Practice exam 3 questions

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While some adults may opt to follow a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet for short-term weight loss, a high-protein diet is dangerous for an infant. What is the consequence of feeding an infant a diet that is too high in protein?

The excess nitrogen and minerals of a high-protein diet stress the baby's kidneys.

Dana is 33 years old and pregnant for the first time. She is concerned that she might be too old to have a healthy pregnancy. Her obstetrician informed Dana that the ideal age range for pregnancy is

20-35 years old

The Chronic Disease Risk Reduction intake level (CDRR) for sodium for adults is _____ milligrams per day.


This beverage is packaged in a 20-ounce bottle. How much sugar would you consume if you drank the whole bottle?

33 g

Approximately _____ school-age children in the United States have a BMI-for age in the overweight or obese range


Quinn is a six-month-old baby girl who weighs 13 pounds (6 kg). Calculate her Estimated Energy Requirements.

490 kilocalories per day

Low Birth Rate (LBW) refers to birth weight less than ____ pounds, regardless of gestational age. It most commonly results from preterm birth


At which of the following ages would the relate of bone loss exceed the rate of bone synthesis (even when calcium intake is adequate)?

50 years old

Quinn is a six-month-old baby girl who weighs 13 pounds. Using the WHO for infant girls, plot Quinn's weight-for-age and determine her weight-for-age percentile

5th percentile

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietics and American Academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first ______ of life

6 months

For children, the Physical Activity Guidelines recommend at least ______ of moderate or vigorous exercise per day.

60 minutes

In North America, the group constituting those aged _____ is the fastest- growing segment of the population

85 and above

At 18 months of age, Lila weights 24 ponds. Calculate her approximate energy needs based on the formula provided in your text

900 kcal

Lorraine's husband called her at 3:00 pm complaining of stomach pains that he thinks were related to the rare hamburger he ate earlier that day at noon. Does he have foodborne infection or foodborne intoxication

Foodborne intoxication

Over the two year period which of the following declined significantly

Frequency breakfast

This vital nutrient contributes to brain growth and development. It is also involves in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate growth development and metabolism


Internal iron stores (transferred from the mother to the fetus during the end stages of pregnancy) generally run out by the time an infant is six months old. Iron is important for cognitive development. What is the best source of dietary iron for a 12-month-old child?

Iron-fortified breakfast cereal or small amounts of lean meat

In a state of starvation, the brain is able to utilize _______, or by products of fatty- acid metabolism, as a source of fuel

Ketone bodies

As people age, their tolerance for lactose-containing foods often decreases. What is the primary cause of lactose intolerance associated with aging?

Lactase production decreases.

During her pregnancy, Kume has been extra

Listeria mono

Anemia symptoms of weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath are related to

Low supply of oxygen to body cells

During toddler and preschool years, a child's appetite is ______ than it was during infancy


Research curbing child obesity

Main objective of study was examine associations between body composition and a variety of diet

How does the problem of malnutrition around the world differ now compared to 30 years ago?

Malnutrition 30 years ago was perceived as a technical problem with challenges to produce enough food for a growing population; now, the problem is more related to how to achieve cooperation among and within nations, so that gains in food production and infrastructure might benefit all.

Dana is pregnant and she is dining at a restaurant with her husband. She has been reading about foodborne illness risk during pregnancy and knows which foods to avoid. Which meal choice is the best for her as it is the least likely to cause foodborne illness?

Medium-well steak with mashed potatoes and sautéed squash

In what way is the method used to evaluate Body Mass Index (BMI) in children (2 to 20 years) different from the method used to evaluate BMI of adults?

Reference ranges for BMI for children are age- and sex specific, whereas BMI reference ranges for adults do not account for age and biological sex

Vitamin D regulates the absorption of ____ from the small intestine

calcium and phosphorus

Heavy folate supplement use:

can mask a vitamin B-12 deficiency

Which of the following has the largest impact on the spread of infectious diseases in the developing world?

contaminated water

Taking megadoses of individual mineral supplements can

decrease the absorption and metabolism of other minerals.

