Praxis 5038

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What is a dangling modifer?

A dangling modifier is just like a misplaced modifier except that the thing it's supposed to modify is missing! The modifier sits alone, modifying nothing. Sentences with dangling modifiers often start with a gerund verb (ING word), preposition or descriptive phrase. EX: Dreaming of the future, the possibilities were limitless. Well, that sounds really nice, but who's dreaming here? Someone? Everyone? We don't know, hence the modifier 'dangles.'

How does a metaphor differ from a simile? a. A metaphor is a type of simile. b. A metaphor compares two things directly to each other; whereas, a simile qualifies a comparison, sometimes using like or as. c. A metaphor qualifies the comparison of two or more things; whereas, similes make direct comparisons. d. Metaphors can be mixed while similes can not.

A metaphor compares two things directly to each other; whereas, a simile qualifies a comparison, sometimes using like or as.

What is an extended metaphor? a. A metaphor that loses its meaning b. A metaphor that is difficult to interpret c. A metaphor that is used by several authors d. A metaphor that is carried through several sentences or passages

A metaphor that is carried through several sentences or passages

Which of the following statements describes the differences between theme and universal theme? a. Themes are used to talk only about positive things in life. Universal themes are used to talk about negative things in life. b. A theme is the central idea found within a story or passage. Universal themes are those that can be understood by many readers. c. A theme is used to appeal to a wide range of readers. A universal theme is used to teach readers a lesson that is not understood by a wide range of readers. d. There are no differences; they mean the same thing.

A theme is the central idea found within a story or passage. Universal themes are those that can be understood by many readers.

What is poetic form? a. A poem's physical structure, basically what the poem looks like and how it sounds b. None of these c. A poem's language d. All of these e. The message the poet gives to the reader

A poem's physical structure, basically what the poem looks like and how it sounds

What are the three components of an argument?

*consistency-cannot be missing information *deductive reasoning-making an inference based off an argument's premise *opposing arguments-must address opposing points of view

Industrialization: Timeline and Summary

*roughly spanned 1880-1920 *characterized the transition from an agrarian society to a mechanized society *consumer culture is born as people focus less on making things at home and buying from stores instead

The themes presented in Victorian poetry were often very different from those in Victorian literature. What characteristic of poetry written during this period would contrast with the tone of a Dickens novel? a. A desire for an improvement in working conditions b. Examples of good people overcoming bad circumstances c. A strong desire to connect with the past d. A rigid support of socially acceptable behavior

A strong desire to connect with the past

Strophe (poetry)

A strophe is a group of lines separated from the lines of poetry around them. It is sometimes used as a synonym for ''stanza,'' but while stanzas imply uniform length, a strophe can be any length within a free verse poem.


A style of writing where personal psychological experience visible to the reader; internal feelings and experiences are brought to the surface and a character's inner life becomes just as important (or maybe more) than any external events taking place

Theorists of Reader-Response Literary Criticism: Stanley Fish

-American literary scholar -developed the idea of interpretive communities or groups of readers with similar cultural and linguistic backgrounds -the interpretation of literature depends on a reader's experience within their interpretive community. So even though your own reading experience is subjective, it can be understood within the culture and language that you are reading in.

English Romantic Writers: Mary Shelley

-Frankenstein -tells the story of Dr. Victor Frankenstein - the doctor who creates the monster; believes he has discovered the secret to life.-> fascinated by this and fashions together, through spare body parts, a creature-> Frankenstein's monster -a great example of Romantic literature making a deviation away from science and logic and saying that there's more to humanity than just putting together a bunch of parts, animating it and bringing it to life (there's more to life than what science can explain)

Which of the following statements best defines theme? a. A theme is the central idea of the story; sometimes it is a lesson or message the author wishes to convey. b. Theme is used to explain how and why important events happened in a story. c. Theme is used to describe to readers the genre of a book series. d. Theme is used to describe the writing style of the writer.

A theme is the central idea of the story; sometimes it is a lesson or message the author wishes to convey.

Theorists of Reader-Response Criticism: Wolfgang Iser

-German literary scholar -Iser realized that the meaning of a book is not just what is contained in the words of the book, written by the author, but also that meaning is created by the reader. -He said that meaning in reading was kind of like looking up at the stars: two people can look up at the same sky and see different pictures in the sky. -texts and readers are in a kind of communication and dialogue; successful literary communication needs a balance between shared knowledge, values and norms, and strategic communication between the text and the reader

Types of Literary Theory: Traditional

-critic evaluates the biographical information of the author in relation to the text -lso consider patterns within the author's works to identify style, structure, or tone -searches for the author's meaning behind those patterns and the way the author distinguished themselves from other writers

Old English Works: Caedmon's Hymn

-earliest recorded poem in Old English -Caedmon was illiterate, so composed orally -written down by Venerable Bede around seventh century A.D. -written in Latin -composed in alliterative verse -each line in this hymn also had a caesura

Types of Literary Criticism: Sociological

-evaluates a text based on its relation to a particular society and its larger social context. Viewing a text through this critical lens includes studying an author's place within a society and how an audience receives a work

Types of Literary Criticism: Traditional

-evaluates an author's biographical information: their culture, background, and history. Critics who look through a traditional critical lens believe that by understanding an author's biography and the period in which the work was written, they can truly evaluate a work

Types of Literary Criticism: Feminist

-evaluates and interprets a work through the perspective of feminism. Some Feminist criticism analyzes the gender of an author in order to understand how a piece of literature is written. Other feminist critics analyze the portrayal of females in works and how they might reinforce stereotypes. Still, other Feminist criticism looks at the gender of the reader and their response to a work

Famous Romantic Poets: Samuel Taylor Coleridge

-first generation Romantic poet -friend and collaborator to Wordsworth -famous works are "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "Kubla Khan," and "Christabel"

Types of Literary Theory: Post-Colonialism

-focuses on literary texts that reference one country's colonization over another -by considering political and economic agendas, the literary critic considers the economic, religious, and cultural changes that the colonization caused

Types of Literary Criticism: Marxist

-focuses on the role social classes play in a literary text. It examines the way economics affects the life of a character. The purpose of using this critical lens is to evaluate class relations, how certain characters oppress others, and how other characters overcome oppression

Types of Literary Theory: Gender Studies & Queer Theory

-focuses on the social and cultural relationships of subgroups and their marginalization within society -of particular interest are characters who are stereotypically portrayed based on their sexuality or gender

Types of Speech Delivery: Impromptu

-given with minimal preparation ahead of time and are best utilized in informal environments -disorganized; may lack theme, miss main ideas -however allows for the speaker to react to the crowd and adapt

Dramatists of the English Renaissance: William Shakespeare

-he's at the forefront of the English Renaissance -still the premiere dramatist of the English language today -unrestrained and messy verbal genius -created a lot of words and played with language in ways that people really responded to or really didn't

Poets of the English Renaissance: John Donne

-headed the metaphysical poetry movement (these poems used clever conceits and were philosophical and spiritual in nature)

What are interpretive communities and why are they important?

-idea developed by Stanley Fish -groups of readers with similar cultural and linguistic backgrounds -important because the interpretation of literature depends on a reader's experience within their interpretive community. So even though your own reading experience is subjective, it can be understood within the culture and language that you are reading in.

Speech Organizational Patterns: Spatial

-involves arranging the main points according to how they fit together, their relationships to one another, or their physical location -main points can be arranged according to directional location, such as right to left or top to bottom, or geographical location, such as east to west or north to south EX: speeches informing about the country of Spain and its various regions, explaining how the digestive system works, or describing how to clean an oven

What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?

-is an ancient Sumerian and Akkadian epic poem about the eponymous hero, Gilgamesh -In this epic, Gilgamesh, the king of the city of Uruk, goes on a quest to find immortality after he and Enkidu, his companion, perform deeds that anger the gods, resulting in Enkidu's death. Despite going through many trials, Gilgamesh loses his opportunity for physical immortality; however, he becomes immortal in the memory of Uruk and its walls.

What are some strategies to help find key details in passages? (2)

-knowing what type of selection you are reading -underlining two to three key phrases from each paragraph

Thinkers of the English Renaissance: Philip Sidney

-made his splash by writing ABOUT poetry -The Defense of Poesy (first example of literary criticism in the English language)

What was the 'formula' in the 1980s/1990s for YA books?

-main character is a teen, dealing with teenage problems, telling story through a teenage voice -teen issues were usually coming-of-age topics like sexuality, drinking, drug use, identity, beauty, dating, and popularity -often avoids neat, happily-ever-after endings -realistic settings such as neighborhoods, cities, and schools

Speech Organizational Patterns: Topical

-most common pattern -involves taking a broad speech topic and subdividing it into smaller topics that support that speech's main idea EX: informing the audience about owning a pet rabbit, persuading the audience that foreign languages should be taught in elementary school, or introducing the main speaker of an event

English Romantic Writers: Charlotte and Emily Brontë

-most famous works are Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights respectively (towards end of Romantic period, kind of overlapping into Victorian period) -good examples of Romantic novels that have an element of the supernatural

Types of Literary Theory: Formalism and New Criticism

-opposite of traditional criticism in that it doesn't place significance on the author -focuses solely on the work with the idea that everything that needs to be known about the text can be found within it -literary devices such as metaphor, paradox, or irony are considered when deriving meaning -New Critics did not completely devalue an author's biographical information, they did say that this information did not define the work. By giving a text a close reading, the New Critics believed that meaning came from the reader, and as long as that meaning could be substantiated, then meaning could be very different from the author's

A traditional Japanese haiku is: a. A two-line poem with 17 syllables, written in a seven-ten syllable count b. A five-line poem with 15 syllables, written in a two-five-two-five-one syllable count c. A three-line poem with 21 syllables, written in a seven-seven-seven syllable count d. A three-line poem with 17 syllables, written in a five-seven-five syllable count

A three-line poem with 17 syllables, written in a five-seven-five syllable count

Which of the following statements is an example of a thesis statement? a. Drowsy driving is responsible for 100,000 accidents every year. b. More than 250,000 drivers in the United States fall asleep at the wheel every day. c. A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver. d. A lack of sleep has been shown to slow reaction times and impair judgement.

A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver.

What is an anecdote? a. A required element of conclusions. b. A dictionary definition. c. A final statement in an essay. d. A very short story.

A very short story.

Which of the following best describes the character of Assef in 'The Kite Runner'? a. He starts the novel as a bully, but in the end he changes his ways. b. A complex character who makes bad choices but could find his way to redemption. c. A villain who is evil through-and-through. d. A character who learns an important lesson about the power of friendship. e. He may be evil, but when the reader learns his back story, he becomes much more sympathetic.

A villain who is evil through-and-through.

What is reader-response criticism?

A way of approaching the interpretation of literature that focuses on the role of the reader in creating meaning

Caroline/Interregnum/Restoration Period Writers: John Milton

-usually placed as second most important English writer -noted essayist, poet, dramatist who produced popular but controversial work leading up to and during the Puritan regime (during which he held a political office) -'Areopagitica' (essay about the dangers of censorship that helped develop the concept of freedom of the press) -Paradise Lost is his most popular work (a Homeric-style epic that dramatizes the story of Satan's rebellion from God and the fall of Man)

Writer's Workshop

A way of teaching writing through explanation, modeling, and practice of writing in all its varied forms. A writer's workshop is a great way for the teacher to demonstrate how to be a writer. They can explain an element of writing, like using a simile, and then model it by showing how they would construct a piece of writing with a simile in it. Finally, they would have their students practice using similes in their own writing.

To whom was Francesco Petrarch referring when he wrote, She ruled in beauty o'er this heart of mine?

A woman he loved named Laura


A word's basic sounds

British Modernist Authors: James Joyce

-was a prominent writer with multiple works attributed to the movement -Dubliners , written in 1914, follows the lives of Irish folk as they live their lives at the turn of the century. -Ulysses, written in 1922, follows the lives of the characters in a single day. These literary works do not follow a classic plot structure but instead, seem to follow the characters in their lives as they contemplate their particular challenges.

Types of Speech Delivery: Memorized

-when a speaker memorizes a written message -allows the speaker some freedom and can make the experience more engaging and lively -however can be hazardous for the speaker as they have nothing to refer to if they pause or forget or can sound stale and monotonous if the speaker doesn't practice it in a conversational tone

What are coordinating conjunctions? Define and give examples.

-words that join various elements of a sentence (such as independent clauses) -can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

Types of Literary Theory: Marxism

-works similar to New Historicism except that it focuses mostly on the economic situations surrounding a text -originally focusing on lower and middle-class workers, this theory considers class distinctions and the pros and cons of a capitalist society

Classics of World Literature: The Odyssey

-written around 700 BCE (over 2000 years ago) -discusses themes of adventure, heroism, romance -pushes readers to consider their own humanity and the concept of divinity in addition to that of all people -written as an epic poem *The hero (Odysseus) is trying to get back to his home and his wife after the Trojan War in Greece. He meets many creatures on his adventures (cyclops, nymphs, people, sorceresses, Phaeacians) who both help and hinder him. He experiences a shipwreck, and ultimately to reunite with his wife, he has to kill all of her suitors who have been staying in their house eating and drinking all of their food. While he has been gone, over one hundred suitors have tried to court his wife, but she resisted. He accomplishes ridding the house of these suitors with the help of Telemachus, Eumaeus, and Philoetius (a servant and cowherd).

Classics of YA Literature: The Kite Runner

-written by Afghan-American writer Khaled Hosseini and published in 2003 -The plot of The Kite Runner is primarily about Amir and Hassan's relationship: their friendship, and eventual betrayal due to Amir's cowardice, and Amir's redemption via rediscovering bravery for Hassan's sake. There are three parts to the book; the first is set in Kabul during Amir and Hassan's childhood, the second covers Amir and Baba's move to the United States, and the third covers Amir's return to Afghanistan. -themes of friendship and family and the effect of political events on lives and effects of prejudice and personal betrayal -emphasizes redemption through facing your sins as a way to move forward

Which of the following is the correct APA format for citing the date a journal source was published? a. March 8, 2012 b. (2012). c. 3/8/12 d. 2012.


A student offers original thoughts and ideas throughout the class discussion, even after she has been called on to speak. What grade in which category should she receive? a. None of the answers are correct b. A 4 in participation c. A 3 in listening d. A 2 in speaking

A 4 in participation

Based on the type of fiction, what can be assumed about the difference between the novel A Tale of Two Cities and the short story The Tell-Tale Heart?

A Tale of Two Cities has more characters and plot lines than The Tell-Tale Heart.

Which of the following would be considered informational text? a. The true story of one man's passion for chili. b. A book about the uses, history, and types of chili. c. A recipe that explains how to make fiery hot chili. d. All of the answers are correct.

A book about the uses, history, and types of chili.

Why is it important to use a simple background in your presentation? a. A simple background using a bright color is considered to be very professional. b. A simple background will allow you to have more than one main point per slide. c. A busy background is distracting and makes it more difficult to read text. d. It is not. An interesting background, such as an image, can do a lot to add to the value of your presentation.

A busy background is distracting and makes it more difficult to read text.

Types of Claims: Cause & Effect

A cause and effect claim argues that an event occurred as the direct result of a specific catalyst.

According to Hans-Robert Jauss, what do readers bring to the text?

A certain set of mental expectations

Which of the following scenarios would support the nativist perspective? a. A child puts words together to create sentences he has never heard before. b. A baby with an older brother picks up language more quickly because he wants to be like his sibling. c. A child slowly develops sounds, words, and full understanding of language over a series of years. d. A baby learns new words by imitating the sounds of his parents.

A child puts words together to create sentences he has never heard before.

Which of the following separates a title and subtitle in APA formatting? a. A semi colon b. A comma c. A colon d. A hyphen

A colon

A metaphor is: a. When two words have the same meaning b. A comparison between two unlike things using 'like' or 'as' c. A comparison between two unlike things d. Two descriptions of the same event

A comparison between two unlike things


A comparison using "like" or "as"

Types of Claims: Counterclaim

A counterclaim is a powerful type of claim that can be built into any argumentative paper. To strengthen an argument, a writer might try to foresee an opposing claim that could theoretically weaken the writer's stance. The writer can offer a rebuttal, or response, to show audiences that the writer or speaker at hand understands the complexities of the topic they are discussing and still believes that their claim is correct (will usually include an acknowledgement of the potential argument and a rebuttal)

Falling Action

After the conflict has reached its peak, the story begins to wrap up. Any other minor disputes are now resolved.

Young Adult Literature

Aimed at students between the ages of 12 and 20 explores a wide range of societal issues that can relate to all content areas. Can play an important role in developing pride in one's heritage and building positive self-concept.

Who was considered the "Father of the Harlem Renaissance" and why?

Alain Locke because he compiled the first anthology of black writers; as a philosopher thought that black people should create high art (art created for the sake of beauty) because it would elevate the Black race as they became creators and subjects of great art

How does using published paragraphs as models help students learn to write their own paragraphs? a. All answer choices are correct. b. Students can see how paragraphs exist in the 'real world' at their reading and writing levels. c. Students can see what bad strategies authors use that distract them as readers. d. Students can see what good strategies authors use that help them as readers.

All answer choices are correct.

Which of the following is true about students identifying topic sentences in published works? a. Students can discuss how a hard-to-identify topic sentence negatively impacts their ability to read the paragraph as a whole. b. All answer choices are correct. c. Students see how placing the topic sentence at different points in the paragraph impacts the effect of the paragraph. d. Students can identify how a badly phrased topic sentence confuses its readers.

All answer choices are correct.

Active listening is not only used in the therapeutic setting; it is an essential component of _____. a. engaging with others b. effective communication c. All answers are correct d. good relationships

All answers are correct

Indirect characterization portrays peoples' characteristics through their _____. a. words b. deeds c. interactions d. All answers are correct

All answers are correct

What is a good step to take when editing your paper? a. Read each sentence individually b. All answers are correct c. Look at and check each punctuation mark d. Not relying on just spell check e. Focus on one area at a time when rereading

All answers are correct

Why are the headings and subheadings important? a. They separate the main ideas and the major details to these ideas b. They show the relationship between the main ideas c. They make the main ideas easy to identify d. They help organize the main ideas of the writing e. All answers are correct

All answers are correct

Why is keeping a writing portfolio important in recursive writing? a. Revisiting graded papers and seeing what was received well or what can be improved b. Revisiting old papers for inspiration in new patterns and genres c. Keeping the feedback that was given from others d. All answers are correct e. Revisiting all stages of a paper

All answers are correct

What features might an author use when writing an informational text? a. Table of contents and glossary b. Diagrams, graphs, and charts c. All answers are correct. d. Pictures and illustrations e. Large fonts, headings, or bullets

All answers are correct.

Why would the audience have questions after a speech? a. All answers are correct. b. Someone disagrees with you. c. Something was difficult to understand. d. More information is needed.

All answers are correct.

What is common across all types of literary criticism?

All literary criticism is an opinion that is based on evidence that relates to history or culture. All literary criticism discusses the work and connects the work to insights based on a literary theory.


All loose ends of the story have been resolved. The story concludes.

Which of the following is a reference tool to build your vocabulary? a. Dictionary b. Online dictionary c. Glossary d. All of the above e. Thesaurus

All of the above

A secondary source is _____. a. All of the answer choices are correct b. Second-hand information c. A source produced after an event has occurred d. Something written about original materials

All of the answer choices are correct

Which of the following are examples of secondary sources? a. All of the answer choices are correct b. A history textbook c. An article in a magazine d. A book review

All of the answer choices are correct

Which of the following questions can be asked to help determine if a source is a secondary source? a. How does the author know the details? b. Where does this information come from: accounts or works written by others? c. All of the answer choices are correct d. Was the author present at the event or the creation or discovery of the information?

All of the answer choices are correct

Although English-speaking poets often ignored the traditional rules of haiku, they maintained: a. The use of clear, precise images b. The sense of sudden illumination or enlightenment c. All of the answers are correct d. The focus on a brief moment of time

All of the answers are correct

Choose the example that is an internal conflict: a. A character is afraid of flying but wants to visit her ill sister who lives across the country. b. A character commits a crime and must decide whether to turn themselves in to the authorities. c. A character struggles with mixed emotions about his parents' divorce. d. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct

Haiku poetry is usually: a. Written in the present tense b. Written without rhyme c. All of the answers are correct d. Written with a pause at the end of the first or second line

All of the answers are correct

What is an example of figurative language? a. All of the answers are correct b. The world is your oyster. c. The world is a stage. d. The world is a prison.

All of the answers are correct

What is fallacious reasoning? a. It is similar to unsupported inferences b. It is when you draw a conclusion that goes beyond the scope of the text c. It is unsupported by evidence in the text d. All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is a reason Mark Twain is considered to be a Realist writer? a. His use of the Deep South region as a setting b. The appearance of class and race c. All of the answers are correct. d. His distinctive voice

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following may factor into an internal conflict? a. The desires of a character b. All of the answers are correct. c. The beliefs of a character d. The emotions of a character

All of the answers are correct

A primary source can be defined as which of the following? a. The raw materials of history b. First-hand information c. Original material d. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

How can teaching about diversity in the classroom help students with learning disabilities? a. All of the answers are correct. b. It makes other students more aware of the diverse range of other people's experience. c. It encourages a classroom culture of support and respect. d. It can help students feel less ashamed or alone in dealing with learning difficulties.

All of the answers are correct.

What are some of the spell checking options in Microsoft Word? a. All of the answers are correct. b. Click on Review, then Grammar and Spelling in the Proofing window c. Click on Find and Replace d. Right click on underlined words

All of the answers are correct.

What can spell check programs do? a. Signal contextual errors b. Suggest correct spelling c. Suggest correct grammar d. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

What elements of typography may poets use to create their desired images? a. All of the answers are correct. b. Page orientation c. Word spacing d. Line length

All of the answers are correct.

Where are spell check programs usually found? a. In word processing programs b. All of the answers are correct. c. In discussion areas in online courses d. In email programs

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is an example of a print feature? a. Pronunciation guide b. Preface c. All of the answers are correct. d. Table of Contents e. Glossary

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following questions can be asked to help determine if a source is a primary source? a. All of the answers are correct. b. How does the author know the details? c. Was the author present at the event or the creation of the information? d. Where does this information come from - personal experience of an event, an eyewitness account of an event, or a creative work or artifact?

All of the answers are correct.

Why would expanding one's reading help a person to learn vocabulary in context? a. It exposes a reader to more words in general. b. All of the answers are correct. c. It increases background knowledge. d. It shows words being used in their typical contexts.

All of the answers are correct.

One way to provide guided practice for making predictions as students read is to give them a three-column prediction list. This list can help students... a. predict what the results of an experiment or global issue will be or what the author's opinion will be and why. b. predict what characters in a novel or short story will say, do, what will happen to them, etc. c. predict what an article in a newspaper or textbook will be about or what solutions will be suggested d. All of the answers listed provide guided practice

All of the answers listed provide guided practice

Rhetoric is communication that ____. a. Attempts to shift readers' perspectives b. All of these c. Helps readers remember key points d. Imaginatively expresses important ideas e. Creatively asserts a point of view

All of these

Strong evidence ____. a. Is relevant to the argument at hand b. All of these c. Is accurate d. Comes from a credible source e. Is convincing

All of these

Strong reasons ____. a. Are logical b. All of these c. Answer the question 'Why is this claim true?' d. Are clear e. Directly support the claim

All of these

Which of the following is a category of rhetorical devices? a. Rhetoric of sounds b. Rhetoric of sentences c. All of these d. Rhetoric of figures of speech e. Rhetoric of words

All of these

Which of the following is an element that contributes to a poem's content? a. Tone b. Imagery c. Word choices d. Subject matter e. All of these

All of these

Which of the following is an element that contributes to a poem's form? a. Stanza structure b. Rhythm c. All of these d. Line Lengths e. Rhyme scheme

All of these

Which of the following is an example of informational text? a. A book about the Cold War, written by a Russian author b. All of these c. An online article about the Cold War written by a Cuban author d. An American magazine article about the Cold War

All of these

Why is it beneficial to have the entire class read a book together out loud? a. No one is put on the spot b. All of these answers are correct c. Everyone can practice together d. All of the kids can read the same book

All of these answers are correct

Why was James Joyce's Ulysses an example of modernism? a. It provided insightful references b. It jumped between the past and present c. It went from one character's mind to another's d. All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct

Which of these applies to checking for the accuracy of a source? a. There are no spelling or grammar errors. b. The information is free of bias. c. The information can be verified. d. All of these apply to accuracy. e. The information is supported by facts.

All of these apply to accuracy.

What are some activities to use to help younger readers develop basic skills? a. Reading to a stuffed animal b. All of these are correct c. Reviewing sight words d. Creating sentences using sight words

All of these are correct

What is satire? a. The use of sarcasm to criticize the behavior of others b. The use of humor to mock the behavior of others c. All of these are correct d. The use of irony to criticize or mock the foolish behavior of others

All of these are correct

Which of the following could be a potential target for satire? a. Other people b. All of these are correct c. Society d. The government

All of these are correct

In coherent writing, which of the following words serves as a transitional device that shows time? a. later b. All of these are correct. c. then d. first

All of these are correct.

Which of these is an example of a phoneme in English? a. The sound 'ng' as in 'ring' b. The sound 'b' as in 'boy' c. All of these are phonemes in the English language. d. The sound 'A' as in 'apple'

All of these are phonemes in the English language.

Which of the following is a form of figurative language? a. Metaphor b. All options are correct. c. Hyperbole d. Simile

All options are correct

What kind of texts do we naturally draw inferences from? a. All texts b. Only nonfiction c. Only poetry d. Only fiction

All texts

Which of the following would be an example of universal theme? a. Death and tragedy b. A person's coming of age story. c. All the answers are correct. d. Cause and effect of our actions.

All the answers are correct.

Which of the following occurs when sounds are repeated at the beginning of words? a. Simile b. Personification c. Chiasmus d. Alliteration e. Metaphor


You're reading a book, and you come across a passage where a lot of words begin with the same consonant. What kind of figurative language did you just see?


What are some rhetorical sound devices (rhetoric that appeals to one's auditory senses)? (5)

Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, Onomatopoeia, Cacophony

Ms. James is worried about Benny, a struggling reader. She notices that he acts out during reading time, rarely finishes his work, and is easily distracted. What might Ms. James do to motivate Benny during reading time? a. Provide positive praise regardless of his behavior. b. Give him extra reading time. c. Provide more opportunities to practice. d. Allow him to choose which assignment he wants to complete first.

Allow him to choose which assignment he wants to complete first.

Which stylistic device can be found in the sentence, 'I knew she was lying; I was surprised her nose wasn't growing like Pinocchio's'? a. Personification b. Hyperbole c. Allusion d. Metaphor


American Romantic Authors: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Although he is typically associated with Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson is considered to be a Romantic writer. Emerson is known for writing essays that focused on individual ideals inspired by nature, as seen in his essay ''Self-Reliance.''

What is the difference between a thesis statement and topic sentence?

Although they have similar purposes, they have different roles in communicating the ideas of the piece; one gives the main idea for the entire essay and the other the main idea in supporting paragraphs.

When do you capitalize the pronoun ''I''? a. Always b. Only at the beginning of a sentence c. Never d. Only when it is included in a title


APA format is an abbreviation for the _____ _____ _____, which issues the style guide, and is used to give credit to sources used in a paper or presentation. APA format can be used in a variety of fields, but it is most commonly found in medical fields, education fields, and social sciences.

American Psychological Association

One of the big themes in the novel The Kite Runner is redemption. Which character is redeemed?


Which of the following is NOT typically part of an essay? a. The title b. An introductory paragraph c. An abstract d. A thesis e. A concluding paragraph

An abstract

Ad hominem is Latin for ''to the man.'' What's the significance of this expression? a. An ad hominem fallacy makes the opponent's argument look weak. b. An ad hominem fallacy is when the popularity of an action is the basis for the argument. c. An ad hominem fallacy requires the opponent to discredit the argument in order to beat it. d. An ad hominem fallacy is when a different argument is used as a distraction. e. An ad hominem fallacy is when the speaker is attacked, as opposed to the argument itself.

An ad hominem fallacy is when the speaker is attacked, as opposed to the argument itself.

During the Renaissance, concrete poets became particularly fond of a type of visual poetry representative of its typically religious subject, known as which one of the following?

An altar poem

Thesis Statement: Analysis Statement

An analysis thesis statement is used in essays that analyze a particular topic, such as a specific piece of literature.

What does the term Renaissance refer to?

An artistic movement that swept through Europe starting in the 14th century.

How do a soliloquy and an aside differ?

An aside addresses the audience when other characters are on stage, while a soliloquy addresses the audience when the character is alone on stage. Watch Correct Answer

Which element of Romanticism is present in both Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights?

An element of the supernatural.

Which of the following statements is true? a. Analysis of a text never includes your own opinions about the text. b. None of the statements are true c. You may state your opinion about a text when you analyze it, but you don't have to give reasons for your opinion. d. Stating your own opinion in your analysis of a text is always optional. e. An important part of analyzing a text is offering your own opinion about how successful the text is and reasons for that opinion.

An important part of analyzing a text is offering your own opinion about how successful the text is and reasons for that opinion.


An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements (mostly due to industrialization as people seek jobs in factories)

What is an IEP? a. A social service available to low-income families b. An individualized educational plan to help students compensate for unique learning difficulties c. A single solution that will cure any and all learning difficulties d. A medication used to help students deal with attention problems

An individualized educational plan to help students compensate for unique learning difficulties

What is an inference?

An inference is a process of deduction that involves using existing information to make educated guesses about missing pieces of information (allow people to arrive at logical conclusions based on evidence)

Paul Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement

Arguments that attack opponents but offer no reasons or evidence are lower on the hierarchy. Ad hominem, or personal attacks, land at the bottom of the pyramid since their claims are often irrelevant and lack both reason and evidence. Claims halfway up the hierarchy will address the argument and offer some evidence but will not address an opponent's core reasoning. Claims at the top of the hierarchy address the core issue at hand by refuting reasons and offering reliable evidence.

Characters in a Play

Aristotle's description encompasses the entire cast of characters and how they each have a unique impact on the plot; refers to them as a "community;" a character in a play includes a particular personality, beliefs, and principles

James told his girlfriend, Bertha, that he was 'gunna' get some popcorn at the concession stand. Where did he go wrong? a. Culture b. Dialect c. Pronunciation d. Articulation


Which of the following did NOT contribute to the rise of the Harlem Renaissance? a. The music and lifestyle of the Jazz Age. b. The migration of African Americans to northern cities. c. Arts grants for African Americans. d. The opportunities for inspiration and collaboration available in Harlem.

Arts grants for African Americans.

Which of the following sentences has an INCORRECT subject-verb agreement? a. Psychologists who came up with the idea of multitasking have lately been saying they were wrong. b. Whenever you have time, the architect and his assistant would like to talk to you about the remodel. c. Despite all the fuss about formal wedding dinners, I'm serving barbecue at mine. d. Across the bay, fleets of old fishing boats was seen on the horizon.

Across the bay, fleets of old fishing boats was seen on the horizon.

_____ _____ is the process by which someone takes in information from another person. It involves hearing, processing, and developing a thoughtful response. Contrary to what one might think, it is not remaining silent while thinking about what one is going to say next. Considered a soft skill when thinking about employment or marketing oneself to a potential employer, it is arguably one of the most important skills one can have.

Active listening

What do active reading and metacognition have in common?

Active reading and metacognition reading strategies invite readers to summarize what they have read aloud or by writing it down.

How could the following sentence be altered to be clearer? Without help I would not finish this assignment. a. Add a comma after 'finish.' b. Add commas around 'I would not.' c. Add a comma after 'help.' d. Add a comma after 'not.'

Add a comma after 'help.'


Additional meaning is found by looking at the layout and formal qualities of the words, such as their sound

What kinds of words are great places to begin looking for inferences because they are descriptors that often carry assumptions about the reader's past experiences? a. Punctuations b. Conjunctions c. Adjectives d. Conjugated verbs


Who is the most famous 'writer' of fables?

Aesop (EX: The Tortoise and the Hare)

How are blank verse and free verse poems different?

Blank verse poems follow a set meter, but they do not rhyme. While any meter can be used in blank verse, the style is most commonly associated with iambic pentameter. Free verse poems do not have a set rhyme or meter.

Which resource can be helpful to consult when writing group discussion questions? a. The textbook for the subject b. A research book on the topic c. A teacher's guide d. Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy

Explain how Romanticism and Transcendentalism are alike and different.

Both movements are a reaction against the religious traditions and rationalism of the past and focused on the individual and his connection to nature. Transcendentalism was more of a religious movement and focused on an individual having a personal relationship with God, while concerned more with spirituality in general and not necessarily with God specifically. Romantic literature also portrayed stronger emotions and was much more intense than Transcendental writing.

Which statement correctly compares the function of Broca's area and Wernicke's area? a. Broca's area is involved with acquisition and Wernicke's area with distinguishing phonemes. b. Broca's area is involved with distinguishing phonemes and Wernicke's area with universal grammar. c. Broca's area is involved with universal grammar and Wernicke's area with acquisition. d. Broca's area is involved with production and Wernicke's area with understanding. e. Broca's area is involved with understanding and Wernicke's area with production.

Broca's area is involved with production and Wernicke's area with understanding.

How does symbolism make writing stronger? a. By adding imagery that will cause the reader to get distracted. b. By improving the writing's rhyming scheme. c. By making it more difficult, thus requiring more energy and focus from the reader. d. By adding deeper meaning and making it more interesting.

By adding deeper meaning and making it more interesting.

Rhetorical devices are used by speakers to interact in what way with their audiences? a. By deceiving them into thinking about something. b. By deriding their beliefs. c. By directing them toward a certain perspective. d. By disdaining them about the antagonist.

By directing them toward a certain perspective.

How did Jim Crow laws play a role in the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance?

By pushing African-Americans to escape their reach by leaving the South.

What test could you use to determine if a source is trustworthy and reliable?

CRAAP test

Caedmon's Hymn is the earliest recorded poem in Old English. What about its authorship makes it unique?

Caedmon was illiterate, so the poem was composed orally and then scribed by someone named Venerable Bede in the 7th century.

Poor reading ability: a. Makes it look as if teachers are not doing their jobs b. Does not impact children c. Is a problem that students will outgrow as they get older d. Can have a negative impact on individuals throughout their lives

Can have a negative impact on individuals throughout their lives

What are the capitalization rules?

Capitalizing a letter means to write it as an uppercase (capital) letter. Capitalizing a word means to write the first letter of that word as a capital (uppercase) letter while keeping the rest of the letters in lowercase.

Which of these topics would you NOT expect to find in a young adult novel? a. Popularity b. Career Pathways c. Drinking d. Sexuality e. Drug use

Career Pathways

All of the following statements are true about language development in children EXCEPT: a. Lower socio-economic status is generally associated with a smaller vocabulary b. Children who are emotionally reactive develop language quickly c. Girls tend to develop language quicker than boys d. Diverse social experiences promote language development

Children who are emotionally reactive develop language quickly

Who proposed that children are born with a language acquisition device? a. Chomsky b. Bandura c. Vygotsky d. Piaget


Dr. Khan told her students about her teaching career. She spoke about her ability to teach at ages 3, 5, 7 and did not stop until she reached her current age of 39. What type of speech is this? a. Boring b. Topic c. Chronological d. Spatial


LaToya is preparing a speech on the history of space flight. Which method of organization would lend itself well to her topic? a. Spatial b. Topical c. Chronological d. Causal Relationships


_____ is a strategy that requires students to break a longer text into smaller pieces that they will summarize in their own words.


All of the following criteria are indicative of a properly-formatted MLA Works Cited page EXCEPT: a. Citations should be listed in the order in which they appear in your paper. b. It should have one-half inch indentations for the second and subsequent lines of each citation. c. It should include the medium of publication for each entry. d. It should be on a separate page at the end of your paper.

Citations should be listed in the order in which they appear in your paper.

What does it mean to give credit to sources you use? a. Put the information from those sources inside quotation marks b. Cite the source in your text and your Works Cited or Reference page c. Acknowledge that you used primary and secondary sources in your footnotes d. Send the author a notification that you used his or her work in your own writing

Cite the source in your text and your Works Cited or Reference page

Which part of an argument states the position to be argued? a. All of these b. Evidence c. Claim d. None of these e. Reason


_____ refers to the active reading strategy whereby a student is asked to re-read a portion of a text with fluency and understanding.


Why might someone write an elegy?

As a dedication to someone who has passed away.

_____ is the priority when constructing a thesis statement, so thesis statement can be one to two sentences in length.


Sally wants to become more comfortable making speeches in front of large audiences, especially when it comes to expressing herself through the use of gestures. She tends to put her hands in her pockets when she is speaking. What is the best position for Sally to place her hands in during a speech? a. At her sides b. Crossed over her chest c. On her hips d. Folded in front of her

At her sides

Where are topic sentences generally found in writing? Why? a. In the first transition statement to strengthen the introductory argument b. At the beginning of an opening paragraph to summarize the main point of the written piece for the reader c. At the end of each paragraph to provide a summary of the information d. In the abstract to alert readers of the upcoming subject matter

At the beginning of an opening paragraph to summarize the main point of the written piece for the reader

When did the contemporary period of American literature start?

At the end of WWII

Traditional Haiku Elements: Kireji

At the end of the first or second line of a haiku, it is traditional in Japanese to employ a kireji word, or 'cutting word.' This is a word that juxtaposes two images and provides a pause or break between two lines. Kireji are a particular class of words for which there is no entirely accurate English translation.

Which of the following identifies the proper order for the introductory paragraph? a. Bridge - Attention Getter - Thesis b. Thesis - Attention Getter - Bridge c. Attention Getter - Thesis - Bridge d. Attention Getter - Bridge - Thesis

Attention Getter - Bridge - Thesis

Media aimed at reportage is characterized by which of the following traits? a. Print messages b. Complexity c. Storytelling d. Authenticity


_____ _____ is defined as the way an author looks at a topic or idea. Sometimes, an author uses particular words or phrases to tell a reader what the feelings and opinions are about a topic, or they have characters say or do things within a text that implies their point of view.

Author's perspective

_____ is more commonly used in the sciences. Citations are placed in parentheses and include author last name and year of publication. The sciences are typically more concerned with having up-to-date information, so the year of publication is more prominent in this type of citation. These citations are similar to APA with in-text citations mentioning the author's last name, year of publication, and page number.

Author-Date (AD)

You've been given a short story to read. Other than a title, there are no text features. The story's title is 'Walking on the Moon' so you think about what you know about the lunar landings and the history of space travel. What's your next step to actively engage with the text?

Based on what you know about the moon landings, make a prediction about what will happen in the story.

What are sight words?

Basic common words that can be memorized

Why is the attention getter such an important element of the introductory paragraph? a. Because it is the main argument of the essay. b. Because if the essay writer doesn't communicate their main idea in the first sentence, they may fail to do so later on. c. Because if the essay writer cannot engage the reader, their message will most likely be lost. d. Because it has to connect to all of the main points of the essay.

Because if the essay writer cannot engage the reader, their message will most likely be lost.

Why is business the only subject in the following sentence? The business with the casino owner and the oil tycoon was shady. a. Because it's the only noun in the sentence. b. Because it corresponds to the verb was shady. c. Because it's the only part of the sentence replaceable with a personal pronoun. d. Because it explains the relationship between the casino owner and the oil tycoon.

Because it corresponds to the verb was shady.

Why is it generally better to avoid the passive voice? a. Because it is far too engaging. b. Because it's the simplest form possible. c. Because it emphasizes the wrong parts of the sentence. d. Because it makes the subject always be the one performing the action.

Because it emphasizes the wrong parts of the sentence.

Why is the word 'who' important to the following dependent clause? ''The man who had it all eventually lost everything.'' a. Because it is a noun-pronoun that connects the independent clause 'who had it all'. b. Because it is a personal pronoun that connects the dependent clause 'who had it all'. c. Because it is a relative pronoun that connects the independent clause 'who had it all'. d. Because it is a relative pronoun that connects the dependent clause 'who had it all'.

Because it is a relative pronoun that connects the dependent clause 'who had it all'.

The read aloud/think loud strategy is a good strategy to:

Develop comprehension

How can an author introduce complex ideas in an easier way? a. Margin notes b. Lists c. There is no easy way to introduce complex ideas. d. Prefaces e. Diagrams


When Jed told his friends, 'Y'all come back now', this is an example of: a. Pronunciation b. Dialect c. Personality d. Articulation


Which of the following literary elements are NOT included in structure? a. Dialogue b. Plot c. Setting d. Theme


When listing the events of the story, what should you keep in mind when choosing what to list? a. Don't pick minor, unimportant events. b. Don't pick events that spoil the ending. c. Don't pick events that explain the conflict. d. Pick your favorite events. e. Pick events related to the central theme.

Don't pick minor, unimportant events.

Who are three authors that valued dialogue as useful tool to enhance their work?

Douglas Adams, Judy Blume, and John Steinbeck

Give an example of the Dark Romantic theme of the horrors lurking within everyone.

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"; follows a murderer's increased paranoia after hiding a dismembered body under the floorboards

Who were the two poets of the English Renaissance?

Edmund Spenser, John Donne

What poet exhibited the shift from optimism to pessimism in their Modernist poems?

Edward Arlington Robinson

Characteristics of Language: Systematicity

Elements of language must be organized into a system that it is possible to learn and describe

True or False: You can only develop one rough draft throughout the drafting stage. a. Depends on the assignment. b. True, and it should be close to publication. c. False d. Depends on your writing ability. e. True, but it will be revised later.


Which word best describes modern world literature?


Pretend you are writing a paper about the economic policy of President George W. Bush (2001-2009). Which one of these articles sounds the most irrelevant to your paper? a. George W. Bush and the Second Amendment b. Drilling for Oil: Energy Policy In 2003 and 2004 c. U.S.-Canadian Trade Relations in the 21st Century d. Taxation Policy: 2004-2006

George W. Bush and the Second Amendment

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of discussing what you've read for better reading comprehension? a. Hearing another person's perspective on the text b. Getting to know a reading partner better c. Increasing your understanding of the text d. Discussing the details of the text

Getting to know a reading partner better

What is one way of giving students guided practice on making predictions?

Give students a three column prediction list with these three headings: your prediction?/clues used?/changes to prediction?

Repeated readings of the text: a. Punish students for being too lazy to read the first time. b. Give students multiple exposures to the text in order to develop their comprehension skills. c. Help students pass the test you give them about the story. d. Is not a good idea if your students are struggling to read.

Give students multiple exposures to the text in order to develop their comprehension skills.

An interesting form of literature to come out of the romanticism of the 18th century in Britain was _____ writing.


When providing a model essay for a long composition, teachers should have students analyze its contents for all of the following EXCEPT which one? a. Thesis statement b. Grammar and spelling c. Claims d. Evidence and reasoning

Grammar and spelling

How could you BEST describe the role that grammar plays in language? a. Grammar concentrates mainly on the use of morphemes added to words b. Grammar allows us to distinguish between what is language and what is not c. Grammar enables complexity of meaning in language d. Grammar is a system of rules you learn in English class e. Grammar is not essential to language and is only present in certain ones

Grammar enables complexity of meaning in language

Which of the following is a true statement about great world literature? a. Great world literature is written in a language other than English then translated into English. b. Great world literature speaks to only the people of one country. c. Great world literature is widely read beyond the borders of the country where it was written. d. Great world literature was originally written in Sanskrit or Greek. e. Great world literature deals with issues particular to the country where it was written.

Great world literature is widely read beyond the borders of the country where it was written.

What are some of the central ideas and themes presented in The Odyssey?

Greek Hospitality, Homecoming, Temptation, Cunning

Subject-Verb Agreement Exceptions: Group Nouns

Group nouns, or collective nouns (as they're sometimes called), refer to groups of things but are typically themselves singular. This includes words like team, party, or crew - any singular noun that encompasses a group of people or things. In general, since these group nouns have their own plural forms - you can have a team (singular) or teams (plural) - you should use a singular verb with the singular form of the noun. HOWEVER some group nouns can be either singular or plural depending on the context. More often than not, the group nouns will take a singular verb because they're being used to talk about a collective unit, but you need to be aware of the rare cases when they call for a plural verb - when there is discord between the members that make up the unit.

When students make predictions, they are:

Guessing what is going to happen next in a story.

_____ allows students to write in a small group with help from the teacher. a. Word wall b. Author's chair c. Writer's workshop d. Guided writing e. Writing center

Guided writing

Guided Writing

Guided writing is another activity that a teacher can use to develop their students' writing skills. This offers students the chance to write in small groups with guidance from the teacher. For example, if the teacher notices that several of their students are struggling to write compelling openings to their writing pieces, they might pull them together to practice writing opening sentences as a group.

List some major Realist writers. (7)

Gustave Flaubert, Alexandre Dumas fils, Henry James, Stendhal, Fedor Dostoyevsky, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain

Traditional Haiku Elements: Tense

Haikus are almost always written in the present tense. It is worth noting that Japanese does not have a grammatical distinction between present and future tense, using context to indicate future. In English, haikus are customarily written in present tense.

Traditional Haiku Elements: Structure

Haikus must consist of three lines that follow a 5-7-5 syllable count. However, Japanese does not count syllables the way that English does. Instead, haikus are divided into on, which are sounds represented by individual characters. The English use of syllables is the closest approximation to on that poets can use.

Who are three of the most important theorists of reader-response criticism?

Hans-Robert Jauss, Wolfgang Iser, and Stanley Fish

What is the mood of the following passage? Nearly in tears, the proud father beamed as he handed his newborn daughter to his mother. The grandmother smiled wide and cradled the baby in her arms. a. Apprehensive b. Sad c. Happy d. Threatening



Has three syllables; the first is emphasized and the second two are not


Has three syllables; the first two are not emphasized but the last is


Has two syllables and is the reverse of an iamb; the first syllable is emphasized and the second isn't

Which activity would make a group discussion about a historical event more interesting? a. Have members of the group take on the roles of different characters during that time period and then discuss the questions from their perspective. b. Have the group move to different sides of the room if they agree with the speaker or not. c. Divide the group into pairs for discussion. d. There is nothing you can do to make a historical discussion more interesting.

Have members of the group take on the roles of different characters during that time period and then discuss the questions from their perspective.

American Romantic Authors: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hawthorne's fiction emphasizes emotions and passion as highlighted in his most famous novel, The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlett Letter, which takes place in Puritan times, shows the rigidity and harsh rules of the Puritans that the Romantics sought to escape.

Chef Caleb 'axes' his line cooks to peel potatoes. This error is part of: a. Dialect b. Pronunciation c. Articulation d. Personality


The last step in the editing process is known as _____, which involves carefully reading over a document for the purpose of finding any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting that need to be corrected. a. Proofreading b. Revising c. Quality control d. Final check


What are five categories of formal fallacies?

