Practicum in Policing Final

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According to Scott et al., perception and motor skills can impaired by a relatively low blood alcohol concentration. This can occur after as few as ___ adult beverages. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

B. 2

While there is no national database of officer involved shootings or incidents in which police use excessive force, the BJS does routinely analyze national data on citizens complaints about police use of force. This research suggests that in large departments (100+ sworn officers) the complaint rate is about ___ complaints per 100 sworn officers. A. 4.5 B. 6.6 C. 8.1 D. 10

B. 6.6

Implicit bias describes the subconscious or conscious automatic association people make between groups of people and stereotypes about those groups?


According to the FBI, prior to violent acts, a high percentage of attackers "leaked" information about their planned attack.


Active listening is not about problem solving: Active listening is about gathering data, allowing the consumer to vent / diffuse the crisis by validating emotions, and untimely Building Rapport.


An emergency no contact order is initiated when an arrest has been made for domestic assault causing injury.


Blair's (2013) work suggests that 1/5 active shooter events occurs outdoors and about 1/5 attackers go mobile. As such, a critical argument of this work is that active shooter training address operating in outdoor environments.


CODIS is the acronym for the Combined DNA Index System and is the generic term used to describe the FBI's program of support for criminal justice DNA databases as well as the software used to run these databases.


Compared to non-CSI viewers, CSI viewers ultimately responded differently with regard to willingness to convict in some cases where scientific evidence was not presented.


Edmond Locard (1877-1966) had a theory that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something to the crime scene and leave with something and both can be used in forensic evidence


Even the most committed police agencies and officers can stop or arrest only a very small percentage of the impaired drivers who are on the road at any one time—probably less than one percent.


For a challenge to search and seizure under the fourth amendment to succeed, a person must establish that: 1) he asserted a subjective expectation of privacy in the place searched or object seized; and 2) his subjective expectation was objectively reasonable. US v. Kiser


Forensic Science is the application of science to the criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system


In a court setting, officers should be concerned with the persuasiveness of both their verbal testimony as well as their non-verbal presentation.


Law enforcement officers operate as a witness in court.


Making lawful entrance into a residence, does not automatically give an officer the right under the Fourth Amendment to conduct a safety sweep.


Non-whites are disproportionately the victims of excessive use of force by the police.


Report writing is an essential skill in law enforcement?


Research demonstrates that civilians and police officers alike make the decision to shoot more rapidly when faced with a scenario where a black suspect (compared to white) is holding a gun.


Research exploring race-crime stereotypes and race-weapon associations consistently demonstrate a strong relationship between negative (criminal) stereotypes and African Americans/Blacks as compared to whites.


Dealing with the expectations of jurors is challenging because in reality, forensic scientists do not deal in certainty but rather in _________________.


Sexual assault committed by someone the victim knows is much more common than cases of sexual assault involving a stranger. Despite this, historically the US criminal justice system has prioritized the latter, "real-rape".


Sniffing and contacting chemicals is a real risk to police dogs. Alerting the local veterinarian should be the K-9 handler's first line of defense against negative effects, potential or actual, or any specific chemical.


Rank order the following active shooter attack locations from most common to least common (based on percent of attacks in the data reviewed between 2000 to 2010). A. Public Venue B. Business C. School D. Other 1. A, B, C, D 2. B, C, A, D 3. C, B, A, D 4. None of the above are correct

2. B, C, A, D

Correctly order the levels or continuum of force that police use (lowest level of force to highest). A. lethal force B. verbalization C. officer presence D. less-lethal methods E. empty-hand control 1. BCEDA 2. CBEDA 3. CBDEA 4. BCEDA


Communication is a basic _________ skill in crisis intervention. Done properly, it is reassuring, establishes understanding between people and ______________ intense emotion. 1. Inherent 2. Tactical 3. Diffuses 4. Insight

2. Tactical & 3. Diffuses

According to Vukelic (specifically!), more than ___ percent of all cases are disposed of through a plea of guilty, a negotiated plea agreement, or a dismissal of the charge.


