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Behavioral objectives must be concise, realistic, and: A . measurable B . subjective C . short-term D . broad


A 26-year-old woman who is homeless and pregnant is referred to a social worker. She is in conflict with her family, has no money, abuses substances, and needs emergency housing. What is the woman's MOST immediate problem? A . Need for shelter B . Need for prenatal care C . Substance abuse D . Lack of money


A 48-year-old client meets with a social worker to discuss feelings of anxiety. The client reports that she is exhausted and has been gaining weight since her children recently moved out. What type of referral should the social worker make FIRST? A . Primary care physician B . Dietician C . Psychiatrist D . Family therapist


A child's physical appearance and intelligence are repeatedly criticized by peers and family members. The parents provide little physical affection and affirmation. They also refuse to intervene on the child's behalf. The child is MOST likely a victim of what type of maltreatment? A . Psychological abuse B . Physical neglect C . Physical abuse D . Medical neglect


A client tells a social worker about a recent argument with a spouse during which she threw a chair across the room. The social worker asks the client what the client was thinking as the argument progressed. What is the social worker attempting to do? A . Understand all aspects of the interaction B . Examine nonverbal communication C . Encourage the acceptance of responsibility D . Evaluate incongruent messages


A couple experiencing marital conflict meet with a social worker. They begin by describing their division of household duties. She works outside of the home while he maintains the household. What should the social worker explore FIRST? A . Satisfaction with gender roles B . Sexual relationship C . Relationship history D . Cultural backgrounds


A former client inquires about dating a social worker. The professional relationship ended three months ago. The social worker is receptive to the possibility of a dating relationship. What is the appropriate action for the social worker to take? A . Decline any attempts toward a personal relationship B . Allow the relationship as long as both parties are in agreement C . Inform a coworker of the possible relationship D . Consult with the agency supervisor


A hospital social worker contacts a nursing home about accepting a patient. The nursing home asks the social worker for a copy of the patient's records. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Discuss the specifics of the request with the client B . Provide a copy of the patient's record as requested C . Ask the nursing home to put the request in writing D . Provide a redacted copy of the patient's records


A school social worker is talking with a group of middle school students about smoking cigarettes. There is general agreement among the students that occasional use of electronic cigarettes is safe. What should the social worker do to BEST respond to the discussion? A . Educate the students about the addictive properties of electronic cigarettes B . Discuss the impact of peer pressure on smoking behavior C . Inform the students that smoking can lead to other drug use D . Remind the students that electronic cigarettes create offensive odors


A school social worker meets with the parents of a student who was referred for issues related to gang membership. The parents disagree with the reasons for the referral. They insist that the student was expressing cultural pride and is being discriminated against. What should the social worker do to BEST achieve a helping relationship with the student and parents? A . Build on strengths associated with the family's heritage B . Discuss warning signs of gang membership C . Present ideas for the student's involvement in school activities D . Discuss other options that allow the student to express cultural identity


A social worker assists clients during their pregnancies as a component of a maternal health program. The social worker routinely provides assistance in accessing services. During a session, a client reports being diagnosed with preeclampsia and does not understand the diagnosis. What is the social worker's BEST course of action to assist the client? A . Suggest that the client speak with an obstetrician or another professional who has expertise in this area B . Provide answers to the client's questions based on the social worker's understanding of the diagnosis C . Explain to the client that the social worker is not an expert on the medical impact of conditions related to pregnancy D . Offer the client brochures and articles detailing information related to the health condition and its complications


A social worker becomes aware that a social work colleague has been involved in an inappropriate relationship with a client. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Discuss the concerns with the colleague B . Notify the colleague's supervisor C . Contact the social work regulatory board D . Report the situation to the agency's director


A social worker believes that a child's academic problems may be due to a learning disability. To evaluate this possibility, to what professional should the social worker refer the child? A . School psychologist B . Child psychiatrist C . Guidance counselor D . School nurse


A social worker has been assisting a neighborhood organization in working with a city housing department, urging it to demolish abandoned and unsafe homes in its area. The committee members have asked the social worker to help them develop an instrument that will aid them in determining their level of success in this project. The social worker presents them with an evaluation plan that lists outcomes from "much less than expected" to "much more than expected." This plan is what kind of evaluation tool? A . Goal-attainment scaling B . Consumer satisfaction survey C . Target-problem scaling D . Rapid assessment instrument


A social worker interviews a client about finding employment. The client reports being more concerned about issues with a teenage child at home. How should the social worker FIRST respond to the client's concern? A . Acknowledge the parent-child problem B . Refocus the client on the goal of obtaining employment C . Refer the client to another professional to address the relationship issues D . Address the relationship only if the client agrees to look for employment


A social worker is completing a home visit with a parent who has a young child with asthma. During the visit, the parent smokes cigarettes continually. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Discuss health hazards of secondhand smoke on children B . File an abuse report with the local jurisdictional authority C . Request that the parent refrain from smoking around the child D . Refer the parent to services to quit smoking


A social worker is employed at a health clinic in a neighborhood where the residents are primarily members of ethnic minority groups. The social worker frequently encounters women who will not agree to health screening tests. They tell the social worker that the tests will not prevent disease or sickness. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Acknowledge the women's cultural beliefs B . Provide information on preventive medicine C . Encourage the women to talk with their physicians D . Offer incentives to participate in screenings


A social worker is providing services to a caregiver who refuses a referral to a community support group. After exploring the client's reasons for the refusal, what should the social worker do NEXT? A . Accept the client's decision to decline participation B . Provide written information about the support group C . Invite a support group facilitator to attend the next session with the client D . Work with the client to enlist the help of friends and family members