Propositional Fallacy Probabilistic Fallacy Syllogistic Fallacy Quantificational Fallacy Bad Reasons Fallacy

What do we call ordinary written or spoken word?


Another word for the main character in a story is...


What types of questions are good to ask in a group discussion? a. Questions with clear correct answers b. Questions that require the group to synthesize and evaluate information c. Reading comprehension questions d. Questions with one word or short answers

Questions that require the group to synthesize and evaluate information

You must always be sure to give the author credit whenever you _____ his or her ideas. a. Quote or paraphrase b. Quote c. Paraphrase d. Quote, paraphrase, or summarize e. Summarize or paraphrase

Quote, paraphrase, or summarize

Which of the following demonstrates proper capitalization? a. rachel went to the store and bought milk. She returned to the store later in the day because she forgot to purchase cheese. b. rachel went to the store and bought milk. she returned to the store later in the day because she forgot to purchase cheese. c. Rachel went to the store and bought milk. she returned to the store later in the day because she forgot to purchase cheese. d. Rachel went to the store and bought milk. She returned to the store later in the day because she forgot to purchase cheese.

Rachel went to the store and bought milk. She returned to the store later in the day because she forgot to purchase cheese.

Which of the following are examples of Broadcast media? a. Radio and TV b. Newspapers and magazines c. Billboards and signs d. Books and encyclopedias

Radio and TV

If someone asks you to speak more slowly, what vocal quality do you need to adjust? a. Fluency b. Articulation c. Rate d. Volume


If you're taking a multiple-choice test, and you must choose a conclusion that can be drawn from a text, you should: a. Re-read the text to evaluate which fact presented in the text is the most important. b. Re-read the text to look for the conclusion, since it will be explicitly stated by the author. c. Decide which option most closely mirrors what is explicitly stated in the text in the concluding paragraph. d. Summarize the main point of the text in your own words. e. Re-read the text to see which details or facts point to one of the options on the test.

Re-read the text to see which details or facts point to one of the options on the test.

Maggie has written an essay that is going to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. She struggles with proofreading her own material because her mind tends to wander when she reads her essays aloud to herself. What is another type of proofreading strategy that Maggie could use? a. Find a less distracting environment for reading the essay. b. Read, record and then play back her reading of the essay. c. Read her essay backwards. d. Pause and reflect after reading each paragraph in the essay.

Read her essay backwards.

What should someone NOT do before reading an informational text? a. Think about what they already know about the topic. b. Read someone else's thoughts on the text. c. Jot down some questions about what they want to learn. d. Survey the text.

Read someone else's thoughts on the text.

Which of the following is NOT an active reading strategy? a. Determining the type of text and thinking about what you know about that type. b. Reading and rereading the text. c. Making predictions and evaluating them as you read. d. Examining the text features for clues as to the subject and format of a selection.

Reading and rereading the text.

_____ _____ _____ _____ occurs when a teacher reads a text aloud to students and verbalizes the thought processes that go through an active reader's mind when processing a text.

Reading and thinking aloud

What is reading comprehension?

Reading comprehension is when you understand what you read.

_____ _____ are effective ways to teach kids who are the same level at the same time.

Reading groups

What is the first step to reading comprehension?

Reading on your ability level

Which of the following is NOT a suggested proofreading strategy? a. Reading only the new paragraphs you have written while revising. b. Walking away from your essay before you begin proofreading. c. Using your word processor's grammar and spell checkers before proofreading d. Looking for one type of error at a time.

Reading only the new paragraphs you have written while revising.

Which of the following is NOT helpful when trying to determine the meaning of an unknown word? a. Prior knowledge b. Reading the word backwards c. Word structure d. Context clues e. A root word

Reading the word backwards

What became popular at the beginning of the Victorian era?


How did Realism differ from Romanticism?

Realism focused on an authentic representation of middle class life and did not rely on literary devices whereas Romanticism focused on imaginative plots and elevated language.

Which of the following is a defining characteristic of Realism? a. Frontier life is the foundation of most stories. b. Optimism is a driving force in character choice and action. c. Realistic characters are more important than complicated plots. d. Plot development is more important than character development.

Realistic characters are more important than complicated plots.

In order to show a character's search for self, contemporary American writers often use all of the following techniques, EXCEPT: a. Using the rhythm that flows from the words being said. b. Realistic descriptions of external events. c. Bringing internal feelings and experiences to the surface. d. Blending and mixing up events out of order.

Realistic descriptions of external events.

What did Enlightenment thinkers emphasize?

Reason and science

Why are reasons important in an argument? a. Reasons support the assumptions the audience may have about the claim. b. Reasons explain to the audience what the claim is about. c. Reasons validate the claim and state why the audience should accept it. d. Reasons support the evidence provided in the argument.

Reasons validate the claim and state why the audience should accept it.


Refers to the actual structures of each poem made by placing some lines together; a stanza is created when two or more lines are placed together and set off from other groups of lines

Which of the following is not found in a dictionary? a. Parts of speech b. Pronunciation c. Example usage d. Syllables e. Relation to similar words

Relation to similar words

_____ pronouns are used to relate or tie together two separate clauses. The relative pronouns include: who whom whose which that


James is worried that giving a memorized speech may be boring. What advice could you give him to make sure it isn't? a. Give the audience a copy of the speech text so they can follow along and notice if you make a mistake b. Focus only on getting the lines right and not on the audience's response to the speech c. Give the speech as quickly as possible so that audience members will have to focus to keep up d. Relax, breathe, and write the speech in language that is familiar

Relax, breathe, and write the speech in language that is familiar

The Victorian era saw the birth of the _____ Movement.


What are the differences between Romantic and Dark Romantic authors?

Romantic authors took an optimistic approach to the mystical aspects of the universe, where sins are properly punished and those who are truly good are rewarded. Dark Romantic authors were more pessimistic and found the darkness and evil in those same aspects, with evil taking over the good.

Romanticism vs. Realism: What is the timeline?

Romanticism preceded Realism, as the former was prevalent from 1790-1850. Meanwhile, Realism enjoyed prevalence from around 1850-1930.

If writing to an audience of Republican voters, a citation showing that which of the following agrees with you would probably have the most impact? a. Barack Obama b. Ronald Reagan c. Hillary Clinton d. Bill Clinton

Ronald Reagan

What is Horatian satire? a. Satire that shows anger and resentfulness about a particular issue b. A story based on political issues of the past c. Satire that compares animals to humans d. Satire that is clever, humorous, and mocks others

Satire that is clever, humorous, and mocks others

What is Juvenalian satire? a. Satire that shows anger and resentfulness about a particular issue b. A story that is based on political issues of the past c. Satire that is clever and humorous d. Satire that compares animals to humans

Satire that shows anger and resentfulness about a particular issue

_____ reading instruction models have been proven to work for children who have demonstrated difficulties in reading comprehension.


What is analyzing a poem for its rhythm and meter known as?


You're about to read an essay on dog breeds. You review what you know about different types of dogs and what you know about how essays are set up. What is the term for these categories that already exist in your mind?


What technology allows a user to collect movements of an individual's computer screen? a. Memory Capture b. Screen Capture c. Movement Capture d. Video Capture e. Online Capture

Screen Capture

Consider the following passage: You look upwards, and see a white ceiling. A long crack snakes its way towards an open door. You follow the crack, wondering what you might find through the doorway. Which point of view is being used in the passage?

Second person

How did the viewpoint of secular and religious political writers differ in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Secular writers believed that religion should not interfere with state law, while religious writers believed there should be no other laws besides Christian laws.

What are some of the earliest works from the Transcendentalist movement?

Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson Man versus Men. Woman versus Women by Margaret Fuller Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Which of the following is NOT a good reason to understand how logical fallacies can be helpful in modeling positive responses in a class discussion? a. To ensure students understand how to use critical reasoning in discussions b. So students can learn to avoid using the personal attack, or ad hominem c. To show students how to interact with people who don't agree with them d. So students can win arguments with their loud uncle at the next family gathering

So students can win arguments with their loud uncle at the next family gathering

What is the difference between temporal setting and spatial setting?

Spatial=general PLACE of a setting Temporal=general TIME of a setting

Vocal traits DO NOT include: a. Speaker's appearance b. Speaker's articulation c. Speaker's pronunciation of words d. Speaker's dialect

Speaker's appearance

What is arguably the most important category for a class discussion rubric? a. Listening b. Speaking c. Behavior d. Participation


Rhyme Schemes

Specific arrangements of rhymes

A student is writing a research question. What should his/her first step be? a. Ensuring their ideas are researchable b. Specifying what the question is about c. Indicating where the research funding is coming from d. Formulating a hypothesis

Specifying what the question is about

The most important elements of reading include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Spelling b. Phonemic awareness c. Vocabulary d. Comprehension


Components of Learning to Read: Spelling

Spelling and handwriting support written communication and phonics. As many words and word parts may be broken down into word families, understanding conventions of spelling supports decoding.

Why bother giving some students notebooks during a discussion? a. Students can sketch what the discussion is about. b. Students can organize their thoughts before participating. c. Students can write notes to each other when they are bored. d. Students can write a letter to you to let you know how they feel about the discussion.

Students can organize their thoughts before participating.

Which of these is NOT a common link between poverty and student education? a. Students in poverty tend to come from families that do not care about education. b. Students in poverty often have less access to new experiences. c. Students in poverty tend to have more stress about the availability of daily necessities. d. Students in poverty often have less stable home lives.

Students in poverty tend to come from families that do not care about education.

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules: Singular vs Plural Subjects

Subject and verb agreement depends on first determining if a subject is singular or plural. Singular, quite simply, refers to one noun (person/place/thing/idea). Plural means more than one. If a subject is singular and third person (i.e., it can be replaced by the pronouns he/she/it), the verb should generally take the form of the infinitive plus '-s' or '-es.'

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.

Brad employs the personification technique in all of his most recent plays. Given this information, which of the following is most likely NOT a line from Brad's latest play? a. Jana was at peace at last, carried forward on the breath of the wind. b. Then sunbeams and moonbeams played a game of twinkling tag in the cosmos. c. She then cried out, like a dolphin, all high pitches and clicks. d. The gentle ocean water, took him in its arms and rocked him to shore. e. As trees danced, swaying their long brown arms.

She then cried out, like a dolphin, all high pitches and clicks.

Why did the author of Middlemarch write under the pen name 'George Eliot?' a. His real name was too hard to pronounce. b. She wanted to conceal that she was not English. c. He thought that George Eliot sounded better. d. She wanted to conceal that she was a woman.

She wanted to conceal that she was a woman.

In the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, what is Nana's motive for telling her daughter Mariam that all an Afghan girl needs to learn is how to endure? What does this reveal about Nana? a. She wants to keep Mariam's expectations and standards low even though she thinks life will be better for Mariam than it's been for her. This reveals how hopeful Nana is despite her own hardships endured. b. She wants to harden Mariam and have her adopt a negative outlook on life, which she probably thinks will prepare her. This reveals how bitter and resentful Nana is about life. c. She wants to warn her daughter in case anything bad ever happens to her. This shows she's loving and protective. d. She wants to prepare Mariam for the road ahead as a woman in Afghanistan. She thinks Mariam will have to deal with a lot of discrimination even though she didn't. e. She wants to scare her daughter and this reveals that she is full of ill will and trickery.

She wants to harden Mariam and have her adopt a negative outlook on life, which she probably thinks will prepare her. This reveals how bitter and resentful Nana is about life.

Identify the grammatically correct version of this sentence: She was not nice she did not share her Twinkie with me. a. She was not nice she did not share her Twinkie, with me. b. She was not nice, for she did not share her Twinkie with me. c. She, was not nice but she did not share her Twinkie with me. d. She was not nice and she did not share her Twinkie, with me.

She was not nice, for she did not share her Twinkie with me.

Some writers, particularly American poets in the 20th century, impacted the free verse as a poetic form. Poems directly inspired by their works are still written today. Many of these writers were part of the Modernist or Imagist literary movements, drawing heavily on free verse structures for inspiration. Examples of poets include: (6)

T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, H.D. Allen Ginsburg, William Carlos Williams, E.E Cummings

_____ subjects are usually found in command sentences where the subject is implied. They are often found in dialogue and never explicitly name the noun.


Which of these pieces of information about an article would cause you to assume that the author is an expert and that the audience will learn something of importance? a. There is no such information b. If the author has a PhD in a completely different field than what they are writing about c. If the author has studied the field in question for years d. If the author says so

If the author has studied the field in question for years

Which of the following is an example of a logical fallacy? a. Adolf Hitler liked dogs. b. Swimming at night is bad. c. If you have information missing from your argument, then my argument is right. d. If one snail has a shell, then other snails might have shells.

If you have information missing from your argument, then my argument is right.

Brainstorming Techniques: Mapping

In a concept map, the main idea is placed at the top of a diagram. Branches are drawn downwards to record aspects of the main idea. Then more branches are drawn downwards to record more specific ideas. This process can continue downwards through more levels as more specific ideas come to mind.

What is the difference between active voice and passive voice?

In active voice, the subject is the one performing the action. In passive voice, the subject is having the action done to it.

How should references be listed in the APA reference list? a. In order according to when used within the paper b. In alphabetical order according to the author's last name c. In alphabetical order according to publication title d. In chronological order based on year of publication

In alphabetical order according to the author's last name

Why might you have students insert a purposefully off-topic sentence into a published paragraph? a. In order for students to see how such a sentence can mislead readers. b. In order for students to ridicule a published work. c. In order for students to practice and reinforce bad writing. d. You wouldn't ever have students do this.

In order for students to see how such a sentence can mislead readers.

A glossary is found: a. In the front and back b. In the back of the book c. Online d. At the end of each chapter e. In the front of a book

In the back of the book

_____ writing is writing that is usually done as a form of expression or to pull out creative ideas. This type of writing relies less on traditional rules with more focus put on the thoughts and meaning behind the writing. Examples of this writing include diaries, response journals, personal letters, poetry, and creative writing.


Using word study: a. Is an essential component of the reading process b. Should only be done if the students are willing c. Is not important in developing children's reading skills d. Should only be done if the teacher thinks it is necessary

Is an essential component of the reading process

How does Agamemnon's behavior in the The Iliad and The Odyssey reflect the Greeks' view of authority?

The Greeks thought centralized authority put lesser men in charge of their betters.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?

The Harlem Renaissance was an explosion of African American music and literature that began just after WWI in 1920 and continued until the beginning of the Great Depression in 1930.

What are some common types of plots? (4)

The Hero's Journey, Tragedy, Overcoming a Monster, Rags to Riches

Which answer choice below BEST demonstrates a descriptive title? a. The Giant Trees Known as Redwoods b. The History of Redwood Trees in Northern California c. Redwood Trees d. Oh, Those Towering Giants

The History of Redwood Trees in Northern California

Consider the following: This argument was emphasized by Thompson (1992:12). Why is this NOT a correct way to format an MLA in-text citation, and how should it be properly cited? a. The surname of the author must be in parenthesis as (Thompson, 1992:12). b. The page number is not necessary; it should be Thompson (1992) to reference the year. c. The year of publication is not necessary; it should be Thompson (12) to reference the page number. d. The name and surname of the author must be included as John Thompson (1992:12).

The year of publication is not necessary; it should be Thompson (12) to reference the page number.

What does the term 'The Lost Generation' refer to?

The youth generation that matured during WWI.

Zora Neale Hurston is famous for writing _____.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

What do myths, legends, fables, and folktales have in common?

Their durability as both forms of entertainment and as teaching tools

Which of the following answers has correct punctuation? a. Their new home was ideally situated by the river; furthermore: the ten-foot high fence kept the neighbors out. b. Their new home was ideally situated by the river; furthermore, the ten-foot high fence, kept the neighbors out. c. Their new home was ideally situated by the river; furthermore, the ten-foot high fence kept the neighbors out. d. Their new home was ideally, situated by the river: furthermore, the ten-foot high fence kept the neighbors out.

Their new home was ideally situated by the river; furthermore, the ten-foot high fence kept the neighbors out.

A sports writer in New York City can safely make which of the following assumptions? a. Their readers are likely fans of the New York Yankees or the New York Mets b. Their readers hate baseball c. Their readers are only fans of the New York Yankees d. Their readers are likely fans of the Boston Red Sox

Their readers are likely fans of the New York Yankees or the New York Mets

What can go wrong in a manuscript speech? a. The audience may not understand what you are reading b. The audience may be put off by your impromptu style c. The audience may become bored with your tone d. The audience may become distracted by the visuals

The audience may become bored with your tone

When students decode words: a. They color coordinate words based on whether the word is a noun or verb. b. Group words based on the number of syllables in each. c. They are able to divide unfamiliar words into syllables and sound them out. d. They are able to define the word without using a dictionary.

They are able to divide unfamiliar words into syllables and sound them out.

Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron have two major things in common. What are they?

They are both known as womanizers and were both part of the second generation of Romantics.

Which of the following is true about unsupported inferences? a. They are conclusions drawn without enough textual evidence b. All of the answers are correct c. They are given directly to you in the text d. They can only happen in informational texts

They are conclusions drawn without enough textual evidence

How do you change this sentence from passive voice to active voice? The bloody space battle was fought mostly by children. a. The space battle became bloody as it was fought by children. b. The space battle was bloody and fought mostly by children. c. The space battle, while bloody, was fought mostly by children. d. The children fought the bloody space battle.

The children fought the bloody space battle.

How is the thesis statement used in the conclusion? a. It is repeated word-for-word in the conclusion. b. It is not included in the conclusion. c. It is restated in the conclusion, but in different words. d. A new thesis statement is included in the conclusion.

It is restated in the conclusion, but in different words.

Which of the following statements best defines the main idea of an essay? a. It is the first sentence in the first paragraph. b. It is the key concept being expressed or examined. c. It is the setting in which a story takes place. d. It is a one sentence summary of the opinion being presented.

It is the key concept being expressed or examined.

What is the significance of using emotion in the conclusion? a. Emotion is an effective way to increase an essay's word count. b. Emotion is a useful tool in works of fiction, but not essays. c. It may help the reader to understand the writer's point of view. d. Use of emotion is forbidden in the conclusion.

It may help the reader to understand the writer's point of view.

What does it mean to analyze a text? a. It means to merely summarize it. b. It means to quote a few lines from it. c. It means to identify its component parts, including the main idea, reasons, and evidence. d. None of the answers are correct e. It means to draw up a flow chart and label its main parts.

It means to identify its component parts, including the main idea, reasons, and evidence.

Why do some individuals prefer the CMS style? a. It is easier to read. b. It offers concrete rules with no variability. c. It is the easiest to remember. d. It offers flexibility.

It offers flexibility.

Why is Visualization necessary in Monroe's Motivated Sequence Pattern? a. Visualization is not part of Monroe's method and is therefore unnecessary. b. The speaker needs a talking prompt to help stay focused and not stray from the point of the speech. c. Many people cannot hear well and need to see in order to understand the importance of what the speaker is saying. d. It paints a picture of a solution and evokes feelings of involvement and harmony among the audience.

It paints a picture of a solution and evokes feelings of involvement and harmony among the audience.

How can the use of a quotation in the conclusion be helpful? a. It makes the essay more aesthetically appealing. b. It strengthens the writer's argument. c. It offsets for any formatting errors. d. It fills in empty space.

It strengthens the writer's argument.

Which of the following statements best defines New Criticism? a. Its main concern regards the author's political affiliation. b. It depends on who is reading the text. c. Its main concern regards an author's biographical information. d. Its main concern is feminist criticism. e. It takes a closed reading and ignores the author's background and politics.

It takes a closed reading and ignores the author's background and politics.

The importance of the 'Read Aloud/Think Aloud' strategy is: a. It allows students to gain confidence through listening until they feel ready to read by themselves b. It encourages students to be passive in developing reading skills by having someone read to them c. It teaches students how to read fluently and think critically about the text as they read d. None of the other responses are correct

It teaches students how to read fluently and think critically about the text as they read

Why is it crucial for a speaker to make eye contact with members of the audience? a. It makes the audience less likely to remain engaged b. It encourages the audience NOT to believe the speaker c. It tells the audience that the speaker is dishonest d. It tells the audience that the speaker is confident in the material

It tells the audience that the speaker is confident in the material

What is an important aspect of the time element of setting?

It tells the era or period of time for the story.

Why was Realism appealing to readers?

It was relatable to common people and often focused on middle and lower-class people within typical locations and time periods.

Why does Whitman use the phrase depart as air in his poem Song of Myself?

It's a simile that he's using to compare his departure from earth (death) to the departure of air, something peaceful and easy.

In coherent writing, which of the following is an example of correct parallel structure? a. Jane likes running, surfing, and skating. b. Jane likes to run, surfing, and skating. c. Jane likes to run, to surf, and skating. d. Jane likes to run, surfing, and to skate.

Jane likes running, surfing, and skating.

What was Harlem Renaissance Jazz?

Jazz in the 1920s reflected the Black experience in America as it blended European and African influences to become something entirely new. Evolving from Slave Spirituals, slave work songs, ragtime, brass bands, and blues, the sound of Jazz evoked the collective memory of Black Americans as they continued to struggle for full enfranchisement and freedom.

Who was England's first official poet laureate?

John Dryden

Poet and essayist _____ (1667 - 1745) is considered the greatest satirist in the English language, known chiefly for Gulliver's Travels, a masterpiece that follows the travels of a shipwrecked sailor as he encounters different societies such as a race of giants, one of noble horses, and one of tiny people.

Jonathan Swift

What is one of the most famous examples of hyperbole in literature?

Jonathan Swift's satirical essay ''A Modest Proposal"

This image is an example of what device?


Which is not an external conflict in The Hunger Games? a. Katniss fighting to get rid of the evil Mr. Snow b. Katniss fighting other characters to the death c. Katniss struggling with her inner need to protect others d. Katniss struggling to feed her family

Katniss struggling with her inner need to protect others

What is one tool a speaker can use to avoid confusing people with his dialect? a. Continue with his speech; the audience will read between lines b. Give a handout of commonly used terms c. Stop and define each term for the audience d. Know the audience

Know the audience

If the premise is untrue, what does that mean for the conclusion? a. The conclusion is probably still true. We just have to keep looking. b. The conclusion must be the premise. c. The conclusion can still be considered true, just unsupported. d. The conclusion is more probable. e. The conclusion must be rejected.

The conclusion must be rejected.

Using your knowledge of word parts, specifically root words and suffixes, what does ''liberty'' mean? a. Full of freedom b. A reference to a statue c. Without freedom d. In the process of freedom e. The condition of freedom

The condition of freedom

Which of the following would be considered an example of language according to principle of combinability? a. Your alarm clock blaring in the morning b. A door bell ringing when pressed c. Your car's 'check engine' light flashing d. Your phone beeping when you have a new call e. The content of a text message

The content of a text message

Pretend you are writing a paper about Babe Ruth's baseball playing ability. Which piece of information would be considered incidental? a. The amount of home runs he hit b. His fielding error percentage c. The amount of hits he had d. The date of his birth

The date of his birth

Which of the following sentences has an INCORRECT subject-verb agreement? a. The flight crew was almost ready for liftoff. b. The choir appears to be practicing alto vocals this evening. c. The debate team from Des Moines are going to state nationals. d. Only about a quarter of Americans care for opera.

The debate team from Des Moines are going to state nationals.

Correctly place the commas around the non-essential clause: a. The dragon, even though, the villagers denied it was actually a nice guy. b. The dragon, even though the villagers denied it, was actually a nice guy. c. The dragon even though the villagers, denied it, was actually a nice guy. d. The dragon even, though the villagers denied it, was actually a nice guy.

The dragon even, though the villagers denied it, was actually a nice guy.

What is the definition of drawing conclusions?

The drawing conclusions definition means using the information provided to make judgments. When students are asked to draw a conclusion about something they have read, they are asked to use information in the text that is either explicitly stated or implied to make a judgment.

What is the exposition? a. Where is a problem between characters b. The parts in the story that lead to the climax c. The exposition or the introduction gives background information about the main characters, establishes the setting and states the problem in the story. d. The turning point in the story

The exposition or the introduction gives background information about the main characters, establishes the setting and states the problem in the story.

What is a danger of writing with literal language? a. Meaning can be lost in hyperbole. b. The language can be dry or boring. c. There are no dangers of writing in literal language. d. Meaning can be lost in metaphor.

The language can be dry or boring.

Which of the following statements describes children's language development in Asian cultures? a. They are more likely to be receptive-style language learners b. They are more likely to learn language quicker than children in English-language environments c. They are more likely to slowly learn language compared to children in English-language environments d. They are more likely to be expressive-style language learners

They are more likely to be expressive-style language learners

Which of the following is NOT true about informational texts? a. Their goal is to inform or build upon old ideas b. They are factual writing c. They have strong organization and structured formatting d. They are not easy to identify e. They are a type of nonfiction writing

They are not easy to identify

What is an advantage of a primary source? a. They are always written by people who are highly intelligent. b. They have no advantages. c. They are often more accurate in depicting the nature of events as they unfold. d. They offer great third-person accounts of events as they unfold.

They are often more accurate in depicting the nature of events as they unfold.

What differentiates academic journal articles from magazines? a. They include scientific jargon. b. They are published at fixed intervals. c. They are not always the most credible. d. They are peer-reviewed.

They are peer-reviewed.

What do presentation and illustration software have in common? a. They are used to create documents that can contain text, images and other elements in combination b. They run on the same operating system c. They are often used by graphic designers d. They are both part of a typical office suite of software applications

They are used to create documents that can contain text, images and other elements in combination

What is one trait that all examples of classic world literature have in common? (The Odyssey, Beowulf, Epic of Gilgamesh)

They tell a great adventure story.

Which of these tends to be true of children who have a more diverse range of experiences? a. They tend to develop language skills more quickly as a result of exposure to more phonemes. b. They tend to develop language skills more slowly as a result of too much exposure to new phonemes. c. They tend to be diglossic. d. They tend to learn universal grammar.

They tend to develop language skills more quickly as a result of exposure to more phonemes.

What was likely the reason that the Romantic poets focused on using everyday language in their writing?

They wanted the everyday man to be able to read and enjoy their work.

A student is reading a book, and they come across the word heliogram. They don't know what it means, but they do know that heliocentric means having the sun at the center. What strategy would the student use and why? a. They'll use prior knowledge, because the book is for readers who are knowledgeable about the solar system. b. They'll make a guess, because they think that a description of a heliogram will be given later in the book. c. They'll use context clues, because they think that knowing the context will be important in understanding what a heliogram is. d. They'll use a known root word, because they think that the sun will be important in understanding what a heliogram is.

They'll use a known root word, because they think that the sun will be important in understanding what a heliogram is.

Which of the following is NOT an example of valid evidence? a. Facts b. Testimony from expert witnesses c. Third-hand information d. Verifiable statistics

Third-hand information

Which of the following sentences is written correctly? a. This dog has no problem at all you just don't see it. b. Finding a way to move on. c. This dog looks funny, but that's just my opinion, isn't it? d. Determining his best way to move forward.

This dog looks funny, but that's just my opinion, isn't it?

Why should you avoid using a font like Times New Roman? a. This font is difficult to read. b. This font is considered boring. c. This font in seen as being too informal. d. This font doesn't allow you to use bold font or italics.

This font is considered boring.

Fallacious Reasoning

This is when you take a piece of evidence from the text and extend it beyond where it really applies.

Which of the following statements would you expect to see in a problem and solution essay? a. Unlike my mother, I never had a problem living on my own. b. After the recycling program began, the amount of trash was reduced by 70 percent. c. The room was large, yet felt small. This may have been because of the dark curtains over the only window, or it may have been my own fear filling the room. d. Truancy has become a large concern for Canton City school district. e. None of these would fit this pattern.

Truancy has become a large concern for Canton City school district.

T/F: All proper nouns are capitalized.


True or False: Examining how an author uses external evidence in a paragraph can help students integrate evidence into their own paragraphs. a. False. b. True.


What form of social media is useful prior to or during a question and answer session? a. Twitter b. Instagram c. Pinterest d. Facebook


How many syllables are in an iamb?


What is a couplet?

Two rhyming lines placed directly together sharing the same meter.

When are semicolons used as punctuation?

Typically, a semicolon is used to join two independent clauses that are tightly connected in concept.

When are colons used as punctuation?

Typically, these are used to expand an idea with a list of items or when joining two or more independent clauses.

British Literature is also known as _____ Literature.

U.K. Literature

Thinking that the debate over immigration is mainly about national security is an example of what? a. Rhetoric b. Underlying Assumption c. Language d. Audience

Underlying Assumption

What is the most important first step when planning a research paper? a. Finding academic sources b. Understanding the assignment c. Deciding on a topic d. Locating a database

Understanding the assignment

Which of the following statements about universal theme is correct? a. Universal themes are used in essays to persuade readers to all think the same way about an issue. b. Only stories with universal themes are considered 'literature'. c. Universal themes are themes that a wide range of readers can relate to. d. Universal themes are themes that a small group of readers can relate to.

Universal themes are themes that a wide range of readers can relate to.

Why is it important to consult a recent MLA style guide before you begin formatting your paper? a. Updates are sometimes made to the MLA style guide. b. The version of the MLA style guide used must be cited in your paper. c. The price for an MLA guide has been dropping over the past 10 years. d. MLA style rules can be difficult to remember.

Updates are sometimes made to the MLA style guide.

Which is the BEST way to determine questions audience members may have? a. Consider what questions you might have if you were listening to this speech. b. Listen to similar speeches and see what questions were asked. c. Have an assistant pass out paper and pens during the speech. d. Use a mock audience.

Use a mock audience.

How can teachers differentiate during instructional time for writing? a. Divide students into three groups and have them write different parts of the same story b. Use different methods, like interactive writing c. Use exit slips d. Provide different color markers and pens

Use different methods, like interactive writing

When writing a sentence using either/or or neither/nor, how do you decide whether the verb should be singular or plural? a. It is always plural. b. It is always singular. c. Use the subject noun closest to the verb to decide. d. Use the first noun in the sentence to decide.

Use the subject noun closest to the verb to decide.

What is an effective strategy for your special education students during the drafting stage of writing? a. Using question sets b. Using mentor texts c. Using frame paragraphs d. Using peer feedback

Using frame paragraphs

Which strategy would help special education students during the prewriting stage? a. Using peer feedback b. Using graphic organizers c. Using a writing checklist d. Using a frame paragraph

Using graphic organizers

Teachers can support student reading by: a. Using graphic organizers or visual aids during reading to keep students engaged in their reading b. Offering rewards to the best reader c. Making students reread passages multiple times d. Engaging in Round Robin reading to keep students on track during reading

Using graphic organizers or visual aids during reading to keep students engaged in their reading

Strategies for Scaffolding Reading Instruction: Graphic Organizers

Using graphic organizers or visual aids helps students remain engaged in the reading, increasing reading comprehension through organized information

Which graphics are most commonly used in illustration software? a. Bitmap graphics b. Photographs c. Raster graphics d. Vector graphics

Vector graphics

The third step to fostering reading comprehension is by leading discussions on what is read. Why is this important?

Verbal processing helps a person remember what they read by talking through the main points, themes, and plot. The conversation should happen before, during, and after the reading to increase comprehension.

Mary Ann wants to move from the first point to the second point in her speech. She used the phrase, With that being said, followed by telling a small portion of what was coming in the next section of her speech. Analyze her signpost usage and indicate which answer correctly identifies the two signposts she used to keep her audience engaged. a. Summary and visual b. Gesture and pause c. Conclusion and non-verbals d. Verbal transition and preview

Verbal transition and preview

How are transitional sentences important in achieving coherence in body paragraphs? a. They show how ideas transit from the main point. b. They show how the ideas relate to one another. c. They show how the writer may agree to the topic sentence. d. They show how the writer may be opposed to the topic sentence.

They show how the ideas relate to one another.

Why would you predict questions that may be asked after your speech? a. To impress your audience b. To increase your self-confidence c. To be ready to provide compelling responses that further the purpose of your speech d. To prove to any detractors that you are the expert and they ought to agree with you

To be ready to provide compelling responses that further the purpose of your speech

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, why does Gilgamesh seek out the wild man Enkidu?

To befriend him

What is the BEST explanation of what makes this sentence unclear? About how to succeed, many people ask me for advice, because I am a wealthy artist. a. Part of the sentence is in the passive voice and part is in active voice. b. The word many doesn't serve a purpose and should be removed. c. The phrases in the sentence are disorganized. d. The word 'about' is in the wrong place and should be switched with the word 'because' at the end of the sentence.

The phrases in the sentence are disorganized.

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules: Indefinite Pronoun Subjects

The rules regarding verb tense relate to the subject pronouns: I/you/he/she/it/we/they; If an indefinite pronoun is replacing a singular noun (one), the verb form should be singular; If an indefinite pronoun is replacing a plural noun (more than one), the verb form should be plural **The indefinite pronoun replacing a countable noun should take the same verb type as that countable noun**

What do we call the idea that all languages have the same basic grammatical structure? a. The theory of phonemic awareness b. The theory of universal grammar c. The theory of diglossia d. The theory of language acquisition

The theory of universal grammar

Writers use metaphors for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. To make the reader confused, therefore requiring the reader to think harder. b. To make an equivalency between one thing and another to highlight how they're similar. c. To make the writing more interesting and effective. d. To force the reader to consider the subject of the metaphor from a new angle.

To make the reader confused, therefore requiring the reader to think harder.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exceptions: Indefinite Pronouns

Like our 'stealth' singular nouns, many indefinite pronouns look like they should be plural but refer to only a singular subject and therefore require a singular verb form. These include the pronouns each, everyone, everybody, anyone, nobody, no one, nothing, everything, anybody, anything, someone, something, somebody, either, neither, other, and one. Why singular? Because while these indefinite pronouns may seem to refer to groups, they actually refer to individual actors - some (one) body or every (one) body or every (individual) thing.

What should you do if you find yourself leading a discussion too much? a. Ask a colleague to lead the next discussion for you. b. Take a break from having class discussions. c. Limit how many times you let yourself participate. d. Give notebooks to more of your students.

Limit how many times you let yourself participate.

In which point of view does the narrator describe the internal thoughts, feelings, and motivations of one character, usually the main character?

Limited third person

What is the difference in literary criticism and literary theory?

Literary criticism, the study of a literary text, can begin with a particular literary theory. Literary theory is the idea that guides literary criticism. Theory helps to differentiate literary texts from the others; it works to classify literary texts into categories and schools of thought. One way to think of literary theory is that it acts as a critical lens, or a way to view a particular work. A critical lens allows a critic to analyze a text within a specific theory. Using a critical lens, the critic evaluates the literary text based on assumptions within a specific literary theory and then develops a literary criticism.

How is a literary form different from genre?

Literary form is the general structure of a piece of writing, while the genre is the particular style within a form.

Critics group writing by time of publication and general characteristics of its writing, called _____.

Literary movements

What are story elements?

Literary techniques such as characters, plot, theme and setting

What non-genre category can fiction be divided into?

Literature (classic novels such as Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, and Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse)

Making sure the progression of points moves from most important to least important is referred to in the lesson as _____. a. Chunking b. Internal persuasiveness c. Organized outline d. Logical flow

Logical flow

What did Wolfgang Iser compare individual readers' interpretations to?

Looking at the night sky

Who were some well-known Jazz musicians that came out of the Harlem Renaissance? (4)

Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith

The line below from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 is an example of what popular sonnet theme? Shall I compare thee for a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.


Robert is writing an essay and in the last sentence of his introductory paragraph, he presented this as his thesis: 'My paper is about dating and social media.' Why is this thesis NOT appropriate? a. The thesis is too specific. b. The thesis lacks direction without identifying the specific elements of the essay. c. The thesis shouldn't be the last sentence of the introduction, but the first. d. The thesis has both a claim and a reason.

The thesis lacks direction without identifying the specific elements of the essay.

Which of the following sentences has an INCORRECT subject-verb agreement? a. The thought of all the home repairs we need after the bathrooms flooded are daunting. b. Subject-verb agreement usually gets trickier as sentences expand into more complex structures. c. Any book about space visits from vampire Martian aliens is my idea of a good weekend read. d. It's amazing that there are never any leftovers in my house after the Super Bowl game.

The thought of all the home repairs we need after the bathrooms flooded are daunting.

Which of the following is NOT a standard formatting requirement for an MLA-style paper? a. It must be typed on 8.5 X 11-inch paper with 12 pt. font. b. Only one space is allowed after periods or other punctuation marks. c. The body text of the paper should be double spaced. d. The title of the page should be in all capital letters and underlined.

The title of the page should be in all capital letters and underlined.

The main difference between the images used in traditional haiku and those used by contemporary poets is: a. The traditional images of nature were joined by images of the industrial, human-made world b. The traditional mental images of illumination or enlightenment were replaced by mental images of despair or degradation c. The traditional images of nature were eliminated altogether d. None of the answers are correct

The traditional images of nature were joined by images of the industrial, human-made world

What was the countercultural movement in the contemporary period called?

The underground

The term 'specificity' refers to: a. The use of specific, rather than general information. b. The use of both specific and concrete language. c. The use of specific language. d. The use of concrete language.

The use of both specific and concrete language.

What makes a clause dependent?

The use of subordinators

Which approach may be adopted while aiming to provide a more valid explanation of a main idea and to demonstrate clear understanding of the main idea? a. The use of supporting details within the explanation. b. Providing a summary of the plot as the concluding paragraph. c. Providing a summary of the plot as the introductory paragraph. d. The description of author's background within the explanation.

The use of supporting details within the explanation.

What is a good example of symbolism in a Dark Romantic work?

The use of the raven in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven;" he specifically picks a bird that is known for witnessing death

Brainstorming Techniques: Clustering

The writer places the main topic in the center of a diagram and circles it. Around the main topic, the writer adds other words or phrases that come to mind, circles them, and draws lines connecting them to the main topic. These words are often subtopics or aspects of the main topic. Then words are similarly written around each of these added words. These new words are again circled and connected by lines.

Which of the following effectively utilizes a transition? a. Too much candy can rot your teeth. In addition, it can lead to spikes in blood sugar. b. Too much candy can rot your teeth and leads to spikes in blood sugar. c. Too much candy can rot your teeth. It can lead to spikes in blood sugar. d. Candy rots teeth; leads to spikes in blood sugar.

Too much candy can rot your teeth. In addition, it can lead to spikes in blood sugar.

A speech about kayaking, equipment needed, and safety information would use what type of organizational method? a. Topic b. Problem solution c. Chronological d. Spatial


Which statement is TRUE? a. Topics related to ethics generally are good for group discussions. b. Topics related to ethical issues are not good for group discussions. c. Topics with clear right and wrong answers are excellent for group discussions. d. It is best to avoid topics that are controversial when picking group discussion topics.

Topics related to ethics generally are good for group discussions.

What are the two subgenres of the American Renaissance that authors could be placed in?

Transcendentalists and Dark Romantics

Which of the following is NOT a useful brainstorming technique? a. Free-writing b. Listing c. Clustering or Mapping d. Transcribing


Read the following short paragraphs and identify what may be missing: 'Flowers are very well-liked in most parts of the world. There are many types of flowers.' 'Roses are one of the most recognized types of flowers. Roses come in a variety of colors. Roses are often bred to make even more unique colors.' 'Daisies are well-liked flowers. Daisies grow in various types of soil, so daisies are found in a lot of different regions.' a. Commas b. Synonyms c. Main points d. Transition statements

Transition statements

Use the context to decide what the meaning of the word facetious is: Keesha was almost never serious. She annoyed people with her facetious comments despite her attempt at being funny. When Carlos said he failed algebra, she jokingly responded saying, 'I guess you're not smart enough.' a. Ability to tell funny jokes b. Being funny and enjoyable c. Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor d. A serious comment e. A humorous and smart person

Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor

How does Odysseus defeat the cyclops Polyphemus?

Tricking him

Using inductive validity, which is the most likely answer to the following questions? Shelly always seems happy. Shelly will seem what today? a. We can reasonably conclude that Shelly will be happy. b. Shelly is a phony. She isn't really happy. c. People have mistaken Shelly's cues. She can't be that happy. d. We can reasonably conclude that today is Shelly's day to snap. Take cover. e. Everybody has a bad day some times. Since Shelly has had so many good days, this one is going to be bad.

We can reasonably conclude that Shelly will be happy.

Check the parallelism of the following sentence. Choose the answer that best corrects the problem. We neither had money nor enough time to escape. a. Neither of us had money nor enough time to escape. b. We had neither enough money nor enough time to escape. c. We neither had money nor had enough time to escape. d. We neither had money nor time enough to escape.

We had neither enough money nor enough time to escape.

When you have generated ideas and details for your paper, you must organize them so that you know which order you will write about them in your paper. What is this process known as?


Find the stylistic device in the sentence below. I arrived at the coffee shop around 6 a.m., attempting to get my caffeine fix before work began. It looked like the walking dead in there. Everyone was half sleep, slowly making their way to the front of the line. a. Metaphor b. Oxymoron c. Personification d. Hyperbole


The acronym for the three main types of author's purpose is...


Which of the following refers to speech rate? a. Breaths per minute b. Pace of the speech c. Diction or word choice d. Vocal tones

Pace of the speech

What is the title of John Milton's epic poem about the fall of mankind?

Paradise Lost

Which of the following research-based components of reading best describes the sounds heard when words are spoken orally? a. Fluency b. Phonemic awareness c. Phonics d. Comprehension

Phonemic awareness

Which of the following research-based components of reading best describes the connection between letters and their sounds? a. Fluency b. Comprehension c. Phonics d. Phonemic awareness


Characteristics of Language: Physiology

Physiological mechanisms (speech or sign) primarily produce language rather than written mechanisms. In other words, a writing system is not necessary for a communication system to be a language

_____ refers to the high or low frequencies of a voice and can have an impact on how an audience perceives a speech. a. Pitch b. Rate c. Fluency d. Volume


Elements of Style: Juxtaposition

Placing images that aren't normally seen together, together, and the clash between images highlights their differences

Which is the correct order to a narrative structure? a. Complication introduced, plot developed, turning point, and resolution. b. Plot introduced, complications/crisis, turning point, and resolution. c. Plot introduced, turning point, crisis, and resolution. d. Resolution, plot introduced, crisis/complication, and turning point resolved.

Plot introduced, complications/crisis, turning point, and resolution.

Blank Verse

Poem uses a specific meter but doesn't have any rhyme scheme

Villanelles (poetry)

Poems with 19 lines consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain. They have a rhyme scheme of ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA

What is modernist poetry?

Poetry that reflects the attitudes and culture of the 20th century.

In the novel The Great Gatsby, Daisy cries over Gatsby's beautiful clothes. What is the subtext of this scene? a. There is no subtext in this scene. b. She feels guilty for being so materialistic, yet she loves Gatsby's fine clothes and is jealous of them. c. She's upset that Gatsby, her long lost love, has moved on to someone else. d. She's emotional because Gatsby finally has what she and her family would call 'proper wealth', but she is now married to Tom. e. She's emotional because she is jealous of Gatsby's wealth and has mistakenly married a poor man when she could've married Gatsby.

She's emotional because Gatsby finally has what she and her family would call 'proper wealth', but she is now married to Tom.

Give some examples of third-person personal pronouns. (4)

She, He, It, Them (her, hers, herself, him, his, himself, its, itself, they, theirs, themself, themselves)

Which pronouns are present in the following sentence? She said, 'Gosh, Darren, it is almost like you don't know the first thing about human sacrifice!' a. Darren, you, the b. Like, the, about c. Know, about, said d. She, it, you

She, it, you

Which category grades students based on the amount of background information they sought out and work they did to get ready for the discussion? a. Participation b. Listening c. Preparation d. Behavior


Which type of transition tells the audience where you are going? a. Word Maps b. Stop Signs c. Signposts d. Spotlights


Which of the following uses the words 'like' or 'as' to draw a comparison between two things that are not particularly similar? a. Onomatopoeia b. Alliteration c. Metaphor d. Personification e. Simile


Which of the following would you NOT find in literal language? a. Similes b. Descriptive words c. Exactly what's happening in the story d. Direct language


The four qualities of effective messages are: a. Simplicity, Specificity, Structure, Stickiness b. Specificity, Structure, Sharpness, Stickiness c. Specificity, Salience, Structure, Stickiness d. Simplicity, Sharpness, Structure, Stickiness

Simplicity, Specificity, Structure, Stickiness

How long has literary criticism been around?

Since around the time of Plato

Components of Learning to Read: Assessment

Progress monitoring and targeted instruction to develop each student's most challenging areas of reading are supported by research as a tool for producing better results.

Black Plague (Black Death)

around 1350

When was the Epic of Gilgamesh Written?

around 2150 BCE

The most important reason modifiers should be correctly placed in a sentence is that _____. a. Authors need to be responsible for writing with proper literary style and tone. b. Misplaced and dangling modifiers demonstrate sloppy writing and grammar skills. c. Well placed modifiers make the intended meaning of the sentence clear to the reader. d. Mistakes in modifiers can be unintentionally funny to the reader.

Well placed modifiers make the intended meaning of the sentence clear to the reader.

What question(s) could a reader ask regarding the following: Element of Writing: Structure

What text features (headings, italics, etc.) are present? What are the relevant literary elements (plot, setting, characters, etc.)?

Which seven authors from the English Renaissance altered the Western literary landscape forever?

William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Edmund Spenser, John Donne, Philip Sidney, Francis Bacon

Sheltered English Instruction/Shelter English Immersion

With this approach, the teacher modifies content, curriculum, and lesson delivery to make it more accessible to the student. In this situation, the level of language fluency determines class objectives and the teacher builds the curriculum based on specific interests, backgrounds, and culture of the student. EX: For instance, a student from a culture with strong views on gender roles, literature dealing with those concepts can be chosen for the reading material.

What should you NOT focus on when making connections to the text? a. Symbols b. Setting c. Characters d. Word length e. Plot

Word length

Myths, legends, fables, and folktales are types of stories originally passed by...


Which two poets are credited with launching the Romantic poetry movement in England?

Wordsworth and Coleridge

T.S. Eliot's chaotic writing was a reaction to what event? a. The War of the Roses b. World War I c. World War II d. The Vietnam War

World War I

Which event may have started the dark turn in Western literature? a. The rapid expansion of communication technology b. World War I c. World War II d. Huckleberry Finn e. The lunar landing

World War I

Which major world event had a profound influence on the modernist movement?

World War I

What sets world literature apart from the regular literature of a country?

World literature has an appeal beyond the boundaries of the country.

One way to ensure that a core message is simple is to: a. Write the core message as a single sentence. b. Frame the core message with an introduction, body, and conclusion. c. Write the core message using specific language. d. Frame the core message with emotional connotations.

Write the core message as a single sentence.