What is the best way to show someone you care through active listening? A. Show empathy toward the person B. Judge that person C. Give that person unwanted advice D. Remain silent until they walk away


Why do violent incidents happen? A. For any reason B. Mental illness C. Bullying D. Stress


A common reference point for reaction time is ____ seconds. This is the time it takes most human beings to realize there is a serious problem. Additionally, it takes the average officer another this amount of time to draw a firearm and fire the first shot. A. 1.5 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

A. 1.5

In their research, Campbell and colleagues (2016) randomly sampled eligible (based on their outlined standards) stranger and non-stranger SAKs. They found that of those previously untested ids, _____ percent of SAKs from stranger-perpetrated assaults and ______ percent of SAKs from nonstranger rapes produced CODIS eligible profiles. A. 54; 40 B. < than 50; < than 50 C. 45; 40 D. > than 50; > than 50

A. 54; 40

Individuals who drink and drive at least twice per month account for what percent of drunk driving trips? A. 90 B. 70 C. 50 D. 20

A. 90

Which SFST is most reliable? A. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test B. Personal Contact C. One-Leg Stand Test D. Pre-Arrest Screening

A. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test

As part of the three part test to determine if a Fourth Amendment problem exists, what following factor is NOT examined: A. Is the person an American citizen (as opposed to undocumented immigrant) B. Is there a state action? C. Is the place searched a protected area under the Fourth Amendment? D. Is it an "unreasonable search or seizure?"

A. Is the person an American Citizen (as opposed to an undocumented immigrant

When a CSI is dealing with chemicals, it is important to know what chemicals they are using, how to safely use the chemicals, and what to do if the chemical is ingested or makes contact with skin or eyes. What does the CSI use before handling chemicals? A. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) B. Material Substance Data Statistics (MSDS) C. Chemicals & More D. Street Drugs Identification Guide

A. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Which of the following is/are not characteristics of verbalization? A. Officers issue firm, threatening commands to gain compliance B. Officers issue commands in a calm manner C. Officers may increase volume in an attempt to gain compliance D. Officers may shorten commands in an attempt to gain compliance

A. Officers issue firm, threatening commands to gain compliance.

What does the acronym "OWI" stand for? A. Operating While Intoxicated B. Operating While Impaired C. Operating When Ingesting Alcohol/Drugs D. Operating When Influenced

A. Operating While Intoxicated

Completion of a Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) preserves physical evidence of a crime. A chief aim is to collect biological specimens that may be analyzed for DNA, such as semen, blood, and/or saliva. These samples may be collected by which of the following: A. health-care professionals B. law-enforcement personnel C. Both A and B

A. health-care professionals

________________ is the term used to describe an armed individual who has used deadly force on others and continues to do so while having unrestricted access to additional victims.

Active Shooter

People may be stereotyped on the basis of... Nationality, Income, Gender, or All of the Above.

All of the above

What senses are important to include in an incident report if present? Sight, Odor, Feel, Hear, Taste, or all of the above?

All of the above

President's Task force on the 21st Century Policing: "The public confers legitimacy only on those whom they believe are acting in procedurally just ways." Procedurally just behavior is based on four central principles. Identify the sentence that is not a principle: A. Treating people with dignity and respect B. Arresting anyone who does not uphold / defend the constitution C. Giving individuals 'voice' during encounters D. Being neutral and transparent in decision making E. Conveying trustworthy motives


What is not a goal of the crisis intervention team? A. Officer Safety B. To act as a personal counselor to people in crisis and answer all of their questions C. Citizen safety D. To manage potentially volatile situations that involve people who have a serious mental illness, in crisis, suicidal, or emotionally unstable. E. Improve police services to the community


Your goal is survival; which of these things does not help you to accomplish that goal? A. Always be aware of the environment around you B. Sit still and wait until you feel safe C. Trust your feelings and instincts D. Remove yourself from the equation


What time do most violent incidents occur? A. Noon B. Anytime C. 8:45 pm D. 4:20 pm


"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and het persons or things to be seized." This paragraph falls under what amendment? A. Amendment 2 (II) B. Amendment 4 (IV) C. Amendment 6 (VI) D. Amendment 14 (XIV)

