Praxis Social Studies

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Abraham Lincoln

of Illinois was the President of the United States. His election triggered the secession of the south. He was assassinated shortly after winning a second term.

John Paul Jones commanded the "Bonhomme Richard." He took on the British ship "Serapis" off the coast of England. During the battle, when asked if he would surrender, what did he reply?

"I have not yet begun to fight!"

Which of the following Amendments to the United States Constitution forms the basis of incorporation?

14th. Incorporation refers to the extension of the Bill of Rights to apply to the individual states. Although the "due process" clause of the 14th Amendment is the most commonly used basis of incorporation, the "privileges and immunities" and "equal protection" clauses are also not without relevance: "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The initial period of the development of political parties in the US spanned which years?

1789-1816. Political parties have evolved since their inception around 1789, and the first period of the political party system lasted until 1816. Parties evolved through three other periods, including the New Deal and modern periods.

In what year did the Vietnam War end?


Which of the following types of map would be most useful for someone hiking through an unfamiliar area?

A topographical map.

Wars begin and end in many ways. What is a document settling the differences of two warring parties called.

A treaty

Every year Muslims performing the Hajj, circumambulate the Kaaba in the city of Mecca. Mecca is located:

About two degrees south of the Tropic of Cancer.

Monroe Doctrine

America invoked the and sided with Cuba in its independence struggle against Spain.

Which of the following Wars is LEAST similar to the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920?

American Revolution of 1776 - 1783.This question tests your knowledge of the characteristics of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920. The Mexican Revolution, being more of a civil war—more similar to the French and Chinese revolutions—than to a war for independence from a colonial power, was least similar to the American Revolution, even though both Wars established new constitutions.

Stratified sampling

Another method of survey is.

Technological era

Around 1830 a factory based was ushered into the rest of Europe. Society changed from agrarian to urban. A need for cheap unskilled labor resulted in the extensive employment and abuse of women and children who worked up to 14 hours a day six days a week in deplorable conditions. Expanding populations brought crowded unsanitary conditions to the cities and the factories created air and water pollution.

What Ottoman pirate sailed the Barbary Coast and was appointed admiral of the empire?

Barbarossa Named that for his red beard, he traveled through the Barbary Coast hoping to claim an area along there for his own nation. He had a strong hatred for the Spanish and Portuguese.

Which of the statements about the United Nations is false?

Based on the prior League of Nations, the United Nations included many nations in postcolonial Africa and Asia and worked to support human rights. However, it failed to maintain the World War II alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union, leading to the unofficial Cold War.

In 1608, Samuel de Champlain wanted to encourage immigration to the New World. What did he do?

Founded Quebec. Quebec is the second oldest continuously occupied city on the North American continent. Champlain knew that settlements would encourage immigration.

A meritocracy requires leaders to do which of the following?

Be educated and experienced

You are in a country located north of France and west of Germany. It is east of England and across the Strait of Dover. Its capital is Brussels. Where are you?

Belgium is a small country on continental Europe. It was invaded by the Axis in WWII.

The Senate and the House of Representatives are an example of:


The term for only having two political parties in a system is known as what?

Bipartisan representation.

What famous case was necessary to get African Americans to attend the same school as Caucasian Americans?

Brown vs Board of Education.

A federal grant intended to finance a wide array of housing resources in cities throughout the United States is most likely a:

Block grant. Federal block grants tend to be aimed at a certain aspect of basic human needs, such as housing, healthcare, employment, or nutrition, but have less restrictions on their use than categorical grants.

Which of the following countries in Latin America has two capital cities?

Bolivia. This question tests your knowledge of the locations of cities of the world. Bolivia has two capital cities: Sucre, where the judicial branch and Supreme Court is located, and La Paz, where the legislative branch is located.

A certificate issued to repay the money borrowed by a company or government is known as what?


Which city does not have a US Mint?

Boston Denver and Philadelphia create the coins which are being used throughout the nation. Special proof coins are created in the San Francisco area.

Brazil moved its capital in 1960 from Rio de Janeiro to what city?