Rebecca is writing a final essay for her English 101 class. The teacher failed to provide students with an effective question to which she could respond with a thesis. What should she do? a. Write the prompt herself b. Not write the essay c. Write a narrative essay without a specific thesis d. Write about the last prompt she received

Write the prompt herself

Which of the following components of reading instruction best helps students communicate their thoughts and ideas? a. Writing b. Comprehension c. Fluency d. Phonemic awareness


Components of Learning to Read: Writing

Writing contributes to improved reading skills as much as reading contributes to enhanced writing. As students are writing, they learn more about letter formation, word formation, and about organizing their thoughts and ideas in articulate ways.

American Romantic Authors: Margaret Fuller

Writing essays and reviews, Fuller focused on the role of women in society. In Women in the Nineteenth Century, Fuller stresses the ''self-dependence'' of women and creative human freedom.

How did the printing press help propagate literary culture in the English Renaissance?

Written works could now be mass produced, making them available to more people.

Assuming the letter X is the number of the footnote, which of the following is a proper example of a CMS footnote? a. X.Jones, Bob, Painting Introduction (St. Louis: ZZ Publishing House, 2009), 29. b. X. Bob Jones, Painting Introduction (St. Louis: 2009, ZZ Publishing House), 29. c. X. Bob Jones, Painting Introduction (ZZ Publishing House, 2009), 29. d. X. Bob Jones, Painting Introduction (St. Louis: ZZ Publishing House, 2009), 29.

X. Bob Jones, Painting Introduction (St. Louis: ZZ Publishing House, 2009), 29.

Do you need to cite a source when paraphrasing information using your own words? a. Yes, always. b. Only if the author asked to be cited. c. It depends on how much paraphrasing you do. d. No, never.

Yes, always.

Should a thesis always be revised? a. Yes, except during a timed test or in-class essay where there's little time for revision. b. No, once a thesis is written it's finalized. c. No, a thesis is the foundation of your essay. Revise the thesis and your essay will most likely fall apart. d. Yes, except if the teacher gives you an essay prompt.

Yes, except during a timed test or in-class essay where there's little time for revision.

Lisa, a high school student, writes a set of lines with no set rhyme scheme and a defined meter. Is this a poem? Why or why not?

Yes, it's a blank verse poem, because it has no set rhyme scheme but a defined meter.

Is there another kind of sentence according to linguists (besides the four already mentioned)?

Yes, optative sentences which usually deal with mood and can include wishes and desires EX: Happy Birthday, other greetings, curses

In a manuscript delivery, is it necessary to still go through the rehearsal steps? a. No; when reading from a script, nothing can go wrong b. Yes; even though you are reading from a script, you will need to listen for tone and speed, to name a few things c. No; writing the script is sufficient practice d. Yes, because a manuscript delivery demands that you memorize the information

Yes; even though you are reading from a script, you will need to listen for tone and speed, to name a few things

Is memorization an acceptable form of speech preparation and delivery? a. No; it's simply not feasible to expect anyone to memorize that much material. b. Yes; it's a matter of preference, and the same preparation is necessary. c. Yes; but it is less preferable than manuscript or extemporaneous. d. No; memorizing a speech guarantees it will be boring and dry.

Yes; it's a matter of preference, and the same preparation is necessary.

As you work on editing and improving the content of an essay that you've written, which of the following considerations is NOT important? a. Your supporting details are numbered. b. Your purpose is clear. c. Your thesis statement is effective. d. You have sufficient supporting details. e. Your points are organized well.

Your supporting details are numbered.

Who are two novelists that came out of the Harlem Renaissance?

Zora Neale Hurston (Their Eyes Were Watching God) Jessie Redmon Fauset (Plum Bun and The Chinaberry Tree)

What is a ballad?

a poem with a musical quality; is narrative in nature; this means that it tells a story; have an ABAB rhyme scheme or an ABCB rhyme scheme; most ballads are composed of numerous quatrains (stanzas of four lines); most ballads are written in iambic pentameter (10 syllables alternating between an unstressed and a stressed syllable) -iambic pentameter -ABAB or ABCB -numerous quatrains

What is free verse in poetry?

a poetic technique in which a poem does not follow a specific rhyme or meter; comes from the French vers libre, directly translated into English

What is active reading?

a reading comprehension strategy that helps students or other readers evaluate and remember key points in a text

Dialect is: a. words that a writer chooses to convey specific personality traits that characters possess b. a way a language is spoken in different parts of the United States, and it uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations c. phrases that show a character's background d. a way a language is spoken in a particular area and it uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations e. the central idea or message of a story

a way a language is spoken in different parts of the United States, and it uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations

A root word is: a. a word that can only be altered by a suffix not a prefix b. a word that has a prefix or a suffix and can't be reduced into a smaller word form c. a letter or group of letters that come at the end of a word and change its meaning d. a letter or group of letters that is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning e. a word that does not have a prefix or a suffix and is the base or core that can't be reduced into a smaller word form

a word that does not have a prefix or a suffix and is the base or core that can't be reduced into a smaller word form

What is an advantage of using primary sources in academic research and writing?

accuracy-first-hand accounts of events and original documents are more accurate than second-hand accounts and recreations of documents

Imagery/Sensory Description

achieved when a writer uses sensory language to appeal to the reader's senses; descriptions are used to help readers form pictures, imagine movement, and feel emotion while reading

Every single letter in an _____ must be capitalized.


Paraphrasing, summarizing, and questioning/clarifying are all examples of _____. a. active listening techniques b. selective listening techniques c. inactive listening techniques d. passive listening techniques

active listening techniques

You walk away from a conversation feeling both heard and understood. This shows that the other person was _____. a. selectively listening to you b. actively listening to you c. passively listening to you d. not listening to you

actively listening to you

The stories presented in this genre are very relatable to readers of this age group because _____, a time that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood, and young adulthood are times of great change and growth for most people. In other words, young readers see themselves in the characters and events depicted in young adult literature.


This time of life marks the change from childhood to adulthood:


When can a presenter determine the best media for their audience? a. while research on the audience is being completed b. after research on the audience has been completed c. before research on the audience has been completed d. after the presentation has been completed

after research on the audience has been completed

Environmental Setting

aka geographical setting; not linked to a specific time but is intended to draw the reader's focus more to the general environment of the setting; includes details of the geographical location (such as water, mountains, desert, etc.), the cultural and social setting (school, church, community, etc.), and the climate or weather (desert, forest, storm, etc.)

The first step to making connections between texts is to examine the authors. When doing so, what characteristic(s) should you examine? a. age b. race c. culture d. gender e. all answers are correct

all answers are correct

How can we make sure we can remember new vocabulary words over time? a. link the word to prior knowledge b. rewriting the definition c. hangman d. visualize the definition e. all of the above

all of the above

An external conflict can take place between the protagonist and... a. all of the answers are correct b. society c. an antagonist d. nature

all of the answers are correct

Elisa wants to use presentation software to make a slideshow. What might she use? a. Impress b. PowerPoint c. all of these answers are correct d. Keynote

all of these answers are correct

For which type of writing is it helpful to underline key phrases to help find specific details? a. narratives b. compare and contrast c. expository d. all types of selections e. problem-solution

all types of selections

Strategies for Scaffolding Reading: Small Groups

allows teachers to focus on fewer students and identify the strengths and weaknesses that impact reading development

Deductive Reasoning

also known as "deduction," is defined as making an inference depending on premises presented in an argument

Critical Lens

an approach to literary interpretation using a specific literary theory or background knowledge

What is satire in literature?

an artistic genre or form that uses various types of humor such as parody, sarcasm or irony to ridicule a person or situation, usually with the intent of exposing harmful beliefs and actions, and inspiring change; in literature the use of humor in prose and poetry to ridicule and criticize behavior

A non-example of the word introvert, or someone who gets energy from being alone rather than with people, would be _____. a. a talented actress b. a shy, awkward teenager c. an attention-craving celebrity d. a reclusive writer

an attention-craving celebrity

World Literature

an be defined as works of literature that have been created, distributed, and circulated beyond their country of origin EX: The Odyssey, Things Fall Apart, A Doll's House, and The Recognition of Sakuntala

Backdrop Setting

an element that helps the reader grasp all the information of a setting, even though it does not affect the storyline or plot; usually found in folk tales and sets the mood

Which of the following is a prominent feature in dystopian literature? a. a pastoral setting b. characters who have to deal with suicide, depression, or terminal illness c. criminal investigation d. an oppressive government e. a realistic setting

an oppressive government

What is hyperbole? Give an example.

an overstatement or exaggeration. It is not meant to be taken literally, but is used for dramatic effect. A surprised child, for instance, might have eyes as wide as dinner plates, and a hungry man might feel like he could eat a whole herd of cows.

''Our family has always been farmers, so we should always be farmers'' is an example of which logical fallacy? a. straw man b. red herring c. ad hominem d. slippery slope e. appeal to tradition

appeal to tradition

Modes of Persuasion: Pathos

appeals to an audience's emotions

Modes of Persuasion: Logos

appeals to logic or rationality (i.e., dialectic communication)

Which of the following words or phrases demonstrates a contrast? a. and b. if c. but d. also e. along with


The holophrastic stage refers to the time when a. babies begin uttering speech-like sounds. b. babies develop a broad vocabulary. c. babies can use a few words and understand many more. d. babies recognize and point to named objects. e. start babbling repetitive syllables.

babies can use a few words and understand many more.

Which four fallacies are considered conditional fallacies? a. bandwagon, ad hominem, appeal to tradition, straw man b. red herring, ad hominem, slippery slope, burden of proof c. bandwagon, false dilemma, appeal to tradition, straw man d. bandwagon, false dilemma, slippery slope, burden of proof e. red herring, ad hominem, appeal to tradition, straw man

bandwagon, false dilemma, slippery slope, burden of proof

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of young adult literature before 1985? a. realistic setting b. books tend to be long (over 400 pages) c. teenage main character d. issues are typical teen problems e. book told in a teenage voice

books tend to be long (over 400 pages)

Prefixes and suffixes are similar because both... a. change a word from singular to plural or vice versa. b. convey the base or core meaning of a word. c. are placed at the beginning of a word. d. change a word's meaning in terms of the use of past, present, or future tense. e. both change a word's meaning.

both change a word's meaning.

Brainstorming Techniques: Freewriting

brainstorming by writing ideas about a topic in continuous prose but without concern for grammar

Research questions should not be too _____ or too _____. They should be _____ enough to be complex, but also _____ enough to be answerable and focused.

broad, narrow, broad, narrow


closely imitates an author or work, making some aspects more obvious in a humorous way; a chance meeting in a famous novel might be made extremely far-fetched, to the point of silliness, in a parody of the work

What are the three main categories for transition words?

causation, chronology, contrast

What are two key characteristics of the American Romanticism literary period?

celebrating nature and the individual

The _____ _____ of a speech is very similar to a thesis statement in a written essay. It is a specific and detailed statement which informs the audience of the goal or purpose of the speech.

central idea

Which of these terms refers to the total extent of transformation characters undergo during their development? a. character tangent b. character witness c. character arc d. character trait

character arc

Which of the following is NOT part of the plot structure?


What are two other things that surfaced in 18th century literary culture that resembles the culture of today?

children's literature was made popular by writer John Newberry (Newberry medal) and illustrator William Hogarth pioneered sequential art (now known as comics or graphic novels)

It is perhaps the easiest to find specific details in narratives due to the format. The sequence is almost always in _____ _____, which is in order of time. In narratives, there is a beginning, middle and end to the story.

chronological order

Claims should be _____, _____, and _____.

clear, focused, and debatable

A good research question is _____, _____, _____, and _____.

clear, focused, complex, and answerable

Universal theme examples tend to have two qualities: being applicable to every human being and being repeated experiences throughout history. What are some examples of universal themes? (5)

coming of age, loss of innocence, courage & honor, love & desire, cause & effect of rebellious behavior

Connotations are the _____ meaning of the word.


Although it is possible to show _____ with a capitalized word, other options such as bolding or highlighting the word, if possible, are more encouraged.


How did Transcendentalism impact religion?

encouraged Americans away from more structured sects of Christianity

Predicting is an ongoing process that keeps the reader...

engaged as he or she tries to figure out what is coming next by making new predictions and revising old ones when new clues or information is read and learned.

Which of the following words should be capitalized? a. land b. state c. lake d. england


Whenever a writer sits down to produce a work, it is not a solitary activity. While the writer may be alone in the room and silent other than the scratching of a pen or the tapping of a keyboard, the fact is that the person writing is communicating. Very rarely will a writer, or anyone else, communicate without having a specific person in mind, in other words, the _____ _____.

ideal reader

What is a universal idea?

ideas that are thoughts and concepts that might occur to every human; can be found in old stories and modern stories

A plot diagram _____, while a plot analysis _____. a. asks questions that help the reader understand the story; identifies the parts of the story b. identifies the conflict; describes the type of conflict c. identifies the inciting incident; describes the conflict d. identifies the parts of the story; asks questions that help the reader understand the story

identifies the parts of the story; asks questions that help the reader understand the story

What do dystopia writers usually tackle through their writing?

identity, relationships, and rebellion in the context of a dark world bent on holding back the main character

The phrase 'to pull one's leg' represents what sort of phenomenon in English?


Five types of _____ align with the five senses. Of the remaining two types, one refers to a person's sense of movement, and the other relates to emotion. List them. (7)

imagery -visual: appeals to sense of sight -auditory: appeals to sense of sound -olfactory: appeals to sense of smell -gustatory: appeals to sense of taste -tactile: appeals to sense of touch -kinesthetic: uses motion words to help sense movement -organic: uses words to appeal to emotions

The author uses the techniques of _____ and _____ to create the setting for a story.

imagery, exposition

Since most researchers believe that language acquisition is learned, the different _____ and _____ circumstances will be a factor in a child's individual language development.

environments and cultural

Epic (type of poetry)

epic, gigantic, world-spanning action. The Greeks were really into this; the Middle Ages were into it too. Beowulf is certainly an epic

The suffix that means more is _____. a. ness b. ful c. ion d. est e. er


The _____ _____ is the first part of an essay, and it contains a hook, a bridge, and a thesis.

essay introduction

What forms did early American political writing take?

essays, letters, speeches, pamphlets, poetry

Elements of Drama

essential pieces in presenting dramatic work on stage

All simple sentences are _____ clauses, such as Dogs bark. This sentence makes sense and stands on its own. But a _____ clause does not make sense and cannot stand on its own, such as When dogs bark.

independent; dependent

Which of the following is not a reference for vocabulary? a. Dictionary b. Index c. Textbook d. Glossary e. Thesaurus


What historical events led to the arrival of Modernism as a literary movement?

industrialization, urbanization, WWI

Hamlet's struggle with his own cowardice in confronting his uncle shows which type of conflict?


Which type of nonfiction is this? A magazine article where a celebrity answers questions posed by an interviewer.


Text-to-Text Connections

involve linking a text to another text

Text-to-Self Connections

involve linking a text to the reader

Text-to-World Connections

involve linking a text to the world

Effective Message Qualities: Simplicity

involves clear and evident explanation 1. Is my purpose evident? 2. Is my core message clear?

Components of Learning to Read: Comprehension

involves understanding sentence structure and context clues; is improved when students are able to bring prior knowledge and an expansive vocabulary to the reading experience

What are the three types of testimony that can be used in a speech?

layman's, prestige, expert

It is estimated that 6-10% of children have some form of _____ _____, which is basically a pattern of uneven development that impacts the ability to process information.

learning disability

How do legends differ from the other kinds of stories explored in this lesson?

legends are grounded in reality, but also include miracles or incredible events

Types of Satire: Horatian

less sharp and cruel, more clever, gentle mockery, and intelligently witty, than other types, and focuses more on human behavior and its paradoxes EX: Jonathan Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels, in which parodies of common behaviors appear in Swift's fantastic creatures, and Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, which cleverly and gently mocks society manners, particularly those dictating courtship and marriage in her time

What is the difference between overstatement and hyperbole?

like hyperbole, is an exaggeration for effect. The exaggeration in an overstatement, though, is not as extreme as that in a hyperbole. Overstatement is also more general than hyperbole; it's a broad figure of speech, where hyperbole is specifically a literary or rhetorical device. Saying ''I caught a fish; it was 40 inches long!'' when really it was 25 is an overstatement, but not necessarily a hyperbole.

To ensure a _____ _____ in speech writing, the main points should be stated in order of importance from highest to lowest. The speaker should introduce the most impactful point first and then follow it with two additional main points. Each main point, however, must have its own set of details, data, statistics, and supporting information. Each main point must be different enough to set it apart from the other main points, but similar enough to remain relevant to the central idea of the speech.

logical flow


longest of the three types of fiction; lots of characters and complicated plots; no set word count and no rules as to number of characters and settings a novel can have, nor how big the scope of the plot can be (EX: J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace)

When thinking of a way to ensure the body paragraphs of your essay flow together, _____. a. use paragraphs that have nothing to do with one another so you don't have to worry about them connecting. b. use repetition to cover the same point in each paragraph c. look for the relationships and commonalities between each to help link them together d. use contrast to keep ideas distinct and separate

look for the relationships and commonalities between each to help link them together

When reading a story, it is important to _____ or find the intended meaning.

look for what the author is trying to teach us

What are some active reading strategies?

looking for the author's purpose, reading and thinking aloud, annotating, making predictions, chunking, questioning, clarifying, using references, and summarizing

The _____ _____ of a speech are smaller pieces of information related to the speech's main idea. Using the previous persuasive speech example, the _____ _____ would be the reasons why trade school is a better choice than attending college.

main points, main points

When you try to improve your thesis statement, you should _____. a. move it so that it's the first sentence in your essay b. consider using a two-sentence thesis statement c. make it more specific, based on the major points you've made in your paper d. make it longer, to encompass all of your ideas

make it more specific, based on the major points you've made in your paper

CRAAP Test: Authority

make sure the source of the information, regardless of whether it's a person, publisher, or organization, is credible

CRAAP Test: Accuracy

make sure you evaluate the accuracy of a source by checking the truthfulness of the content

Which is an important part of revising? a. making sure writing makes sense b. checking for grammar c. checking for spelling d. making sure all sentences are capital

making sure writing makes sense

What are the main categories of conflict?

man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. self, man vs. society

Types of Dramatic Irony: Cosmic

irony of fate, is a literary device in which writers depict characters who are controlled by fate or the gods, forces that are indifferent to what happens to the characters or their aspirations, often highlighting the need for social change EX: For example, in Thomas Hardy's Return of the Native, one of the characters, Mrs. Yoebright, decides to send a gift of gold coins to her son to repair their relationship. She gives the coins to Christian Cantle, a simpleton who loses the coins in a game of chance. Thus, fate intervenes so that instead of repairing the relationship, the situation is worsened.

Dramatic Irony

irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play

What are six important elements of British Modernist literature?

irony, satire, multiple voices, nonlinear plots, dense vocabulary, formal language

_____ verbs are verbs that do not follow the basic pattern for creating tenses. _____ verbs tend to keep the same rules for present tense agreement, but past tense and perfect tense are formed differently.

irregular, irregular


is a reading comprehension strategy that readers use to anticipate what comes next based on clues from the text and by using their prior knowledge.

What is proofreading?

is the process of ensuring that a document is free of any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting

What is the biggest feature of World Literature?

it can be understood thematically by people of many different cultures, nationalities, time periods, and ethnicities

What purpose can dialogue serve? a. uses the way a language is spoken to reference a particular area. b. it can describe secrets to the reader through detailed descriptions c. it can reveal how characters interact through lengthy conversations involving mundane moments in every day life situations d. it can reveal characters' personality traits, feelings, thoughts, and/or motives e. it can communicate the moral of the story

it can reveal characters' personality traits, feelings, thoughts, and/or motives

an aside

its technique addresses the audience when other characters are present on stage; he audience must understand that the character's thoughts are heard by only them and not the other characters on stage

A _____ is a place to incubate ideas. a. word wall b. author's chair c. writer's workshop d. writing center e. journal


Spectacle in a Play

known as the setting; time and place a story takes place; has to do with what an audience sees on stage that can help them establish time period or past and present and how that may impact characters, plot, and theme; can be costumes, type of furniture used, stage props, and set.

What is second person point of view?

most uncommonly used perspective; the narrator uses ''you'' in their narration, drawing the reader into the story as a character; narrator uses this view to speak to the reader directly

Finally, five indefinite pronouns can be either plural or singular depending on context. These are _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____ which you can remember by the mnemonic MANSA.

most, any, none, some, all

A media presentation is largely text-based, whereas a _____presentation refers to a presentation that provides information to an audience using multiple forms of media at the same time, such as photos and videos.


Spenserian Sonnet

named after Edmund Spenser, combines elements of the Italian sonnet and the English sonnet; has fourteen lines in iambic pentameter, and contains four quatrains followed by a couplet (like an English sonnet) but also has a linked rhyme scheme (like an Italian sonnet); rhyme scheme of a Spenserian sonnet is ABAB-BCBC-CDCD-EE

Miltonic Sonnets

named after John Milton, who often wrote this style of sonnet; follows the ABBAABBA-CDECDE format of an Italian sonnet, and like an Italian sonnet often posed a question or problem, then attempted to solve it; themes of a Miltonic sonnet are often political, religious, or moral

In what type of passage is it generally easy to use the sequence to find the details of the story?


Charles Dickens, a major writer of the Victorian era, had a large influence of the literature of the time. What are some of the major themes he focused on throughout his writing?

nature, the exploitation of the powerless, pollution, and good people coping with bad circumstances (like most Victorian authors, wrote about life in the big cities so he could focus on the exploitation he saw there)

Plagiarism is... a. acceptable when it is intentional. b. acceptable when it is unintentional. c. acceptable if the source gave you permission. d. never acceptable in any form.

never acceptable in any form.

Which of these media would most likely be the most open to literal interpretation? a. sitcom b. horror story c. fantasy novel d. newspaper article

newspaper article

Free verse poems are also sometimes called _____ or _____ poems.

non-metrical or non-rhyming

The role of body language, or _____ _____, is just as important in delivering a message as the actual speech.

non-verbal communication

Literary Nonfiction

nonfiction writing that reads like fiction; includes elements of fiction (characters, setting, and plot); meant to amuse the reader as well as inform

Neoclassical Writers: Alexander Pope

noted satirist and classicist who produced popular works, like The Rape of the Lock and The Dunciad, mock epics that scrutinized what he saw as the failings of his time by casting them in a very serious, heroic light a la Milton or Homer

Three Parts of an Introduction: Thesis

nother word for topic sentence; the thesis informs the reader what the main idea of the essay is

One of the most defining features of 18th century British Literature is the rise of the _____.


Which of the following examples would NOT be considered a nonprint text? a. film b. poster c. photograph d. novel


Subtle differences in shades of meaning are called:


Stanzas are classified by: (4)

number of lines, meter, rhyme scheme, poet/writer who popularized the form

Character development represents the _____ in an individual's defining characteristics over the course of a narrative. a. depiction of imperfection b. observable changes c. observable similarities d. lack of change

observable changes

Mixed Metaphors

occur when two metaphors are blended in a single sentence, producing a potentially nonsensical result

Types of Verbal Irony: Socratic

occurs when someone pretends ignorance to reveal someone else's ignorance or inconsistency, especially to encourage learning. An example of Socratic irony is when someone says "I'm confused, I thought you read Macbeth. Why don't you know anything about it?"

Types of Verbal Irony: Sarcasm

occurs when someone says, "Oh, marvelous!" to mean something unfortunate, opposite the literal meaning. An example of sarcasm is found in The Hunger Games, when Katniss says, "District 12. Where you can starve to death in safety."

Sonnet (type of poetry)

one of the most popular types of poetry. Shakespeare wrote a ton of them, but Petrarch was into them too. Shakespeare has his own form of sonnet; Petrarch has another. They tend to be about love, and they're typically 14 lines long. They have a couple of different rhyme structures depending on what you're doing

Why did the Realist movement become popular?

people were widely more attracted to stories about common experiences and people that they could relate to

At its most rudimentary, a writer always signals the end of a completed statement sentence with a _____.


A _____ _____ is a visual tool for analyzing a plot. There are many versions of these diagrams, but they all show how the action moves through a story. They can show how a character moves up and down through success and failure, for example. They can show when a story is filled with action and physically show the rising action as it reaches the climax.

plot diagram

Three Act Structure

plot is something with a beginning, middle, end (Aristotle); a way to tell a story simply and effectively; very ingrained in modern thinking; aka story triangle

What elements combine to create a poem's form?

poem's type, stanza structure, line lengths, rhyme scheme, rhythm

Lyric Poems

poems that express the feelings or thoughts of a speaker rather than telling a story

Narrative Poems

poems that tell a story

Extended metaphors are most often found in which style of writing?


What three categories can Harlem Renaissance literature be broken into?

poetry, fiction, essay

Personal pronouns are sorted into a few different categories based on factors like a _____ and _____.

point of view and quantity

What issues influenced the literature in 17th century America?

politics and the struggle for food and shelter

Bucolic/Pastoral (type of poetry)

popular in the Middle Ages, it focuses on pastoral life, lots of shepherds and sheep and stuff like that

The word 'determined' has a _____ connotation.


Words can have a _____ connotation, a _____ connotation, or a _____ connotation.

positive, negative, neutral

What are the three modes of persuasion?

ethos, pathos, logos

CRAAP Test: Currency

evaluating the currency of a source means looking at the timeliness of the information

The Odyssey led to the proliferation of _____ _____, also known as 'the meter of epics.'

dactylic hexameter

Which of the following reading strategies would you use to read a novel for pleasure? a. extensive reading b. intensive reading c. skimming d. scanning

extensive reading

Character conflict could be either...

external or internal; internal involves the character and themselves, external conflict could involve one character vs another, a character vs nature, or a character vs society

Short Stories have origins in...

fables and myths-stories that were not sprawling epics but concise tales containing only a few characters and often a single focused message (EX: 'The Tortoise and the Hare' and the myth of Icarus

Which is a characteristic of all nonfiction?


Which is the fallacy where two solutions are pitted against one another, forcing the listener to choose between two options, when in reality, there are more than two options? a. slippery slope b. bandwagon c. false dilemma d. ad hominem e. burden of proof

false dilemma

The process of figuring out the meaning of unknown words using syntax is _____. a. guessing b. decoding c. ordering d. reading


A review of Puritan writing would consistently reveal which of the following themes?

dedication to God and the Bible

Inferential (Reading Comprehension Questions)

deduced from the information found in the text that is being analyzed

Traditional critics _____. a. focus on how society and historical events shape a writer's work b. assume that there is no single correct meaning and therefore no single method of analysis. c. feel that in order to truly evaluate an author's work, they must know some basic biographical information about the writer. d. only analyze traditional literature

feel that in order to truly evaluate an author's work, they must know some basic biographical information about the writer.

Though fewer in number, some indefinite pronouns always require a plural verb just as their brethren require a singular verb. These are _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____. (5)

few, many, both, others, several

What term identifies the use of words in figures of speech to convey meanings different from their usual definitions?

figurative language

To find details in narratives...

figure out where within the chronological order the detail should fall

Which of the following words is being used figuratively in the following sentence: 'It was so hot outside; I was on fire!' a. was b. outside c. hot d. fire


What is one thing to know regarding plays in the Caroline/Interregnum/Restoration period?

first time in history that there were female actors (actresses) and playwrights

The _____ _____ of a sentence must always be capitalized regardless of the word's length or part of speech.

first word

Identify the verb or verbs in the following sentence: She poured a drink for herself and took a very long sip. a. sip b. drink c. long d. poured; took

poured; took

Logical Fallacy

defined as a statement that is assumed to be true since it applies the rules of logic. However, it is common to find that it is not; misleading and tricks people into believing things they would otherwise not have believed

What is the setting of a story?

defined as the time, duration, and place an author chooses to write about

Literal language refers to the use of words solely by their...

defined meanings

If you discover that one of your body paragraphs has gone off track and doesn't support your thesis, you should _____. a. move the body paragraph to the end of the paper b. rewrite your thesis statement so that it fits with that one paragraph c. delete the paragraph d. add additional details to that paragraph e. change your concluding paragraph to explain that the ideas in that paragraph are important

delete the paragraph

Which of the following correctly lists the coordinating conjunctions? a. from, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. b. for, after, not, but, or, yet, so. c. for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. d. for, and, nor, both, or, yet, so.

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

There is an ongoing debate on classifying fallacies, but logical fallacies are most commonly broken up into two major categories: _____ and _____.

formal and informal

A _____ _____ is a faulty argument in which the reasoning given does not prove the intended conclusion.

formal fallacy

Types of Sentences: Compound

formed by joining two independent clauses; independent clauses are connected by using coordinating conjunctions, semicolons, or independent marker words

Ballad Meter

four-line stanzas usually rhyming abcb with the first and third lines carrying four accented syllables and the second and fourth carrying three; four iambs in the first line, three iambs in the second, four in the third, three in the fourth. And the second and fourth lines rhyme

Denotations are the _____ meaning of the word.


Which of these terms identifies the portrayal of characteristics through straightforward statements from characters or the narrative voice? a. direct characterization b. anti-characterization c. indirect characterization d. oblique characterization

direct characterization

Antagonist of the play

directly opposes the protagonist; often portrayed as a villain, but could be an idea, nature, or even the protagonist against themselves

Shakespeare uses _____ in the plot of Romeo and Juliet when Juliet fakes her death to be with Romeo, but Romeo doesn't know this and kills himself.

dramatic irony

That only the audience knows Louise's husband is not dead in The Story of an Hour is an example of _____.

dramatic irony

What was another popular form of poetry during the Victorian era besides narrative poems?

dramatic monologues

What three categories can English Renaissance writers be divided into?

dramatists, poets, essayists/thinkers

When can peer and teacher conferences happen? a. during mini lessons b. during writing time c. during publishing d. all of these are correct

during writing time

What are two trends in YA literature currently?

dystopias and 'sick lit'

The term "Renaissance" to describe the period following the Middle Ages in England is controversial. What is another name for it?

early modern

When using coordinating conjunctions like but, and, or and so, writers should _____. a. edit to remove the coordinating conjunction b. edit for subject/verb agreement c. edit to make the words on either side of the conjunction parallel d. edit to make two separate sentences

edit to make the words on either side of the conjunction parallel

Rewriting, or changing your paper, to improve the grammar or mechanics is known as _____.


The idea of 'rhetoric' can be defined most simply as the art of _____.

effective communication

Text Features

elements of any text other than the writing itself which helps you locate and learn information (the elements on the page that help you understand what you're reading like diagrams, table of contents, index, etc)

Types of Satire: Juvenalian

sharper, more indignant and direct, using irony, personal invective, and sarcasm to target social conventions and mindsets; commonly shows anger and resentfulness about a particular issue EX: An example of Juvenalian satire is Swift's A Modest Proposal, in which suggests feeding the babies of the poor to the rich, striking the reader with a direct cruelty that Swift believed paralleled the real attitudes of the rich and powerful towards the poor and vulnerable.

Deductive Validity

states that it is impossible for the conclusion to be true if the premise is false; if the premise cannot stand on its own, the conclusion has no chance of being true

Input Hypothesis

states that students acquire language through learning material just a bit beyond their reach; you might recognize this idea as scaffolding, which is the support given by a teacher to a student on an individual basis to help with difficult material and eventually the scaffolding is removed when the student is ready

Affective Filter Hypothesis

states that there are three filters that inhibit language learners: anxiety, no motivation, and low self-confidence

Monitor Hypothesis

states that there must be a self-monitoring mechanism that allows a language learner to recognize when something about the language is simply not right; however, in order for this mechanism to work, the student must have an understanding of linguistic rules

A 1 in 14,000,000 chance of winning the lottery is an example of the use of _____. a. statistics b. examples c. transition d. expert opinion


Which word is being used connotatively in the following sentence? The priest's steely reserve helped him get through the last weeks of January. a. helped b. steely c. through d. last



stories from every culture that for centuries have explained natural phenomena and answered questions people have about the human condition: origin and creation stories, stories about life, death, and life after death

There are a number of _____ and _____ that writers use to project mood.

story elements and devices

Italian Sonnet (Petrarchan)

style of sonnet consists of fourteen lines of iambic pentameter; split into two stanzas: the first eight lines, called an octave, followed by the final six, called a sestet; rhyme scheme is ABBAABBA-CDECDE (the most common) or ABBAABBA-CDCCDC; often, the octave poses a question which is answered by the sestet

A _____ is the part of a sentence telling who or what the sentence is about.


When using personal pronouns in written or verbal communication, it is important to note that some pronouns have different forms when used as a subject or an object. _____ pronouns replace the subject in the sentence and _____ pronouns replace the object. _____ pronouns typically follow the action in the sentence.

subject, object, object

A dependent clause is sometimes called a _____ clause or a _____ _____ clause.

subordinate; dependent subordinate

What's going on beneath the surface of the writing is called:


William discussed four main points during his speech. As his time was drawing to a close, he wanted to make sure to review the most important parts of each of his points. By doing this, William was _____. a. bringing up new points b. finishing c. pausing before another transition d. summarizing


Many speeches require the use of _____ _____ and evidence. _____ _____ are books or online sources containing evidence (examples, facts, or statistics) that support the speech's main points. The speaker must conduct research to find _____ _____ and obtain the evidence. Returning to the example of a persuasive speech about trade schools, the speaker would find _____ _____ that contain evidence to support the main points or reasons why trade school is better than college.

supporting materials (x4)

Why did American Romanticism surface?

surfaced as a reaction against the strict and rigid beliefs of the Puritans and the logical and rational thinking of the Age of Reason and the inhumanity of the Industrial Revolution

A speaker with arched eyebrows conveys to the audience that he or she is _____. a. surprised b. condescending c. scared d. happy


The _____ is the part of a sentence telling what the subject is or what the subject is doing.


Language Development Styles: Expressive Style

produces many more social formalities and pronouns; xpressive style children understand the purpose of language to be talking about people's feelings and needs.

Reading Intervention

provides additional strategies and activities to boost reading skills in the areas of decoding, comprehension, and fluency for struggling readers (intervention supplements the mainstream reading program curriculum)

Partial Syllogism

provides somewhat less information, so it does require readers to infer some part of an argument; one or more of an argument's premises will be outright stated, but at least one more will remain unstated, and the conclusion will be stated EX: Socrates is a man, therefore he is mortal.

Not all students read at a level of proficiency. When this is the case, _____ _____ strategies are necessary.

reading intervention

What is critical reading?

reading with an eye on how the passage was constructed

Making Connections

recognizing how elements in the text relate to the reader, the world, and other texts; when readers do this, it helps them relate what they are reading or are about to read to something they already know

What did Dark Romantic authors most want to explore?

psychological effects of guilt and sin

The second step to make text-to-text connections is to examine the literary elements. Which of the following is NOT a literary element? a. plot b. characters c. publication date d. setting e. symbols

publication date

Sometimes a sentence has too much information to carry on its own; this problem is called a _____ sentence.


Francis Bacon's ideas became the foundation of the modern study of _____.


One of the biggest difference between poetry themes from The Age of Enlightenment and the Romantic period is that the Enlightenment focused on _____ and the Romantics focused on _____.

science; emotions

In coherent writing, it's important that the point of view remains consistent from paragraph to paragraph. Which of the following is a type of point of view? a. gerund b. protagonist c. second person d. fourth person

second person

A _____ source describes, analyzes, or critiques information presented in other sources.


Personal Pronoun Categories: First-Person Pronouns

sed when a writer or speaker is referring to themselves in a narrative; will not typically replace a noun, as it is understood that the pronoun is in reference to the speaker or writer individually or within a group that includes themselves

Satirical Devices: Caricature

selects and highlights specific features to make a person look ridiculous

Transitional words (such as moreover, therefore, however, alternatively, etc.) refer to words that emphasize, contrast, order, or compound meaning between two independent phrases. This is done with a _____ splitting the independent clauses, the transitional word, and a comma.


Three Parts of an Introduction: Bridge

the link between the hook and the thesis; it provides vital background information

Which of the following is something you want to be sure to include in your objective summary? a. minor details b. the main character c. a full list of characters d. a list of major themes e. literary motifs

the main character

What are the three types of third person point of view?

third person omniscient, third person limited, and third person objective

Evaluative (Reading Comprehension Questions)

those that require the reader to formulate an opinion on the text

Literal (Reading Comprehension Questions)

those where the information is found directly in the literary text

Fill in the blank: One of the benefits of using print messages in the classroom is that learners can _____ the content of the lesson. a. Understand b. Alter c. Read d. Revisit


By most accounts, Romanticism was started by just two writers. Who were these two writers?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth

Romantic Poetry Themes: Mortality

Several Romantic poets died young, including Keats, Shelley, and Byron. Much of their work explored the experience of death, including their fears and hopes for their own deaths.

What is the theme of The Tortoise and the Hare?

Slow and steady wins the race.

What French writer is widely credited with spreading the popularity of the Realist movement?


Components of Learning to Read: Engagement

Students who are motivated to read outside of the classroom and who enjoy reading become better readers.

What is diction? a. Speaking pace b. Choosing complex vocabulary c. Choosing simple vocabulary d. Style of enunciation

Style of enunciation

What term is used for the words, phrases, and statements that support, define, or explain the main idea?

Supporting details

Which of the following is NOT an example of an organizational aid? a. Headings b. Italics c. Table d. Sidebars e. Bold font


Which of the following should someone do as they read an informational text? a. Avoid rereading if possible. b. Read the text quickly all at once. c. Wait until after they read to write down summaries, further questions, and their reactions. d. Take notes

Take notes


Term used to describe organizing poetry around how words are emphasized to produce rhythm

What are four classic YA works that have also made a profound impact on young readers and society at large?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, The Catcher in the Rye, The Outsiders

What does the exposition describe?

The characters and the setting

What is mood? a. The author's attitude towards a topic b. The feeling we get when reading a story c. The genre of a story d. An intense emotion

The feeling we get when reading a story

Which of the following is NOT helpful in identifying mood and tone? a. The language b. Word choices c. The setting d. The length of the piece

The length of the piece

When creating reading groups, what is the most important factor to consider?

The level at which each student is reading

What is a term for the specific purpose of a speech? a. Supporting evidence b. Supporting facts c. Minor ideas d. The main idea

The main idea

What is reading comprehension?

The meaning of reading comprehension is understanding what one reads through a combination of decoding and language fluency.

What is poetic meaning? a. A poem's physical structure, basically what the poem looks like and how it sounds b. All of these c. None of these d. The message the poet gives to the reader e. A poem's language

The message the poet gives to the reader

Where is the information found on the demographics of participants in a study? a. The works cited page b. The introduction c. The reference page d. The methods section

The methods section


The most intense part of the plot. The conflict is at its most intense moment.

What do Dark Romantic authors focus on?

The psychological, how the mind works

What are two main qualities that mark the shift from stories that showed realistic events and situations to portraying the inner experiences and sometimes irrational psychology of human beings in Contemporary literature?

The quest for identity and Expressionism

Besides the intention of the author, what is another source of meaning for a piece of literature?

The reader's interpretation of it

In a footnote, what is the size of the footnote number? a. The size of a subscript b. The writer decides the size c. One half the size of the other text d. The same size as the rest of the text

The same size as the rest of the text

Which of the following indicates that a verb should be singular? a. There is an indirect object in the sentence. b. The subject is singular. c. There is a direct object in the sentence. d. The subject is plural.

The subject is singular.

A trickster God interferes...

The trickster is a staple in many Native American stories. He likes to mess with humans and cause havoc. Sometimes his tricks are harmless enough, but sometimes they represent real peril or roadblocks that the hero must face.

What two things does a reader need to be aware of in order to analyze a character's growth or changes?

Their traits in the beginning vs their characteristics at the end

Which of the following statements is a critique of the nativist theory of language development? a. Language development is triggered by exposure to language. b. There are very few rules universal to all languages. c. Language development is an innate ability that children are born with. d. All language follows universal rules of grammar.

There are very few rules universal to all languages.

What meter is used in haiku?

There is no fixed meter in the haiku; the poet counts the syllables in each line but there is no specific rhythm of emphasis required.

Characteristics of Language: Arbitrariness

There is no necessary or inherent relationship between a word and the real thing it describes. For instance, nothing about the word ''chicken'' is inherently linked to the bird it conveys; learning the understanding of the meaning relationship must transpire

How do the works of Dark Romantic writers differ from others during the American Renaissance?

There is no sense of universal justice in Dark Romantic works.

Which of the following statements is true? a. There isn't a finite number of universal themes. b. There is a certain number of universal themes an author can use when writing a story. c. All writers select one theme before they begin to write a story. d. Themes are the supporting details found within a story or passage.

There isn't a finite number of universal themes.

What is the importance of making text-to-text connections?

These connections help to broaden thinking and support deeper meaning.

What is the importance of universal themes? a. They make stories relatable to many people. b. They make for longer stories. c. They encourage stronger characters. d. They keep many people from enjoying stories.

They make stories relatable to many people.

What does setting include?

Time, place and duration

Why should your special education students write as often as possible? a. To build revision skills b. To build prewriting skills c. To build editing skills d. To build fluency

To build fluency

Which graphic organizer consists of two overlapping circles?

Venn Diagram

Who is another influential Transcendentalist author (besides Emerson and Thoreau)?

Walt Whitman

What question(s) could a reader ask regarding the following: Element of Writing: Content

What is included in the text and why? What information is excluded?

What question could a reader ask regarding the following: Element of Writing: Author's Purpose

What response does the author want from the reader?

Why is it important to read on one's level?

When literature is provided that is too complex, the reader will have to stop to think about what a word means. This leads to them having a disjointed overview of the information and can cause difficulty understanding how the text connects overall.

_____ helps writing development through explanation, modeling, and practicing writing. a. Guided writing b. Writer's workshop c. Writing center d. Word wall e. Author's chair

Writer's workshop

You have a dinner party and all the guests ask for seconds. What is the most logical conclusion?

Your food is good.

What is an inference? a. a piece of important information that an author states clearly, and that sticks in your mind b. a deduction your mind makes that is not explicitly stated in the text c. the thesis statement or argument of an informational text d. any information you learned from reading an informational text

a deduction your mind makes that is not explicitly stated in the text

Curtal Sonnet

a form of sonnet created by Gerard Manley Hopkins in the nineteenth century, conceptualized as being three-fourths of an Italian sonnet; contained eleven lines, or more precisely ten and a half lines (ten and a half is three-fourths of fourteen.); first stanza is six lines, three-fourths of the octave at the beginning of an Italian sonnet; the final stanza is four and a half lines, three-fourths of the sestet at the end of an Italian sonnet; rhyme scheme is ABCABC-DCBDC or ABCABC-DBCDC

Alliterative Verse

a form of verse that uses alliteration as the principal ornamental device to help indicate the underlying metrical structure, as opposed to other devices such as rhyme.

What is a universal theme?

a general theme in storytelling that resonates with the characteristics of all humanity; ideas that are adaptable and recurring throughout time and human experience


a group of English Protestants who were discriminated against in England; as a result, many of them moved to America to seek freedom and found their own colony based on the religious and political beliefs of their members.

What is a stanza? a. a poetic form invented by Dante in the fourteenth century b. the pattern of strong and weak syllables in a line c. the order that rhymes appear in a poem d. a group of lines that serves as a 'room' or a unit in a poem

a group of lines that serves as a 'room' or a unit in a poem

Types of Clauses: Independent

a group of words containing a subject and a predicate that expresses a complete thought in and of itself;

Structural Analysis

a learning strategy that aids students in decoding an unknown word by dividing the word into parts (root, prefix, suffix) to discover its meaning

Doggerel (type of poetry)

a light, humorous, usually bawdy (having to do with sex) and short poem


a literary movement that began in the mid-19th century and can be defined as a move against Romanticism that stressed truthful and relatable, also realistic, subject matter


a movement in literature from 1914-1945 that is characterized by a rejection of the traditional forms of writing in favor of bold experimentation in both poetry and prose

Third Person Omniscient Point of View

a narrator in a story that can see all that happens in the story; can see the actions happening around the characters and what happens in their minds; external characters in the story and are able to know things in the story that the characters may not

Unreliable Narrator

a narrator whose account of events appears to be faulty, misleadingly biased, or otherwise distorted

What is the difference between plot analysis and plot summary?

a plot summary retells the events of the story; plot analysis looks at the text to determine what the text can reveal about the author, the society the work was created in, and how it can be applied to other situations (analysis breaks down metaphor, symbolism, allegory, and characterization, and makes an argument regarding a work -> requires evidence)

Elegy (type of poetry)

a poem in dedication to something that has passed. It might be a dead person, or it might be a bygone era

In addition to being a fantastic epic, Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene is believed to be _____.

a poem in praise of Queen Elizabeth I

Dramatic Monologue

a poem in which a speaker addresses a silent listener

What is a hypothesis?

a proposed idea that can be tested, and it guides the data collection for the research


a sub-genre of science fiction that mixes advanced technology with broken societies

Apostrophe (in poetry)

addressing a gone, dead or inhuman thing as alive and present

Beowulf is similar in structure to Caedmon's Hymn because of the _____ verse and use of _____. However, it's different because it's really long, and is classified as _____ instead of a poem.

alliterative; caesura; an epic

Strategies for Scaffolding Reading Instruction: Word Study

allows students to review pertinent vocabulary prior to the lesson, helping students become familiar with words they may not know

What is literary criticism?

an entire way to understand the meaning of books by looking at them through a particular lens; the viewpoint or lens, that a literary critic, one who evaluates the quality of literature, uses to reflect on the works' features


an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one

Which choice is the best definition for theme? a. the sequence of events in the story b. an important life lesson expressed by the author c. a character's attitude in the story d. the main area of conflict in the main character's mind e. where and when a story takes place

an important life lesson expressed by the author

Types of Dramatic Irony: Structural

an incongruity that pervades the structure of a literary work; sometimes authors will choose a protagonist or a narrator who has limited understanding of a situation and therefore misinterprets the actions of other characters or the story's events. Such a character is called an unreliable narrator; readers see through the narrator's mistakes throughout the story's structure, thereby forcing the reader to reinterpret the story's ironic meaning EX: An example of structural irony is the novel The Go-Between by L. P. Hartley, a story told by a young boy who carries messages between two adulterous and aristocratic lovers. Because he is too young to understand physical love and is not a member of the aristocracy, he does not fully understand his part in the lovers' deceptions. Readers must "read between the lines" to fully grasp the irony of the story.


belief that God controls the world and the people in it

What is internal conflict?

comes from uncertainty or struggles within the self

What are three types of extended metaphors?

conceit, allegory, mixed metaphors

Ideas and feelings associated with specific words are called:


Two tools used to create nuance are _____ and _____.

connotation and subtext

Ongoing research shows that _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____ also contribute to effective reading instruction.

continual assessment, explicit instruction, opportunities for practice, teacher feedback, and motivation

What Modernist trend does the Contemporary period continue?

continues the Modernist trend to explore the workings of human consciousness, and it is common to have the way things are said in terms of rhythm and imagery mean more than actions or plot

What are five different types of claims?

counterclaims, solution claims, value claims, cause & effect claims, factual claims

Adding transitions within the text of a paragraph can _____. a. make the paragraph too verbose b. make writing more difficult to navigate because the writing isn't as simplistic c. create greater coherence and make your writing easier to read d. demonstrate understanding of more complex writing techniques

create greater coherence and make your writing easier to read

What are some examples of proper nouns that must be capitalized? (7)

days of the week, months of the year, holidays, names of people, names of places, titles used for people, names of historical periods or entities

What are the four types of sentences?

declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory

Subordinators are sometimes called _____ _____ _____.

dependent marker words

What are some primary characteristics of Victorian literature?

depicts daily life; presented varied social classes of people instead of just aristocracy (more popular among middle classes); moral or political purpose instead of "art for art's sake"; era of doubt and pessimism; books characterized by things both practical and materialistic

Hyperbole often uses ____ to express ideas that are often a mixture of truth and untruth.

figurative language

Brainstorming techniques include...(4)

freewriting, listing, clustering, mapping

The Norwegian play A Doll's House is a great work of world literature. What is the main issue in the play? a. unfair taxation b. violence c. voting rights d. the class divide e. gender inequality

gender inequality

What is a main idea?

he concept that is being discussed or analyzed throughout an entire essay.