B. Amendment 4 (IV)

Which of the following is the landmark case which put an end to the previously common practice of coercing confessions through physical threats and violence? A. Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 B. Brown v. Mississippi, 1936 C. Korematsu v. US, 1944 D. Brown v. Board of Education, 1954

B. Brown v. Mississippi, 1936

What are the three categories of fingerprints based on pattern? A. Swirls, Waves, Bubbles B. Loops, Whorls, Arches C. Whorls, Gradient, Loops D. Spirals, Swirls, Loops

B. Loops, Whorls, Arches

It is very important for the CSI to record the crime scene in its original state. What are the four generally accepted ways to record a scene? A. CSI's memory, Etch a Sketch, Photography and Video B. Notes, Photography, Sketches, and Video C. None of the above

B. Notes, Photography, Sketches, and video

What is the CSI Effect? A. Crime scene investigative tools utilized by expert crime scene techs B. When the public holds unrealistic expectations of forensic science, evidence and the police in general C. Creative scene initiatives when the investigating officer cannot produce evidence D. When the public holds realistic expectations of forensic science, evidence and the police in general

B. When the public holds unrealistic expectations of forensic science, evidence and the police in general

According to Vukelic, which of the following is not an important components to being a persuasive witness? A. being truthful, witnesses testify under oath and failure to tell the truth can result in a felony charge of perjury B. adjusting one's attitude to circumstance, offering a clever comment or joke where appropriate C. use powerful language to convey confidence and professionalism D. use examples, stories and analogies to strengthen the presentation of your witness testimony E. all of these suggestions are made

B. adjusting one's attitude to circumstance, offering a cleaver comment or joke where appropraite

Within the use-of-force continuum, the use of blunt impact, chemical sprays or projectiles, or Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) such as a taser are considered a part of which level? A. empty-hand control methods B. less-lethal methods C. lethal methods D. none of the above

B. less-lethal

We are all innately wired for forward movement. Your balance and equilibrium are more adversely affected when your vertical plane is broken in a backward direction. Given this notion, the simplest mechanism for the effective takedown of a suspect is the ____________________ technique. A. double leg takedown B. rear pull-down C. ankle pick D. low single

B. rear pull-down

According to Blair (2013) of the active shooter incidents reviewed (2000 to 2010) what is the most common resolution of the active shooter event? A. Victims stop attacker B. the attacker stops (either leaves or via suicide) C. the police shoot the attacker D. the police subdue the attacker

B. the attacker stops (either leaves or via suicide)

Level 2, Verbal Communication: Most confrontations, the officer is likely to be faced with an individual exhibiting fear, anger, or frustration. When possible we encourage: A. Walking Away B. Looking the person in the eyes and pretending to listen C. Talking D. Laughing out loud to minimize how they are feeling


What does the term OODA or OODA Loop refer to? A. Objective - Observant - Dedicated - Advisor B. Observe - Obey - Decide - Alter C. Observe - Orient - Decide - Act D. Obtuse - Oblige - Direct - Aquire


What is the best way to de-escalate situations? A. Intervene aggressively B. Tell them to "calm down" C. Active Listening D. Order them to time out


What is the leading cause of preventable deaths during an active shooter event? A. Loud Noises B. Slippery Floors C. Hemorrhage from Exremities D. Smoke from fire or explosions


Nationally, Hispanics are dramatically / disproportionately represented in the jails, prisons, and probation systems.

False - Blacks

Approximately ___ % of people expect to see some form of scientific evidence in every criminal case. A. 30 B. 42 C. 46 D. 51

C. 46

Police use force to stop the killing in approx. 28% of all identified active shooter events (Blair, 2013). In what percentage of those incidents was deadly force employed? A. 45 B. 57 C. 71 D. 85

C. 71

How many active shooter events occurred between 2000 and 2010? A. 43 B. 62 C. 84 D. 112

C. 84

This U.S. Supreme Court decision ensures that officers are legally protected in instances where they utilize force so long as that force is deemed "objectively reasonable". A. Berghuis v. Thompkins B. Pearson v. Callahan C. Graham v. Connor D. Herring v. United States

C. Graham v. Connor

What is "Lawful but Awful" A. Reasonable, but not justified B. Reasonable, but not right C. Justified, but not reasonable D. Justified because the perpetrator was a jerk