A social worker is working with a child who has fetal alcohol syndrome. What symptom would the child MOST likely have? A . Distinctive facial features B . Intense reactions to external stimuli C . Repetitive body movements D . A suppressed immune system


A social worker meets with a 13-year-old client who reports that she may be pregnant. Her boyfriend is 16 years old. The client demands that the social worker not tell anyone. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Review the limits of confidentiality related to the circumstance B . Make a formal report to the appropriate child welfare authority C . Respect the client's right to keep her situation private D . Notify the client's parents of the client's possible pregnancy


A social worker meets with a client about issues related to spousal abuse. The social worker observes the client raising his voice and concludes that he is angry with his wife. What kind of information is this observation? A . Subjective B . Objective C . Anecdotal D . Evidential


A social worker meets with a court mandated client for the first time. After acknowledging the client's reluctance to meet court requirements, the social worker then attempts to establish rapport and begin gathering information. What skill is the social worker using? A . Engagement B . Assessment C . Limit setting D . Reflection


A social worker meets with an adolescent client who appears to be preoccupied with dating and sexual topics. What should the social worker assess for FIRST? A . Normal adolescent development B . The adolescent's risk for sexual abuse C . Societal pressures to display sexualized behavior D . The impact of sexual preoccupation on peer relationships


A social worker plans a client meeting during which the client's progress will be discussed. What is the BEST approach for the social worker to take initially to prepare for this meeting? A . Review case notes in the client's record B . Discuss the case with a supervisor C . Graph client progress over the last six months D . Ask the client to identify areas of positive growth


A social worker plans to meet with a client for an intake interview. Referral information indicates that the client is hard of hearing. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Determine the client's preference for communicating B . Arrange for an interpreter for the client during the interview C . Ask the client to bring a family member to the interview D . Review literature on deaf culture


A social worker visits an elderly client whose grandchildren also live in the client's home. The client is unable to perform activities of daily living and is found lying in a soiled bed in a windowless room. The social worker questions the grandchildren and learns that no family members are home during the day. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Make an immediate report to adult protective services B . Give the family a list of nursing homes in the area for consideration C . Contact other family members in the area and inform them of the situation D . Insist that at least one grandchild remain at home during the day


A teacher refers a student who was recently placed in foster care to the school social worker. The student sleeps in class, refuses to speak, and does not complete homework. The foster parents report that the student is aggressive at home. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Coordinate a conference with the teacher, foster parents, and foster care worker B . Refer the child for a cognitive assessment by the school psychologist C . Request a follow-up assessment of the foster home D . Have the child attend a support group at school


A three-year-old child indicates to the social worker the desire to play with a toy used in a previous interview. The toy is out of sight at this time. What cognitive phenomenon is the child exhibiting? A . Object permanence B . Primary circular reaction C . Deferred imitation D . Mental representation


A young adult client with a cognitive delay lives in a group home. When meeting with the client, the social worker addresses him as "Mister." What is the social worker attempting to do by using this title? A . Convey appropriate respect B . Encourage the client's participation C . Enforce boundaries with the client D . Teach social skills to the client


After completing a program evaluation, what should the social worker do to BEST increase the likelihood that the evaluation results will be used? A . Adapt the style of the report to the needs of the program B . Present the report in a professional style C . Report any negative findings in a tactful manner D . Offer incentives for using the evaluation results in the program


In addition to verbalizing the social worker's understanding, what does an empathic response include? A . Mirroring the client's feelings B . Expressing the social worker's similar feeling C . Exploring the problem further D . Universalizing the client's problem


In social work with groups, the PRIMARY task of the facilitator is to further the group process toward what end? A . Goal achievement B . Group preaffiliation C . Role differentiation D . Norm development


In writing a psychosocial history, what is the MOST important reason for including the client's medical history? A . To identify physiological factors affecting the client's presenting problems B . To note client allergies to any medications that might be prescribed C . To ensure that applicable health care guidelines are being followed D . To make sure the client has resources to meet medical needs


What is the MOST appropriate method for a social work researcher to use to assign 53 clients to experimental and control groups? A . Table of random numbers B . Twinning process C . Table of matched pairs D . Volunteer method


What is the MOST effective intervention strategy used by social workers with older clients who experience negative stereotypes, age based discrimination, exploitation, and/or compromising of their rights? A . Empowerment B . Containment C . Empathy D . Confrontation


What is the MOST important reason for social workers to be aware of their own spiritual growth and development? A . To avoid countertransference in the helping relationship B . To provide advice to clients on spiritual matters C . To increase the capacity to sympathize with clients D . To promote bonding and rapport with clients


What is the term for the process by which individuals assume the roles they play within a system? A . Socialization B . Recruitment C . Internalization D . Education


What statement BEST describes the concept of privileged communication for social workers? A . It provides the legal grounds for confidentiality. B . It permits the social worker the discretion to share client information. C . It prevents client information from being shared at agency case conferences. D . It protects clients who report planning violent acts.


