Practice Test - Radiology Boards Prep

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3 things will determine the size of a pixel when a CR imaging plate is read

1. Speed of IP passing through reader 2. frequency of data sampling 3. dimensions of laser beam

What type of shock is caused by a "severe reaction to the contrast media" that is used during radiographic exams?

Anaphylactic shock

What part of the humerus is in-between the head and the shaft?

Anatomical neck

What is the only cleaning solution you should use to clean a CR imaging plate?

Anhydrous ethanol (100% Alcohol) An-hydrous = no water/ hydrogen

Largest blood vessel in the abdomen

Aorta (Abdominal Aorta)

What type of diabetes is hallmarked by a lack of insulin production from the pancreas?

Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)

You notice a patient who is unconscious, has dry skin and a fruity odor on their breath. What is this a sign of?

Diabetic coma

Before entering the OR suite, what must be done to your portable?

Disinfect it!

What three things will affect subject contrast?

1. Part thickness 2. kVp 3. Part density

What 3 things control the electron beam in a TV camera tube?

1. Steering coils 2. Accelerator grids 3. Control grid

What is the tube angulation for an AP sacrum?

15° Cephalad

What is the formula to convert °F to °C?

5/9 (F-32) 1.Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature. 2. Multiply this number by five. 3. Divide the result by nine.

How should you properly turn a disabled patient on the x-ray table?

Always turn them toward you

Filament current is measured in units of?

Amperage (A)

An allergic reaction that causes a serious state of shock.

Anaphylactic Shock

What position is described as standing erect, facing forward with the palms of the hands forward?

Anatomical position

What causes the most x-ray tube failures?

Excessive heat (usually on a cold anode...aka not properly warmed up)

An advantage of digital imaging over filmscreen imaging is the fact that you have more _______ latitude.

Exposure latitude

To straighten or stretch out the arm in order to do an AP elbow, is known as?

Extend/ extention

The opening to the external ear canal

External Auditory Meatus (EAM)

Describe a blow out fracture.

Fracture of the orbital floor from a direct blow to the eye

A blocked Fallopian tube would require what examination?


Mr. Smith is in a diabetic coma. What could you give him to treat this condition?


In reference to mA, seconds, kVp and intensification factors, which one is not a primary factor in the production of a radiograph?

Intensification factors

Where should the CR enter for a lateral first toe?

Inter-phalangeal joint (IP Joint)

What groove is in between the lesser and greater tubercle of the humerus?

Intertubercular groove

Spongy "pad" that lies between the vertebrae

Intervertebral disk

If you increase OID, what happens to the spatial resolution of an image?

It decreases

Measure of which the rate at which energy is transferred from radiation to soft tissue is ____ .


What is Cyanosis?

Lack of oxygen in the blood which causes the skin and lips to turn blue. (cyan means blue)

Tear ducts are associated with this bone


Organ of voice


On what side of the foot is the cuboid bone?


During a 30° RPO, which kidney is placed parallel to the IR?

Left (upside kidney and downside ureter)

What material attracts small pieces of iron?


What is the name of the "Image after processing"?

Manifest image

This structure projects off the posterior and lateral borders of the vertebral body


This device is used to determine a scale of contrast or to test for contrast.


An ulcer in the stomach or duodenum is called a _____ ?

Peptic ulcer

The sac that surrounds and protects the heart is called the?

Pericardium (Peri means surround/ around)

This movement directs food down the gastrointestinal tract

Peristalsis (Wave-like movement)

Membrane that lines the abdominal cavity


This term literally means inflammation of a vein.


Meningeal layer closest to spinal cord (Innermost layer)

Pia mater

PACs stands for?

Picture Archiving and Communication System

This small gland lies in the mid-line of the brain and is often calcified as an adult

Pineal gland

What carpal bone is described as being "pea-shaped"?


What are the small, crater-like holes in the target of a well used anode?


Master gland of the endocrine system

Pituitary gland

What should you position your patient to get the best possible x-ray image of their sternum?

Place them in a shallow RAO (20-30°) 20= heavy and 30 = thin

This term means "sole of the foot"


What position is described as having the foot vertical and the tubing on 40° cephalad?

Plantodorsal, axial calcaneus

A patient starts convulsing during an exam, what should the tech's FIRST response/ action be?

Prevent injury to the patient (THEN call for help)

X-Rays produced in the tube are known as _____ radiation.


What type of radiation can change direction as it passes through material, such as a patient?


A secondary barrier protects you from what type of radiation?

Scatter radiation

You will receive most of your exposure from _____ radiation.

Scatter radiation

Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is a condition called?


An increase in OID results in this type of distortion

Size Size is always involved with OID due to magnification.

This fluoro exam takes the longest to complete

Small Bowel

What organ receives blood supply from the superior mesenteric artery?

Small intestine

What is the one advantage to magnifying an object during an exam?

Small objects become more visible

This post processing effect can be applied to a digital image to mask noise on an image.


How do you know that you have a true lateral knee when looking at the x-ray you just took?

The superimposed condyles of the femur

A patient succumbs to a hematopoietic death. What the heck does that mean?

Their immune system was destroyed

Who has most of the field study research of the effects of radiation exposure been collected on?

Therapy patients, atomic bomb survivors and radiation workers

T/F: Amperage remains constant throughout a series circuit.


What is the narrowing/ constriction of a blood vessel?


"Orth-" means?

Straight An ortho clinic is there to straighten broken bones. Don't get this mixed up with osteo, which means bone.

This term means "electronically transmitting images from one place to another" for use by other staff.


What fastens muscles to bones?


What three initial acceptance tests should be done to a digital detector before purchase?

Test for: 1. Dark noise 2. Uniformity 3. Does it erase completely

T/F: The body part nearest the IR is referenced when describing the term position


T/F: The female pelvis is wider than the male pelvis


T/F: Tuberculosis is considered contagious


T/F: Unlike charges attract each other. (Opposites attract)


T/F: When an exposed flat panel detector is electronically read, only the exposed detectors contribute to the image.


T/F: The body can repair most damage caused from radiation exposure.

True. (That's why a chest x-ray for example is okay to get)

The flux gain of an image intensifier tube increases with an increase in what?

Tube voltage

X-Ray tube target is made of ______ metal.


The posterior bony ring of a vertebra is called the?

Vertebral arch

This is required to connect a computer outside of the hospital to the server. (Such as outlying branch clinics)

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

What is the unit of power?

Watt (W)

Demerol is classified as what type of drug?


The trachea lies ____ to the esophagus.


Penicillin is classified as what type of drug?


Heparin is classified as what type of drug?


Dilantin is classified as what type of drug?


"syncope" means?


"pseudo" means?

fake or false

A radiographic cassette is a prime example of what term?


When using a multifocus image intensifier tube in the magnification mode, the resolution is ________ .


Scatter radiation is made up of either less or more energy than the primary beam?

less energy

Fracture at the distal end of the radius

Colle's Fracture

What is the best method to reduce scatter radiation, therefor reducing fog? (Besides a grid)


Brightness of a digital image affects the visibility of ______ .


This muscle separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities


Periodically backing up archived files in a hospital is called a ______ recovery plan.

Disaster recovery plan

What disease causes the formation of pouches/ sacs within the colon?


This structure should be seen inside the foramen magnum of the skull during an AP Axial (Towne)

Dorsum Sellae

For a frog leg, unilateral hip, the CR is perpendicular to what?

Femoral neck

What toe would require a lateral rotation to obtain an oblique?

Fifth toe

Fixed kVp and variable mAs is included within what chart in the x-ray department?

Fixed-kVp technique chart In the question!

The scapula is considered what kind of bone?

Flat bone

What must the patient do with their ankle for a proper AP projection of the ankle?

Flex the joint (make the foot as flat as possible)

These projections are added to a routine C-Spine series to demonstrate mobility

Flexion and extension laterals

When kVp is applied, the electrons accelerate from ______ to ______ in the tube?

From Cathode to Anode

This type of rectification will supply the greatest power to the X-Ray tube.


Rounded process on the proximal, lateral aspect of the femur

Greater trochanter

After an arthrogram, Johnny has turned pale and feels dizzy after standing. What should you do?

Have the patient lie down (possibly in the shock position)

In cell division, the _____ stage is considered the "resting stage"

Interphase (think INTERmission of a play)

This term describes an imaginary line drawn between the pupils

Interpupillary Line (IPL)

Chrohn's disease affects what organs in the body?


The abbreviation of "IM" has to do with?

Intramuscular A method to administer medications

A shot given in the upper arm or buttocks is a ______ type of injection?

Intramuscular (IM)

To see a quick effect in a patient, how must the drug be administered?

Intravenously (IV)

What term means the "telescoping of the bowel into another part of the bowel"

Intussusception (Think inception...dreams telescoping into other dreams)

The fact that distance is the best protection against radiation is proven by the ______ square law.


mA and seconds (time) are related to each other in what type of proportional relationship?

Inversely proportional

This projection will best demonstrate Lumbar Intervertebral spaces.

Lateral L-Spine

A breathing technique is best used with what projection of the Thoracic spine?

Lateral T-Spine

Most distal portion of the fibula

Lateral malleolus

What is an acute infectious disease that mostly affects the lymphoid tissue?


You are wearing a lead apron during an exam. Where should your dosimeter be worn?

On the collar, outside of the apron

With digital imaging, brightness and contrast are almost always acceptable. What would cause a digital image to display low contrast?

Overexposure of the imaging plate by 4 times

How are radiation workers monitored for radiation exposure?

Radiation monitor

RIS stands for?

Radiology Information System

Both sides of the image are underexposed. This sounds like what kind of grid cut-off error?


"mono" means?

one, single

The chart is all the elements arranged in series according to atomic numbers.

periodic table

The target plate is considered to be _____ .


Changing mAs controls the ______ of the x-ray beam


"-gram" means?


What should be the first site you start with for venipuncture?

the most distal

How many pairs of ribs does the average person have?

12 pairs (24 ribs)

How many phalanges are in the foot?


When prepping a patient's skin for a surgical procedure, how many times should the site be cleaned?

3 times but only once per sponge (3 sponges total)

Using ohm's law, what is the voltage if the resistance is 2 Ω and the current is 4 Amps?

8 volts (R = V/C) C=A 2 = x/4 2*4 = x 8 = x

Point of articulation between the 2 parietal bones and the occipital bone

Lambda (Lambdoidal suture is in the same area)

If there is an alteration in the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule, a _____ will result


What is the alternate name for the lateral border of the scapula?

Axillary border

What are the 2 projections normally taken for a routine TMJ series?

Axiolateral Oblique (Modified Law) with mouth open and closed (on each side)

Alternate name for C2 is?


During a myelogram, fluid is taken from the spinal canal and is subsequently taken to the lab for testing after. What is this fluid called?

Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)

In the normal diagnostic x-ray range, what interaction will occur the most?

Compton effect

This effect is responsible for most of the scatter produced in diagnostic imaging.

Compton effect

Is spatial resolution a disadvantage or an advantage of CR?

Disadvantage There is better spatial resolution with digital. This is why many radiology facilities are switching to it.

In what area is the "frog lateral" done on the body?

Hip joint (lateral hip)

An elevated blood glucose level


Subject contrast will be the lowest with this body type

Hypersthenic (Very muscular & thick) More tissue to go through

What is the medical term for high blood pressure?

Hypertension think of tension as a type of pressure

The particles that are in orbit around the nucleus of an atom are called?


This conversion occurs in the image at the output phosphor of an image intensifier tube

Electrons are converted to visible light

What is the purpose of the shortest exposure time for CXR?

Eliminate the involuntary motion of the heart beating

Tube angulation causes what type of shape distortion?


What is the term that means obstruction of a blood vessel?


When this post processing technique is applied, low exposure areas experience noise and high exposure areas experience saturation.


What are magnetic lines that surround a magnet?

Flux lines

A disease of the joint due to excessive uric acid accumulation. Typically affects the 1st MTP.


Section that the bronchi enter the lungs is called the?


This type of radiation leaves the tube housing by any means other than through the tube window.

Leakage Radiation

If you notice that the body part is angled during an exam how would you fix it?

Make sure the tube, patient and IR are in alignment

Why is contrast needed on an x-ray?

Makes detail more visible

Invasive tumor capable of metastasis and might cause death

Malignant tumor

What are the two poles of magnets?

North and south poles

Magnetic Flux lines travel in a ______ to _______ direction.

North to south

From the list below, which one is not an auditory ossicle? - Incus - Malleolus - Malleus - Stapes

Malleolus (malleolus is the "ankle bone". Don't read too carelessly!)

A ______ is required to be worn if the patient is under droplet precautions while you are doing portables.


Breast cancer survivor patients could have had what procedure completed on their breast tissue?


Out of the list below, which one forms a considerable potion of the hard palate? - Maxillae - Palatine - Nasal - Occipital


Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) could be expressed by which type of dose-response curve?

Non-linear, Threshold

Materials that are NOT attracted to a magnet or are NOT ferromagnetic are called?


This type of reaction results in the complete absorption of the photon.

Photoelectric absorption

What interaction will not result in a scatter photon?

Photoelectric absorption (It is absorbed)

Ionization can occur from these 2 interactions of radiation with tissue.

Photoelectric absorption & Compton effect

A ____ timer is used to accurately and automatically reproduce radiographic exposures.


Are gonads are considered to be radiosensitive or not radiosensitive?


The wrist joint is actually made up of what three bones?

Radius, scaphoid and lunate

How should the patient's arms be positioned during a Lateral Chest exam?

Raised above the head

Grid _____ affects grid efficiency the most.


This suture separates the parietal bones

Sagittal suture

Oil-based iodinated contrast used to be used during what procedure?

Sialogram X-ray exam of the salivary glands

How do you check for rotation on a PA CXR?

Symmetry of the SC joints

What separates the two posterior fossae of the scapula?

Spine of the scapula

This structure projects posteriorly off the two laminae of a vertebra.

Spinous process

Joint between the two pubic bones is known as?

Symphysis Pubis (Symphysis = Grown together)

What two landmarks are used to locate the neck of the femur?

Symphysis pubis (never actually use!!!!) and ASIS

The blood vessels that supply blood to the abdomen are considered to be a part of the ______ circulation system


Contraction phase of the heart is known as?

Systole (Where systolic pressure of BP comes from)

What percentage of the primary exposure to the patient will reach you if you are standing 1 meter away?

0.1 %

What is the wavelength range of x-rays within diagnostic range?

0.1 to 0.5 angstroms

If the mA is set at 400 and the mAs is obtained at 80, what must the time be set at?

0.2 seconds mAs = mA x Time 80 = 400 mA x time Time = 80/ 400 Time = 0.2 seconds

What is the lead equivalent for a pair of lead gloves?

0.25 mm

The quality of a digital image depends on what three things?

1. Spatial resolution 2. Brightness 3. Contrast

The size of the pixel produced when an IR is read depends on what 3 things?

1. Speed of IP passing through reader 2. Frequency of data sampled 3. Dimensions of laser beam

What 3 things determine the quantity of electrons that can be stored in a capacitor?

1. Surface area of the plates 2. Distance between the plates 3. Material between the plates

How many ribs should be visible above the diaphragm on a PA chest radiograph (if the patient correctly performs deep inspiration)?

10 pairs of ribs (Or 20 separate ribs depending on how this is asked)

During fluoro, the dose rate at tabletop cannot exceed how many Roetngen (R) per minute?

10 R/ min

What is the rotational speed of high speed anodes?

10,000 RPM

How many angstroms are in a meter?

10,000,000,000 (10 billion)

How many angstroms equal 1 meter?

10,000,000,000 (10 billion)

What is the typical drip rate for a drip infusion?

10-20 drops per minute

What is the normal adult systolic pressure range?

110-140 mm Hg (Millimeter of mercury)

What is the average infant pulse rate?

115-130 beats per minute

There are ____ thoracic vertebrae


The source to skin distance (SSD) for mobile radiology cannot be less than _____ inches

12 inches (Same as fluoro mobile)

Fluoro machines must not exceed an exposure in air of ________ coulomb/ kg per minute?

2.58 x 10-³ Coulomb/ kg

What is the average IV flow rate for an adult?

20 drops per minute (10-20 drops per minute is the typical infusion rate)

How long should a patient remain upright before the Erect Abdomen projection can be taken during an acute abdomen series?

5 minutes (Preferably 10)

When talking about CR film-speed, a 400 speed requires ____ % less radiation than a 200 speed


Your X-ray beam has a HVL of 2 mm/ Al, and your physicist adds 2 mm/ Al to it. The exposure will now be reduced by _____ percent.


If kVp is increased 15% how much should the mAs be reduced in order to maintain the same receptor exposure?

50% (by half)

What is the equivalent dose limit for hands and feet?

500 mSv

What is the equivalent dose limits for the Technologist's hands?