Brasilia The city had long been discussed as being the capital when the state first got its independence. Though the construction only began in 1956.

Match the country with its correct hemisphere.

Brazil -- Southern Hemisphere

Which of the following was NOT an issue contributing to the American Revolution?

Britain was not defeated in the French and Indian War, and, in fact, disputes with the colonies over the new territories it won contributed to the growing tensions. All of the other options were key motivations behind the Revolutionary War.

The Council of the European Union is located in which of the following cities?

Brussels. While the European Union Parliament is split between Strasbourg, France, and Brussels, Belgium, the Council of the European Union, roughly equivalent to the United States Senate, is located only in Brussels.

Ungava Bay is located in which of the following country-climate zone pair?

Canada-Polar tundra.

Define Canvassing

Canvassing is a method used to solicit votes from people that enables a political campaign to speak with a large number of individuals. The goals of canvassing efforts are to try to convince voters to vote for a candidate to increase recognition of a candidate's name and to generate supporters. Canvassing can take one of two forms field canvassing and phone canvassing.

When Iran held Americans hostage, what president negotiated for their freedom?

Carter. Iran demanded that the US give them the shah. When the US refused and froze their assets, the Iranians took the Americans hostage. On Reagan's inauguration day the hostages were freed.

The majority of the populace of Latin America follows which of the following religions?


In 800 C.E., ideographic writing, sophisticated calendars, and the science of astronomy could be found in which of the following parts of the world?

Central America and China.

What space shuttle blew up in 1986 killing all on board it?


Cyclical unemployment results from:

Changes in labor demand due to changes in the business cycle.

What is the balance of power in government called?

Checks and balances.

Which Native American tribe is most often associated with the Trail of Tears?


China's Revolution of 1911 had which of the following impacts on China's future?

China evolving into a republic

What does this population density map of China show?

China is more heavily populated in the eastern regions than in the western regions.

When the U.S. soldiers liberated the eastern bloc nations at the end of WWII, what did they discover which horrified them?

Concentration camps

Making illegal copies of money is known as what?


What is the consequence of economic comparative advantage?

Countries specialize at what they can do most efficiently relative to their competitors.

What frontiersman was the last to surrender at the Alamo?

Crockett He was still maintaining his position on the wall of the fort when the Mexican forces were storming the place. The captain who captured him wanted to keep him alive but his troops killed him instead.

What island nation did Fidel Castro overthrow in 1959?

Cuba. Fidel Castro came into power in 1959 after leading a rebellion against the dictator that ruled Cuba. Castro established a communist country, forcing many anti-communists to flee to the nearby United States.

When comparing the Iroquois and the Cherokee Native American people the students learn about how food is obtained. What type of anthropology are they studying?


Who was Cyrus the Great?

Cyrus the Great founded the first Persian Empire, the Achaemenid Empire, in the 6th century B.C., effectively turning a group of nomadic shepherds into one of the largest empires in world history. Thus, Choice C is the correct answer. Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid of Giza. Pericles was an Athenian general, politician, and orator who led the Delian League in the Peloponnesian Wars against Sparta. Julius Caesar was the Roman general who famously crossed the Rubicon River and won the Roman Civil War, establishing the Roman Empire.

What letter was drafted to the British telling them of the colonists intent to be free?

Declaration of Independence.

What department of the government sets the prices for minimum wage?

Department of Labor.

Which is some aspect of business that is NOT regulated by government policies?

Dress code

Which of the following will result if two nations use the theory of comparative advantage when making decisions of which goods to produce and trade?

Each nation will specialize in the production of different specific goods. When a nation follows the theory of comparative advantage it specializes in producing the goods and services it can make at a lower opportunity cost and then engages in trade to obtain other goods.

The title is missing from the following chart. Which of the following is the best title for the chart's information?

Economic indicators

Define economics and the two kinds of economies.

Economics is the study of the buying choices that people make the production of goods and services and how our market system works. The two kinds of economies are command and market.

The primary expense for most state and local governments is

Education. Free public education has been a US tradition since the 18th century. State constitutions govern the education issues of each state although federal state and local governments all work together on educational issues.