What step is an appropriate part of the referral process? A . Following up to determine whether the resources were provided B . Alerting the client to the unprofessional behavior he or she can expect from the agency to which he or she has been referred C . Offering the client the use of the social worker's resource listing, but allowing the client to determine whom to call D . Eliciting family history in order to provide complete information to the person to whom the client is referred


What strategy is BEST for writing a coherent and useful agency report? A . Organize the information by using an outline B . Employ a word processor and spell-check C . Use words common to the profession D . Select and use citations from recent social work journals


What type of hallucination is MOST prevalent for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia? A . Auditory B . Tactile C . Visual D . Olfactory


When working with a client from a different cultural group, what should the social worker do FIRST? A . Ignore the differences between the client and the social worker B . Learn about the client's cultural heritage C . Treat the client the same as all other clients D . Discuss the differences between the two cultures


Which of the following persons has the legal authority to make decisions on behalf of an adult declared legally incompetent? A . Representative payee B . Guardian C . Relative D . Attorney


A client in a domestic violence shelter wants to return to an abusive partner. The client is concerned that the social worker will not approve. What should the social worker do to BEST demonstrate acceptance of the client's choice? A . Refer the client to other services B . Encourage the client to discuss the decision C . Outline concerns about the risks of returning to the partner D . Allow the client to direct the conversation


A client takes the same prescription medication as her child. She tells the social worker that when she runs out of medication, she takes a pill from her child's bottle. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Advise the client to consult with the prescribing doctor B . Explore with the client reasons she is running out of medication C . Request permission to consult with the doctor D . Suggest that the client use a calendar to track medication


A client who recently moved from a rural area to a large city has been referred to a social worker for high-risk pregnancy services. The client has missed or been late for all of her appointments. Based on limited contact, the social worker does not view the client as noncompliant. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Find an agency that is closer to the client's home B . Explore the client's adjustment to living in the city C . Ask the social work supervisor for guidance D . Develop a contract addressing missed appointments


A couple in the process of adopting an infant meet with a social worker. The infant has a history of emotional neglect. The couple ask about the psychological effects of the neglect as the child ages. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Reassure the couple that the child is currently physically healthy B . Inform the couple that there may be some psychological impact as a result of the infant's past C . Suggest that the couple get a comprehensive evaluation of the child's development D . Provide the couple with reading materials on psychological development


A distraught client walks into a mental health agency asking for help. The client tells the social worker about going to several other mental health agencies, saying they did not help. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Make an appointment for the client to receive a psychological assessment B . Offer to talk with the client about previous treatment experiences C . Encourage the client to return to one of the other agencies D . Ask the client to sign releases of information for the other agencies


A five-year-old child has been removed from her home and placed in a foster home because of abuse. The foster parent discovers the child sucking on a baby bottle. Later, the child acts as if she cannot dress or feed herself. What term BEST describes this method of coping with separation? A . Repression B . Regression C . Projection D . Compensation


A social worker employed by a nursing home is interviewing an 82-year-old client. The client complains of changes in memory and appears somewhat distraught about it. What is the social worker's BEST response? A . Encourage the client to accept these changes as a normal part of aging B . Refer the client to a physician to rule out any medical condition C . Refer the client to a psychologist for thorough testing D . Ask the client's family members for input on the complaint


A social worker facilitates a support group. A new client meets with the social worker to discuss joining the group. During this initial meeting, what is the social worker's MOST important task? A . Ask the client about previous experiences in groups B . Discuss expectations and limitations of confidentiality in groups C . Provide support literature on group formation and process to the client D . Encourage the client to develop group centered goals


A social worker in a family preservation program has been working with a family for 18 months. There has been minimal progress. The school is threatening to expel the child. The mother is addicted to drugs and does not demonstrate an interest in services. What should the social worker do? A . Locate additional resources for the family B . Initiate a permanency planning meeting for possible child placement C . Meet with school officials to insist on keeping the child in class D . Hold a family interview and provide additional parenting skills


A social worker in a family services center is assigned a new family for an intake interview. In collecting the family's history, what should the social worker focus on FIRST? A . The personal development of individual family members B . Changes and critical incidents in the life of the family C . The development of the marital relationship D . Resources available to the family to cope with their problems


A social worker in a public health clinic interviews a patient who is pregnant and has HIV. The social worker contacts a physician to help develop a plan of care that is appropriate for this patient. What approach is the social worker demonstrating? A . Role clarification B . Interdisciplinary collaboration C . Reaction formation D . Didactic instruction


A social worker in a senior center has become aware of an elderly couple's inability to maintain themselves. They live in a rural area without any nearby family members and are unwilling to consider alternative living arrangements. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Try to persuade the couple to go to a nursing home B . Discuss referral for supportive services C . Inform family members of the situation D . Arrange for a mental status exam to be completed


A social worker is coordinating home-based physical therapy for a two-year-old child. The child's parent has agreed to the services but frequently forgets about the appointments. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Schedule a meeting between the parent and the physical therapist B . Review with the parent the barriers to treatment adherence C . Revise the service plan to include specific responsibilities for each person D . Identify family members who could be present during the therapy sessions


A social worker is interviewing a client who has expressed current suicidal ideation. What is the BEST method for the social worker to assess the risk of suicide by the client? A . Ask the client about a history of depression or mood disorders B . Determine whether the client has developed a plan to commit suicide C . Evaluate the general perception of the client toward suicide D . Find out if the client has recently given away personal items


A social worker is providing case management services to a client who has set a goal of obtaining a job. The social worker is concerned that the client may not be motivated to work toward this goal. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Continue work toward the identified goal B . Explore with the client the reasons for this objective C . Initiate a discussion of the client's work history D . Discontinue services until the client is more motivated


A social worker meets with a client who is middle aged. The client feels depressed about this phase in life and is thinking about having an extramarital affair. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Determine the client's views about aging B . Acknowledge the client's concerns C . Encourage the client to talk with the spouse D . Refer the client to couples counseling


