells arranged in long filaments called


What part of cell division is incorrectly depicted with these pop beads?

Meiosis II

The totality of an organism's chemical reactions, consisting of catabolic and anabolic pathways, which manage the material and energy resources of the organism.


What stage of mitosis is this Whitefish Blastula in? What are the A and B structures?

Metaphase; A = Spindle, B = Chromosomes

The study of genes and the molecular details that regulate the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to proteins, from generation to generation

Molecular biology

Genes on different chromosomes or genes that are far away from the centromere are called

Unlinked genes

Breeding a brown mouse and a homozygous black mouse produces all black offspring. What is the genotype of the gametes produced by the brown-furred parent?


A structure of DNA and protein present in non-dividing cells that condenses during cell division


The process of nonsister chromatids exchanging DNA segments

crossing over

Select all of the parental genotypes of crosses that could produce at least some white offspring below:

RR' x RR' R'R' x R'R' R'R' x RR'

Based on your experience with previous problems, what two parental genotypes give rise to the phenotype ratio seen for the offspring of the fruit fly cross?

Rr x Rr

An offspring that results when crossing over does not happen.


What alleles have been given to the blue-eyed and dimpled chin daughter by the father's sperm? Check all of the correct choices.

p D

The following diagram represents some of the puzzle pieces used in this section. Assembled in this form, do they represent a(n) amino acid, monosaccharide, portion of messenger RNA, or a deoxyribonucleotide?

portion of messenger RNA

Suppose a dimple-chinned, blue-eyed (non-pigmented) man whose father lacked a dimpled-chin marries a woman who is homozygous recessive for both traits. What is the genotype of the dimple-chinned, blue-eyed (non-pigmented) man whose father lacked a dimpled-chin?


Pigmented eyes (P) are dominant to non-pigmented (p), and dimpled chins (D) are dominant to Non-dimpled chins (d). A pigment-eyed, dimple-chinned man marries a blue-eyed woman without a dimpled chin. Their firstborn child is blue-eyed and has a dimpled chin. What are the possible genotypes of the father? Select all of the answers that are correct.


What is the genotype of the woman that is homozygous recessive for both traits?


An offspring created when crossing over recombines DNA from two parents.


The continuous and prolific production of mature sperm in the testis.


A type of RNA molecule that is formed into a four-cornered loop that is attached to specific free amino acids and then positions itself on ribosomes where the amino acids become linked together to form polypeptides


In a case of disputed paternity, the child is blood type 0, the mother is blood type A. Could a father with the following blood types be the father? Select all of the choices that are correct.

A blood type father O blood type father B blood type father

A three-base sequence on mRNA that codes for a particular amino acid that is "read" by tRNA


The step of PCR when the reaction mixture is heated to 94°C for 1 minute, which results in the melting or separation of the double-stranded DNA template into two single stranded molecule so that Taq polymerase can generate a new copy

Denaturation step

A pentose (5 carbon) sugar that is a component of DNA nucleotides and is derived from the sugar ribose by loss of an oxygen atom


According to Mendel's Principle of Independent Assortment, two genes should assort independently of each other during Metaphase I of meiosis. Independent assortment of the tan spore gene in Sordaria from the centromere will lead to the predictable result of 50% non-recombinant type asci and 50% recombinant type asci. However, with linked genes, (more/fewer) non-recombinant type progeny are produce than recombinant progeny. This will result in a recombination frequency that is (lower/higher) than 50%.

more; lower

Which process is this the chemical equation for?


Joined copies of the original chromosome found in each duplicated chromosome that are attached along their lengths by cohesins

sister chromatids

A chemical reaction involving the complete or partial transfer of one or more electrons from one reactant to another; short for reduction-oxidation reaction.

Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) reactions

Clusters of asci develop within a special reproductive spore dispersal structure called a


The figure below depicts the different DNA puzzle pieces we used to make RNA and DNA nucleotides. Select all of the puzzle pieces that are used to make RNA below.

Phosphate Ribose Adenine Uracil Guanine Cytosine

The conversion of light energy to chemical energy that is stored in sugars or other organic compounds; occurs in plants, algae, and certain prokaryotes.


Which pigment is the most polar?

Pigment #4

If a white-flowered plant is crossed with a red-flowered petunia, what is the phenotype of the F1 offspring?


The process that separates DNA fragments according to their relative size using a direct current is passed through a conductive buffer solution

Gel electrophoresis

Oxygen is used during aerobic respiration. What biological process is the source of the oxygen?