What island was the first place immigrants to America went to when they were being processed?


In 1807, which of the following was passed by Congress to prohibit American ships from trading in all foreign ports?

Embargo Act.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense did which of the following?

Encouraged colonists to rebel against the British. Thomas Paine's Common Sense was a pamphlet released in 1776, and this pamphlet encouraged an uprising against the British.

A newly independent country strives to establish a unitary government with five different regions. Each region would do which of the following?

Enforce national laws and policies. A unitary government is one that is centralized, with control established at the national level. Thus, local regions within such a system would be established largely to just enforce national laws and policies.

Which of these was the greatest obstacle to success for the farmers who settled on the Great Plains in the latter part of the nineteenth century?

Environmental conditions

You are assessing your fourth grade class after a unit on maps. Which should you expect them to be able to locate and label on a world map such as the one in the illustration?

Equator, North and South Poles, continents

What was this study about?

Eurasian temperature averages for the month of December for 66 years (1940 to 2006).

What is the currency of the European Union?


What do the pair of diagrams allow us to conclude in terms of population loss?

Europe is losing population and Russia is the only one of the top 10 most populated countries that is losing population.

In March 1921, Lenin began his New Economic Policy (NEP) which was a modified version of the old capitalist system in Russia. In 1922, he established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). After his death in 1924, Joseph Stalin gained power. He ended the NEP and launched his first Five Year Plan which set economic goals in five-year increments. Which of the following is not one of the effects in the USSR of this plan?

Family life became secondary to the good of the state. Women were encouraged to work outside of the home.

Which of the following was a consequence of China's Great Leap Forward?

Famine in the farmlands.

An industrialized nation is often known as what?

First world nation.

Why were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg killed?

For being spies.

What American architect designed the famous Guggenheim museum in New York?

Frank Lloyd Wright

Who created the first political cartoon of the United States?

Franklin His popular 'Join or die' cartoon is regarded as being the first political cartoon of the nation. It showed how the different colonies needed to band together against England or they were going to end up remaining as colonists forever.

Which of the following African-American abolitionists was nominated by the Equal Rights Party to be the running-mate of Victoria Woodhull in the 1872 Presidential election?

Frederick Douglass.

According to the terms of the Yalta Conference in 1945, Stalin assured Churchill and Roosevelt that:

Free elections would be held in Poland. Despite Stalin's assurance—at the insistence of Churchill—that there would be free elections in Poland, free elections did not take place. Instead, he installed governments dominated by the Soviet Union.

In response to Japan's occupation of Indochina in 1940, the United States did which of the following?

Froze Japanese assets in the U.S. In addition to freezing Japanese assets in the U.S., the United States also finally decided—after ten years' of Japanese aggression in Asia and the Pacific—to stop selling oil and scrap metal to Japan. Rather than halting Japan's expansion, however, this imposed scarcity of strategic matériel only caused Japan to invade other islands in the Pacific.

Which of the following pieces of legislation intended to prevent physical conflict instead led to it?

Fugitive Slave Act 1850

What land area was bought from Mexico which makes the lower portions of New Mexico and Arizona?

Gadsden Purchase This allowed for America to gain all of the land which touched to the Rio Grande River. This allowed for the states to eventually enter the Union with the added land.

The holy city of Varansi, or Benares, lies along the banks of which of the following rivers?

Ganges. The Ganges River in India flows from the Himalayas in the north of India and empties into the Bay of Bengal.

Taking money from someone's paycheck due to a ruling made by a court is known as what?

Garnishment These are taken out of a person's paycheck until they have finished paying off what is due. Most of the time this happens to the money before a person is able to get their paycheck from their employer.

Which of these was NOT invented by Benjamin Franklin?

Gas lamps Being an inventor, Franklin soon caught the attention of the nation as well as the world. He would go on to become one of the Founding Fathers of America.

List some of the areas that are covered by geography.

