Praxis 0311/5311 LMS Practice Quiz 2 - Library Media Specialist
According to "Standards for the 21st-Century Learner," which of the following skills demonstrates that a student is participating as an ethical and productive member of a democratic society? A. Respecting the principles of intellectual freedom B. Recognizing that resources are created for a variety of purposes C. Using social networks and information tools to gather and share information D. Seeking appropriate help when needed E. Considering diverse and global perspetcives in drawing conclusions
In her media center, a librarian includes some audio CDs of books that are often assigned to students to read for their Language Arts class. She offers the recording along with the printed book to certain students. Which students should be allowed to use these audio books? a. Students who have hearing difficulties b. Any student who requests an audio version of a book c. Students who are struggling with reading skills d. Students who have an auditory learning style
Students at a new high school will take the SAT during the spring. The library media specialist can best help prepare them by A. adjusting periodical subscriptions located in the student leisure area. B. identifying online science databases available to students. C. increasing the appeal of the center's physical space to attract students. D. acquiring additional materials appropriate to the needs of students.
Students in a television production class have learned about video editing and now need hands-on experience. Which of the following resources should the library media specialist recommend the students use in addition to editing software? A. books on video editing B. streaming video clips C. examples of last year's video projects D. videos from the library media center collection
Using CIP, a technical services professional can access all the following bibliographic data about a resource EXCEPT its (A) Dewey decimal classification (B) ISBN (C) subject headings (D) pagination (E) edition
Which of the following considerations must be taken into account when determining the "fair use" of a work? I. The purpose and character of the use II. The format of the work being used III. The effect of the use on the material's potential market IV. The amount and substance of the work being used A. I and III only B. I, III, and IV only C. II and III only D. II, III, and IV only E. III an IV only
Which of the following statements best explains the AASL's position on the instructional classification of the library media specialist? A. Library media specialists mus accommodate the needs of students with disabiliites. B. The media center is a classroom in which the library media specialist teaches and students learn. C. An essential role of the library media specialist is to promote and protect intellectual freedom. D. Media centers should be staffed by professionals supported by technical and clerical staff. E. The master's degree should be the entry-level degree for the library media specialist.
A LMS has exhausted all resources available to the school for a student's research topic. What is the best next step to take? A. calling the local public library and leaving a phone message with a request for materials B. looking at journal book reviews to order titles C. searching for materials in an online catalog and requesting items by interlibrary loan D. referring the student to virtual reference services
A LMS is assisting a 5th grade class on writing an article for the school newspaper. Select the activity that would best prepare students to create an informative piece. A. webbing the facts around the topic B. gathering opinions from other students C. interviewing staff members for quotes D. compiling a bibliography of resources
A LMS wants to promote students' exploration of different types of information-gathering strategies. Which of the following would be the best approach to use? A. displaying books on current events topics B. publishing lists of good Web sites C. creating an interactive daily question center D. arranging a field trip to the local public library
A MARC record for a book includes all of the following EXCEPT A. ISBN. B. Dewey Number. C. Library of Congress Call Number. D. edition. E. price.
A community member offers to donate back issues of National Geographic to the high school media center. With a view to promoting good public relations, the library media specialist should do which of the following? (A) Thank the donor but explain that the library does not keep back issues of National Geographic. (B) Accept only those issues on subjects directly related to the school's curriculum. (C) Accept the issues but do not make them part of the library's collection. (D) Accept the issues, making the donor aware of the district policy on donated materials. (E) Accept the issues and put them out for teachers and students to take.
A high school student explains to the library media specialist why a particular book is personally offensive to the student. In responding to this situation, the library media specialist's primary responsibility is to: A. defend the inclusion of the book in the library media center collection. B. refer the student's complaint to the school administrators for further action. C. explain why libraries promote the principle of intellectual freedom. D. affirm the student's right to his or her opinion of the book.