What is an internal conflict in a story?

he type of conflict that occurs within a character in a story; aka man vs. self

Victorian Era

he years between 1837 and 1901 when Queen Victoria was the reigning monarch of Great Britain; was an era of transition from a rural, agricultural society to a more urban, industrial one

Identify the subject(s) of the following sentence: He didn't know the mob boss paid off the cop. a. mob boss b. he; mob boss c. cop d. he

he; mob boss

What does regionalism help do in Realist literature?

helps create the more realistic characters and stories that are prevalent in Realism literature

Character Growth in Literature

how the character evolves - becomes better- over time. It is closely connected to the plot, particularly the conflict of the story. Events that challenge the character's status quo, either in their thoughts or circumstances, prompt the character to grow.

What is character development?

how the reader can observe the character changing step by step throughout the narrative

Topics of world literature often include a discussion on _____'s origin, power, heroism, and love.


'The water was so cold, I saw fish wearing jackets' is an example of _____. a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. personification d. simile


What style of writing was Shakespeare primarily known for?

iambic pentameter

An _____ pronoun is used to replace a noun that is unclear, unknown, or uncountable. (EX: some, each, any, all, several)


Which of the following reading strategies would you use to study for a test? a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. extensive reading

intensive reading

Prestige Testimony

involves using the words of a recognizable public figure that the audience respects to drive home a point

What are some satirical devices commonly used in literature? (3)

irony, caricature, paradox


lies between the short story and the novel in terms of length and scope

Fiction can be divided into genre categories such as...

mysteries, science fiction, romance

What was one of the most popular forms of poetry during the Victorian era?

narrative poems

Henry David Thoreau's Walden experiment helped him to become an expert _____.


The word 'stubborn' has a _____ connotation.


Which of the following BEST describes the Transcendentalists? a. Anarchic b. Nonconformist c. Naïve d. Nonchalant


A great way to organize the details in expository writing is to make an _____.


What are the three common categories of author's purpose?

persuasion, information, entertainment

Writing that is meant to convince the audience of a certain viewpoint is called what?

persuasive writing

Aristotle's Six Elements of Drama

plot, character, thought, diction, music, spectacle

Form (poetry)

refers to a poem's physical structure; what the poem looks like and how it sounds

What years does American Romanticism span?

roughly 1820-1865

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules: Prepositional Phrases

sometimes the noun in a prepositional phrase is confused with a sentence's subject, but the prepositional phrase is not a factor in subject and verb agreement; to find the object of a preposition, look for the noun immediately following the preposition. This noun cannot be the subject of a sentence.

The ideas that resonate on the deepest level are those that drive us toward meaning and survival. What are some examples of these universal ideas? (3)

technology, politics/freedom, family


the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time


the giving of human qualities to an animal, object, or idea

What are the two types of subjects?

the simple subject and the complete subject

What is the tone of a story?

the writer's attitude toward the subject; a reader can determine how the writer feels about the topic they are writing about by paying attention to how the writer writes (punctuation, sentence structure, devices, word choices)

What do the Dark Romantics' symbols usually represent

their symbols often represent evil entities, like devils or spirits -> these symbols often reinforce one of many horrific themes found in the story

What do fables, folktales, myths and legends have in common?

they are all forms of entertainment

Signposts can show _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.

time, location, compare or contrast, conclude or summarize, and add information

Studying roots, prefixes, and suffixes helps students: a. understand how prefixes and suffixes can change a word's meaning and how much of our language is constructed b. learn to break apart unfamiliar words in order to understand their overall meanings c. increase their vocabulary and reading comprehension d. all of the answers listed e. none of the answers listed

understand how prefixes and suffixes can change a word's meaning and how much of our language is constructed

Components of Learning to Read: Vocabulary

understanding the meaning of individual words


unlike other types of stories, legends are based in history even if they aren't ever confirmed as true; these stories are on the edge of reality, often featuring the miraculous or the incredible (they don't explain the mysteries of the world like myths do, nor do they use animals to deliver a lesson like in fables, and unlike folktales, they aren't so exaggerated that they leave the realm of belief)

You are teaching the present continuous to your ELLs, and Marco, a student from Bolivia, tells his peer from Mexico, 'It is the same as the gerund in Spanish.' When you hear this, you: a. ask Marco to translate into Spanish for his Mexican friend b. ask Marco not to confuse his peers c. use Marco's knowledge to reinforce the English tense d. tell Marco to refrain from using Spanish grammar

use Marco's knowledge to reinforce the English tense

What is third person point of view?

uses third-person pronouns such as ''he,'' ''she,'' ''them,'' and ''they'' to tell the story; three different types of third person perspective

Drawing conclusions is: a. using information that is clearly stated to make meaning out of a text. b. using information that is implied or inferred to make educated guesses about what will happen next in a text. c. using explicitly stated information to make judgements about the text. d. using information that is implied to suggest characters' personality traits. e. using information that is implied or inferred to make meaning out of what is not clearly stated.

using information that is implied or inferred to make meaning out of what is not clearly stated.

Extemporaneous delivery refers to _____. a. committing every word of the speech to memory b. using note cards but keeping the speech conversational c. using extra words to amaze the audience d. speaking extra loud to keep the audience's attention

using note cards but keeping the speech conversational

Types of Claims: Value

value claim will frame a moral or philosophical issue in a debatable format.

What are three types of irony?

verbal, situational, dramatic

When students make predictions before reading a text and while they read it, it's important that they explain...

what clues from the text and/or what prior knowledge they used to make those predictions.

Rhetorical Sentence Devices: Inversion

when the normal syntactic order of words or phrases in a sentence is reversed EX: Instead of saying "Yesterday, I saw a ship" the author would write "Yesterday a ship I saw," or instead of saying "I was shocked," they might say "Shocked, I was".

Direct Characterization

when the reader is told directly by a character in the novel, or the narrator, what traits a character possesses

What is a context summary?

when the writer sums up the main points or context of the body of the essay in the introduction

Rhetorical Sentence Devices: Chiasmus

when two or more parts of a sentence are reversed. The second half of the sentence is a mirror image of the first, but in reverse order. EX: Examples include the quotes "Never let a fool kiss you or a kiss fool you" and "You forget what you want to remember and remember what you want to forget".

Rhetorical Devices: Euphemism

when words or phrases are substituted by an alternative expression to use language that is more favorable or less offensive

CRAAP Test: Relevance

when you evaluate the relevance of a source, you are looking at how well the information relates to your topic

The positioning of words in a sentence is called _____. a. word placement b. inclusion c. encoding d. decoding

word placement

American Contemporary Period: Timeline and Summary

*1945-present; begins at the end of WWII *questions the goodness of humanity, explores human consciousness, and upends social norms

What two authors arose out of the counter culture (against mass conformity) during the Contemporary period?

*J.D. Salinger (Catcher in the Rye) *Arthur Miller

What are the topics and tone of Modernist poetry?

*society real-world events such as war and death *less optimistic, more pessimistic

What are some of the themes of Modernist literature?

*there is no absolute truth *decadence *disillusionment and loss of faith in the American dream

Famous Romantic Poets: Edgar Allan Poe

-American; like Whitman could be considered part of the first generation of American Romantic writers -not notably connected with other Romantic writers -famous works are "Annabel Lee" and "The Raven"

Famous Romantic Poets: Walt Whitman

-American; not part of the recognized generations -possibly influenced by Poe, but the connection is unclear -famous works are "I Sing the Body Electric" and "Song of Myself"

Who are two authors and pieces that are classics of the Victorian era?

-Charles Dickens - author of The Pickwick Papers (1836-1837) -George Eliot (pseudonym for Mary Ann Evans) - author of Adam Bede (1859,) The Mill on the Floss (1860), and Middlemarch (1871-1872)

What are the main characteristics of British Modernist literature? (7)

-Commonly written in first-person perspective -Focuses on the inner workings of the characters, and their consciousness -Themes of negative consequences of capitalism and machinery -Themes of isolation and individualism -Tones that center around the absurdity of society -Formalism of language -Presence of symbolism

What are four other common features of World Literature?

-Folklore -Legends -Fables -Mythology

Reading programs for struggling readers can support varying populations of students including:

-General education students -English Language Learners -Struggling readers falling below the 40th percentile on reading assessments

Theorists of Reader-Response Criticism: Hans-Robert Jauss

-German literary scholar -He thought that the history of literature should be focused on what people were reading and what they continue to read, not just a list of works in chronological order. -According to Jauss, readers have a certain set of mental expectations that they bring to the interpretation of whatever they are reading.

English Romantic Writers: Sir Walter Scott

-Scottish -Rob Roy (1817) and Ivanhoe (1819) -focus on Ivanhoe; fun adventure story set in 1194 (way before the period that it was actually written), and it actually features Robin Hood and his merry men -important to note because one of its themes is identity (notion of identity ties into the concept of who someone is as an individual versus maybe who they're perceived to be by society)

Types of Literary Criticism: Media

-This critical lens evaluates how novels, film, and television reflect social issues to understand the meanings of these texts

Understanding Verb Tense Agreement: Present Tense

-Time Reflected: an action occurring now -Agreement: Most present tense verbs have different forms for singular and plural subjects.

Understanding Verb Tense Agreement: Past Tense

-Time Reflected: an action that is completed -Agreement: Most past tense verbs use the same form for singular and plural subjects.

Types of Speech Delivery: Extemporaneous

-are fully rehearsed but seem conversational when the speaker is executing them -person delivering the speech will have access to brief notes that they can reference during the speech to serve as prompts

Famous Romantic Poets: William Wordsworth

-first generation Romantic poet -worked with Coleridge -famous works are "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and "We Are Seven"

Famous Romantic Poets: William Blake

-not recognized until after his death; not really considered a part of a specific generation -not notably connected to any other Romantic writers -famous works are "The Chimney Sweeper, "The Sick Rose," and "The Tyger"

What are independent marker words? Define and give examples.

-words that begin an independent clause -however, therefore, nevertheless

What are the three main categories of speeches?

1) to inform 2) to persuade 3) to entertain

The Epic of Gilgamesh was written around:

2150 BCE

In the epic poem, Beowulf, Beowulf fights Grendel, who is:

A monster


A poetic form that is usually written in one stanza and almost always uses iambic pentameter, so there are five iambs in each line

A ballad may be defined as:

A type of poem that is sometimes set to music

What are some rhetorical sentence devices? (3)

Chiasmus, Aposiopesis, Inversion

How do you cite an inference?

Cite the pieces of evidence you used to draw the inference

Which of the following should you NOT focus on during the revising stage? a. Content b. Style c. Structure d. Tone e. Comma Rules

Comma Rules

The part of the writing process in which you actually write the paper for the first time is known as what?


If you're experiencing a piece of fiction that's being performed on stage, joining monologues and dialogues by characters with stage directions, then what kind of fiction are you experiencing?


How do dramatic irony and situational irony differ?

Dramatic irony depends on the audience knowing something the characters don't.

When did the concept of concrete poetry originate?

During antiquity

American Romantic Authors: Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson's poems often focused on the dark side of Romanticism, often dramatizing the dark parts of the mind and death coupled with simplistic aspects of nature, as in her poem ''I Heard a Fly Buzz—'When I Died.''

What political events marked the 17th century as a turbulent time in English spiritual and political history?

English Civil Wars, The Great Rebellion, Glorious Revolution

In The Odyssey, Odysseus' journey to the underworld was probably inspired by _____.

Enkidu's dream in the Epic of Gilgamesh

How do you balance the main points of a speech? a. Ensure there are no more than three main points. b. Ensure they are very different from one another. c. Ensure they all address basically the same thing. d. Ensure they provide a diversity of points while still being united to the main idea.

Ensure they provide a diversity of points while still being united to the main idea.

Written in cuneiform on clay tablets, the _____ is the oldest known epic poem.

Epic of Gilgamesh

Which characteristics of the Romantic movement were expressed through a focus on nature?

Escapism and spirituality

What is another way to define essential information? a. Essential information is not relevant to the topic b. Essential information supports the topic c. Essential information provides background information on a broader topic d. Essential information helps narrow down a topic

Essential information supports the topic

Who is often identified as the 'father' of modern concrete poetry?

Eugen Gomringer

Saints' Lives'

Eulogistic accounts of miraculous experiences of the saints; a kind of of religious biography extremely popular in the medieval world.

You hear a story about an ant that teaches a lesson to a grasshopper. The tale is about a grasshopper who sings and plays all summer while the ant works to store food. When winter comes, the grasshopper has nothing to eat. The ant tells him, he should have worked and saved. This account is an example of a _____.


Which of the following is NOT an example of a claim? a. Women should be paid the same as men for similar work. b. A healthy breakfast is necessary for memory retention. c. Online video streaming has made video rental stores obsolete. d. Facebook has users all over the world.

Facebook has users all over the world.

What is the basic unit of measurement in poetry?


Cornell Note Taking System

For this method, make two columns to take notes in as you read the selection. The left column should be narrower. In that column, insert questions centered on the topic. For example, if the selection centered on the medical dangers of poverty, one question could be 'what are the effects of poverty on a hospital?' Then, in the right-hand column, answer that question with details from the reading selection. This organizational format makes it very easy to use your notes to find a specific detail. Simply see which question it relates to and check your notes or return to the reading selection at that spot.

_____ writing is usually done for academic or professional settings. This type of writing commonly is reviewed by someone else for critique or action to be taken in response to the writing. Examples of this writing includes essays, literature reviews, summaries, letters, and published works.


In the broadest term, what are media? a. News production companies b. Languages used for communication c. Journalists d. Forms of distributing information

Forms of distributing information

Italian sonnets are named after _____, while English sonnets are named after _____.

Francesco Petrarch; William Shakespeare

_____ are most likely to use illustration software as their primary tool. a. Graphic designers b. Marketing representatives c. Instructional designers d. Engineers

Graphic designers

_____ _____ are a great tool to use to be able to find specific details in selections formatted on compare and contrast.

Graphic organizers

Which of the following would be a correct inference based on the text below? 'Often living in the burrows of prairie dogs, kangaroo rats, and pocket mice, grasshopper mice also construct their own burrows for nesting and food storage.' a. Grasshopper mice are the best mouse species b. Grasshopper mice travel in packs c. Grasshopper mice live in the rainforest d. Grasshopper mice do not live in trees

Grasshopper mice do not live in trees

What is so distinct about the dialogue that Lorraine Hansberry uses in her play 'A Raisin in the Sun'? a. Hansberry has each character speak in a distinct voice that uses proper grammar, advanced vocabulary, and popular slang words. b. Hansberry includes believable lines of dialogue by creating lengthy conversations about every day life topics like the weather and how people are doing. c. Hansberry uses dialect to reflect where the characters are and what the time period is. Characters like Mama speak using slang and grammatically incorrect phrases that reflect her background and her position as an older woman in 1950s Chicago. d. Hansberry clearly describes the characters' experiences and background to show us how important it is that they are living in Chicago during the 1950s, which was during the Civil Rights Movement. e. Hansberry avoids using dialogue tags because each character has such a distinct voice that 'he said' and 'she said' aren't needed.

Hansberry uses dialect to reflect where the characters are and what the time period is. Characters like Mama speak using slang and grammatically incorrect phrases that reflect her background and her position as an older woman in 1950s Chicago.

Which of the following correctly identifies the subjective and objective pronouns found in the following sentence? 'Run away from the hooded monks with the giant swords?' he asked. 'You don't have to tell me twice.' a. He - subject pronoun; you - subject pronoun; me - subject pronoun b. He - object pronoun; you - object pronoun; me - object pronoun c. He - subject pronoun; you - subject pronoun; me - object pronoun d. He - object pronoun; you - subject pronoun; me - object pronoun

He - subject pronoun; you - subject pronoun; me - object pronoun

Which of the following sentences has multiple subjects? a. I could not believe it. b. I don't believe in anything any more. c. He and his wife waited and waited for any good news. d. He waited for hours to see his favorite new movie.

He and his wife waited and waited for any good news.

How did Walt Whitman model his understanding of nature in poetry?

He became the first poet to utilize free verse. Free verse poems do not rhyme, but instead can convey a more authentic feeling. (Uncommon for poetry at the time)

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, why does Enkidu die?

He helped Gilgamesh slay the Bull of Heaven.

What made Whitman different from the essayists in the Transcendentalist movement?

He preferred to convey his feelings of nature through poetry.

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, how does Gilgamesh overcome his fear of mortality?

He recognizes that his legacy will live on in the city of Uruk.

What happens to the main character in Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart?

He succumbs to overwhelming paranoia after hiding a body under the floor.

Which of the following is a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration? a. Metaphor b. Onomatopoeia c. Alliteration d. Personification e. Hyperbole


Which of the following is an overstatement or exaggeration? a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Alliteration d. Hyperbole e. Personification


Which is an example of a causal relationship? a. I gave my plants too much water. My plants died. b. To stress the point, never water your plants too much! c. The following are the kinds of plants I have in my house: fern, peace lily, Christmas cactus. d. On June 1st, I started my new job. On June 3rd, I watered my plants.

I gave my plants too much water. My plants died.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. I survived the shipwreck; incidentally, I am an excellent swimmer. b. I survived the shipwreck, I am an excellent swimmer. c. I survived the shipwreck being an excellent swimmer. d. I survived shipwreck I am an excellent swimmer.

I survived the shipwreck; incidentally, I am an excellent swimmer.

You want to do a guided reading exercise with your ELLs. How do you form the group? a. I would mix stronger and weaker ELLs so they help each other. b. I would group ELLs who can read at the same level. c. I would group only ELLs with good reading skills. d. I would group only ELLs who love reading.

I would group ELLs who can read at the same level.

Give some examples of first-person personal pronouns. (4)

I, Me, We, Us (mine, ours, myself, ourselves)

Which pronouns are found in the following sentence? 'I kept telling her that we would go back for Elmo, but I knew we had left him behind. ' a. I, we, knew, we, him b. I, her, we, I, we, him c. I, we, I, we, him d. we, Elmo, her, we'd

I, her, we, I, we, him

Subject-Verb Agreement Exceptions: Stealth Singular Nouns

If you think that a plural-sounding noun might actually be singular, ask yourself: Can it be treated as a single entity? If it can, then it's probably a singular noun and therefore requires a singular verb.

What technique do authors use to stimulate the senses when describing setting?


When a speaker gives a speech without prior planning or preparation, it is a(n): a. Extemporaneous speech b. Manuscript speech c. Impromptu speech d. Memorized speech

Impromptu speech

A good text summary should:

Include only key information about the text.

Which of the following tips is NOT important when designing your presentation? a. Making such that your media presentation adds value to what you are saying. b. Making sure that your font is legible. c. Including as much multimedia as you can. d. Making sure that the content matches the format you are using.

Including as much multimedia as you can.

Which of the following would someone NOT want in an argument? a. Opposing arguments b. Deductive reasoning c. Consistency d. Incomplete argument

Incomplete argument

Which of the following was the new art of Modernism directly responding to? a. The development of television and movies b. The use of trains and automobiles c. The invention of gunpowder d. Industrialization and changes in city life

Industrialization and changes in city life

How did changes in the country give rise to the literary movement described as Realism?

Industrialization led to a large literate working-class population and there was a need for literature that reflected their lives.

You're searching online for how to play guitar and you stumble on an article describing the different types of guitars. The article you found is an example of which of the following: a. Procedural text b. Fiction c. Informational text d. None of these

Informational text


Introduces the setting, characters, and the story's primary conflict

What is the one significant advantage of using Google Slides? a. It allows real-time collaboration. b. It allows multiple video components. c. It is the easiest to use. d. It is the gold standard of business presentations. e. It is the fastest.

It allows real-time collaboration.

During the Victorian era, improvements in technology increased rapidly. In what way was British society altered as a result of these changes? a. It enabled more people to stay on the farm by increasing agricultural production. b. It led to disruptions in family life as more women started to work outside of the home. c. It altered the manner in which the British people interacted with the world. d. It provided more people with the ability to earn money and enjoy a better standard of life.

It altered the manner in which the British people interacted with the world.

How is recursive writing different than the writing process? a. It really is not that different. b. They are complete opposites. c. It asks writers to rethink each step as they work d. It encourages writers to work in groups and with an instructor e. It is inspired by the writing process but the steps are in different order

It asks writers to rethink each step as they work

Which of the following is a disadvantage of PowerPoint? a. It is very expensive. b. It is hard to make edits. c. It has difficulties in embedding video. d. It is complicated to use. e. It generally needs an expensive projector or monitor to use for a business presentation.

It generally needs an expensive projector or monitor to use for a business presentation.

Why was Lady Chatterley's Lover controversial?

It had a lot of sexual content.

What is wrong with the following sentence? Most of the movies I like don't have a lot of explosions, sometimes I like horror movies though. a. It is a sentence fragment. b. It has a comma splice. c. There should be a semicolon after 'like.' d. It is a regular run-on sentence.

It has a comma splice.

Why is setting an important story element?

It helps hold the reader's interest and helps develop plot.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why formulating a research question is one of the first steps in a research project? a. It helps the researcher formulate and identify important aspects of their research. b. It helps refine what is being researched. c. It helps lay the groundwork for the research. d. It helps in choosing a topic for research.

It helps in choosing a topic for research.

Why can the recency of sources be an important factor in evaluating an article? a. It tells you if the article contains factual material. b. It establishes the credentials of the author. c. You can only use the article if the sources are all recent. d. It helps in judging the reliability of the article.

It helps in judging the reliability of the article.

Why is structure so important in writing fiction? a. Without it, readers would be confused. b. It helps to hold all of the elements of the work together and develop the theme. c. It generates work that's familiar to audiences. d. Without it, the author would likely write him or herself into a corner.

It helps to hold all of the elements of the work together and develop the theme.

Which of the following statements about pre-linguistic speech is FALSE? a. It involves babbling b. It involves hand signals c. It involves experimenting in order to learn how to make different sounds d. It is a form of expressive language development

It involves hand signals

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about The Odyssey? a. It is beautifully written. b. It contains adventure, romance, and it deals with manners. c. It is a classic play. d. It was written over 2000 years ago. e. It pushes readers to consider both humanity and divinity.

It is a classic play.

Which of the following BEST explains a metaphor? a. It is an exaggerated figure of speech that is used to qualify a comparison. b. It is a kind of analogy that compares humans to inanimate objects. c. It is a kind of analogy that uses figurative language to compare one thing to another. d. It is an analogy that uses comparative terms such as 'like' or 'as.'

It is a kind of analogy that uses figurative language to compare one thing to another.

What is wrong with the following sentence? Clint didn't talk much he just stared you down with cold, dead eyes. a. 'He' should be capitalized. b. It is a regular run-on sentence. c. It is a sentence fragment. d. It has a comma splice.

It is a regular run-on sentence.

Which of these describes the problem with the following sentence? Looking for his favorite pair of glasses. a. It is a regular run-on sentence. b. It is a sentence fragment. c. It has a comma splice. d. It lacks an exclamation point at the end.

It is a sentence fragment.

How is drama different from prose?

It is meant to be performed

Rhetorical Word Devices: Anaphora

It is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive sentences, phrases, or clauses. It is used to express emotion and as a means of emphasizing or affirming a point or idea. EX: "Monkey see, monkey do" and "So many places, so little time"

Plots should have an emotional impact on the reader to make the theme important. How does the plot in The Ugly Duckling build towards an emotional impact? a. It leads the Duckling to the point of despair before things suddenly turn around. b. It builds the Duckling up before he takes a sudden fall from grace. c. It introduces the characters and conflicts in a list-like fashion. d. It fails to build, thus leaving the reader waiting for something to happen. e. It works towards a climactic moment that it never quite reaches.

It leads the Duckling to the point of despair before things suddenly turn around.

How was Thanatopsis typical of Romantic literature?

It looked to nature for spiritual insight.

Your research question is 'Do violent people watch violent television, and do nonviolent people watch nonviolent television?' We decide to remove 'do nonviolent people watch nonviolent television?' from this question. Why? a. It makes the question too specific. b. It makes the question too narrow. c. It makes the question not answerable. d. It makes the question too broad.

It makes the question too broad.

Consider the following fable: A fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox's mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them. The bunch hung from a high branch, and the fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again, he tried but in vain. Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust. What a fool I am, he said. Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for. And off he walked very, very scornfully. What is the theme of this fable? a. The eyes can be bigger than the stomach. b. Foxes don't like grapes. c. Work hard, and you'll achieve your goals. d. It's easy to dislike what you can't get.

It's easy to dislike what you can't get.

Why is it important to model short writing assignments, such as reading guide questions? a. Rubrics require models as a part of the assignment. b. Students always need a model or they cannot be good writers. c. There is only one way to answer reading guide questions, therefore it needs to be taught to students. d. It's important to set expectations and give all students a starting point to access the assignment.

It's important to set expectations and give all students a starting point to access the assignment.

All of the following are elements of an effective argument EXCEPT: a. The reasons are logical, clear, and directly related to and supportive of the claim. b. Its claim is arguable, supportable, and presented with minimal bias. c. Its content is valid, reliable, personalized and highly subjective. d. The evidence is convincing, relevant, accurate and supportive of the reasons.

Its content is valid, reliable, personalized and highly subjective.

Characteristics of Language: Conventionality

Its speakers must agree upon the rules of language for mutual comprehensibility; languages must have conventions

An example of the individual finding spirituality in nature is what?

James Fennimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans William Cullen Bryant's "Thanatopsis"

he requirements for header and page numbers in _____ are quite unique. An _____ paper requires that every page has a page number on the top-right of the page with the last name/surname of the student.


Which of the following is NOT a benefit associated with using media presentations in the classroom? a. It complements and enhances more traditional approaches to learning. b. Media presentations can demonstrate the relevance of certain materials. c. Media presentations encourage a more passive role on the part of learners. d. Media presentations are particularly engaging.

Media presentations encourage a more passive role on the part of learners.

Though the Greek playwrights and poets had used satire, Romans elevated it to a more precise form, a more effective weapon against the excesses of rulers. Among the greatest Roman satirists, _____ (3rd century BCE) _____ (65 - 8 BCE) and _____ (1st - 2nd century CE) had enduring types of satire named after them.

Menippus, Horace, Juvenal

Who Wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Mesopotamian traditions and cuneiform signatures on tablets attribute the epic's authorship to Sin-leqe-unnini, a scribe and priest.

What is the main difference between metacognition and active reading?

Metacognition relies on internal thought and active reading relies on note taking.

Which of the following paints a verbal picture to compare two dissimilar things? a. Personification b. Onomatopoeia c. Metaphor d. Simile e. Alliteration


What are some rhetorical figures of speech? (7)

Metaphors, Similes, Hyperbole, Personification, Paradox, Irony, Rhetorical Questions


Meter is broken down into specific patterns of emphasis that are made up of two or three syllables


Mix of incongruous parts; artistic work imitating the work of other artists, often satirically; honors another through imitation

Which of the following is NOT a helpful guideline to remind teachers to be sensitive when making corrections during a discussion? a. Praise in public, criticize in private b. Courteously point out the flaw in their reasoning c. Mock a student's incorrect statements d. Remain focused on the issue

Mock a student's incorrect statements

_____ refers to the process through which teachers demonstrate a new skill before having students practice it on their own.


The abbreviation MLA stands for _____ _____ _____. This format was created for literature and language academics to format their papers and assignments uniformly. MLA has also been adopted by other disciplines besides language and literature. MLA formatting style is a consistent method for writing papers and assignments in an easily readable way.

Modern Language Association

What does MLA stand for? a. Modern Language Affiliation b. Modern Language Association c. Modern Library Alliance d. Michigan Library Association

Modern Language Association

What is the definition of modernism in poetry?

Modern poetry is a departure from traditional poetic topics and forms and reflects the attitude and culture of the 20th century. It was born in the aftermath of World War I when poets began to question everything they knew about life. They saw that the world had changed drastically, moving from a rural and agrarian society to a more urban and industrial one. Modernists wanted to use this change to reinvent language and express this new reality.

The genre of literary criticism evolved alongside which movement?


How did modernist writers differ from previous generations of writers?

Modernist writers chose to break from tradition in form and content.

_____ _____ _____ of persuasive speeches uses five steps to persuade the audience into taking action, as suggested by the speaker. The five steps include attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action. The visualization stage involves elaborating the outcomes of implementing the solution. The intent is to have the audience picture themselves enjoying the benefits and, therefore, more likely to accept the proposal. In the call to action, the speaker can ask the audience to support the proposal through an action like signing a petition.

Monroe's Motivated Sequence

Why was it difficult for oral traditions to survive the Middle Ages?

Most people were illiterate and could not write them down

American Romantic Authors: Herman Melville

Most well-known for Moby Dick, Melville's writing focuses on the key characteristics of American Romanticism: the imagination, freedom, the individual, and nature.

Music in a Play

Music or rhythm is a crucial component to setting the tone and mood of a play; helps to determine a character's emotions

You are reading the story that tells how the Inuit people, who live in far northern regions of the earth, came to have daylight. A character named Crow brought light to them from the South. Crow brought the light in the form of a ball of string so they could live without darkness for half of the year. What type of story are you reading?


Only _____ uses footnotes to provide in-text-citations in Chicago Style. The note numbers in the footnotes, unlike the ones in the body, are not superscripted and are instead full size. Each citation starts out indented like a normal paragraph, and then any subsequent lines are flush to the left. Give an example.

NB *3. William B. Hawthorne, How to Become a Rock Star and Other Lies (New York City, NY: Woodstock Press, 1998), 132.

Petunia wants to speak about the benefits of preserving an Indian burial ground in her hometown. What supporting idea aligns well with her purpose? a. Statistics b. Definitions c. Narration d. Exposition


What is narrative writing? a. Narrative writing is an entertaining detailed story of events. b. Narrative writing is usually a poem about love. c. Narrative writing has to be funny. d. Narrative writing is about science.

Narrative writing is an entertaining detailed story of events.

Who are some key Dark Romantic/Gothic authors?

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville

Which of the following is an example of an inconsistent argument? a. I don't know anyone who likes it, but somehow it's always crowded. b. Nobody goes there anymore because the food is so bad. c. Nobody goes there anymore because it's so crowded. d. Nobody goes there anymore because it's always empty.

Nobody goes there anymore because it's so crowded.

Which literary form is written in ordinary, non-metrical language and communicates facts or opinions about reality?

Nonfiction Prose

_____ is the use of body movements to send a message. a. Nonverbal communication b. Eye contact c. Hand gestures d. Posture

Nonverbal communication

Who was writing in the Middle Ages?

Not a lot of people because most were illiterate; people associated with the church could read and people who were highborn could probably read

_____ is typically used in the humanities. Sources lack an in-text citation as is common in MLA and citations instead are written in numbered footnotes and endnotes. In the paper's text, a citation would be denoted by a superscript number after the relevant information.

Notes and Bibliography (NB)

What was uncommon in the English Renaissance?

Novelists-novels weren't really a thing yet

How are novellas different from novels?

Novellas are shorter than novels.

If you're reading a story where the narrator doesn't know or reveal anything about the characters' internal thoughts, feelings, or motivations, then what point of view was this story written from?

Objective third person

Internal conflicts within one character are always: a. All of the answers are correct. b. Focused on religious differences c. Clearly apparent to other characters d. Occurring within the mind of the character

Occurring within the mind of the character

In The Odyssey, why is Poseidon furious with Odysseus?

Odysseus blinded the cyclops Polyphemus

A plot has five main parts. What are they?

Opener, Incident, Crisis, Climax, Ending

Who were major members of the Transcendental movement?

Orestes Brownson Elizabeth Palmer Peabody Thomas Cole Amos Alcott

Parallelism (poetry)

Parallelism is the use of similar grammatical structures for effect. Because free verse does not rely on rhyme to connect the poem's lines, it is common for free verse poems to use parallelism to lend structure and continuity to the poem.

_____ can be satire if they are targeting certain behaviors or social conventions, but not every _____ is satire.

Parodies, parody

Which of the following issues does S.E. Hinton regularly explore in her novels? a. Peer pressure, gang violence, and drugs b. Relationships and falling in love c. Growing up in a time of war d. Illness and death

Peer pressure, gang violence, and drugs

_____ pronouns are words used to describe a particular thing or things. Those pronouns include: he she we they me him her us them


What makes the following sentence figurative? 'The hot flame kissed the raw meat.' a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c. Simile d. Personification


What is persuasive writing? a. None of the above. b. Persuasive writing makes people cry. c. Persuasive writing convinces the reader to agree with the author on a specific topic. d. Persuasive writing doesn't make readers think at all. It is strictly for entertainment.

Persuasive writing convinces the reader to agree with the author on a specific topic.

Who were the two major thinkers of the English Renaissance?

Philip Sidney, Francis Bacon

Mrs. Hatt has planned for her students to practice clapping out syllables during reading lessons. Which area of reading will they be focusing on? a. Vocabulary b. Phonics c. Phonemic awareness d. Comprehension

Phonemic awareness

Sonnets (poetry)

Poems with fourteen lines that have three quatrains, a rhyme scheme of ABAB, and a closed couplet at the end

Sestinas (poetry)

Poems with six stanzas of six lines each and a final seventh stanza of three lines. Instead of a rhyme scheme, these poems are built by repeating the last words of the first six lines


Poetic form in which one line immediately follows another line and rhymes with it and shares the same meter; usually iambic pentameter

Lyrics, odes, and epics are genres of which literary form?


Free Form

Poetry that does not contain formal meter, rhyme, and stanzas

What is point of view in fiction?

Point of view in fiction can be defined as the narrative voice a writer chooses to use to tell their story; determines tone and mood of work; type of narration can also change the intimacy that a reader feels while reading a piece of literature

Sally handed out a survey after a recent speech. Several respondents indicated that her articulation was not very good. Evaluate the activities listed below and indicate the one most likely to help Sally overcome this problem. a. Sing in the shower b. Solve riddles c. Speak slower d. Practice tongue twisters

Practice tongue twisters

When a speaker uses the words of a celebrity or a public official, he is using what type of testimony? a. Layman's testimony b. Expert testimony c. Celebrity endorsement d. Prestige testimony

Prestige testimony

Which title of the following novel is capitalized correctly? a. Pride And Prejudice b. Pride and Prejudice c. Pride and prejudice d. pride and prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Which supplemental feature helps guide the audience through the paper? a. Margin notes b. Diagrams c. Informational texts d. Print features e. Organizational aids

Print features

Which of the following mediums represents the most common form of media used in the traditional classroom setting? a. Interviews b. Storytelling c. Print messages d. Graphic messages

Print messages

_____ _____, _____ _____ and _____ _____ are all ways to support our understanding when we read.

Prior knowledge, context clues and word structure

Which of the following refers to a speech that is organized to reveal how a situation can be made favorable? a. Problem solution b. Chronological c. Topical d. Cause and effect

Problem solution

Bill thinks that the bookstore on his campus is charging too much for textbooks and wants the school to authorize the use of e-books because they are cheaper. Which speech organization method lends itself most directly to this situation? a. Problem/Solution Order b. Call to Action Order c. Solution/Motivator Order d. Satisfaction/Need Order

Problem/Solution Order

Which of these rhetorical devices started out as a Greek military term? a. Anaphora b. Polysyndeton c. Procatalepsis d. Chiasmus


What is one way to use feedback to help your special education students strengthen their writing? a. Provide question sets during the drafting stage b. Provide mentor texts during the drafting stage c. Provide instruction on how to complete a graphic organizer d. Provide suggestions on ways to revise and develop their writing

Provide suggestions on ways to revise and develop their writing

What group of settlers dominated the colonial literary scene in America?


Which of the choices is an INCORRECT way to fix the following sentence? Jones is a terrific agent she is the best marksman we have. a. Put a comma after 'agent' b. Add a period after 'agent' and start a new sentence with 'She' c. Add a comma after 'agent,' plus coordinating conjunction 'and' d. Add a semicolon after 'agent'

Put a comma after 'agent'

Many Transcendentalist works were written by...

Ralph Waldo Emerson (he fully emphasized the healing and restorative power of nature and was extremely critical of the Industrial Revolution)

Who are two of the most well-known Transcendentalist authors?

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau (both heavily influenced each other's viewpoints)

_____ _____ are selected based on the type of reading material and the information you hope to garner from the reading experience.

Reading strategies

What does assessment mean? a. what a teacher uses to determine what students have learned b. the processes a teacher uses to teach information or transfer knowledge to students c. the material that students need to learn d. how a teacher modifies instruction to meet the needs of a variety of student abilities

what a teacher uses to determine what students have learned

Which of these plot points is the pivotal moment of 'The Kite Runner'? a. when Amir witnesses Hassan's rape b. when Amir wins the kite fighting tournament c. when Amir marries in America d. when Amir learns that Hassan is really his half-brother e. when Hassan admits to stealing the money from Baba

when Amir witnesses Hassan's rape


when a character is alone on stage and chooses to address the audience

Third Person Objective Point of View

when a narrator can give the events that occur in the story without knowing the motivations or thoughts of the characters in the story; do not have access to the characters' inner lives and are more matter of fact

Pathetic Fallacy

when a narrator of a poem believes that the outside world, especially nature, is mimicking his internal state

Types of Subtext: Revelation Subtext

when a piece of information is slowly revealed over a longer story

Rhetorical Sentence Devices: Aposiopesis

when a sentence is broken off and left unfinished EX: Examples include: "I'm so angry I could..." or "If only..."

When does stanza enjambment occur? a. when a sentence or phrase starts in one stanza and ends in the next b. when a sentence or phrase starts on one line and ends on the next c. when a stanza has a new sentence on every line d. when all of the lines in a stanza rhyme

when a sentence or phrase starts in one stanza and ends in the next

Stanza Enjambment (poetry)

when a sentence or phrase starts in one stanza and ends in the next, with no punctuation; more common in free verse (reg. enjambments=a thought or phrase carries over from the end of a line to the beginning of the next line, with no punctuation)

When is it appropriate to use second-person personal pronouns?

when a speaker or writer is giving a command, giving advice, or providing direction; to create a connection when speaking to an audience (to persuade or make an argument)

Types of Subtext: Subtext through Questions

when an author implies that the reader ought to ask certain questions (such as: How did that get there? What will Grandfather think?) without explicitly stating the questions

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the works written by Dark Romantic authors? a. creepy symbols b. psychological effects of guilt and sin c. horrific themes d. whimsical story lines

whimsical story lines

Layman's Testimony

word from the street and involves the use of stories from common people the audience may identify with

In the simplest of terms, syntax is _____. a. word order b. written language c. None of these is correct. d. spoken language

word order

Breaking apart a word into its component parts is an example of using _____. a. prior knowledge b. a root word c. word structure d. context clues

word structure

What are some strategies used in scaffolding reading instruction?

word study, background information, graphic organizers, read aloud/think aloud, small groups

Which tool best helps students develop vocabulary? a. word wall b. author's chair c. writer's workshop d. writing center e. journal

word wall

What is an onomatopoeia? Give an example.

words imitate sounds. For instance, the phrase 'the fire snapped and crackled' invites readers to remember the sound of a cozy fire.

What are subordinators?

words used at the beginning of a dependent clause putting it in a subordinate position to an independent clause

British Modernist Authors: Virginia Woolf

wrote about the inner emotions of her subjects as they moved through their daily lives. In "A Room of One's Own", Woolf follows the day in the life of a woman as she struggles with a lack of recognition at her university. Woolf's writing style was unique because she highlighted women's rights and their struggles in a patriarchal society.

Give some examples of second-person personal pronouns. (1)

you (yours, yourself, yourselves)

A unified body paragraph is one that _____. a. brings all of the readers together b. presents at least five details and examples c. has sentences that all stick to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence d. could fit into any essay that a person may write

has sentences that all stick to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence

A well-developed body paragraph is one that _____. a. presents a thesis statement at the end b. explains your conclusion c. has sufficient supporting details and examples d. features several types of logical appeals

has sufficient supporting details and examples

Effective Message Qualities: Stickiness

i.e., memorability 1. Are my ideas memorable to a newcomer? 2. Can I present my ideas in a more effective way to increase stickiness?

Many rhetorical devices rely on repetition for their desired effects. Which of these is NOT repeated in one or more rhetorical devices? a. Phrases b. Words c. Sounds d. Meaning


What are two examples of narrative poems from the Victorian era?

"Aurora Leigh" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1856) and "Goblin Market" by Christina Rossetti (1862)

What was a notable lyric poem from the Victorian era?

"In Memoriam A. H. H." by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1849)

What are two examples of dramatic monologues from the Victorian era?

"My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning (1842) and "Ulysses" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1842)


"rebirth"; following the Middle Ages (around 1500 and lasted about 100 years), a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome, flourishing in the arts; considered by many critics to be Western literature kicks into high gear

Which is the best example of using a rhetorical device effectively, and why? a. 'Let's hang out this weekend. I know what you're going to say, you have homework. But we can do our homework together!' because you are rebutting an argument before it's made. b. If you will do your job, you will receive a paycheck, because if you reward people they will always do what you want. c. I understand your frustration, but is not voting at all the best idea? Could you vote for the least bad candidate?, because you are trying to persuade the person to vote for anybody, it really doesn't matter who. d. If you don't obey me, I will beat you up., because you want the person to do what you say, no matter what.

'Let's hang out this weekend. I know what you're going to say, you have homework. But we can do our homework together!' because you are rebutting an argument before it's made.

In the following sentence, identify the misplaced modifier and why it doesn't work. The Senator nearly spoke for two hours about the somewhat unfair tax increase before the committee tiredly voted on the motion. a. 'Nearly,' because it should appear before the words 'two hours.' b. 'Before the committee tiredly voted on the motion,' because it should appear at the beginning of the sentence. c. Tiredly,' because it should appear after the word 'motion.' d. 'Somewhat,' because it weakly modifies the word 'unfair.'

'Nearly,' because it should appear before the words 'two hours.'

Which of the following examples from Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man BEST exemplifies the use of rhythm and tone? a. 'So after years of trying to adopt the opinions of others I finally rebelled.' b. 'The world is a possibility if only you'll discover it.' c. 'I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.' d. 'Power doesn't have to show off. Power is confident, self-assuring, self-starting and self-stopping, self-warming and self-justifying. When you have it, you know it.'

'Power doesn't have to show off. Power is confident, self-assuring, self-starting and self-stopping, self-warming and self-justifying. When you have it, you know it.'

Which of the following novels is an example of Horatian satire? a. 'Gulliver's Travels' b. 'Lord of the Flies' c. 'Pride and Prejudice' d. 'Romeo and Juliet'

'Pride and Prejudice'

In the following sentence, identify the dangling modifier and why it is wrong. Since getting that new job out of town, my gas bills have doubled and my car is falling apart. 'a. And my car is falling apart,' because it incorrectly adds a second clause to the modifier. b. 'Out of town,' because it incorrectly inserts a preposition between the modifier and the subject. c. 'Since getting that new job,' because it incorrectly modifies 'my gas bills.' d. 'Gas bills' and 'my car,' because they incorrectly serve as subject nouns in the sentence.

'Since getting that new job,' because it incorrectly modifies 'my gas bills.'

In the following sentence, identify the phrases that correctly modify the word 'sheep.' Startled by the explosion, the sheep began racing around the pen, ignoring the crowds. a. 'Racing around the pen' and 'ignoring the crowds. b. 'Startled by the explosion' and 'racing around the pen.' c. 'By the explosion' and 'around the pen.' d. 'Startled by the explosion' and 'ignoring the crowds.'

'Startled by the explosion' and 'ignoring the crowds.'

Famous Examples of Early Short Stories

'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson (1948) J.D. Salinger's Nine Stories (1953) 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' by Flannery O'Connor (1955)

What is the APA citation reference page format?

-''References'' should be bolded and centered at the top of the page in APA 7th edition, -references should be alphabetized by the author's last name, -and the first line of each reference should be left-aligned while subsequent lines in each entry should be indented one tab or half an inch from the left margin.

Dramatists of the English Renaissance: Ben Jonson

-'frenemy' of Shakespeare -known for his satirical plays -opposite from Shakespeare in that he was more "precise" with his plays -spent a lot of time writing masques (elaborate stage productions performed at the royal court) -Volpone (a dark satire about a rich guy putting his friends through trials to gain his inheritance) -The Alchemist (another comedy about the ridiculous lengths people will go to to pursue material wealth)

What are four fundamental beliefs of the Transcendental movement?

-Because humans and nature share a universal soul, people should let their instincts guide them. -Since everyone shares a similar connection to nature, Transcendentalists disagreed with the various forms of racism and sexism at the time. -Human beings should learn to become self-reliant by using nature to fulfill their material and spiritual needs. -The natural world should be cherished instead of increasingly being destroyed.

What is the format for headings in MLA? (9)

-Begin the first line 1 inch from the top-left of the paper. -Center-aligned -Written in 12pts font -Double spaced above the first line of the essay or paper -Level 1 heading should be bold, or aligned with the left margin -Level 2 heading should be italicized or aligned with the left margin -Level 3 heading should be centered on the page and in bold -Level 4 heading should be italicized and centered on the page -All headings must have content or text under them

What is the title page formatting for MLA? (7)

-Centered -Double-spaced -Times New Roman font -Font Size 12 -No page number -The first letter of each word should be in capital letters, except articles, coordinate conjunctions, and prepositions, such as a, or, the, and, of'.' -Contains details such as name, tutor's name, the name of the course, and the date. These names and dates should be written on separate lines.