Geography is connected to many issues and provides answers to many everyday questions. Some of the areas covered by geography include: -Geography investigates global climates landforms economies political systems human cultures and migration patterns -Geography answers questions not only about where something is located but also why it is there how it got there and how it is related to other things around it. -Geography explains why people move to certain regions climate availability of natural resources arable land etc -Geography explains world trade routes and modes of transportation -Geography identifies where various animals live and where various crops and forests grow -Geography identifies and locates populations that follow certain religions. -Geography provides statistics on population numbers and growth which aids in economic and infrastructure planning for cities and countries.

The precedent for the two-term limit for the US Presidency was established by:

George Washington

Which of the following were the primary commanders of the armies fighting at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781?

George Washington and Charles Cornwallis. Washington commanded the American forces and Cornwallis, who eventually surrendered, commanded the British forces. The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution.

The final peace settlement at the end of WWI consisted of five separate treaties with the defeated nations, with the Treaty of Versailles with Germany being the most important. The treaty included all but which of the following provisions?

Germany could only provide military defense for both sides of the Rhine.

Climate scientists predict that over the course of the next century, much of the world's coastlines will be threatened with erosion and flooding. The major cause of this predicted erosion and flooding of the coasts is due to:

Global warming causing the Earth's polar ice caps to melt, and the seas to rise.

Which is a factor of recession?

Goods and service decline

Free public schools, warning labels on medications, air bags and cigarette taxes are all examples of what?

Government interventions

Who was a general of the Union forces during the Civil War?


On July 26, 1956, Gamal Abdel Nasser seized control of the Suez Canal from which two controlling nations?

Great Britain and France

Which of the following most accurately describes the overall effect of the business practices introduced by industrialists such as Andrew Carnegie and J. P. Morgan?

Greater efficiency enabled U.S. companies to expand industrial exports and compete on the international market.

The first members of the federal reserve were known as what?

Greenbackers. The color of the money being printed was green. They received their nickname after the color of the money which they were representing.

All of the following are characteristics of the Qin Dynasty, EXCEPT:

Gunpowder gave the Empire a strong military advantage over its enemies. The Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall of China and based its system of government on legalism--the philosophy that all people are basically evil and are in need of a strict system of law and punishment to keep them in line. Two such strict laws involved the burning of any book that offended the Emperor's sensibilities, and the burying alive of any one who expressed thoughts construed to be offensive to the Emperor.

What right states that a person cannot be held in jail without being accused of a crime?

Habeas Corpus


Had a series of short term empires that failed because of their oppression of subject peoples.

Which of the following once separated England from Scotland?

Hadrian's Wall. Built in 200 C.E. by the Romans, Hadrian's Wall separated the Scots from the English. It was designed to keep the northern barbarians at bay.

The best-selling book by which of the following American authors was banned in the South?

Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The period of time between the death of Alexander the Great and the conquering of Egypt by the Romans is known as what?

Hellenistic Period.

What was the first Spanish settlement in the Americas?

Hispaniola. Christopher Columbus landed in Hispaniola in 1492. His trip was funded by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.

In 1934, who was the leader or fuhrer of Germany?


What was the first legislative body in America?

House of Burgess This was created to give everyone a place to go in order to voice their opinion. It was highly successful and some of the habits learned from there were carried into modern Congress.

Charity wants to open a bakery. She buys a shop. She purchases equipment and supplies. She hires clerks and delivery people. She still needs a pastry chef. What aspect of production is she missing?

Human capital

Your upper elementary social studies curriculum has a strong emphasis on physical geography. Which is not an aspect of physical geography?

Human interactions and cultures

In 1979, what dictator came into power in Iraq?

Hussein Saddam Hussein became the president of Iraq and began plans to conquer other states in the region. He remained in power until 2005, during the Iraq War.

What term refers to a rapid increase in prices?


The origin of Buddhism is attributed to Siddharta Gautama. Gautama is believed to have lived in which of the following regions of the world?

Indian subcontinent.

Define Voter registration.

Individuals have the responsibility of registering to vote. Every state except North Dakota requires citizens to register to vote.

Northwest, southeast, northeast and southwest are examples of what kind of directions?


What is money that is earned from having your money in a bank?


In the years preceding U.S. involvement in WWII, President Roosevelt asked the Congress to approve a military draft. Why was this an unusual draft?

