Practice Test Form 3

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Which of the following statements best reflects the role of stimulability in generating a prognosis for remediation of gliding in a 9-year-old child?

A child who is not stimulable for /r/r, as in the word run will require treatment for the sound to be acquired.

Which of the following statements reflects the best strategy for the development of Ms Malone's intervention goals?

A number of individuals including, the patient, SLPS L P, and close family members, should collaborate to set goals.

minimal pairs

A pair of words that differ by only a single sound and are recognized by speakers as different words. i.e. bat/cat or hare/dare. The goal is to show the child that sound production affects meaning /t/ and /s/

Which of the following procedures best establishes whether velopharyngeal dysfunction causing hypernasality is present in a patient with flaccid dysarthria?


Which THREE of the following treatment strategies is most appropriate for the patient if the SLPS L P finds the infant is safe for continued oral breastfeeding and follows up with the infant and mother with therapy and education prior to discharge home from the hospital?

- Providing the mother with contact information for the local cleft lip and palate team for ongoing care and support - Positioning the infant in the optimal feeding position at the mother's breast - Completing education with the infant's mother about feeding interactions, strategies, and oral care

A 55-year-old female presents for a speech evaluation because of concerns with recent changes in the clarity of her speech. She has also noticed occasional coughing when drinking, and her friends have commented that her voice sounds different. A recent visit to her primary care doctor could not determine the cause of her speech changes or coughing. Select the THREE most important factors for the SLP to explore during the patient interview.

- difficulties with hearing, vision, and fine and gross motor skills - onset and duration of her speech changes - consistency of symptoms

signs of CAS

- inconsistent errors - difficulty with imitation - oral groping (moving lips, tongue, or jaw a few times to make sounds) - difficulty with multisyllabic words - poor intelligibility, especially with unfamiliar partners - hypernasality/nasal emission

An SLP in a private practice receives a letter from the state licensing office informing her that her license expired the previous week. The SLP was unaware that she had been practicing with a lapsed license for seven working days. Which THREE of the following actions are the best course of action for the SLP?

- informing the practice administrator - reassigning patients to a licensed SLP - alerting patients to a lapse in licensure

A school district does not use a standard therapy log for SLP services. An SLP who works for the district develops a form to document therapy services provided. Which THREE of the following are key to include on the form to document the provision of speech and language IEP services?

- students performance during therapy - types of services provided in therapy - signature from SLP verifying services

Which of the following groups of phonemes can best be described as the Six-Sound Test by Ling?

/m/, /a/, /u/, /i/, /s/, /sh/

An SLPS L P works at a hospital with the adult acute-care inpatient team. During a clinical bedside swallow evaluation, a patient asks the SLPS L P how common it is for adults to experience a swallowing disorder. The SLPS L P tells the patient that recent research indicates the prevalence of adults with swallowing problems each year is

1 in 25

CAS incidence

1 to 2 children in every 1,000 (higher in males than females)

An SLPS L P will be working with a new mother to evaluate a term infant's feeding and swallowing skills to determine the infant's readiness for oral feeding. The infant has been diagnosed with a unilateral, complete cleft lip without cleft palate. The mother asks the SLP about what caused the infant's cleft lip. The SLPS L P explains that while we know that both genetic and environmental factors are likely involved with this congenital birth abnormality, there is no consensus in research about a single cause of cleft lip. The SLP completes a comprehensive oral sensorimotor and behavioral observation examination prior to initiating an oral-feeding trial. The following is documented in the SLP'sS L P's assessment notes: Right-sided complete cleft lip; otherwise unremarkable oral peripheral mechanism examination; medical chart notes no associated neurological difficulties or diagnosed syndromes; primitive reflexes present (e.g.for example, rooting); normal observation of posture, positioning, tone, and motor activity; infant presents awake, alert, and calm; baseline vital signs at rest are normal and no changes in respiratory rate, heart rate, or oxygen saturation noted with nonnutritive sucking; no respiratory stridor noted; mild external support needed to increase lip closure at introduction of pacifier nipple, and mother with strong desire to breastfeed. The mother expressed some anxiety and concern surrounding feeding an infant with a cleft lip. During which of the following weeks of pregnancy did the infant's craniofacial structures not develop completely?

4-7 weeks

Which THREE of the following are additional communication strategies that are valid for MsMiss. Malone?

