Practice Quiz exam 4

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Besides the amount of time spent with children, what are some of the differences in how mothers and fathers interact with their children?

-Fathers spend a greater percentage playing with the child. - Mothers are much more likely to be engaged in childcare chores. Such as feeding, bathing, dressing, transportation. Mothers spend more time overall with the children. -Mothers still play with children more than fathers. How they play does differ. Mothers play tend to be more toy and verbal oriented. - Fathers physical play is more physical and rougher and tumble and is greatest when children are around two or three years old and then it declines frequently after that.

When comparing U.S. eighth graders to those of 45 other countries, the American students ranked

15th in math and 9th in science.

Which of the following statements regarding early intervention programs is TRUE?

Children in these programs show immediate gains of about eight points on intelligence tests.

Due to the BLANK effect of divorce, the effects of a parent's divorce may not become apparent until much later.


Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding a child engaged in associative play?

The child plays among other children, but his play is not coordinated with theirs.

Some claim that television causes desensitation. What does that mean?

a gradual dulling of response that causes more intense stimulation to be needed to produce a reaction we are more desensitized to violence because of out media and we experience cultural desensitization -Desensitization is a treatment or process that diminishes emotional responsiveness to a negative, aversive, or positive stimulus after repeated exposure

By about seven years of age, children tend to enjoy activities and games that involve

concrete operation thought

The use of methods that teach children appropriate behavior is referred to as


The process of divorcing sets into motion several events that both parents and children find stressful according to the

divorce-stress-adjustment perspective

United States Public Law 94-142 requires that each child identified as needing specialized education services has an IEP, which stands for

individualized education program

A reversal of roles in which children act as an advisor or confidant for a parent is called

instrumental parentification

In regard to the U.S. dropout rate,

it declined for all ethnicities during the 1970s and 1980s.

Rachel and Joey are both three months old. They are looking intently at each other, while they are both moving their arms and legs excitedly. Rachel and Joey are engaged in

mutual gaze

Which of the following reflects the correct sequence of phases through which children's close friendships progress?

play-based friends, loyal and faithful friends, and then intimate friends

Which perspective on divorce argues that the main cause of negative outcomes for children involves specific characteristics of one or both parents?

selection model

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