Light Reactions

Genes that are located on the same chromosomes or genes that are located close to the centromere are called

Linked genes

The figure below depicts the four types of plates you made for the pGLO transformation experiment. What two plates should be compared to determine if any genetic transformation has occurred? Select the two plates that only differ by the introduction of the independent variable.


The figure below depicts the four types of plates you made for the pGLO transformation experiment. Which plate will have bacteria that produce the Green Fluorescent Protein and will glow green under UV light.


During the DNA extraction process, what structures must be broken to release DNA from a cell? Select all correct answers.

-Plasma membrane -Nuclear envelope -Mitochondrial outer and inner membranes

In the PCR lab activity we made copies of a specific ALU sequence in your DNA named PV92. To learn more about ALU transposons see the websites below: ALU Theory - (Links to an external site.) How ALU Jumps -

-The ALU sequence is repeated almost 500,000 times throughout the human genome -The PV92 Alu element is dimorphic, meaning that the element is present in some individuals and not others -The PV92 ALU insertion is found in the intron of a gene -ALU is a repetitive DNA sequence that is randomly inserted in our DNA

The figure below depicts the four types of plates you made for the pGLO transformation experiment. On which of the plates did you find bacteria most like the original non-transformed E. coli colonies we started with before the transformation experiment? Select all that apply below.

-pGLO - LB

In our Sordaria lab, the chi-square statistical analysis was used to determine whether the tan gene is linked to the centromere. The null hypothesis for the chi-square test is that the tan gene is not linked to the centromere in Sordaria. The chi-square test result is a p-value that determines whether you should accept or reject the null hypothesis. Which of the p-values below would indicate that you should reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that the tan gene is linked to the centromere?


Match the numbers in the image of a mitochondria with the correct terms below. The terms will only be used once and there are no extra terms.

1-Outer Mitochondrial Membrane 2-Inner Mitochondria 3-Mitochondrial Intermembrane Sprace 4-Mitochondrial Matrix

To extract DNA from your cheek cells, we had to perform several different steps. Put the steps of DNA extraction below in order.

1-To collect cheek cells, rinse your mouth with a saline (salt) solution, and pellet the cells using a centrifuge 2- The cheek cells are transferred to a micro test tube containing InstaGene matrix which traps metal ions, such as Mg2+, that are required cofactors in DNAse enzymatic reactions 3-Preincubate the cheek cells at 56°C for 10 minutes to soften plasma membranes and release clumps of cells from each other 4-Cheek cells are placed in a boiling (100°C) water bath for 5 minutes to rupture the cells and releases DNA from their nuclei

Below is a list of the steps of the transformation procedure we conducted in lab. Put these steps in the correct order.

1-Using a micropipette transfer 250 μl of transformation solution (TS) into the +pGLO and -pGLO tubes 2-Use a sterile loop to pick up a single colony of bacteria from your starter plate and swirl the loop in your +pGLO and -pGLO tubes to add bacteria to your tubes 3-Pipette 10 uL of pGLO plasmid DNA into the +pGLO and -pGLO tubes 4-Heat shock the bacteria by transferring both the +pGLO and -pGLO tubes into a water bath set at 42°C for exactly 50 seconds 5-Add 250 μl of LB nutrient broth to the +pGLO and -pGLO tubes and incubate the tubes for 10 minutes at room temperature 6-Pipet 100 μl of the +PGLO or -PGLO onto the appropriate nutrient agar plates 7-Using a sterile loop, spread the bacteria evenly around the surface of the nutrient agar plates 8-Stack up your nutrient agar plates and place the stack of plates upside down in the 37°C incubator

PCR amplification includes three main steps, a denaturation step, an annealing step, and an extension step. Select the correct step in PCR amplification for the events that occur during PCR below. Use the figure below as a reference.

1. Primers "anneal to" or find their complementary sequences on the two single-stranded template strands of DNA--Annealing step 2. The reaction mixture is heated to 94°C for 1 minute, which results in the melting or separation of the double-stranded DNA template into two single stranded molecules--Denaturation step 3. Taq DNA polymerase adds nucleotides (A, T, G, and C) one at a time to the primer to create a complementary copy of the DNA template--Extension step 4. Primers bind to their template sequences in a highly temperature dependent process that must be optimized and the optimum temperature for primer binding in our lab exercise was 60°C--Annealing step 5. Taq polymerase replicates the two template DNA strands--Extension step 6. DNA template strands are separated so that the polymerase can generate a new copy--Denaturation step

You perform a pGLO bacterial transformation experiment just like the one we did in lab. You want to determine who well the experiment went. Use your results below to calculate the transformation efficiency using the equation below. Select the correct transformation efficiency reported in scientific notation for your experiment. Experimental Results Total Number of Green Fluorescent Cells growing on LB/AMP/ARA plate - 224 Micrograms of pGLO DNA spread on plates - 0.16 ug Transformation Efficiency Equation Transformation efficiency is the total number of bacterial cells that express the Green Fluorescent Protein, divided by the amount of DNA used in the experiment. Transformation efficiency = Total number of cells growing on the agar plateAmount of DNA spread on the agar plate

1.4 x 10^3

If the F1 plants are crossed, what will be the expected genotype frequencies of the F2 generation? Fill in the blanks below with fractions like 1/4, 1/16, 1/2, etc.