A.Incorporating multimodal communication strategies, such as gestures and writing B.Teaching regular communication partners how to listen and best respond to her D.Encouraging her to take an active role in initiating communication

Based on information from the oral sensorimotor and behavioral observation assessments, which of the following plans for continuing with an oral-feeding trial is most appropriate with the infant?

An oral-feeding trial by the SLP can proceed during this initial feeding and swallowing assessment

Which of the following approaches most accurately helps an SLPS L P know if a treatment plan for an adolescent with language disorders is having an impact on academic learning?

Analyzing performance on classroom-based assessments

Which of the following approaches would be the most direct way to address the patient's fear of how coworkers might react to his disfluent speech?

Application of principles from cognitive behavioral therapy

Researchers are conducting an experiment that depends on the use of professional judgments of the speech produced by 30 research subjects. Which of the following actions should the researchers take to determine interjudge reliability?

Asking two SLPs to each independently rate the 30 subjects

Christel and Sharon are 14-month-old fraternal twins. Christel has more intelligible words than her sister, although she talks far less frequently. Sharon speaks almost exclusively in running jargon that nobody understands. Their parents are worried about Sharon's development because her language skills appear to be behind those of her sister. Which of the following is an SLP's best response to the parents' concern?

At Sharon's age, jargon is normal and may even continue for another 3-4 months

When completing an oral mechanism examination on a patient presenting with stroke-like symptoms, which of the following findings would be most likely to predict aspiration during an instrumental swallow evaluation?

breathy phonation (would indicate possible vocal fold and/or pharyngeal paralysis)

According to research, which of the following structural factors has the most adverse effect on articulation?

Class III malocclusion (known to cause obligatory distortions of sibilants and affricates due to placement of the tongue relative to the maxilla)

To best apply the multiple oppositions method for phonological errors when treating a child, an SLP should use pairs of words such as

C. doe and go, doe and though, and doe and joe to address using /s/ for various sounds (SELECTED FOR ALL PHONEMES AFFECTED BY A PHONEME COLLAPSE< NOT JUST TARGET PHONEME AND SUBSTITUTED PHONEME)


Child directed speech. Simple short speech, spoken slowly, high pitched voice, much repetition, exaggerated emphasis, special words, SYNCHRONOUS AND RESPONSIVE. Includes recasting, repeating, expanding, and labeling.

A 75-year-old patient with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease underwent a three-vessel coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The patient needed to be intubated for three days following surgery. After extubation, the medical team requested a swallow consultation to determine if it was safe for the patient to take oral medications and initiate oral nutrition. Based on the patient's condition, which of the following assessment procedures is most appropriate for an SLPS L P to practice?

Completing a clinical bedside swallow evaluation to determine patient readiness for an instrumental evaluation and then completing the instrumental evaluation if the patient is ready

A child with developmental apraxia of speech is not making progress in a school setting. The parents wish to schedule additional therapy. An SLP in a local clinic evaluates and determines that a more individualized treatment plan is warranted. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the SLP at the local clinic to take to ensure the child receives necessary treatment?

Contacting the child's school SLP to coordinate treatment plans

The screening test's sensitivity is

the proportion of patients who aspirated and failed the screen (top cell in the first column) to the total of all patients who aspirated on the VFSS (total of the first column)

Cru di chat

DELETION OF SHORT ARM OF CHROMOSOME 5 Cat-like cry Microcephaly Downslanting palpebral fissures CVS Uncommon (25%) VSD, ASD, PDA

During a speech-language evaluation at a preschool, a child has difficulty with receptive language tasks and responds with only one-word utterances to expressive language items. The child's eye contact is poor throughout the session. When observed with the other children in class, the child does not engage with peers but prefers self-stimulating behaviors such as flapping arms and throwing papers up in the air. According to the child's teacher, these are typical behaviors for the child. Given the data obtained, which of the following steps is most appropriate for the SLPS L P to take next?

Engaging in an IPP team to determine the appropriate diagnosis of ASD

Which of the following nerves provides efferent innervation to the stylopharyngeus muscle and contributes toward the elevation of the pharynx and the larynx?

Glossopharyngeal (IX)

head tilt

Head is tilted toward the stronger side. Food and liquid descend the stronger side of the larynx.