As school-age children get older, time spent in physical activity generally


Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, and phosphate are all


Which of the following MyPlate food groups generally provides the best sources of magnesium?


The most common organisms causing food spoilage are bacteria,

yeasts and molds

You have finished your dinner, but you look at Lila's plate and see that 2 ounces of chicken, 1/2 cup of green beans, and about 3/4 cup of mashed potatoes remain uneaten. Apparently you have given her too much to eat! Which of the following would have been appropriate portions for Lila?

1-2 tablespoons each of chicken, green beans, and potatoes

Aiko wants to start a congregate feeding program at the senior center her grandmother attends. If Aiko intends to use federal government money for her program, each meal she serves at the center must provide

1/3 of the RDA/AI for nutrients needed by older adults.

Lino is a linebacker on his college football team. He is concerned about achieving adequate hydration during intense, hot summer football practices. Lino weighs himself before and after practice and notices that he loses five pounds by the time practice is over. How many cups of water should he be drinking to replace these fluid losses?

14 cups

The adequate intake (AI) for sodium for adults is _____ milligrams per day.


After reaching age ____ children who drink cows milk should switch from while cows milk to reduced-fat or skim cows milk


A healthier alternative to French fries, some fast food outlets offer pre sliced bagged apples as a side option. The ingredients list often reads, "Apples and Ascorbic Acid." Is another name for vitamin C. What role does the Ascorbic acid play in this product?

Acscorbic acid is an antioxidant that prevents discoloration when the applies are cute and exposed to oxygen

How is excess body weight related to hypertension?

Additional blood vessels place extra strain on the heart.

Worldwide, daily hunger is a reality for almost 1 billion people. Which statement applies to world hunger?

Agriculture production is sufficient to provide enough food energy for the worlds 7.6 billion people

The deliberate introduction of harmful agents into the agricultural and food process system with the intent of causing actual or perceived damage is called


Financial support for urban agriculture can come from


Which of the following meals would help to ensure adequate nutrition to support healthy red blood cells?


Which of the following problems could be associated with excessive fruit juice consumption?


The fat composition of human breast milk is ideal for human infants because

All correct

Which of the following were limitations of the study?

All correct

benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture include

All correct

How common are food spoilage microorganisms?

Almost all of our foods contain them.

The thrift metabolism has been theorized to affect longevity. Which of the following most accurately describes the thrifty metabolism concept?

An individual who requires fewer calories

About 95% of North American adults exceed the CDRR for sodium. Which of the following represents sodium intake?

Choose home cooked meals

As frequency of family breakfast decreased,

BMI z-score and percent body fat increased

Percent body fat was measured using

Bio electrical impedance analysis

Which of the following can occur if a person ingests too much flouride?

Brown spots on teeth

Which mineral is most important throughout life to assist in maintaining strong bones?


_____ refers to stunted growth and development delays in a child whose mother was deficient in iodine during pregnancy

Congenital hypothyroidism

Dana is intending to breastfeed her baby after he is born. She has read that breast milk differs significantly from cow's milk and that cow's milk should not be introduced until the baby is at least one year old. How does breast milk differ from cow's milk?

Cows milk is too high in minerals, too high in protein, and low in carbohydrates for human infants

_____ refers to the intersection of food in culture, traditions, and history

Cultural food ways

Antibiotic use

Depletion of vitamin K

Iron- deficiency is the most common type of malnutrition occurring during the adult years. Which of the following is a risk factor for iron-deficiency anemia?

During reproductive years, blood is lost during menstration

Why is water effective for body temperature regulation?

Evaporation of water from the skin releases heat energy.

By keeping food cold the growth of microorganisms is


Although moderate weight-bearing exercise has a positive effect on the development and maintenance of bone mass, excessive exercise can be detrimental to bone health for women. Which of the following explains why excessive exercise can be detrimental to bone health?

Excessive exercise without sufficient energy intake can accelerate bone loss through insufficient estrogen levels.

The current level of folic acid fortification of grain products leads to an intake of about 100 extra micrograms of folic acid per day. Why doesn't the fortification program mandate higher levels of folic acid to more effectively meet requirements?