A high school student wants to find a list of magazines and newspapers that are available in electronic format. Which of the following should the library media specialist consult first? A. Librarians' Index to the Internet B. a catalog of educational nonprint resources C. a major Internet search engine D. a comprehensive directory of Web sites
A librarian is approached by a student who wants to do an Internet search for Thomas Jefferson but does not know how. The student has been assigned to read a biography of Jefferson and then write a report on his life, which is due in ten days. What is the librarian's best course of action in this situation? a. The librarian shows the student how to do an Internet search using Google b. Since the assignment is to read a biography, the librarian directs the student to the biography section of the library rather than to the Internet. She helps the student select a biography at his reading level c. The librarian directs the student to database that will quickly provide a list of resources and articles pertaining to Thomas Jefferson d. The librarian searches her computerized records, decides that none of the biographies in her school library are appropriate for this student, and initiates an inter-library loan. The borrowed biography will take about two weeks to arrive
A library media center uses parent volunteers to perform a variety of tasks relating to the school library program. Which of the following considerations is most likely to ensure an effective result from a parent volunteer program? (A) Volunteers are expected to be present on specified days of the week at specified times. (B) Volunteers are assigned staff members to work with who supervise their activities and provide direction. (C) Volunteers are permitted to take work off-site in order to complete it. (D) Volunteers have prior experience working in a library-related field. (E) Volunteers are given the freedom to select or reject duties at their discretion.
A library media specialist decides to participate in a social studies textbook selection committee. The main benefit of this partnership is to help A. book publishers sell their products. B. classroom teachers select textbooks that match library resources. C. the LMS keep abreast of curriculum changes. D. administrators free up time for other duties.
A library media specialist examines the current holdings of the library media center, categorizes them according to age and classification, identifies areas of need, and creates a list of new acquisitions. This process is known as (A) deselection (B) bibliographic citation (C) authentication (D) inventorying (E) collection analysis
A library media specialist frequently compiles recommended reading lists to help teachers and students locate notable books for specific grade levels of readers. A recommended reading list such as this most often contains (A) works that every child in a particular grade should read before passing to the next grade (B) a compilation of all award-winning books from the last decade (C) reading materials that are cited in the bibliographies of grade-level textbooks (D) works of quality that reflect and encourage the interests of readers of a certain age (E) works that have been approved by the school board for inclusion in the school's courses of study
A library media specialist has received a grant to increase the library media center's holdings of children's magazines. On which of the following criteria should the selection be primarily based? (A) Advertisements should be relevant to the purpose of the magazine (B) The editor's contact information should be readily available (C) Games and activities should be accompanied with clear, well-written instructions (D) Information should be age appropriate and developmentally appropriate (E) Features should be included for special populations, such as readers with visual impairments
A library media specialist is designing a faculty survey to identify weaknesses in the library media center program. The faculty members are most likely to provide valuable responses to the survey if the library media specialist (A) defines for them in advance how much data will be analyzed (B) includes a large array of questions on various aspects of the program (C) takes into account that the viewpoints of faculty members will be different from his or her own (D) devises a method for acquiring the data that prevents individual faculty members from being identified (E) returns the results of the survey in a format the faculty will understand
A library media specialist is helping students prepare a project about the U.S. electoral process. Which of the following assignments would be most likely to prompt students to draw conclusions based on their writing? A. describing the two major political parties B. preparing biographical presentations about two candidates C. performing election related songs D. evaluating the results of the previous national election
A library media specialist is interviewing potential candidates for a paraprofessional position in an elementary school library media center. All of the following questions are legal to ask a candidate EXCEPT: (A) Are you a member of any library-related professional organizations? (B) Are you authorized to work in the United States? (C) Do you have any children? (D) How do you work under pressure? (E) What appeals to you about this position?
A library media specialist is interviewing potential candidates for a paraprofessional position in an elementary school library media center. All of the following questions are legal to ask a candidate EXCEPT: (A) Are you a member of any library-related professional organizations? (B) Are you authorized to work in the United States? (C) Do you have any children? (D) How do you work under pressure? (E) What appeals to you about this position?