C. Justified, but not reasonable

______________________ is a phenomenon whereby an event or experience is attributed to an incorrect cause; _________________ refers to an attempt to remove uncertainty of meaning from a situation. A. Misattribution; cognitive depletion B. Cognitive load; dismbiguation C. Misattribution; disambiguation D. Implicit bias; Cognitive depletion

C. Misattribution; disambiguation

Police, with neither probable cause nor exigent circumstances, conduct a warrantless search and non-consensual search of an apartment where the defendant is staying as an overnight guest of the apartment's lawful tenant. Police find meth in the living room. Which of the following is correct? A. The evidence discovered will be admissible against both the defendant and the tenant. B. The evidence discovered will be admissible against defendant but not the tenant. C. The evidence discovered will not be admissible against either the defendant or the tenant.

C. The evidence discovered will not be admissible against either the defendant or the tenent

In a criminal case, law enforcement officer's tend to identify with the prosecution and offer their testimony in an effort to achieve which of the following outcomes? A. mediation B. acquittal C. conviction D. resolution

C. conviction

Under the ________________, any evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment will be excluded from criminal proceedings. There are a few exceptions to this rule. A. reasonableness requirement B. plain site doctrine C. exclusionary rule D. inclusion rule

C. exclusionary rule

If a police office stops a driver and concludes that the driver is not impaired, when in fact he is, this is considered a what? A. false positive B. wrongful result C. false negative D. Incorrect ruling

C. false negative

An __________________ is a conversation intended to elicit information. A. interrogation B. investigation C. interview D. accusation

C. interview

In civil court, "Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage... causes to be subjected, any citizen of the US or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immuniites secured by the Constitution and laws, ___________________ to the party injured..." 42 US Code section 1983 A. cannot be liable B. must give an apology C. shall be liable D. are under no obligation

C. shall be liable

What does a typical active shooter look like? A. Hispanic - Short Hair- Trench Coat B. Short - Female - Caucasian C. Bald - Tall - Male D. Anyone


Where do most violent incidents take place? A. Shopping malls B. Colleges C. Churches D. Anywhere


Which model does University of Iowa Police use/endorse? A. Run Like Hell B. Hide Run Call C. Fight Kick Yell D. Run Hide Fight


Approximately what percentage of the population has admitted to driving after drinking within the past year? A. 5 B. 12 C. 18 D. 25

D. 25

It is required that members of law enforcement agencies relay certain warnings (established by the Miranda Rule) prior to any custodial interrogation, that is they must inform suspects of basic rights afforded during the interrogation process. Which of the following are included as part of these rights/warnings? A. privilege against self-incrimination B. the right to have an attorney present during questioning C. the right to consult with/receive advice from their attorney D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Recently, state and local law enforcement agencies across the country have integrated implicit bias education into their training program. These training programs aim to fulfill what chief purpose/s? A. to help officers understand how unconscious and unintentional biases can affect their work B. to reinforce the investigative skills that the department's law enforcement officers already possess C. to reaffirm the department's commitment to a criminal justice system that is fair, impartial and procedurally just D. All of the above E. A and C only

D. All of the above

Regarding the issuing of search warrants, which of the following must occur? A. is must be issued by a court B. it must be supported by Oath of affirmation C. it must be carried our within a designated time frame D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What are the three Standardized Field Sobriety Tests? A. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test B. Walk and Turn Test C. One-Leg Stand Test D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is/are chief arguments in support of a "test all kits" policy (once the backlog of untested kits has been eliminated)? A. Doing so sends an important symbolic message to sexual assault victims agreeing to undergo a forensic medical examination that doing so may aid in successful prosecution of all offenders. B. Testing all kits in a timely manner means that forensic evidence that potentially corroborates the victim's allegations is produced early on in the investigative process and not when the statute of limitations already has expired. C. Doing so would detectives to use the corroborative evidence to develop a more convincing case for prosecution, with the result that fewer cases will be rejected at charging. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The general acceptance test is a test to determine the admissibility of scientific evidence. It provides that expert opinion based on a scientific technique is admissible only where the technique is generally accepted as reliable in the relevant scientific community. What is the name of the standard that governs the admissibility of scientific evidence in Iowa? A. Daubert Standard B. Hayden Frey Standard C. Luke Pritchard's Standard D. Frye Standard