Excessive folic acid can mask a vitamin B 12 deficiency

An economic measure used to determine if an individual or family qualifies for specific federal benefits and programs is termed the

Federal poverty level

During which trimester is the fetus at greatest risk for malformations?

First trimester

As a mother of young children, Laura is concerned about her kids' dental health because they live in a community that does not have fluoridated water. Fluoride helps protect against dental caries. Where else can her kids get fluoride?

Fluoridated toothpaste

Urban neighbors and rural towns without ready access to fresh, healthy and affordable food are commonly called _____. These locations are also referred to as low-income, low- access areas (LILA)

Food desserts

To assess hunger, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) annually calculates the ______, a tool that tracks the state of hunger worldwide and calls attention to locations where immediate hunger relief is urgently needed.

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

Which of the following is not a consumer, and industry trend that has increased the risk of contracting foodborne illnesses?

Global decentralization of food production

Globally, the use of GMOs holds great promise for reducing the prevalence of nutrition-related deficiencies and disease. For example, a vitamin A-enhanced staple product, also known as _____, can correct vitamin A deficiencies and blindness for millions of people

Golden rice

Gabe was experiencing fatigue, despite sleeping eight hours per night. He went to the doctor and was diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. The doctor recommended he eat iron-fortified breakfast cereals. Which food would be the best accompaniment for his iron-fortified breakfast cereal and why?

He should have a cup of orange juice or an orange with the iron-fortified breakfast cereal because vitamin C in the orange increases iron absorption.

Kelly is concerned about the growth of her daughter Quinn. At Quinn's last pediatrician appointment, the doctor assured Kelly that Quinn's head circumference indicates adequate growth. What does head circumference measure in a child?

Head circumference is a means of assessing brain growth

Iron is part of the hemoglobin in red blood cells. What is the purpose of hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin transports oxygen from lungs to body cells and also returns carbon dioxide to the lungs for excretion.

A state of deficiency in humans of essential vitamins and minerals that occurs largely without signs and symptoms of micronutrient deficiency diseases is called

Hidden hunger

When studying Egyptian anthropology, Link was surprised to learn that zinc deficiency was common among certain Middle Eastern populations, even though their usual dietary pattern was high in zinc- containing foods. What caused the zing deficiency in the populations?

High amount of Phytic acid

Why does the American Heart Association recommend limiting intakes of red and processed meats?

High intakes of saturated fats

The best choice for formula-fed infants with an allergy to cows milk is

Hydrolyzed protein formula

Aiko comes from a family whose members routinely live to be older than 100. It can be theorized that the centenarians in her family

Incorporate regular physical activity into their lifestyle

Chromium enhances the function of


Dehydration leads to increased ion concentration of the blood. This causes water to

Move out of cells

Which of these nutrients of concern is supplied by the vitamin-enhanced water product in this example?


____ is the leading cause of foodborne illness, causing almost 60% of illnesses in the U.S annually


The FAQ defines ______ as secure access to appropriately nutritious diet , couples with a sanitary environment and adequate health services and care, in order to ensure a healthy and active life for all household members

Nutrition security

How does phosphorus contribute to bone health?

Phosphorus is a component of hydroxyapatite crystals, which lend strength to bones and teeth.

Maganese is found in foods of ____ origin


Economists predict that worldwide food production will eventually lag behind population growth, leading to food shortages. Identify a reason below that contributes to this trend in the food-to-population ratio

Poor farming practices

High dietary intake of _____ is associated with reductions in blood pressure


Irregular heartbeat is a sign of low blood levels of which of the following electrolyte minerals?


The leading cause of under nutrition in the United States is


The effects of hunger include

Reduced energy and strength

This fall, your garden produced a lot of cauliflower, so you'd like to try it in a variety for recipes for your family. You serve steamed cauliflower at dinner one night, but your three-year old son refuses to eat it. He pushed his plate away and says it looks yucky. What should you do?

Remove the cauliflower from your sons plate at this meal but try offering cauliflower again

The loss of lean body mass associated with normal aging is termed


Which of the following describes the antioxidant activity of selenium?