500 mSv/ year

The CDC recommends that healthcare workers follow which of the following guidelines: A. Wear gloves when handling body fluids or broken skin B. Wash hands immediately if coming into contact with body fluids C. Discard syringes, needles, medication vials and other sharp items in a sharps container D. All the above

All the above (Just don't be nasty!)

T/F: Characteristic effect will not reduce the intensity of an x-ray beam


T/F: DNA is considered the following things: 1. is a type of nucleic acid 2. is described as a macromolecule 3. contains 5 carbon sugars


T/F: Evaluation of the superimposition of the mandibular rami is one of the best ways to ensure that there is no rotation on a lateral skull


T/F: Focal spot size does not have an effect on patient dose?


T/F: Informed consent is required before a cerebral angiogram?


T/F: Low numbers that make up a digital image represent low exposure. This will create light on your image


T/F: Non-ionic contrast media does not dissolve into charged particles unlike Ionic contrast media.


T/F: The size of the exposed area has the greatest effect on the amount of patient radiation exposure.

True Bigger the field, more radiation. Collimation is key

T/F: A long gray scale has several shades of gray

True Long gray scale = Low contrast = many grays. Think "long and low" and "high and short".

Benadryl is used for the treatment of?


Number of cycles per second that are associated with an alternating current are called current _______.


X-rays are basically the same as ______ rays

gamma rays This is because they both have an ionization # of 1

A ______ screen in a TV monitor transfers the video signal into a visible image.

fluorescent screen

This term is known as the "unit of heredity".


The small segments of DNA that will determine the characteristics of each cell are called?


A Short SID would cause greater or lesser skin dose to a patient?

greater Closer the tube is, the higher the dose

The major function of meiosis is to reduce the number of chromosomes by _____


The time it takes for half of the atoms to deteriorate in any given radioactive material is called?


The capitulum articulates with what bone?

head of radius "A cap goes on the head"

"Cardi-" means?


When electrons strike the target, most of the energy is converted into ______ .

heat 99% heat and 1% x-ray

The formula "mA x kVp x time" is used to determine what?

heat units

The stomach in a hypersthenic patient, the stomach is ____ and ____ .

high and horizontal

High ____ and low noise determines high contrast resolution in a digital image.

high exposure

Most modern x-ray equipment uses a _____ frequency generator.


Research shows that allergic reactions are caused by the release of _____ in response to water-soluble iodinated contrast media.


When body tissue dies because of a lack of blood supply, the tissue is called an ________.


The image intensifier's input phosphor is much ______ than the output phosphor.

larger. (Think of a car's air intake system. Most inputs are bigger than the output)

What bones form the instep of the foot?


1/1000 of an ampere

milliampere (mA)

"poly" means?


To obtain the best spatial resolution, the OID should be as _____ as possible


A smaller focal spot size will improve ______ .

spatial resolution

Flat panel detector's DEL size determines _______

spatial resolution

Maximum SID will improve _____ .

spatial resolution

Reduction in focal spot size can improve ______ within a radiographic image.

spatial resolution

This term means, "the measure of the amount of detail in an image".

spatial resolution

"myel-" means?

spinal cord

What term means enlargement of the spleen?


National on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NRCP) is one of 2 national bodies that set _______ for radiology?


An autoclave sterilizes by using ______ under pressure.


Is the urinary bladder is considered sterile or unsterile?


This term means complete removal of all microorganisms on a surface.


What is the most common end result of radiation to gonad cells? (why you should use gonadal shielding)


Extravasation is what?

the escape of fluid from a blood vessel into the surrounding tissues

The distance between the crests of 2 electromagnetic waves is called?


What is considered the largest sesamoid bone in the body?


A ____ is classified as any disease producing microorganism.


What fracture caused by a diseased bone?

Pathological Fracture AVN fractures are a great example

Beam filters are used in radiology mainly to reduce the exposure to the______ .


The ionization chamber of an AEC, also called a photocell, is located between the _______ and the _______ .

Patient and the IR

What is the technical name for a CR imaging plate?

Photo stimulable phosphor plate (PSP)

Source to Skin Distance (SSD) for mobile x-ray equipment cannot be less than _____ inches.

12 inches

The source to skin distance (SSD) for mobile fluoro cannot be less than _____ inches

12 inches

Digoxin can be used for the treatment of ______ .

heart failure

What three bones make up the elbow joint?

humerus, ulna, radius

How fast can dynamic flat-panel detectors capture and display an image?

30-50 ms

Long term storage of digital images and documents is called an?


Alternate name for C1


CCD stands for?

Charged coupled device

Routine CXR breathing instructions

Deep inspiration

Blood in the urine


What attribute is equal in all electromagnetic radiations?


Term meaning rapid heart rate


Term meaning "inflammation of the urinary bladder"


This membrane separates the EAM and the middle ear

Tympanic membrane

Increasing the SID will _______ spatial resolution.


What body plane is used to center to the CR for an AP abdomen?

Mid-Sagittal Plane (MSP)

"phren" means?


Half-value layer (HVL) is related to the ______ of an x-ray beam.


Grid cut off will appear on a digital image as low contrast and _______ .

Quantum noise

From the list below, what set will produce the largest image? 1. 40" SID & 3" OID 2. 72" SID & 3" OID 3. 40" SID & 5" OID 4. 72" SID & 5" OID

#3 40" SID & 5" OID The least amount of SID and the most amount of OID. This is asking about the most magnified image

The top of the IR should be placed at ______ for an AP Pelvis

2" above the Iliac Crest

You have a patient who cannot be erect (standing or otherwise), how would you ensure you correctly evaluate for air/ fluid levels?

(R/ L) Lateral Decubitus (Decub)

While wearing a sterile gown, what parts are considered sterile?

-The sleeves -The front from waist level, to a few inches from the neck opening (collar)

How many meters are in 1 millimeter?

0.001 meters 1/1000 = 0.001

A "Radiation Area" warning sign must be visible in an area where the exposure rate exceeds _____ mSv per hour.

0.05 mSv/ hr

How can the fraction 1/5 be written in decimal form?

0.20 1/5 = 0.20

What does "10 to the 6th power" equate to?

1,000,000 (1 million)

What three bones does the lateral cuneiform articulate with?

1. 3rd metatarsal 2. Cuboid 3. Navicular

How many electrons are in the M-shell?


There are ____ pairs of spinal nerves

31 pairs

From The list below what technique would result in the least radiation exposure to the patient? 1. 90 kVp @ 60 mAs 2. 65 kVp @ 250 mAs

90 kVp @ 60 mAs Highest kVp and lowest mAs

Maximum induction will occur when a conductor cuts a magnetic field at an angle of?


Where is the CR placed anatomically for an AP abdomen?

@ Iliac Crest

What is a primary protective barrier?

A barrier to absorb primary radiation Any where the beam can be aimed at must be a primary barrier. So, walls & floor.

What is an Ileus?

A bowel obstruction

What type of radiographic exam would require a long scale of contrast?

A chest x-ray Long gray scale = Low contrast = many grays.

What device will alert staff that 5 minutes of fluoro time has occurred?

A cumulative timer (Also called a fluoro timer)

What is an abnormal connection between two surfaces within the body?

A fistula

An object that transmits diseases such as a door knob, microphone, etc. would be called what term?

A fomite

What is a Polyp?

A growth that extends into another cavity from the mucosal lining? (Think in-pouching like into the large intestine)

An adverse reaction to contrast media that is NOT immediately life threatening, but often will require treatment is called?

A moderate reaction

What is a track from a deep structure to the skin?

A sinus

What example is a form of stored or potential energy?

A stretched rubber band

What elbow projection would best demonstrate the olecranon process of the Ulna?

A true lateral

What is Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma)?

A tumor that is involved with the kidneys

Which of the following disorders are easy to penetrate? A. Degenerative arthritis B. Pneumonia C. Edema D. Padget's disease

A. Degenerative Arthritis

What disease below is not a communicable disease? A. Gastritis B. Mono C. Hep A D. Hep B

A. Gastritis

What are considered the routine projections for a wrist?

AP, Oblique and Lateral

From the following list, which parts are the least sensitive to low level radiation? A. X-ray film (Film) B. Flat panel detector (Detector) C. Imaging plate (IP) D. Charge coupled device (CCD)

A. X-ray film (Film) That's why covering areas not in the beam while taking multiple images is important!

What tissue will absorb the most radiation from the following list? A. clavicle (bone) B. Sartorius (muscle) C. Soft tissue D. Lungs

A. clavicle (bone)

What is the joint is made up by the acromion and the clavicle?

AC joint

What is the best projection to demonstrate the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae?


This position would demonstrate a Hiatal Hernia

AP Abdomen

This projection can be described as the patient's OML positioned perpendicular to the IR and a tube angle of 15° cephalad

AP Axial (Caldwell) (PA Axial is 15° Caudad - this is how BMH does it)

This projection would best demonstrate the occipital bone

AP Axial (Towne)

When x-raying the forearm, what projection doesn't have superimposed bones?

AP Forearm

What projection is routinely used to demonstrate the Dens of C2?

AP Open Mouth

What is the alternate name for an AP foot?

AP axial

This line is drawn between the acanthion and the EAM

Acanthiomeatal Line (AML)

This area is where the nose and upper lip come together


The CR will exit at _____ for a Waters of the facial bones

Acanthion (Doesn't matter for what bone/ area it is for, it will always exit at the acanthion.)

_This syndrome is a type of condition where a person's blood is lacking in components that provide an immune response. (Immunocompromised)

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Area of the target that is struck by electrons is called the ______ focal spot


This syndrome is caused by a high-level, whole body radiation exposure that is delivered in a period of seconds to minutes.

Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)

This disease causes mental and physical retardation due to congenital thyroid deficiency.

Addison's Disease

Movement towards the median plane is known as?


During venipuncture, when should the tourniquet be removed?

After the needle is inserted but BEFORE the injection.

Adding text such as an anatomical marker to a digital image is known as?


Electrons travel from the Cathode to the ______ during an exposure?


This term means loss of appetite

Anorexia Someone who is anorexic, just doesn't eat.

The position of a structure or an organ in the front half of the body


The bregma is to the adult as the _____ is to the infant

Anterior Fontanel

Bony landmark on the anterior portion of the Iliac Crest is known as?

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)

Prominence on the anterior end of the Iliac Crest is known as?

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)

Condition in which the kidneys cannot excrete urine.

Anuria An = without

The _____ is the main artery of systemic circulation.


Name of the proximal end of the fibula


What term means the "threat of touching someone in a harmful manner"?


Checking for dark noise is one of many quality assurance (QA) tests that can be done. What the heck is a dark noise test for?

Assess the level of detector noise in the system

A gallbladder will be located near the vertebrae in this body type


A disease characterized by hypersensitivity to allergens.

Asthma (Bronchial)

Where should the CR enter for an RAO Stomach for a Sthenic patient?

At L2 Sthenic = average, athletic build (Like Chris Pratt or Chris Evans)

Where does the CR enter for a unilateral AP Hip?

At the Femoral neck

Where does a CR enter for an AP axial dorsoplantar foot?

At the base of the third metatarsal

Part of a patient's left bronchial tree is blocked and caused a partial collapse. What is this called?


What is the joint between atlas and axis known as?

Atlantoaxial Joint

This term means the shrinking of the bone (or any tissue) due to inactivity.


This term is when the x-ray beam's intensity is reduced as it passes through the patient/ object.


What is required of the X-Ray machine to let you know an exposure has been completed?

Audible sound and a visible light (Our control panel lights up green and beeps)

From the list below, which one isn't located in the petrous portion of the temporal bone? - Auricle - Ossicles - Tympanic cavity - Cochlea

Auricle (Medical term for ear. The others are internals of the ear)

From the list below, what mature cell is least sensitive to radiation? A. Muscle B. Nerve C. RBC D. WBC

B. Nerve (Doesn't regenerate, therefore cannot be more radiosensitive than the others)

The "horizontal portion of the mandible" is better known as this part.

Body of the mandible

An enema tip is inserted when the patient is in the ______ position for a BE.


What abbreviation means "blood urea nitrogen"?


What is the most common work-related injury among healthcare workers today?

Back pain associated with improper lifting techniques

A perfectly clean colon would be part of the patient prep for which fluoro exam?

Barium Enema (BE)

What does a double contrast BE consist of?

Barium and Air examination of the colon

The sphenoid helps to form the base of this structure

Base of the cranium

During an IVP, what vein is selected within the antecubital space?

Basilic Vein

This term means "touching a patient without permission".


A lateral position of the scapula will require what to be done with the affected arm?

Be raised

This unit is a measurement of the "number of disintegrations per second"?

Becquerel SI derived unit of radioactivity. One becquerel is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.

Janet is in a surgical gown. Her sterile field ends where?

Below her waist (The sleeves and the front from waist level to a few inches from the neck opening are the sterile portions)

What is an example of good body mechanics while lifting an object?

Bend at the knees and not the waist (Keep your back straight!)

If a tumor is found, but it is NOT cancerous, what is it called?


Non-malignant tumor


This type of particle is actually a high speed electron.

Beta particle

What is the point in having your patient bend their knees up for an AP Lumbar?

Better visualization of the disk spaces (This also places the spine closer to the IR and takes out some of the natural curve)

This term means hairball.


Energy that attracts electrons to the nucleus is called?

Binding energy

"Hemat-" means?


Gangreen is a condition resulting in tissue death from a lack of what?

Blood supply and begins to decomp

Most anterior portion of a thoracic vertebra


What is a large amount of IV fluid or medication administered at one time or within a very short amount of time?


"Oste-" means?


Term meaning slow heart rate


A ____ switch is placed in the circuit in case of current changes during the exposure.


If tube voltage is below 70 kVp, what primary radiation is produced?


This type of radiation is caused from a high speed electron being slowed down or abruptly stopped


Density was the term used to describe the overall blackening of a film screen x-ray. What term now is used to describe this in digital radiology?


An image intensifier tube makes a dim image brighter

Brightness gain (makes sense....a gain of brightness)

What are considered the "main branches" of the trachea?


Chronic dilation and distention of the bronchi accompanied by infection.


What is the technical name for lung cancer? (Hint: Not Mesothelioma)

Bronchogenic carcinoma

The inflammation of fluid-filled sacs that surround a joint is called?

Bursitis (Inflammation of the bursae)

How much should KVp be increased when radiographing a part in a fiberglass orthopedic cast?

By 5 KVP

In order to maintain the same exposure to the image receptor, a technique of 200 mA, 0.2 seconds and 70 kVp is then changed to 0.1 second. Which of the following is the new kVp? A. 70 B. 40 C. 80 D. 100

C. 80 kVp (see image for calculations)

A measure of the number of ion pairs produced in air by a quantity of x-rays will use this unit.

C/ kg (Coulombs per kilogram)

What is considered the unit of exposure for a dose of gamma or x-ray radiation?

C/ kg (Coulombs per kilogram)

What is the unit of radiation exposure in air called?

C/Kg Coulombs per Kilogram

The ability of the skull to rotate can be attributed to what 2 vertebrae?

C1 and C2 (C1 supports and C2 actually rotates)

What vertebra does not have a body?

C1/ Atlas

Thyroid cartilage of the Larynx is at the level of ______

C4 (centering for C-Spine)

What vertebrae in the C-Spine has the most pronounced spinous process (Vertebra Prominens)?


The following three things is recommend by the ____ for all healthcare workers involved in venipuncture: 1. Wear gloves when touching body fluids 2. Wash hands immediately if contaminated 3. Place syringes, needles and sharps in puncture resistant bio-hazard bin


If an allergic reaction occurs to contrast during an IVP, what is the FIRST response/ action a tech should take?

Call for a doctor (call for help)

If a patient needs CPR, what is the FIRST response?

Call for help

Alternate and correct name for "skull cap"


Radiation is carcinogenic. What does carcinogenic mean?

Cancer causing agent/ substance

Luminance refers to the brightness of light emitted from an image display monitor. What are the SI units for luminance?

Candela per square meter (cd/m²)

What is a device that stores an electrical charge for use later?


Malignant tumor of surface epithelial tissue


This term means sudden stopping of the heart action.

Cardiac arrest When you're arrested, you stop doing what you were doing.

Opening in the proximal end of the stomach is called the?

Cardiac orifice

What type of shock is caused by failure of the heart to pump enough blood to a patient's vitals?

Cardiogenic shock Pump = Heart (Cardio)

Negative terminal of the tube is also known as?


Term meaning directed towards the feet

Caudad/ caudal

This phenomenon occurs most often with x-ray energies over 100 keV.

Compton effect The Compton effect is the name given by physicists to the collision between a photon and an electron. The photon bounces off a target electron and loses energy.

This electron characterizes the Compton effect.

Compton electron

When viewed from the anatomical position, what is the natural curve of the T-Spine called?


When this injury is sustained, it usually results in loss of consciousness.


