Practice Test Ch 13: Political Participation, Elections, and Campaigns

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Which of the following scenarios is most closely related to the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ?

A labor union spends millions of dollars to independently run negative advertisements about a presidential candidate shortly before the election.

Which of the following generalizations about group voting tendencies is true?

African American Democrats tend to support the more liberal candidates within their party.

Which of the following demographic groups has voted most consistently for the Democratic Party in national elections over the last three decades?

African Americans

When party members meet to nominate a candidate for office, they participate in which of the following?


Which of the following is a type of primary election that requires registration as a party affiliate to vote?


Which of the following statements about voting behavior in the United States is correct?

College graduates are more likely to vote than are those who have at most a high school diploma.

Which of the following would result from the direct election of presidential candidates?

Each vote would count equally in determining which candidate won the election.

Which of the following explains how The Federalist 10 relates to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ?

In both, a limited approach to government regulation was argued for.

Only voters who register as members of a political party may vote in that party's closed primary, while independents and others may be eligible to vote in open primaries.

It encourages candidates to concentrate their campaigns in competitive, populous states.

The amount of money that PAC's can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law.

It is the belief that one can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion and acting politically.

In the United States, which of the following is a rule on voting found in the Constitution or its amendments?

No person eighteen years of age or older may be denied the right to vote on account of age.

Which of the following best describes the difference between an open and closed primary?

Only voters who register as members of a political party may vote in that party's closed primary, while independents and others may be eligible to vote in open primaries.

Which of the following is true based on the information graphic?

Over 75% of the population is eligible to vote, but only about half the electorate actually voted in the 2016 presidential election.

Which of the following statements about political action committees (PACs) is true?

PAC spending makes up a higher percentage of congressional campaign funds than of presidential campaign funds.

Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the table?

Partisanship was a good predictor of the way a person voted.

Which of the following is an effect of the Seventeenth Amendment?

People could participate in the political process by directly electing the senators.

The table best supports which of the following statements about party identification and voting behavior?

People with strong Democratic party identification tend to vote for the Democratic party.

Which of the following best explains why delegates to both the Republican and Democratic Conventions in 1996 were much more likely to have college and postgraduate degrees than was the rest of the voting population?

Political activism increases with education levels.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the graphs?

Political efficacy is a major factor in shaping political views about government, but political ideology also plays a role.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) was designed to curtail which of the following?

Soft money

There is an ongoing debate over the role of money in elections. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002 banned soft money and restricted advertisements in the weeks before an election. Parts of this act were challenged and struck down in the Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010). Which of the following was a consequence of that ruling?

Super PACs may spend unlimited funds on advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign because they are protected by the freedom of speech.

Which of the following is a correct statement about political action committees (PAC's)?

The amount of money that PAC's can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law.

The differences shown in the table demonstrate which of the following?

The gender gap

The chart above supports which of the following conclusions?

The gender gap among those who identified with the Republican party was narrowest for those between 25 and 34 years of age.

The America First Action is a super PAC led by former administrator of the Small Business Administration Linda McMahon. Which of the following best explains how the organization can operate to influence elections, according to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010) ?

The super PAC can spend unlimited money on issue-advocacy advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign.

Which of the following scenarios explains how demographic factors affect voter participation in elections?

Wealthier individuals are more likely to become involved in campaigns because they believe that their actions may influence the candidates.

Which of the following statements about voting patterns is best supported by the table?

Women were more likely than men to vote Democratic.

A primary election in which voters are required to identify a party preference before the election and are not allowed to split their ticket is called

a closed primary

During the past twenty-five years, all of the following changes in public opinion and political behavior have occurred in the United States EXCEPT

a decline in party competition in the South

The data in the table provide clear evidence that


The most common criterion that people use when voting for a presidential candidate is the candidate's

party identification

When people vote for some candidates from one party and other candidates from another party, it is called

ticket splitting

Since 1960 the presidential election process has been affected by an increase in all of the following EXCEPT the

turnout of votes

Which of the following has the most influence on the outcome of a congressional election?

A candidate's incumbency status

Which of the following scenarios is most related to the Twenty-Sixth Amendment?

An eighteen-year-old votes in a presidential election.

Which of the following describes the activities represented by data in the table?

Groups in American society form political action committees (PACs) so they can influence policy.

When none of the presidential candidates receives a majority of the votes in the electoral college, the winner is chosen by the

House of Representatives only

Which of the following statements about incumbent senators running for reelection is correct?

Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of Representatives.

Which of the following factors contributes most to the data in the line graph?

Incumbents have an advantage over challengers because of name recognition.

All of the following contribute to the success of incumbent members of Congress in election campaigns EXCEPT:

Incumbents tend to understand national issues better than do their challengers.

Which of the following statements about voting behavior in national elections is most accurate?

Senior citizens are more likely to vote than are college students.

Which of the following is a likely effect of the trend depicted in the bar graph on voting and elections?

The Democratic Party will win more elections, based on current voting trends.