Ms. Malone, a 65-year-old retired attorney, presents with severe nonfluent aphasia secondary to a stroke that occurred more than a year ago. Speech-language intervention helped her regain the ability to answer simple questions but not initiate speech. Citing Ms. Malone's frustration at her limitations, her family requests that she be evaluated for an augmentative and alternative communication (AACA A C) device. During Ms. Malone's assessment, the SLPS L P determines that she could potentially benefit from AACA A C services and initiates discussion of intervention goals. Once goals are established and Miss. Malone has her device, she begins to learn how to operate her device to produce common spoken messages. Miss. Malone is ultimately able to produce novel sentences. Regarding Miss. Malone's proposed AAC assessment, which of the following statements is true?

Her family should be involved in the AACA A C assessment as well as any subsequent therapy.

A 60-year-old male is referred to the SLPS L P in an acute rehabilitation center for a videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSSV F S S) following a first-time stroke: a lateral medullary stroke damaging the right nucleus ambiguus and other centers. The clinical examination revealed ptosis of the left eye, soft palate elevation to the right of midline, symmetrical lingual protrusion, and a breathy dysphonia with precise articulation of all consonants. The patient is unable to swallow his saliva and coughs when he attempts to do so. Based on the stroke type and clinical examination observations, which THREE of the following swallow impairments would the SLPS L P likely observe on the VFSSV F S S?

Impaired or absent opening of the upper esophageal sphincter Nasopharyngeal regurgitation during the pharyngeal stage Unilateral pharyngeal paralysis (based on type of stroke and clinical observations)

A kindergarten teacher requests a speech screening for a student who is 5 years, 2 months old. The teacher observes that the student has a lisp during conversation and reading activities. Results of the screening note an interdental sound production for /s/s, as in the word sit and /z/z, as in the word zebra in all positions of words. The oral peripheral screening appears unremarkable and adequate for speech production. Which of the following summary recommendations is most appropriate based on the student's screening results?

Interdental production of /s/ and /z/ sounds are within range of typical development. Continue to monitor and reassess in one year

Which THREE of the following variables are considered risk factors for late language emergence?

Male gender low SES moderately low birthweight

Which of the following statements best explains why thickened liquids for adult patients with dysphagia should be used with caution?

Patients dislike thickened liquids and therefore do not drink enough, resulting in dehydration.

Which of the following treatments is most appropriate to promote expressive and receptive language performance in conversation for an individual with aphasia?

Promoting Aphasics' Comunicative Effectiveness (communication using any means necessary)

A patient presents to a speech-language pathologist with voice changes. After completing a patient assessment, the SLP notes that the patient's vocal quality and function indicate the possibility of a superior laryngeal nerve injury. Which of the following presentations is most consistent with this impression?

Reduced pitch range

A 24-year-old male self-refers for a fluency evaluation. His presenting complaint is stuttering. During conversation at the initial assessment, he speaks intelligibly at a typical rate and produces no overt stutter-like disfluencies. He reports that he often expects to stutter while conversing, but that he usually can prevent or conceal the occurrence of the expected fluency disruptions either by substituting a word or by inserting a pause or "um" before the word upon which he expects to be disfluent. He states that these strategies are useful and that he would like to be able to "talk without thinking about talking." He reports that he attended speech therapy from elementary school through high school and that it helped him reduce disfluency significantly during therapy activities, but his disfluency frequency did not change much during activities outside of therapy. He fears that coworkers will react negatively to hearing him stutter. Consequently, he talks as little as possible at work. Which is most appropriate to focus on in therapy?

Reinforcing open stuttering - patient's attempts to produce words without the use of fillers, pauses, and word substitutions

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSMD S M-5™) criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASDASD) and social communication disorder (SCDSCD), which of the following characteristics best helps an SLPS L P provide a differential diagnosis for ASDA S D instead of SCDS C D?

Repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior

A typically developing child who is 4 years and 5 months old was referred to a school-based SLPS L P for an evaluation because of poor speech intelligibility. Assessment results indicated a moderate phonological impairment with receptive language skills developing as expected for the child's age. Based on the assessment, eligibility for speech-language services was determined. In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEAI D E A), which of the following service plans is most appropriate for the SLPS L P to recommend?