A library media specialist uses a shared decision-making model when changing an existing library media center policy. Shared decision making is based on the concept that change is most likely to be effective when (A) those implementing it have a sense of ownership of and responsibility for the process (B) ownership and control of a decision is given to a group, so no individual bears responsibility for the outcome of that decision (C) the group leader alone assumes responsibility for the outcome of a decision (D) the group leader gives up responsibility for a decision and is therefore not responsible for the outcome (E) individuals not directly affected by the outcome of the decision are able to act objectively
A library media specialist wants to ensure that library and research skills are taught as an integral part of the curriculum. Which of the following activities best promotes this objective? A. Design library media center facilities that are conducive to both small- and large-group instruction. B. Maintain close cooperation with faculty concerning the implementation of the instructional program. C. Provide professional in-service training workshops for faculty in the library media center. D. Create a comprehensive collection of cross-curricular holdings that support various learning levels.
A major challenge for users of electronic virtual libraries is that (A) they lack the uniform access procedures established for print libraries (B) the majority of individual elements in virtual libraries are fee based (C) they allow access to textual information only (D) there are limits on the size and content of information they offer (E) the information offered is limited to only the most current on a given topic
A major purpose of the Library Bill of Rights is to identify which of the following? A. Library policies that promote recreational reading. B. Procedures for challenging censorship of library materials. C. Methods for handling challenged materials. D. Organizations that can be called upon to fight censorship. E. The safe, ethical, and legal use of information materials.
A middle school library media specialist who wants to encourage students to spend more of their free time reading can best motivate students to do so by using which of the following approaches? A. maintaining a display using a collection of books based on student recommendations B. providing faculty who teach English with annotated bibliographies of high-quality fiction, particularly classics, to discuss with their classes C. specifying one section of the library as a "quiet zone," to be used exclusively by students who wish to spend time reading D. using the library bulletin board to post information and reviews clipped from newspapers and magazines about current "best sellers"
A primary school library media specialist uses read-aloud story times to address a number of goals in developing emergent literacy. Which of the following practices helps students develop the ability to respond and connect to literature? (A) Having students turn pages, make sound effects, or join in repetitive phrases (B) Engaging students in discussion about the setting, characters, and events in the story (C) Allowing students time to examine the quality of the illustrations (D) Reading slowly and expressively, changing voices for different characters (E) Pointing to or running a finger along the print while reading the words aloud
A school is initiating a curriculum mapping process in the area of science. As an instructional partner, the library media specialist can best contribute by A. serving as a secretary during meetings. B. showing support for the activities. C. locating related information outside the district. D. providing access to the library media center for meetings.
A student is searching for information on a recent political event. Which of the following resources would it be most appropriate for the library media specialist to recommend first? A. Encyclopedia B. Almanac C. Internet D. Online periodical database E. Atlas
A student is unable to find sufficient resources for a research project in the library media center. The library media specialist suggests that the student search collections of other libraries belonging to a local network. In order to accomplish this task the student needs to know how to: A. fill out an interlibrary loan request form. B. use a search engine to access information on the Internet. C. locate the addresses of network member libraries. D. conduct an online search of the network database.
A student wants to use music downloaded from the Internet in connection with a classroom multimedia presentation. In order to ensure compliance with federal copyright law and the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, a school library media specialist should: A. allow the student to incorporate the music into a single-use school presentation and keep a student portfolio copy. B. allow the student to copy the music onto a floppy disk and return it to the library to be erased after a single use. C. suggest that a teacher run the presentation directly off the computer so that a copy of the music will not be needed. D. offer to obtain a compact disc of the music via interlibrary loan and return the compact disc after only a single use.
A teacher is having his class research the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. He wants his students to perform an Internet search, but as librarian, you know that some of the sites that would help the students have been blocked by the school district's filter that prevents students from going to inappropriate sites. You arrange for the technology department to remove the block on the sites the history class will use, make a list of those sites, and give the list to the teacher. Which of the following reasons would you cite as justification for what you have done? a. The Patriot Act of 2001 b. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 c. An Acceptable Use Policy d. MARC records
According to Bloom's taxonomy, which of the following activities requires the highest level of thinking? (A) Using titles and subheadings to locate information (B) Identifying the elements of a catalog record (C) Browsing bookmarked sites on the Internet (D) Assessing data gathered from research (E) Defining copyright and plagiarism
All classes at a certain grade level will be studying the same subject next month. Which of the following is the most practical way to ensure that all users have equal access to library media center materials on this subject? A. Obtain additional materials from other library media centers through interlibrary loan. B. Purchase additional materials on the subject from a book jobber. C. Place all library media center materials on the subject on special reserve. D. Limit the number of materials that may be borrowed on the subject.