A state has 11 electoral votes. In a presidential election, the Democratic candidate receives 48 percent of that state's popular vote, the Republican candidate receives 40 percent of the vote, and an independent candidate receives 12 percent of the vote. If the state is similar to most other states, how will the electoral votes most likely be allocated?

The Democratic candidate will receive all 11 electoral votes.

How is a president chosen when none of the candidates receives a majority of the electoral college vote?

The House chooses a new president by a majority vote of its state delegations.

Which of the following statements about the bar graph on voter turnout in the 2014 California general election is correct?

The age group that voted at a rate closest to the average is 45-54.

Which of the following best explains why the winner of a presidential election usually claims to have a mandate from voters?

The allocation of electoral votes in the winner-take-all system exaggerates the margin of victory.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between socioeconomic status and participation in politics?

The higher ones socioeconomic status, the greater the probability of active involvement in the political process.

Which of the following is true of voter turnout in the United States?

The voter-participation rate is one of the lowest of any industrialized nation.

Voter turnout tends to be highest among

college-educated voters

Which of the following is NOT a way in which the federal government regulates campaigns?

By prohibitions on negative advertising

Which of the following is a result of the electoral college system?

Candidates focus on the states with the largest populations.

Which of the following criticisms of political campaigns is the author of the political cartoon most likely to agree with?

Candidates rely too heavily on professional consultants.

Which of the following Supreme Court cases is most related to the topic in the cartoon?

Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010)

Which of the following statements is true regarding political advertisements in 2012 based on the information graphic?

Few advertisements appealed to positive emotions.

A chief executive officer (CEO) of a corporation believes that the Republican candidate for president will enact policies that are more beneficial to her business. The CEO donated the maximum amount allowed by law directly to the candidate's campaign fund. To increase the candidate's chances for election, the CEO also directed her corporation to donate funds to an independent political action committee to create ads criticizing the opposing candidate. According to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), which provision of the Constitution protects her actions?

Freedom of speech in the First Amendment

The data displayed in the table above best support which of the following statements?

House seats are safer from election turnover than are Senate seats.

The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? Incumbents receive more campaign contributions than do challengers. Incumbents are able to provide important services for individual voters. The government provides campaign funds for incumbents. The President usually endorses incumbents for reelection. Most American voters believe Congress does a good job.

I and II only

The use of direct primaries instead of the convention system in selecting presidential candidates results in which of the following? A weakening of party control over nominations A reduction in the costs of election campaigns An increase in the number of people involved in the choice of candidates An increase in voter turnout in midterm elections

I and III only

Which of the following statements is true based on the data in the line graph?

In the 2000 election, the gap between voters 65 and older and 18-29 years old was 2%, with voters older than 65 preferring the Democratic candidate.

Which of the following is a significant trend in the presidential nominating process over the past three decades?

Increasing importance of presidential primaries rather than state conventions

The table best supports which of the following statements about the two elections for which data are provided?

Independent-leaning Republicans were the Republicans least likely to cross party lines.

The data in the graph best illustrate which of the following common criticisms of the electoral college?

Individuals in small-population states have a greater impact on the electoral college than individuals in large-population states.

Based on the table, which of the following political action committees (PACs) is most partisan in its allocation of contributions to candidates?

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) did which of the following?

It banned soft money donations to national parties.

Which of the following describes an effect of the Twenty-Fourth Amendment?

It eliminated poll taxes.

Which of the following describes the Twenty-Fourth Amendment?

It eliminated poll taxes.

The primary election system of selecting presidential candidates has had which of the following effects?

It has loosened the hold of party leaders over the nomination process.

Of the following, which is the most important reason that voter turnout is lower in the United States than in most other industrial democracies.

It has traditionally been more difficult to register to vote in the United States than in most other industrial democracies.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the voter turnout rate in the United States?

It is lower than in most other Western democracies.

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the political cartoon?

Members of Congress receive political contributions from many special interest groups.

Which of the following statements can be supported by the data in the line graph?

Members of the House of Representatives are more likely to be reelected than defeated.

Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution addresses the grievance that a woman is not permitted "to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise"?

Nineteenth Amendment

A number of states, including Georgia and Ohio, have passed laws that revoke voter registration if a person did not vote in recent election cycles. Which of the following is a likely consequence of these laws?

Occasional voters will not be able to vote on election day, which could influence election results.

Which of the following is the most important influence on the choice made by voters in presidential elections?

Partisan identification

Which of the following is the leading predictor of how an individual will vote in a congressional election?


The table above supports which of the following statements about partisanship and the 1984 presidential election?

Partisanship was a good predictor of the way a person voted.

Which of the following best explains how political parties are likely to respond to the data in the chart?

Political parties will adapt their positions and find ways to appeal to voters from growing demographic groups.

A person votes for Democratic candidates based on the belief that the policies of the Democratic Party will be personally beneficial. This type of voting matches which of the following voting behavior models?

Prospective voting

Which of the following statements can best be supported by the survey data displayed in the bar graphs?