Restoration Comedy

-Characteristic comedy of the period known as the English Restoration (1660-1700) -Restoration comedy is known for its glittering language, salacious plots, and frequently debauched characters

To track character development, the reader should focus on the character traits and circumstances of the character. What are examples of character traits and circumstances?

-Circumstances=where they live, their family structure, social status -Traits=how the character looks and behaves,

Types of Literary Theory: New Historicism

-considers the social, political, and historical world around the text in order to evaluate it -critics of this type of literary theory assume that every text is a product of the environment in which it was composed

What are the main types of story structures?

-Narrative: five-part structure with an opener, incident, crisis, climax, and ending -Fichtean Curve: These are stories in which the author includes several small crises that the protagonist must overcome on their way to an overall goal -Hero's Journey: Also known as "monomyth", the Hero's Journey is a very common structure in mythology worldwide. It breaks the story into several smaller parts, including a call to adventure, refusing the call, meeting a mentor, and a resurrection -Three Act: This breaks the action of a story into three sections--setup, confrontation, and resolution

Best practices when addressing struggling readers include implementing the 'big five' reading skills. This ensures a comprehensive approach to literacy. These include:

-Phonemic Awareness -Phonics -Fluency -Reading Comprehension -Vocabulary

Caroline/Interregnum/Restoration Period Writers: John Bunyan

-Puritan -wrote one of the major examples of religious literature, The Pilgrim's Progress, in 1678 (lengthy allegory in which the lead character, conveniently named Christian, tries to make his way through the world while fending off characters like Beelzebub, Lord Hate-good and Atheist) -one of the earliest prototypes of the novel (it's over 100,000 words but no chapter breaks so not quite what we know to be a novel)

There are different purposes that dialogue can serve. It can:

-Reveal characters' personality traits, feelings, thoughts, and/or motives -Move the plot forward by motivating characters to make decisions or take action -Reveal important details or secrets

Types of Literary Theory: Structuralism & Post-Structuralism

-Structuralism is a literary theory that focuses on examining underlying patterns and their universality throughout literature -Post-structuralists rejected the idea of rigid patterns. Instead, they focused on meaning fluidity. These critics were more concerned with the reader's perceived meaning and not that of the author, regardless of prior patterns

Caroline/Interregnum/Restoration Period Writers: Andrew Marvell

-continued metaphysical poetry into the 17th century, became one of its most famous practitioners -wrote 'To His Coy Mistress'

Writers of YA Literature: S.E. Hinton

-Susan Eloise Hinton (novels published under initials at behest of her publishing company who thought the male audience would critique her work more if they knew it was written by a woman) -born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1950 -love of writing at an early age (wrote first hit novel The Outsiders while still in high school) -considered a child prodigy as she started writing shortly after she began to read -she enjoyed writing young adult fiction because she grew bored of the books in her local library and became determined to write something new and innovative -There were long pauses between Hinton's literary works as she battled the pressure of being a child prodigy and writer's block. -The ALA/School Library Journal Service Award was the first award that S.E. Hinton received for her writing.

What are six key events from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

-The seeking out and civilizing of the wild man Enkidu as a rival and friend for Gilgamesh -The slaying of Humbaba, guardian of the Pine Forest -Gilgamesh's refusal to have sex with Ishtar, knowing all her lovers suffer -The slaying of the Bull of Heaven and Enkidu's resulting death -Gilgamesh's journey to Utnapishtim to find immortality -Gilgamesh's realization of his immortality in Uruk

Understanding Verb Tense Agreement: Perfect Tense

-Time Reflected: actions that are indefinite or on-going -Agreement: The form of 'have' or 'has' changes to reflect the singular or plural subject, but the main verb stays the same.

Understanding Verb Tense Agreement: Future Tense

-Time Reflected: an action that will occur -Agreement: Most future tense verbs use the same form for singular and plural subjects.

What is the basic formatting style of MLA? (6)

-Use 8.5 x 11-inch paper -Use 12-point font in Times New Roman or Arial. -Begin each paragraph with a one-half inch indentation, and double-space all sentences. -Set margins at the top, bottom, and side to one inch. -Put full stops at the end of every sentence, and, as is customary, begin every sentence with a capital letter. -Binding: For hard copy assignments, it is preferable that individuals take instructions from their professors, but the commonly acceptable MLA binding involves using staples and paper binders at the top-left corner of the paper.

Types of Literary Criticism: New Criticism

-Where traditional criticism focuses on biography and history, new criticism views the work from a closed reading and ignores historical, political, or biographical context. Often used when evaluating poetry and hoping to provide more intellectual rigor, this critical lens focuses on the structure and form of a literary work instead of any emotion it may evoke

In order to analyze dialogue in a text, we need to ask ourselves some important questions:

-Which of the aforementioned purposes does this section of dialogue serve? It can serve more than one. -Is it necessary to the plot, as opposed to casual conversations in everyday life that don't really get us anywhere? -Have words been chosen carefully so that the dialogue is written in a clear and concise manner? -Are the characters' voices unique and easy to distinguish so that we immediately know who is speaking?

Thinkers of the English Renaissance: Francis Bacon

-a prominent writer who left his biggest mark a little outside the humanities -often referred to as the father of empiricism (he created a logical, verifiable way to conduct scientific research -> 'empirical evidence')

Classics of World Literature: A Doll's House

-a three-act play by Henrik Ibsen, which is native to Norway and originated in 1879 -inspects the quality of a woman's life when it is justified and controlled by a husband, and through this, the main issue discussed in the play is gender inequality between men and women -see the examination of societal gender roles, selfishness, vanity, and the emotional turmoil that can have on a family -a trailblazer in its implications that a woman's emotional wellbeing is just as important as a man's and should not be sacrificed for the sake of vanity or society's gender roles *The play's main character and housewife, Nora Helmer, becomes unhappy in her marriage to her husband, Torvald Helmer. The couple receives a visitor on Christmas Eve who is experiencing financial hardship, Kristine; Nora can relate and admits to this woman that she took an illegal loan from a secret admirer and forged her father's signature to do it. At the time of this play, women were not allowed to take monetary loans from anyone without their husbands, fathers, or brothers there to sign for it. Nora gets blackmailed by one of her husband's employees, Krogstad, to put in a good word for him, because he knows about her illegal loan. When Nora does put in this good word for him with her husband, her husband informs her that he will not retain this employee because he is a criminal and has forged signatures himself. We find out at the end of the play that Kristine and Krogstad were lovers, and Krogstad intends to deliver a letter to Torvald detailing Nora's illegal loan. Nora intends to complete suicide when Torvald finds the letters, but instead, Torvald is filled with rage that he has to keep Krogstead to save face. When Torvald berates Nora with words of her unfit motherhood and claims to keep the marriage to save face, Nora realizes that her husband is selfish, and the only thing he cares about is appearances. Nora decides to leave her husband because she feels like a doll he has to play with, and her duty to herself is the most important one for her to fulfill.

Types of Irony: Dramatic

-a type of incongruity in which the audience understand what is truly happening while the character or characters do not until much later in the play -increases a reader's or audience's anticipation as they await the moment when the characters understand the true nature of their situation -three types of dramatic irony: tragic, structural, cosmic

Old English Works: Beowulf

-anonymous -a lot of debate on if it was passed down orally and then written down or not -written down around 1000 A.D. -could have been composed as early as the eighth century -an epic poem (really really long) -like Caedmon's Hymn, uses alliterative verse and caesura

Speech Organizational Patterns: Causal

-arranges the main points into two categories: the cause and the effect(s) - states a perceived problem as the main idea -main points first explain the cause of a problem and then explain the effects of the problem; he main ideas explain the causal relationship between things EX: works well for informative or persuasive speeches about issues or problems such as the causes and effects of fetal alcohol syndrome, adolescent drug abuse, or economic inflation

Speech Organizational Patterns: Problem-Solution

-arranges the main points into two categories: the problem and the solution(s) -states a perceived problem as the main idea -main points first provide evidence of the problem and then suggest possible solutions EX: works well for informative or persuasive speeches about current issues involving the environment, criminal justice, and education

Speech Organizational Patterns: Chronological

-arranges the main points sequentially according to when they happened in time -main points could be arranged from earliest to latest or vice versa, as long as they are arranged in order EX: a eulogy honoring one's departed grandmother, an informative speech about the history of basket weaving, or a farewell speech recalling the thirty years one spent working for a company

What is the form for a journal reference citation using APA? Define and give an example.

-author(s) of the article, -year of publication, -title of journal article, -title of journal, -volume number and issue number of journal, -page range for journal article, and URL, if an online journal (in APA 7th edition, a DOI should be listed in URL format) (Magazines and Journals use the same format except the month of publication is usually included after the year) *Smith, J.W. (2021). Title of article: Continued title of American article. Title of Journal, 4(10), 312-338.

What format should a book reference be in APA? Define and give an example.

-author(s) of the book, -year of publication, -title of the book, -name of the publisher, and DOI, if available *Philips, W.P. (2021). Title of book. Publisher. (Some books have multiple authors, however, or multiple editions. If a book has three authors and there is more than one edition, the reference would look like this:) *Green, M.R., White, M.S., & Plum, P.R. (2021). Title of book (2nd ed.). Publisher.

What is the format of a website reference citation in APA? Define and give an example.

-author(s) of the webpage, -year of publication, -title of webpage (italicized), -title of site, and URL *Wilson, A.R. (2021). Title of webpage. Title of website. (If there is no known author, the organization or website name should be used. If the information might change over time, including a retrieval date lets the reader know when the information in the source is from) *American Psychological Association. (2021). Citation guidelines. Retrieved July 1, 2021.

Contemporary World Literature: Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

-by Haruki Murakami -Pastiche and Cyberpunk fusion -Murakami's literary fusion shows his love for things as diverse as the American hard-boiled detective fiction of Raymond Chandler and the dark and obtuse societies described by Franz Kafka

Contemporary World Literature: July's People

-by Nadine Gordimer -sheds light on the tense racial situation in South Africa in the early 1980s by writing her version of the events about to come -she shows a country torn apart from within, and through the main characters she questions assumptions about race, gender, religion, power, and culture -predicts the near future (it borrows from science fiction in that way) -also takes cues from Hemingway and makes what is left unsaid in her book as important as what is said

Poets of the English Renaissance: Edmund Spenser

-chronologically one of the first major writers of the English Renaissance -primarily known for his epic allegorical poem The Faerie Queene (thought to be praise of Queen Elizabeth I hidden amongst dragons, knights, and demons)

Classics of World Literature: The Recognition of Sakuntala

-originally written circa the 2nd century in Sanskrit, as a play by Kalidasa and Vishvamitra in India -possesses themes of love, war, and caution -warns of using caution and making sure not to forget to perform all duties -touches on attraction, relationships, and mistaken identities *This play pays homage to the myth of Sakuntala, where Sakuntala is raised in a monastery as an orphan. One day, while on an errand, King Dushyanta becomes taken with Sakuntala and courts her immediately. He gives her a wedding ring for her to bring with her to the palace where they are to be wed. Just before Sakuntala leaves for the castle, a sage comes to the monastery. Sakuntala, too enamored with her fated wedding, forgets to serve the sage dinner, so the sage puts a curse on Sakuntala that will prevent her husband from remembering her unless she shows him an object from his memory of when they met. She then leaves for the palace, remembering the ring that he gave her, but on her journey, the ring is washed away in a river. King Dushyanta kicks her out of the palace because he doesn't remember her, and she is disowned by the monastery upon her return there. After some years, the ring is found in the belly of a fish and returned to the king, who is at war. When the war ends, he finds Sakuntala and marries her.

Types of Sentences: Interrogative

-pose questions -always end in question marks -usually begin with question words such as "how," "who," "when," "what," "where," and "why" -differs from structure of other sentences but still has subject/predicate; interrogative sentences usually have a structure where the subject is split by the predicate EX: Do you feel okay?

Dramatists of the English Renaissance: Christopher Marlowe

-precursor and big influence to Shakespeare -some people think he was Shakespeare's rival -was a suspected secret agent for Queen Elizabeth -drama with the most lasting impact was The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus (an adaptation of a German legend in which a scholar sells his soul to the devil for personal gain) -credited with creating the first dramatized version of this legend and his inspired most of the ones that followed

Classics of YA Literature: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

-published in 1947 -Anne Frank was a young girl of just 13 when she went into hiding with her family in Amsterdam in 1942. As individuals of Jewish descent, Anne and her family were targets of Adolf Hitler under his reign in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. This haunting diary sheds light on the human side of these horrific events through a view of Anne's feelings, emotions, and adolescent desires.

Types of Literary Criticism: Reader-Response

-relies on the emotions of the reader to evaluate a literary text. This critical lens examines the effect a text can have on different readers. Reader-response criticism assumes that a work of literature has no single correct meaning and no single method of analysis. It relies on the belief that a work has no meaning until a reader experiences it

Famous Romantic Poets: John Keats

-second generation Romantic poet -friend of Shelley; had a mutual dislike of Byron -famous works are "Ode to a Nightingale" and "When I Have Fears"

Famous Romantic Poets: Percy Bysshe Shelley

-second generation Romantic poet -friend of Byron and Keats -famous works are "Ozymandias" and "Ode to the West Wind"

Famous Romantic Poets: George Gordon/Lord Byron

-second generation Romantic poet -friend of Shelley; both were known as womanizers -famous works are "She Walks in Beauty" and Don Juan

Classics of YA Literature: Harry Potter

-series of novels published by J.K. Rowling (Joanne Rowling born July 31, 1965 near Bristol) -published under a pen name because she felt boys would not want to read works written by a woman -The novels follow Harry Potter, an 11-year-old boy who discovers he is the son of famous wizards and will attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learns of an entire society of wizards and witches. He befriends several Hogwarts students and teachers along his journey. Each novel chronicles one year in Harry's life and his adventures discovering the events that led to his parents' deaths at the hands of Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard believed long dead. -

Caroline/Interregnum/Restoration Period Writers: John Dryden

-some literary circles referred to Restoration England as 'the Age of Dryden.' -first guy to formally hold the position of England's 'poet laureate' -he established the heroic couplet (pairs of rhyming lines in iambic pentameter) as the dominant form of English verse

Types of Irony: Verbal

-speakers use to mean the opposite of what is actually stated, usually for humor -four types of verbal irony: socratic, sarcasm, understatment, hyperbole

Types of Sentences: Declarative

-they declare things; usually stated in a usual manner with no excessive emotion; used to state facts, give descriptions and convey explanations *Just because these sentences are used to state facts does not make them automatically factual as they are also used to state opinions and theories* -MOST USED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE -end in periods EX: The sunset is beautiful tonight.

Types of Sentences: Exclamatory

-they exclaim something; can fall into other categories but can be identified as exclamatory due to the presence of strong emotions -they end in an exclamation point EX: I am so excited to get to Disney World! (both declarative and exclamatory)

When looking for details in a problem-solution text, what is helpful?

-try to figure out if it relates to the problem portion or the solution -Cornell note taking system

Types of Irony: Situational

-unexpected endings of stories -EX: O. Henry, especially good at situational irony, demonstrates its use in "The Gift of the Magi," memorable for its ironic ending. In the story, a poor couple, James and Della Dillingham, want to buy expensive Christmas gifts for each other. Della has long, luxuriant hair while James has an antique pocket watch that he loves. To afford their Christmas gifts, Della sells her luxuriant hair to buy a platinum watch chain for James; James sells his antique watch to buy a tortoiseshell comb with gems on it for Della's hair.

A student repeatedly interrupts other speakers and is very rude when addressing his classmates. What score in 'behavior' should this student receive according to our example rubric where 4 is the highest score and 1 the lowest? a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4


Classics of World Literature: Things Fall Apart

-written by Chinua Achebe and originated in Nigeria -widely read outside of its native country due to continuing themes of masculinity and what it means to be human *The book is set in Africa with the main character of Okonkwo living in fear of becoming just like his father, who is considered lazy and a coward. He overcompensates for this fear by becoming the opposite of his father, which leads to wealth and prosperity for him in the form of money and wives. When his adoptive son is sentenced to death by the tribe, Okonkwo participates in the murder, which leads to intense guilt that he cannot show due to his vow of active masculinity. Ultimately, he is banished from the tribe because he murdered the boy responsible for his adoptive son's death, and he was sent to live in another tribe native to his mother where he learns about white Christian missionaries. Okonkwo calls for an aggressive uprising against these people, but when he sees that will not happen, he dies by suicide out of pride and devastation.

Middle English Works: The Canterbury Tales

-written by Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the most famous Middle Age writers -1300s

Classics of YA Literature: The Catcher in the Rye

-written by J.D. Salinger and published in 1951 -This story is ripe with the identity issues and rebellion that have become the hallmark of adolescence, thus making it resonate deeply with young readers. Readers are taken on a journey that emerges as Holden Caulfield attempts to navigate his teenage years, sexuality, and the purpose of life. -was very controversial because of language and content and was even banned from schools but cultural impact is undeniable; Holden Caulfield came to represent the existential experience of the American teenager

Middle English Works: Confessio Amantis

-written by John Gower (who was friends with Chaucer) -aka The Lover's Confession -written in English even though Gower wrote in many languages and the title is a different language

Middle English Works: Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

-written by Julian of Norwich (really religious hermit/anchorite) -famous line from poem later quoted by T.S. Eliot ('All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well')

Classics of YA Literature: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

-written by Mark Twain and published in 1885 -follows Huck, the teenaged main character, on his adventures and misadventures along the Mississippi River -this controversial work tapped into racist themes, attitude, and culture of the time

Classics in YA Literature: Ender's Game

-written by Orson Scott Card -from the mid-80s (good example of how the 'formula' for YA novels was already being broken) -main character is a child rather than a teen but narrates the book from a more mature perspective because of his advanced intelligence -takes place in orbiting space station that is not dissimilar from boarding schools featured in other YA books -the protagonist, struggles with issues of popularity, parent and sibling relationships, and identity, but he also takes on bigger questions about the use of violence, the responsibilities of power, and the morality of genocide -most YA books of the time were around 200 pages, but this one was 300 (and teenager's ate it up) -

Classics of YA Literature: The Outsiders

-written by S.E. Hinton and published in 1967 -The story presents the struggles of parentless and wild teenagers who are attempting to work through adolescence in the face of class issues, violence, and death. -created great controversy and was banned in many spots due to its focus on gang violence and underage smoking and drinking, however its timeless themes of high schools cliques and classism pack a powerful punch in terms of cultural impact

Middle English Works: Le Morte d'Arthur

-written by Sir Thomas Mallory -a collection of all the Arthurian legends (and some he wrote himself)

Classics of YA Literature: Twilight

-written by Stephenie Meyer and published on October 5, 2005 -She envisioned this man must be a vampire who cannot control his urges; someone who craves human love, but fears the monster he knows he is inside. -themes of paranormal romance, free will, coming of age, immortality

Middle English Works: Piers Plowman

-written by William Langland -1300s

Middle English Works: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

-written by the Pearl Poet (called this because he wrote something called The Pearl) -1300s

Types of Speech Delivery: Manuscript

-written down, and the presenter does not stray from the written plan -can be useful when discussing precise medical terminology or legal concepts -very rigid, can run the risk of being dull and monotonous

Middle English Works: The Book of Margery Kempe

-written my Margery Kempe -what it was like to be a woman in the Middle Ages (not fun)

English Romantic Writers: Jane Austen

-wrote six major novels -Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility -Pride and Prejudice is probably most well-known and most well-loved -follows character, Elizabeth Bennett, who needs to find a suitable husband for financial reasons but, like a lot of people, would also like to marry someone that she loves -exerts her will and acts as an individual and is motivated by intuition and by her emotions

Which of these on a website URL might give the source more credibility? a. .biz b. .us c. .com d. .edu


Struggling readers are those readers who have problems with: a. Learning their ABC's and 123's b. Decoding only c. Decoding, fluency or comprehension d. Decoding and comprehension only

Decoding, fluency, or comprehension

Genres of Nonfiction Prose (12 examples)

1) biographies 2) autobiographies 3) history texts 4) science books 5) how-to manuals 6) dictionaries 7) encyclopedias 8) argumentative essays 9) self-help books 10) law volumes 11) newspapers 12) pamphlets

Scaffolding Reading Instruction

A means by which teachers can support a student as they develop fundamental reading skills, one by one

Why is capitalization important? (3)

1) capitalization rules are part of the grammar and writing rules that writers must adhere to when writing in English (A piece of writing that is written following the proper rules is easier to read and understand) 2) writers capitalize certain words to show their importance or to signal a change in the words' meanings 3) proper capitalization helps writing to become more effective and clearer

Genres of Drama (7 examples)

1) comedies 2) tragedies 3) tragicomedies 4) farces 5) morality plays 6) mystery plays 7) problem plays

In a writer's workshop, which are the steps in a mini lesson? (3)

1) connect to the previous day's teaching 2) stating the purpose for learning 3) teaching

Tercet/Triple (poetry)

A stanza with three lines that may or may not rhyme

Couplet (poetry)

A stanza with two lines that rhyme

What is a narrative?

A story

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh has a friend Enkidu who:

Begins as his enemy but ends as his friend

What is the final step in reading comprehension?

Being able to listen and discuss what you read with others

What is the second step to reading comprehension?

Being able to respond to what you read

John is giving a speech about vacationing in Alaska. He will talk about cruises, National Park tours, train excursions, and mountain climbing. How should John organize his speech? a. By Chronological order b. By Problem/Solution c. By Topic d. By Supporting Ideas

By Topic

How many main points does a speech usually have?

3 but there could be more depending on speech topic

Elements of Native American Oral Tradition (4)

1) A hero's journey 2) A trickster God interferes 3) Nature changes 4) Worlds are created

A writer can use brainstorming to: (4)

1) Choose a topic 2) Develop a topic 3) Determine a plot 4) Find a focus when asked to address a broad topic

What is another speech organizational pattern that could be used (besides the main five)? Explain the pattern.

1) Compare-Contrast: -arranges the main points into two categories: similarities and differences EX: works best for a speech comparing and contrasting two subjects, such as informative speeches about two car models or two clothing designers

What are a few general statements that can summarize the elements of literary theory?

1) Does not criticize the author or the text; rather an investigative review 2) Philosophy is a component in literary criticism as we analyze life and how it is lived in comparison to a text 3) Literary theory can be used to interpret all of life, not just a text

What are some examples of guiding questions a teacher might provide to facilitate text-to-text connections? (3)

1) Does this text remind the student of something they have read before? 2) How did the student feel when they read this piece? 3) What inspired the author to write this piece?

What are some examples of supporting ideas that could be used in a speech? (7)

1) Examples 2) Definitions 3) Narration 4) Comparisons 5) Contrasts 6) Statistics 7) Testimony

Things That Distinguish Puritan Writing (5)

1) Focus on God and the Bible 2) The hardships of life in the colonies 3) Symbolism of everyday events 4) Inward reflection 5) Simple and plain style

Who are the most famous Middle English writers? (7)

1) Geoffrey Chaucer 2) the Pearl Poet 3) William Langland 4) John Gower 5) Margery Kempe 6) Julian of Norwich 7) Sir Thomas Mallory

List some famous World Literature authors and their works.

1) Homer - (ca. 700 BC), The Iliad, The Odyssey, Greece 2) The author of Beowulf (ca. 1000 BC), England 3) Chinua Achebe - (b. 1930), Things Fall Apart, Nigeria 4) Dante Alighieri - (1265-1321) The Divine Comedy, Italy 5) Fyodor Dostoyevsky - (1821-1881), Crime and Punishment, Russia 6) Henrik Ibsen - (1828-1906), A Doll's House, Norway

What are the steps to evaluating reason?

1) Identify the conclusion 2) Identify the stated premise 3) Identify any implied or unstated premise 4) Evaluate whether the premise provides reasonable support for the conclusion 5) Evaluate if the premise is true or false

What are four steps a teacher needs to take to resolve issues that may be impacting a student's learning (such as financial issues, learning disabilities, etc)?

1) Identify the issue by talking to the student or testing for a learning disability 2) Seek parental support 3) Utilize school resources such as alternative curriculums, IEPs 4) Teach students about diversity (encourage a classroom of support and understanding)

What are the three steps to draw inferences?

1) Identify the type of text 2) Look for clues 3) Put it all together

Three Major Categories of Literature from 17th to 18th Century America

1) Native American oral stories 2) Puritan writings 3) early American political writings

Name the five steps in the process to writing a good research question.

1) Select a general topic of interest 2) Ask questions 3) Choose a good research question. 4) Evaluate the question. 5) Start researching.

What are some tips on using supporting ideas in a speech? (5)

1) Use persuasion to influence your audience to think like you do 2) Be sure to use exposition to bring your argument to life by setting out all of the information needed to prove something. 3) Be sure you and your audience share commonalities. This means there needs to be a common interest shared by all. 4) Use a storytelling approach. This connection through telling a story will demonstrate your genuineness making your claim even more believable. 5) Don't overcomplicate the speech with confusing language or support that may baffle people. Break it down so that the argument seems natural.

Back in the day, students were taught writing in an assembly line fashion: the teacher would teach a lesson on prewriting, drafting, editing, or rewriting, and all students would work on that step at the same time, no matter how fast or slow the students wrote. These days, teachers of elementary and middle school literacy instruction use what is known as writer's workshop, or WWS, to teach a differentiated style of the writing process. While the same types of experiences are still present, there are a few differences. What are some of the differences? (3)

1) WWS accepts the fact that not all students learn the same way or at the same pace --allows each student to move at his or her own pace with support from the teacher 2) focuses on the craft of writing, looking closely at how real, published writers write by reading and studying their work 3) in WWS the teacher uses one or more mini lessons to drive instruction

What are (6) defining characteristics of secondary sources?

1) Well-researched, vetted, or empirically tested 2) Provides an analysis of other sources 3) Adds value to one or more primary sources 4) Often written from third person point of view 5) Often contain quotations from eyewitnesses 6) Include a works cited

What are two disadvantages to using primary sources in academic research and writing?

1) cost-To access primary sources, researchers often have to travel to archives, museums, and libraries. Even after paying money to travel, many times researchers have to pay a fee to access archives that are not open to everyone. 2) availability-Even when cost is no issue, primary sources are not as readily available as secondary sources. Sometimes, correspondence and diaries are part of a private collection that is not open to the public. Also, because collecting primary sources relies on creating archives, many accounts of the past are unavailable because people simply did not archive them. This is why historical accounts of the past often privilege the viewpoint of elite politicians instead of ordinary people.

What are the characteristics of Romantic prose? (4)

1) departure from reason (emphasis on emotions, imagination, and intuition) 2) a focus on nature 3) an element of the supernatural 4) a focus on the individual (rights and freedoms of an individual)

Genres of Poetry (6 examples)

1) epics 2) elegies 3) lyrics 4) sonnets 5) odes 6) hymns

What are two instruction strategies that would help guide students in developing ideas and revision?

1) evaluating mentor texts 2) peer and instructor feedback

Genres of Fiction Prose (10 examples)

1) fairytales 2) fables 3) mystery 4) fantasy 5) historical fiction 6) science fiction 7) horror 8) adventure 9) romance 10) classics

What are two evidence-based strategies that would help guide students in drafting?

1) frame paragraphs (for students who need higher support) 2) writing checklist (for students who need less support)

Four Most Common Feet in Poetry

1) iambs 2) trochees 3) dactyls 4) anapests

In what four instances should you use a colon?

1) initiating a series (the colon seems to stand for the idea "which are" or "and they are") 2) in a business address 3) commenting on a clause (when splitting two independent clauses, the clause after the colon should comment on or relate strongly to the first clause) 4) initiating a quote ((when the first clause is an independent clause and the quote is a dependent clause)

Traits of Non-Fiction Works (4)

1) involve real people, places, and events 2) stories told must be true 3) must contain facts, information that can be proven as true 4) author's purpose is to express or inform

According to Carl Rogers there are three things that one should specifically do to be an active listener: 1) __________, 2) __________, and 3) __________.

1) listen for total meaning, 2) respond to feelings, and 3) note all cues

There are three steps to making connections between texts. What are they?

1) look closely at the characteristics of the authors (race, age, gender, culture, etc) 2) closely examine the literary elements within the writing (setting, characters, themes) 3) the reader reflects on their own experience in reading the piece (prior knowledge and experience that a reader brings to the piece can alter they way they read it)

What are the four main formal features of poetry?

1) meter 2) rhyme schemes 3) stanzas 4) common poetic forms

What are two evidence-based strategies that would help guide students in prewriting?

1) question set 2) graphic organizer

What are three steps to reading comprehension?

1) reading on one's appropriate level 2) responding to what is read 3) discussing what is read

What does evidence show when it comes to writing instruction? (4)

1) students need to write often to build fluency 2) students need to practice writing in various genres and for a variety of purposes 3) students become better writers when exposed to modeling 4) students will benefit from revising their writing

One may ask how to draw a conclusion? To draw a conclusion about a piece of writing, a reader must consider two things:

1) the details provided or implied in the text 2) the reader's prior knowledge and experiences

What makes an ineffective thesis statement?

1) the thesis statement is a question 2) the thesis is too broad 3) the thesis is too vague 4) the thesis is too varied

What are the two main uses of semicolons?

1) to link two closely-related independent clauses (Two independent clauses or sentences can be linked due to the closeness of their content. A period can be exchanged for a semicolon in most cases.) 2) to create a multi-leveled series (When there are commas within commas in a series, the semicolons replace the commas that separate phrases. The outside commas become semicolons so that the readers understand the difference between separating the different series members and the comma separations inside of the clauses.)

What are the five main speech organizational patterns?

1) topical 2) spatial 3) chronological 4) problem-solution 5) causal

Most Common Numbers Used to Count Feet (6)

1) trimeter 2) tetrameter 3) pentameter 4) hexameter 5) heptameter 6) octameter

What are some examples of vocal qualities?

1) volume 2) rate 3) pitch 4) fluency 5) articulation 6) tone

What is the following statement an example of? All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. a. Deductive reasoning b. Inconsistency c. Logical fallacy d. Inductive reasoning

Deductive reasoning

If an author writes on Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, this would be an example of which informational text pattern? a. Comparison and contrast b. Problem and solution c. Any pattern would be correct. d. Cause and effect e. Description

Cause and effect

Remember that a great, well-written (and revised) thesis:

1. Answers a question and makes an argument. 2. Sets the reader's expectations. 3. Has one main, overarching point and does not promise more than it can deliver in the space provided. 4. Is specific and concrete. 5. Is worth talking about and can be well argued.

What themes did Harlem Renaissance authors deal with? (4)

1. Black Identity 2. Slavery 3. Instituiotnalized racism 4. The modern Black experience (both in the north and south)

What are the four steps of the writing process?

1. Brainstorming 2. Outlining 3. Drafting 4. Revising and Editing

There are two distinct steps in the brainstorming writing process:

1. Generate ideas. 2. Decide which ideas are good and which ones aren't useful.

A regular verb uses the same form in past and future tenses, but its form varies in the present tense. What are two things to keep in mind for present tense subject-verb agreement?

1. If the subject is first person, second person, or third person plural, the present tense takes the infinitive form. 2. If the subject is third person singular, the present tense takes the infinitive form plus either '-s' or '-es.'

A good, clear sentence... (5)

1. Is well organized. 2. Has no wasted words. 3. Is (usually) in the active voice. 4. Has appropriate, strong word choice. 5. Has a rhythm suited to the content.

What are five steps to determine an author's purpose?

1. Learn about the author. 2. Identify the audience. 3. Determine the type of writing. 4. Consider the argument. 5. Think about the amount of evidence or information.

What are three characteristics that many Dark Romantic works have?

1. Lots of creepy symbols 2. Horrific themes 3. Psychological effects of guilt and sin

So, what four things do you need to write a powerful conclusion?

1. Restate the main points from your thesis statement in a fresh way. 2. Add a couple of important details. 3. Use a few clever writing techniques. 4. Make your point in a bigger way.

What are the four main qualities of an effective message? (4 S's)

1. Simplicity 2. Specificity 3. Structure 4. Stickiness

What are the rules of capitalization regarding titles? (3)

1. The first word of the title must be capitalized. 2.All the major words must be capitalized. ----Major words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and all words that are four or more letters (including prepositions and conjunctions). 3.All the minor words must be written in lowercase. ----Minor words are conjunctions, prepositions, and articles.

What rules should you keep in mind to avoid comma confusion? (4)

1. You can use a comma and conjunction to separate two independent clauses - as in, 'Globulon loves conquering tiny planets, but his partner, Terry, prefers gardening.' 2. You can always use commas to offset the non-essential parts of a sentence - as in, 'Silencio and Cubo, the famous mime duo, were set to perform on stage that night.' 3. You can use commas to offset contrasting parts of a sentence, such as, 'The Yeti isn't evil, just misunderstood.' 4. You should also include the comma when it clears up confusion, and omit a comma when it makes the sentence less clear.

What inspired the subjects and backgrounds of Realism in American literature? (7)

1. industrialism 2. history 3. racism 4. upward mobility 5. war 6. growing scientific fields

High Middle Ages

1150-1215 A.D.; Crusades

Printing Press

15th century invention which revolutionized the ability to print information which in turn affected the speed of the spread of information itself; made it possible to mass produce written works

From what year did the Restoration period began, and when did it end?


World literature written before the _____ is considered pre-modern and is largely characterized by _____ or _____ significance.

16th century; religious or cultural

From what time did the Romantic Period in England take place?


Approximately what dates does the Dark Romantic/Transcendentalist period (American Renaissance) take place?

1840s-1860s ->a specific part of the larger American Romantic literary period that spans from 1800-1860

Timeline of the Short Story in the US

1840s: Edgar Allan Poe marks early development (1941-1945: WWII) 1945-1970: short stories grow in popularity after the war and by 1970 are popular in American magazines

Leo is in the two-word period of linguistic development. He's able to say short phrases like 'play dog' and 'food mommy'. What likely age is Leo? a. 12-19 months b. 34-48 months c. 14-24 months d. 20-30 months

20-30 months

When did the Modernist literary movement take place? a. 16th century b. 19th century c. 20th century d. 15th century

20th century

How many students are ideal for guided writing groups? a. All of these b. 5-9 c. 3-6 d. 1-2


Timeline for Middle Ages

400 AD-Early Middle Ages 1150 AD-Crusades 1350-Black Plague 1137-1453-Hundred Years War 1485-Tudors

A story that's as long as 'The Tell-Tale Heart' can be objectively summarized in about how many sentences? a. 25 b. 10 c. 5 d. 15 e. 20


Which of the following poems uses ottava rima? a. Don Juan by Lord Byron b. 'Acquainted with the Night' by Robert Frost c. Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge d. 'We Real Cool' by Gwendolyn Brooks

Don Juan by Lord Byron

What historical event was one of the main sparks for the birth of Romantic poetry?

The French Revolution

How does a dependent clause differ from an independent clause? a. A dependent clause isn't a complete sentence on its own, while an independent clause can be a stand-alone sentence. b. A dependent clause can only be joined by subordinating conjunction, while an independent clause must be joined using adverb clauses. c. A dependent clause doesn't have verbs or subjects, while an independent clause cannot have anything more than 1 verb and 1 subject. d. A dependent clause always uses the passive voice, while an independent clause always uses the active voice.

A dependent clause isn't a complete sentence on its own, while an independent clause can be a stand-alone sentence.

Types of Claims: Factual

A factual claim will reframe and rely upon a fact to shape it into a debatable topic.


A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (as hand for sailor), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket), or the material for the thing made from it (as steel for sword).

The contemporary period of American literature grew out of what trends of modernist literature?

A focus on human psychology

What is a quatrain?

A group of four lines of poetry

According to Stanley Fish, what is an interpretive community?

A group of readers with similar cultural and linguistic backgrounds

Which of the following did NOT fuel the growth of modernism in literature in the United States? a. Increases in urbanization b. A sense that life would never be the way it was before WWI c. A growing interest in the ideas of Marx d. The growth and influence of technology

A growing interest in the ideas of Marx

Traditional Haiku Elements: Subject Matter

A haiku is intended to describe a particular moment in time and is often connected to the natural world. In Japanese, haikus usually include a kigo, which is a word or phrase that connects the poem to a season.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a primary source? a. A history text book b. A photograph c. A legal document d. A historical document

A history text book

What is the difference between a hypophora and a rhetorical question?

A hypophora is like a rhetorical question, but involves asking a question in which one could expect an actual response.

What is a topic sentence?

A key sentence at the paragraph level that discusses and elaborates on specific points from the thesis statement.

Amelia is writing an essay on the pros and cons of pet ownership and has just finished the first two steps of brainstorming. Which of the products below demonstrate the best brainstorming method regarding the pros and cons of owning a pet? a. An introductory paragraph arguing that the pros of pet ownership slightly outweigh the cons b. An outline including one major pro and one major con of pet ownership, with 3 supporting facts for each c. A list of 4 pros and 4 cons of pet ownership d. A list of 12 pros of pet ownership

A list of 4 pros and 4 cons of pet ownership

How did Transcendentalism impact education?

A major Transcendentalist in the education field was Elizabeth Peabody. She developed one of the first kindergartens in the United States and emphasized the need to allow children to play. She viewed playtime as critical to the education and socialization of young children. Something once viewed as a barrier to education was now seen as an asset and a valuable part of human nature.

Which of the following is the best example of an internal conflict? a. A man struggles with the decision of whether to donate a kidney to a stranger in need. b. An explorer fights to survive against the forces of nature as he sails around the world. c. A crime survivor confronts the perpetrator who attacked her. d. Two people argue about whether going to war is justified.

A man struggles with the decision of whether to donate a kidney to a stranger in need.

What is a misplaced modifier?

A misplaced modifier, like it sounds, is a modifier that finds itself in the wrong part of the sentence. EX: The fisherman left his live sack of bait on the dock. Live is the adjective modifier here, and it's misplaced because it's modifying the word sack, implying that the sack is alive. The intended meaning is for the bait to be live. So, the correct fix would be: The fisherman left his sack of live bait on the dock.


A natural pause or break in a line of poetry, usually near the middle of the line.

How might Edgar Allen Poe characterize a piece of fiction that takes two weeks to read in multiple sittings?

A novel

What is a thesis statement?

A one-to-two sentence statement that is usually found in the introduction of the essay and explains the main argument of the entire piece. The body paragraphs and conclusion will all connect to and support this statement.

What is the format of a Chicago Style title page? Define and give an example.

A paper's title page contains the title a third of the way down the page, and any subtitles must be on a separate line after a colon. The writer's name, class information (department, number, section, and name of the class), and date (month, day, year) follow several lines down, roughly at the page's midpoint. *The Road to an Energy Independent America: Breakthroughs in Green Energy in 2022 John Doe English 2311: Technical Writing May 2, 2022

What is a learning disability? a. A sudden onset of a developmental issue that impacts the ability to process or retain information b. A series of poor choices made by a student that makes him or her not care about learning. c. A pattern of uneven development that impacts the ability to process or retain information d. A lack of motivation on the part of a student that is not related to a physical or developmental condition.

A pattern of uneven development that impacts the ability to process or retain information

Concrete poetry is a form of verse in which words or lines are arranged to create what?

A physical image

What is expository writing? a. None of the above. b. A piece of writing about poetry. c. A piece of writing that is funny. d. A piece of writing that gives detailed information.

A piece of writing that gives detailed information.

An author creating a structure is NOT similar to: a. A dancer choreographing steps before dancing b. An architect drawing a blueprint c. An artist tracing before painting d. A pitcher on a baseball team throwing the first pitch of a game

A pitcher on a baseball team throwing the first pitch of a game

Differentiate between a plot and a theme. a. A theme is a collection of supporting details, whereas a plot conveys the main idea. b. A plot conveys the main message, while a theme describes what happens. c. A plot is more of what happens in a story, whereas a theme conveys the message of the story d. A theme is a collection of supporting details, while a plot conveys the point of the topic.

A plot is more of what happens in a story, whereas a theme conveys the message of the story

What is poetic content? a. A poem's language b. All of these c. A poem's physical structure, basically what the poem looks like and how it sounds d. None of these e. The message the poet gives to the reader

A poem's language

Which of these is NOT a form of print media? a. A radio news program b. A fictional novel c. A tour brochure d. An academic journal

A radio news program

Which of these is most likely to be written using literal language? a. A short story b. A poem c. A soliloquy d. A recipe

A recipe

Which of the following is NOT a symbol commonly used to represent the United States? a. An eagle b. The Statue of Liberty c. The U.S. flag d. A red wedding dress

A red wedding dress

A piece of fiction published in a magazine is most likely what type of fiction?

A short story

Subject-Verb Agreement Exceptions: Measurements

A similar rule applies when you're describing a percentage or part of something. For instance, the sentence Around 30 percent of football players are also proficient ballet dancers takes a plural verb ('are'), since in context, even though 'percent' looks singular, we're talking about a percent of a larger group of people (the football players), which is still plural. If the thing the percentage is referring to is singular, however, then the verb must be singular, as in Two-thirds of this pie has already been eaten or Three shots of vodka is three too many.

What is Spell Check? a. An application tool for correcting spelling b. A software tool for correcting spelling c. A hardware tool for correcting spelling d. A handheld device for correcting spelling

A software tool for correcting spelling

Types of Claims: Solution

A solution claim posits that specific actions must be taken (usually in the form of government intervention) to solve a problem.

The idea of the Language Acquisition Device, developed by Noam Chomsky, could be described as: a. A computerized system used to model natural language development. b. A specific area of the brain responsible for understanding the rules of language. c. The ability of the nervous system to allow the correct production of speech sounds. d. The system followed by researchers to track the stages of learning universal grammar.

A specific area of the brain responsible for understanding the rules of language.

Quintain (poetry)

A stanza with five lines that may or may not rhyme

Quatrain (poetry)

A stanza with four lines that may or may not rhyme

Sexain (poetry)

A stanza with six lines that may or may not rhyme (or a sestet if it is the final lines of a sonnet)

What is the rhyme scheme of most ballads?


An author should consider his or her audience in which of the following writing situations? a. Facebook Post b. Scholarly Article c. ALL answers given d. Newspaper Opinion Column

ALL answers given

Which research material can be found in library databases such as EBSCO? a. Academic journal articles b. Encyclopedias c. US Census Information d. Almanacs

Academic journal articles

Who do critics consider the most important figure of the English Renaissance?

William Shakespeare

The structure of a message should include: a. Both an introduction and conclusion. b. An introduction, body, and main points. c. An introduction, main points, and conclusion. d. An introduction, body, and conclusion.

An introduction, body, and conclusion.

What does it mean to analyze a text?

Analyzing a text simply means identifying its component parts. When you analyze a text, you break it down, picking out the author's main idea, the reasons that support the main idea, and the evidence that supports the reasons. Then you usually offer your own opinion about whether the text is convincing and does what the author intends it to do.

What are some rhetorical word devices? (3)

Anaphora, Epistrophe, Diacope

Famous Examples of Novellas

Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945) The Call of the Wild by Jack London (1903) Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (1899)

This major work provides a first hand account of the impact of the Holocaust on an adolescent girl:

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

How does annotating make reading more active?

Annotating makes reading more active because students must respond to the text in their own words, and this helps increase engagement with the text and increase understanding.

What are five categories of informal fallacies?

Appeal to Ignorance False Dilemma False Cause Ambiguity Red Herring

Read the passage below. Then determine which answer is the best example to illustrate the main idea through supporting details? ''The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'' by Aesop One day a hungry wolf was wandering around, looking for his next meal. He stumbled upon a group of sheep. Before he made his attack, he noticed a shepherd with attack dogs. He plotted the whole day how he would find his way to the sheep without being caught. He saw in the distance a sheep pelt, laying in a far away area. The wolf made his way to the pelt, placing it upon his own pelt. Shortly after, he walked over to where the sheep were. The wolf would trick sheep, one by one, to lead the sheep away from the others. Once alone, the wolf would eat the sheep. He continued doing this for weeks, enjoying good meals. a. People who are trusting like sheep will be tricked by people who act like wolves. b. Wolves can be sneaky and deceptive. c. Appearances can be deceptive. d. Sheep are too trusting.

Appearances can be deceptive.

Which of the following is an example of proper APA capitalization for the title of an authored book on the reference page? a. Appleseed, J. (1992). The best spots for planting: Apple trees in America. Made-Up Publishing Company. b. Appleseed, J. (1992). The best spots for planting: Apple trees in America. Made-Up publishing company. c. Appleseed, J. (1992). the best spots for planting: apple trees in America. Made-Up Publishing Company. d. Appleseed, J. (1992). The Best Spots For Planting: Apple Trees In America. Made-Up Publishing Company.

Appleseed, J. (1992). The best spots for planting: Apple trees in America. Made-Up Publishing Company.

Ideas are ''sticky'' when they: a. Are unique, and have an emotional association. b. Are easy to recall, and contain an emotional element. c. Are easy to recall, and are unique. d. Are easy to recall, unique, and have an emotional association.

Are easy to recall, unique, and have an emotional association.

At the end of her speech, Sally wants to include a call to action. What might Sally include in her speech to do so? a. Thanking the audience for attending b. Wishing the audience well c. Giving the audience a brochure d. Asking the audience to sign a petition

Asking the audience to sign a petition

What is the difference between inferences and assumptions?

Assumptions are not logically created by existing information but instead seek to provide new information. They may involve biases and may not tell the whole story. Causal inferences, on the other hand, are logical conclusions drawn from reasoned interpretations of evidence.

How did Transcendentalism impact politics?

Authors like Emerson and Thoreau became influential critics of industrialization as well as the political conflicts going on in the mid-1800s (against slavery, spokespeople for justice)

You see a person cough and conclude that they have a cold. You remember coughing the last time you had a cold. What is being used to make the inference?

Background and observation

The following are the last 3 statements of the introduction to an English 101 literary essay. Why should they be reorganized? The main thesis of this paper concerns the play Romeo and Juliet and will be explained in the following thesis. This will best be explained by the many symbols that are used throughout Shakespeare's play. Shakespeare's works remain significant to this day and age. a. Because the last sentence should be an introductory sentence. b. Because it lacks well-developed main points. c. Because it lacks a clear thesis in the introduction. d. Because the last sentence should be a transitioning statement.

Because it lacks a clear thesis in the introduction.

Why is Old English difficult for contemporary people to read?

Because it's essentially a foreign language.