All of the following is a provision of the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights EXCEPT A. Library resources should be provided for the interest and enlightenment of all members of the community. B. Libraries should provide materials representing all points of view on current and historical topics. C. Libraries should challenge censorship. D. A person's right to use a library should not be abridged because of age, origin, background, or views. E. Children should be shielded from inappropriate material in the library.
An elementary school library media specialist wants to begin collaborating with 5th-grade teachers. The most essential prerequisite to successful collaborating would be to A. attend regularly held 5th-grade team meetings. B. review the 5th graders' standardized test scores. C. become familiar with the 5th-grade curriculum. D. visit the 5th-grade classrooms.
An important responsibility for the LMS in supervising library media staff or student assistants is A. providing training on the circulation module of the automated library management system. B. describing the Dewey Decimal Classification system. C. explaining how to assist patrons in the proper use of technology. D. setting clear expectations for optimal job performance.
As part of a unit on pond life, fourth-grade students are observing the behavior of crayfish in a classroom aquarium. How can the library media specialist best promote the use of information access skills in conjunction with this activity? A. Help students find a variety of materials about crayfish for a display in the library media center. B. Present a lesson on how to use the electronic catalog and the Internet to locate appropriate information. C. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to create a research project utilizing library media resources. D. Place appropriate resources about crayfish on special reserve in the library media center.
At lunch, a new library media specialist listens to a group of 2nd-grade teachers plan an instructional unit on the rain forest. Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for the library media specialist to use to strengthen instructional partnerships with the teachers? A. training volunteers to help with student projects on the subject. B. talking to the principal about scheduling issues with the library media center. C. preparing a list of local resources on the subject for the teachers. D. waiting for the teachers to ask for assistance in teaching the subject.
Before purchasing resources for the school library media center, the library media specialist should ensure that: A. approximately equal numbers of fiction and nonfiction items are chosen. B. selected materials were reviewed favorably in professional journals. C. students and teachers are given the opportunity to contribute to the selection process. D. no materials are selected without personal prior review.
Data from the inventory module of an automated library management system should be analyzed to identify A. incomplete Cutter numbers. B. missing materials. C. inappropriate call numbers. D. circulation patterns.
Directions: The following question asks you to analyze teacher goals and actions intended to lead to the achievement of the goal. Decide whether the action is likely or unlikely to lead to the achievement of the goal. GOAL: To increase the participation of low-achieving middle school students in whole-class discussions. ACTION: Instead of asking for volunteers, the teacher randomly calls on students to discuss homework assignments. (A) Likely, because students who feel anxiety about being called on will be more at ease and will pay more attention to class discussions (B) Likely, because low-achieving students often hesitate to volunteer and random questioning will increase responses from those students (C) Unlikely, because students in the middle school grades prefer to have a choice in responding to discussions (D) Unlikely, because students' positive feelings toward the teacher will decrease
During an orientation meeting, a principal suggests that novice teachers keep portfolios of observations and comments about lesson plans, instructional resources, and classroom management strategies. This is an example of reflective practice because the teachers will (A) select what is included in the portfolio (B) think about the effectiveness of their teaching (C) add to the portfolio throughout the school year (D) share their observations with colleagues (E) have a record of their accomplishments
During library orientation, a student asks if the library media center has any hot spots. The student is most likely referring to areas of the library media center where students can (A) print, scan, or use other computer peripherals (B) talk on a cell phone (C) connect to a wireless network (D) recharge the battery of a laptop (E) socialize
Each year, a library media specialist presents the proposed library media center budget to the school principal using the identical format as the year before. The most likely reason for this is so the principal can (A) easily compare past figures with the present requests (B) validate the accuracy of the figures present in the budget (C) get as complete a picture of the budgetary needs as possible (D) identify needs that can be addressed through alternate means of funding (E) clearly understand what is being requested in the budget
Early in the school year, a school librarian sends a survey to classroom teachers asking for topics and tentative dates they plan to teach those topics in their curriculum this year. What should be the librarian's response to the information received in the survey? a. In a school with a fixed schedule, the librarian will plan instruction in ways to research these topics on the appropriate dates when she meets with those classes b. In a school with flexible scheduling, the librarian will suggest that teachers sign up to bring classes to the library when they begin a new topic c. The librarian will pull material from the collection and loan the teacher a cart of appropriate research materials to use in the classroom at the time of each project d. All of the above