It was a peacetime draft. Congress approved the first peacetime draft in 1940. A wartime draft occurred during the Civil War. The draft required all men to register.

In which of the following countries is Shi'a Islam the dominant religion?


Which of the following is NOT a member of the G-20?

Iran. The G-20 members consist of the Top 20 nations ranked according to GDP, in addition to the European Union. Although by all three counts of GDP (CIA, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank), Iran ranks consistently above Australia, Iran is not a G-20 member.

The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade is often cited as an example of judicial activism for which of the following reasons?

Its interpretation was influenced more by political and social trends than by a close reading of the Constitution.

During which president's run for office was the term Democrat first applied?


Which of the following was the first permanent British colony in North America?

Jamestown Colony. Established in 1587, the Roanoke Colony in Virginia was the earliest British colony in North America, but it disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The order of establishment of British colonies was Jamestown in 1607 and Plymouth in 1620. Delaware Colony, settled by the Dutch in 1631, only came under British control after the Duke of York's victorious siege of New Amsterdam in 1664.


Japan an ally of Germany had been forcefully expanding its territories in Korea China Indonesia the Philippines and the South Pacific for many years.

Who was the first supreme court judge?


What is the largest of the English Channel Islands?


Which of the following historical figures is associated with The First Great Awakening?

Jonathan Edwards.

What branch of the government is responsible for interpreting the laws?

Judicial branch.

Who was not a member of the second triumvirate of Rome?

Julius Caesar.

Everyone knows Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. What is the second highest?

K2.K2 can be seen from Everest and is located in the Himalayan Mountain chain. In 1954, Italians Compagnoni and Lacedelli were the first to climb it.

Which of the following Baltic regions of the former Soviet Union is not a member of the European Union?


The capital of Sudan is:


These 56 islands were given to the USSR (now Russia) after World War II by the Japanese yet are still contested. What are they?

Kuril Islands. These islands were originally settled by the Soviets. Japan conquered them in 1875. Even now, Japan still tries to gain control of the island from the Russians when it has the chance.

What act helped to restrict the powers and activities of labor unions in the United States?

Labor-Management Relations Act. This was passed under the name of Taft-Hartley Act as well. It allowed employees the right not to have to join a labor union as well as other rights employees have.

How did large-scale agriculture facilitate European colonization in the Americas?

Large-scale agriculture produced a food surplus that supported a larger population, permanent settlements, and a centralized government.

What is another name for the key shown on a map?


Which branch of the federal government has the power to declare war?


What branch of government is allowed to impeach the President?

Legislative The premise behind this is that they are the only branch which is able to check the power of the executive branch. No other branch or person is allowed to file the charges for the President to be impeached while in office.

Who did Jefferson send on an expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase?

Lewis and Clark.

The first armed clash between British and American forces took place at:

Lexington. British troops, who had been occupying Boston since 1768, learned that colonists in regions outside of Boston had started stockpiling weapons. They set out to the nearby town of Lexington, but the militia had already been warned and had dispersed the stockpiles. Militia men fired at the troops who advanced to Concord, where they encountered greater resistance. The Massachusetts militia, or Minutemen, then forced the British back to Lexington, and then to Boston. Outnumbered by the Minutemen, the British eventually withdrew from Boston.

What are two major factors which economists consider when deciding the amount and types of goods or services to produce?

Limited resources and diminishing returns. If resources are limited, goods and services will be too.Unlimited resources mean unlimited goods and services. Diminishing returns means that the more you make of something, the more expensive it is to produce. Costs rise with output.

What term describes how much money a company has on hand?

Liquid resource.

What differentiates hurricanes from typhoons and cyclones?


A visitor to which of the following cities would find it useful to learn Portuguese?


During the Industrial Revolution, people who were against the use of machines were called what?


Which of the following francophone poets and members of the Académie Française was elected as Senegal's first President?

Léopold Senghor. Senegal gained independence from France in 1960, and Léopold Senghor was elected the country's first President. He held the position for five terms--until 1980.