Why is it that English translations of Japanese haiku often do not contain the traditional syllable number and count? a. Because of the fundamental differences between the Japanese and English culture b. Because knowledgeable and experienced translators are difficult to find c. Because of the fundamental differences between the Japanese and English language d. Because English writers did not care for the traditional form

Because of the fundamental differences between the Japanese and English language

Rebecca is writing a research paper on the topic of cyber terrorism. She had to use both primary and secondary sources to back up her opinion. To develop her thesis she contacted a high-ranking local FBI agent who agreed to provide her with an interview. She also conducted a survey of her college to oversee their opinion on the topic. Lastly, in a Q&A session, she managed to obtain a comment from the deputy head of the NSA. She only cited the primary sources she used. Why is her paper incomplete? a. Because an interview cannot be used as a source in academic writing. b. Because she didn't use any primary sources. c. Because surveys aren't appropriate sources in academic writing. d. Because she didn't cite any of the secondary sources she used.

Because she didn't cite any of the secondary sources she used.

Jane is writing a standard 5-paragraph-essay that consists of 750 words. She starts off by writing her thesis statement in the introduction, stating that: 'The most dangerous element in modern-day history is discrimination.' She then lists 7-9 main points which strongly show her main opinion. Within those 7-9 points, she displays and refutes the evidence by authors who don't agree with her. Why did Jane receive relatively LOW marks on her essay? a. Because she offered contradicting information, she should only list arguments which support her main points. b. Because she had too many main points, making the essay slightly confusing. c. Because she had only 7-9 main points. d. Because she placed the thesis in the introduction, rather than in the conclusion.

Because she had too many main points, making the essay slightly confusing.

Why did S.E. Hinton begin writing?

Because she wanted more challenging books to read than what was available to her.

Jim is writing an essay and used the following sentence. Why was his teacher disappointed with sentence clarity? The easiest and most, complicated form of political activism is civil activism. a. Because the passive voice makes the sentence completely unengaging and difficult to follow. b. Because the incorrect comma makes it difficult to understand the substance of the sentence. c. Because the sentence is too short and doesn't address any real issues. d. Because it emphasizes the wrong part of the sentence.

Because the incorrect comma makes it difficult to understand the substance of the sentence.

Why is the deposition of James II termed the Glorious Revolution?

Because the overthrow of James II was much less violent than the English Civil War.

Why may children from a culture with diglossia have an easier time learning additional languages? a. Because they are exposed to a wider range of phonemes from a young age. b. Because their parents tend to be wealthier. c. Because their native language has phonemes. d. Because they grew up in a culture with universal grammar.

Because they are exposed to a wider range of phonemes from a young age.

Describe characters in Dark Romantic works.

Because writers wanted to explore the psychological effects of guilt and sin, we see characters who are harboring guilt for their sins and that guilt leads to the fantastic, the grotesque, or the morbid -> in other words these characters are usually deranged or go mad

When does the process of analyzing a text begin? a. When you begin to feel connected to the material. b. When you start to read the material. c. When you notice something important. d. Before you start to read. e. At the end of the piece.

Before you start to read.

The Scholastic Read 180 program is introduced to students at: a. Beginning in fourth grade b. On a child's sixth birthday. c. Beginning in third grade. d. At birth.

Beginning in fourth grade

Rising Action

Begins after the introduction of the conflict and carries most of the story's details. It builds intensity as it progresses toward the climax

What is the moral of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?

Being human is more than just having human body parts.

Which of these English Renaissance figures was a well-known precise playwright, whose works include 'Volpone'?

Ben Jonson

Approximately when was modernist literature produced?

Between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II

Which of these is a sign to help the reader check for the writer's assumptions? a. Word choice b. Bias and word choice c. The writer always states their assumptions d. Bias

Bias and word choice

Give an example of the Dark Romantic theme of surroundings being filled with evil.

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"; As despair takes over the home, it deteriorates and finally collapses.

What examples of formatting would you most expect to see in an informational text? a. Multi-colored text and handwritten notes b. Bold terms, headings, bullet points c. Selfies and photos of a person's family d. Phrases instead of sentences

Bold terms, headings, bullet points

The topic assigned for your research paper is analyzing the spread of a newly-discovered, communicable air-borne disease. Why might a book NOT be the best source for the number of people currently infected? a. Books are written well in advance of publication and data may not be updated. b. Books are often published by authors with expertise in their field. c. Books may include graphs and analysis of scientific studies. d. Books do not take into account an author's bias on a topic.

Books are written well in advance of publication and data may not be updated.

How can teachers create guided writing groups? a. Grouping similar writing levels b. Neither answer is correct c. Both answers are correct d. Grouping similar skill needs

Both answers are correct

What are some similarities and differences between European Romanticism and American Romanticism?

Both focused on escaping to nature, emotions, and the individual. However, American writers also focused on America and its frontiers through a Romantic lens. They also sought to break free and escape from the mechanical thinking of the Age of Reason, as well as their European predecessors.

How are Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets similar?

Both have 14 lines of iambic pentameter and a set rhyme scheme.

What did W.E.B. Dubois and Alain Locke agree and disagree on?

Both men believed that art that upheld Black people as the subject of heroism and beauty would ultimately elevate them in society. They simply disagreed as to whether the artist should create art with a social goal in mind or with beauty in mind.

The process of generating potential topics for writing or generating ideas that you might use in your paper is called what?


Which of the following is NOT an example of recursive writing? a. Keeping a writing portfolio b. Taking a research paper and creating a fictional piece from it. c. Working in a peer review group d. Meeting with an instructor and discussing a paper. e. Brainstorming and then creating an outline before drafting a paper.

Brainstorming and then creating an outline before drafting a paper.

What part of Modernism was a reaction to the Victorian movement? a. Forming new traditions b. Breaking with tradition c. Paying tribute to traditions d. Having family traditions

Breaking with tradition

What period of time would be considered the era of Victorian literature? a. British literature written between 1776 and 1789 b. British literature written between 1500 and 1600 c. British literature written between 1837 and 1901 d. British literature written between 1880 and 1925

British literature written between 1837 and 1901

Summarize "Thanatopsis" by William Cullen Bryant.

Bryant published ''Thanatopsis'' in 1817 when he was just seventeen years old. The poem shows Bryant's rejection of his Puritanical upbringing and is typical of Romantic literature in that the speaker looks to nature for spiritual insight and shows death as part of nature. ''Thanatopsis'' was a source of inspiration for Transcendental writers.

When teaching beginning readers to draw conclusions, it's important to guide them in the process by: a. Pausing to ask questions that lead them to draw conclusions about characters' personalities based on facts stated in the text. b. Building on their background knowledge by asking questions that they already know the answers to so that they feel comfortable when you ask them to draw a conclusion about the story's message when they have finished reading it. c. Pausing to ask questions to see if students are following along and if they comprehend what is happening in the story or what has been stated in the article being read. d. Building on their background knowledge and pausing to ask questions that lead them to draw conclusions based on what they know from life experience and what they've read in the text so far. e. Pausing to ask questions that help students better understand the story and clarify what the author is trying to say without explicitly stating it.

Building on their background knowledge and pausing to ask questions that lead them to draw conclusions based on what they know from life experience and what they've read in the text so far.

Which statement correctly compares Ben Franklin to the character Natty Bumppo (a character in a James Fennimore Cooper novel)?

Bumppo was innocent but intuitive, while Franklin was educated and sophisticated.

Why would it help to use color coding when teaching structural analysis? a. By using different colors with roots, it can help students see the actual root used in a word since roots are always in between a prefix and a suffix. b. It helps students understand how words can change from negative to positive. c. Using colors can help students visually engage in a lesson. This will keep them more focused as you teach them about different prefixes, suffixes and roots. d. By putting prefixes, suffixes, and roots in different colors, students can easily identify those different word parts. Using the same color for all prefixes, suffixes, or roots can help them identify which word part is being used. It can also help them see how the same word part is used in different words by using a color to help that prefix, suffix or root visually stand out. e. It can help students connect feelings to specific words.

By putting prefixes, suffixes, and roots in different colors, students can easily identify those different word parts. Using the same color for all prefixes, suffixes, or roots can help them identify which word part is being used. It can also help them see how the same word part is used in different words by using a color to help that prefix, suffix or root visually stand out.

When are students old enough to become self-aware and compare their situations to their peers? a. By the time they are old enough to learn reading and language skills b. By roughly age 18 c. From birth d. Not until roughly middle school, long after learning language and reading skills have been acquired

By the time they are old enough to learn reading and language skills

How did E.A. Robinson change the language of poetry?

By using less flowery words and descriptions.

How can writers prepare readers for new ideas? a. By utilizing transitional words and phrases to ease readers through the essay. b. By making sure all possible ideas are present in the introduction. c. By making notes in the margin with arrows reading new idea. d. By using first person and adding statements like now I'm going to discuss something else.

By utilizing transitional words and phrases to ease readers through the essay.

How does a follower of intuitive thought (Transcendentalism) guide their life?

By what they feel to be true.

Active listening comes from the person-centered therapy of _____. a. Carl Jung b. Abraham Maslow c. Sigmund Freud d. Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers

Dr. Lee spoke to a group of students about why he believes the hole in the ozone layer may be damaging plants in the Amazon. What type of speech is this? a. Cause and effect b. Chronological c. Problem solution d. Spatial

Cause and effect

What marked the Victorian literary movement? a. Change and upheaval b. Fear of war c. Romantic ideals d. Exploration of the individual

Change and upheaval

Check the parallelism of the following sentence. Choose the answer that best corrects the problem. He sat down at the table expecting to order, eat, and be enjoying his meal alone. a. Change sat to was sitting b. Change be enjoying to enjoy c. Change eat to be eating d. Change order, eat to order and eat

Change be enjoying to enjoy

Check the parallelism of the following sentence. Choose the answer that best corrects the problem. Although he enjoyed running and to play baseball, he decided to try out for volleyball instead. a. Change running to being a runner b. Change volleyball to playing volleyball c. Change baseball to his baseball team d. Change to play baseball to playing baseball

Change to play baseball to playing baseball

Which of the following occurs when a writer splits his or her sentence into two parts and the second part provides a mirror image of the first part? a. Personification b. Irony c. Hyperbole d. Metaphor e. Chiasmus


_____ Style is a documentation format that allows writers to cite work while providing an easy-to-read format. _____ style is extremely popular with many publishers and writers because of its flexibility. Whereas a style like MLA might be primarily used in the humanities, and APA is normally used in the sciences, _____ style can be easily used in various fields like English or history. It has specific rules for punctuation and citations.


The initials CMS stands for: a. Citations, Mentions & Sources b. Chicago Manual of Style c. Chicago Manual of Sources d. Chicago Messaging Style

Chicago Manual of Style

In _____ _____, the work's full citations are called a bibliography. This page is placed after the last page of the paper and has a centered title on the first line followed by a detailed list of every source in the paper. However, depending on whether the paper uses Notes and Bibliography (NB) style or Author-Date (AD) style, it will be labeled differently. NB style will have the first page of the bibliography labeled as "Bibliography" and AD style will be labeled "References." Individual formatting for entries will also vary slightly depending on whether the writer is using NB or AD.

Chicago Style

_____ are groups of words containing a subject and a predicate.


Which buzzword is associated with new criticism? a. Inherent contradictions b. Close watching c. Fallacy d. Close reading e. Close listening

Close reading


Comes from Japan and is created simply by placing a specific number of syllables in each of its three lines; the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables (no rhyme scheme or meter)

Characteristics of Language: Sociality

Communicate with other individuals requires language: it is ultimately a social process rather than an individual one

'Similar to her first novel, Gillian Flynn continues to rely on an unreliable narrator in her next work.' You would expect to see this sentence in what type of essay pattern? a. Cause/effect b. Problem/solution c. Informational d. Description e. Compare/contrast


John wants to speak about the similarities between the taste of alligator and the taste of chicken. What would be a good way to do this? a. Definitions b. Comparisons c. Contrasts d. Statistics


All of the following are characteristics of pre-linguistic language development, EXCEPT: a. Vegetative sounds b. Vocal play c. Cooing and laughter d. Complex utterance

Complex utterance

Which of the following represents the ultimate goal of reading? a. Comprehension b. Fluency c. Vocabulary d. Decoding


Which is a complex type of web? a. Chronological Order b. Flow chart c. Table d. Concept Map e. Cornell Note Taking System

Concept Map

When you summarize, you: a. Expand on the author's thoughts by bringing in other sources. b. Take an author's idea word for word from the text c. Condense the author's idea into a shortened version but in your own words d. Rewrite the author's idea in your own words in a version that is about the same length

Condense the author's idea into a shortened version but in your own words

After reading an informational text, what should they NOT do? a. Cross out everything in it that they disagree with. b. See if their questions have been answered. c. Review their notes. d. Record any further thoughts. e. Quiz oneself about main ideas and important details.

Cross out everything in it that they disagree with.

In order to draw conclusions, readers need to: a. Consider what they know about the author and his or her life experiences and gather all of the information that the author has given them. b. Consider what they already know from their own experiences. c. Consider what they already know from their own experiences and gather all of the information that the author has given them (characters' personalities, feelings and motivations, the time period and place, conflicts, etc.). e. Gather all of the information that the author has given them (characters' personalities, feelings and motivations, the time period and place, conflicts, etc.). e. Consider what they have learned from other texts.

Consider what they already know from their own experiences and gather all of the information that the author has given them (characters' personalities, feelings and motivations, the time period and place, conflicts, etc.).

What is one advantage that contemporary writers of world literature have over those in pre-modernity?

Contemporary writers have much more efficient means to distribute their writing.

What is a class discussion? a. Conversations that involve every student in the class and require them to use their knowledge of a topic to participate thoughtfully b. Teacher led discussions to determine what students want to learn c. A meeting of administrators to discuss which students should be placed in which classes d. A meeting of teachers to discuss what they should be teaching

Conversations that involve every student in the class and require them to use their knowledge of a topic to participate thoughtfully

Stage directions do all of the following EXCEPT:

Convey the characters' thoughts to the audience.

Elements in a Parallel Structure: Parallel Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions and correlative conjunctions are some of the most important markers of parallelism in sentences. It is important that the two items on either side of the conjunctions be parallel. For, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so are coordinating conjunctions. Either/or, neither/nor, both/and, and not only/ but also are correlative conjunctions.

What are spell check programs unable to do? a. Spell check entire documents b. Underline contextual errors c. Correct all errors in spelling and grammar d. Offer spelling options

Correct all errors in spelling and grammar

In the sentence, 'Sixty-five percent of the tulips in this field are white', the subject-verb agreement is: a. Incorrect because the plural verb 'are' disagrees with the singular noun 'field.' b. Incorrect because the plural verb 'are' disagrees with the singular noun 'percent.' c. Correct because the plural verb 'are' agrees with the plural number 'sixty-five.' d. Correct because the plural verb 'are' agrees with the plural noun 'tulips.'

Correct because the plural verb 'are' agrees with the plural noun 'tulips.'

Worlds are created...

Creation is a key element in many of the Native American stories. Sometimes, this creation has to do with the literal creation of the world. Other times, creation is seen in the changing of the seasons or the birth of a new generation. Even the living rhythm of language was seen as a kind of creation; after all, it is in storytelling and language that people create worlds and make sense of them.

Which of these helps you judge the authority of an article? a. Purpose of the information b. Relevance to your topic c. Currency of sources d. Credibility of the author and the source

Credibility of the author and the source

Questioning the text develops:

Critical thinking skills

The acronym CRAAP stands for _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.

Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose

Which one of these means three syllables, with the first emphasized but the second two are not.


Who are two writers besides Bunyan who contributed to the rise of the novel?

Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe) and Jonathan Swift (Gulliver's Travels)

Give an example of an AD Chicago Style reference citation.

Dean, Jodi. 2009. Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics. Durham: Duke University Press.

Give an example of an NB Chicago Style bibliography citation.

Dean, Jodi. Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009.

What is modeled writing? a. Writing assignments, such as open responses and long compositions b. Writing that contains models, such as graphs and charts c. Providing a thesis statement for your students and having them complete the rest of the essay d. Demonstrating writing before having students practice individually

Demonstrating writing before having students practice individually

What is descriptive writing? a. Descriptive writing is a piece of writing that only describes plants and animals. b. Descriptive writing is a detailed story. c. Descriptive writing is hard and not fun to write. d. Descriptive writing is a piece of writing that describes any topic using as many details as possible.

Descriptive writing is a piece of writing that describes any topic using as many details as possible.

How are a soliloquy and aside alike and different?

Different because soliloquy happens when a character is alone on stage and aside happens when other characters are on stage; alike because both address the audience and address the views of the character

_____ _____ _____ is instruction that is designed to differentiate information based on the individual learning needs or styles of students. Individuals learn differently and differentiated instruction seeks to meet the needs of a variety of learning based on learning strengths and preferences. _____ _____ _____ is also called differentiated literacy instruction or differentiation. _____ _____ _____ focuses on developing high levels of reading proficiency in learners, but allows flexibility in the methods used to develop proficiency. Differentiation is implemented by assessing learners to determine their skill level, interests, and learning preferences or styles. An educator uses data from the assessments to determine the reading level of a learner, guide the educator when selecting high-interest materials for a learner, and develop instruction based on the preferred learning style of the learner.

Differentiated Reading Instruction (x3)

Which of these is the newest form of media? a. Print media b. Broadcast media c. Artistic media d. Digital media

Digital Media

Examples of Dystopian YA Literature

Divergent, Legend, and The Hunger Games

Which of the following is NOT a question to ask yourself for determining if you need to cite a source? a. When I type this information into a search engine, did I find sources who published this? b. How do I know this? c. Does this sound like it came from me? d. Am I presenting this information as a fact?

Does this sound like it came from me?

_____ subjects include vague words like it's and here's and can distract from the real subject of the sentence.


When did the ballad have a resurgence?

During the Romantic Movement

Which is true about writer's workshop? a. The teacher tells students what stage of the writing process they're on. b. Each student decides what they want to write about. c. Each student works at their own pace and follows instruction from the teacher. d. Students are each on the same step every day.

Each student works at their own pace and follows instruction from the teacher.

Who is often referred to as the father of modern concrete poetry?

Eugen Gomringer, in the post-WWII era His poem "Silencio" (1953) prints the word 'silencio' (silence) fourteen times in the shape of an open rectangle so that the repetition of the word along with the visual pattern and its suggestion of silence in the open space in the middle brings - in through absence - an audio dimension to the poem's message as well. Gomringer published an entire book of concrete poems titled Konstellationen.

What is the theme in The Lion and the Mouse?

Even little friends can be a big help.

Which of the following sentences has been proofread to be completely free of grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and typos? a. Ever since the man-eating shark attack, wannabe swimmers have been prohibited from frolicking in the local lake. b. Ever since the man-eating shark attack, wannabe swimmers have been prohibited from frolicking in local lake. c. Ever since the man-eating shark-attack, wannabe swimmers have been prohibited from frolicking in the locale lake. d. Ever since the man-eating snark-attack wannabee swimmers have been prohibited from frolicking in the local lake.

Ever since the man-eating shark attack, wannabe swimmers have been prohibited from frolicking in the local lake.

Which of the following is a true statement about author's assumptions? a. Writers never make assumptions b. Writers occasionally make assumptions c. Every writer makes assumptions d. Only good writers make assumptions

Every writer makes assumptions

What one word best characterizes hyperbole? a. Exaggeration b. Serendipity c. Comedy d. Tragedy


You've been given a selection titled 'My First Day in College'. What is the first step you'll take to engage with the text?

Examine the text features.

Supporting evidence can be done in the following ways: a. Signposts, generalizations, and processes b. Examples, testimonies, and statistics c. Transitions, previews, and visuals d. Verbals, non-verbals, and gestures

Examples, testimonies, and statistics

Which of the following statements is a characteristic of literary modernism? a. Experimentation of gender roles b. One point-of-view. c. General absence of racial issues d. Exclusion of pop culture

Experimentation of gender roles

If you're asked to write an objective summary, which of the following should you avoid? a. Stating the central conflict of the story b. Explaining your ideas about the meaning of the story c. Listing the major events of the story d. Choosing only the most important parts e. Explaining the resolution of the conflict

Explaining your ideas about the meaning of the story

Thesis Type: Expository Statement

Expository thesis statements are written to be unbiased and to present information in a straightforward way.

What are the four types of writing?

Expository, descriptive, narrative, and persuasive

_____ was a shared focus of the writers and artists who participated in the Harlem Renaissance.

Expression of the African-American experience

What do we call turning the inside out by making personal psychological experience visible?


How are expressive language and receptive language different? a. Expressive language refers to the ability to communicate through writing, while receptive language refers to the ability to communicate through speech. b. Expressive language refers to the ability to communicate through speech, while receptive language refers to the ability to communicate through writing. c. Receptive language refers to the ability to communicate through speech, while expressive language refers to the ability to comprehend spoken language. d. Expressive language refers to the ability to communicate through speech, while receptive language refers to the ability to comprehend spoken language.

Expressive language refers to the ability to communicate through speech, while receptive language refers to the ability to comprehend spoken language.

Who are some writers that were in the "Lost Generation?"

F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot

When reading a book about the U.S. Civil War, which of the following lists would be considered forms of textual evidence? a. Notes, graphs, quotes, summaries, b. Survey questions, notes, summaries c. Facts, expert testimony, anecdotes, statistics, graphs d. Facts, anecdotes, questions, reflection

Facts, expert testimony, anecdotes, statistics, graphs

Given the example of the WWII propaganda poster, Rosie the Riveter, which of the following would be considered an implicit (inferential) meaning? a. Strong woman b. Homemaker c. Feminist idol d. War hero

Feminist idol

Which of the following pronouns must ALWAYS be paired with a plural verb? a. Few, many, both, others, and several. b. Politics, gymnastics, mathematics, and news. c. Most, any, none, some, and all. d. Whomever, whichever, they, and themselves.

Few, many, both, others, and several.

Mysteries, fantasies, fairy tales, and romances are genres of which literary form?

Fiction Prose

_____ _____draws readers into a story and invites them to play with language and search for meanings that are hidden beneath the surface of a text.

Figurative language

______ language and _____ language are like yin and yang. They form a symbiosis. They are defined in terms of each other, but only one at a time can be "seen."

Figurative, literal

What should you do if you find two sources that don't agree with each other when it comes to definitions or statistics you need for your essay? a. Cite the source that better supports your hypothesis, as you shouldn't have contradicting information in your paper. b. Decide which is correct based on your prior knowledge. c. Discard both sources and start your research process all over. d. Find additional sources that used similar methods to see which conclusions were able to be duplicated.

Find additional sources that used similar methods to see which conclusions were able to be duplicated.

What does it mean to interpret literature? a. Rewrite it in your own words. b. Find the meaning and the significance of the story. c. Put it in its historical context. d. Create a summary to review the work.

Find the meaning and the significance of the story.

Which of the following is the best approach to take when writing body paragraphs to create an essay? a. Have a clear conclusion, even if the body paragraphs are incoherent. b. First relate the end result and then back up and add details. c. Keep the main point in suspense until the concluding paragraph. d. First explain the main point, then follow with a chronological and clear explanation.

First explain the main point, then follow with a chronological and clear explanation.

Consider the following passage: I felt a sudden chill, and looked to my left. In the distance I saw a tall figure, dimly lit by the street lights, running straight towards me. I turned and ran. Which point of view is being used in the passage?

First person

David gave a speech in a public speaking class. The content of his speech was good, but he used words like 'um,' 'er' and 'duh' a lot while he was speaking. Which category would the teacher say that David needed to work on for his next speech? a. Fluency b. Articulation c. Tone d. Rate


Which of the following research-based components of reading relates to the automaticity of reading? a. Phonics b. Comprehension c. Phonemic awareness d. Fluency


A research question: a. Explains what the researcher is looking for. b. Invites other researchers to join the research project. c. Focuses and guides the research project. d. Describes the research findings.

Focuses and guides the research project.

Sally Ann Thunder is a character in a popular story. In some of her adventures, she wears a real beehive as a hat and wrestles alligators in her spare time. What kind of story is this?


When can teachers use assistive technology for differentiation in writing? a. To have all children type their final draft b. To create a grading system for students c. For fun activities like games d. For students with special needs

For students with special needs

When and where was the Realist thought to have originated?

France, circe 1850 after the 1848 Revolution (spread to the United States and Europe as it gained popularity)

What category of poetry is based on unrhymed lines and lack of a regular meter?

Free verse

_____ _____ poems are distinct from regular prose writing because they use figurative language and intentional line breaks to create a specific poetic effect.

Free verse

What kind of poetry grew in popularity during the Modernist era?

Free verse (no traditional rhyme and meter, line breaks are based on poet's own prosody and feeling toward the subject matter; first popularized by Walt Whitman during the Romantic/Transcendental era)

What did free verse poetry allow Modernist poets to do?

Free verse allows poets to experiment with rhythm and sound in ways that traditional forms do not allow. By breaking the formal conventions of the past, authors could experiment with language and express themselves more freely.

Every time young Haley says the word 'teddy,' she is given her favorite stuffed bear, which reinforces her understanding and continued use of the word for getting the toy. According to behaviorist theory, this is an example of:

Operant conditioning

In Hemingway's short story 'A Soldier's Home', Krebs has an uncomfortable conversation with his mother during breakfast. She talks to him about her beliefs and how she has worried about him and prayed for him while he was fighting in World War I. What is his response and what does it reveal about him? a. He responds by saying he doesn't believe in God and then sits in silence as she scolds him for being defiant. b. He responds by staring at his empty plate and contemplating a variety of angry things he could say to her, but instead he remains silent. This shows that he is vengeful and secretly full of anger and ill will. c. He responds by watching the bacon fat harden on his plate. He stays silent, which creates tension. He might be struggling with what to say to her since he's feeling resentful, though he isn't disrespectful towards her. d. He responds by nodding his head in silence as he watches the bacon fat harden on his plate. e. He responds by watching the bacon fat harden on his plate. He stays silent and this shows how he obeys his mother's every wish.

He responds by watching the bacon fat harden on his plate. He stays silent, which creates tension. He might be struggling with what to say to her since he's feeling resentful, though he isn't disrespectful towards her.

Which of the following is an example where a comma is correctly used despite there NOT being any conjunction? a. He goes to school very often, and he gets straight A-s there. b. He was angry with you, not playing a joke. c. You shouldn't try so hard; you should try even harder. d. I really could use some help with this one, if you have the time for it.

He was angry with you, not playing a joke.

A synonym of robust is: a. Healthy b. Unhealthy c. Pensive d. Tired e. Dull


When modeling open response writing, the teacher should start by doing which one of the following? a. Having students write the entire response alone first b. Providing a model open response that students can copy c. Helping students understand the prompt and writing a thesis statement d. Giving students the thesis statement

Helping students understand the prompt and writing a thesis statement

What is the structure of a story? a. The introduction to the story b. How the story is organized c. The questions an author may ask d. The theme of a story

How the story is organized

Why does active reading discourage simply highlighting material?

Highlighting may not provide the same level of comprehension as the note-taking strategies of active reading.

Which of the following answers has correct punctuation? a. His goals were simple: find the girl, get the bad guys; take off with the cash. b. His goals were simple; find the girl, get the bad guys; take off with the cash. c. His goals were simple; find the girl, get the bad guys, take off with the cash. d. His goals were simple: find the girl, get the bad guys, take off with the cash.

His goals were simple: find the girl, get the bad guys, take off with the cash.

What is the most classic example of a hero on a quest to find himself?

Holden Caulfield from J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye

What are three main types of satirical writing?

Horatian, Juvenalian, Menippean

Which of the following statements are true? a. Hyperbole can usually be categorized as forms of metaphor and simile. b. Hyperbole can never be categorized as forms of metaphor and simile. c. All of the answers are true d. Hyperbole, metaphors and similes are all different words for the exact same thing.

Hyperbole can usually be categorized as forms of metaphor and simile.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Hyperbole is exaggeration writers use to make a point. b. Hyperbole is often used in fiction and poetry. c. Hyperbole expresses both truth and untruth via comparison. d. Hyperbole never appears in nonfiction.

Hyperbole never appears in nonfiction.

The pronoun _____ is the only pronoun that must be capitalized under any and all circumstances.


Which of the following expressions uses metaphor? a. She is as cute as a button. b. They are as thick as thieves. c. I am a sloth when it comes to housework. d. His heart was in the right place. e. The moon looks like it has a face.

I am a sloth when it comes to housework.

Which supplemental feature helps the audience find important information? a. Print features b. Visual features c. Charts d. Organization aids e. Table of Contents

Organization aids

Identify the most appropriate conjunction and the correct comma placement for the following sentence: a. I don't always use commas, but when I do, I use them correctly. b. I don't always use commas, however when I do I use them correctly. c. I don't always use commas however, when I do I use them correctly. d. I don't always use commas and, when I do I use them correctly.

I don't always use commas, but when I do, I use them correctly.

How might someone tell if an argument is incomplete? a. If it has logical fallacies. b. If it uses deductive reasoning. c. If it doesn't address opposing points of view. d. If it uses inductive reasoning.

If it doesn't address opposing points of view.

Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage: He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He didn't think he could take the sound of the construction crew across the street anymore. The sounds of jackhammers and hammering were driving him insane. a. Somber b. Nervous c. Irritated d. Relieved e. Positive


Why is it important for student's to identify the author's purpose?

If students know why an author wrote a particular text, they can focus on the important details and better retain key information. If students know the author's purpose, they can determine any biases that the author may have and consider how those biases affect the overall message of the text.

Who are the three major dramatists from the English Renaissance?

William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson

What is the first step in evaluating reasoning in an essay or article? a. Identify the conclusion. b. Begin with a counter argument. c. Identify the premise. d. Evaluate the information. e. Reject or accept the conclusion.

Identify the conclusion.

What is the first step in drawing inferences from an informational text? a. Find the adverbs b. Identify the type of text you're reading c. Determine the inferred information d. Look at what the author does not say

Identify the type of text you're reading

In contemporary America literature, what is the hero often on a quest for?


What crucial characteristic of Romantic literature is exemplified in Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe?


_____ _____ is a subgenre of nonfiction aimed at informing the reader about a given topic.

Informational text

What aspects of construction/editing overlap between print and nonprint texts? a. Aesthetics b. Venue c. Intended message d. Composition

Intended message

Line Breaks (poetry)

Intentional line breaks, often to create a specific effect, are a staple of free verse poetry. Lines might be very short in order to create a break in a poem and grab the audience's attention

Which theory places the most emphasis on social interaction in the development of language? a. Interactionist b. Cognitivist c. Behaviorist d. Constructivist


Exposing students to information about subject matter before reading is known as: a. Exposure to pre-reading concepts b. Wasting time c. Exploring the unknown d. Introducing background information

Introducing background information

Strategies for Scaffolding Reading Instruction: Background Information

Introducing background information allows teachers to build a foundation for the subject matter that will be included in the lesson, increasing students' ability to understand what the text is about

_____ can be humorous or will show the incongruity between appearance and reality, that is, when a situation is at odds with what is real. Thus, it can be used as a social critique.


What important questions should we ask ourselves when analyzing dialogue? a. Is it necessary to the plot? What purpose does it serve? Is a particular dialect used? Are the characters' voices unique and easy to distinguish? b. What purpose does it serve? c. Is it necessary to the plot, as opposed to casual conversations in everyday life that don't really get us anywhere? AND What purpose does it serve? d. Is dialect used? What purpose does it serve? Is it necessary to the plot? Are characters' personalities shown through every line of dialogue? e. Is it necessary to the plot? What purpose does it serve? Have words been chosen carefully so that the dialogue is written in a clear and concise manner? Are the characters' voices unique and easy to distinguish so that we immediately know who is speaking?

Is it necessary to the plot? What purpose does it serve? Have words been chosen carefully so that the dialogue is written in a clear and concise manner? Are the characters' voices unique and easy to distinguish so that we immediately know who is speaking?

Which of the following is not a technique for finding the meaning of a word based on context? a. Are there similar words in the text? b. Is there a cause and effect related to the word? c. Are there clues for the opposite meaning of the word? d. Is the definition listed? e. What is the context?

Is the definition listed?

What question(s) could a reader ask regarding the following: Element of Writing: Genre

Is this piece fiction or informational text? How does the genre affect my understanding of the text?

What does expressionism allow Contemporary authors to do?

It allows authors to take unseen inner experiences and makes them visible

Why is textual evidence important?

It can strengthen the validity of someone's writing.

How did the Licensing Act of 1737 contribute to the rise of the novel in the 18th century?

It censored what could be said in theaters, so many playwrights became more interested in writing novels.

How is the theory of universal grammar applied to language acquisition? a. It claims that a certain grammatical structure is genetically hard-wired in our brains, which lets us learn language. b. It claims that language acquisition is based on the sounds within a language. c. It claims that grammar should be universally instructed as the most important part of a language. d. It claims that it is easier to acquire a language with a simple grammatical structure.

It claims that a certain grammatical structure is genetically hard-wired in our brains, which lets us learn language.

Why is a thesis statement so important in writing? a. It clearly explains the main idea and helps readers to better understand what the piece of writing is all about. b. It structures each paragraph logically to help readers understand the key points presented. c. It introduces the most critical facts and details of the information to be discussed. d. It helps readers find where the most important information is in the piece of writing.

It clearly explains the main idea and helps readers to better understand what the piece of writing is all about.

Why is drawing conclusions an important skill for readers to learn? a. It encourages readers to pay attention to what they are reading, use what they know from life experiences, and look at the details and facts in the text as clues that will help them draw conclusions about what is meant but not explicitly stated. b. It pushes readers to pay attention to what they are reading and draw from their own experiences to understand what characters are going through. c. It gets readers to pay attention to what they are reading, use what they know from life experiences, and question the details and facts included in the text. d. It promotes critical thinking and encourages readers to evaluate whether or not a text has clearly stated its message. e. It motivates readers to pay attention to what they are reading, share personal memories related to the text, and explain what they can conclude based on their own life experiences.

It encourages readers to pay attention to what they are reading, use what they know from life experiences, and look at the details and facts in the text as clues that will help them draw conclusions about what is meant but not explicitly stated.

What is deductive validity? a. We should divide information into reasonable examples. b. If a premise is true, the conclusion must be false. c. If the conclusion is true, the premise must be false. d. It is impossible for the conclusion to be true if the premise is false

It is impossible for the conclusion to be true if the premise is false

Who are three of the most accomplished and celebrated poets to come out of the Harlem Renaissance?

Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, Robert Hayden

Which of the following statements is NOT a nativist perspective on language development? a. No formal learning process is necessary for the development of language. b. Language development is biological. c. Language is developed through imitation. d. We are born with an innate ability to learn language.

Language is developed through imitation.

Why does context matter when learning vocabulary?

Learning vocabulary words outside of the context in which they are used prevents a person from fully understanding how the word functions within the framework of our language. To best understand a word, knowing its context, or circumstances, is key.

What is so unique about Elmore Leonard's use of dialogue when considering novels like Out of Sight? a. Leonard is known for creating lengthy conversations between characters. His use of dialogue shows how talkative characters are and that every day moments can lead to important revelations. b. Leonard is known for over-using dialogue tags, which is something critics often note when reviewing his novels. However, he is a master at using dialect to show characters' backgrounds. c. Leonard's dialogue is very concise. He conveys a great deal about the characters and their background through very few words. d. Leonard is known for cleverly using dialect to show characters' backgrounds and experiences. e. Leonard is known for creating lively characters who often use idioms and speak their minds so that the reader knows exactly what they are thinking.

Leonard's dialogue is very concise. He conveys a great deal about the characters and their background through very few words.

What else contributed to the rise of the novel?

Licensing Act of 1737 (encouraged more controversial thinkers, who would typically write plays to fire up the masses, to instead turn to novels)

Determine which citation style uses the following format: The works cited page appears as the last section in a separate page(s), listing the bibliography information of sources used in the paper. This separate page should begin with the title 'Works Cited' one inch from the top in the center of the page. The Works cited page includes sources such as books, peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, websites, newspapers, videos, chapters, etc. All the references must follow an alphabetical order from A to Z with the surname that starts with A being the first, and the last being the surname starting with Z. Next, the references are written with the following arrangement: Last name, Other names, (if there are other authors, then an et al.). "Title of Journal or article in Quotes." The volume, series year and page numbers then follow. For books, the author's name or names are followed by the title, publisher, and edition, and lastly, the publication date. These references should be double-spaced.


For the in-text citations, _____ formatting prefers that the last name of the author and the page number containing the information be indicated in parentheses, for example (Author, 45). If there are more than two authors, the initials 'et al.' are used to indicate additional authors. For example, (Author et al., 56). It should be noted that these citations are put at the end of sentences, preferably in the body paragraphs of the paper rather than the introduction or conclusion. Another way of doing in-text citations is using an author(s) full names by placing it in a sentence and showing the page number in parenthesis/brackets e.g. According to Jack Robin, the world is slowly becoming a global village (29).


_____ formatting of quotations will vary according to the length of the quotation. Short quotations (four typed lines or less) should be enclosed with double quotation marks. Then, the author's last name and page number should follow in parenthesis. For long quotations, place the quote as a block of indented lines (each line indented) and do not include quotation marks. Then, the author's last name and the page where the block of words was taken should be indicated at the end of the block in parenthesis.



Made up of two syllables in which the second is more pronounced than the first

The difference between the main idea and main points is: a. Main ideas are the central purpose of the speech while main points are smaller chunks related to the main idea. b. Main ideas are signposts that lead the audience in a direction and main points transition between thoughts. c. Main ideas and main points are the same thing. d. Main ideas are the smaller chunks of the speech while main points represent the central idea.

Main ideas are the central purpose of the speech while main points are smaller chunks related to the main idea.

Which of the following is true? a. Conclusion sections should generally repeat the information of the topic sentences for clarity. b. Thesis statements and topic sentences set the tone and style that should be continued throughout the writing. c. A weak main idea can be strengthened with detailed supporting facts, relevant case studies, and scientific findings. d. Main ideas, thesis statements, and topic sentences help structure a written piece, aiding the reader's understanding.

Main ideas, thesis statements, and topic sentences help structure a written piece, aiding the reader's understanding.

Which one of these is the best example of a narrowed topic? a. Political Families b. Calvin Coolidge's Presidency c. U.S. Presidents d. Major Economic Decisions Made By Calvin Coolidge

Major Economic Decisions Made By Calvin Coolidge

How can you avoid fallacious reasoning and unsupported inferences?

Make sure all your conclusions are backed up by textual evidence

Which of the following is NOT important when including text in your presentation? a. Using a legible font. b. Making sure that the text is not an exact replica of what you are saying. c. Summarizing your main points. d. Making sure that you use a font that people have seen before.

Making sure that you use a font that people have seen before.

Sir Thomas Malory is a famous medieval writer who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur, which is something most of us are familiar with from the references we see in pop culture. However, his book differs from the typical novels of the time because _____.

Malory created a compilation of Arthurian legends and added just a few of his own to create the novel

What type of conflict deals with problems between characters?

Man vs. Man

What type of conflict is present in The Three Little Pigs?

Man vs. Man

Which of the following is the proper reference page APA citation for the book The Spellbinder's Gift by Og Mandino? a. Mandino, O. The spellbinder's gift. Random House, Inc., (1995). b. Mandino. The Spellbinder's Gift. Random House, Inc. c. Mandino, O. (1995). The spellbinder's gift. Random House, Inc. d. Og Mandino. (1995). The Spellbinder's Gift. Random House, Inc.

Mandino, O. (1995). The spellbinder's gift. Random House, Inc.

What is the difference in modern English haikus and traditional Japanese haikus?

Many English versions eschew the strict 5-7-5 structure in favor of a more freeform approach. Kireji and kigo are not included in English because of the difficulty in translating them adequately. As a result, there are a number of famous English haikus that are not true haikus at all, but instead short poems in the present tense that focus on a single moment.

Romantic Poetry Themes: the natural world

Many Romantic poems explore the beauty and awe-inspiring aspects of the natural world. This theme is particularly present in American Romanticism and in Romantic painting.

Which of the following sentences has an INCORRECT subject-verb agreement? a. A ten percent failure rate seems too high for a brand new product. b. Everyone in the family seems happy with the vacation plans. c. Many of the people attending the trial seems upset. d. The Society of Women Voters seems to be having a banquet on September 19th.

Many of the people attending the trial seems upset.

A hero's journey...

Many of the stories deal with a hero who goes through a series of hardships and has to rise above them, using his skills and smarts. Sometimes, the hero has to make a sacrifice for the good of the larger community.

What are multiple points of view?

Many works of fiction have experimented with having multiple points of view within the same work, especially in modern fiction. When writing from different points of view, an author can use a first-person perspective of the characters, a third-person perspective of the characters, or a mixture of both.

What is an example of a Realist author who produced works with commentaries on their respective time period and setting?

Mark Twain highlighted the complexities of social class and race in his stories, using the Deep South as a background. He also used a distinctive style and voice with his characters to reflect the reality and dialects of where they came from

Which branch of literary criticism are you primarily practicing when analyzing a text through the lens of class relations? a. Deconstructionism b. Postmodernism c. Feminism d. Formalism e. Marxism


Mr. Gibbs is working on a lesson plan for vocabulary instruction. Which of the following activities would be appropriate for him to include? a. Timed reading tests b. Summarizing main events c. Matching words to their definitions d. Spelling

Matching words to their definitions

Who is considered one of the most famous haiku poets of all time?

Matsuo Bashō, a Japanese master poet who lived from 1644 to 1694

What is a good example of a character exhibiting the psychological effects of guilt and sin in Dark Romanticism?

Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter ->He tells the story of a minister whose affair with a married woman sends him into a guilt-ridden self-punishment, and ultimately death.

For which type(s) of reference materials does Google News have indexes? a. Out-of-print books b. US Census Information c. Newspaper and online news information d. Current reference materials

Newspaper and online news information

Determine if the following sentence contains an incorrect modifier. After falling from a ladder, the firefighter was rushed to the emergency room in a taxi and given blood before surgery. a. Yes: the phrase 'to the emergency room' should be placed after the phrase 'in a taxi.' b. No: the modifying phrases are correctly ordered and the meaning is clear. c. Yes: the phrase 'before surgery' is missing a clarifying modifier. d. No: the modifiers correctly refer to the prepositional phrases.

No: the modifying phrases are correctly ordered and the meaning is clear.

Chicago Style is different from MLA or APA, two other highly popular formats. It has a citation format that can change depending on the work being done. These formats are called _____ or _____ system.

Notes and Bibliography (NB), Author-Date (AD)

Elements in a Parallel Structure: Parallel Nouns

Nouns in a sentence must be parallel i.e., they must be all singular or all plural.

What is an example of a Gothic drama from the Victorian era?

Our Boy by H.J. Byron (1875)

In which point of view does the narrator know and at least partially reveal the internal thoughts, feelings, and motivations of all the characters?

Omniscient third person

Elements in a Parallel Structure: Parallel Verbs

One common mistake that writers make is to have both gerunds (verb plus -ing) and infinitives ( to plus verb) in the same sentence. Instead, sentences must use only gerunds or only infinitives.

How did Transcendentalism impact fine art and design?

One of the most notable influences Transcendentalism had was on the Hudson River School. This was a group of artists led by Thomas Cole. They painted landscapes of the United States. However, the underlying feeling of all the paintings is a reverence for nature out of fear of what is to come. The artists in the Hudson River School saw industrialization as a source of fear and in response painted beautiful landscapes to show what will be lost if nature is not protected.

At the end of the first quarter, you are surprised to learn that one third of your students still do not understand all of the letter sounds, which means they are now behind. What did you neglect to do? a. Send homework for parents to help teach phonics. b. Have students practice singing the alphabet song every morning. c. Ongoing assessment to make sure instruction is working. d. This was not your fault. Some of your students are just slower learners.

Ongoing assessment to make sure instruction is working.

What type of technology creates presentations in the form of a slide show that can be controlled and paced by the presenter through an online environment? a. Online Presentation b. Tech Presentation c. Official Presentation d. Live Presentation e. Simultaneous Presentation

Online Presentation

_____ sentence structure is a grammatical structure in a sentence where two or more items are grammatically identical.


Choose the most correct statement regarding parallel structure in a series of items. a. Parallel structure is a style element that does not change the grammar in a series. b. Parallel structure in a series often highlights verb tenses that agree. c. Parallel structure in a series can sometimes be a little harder on the ears. d. None of the answers are correct; series of items are not subject to parallel sentence structure.

Parallel structure in a series often highlights verb tenses that agree.

What name is given to a piece of research which is looked over by experts in a field review before it is published in an academic periodical? a. Organization sponsored research b. Verifiability checked research c. Peer-reviewed research d. Peer-examined research

Peer-reviewed research

'The flowers danced in the breeze' is an example of which stylistic device? a. Hyperbole b. Metaphor c. Allusion d. Personification


Which of the following gives animals or inanimate objects human qualities or characteristics? a. Alliteration b. Simile c. Personification d. Hyperbole e. Metaphor


_____ is a form of literature that usually targets social conventions, or political individuals and situations.


Josh is talking with his teacher; each time the teacher is talking, Josh waits for him to stop before he starts talking again. Which component of language is represented in this example? a. Phonology b. Semantics c. Morphology d. Pragmatics


Thinking about questions that may be asked at the end of your speech is referred to as: a. Predicting questions b. Anticipatory thinking c. Making positive responses d. Anticipating feedback

Predicting questions

_____ allows students to practice critical inferencing skills and focuses them as they read. Students learn to read a title, look at a table of contents, look at headings and graphics, and make _____ about what they will read about or how a story might proceed.

Predicting; predictions

Which word would make the following sentence grammatically correct? 'Students should check with their teachers before you leave the classroom.' a. Replace 'their' with 'his or her' b. Replace 'you' with 'they' c. Replace 'their' with 'there' d. Replace 'students' with 'they'

Replace 'you' with 'they'

Which of the following would LEAST represent the principle of fairness in modeling positive responses in a class discussion? a. Provide an opportunity for all students to participate. b. Make sure the discussion is equitable. c. Require all students to participate. d. Forbid interruptions.

Require all students to participate.

All of the following are examples of traditional American values at the beginning of the contemporary period, EXCEPT: a. Sex only after marriage b. Respect for the environment c. Racial segregation d. Free-market capitalism

Respect for the environment

Restoration Literature

Restoration literature alienated past artistic and anthropocentric characteristics of Renaissance literature. Moral indifference and depravity filled the pages, which reflected derelict social behaviors of the period. There was a keen interest in reviving Neo-classical Roman and Greek styles of writing like epic and lyric poetry and drama, both comedy and tragedy. Quite a bit of emphasis was placed on poetic procedures, syntax, and other writing mechanics, and subjects included humanity and its flaws, social life, politics, faith, science, and modernization, The Comedy of Manners, theatrical plays that ridiculed people and utilized quite a bit of sexual humor, were extremely popular. Other genres and characteristics of Restoration literature include satire, restoration of the monarchy, repudiation of Puritanism, revitalization of theaters, and French literature.

In The Odyssey, the main character, Odysseus, is trying to:

Return home to his wife and son

What part of the writing process includes looking at your essay that you have written in order to check and improve upon the organization, ideas, grammar, and mechanics?