What layer of a CR imaging plate absorbs light and reduces static?

Conductive layer

Material that allows the electrons to flow freely in a circuit is called?


A proper lateral elbow is determined by superimposition of what structures?

Condyles of the humerus

What is Spina Bifida?

Congenital disease where the neutral arch of a vertebra that does not completely close.

You are setting up for a hystero and you notice that the sterile tray is missing the usual expiration tag. What should you do?

Consider it un-sterile (and tell someone right away!)

What is the greatest hazard in the OR?


Scatter radiation has the greatest effect on image _____ .


What term is defined as the "difference in brightness between adjacent areas" in an x-ray?


What Exposure Indicator (EI) number below shows that the IR and patient were overexposed? A. 2000 B. 1500 C. 50 D. 3

D. 3 Pick the lowest EI #

Which of the following radiographic techniques provide the LEAST amount of radiation exposure? A. 500 mAs and 70 kVp B. 400 mAs and 60 kVp C. 100 mAs and 80 kVp D. 60 mAs and 90 kVp

D. 60 mAs and 90 kVp. Pick the one with High kVp and low mAs

Which of the following equipment types reduce the population's exposure to radiation? A. CT equipment B. Tomo Machines C. Fluoro D. AEC


From the list below, which malignant disease is caused by exposure to Ionizing radiation? A. Skin Cancer B. Leukemia C. Thyroid Cancer D. All the above

D. All the above

From the list below, which is not related to the force applied to an electrical charge? A. Electromotive Force B. Voltage C. Potential Difference D. Amperage

D. Amperage

There are many considerations for the administration of contrast media. Which of the following is not one of them? A. Age B. Kidney function C. Prior adverse reaction D. Gender

D. Gender

From the list below, which one is NOT included when referring to a whole body dose of a person? A. Reproductive organs B. Blood forming organs C. Eyes and neck D. Hands and feet

D. Hands and feet

Which of the following statements is true about cultural diversity? A. A patient wearing an PSU hoodie understands English B. Nodding the head while listening is a universal sign of agreement C. Getting patted on the back is comforting D. None are true

D. None are true

What exam below would require gonadal shielding for a 16 year old? A. Knee B. C-Spine C. Foot D. Unilateral Hip

D. Unilateral Hip

What are the 5 stages of the grieving process?

DABDA 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance

The universal standard that allows various digital imaging devices to work together within the network no matter who the manufacturer is called?

DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)

A double helix describes the shape of a ____ molecule


Information for cell metabolism is coded within a ______ molecule


An increase in radiographic fog will increase or decrease contrast?


If mA is increased, the time must be ______ in order to maintain the same receptor exposure


When the patient is laying down and the x-ray tube is directed horizontally or cross-table

Decubitus/ Decub

This term means to swallow.


Elizabeth Kubler-Ross states that ______ is the first stage of the grieving process.


"DNA" stands for?

Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

Flat panel detectors don't have an EI#. What can you measure to determine if you made a correct exposure?

Dose Area Product (DAP)

The multiplication of the dose and area exposed is known as?

Dose Area Product (DAP)

What is the "measurement of the quantity of an X-ray beam" called?

Dosimetry (The study of radiation measurement)

If the exposure time is cut in half, the mass should be ____ to maintain the same receptor exposure?


When a person coughs or sneezes, they are spreading pathogens via ______ in the air?


What is the name of tubes that have 2 filament wires in them?

Dual focus tubes 2 = dual

Most proximal portion of the small intestine (1st section)


The majority of food digestion takes place within this organ


Outermost layer of spinal cord

Dura mater

What is the abbreviation for "diagnosis"?


Purpose of fluoroscopy is to view ______ so that the radiologist can make a diagnosis.

Dynamic anatomy

Difficulty breathing


This disease is associated with several lung diseases and is categorized by labored or difficult breathing.


A term meaning "painful urination"


What abbreviation means means "a test that records brain waves"?

EEG (Electroencephalogram)

A pregnancy that does not occur in uterus and is very serious is called?

Ectopic Pregnancy

What are the swirling currents called that are created within transformers and produce heat loss?

Eddy currents

Excessive fluid in the tissues that is causes swelling


The contrast along the edges of a structure can be improved on a digital image by using what feature?

Edge enhancement

The allowable occupational radiation dosage that is assumed to result in an average nominal lifetime risk is the definition of?

Effective Dose Limit

How many carpal bones are in a wrist?


What is a solenoid that has an iron core in the center called?


Gamma radiation can also classified as what type of radiation?


The pedicle is what letter in the image on the back of this card?


What is the formula for Newton's second law of motion?

F = ma which means the force (F) acting on an object is equal to the mass (m) of an object times its acceleration (a)

Hunger, emotional stress and lack of sleep might cause a patient to do what?


Grid focusing distance is associated with what type of grid?

Focused grid (its in the question)

A _____ is used to focus the electron stream toward the target of the anode.

Focusing cup

Distance between lead strips in a focused grid and the convergence line above is called grid _______ .

Focusing distance

Which government agency is responsible for the governing of the use of radiation?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Why is immersion oil used inside a tube?

For insulation

This large opening is in the base of the skull and allows the spinal cord to pass through

Foramen Magnum

In order to set a resting body in motion, a ______ is required.


What is the push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change velocity (to accelerate)?


What parts of the patient's face should touch the bucky during a PA Axial (Caldwell)?

Forehead and nose

CR is perpendicular to the IR but part is angled. This describes what kind of distortion?


When a patient is recumbent with their feet lower than their head, what position is this called?

Fowler's (opposite of Trendelenburg)

An x-ray tube that is specifically used for magnification radiography is called a _______ tube.

Fractional focus tube

A ______ has one or more unpaired electrons and is unusually chemically reactive

Free Radical

What is the name of the contagious disease that affects the liver?


Describe the wavelengths of a diagnostic x-ray beam

Heterogenous (Several/ more than one)

When a patient has this condition, a part of their stomach slips through the diaphragm and into the thorax.

Hiatal Hernia

An image with just a few, wide density differences will be considered to have _____ .

High contrast Little to no grays

High or low contrast is considered to have a short scale of contrast.

High contrast Short gray scale = High contrast = few gray Think "long and low" and "high and short".

What set of exposure factors will produce the least amount of load on the tube?

High kVp and low mAs

What type of generator has a voltage ripple of less than 1%?


Grids affect the contrast of an image by producing higher or lower contrast?


In what 3 conditions would a CXR be done supine vs erect for a patient?

If they are/ are feeling: 1. Unconscious 2. Unable sit up 3. Dizzy

This structure is the junction between the small and large intestine

Ileocecal Valve (Ileum of SB and Cecum of colon)

Out of the following, which structure is the most distal? - Duodenum - Ileum - Stomach - Jejunum


From the list below, which one is not related to the other three? - Symphysis Pubis - Iliac Crest - Ischial Spine - Ileum

Ileum (The other three are all parts of the pelvis as a whole, not a separate bone)

An intestinal obstruction describes what term?


At the level of the _____ is where the IR is centered for a lateral Lumbosacral spine.

Iliac Crest

Upper, curved boarder of the Ilium is called?

Iliac Crest

What is not likely to happen from a significant radiation exposure: Malignant tumors or Immunity to radiation damage?

Immunity to Rad damage. (Like seriously, who comes up with this stuff?)

Fracture where one bone is driven into another

Impacted think impact

Where is the filament wires and focusing cup located?

In the Cathode

During a fluoro exam, where should the tech stand?

In the room, as far from the patient as possible (but still practical)

As contrast is lowered, the number of brightness in the image will _____ .


If you increase the kVp, what is the effect on production of x-rays? X-Ray energy will _______ .


You take an AP Axial (Towne) exposure, and the foramen magnum is not well visualized. What can you do when you repeat this image to ensure you can see it?

Increase the CR angle more caudally (you likely had it angled not low enough)

What happens to the image if SID and OID are increased the same amount?

Increased size distortion

From the list below, which one is not a part of the large intestine? - Right colic - Left colic - Transverse colon - Jejunum


What is the proper technique to lift a patient?

Keep back straight while lifting (Bend at the knees and not the waist as well)

Mr. Smith has a urinary bag and needs to be moved from his bed to the table. Where should his bag go while he is getting his x-ray?

Kept below the level of his bladder (they fill due to gravity)

Henle's Loop is located within this organ


"Nephr-" means?

Kidney (think nephrons)

What does KUB stand for?

Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder

Prefix meaning "1,000" is called?

Kilo (Like Kilogram)

What is the unit for mass in the MKS metric system?


Left bronchus divides into _____ branches, but the right bronchus divides into ____ branches.

Left = 2 Right = 3 (Remember the # of lobes of the lungs and you'll always get this right)

This flexure is between the transverse and descending colon

Left Colic/ Splenic Flexure

The portal system transports blood to the ______


Computers in a hospital are connected together by a ______ network.

Local Area Network (LAN)

Long or Short scale of contrast will produce a more consistent radiographic quality?

Long Many grays

In a digital system the _____ controls the (image) contrast.

Look up table (LUT)

From the following list of facial bones, which ones are paired (a set of 2)? - Vomer - Maxilla - Zygoma

Maxilla & Zygoma

This mechanism works by sending an alternating current through a coil of wire that has been placed within a magnetic field.


What is the function of the Thoracic Duct?

Moves lymph fluid into the Left Subclavian Vein

Why is everyone so concerned with gonadal shielding for x-rays?

Mutations in offspring may occur. Gonads are genetic cells.

How will radiation damage to the DNA of genetic cells affect future generations?

Mutations may occur in the genes that are passed on

A current is induced in a secondary coil by alternating the current in the primary coil. What is this called?

Mutual Induction

____ is the medical term for a heart attack.

Myocardial Infarction (MI)

What term means "heart attack"?

Myocardial infarction (MI)

Medical term for heart muscle


This NCRP publication contains regulations for the use of x-rays for up to 50 Mega electron-Volts (MeV)?

NCRP #102

This NCRP publication recommends limits of exposure to Ionizing radiation.

NCRP Report #116

Patient prep for a UGI involves being NPO ____ .

NPO after midnight (8 hrs before exam)

Is inferior angle a border of the scapula?

No, it is an angle

You are setting up for an arthrogram. How should you open up the sterile tray?

Open the first corner away from you

Which radiation monitoring device is the most accurate for staff use?

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter (OSLD)

The sphenoid strut is only visualized if this structure is x-ray'd


This positioning line is described as an invisible line between the EAM and the lateral margin of the orbit (outer canthus)

Orbitalmeatal Line (OML) (Question tells you where the lines are)

Chronic joint disease is called?


A benign bone tumor is called a?


This term literally means "bone infection"

Osteomyelitis Technically its bone inflammation, but hey.

What disease involves the gradual loss of calcium and is typically found in post-menopausal women?


During the compton effect, x-rays most often interact with outer or inner shell electrons?

Outer shell electrons

An AP Axial (Towne method) was ordered for a patient, but they cannot move their neck. What exam can you substitute to still get this image?

PA Axial (Haas) (uses a 25° cephalad tube angle)

What are the 2 basic projections of a routine CXR?

PA and Left Lateral

What projections show the intervertebral foramina of the C-Spine?

PA/ AP Axial obliques

What abbreviation means to provide meds "as needed"?


These bones are "L" shaped and are located posteriorlly to the nasal cavity

Palatine Bones

This abdominal organ produces and secretes digestive enzymes


This organ secretes insulin


What organ sits within the duodenal loop?


These magnetic materials are weakly attracted to a magnet.


Who should hold an uncooperative child?


When you administer drugs through an IV or an injection, this is called?


This projection can demonstrate facial bones and zygomatic arches and therefore is a part of both series

Parietoacanthial (Waters)

This gland is demonstrated after contrast is injected into the Stensen's duct


This term literally means inflammation of the abdominal cavity lining (peritoneum).


High ______ = materials that are easily magnetized and demagnetized


The rate at which work is done is known as?


If a pregnant patient were to receive a major radiation dose during the first few days of her pregnancy, what is the likely result?

Prenatal death

The direction the x-ray beam travels is called?


What position describes the patient lying on their belly face down?


What position of the abdomen is routine for a small bowel series?

Prone abdomen (Obviously its AP for BMH, but per the book, it should be PA to place the small bowel as close as possible to the IR)

Primary purpose of beam filtration?

Protect the patient from low energy x-rays

What atom has mass and a positive charge?

Proton (+)

Atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of _____ .


What will have the greatest effect on radiographic contrast? Reduction of scatter or precise collimation?

Reduction of scatter

"RBE" stands for?

Relative Biologic Effectiveness

What is the radiation that makes up the x-ray beam after it has passed through the patient/ object?

Remnant (exit) radiation

Procedure requiring injection of contrast into the artery of the kidney

Renal Arteriography (this answer is given to you in layman's terms in the question)

A kidney stone is also called a ________ ?

Renal Calculus

Outer portion of the kidney

Renal Cortex

Proximal and funnel shaped portion of the ureter

Renal pelvis

"Pyel-" means?

Renal pelvis (Pyelogram)

A detector is exposed several times with images acquired at different exposure levels on different days. These pixel readings within an ROI compare the relationship of the x-ray output to the pixel values. What quality control test is being described?

Repeatability test (can you repeat the same image no matter what)

If two magnets are brought together, north-to-north poles will?


What can the technologist do to reduce patient exposure and improve image contrast during an exam?

Restrict the beam (Collimation)

What abbreviation means "prescription"?


Increasing ____ will keep size distortion to a minimum. This is usually used as an opposing factor to OID.


This structure is visualized if the CR enters at a point 3/4 inches anterior and superior to the EAM

Sella turcia

During a SMV, this structure must be entirely in front of the petrous pyramids

Sella turcica

This structure houses the pituitary gland

Sella turcica

Loss of mental, physical and emotional control in the elderly

Senile (senility)

What is the best method to determine if a female is pregnant?

Serum pregnancy test (Labs)

What are the 2 small bones at the first MTP joint?

Sesamoid bones

Part angulation must be closely watched to avoid what type of distortion?


A coil of wire that carries a current is called a ______?


A patient in insulin shock who is still conscious would require what kind of treatment?

Something sugary

During thermionic emission a cloud of electrons called _______ surround the filament.

Space charge

Ability of a digital system to display detail expressed as the "number of line pairs per millimeter" is known as?

Spatial resolution

Magnification affects image quality by decreasing what?

Spatial resolution

What is the difference between speed and scatter, absorption and divergence?

Speed does not affect attenuation and the other 3 do.

This sinus is demonstrated during an Open Mouth Waters


A BP Cuff is also called a?


This projection will demonstrate both zygomatic arches simultaneously during an exam

Submentovertex Also called: - SMV - Full Basal - Basal View

This bony ridge lies beneath the eyebrows

Supercilliary ridge

The anatomical neck of the humerus is ______ to the surgical neck


The scapular notch is located _______ to the scapular spine


Placing the hand with the palm up


The position of a patient lying on their back is called what?


Deglutition means?

Swallowing of food

When using CR, how can you tell that the AEC is calibrated correctly?

The EI# is in the optimal range

What is not well demonstrated on this medial oblique projection of the foot?

The ankle joint (must have 1-2" of the joints below and above)

What is the best IV site for an adult?

The arm (Usually the Median Cubital or Basilic Vein)

These two parts are located within which end of the tube? -Filaments -Focusing cup

The cathode what is the difference between Extravasation and Infiltration?

The difference between an infiltration and extravasation is the type of medicine or fluid that is leaked. - Infiltration - if the fluid is a non-vesicant (does not irritate tissue), it is called an infiltration. - Extravasation - if the fluid is a vesicant (a fluid that irritates tissue), it is called an extravasation.

What side of the foot is closest to the IR during a lateral foot?

The lateral side

Heating of what part determines the quantity of electrons that will be accelerated across the tube?

The filament

Which metacarpal does the trapezium articulate with?

The first metacarpal

In relation to the FDA Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (21 CFR), What 3 things are important to note about fluoro equipment manufactured after June 10th, 2006?

The following must be updated every: 1. Air kerma rate (AKR) - every second 2. Cumulative air kerma - every 5 seconds 3. Irradiation time - every 6 seconds

Which needles would have the smallest lumen?

The highest gauge number (23G , 25G)

Out of all of the bones in the upper extremity which one is the longest?

The humerus

What happens when OID is decreased?

The image size is closer to actual size (Less magnified)

Somatic effects are a consideration for which person?

The individual exposed Somatic = Body

Hirschsprung's Disease involves what part of the body?

The large Intestine

The first metacarpal is located on what side of the hand?

The lateral side

Cirrosis is a chronic degenerative disease of what organ?

The liver

What carpal bone is in between the scaphoid and the triquetrum?

The lunate

Hodgkin's Disease (Hodgkin's Lymphoma) is a cancer of what body system?

The lymphatic system

What is wrong with this lateral oblique hand x-ray?

