Praxis 5623: PLT 5-9

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Erikson's stages of development - stage 7 - middle-aged adult

(Care) - generativity vs. self absorption supporting the next generation

Progressive education

(John Dewey) promotes individuality, free activity, and learning through experiences.

Social Development Theory

(Vygotsky) argues that social interaction precedes development; consciousness and cognition are the end product of socialization and social behavior theory is one of the foundations of constructivism.

Erikson's stages of development - stage 4 - school-age child

(competence) - Industry vs. inferiority school

Erikson's stages of development - stage 6 - young adult

(love) - intimacy vs. isolation intimate relationships

Erikson's stages of development - stage 3 - preschooler

(purpose) - initiative vs. guilt independence

Erikson's stages of development - stage 2 - toddler

(will) - Autonomy vs. shame toilet training

Erikson's stages of development - stage 8 - older adult

(wisdom) - integrity vs. despair reflection and acceptance

Guided reading

-Enables students to predict -increases time spent reading -promotes fluency

Early readers

-Understand the difference between letters and words -Detects beginning sounds in spoken words. -knows that print communicates information.

Emergent Readers

-self corrects recognized errors when reading aloud.

Three major themes of the social development theory

1. social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development. 2. More Knowledgeable Other MKO. The MKO refers to anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the learner. 3. Zone of Proximal Development ZPD. The ZPD is the distance between a student's ability to perform a task under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student's ability to independently problem solve. Learning occurs in this zone.

Maria Montessori

A child centered educational approach. "Follow the hid, they will show you what they need to do."

Whole-group discussion

A form of classroom lecture where the focus is shared between the instructor and the students for information transfer.

Interdisciplinary instruction

A method used to teach a unit across different curricular disciplines. Integrated instruction also allows for authentic assessment.

intermittent reinforcement

A schedule where correct responses are reinforced frequently, but not every time.

Concept Mapping

A technique for representing knowledge in graphs. Knowledge graphs are networks of concepts.

Erikson's stages of development - stage 1 - infant

Basic trust vs. mistrust feeding

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (from top to bottom)

Belongingness - includes love, friendship, intimacy, family, etc.

Constructivism theory

Bruner, Vygotsky, Piaget, and Dewey- People construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

Transitional spelling

Children are internalizing information about spelling patterns. The words they write look like English words. "skool" for "school". Rules are not always used correctly. With continued reading and writing practice, children integrate more spelling rules and patterns. This stage usually includes first through third-grade children.

Reggio Emilia

Children must have some control over the direction of their learning; they must be able to learn through experiences of touching, moving, listening, seeing, and hearing. Children have a relationship with other children and with material items in the world that children must be allowed to explore and have endless ways and opportunities to express themselves.


Children scribble, form letters, and string letters together but with no awareness that letters represent phonemes or speech sounds. Children can, however, create meaningful messages through their exploration. Prephonemic spelling is typical of preschoolers and beginning kindergartners.

Standard spelling

Children spell most words correctly. Middle to end of third and fourth grade. children are ready to learn to spell homonyms, contractions, and irregular spellings and to internalize the rules that govern spelling.

Cognitivism part 2

Cognitivism focuses on inner mental activities - opening the "black box" of the human mind. It is necessary to determine how processes such as thinking, memory, knowing, and problem-solving occur. People are not "programed animals" that merely respond to environmental stimuli; people are rational beings whose actions are a consequence of thinking.

Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development - 3

Concrete operations (ages 7-11) As physical experience accumulates, accommodation is increased. The child begins to think abstractly and conceptualize, creating logical structures that explain his or her physical experiences.

What is small group learning that maximizes own and other children's learning?

Cooperative learning

Lev Vygotsky

Created the Zone of Proximal Development - children learn through hands-on experience, but unlike Piaget, he claimed that timely and sensitive intervention by adults when a child is on the edge of learning a new task could help children learn new tasks. This technique is called "scaffolding," because it builds upon knowledge children already have with new knowledge that adults can help the child learn.

What are some valuable teaching methods one could use in lesson planning?

Demonstration, discovery learning, thematic approach, Simulation & Games.

B.F. Skinner

Developed the theory of operant conditioning - A behaviorist idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or less likely that the behavior occur again.

Major categories of instructional strategies include

Direct instruction, discovery learning, whole group discussion, independent study, interdisciplinary instruction, concept mapping, inquiry method.

