Practice Exam Questions - Set 6

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5. Which of the following roles is responsible for helping the management of an organization to understand the advantages of Agile practices, tools and techniques?

Agile coach

25. Which of the following is NOT considered a good Agile practice?

Forming a large Agile team proportional to the project size.

24. Which of the following actions will NOT reduce the lead time of a user story?

Including more stories in the iteration plan.

10. A project has dynamic requirements. Project activities are required to be performed once for a given increment but each increment is supposed to produce deliveries for the customer. Further, the focus is on the speed of deliveries. Which of the following life cycles is most suitable in this scenario?


31. You have recently helped an organization transition to Agile. The new Agile teams have started to work in a cohesive and cooperative manner. You are expecting this transition to challenge some of the traditional HR policies in the company, because:

Individual incentives would make less sense and managers might struggle with the performance appraisals of the self-organizing teams.

30. If a project costing $125,000 produces a $139,000 return at the end of a year, what is the interest rate?


17. Which of the following statements regarding a release burndown chart is incorrect?

A release burndown chart can be used to accurately forecast the project completion.

32. You are developing a financial application for a client with complex business requirements. After a cost/benefit analysis was performed for each requirement, you found that the requirements can be sorted based on their expected business value. Further these requirements are mutually exclusive and can be developed individually. Which of the following project life cycle would result in an earlier return on investment in this scenario?

Agile life cycle; the team can deliver highest value work first.

39. How is the activity ROTI conducted?

At the end of retrospective, ask team members to give feedback on whether they spent their time well; Return on Time Invested

16. In iteration-based Agile, the product owner often works with the team to prepare some stories for the upcoming iteration, during one or more sessions in the middle of the iteration. The purpose of these meetings is to groom enough stories so the team understands what the stories are and how large the stories are in relation to each other. This is also known as:

Backlog refinement

18. According to the Agile principles, which of the following enhances agility?

Continuous attention to technical excellence.

22. An Agile team is working on a complex enterprise resource management system development project. The huge product backlog was prioritized based on their relative values. During each iteration, the team develops and successfully demonstrates the completed user stories. However, due to the prioritization of the user stories, user stories selected for a particular iteration may not be related with the user stories completed during the previous iteration. Which of the following activity will be a challenge in this situation?

Continuous integration.

3. Which of the following Agile plans is generally the most precise?


40. You have analyzed all the themes of your project and have assigned each one of them to one of the four quadrants of a risk-value matrix that has a risk rating (high and low) on the y-axis, and a business value rating (high and low) on the x-axis. What is the recommend approach to be taken for the themes that fell under the "High Risk" and "High Value" quadrant?

Do first

1. If a team has planned 50 story points to be completed in the upcoming project sprint, this implies that the:

Expected velocity is 50 story points.

14. A senior programmer on your Agile team is usually keen on trying and experimenting with new technologies and ideas. As a result of some of her successful spikes, some of the business requirements were delivered earlier than planned. Which ESVP role closely relates to this type of team members?


9. You have just been awarded a new project. The goal of the project is to cut the indirect production cost of your manufacturing client by 15% with a focus on inventory management costs. You are confident that you can achieve this goal as you have recently helped several other organizations in the same industry to achieve a similar objective by introducing your proprietary inventory management and control framework. What is the problem with the project objective?

It is not time bound.

7. You are your Agile team are currently discussing the variation and the causes of variation between the expected velocity and the observed velocity. Which Agile meeting is this?

Iteration retrospective

34. Which of the following models can be used to categorize a product features based on organizational desirability?

Kano model

12. You are leading a retrospective and feel that things are not progressing as planned. There is a lot of negative energy in the room due to the drop of team velocity during the previous iteration. Which of the following Agile activities can help you provide a balance?

Locate Strengths

2. You are leading a complex project with a huge list of features. Due to schedule and budget constraints, you might not be able to develop all of the features. Which of the following would help in developing the feature set that maximizes business value?

MoSCoW analysis

27. You are leading a five year long project. Your cost analyst reported that the accounting rate of return is 50% which can only be realized at the end of the project. You are not sure how meaningful that information is as the inflation rates haven't been factored in by the cost analyst. Which of the following financial measures will produce a more reliable estimate in this situation?