The metacarpals are slightly superimposed

What is the product of force times the distance?

Work W = F x D

Where are Protons and Neutrons found within an atom?

The nucleus

What determines the strength of a magnetic field?

The number of flux lines in an area

A radiographer's primary responsibility is to who?

The patient

Subject contrast is related to who?

The patient

What will produce the greatest amount of scatter radiation in a fluoro exam?

The patient

Under standard precautions, when you come in contact with patient blood, you should act as though?

The patient has a blood-borne disease. (just always wear gloves...jeez)

If a patient needs to be held during a radiographic procedure, who should be asked?

The patient's family (Never should you hold them)

On the backside of this card is a Waters. Why is this particular waters not acceptable?

The petrous ridges are not projected directly below the maxillary sinuses

Which bone in the forearm is on the lateral side?

The radius

Out of the eight carpal bones which one is most commonly fractured?

The scaphoid

On what bone is the acromion located?

The scapula

Gastritis will cause inflammation in what organ?

The stomach

The turns of wire determine what ratio?

The transformer ratio

What is Hydrocephalus?

The ventricles are filled with a large amount of CSF

What is the minimum level of radiation exposure at which no damage can occur?

There is no minimum level. All radiation is harmful.

Boiling off electrons from the filament is also called?

Thermionic emission

In TV camera tube, the electron beam is produced due to ______ .

Thermionic emission

Which type of dosimeter uses the fact that some materials can store energy, then emit light when heated?

Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) TLD's can only release energy when heated. OSLD's can only realease energy when a laser is used.

If a diabetic patient is NPO for 8 hours before their exam (as instructed) but accidentally took their insulin this morning, what will happen to them?

They can go into insulin shock if given contrast

What is the primary function of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP)?

They set the standard for the use of radiation

What does TFT stand for?

Thin Film Transistor

Where does the CR enter for a medial/internal oblique position on the third toe?

Third MTP joint

Which vertebrae have demi-facets for rib articulation?

Thoracic (Ribs are in the thoracic region. This question is a gimme as long as you pay attention)

A blood clot within a vessel


Adenine, a purine, will always pair with the pyrimidine _______?


This gland is large in children, but absent in adults

Thymus gland

Proper name for "Adam's apple"

Thyroid cartilage

A patient who presents with a possible perforated ulcer should have what examination done in fluoro?

UGI with Gastrografin (Gastrografin is a thin liquid that will not cement like barium)

What is the longest bone from the forearm down to the finger tips?


What position will best demonstrate the scaphoid bone of the wrist?

Ulnar deviation

The duodenum is located in which of the 9 abdominal regions?


After an arthrogram, where should all needles be placed?

Uncapped into a sharps container (never recap needles - this is how you get a dirty needle stick.)

In a stationary fluoro unit, where is the tube located?

Under the table Think C-Arm for fluoro so that you remember that the tube is reverse of a normal x-ray tube.

Loss of sharpness due to the use of a large focal spot is called what?

Unsharpness (yep. It is really that easy)

What is Edema?

Unusually large amount of fluid accumulation within body tissues.

Influenza is an infection of the _____ respiratory tract?


This tube passes from the kidney to the bladder


What can reduce the production of scatter besides grid usage?

Use close collimation

What does the term digital mean?

Use of numbers to create images (binary code)

Space charge is present in the tube at what point of time?

Whenever the rotor is engaged. (Before the exposure)

The ability of a computer to mathematically change the image brightness and contrast is a major plus for digital imaging. What control actually controls the brightness?

Window level The window level in a building will drastically make a difference for example. Think about a basement window vs a attic window.

Channel is a type of communication that?

Writing or speaking fall under.

Absorbed dose (D), Equivalent dose (EqD) and Exposure (E) will all be equal when measuring what type of radiation?


What electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?


Exposure only measures _____ and Gamma Rays.


Purpose of the window in the tube is to allow the emission of ______ .


What is the inferior end of the sternum?

Xiphoid Process

Pyloric stenosis is most often found in what age group?

Young Infants

What screen comes last in image intensified fluoro?

Zinc cadium sulfide screen Think ABC's. Z = Last

What joint space is seen on a 45° oblique of the Lumbar Spine?

Zygopophyseal Joints

The common cold is caused by what type of pathogen?

a virus

What is the purpose of lead in the back of a CR cassette?

absorb backscatter

Aminophylline can be used to treat ______ .


The probability of photoelectric absorption occurring will increase with an increase in the _______ number of the material.


Reduction of radiation intensity as it passes through material is called?


How will the north and south poles react to each other?

attract to one another

Epinephrine is classified as what type of drug?


Tom and Jerry have to pass each other during a surgery. How would they pass in their sterile gowns?

back to back (the back is considered not sterile)

The backs of cassettes contain lead to stop _____ from fogging the IR.


Staphylococci and bacilli are _______ microorganisms.


"Infra-" means?

below, under

Hemorrhage is another term for ______ ?


Somatic effects of radiation refer to exposure to the _____ tissues

body Somatic Cell = Body Cell

Osteogenic Sarcoma is a primary _______ malignancy?


This fracture is characterized by the fact that the broken bone pierces through the skin.

compound fracture

The ____ would never be considered as a primary barrier in normal diagnostic radiography.


Closed path over which electric current flows is called a?


Using the left hand thumb rule, which direction would the magnetic field be flowing if the current is facing toward you?


"Thromb-" means?


Barium is placed in the colon during a BE via the ____ route for the image on the backside of this card

colostomy bag

An aluminum wedge filter is a ____ filter.


What is an injury to brain from severe impact, as usually seen with football players?


A disorder/ disease that present at birth


Nausea and vomiting are usually NOT treated if they are caused by the ingestion/ IV administration of what type of solutions?

contrast media (Nausea and vomiting are mild reactions)

What are involuntary contractions of voluntary muscles?


This grid has the lead lines running in two different directions.

crossed/ cross-hatched grid

Metabolic functions take place in the ______ of a cell


The majority of RNA would be found in the _____ of a human cell


The purpose of the anode is to _____ electrons.


As x-ray wavelength increases, the frequency will _____.


Decreasing the focal spot size will ________ unsharpness, which will increase spatial resolution.


To maintain the same exposure when the mA is increased, the exposure time must be _____ .

decreased (inverse relationship)

How is the gauge of a needle determined?

diameter size

Contrast resolution is a major advantage in _____ imaging


After an isolation patient the cassette must be _____ before it can be used again


Fluid collection in the pleural space, is called Pleural ______ ?


X-rays are what type of radiation?


A dose (that is set) that is not expected to produce significant effects is called?

equivalent dose limit

This particle is considered the most ionizing form of radiation.


The armpit is also known as what?

Axilla or axillary

What extends anteriorly from the scapula?

Coracoid process

A disease that causes chronic inflammation of the intestines

Crohn's Disease

Ability of a moving body to do work is called?

Kinetic Energy

What organ has folds called Haustra?

Large Intestine

Tumor that means "new growth"


X-ray tube angulation affects what type of distortion?


Inflammatory disease of the liver


What are known as "the building blocks" in protein creation?

Amino acids

The actual radiation field and the collimator light (sometimes also called the field positioning light) cannot vary by more than _____ percentage of the SID.

+/- 2 %

For a myelogram, your radiologist wants you to pour betadine into the sterile tray. How should you go about it?

- Hold the solution well above the tray - pour slowly to avoid splashing - try not to drip it everywhere

A technique of 200 mA, 0.5 seconds and 68 kVp can be changed to 400 mA, _____ seconds and 68 kVp.

0.25 seconds mA is doubled, so cut the seconds in half (0.5) 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 = 0.25

Macro radiography uses which type of focal spot size? 0.3 mm or 2.0 mm?

0.3 mm Pick the smallest one

An exposure of ______ mR to an indirect flat panel detector is required for an optimum quality image.

0.5 mR

The Equivalent dose (H) limit for an embryo-fetus is ____ mSv/ month

0.5 mSv/ month

What is the equivalent dose limit to the fetus of a pregnant tech for a month?

0.5 mSv/ month 5 mSv for the entire pregnancy

What is the required lead equivalency for a lead apron?

0.5 mm/ Pb

What is the normal creatinine range for an adult?

0.6 to 1.3 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter)

How many Joules/ Coulombs are equal to 1 volt?


1 joule per kilogram is equal to what unit of measurement?

1 J/kg = 1 gray

Where is the CR directed for an AP knee?

1 cm (1/2") distal to the patellar Apex

When an electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt, how much work is done?

1 electron volt

Leakage radiation from an X-ray tube must not exceed ____ mGy/ hr at 1 meter?

1 mGy/ hr at 1 meter. (Think 1 at 1)

What is the effective dose limit for a radiology student in one year if they are under 18 years old?

1 mSv

There will be brain damage in _____ minutes if CPR isn't started right away.

1 to 3 minutes (Lack of oxygen)

When electrons strike the anode, how much of their energy is converted to x-rays?

1% x-rays (99% heat)

TFT's are found in what 3 types of digital systems?

1+2. Indirect and direct digital flat panel detectors 3. Charged Coupled devices (CCDs)

What are the 2 types of distortion can reduce the quality of an image?

1. Size 2. Shape

Which of the following techniques would produce the greatest image receptor exposure? 1. 70 kVp @ 100 mAs and a 40" SID 2. 80 kVp @ 100 mAs and a 80" SID 3. 70 kVp @ 50 mAs and a 40" SID

1. 70 kVp @ 100 mAs and a 40" SID Highest kVp, lowest mAs & the shortest distance (has to be a combo together)

Contrary to popular belief, what 3 features are NOT required to be on new x-ray equipment (but are nice to have)?

1. AEC 2. Computerized technique selections 3. Automatic collimators

Gross structural changes that arise when radiation breaks a chromosome may be referred to as what 3 things?

1. Aberrations (departure from normal) 2. Anomalies 3. Lesions

Radiation damage depends on what 3 things?

1. Absorbed dose 2. Radiation type 3. Area exposed (size)

These 3 things will cause an incorrect EI# value with PSP systems when compared to the internal histogram.

1. Anatomy not centered 2. Not 3 sides of collimation present 3. Wrong anatomy selected from control panel (wrong histogram compared with image)

What 3 things can a technologist do to avoid unnecessary exposure to their patient?

1. Avoid retakes 2. Use of optimum kVp 3. Keep equipment in good working order (take care of equipment)

What are the three reasons AEC is useful in controlling radiographic brightness?

1. Brightness must remain constant 2. Faulty brightness causes repeats 3. Brightness greatly affects quality

What 3 things will cause grid cut-off with a focused grid?

1. CR not centered to grid 2. CR angled across grid 3. Grid angled (not centered to CR)

What 3 important things must be tested before purchase of any CR reader?

1. Can it erase IPs completely 2. IR uniformity 3. Reader is calibrated

What are 3 disadvantages of a flat lead shield used for gonadal shielding?

1. Cannot be used erect 2. Difficult to stay in place 3. Not useful for fluoro

A chromosome that has been damaged by radiation may cause what 3 things to happen?

1. Cell Mutation 2. Cell Death 3. Cell Sterilization

What are the 3 results from cellular exposure to radiation?

1. Changes in DNA 2. Cell sterilization 3. Cell death

What three things are found in the detector element (DEL) of a flat panel detector?

1. Charge collection area 2. capacitor 3. thin film transistor (TFT)

In the OR, what are 3 precautions to minimize the hazard of explosions? (Explosions of bodily fluids....ew)

1. Clean your C-Arm 2. Wear shoe covers 3. Wear surgical caps/ Bouffants (you should be doing this anyway!!)

What 3 interactions will occur in a diagnostic x-ray range?

1. Coherent (Classical) Scatter 2. Compton effect 3. Photoelectric absorption

What is the order of events when an image is extracted from the flat panel detector?

1. Data is read line by line from the columns and rows 2. Data is digitized by an ADC 3. A histogram is created and analyzed ADC = analog to digital Converter

The 3 advantages of spot film cameras over cassette spot films

1. Decreased Pt dose 2. Decreased heat load 3. Shortened exam times

For what purpose would an operative cholangiography be performed? (3 reasons)

1. Demonstrate anatomy 2. Check for proper drainage into duodenum 3. Check for residual gallstones within the biliary ducts

A histogram is used to automatically rescale the image to the proper brightness. What three things could cause an error with this analysis?

1. Exposure field detection (AEC cutoff) 2. Unexpected metal in the data set 3. Gross overexposure

Obviously, one image per cassette is preferred over multiple images (CR). What 3 things must you do to obtain the best possible image?

1. Exposure field is centered 2. Anatomy is centered 3. Collimation is present on all 4 sides

What is the order that a photodiode layer, fluorescent layer and a TFT would be layered in an indirect flat panel detector?

1. Fluorescent layer 2. Photodiode layer 3. TFT

What 3 things will affect the total brightness of an image intensification tube?

1. Flux gain 2. Minification gain 3. Primary beam intensity

What are the 3 functions of the electrostatic lenses in an image intensification tube?

1. Focus electrons from photocathode 2. Increase speed of the electrons 3. Condense image to increase brightness

What are the 3 types of damage that may occur when a DNA molecule is exposed to radiation?

1. Genetic code may change 2. Chromosomes may break 3. DNA molecules may break

What 3 things makes lead such an awesome protective barrier?

1. High density 2. High atomic number 3. High absorption coefficient

What 3 things are required of an x-ray tube's target metal?

1. High melting point 2. High atomic number 3. Conduct heat 1 + 2 are connected/ related

When should gonadal shielding be used? (3)

1. If of reproductive age or older 2. Shield will not interfere 3. Gonads are near or within primary beam

What 3 easily avoidable mistakes can cause a histogram analysis error?

1. Improper collimation 2. Off-focus/ scatter rdiation 3. Grid cut-off

What 3 things will decrease the spatial resolution?

1. Increase focal spot (size) 2. Increase speed class (CR) 3. Increase OID

What are three advantages of digital systems over film-screen systems?

1. Increased dynamic range 2. Higher spatial resolution 3. More contrast resolution

The innominate bone (Pelvis) is formed by what 3 fused bones?

1. Ischium 2. Illium 3. Pubis

Personnel monitoring devices are used for what 3 reasons?

1. Its required 2. Assure workers receive less than the equivalent dose limits 3. check radiation safety practices

What 3 things are the reason for the loss of spatial resolution?

1. Large focal spot 2. Increased OID 3. Patient motion

What three things are required for a true lateral elbow?

1. Lateral Hand 2. 90° Elbow flexion 3. Superimposed epicondyles

What 3 effects will result from precise collimation?

1. Less tissue exposure 2. Less scatter produced 3. X-Ray quality improved

What are three advantages of using high KVP techniques?

1. Lower patient exposure 2. Longer tube life 3. All parts are well penetrated

Spatial resolution in digital radiology is determined by what 2 things?

1. Matrix size 2. Field of View (FOV)

Your patient lied about being pregnant and she had a lengthy fluoro exam. What 3 things could happen to the fetus?

1. Miscarriage 2. Stillbirth 3. Congenital abnormalities (Death and mutations)

Valve in-between L. Atrium and L. Ventricle (all 3 names)

1. Mitral Valve 2. Bicuspid Valve 3. Left AV valve (AV is literally in the question)

What are the 3 ways voltage can be induced into a conductor?

1. Move a wire through a magnetic field 2. Move a magnetic field across a wire 3. Place a wire in a varying magnetic field

Your patient thinks they might have ARS. What are 3 symptoms of radiation sickness?

1. Nausea 2. Diarrhea 3. Loss of appetite

In what 3 cases should a Grid always be used?

1. Part is greater than 10 cm 2. High kVp (70+) 3. Scatter radiation will be high (high kVp)

You are trying to locate a patient's veins. What 3 things could you do to make them more palpable?

1. Pat or rub the area 2. Apply hot packs 3. Allow arm to hang down at side

What 3 things are considered by-products of photoelectric absorption?

1. Photoelectron 2. Characteristic radiation 3. Ionized atom

A professional assessment of a patient's health will require what 3 things?

1. Physical condition 2. Mental state 3. Cultural background

After the IVP is completed, and the radiologist has been consulted, what are the steps to discontinue the IV?

1. Place sterile gauze over puncture site 2. Quickly and smoothly remove cannula 3. Elevate and apply pressure until bleeding stops

What are the 3 responsibilities of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)?

1. Set standards of X-ray manufacture 2. Police those standards 3. Police the Nuc Med Field

What are the 3 long term somatic effects of Ionizing radiation exposure that may occur to a person?

1. Shortened life-span 2. Malignant neoplasm growths 3. Blood deficiencies

What are two ways that you can use to minimize size distortion?

1. Shortest possible OID 2. Longest possible SID

What are the 3 advantages of using dynamic flat-panel detectors for digital fluoro compared to image-intensified fluoro?