Jerome Bruner

Discovery Learning - It is best for learners to discover facts and relationships for themselves.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (from top to bottom)

Esteem-includes confidence, self-esteem, achievement, respect, etc.

Direct Instruction

Explicit teaching of a skill-set using lectures or demonstrations of the material, rather than exploratory models such as inquiry-based learning.

Discovery Learning

Exploration of data and experiences. It's a method of inquiry-based instruction. Believes it is best for learners to discover facts and relationships for themselves. As a result, students may be more likely to remember concepts and knowledge discovered on their own.

Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development - 4

Formal operations (ages 11-15) Cognition reaches its final form. By this stage, the person no longer requires concrete objects to make rational judgements. He or she is capable of deductive reasoning. His or her ability for abstract thinking is very similar to an adult.

Jean Piaget

Four stages of cognitive development. Children learn through actively constructing knowledge through hands-on experience - is a description of cognitive development (sensorimotor pre-operational, concrete, and formal).

Inquiry method

Gathering facts and observations to investigate real world problems. It's a student-centered method of educational focused on asking questions. Good learners center their attention and activity on the process of inquiry itself, not merely on the end product of knowledge.

Abraham Maslow

Hierarchy of needs. Students need to have basic needs met and feel safe before learning can occur.

Erikson's stages of development - stage 5 - Adolescence

Identity vs. role confusion sense of identity

Multiple Intelligences Theory - logical

Inductive and deductive thinking and reasoning abilities, logic, as well as the use of umbers and abstract pattern recognition.

What does an advanced organizer do?

It is what we know coming into a lesson, it activates our knowledge it is a plan with the end in mind.


Jerome Bruner defined this as the provision of sufficient support to promote learning when concepts and skills are being first introduced to students. These supports are gradually removed as students develop autonomous learning strategies, thus promoting their own cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning skills and knowledge.

What are examples of an advanced organizer?

KWL, 4 square, sort & predict, venn diagrams, Brainstorm & categorize & concept Mapping.

Constructivism key words

Learning as experience; Problem Based Learning; Anchored Instruction; Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development; Cognitive apprenticeship (scaffolding); inquiry, and discovery learning.

Zone of Proximal development

Lev-Vygotsky - the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help.

What areas may be on a paragraph assessment rubric?

Main/topic idea, supporting detail sentence, elaborating detail sentence, legibility, mechanics & grammar.

Howard Gardner

Multiple Intelligences Theory - There are seven was people understand the world as seven intelligences.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (from top to bottom)

Physiological- includes air, food, water, sex, sleep, and other factors towards homeostasis, etc.

Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development - 2

Preoperational stage (ages 2-4) The child is not yet able to conceptualize abstractly and needs concrete physical situations. Objects are classified in simple ways, especially by important features.

Cognitivism part 1

Replaced behaviorism in 1960s as dominant paradigm. Noam Chomsky. -Basic idea: mental function can be understood. -learner viewed as information processor -metaphor of mind as computer: information comes in, processed, and leads to outcomes.

Scaffolding supports

Resources, a compelling task, templates and guides, guidance on the developmental of cognitive and social skills.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (from top to bottom)

Safety - includes security of environment, employment, resources, health, property, etc.

Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development - 1

Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years old). The infant builds an understanding of himself or herself and reality through interactions with the environment.

Albert Bandura

Social learning theory - Learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation and direct instruction.

Multiple Intelligences Theory - interpersonal

The ability to communicate effectively with other people and to be able to develop relationships.

Multiple Intelligences Theory - Musical-rhythmic

The ability to master music as well as rhythms, tones, and beats.

Multiple Intelligences Theory - Visual-Spacial

The ability to mentally visualize objects and spatial dimensions.

Multiple Intelligences Theory - Intrapersonal

The ability to understand one's own emotions, motivations, inner states of being, and self-reflection.

Multiple Intelligences Theory - linguistic

The ability to use spoken or written words.

Phonetic spelling

The child uses letters for phonemes (i.e., "lik" for "like" or "brthr" for "brother"). The child represents most phonemes, understands the concept of a word, but may not quite be reading fluently yet. Many ending kindergartners and beginning first-graders are at this stage.

Carol Gilligan

The ethics of care is a theory about what makes actions morally right or wrong. She has feminist roots that tie into this.