Services will be provided by the SLP in LRE

65-year-old-male who is hospitalized with pneumonia completed a videofluoroscopic swallowing study. Findings showed aspiration after the swallow due to a reduced upper esophageal sphincter opening diameter separating the bolus tail, which was then retained in the pyriform sinuses. Which of the following interventions was designed to and is shown to improve upper esophageal sphincter opening?

Shaker exercise

An aphasia evaluation of a 68-year-old retired woman reveals utterances of one to two words, no apraxia of speech, and relatively good comprehension. When the patient makes production errors, they are typically semantic errors and she attempts to correct them, often with success. Her goal is to use more words to convey ideas using complete sentences. She is active and wants to communicate in various settings, such as at her volunteer job, with her family, and when traveling. Which of the following treatments best prioritizes the patient's language needs and personal goals?

Starting Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) to increase word retrieval in untrained discourse

Which of the following statements accurately describes state licensure requirements that must be met for an SLP to legally provide services via telepractice within the state or across state lines?

The SLP should check with all relevant state licensure boards before delivering telepractice services.

A mother reports that her three-year-old son's speech seems normal at school, but at home his speech is either loud or fast, or he stops talking altogether. The mother further reports that she, her husband, and their two older children speak quickly and interrupt each other frequently. She is concerned that her son is not developing the speech and language skills to keep up. Which of the following statements is most accurate with respect to the mother's concern?

The child's speech neuromotor system can keep up with the language systems of children his own age but not with the more advanced systems in his household.

Studies of the anatomy of human vocal folds and of mucosal behavior during phonation have led to the current cover-body characterization of the vocal fold. Which of the following is included in the vocal-fold transition?

The intermediate and deep layers of the lamina propria

During videofluoroscopic evaluation of an adult patient, the SLP notices material in both pyriform sinuses after the patient swallows. Upon review, the SLPsees that both pyriform sinuses clear during the pharyngeal swallow but then refill quickly as the structures return to rest. Which of the following statements best explains this observation?

The patient had small pharyngeal pouches (pharyngoceles) that filled with barium during the swallow and then emptied into the pyriform sinuses after each swallow.

deaf and blind associated syndrome

may co-occur with Usher syndrome (about 50% of people who are deaf and blind)

An SLPS L P is working with a sixth-grade student who is having difficulty comprehending written text. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for the SLPS L P to use to target this difficulty

Using semantic networks in which ideas are displayed in connected clusters

Which of the following plans is most appropriate when assessing a patient with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) to characterize cognitive aspects of communication that affect functional abilities?

Using standardized tests as needed and supplementing with discourse samples and dynamic assessment

Kimberly, a patient who suffered a brain stem stroke and has had a fairly successful recovery, complained of food sticking in her throat and needing to swallow two to three times to clear liquid and solid boluses. She underwent a videofluoroscopic swallowing study that showed a limited duration of upper esophageal sphincter opening. The SLP decides to employ an intervention plan that includes the Mendelsohn maneuver. Which of the following strategies is most likely to be effective in accomplishing this goal?

Using submental surface electromyography (sEMG) as biofeedback during attempts to perform the maneuver

A 35-year-old female is referred for an outpatient swallowing evaluation after having a thyroidectomy. Her complaints include coughing when drinking and dysphonia. Which of the following evaluation options is the most appropriate post-treatment follow-up for the patient?

Using the FEES (indicates clinical reasons)

Which of the following communication diagnoses would most likely require a treatment program that is focused on improving auditory language comprehension?

Wernicke's aphasia

Which of the following conditions is primarily associated with a short lingual frenulum, heart-shaped tongue tip, and a failure to elevate the tongue tip beyond the mandibular incisors, as revealed during oral-facial examination?


One treatment option for adductor spasmodic dysphonia involves the percutaneous injection of which of the following into the thyroarytenoid muscle?

botulinum toxin

During the course of treatment, as a child manipulates various toys in symbolic play, the clinician vocalizes the child's actions (for example, "You're putting the pan on the stove."). The intervention technique used by the clinician is identified as

parallel talk

Which of the following methods will best measure Sophia's progress on her language goals and objectives?

completing a language sample analysis

After completing an evaluation of a 5-year-old patient, an SLPS L P finds that the child's speech contains numerous phonological error patterns. If the SLPS L P follows a developmental sequence in planning intervention, which of the following is most appropriate to target first?

consonant assimilation (3 years)