A social worker meets with a young adult client who is concerned because she has stopped having menstrual periods and has insomnia from night sweats. What type of assessment would be MOST appropriate? A . An eating disorder assessment B . A medical assessment C . A sexual health assessment D . A mental health assessment


A social worker meets with an 85-year-old client with cognitive impairments who is having financial difficulties. The social worker discovers that the client has been charged exorbitant fees for inadequate home repairs over a long period of time. The client does not want to report the repair company since the workers were very friendly. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Reach an agreement with the client to no longer use the company B . Report the situation to the appropriate authorities C . Provide the client with contact information for filing a complaint D . Contact the company regarding the repair fees


A social worker schedules a sign language interpreter to attend an interview with a client who is deaf. The interpreter becomes ill and cannot be present at the session. The client is already at the agency. What should the social worker do? A . Provide the client with reading material about the topic to be discussed B . Communicate the need to set up another appointment time C . Attempt the session anyway since the client has already arrived D . Ask the client for names of alternative interpreters


A social worker working in a homeless shelter meets with a client who demands to leave on a cold winter day. The client has schizophrenia and no supportive connections away from the shelter. The client is wearing clothes inappropriate for the weather conditions. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Inform the agency administrator of the client's plans B . Discuss with the client the risks involved in leaving C . Provide the client with appropriate clothing items D . Inform appropriate authorities of the client's intention


A successful African American/Black neurosurgeon grew up in a one-parent home headed by his mother, who was illiterate and extremely poor. To conclude that the neurosurgeon's achievements are more typical of middle- and upper-class expectations suggests: A . racial typecasting B . stereotypical thinking C . intergenerational mobility D . institutional racism


A supervisor mandates that an employee meet with a social worker after repeated absences from work because of alcohol use. The employee acknowledges drinking but denies that it is a problem. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Talk with the employee about the company's policies related to alcohol use B . Encourage the employee to discuss feelings about the meeting C . Clarify why the employee thinks the supervisor might be concerned D . Complete an alcohol use screening tool with the employee


According to behavioral theory, what is negative reinforcement? A . Punishing undesired behavior B . Withdrawing approval in response to the undesired behavior C . Controlling the environment for negative behavior D . Expressing criticism about the behavior


After the client has signed the appropriate release of information forms, what can a social worker share with another agency about the client? A . The entirety of the social worker's knowledge about the client B . Information that the client agrees to share C . Information that is needed to solve the presenting problem D . Copies of the entire case record with a summary that identifies critical issues


Codependency is indicated when: A . adult children share a mutual addiction B . people rely on each other to meet unhealthy needs C . parents share custody of a child D . siblings are inseparable as companions


During a foster home visit, a 12-year-old client tells the social worker that the foster mother's adult son shoved the client. The client is fearful and does not want the social worker to report the incident. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Monitor the home closely and make unannounced visits B . Inform the client that the incident will be reported C . Speak with the foster parent about limiting her son's visits D . Arrange an interview with the son to discuss the incident


During an initial interview with a social worker, a client reports feeling depressed for the past six months. Recently, the client started drinking alcohol daily and says that this has been helpful in decreasing the depressed feelings. What is the BEST description of the behavior? A . Suicidal ideation B . Self-medication C . Compulsion D . Addiction


How does documentation directly benefit the client? A . It provides support for the social worker if there is legal action. B . It records intervention history and progress being made. C . It provides the basis for thorough supervision. D . It supports compliance with agency standards.


In a family session, a teenage daughter complains that her mother is too nosy, refuses her any private telephone time, and nags constantly. The mother complains that the daughter never cleans her room and ignores curfews, telephone limits, and restrictions about friends. What issue should the social worker explore FIRST? A . The mother's inability to exercise parental discipline B . The struggle for control between the mother and daughter C . The daughter's struggle to establish autonomy D . The dysfunctional parent-child relationship


In an effort to make more effective referrals for clients, a social worker in a community service center spends several days visiting local agencies and meeting service providers. This practice is an example of: A . consultation B . networking C . collaboration D . evaluation


In an initial meeting with a social worker, a client says that medical issues have forced her to stay home and give up social activities. The client reports feeling depressed and spiritually empty. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Help the client explore options for resuming social activities B . Assist the client in prioritizing her concerns C . Ask the client if she has a spiritual leader D . Obtain a release of information for medical records


In utilizing a family oriented approach to service delivery, what should the social worker do? A . Assess each family member separately B . Assess the family as a system C . Locate homeostasis within the family D . Reframe family boundaries


Structuring a social work interview means: A . identifying the case problems in the social worker's report B . clarifying the roles of the social worker and the client C . bringing out the emotional problems of the client D . arranging the furniture in the interview room


The city council has appointed a social worker to work with a group in the community. The group's purpose is to explore new funding approaches for the upcoming fiscal year. What term BEST describes this group? A . Treatment B . Task C . Social action D . Educational


What aspect of a client's behavior during an interview would BEST help the social worker to assess the communication skills of the client? A . Degree of openness with which the client discusses concerns B . Ability of the client to remain focused during the interview C . Number of times the client requests clarification D . Congruence between verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the client


What does knowledge of family life cycle theory enable social workers to do? A . Predict the psychosocial development of individual family members B . Determine levels of family developmental task accomplishment C . Assess dysfunctional family interactions D . Explain family violence risks


What factor is evidence of an individual's cognitive strengths? A . Congruent emotions B . Logical thought processes C . A high level of self-esteem D . Adaptability to new situations