In a paraphrase, you: a. Condense the author's idea into your own words b. None of the answers are correct c. Take an author's idea word for word from the text d. Rewrite the author's idea in your own words in about the same length e. All of the answers are correct

Rewrite the author's idea in your own words in about the same length

What are heroic couplets?

Rhyming lines of iambic pentameter

Which is the best description of Restoration comedy?

Risque and witty

What writer is credited with putting together the standard English dictionary until Oxford came along in the late 19th century?

Samuel Johnson

Which of the following is a strong reason to support the claim that Sarah Smith is the best candidate for mayor? a. Sarah Smith has won several dance championships over the years. b. Sarah Smith is a good person. c. Sarah Smith grew up in a nearby town. d. Sarah Smith loves her children very much. e. Sarah Smith has many years of experience on the city council and knows the issues facing the community.

Sarah Smith has many years of experience on the city council and knows the issues facing the community.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. The third line in a ballad stanza doesn't rhyme. b. Terza rima uses an interlocking rhyme scheme (aba bcb cdc . . . etc.). c. Ottava rima uses an abababcc; rhyme scheme. d. Sestinas use an aabbaa rhyme scheme.

Sestinas use an aabbaa rhyme scheme.

What is the most popular type of sonnet?

Shakespearean sonnet (ABABCDCDEFEFGG)

How do Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets differ?

Shakespearean sonnets have three quatrains and a couplet, while Petrarchan sonnets have two stanzas.

In The Odyssey, why doesn't Penelope send her suitors away?

She fears angering such important men without a husband to protect her

Why is the 19th century Cinderella not an example of strong women? a. She is always having things happen to her. She has no control over any of the events in her story. b. She can't lift anything on her own. c. She marries the prince. d. Her mother dies early in the story.

She is always having things happen to her. She has no control over any of the events in her story.

What was the focus of modernist poetry?


Elements in a Parallel Structure: Parallel Clauses

Some sentences contain several clauses connected to each other by a coordinate conjunction. One way to ensure that clauses are parallel is to check if they are all following the same grammatical pattern.

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules: Conjunctions & Compound Subjects

Some sentences have compound subjects, which are two subjects joined by a conjunction. Subject and verb agreement in these sentences is determined by the meaning of the conjunction; compound subjects that are cumulative (joined by 'and' or 'both/and') should take a plural verb, while compound subjects that contrast (joined by 'or,' 'either/or,' 'nor,' neither/nor,' 'but,' or 'yet') should be followed by a verb that agrees with the subject closest to the verb.

Modern Sonnet

Some sonnets written in the 20th and 21st centuries adhered to the rhyme scheme and meter of the styles mentioned above; others were written in blank verse (blank verse sonnets use iambic pentameter with no rhyme scheme).

Elements in a Parallel Structure: Parallel Phrases

Sometimes a sentence has more than one phrase (a group of words). It is essential that all the phrases in a sentence be parallel. By ensuring that all the phrases have the same parts of speech and grammar structure, writers can create parallel phrases.

Characteristics of Language: Symbolism

Sounds, or in the case of sign languages, actions, have meaning and therefore symbolize real objects and concepts; the language must have meaning

What is a good way to get students engaged in a discussion? a. Start with a problem or question. b. Surprise them with the topic. c. Have the principal come in and lead the discussion. d. Start with very short time slots.

Start with a problem or question.

What should you be able to do once you've finished interpreting a piece of literature? a. Understand how the story would continue if the plot went longer. b. Understand the characters so that you know them better than the author does. c. State the theme of the story and see how it relates to the story elements and your own experiences. d. Understand why the author wrote the story.

State the theme of the story and see how it relates to the story elements and your own experiences.

What are the two types of premises an argument can have? a. Simple and complex. b. Covered and hidden. c. Stated and repeated. d. Spoken and mimed. e. Stated and implied.

Stated and implied.

Samantha is giving a speech on the dangers of texting while driving. She wants to emphasize the point that a growing number of people are killed and injured each year because of accidents involving the use of cellphones while driving. What supporting idea aligns well with this portion of her speech? a. Statistics b. Storytelling c. Definitions d. Narration


Every country has its own folktales but sometimes even countries that are far apart share the same one. What is a folk tale that is told all over the world?

Stone Soup

Reading interventions are: a. Part of the process where you stage a confrontation with your struggling readers and tell them that they have a problem. b. Part of a television show where people are confronted by others about issues that they have. c. Strategies and activities that you create and implement to help your students who are struggling to read. d. Gimmicks used to trick your students into reading even when they have no interest in doing so.

Strategies and activities that you create and implement to help your students who are struggling to read.

Which of the following is a strong claim for a short essay? a. Strong crime prevention programs in elementary schools are necessary to decrease criminal activity in the long term. b. The weather lately has been horrible. c. None of these d. My favorite color is blue. e. The government ought to do more to prevent crime.

Strong crime prevention programs in elementary schools are necessary to decrease criminal activity in the long term.

Given the example of the WWII propaganda poster, Rosie the Riveter, which of the following would be considered an explicit meaning? a. Feminist message b. World War II propaganda c. Social Iconoclast d. Strong woman

Strong woman

The traditional haiku structure is a little challenging to understand in English, as it depends on several concepts that exist only in Japanese and do not translate well. Elements of haikus include: (4)

Structure, Kireji, tense, subject matter

Removing transitional words and phrases from a published paragraph is a good classroom activity because: a. Those words and phrases are rarely needed. b. Students overuse transitions in their own writing. c. Students can discuss the ease of reading a paragraph that has no transitions. d. Students need practice with concision.

Students can discuss the ease of reading a paragraph that has no transitions.

_____is important to the reading process because it helps students consolidate what they have learned. It can also alert them to areas they did not fully understand because those areas will be difficult for them to _____.

Summarizing; summarize

Which of the following is the main thing you can find in a thesaurus? a. Synonyms and antonyms b. Example usage c. Parts of speech d. Definitions e. Origins of the word

Synonyms and antonyms

Which of the following is an example of recursive writing? a. Prewriting before drafting b. Separating proofreading and editing c. Any of these could be good practices d. Revising your work by yourself e. Taking one of your argumentative papers and make it into a personal story about your topic

Taking one of your argumentative papers and make it into a personal story about your topic

Which of the following is NOT a suggested way to make sure your sentences are clear and easy to understand? a. Taking time to brainstorm creative ideas. b. Checking to see whether you are using the passive voice. c. Making sure all of the words in the sentence serve a purpose. d. Checking for common editing errors.

Taking time to brainstorm creative ideas.

Pretend you are writing a paper about the challenges facing the oil industry in the United States. Which one of these paper topics would seem to be the most relevant paper? a. New Engineering Processes For Tar Sand Extraction b. Taxation and Regulation of Oil: A Study c. From Standard Oil to Exxon Mobil: A History of the U.S. Oil Industry d. Oil's Effect on Climate Change

Taxation and Regulation of Oil: A Study

What is differentiation? a. Creating different lessons each day b. Teaching in different ways so all students learn c. Teaching different content to different grade levels d. Making different students do different work

Teaching in different ways so all students learn


Term we use for the everyday writing that you find in letters and novels; meaning in prose comes from the actual definition of the words being used

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, why does Gilgamesh refuse the goddess Ishtar as a lover?

Terrible things tend to happen to those who have sex with Ishtar.

Smitty wants to convince his audience that his diet pill invention works better than any other on the market and is safe to use. What supporting idea should he use? a. Testimony of a doctor b. Definitions of terms c. Commonalities with the audience d. Exposition of details

Testimony of a doctor

Print media, as opposed to artistic media, are almost always based on what? a. Images or objects b. Auditory media c. Visual media d. Text


Which of the following elements are commonly included on presentation slides? a. Images only b. Text and images c. Text only d. Audio and video

Text and images

Which of the following is NOT a helpful way to self-correct when the discussion brings up issues that would take the discussion off track or that you don't know how to answer? a. Admit when you don't know enough to answer a question. b. Keep a running list of things to research later. c. Use tangents as ideas for further lesson planning. d. Thank the student for a great question and move on.

Thank the student for a great question and move on.

Which of the following awards was S.E. Hinton the first to receive? a. The New York Public Library Best Book Award b. The Caldecott Award c. The Newberry Award d. The ALA/School Library Journal Service Award

The ALA/School Library Journal Service Award

What does the imagery in the poem Harlem by Langston Hughes symbolize? a. The confines of female gender roles b. The Russian Revolution of 1917 c. A raisin in the sun d. The African-American experience

The African-American experience

This major work was written by J. D. Salinger:

The Catcher in the Rye

What was the name of the primary magazine for the Transcendentalists?

The Dial-published countless essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and others. Margaret Fuller was named editor of this magazine and helped expand the movement's message.

What philosophical event marked the Restoration period?

The Enlightenment

Examples of YA 'Sick Lit'

The Fault in our Stars, If I Stay, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower

What are four classics of World Literature and what do they discuss?

The Odyssey, Things Fall Apart, A Doll's House, and The Recognition of Sakuntala -discuss humanity, adventure, love, civilization, life, inequality, etc.

What is one of the primary interests of postmodern literary theory?

The Other

This major work of young adult literature focuses on class issues in teenagers:

The Outsiders

Which of the following novels was S.E. Hinton's debut novel? a. Tex b. Rumble Fish c. The Outsiders d. That Was Then, This Is Now

The Outsiders

Which of the following is an argument against Noam Chomsky's theory of universal language? a. Children may not begin to use complex sentences until 25 months or older. b. Babies are able to tell the difference between Hindi sounds that are not found in English. c. Scientists have found that children go through five stages in language acquisition. d. The Pirahã people speak a language that doesn't follow usual language rules. e. Researchers have found many grammatical features shared across different languages.

The Pirahã people speak a language that doesn't follow usual language rules.

Which of the selections mentioned touches on attraction, relationships, and mistaken identities? These are all elements found in modern romantic comedies. a. A Doll's House b. Don Quixote c. The Recognition of Sakuntala d. The Odyssey e. War and Peace

The Recognition of Sakuntala

How did the Romantic period differ from the Age of Enlightenment?

The Romantic period had a focus on emotions and imagination, while the Age of Enlightenment focused on reason.

Why is it called the Harlem Renaissance?

The South became unlivable and African Americans began to migrate north in what became known as the Great Migration. . As African Americans moved northward, approximately 175,000 settled in the Harlem neighborhood in New York City. Harlem covers just three square miles, making it the densest population of Black people in the world. Because New York City is home to much of America's culture and many of its publishing companies, it was a natural fit as the epicenter for an outpouring of artistic achievement by its new residents.

Who were the three major players at the end of the 17th century (Caroline/Interregnum/Restoration period)?

The Three Johns -John Milton -John Dryden -John Bunyan

British Modernist Authors: T.S. Eliot

The Wasteland" and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" are two works that illustrate his modernist take on literature. He used drama and chaos to highlight the exhaustion in his subjects.

Nature changes...

The actions of the hero and/or the gods in Native American stories often end up affecting or changing nature. In this way, nature becomes a symbol of what the hero is going through. Sometimes natural problems, such as a lack of rain or too much snow, are the beginning of the hero's journey, and sometimes they are something that pops up during the journey.

Select the best revision of the following thesis: 'Apples are definitely better than other fruit.' a. Apples are better than other fruit because they're tastier. b. Apples are definitely better than oranges. c. Apples are the finest fruit. d. The apple is easy to grow, maintain, and cultivate, full of variety, and delicious to boot -- so there is little doubt that they are nature's finest fruit.

The apple is easy to grow, maintain, and cultivate, full of variety, and delicious to boot -- so there is little doubt that they are nature's finest fruit.

Which of these statements is TRUE about informational texts? a. Informational texts are generally written in first person. b. The author clearly states their personal opinion on the topic. c. The author usually provides clues to their point of view on the topic. d. The purpose of an informational text is to persuade the reader.

The author usually provides clues to their point of view on the topic.

How can you determine author's point of view in informational texts? a. The author will present the facts in a certain way. b. The author will explicitly state his or her opinion. c. None of the answers are correct; it's impossible to determine the author's point of view in this type of text. d. The author will state it at the end of the article or in a footnote.

The author will present the facts in a certain way.

What is tone? a. The way we speak to each other b. The right pitch when singing c. The feelings in a story d. The atmosphere of a story e. The author's attitude towards a topic

The author's attitude towards a topic

According to most modern schools of literary theory, how important is a text's author in determining its intent?

The author's intent doesn't matter.

Rhetoric can be defined as which one of the following? a. The author's use of opinion b. The author's use of language c. The author's use of quotes d. The author's use of facts and figures

The author's use of language

Describe the quest of identity in Contemporary literature.

The characters are searching for who they are and struggling to find their place in the modern world. This quest to find one's self is often a lonely one, where the main character feels out of place, isolated, or misunderstood in society.

How's does an era's zeitgeist affect an author's work? a. The beliefs and ideas of an author's era tend to show up in his or her work, making even recycled stories unique. b. Authors tend to use the same settings and themes, no matter when they complete their work. c. Women are always portrayed a certain way in stories. d. The same ideas and beliefs show up in all stories, regardless of when they were written.

The beliefs and ideas of an author's era tend to show up in his or her work, making even recycled stories unique.

Where should your bibliography appear? a. The bibliography should be directly after the title page. b. The bibliography should be spread throughout the paper. c. The bibliography should be the last page before the index. d. The bibliography should be where ever you would like.

The bibliography should be the last page before the index.

Which of the following best helps a book gain popularity outside of its native country? a. The book deals with issues that are important, no matter what country you live in. b. The book deals with events that could happen in the future. c. The book is written in the native language of the writer. d. The writing in the book is highly experimental. e. The book is cyberpunk and a pastiche.

The book deals with issues that are important, no matter what country you live in.

The Nigerian novel Things Fall Apart is one of the great works of world literature. Which of the following traits is the most necessary to earn that recognition? a. The book was written in English. b. The main character is a tragic hero. c. The book is widely read and appreciated outside of Nigeria. d. It has a memorable main character. e. It tells an engaging story.

The book is widely read and appreciated outside of Nigeria.

Which of the following is an example of a simile? a. Her morning coffee hugged her with its warmth. b. Old King Cole was a jolly old soul. c. The boy was as hungry as a horse. d. That test was a beast. e. Every dog has its day.

The boy was as hungry as a horse.

Which of the following answers use correct punctuation? a. The family's trip took them to: New York City, New York, Providence, Rhode Island, Savannah, Georgia, and New Orleans, Louisiana and back. b. The family's trip took them to New York City, New York, Providence, Rhode Island, Savannah, Georgia, and New Orleans, Louisiana -- and back. c. The family's trip took them to New York City, New York; Providence, Rhode Island; Savannah, Georgia; and New Orleans, Louisiana -- and back. d. The family's trip took them to New York City, New York; Providence, Rhode Island, Savannah, Georgia; and New Orleans, Louisiana, and back.

The family's trip took them to New York City, New York; Providence, Rhode Island; Savannah, Georgia; and New Orleans, Louisiana -- and back.

How does the "hero" change in Modernism?

The hero no longer wins the day, with the world safe, and the audience no longer has closure. Instead the Modernist hero carries the disillusionment and fragmentation that defines the Modernist era.

Why did people question their faith in humanity throughout the end of modernism?

The horror of WWII

Which of the following factors support the nativist theory of language development? a. The speed at which children learn a language. b. The idea of universal grammar c. The wide variety in languages spoken around the world. d. The process of gradual language development.

The idea of universal grammar

Romantic Poetry Themes: revolution

The ideals of the French Revolution filtered into Romantic poetry, with many works expounding on the virtues of democracy and liberty. Lord Byron also lived his ideals on this front, going to Greece to fight for Greek independence from Turkey.

Which statement below BEST defines a theme used in literature? a. The ideas about life the author wants to express. b. The overall feeling of the work. c. Supporting details in an argument. d. Where and when a story takes place. e. An idea that keeps coming up throughout the story.

The ideas about life the author wants to express.

How did Modernists influence the American Contemporary period?

The modernists had heightened awareness that truth is merely a product of human perception. If truth is so influenced by human perception, then a clear, objective standard for truth isn't quite so clear-cut, and reality is, to some extent, what we make of it.

Which of the following best defines a primary source? a. An account of events provided in a book, where the author analyzes a lot of letters relevant to the topic b. A source that faithfully relates information that was produced by someone else or somewhere else c. The original place where information can be found, or the first person to make that information available d. Any article written in a highly regarded peer-reviewed journal

The original place where information can be found, or the first person to make that information available

The following quote from a teenage girl, about her experience with cyberbullying, was reported by professors Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin. 'It makes me hurt both physically and mentally. It scares me and takes away all my confidence. It makes me feel sick and worthless' (Hinduja and Patchin 2010) Why is the quote an effective attention getter? a. The quote allows readers to know the essay topic is important. b. Quotes are always an effective attention getter. c. A direct quote proves the writer is an authority. d. The pain expressed in her quote allows readers to empathize with her, even if they haven't experienced something similar.

The pain expressed in her quote allows readers to empathize with her, even if they haven't experienced something similar.

Thesis Type: Persuasive Statement

The persuasive statement presents the central argument that the author plans to argue for in the body of the essay.

Elements of Style in: Rhythm and Tone

The rhythm from the words being said can express the emotional state of the character, artist, or writer


The process of marking lines of poetry to show the type of feet and the number of feet they contain (when you look at the elements of the lines, the rhythm, the meter and all that stuff)

What is a purpose statement?

The purpose statement will not be included in the essay, but it helps the writer identify in their mind the reason for writing the essay and the argument being presented. The thesis statement can then be created using the purpose statement as a guide.

Your research question is: 'What is the effect of television viewing on Americans?' What is the PROBABLE reason that this question would need some revision. a. The question is too narrowly focused. b. The question does not lend itself to research easily. c. The question is too broadly focused. d. The question does not center on specific concerns or issues.

The question is too broadly focused.

What has influenced the spread of ideas among writers?

The rapid expansion of technology

How does a reader using metacognition understand a difficulty identified in the text?

The reader attempts to paraphrase what the author said in the passage that was difficult.

How should an active reader handle unknown words in a text?

The reader should write down unknown terms and look up their definitions before continuing in the text.

Is it possible to adjust the research question?

The researcher might need to adjust the research question after beginning the study. Research may reveal new aspects, or the researcher might discover that the question is too narrow or too broad. After some early research, the question can be revised to ensure that it is appropriately clear, focused, complex, and answerable.

What does 'meter' mean?

The rhythm created by organizing a poem around emphasis on certain syllables.

Why is setting important?

The setting lets readers know the time, the season, what is going on around the characters that impact their feelings and decisions, and the overall theme of the story.

What is the difference between the simple predicate and complete predicate?

The simple predicate is the verb phrase that expresses either the simple subject's action (what it's doing) or the simple subject's mode of being (what it is.) The complete predicate contains all of the words that help the simple predicate express whatever it is expressing about the subject.

What is the difference between the simple subject and complete subject?

The simple subject is the noun that names the who or the what the sentence is about, and the complete subject contains all the words describing the simple subject plus the simple subject itself.

Select the best revision of the following thesis: 'Setting the legal drinking age at 21 seems unfair because you can serve in the military at 18.' a. The solution to the gap between the age at which you can die for your country and the age at which you can drink is perhaps not to change the drinking age but to raise the fighting age. b. At 18, you can fight and die for your country, but you cannot legally have a drink. c. 18 is the perfect age to start drinking. d. Setting the drinking age to 18 makes more sense than it being set at 21.

The solution to the gap between the age at which you can die for your country and the age at which you can drink is perhaps not to change the drinking age but to raise the fighting age.

How would an audience member know that a speaker was giving an extemporaneous speech? a. The speaker uses no notes and recites a memorized text b. The speaker uses a few notes to look at and talks in a conversational tone c. The title 'Extemporaneous Speaker' is listed by his/her name in the program d. The speaker has a manuscript that is read directly to the audience

The speaker uses a few notes to look at and talks in a conversational tone

Charles Dickens became well-known for consistently utilizing what theme throughout his writings? a. The theme of good people coping with bad circumstances b. The theme of bad people prevailing over good people c. The theme of societal improvement through charitable works d. The theme of rigid adherence to social norms and patterns

The theme of good people coping with bad circumstances


a conceptual framework a person uses to make sense of the world (categories established in your mind)

Which of the following would you NOT preview before reading an informational text? a. Preface b. The supplemental information suggested by the author c. Glossary d. Preview all of these e. Table of contents

The supplemental information suggested by the author

What is the ideal reader? a. The last person a writer has in mind when writing b. The targeted audience of the author c. The only person a writer acknowledges d. The targeted writer of the audience

The targeted audience of the author

What is modeled writing?

The teacher models what he or she expects, which gives students a starting point and provides them with access to the ideas that will help them begin the writing process. When modeling writing, it is important to show students the steps it takes to get to a finished product.

Explicit instruction is a research-based teaching approach that has great advantages for ELLs. Which of the following is an example of a research-based approach as a teacher instructs students on adjective/noun structure? a. The teacher tells students adjectives always go before nouns. b. The teacher gives a list of adjectives so students can add a noun. c. The teacher gives lots of examples of adjectives/nouns. d. The teacher places adjectives/nouns in sentences.

The teacher tells students adjectives always go before nouns.

Which of the following sentences contains a mixed metaphor? a. The yard was covered in a blanket of snow. b. 'She has a heart of gold, that one,' he said. c. The team must get their ducks on the same page. d. Young love is a candle that burns bright in the darkness.

The team must get their ducks on the same page.

Longer pieces of literature can have several themes. What is one theme in The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play?

The teen years are lonely years.

Why are symbols important?

These connections through the use of symbols are intentionally made by the author and reinforce the overall meaning of the story.

Why is the use of ClipArt frowned upon? a. There are copyright issues involved. b. These images won't match your color scheme. c. The quality of these images are low and do not show up well on presentations. d. These images are often simply decorative and do not add meaning to the presenter's message.

These images are often simply decorative and do not add meaning to the presenter's message.

What is a stealth singular noun?

These nouns look like plural nouns (they have a plural form - either an 's' or 'es' on the end of the word), but they refer to a single thing and thus they demand a singular form of a verb to match up with. EX: politics, gymnastics, mathematics, news, darts, eggs benedict, etc

How did the techniques of authors change in the Modernist era?

They abandoned the traditional stages of the novel and wrote in a more fragmented manner. These authors often used short, choppy sentences to relay the tone of their characters. Poets often wrote in incomplete sentences using only a few words to create a brief, direct image. (a popular technique was stream of consciousness)

How are the various different kinds of irony similar? a. They all involve multiple story lines that are all taking place simultaneously. b. They all add puzzles and humor to the story. c. They all involve an incongruity between what's happening and what people think is happening. d. They're all tied directly to the plotting of the story.

They all involve an incongruity between what's happening and what people think is happening.

How do Jane Austen's novels, including Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice have a similar type of plot?

They both focus on women searching for suitable husbands.

Why might a teacher avoid class discussions? a. They can be challenging to manage. b. Discussions are not a great way to learn. c. Discussions take away from the curriculum. d. Discussions make quiet students feel bad.

They can be challenging to manage.

What is a benefit of children reading to stuffed animals?

They can read without being nervous about people hearing them

Which of the following BEST explains why the alarm calls made by vervet monkeys should not be considered language? a. They have only phonemes and not morphemes b. They are made up of only a few words and modifiers c. They can't be combined to produce additional meanings d. They demonstrate a complex and interchangeable variety of calls e. They include just one call for a variety of dangers

They can't be combined to produce additional meanings

How did Americans react to the Age of Reason fifty years after the Revolutionary War?

They challenged the rational thinking of the Age of Reason.

In the story of The Ugly Duckling, how do the characters connect to the theme? a. They develop the main character who explains the theme. b. They give the theme impact by making the reader feel the injustice. c. They take up space that the theme should occupy in the story. d. They tell the reader the theme. e. They keep the theme in the reader's memory by stating it.

They give the theme impact by making the reader feel the injustice.

When did free verse poems become popular?

They have existed for awhile but became popular at the start of the 20th century.

Why are sidebars and reviews important in an informational text? a. All of these are correct b. They condense a whole chapter (every major and minor detail) in just a few lines c. It helps us only have to read these ideas d. They separate only the most important ideas and eliminate the fluff e. They help identify and review the main ideas of the writing

They help identify and review the main ideas of the writing

Why are many of the authors and works of the Realist period considered revolutionary?

They highlighted social problems of their time and country and debates were sparked by many of the works.

What is the purpose of tickets in class discussion? a. They help the teacher know who is participating. b. They keep the more active participants from dominating. c. They keep the quieter students from dropping out. d. They make discussions more interesting.

They keep the more active participants from dominating.

Why is chunking a helpful strategy?

This strategy helps students comprehend long, complex texts. Chunking also slows readers down because they work to understand one section before moving on to the next.

How does reading and thinking aloud help students?

This strategy slows reading down for students and models the cognitive processes they should go through as they read. (allows students to eavesdrop on the thoughts of an active reader)

What influenced Henry David Thoreau to write Walden?

Thoreau was younger than Emerson and eventually moved into his home where they collaborated heavily. This relationship enabled him to fully implement Transcendentalism in his own life by moving to a cabin on Emerson's land and living on the shore of Walden Pond for two years. By the end of two years, Thoreau emerged from the woods and wrote the book Walden in which he explained what he was able to learn and what he experienced living alone amongst nature for so long.

The best secondary sources are _____. a. Those published most recently b. Those that are published before the event occurred c. All of the answer choices are correct d. Those written at the time of the event

Those published most recently

How do children learn syntax? a. Through a process that consists of two stages: pre-writing and writing development. b. Syntax is always learned after children are three years old, through various grammar exercises that parents should do at home. c. Syntax is learned when children enter school and start receiving grammar lectures. d. Through a process that consists of a series of developmental stages, starting with understanding language and speech.

Through a process that consists of a series of developmental stages, starting with understanding language and speech.

Why do bookstores separate fiction into different genres?

To make it easier to find certain books

Why would an author use an extended metaphor? a. To both create a stronger 'visual' experience and a stronger comparison b. Because they have too much to say c. To create a stronger comparison between the two subjects d. To help the audience visualize the idea or story

To both create a stronger 'visual' experience and a stronger comparison

What is the primary purpose of an informational text?

To convey knowledge about a topic

What is the purpose of a persuasive speech? a. To convince the audience to take a side, think in a certain way, or believe in a particular viewpoint. b. To demonstrate to the audience how to do something new or to do an old thing in a new way. c. To establish the credentials and authority of the speaker. d. To teach the audience new information about an unfamiliar topic.

To convince the audience to take a side, think in a certain way, or believe in a particular viewpoint.

What is the purpose of an extended metaphor? a. To simplify a work of literature. b. To create suspense in a work of literature. c. To create a deeper, more involved comparison within a work of literature. d. To add humor to a work of literature.

To create a deeper, more involved comparison within a work of literature.

Why is it important to proofread your essay? a. It can prove to be a helpful step before you begin writing your next essay. b. To ensure that you do not overlook silly mistakes that can affect your credibility. c. The proofreading process can be entertaining. d. You may find a quote that you want to add to your essay.

To ensure that you do not overlook silly mistakes that can affect your credibility.

What is the main goal of a Marxist critic? a. To examine how war affects a character's life b. To examine how gender affects a character's life c. To examine how feminism affects a character's life d. To examine how economics affect a character's life e. To examine how history affects a character's life

To examine how economics affect a character's life

When checking for plagiarism, what is the purpose of searching a piece of information in a search engine? a. To confirm that the information is accurate. b. To make sure you are presenting the sourced material word for word. c. To find the sources which published the information you are using. d. Search engines are not useful in checking for plagiarism.

To find the sources which published the information you are using.

What is the standard purpose of an author writing an informational text? a. To inform you about the topic b. To entertain you c. To inform you about his or her opinion d. To persuade you of his or her opinion

To inform you about the topic

The function of a secondary source is _____. a. To convince others of your opinion b. To give history prior to the event c. To interpret original materials d. All of the answer choices

To interpret original materials

What is the difference between drawing conclusions and making inferences?

To make an inference and draw a conclusion are the same thing. In both cases, students must combine details in the text with their own prior knowledge and experiences to make a guess, judgment, assumption, or prediction about the text.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of informational text? a. To persuade the reader to take action b. To give insight into actual human beings affected by historical events c. To provide the reader with instruction on how to live in the world of nature and/or human beings d. To provide the reader with information about a topic in the world of nature and/or human beings

To provide the reader with information about a topic in the world of nature and/or human beings

What is the function of a primary source? a. To make researching a time period difficult b. To explain why an event occurred c. To record original events or materials d. To make it more costly to get accurate information

To record original events or materials

Why should you preview an informational text before reading? a. To review the main goals and ideas of the writing b. To create an outline that you can follow c. To plan how long it will take to read d. To create a plan for reading it e. Preview is optional and not really necessary

To review the main goals and ideas of the writing

Why is capitalization important? a. As a formatting tool to illustrate the start of a new paragraph or section b. None of the answers are correct; capitalization does not play an important role in conveying a clear meaning to readers. c. To clearly demonstrate a strong emotion that a writer is attempting to convey to readers d. To show readers the importance of specific words and to indicate a change in meanings

To show readers the importance of specific words and to indicate a change in meanings

What does it mean to plagiarize? a. To make up information and pretend it is true. b. To steal or pass off the ideas or words of another as your own. c. To attribute a comment to someone that they never actually said. d. To pretend to know things that you don't really know.

To steal or pass off the ideas or words of another as your own.

What is the purpose of supporting ideas? a. To provide extensive details. b. To restate the main idea. c. To supplement the thesis. d. To supplement other supporting ideas.

To supplement the thesis.

Why is the 'bridge' used? a. To present the conclusion of the essay. b. To transition from the attention getter to the thesis. c. To present the main idea of the essay. d. To get the attention of the reader.

To transition from the attention getter to the thesis.

What technology transfers video from a source (such as a cell phone) into a digital format? a. Motion Capture b. Digital Capture c. Screen Capture d. Video Capture e. Component Capture

Video Capture

Tables, charts, maps, and diagrams are all examples of which form of media? a. Presentations b. Multimedia c. Reportage d. Visual graphics

Visual graphics

Which vocal quality can be adjusted in ways similar to a radio? a. Volume b. Pitch c. Fluency d. Tone


Who was another prominent thinker of the Harlem Renaissance era?

W.E.B Dubois, believed that art should be created as a form of propaganda to allow black people to gain the right to love and enjoy (all art should have a political or social goal)

Due to her nervousness when speaking in front of an audience, Alicia tends to stand directly behind a podium. However, it is difficult to engage with her audience this way. What is the best way for Alicia to begin to move around the stage when speaking? a. Walk quickly from side-to-side to ensure she makes eye contact with all participants. b. Place two podiums, one at each end of the stage, and spend equal time speaking at each of them c. It is not really acceptable to move around the stage. d. Walk in a slow pace from side-to-side since sudden moves will distract the audience.

Walk in a slow pace from side-to-side since sudden moves will distract the audience.

Which Transcendentalist is considered the father of free verse poetry?

Walt Whitman

Who made free verse popular among American poets?

Walt Whitman

Which of the following is NOT the correct way to use the colon? a. I'm going to watch a movie called 'Caesar: The Rise of Rome'. b. Tom went to school and saw his worst nightmare: his parents talking to his math teacher. c. We believe that a lot of things need to be changed around the school: books, the teacher's attitudes, as well as the equipment. d. We are trying very hard to explain the situation to everyone and work on all of the existing concerns: Moving on, there are many difficult things we must discuss.

We are trying very hard to explain the situation to everyone and work on all of the existing concerns: Moving on, there are many difficult things we must discuss.

What is the best example of an outside force playing a role in an internal conflict? a. When a person realizes that the expectations of others are different from their own desires, but they don't want to let anyone else down b. When a person's rights are not respected by those of a different ethnic group c. When a person has a lot of money and someone else tries to steal it d. When a person is injured in a tornado that hits their home

When a person realizes that the expectations of others are different from their own desires, but they don't want to let anyone else down

Why is it important to comprehend what is being read?

When an individual does not comprehend what they are reading, they can read the same information multiple times and not remember what is being conveyed to them. They do not internalize the information and they are not actively interacting with the reading.

Elements in a Parallel Structure: Parallel Comparisons

When comparing two elements in a sentence, the two elements must be parallel. The following is an example of parallelism in writing: Some professors like teaching undergraduate courses more than teaching graduate courses. This example is comparing two elements of teaching undergraduate courses and teaching graduate courses. Both elements are shown in the form of gerunds.

Which one of the following might indicate that there's a potential problem with a thesis? a. When it sets expectations for the reader b. When it has too many arguments that confuse the reader c. When it provides both a claim and a reason d. When it directly answers the question in the prompt

When it has too many arguments that confuse the reader

Elements in a Parallel Structure: Items in a Series

When listing items in a series, parallel sentence structure is commonly used. The parallel structure when listing items in a series usually underscores the verb tenses that agree.

When might you see an opinion in an informational text? a. When someone relevant to the topic is quoted b. None of the answers are correct; there should never be opinions in informational texts c. When the author puts quotation marks around his or her opinion. d. When the author might explicitly state his or her opinion

When someone relevant to the topic is quoted

Which of the following is NOT a reason a teacher might want to model some strategies for de-escalation during a class discussion? a. When students are not participating b. When students engage in ad hominem c. When debating controversial topics d. When tangents derail the discussion

When students are not participating

How is using references a helpful active reading strategy?

When students go through the process of looking up a word and possibly writing down the definition, they are engaging more with that word and will better remember it.

Which playwright is especially well-known and respected for his or her use of metaphors?

William Shakespeare

Which of the following sentences has a plural subject pronoun and a plural object pronoun? a. I want to live as long as I can, as long as I have someone by my side. b. We all dream big, but he is perhaps the biggest dreamer of them all. c. Whether we lived or died, it didn't matter to us either way. d. While I believe everything will be fine, many don't agree with me.

Whether we lived or died, it didn't matter to us either way.

Which of the following would be a good question to ask a group after reading a fictional book? a. Who was the main character's best friend? b. Where did the main character live? c. Which scene do you think was the most important? Why? d. What was the point of conflict for the character?

Which scene do you think was the most important? Why?

American Romantic Authors: Walt Whitman

Whitman's simple language and themes of freedom that emphasizes individualism and imagination have helped to make him the most popular poet of the American Romantic period. His poem, ''Song of Myself'', illustrates Whitman's focus on democracy and freedom.

What question(s) could a reader ask regarding the following: Element of Writing: Audience

Who is the author primarily addressing? How does my viewpoint compare to that of the original audience?

Who are some well-known American Romanticism authors?

William Cullen Bryant, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and Edgar Allen Poe

How can the initial stages of analysis help you feel connected to a piece of literature? a. You can make guesses about the story. b. You can make connections to the author and the topic. c. You can then spend more time reading the text. d. You will understand the assignment more clearly.

You can make connections to the author and the topic.

Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. The rhyme scheme of a ballad stanza is axbb. b. A sestina is made of six sestets and a couplet. c. 'We Real Cool' doesn't rhyme at all (except for the word 'we'). d. You can sing a ballad stanza to the tune of the Gilligan's Island theme song.

You can sing a ballad stanza to the tune of the Gilligan's Island theme song.

Which of the following sentences is NOT grammatically correct? a. You insult my honor. I challenge you to a duel. b. You insult my honor; therefore, I challenge you to a duel. c. You insult my honor I am challenging you to a duel. d. You insult my honor; I challenge you to a duel.

You insult my honor I am challenging you to a duel.

What may go wrong with a memorized speech? a. Reading from a script is boring b. The note cards you use may distract the audience c. The casual nature of making things up as you go along may be confusing to the audience d. You may forget a line or two

You may forget a line or two

You've looked over text features and thought about what you already know about the topic, then you made a prediction. What's the next step in the active reading process?

You should read the text and evaluate your prediction.

In which genre are S.E. Hinton's books categorized? a. Fantasy b. Romance c. Young adult d. Historical fiction

Young adult

Which of the following is a true statement about the changes in young adult literature over the past 50 years? a. Young adult literature has decreased in popularity. b. The audience for young adult literature has grown more narrow. c. Young adult literature has become more diverse and harder to define. d. Young adult literature has become more realistic. e. Young adult literature refuses to deal with more than topics associated with teens.

Young adult literature has become more diverse and harder to define.

A seven month old baby repeatedly babbles 'bababa' and 'dadada'. This is an example of a. overextending the meaning of words. b. a baby's first speech like sounds. c. universal grammar at work. d. a baby's use of phonemes from his native language. e. the development of Wernicke's area.

a baby's use of phonemes from his native language.

Neoclassical Writers: Samuel Johnson

a celebrated essayist, poet and critic who helped define and push the boundaries of English literature with his work - like an influential annotated edition of Shakespeare's plays and, most importantly, one of the first major dictionaries, simply titled A Dictionary of the English Language which was the preferred English language dictionary until the Oxford English Dictionary in 1895

Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach

a cognitive model of learning, which means it focuses solely on strategy-based instruction; the teacher does not get to choose the content; he or she must use the content from grade-level curriculum determined by the state. However, part of this approach is individualizing the vocabulary, verbal, reading and writing skills incorporated into the lessons; PRIOR KNOWLEDGE IS IMPORTANT IN THIS APPROACH

Types of Extended Metaphors: Mixed Metaphors

a combination of two incompatible metaphors that can produce humorous or confusing results; usually discouraged in writing unless they are used for deliberate comedic effect

What is a metaphor? Give an example.

a comparison between two dissimilar things, but it paints a verbal picture instead of using the words 'like' or 'as.' A comparison between a chimney and a black hole is a metaphor.

Individual Setting

more specific place of the story (character's house, specific park, grocery store, etc)

Which of the choices below would most likely be used as a symbol in a Dark Romantic piece of writing? a. sun b. white rose c. dove d. corpse

a corpse

A likely context for the use of the word acquit would be _____. a. a courtroom b. a school cafeteria c. a public park d. a doctor's office

a courtroom


a cultural movement that arose during the first half of the 19th century; centers around the idea that humans have knowledge from nature that goes beyond what can be understood with the senses

ad hominem

a fallacy that attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute; which means to insult someone rather than point out the flaw in their position

What is the mood of a story?

a feeling or emotion that is dominant at any given time, so the mood of a story is the overall feeling the reader gets that is projected by the story elements


a form of fictional dialogue presented through action or theatrical performance

Understanding what an author is trying to communicate is also called finding the _____ _____ in a story.

intended meaning

Describe the "Lost Generation" of Writers.

a group of writers and artists who moved from America to Paris during the early 1920s (the Roaring 20s); For this group of expatriates, America, in the aftermath of WWI, had become a symbol of the crumbling American Dream. These writers and artists sought to make sense of the fragmented world around them. Getting some distance between them and their native country allowed them to assess America's changing values from a new and different perspective.

What is a common theme that runs through many different Native American literature pieces?

a hero's journey to overcome adversity


a kind of logical argument that includes two or more pieces of evidence that lead to a logical conclusion; does not require readers to develop a conclusion independently EX: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

Predicting is... a. a reading strategy that allows readers to stop and take notes as they read in order to track their comprehension and anticipate what conflicts might arise. b. a reading comprehension strategy that readers use to anticipate what comes next by using their prior knowledge. c. a reading strategy that shows whether or not readers are following along when they are being read to. d. a reading comprehension strategy that readers use to anticipate what comes next based on clues from the text. e. a reading comprehension strategy that readers use to anticipate what comes next based on clues from the text and by using their prior knowledge.

a reading comprehension strategy that readers use to anticipate what comes next based on clues from the text and by using their prior knowledge.

Metacognitive Reading

a reading strategy that allows the reader to take control of their reading by thinking through the text; requires the reader to think about the text before, during, and after completing the material

Text-to-Text Connection

a reading strategy used to determine the relationship and commonalities between what a reader has read in the past to what they are currently reading

Rhetorical Word Devices: Diacope

a repetition of a phrase or word, broken up by other intervening words EX: One example is in Shakespeare's Hamlet: "To be or not to be that is the question".

Rhetorical Device: Hypophora

a rhetorical device in which a speaker asks a question and then immediately provides an answer to that question EX: ''When all looked hopeless and our family had our backs against the wall, what did we do? We pulled together and did what we had to do to make ends meet.''

Rhetorical Device: Procatalepsis

a rhetorical device in which a speaker refutes anticipated objections to their own arguments; used to present the perceived strengths of a position by tackling counterpoints that might be used to challenge a particular position or idea EX: ''You might say that my lack of experience makes me unqualified for this position; however, my drive and dedication make up for my lack of experience.''

Rhetorical Device: Polysyndeton

a rhetorical device in which words or phrases are connected repeatedly by the same conjunction such as ''and'' and ''or" and it is used to emphasize a particular idea in a narrative EX: ''The cops raided the house and found illegal guns and pounds of illegal drugs and stolen property and plans to rob a local bank.'' In this case, the use of ''and'' is meant to emphasize the severity of what the cops found when raiding the house. They did not just find evidence of one type of crime; they found several examples of serious illegal behavior.

Which of the following is an example of auditory imagery from the poem Metaphors by Sylvia Plath? a. a melon strolling on two tendrils b. a riddle in nine syllables c. an elephant d. a ponderous house

a riddle in nine syllables

Hundred Years War

a series of battles fought between France and England from 1337 to 1453

What did Edgar Allan Poe say about short stories?

a short story should not be longer than what a person could read in a single sitting, which he defined as requiring from a half-hour to one or two hours in its perusal.

Types of Verbal Irony: Understatement

a speaker uses a word of lesser severity to increase the severity of the unstated, more appropriate word. For example, at a diplomatic summit, a diplomat might say, "We have reached an impasse" to emphasize how a breakdown of talks has stalled trade agreements.

dactylic hexameter

a specific meter with six dactyls per line; Homer used this meter in The Odyssey

Strategies for Scaffolding Reading Instruction: Read Aloud/Think Aloud

a strategy in which teachers read aloud to model fluent reading and talk to their students about what was just read in order to demonstrate critical thinking skills

Romantic Poetry

a style of poetry developed in Europe in the 18th century and later adopted in America; not necessarily concerned with romance or romantic love as its subject matter; was in many ways a reaction to the Enlightenment's fascination with reason and science

What is a haiku?

a style of poetry originally developed in Japan in the thirteenth century; traditionally follows a very specific structure: it is composed of three lines, the first of which has five syllables, the second seven, and the third five again

Gothic Writing

a style of writing that is characterized by elements of fear, horror, death, and gloom, as well as romantic elements, such as nature, individuality, and very high emotion. These emotions can include fear and suspense. (It got its name from a form of architecture brought over from a North Germanic group called the Goths.)

What is nuance?

a subtle distinction, variation, or quality of something; definition related to literature is the slight differences in a word's meaning or usage that contributes to subtle shades of meaning

A character or prop that is used to represent something else is called _____.

a symbol

The _____, _____, and _____ all provide structure to an essay.

main idea, thesis statement, and topic sentences

What is literary theory?

a type of literary analysis that helps readers evaluate literature

What is a sonnet?

a type of poem, which contains fourteen lines and is usually written in iambic pentameter; there are a few different types of sonnets, each using a specific rhyme scheme; believed to have originated in 13th-century Italy, and derive their name from the Italian word sonneto, meaning ''little song''

Rhetorical Device: Rhetorical Question

a type of question that is asked for an effect or to make a point rather than to seek an answer

What is Regionalism?

a type of story telling that includes aspects of local color and the unique personality of a geographical area

Which of the following is an example of an authentic conversation you can use for your ELL class? a. a dialogue in the ELL textbook b. a video made by other ELLs c. a video that shows a real dialogue between two friends d. a listening included in the CD that accompanies the textbook

a video that shows a real dialogue between two friends

This active reading strategy slows readers down as they write out their thoughts or questions. What is it?


Extended Metaphors

another kind of metaphor that continues the same comparison throughout an entire literary work

Types of Extended Metaphors: Conceit

another word for a metaphor, but a metaphor that is particularly unusual, logically complex, and intellectual; most commonly used in poetry

According to linguists, there are several characteristics that a communication system must have to be considered a language. These characteristics are: (7)

arbitrariness, sociality, symbolism, systematicity, physiology, conventionality, productivity

Supporting Details

are information, details, or points of discussion that prove the main idea; In fiction writing, supporting details include the characters, plot details, and setting details. In non-fiction, supporting details can take many different forms such as statistics, examples, history, or logical analysis, among many others.

Which are types of informative nonfiction?

article and interview

Why are characters in Dark Romantic literature often mad or deranged?

as the result of guilt and sin

CRAAP Test: Purpose

ask yourself what the purpose of the information you are reading is

Inductive Validity

asks us to come up with a reasonable answer from the premise given and evaluate if this is in line with our conclusion

A reading teacher assigns students to read a novel and choose some way to show what they have read, either through writing a book report, creating a sculpture of the main characters, or making a 3D timeline of the plot. What is this teacher differentiating? a. content b. assessment c. teaching methods d. homework


Reader-response criticism _____. a. requires readers to respond to the author b. examines the influence of class and economic struggle c. assumes that there is no single correct meaning and therefore no single method of analysis d. on how society and historical events shape a writer's work

assumes that there is no single correct meaning and therefore no single method of analysis

Liza, a school librarian, believes a series of certain books should be made available to the students and that the principal has the authority to make that decision. Liza believes the books will encourage students to think outside the box and read more just for fun. She expects the school administration and students to also hold these _____ as acknowledgement of her argument. a. reasons b. assumptions c. ideas d. claims


The readers of a piece of persuasive writing are called what?


When you consider the age, education level, or experience level of the people that might read your paper, you are trying to define your __________.


Which tool can be used during a writing celebration? a. writer's workshop b. journal c. author's chair d. writing center e. word wall

author's chair

The _____ _____ is their intent for writing a text.

author's purpose

What is the format for APA in-text citations? Define and give an example.

author(s), year, page number -(Smith, 2021, pg. 12) *If the author is mentioned in the body of a sentence, the year should be in parentheses directly after the author with the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. -Smith (2021) writes, ''Every source should be cited'' (p. 12). *If no date, put n.d. If multiple authors use et al. If two authors, connect with &. If no author, use article title. If multiple pages use pp.#-#.

Early Middle Ages

basically starts when the Romans clear out in about 400 A.D.; a period of chaos and figuring out who should be in charge of stuff; he Normans come in and invade from France (William the Conqueror)


basically the writer's message to the reader (authors use various forms and genres to express)

Restoration Period in England (1660-1688)

began with reinstatement of Charles II; recovery of the Stuart-family kingship that reigned over Great Britain from 1603 to 1714 and spent the people's tax money on their lavish lifestyles; literature reflected spiritual nepotism and moral indifference/matters of the heart were abandoned for formality

Who/when was the sonnet believed to be invented by?

believed to have been invented in the 13th century CE by an Italian court poet named Giacomo da Lentini, who belonged to the Sicilian school of poets

Romantic Poetry Themes: transcendence

big emotions, altered states, and transcendent experiences were all important to the Romantic poets. It is for this reason that American Romanticism is closely linked to Transcendental poetry.