D. Frye Standard

Fingerprints are readily apparent and can be seen with the naked eye (ink, blood, mud, etc). _________________ fingerprints are invisible to the naked eye and require a Crime Scene Technician to develop them. A. Transparent B. Elusive C. Corrosive D. Latent

D. Latent

Which of the following incidents spurred the development and implementation of active shooter response training? A. The mass shooting at Virginia Tech B. The Aurora Colorado movie theatre mass shooting C. Gang Lu's mass shooting at the University of Iowa D. The Columbine High School Attack

D. The Columbine High School Attack

THe U.S Supreme Court developed a four-part test to determine if an area is outside the curtilage of the home. What is NOT a factor in the four-part test? A. The proximity of the area to the home. B. Whether the area is included within an enclosure surrounding the home C. The nature of the uses to which the area is put D. The value of the property E. The steps taken by the resident to protect the area from observations by people passing by

D. The value of the property

What is the purpose of an initial walk through? A. To draw a conclusion on what actually occurred B. To eliminate artifacts as evidence C. To make sure no one is hiding D. To gain an overview of the situation and develop a strategy for systematically examining and documenting the crime scene.

D. To gain an overview of the situation and develop a strategy for systematically examining and documenting the crime scene

Drug detector dogs may be used for each of the following except which? A. Search vehicles, buildings, parcels, areas or other items deemed necessary B. Obtain a search warrant by using the dog in support of probable cause C. Assist in the search for narcotics during a search warrant service D. To search an individual person for drugs E. All of the above are uses allowed

D. To search an individual person for drugs

What are the three phases of OWI detection? A. Smell alcohol, test driver for impairment, arrest for OWI B. Traffic stop, SFST, Pre-arrest Screening C. Arrest Driver for OWI, Driver goes to jail, Driver goes to court. D. Vehicle in motion, Personal contact, Pre-arrest Screening

D. Vehicle in motion, Personal Contact, Pre-arrest Screening

When calling into question an officer's credibility, which of the following is commonly targeted by the defense counsel? A. knowledge of the facts B. personal bias or prejudice C. perception D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following is responsible for or can incur liability for the actions of a police dog? A. handling officer B. line supervisor C. administrators D. all of the above E. A and B

D. all of the above

Briefly stated, the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensures protection from which of the following? A. self-incrimination B. questioning without the presence of a lawyer C. warrantless vehicle searches D. unreasonable searches and seizures

D. unreasonable searchs and seizures

What information is important to include in an incident report? Date, Witnesses, Assumptions, or Date & Witnesses

Date and witnesses

All incident reports should include an introductory sentence... "On __________ at ___________"?

Date, time

Who is responsible for the care facility bill? State, Detainee, Police Department, or State and Police Department


Procedural Justice is the procedure used by police officers where community members are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness. Procedural Justice Skills include: A. Active Listening B. Empathy C. Judging D. Giving Voice E. A, B, and D


In Iowa, which of the following circumstances would make deem a warrantless search on a vehicle legal? A. if the occupant is visibly within reach of drugs, guns or other contraband B. if the officer is in immediate danger C. if the occupant was recently arrested D. any instance in which the officer has probable cause E. A, B and C only

E. A, B and C only

According to Leo and Skolnick (1992) which of the following is/are common types of misinformation used in police interviews? A. Telling a subject that he/she is free to leave, thus making the interview non-custodial and removing the need to obtain a waiver of miranda rights. B. exaggerating or downplaying the seriousness of the offense. C. the use of vague or indefinite promises to encourage confessions D. pretending to be someone other than an investigator and fabricating evidence E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Escalation and de-escalation of resistance levels and response to resistance levels may increase or decrease without going through intermediate levels (Presence straight to deadly force) What factors may determine escalation and de-escalation? A. Size, age and weight of the person B. Apparent physical ability C. Weapons possessed by or available to the person D. Presence of innocents or potential victims E. All of the above