1. Post-processing 2. Better contrast resolution 3. Rectangular image

The amount of ionization that will happen when radiation enters and passes through tissues depends on what 3 things?

1. Radiation type 2. Particle size 3. Particle charge

What 3 things will reduce radiation exposure to personnel?

1. Reduce exposure time 2. Increase distance from source 3. Use of shielding in between you and the source

In what 3 ways can radiographic quality be improved by the use of a compression band?

1. Reduce scatter 2. Reduce motion 3. Improve contrast

What are the three reasons that a projection of the foot requires a 10° CR angle towards the calcaneus?

1. The toes are naturally curved 10° 2. Intertarsal joints are at a 10° angle 3. Forces the most x-rays to go through the thickest part of the foot

What three bones form the ankle?

1. Tibia (Medial malleolus) 2. Fibula (Lateral malleolus) 3. Talus

What 3 things should be seen on a good Flat Plate?

1. Transverse processes of L-Spine 2. Psoas Muscles 3. Outlines of the Kidneys

What two things must be followed if you want to put more than one image on a CR cassette?

1. Unexposed areas of cassette covered with lead 2. All 4 collimated borders must be around each image

What 3 things can be followed to reduce patient exposure with CR since it requires more exposure than film screen systems?

1. Use of higher kVp (lower mAs) 2. Increase beam filtration 3. Use of AEC

What are the 3 types of movement to keep in mind when setting a technique?

1. Voluntary movement 2. Invoulntary movement 3. Equipment movement

How thick must the lead be in a primary barrier of a radiographic room?

1/16 inches 1/32 inches is a secondary barrier

The current radiographic technique is 300 mA, 1/10 (0.1) seconds and 60 kVp is then changed to 69 kVp. What should the new time be adjusted to?

1/20 seconds or 0.05 seconds (see image for calculations)

Brain and spinal cord are part of the _______ nervous system

Central Nervous System

What 3 parts make up the target assembly within a TV camera tube?

1. Window 2. Signal plate 3. Target plate

What 3 factors affect the brightness level of the fluoro image in varying degrees?

1. mA 2. kVp 3. Patient's size/ body habitus

What 3 things could happen to a fetus that experiences excessive radiation exposure?

1. prenatal death 2. neonatal death 3. congenital deformities Think death and deformities

After the administration of contrast media, what 2 things must NOT be done with the used needle?

1. recap the needle 2. remove the needle from a disposable syringe (Just throw them as is into the sharps container)

What are the 3 reasons we use beam restriction devices?

1. reduce scatter 2. reduce exposure 3. improve contrast

What 3 things are a means of expressing the dose a patient received from an exam?

1. skin dose 2. organ dose 3. whole body dose

What 2 radiographic qualities determine the sharpness of detail in a finished x-ray?

1. spatial resolution 2. distortion

When attempting to reduce the exposure time to control motion, what 3 things can you set/ do to help?

1. use of highest mA station 2. Increase kVp 3. Decrease SID

To prevent leakage radiation from exposing the patient, an x-ray tube must have how much protective lead?

1.5 mm

What does "10 to the -3rd power" equate to?

1/ 1,000

Personnel monitoring is required when an individual will receive more than _____ the effective dose limit.

1/ 10 the effective dose limit

What is the equivalent dose limit for a non-radiation worker (such as a scrub nurse in the OR)?

1/10 that of a radiation worker 500 mSv/ year = Rad Worker 500/10 = 50 mSv/ year = non-rad worker

_____ chest compressions per minute is the current guideline for the administration of CPR by the American Heart Association.


How many centimeters are in a meter?

100 cm Centi = 100 Think century

In the 60 to 80 kVp range, a 10 kVp increase Will increase exposure to the image receptor by what percent?


What is the typical percentage increase used during magnification radiography?

100% increase

How many mSv is in 1 Sievert?

1000 (milli means 1000)

How many centimeters are in 40 inches

101.6 cm 2.54 cm = 1 inch 40 x 2.54 = 101.6 cm

How many shades of gray can be displayed with a bit depth of 10 bits?

1024 2^10 = 1024 shades Always take 2 and then make the bits the exponent.

What is the tube angulation for an AP axial Coccyx?

10° Caudad 10 down - coccyx 15 up - sacrum

A patient's BP is taken and it is 110/78. What number is considered the systolic pressure?

110 (S/D)

What is the normal adult respiratory rate?

12-16 respirations per minute

A neutral atom has an atomic number of 12. How many electrons will it have?

12. Atomic number and proton number is the same, but since it is neutral, the electrons will be the same too

In a 60 cycle of alternating current, how many alterations are there every second?

120 60 cycles x 2 currents (alternating) x 1 second = 120 alterations

What grid ratio should be used to maintain contrast when using over 100 KVP? A 5:1 grid or a 12:1 grid?

12:1 (pick the highest one)

2Ω , 4Ω and 6Ω resistors connected in series would equal ____ total resistance.

12Ω 2+4+6 = 12 For a series circuit, you add all up.

Time can be decreased by 1/2 if the kVp is increased by what percentage?


Source to skin distance (SSD) for stationary fluoro cannot be less than _____ inches.

15 inches

The source to skin distance (SSD) for stationary fluoro cannot be less than _____ inches

15 inches

When motion control is a factor, exposure time (mAs) can be reduced by half if the kVp is increased by ______

15% 15% Rule

If using a high frequency x-ray generator, what would have the greatest effect on increasing the receptor exposure?

15% increase in KVP This question is meant to throw you off. You always increase kVp by 15% to increase exposure.

CR uses greater than ____ lines per square inch in their grids?


What is the minimum monitor matrix size for an acceptable DR image?

1536 x 2048

For a PA Axial (Caldwell) exam you aligned the OML to be perpendicular to the IR. What is the tube angulation required?

15° Caudad

What is the tube angulation for an Axiolateral Oblique (Modified Law method) for TMJ's?

15° caudad

For an AP axial clavicle how many degrees should the tube be angled?

15° cephalad

The following statements accurately describe the use of a ______ ratio grid: 1. Effectively absorbs scatter x-rays 2. Designed for high kVp techniques 3. Has very little give for positioning

16:1 (on the test, you'd pick the highest one listed)

When administering IV fluids, how high should the bag be hung above the vein?

18 to 20 inches (18-24 inches is for BE bags. Don't get these confused!)

What is the speed of x-rays?

186,000 miles/second (wow!)

At what point does the CR enter for an AP thumb (1st digit)?

1st MCP

What is the magnification factor if an image is 8 cm and an object measures 4 cm?

2 MF = Image Size/ Object size MF = 8 cm/ 4 cm MF = 2

How many interphalangeal (IP) joints are in the third digit?

2 (PIP & DIP)

How many phalanges are in the thumb?

2 (proximal and distal)

A technique of 400 mA, 0.25 seconds, non-grid could be converted to a technique of 200 mA, with an 8:1 grid at _____ seconds?

2 seconds

When an object is located halfway between the tube and the IR, it is magnified how many times larger than the actual size?

2 times larger

How many pairs of ribs are considered to be "Floating Ribs"?

2 Pairs (4 Ribs)

What amount of half-value layers would be required to reduce a 100 R/min exposure rate to a 25 R/min exposure rate?

2 half-value layers Half-value layer = divide by 50% 100/50% = 50 R/ min 50/ 50% = 25 R/min

Your patient has a hyperstenic body type and they are here for an UGI. If for a sthenic patient, the CR is at L2, where would it be placed for this patient?

2 inches higher (About T12)

Where does the CR enter for a cross-table lateral skull?

2 inches superior to the EAM

When operating mobile x-ray equipment, the tech must be able to stand ______ away from the patient

2 meters (6 feet away)

How far must you stand back during a mobile x-ray exposure?

2 meters (6 feet)

Which of the following techniques will produce the greatest image receptor exposure? 1. 80 kVp @ 100 mA and 0.5 seconds 2. 80 kVp @ 300 mA and 0.33 seconds 3. 70 kVp @ 400 mA and 0.25 seconds

2. 300 mA, 0.33 seconds and 80 kVp Highest kVp & lowest mAs 1. 80 kVp @ (100 x 0.5) = 99 mAs 2. 80 kVp @ (300 x 0.33) = 50 mAs 3. 70 kVp @ (400 x 0.25) = 100 mAs

From the list below, which one would reduce the amount of scatter radiation? 1. Increase kVp 2. Utilize precise collimation 3. Increase the OID

2. Utilizing precise collimation

How many pounds are in a kilogram?

2.2 pounds 1 x 2.205 = 2.205 pounds Round down to 2.2

How much should the total filtration of the primary beam be when using over 70 kVp?

2.5 mm/ Al

When you use over 70 kVp, total beam filtration should be ____ mm/ Al?

2.5 mm/ Al

How many centimeters are in an inch?

2.54 cm 1 x 2.54 = 2.54 Multiply the inches by 2.54 to convert to centimeters

This imaging plate requires 1 milliRoentgens (mR) of exposure to produce an optimum quality image.

200 class CR

Exposure for a CR is similar to a _______ speed film screen system?

200 speed 400 speed has the best brightness. This is again why CR is being phased out.

How many bones are in the adult skeleton?


What is the tube angulation for an AP C-Spine?

20° cephalad (some books say 15-20)

If a step-down transformer has a turns ratio of 1:10, what will the output voltage be if the input voltage is 220 V?

22 V In a step-down transformer the voltage is stepped-down. In this case it is stepped-down 10 times, so the voltage goes from 220 V in the primary side to 22 V in the secondary.

Using ohm's law, what would the resistance be if the voltage is 110 and the current is 5 amps?

22 Ω (R = V/C) C=A R = 110/5 R = 22

Convert 72°F to °C

22.2°C 5/9 (F-32) 5/9 (72-32) (40)5 /9 200/9 22.2

A human somatic cell will have _____ matched pairs of chromosomes.


First branches of the Aorta that supply blood to the heart

Coronary arteries

What would be the metric cassette size equivalent to a 10 x 12 inch cassette?

24 x 30 2.54 inches = 1 cm 10 x 2.54 = 24 12 x 2.54 = 30

You are using a 25/ 17/ 12 image intensifier tube. The field of view would be the largest in which of the above mentioned sizes?

25 cm

How much rotation is required for the oblique projections of the SI joints?


Calculate the cumulative effective dose limit (Lifetime Dose Limit) for a 25 year old radiologic technician.

250 mSv (milliSievert) Age x 10 25 x 10 = 250 mSv

What is the tube angulation during an axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible if the patient is positioned in a true lateral?

25° Cephalad

What is the CR angulation for the axiolateral modified (Schuller) projection of the TMJ's?

25° caudad

A technique of 150 mA, 3/20 (0.15) seconds and 100 KVP could be changed to 300 MA, ____ seconds and 85 KVP?

3/20 or 0.15 seconds (see image for calculations)

How many watts are produced from a technique of 70 kVp at 400 mA?

28,000 Watts P = V x I x = 70 x 400 x = 28,000 W

Parallel resistors of 3Ω and 6Ω would result in a total Resistance of _____ Ω

2Ω Rtotal = R1×R2/(R1+R2) x = 3*6/(3+6) x = 18/ (9) x = 2

100 mA at 3/5 seconds produces an optimum exposure. What would be the mA be if the time is reduced to 1/5 second?

300 mA (see image for calculations)

If 60 mAs is obtained and the time setting was 0.2 seconds the mA must have been set at ________?

300 mA mAs = mA x Time 60 = mA x 0.2 seconds mA = 60/0.2 mA = 300

If the mAs is 30 and the time is 0.1 seconds, the mA station must be what?

300 mA mAs = mA x seconds 30 = mA x 0.1 seconds 30/ 0.1 seconds 300 mA

Which of the following mA and time settings will produce the greatest exposure? 1. 100 mA and 1/2 (0.5) seconds 2. 200 mA and 1/4 (0.25) seconds 3. 300 mA and 1/5 (0.2) seconds 4. 400 mA and 1/8 (0.125) seconds

300 mA and 1/5 (0.2) seconds 1. 100 x 0.5 = 50 mAs 2. 200 x 0.25 = 50 mAs 3. 300 x 0.2 = 60 mAs 4. 400 x 0.125 = 50 mAs Highest mAs

For a medial (internal) oblique projection of the foot, the foot is rotated ______ °. (Can also be asked: the plantar surface creates a _____ angle to the IR)


How much angulation is required if the patient's OML is perpendicular to the IR for an AP Axial (Towne)?

30° Caudad (37° for IOML)

Where does the CR enter for PA projection of the hand?

3rd MCP

Where does the CR enter for a PA third digit?

3rd Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint

How many solid state rectifiers are needed to produce a single-phase, full-wave rectified current?


Once a CR cassette is placed inside the reader, the computer can read the image. To ensure that the image is read correctly, how many sides of collimation must be present?


There are ____ chambers in the heart.

4 2 Atria 2 Ventricles

What would be the spatial resolution of a 10 in x 12 in (24 cm x 30 cm) IR?

4 line pairs per millimeter (lp/ mm) Nyquist Frequency Question: Spatial Resolution = spaces/ Pitch Just memorize

What filter would produce an X-Ray beam with the highest average photon energy?

4 mm Al ( millimeters of aluminum) Pick the highest listed

If the distance between two charges is cut in half, the force between them will increase by _____

4 times

How much of the radiation exposure is reduced if the distance between the patient and tech is doubled?

4 times less 1/4 intense

From the list below, which choice represents something that an acute abdominal series would not be ordered for? 1. Perforated Hollow Viscus 2. Intestinal obstruction 3. Infection of the abdomen 4. Kid swallowed a coin

4. Kid swallowed a coin (This is what a Nasopharynx/ upper airway is ordered for)

How much mAs will be generated when the control panel is set at 200 mA and 1/5 (0.2) seconds?

40 mAs mAs = mA x time mAs = 200 x 1/5 (1/5 = 0.2) mAs = 200 x 0.2 40 mAs

If 40 mAs and 80 kVp were used with single phase equipment, what should we use for high frequency equipment?

40 mAs and 60 kVp

What speed class of film/ CR will produce the greatest brightness on an x-ray?


How many degrees is a hand rotated for an oblique position?


What is this projection?

45° lateral oblique (External Rotation)

What elbow projection would best demonstrate the coronoid process of the ulna?

45° medial oblique

When an extension cylinder is used to cone down on an area of interest, the kVp should be increased by ______ kVp.

5 kVp Same increase if the patient has a cast

There are ___ lumbar vertebrae


There are _____ movable joints that can be visualized on an AP Pelvis.

5 1. L. Hip 2. R. Hip 3. L3 - L4 4. L4 - L5 5. L5 - S1

If there is a possibility of exceeding ______ mSv per year, personnel monitoring must be conducted.

5 mSv (annual limit)

If a step-up transformer has a turns ratio of 1:1000, what will the output voltage be if the input voltage is 50 V?

50 kV In a step-up transformer the voltage is stepped-up. In this case it is stepped-up 1000 times, so the voltage goes from 50 V in the primary side to 50,000 V in the secondary. 50,000 V/ 1000 = 50 kV

What is the effective dose limit a radiation worker may receive to their whole body in one year?

50 mSv

What is the effective dose limit for the whole body of the Technologist?

50 mSv/ year

How many milliseconds are in 0.05 seconds?

50 ms milli = x 1000 0.005 x 1000 = 50 milliseconds

A sthenic body habitus makes up _____ % of the population, as it is the average body type


At what stage of the grieving process is associated with coming to terms with a terminal illness?

5th stage: Acceptance

How must the tube be angled for an AP knee of a large patient?

5° cephalad Less than 19 cm = 5° caudad 19-24 cm = 0° More than 24 cm = 5° cephalad

The number ____ on the image is a Rectification circuit


There are ____ salivary glands


Explain Lethal Dose 60/20

60% of the population/ group will die in 20 days

What is the normal adult diastolic pressure range?

60-90 mm Hg (Millimeter of mercury) S/D (Systolic/ Diastolic)

How many tarsal bones are in the foot?


How many cervical vertebrae are there?

7 Think of meal times: 7 - Cervical 12 - Thoracic 5 - Lumbar

How many pairs of ribs are considered to be "True Ribs"?

7 Pairs (14 Ribs)

Primary radiation barriers in walls must be _____ feet high

7 feet

What is the normal BUN range for an adult?

7 to 18 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter)

A typical digital radiograph contains ____ megabytes of information

7.5 mb

Characteristic radiation, a type of primary radiation, cannot be produced at tube potentials less than ____ keV.

70 keV

What is the normal adult pulse rate?

70-80 beats per minute

If the peak kilovoltage on a single phase unit is set on 100 kVp, what will the R.M.S. value be?

70.7 kV The RMS value for single phase equipment is 0.707. Multiply the RMS value times the peak voltage to get the effective voltage. In this case, 100 kVp X 0.707 = 70.7 kV.

What amount of obliquity is required to properly visualize the Zygopophyseal joints of the T-Spine?