What indicator of child physical abuse is the MOST distinctive? A . A reddened area on the legs or arms B . Bruises in the shape of objects C . A broken leg, arm, or foot D . Frequent crying and sadness


What interviewing skill is used in social work to help the client set treatment goals? A. Containment B. Focusing C. Summarizing D.Reassuring


What is the MOST effective way for a social worker to determine the relationship between environmental variables and the client's presenting problem? A . Observing the client's living arrangements B . Obtaining psychosocial information C . Evaluating the client's social skills D . Interviewing collateral sources


What is the MOST important factor for the social worker to consider in working with a client who is experiencing a crisis? A . Financial resources B . Support systems C . Past medical history D . Ability to self advocate


What is the PRIMARY reason for social workers to conceptualize crisis situations into stages? A . Completion of one stage successfully gives the client hope of resolution. B . Recognition of stages helps integrate the problem-solving process. C . Awareness of the stages helps the client identify support systems. D . Evaluation of intervention outcomes is facilitated by identification of stages.


What term BEST describes the collecting of information during the intervention phase of problem solving? A . Evaluation B . Monitoring C . Baseline assessment D . Feedback


A 75-year-old resident of a nursing home informs her social worker that she frequently wakes up at night. The resident reports that she had been a sound sleeper but now awakens at the slightest noise. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Suggest to the staff physician that a sleeping medication may be indicated B . Ask the resident if she would like her room changed to a different location C . Discuss the impact of the disturbed sleep pattern with the resident D . Arrange more physical activities for the resident throughout the day


A client confides in the social worker that she feels personal worth only when she takes care of her alcoholic husband. What attribute BESTdescribes the client's feelings? A . Martyrdom B . Self-sacrifice C . Codependency D . Low self-esteem


A client is receiving social work services for assistance in ending an abusive relationship. During the fourth interview with the social worker, the client begins to explore the prospect of staying in the relationship. What should the social worker do NEXT? A . Discourage the client from making such a decision B . Help the client to build a healthier relationship with the partner C . Encourage the client to discuss thoughts and feelings about the possibility D . Work with the client on a safety plan for future abusive episodes


A client who is gay meets with a social worker for symptoms of depression. The social worker becomes aware of having strong negative feelings about the client's sexual orientation. What should the social worker do? A . Refer the client to another social worker B . Discuss the feelings with the client C . Review the feelings with the supervisor D . Work with the client despite the feelings


A court mandated client meets with a social worker for the first time. The client denies needing services. After acknowledging the client's feelings, what should the social worker do NEXT? A . Contact the court to report the client's resistance B . Terminate the interview until the client is ready to engage C . Review the court mandate with the client D . Contact the client's support system for assistance


A family preservation social worker is planning an overnight trip for children of families receiving services. One of the parents informs the social worker that her nine-year-old will not be able to go on the trip because of frequent bed-wetting. The parent expresses frustration about the situation. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Offer to speak privately to the child about the situation B . Recommend that the parent buy disposable undergarments for the child C . Explain the factors that can affect bladder control in children D . Schedule the child for a full medical examination


A family with extremely rigid boundaries is likely to have: A . few restrictions for family members B . little interaction among family members C . limited input from outside systems D . loose bonds among family members


A group of citizens who live in public housing asks a social worker what the group can do about changing certain unjust housing policies. The group tried to bring about change through the appeal process but was unsuccessful. What is the social worker's BEST action? A . Offer to provide expert testimony B . Involve influential people in the group's cause C . Teach confrontation and negotiation skills to the group D . File a class action lawsuit against housing authorities


A patient whose hand was severed in an accident is referred to the hospital social worker. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Present available rehabilitation options B . Evaluate the patient's social supports C . Assess the patient's emotional reaction D . Gather social history information


A school social worker meets with a seven-year-old student and the student's parent to talk about truancy. The parent reports taking medication for depression and feeling tired in the mornings. The student is expected to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to the bus stop without help. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Refer the parent for a medical evaluation B . Arrange alternate transportation for the student C . Provide education on child development to the parent D . Explore the reasons for the parent's depression


A social worker answering a crisis hotline establishes rapport with a caller and determines that the caller is not in immediate danger. What should the social worker do NEXT? A . Assess past coping mechanisms B . Explore feelings and emotions C . Define the problem D . Develop an action plan


A social worker attends a social work staff meeting where cases are presented for peer review. What type of meeting is this? A . Group supervision B . In-service training C . Case conference D . Interdisciplinary staff meeting


A social worker in child protective services contacts a mother reported for neglect of her seven-year-old son. To gather information for decision-making, what should the social worker do FIRST? A . Observe the household environment for safety risks B . Interview the child and mother separately and together C . Read the current report of suspected neglect D . Obtain collateral data on the mother from neighbors


A social worker is providing services to a client for alcohol use disorder. The client has missed several appointments and arrives for a session smelling of alcohol. The social worker confronts the client about this, but the client reports being sober for a long time. What defense mechanism is the client displaying? A . Displacement B . Rationalization C . Denial D . Projection


A social worker makes this notation in a client's record: "Client speaks with a very heavy accent; difficult to understand." What does this entry reflect? A . Stereotyping B . Multiculturalism C . Ethnocentrism D . Poor communication skills


A social worker meets with a client who was physically abused by an intimate partner. The client has contacted the police on several occasions. What should the social worker do to BEST help the client? A . Provide resource information about domestic violence B . Explore reasons that the client has contacted the police C . Develop a safety plan with the client D . Refer the client and partner to couples therapy