E. All of the above

In the state of Iowa, a domestic relationship is defined as? A. 2 individuals that are married B. 2 individuals that have lived together at the same point in the past year. C. 2 individuals in an intimate relationship or have been within the past year. D. 2 individuals that have a child in common E. All of the above

E. All of the above

The purpose of a typical implicit bias training is to: A. Provide officers with skills to reduce and manage their own bias B. Promote the unlearning of the association between black Americans and criminality C. Provide officers with the tools to control behaviors responses in applicable situations D. Highlight the nature of and importance for understanding bias in policing E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Use of force reports should cover which of the following? A. What is the officer's legal standing? B. Why did the officer have a right to contact the suspect? C. What were the actions of the suspect that are actively resistant to the officer's lawful duties? D.How did the suspect's "active resistance" create danger to you or others? E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Which of the following is/are suggested methods for reducing the role of implicit bias in policing? A. Promoting non-negative contact between race/ethnic groups B. employing stereotype negating training and techniques C. Banning racial profiling D. Banning racial profiling E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Fourth Amendment Law applies in a variety of contexts, which context is NOT included? A. Has the person been "seized" B. Was it reasonable for police to seize the person C. Did police use reasonable force to seize the person D. Searches of business E. All of the above applies to the Fourth Amendment

E. All of the above applies to the fourth amendment

Bloodborne pathogens are micrioorganisms that are carried in the blood that can cause disease in humans. What is NOT considered a common bloodborne pathogen: A. Malaria B. Syphilis C. Hepatitis B/C D. HIV E. All of the above are considered bloodborne pathogens

E. All of the above are bloodborne pathogens

"Saying in your own words as to what you were just told; demonstrates that you are listening and understanding what is being said; and, clarigies content, checks perceptions, highlights issues," are all examples of A. M- Minimal Encouragers B. O - Open ended questions C. R - Reflecting / Mirroring D. E - Emotional Labeling E. P - Paraphrasing F. I - "I" Messages G. E - Effective Pauses

E. P- Paraphrasing

The Police Executive Research Forum conducted a survey of state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies to learn more about less-lethal technologies and related policies and training. More than 500 agencies participated. Regarding CEDs, which of the following is not a finding of this research? A. most agencies using CEDs are using Tasers B. in most agencies, officers receive four or six hours of training C. 63.7% of agencies require that officers experience activation (ie get shocked) during training D. 6/10 agencies employing CEDs allow for CED use against a subject who tenses and pulls when the officer tries to handcuff him or her E. all of the above are pertinent findings of this research

E. all of the above are pertinent findings of this reasearch

Which of the following statements regarding injury rates following the adoption of CEDs is/are founded (based on research presented in the NIJ Research in Brief, 2011). A. injury rates for officers increased B. injury rates for officers declined C. injury rates for suspects increased D. injury rates for suspects declined E. Both b and d

E. both b and d

Types of Threat Assessment cases include: A. Employment Termination B. Behavioral / Mental health issues C. Suicidal / homicidal, stalking/harassment D. Substance Abuse E. Domestic Violence F. All of the above

F. All of the above

A domestic assault can only occur between a married male and female.


Active shooter response training take on a traditional approach to crisis management, making the officer's safety the primary or first priority.


All States in the US have a mandatory arrest law for domestic assault related incidents?


Anything beyond a reasonable and necessary effort may be considered excessive and construed as "Police Brutality" only in affluent neighborhoods


Because some attackers have attempted to prevent the police from entering attack locations by barricading doors and/or windows, responding officers should be taught basic breaching skills. Ballistic breaching involves the use of human powered tools (such as rams and pry bars) to gain entry. Mechanical/manual breaching usually involves the use of a shotgun to breach into the attack location.


It is sufficient condition for a police service dog to be used to apprehend an individual if the canine handler reasonably believes that the individual has either committed or is about to commit any offense.


Law enforcement agencies rapidly adopted the use of pepper spray in the 1980s and 1990s as an alternative to traditional chemical agents such as tear gas. This adoption was met with little to no resistance.


Reasonable suspicion and probable cause are synonymous thresholds that, if met, would lawfully permit an officer to stop and briefly detain a person.


Research suggests that there is no way to reduce implicit bias.