Entries in outlines are generally arranged according to which of the following relationships of ideas? (A) Literal and inferential (B) Concrete and abstract (C) Linear and recursive (D) Main and subordinate
High school students have approached the library media specialist to challenge the policy that library media center computers may not be used during school hours for email, message boards, or other forms of Internet communication. The library media specialist's most appropriate response to the students' challenge is that (A) electronic communication and socialization are wastes of a student's time (B) most students have ample access to electronic communication modes outside of school (C) it is unhealthy for students to do all of their communication and socialization on the Internet (D) it is too easy for students to hide unacceptable online activities when the library media center is busy during the school day (E) the policy is designed to protect students' safety and privacy
How can a LMS best convey the concept that the library media program is a valuable and essential part of the school and that it can support school improvement? A. holding frequent social events with the PTA B. publishing and occasional newsletter C. distributing free books regularly D. participating in the school advisory council
In addition to having remote access, a library media center's OPAC must be user-friendly for the library media specialist by including A. a copy cataloging feature. B. voice recognition capability. C a picture animation option. D. book cover images.
In determining the validity of a work of informational literature, a libray media specialist should use all of the following criteria EXCEPT: A - Facts are clearly distinguished from theories. B - The author has the appropriate credentials and background to writ on this topic. C - The author has provided follow-up activities to spur analytical thinking. D - The information provided in both text and illustrations is current and accurate. E - Differing viewpoints on controversial subjects are presented.
In order to encourage maximum use of book and non-book materials, library media center circulation policies usually include which of the following? A. A limit of two weeks on all material, with one extension allowed for items not in great demand B. The circulation of all book and non-book materials, with the loan period varying according to the proposed use of the material C. The limitation of periodicals use to within the center or to overnight loan only D. The circulation of all book material and the limitation of the use of non-book material to the center only E. The circulation of vertical file material restricted to teachers only
In order to encourage maximum use of print and nonprint materials, library media center collection policies usually include which of the following? (A) Limiting circulation of all materials to two weeks, with one renewal allowed for materials not in demand (B) Circulating all print and nonprint materials, with the loan period varying according to the proposed use of the material (C) The limitation of periodicals use to within the center or to overnight loan only (D) Circulating all print materials but limiting the use of nonprint materials to the media center only (E) Circulating nonprint materials to faculty only
In order to help teachers learn how to insert video clips into computer presentations, the library media specialist asks them to bring a current lesson they are developing to learn this skill. This is an effective approach because it A. asks the teachers for sample video clips to use for their presentations. B. organizes sample video clips for the teachers to use for their presentations. C. provides teachers with a relevant application of a new strategy. D. motivates teachers to examine current relevant strategies for this application.
In which of the following court cases did the use of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and "A Rose for Emily" come up as possibly violating Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? A. Counts v. Cedarville School District 2003. B. Brown v Board of Education. C. Bethel School District v. Fraser. D. Case v. Unified School District No. 233. E. Monteiro v. The Tempe Union High School District.
One advantage of the Dewey Decimal Classification system over the Library of Congress classification system is that the A. Dewey Decimal system uses both letters and numbers. B. Library of Congress system is used exclusively for books. C. Dewey Decimal system is simpler to use. D. Library of Congress system can be used in elementary schools.
Partnerships between school library media specialists and public librarians are important because A. their collections can complement each other and thus provide a wider variety of resources for students B. public librarians have special training in how to conduct research, and this expertise can be made available to students C. public libraries are usually open after school and on weekends D. public librarians have stronger ties to community groups E. school librarians know more about children's literature
Partnerships between school library media specialists and public librarians are important because (A) their collections can complement each other and thus provide a wider variety of resources for students (B) public librarians have special training in how to conduct research, and this expertise can be made available to students (C) public libraries are usually open after school and on weekends (D) public librarians have stronger ties to community groups (E) school library media specialists know more about children's literature
The Empowering Leadership standards replaced which of the following guidelines for school libraries? A. Strategies for 21st Century Learners. B. Learning For Life. C. Library Services and Technology Act. D. Information Power. E. Freedom of Information Act.