What SID would produce the least amount of distortion?

72 inches

Preferred SID of C-Spine Laterals is _____

72" SID

What is the preferred SID for an x-ray of the heart and lungs?

72" SID (CXR)

How many kV are in 75,000 V?

75 kV just divide by 1000 or cross out 3 zeros

A 0.5 mm lead gonadal shield will reduce exposure to a female patient by ______ percent


The number ____ on the image is a step-down or filament transformer


Using ohm's law, what would the current be if the voltage is 12 and the resistance is 1.5 Ω?

8 amps (R = V/C) C=A 1.5 = 12/ x 1.5x = 12 x = 12/1.5 x = 8

You have ____ hours of storage in an imaging plate before a latent image is lost.

8 hours. (okay, but why would you wait...?)

An exposure with a 12:1 grid requires 40 mAs, how much mAs should be used if no grid was used?

8 mAs (see image for calculations)

Out of all the IR sizes available in a department, which one would produce the image with the best spatial resolution?

8 x 10 (18 cm x 24 cm) (The smallest size)

A high-frequency generator is operated at 100 kVp, 100 ms at 800 mA. What is the power rating?

80 kW P = V x I P = 100 kVp x 800 mA (0.8 amps) P = 80 kW (its kW because if you start with a k, you end with a k in your equation)

If motion is a problem and 50 mAs is needed, what mA station should be selected? 1. 400 mA 2. 800 mA

800 mA Highest mA station will have the lowest time! mAs = mA x Time 1. 50/400 = 0.125 2. 50/800 = 0.0625

At 60 kVp, how much must the KVP be increased in order to double exposure to the image receptor?

9 kVp 60 kVp x 0.15 (15%) = 9

For a Cleaves/ Frog-Leg lateral, how are the patient's thighs positioned?

Abducted (45°)

What will create the most electrical resistance? A long wire with a small diameter or a short wire with a large diameter?

A long wire with a small diameter

Lateral movement away from the mid sagittal plane of the body


Someone who is paralyzed from the waist down describes what kind of patient?

A paraplegic

What is a byproduct of photoelectric absorption?

A photoelectron

From the list below, which one is not part of the genetic code that helps compose a DNA molecule? A. Creatine B. Cystosine C. Thymine D. Adenine

A. Creatine

Which one from the list below is NOT related to the others? A. Filament B. Tungsten Disk C. Rotor D. Target

A. Filament The filament is in the cathode. The other parts are in the anode

What is the proper position for patient's arm for an AP projection of the scapula?


For this shoulder x-ray, the humerus is in what position?

AP external rotation (AP external Shoulder)

Your patient has a suspected hip fracture. What two images should you obtain?

AP hip and cross table lateral (Never rotate the joint if it is suspected to be broken!! Angle your tube to obtain what you can. I'd do the cross table lateral FIRST to see if there is a fracture before attempting to rotate the limb for an AP)

If the patients shoulder has not been injured what two projections will you take?

AP internal and external rotation

What shoulder projection will place the humerus in a true lateral?

AP internal rotation AP internal = Lateral Humerus

What shoulder projection will best demonstrate the greater tubercle of the humerus?

AP lateral rotation (AP External)

The use of this technique can eliminate the need for a grid during an exam.

Air Gap Technique (Done with a Lateral C-Spine when the patient is in a true lateral)

Step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing a task is known as an?


From the list below, which "blood cell producing" organs are radiosensitive? - Spleen - Lymphatic nodes - Bone marrow

All listed

Which of the following techniques would produce 40 mAs? A. 100 mA and 0.4 seconds B. 200 mA and 0.2 seconds C. 400 mA and 0.1 seconds D. All of the above

All the above Multiply them all out. It will be 40 mAs.

This particle is made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

Alpha Particle

What is an electric current that is constantly changing directions called?

Alternating (AC)

What material in grid inter-spaces will produce the most satisfactory radiograph?


OSLD uses ___ as it's filter to detect radiation?

Aluminum oxide

Small air sacs at the end of bronchioles in the lungs are called?


Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries ______ to the polysome (cluster of ribosomes) in order to synthesize a protein.

Amino acids Building blocks of protein. Remember this and this question will be easy.

A device that measures electrical current is called?

Ammeter (now digital multimeter)

A non-crystalline state of an otherwise crystalline material is known as?


Amorphous ________ releases electrons when struck by x-ray photons.

Amorphous selenium Selen has an ex named X

Amorphous _______ releases electrons when struck by light photons.

Amorphous silicon Silica is best seen in the light

What is the unit of electrical current?

Ampere (A)

What is a heart murmur?

An abnormal, extra heart sound between normal heart sounds.

In what three ways can misrepresentation of the shape of an object be caused?

An angling of: 1. The object 2. The tube 3. The IR

What is considered to be the most accurate timer?

An electronic timer

Subtraction techniques are used for studies in what department?


What radiology field uses size distortion to its advantage?


What is the disease caused by an insufficient amount of RBC or hemoglobin called?


Sac-like formation/ dilation within a weakened blood vessel wall.


Inadequate oxygen supply that causes chest pain.

Angina Pectoris

How would you describe an x-ray photon?

As a high speed bundle of energy

Part of the lung that protrudes above the clavicle

Apex of the lung

The Optic Foramen is located at the _____

Apex of the orbit

This condition might occur with a stroke victim and will cause a loss of speech.


Together the extremities, the shoulder girdles and the pelvis make up the ______ skeleton

Appendicular skeleton

Patient in ER is hemorrhaging from an open leg wound. What should your FIRST response/ action?

Apply direct pressure to wound

Term meaning irregular heart beat.


Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called _____ .

Arteries AA - Arteries Away

What disease causes hardening of the arteries?


What term means something "foreign to the radiographic image"?


What fluoro system was designed to compensate for changes in patient positioning?

Automatic Exposure Rate Control (AERC)

What fluoro system was designed to maintain a constant image brightness?

Automatic Exposure Rate Control (AERC)

From the list below, what are considered extremely sensitive to radiation? (pick 2) A. Lens of the eye B. Blood forming organs C. Reproductive organs/ gonads D. Finger

B & C: Blood forming organs and Reproductive organs/ gonads

Most proximal portion of the stomach


Yeasts and molds are classified as ______ .


From the following list, who is NOT sterile in the OR? A. Patient B. Surgical instrument table C. Anesthesiology tech D. Surgeon

C. Anesthesiology tech

Out of the following administration types, which one is NOT a parenteral administration? A. IM B. IV C. Oral D. SC

C. Oral

Which of the following conditions would be considered "hard to penetrate"? A. Emphysema B. Osteosclerosis C. Osteoporosis D. Pneumothroax

C. Osteonecrosis

Angling the tube towards the head

Cephalad/ Cephalic

What two bones make up the shoulder girdle?

Clavicle and scapula

What is necessary with the CR to demonstrate the intercondyloid fossa?

CR is perpendicular to the lower leg

Largest tarsal bone is called?


What tarsal bone articulates with the talus inferiorly?


How does radiation create cancer in a patient?

Causes a cell mutation that can increase cell growth (like a tumor)

The proximal pouch like portion of the colon is called?

Cecum (Colon = large intestine)

What screen comes first in image intensified fluoro?

Cesium Iodide screen Think ABC's. C = 1st

What is the FIRST step in venipuncture for a patient? (Trick question!!!)

Check patient's identification

_____ pertains to atoms that have their outer electron shell completely filled

Chemically inert (inert = lack the ability to move)

What are the 3 methods of sterilization?

Chemicals, dry heat and steam under pressure (autoclaving)

For proper positioning of a Parietoacanthial (Waters) projection, what part of the patient should rest on the bucky?


Inflammation of a gallbladder


This condition causes gallstones.


During mitosis, each chromosome splits into 2 _____ .


This electrical device will prevent damage if currents go too high

Circuit breaker

What is the correct order for administration of BLS?

Circulation, airway and then breathing (Think CAB)

A patient's IV site has become red and swollen and so you suspect infiltration. What would be the FIRST response/ action?

Clamp off the IV (Then apply a warm compress)

What is it called when a primary photon changes direction but not its energy?

Coherent/ classical scatter

What 2 features of fluoro equipment are designed to reduced unnecessary exposure?

Collimation and "Deadman" switch

Fracture where a bone is splintered into many pieces. It may also be from a crush injury.

Comminuted Fracture

This duct is created from the union of the cystic and common hepatic ducts

Common bile duct

Main bile duct that leads directly from the liver

Common hepatic duct

If line voltage changes because of demands by other users, automatic adjustments are made to the Line Voltage _______ .


If a person is exposed to a range of 100 to 200 Roetengen (R) radiation range, what might happen to them?

Complete recovery after 90 days

What is Situs Inversus?

Complete reversal of all internal abdominal organs (heart shadow on right of chest)

What is the greatest advantage of digital imaging?

Contrast resolution (By the use of LUT)

Adjusting the filament control has what impact on the production of x-rays?

Controls the quantity of x-rays Quantity = mA

What is the natural curve of L-Spine if viewed from anatomic position?


What material will create the least electrical resistance and therefore is used as a conductor?


Where should the CR enter for an AP shoulder?

Coracoid process (1" distal)

Term meaning "outer layer of the kidney"


The lower outer margin of the lung that is located at the junction of the ribs and the diaphragm is called the _______ .

Costophrenic angle (Literally tells you in the question)

What is the unit of electrical charge?

Coulomb (C)

This type of bond holds atoms together by sharing their outer electrons.

Covalent bond Co = like co-op Valent = outer

Part of the skull that surrounds and protects the brain


What must be done to get the wrist as close as possible to the IR for an AP wrist?

Curl the fingers into a fist (Flex the digits)

Flow of electrons is also called?


Condition involving the blue coloration of tissue, due to the lack of oxygen.


This duct transports bile from the gallbladder

Cystic duct

What is the purpose of the patient extending their neck for a CXR?

Demonstrate the lung apices (Think of the most heaviest patient you've ever had. Their neck fat is in the way if they don't look up and it obscures the lung apices)

This structure projects upward from the body of C2

Dens/ Odontoid Process

The density of a film badge is compared to the ______ standard to determine the exposure to the worker?

Density standard

This type of current is supplied by a battery.

Direct Current (DC)

This theory of cell irradiation means "the DNA molecule is struck."

Direct Hit

You kiss your husband, even though he's been sick all week. That evening you start to get sick. What type of disease transmission is this?

Direct contact

After completing a portable on an isolation patient who has a respiratory disease, you should do what with the portable before entering another patient's room?

Disinfect it!

A part that is furthest from the origin or source is known as?


The styloid process of the Ulna is located proximal or distal?


Out of the 3 cardinal rules of radiation protection, which one is the best protection against radiation?


"To change the shape of an object" is known as what term?


Misrepresentation of the true size or shape of an object is called?


Posterior portion of Sella Turcica

Dorsum Sellae (Name literally is back part of sella)

An atom with mass and negative charge is called?

Electron (-)

A smoker's disease that is characterized by trapped air within the alveoli is known as?


Breathing instructions for a lateral sternum

End of Inspiration (Moves the sternum out as far as possible)

What are the breathing instructions for a lower rib x-ray?

End of expiration (like an abdomen)

A _____ tube passes from the mouth to the stomach.

Endotracheal (ET) tube Think: Trachea = throat End = ending in stomach

What is the ability to do work called?


The Quality of an x-ray beam is referred to as the _____ of x-rays.

Energy (kVp)

The number of photons are the lowest during what stage of image intensified fluoro?

Entering the input phosphor

Cartilage that stops food from entering larynx


Out of heart, trachea, esophagus and epiglottis, which one wouldn't be found within the mediastinum?


A disease caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain


Background radiation is anywhere from 40 to 80 microRoentgens (mR) per day. Since IP's are sensitive to levels below 60 mR, what should be done to prevent fog on images from this background radiation?

Erase the plate inside the plate reader every 48 hours they sit idle.

This patient position is required to demonstrate air/ fluid levels within the sinuses


What is the most important x-ray in a rib series if your patient has experienced recent trauma?

Erect Chest (A PA CXR can serve as a scout)

This term means reddening of the skin, sometimes from radiation damage.


What is the amount of radiation needed to produce a noticeable skin reaction called?

Erythema dose

What is the life threatening condition in infants where the esophagus ends in a "blind-pouch"?

Esophageal Atresia (The esophagus never fully opened during development)

What is a condition that is characterized by varicose veins in the esophagus?

Esophageal Varices

Of the following list, which one isn't a facial bone? - Lacrimal - Vomer - Mandible - Ethmoid


The cribriform plate is a part of this bone


This canal connects the nasopharynx with the middle ear

Eustachian tube

Which group of people should you take the most care to utilize radiation protection during an exam?

Everyone should receive the same precautions. (shield everyone)

T/F: Lead would be used in the inter spaces of a grid


T/F: Synthesis of proteins is a function of a DNA molecule


T/F: Nanophase is a stage of somatic cell division

False, Nanophase is a company The stages are: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis.

T/F: A Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) will allow for male gonadal shielding

False, it will NOT allow

T/F: Microwaves, Infrared and X-Rays will all cause Ionization and biological damage.

False, only X-Rays can Ionize out of this list.

T/F: Use highest possible mAs to reduce patient exposure.

False, use lowest mAs

T/F: A focal spot size that is too large will contribute to the underexposure of an image.

False, will not

T/F: A patient asking and receiving extra x-ray exams is well within the legal rights of the patient.

False. Absolutely not, we must always have an order and not a verbal one.

T/F: A Rotor button is found in the x-ray tube.

False. It is on the control panel

T/F: Light from a display monitor is considered ambient light and a radiologist's reading room

False. It's light directly in their vision. (Ambient = background)

T/F: an image intensifier is essential to the operation of AEC

False. Not essential

T/F: Negatively charged atoms is a property of x-rays

False. That's an electron.

T/F: When charting drug information from a procedure, the gauge of the needle used is recorded.

False. The following is required: 1. Drug name 2. Route of administration 3. Date & Time administered

T/F: There are 100 millimeters in 1 centimeter

False. There is 10 mm in a cm Centi, like Century means 100, but milli is 1000. It is only one more zero. 1000/100 = 10

What is the unit of capacitance (capacitors)?

Farad (SI unit, named after Michael Faraday...yes the same shield in microwave doors)

Largest bone in the lower extremity?


Materials that are strongly attracted to a magnet are also known as?


What is considered the least expensive type of personal radiation monitoring device for staff?

Film Badge

A fetus is most vulnerable to radiation during the _____ Trimester of pregnancy.

First Trimester

The medial or first cuneiform articulates with what metatarsal?

First metatarsal

Greatest radiation hazard to a fetus occurs during the ______ trimester?

First trimester

How many distal phalanges are in a foot?


In relation to a glass substrate, a fluorescent layer, a TFT layer and a photoconductor layer, which one is NOT a part of a direct capture flat panel detector?

Fluorescent layer

What is the most effective method for achieving medical asepsis (for yourself)?

Frequent hand washing

This describes how a patient's skin should be cleaned for a surgical procedure such as an arthrogram.

From the center out

From the list below, which organ is located in the RUQ? - Bladder - Gallbladder - Spleen - Descending colon


The mucosal folds of the stomach are called ______ and can be seen when the stomach is empty

Gastric folds (rugae)

One of the following diseases is NOT communicable. A. AIDS B. Tuberculosis C. Ebola D. Gastritis


This device is capable of detecting X-rays, Gamma and Beta particles.

Geiger counter

Field survey and personnel monitoring are what type of radiation detection devices?


What is a coil of wire rotating through a magnetic field that produces an electric current called?


Human cells are divided into what 2 classifications?

Genetic & Somatic Somatic = Cells of the body Genetic = Cells of heredity

"GSD" stands for?

Genetically Significant Dose

What is the estimated dose received by the population?

Genetically Significant Dose (GSD)

Size distortion is affected by ______ factors


This area is located between the eyebrows and just above the bridge of the nose


Your patient has been in an accident and you have to x-ray their skull. They cannot move, so you have to take a AP Trauma Skull projection. With the CR at 0°, it should enter at the _______


What does "GFR" stand for?

Glomerular Filtration Rate

This disease is associated with the thyroid gland.


Alternate name for the posterior angle of the mandible


What is considered the most severe form of convulsive seizures?

Grand Mal seizures

The amount of ionizing radiation energy transferred by any type of radiation to any target material is called? (What unit)


What is the unit of absorbed radiation dose?

Gray (G)

Visually, dynamic range is known as the number of _____ that can be represented.

Gray shades

Fracture often found in children where one side is bent and the other is broken

Greenstick Fracture

A light radiograph may be caused by what grid error?

Grid cut-off

This term occurs when the primary x-rays are absorbed.

Grid cut-off

What directly influences contrast? Grid ratio or Exposure time?