1/16 YYRR 0.0625, 6.25%, 6.25 2/16 YyRR 1/8, 0.125, 12.5%, 12.5 2/16 YYRr 1/8, 0.125, 12.5%, 12.5 4/16 YyRr 1/4, 0.25, 25%, 25 1/16 yyRR 0.0625, 6.25%, 6.25 2/16 yyRr 1/8, 0.125, 12.5%, 12.5 1/16 YYrr 0.0625, 6.25%, 6.25 2/16 Yyrr 1/8, 0.125, 12.5%, 12.5 1/16 yyrr 0.0625, 6.25%, 6.25

A man with type AB blood marries a woman with type O blood. Their child has type B blood. What genotypes, and in what frequencies, would you expect in future offspring from this marriage?

1/2 IAi : 1/2 IBi

One well-known example of codominance occurs in the coat color of Shorthorn cattle. Those with reddish-gray roan coats are heterozygous (RR'), and result from a mating between a red (RR) Shorthorn and one that's white (R'R'). Roan cattle don't have roan-colored hairs, as would be expected with incomplete dominance, but rather appear roan as a result of having both red and white hairs (see images below). Thus, the roan coloration is not a consequence of pigments blending in each hair. Because the R and R' alleles are both fully expressed in the heterozygote, they are codominant. If a roan Shorthorn cow is mated with a white bull, what will be the genotypic ratio in the F1 generation?

1/2 R'R' : 1/2 RR'

If a pink-flowered petunia is crossed with a red-flowered petunia, what is the genotypic ratio of the offspring?

1/2 R1R1 : 1/2 R1R2

If a pink-flowered petunia is crossed with a red-flowered petunia, what is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring?

1/2 Red : 1/2 Pink

If a roan Shorthorn cow is mated with a white bull, what will be the phenotypic ratio in the F1 generation?

1/2 White : 1/2 Roan

What is the expected phenotype ratio of the children produced in this marriage?

1/2 non-pigmented eyes and Dimpled chin : 1/2 non-pigmented eyes and non-dimpled chin

One daughter from the parents in the problem above (color-blind man and a woman with the genotype XNXN) marries a color-blind man. What proportion of their sons will be color-blind? Hint - calculate your proportion from the squares in the Punnet square that contain male offspring.

1/2 of the sons

What is the expected genotype ratio of the children produced in this marriage?

1/2 ppDd : 1/2 ppdd

The results of a cross between tan and black strains of Sordaria are in the table below. How many of the asci from the experiment in the table below contain a spore arrangement that resulted from crossing over?


Observe the gel from an ALU experiment like the one we performed in lab. How many of the DNA samples analyzed on this gel came from +/+ individuals?


Match the letters for the parts of a chromosome with the correct names for the labels below. The letters will only be used once and there are no extra letters.

A-Chromosome B-Sister Chromatids C-Centromere

Match the letters for the images of the different stages of meiosis with the correct names for the stages below. The letters will only be used once and there are no extra letters.

A-Metaphase I B-Metaphase II C-Telophase I D-Telophase II E-Prophase II F-Anaphase I G-Anaphase II H-Prophase I

Match the letters in the electron microscope image of the chloroplast with the correct terms below. The terms will only be used once and there and no extra terms.

A-Vacuole with starch granule B-Thylakoid Discs C-Chloroplast Membrane D-Stroma

Which of the labeled asci below is a non-recombinant ascus? Approximately how many non-recombinant asci are in the picture below?

A; 6

An adenine-containing nucleoside triphosphate that releases free energy when its phosphate bonds are hydrolyzed. This energy is used to drive endergonic reactions in cells.

ATP, Adenosine Triphosphate

A catabolic process that makes a limited amount of ATP from glucose (or other organic molecules) without an electron transport chain and that produces a characteristic end product, such as alcohol.