The award given annually for books by authors and illustrators of African descent that promote an appreciation of the American dream is the A. Randolph Caldecott Medal B. John Newbery Medal C. Michael Printz Award D. Coretta Scott King Award E. Alex Award
The goals of a library media center program must be A. based on the school's philosophy B. performance based C. identical to national goals D. developed by the state education agency E. limited to one-year planning
The goals of a library media center program must be (A) based on the school's philosophy (B) performance based (C) identical to national goals (D) developed by the state education agency (E) limited to one-year planning
The most effective and efficient design of an elementary school library media center should allow for A. availability of the online public access catalog near the main door. B. flexibility to accommodate multiple student learning activities. C. inappropriate call numbers. D. circulation patterns.
The most effective method for a library media specialist to use to keep the library media center attuned to the community it serves is to (A) open the library media center to the public on weekends (B) establish a friends' group or library advisory committee (C) eliminate fines for lost or damaged materials (D) solicit donations of old books and magazines (E) post community happenings on the media center Web site
The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 prompted library media programs to closely examine which of the following? A. processes for acquiring new materials. B. facilities maintenance policies. C. accessibility of information and resources. D. collaboration with other education agencies.
The primary benefit of various library media specialist activities, such as morning news announcements, booktalks, and event promotions, is that they help the library media specialist A. attract and retain students as library media center users. B. demonstrate competencies for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards process. C. develop technology and other skills of the library media specialist. D. identify and replicate successful promotional activities for the library media specialist.
The primary reason that a library media specialist must make scheduling a priority is to: A. ensure that the library media center environment promotes independent learning. B. allow maximum access to the library media center's programs and services. C. ensure that the library media center supports the curricular needs of students and staff. D. provide equal opportunities for both small- and large-group instruction in the library media center.
The principal would like to cut the position of the media clerk at a school to save money in the school budget. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in communicating to the principal the correlation between staff hours per week and higher achievement scores? A. writing an editorial article about staffing for the local paper. B. creating a report for the principal showing research findings. C. providing a list of Web sites to the principal showing results. D. sending the research findings to all staff at the school by e-mail.
The set of preferred terms used in a particular index or database is known as its A. classification scheme B. controlled vocabulary C. shelf list D. analytical record E. imprint
Under which of the following conditions should the high school library media center ordinarily be open for use? A. Before and after school and throughout the school day without restriction B. Before and after school without restriction, but with only five students permitted to come from each class during any one period during the school day C. Before and after school for circulation only and during the school day without restriction D. During and after the school day, but not before the school day to prevent students from being tardy E. Before and after school and during the school day for classes accompanied by their teachers
Use the data below to answer the question. Teacher's Use of Reference Materials Type of Resource - % reporting use Print encyclopedias - 37 Video or DVD resources - 32 Internet keyword searches - 16 Online databases - 15 The data shows that A. teachers find computers more helpful than printed items. B. online databases are more useful sources than videos. C. teachers prefer using traditional physical resources. D. print encyclopedias are less popular than other materials.
Use the questionnaire below to answer the question that follows. Student's Name: __________________________________________ Type of Resource: _____ Web site _____ CD-ROM _____ e-zine _____ Other Key: 3 = Excellent 2 = Good 1 = Poor Criteria: Score (1-3) Authority (Is the author an expert on the subject? What are his/her credentials?) Currency (Is the content useful and relevant? Is it current?) Design/Format (Is the information well organized? Is it easy to find what you need? Are images useful and appropriate?) Objectivity (What is the author's purpose/intent? Does the author present a balanced view of the content?) Coverage (Is the information complete? Does it cover all aspects of the topic?) Accuracy of Information (Is the information correct?) Total Scoring: Excellent - Make this your first choice for information. Good - A decent resource despite flaws; use to balance/expand content. Poor - Try to find something better. A middle school library media specialist has collaborated with school faculty to develop this questionnaire. Students are encouraged to complete the questionnaire during research projects that involve the use of electronic resources. Use of the questionnaire is most likely to enhance students' skills in which of the following areas? A. using information from electronic resources to engage in systematic problem solving B. resolving conflicting information drawn from different electronic resources C. applying efficient search strategies to access information from electronic resources D. using critical thinking to evaluate information from electronic resources
What is the most common copyright exemption granted to library media specialists? A. equal access. B. scholarly privilege. C. fair use. D. educator judgement.