Republicans with a low level of political efficacy are the most likely group to say that government needs major reforms.

A voter's decision to support the incumbent president in an upcoming election is based on recent economic growth and record low unemployment. Which of the following models of voting behavior best characterizes this voter's decision?

Retrospective voting

Senator Hoffman is campaigning for reelection in her state. Her campaign message emphasizes how the policies she has supported have benefited her constituents. She has spotlighted job creation and an overall improvement in the standard of living in the state in the past six years. Senator Hoffman is hoping to appeal to which of the following voting behavior models?

Retrospective voting

Which of the following is an accurate statement about political participation in the United States today?

Similar proportions of eligible men and women vote in presidential elections.

Which of the following arguments best supports a claim that the electoral college violates democratic principles?

Smaller states are disproportionately advantaged by the two additional electoral votes granted to each state for its senators.

Which of the following best explains why eligibility criteria vary by state as shown on the information graphic?

States can create criteria for voting rights so long as they do not violate the United States Constitution.

Which of the following statements most accurately compares elections in the United States with those in most other Western democracies?

Te voter turnout rate in the United States is usually lower

Which of the following is most likely an effect of the data reported in the chart?

The California state government is more likely to address issues that affect older voters.

Which of the following factors that influence voters' decision making during an election is the cartoonist poking fun at?

The candidate's personal characteristics

If voters are acting according to the retrospective model of voting, which of the following will be the most important consideration in their decision?

The effect of recent economic conditions on the voters

Considering all elections at all levels of government, which of the following best describes electoral behavior in the United States?

The majority of the electorate does not vote in most elections.

Over the past 20 years, reforms of the presidential nomination process have had which of the following effects?

The number of female delegates and minority-group delegates at Democratic national conventions has grown substantially.

Which of the following is most directly related to the large amount of money spent by outside groups in the 2012 election?

The use of super PACs as a mechanism to raise money and influence elections

Critics of the winner-take-all aspect of the electoral college are most likely to make which of the following arguments?

The winner-take-all system of the electoral college encourages presidential candidates to focus their time and effort disproportionately on battleground states with larger populations.

Which of the following took place after presidential candidates Truman in 1948, Nixon in 1968, and Clinton in 1992 won only pluralities of the popular vote?

The winning candidate took office after receiving less than 50% of the popular votes cast.

Of the following groups of eligible voters, which is LEAST likely to vote?

The young with low education levels

Of the following, which best predicts the likelihood that citizens will vote?

Their educational level

Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs) ?

They make campaign contributions in hopes of gaining access to legislators.

According to the bar graph, which of the following statements will be true in the year 2060?

Those identifying as White alone will remain a majority.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the data in the graphs?

Those with greater political efficacy have a more positive view of government; as a result, they are more likely to vote in elections.

A political science professor is researching the effects that the Fifteenth and Twenty-Sixth Amendments have had on the American political system. Which of the following is the most likely reason the professor is researching these amendments?

To study the expansion of voting rights

"Voting is partly a matter of habit: the more frequently a person has voted in the past, the more likely she or he is to vote in the current election." All of the following support the observation above EXCEPT:

Unmarried persons over the age of 65 are less likely to vote than are married persons in that age group

Supporters of voting restrictions are most likely to make which of the following arguments?

Voting restrictions are needed to prevent voter fraud.

Which of the following is NOT an explanation for low voter turnout?

Which of the following is NOT an explanation for low voter turnout?

Which of the following scenarios best represents an example of party-line voting?

Which of the following scenarios best represents an example of party-line voting?

Given the information in the graph, in which of the following states would an individual's vote likely have more influence?


Typically, presidential candidates implement their campaign strategies by

focusing on larger, competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college

All of the following are reasons incumbents in the House of Representatives enjoy an electoral advantage over challengers EXCEPT that incumbents

get substantial financial support from their party's national committee

The main intent of "motor voter" laws is to

increase voter registration

In the last thirty years, the single most important variable in determining the outcome of an election for a member of the House of Representatives has been,


When contributing to congressional campaigns, political action committees (PACs) are most likely to contribute to

incumbents of both major parties

In response to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the United States Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), ruled that

independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First Amendment

Citizens who believe that their votes will have no effect on the outcome of an election have a

low level of political efficacy

Compared to the general population, delegates to presidential nomination conventions are

more ideological

Compared to voters in a general election, voters in presidential primary elections are

more likely to be affluent

Interest groups use political action committees (PACs) to

raise and spend money on election campaigns

The primary function of political action committees (PAC's) is to

raise campaign funds to support favored candidates

The franking privilege refers to the

right of members of Congress to send mail to their constituents at the government's expense

Based on the map above, a prediction that could be made about the 2016 election in Texas (TX) is that

the number of eligible voters decreased in the 2016 election

The most common form of political activity undertaken by United States citizens is

voting in political elections

The most widely performed act of political participation in the United States is

voting in presidential elections

A citizen who uses the rational choice model of voting behavior selects candidates for office based on

what is thought to be in the citizen's own self-interest

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