A social worker selects clients to participate in a research project about child abuse. What is the BEST term for this process? A . Recruitment B . Evaluation C . Sampling D . Assessment


A social worker who is facilitating a group workshop notes that a client has trouble interacting with the group and becomes tearful when discussing some topics. What process are the social worker's observations part of? A . Integration B . Engagement C . Assessment D . Intervention


A social worker whose practice experience has been with a child welfare agency on a Native American/Indigenous peoples reservation is being transferred to a similar agency on a reservation of another tribe. What is the social worker's ethical responsibility? A . Questioning the appropriateness of the transfer on cultural grounds B . Employing general knowledge regarding Native Americans/Indigenous people C . Gaining knowledge of the cultural uniqueness of the other tribe D . Acknowledging that child welfare services embrace the generalist model


A social worker working in an assisted living facility learns that a resident is being financially exploited by the staff. The social worker reports this to the facility director, who refuses to take any action. Ethically, what should the social worker do NEXT? A . Report the facility to a regulatory board B . Investigate the situation independently C . Inform the director of the social worker's obligation to report D . Report the problem to the resident's family


After a sudden termination from employment, a client meets with a social worker to deal with stress and anger. The social worker asks about the client's plans for the next two weeks. What is the social worker assessing? A . The client's trust of the social worker B . The client's financial status C . The client's coping skills D . The client's motivation for services


An agency administrator asks a social worker to supervise a student intern. The social worker does not have experience in supervision or in the intern's stated area of interest. What is the BEST action for the social worker to take? A . Contact the student to discuss a start date for the internship B . Develop a plan to obtain continuing education in supervision C . Explain the reasons that the social worker cannot accept the assignment D . Suggest a more appropriate supervisor for the intern


Family members express concerns about their aging parent to a social worker who is a geriatric case manager. The parent is increasingly frail but cognitively competent. The family would like the social worker to persuade the parent to move to an assisted living facility, but the parent has refused this suggestion. What should the social worker do? A . Arrange a meeting with the entire family to negotiate a solution B . Consult with the assisted living administrator C . Respect the parent's choice and reluctance to move D . Encourage the family to present a united front in making a decision for the parent


In a longitudinal research design, what would a panel study involve? A . Double blind methodology B . The use of a control variable in the study C . Examination of the same subjects over time D . A comparison of change in sample subgroups over time


Individuals who view the norms and values of their own culture as absolute and use them as standards for judging others are exhibiting: A . racism B . prejudice C . ethnocentrism D . discrimination


On an initial home health visit, a social worker learns that the client has diabetes and is in need of specialized foot care and nail trimming. What health professional can BEST provide these services? A . Osteopath B . Physical therapist C . Podiatrist D . Nurse


The social worker in a community organization can BEST facilitate social change in a local community by: A . informing community members of the social needs of the community B . developing a research plan to study social problems C . involving local leaders in developing plans for the area D . writing proposals for government funding of new services


What assessment tool is the MOST effective for obtaining family history information? A . Person-in-Environment (PIE) System B . Social network mapping C . Genogram D . Ecomap


What concept is concerned with whether an instrument is measuring what it purports to measure? A . Statistical regression B . Statistical significance C . Validity D . Reliability


What does the concept of process in social work refer to? A . The role of the social worker in dealing with the client B . Recording what the social worker says to the client as they relate to each other C . The interactions of the client and social worker D . The sequence of case activities


What should be the focus of a social worker's assessment when using the family life cycle theory as a frame of reference? A . Unexpected family stresses and problems B . The influence of macro systems on family life C . Normal events at different stages in family development D . Social interactions within family subgroups


What should the social worker do FIRST when investigating a child abuse report? A . Perform a psychosocial assessment B . Develop a treatment plan C . Evaluate the danger to the child D . Write an intake disposition


What social work skill BEST communicates acceptance to a client? A . Demonstrating concern B . Using normalizing statements C . Using nonjudgmental statements D . Conveying competence


What term BEST describes client information that a social worker obtains from a variety of sources? A . An ecomap B . Psychological tests C . Collateral data D . Interdisciplinary communication


While a social worker is facilitating a weekly support group, a client becomes very disruptive. What should the social worker do? A . Ignore the disruptive behavior and speak to the client about the behavior after the group B . Survey group members and decide how to respond based on their responses to the behavior C . Ask group members to tell the client how they are being affected by the behavior D . Stop the group and confront the client on the behavior in front of the members


When helping a client cope with the recent death of a loved one, what should a social worker do FIRST? A . Engage the client in describing previous means of dealing with grief B . Urge the client to become involved in activities C . Reassure the client that time will heal the pain D . Encourage the client to grieve the loss


A client meets with a social worker to discuss a family member's alcohol dependency. The client is frustrated and is having difficulty coping with the family member's behavior. What is the social worker's MOST appropriate response? A . Evaluate the client's possible codependency issues B . Prepare the client to slowly disengage from the family member C . Educate the client about the stages of addiction and recovery D . Provide the client information about Alcoholics Anonymous


A child tells a social worker that his parents have repeatedly threatened to tell everyone at school if he wets the bed again. What pattern of parent behavior does this demonstrate? A . Exploitation B . Rejection C . Isolating D . Terrorizing


A child welfare social worker meets with parents who have been reported for neglecting their child. During the interview, the parents say that they are being overwhelmed with many stressors. What is the BEST action for the social worker to take? A . Consult with the child's pediatrician B . Arrange for supportive services C . Recommend placing the child in foster care D . Refer the parents to a psychologist