Grid ratio

What is the "height of the lead strips divided by the distance between the lead strips"? Formula: H/D = x

Grid ratio

Hematuria can be broken down into what 2 categories?

Gross and Microscopic Hematuria

This feature of most outlets and plugs can neutralize an electrical charge.


A _____ measurement is used to test if an x-ray tube has the correct filtration.

Half-value layer (HVL)

If you apply too much edge enhancement, what can happen to your image?

Halo artifact Also called: Uberschwinger artifact or rebound effect

What is the single set of chromosomes in a genetic cell called?

Haploid number

Noticeably rapid heart beat is called?

Heart Palpitations

The acetabulum articulates with the ______

Head of the Femur

An infection acquired while one is being treated in a health care facility is known as:

Health care associated infection or nosocomial infection

Spring shaped coil of wire is called a what?


This term means paralysis on one side

Hemiplegic (Half paralysis)

This condition is caused by missing the clotting factor in blood.


What type of stroke occurs when a weakened blood vessel ruptures?

Hemorrhagic stroke

The plane that lies at a right angle to the MSP is called?

Horizontal plane

What is the abbreviation for "history"?


This condition is caused by obstruction causing the renal pelvis to dilate with urine


What type of shock is caused from blood loss due to trauma such as a GSW or a deep cut?

Hypovolemic shock Hypo = Low Vole = Think Volume

Heat is produced from magnetic domains rearranging within a transformer. This type of energy loss is called _____ loss


This examination is performed by injecting contrast into the uterus and uterine tubes

Hysterosalpinogram (Hystero)

This line is parallel to the IR during an SMV


This line should be perpendicular to the IR when positioning for a lateral skull


For a true lateral skull, the MSP must be parallel to the _______


A very high creatinine level is an absolute contraindication for what fluoro exam?


Elderly men commonly have an enlarged prostate. What 3 exams will show this?

IVU, Cystogram and VCUG

What is the bony positioning landmark used for supine abdominal exams?

Iliac Crest

The abdominal aorta will bifurcate (split) into the left and right _____

Iliac arteries

Mobile fluoro equipment must have what feature?

Image Intensification (Be able to see images created with low light)

What is direct capture of a digital image?

Images captured directly by a detector array

A major disadvantage of a film badge for personal monitoring is the fact that the readings aren't ________ .

Immediately available

If you cannot get a body part against the IR, what should you do to compensate for this?

Increase your SID Like a Lateral C-Spine for a patient who is in a true lateral.

Oxygen retention will effect the radiosensitivity of a cell by increasing or decreasing its radiosensitivity?


The most inferior portion of the pelvis is called?

Ischial Tuberosity

What type of digital imaging captures the x-ray image, converts it to light, and then releases electrons to be stored as a latent image?

Indirect digital imaging

An _____ motor powers the rotating anode.


What is the "establishment and growth" of microorganisms within a host?


Meaning lower or further away from the head end


This vessel transports blood from the abdomen to the heart

Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)

What angle joints together the medial and lateral border of the scapula?

Inferior angle

This structure projects downward from the base of the transverse process

Inferior articular process (Leg of the scotty dog)

On inspiration/ inhalation, the diaphragm moves ______ .

Inferiorly/ down

What is Encephalitis?

Inflammation of the brain that is usually caused by a virus and is extremely serious

This line is drawn between the Infraorbital margin and the EAM

Infraorbitalmeatal Line (IOML)

The ______ is the filtration that is manufactured into each tube.

Inherent filtration

This type of filtration is a permanent part of the x-ray tube head.

Inherent filtration

When a multifocus image intensifier is operated in the magnification mode, the electron focal point is closer to the ______ phosphor?

Input phosphor

What material does not allow the flow of electrons to occur?


Bony protrusion on the tibial plateau

Intercondyloid eminence

What separates the medial and lateral condyles posteriorly?

Intercondyloid fossa

For an AP pelvis, the legs should be ________ .

Internally rotated (15-20°)

Turn inward or in


What element is in all IV contrast media?


An atom that has lost one or more of it's electrons is called an?


This type of bond holds atoms together because of their charge.


Biological changes from x-rays are caused by _____ .


Radiation monitoring instruments depend on what type of process in order to record data?


The process that changes a neutral atom into an electrically charged atom is called?


This radiation interaction causes most of the damage within a tissue.


Exposure units are determined by what?

Ionization in air

This type of radiation is defined as "any radiation that is capable of removing an orbital electron".

Ionizing radiation

Charged atoms are called?


Exposure is measured by ____ in the air


What happens to the image when the OID is increased?

It becomes magnified

If you increase the focal spot size, what happens to the spatial resolution of an image?

It decreases

Once voltage is stepped-up, what happens to the current within the secondary side of the transformer?

It decreases the current

What happens to shape distortion when tube angle is decreased?

It will decrease

As a tube gets older, what will happen to the temperature of the filament?

It will increase

The distance between two magnets is cut in half. How does this affect the attraction force between them?

It would increase by 4 times

What is the determining factor in the wavelength of an x-ray?


Radiographic examination of the meniscus is called a?

Knee arthrogram

Spinal cord terminates at the level of ______


The umbilicus is at the level of ____ and _____

L3 and L4 (umbilicus is the center of the 9 quadrants of the abdomen)

The iliac crest is located at the level of _______ .

L4 (in between L4 - L5 in some books)

What oblique would best demonstrate the left colic flexure?


What is the image in an IR after exposure, but before processing called?

Latent image

For lateral projection of the second digit, what side is closest to the IR?


Natural patient motion (breathing technique) can be used to your advantage in a ________ T-Spine view.


Term meaning side or side view


This projection will show all 4 paranasal sinuses


What hand projection is used to determine foreign bodies?


What projection best demonstrates the L5-S1 joint during a Lumbar Spine Series?

Lateral (Lateral Spot)

In what position would the rectum be filled with barium during a BE?

Lateral (rectum)

This projection is described as the patient in a true lateral and the CR entering the Zygoma

Lateral Facial Bones

This projection is described as the patient's head is lateral and the CR enters at the lateral margin of the orbit

Lateral Sinuses

This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another.

Law of Conservation of Energy

What material is the most effective as a protective barrier; lead or lead glass?


Everyone in the OR needs to wear a lead apron when the C-Arm is used. How would it be worn in relation with the sterile gowns?

Lead should be worn under the gown

What decub abdomen should be completed if there is a possibility of free air in the abdominal cavity?

Left Lateral Decub

The Foramen Ovale in a fetus is located between what 2 heart chambers?

Left and Right Atria

What rule determines the direction of the magnetic field around an electrical current?

Left hand thumb rule

What position was this double contrast BE taken in (see image on the backside of this card)

Left lateral Decub

Which decubitus position of the abdomen best demonstrates air/ fluid levels in the abdomen?

Left lateral decub (Never right due to the gastric bubble)

The aorta arises from which chamber of the heart?

Left ventricle

When indirect digital radiography is compared to direct digital radiography, there is less exposure to the patient, but there is also less ______ in the image.

Less resolution

Rounded process of the proximal, medial aspect of the femur

Lesser trochanter

What trochanter should not be seen in an AP hip if the femur is rotated correctly (15-20°)?

Lesser trochanter

What is the disease that results from an unrestrained growth of WBC's?


Which cell would be affected by even the smallest amount of radiation?

Leukocyte (Extremely Radiosensitive)

The term meaning "Image brightness" is called pixel ______ .

Light intensity

This conversion occurs in the image at the photocathode of an image intensifier tube

Light is converted to electrons Light = in Electrons = out Think about a digital camera: Image in as light and then transferred into an electronic picture.

Voltage supplied to an auto-transformer is called?

Line voltage

What would the dose-response curve of a linear, non-threshold curve look like?

Linear = straight line Non-threshold = No curve

LET stands for?

Linear Energy Transfer LET is the amount of energy that an ionizing particle transfers to the material traversed per unit distance. It describes the action of radiation into matter.

A measurement of the rate of energy loss along the track of an ionizing particle is called?

Linear Energy Transfer (LET)

Diagnostic X-rays would represent which type of dose-response curve?

Linear, non-threshold

A detector is exposed several times with images acquired at different exposure levels on the same day. These pixel readings within an ROI compare the relationship of the x-ray output to the pixel values. What quality control test is being described?

Linearity Test (Does the image change or stay the same)

What blood cell is the most radiosensitive?

Lymphocytes (WBC's)

After values of interest have been determined from the histogram, the _____ is then used to re-adjust those numbers to produce proper contrast.

Look up table (LUT) Reworded question from before

This projection is described as the patient standing erect and leaning backward to rest their shoulders against the bucky/ IR.

Lordotic Chest (also called Apical Lordotic)

Fog has the greatest adverse effect and causes areas of _______ brightness on the image.


What is long scale of contrast otherwise known as?

Low contrast Long gray scale = Low contrast = many grays.

Bronchitis is considered a ______ respiratory disease


If you positioned a PA Axial (Caldwell) correctly, the petrous pyramids are projected in the _______

Lower 1/3rd of the orbits

How are "Floating Ribs" best visualized?

Lower Rib projections (Below Diaphragm)

Out of Sternum, Ribs, Thoracic Spine and Lumbar Spine, which one is not considered to be part of the bony thorax?

Lumbar spine

What tissue is the most sensitive to radiation?

Lymphoid tissue

Knuckles is a layman's term for what?

MCP joints

What are the 3 fundamental metric units in Physics?

MKS = Meter Kilogram Seconds

This field surrounds every electrical current.

Magnetic field

What happens when the current within a conductor increases?

Magnetic field strength will also increase

The ratio of SID to SOD is known as?

Magnification ratio MF = SID/SOD SOD = SID-OID

The device that controls the incoming voltage to the auto-transformer is called?

Main breaker switch

The trochlea is on what side of the capitulum?


When the structure is nearest to the midline, it is known as?


Which side of the wrist is closest to the IR during a lateral projection?


What ankle exam is described as having the foot and lower leg rotated medially (internally) 45°?

Medial (internal) oblique

During a medial/ internal oblique foot, what bone is closest to the IR?

Medial cuneiform (1st Cuneiform)

What bony protrusion is easily palpated on the medial aspect of the humerus?

Medial epicondyle

What is the name of the malleolus that is on the distal tibia?

Medial malleolus

Alternate name for the mid sagittal plane (MSP)

Median plane

Area in between both lungs in the thoracic cavity is known as?


When you review the medications a patient is taking and determine if there are any concerns for administering contrast media, what is this called?

Medication reconciliation

Hollow portion of the shaft of a long bone

Medullary cavity

Prefix meaning "1 million"


What is the process of genetic cell division?


What is inflammation of the covering of the brain and spinal cord?


Official name for the age range that menses stops for a woman. (Means pause of menses)


From the list below, which artery does not branch off the Celiac Trunk? - Hepatic - Splenic - Mesenteric - Left Gastric

Mesenteric Artery (Celiac trunk branches off the abdominal aorta. Mesenteric artery originates in the abdominal aorta itself)

This joint is in between the metacarpals and the proximal phalanges?

Metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joints

Name of the bones that make up the palm of the hand?


What cell division stage is the most radiosensitive?


The spread of cancer to a distant site


What is the unit for length in the MKS metric system?

Meter MKS = Meter, Kilogram and Second (used as base units)

The plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior halves is called?

Mid coronal plane (MCP)

The plane that divides the body into left and right halves is called?

Mid sagittal plane (MSP)

What type of meter does not register until an x-ray exposure is made?


How many times should radiation scatter before reaching behind the control booth (the primary barrier)?

Minimum of two times

What causes pitting of the target?

Moderate overloading of the tube

This projection would best demonstrate a blow-out fracture

Modified Waters

How well an imaging system reproduces the sharpness of the actual object is called?

Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) (Gotta be sharp at the MTF)

If the Nyquist frequency and the grid frequency happen to be the same, what error can occur on your image?

Moire effect

A _____ tube passes from the nose to the stomach.

Nasogastric (NG) tube Think: Naso = nose Gastric = stomach

Personnel monitoring devices should be changed every _____ (interval of time)?


Equipment design and use, personnel monitoring and radiation survey procedures are all covered under what NCRP publication?

NRCP Report #102

Coarctation of the aorta is a condition in which there is severe _____ of the aorta.


From the list below, which bone doesn't form the base of the orbit? - Nasal - Frontal - Maxilla - Zygoma


This bony plate divides the nasal cavity

Nasal septum

This area is where the 2 nasal bones and the frontal bone meet up


Cosmic rays and alpha particles are considered what kind of radiation?

Natural or background radiation

What tarsal bone articulates with the talus anteriorly?

Navicular/ Scaphoid

What charge will an Ion have if it has an extra electron?


What kind of charge moves in a conductor?

Negative charges (electrons are negative....duh)

Between a Proton, Electron, Neutron and a Neutrino, which one is the largest?


This particle has no charge.

Neutron (=) (Its neutral)

What is known as a unit of force?

Newton (N)

This Newton's Law states that a body at rest or motion remains in that same state unless a force is applied to it.

Newton's 1st law of Motion

Are the adrenal glands part of the urinary system?


Can Saline be used as contrast medium instead of air, barium or sodium iodide?


Can kVP affect spatial resolution?


Can the radial tuberosity be palpated?


Is the size of an object considered one of the geometric factors that control spatial resolution?


What does styloid process of the radius be seen in a radiograph of the elbow?


Would the spleen be considered a digestive system accessory organ?

No (it is organ of the lymphatic system)

What is the effect that SID has on radiographic contrast?

No effect

Would a port be classified as a beam restricting device? Why?

No, its a type of X-Ray machine

If you use an x-ray tube properly, will it last forever?

No. Nothing lasts forever. Duh. The filament wire will break eventually. You can only prolong the life by taking care of it.

The Radial head, the radial tuberosity, and the condyles of the humerus are well demonstrated on an AP elbow. Is the olecranon process as well?

No. Only a lateral shows the Olecranon Process.

Is a rotating anode needed to produce x-rays?

No. There are stationary anodes

What would the dose-response curve of a non-linear, threshold curve look like?

Non-linear = not straight line Threshold curve = curves

You have to get a chest x-ray during your lunch. Where should your film badge be during this exam?

Not in the room (will pick up scatter)

What can effect the rate of radioactive material decay?

Nothing can.

When were x-rays discovered?

November 8, 1895 HM B-Day was 1898. Easy way to remember!

Most of a cell's genetic info is found within the ______ .


The sampling frequency of the digital data in digital radiography is known as?


Geometric unsharpness is directly proportional to the ____ .


What has the greatest effect on size distortion?

OID (Size and OID)

What is the most important factor in controlling size distortion?

OID OID & Size

The thumb is in what position if the hand is pronated?


When the MSP does not form right angle with the IR or CR, it is called an?


Large foramen in the innominate (pelvis) bone is known as the?

Obturator Foramen

Out of Coronal, squamosal, lambdoidal and occipital sutures, which one is not a suture?

Occipital (That is a bone, not a suture)

This term is the equivalent dose limit that a radiation worker may receive from work.

Occupational exposure

This term means the equivalent dose limit that a radiation worker may receive (at work).

Occupational exposure

This type of radiation is defined as "photons that are not produced at the focal spot".

Off-focus radiation

What is the unit for resistance?

Ohms (Ω)

The most proximal end of the ulna is called?

Olecranon process

How would you describe an ambulatory patient?

One that is able to walk

Formula for electrical power

P = V x I Power = volts (kVp) x current (Amps)

For the best spatial resolution what projection of the clavicle should be used?

PA (Everyone does AP)

This projection would best show the frontal bone

PA Axial (Caldwell)

What patient position would allow the diaphragm to fully descend as low as it can possibly go?

Patient is erect and after full inspiration (Why patients must sit up or stand and take in a deep breath if at all possible)

Immobilization devices, clear and precise verbal instructions, and the shortest exposure time are all things can be used to reduce ______ during an exam?

Patient motion

Ascites is an unusually large amount of fluid in what cavity?


Where does a CR enter for a cross-table lateral of the hip?

Perpendicular to the neck of the femur

This temporal bone structure houses the organs of hearing and equilibrium (inner ear)


This is described as being the common passageway for both food and air


Maslow's hierarchy states that a person's most basic need is?

Physiological needs (Basic survival needs: sleep, food, air and reproduction)

Sac that encloses the lungs is called?


Term meaning "inflammation of pleural membranes"


Acute inflammation of the lung


Abnormal accumulation of air in the pleural space is called a?


Air entering the pleural space is called a ________-thorax?


A knife wound to the chest could demonstrate what 3 conditions on an X-Ray?

Pneumothorax, hemothorax and atelectasis

What is the personnel monitoring device that is capable of providing an immediate reading?

Pocket Dosimeter

This colonic disorder is well visualized by a double contrast BE


A patient's eGFR is checked before their scheduled IVU. It is less than 30mL/ min/ 1.73m². What does this mean for the patient?