Net present value

37. Which of the following refers to excess time arbitrarily added to an estimate?


8. During an ESVP activity, each participant anonymously reports his or her attitude toward the retrospective as an Explorer, Shopper, Vacationer, or Prisoner. Who are the vacationers?

People who aren't interested in the work of the retrospective.

23. You have recently been hired to head the projects management office of a government organization. The projects management office is responsible for managing a wide range of improvement and transformation projects. Historically all past projects were managed using a traditional waterfall approach. You believe a hybrid of Agile and waterfall approaches is most suitable for most of the projects. How should you approach this transformation?

Plan a gradual transformation.

11. When planning an iteration, don't:

Plan on using 100% of every team member's time.

38. Which of the following is the correct formula for estimating the number of iterations remaining on the project?

Points remaining/velocity

15. Agile methods and practices have both direct and indirect benefits. In Agile projects, which of the following Agile techniques also helps in managing quality of deliverables?

Rapid feature delivery

6. You have been hired as an Agile coach by an organization that has recently decided to transition to Agile approaches. Which of the following Agile approaches can help the in shifting a team's focus from creating a perfect plan at the start of the project to creating a plan that is more useful in the short term?

Re-planning frequently.

29. A dedicated Agile team is currently working on an ERP system customization and deployment project five days a week. Each iteration is time-boxed at three weeks. A total of 500 story points were estimated at the start of the project. The team has recently completed its 4th iteration on the project and have successfully delivered 30 story points during this iteration. So far, the team has delivered a total of 120 story points on the project. If no new stories have been added to the project since initiation, what was the response time (in weeks) for the 30 stories delivered during the last iteration?

Response time is the time that an item waits until work starts. The 30 story points completed in the 4th iteration waited for three iterations, i.e., 3 x 3 = 9 weeks.

28. Agile teams rely on simplified cost calculations for each iteration rather than developing extensive project budgets during a planning phase at the start of the project. In Agile lexicon, this is also known as:

Run rate

20. An Agile team wishes to subcontract some of the project work. Rather than formalizing an entire contracting relationship in a single contract, the team wishes to describe different aspects of the relationship in different documents. Mostly fixed items such was warranties and arbitration have been recommended to be locked in the master agreement. However, other items subject to change, series rates and product descriptions, for example, should be listed in a separate:

Schedule of services

26. You have been assigned to automate the core processes of an organization. Due to the size and the complexity of the project you would need multiple Agile teams working concurrently to achieve the project objectives. Which of the following approach is NOT recommended in this situation?

Scrum The Scrum method is focused on a single small team. Scrum of Scrums (SoS), also known as "meta Scrum", is a technique used when two or more Scrum teams consisting of three to nine members each need to coordinate their work instead of one large Scrum team. Larger projects with several teams may result in conducting a Scrum of Scrum of Scrums, which follows the same pattern as SoS. Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for organizing several development teams toward a common goal extending the Scrum method

33. Which of the following is an Agile approach that was originally designed as a way to transition from Scrum to Kanban?


36. Which of the following models can help in empowering Agile project teams?

Servant-leadership model

21. Which of the following is the correct sequence of agenda items in a typical retrospective?

Set the stage -> Gather data -> Generate insights -> Decide what to do -> Close retrospective.

4. Your project team has recently completed the 3rd iteration on the project. So far 45 story points have been successfully delivered to the customer. For this project, the iteration size is fixed at three weeks. The team (six team members) is dedicated to working five days per week. Looking at the backlog, you have 150 story points remaining to be delivered. How many more weeks are required to complete the project?

Since the team has successfully delivered 45 stories in three iterations, the velocity is 15 stories per iteration. There are 150 more story points to be delivered, which will require another 10 iterations (150/15). Since each iteration is fixed at three weeks, the expected completion time is 10 x 3 = 30 weeks.

35. Agile approaches emphasize early and frequent delivery. However, this accelerated delivery might not suit some organizations due to their ability to accommodate rapid deliveries. If an organization resists a project's outcome, which of the following risks becomes more likely to occur?

Targeted return on investment is delayed.

19. An Agile team is currently playing planning poker. What does that mean?

Team is estimating stories.

13. Which of the following is an organizational construct that focuses on the flow of value to customers through the delivery of specific products or services?

Value Stream

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