Alcoholic fermentation

The step in PCR at 60°C when the oligonucleotide primers find their complementary sequences on the two single-stranded template strands of DNA and act as primers for Taq DNA polymerase

Annealing step

The complementary three-base sequence on a tRNA that pairs with the codon on an mRNA to assemble the correct sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide


Listed below are several things we did to the bacteria during the pGLO transformation lab. Select the two things that must be present for the transformed bacteria to turn on the GFP gene and for the GFP protein to glow green.

Arabinose in the nutrient agar plate UV light shining on the transformed bacteria

Each zygote in the fungus immediately undergoes meiosis producing haploid cell with a resistant cell wall called an


For certain fungi, the structure that meiosis occurs in


An organism that obtains organic food molecules without eating other organisms or substances derived from other organisms. Autotrophs use energy from the sun or from oxidation of inorganic substances to make organic molecules from inorganic ones.


Use of genes and molecular details to manipulate organisms' (microbes, plants, or animals) DNA and help solve human problems


Microscopic studies of meiosis show that genetic exchange takes place during prophase I when double-chromatid, homologous chromosomes are in synapsis is called

Crossing over

Short single stranded DNA molecules designed to flank a DNA sequence within your genome and thus provide the exact start signal for the DNA polymerase to "zero in on" and begin synthesizing (replicating) copies of that target DNA

DNA Primers

A process that takes place during the S-stage of interphase of the cell cycle where chromosomes are duplicated in a semiconservative manner and each new DNA molecule is composed of one parental ("old") strand and a second newly synthesized strand from free nucleotides

DNA Replication

Which of the following components of PCR could only be extracted from your cheek cells and was not part of the PCR Master Mix?

DNA template — containing the intact sequence of DNA to be amplified

An example of a powerful enzymes found in lysosomes that are used by cells to digest the DNA of invading viruses


In the picture of a mitochondria below what portions of aerobic respiration occur in region 1 of the mitochondria? Choose all correct answers.

Electron Transport Chain, Chemiosmosis

The step of PCR at 72°C when Taq DNA polymerase is at its optimal temperature to add nucleotides (A, T, G, and C) one at a time to the primer to create a complementary copy of the DNA template

Extension step

Given your answers above, which parent's gametes will determine the sex of the offspring?


A man with type AB blood marries a woman with type O blood. Their child has type B blood. What are the genotypes of these three individuals?

Father - IAIB; Mother - ii; Child - IBi

A cell has two sets of chromosomes (2n)


A particulate matrix made up of negatively charged, microscopic beads that chelate, or grab, metal ions out of solution to block the enzymatic degradation of the extracted DNA by DNAses.

InstaGene Matrix

Is it possible for a child with blood type 0 to be produced by two AB parents?

No, neither parent has an i allele

The spores that bear chromosomes not affected by crossing over and are still like the parental chromosome are called

Non-recombinant ascospores

The second step in fungus fertilization that involves fusion of the haploid nuclei to form a zygote with a diploid nucleus


The distance on a chromosome that produces one recombinant post-meiotic product per 100 post-meiotic products is called

Map unit

Suppose a color-blind man fathers the children of a woman with the genotype XNXN. What proportion of daughters will be color-blind? Hint - calculate your proportion from the squares in the Punnet square that contain female offspring.

None of the daughters

Suppose a color-blind man fathers the children of a woman with the genotype XNXN. What proportion of sons will be color-blind? Hint - calculate your proportion from the squares in the Punnet square that contain male offspring.

None of the sons

What stage of mitosis is being modeled with these pop beads? Metaphase


The whole network of hyphae filaments that secretes digestive enzymes and absorbs nutrients is called a


An organic polymer, specifically DNA or RNA, present in living cells that consists of many nucleotides linked in a long chain

Nucleic acids

Which of these answers explains why a chloroplast kept in darkness for some time prior to being fixed for electron microscopy does not contain starch?

The Calvin Cycle does not occur in the dark because light energy is required by the light reactions to create the NADPH and ATP needed by the Calvin Cycle.

The first step in fungus fertilization that involves fusion of the contents of two cells


A controlled enzymatic amplification of a DNA sequence, or gene, to produce a large amount of DNA in a test tube (in vitro), starting from only a trace amount is called

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

What stage of mitosis is being modeled with these pop beads? Prophase


Select all of the parental genotypes of crosses that could produce at least some roan offspring below:

R'R' x RR RR' x RR' R'R' x RR' RR' x RR

Petunia flower color is governed by two alleles, but neither allele is truly dominant over the other. Petunias with the genotype R1R1 are red -flowered, those that are heterozygous (R1R2) are pink, and those with the R2R2 genotype are white. This is an example of incomplete dominance. (Note that superscripts are used rather than uppercase and lowercase letters to describe the alleles because this trait is incompletely dominant) If a white-flowered plant is crossed with a red-flowered petunia, what is the genotype of the F1 offspring?