William Langland's Piers Plowman is an allegorical poem that differs from other kinds of poems because allegorical poems are _____.

big metaphors for something else

Examples of Literary Nonfiction

biographies, autobiographies, essays

What is one way to boost engagement in reading?

by making connections

What is the purpose of internal conflict?

can add depth to a character; can bring the reader into the mind of a particular character, humanizing their unique struggle; can justify their decisions; can help engage a reader and make them feel more connected to a novel

A _____ diagram can show how many related concepts the writer has available to work with when developing the content of an essay.


_____ in writing is the logical bridge between words, sentences, and paragraphs. _____writing uses devices to connect ideas within each sentence and paragraph.

coherence, coherent

How did Transcendentalism arise?

coincides with movement from the simple idealistic life of the countryside to the urban, toxic industrial centers where many were trying to make a livable wage and the Second Great Awakening (many Americans sought meaning and the Christian revival offered an answer); Transcendentalism offered a more secular answer to the unhappiness people were experiencing

What is another name for group nouns? a. count nouns b. concrete nouns c. abstract nouns d. collective nouns

collective nouns

The _____ operates as a comma in the introduction of a series and in a business address, but also can separate two independent clauses when one comments on the other. The _____ is also like something between a comma and a period: it can separate two closely linked independent clauses like a period, but doing the same thing with a comma would create a grammatically incorrect comma splice.

colon, semicolon


combines elements of prose and poetry into plays that are usually intended to be performed on stage; joins monologues and dialogues by characters with stage directions and occasionally narrative sections that explain the action (like poetry, can feature hidden meanings and messages that take some work to decipher)

A common grammatical error when combining independent clauses is the _____ _____, when independent clauses are combined with just a comma instead of a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

comma splice

What is wrong with the following sentence: Your email came early, I answered it right away

comma splice (has no coordinating conjunction)


comparison not using like or as; direct statement that one thing is another thing

The _____ subject is the noun that is being described along with all the other modifier words that go along with it. The _____ subject is also referred to as the noun phrase.

complete; complete

When independent and subordinate clauses are combined, the result is called a _____ sentence.


What kind of sentence is created when you join two independent clauses?

compound sentence

_____ subjects contain more than one noun that is being described by the predicate. Unlike the simple subject, the _____ subject can often contain other words, like conjunctions and pronouns.

compound; compound

What is theme in literature? a. the story's protagonist b. the time and place in which a story's events occur c. concerns or messages that run throughout a story d. the sequence of a story's events

concerns or messages that run throughout a story

A claim has two parts, the conclusion and the premise. The _____ is the claim that is given as a reason for believing. The _____ is the argument given to support the claim.

conclusion; premise

What kind of poetry has the following formal characteristics? -Active use of graphic space on the page or how the poem is printed or displayed -Intentional use of the visual aspects of language as well as its literal and poetic qualities -Strong relationship between the message or meaning of the poem and its visual appearance

concrete poetry

Every plot has _____, the main part which drives everything else.


What drives a plot forward?

conflict and theme

What is external conflict?

conflict comes from an external source

In a writer's workshop, which is the first step in a mini lesson? a. state the purpose for learning b. practicing methods of writing c. connect to the previous day's teaching d. modeling strategies

connect to the previous day's teaching

A semicolon can be used for all of the following EXCEPT to _____. a. connect two independent clauses that are closely related to each other b. connect two independent clauses that are widely dissimilar from each other c. clarify items in a list that have their own internal punctuation d. connect two independent clauses to strengthen the relationship between them

connect two independent clauses that are widely dissimilar from each other

A writer, however, has to create the tone with a voice that is constructed by the specific word choice decisions the writer makes. The writer can use _____ to achieve this purpose.


Any public piece of persuasive writing, from a Facebook post to a scholarly article, is written to be read, and to be effective the writer needs to know who their audience is in order to craft writing which appeals to that audience. Good writers do this in various ways, including _____, _____, and _____.

considering underlying assumptions, appealing to specific types of authority, changing their language to meet their audience

Terza Rima Sonnet

consists of fourteen lines in iambic pentameter, divided into four three-line stanzas, known as tercets, followed by a rhyming couplet; also uses a linked rhyme scheme: ABA-BCB-CDC-DED-EE

English Sonnet (Shakespearean)

consists of fourteen lines, but differs from the Italian sonnet because it is divided into three stanzas of four lines, called quatrains, followed by a couplet of two lines; rhyme scheme of an English sonnet is typically ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG

The most critical element of an essay is its _____. a. footnotes b. introductory paragraph c. concluding sentence d. content


Varying the texts students read, according to their reading abilities and interests, is an example of differentiating what? a. discipline b. assessment c. content d. teaching methods


What is an equation you can use to determine poetry's meaning?


Looking at the words surrounding an unknown word to determine its meaning is an example of using _____.

context clues

When reading critically, we make inferences using _____ and _____. a. the author's name; the date of publication b. context; previous knowledge c. guesses; pictures d. nouns; pronouns

context; previous knowledge

Indefinite pronouns may be used to replace _____ nouns (nouns that represent separate objects, places, or people that can be counted with numbers) or _____ nouns (nouns that represent ideas which cannot by counted with numbers).

countable, uncountable

What are some common types of stanzas? (8)

couplet, tercet/triple, quatrain, quintain, sexain, sonnets, sestinas, villanelles

The root that means govern is _____. a. cele b. leg c. crac d. simil e. ethn


What are some disadvantages of secondary sources?

created long after events have occurred (could lack detail that primary sources can provide), may not include enough sources or may not include enough sources with opposing viewpoints (can appear biased and imbalanced), may risk repeating previously-published research

Satirical Devices: Irony

creates or points out a situation that was meant to have a particular effect having the opposite effect

Why is external conflict important?

creates tension and moves the plot forward; allows characters to be motivated to action within their particular contexts; can help audiences relate to and root for characters; can enrich the world of the story

In a poem, the _____ is its literal meaning and _____ is what it implies.

denotation; connotation

A _____ _____ is a group of words containing a subject and a predicate that cannot stand alone without an independent clause that completes its meaning. They do not make sense on their own.

dependent clause

The type of young adult literature that has been called 'Sick Lit' usually deals with what subject?

depression or terminal illness

Temporal Setting

describes the time or era that the story takes place in

Through the use of _____, authors add depth to their characters while depicting a sense of realism to the story, advancing the plot line, and intensifying the conflict.


Which of the prefixes listed means opposite? a. re b. dis c. mis d. semi e. pre


Structural Analysis is: a. identifying known roots in unfamiliar words b. identifying unknown roots in unfamiliar words c. analyzing how words change using suffixes d. dividing words into parts to discover what an unknown word means e. is linking prefixes, roots, and suffixes together to form new words

dividing words into parts to discover what an unknown word means

What is a secondary source?

document, video, or other media created concerning specific events using first-hand accounts, or primary sources; a high-quality secondary source should provide a rigorous analysis, synthesis, or qualification of other primary or secondary sources

Types of Verbal Irony: Hyperbole

exaggeration in which overstatement expresses a more extreme case than is warranted. For example, if world events prohibit travel, a teenager might say "I'll die if I can't go to Paris!"

Figurative meaning of words can be _____. a. all of these are correct b. exaggerations c. literally understood d. used to invoke a certain feeling


Informative Nonfiction

explain or inform about a concept or situation; provide the reader with factual information

Some information in a text may be given to you _____. That is, it will be directly and clearly stated.


Every plot can be broken down into five elements:

exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

Five Components of a Plot

exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

What is concrete poetry?

express meaning and messages both visually and verbally; Concrete poems function as art objects in which the arrangement, spacing, color, and font of the printed text, as well as the possible inclusion of other graphics and symbols, contribute to the meaning of the poem.

Realism in British Literature

focused on presenting reality in as accurate a way as possible; appealed to many in the middle class who had more access to works of art thanks to the printing press


focused on the beauty of nature as well as the simplicity in life by emphasizing freedom, spontaneity, and the importance of love in literature and art

Types of Satire: Menippean

focuses less on social conventions and more on the attitudes of people, attacking particular types such as "pedants, bigots, cranks, parvenus, virtuosi, enthusiasts, rapacious and incompetent professional men of all kinds"

To _____ is to intentionally make someone feel stupid, irrational, and misunderstood; it is the opposite of active listening because it starts with someone who is declining to listen.


Reading Strategy: Extensive Reading

general reading to improve knowledge or for pleasure; may not require you to read or understand every word, but you'll definitely read most of the words

To build fluency, students should write often in a variety of _____ and _____. a. genres and purposes b. voices and models c. frames and mentor texts d. stages and processes

genres and purposes

In the following sentence, _____ is the subject noun and _____ is the verb. 'The two girls, as they stroll past the park, hear the faint sound of church bells chiming the hour.' a. girls; hear b. two; sound c. bells; hour d. the; hear

girls; hear

What is personification? Give an example.

gives animals or inanimate objects human qualities or characteristics. Sparks are personified when they are portrayed as dancing and playing.

If you find that you've written more of a descriptive essay when you meant to write a persuasive essay, you should _____. a. reorganize your body paragraphs b. add a stronger concluding paragraph to fit the essay you've written c. change the title of your essay d. go back and add persuasive statements following each instance of evidence in your essay e. change the thesis of your essay

go back and add persuasive statements following each instance of evidence in your essay

The component of language that involves two parts, syntax and morphology is known as _____ development. a. semantic b. grammatical c. pragmatic d. speech


Technical meanings of words will often be found in _____. a. novels b. short stories c. journal articles d. handbooks for installation manuals

handbooks for installation manuals

A coherent body paragraph is one that _____. a. can also serve as concluding paragraph b. includes all of the ideas that have been brainstormed c. presents a well-developed thesis sentence d. has clear, logical sentences that flow together well

has clear, logical sentences that flow together well

Why did Puritan writing have a stronger influence on colonial literature than other groups?

he Puritans were mostly middle-class and well-educated (other colonies were founded by tradesmen who did not really emphasize reading and writing)

What is the plot of a story?

he series of events that make up a narrative

Why is it called a "working thesis statement?"

he thesis statement can be revised throughout the writing process to ensure clarity; writers may begin with a shorter thesis statement, but then discover the statement needs to be revised to include more information, or they could revise it to succinctly communicate the argument

What is differentiated instruction? a. how a teacher adjusts or modifies his or her classroom in order to meet a variety of student needs b. how a teacher should plan instruction according to how the average student learns c. how a teacher adjusts or modifies his or her classroom only to help those students who struggle d. how the students respond to instruction in different ways

how a teacher adjusts or modifies his or her classroom in order to meet a variety of student needs

What contributed to the development of Romanticism?

immigration -> contributed to the growth of a uniquely American identity

How did Transcendentalism impact American culture?

impacted religion, politics, education, fine arts and design

What are the four types of speech delivery?

impromptu, manuscript, extemporaneous, memorized

The Odyssey began in the middle, also known as...

in media res

An _____ is a piece of information that's not given to you directly, but which you're able to understand from context and your own experiences.


What is the difference between ''infer'' vs ''imply?'

inference is the interpretation of implication

A speech meant to teach something is written to _____ the audience. a. inform b. unite c. shock d. persuade


An _____ _____ is a faulty argument in which the content of the argument fails to prove the premise.

informal fallacy

Essential Information

information which clearly relates to a topic

Incidental Information

information which is part of what we're learning about, but not necessarily important

When learning how to make literary inferences, it is important to follow a simple, logically consistent model, sometimes called a _____ _____ _____.

ladder of inference

What are some formal features commonly found in free verse poetry? (3)

line breaks, strophe, parallelism

Rendering foreign words by their primary definitions in another language is known as _____.

literal translation

What are the three types of reading comprehension questions?

literal, inferential, evaluative

What are the two types of nonfiction?

literary and informative

Modernism in British Literature

literary movement that focuses on contemporary elements; began after WWI and continued into the middle of the 20th century

Types of Extended Metaphors: Allegory

literary works in which many aspects of the story are standing in for something else; a story that appears to be about one thing on the surface is really about a completely different topic, often a historical event or another literary work

What was the main way many Americans were exposed to the Transcendentalist cultural movement?


Nonfiction Prose

literature that is written in ordinary, non-metrical language and communicates facts or opinions about reality (meaning is usually straightforward because the writer's primary purpose is to convey information or persuade readers)

The Body of a persuasive speech should contain _____. a. the conclusion and main idea b. the main idea and main points c. only supporting materials d. main points and supporting materials

main points and supporting materials

What is the third most popular form of poetry during the Victorian era (excluding narrative poems and dramatic monologues)?

lyric poems

If you were to create a one or two-sentence summary of a story, this would be the _____.

main idea

The _____ _____ of the speech is essentially the speech's central purpose. For example, if the central purpose of a speech is to persuade the audience that trade school is a better choice than college, the _____ _____ of the speech might be ''attending a trade school is a better choice than attending college.''

main idea, main idea

What are research materials?

materials that will help someone understand the topic and prepare a valid argument or explanation; important for it to be current (nothing older than ten years)

Reading Strategy: Scanning

may be used to find key vocabulary or details; doesn't require you to read every word on every line, but rather you'll glance through the text in search of specific information;

What is parallel structure?

means using similar grammatical constructions between words in sentences

A _____ presentation is a presentation that provides information to an audience in the form of a single type of media, such as visual media in the form of print, charts, tables, or graphs.


Which of the following strategies is not employed when teaching vocabulary in context? a. relating the word to a past experience b. drawing a picture of a word c. memorizing a definition d. creating a dialogue using the word

memorizing a definition

What are two reading strategies that allow students to train themselves to become effective readers by improving their reading comprehension and retention?

metacognitive reading and active reading

A _____ is a word, phrase or clause that modifies (or describes) another word. (such as an adverb or adjective)


In the example of William Shakespeare;s Romeo and Juliet, what would a filmed version add to the nonprint text in comparison to the print text? a. prose b. narrative c. monologue d. montage



often used interchangeably with fable since they have a lesson at the end but different because they feature people as their main characters (but with a twist such as exaggerated acts of strength)

When baby Terrell says 'wa-wa-wa' and points to a cup, his mother responds with 'you want water,' and reinforces his learning by giving him a drink of water. This is an example of the _____ perspective of language development.

operant conditioning

Once you've completed brainstorming for an essay, you'll be ready to _____. a. write your conclusion b. draft your essay c. begin free-writing d. outline your major points e. write your thesis

outline your major points

Between each word, coherence can be created by _____.


Which of the following is an example of a tool used to provide visual aids? a. overhead projector b. fax machine c. glasses or contacts d. headphones

overhead projector

Using similar grammatical constructions to create a poetic effect is known as _____.


_____ pronouns are used instead of repeating a name multiple times in one sentence or sentences that are close to each other. Although the term ''_____'' indicates that the pronouns are used to refer to a specific name, pronouns such as ''it'' and ''they'' can be used to refer to objects, places, and ideas.

personal, personal

A speech to argue for or against something is written to _____ the audience. a. inform b. persuade c. educate d. negotiate with


A call to action in the conclusion is most appropriate in a _____ essay. a. persuasive b. descriptive c. personal narrative d. process


Which of the following is NOT an example of an informational text? a. persuasive essays b. brochures c. these are all informational texts d. articles e. informational essays

persuasive essays

Vowels and consonants are examples of a. morphemes b. suffixes c. prefixes d. phonemes e. semantics


What are the nine components of learning to read?

phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, spelling, assessment, and engagement

What are the five most critical components of reading instruction according to research done by the National Reading Panel?

phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension

The component of language that involves the rules of structure and speech sounds is called _____. a. phonology b. syntax c. morphology d. semantics


Another group of words similar to a dependent clause is the _____, a group of words working as a particular part of speech—noun, verb, adjective, or adverb—that may have a subject or a predicate but not both.


What is the first step in gathering relevant and essential information for research?

picking a topic

Why is dialogue important?

plays an essential component in allowing authors to advance the meaning of their work

The _____ in the narrative plays a key role in character development.


A _____ _____ begins with a preposition (a locational word) and ends in a noun that serves as the object of the preposition.

prepositional phrase

Even if there are only minute changes to a character's persona, authors will typically include some amount of character development to _____. a. prevent boredom and reflect growth b. lengthen the story and prevent boredom c. reflect real-life growth d. reflect growth and lengthen the story

prevent boredom and reflect growth

Which step of the writer's workshop includes brainstorming? a. writing b. prewriting c. revising d. peer conferences


Which of the following is the correct order for the writing process? a. prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publication b. Any of these would be acceptable c. prewriting, drafting, publication d. prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, publication e. prewriting, drafting, revising, drafting, editing

prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publication

A _____ source is a written or recorded document that contains a first-hand account of the event or topic that a scholar is researching. In other words, primary sources are written or created by people who experienced the event in question.


Applying what you know about U.S. history when you read a historical novel is an example of using _____.

prior knowledge

From the second a reader sees the title of a text, looks at a picture on the cover, or reads the first line, he or she is using...

prior knowledge from what he or she has learned or experienced to make predictions or educated guesses.

What are the three different types of subtext?

privilege subtext, revelation subtext, subtext through questions

When reading a text, you also need to be careful of _____, or persuasion that isn't backed up by fact.


Purpose of a Script

provide the actors with enough information about a character so that they can perform that character properly; they must be able to infer what a character is thinking and feeling

Bloom's Taxonomy

pyramid that organizes the different levels of thinking and learning (remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create)

Active readers ask questions about their texts, so _____ is another useful active reading strategy.


Reading Strategy: Skimming

quickly glancing through the material to get an overview; trying to pick up the overall message, not understand every individual word; saves a lot of time, but the information that's garnered from it is limited

Short Story

ranges in length from a handful of pages to over thirty pages; should have a single focus and each incident and character should serve the author's desired effect

In order to clarify the text, students may need to:

re-read or restate parts of the text to develop their understanding of what is written.

Types of Subtext: Privilege Subtext

reader knows more than the characters

In literature, an inference definition involves something learned through a combination of a _____ _____, _____ _____, and what is known of the _____.

reader's knowledge, historical context, author

Repeating, revisiting, and reflecting on writing is known as: a. the writing process b. personal reflection c. all answers are correct. d. recursive writing e. good writing habits

recursive writing

What is the importance of recursive writing?

recursive writing can complement the writing process while also allowing reflection on the part of the writer in order to improve for the next essay (involves rethinking each step of the writing process and evaluating what has been done to look for ways to improve)

The _____ _____ _____ is what happens when a writer moves through the steps of the writing process but moves back and forth through them instead of just going through them like a checklist.

recursive writing process

Brandon is a toddler whose vocabulary consists of labels, such as 'doggie' for all four-legged animals and 'ball' for anything round. His neighbor Cara, who is a few months older, says 'thank you' when given something, and 'good doggie' when she sees the family pet respond to a command. Brandon exhibits the _____ language style, while Cara is developing _____ language.

referential; expressive

What is kairos in regards to rhetoric?

refers to a particular opportunity or ''the right moment" EX: media outlets often use emotionally charged language immediately after a crisis or tragic event to get an audience on board with a particular political or legislative position

Effective Message Qualities: Structure

refers to how ideas should be logically organized and easy to follow 1. Does my message even have a structure? 2. Is there a more effective way to arrange my ideas?

Characteristics of Language: Productivity/Combinability

refers to how the combination of utterances can produce meaningful statements about any conceivable topic. A communication system that can only discuss a limited number of topics is not a language

Content (poetry)

refers to its language

Critical Thinking

refers to objectively analyzing, evaluating, and judging an argument, concept, or idea

Effective Message Qualities: Specificity

refers to our choices of language and its usage 1. Is my language specific? 2. Is my language concrete rather than abstract? 3. Are there connotative meanings to the words I have chosen? If so, do these emotional associations serve or go against my purpose? 4. Am I using words which have additional meanings and could perhaps be misconstrued?

End-Stop (poetry)

refers to pauses at the end of a poetic line and can include periods, commas, and semicolons; can signify the end of a phrase or the end of a thought

What is speech organization?

refers to the way that a person organizes what he or she plans to say in a speech; involves arranging the speech's information in a logical way


refers to what is going on beneath the surface of the writing; can add layers of nuance

Literal Language

refers to words being used exactly according to their usual meanings

Components of Learning to Read: Phonics

relates to the associations between phonemes and the letters that represent them; students must be able to decode words and name them before they can connect words to meaning

Components of Learning to Read: Fluency

relates to the automaticity of reading; when students spend too much time decoding individual words or if a student reads too slowly, their poor fluency interferes with the ability to understand what they have read

Components of Learning to Read: Phonemic Awareness

relates to the understanding of the individual sounds that come together to create words; the ability to hear, segment, blend, and manipulate sounds in oral language

Coherence can be created between sentences through _____ and _____ devices.

repetition and transitional devices

What are the two classes of subordinates?

relative pronouns (who, whom, whoever, whomever, that, whichever) and subordinating conjunctions (until, unless, if, how, wherever, because, after, although)

Red Herring

relies on deception: it is a literary device in which a piece of information will lead audiences to infer information that turns out to be incorrect

What are the two main categories of early American political writing?

religious and secular

What is alliteration? Give an example.

repeats consonant or vowel sounds, usually at the beginnings of words. The fuzzy, furry, friendly, fat cat repeats the 'f' sound to tickle readers' ears and focuses their attention in a special way on the cat's characteristics.

Formulating _____ _____ is the initial step in the research process. It will form a base that guides where the research will go, and it will help the researcher identify important aspects of the subject.

research question

The second step to increasing reading comprehension is encouraging students to _____ to what is being read. Reading comprehension centers around the student taking an _____ approach to the reading material.

respond, active

Paraphrasing is to _____. a. restate what has been said and make corrections based on your own opinion b. restate what has been said in a paragraph c. restate what has been said d. restate what has been said word for word

restate what has been said

The best approach to making an inference is to _____.

review the background, ask questions, make predictions, and then draw a conclusion

What is the ladder of inference?

reviewing background information, asking questions about the work, make predictions, and then drawing a logical conclusion

What are some of the most effective methods for helping new readers develop their reading skills?

reviewing sight words, putting together short sentences, read and repeat

Rewriting, or changing your paper, to reorganize, add, or delete ideas is known as _____.


Besides emotion, the sublime, and individual experience, what other themes appeared in Romantic poetry? (4)

revolution, the natural world, mortality, transcendence

Stylistic devices can also be called... (2)

rhetorical devices or figures of speech

The_____ _____ definition is a fallacy that attempts to persuade someone into believing an argument.

rhetorical fallacy

Along with music, what can provide a sense of urgency, mood, and empathy in a play?

rhythm of speech

When teachers _____ reading instruction, they break the reading activity down into smaller parts in order to facilitate comprehension.


For students who speak English, but have different cultures and values, _____ can be a great tool to bridge the gap between perspectives.


Which of the following reading strategies would you use to figure out what time your favorite program is on television from the TV guide? a. intensive reading b. skimming c. extensive reading d. scanning


A _____ _____ refers to a sentence that is not a complete thought; it doesn't make sense on its own and lacks one of the key components of a complete sentence, making it ''fragmented'' or an _____ sentence.

sentence fragment; incomplete

Plot of a Play

sequence of events within a play that tells a story

oral tradition

series of stories passed down from generation to generation through storytelling, as opposed to writing them down (key component of Native American cultures)

What shifts did Realism include? (7)

shifts from... -solitude to society -nature to industry -concepts to issues -spiritualism to pragmatism -optimism to agnosticism -lyricism to criticism -organicism to compromise.


short tales that usually feature animals (real or mythical) given human-like qualities to deliver a specific moral or lesson

Ballad (type of poetry)

short, kind of song-like poems and they focus on a single subject; ballad meter

Identify the verb or verbs in the following sentence: The brazen criminal shot his way through the police barricade. a. through b. way c. shot d. criminal


Satirical Devices: Paradox

shows a situation or event with two opposing aspects that contradict each other

Using _____ to introduce main points and elsewhere in the speech is important despite which organizational pattern is used. Also called transitions, these are words and phrases that tell the audience where the speaker is going.


Metaphor and simile are two stylistic devices that use comparison to put an image in the reader's mind for clarity, understanding, and engagement. _____ uses 'like' or 'as' to directly compare two unlike things. _____ implies a comparison by speaking of one thing as something else. a. metaphor; simile b. None of the answers are correct. c. simile; metaphor d. Both can use 'like' or 'as,' and both are comparisons.

simile; metaphor

A _____ subject is generally one word, the noun, and its accompanying article of 'a', 'an' or 'the'.


Subjects and predicates can be _____, _____, or _____.

single words, compound groups, or phrases

In The Story of an Hour, Louise's relief at learning that her husband has been killed in an accident is an example of _____.

situational irony

Which of the following reading strategies would you use to decide which book you want to check out from the library? a. intensive reading b. skimming c. extensive reading d. scanning


Which of the following reading strategies would you use to determine the theme of a poem? a. scanning b. extensive reading c. intensive reading d. skimming


Brad's mother asked him why he wasn't trying out for the school play. He responded: ''Because if Tom gets the male lead, which he always does, then I'll only be in the chorus, and it's not worth being in the play if I'm only going to be in the chorus.'' This is an example of which logical fallacy? a. slippery slope b. burden of proof c. false dilemma d. bandwagon e. ad hominem

slippery slope

Research suggests that the more vocabulary your ELLs know, the easier it is for them to communicate. Thus, you should help them expand their vocabulary for: a. math and science b. social and academic purposes c. cultural purposes d. social purposes

social and academic purposes

Symbolism is a technique by which _____.

someone or something stands for something else

What is the current publishing standard regarding word count for novels?

somewhere between 70,000 words and 100,000 words

What are the main reasons to use first-person personal pronouns? (3)

sounds more natural, contributes to smoother sentence structure, creates a more immersive point of view

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for developing an effective presentation? a. determining which media is most appropriate for the audience b. speaking loudly c. using visual aids d. tailoring the presentation to the audience

speaking loudly

Stage Directions in Plays

specific detailed instructions for each character to act out in a scene (tell an actor how to speak and move but never convey a character's thoughts and feelings)

Literary Genres

specific style or category of writing; make use of various literary forms as foundations from which to stretch out in many different directions of expression (branches of the literary family tree)

What is dialogue?

spoken interaction between at least two characters who are communicating with one another, typically out loud

Outlining the major points from your essay after writing the essay can help you _____. a. spot ideas that are out of place b. change your essay topic c. draw a more logical conclusion d. strengthen your thesis statement

spot ideas that are out of place

What three techniques characterized the Modernist literary movement?

stream of consciousness, free verse, fragmentation

Literary Forms

structure of a piece of writing; how it is constructed and organized (roots of the literary family tree)

Writers use _____ to create an overall impression for their story. They combine the events of the story with the other elements of _____ to achieve the overall design.

structure, structure

Creating activities and strategies that support _____ _____ _____ is a key responsibility for a teacher.

student reading development

One theme that was prevalent in poetry of the Victorian era that was not prevalent in prose was...

that of a strong desire to connect with the past

There are several literary devices that can include or require inferences without being themselves inferences or consisting solely of information to infer. What are they?

syllogism, partial syllogism, red herring

Symbolism in Plays

symbols are objects or ideas that represent something abstract; adds depth to a set and prompts the audience to be more reflective of what they have seen

The rules that govern both written and spoken language is _____. a. action b. syntax c. word placement d. word order


What are some advantages of secondary sources?

synthesis of info, add value to primary sources (interpretation, data, context), should be impartial, can take into account the most recent research on a topic to ensure that the most accurate information is included

Why is it important for sentences to have parallel structures?

t is important for writings to contain parallel sentences because parallelism contributes to a better and easier understanding of the material at hand. Sentences that are not parallel confuse readers as the sentences lack flow and readability.


taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas; passing someone else's ideas off as your own

Medieval Satire/Estate Satire

targets the three classes or estates of society of the time: -The clergy -The aristocracy -The peasantry

If a reading teacher only instructs using lectures, what is he or she NOT differentiating? a. teaching methods b. homework c. assessment d. content

teaching methods

Literature, in many parts of the world, has undergone a profound change in the 20th and 21st centuries, in part through changes in _____, _____, and _____.

technology, communication, and warfare

Narrative (type of poetry)

tell a story. Some poems don't tell stories, and those are the ones that make the least sense, usually

What two parts does every metaphor have to have?

tenor and vehicle

The first type of connection most readers learn is ____ connections.


Asking 'What else does this remind you of?' allows students to make ____ connections.


Linking two or more texts together is called a ____ connection.


When a student is reading a book and says, 'That makes me think about the president of the U.S.,' he is making a ____ connection.


When a teacher asks students, 'What do you know about...,' they are likely trying to teach a ____ connection.


The definition of _____ _____ is information evidence used in writing that is directly pulled from a verified source.

textual evidence

elegiac poems

that are about life and wisdom; they're not as long as epics (sober meditations on death)

An example of a morpheme is a. an 'e' that makes the 'a' in 'lake' have a long sound b. an adjective like 'yellow' c. the 'y' in 'by' d. the sound made by 'ch' e. the 'de-' in 'deconstruct'

the 'de-' in 'deconstruct'

What was one of the biggest beneficiaries of the printing press in the 17th century?

the Bible (more specifically the King James Bible which was completed in 1611)

What would be the best literary connection for the word 'erratic'? a. Hermione Granger - a smart, practical student character b. the Mad Hatter - an unreliable, unpredictable character c. Sherlock Holmes - a calculating detective character d. James Bond - a smooth spy character

the Mad Hatter - an unreliable, unpredictable character

17th and 18th Century English Literature can be broken down into 3 smaller eras. List them.

the Renaissance (but latter part leading into 17th century aka Jacobean era); Caroline, Interregnum, and Restoration periods (latter half of 17th century); Neoclassism (18th century, first half of this century is aka Augustan era)

Which of the following is something that a presenter needs to look for when researching his or her audience? a. the average age of audience members b. how long the audience has worked in the U.S. c. the audience's prior knowledge of the subject matter d. the ethnicity of every audience member

the audience's prior knowledge of the subject matter

Clues to an author's intended meaning may be found through historical contexts, culture contexts, the author's background, and _____.

the author's other works

Rhetorical Devices: Anaphora

the beginning part of a phrase is repeated throughout discourse EX: ''So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.''

Textual Evidence

the collection of verified sources that are cited to support assertions made when writing and analyzing text; usually comes directly from the text itself (quote, summarize, paraphrase author's words)

In Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, a caged parrot and mockingbird, a pigeon house, and a broken-winged bird are all symbols representing _____. a. peace b. the African-American experience c. auditory imagery d. the confines of female gender roles

the confines of female gender roles

When faced with indirect characterization, what must a reader pay attention to?

the deeds of the character, how the character interacts with others in the narrative, the words spoken by the character and their thoughts

What practice can help in teaching paragraph writing to students?

the examination of published paragraphs (turn paragraphs into models of what works and what does not work)

What do American Romanticism characteristics reflect?

the expression of the individual and include freedom from rules, valuing imagination over reason, focusing on nature to express both escapism and spirituality, and a fascination with the past

In 'The Kite Runner,' before the kite fighting tournament, which of the following is the largest source of tension between Hassan and Amir?

the fact that Baba seems to prefer Hassan over Amir

What is the American Romantic Art and Literature period recognized as?

the first period born in the United States and helped to shape the identity and voice of the United States

What does stream of consciousness reflect?

the fragmented social consciousness that pervaded the time period due to the feeling of disillusionment following World War I

What two main themes did American Romantic writers explore?

the freedom of the individual and an emotional connection to nature.

In the story of The Ugly Duckling, what setting makes the final revelation even more powerful? This setting isolates the Duckling and keeps him from seeing himself. a. the beach b. the frozen pond c. the elementary school d. the barnyard e. the swan's nest

the frozen pond

Character Arc in Literature

the full extent of how the character's inner world - thoughts and emotions - transforms from beginning to the end

American Romantic literature shows...

the individual finding spirituality in nature

Silent Period

the language learner is silent, saying nothing, but taking in information; language learners need this time to digest the new language before actually speaking

Brainstorming Techniques: Listing

the most commonly used brainstorming technique; the writer writes ideas in a list in the order in which they come to mind

Main Idea/Main Point

the number one thing a writer wants the audience to understand after reading; In a fictional piece, this is often found by asking, "what happened?" In non-fiction, it is the main point a writer is trying to prove.

Three Parts of an Introduction: Hook

the opening line of the introduction; it draws attention to the essay with an interesting statement or question

Rhetorical Word Devices: Epistrophe

the opposite of anaphora; it is the repetition of a word or expression at the end of successive sentences, phrases, or clauses EX: For example, in Julius Caesar by Shakspeare, Brutus says: Who is here so base that would be a bondman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I offended.

Protagonist of the play

the perspective from which the audience identifies and whom the conflict centers around

What is one theme in 'Ella Enchanted' that doesn't show up in 'Cinderella'? a. the repercussions of mean behavior b. the small role of women in society c. the potential strength of intelligent, resourceful women d. parenting's effects on young people's lives

the potential strength of intelligent, resourceful women

Which shows the external conflict of Romeo and Juliet? a. Juliet struggling with her love of an enemy of her family b. the pressures from their family members to hate each other c. Romeo struggling with his love for an enemy of his family d. none of the answers are correct

the pressures from their family members to hate each other

What is the legacy of Transcendentalism on American culture?

the prevalent idea of freedom and independence as part of one's American identity, the belief that nature can be restorative (carried on to the creation of the national parks system in the U.S. to protect nature from development)

What strengthened the English Renaissance society's ability to create a literary culture?

the printing press

What goes in the left hand column when using the Cornell Note Taking System?

the questions from the selection

Indirect Characterization

the reader must make an inference. Because neither the characters nor the narrator directly informs the reader of the characteristics, the reader must figure it out

Thought In a Play

the reason behind a character's actions; this is often referred to as the drama's theme; the message that the protagonist is trying to communicate to the audience

Author's Purpose

the reason the author writes

What is the author's purpose? a. anything the author wants b. the reason the author likes to write c. the reason the reader reads a specific piece d. the reason the author writes a specific piece

the reason the author writes a specific piece

What are the two types of predicates?

the simple predicate and the complete predicate

How is literary nonfiction different from fiction?

the story elements are based on real-life, not imaginary

What influenced early American literature (17th century)?

the struggle for food and shelter, politics

What are some horrific themes explored in Dark Romanticism?

the struggles of human nature (human nature is less than good so evil can take hold), surroundings could be filled with evil, horrors of evil within everyone (exploring a characters thought processes and reasons for evil)

What are some examples of irregular verbs?

think, break, run (thought, broke, ran)

With beginning readers, you should model predictions by _____ _____.

thinking aloud

Parts of a Metaphor: Tenor

the tenor of a metaphor is the thing being described

The main idea of a speech is _____. a. the thesis statement b. the topic of the speech c. the cause and effect of the speech d. the organizational method

the thesis statement

Subtext is... a. the underlying message of the story that has a moral or set of values communicated by the author to the reader. b. the explicit meaning that states what characters are actually thinking and feeling in each scene. c. the underlying meaning that can refer to what characters are actually thinking and feeling, or to their motives or desires. d. the explicit meaning that is said by the character(s) and/or the author to show exactly what they are thinking and feeling. e. the underlying meaning that can refer to what characters are thinking.

the underlying meaning that can refer to what characters are actually thinking and feeling, or to their motives or desires.

According to the Transcendentalists, what is the 'eternal ONE'?

the universal soul

What are Dark Romantic works best known for?

the use of dark symbolism and horrific themes, and also for a focus on the psychological effects of guilt and sin


the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities; someone or something stands for something else

Parts of a Metaphor: Vehicle

the vehicle is the comparison that is being made to something unrelated

Story Structure/Narrative Structure

the way that a story is organized and presented; includes the order and manner in which the author describes the events and other narrative elements, such as character and setting, to achieve an overall impact with their writing; combines the plot and story elements

Expert Testimony

the words of an expert that is well respected as an authority on the topic

What was one way that Romantic poets differed from poets who had come before them?

their use of mainstream language; they wanted it to be accessible and speak to universal human experience

What are the plot, setting, and characters in a story all related to?


The root that means heat is _____. a. therm b. hydr c. theo d. bio e. leg


The main goal of a _____ _____is to clearly express the argument or analysis that will be discussed throughout the essay, the supporting reasons, and the counterargument.

thesis statement

What are rhetorical techniques?

they are linguistic techniques commonly used to persuade people into thinking that an idea or position is more favorable or appealing than it otherwise would be

Which of the following is true about syntactic clues? a. none of these b. they are signals provided by syntax c. they are the same as word placement d. they are hidden messages about syntax

they are signals provided by syntax

Why did Realist writers and artists want to create more realistic representations of life?

they grew tired of the fantastical exaggerations of the Romantic style and era

What did Transcendentalists believe about human beings?

they have a universal soul which is shared with nature; this universal soul is known as the Eternal One

Why are many Realist works still read today and considered classics?

they reflect a commentary on their respective time periods and settings

Various Native American tribes had stories that explained how mountains were created or why spring occurs. How would these stories have been documented?

through oral storytelling passed down through the generations

What is the goal of the prewriting stage? a. to develop as many broad topics as you possible b. to have a rough draft c. to have a very specific thesis that will not change d. to brainstorm, focus, and plan for your topic e. it is really not a necessary step to take

to brainstorm, focus, and plan for you

When you write the events you'll want to paraphrase them. Paraphrasing means...

to change the wording to your own words

What does it mean to make text-to-text connections?

to discover what two writings have in common through deeper analysis

Read this description and decide the author's purpose. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930s.

to entertain

Read this description and decide the author's purpose. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930s

to inform

Words used connotatively are used _____. a. to invoke a certain feeling or convey a certain emotion. b. only in technical settings c. to describe something using a metaphor d. to convey a literal meaning

to invoke a certain feeling or convey a certain emotion.

Read the description and decide the author's purpose. An article that argues an IPOD music player is better than a ZUNE.

to persuade

What is the purpose of secondary sources?

to provide greater context for specific events or eras; erves as a synthesis of other sources, primary and secondary, that analyzes the significance of a specific topic

Language Development Styles: Referential Style

vocabularies consist mainly of words that name objects; Referential style children understand the purpose of language to be naming things.

What is something besides content that a speaker must consider for a speech?

vocal qualities

What does it mean to analyze literature?

to separate into parts and find how these parts are related

Speech delivery really all comes down to _____ _____. These are characteristics that make up the way a speaker speaks, including the way he pronounces his words, the way he articulates and even the dialect he uses.

vocal traits

Why is it best not to have too many main points in a speech?

too many points can confuse or overwhelm the audience and cause them to lose their focus on the main idea of the speech

In coherent writing, each paragraph begins with what kind of sentence to give it focus? a. concluding b. topic c. parallel d. transitional


What elements combine to create a poem's content?

topic/subject matter/theme, tone, word choices, word order, figurative language, imagery

What are the seven types of literary criticism?

traditional criticism, sociological criticism, new criticism, reader-response criticism, feminist criticism, Marxist criticism, media criticism

What traditional values were reassessed after urbanization, industrialization, and WWI?

traditional gender roles, faith (in tradition and family, American ideals such as patriotism and courage)

What are seven types of literary criticism theories that are often used to evaluate literature?

traditional literary criticism, formalism and new criticism, structuralism and post structuralism, new historicism, Marxism, post colonialism, gender studies and queer theory

What are two ways to create coherence between paragraphs?

transition words and point of view

What devices are used to connect ideas in sentences and from paragraph to paragraph? a. Parallel b. Bridge c. Metaphorical d. Transitional


Words and phrases that help carry a thought from one idea to the next are referred to as _____. a. transitions b. thesis c. main arguments d. carriers


What is the purpose of character development?

two major reasons are to illustrate a theme in the novel or to keep the reader interested and engaged in the story

What are some tips for locating research materials?

use reference materials (encyclopedias, almanacs, or dictionaries); look at academic journals/peer-reviewed journal articles -> look at bibliography, works cited, or reference pages of academic articles (these can be found in databases such as EBSCO); avoid magazines since they're not peer-reviewed; balance with credible sources from books and e-books; if you want to find local information, look in newspapers (can look in databases online); if you need statistics, look at library databases (U.S. Census database is also useful)

Personal Pronoun Categories: Third-Person Pronouns

used by a speaker or writer to refer to someone other than themselves and whomever they are currently speaking with; the only pronouns that are used to refer to objects

Types of Dramatic Irony: Tragic

used in Greek drama to emphasize the nature of hubris, or a character's prideful action or errors. Sophocles used dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex, for example. The audience understands the error of Oedipus's actions long before he, himself realizes what he has done. The irony is tragic because Oedipus's actions lead to his untimely death.

Personal Pronoun Categories: Second-Person Pronouns

used to address a person or people directly; second-person pronouns do not refer to the speaker or writer themselves, nor do they refer to anyone that the speaker or writer is not addressing directly

Diction in a Play (Dialogue)

used to express a character's feelings and emotions; audience can grasp the different personalities, conflicts, and characters' reactions through a character's narrations (Only through the use of dialogue can a story's plot and theme be understood)

Types of Sentences: Imperative

used to give a command or demand; the subjects of these types of sentences is implied to be the listener rather than stated directly so this implied "you" means that these sentences are usually written in second person *Second person is seen as more informal than third person so for academic or formal writing purposes, these sentences should be avoided* -complete sentences even though the subject appears to be missing because the reader/listener automatically understands that the subject is implied -like declarative sentences, ends in a period EX: Take out the trash before you leave.

Reading Strategy: Intensive Reading

used when learning technical information or new content; a slow process that includes lots of rereading and a strong degree of focus as you will need to pay close attention to every detail

Overextending language is when a baby a. begins to advance beyond his or her expected language level. b. begins to fall behind his or her expected language level. c. uses many different words for a single thing. d. uses a single word to mean many different things. e. begins to use many words he or she doesn't yet understand.

uses a single word to mean many different things.


uses metrical language with lots of rhythm and rhyme to create word pictures (employs all kinds of word play, figurative language, and imagery to send its messages which are often obscure and need to be dug out with some effort on part of the reader)

Modes of Persuasion: Ethos

uses one's credibility to persuade an audience

What is a simile? Give an example.

uses the words 'like' or 'as' to draw a comparison between two things that are not particularly similar and to suggest a hidden likeness. A cat purring like a motorboat is an example of a simile.

Saying the opposite of what you mean, sometimes for humorous effect, is an example of _____.

verbal irony

Learning based around beliefs, theories, and ideas that tie learning to an image or images is known as _____. a. visual observation b. observation c. visual learning d. learning

visual learning

British Modernist Authors: D.H. Lawrence

was a controversial writer in modernist literature due to his explicit subject matter. Women in Love, written in 1920, and Lady Chatterley's Lover, written in 1928, follow the inner minds of women and their sexual desires. Because of the explicit nature of his writings, D.H. Lawrence was considered a fringe modernist literature author.


was a poetic, musical, and artistic movement that was concerned with operatic emotions and individual experience; artists and poets of the Romantic era were interested in how individuals perceived the world instead of rational evidence of how the world actually was; anted to uplift, celebrate, and explore the biggest emotions that humans could experience, namely love, grief, and awe; interplay between beautiful and sublime

British Modernist Authors: Samuel Beckett

was an Irish playwright who was known for focusing his work on the daily lives of his subject matter. 'Waiting for Godet' was an abstract, minimalistic play that focused on two characters as they entertain themselves with simple banter and games.

Powerful dialogue can reveal... a. what a character's motives or desires are based on what he or she says or avoids saying and it can reveal a character's background through his or her accent, use of slang, or mention of places or experiences b. how a character interacts with others based on his or her responses and how much or how often he or she speaks c. a character's thoughts and feelings through his or her tone of voice and the way the words are spoken d. All of the answers listed

what a character's motives or desires are based on what he or she says or avoids saying and it can reveal a character's background through his or her accent, use of slang, or mention of places or experiences

In 'The Kite Runner', which of the following events is the most important one in Amir's journey to redemption? a. when he wins the kite fighting tournament b. when he calls his old friend in Afghanistan c. when he finally gets married d. when he frames his best friend for stealing e. when he fights Assef as an adult

when he fights Assef as an adult

How did the Harlem Renaissance start?

when hundreds of thousands of African Americans fled oppressive conditions in the southern United States and headed to northern states; they were able build stronger communities and engage in the arts in a way that was not possible before

What is first person point of view?

when one individual character is narrating the story; uses first-person pronouns such as ''I'', ''me'', ''we'', and ''us''; gives intimacy and a deeper look into a character's mind but can offer a limited perspective (can only give insight into events that happen in their perspective, nothing outside of it)

Verbal Irony

when spoken words don't mean what they really should mean

When is it appropriate to use third-person personal pronouns?

when talking about inanimate objects or referring to abstract ideas; when stating facts; when a speaker or writer is presenting a third-person narrative (narrator provides an outsider's point of view of the events in the story)

What is irony?

when the actual meaning of a word is the opposite of what is stated or an outcome is different from what is expected

Symbolic Imagery

when the imagery in literature or poetry is analyzed for symbolism, and the themes become visible

Third Person Limited Point of View

when the narrator of the story can only see into the mind of one of the characters within the story; they stick close to one character and give this character's thoughts, feelings, and opinions

In regards to research papers, giving students models of _____ and _____ can help them work through the process without you being present. a. MLA formatting guides; thesis statements b. thesis statements; works cited pages c. works cited pages; sample paragraphs d. sample paragraphs; annotated bibliographies

works cited pages; sample paragraphs

When brainstorming ideas for your paper, _____. a. don't write them down b. write down whatever comes to mind c. write your ideas in full sentences and paragraphs d. write down only the ideas that you think you'll use

write down whatever comes to mind

Stream of Consciousness

writing style with an unfiltered flow of thought usually in first person point of view; the character often jumps from one thought to another or delivers uninterrupted tangents


written documents or manuscripts that summarize the setting, stage directions, dialogue, and actions of a character; all elements of a script are outlined in sequential order; instead of chapters, given act and scene numbers

Fiction Prose

written in ordinary, non-metrical language, but is the product of the writer's imagination (meaning can stretch from obscure and difficult to clear and direct)


written works based on real events; can help us understand our world


written works that are invented or made-up by the author (novels, short stories, and poems)

The last step in making connections is to consider your personal responses to the readings. Why is this important?

you will analyze the texts by making connections through your reactions

'Sick Lit'

young adult books that take on serious topics such as terminal illness, suicide, depression, and loss

The genre of writing that is designed to appeal to readers between the ages of 12 and 18 is:

young adult literature

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