What is the name of the large island nation located southeast of Africa?


What case helped set the precedent for hearing cases in regard to judicial review?

Marbury vs Madison This set up the entire concept of judicial review which means that the federal court is able to determine whether or not a law is Constitutional. Marbury was contending that he had been appointed to a position in which Madison was not honoring.

Compare and contrast marshes and swamps and the major climates found in the high latitudes tundra and taiga.

Marshes and swamps are both wet lowlands. The water can be fresh brackish or saline. Both host important ecological systems with unique wildlife. There are however some major differences.

King Henry VIII started the Anglican Church. His daughter Mary opposed it. Why?

Mary was Catholic.

What exotic dancer turned spy for Germany was captured by the French and executed for her role?

Mata Hari.

What American opened Japan to trade?

Matthew Perry When he learned that Japan would be fortified, he arrived in the harbor with four ships in a show of power. He opened the nation to trade which helped both nations involved gain a better relation.

Russian Revolution and Red Scare

Meantime the caused a that strengthened the already strong Ku Klux Klan that controlled some states politics.

Which of the following pair of cities denotes the birthplace, and final resting place of the Prophet Muhammad?

Mecca and Medina.

During the early years of civilization, this sea played an important role in helping the nations, including Greece and Egypt, in the area evolve. What sea was it?

Mediterranean Sea.

The red dots on this world map represent what?

Megacities. These are very high populated cities. Those cities are also considered hubs for their areas.

What famous book was written by Adolf Hitler?

Mein Kampf.


Members of the are elected to six year terms one third of the is elected every two years. Per the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution which was passed in 1913 Senators are elected by the electorate of states. The country is divided into Congressional districts and critics argue that this division eliminates voter choice sometimes creating areas in which Congressional races are uncontested.

Using the map above, what country is located at approximately 20 degrees north latitude and 100 degrees west longitude?


The fact that the different states of Mexico have their own constitutions, while the different counties, or municipios (municipalities), of each state do not, implies that:

Mexico has a federal form of government, while the Mexican states have unitary forms of government.

Via the Zimmerman Note, Germany was trying to get whom to attack the United States to keep them from interfering in World War I?

Mexico. The Zimmerman Note was a telegram from Germany to its own embassy in Mexico, and the objective was to encourage Mexico to distract the United States by invading the states. This further encouraged the United States to enter the war.

The lowest wage someone is legally able to be paid is called what?

Minimum wage.

Certain rights which are given to people who are being arrested are known as what?

Miranda rights.

What act helped set the guidelines as to where slavery was permitted in the United States?

Missouri Compromise.

The severe drought known as the Dust Bowl directly affected farming in all of the following states, EXCEPT:


A government decision to buy bonds involves a change in:

Monetary policy. The government's decision to buy bonds will cause an increase in the money supply. Decisions affecting the money supply are categorized under monetary policy.

What doctrine stated that any European trying to gain a foothold in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as a hostile act?

Monroe Doctrine.

Federal Election Committee

Most party committees must register with the and file reports disclosing campaign activities. While party committees may contribute funds directly to federate candidates the amounts that they contribute are restricted by the campaign finance contribution limits. National and state party committees are permitted to make additional coordinated expenditures within limits to assist their nominees in general elections. The Federal Election Campaign Act introduced public funding for Presidential primaries and elections and called for the creation of the which administers campaign finance law.

This world image clearly shows what?

Mountain Ranges. You can see both underwater ranges and land ranges. There is no indication of forests or rivers and no clear lines marking tectonic plates.

Describe the three ways that mountains form.

Mountains are formed by the movement of geologic plates which are rigid slabs of rock beneath the earth's crust that float on a layer of partially molten rock in the earth's upper mantle. As the plates collide they push up the crust to form mountains.

When the British ruled India, they placed colonial names on many cities. Many cities have reverted to their local names. What is the city of Bombay (as called by the British) called today?


Who was the first president elected of the new nation of Turkey?

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Which organization was created in 1949 in response to divisions created by the Cold War in Europe?

NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 in response to the divisions created by the Cold War. After the destruction caused by two world wars, Europeans felt the need for a more unified Europe. In 1957, Six European countries created the European Economic Community (EEC), also known as the Common Market, for economic benefits. The League of Nations was formed after WWI as a result of the Paris Conference.

This African country finally achieved its independence in 1990 after long negotiations and a century of being annexed by other countries. What is it?

Namibia. Explored by the Portuguese in the late 15th century, annexed by Germany in 1885, captured by South Africa in World War I, and subject of many legal battles and interests, Namibia reached its independence in 1990. Namibia's economy is mainly based on agriculture and diamonds.

Who was the first emperor of France?

Napoleon I. Napoleon I crowned himself emperor and declared the position to be hereditary in order to pass down his lineage. He originally brought down a coalition of forces until he was exiled. He came back but was defeated at Waterloo.

Dual federalism refers to what?

National and state laws being separate.

What was another name for the National Socialist German Workers' Party?


Between 1970 and 1980, the minimum wage did which of the following?

Nearly doubled. Between 1970 and 1980, per the graph, minimum wage nearly doubled from around $1.50 to $3.00 per hour.

Who was South Africa's first elected black president?

Nelson Mandela After being held in a South African prison, Nelson Mandela was freed in 1992 when apartheid ended. He was soon elected as the first president of South Africa under the new constitution.

This colony was set up by the Dutch as a trading hub. Which colony was this?

New Amsterdam. The Dutch were the most successful maritime traders in the Old World. They set up a colony in the New World called New Amsterdam at the mouth of the Hudson River. It was founded for the purpose of trade run for the benefit of the Dutch West Indies stockholders. In 1664, the British came to attack the settlement, but they surrendered. The settlement was renamed New York after James, The Duke of York. Some of the colony was given to James's friends and this became New Jersey.

Which of the following states has the highest percentage of Spanish speakers?

New Mexico. In New Mexico, more than 43% of the state's population speaks Spanish, while in California, Texas, and Florida those percentages are, respectively, 35%, 35%, and 19%.

What area were the diplomats originally sent to buy from Napoleon in Louisiana?

New Orleans. The original plan was to buy the harbor so that the United States would be able to have a foothold on the Mississippi River. Instead, Napoleon needed more money to finance his war and sold the entire Louisiana Purchase for cheap to the United States.

The purpose of the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam was trade. What do we call this trading settlement today?

New York City

Where is the central stock market located in the United States?

New York Ever since the 1800s, Wall Street has been the place in which stocks were mainly traded. This is the central location for people in the nation which is why it was chosen.

The "Articles of Confederation" ratified in 1781 was the first attempt at a central government in the U.S. It was not a perfect document and was replaced later by the Constitution. Which law did the Articles set?

New states would be equal to the original thirteen as soon as they were admitted to the union. There would be no "trial" period for states once admitted to the union. Slavery was banned in the new territories.

Which is longer, the Congo River, the Nile River, the Yellow River or the Mississippi River?


The United States was conceived as a nation governed by law. What does this mean?

No one is above the law.

Who does the US Navy recognize as its father?

None of the above. The navy recognizes no one individual as "Father" to the exclusion of all others.

The "separation of church and state" is argued in which document?

Notes on the State of Virginia. In his book anonymously published in France, Thomas Jefferson argued for the right for people to question and choose their own religious beliefs. The state should not impose them.

"I consider, then, the power to annul a law of the United States, assumed by one state, incompatible with the existence of the Union, contradicted expressly by the letter of the Constitution, unauthorized by its spirit, inconsistent with every principle on which It was founded, and destructive of the great object for which it was formed." The preceding passage refers to which of the following events of Andrew Jackson's Presidency?

Nullification Crisis of 1828-1832.

What two Japanese islands were captured by American forces during World War II?

Okinawa and Iwo Jima. The Japanese islands of Okinawa and Iwo Jima were captured by American soldiers only after intense ground fighting. One of the most famous images of the battles in the Pacific deals with the raising of the American flag over Iwo Jima.

After Britain gave India its independence in 1947, some Indians did not want to be ruled by the Hindu majority. What country was created to rectify this problem?