Which of the following reflexive responses is primarily responsible for expelling material from the airway of healthy adult individuals?

cough reflex

A child has been demonstrating significant progress in producing the targeted responses in the therapy room; however, observation in the classroom indicates little mastery of the targeted responses. Which of the following would be the most appropriate revision to the treatment plan?

delivering treatment in the classroom

Which of the following risk factors has the highest independent predictive value for pneumonia in elderly people with dysphagia?

depending on others for feeding and oral care

Based on Sofia's case history and presenting problem, which of the following is most likely the etiology of her suspected language disorder?

developmental disorder

24-year-old male self-refers for a fluency evaluation. His presenting complaint is stuttering. During conversation at the initial assessment, he speaks intelligibly at a typical rate and produces no overt stutter-like disfluencies. He reports that he often expects to stutter while conversing, but that he usually can prevent or conceal the occurrence of the expected fluency disruptions either by substituting a word or by inserting a pause or "um" before the word upon which he expects to be disfluent. He states that these strategies are useful and that he would like to be able to "talk without thinking about talking." He reports that he attended speech therapy from elementary school through high school and that it helped him reduce disfluency significantly during therapy activities, but his disfluency frequency did not change much during activities outside of therapy. He fears that coworkers will react negatively to hearing him stutter. Consequently, he talks as little as possible at work. Which diagnosis does this patient exhibit?

developmental stutterig

When an SLPS L P assesses the communication skills of a bilingual child, it is important for the SLPS L P to evaluate both languages primarily to

diagnose a communication disorder

A 9-year-old child is one year post tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and presents with moderate hypernasality and consistent nasal emission. The child was referred for assessment, and velopharyngeal incompetency was identified. Which of the following would be the next appropriate step for the SLPS L P to take?

discuss surgical management options with the craniofacial team

A school-age patient being assessed for a language disorder listens to a short passage and is asked "whw h" questions based on the passage. The SLPS L P reviews the patient's responses, records any errors, and then teaches the patient strategies to answer "who" and "what" questions. The SLPS L P makes careful notes about how much assistance the client requires to achieve a correct response. After several sessions, the SLPS L P reassesses the patient's responses to "whw h" questions. Which of the following types of assessment is primarily exemplified in the scenario?

dynamic assessment

Which of the following activities is an example of a metalinguistic strategy used to assist a student with language difficulties?

editing the writing of a same-aged peer

During a trip to the grocery store, a three-year-old boy with delayed language points to an apple on the floor and says to his mother, "Apple." The boy's mother says, "Yes, that's a big, shiny apple." Based on the mother's response, which of the following language stimulation techniques is she using


An SLPS L P evaluates the speech of a child with suspected velopharyngeal dysfunction. Loading sentences with which of the following types of stimuli would be most helpful to include in the speech evaluation?

high pressure oral stops and fricatives

According to current research, which of the following is most contributing to a rise in oropharyngeal cancers in the United States?


A 75-year-old man presents with conversational speech characterized by prolonged silent intervals and hypophonia. Resonance is normal, but voice quality is rough and tremulous. Pitch is relatively unaffected. There is no evidence of speech deterioration over time. Which of the following diagnoses is the most reasonable based on the patient's data?

hypokinetic dysarthria (speech deterioration not usually affected)

hyperkinetic dysarthria can be treated by

implementing sensory tricks (reduce involuntary movements)

An SLP engages in interprofessional practice in a large health care center and works with a neurologic rehabilitation team to treat a patient who is status post left-hemisphere stroke. The SLP's primary focus on the team is to

improve the patient experience and outcome of care at the site

usher syndrome

inherited syndrome resulting in SENSORINEURAL hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive condition characterized by problems seeing in low light and tunnel vision, 3 types

A 42-year-old male teacher is referred for a voice evaluation. History and perceptual voice assessments reveal an eight-month history of progressive dysphonia, which is currently characterized by a rough and breathy voice. Acoustic and aerodynamic assessments reveal aperiodic voice signal, reduced frequency range, increased subglottal air pressure, and increased transglottal airflow. The patient complains of voice fatigue at the end of the day and pain during phonation. The patient reports moderate alcohol use but is not currently a smoker. He has no previous history of chronic voice problems, surgery, or neurological disease. Based on the patient's history, which of the following assessments will best allow the SLP to assess vocal fold vibratory dynamics during phonation?