Poor kidney function and therefore, IV iodinated contrast is contraindicated. (An eGFR below 60 mL/min/1.73m² suggests that some kidney damage has occurred. The typical range is 60-89, with 90+ being the normal adult number.)

This term describes the back half of the body


Popliteal refers to what part of the knee?

Posterior aspect

In practice of radiology, what human error causes the most repeats?

Positioning errors

What electrical charge is placed on the anode during an exposure?


There are 2 kinds of charges. What are they? (tough question....)

Positive and Negative

Part nearest to the origin or source is called?


The Triquetrum is in what row of the carpal bones?

Proximal row

Large muscles on the lateral edges of the Lumbar vertebrae

Psoas Muscles

Large and thick muscle located on either side of the L-Spine

Psoas muscle (Seen on AP abdomen X-Rays)

Vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs

Pulmonary vessels

What type of pulsating current supplies energy to the x-ray tube?

Pulsating DC

Each RNA and DNA have the same two base building blocks. What are they?

Purine (Adenine) & Pyrimidine (Thymine) This question is NOT looking for Adenine & Thymine, but rather what TYPE they are.

How should you move an object such as a patient's bed? Push or pull it?

Push it

Betty is in a wheelchair and needs a KUB. What is the FIRST thing you would do to move her to the table from her chair?

Push the wheelchair until it is parallel with the table

Before x-raying a patient with a chest drainage tube/ unit, what must be done with the device that is in their lap?

Put drainage unit on the floor to keep it below the level of their chest. (And out of the field of view!)

A patient who is in isolation requires a CXR. What should you do with the cassette bag after the exam?

Put that bad boy in a red bio-hazard bag.

A term meaning "inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis"


Narrowing of pyloric orifice is known as?

Pyloric Stenosis

What is the reason that the tube is made out of Pyrex glass?

Pyrex can withstand high heat better than regular glass. And cause Pyrex rocks. Duh

What abbreviation means to provide a medication "four times a day"?


This term means paralysis in all four extremities

Quadriplegic (4 paralysis)

This person is responsible for routine radiation safety checks in Radiology.

Qualified expert such as a medical physicist

Balancing the sharpness and visibility of detail will help you achieve radiographic _____ .


A digital image with insufficient amount of mAs will produce what on the image?

Quantum noise

This law states the resistance in a circuit is equal to the voltage divided by the current (R = V/C)

R = Ω Ohm's Law

A patient who was in a car accident reports that they have anterior rib pain on their left side. Which oblique should be preformed?


What position will best demonstrate the pylorus of the stomach and duodenal loop?


What oblique projection is preferred for a Sternum?

RAO (This projects the sternum over the shadow of the heart, to be used as a compensating filter)

This term means that different types of radiation have different biological effects.


This term refers biological dose.

RBE The Relative Biologic Effectiveness (RBE) represents the ratio of doses required by two different radiations (eg, photons and protons) to cause the same level of biologic effect.

Alternating Current (AC) values are always expressed as _____ values

RMS (Root Mean Square)

What projection would best demonstrate the axillary portion of the ribs on the right side?

RPO (AP rib series)

This branch of physics has much to do with the origin and nature of X-Rays.

Rad. Physics

What is the branch of science that involves the study of matter, energy and the relationship between them?

Rad. Physics

This person is responsible in the hospital for governing the use of radiation sources.

Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)

Changing from AC to DC is called?


How is energy released that has been stored in an imaging plate by a CR reader?

Red laser light

If SID is halved, what change should be made to your mAs in order to maintain the same receptor exposure?

Reduce mAs by 4 times

Intermittent exposures performed by the radiologist during fluoro procedures will do what for the patient?

Reduce radiation exposure

Radiographic grids are used in radiology to do what?

Reduce the effect of scatter

When going from a 16:1 grid to a 6:1 grid, how much the mAs be adjusted?

Reduced by 1/2 16: 1 GCF = 6 6:1 GCF = 3 6/3 = 0.5 or 1/2

Patient dose during fluoro exams can be minimized by?

Restriction of beam size (Collimation)

Materials that are difficult to magnetize and demagnetize are said to have a high ______


If milliamperage is set on the control panel, what device is being used?


This device has an electrical current that may vary (may also be called a variable resistor)


"Costa-" means?


Which one of the two hemi-diaphragms is more superior?

Right (Liver is directly under)

Out of Brachiocephalic, Right subclavian, Left Carotid and Left coronary arteries, which one does NOT originate DIRECTLY from the aortic arch?

Right subclavian artery

What is done with the patients foot for an AP hip projection?

Rotate internally 15 to 20°

Your first image has a Moire pattern. How should you adjust the grid to get rid of them for your second image?

Rotate the grid so that the grid lines are running perpendicular to the x-ray beam

Which factor affects brightness out of SID, OID and focal spot size?


Which one of the 4 primary factors will always have an effect on spatial resolution?


What might be the cause of an overexposed image? SID is too close or the mAs is too low?

SID is too close High mAs would mean overexposure

This projection would best demonstrate the floor of the cranium


What exam would best demonstrate the base of the cranium?


Out of SVC, Atria, Ventricles and the Mitral Valve, which one is not considered to be a part of the heart?

SVC (Superior Vena Cava - its a vessel and not a part of the heart itself)

What bone in the vertebral column is actually 5 separate bones until about the mid-teenage years when they begin to fuse?

Sacrum (Starts to fuse around age 16 and finishes around age 26)

Extreme overexposure of at least 4 times will create "Black holes" in the low density tissue areas in a digital image. This would be called _____ ?


This occurs when the imaging plate or flat panel detector is grossly overexposed.


The number of brightness differences in an image defines what term?

Scale of contrast

What two bones articulate with the clavicle?

Scapula and sternum

When reading a publication and ____ is used in a sentence, it means that a recommendation is to be applied when practical

Should Should = optional

What exam of the patella is described as the patient laying prone and the affected knee flexed at 90°?


For a patient within a sterile field, what type of gonadal shielding should be used?

Shadow shield Think of the NICU infants

When reading a publication and _____ is used in a sentence, it means that a recommendation is necessary to meet the accepted standards

Shall Shall = required

This transformer core is most widely used in X-Ray equipment.

Shell type

This type of transformer core is most efficient.

Shell type

This wavelength represents a high energy, x-ray photon.

Short wavelength High & Short

What is the unit of measurement of the quantity of radiation received by radiation workers?

Sievert (Sv)

A solid-state rectifier is primarily made of what material?


What position should the patient be in for a BE tip insertion?

Sims' Position

What material would make the best transformer core?

Soft Iron

Posterior laminae not fusing describes _______ , a congenital birth defect.

Spina Bifida

A condition where a vertebra slips forward on top of another. (For example, L5 slipping forward on top of S1)


Forward slippage of one vertebrae on another is a condition known as?


Skin cancer is commonly called ______ cell carcinoma?


The flat and major part of the parietal bone is called the?

Squamous portion

CDC has recently changed isolation precaution terms from universal precautions and body substance isolation to ______ precautions.


Manufacture and repair of equipment, facility design and personnel qualifications are covered by _____ ?

Standards and regulations of x-rays

What projection is used to determine if there is an AC joint separation?

Standing with weights held in hands

A _____ test is used to figure out what the focal spot size is.

Star pattern test

The timer is located between the auto-transformer and the _______ transformer within an x-ray circuit?


A ______ transformer has more turns of wire in the secondary side than in the primary side.

Step-up transformer It "steps-up" the turns

What is the name of a 3D radiograph that is produced by two angled views of the same part?

Stereoradiograph Stereo = 2 sided

Xiphoid process is a section/ part of what bone?


What bone should be x-ray'd to show the manubrium?

Sternum (Its another part of the sternum - TOP)

These phosphors are grown into columns.

Structured phosphors

Where is CSF contained?

Subarachnoid space

What position is the patient placed for a general "scout" abdomen x-ray?

Supine (The alternate names are: KUB, Flat Plate, AP abdomen, 1-view abdomen and scout)

Air-fluid level cannot be demonstrated on what abdominal x-ray?

Supine abdomen

When moving a patient with a broken arm, what must you do with that arm?

Support the entire arm

This topographical landmark corresponds to the cranial floor

Supraorbital Groove

What is the most common fracture site for the humerus?

Surgical neck

What will have the best effect on reducing motion for a KUB?

Suspending respirations

Dysphagia causes difficulty of what?


The timing for a Small Bowel study begins when the patient ______

Swallows the barium

Flat panel detectors use a _______ to capture the x-ray image.

TFT array (Thin Film Transistor)

Describe the valsalva maneuver

Taking a deep breath and straining down (When the radiologist tells them to squeeze like they are having a bowel movement)

What knee projection will best show the space between the patella and the femur?

Tangential (Stettegast)

What bones articulate with the base of the metatarsals?

Tarsal bones

From the list below, which one articulates with the zygomatic bones? - Lacrimal - Frontal - Mandible - Temporal


From the list below, which one does not make up the calvarium? - Frontal bone - Parietal Bone(s) - Temporal Bone - Occipital Bone

Temporal Bone

Oil-based iodinated contrast has one primary disadvantage to today's contrast. What is it?

That it is not absorbed by the body and remains within the space it was placed

What is considered the most radiosensitive part of the eye?

The lens

Goiter is a disease that causes an enlarged ________ ?

Thyroid gland

Concave, articular surface of the proximal tibia is called?

Tibial plateau

Rounded projection on the anterior, proximal surface of the tibia

Tibial tuberosity

Why does your film badge holder have a filter inside?

To determine radiation energy

Why should you take CXR PA over AP as much as you possibly can?

To minimize magnification of the heart

What is the purpose of having your patient roll their shoulders forward for a PA CXR?

To move the scapulae up and out of the lung fields. (Best way to do this is to have them hug the bucky. They will always be out of the way and they usually won't push their shoulders up)

What is the purpose of the tube being encased in lead?

To prevent leakage radiation

Out of the Esophagus, Aorta, Trachea and IVC, which one doesn't pass through the diaphragm?

Trachea (IVC = inferior vena cava)

This term means "surgical opening of the trachea to free the air passageway".


What is the chief reason AC is used in radiology?

Transformers cannot operate without it

What precautions are applied when a patient is known to have a communicable disease or an infection from a pathogen?

Transmission-based precautions (contact, droplet and airborne)

What shoulder projection is used if there's an obvious fracture of the upper humerus?

Transthoracic lateral

From the list below, which one is not a thoracic vertebra part? - Body - Transverse foramen - Spinous process - Inferior articular process

Transverse foramen (C-Spine feature)

The lateral projections of a vertebra are known as?

Transverse processes

When a patient is recumbent with their head lower than their feet, what position is this called?

Trendelenburg (Sometimes called the shock position)

When the ventricles of the heart contract, the _____ valves close, stopping the back flow of blood.

Tricuspid and Mitral Valves (AV Valves)

The trochlea articulates with what bone?

Trochlear notch

T/F: More latitude in patient positioning is not an advantage of AEC

True. There is less margin for error with AEC. Positioning must be spot on.

Electrons that are accelerated across the tube are called the ______ current.

Tube current

What current is measured by the milliammeter?

Tube current

Filament wires in radiographic tubes are made out of what metal material?


In a rotating anode tube, what is the coating on the tungsten disk?

Tungsten rhenium alloy

What is the common name for the position that demonstrates the intercondyloid fossa?

Tunnel view

These phosphors are randomly suspended in the phosphor layer.

Turbid phosphors

What is Volvulus?

Twisting of bowel along its mesentery or on itself

What are the two primary factors in protecting you from scatter radiation?

Use some type of lead shielding & increase distance from the patient

What is the name of the primary beam after it passes through beam restricting device?

Useful beam

The _______ number refers to the number of electrons in the outer shell of an electron.

Valence number (Valence = outer)

Nitroglycerin is used as a ________ .


"Phleb-" means?


What radiographic procedure is described as "contrast medium injected into the veins of the patient's leg"?


This condition is hallmarked by rapid, irregular and ineffective twitches of the ventricles of the heart.

Ventricular Fibrillation

What artery passes through the C-Spine transverse foramina?

Vertebral Artery

The opening in the spine that the spinal cord passes through is called the?

Vertebral foramen

Most superior aspect of the skull


"Angi-" means?


"Vas-" means?


What is the Fuchs Method used for?

Visualize the Dens of C2 (Dens is also called Odontoid process)

An excessive amount of electrons at one end with a deficiency at the other end of a conductor is called?


What causes electrons to move in a conductor?


Work exerted on a charged particle is measured in ____

Volts (V)

Adequate part penetration is a major benefit of having a ______ technique chart in a radiology department.

fixed kVp

This facial bone articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone


A 3D tissue volume represented in each pixel is called a?


When invaded by pathogens, the body increases the amount of _____ in the blood stream?


Irradiation of the bone marrow will affect the production of what type of blood cell?


These two projections are used during a routine nasal bone series

Waters & both laterals

What is the unit of electrical power?

Watt (W)

Epinephrine is synonymous with what type of hormone secreted in the body?


"Contra-" means?


Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is classified as what type of drug?


The photo stimulable phosphor (PSP) that is used in a CR IP is a barium fluorohalide compound that is impregnated with _____ .


Exposure is a measurement affected by the presence of _____ in the air?


A water-soluble iodinated contrast media whose osmolality is high, has more particles in the solution and results in increased or decreased adverse reactions?

increased low osmolality = less reactions & less particles

When a wire moves through a magnetic field, an electromotive force is ______ in the wire

induced Induced = created

What is it called when an IV solution has leaked into the nearby tissues instead of flowing through the veins?


Maximum x-ray energy is equal to what prime factor?


Quality of the x-ray beam as determined by ______


This prime factor increases the penetrating power of the beam.


This term is one of the four primary factors that is known as the "factor of penetration".


The use of mAs can never compensate for not enough of what primary factor?

kVp (for proper penetration)

The purpose of this device is to tap the windings of the auto-transformer to supply voltage to the step-up transformer.

kVp selector

Focal spot size is largely determined by the use of what prime factor?


Cell division in somatic cells is called?


Beam filtration makes the primary beam more or less homogenous?


The shortest possible exposure time is the best way to reduce the risk of _____ during an exam.


How much must the mAs be increased when changing from no grid to an 8:1 grid ratio?

multiplied by 4 No grid = GCF of 1 8:1 = GCF of 4 mAs would be multiplied by 4

Standing with your arms crossed is an example of what type of non-verbal communication?


"Neur-" means?


The most prefered water-soluble contrast for fluoro would be what type? (Most radiology departments use this anyway due to the lower reactions)

non-ionic with low osmolality

What is osmolality?

number of particles in solution per kilogram of water

"Heart Attack" is a descriptive term/ caused by what clinical condition?

occluded coronary artery

After an exposure, one side of the image is underexposed. This points to _______ grid cut-off?

off center

Where should your radiation monitoring device be worn to NOT receive too much radiation? ( to not have an inaccurate reading)

on your collar

"-algia" means?


"dys" means?


The total absorption of the primary x-ray photon is called?

photoelectric absorption

The emission of electrons from the photocathode is known as?


Each cell of an image matrix is called a _______ .


"Immun-" means?


A neutral atom always has the same number of _____ as electrons.


The mass number of an atom is equal to the number of what two particles?

protons and neutrons

Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries info to the ______ to synthesize proteins.


Malignant tumor of connective tissue


When compared with a low ratio grid, the high ratio grid will be able to absorb more _____ radiation.


Device that allows current to flow in one direction only is called a?


Betty has sustained a head injury. She should be kept in what position by the ER staff?

semi-erect All head injuries must stay semi-erect

The greatest effect from radiation exposure will occur with a large dose over a ____ time period.


How are parallel resistors connected in a circuit?

side by side (think of the word parallel and it's meaning)

If a patient's blood pressure is high, usually their pulse rate will be?


According to the line focus principle, the effective focal spot is smaller or larger than the actual focal spot?


Effective focal spot is the _____ sized part when compared to space charge, actual focal spot and the target.


"-centesis" means?

surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas

"-plasty" means?

surgical repair

Largest bone in the lower leg


Sublingual medication is given?

under the tongue sub= under lingual = tongue

The purpose of a compensating filter is to produce uniform ________ in an image.

uniform exposure

Increasing SID, decreasing the focal spot size and decreasing OID can reduce ____ in an image.

unsharpness (Increasing spatial resolution)

Nose and throat are the locations of an ______ respiratory disease.


This term means the transmission of pathogens from a bug to a person.


What term is known as "the spread of a disease through water or food"?

vehicle (think the organisms are transported like a taxi)

What makes high-frequency generators more efficient at producing x-rays than that of single-phase?

voltage never drops to 0

A tell-tail sign that your CR reader has dirt in the light guide is the presence of _____ on the image.

white lines

This conversion occurs in the image at the input phosphor of an image intensifier tube

x-rays converted to visible light X-Rays = in light = out

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