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General Horatio H. Kitchener

British field marshal who fought at Omdurman where poorly armed Sudanese Musli troops were charged by the machine gun and defeated

Great Britain chose to seize land in Africa and Asia in the late 19th century because it

c. feared that France and Germany would seal off their empires with high tariffs, causing it to lose future economic opportunities

by 1990, how had Japan met the challenge of western expansion?

c. it selectively adopted those elements of Western society that were in keeping with Japanese tradition

what was the result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-85?

c. it set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers

the Russian Marxist Vladimir Lenin asserted that imperialism

c. signaled the coming decay and collapse of capitalist society

what strong belief did native opponents to European colonial rule hold?

c. the nationalist assertion that every people had a right to control their destiny

Ruyard Kipling's "white man's burden" referred to

c. the white race's supposed duty to civilize inferior, non white races

Great Rebellion

the 1857 and 1858 insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed

"African Fever"

the possibility of African colonization


a term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures

after 1860, why did foreign aggression diminish in China until near the end of the century?

a. Europeans had obtained their primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations

the Meiji Restoration restored the Japanese emperor to power in 1867 and

a. initiated a series of measures to reform along modern lines

how did the Union of South Africa function differently than any other territory in Africa?

a. it functioned as a largely "self-governing" colony

what was the goal of the new imperialism of the late nineteenth century?

a. to create large political empires

Boxers (Boxer Rebellion)

when a violent anti foreign reaction swept over China and was encouraged by the Qing court led by a secret society which was known as this group. They were a conservative and patriotic that blamed CHina's ills on foreigners, charging foreign missionaries with undermining Chinese reverence for their ancestors and thereby threatening the Chinese family and the society as a whole


Descendants of eh Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa

Jewel of the British Empire

India was the jewel in the crown of the British Empire. As well as spices, jewels and textiles, India had a huge population. Soldiering was an honorable tradition in India and the British capitalized on this. They regimented India's manpower as the backbone of their military power.

Lord Kitchener

Senior British Army officer and colonial administrator who won notoriety for his imperial campaigns

white man's burden

The idea that Europeans could and should civilize more primitive non white peoples and that imperialism would eventually provide nonwhites with modern achievements and higher standards of living

Joseph Conrad

a Polish born novelist who wrote "Heart of Darkness" which castigated the pure selfishness of Europeans in supposedly civilizing Africa

Berlin Conference

a meeting of European leaders held in 1884 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa

Heinrich con Treitschke

a nationalist German historian and a political writer who believed in colonization

J. A. Hobson

a radical English economist who wrote "Imperialism" which influenced Lenin and others

Sun Yatsen

a revolutionary radical reformer who came from the peasantry and was educated in Hawaii by Christian missionaries and sought to overthrow the dynasty and establish a republic

Henry M. Stanley

a sensation seeking journalist and part time explorer who went to the Congo basin

hundred days of reform

a series of Western-style reforms launched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet the foreign challenge

According to Map 24.2: The Partition of Africa, which European states acquired their first colonies after 1878?

b. Belgium, Germany, and Italy (map included)

what medication proved to be effective in controlling malaria and allowing Europeans to venture into the mosquito-infested interior of Africa?

b. Quinine

what was the Boxer Rebellion?

b. a rebellion of traditionalist Chinese patriots who wished to expel all Westerners from China

why did Japan open its shores to Western trade?

b. as a response to U.S military pressure

what was the principle by which the European powers established their claim to an African territory after the Berlin Confernce in 1884 and 1885?

b. effective occcupation

In Primary Source 24.5: The Brown Man's Burden, a satirical rewriting of Ruyard Kipling's famous poem, what do the following lines mean? And though 'tis freedom's banner You're waving in the van, Reserve for home consumption The sacred "rights of man"!

b. the sacred "rights of man", when all is said and done, are only for Europeans

King Leopold II

strong Belgian monarch who was determined to expand

what is "Orientalism"?

d. term used by modern scholars to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects ad cultures

to what extent did the new imperialism result in economic gains and why?

d. the economic gains were limited because the new colonies were too poor to buy European goods and offered few immediately profitable investments

what did Heinrich von Treitschke believe was the significance of colonies?

d. they were essential to great nations

how did some British women seek to affect British colonialism in India in the 19th century

d. they worked to improve the lives of Indian women, moving the closer to Western standards through education and legislation

Commodore Matthew Perry

he arrived in Tokyo in 1853 with his crude but effective gunboat dipomacy

Rudyard Kipling

he wrote masterfully of Anglo-Indian life and was perhaps the most influential British writer of the 1890s

Qing Dynasty

in 1860 the 200 year old dynasty in China appeared on the verge of collapse. Efforts to repel foreigners had failed, and rebellion and chaos wracked the country. Yet the government drew on its traditional strengths and made a surprising comeback that lasted more than 30 years

Cecil Rhodes

led the British through the Cape Colony

Boer War

the bloody South African war

new imperialism

the late 19th century drive for European countries to create cast political empires abroad

Meiji Restoration

the restoration of the Japanese emperor to power in 1867, leading to the subsequent modernization of Japan

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