The Crisis Intervention Team was not born out of tragedy


The Police Executive Research Forum conducted a survey of state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies to learn more about less-lethal technologies and related policies and training. More than 500 agencies participated. This research found that the majority of these agencies ban the use of CEDs against women who are clearly pregnant.


The U.S. is the only country to widely employ police canine programs.


The typical OWI offender is Iowa is male, age 30-33, and likely lives in more urban than rural areas; the age demographic is varied from national averages in that in Iowa the typical offender is older than average.


There is a universal set of rules that govern when an officer should use force to regain control of a situation while protecting the community.


_________________ is the unconscious and often subtle associations we make between groups of people and stereotypes about those groups.

Implicit Bias

Prevention is not or is prediction and everyone is capable of anything.

Is Not

Nystagmus is defined as involuntary __________________ of the eye.


As a stakeholder in threat assessment, is it ok to view the potential threat posed by females as less worrisome, eg dismissing threatening writings by females as mere fantasy or attention-seeking material?


Is it reasonable to expect police officers to make split second decisions under high stress situations and be correct 100% of the time?


May an officer take a person into custody solely based on the grounds the officer believes that the person is mentally ill?


We are permitted by law while making an arrest to use: "Only the amount of force reasonable and necessary to effect the arrest and control the situation." The standard requires that you are reasonable (not right). It is an objective or subjective standard- the officer must ask, "Would a reasonable officer act similarly?"


Does the officer have to be right, or does the officer have to reasonably believe the person has a mental illness while determining custody for the emergency hospitalization?

Reasonably Believe

The US Department of Justice suggests there is a problem with the glorification of violent shootings. THerefore, terms like "active shooter", "lone wolf", or any others that romanticize and idealize these offenders should or should not be deemphasized.


The ___________________________ is a simple, effective, efficient and safe way to conduct a pat-down search. It allows an officer to establish hand and body control of the person you are searching with a minimal amount of labor.

Standing basic search

Coupled with mental illness, the person has to be a threat to ___________ and/or _______________ before an officer and transport, or cause to be transported to the nearest available facility licensed to care for persons with mental illness.

Themselves, others

"All Hispanic people carry knives" is a stereotype.


Techniques are not 100% fool proof. Proper application of techniques usually works, but there may be times when a trained officer will run into trouble. Therefore, if attempt of technique fails, back off and do something else, don't continue to struggle with it.


The "use of force" matrix focuses upon the actions and resistance of the resistor him/herself. Therefore, each response encourages an officer to be proactive and to assume control of the situation based on the conduct of the resistor.


The search of a package by a private Federal Express courier does not raise a fourth amendment claim regardless of whether the invasion was "accidental or deliberate, and whether they were reasonable or unreasonable" US v. Jacobsen (1984)


The use of force by law enforcement officers becomes necessary and is permitted under specific circumstances, such as in self defense or in defense of another individual or group.


We are not aware of any research that has directly measured the extent to which actual police officers disavow the use of category-based (e.g racial) biases in deciding who to investigate or how to investigate them.


While deception tactics are powerful tools available to investigators, using them incorrectly will result in confessions that the courts consider coerced and therefore inadmissible/unusable in court.


While dogs have muted color to color-blind sight, they have a better aptitude than man for identifying moving object, even in low light conditions.


You want a court to exclude the evidence the State obtained due to a fourth amendment violation. This is known as the "exclusionary rule"


If the officer has a warrant on the detainee (at the time the defendant was admitted into a care facility), can the officer request notification from the holding care facility upon release of the detainee?


Liability deals with both civil and criminal law suits. Can an officer be held liable for their actions, and their choice of "use of force"?


Shall the officer describe the circumstances of the matter to the examining physician assistant, or examining psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner under which the person was taken into custody?


A warrantless search may be executed under ____________ circumstances, whereby an officer has probable cause and an urgent need to take action before a warrant can be issued.


In cases of warrantless searches and siezures, the court will try to balance the degree of intrusion on the individual's ______________ and the need to promote government interests and special needs in exigent circumstances.

right to privacy

After a search by a private party (ie. roommate), can the state then search as far as the private party searched without any Fourth Amendment concerns?


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