A client has a history of participating in illegal activities when invited to do so by her boyfriend. To help her say no to her boyfriend, the social worker talks to her as the boyfriend has done in the past and then has the client practice appropriate responses. What is this technique called? A . Transference B . Countertransference C . Reenacting D . Role playing


A client tells a social worker about recently being hit by a car. The client feels anxious and sad, and is unable to recall details of the accident. What condition is the client MOST likely experiencing? A . Generalized anxiety B . Amnesia C . Depression D . Posttraumatic stress


A home health social worker assesses an elderly client to determine the client's ability to continue to live alone. What should the social worker assess for FIRST? A . Support systems B . Feelings C . Income D . Safety


A new social work employee in an agency will be BEST able to function within the organization if the social worker has received information regarding the: A . career ladder available in the agency B . agency mission and goals C . history of the agency D . types of clients served


A parent brings her four-year-old to meet with a social worker. The parent expresses concern that the child does not play with others on the playground at day care. The social worker observes that the child does not reciprocate interaction with the parent. What should the social worker do? A . Explain that a four-year-old is too young to play interactively B . Express concern that the child may have developmental problems C . Suggest that the mother schedule play dates for the child D . Describe the typical developmental tasks of four-year-olds


A person who has learned to integrate positive and negative experiences and who then accepts end of life issues is MOST likely in what stage of psychosocial development? A . Initiative versus guilt B . Intimacy versus isolation C . Generativity versus stagnation D . Integrity versus despair


A social worker at a long-term homeless shelter for families is responsible for completing psychosocial assessments of new clients. What should the social worker do to BEST assess sexual orientation of the clients? A . Conduct an in-depth exploration of sexual history and development B . Wait for the clients to bring up the topic of sexual orientation C . Include the question on an intake checklist that the clients complete D . Discuss the client's sexual orientation as a standard part of the intake


A social worker has referred a family to a free public health clinic. The family refuses, telling the social worker that family members do not receive adequate care at public clinics. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Explain to the family that options are limited B . Offer to accompany the family to the clinic C . Document the family's refusal in the case record D . Allow family members to express their feelings about this issue


A social worker is a participant in a multidisciplinary task force focused on decreasing youth violence in the community. During the meeting, a law enforcement officer names a youth who is alleged to be connected to a gang. The youth mentioned is a current client of the social worker. What would be the social worker's BEST response? A . Request more details on the youth from law enforcement B . Ask for evidence that verifies the youth's connection to the gang C . Ask to be excused from the task force D . Refrain from giving client-specific information


A social worker learns that a client is receiving services from another social worker for the same problem. The client has not told this to the social worker. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Initiate termination of services to the client B . Ignore the issue unless the client discloses it C . Explore which service provider the client prefers D . Consult with the social work supervisor regarding the case


A social worker meets with a client who practices a form of witchcraft. What should the social worker do FIRST to learn more about the client's spiritual beliefs? A . Read information about the client's spiritual teachings B . Consult with spiritual leaders recommended by the client C . Explore safety concerns regarding the client's spiritual beliefs D . Encourage the client to share personal spiritual values and practices


A social worker meets with a client who recently immigrated. The social worker observes that the client is struggling to identify personal strengths and challenges. What should the social worker do to BEST help in this process? A . Develop a genogram with the client B . Explore the client's possible resistance C . Consult with the client's family members D . Draw an ecomap with the client


A social worker meets with a client who recently went through a divorce. The client reports a history of relationship difficulties and mood disturbance. The client also reports having experienced sexual abuse as a child but refuses to discuss it further. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Refer the client to another social worker for services B . Explain the negative consequences of avoiding the issue C . Provide the client with reading materials related to child sexual abuse D . Invite the client to discuss the abuse at a later time


A social worker meets with a client whose spouse abuses marijuana. The marriage is strained because the client feels a loss of sense of self in the process of attempting to meet the spouse's needs. What does this situation represent on the part of the client? A . Denial B . Disengagement C . Minimization D . Codependency


A social worker meets with a couple about relationship issues. The couple admit to minor slaps and shoves between them. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Ask about the strengths in the couple's relationship B . Assess the couple's motivation for change C . Determine if the behavior was present during courtship D . Explore the events that led to these behaviors


A social worker meets with parents who are concerned about their teenager's vulnerability to peer influence. The teenager has started associating with a new group of friends whom the parents consider to be rebellious and nonconforming. The teenager is expressing a desire to be more like these friends. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Help the parents develop a behavior modification plan B . Encourage the parents to spend more time with their teenager C . Arrange a family meeting to discuss the teenager's behavior D . Educate the parents about the tasks of normal teenage development


A social worker notices bruises on a client's arms and asks about them. The client begins to cry and says that her spouse did not mean to hurt her. What should the social worker determine FIRST? A . Resources available to the client in the community B . The client's wishes concerning the violence C . The type and extent of abuse patterns in the family D . The potential of immediate danger to the client


A social worker notices that a client's verbal and nonverbal communications are incongruent. How can the social worker accurately determine the client's message? A . Model more appropriate congruent communication B . Use open-ended questions in the interview C . Continue listening and observing to ensure understanding D . Ask about the underlying meaning of the communication


A social worker overhears an employee at the agency having a telephone conversation. The conversation seems to reveal that a child was abused by another colleague. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Advise the colleague to report the suspected abuse to the child protection agency B . Relate what was heard to the director of the agency C . Obtain advice from the social worker's immediate supervisor D . Talk to the employee to clarify what was overheard