What learning style prefers to learn with pictures and visual aides? A. Auditory. B. Verbal. C. Logical. D. Solitary. E. Visual.
What letter is used by the Library of Congress classification system to represent "Fine Arts" books? A. A. B. C. C. E. D. N. E. V.
When adding a new title to the collection that does not have a MARC record, an elementary school library media specialist can best find an exact match for the title by searching the A. book vendor files. B. ISBN. C. bar code symbology. D. LCCN.
When maintaining a professional collection, a library media specialist should be especially mindful of the currency of resources dealing with (A) sample instructional models and strategies (B) laws relating to students' rights (C) materials for enrichment and remediation (D) reviews of research and scholarly works (E) professional development practices
Which of the following actions by a library media specialist is a possible violation of the ALA's Code of Professional Ethics? (A) Restricting students' access to a web site that requires users to register by providing personal information (B) Requiring students to compile a bibliography for all research assignments (C) Limiting the amount of time an individual student can use a computer to surf the Internet if other students are waiting (D) Directing students away from resources that support viewpoints that contradict the values of the community at large (E) Informing a student's parents that an item was returned to the library media center damaged
Which of the following actions is in accord with the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association? A. The library media restricts access to books that have been challenged by local residents. B. The library media center does not allow parents to restrict their children's access to certain books. C. The library media center does not engage in weeding its collection. D. The library media center allows children to have access to books that some members of the community consider objectionable. E. The library media center's collection does not contain books that promote a particular political agenda.
Which of the following activities would most effectively promote an appreciation of literature and writing skills among middle school students? A. arranging visits from authors of popular fiction for young adults B. displaying books adapted for film and television C. creating a bulletin board that features students' favorite books D. compiling a bibliography of works by local authors
Which of the following best states the primary goal of a systematic, ongoing assessment of the library media center program? A. Ensure that the library media center's information resources are continuously updated and relevant to all areas of the curriculum. B. Determine how well the program promotes students' learning and helps students become active, independent lifelong learners. C. Make personnel and policy decisions that accurately reflect changes in the school's population and educational philosophy. D. Create opportunities to collaborate with members of the school community in order to increase cooperation and support.
Which of the following best states the primary goal of a systematic, ongoing assessment of the library media center program? A. Ensure that the library media center's information resources are continuously updated and relevant to all areas of the curriculum. B. Determine how well the program promotes students' learning and helps students become active, independent lifelong learners. C. Make personnel and policy decisions that accurately reflect changes in the school's population and educational philosophy. D. Create opportunities to collaborate with members of the school community in order to increase cooperation and support.
Which of the following features of e-books makes them a good choice for reference works and textbooks? (A) They can be put down and read hands-free. (B) They allow readers to adjust the size and font of the text. (C) They can be replicated and stored at little or no cost, therefore keeping them in print indefinitely. (D) There is little risk of the damage or degradation associated with books published on paper. (E) They contain internal hyperlinks that make them easily searched and cross-referenced.
Which of the following file extensions do NOT represent graphic and multimedia files, respectively? A. *.GIF and *.AVI B. *.ZIP and *.WPS C. *.JPEG and *.MPG D. *.BMP and *.MPEG E. *.TIF and *.WAV
Which of the following is a primary consideration when choosing the font size to be used in a multimedia presentation? A. the quantity of information that needs to be contained in a particular slide B. the average age of the intended audience C. the total length of the presentation D. the typical setting in which the presentation will be given
Which of the following is most effective in providing equitable access to library media center resources? A. flexible scheduling. B. regular weeding. C. mixed format organization. D. extensive collection.