Selenium is required for the activity of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that chemically converts peroxides into water.

Lorraine's mother-in-law is babysitting Lorraine's kids and mentions she is going to give them fruit and honey for dessert at lunchtime. Lorraine points out that her baby cannot have honey.

Spores: botulism

Goals of _____ agriculture are needed to effectively produce enough food for the worlds population, using environmentally friendly techniques, these include augmenting plots with trees and shrubs to promote wildlife, reducing nitrogen and phosphorus, runoff, engaging in novel technologies improving soil quality, increasing pot, produce yield, improve in crop varieties, and nutrients, reducing greenhouse, emissions, and decreasing pesticide use

Sustainable intensification

Urban agriculture influences local communities and economies by increasing

The availability of lost cost nutrient dense food

One of the mothers in Loraine's mothers group has started purchasing raw, unpasteurized milk and feeding it to her children. The other women warn her about the potential health hazards of drinking raw milk. The mother insists that pasteurization degrades the nutritional quality of milk, and that raw milk is nutritionally superior. What does pasteurization do?

The pasteurization process heats foods to kill pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the total number of bacteria.

Last summer, Loraine's garden yielded more food than her family could eat. She chose to extend the life of many of her fruits and vegetables by preserving them. What do most preservation methods have in common?

They decrease water content that bacteria need to grow.

Worldwide, over _____ individuals lack access to safe water

Two billion

Physiological changes are an inevitable part of the aging process. As the body ages, which of the following increases?

Vitamin D needs

The _____ provides food assistance and nutrition education to low-income pregnancy


Healthy sources of fat, such as ____ will boost levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Walnuts, canola oil, flaxseed oil, and fatty fish

At 2:30, when Lila wakes up from her nap, she's hungry. Which of the following snack foods would you choose for Lila?

Whole grain crackers w sliced cheddar cheese

Should snacking be a consideration when planning a healthy menu for a preschool child?

Yes, snacking helps meet nutrient dense needs because a preschooler has high nutrient needs but small stomach capacity

A reduction in the sense of taste can be caused by a deficiency of


Bone loss is of particular concern for women. At what period of life does most bone loss in women occur?

after menopause

Animal sources of iron are ____ bioavailable than plant sources of iron


What is food neophobia?

fear of new foods

At what point in pregnancy is the neural tube formed?

first trimester

Dana is pregnant for the first time and she is reading a book about healthy pregnancies. The book says that the goal of pregnancy is to achieve optimal health for both the baby and the mother. Two widely accepted criteria for a healthy pregnancy are

gestational period longer than 37 weeks and birth weight greater than 5.5 pounds.

Heavy iron supplement use

interfere with zinc and copper function

Jacob is 8 years old and his family experiences food insecurity. He is short for his age and his teacher has recently noticed that Jacob is falling asleep during class and seems unable to concentrate on his tasks. A deficiency in what nutrient is likely at the root of these deficits in growth, physical stamina, and mental ability?


The most critical micronutrients missing from diets worldwide are

iron and vitamin A

For dinner, you prepare roasted chicken breast, steamed green beans, and mashed potatoes. When it is time to eat, Lila refuses to eat the green beans, you should

let her decide how much of her dinner to eat.

The primary function of thyroid hormone is to regulate

metabolic rate

A number of recent, high-profile foodborne illness outbreaks have increased Americans' awareness of the safety of our food supply. What is the primary cause of foodborne illness in North America?

microbial contamination

The simplest way to determine if your fluid intake is adequate is to

observe the color of your urine; it should be clear or pale yellow.

Dana and her husband are on vacation at a resort that features a variety of outdoor activities. Because she is pregnant, Dana is cautious about what types of exercise she engages in. All of the following are appropriate exercises for pregnancy EXCEPT

scuba diving

Most picky eating behaviors during the preschool years are a result of

slow rate of growth

Examples of neural tube defects include

spina bifida

Aspirin use

stomach bleeding

In the United States, ____ is fortified with iodine

table salt

During which trimester does the fetus gain the most weight?

third trimester

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