The spores that are genetically distinct because they contain chromosomes that have been changed by the crossover are called

Recombinant ascospores

The frequency (proportion) of crossover-produced ascospores as a measure of the relative distance separating the gene locus and the centromere

Recombination frequency

Within the chloroplast pictured below where does the production of organic compounds during the Calvin Cycle reactions occur?

Region D

A pentose (5 carbon) sugar that is a component of RNA nucleotides


Which of the options below is the special trait of Taq DNA Polymerase that makes the process of amplifying DNA in a test tube possible?

Taq DNA polymerase has evolved to withstand high temperatures (94°C) and does not denature during the PCR process

The high temperature required to melt the DNA strands would normally destroy the activity of most enzymes but this DNA polymerase is stable and active at high temperature

Taq polymerase

What stage of meiosis is being depicted by the pop beads in this picture? Has crossing over occurred or not? Telophase I; Crossing over has occurred

Telophase I; Crossing over has occurred

What stage of mitosis is this onion cell in and what structure is the arrow pointing at?

Telophase; Cell Plate

The four products of meiosis occur within the ascus in the order in which they arose during meiosis and this can be used for a special type of genetic analysis called

Tetrad analysis

A process of RNA synthesis that takes place within the nucleus when the DNA double helix unwinds and unzips, and a single strand of RNA is assembled using the nucleotide sequence of one of the DNA strands as a pattern (template)


In the DNA puzzle picture below what process is occuring?


The conversion of the linear message encoded in mRNA to a linear strand of amino acids to form a polypeptide by the interaction of mRNA, ribosomes, and transfer RNA (tRNA)


What process are the germinated seeds undergoing?

cellular respiration

The narrow "waist" of the duplicated chromosome, where the two chromatids are most closely attached


In humans, as well as in many other animals, sex is determined by special sex chromosomes. An individual containing two X chromosomes is a female, while an individual possessing an X and a Y chromosome is a male. (Rare exceptions of XY females and XX males have recently been discovered.) In terms of sex chromosomes, what is the genotype of the gametes (ova) a female human produces? Select all of the correct choices.


The sex chromosomes bear alleles for traits, just like the other chromosomes in our bodies. Genes that occur on the sex chromosomes are said to be sex-linked. More specifically, the genes present on the X chromosome are said to be X-linked. Many more genes are present on the X chromosome than are found on the Y chromosome. Nonetheless, those genes found on the Y chromosome are said to be Y-linked. The Y chromosome is smaller than its homologue, the X chromosome. Consequently, most of the loci present on the X chromosome are absent on the Y chromosome. In humans, color vision is X-linked; the gene for color vision is located on the X chromosome but is absent from the Y chromosome. Normal color vision (XN) is dominant over color blindness (Xn). Suppose a color-blind man fathers the children of a woman with the genotype XNXN. What genotype is the father?


In terms of sex chromosomes, what is the genotype of the gametes (sperm) a male human produces? Select all of the correct choices.


What will be the phenotype of the F1 progeny produced in Mendel's cross above?

Yellow and Round peas

One daughter from the parents in the problem above (color-blind man and a woman with the genotype XNXN) marries a color-blind man. Can a color-blind daughter might result from this couple?

Yes, if the daughter gets one Xn chromosome from the mother and one Xn chromosome from father.

In his original work on the genetics of garden peas, Mendel found that yellow seed color (YY, Yy) is dominant over green seeds (yy) and that round seed shape (RR, Rr) is dominant over shrunken seeds (rr). Mendel crossed pure-breeding (homozygous) yellow, round-seeded plants with green, shrunken-seeded plants. What will be the genotype of the F1 progeny produced in Mendel's cross above?


Breeding a brown mouse and a homozygous black mouse produces all black offspring. What genotype is the brown-furred parent?


A hollow ball of cells that marks the end of the cleavage stage during early embryonic development in animals.


A cell has one set of chromosomes (n)


The cell cycle phase before cell division when DNA is replicated and the chromosomes condense.


A single strand of RNA containing the code for a specific polypeptide that is created during transcription from the nucleotide sequence of the template DNA strand


The type of cell division that produces sex cells (gametes)


A localized region at a growing tip of a plant body where one or more cells divide repeatedly.


The type of cell division in which the genetic material in the nucleus is divided equally and the cytoplasm is divided into two cells.


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