Which of the following is most important for the library media specialist to consider when deciding whether to purchase an on-line database subscription or a CD-ROM database subscription? A. Network manageability B. Timeliness of updates C. Ease of use D. Collection usage information E. Licensing cost
Which of the following is most likely to influence a library media specialist's decision when considering a new addition? A. The price of new material. B. The opinions of the library staff. C. If the teachers will approve of it. D. The type of homework teachers assign. E. The standardized tests in the school.
Which of the following is the best way for a librarian to demonstrate respect for diversity in a school with a large population of Hispanic and Asian students? a. During library instruction, the librarian should repeatedly ask students if they understand her to make sure that students for whom English is a second language are receiving instruction that they understand b. Create a display of books and other materials on ethnic topics and invite students and parents to visit one evening and browse the display. Then, have a discussion period during which parents and children are invited to share special aspects of their heritages and customs c. Budget for books and media materials in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese at a variety of reading levels and on a variety of subjects d. When classes come for their assigned library time, ask students of various heritages to identify themselves and tell the class (in English) about their customs and languages
Which of the following is the most appropriate activity to use to raise additional funds for the library media center? A. A candy sale. B. A fashion show. C. A talent show. D. A book fair. E. A service auction.
Which of the following is the most effective way to gain support for increasing library media center expenditures? A. Compare current program costs with the previous year's budget. B. Relate costs to the size of student enrollment and per-pupil ratios. C. Compare program costs with library media center budgets at other schools. D. Relate costs to instructional goals and objectives and to student performance.
Which of the following learning activities asks students to apply higher levels of thinking? A. Labeling the 50 states on a blank United States map. B. Assembling a floor puzzle with pieces that represent the 50 states. C. Designing a brochure to encourage tourists to visit a state. D. Practicing with flash cards that show the shape of a state on one side and the name on the other. E. Locating and printing states' maps from a computer map-making program
Which of the following library media center resources would be most helpful in trying to locate a particular poem or short story in an anthology? A. an electronic database of holdings B. literary collections shelved by author C. reference indices for each genre D. a book review index
Which of the following roles of the library media specialist best demonstrates the library media program's support of the school curriculum? A. collaborating with teachers in the selection of materials for a comprehensive professional collection B. teaching a research and study skills course to help students complete classroom assignments efficiently C. acquiring information resources at all grade levels in various formats to suit diverse learning styles and abilities D. teaching students information access skills aligned with content-area instruction provided by teachers
Which of the following roles of the library media specialist best demonstrates the library media program's support of the school curriculum? A. collaborating with teachers in the selection of materials for a comprehensive professional collection B. teaching a research and study skills course to help students complete classroom assignments efficiently C. acquiring information resources at all grade levels in various formats to suit diverse learning styles and abilities D. teaching students information access skills aligned with content-area instruction provided by teachers
Which of the following strategies would be most effective in administering a library media program within budget? A. engaging in regular record keeping of budget allotments and expenditures B. conducting an analysis of the number of resources lost or stolen C. engaging in regular accurate accounting of the resources checked out during the year D. conducting an evaluation of the number of users for the year
Which of the following topics would not be appropriate for a library media specialist to teach kindergarten pupils? A. How the Dewey Decimal system works. B. Listening skills. C. How to borrow books from the library. D. How to care for library books and materials. E. Where to find picture books and easy to read books.
Which of the following would be the best initial strategy for a middle school library media specialist to teach new student assistants how to use the circulation desk? A. sending them to feeder schools to observe circulation desk operations. B. having them read the manual for the school's circulation software program. C. modeling circulation desk procedures for them while offering explanations. D. observing them using the circulation desk and pointing out their errors.
Which of the following would be the most effective way for the LMS to supplement district, state, and federal funds? A. establishing membership in the school's PTA B. writing a grant proposal C. inviting community members to the library media center D. initiating a faculty book club
While examining various Web sites relevant to her research topic, a student observes that the sites offer divergent points of view. What should be the library media specialist's response to this observation? A. Explain that opinions vary from person to person and this divergence should be expected. B. Suggest that the student check the sources of the Web sites to determine if any organizational connections exist. C. Suggest that the student seek print resources that tend to be more authoritative. D. Suggest that the student choose only one point of view to develop in her research.
Who has illustrated over 70 picture books for young children using the collage technique? A. Jan Brett B. Ezra Jack Keats C. Eric Carle D. Anita Lobel