John Dewey

The father of progressive education. All for progressive education which emphasized the need to learn by doing. He believed that human beings learn through "hands on" approach. Project based learning!

Piaget's Transductive Reasoning

The primary form of reasoning used during the preoperational stage of development. This stage occurs ages 2-7. "If A causes B today, then A always causes B." As such it based on a generalization from instance to instance, so it is neither deductive or inductive in logical terms.

Multiple Intelligences Theory - body-kinesthetic

The wisdom of the body and the ability to control physical motion.

Maturationist Theory

The work of Arnold Gessell. Believe that development is a biological process that occurs automatically in predictable, sequential stages over time.

Lawrence Kohlberg

Theory of moral development which states that morality starts from childhood years and can be affected by several factors. Morality an be developed either negatively or positively, depending on how an individual accomplishes the tasks before him during each stage of moral development across lifespan.

Early Phonemic Spelling

There is a limited attempt to represent phonemes with letters (i.e., using one or two letters for a word - "m" for "my" of "nt" for "nights"). This stage is typical of many kindergartners and beginning first-grade children.


They believe that reality must be experienced.

Scope and sequence frameworks

Together, a scope and sequence of learning bring order to the delivery of content, supporting the maximizing of student learning and offering sustained opportunities for learning. Without a considered scope and sequence there is the risk of missing significant learning.

Gilligan's stages of the Ethic of Care: Postconventional

Transition from goodness to truth that she is a person too. principle of nonviolence: do not hurt others or self.

Gilligan's stages of the Ethic of Care: Conventional

Transition from selfishness to responsibility to others. Self sacrifice is goodness.

cultural differences in communication

Use local representatives of ethnic groups as resources and role models, be aware of cultural diversity, be sensitive to how students react around you as a teacher.


Watson Skinner, and Pavlov- -basic idea: stimulus response. All behavior caused by external stimuli (operant conditioning). All behavior can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness. -learner viewed as passive, responds to environmental stimuli. -behavior may result in reinforcement or punishment

continuous reinforcement

a schedule in which every correct response is reinforced.

Learned helplessness

a sense that one is doomed to fail based on past experiences; can prevent people from attempting new tasks.


anticipating potential problems and creating procedures to help prevent these situations.


awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.

Shaping successive approximations

behavior management for developing an appropriate behavior where teacher rewards responses that are successively more similar to the ultimate desired response.

resources to enhance learning

computers, internet, primary documents/artifacts, libraries, videos, audio-visual technology, local experts field trips.


concepts built in the mind based on conclusions drawn from our experiences. Piaget called these processes assimilation and accommodation.

Effective Classroom management

daily routine, timely feedback, communicate with parents, respond to student misbehavior, establish rules, punishments, rewards, maintain accurate records, use objective behavior descriptions, arrange classroom space, pacing and structuring a lesson.

Erik Erikson

eight stages of psychosocial development in which a healthy developing individual passes through from infancy to adulthood.

behavior modification

extinguish an undesirable behavior and replace with a desirable behavior by reinforcement.


gradual disappearance of a learned response.

What areas may be on a timeline assessment rubric?

helping, listening, participating, persuading, questioning, respecting, and sharing.

What areas are on a rubric for COOPERATIVE LEARNING/ teamwork?

helping, listening, participating, persuading, questioning, respecting, sharing.

Gilligan's stages of the Ethic of Care: Preconventional

individual survival

aversive stimulus

opposite of a reinforcing stimulus, unpleasant or painful.

What are 5 areas that are on a WRITING rubric?

organization, content knowledge, grammar & spelling, neatness, and references.

norm referenced assessent

performance of students in various age, grade, demographic groups and use to compare the performance of individuals to the performance of those in the norm group; measures achievement or past learning.


refers to the adjustment of information previously stored to meet the particulars of new and different situations.

negative reinforcement

remove an already active aversive stimulus.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (from top to bottom)

self actualization - morality creativity, problem solving, etc. Learning takes place here.


strategies or style of instruction.

Independent study

students sets own mode of study with goals.

Cooperative learning

students working in small groups is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also helping. Teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through assignments until all group members successfully understand and complete it.

criterion referenced assessment

test that provides a way of determining whether a student has met instructional goals or criteria


the depth of content to be covered in a curriculum at any one time. All that you do in a given period.


using consequences to strengthen behavior - positive or negative.

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