A social worker tells a client, "You looked confused when I just explained our agency's policy." What communication technique is the social worker attempting with this statement? A . Structuring B . Summarizing C . Rephrasing D . Reflection


A social worker who recently experienced the death of a parent is having difficulty assisting hospice families. The social worker is aware that the personal experience is interfering with the social worker's ability to offer services to clients and seeks consultation with a supervisor. What should the social worker request from the supervisor? A . Help in resolving the personal grief B . For the supervisor to share personal experiences with death C . For additional time off until the feelings become less intense D . Supportive resources that can provide assistance


A social worker works with a large number of clients who are gay or lesbian. The social worker notices that many of the clients have a common issue of low self-esteem stemming from the perception that society labels them as bad people. What is the social worker's BEST response? A . Lobby for new laws to fight against homophobia B . Educate community members on gay and lesbian issues C . Refer the clients to a gay or lesbian therapist D . Offer a gay and lesbian support group


A student who has recently become withdrawn and whose grades have declined is referred to the school social worker. During an interview, the social worker learns that one of the student's parents has just been incarcerated for domestic abuse. In preparing the social history for the school, what is the social worker obligated to do? A . Inform the school staff of all of the details of the incident B . Review the police reports for corroboration of the events C . Interview the neighbors for their perspective on the family D . Provide only the information that affects the child's education


After each meeting with a client, what information should the social worker add to the client file? A . Information approved by the client for entry into the case record B . A signed informed consent document C . Documentation that the client understands the limitations of confidentiality D . All details that are essential to work with the client


Compared to the social history of an adult, the social history of a child MOST likely contains more extensive information on which of the following categories? A . Identifying information on the client B . History of the presenting problem C . Observations by a social worker D . Developmental history of the client


During a session, a social worker asks family members to describe how the individuals in the family behave and accomplish tasks. What component of the family history is the social worker exploring? A . Power balance B . Value base C . Boundaries D . Roles


During an interview, before actually speaking, a social worker considers what to say to a client in words the client will understand. What aspect of the communication cycle is the social worker using? A . Giving feedback B . Receiving C . Transmitting D . Encoding


In an alcoholic family, what role is assumed by the child who is funny and consistently entertains other family members? A . Scapegoat B . Hero C . Lost child D . Mascot


In social work practice, the MOST important reason for obtaining a client's social history is to provide a better understanding of the client and to determine: A . community resources that can provide needed services B . previous social work services used by the client C . details about the client's background D . services needed by the client


Social workers anticipating the interruption of services to clients who are still in need should: A . withdraw services gradually B . counsel with them in private C . evaluate unmet goals D . assist in making arrangements for continuation of services


The ability to evaluate a situation, social phenomenon, or person without prejudice or distortion is referred to as: A . subjectivity B . bias C . judgment D . objectivity


The basic function of the mental status exam is to assess whether there is a need to refer clients for: A . substance abuse screening B . psychological intelligence testing C . forensic screening D . psychiatric or neurological examination


Using a strengths perspective, the social worker's FIRST step in the assessment of a client's ability to benefit from intervention is to determine the client's: A . history of problem solving B . cognitive level of functioning C . emotional response to problems D . definition of the problem situation


What characteristic BEST describes normal development in a two-year-old child? A . Developing friendships B . Being toilet-trained C . Counting to 20 D . Being determined to do for one's self


What emotional reaction will the adult children of a person recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease MOST likely demonstrate? A . Immortality versus extinction B . Isolation C . Depression D . Denial


What is the BEST description of empathy? A . Communication of the social worker's desire to help B . Nonjudgmental acceptance of client behavior C . A compassionate feeling toward another person's suffering D . An insightful understanding of another person's thoughts and emotions


What is the successful beginning of an effective social worker-client relationship called? A . Reciprocity B . Mutual aid C . Allegiance D . Working alliance


What symptom is MOST commonly associated with alcohol withdrawal? A . Panic attacks B . Obsessive-compulsive behavior C . Hypomania D . Delirium tremens


What task is MOST appropriate for a social worker to perform when terminating a relationship with a client? A . Encouraging the client to call each month to give the social worker a progress report B . Identifying possible transference issues in the professional relationship C . Having the client evaluate the social worker's performance D . Assuring the client that services can be resumed if necessary at some point in the future


When a social worker assesses a client, what factor should the social worker consider as MOST critical to determining imminent suicidal risk? A . Advanced age B . Recreational drug use C . Recent life changes D . Previous attempts


When developing a grant proposal, what must the social worker ensure FIRST? A . The availability of staff resources to carry out the work of the project B . The likelihood of the proposed activity promoting desirable outcomes C . The funding agency's familiarity with the needs identified in the grant D . The proposal's compatibility with the purpose of the funding agency


When selecting a family for a special needs adoption placement, what is the MOST important variable for the social worker to assess? A . The family's knowledge and experience with the special needs B . The financial capability of the family to handle health needs C . The willingness of the family to use community resources D . The family's ability to cope with challenges the child may present


While providing services to a family, a social worker identifies complex concerns outside the social worker's field of expertise. What should the social worker do FIRST? A . Terminate services with the family B . Begin a course of study related to the concerns C . Recommend that the family find a qualified provider D . Consult with the supervisor to determine a course of action


While reading a couple's adoption references, the social worker notices that three of the five references include information on the wife only. What is the social worker's MOST appropriate response to this lack of information? A . Ask the husband why the references did not include him B . Request a follow-up interview with the husband C . Tell the wife the references did not include the husband D . Contact the references and ask for additional data


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