laryngeal videostroboscopy (only if vibration and vibratory dynamics are of interest in assessment)

An evaluation is performed on a 5 year old with frequent hoarseness. Which of the following measures is primarily included in the endoscopic examination?

laryngeal visualization

When completing a videofluoroscopic swallow study on a geriatric patient, which of the following findings is most appropriately considered typical development?

liquid bolus entering pharynx before hyolaryngeal excursion begins

Elisions and transpositions are referred to as phoneme

manipulations (elisions - omissions of sounds in spoken words, transpositions - occur when order of sounds in words are switched)

A speech language pathologist evaluated Sophia Allen, a 6-year-old girl. The SLPS L P completed a case history with Sophia's mother and conducted a comprehensive speech and language assessment. During the case study the SLPS L P learned that Sophia has had a normal developmental history and is currently healthy with no known neurological deficits. Sophia's mother first became concerned when Sophia could not describe her school day. Sophia's sentences lacked detail or were composed of very basic words and consisted of simple sentence structures. Sophia's first-grade teacher reported that her speech sounds immature compared to that of her classmates and that she frequently does not follow directions. During the assessment Sophia passed the oral mechanism examination and hearing screening. Sophia received a standard score of 99, placing her in the 47thforty seventh percentile on a commonly used receptive vocabulary test. To obtain the most valuable information related to Sophia's future reading skills, the SLPS L P should assess which of the following?

morphological awareness (significantly contribute to literacy development)

Which of the following procedures is most important to consider when assessing the social aspect of a school-age child's communication skills?

observing the child interacting with peers in natural settings, such as during recess

maximal pairs

pair of words where the target sound is substituted by a sound with more distinct differences (place, manner, voicing) - /t/ for /m/

false negatives are

patients who passed the screen who actually aspiration on the VFSS

Alicia is a fourth-grade student with a language impairment that interferes with her academic performance and social communication. On a standardized test of expressive language ability, she received an overall score of 97.5, placing her in the 65thsixty fifth percentile. Alicia's test result indicates that she

performed as well as or better than 65% of the individuals on whom the norms were developed

flaccid dysarthria can be treated by

performing pushing-pulling exercises (strengthen muscle and increase tone)

Which of the following is the minimal contrast approach most appropriately used to treat

phonological disorders

Spastic dysarthria can be treated with

practicing relaxation exercises (reduce muscle tone and increase flexibility)

According to literature on men's and women's voices, the prevalence of benign vocal fold lesions in women can best be explained by differences in

rates of VF vibration

The parents of an 8-year-old boy who stutters are upset because their child was placed in the lowest reading group at school because of his poor performance on an oral reading fluency assessment in the classroom. The parents are very sure that their child is reading at an average to above-average level compared to his classmates. The SLP's informal observations of the boy's reading performance during fluency therapy sessions are consistent with the parents' report. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the SLPS L P to advocate for the boy?

recommend that the teacher reassess the child reading level with an assessment that uses silent reading

An SLP works with a 4-year-old patient diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The patient is nonverbal, does not have a functional communication system, and does not follow simple directions. Which of the following communicative target goals is most appropriate for the SLP to prioritize for the patient?

requesting wants in any modality

After an evaluation of a patient's communication needs, an SLPS L P pursues acquisition of a high-tech AACA A C device. The patient's private health insurance rejects the request, stating that the device is "not medically necessary." The SLPS L P can best advocate for the patient by immediately appealing

the denial and providing data regarding medical necessity for the device


the maintenance of the childhood pitch despite having passed through the developmental stage of puberty

ataxic dysarthria can be treated by

using rhythmic or metered cueing (due to inability to adequately pave their speech)

As part of a routine preschool screening, an SLPS L P tests a 4 year old whose speech is characterized by sound omissions, hypernasality, nasal emission, and weak consonants. Which of the following would be most appropriately evaluated initially?

velopharyngeal function

An endoscopic examination of swallowing is the best instrumental assessment when the SLPS L P wishes to evaluate the

volume of and patient's response to pharyngeal secretions

The screening test's specificity is the proportion of patients

who did not aspirate and passed the screen (bottom cell in the second column) to the total of all patients who did not aspirate on the VFSSV F S S (total of second column); therefore, 30/50 = 0.6030 divided by 50, equals 0.60

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