Pakistan. Pakistan formed its own independent country, controlled by the Muslims who wanted to be free from the ruling Hindu majority. The country of Pakistan was formed from the northeast and northwest regions of India.

Baron de Coubertin was responsible for getting what back into the public spotlight?

Olympic games. Through a trip to Greece where he saw the excavation going on, he began to push for the games to make a revival even though they had not been held for over 1500 years. He served as the second president of the Olympic Games.

Frank Beal created this game in which two players hit a small rubber ball from one person to the next.

Paddle tennis.

The trading wars between China and Britain in the 1800s was known as what?

Opium Wars.

What 2000 mile east-west trail was originally laid out by fur trappers and traders around 1811 and had its first wagon train in 1836 ?

Oregon Trail.

What plan was created in order to purchase Cuba from Spain?

Ostend Manifesto During Pierce's term, diplomats were sent to see if the US would be able to buy Cuba from Spain. Unfortunately, plans for this were made public beforehand and the strong wording caused the US to back out.

Canada's National Parliament is located in which of the following cities?

Ottawa. This question tests your knowledge of the location of important cities in the world. Canada's National Parliament is located in its capital city--Ottawa, in the province of Ontario. The correct answer therefore, is C.

The Ring of Fire is located around what body of water?

Pacific Ocean The Ring of Fire refers to an area around the ocean which is a hotbed for seismic activity. Most of the world's volcanoes and earthquakes occur within the area.

Federal Reserve notes

Paper money is actually and coins. it is the job of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the Treasury Department to design plates special types of paper and other security measures for bills and bonds. This money is put into general circulation by the Treasury and Banks and is taken out of circulation when worn out. Coins are made at the Bureau of the Mint in Philadelphia Denver and San Francisco.

What is another term used for lines of latitude?

Parallels Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England.

What was created by President Kennedy in an effort to get young people involved in helping their country?

Peace Corps. In a famous address, President Kennedy asked people to think of what they would be able to do for their country. Since then, millions of people have served in the Peace Corps helping out impoverished nations around the world.

The Puritans in Massachusetts had little tolerance for different religions. One colony was more open about religious tolerance. Which colony was it?


The colonies in the Americas were set up for different purposes. Which pairing correctly matches the colony with its purpose?

Pennsylvania -- religious tolerance

If a landmass has the temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit for more than two continual years, it is said to be what?


In 1700, this city was the second most important in the colonies. Which city was it and why?

Philadelphia due to religious tolerance

All of the following facts about the two West African islands of Sao Tome and Principe are true EXCEPT

Pirates from all over the world used them as a base during their era.

The city of Milan is located along what river in Italy?

Po The Po River was instrumental in early Italian history in transporting goods from the interior of Italy to the Adriatic Sea. Today, it is still one of the major waterways and runs through many of the larger cities in the area.

When the President chooses not to do an action to a bill and allows it to die by running out the time allowed, what is this called?

Pocket veto Many bills are defeated by the pocket veto because the President chooses not to make a clear stand on the issue. This usually happens if a bill was passed by a legislative body which is different from his own political body. The bill must then go back to the legislative branches where it must now get a larger majority in order to reach the President's desk again.

The shifting of Earth's magnetic poles is known as what?

Pole Wandering

What type of map depicts human-made boundaries and divisions?


Francisco Pizarro found gold in Peru. Hernando Cortes took gold from the Aztecs. Which conquerer found gold in Puerto Rico?

Ponce de Leon

Richard M Nixon and Gerald R Ford

President then appointed House Minority Leader to be vice president. This was accomplished through Senate ratification a process that had been devised after Harry Truman succeeded to the presidency upon the death of Franklin Roosevelt and went through nearly four years of his presidency without a vice president.

The concept of checks and balances is evident in which of the following?

Presidential veto. The President may veto legislation passed by Congress. The executive branch has this "check" on the legislative branch.

Which of the following accounts for the fact that demand curves tend to be downward sloping?

Price elasticity of demand. Demand elasticity refers to the covariance between price and demand. Since consumers tend to want less quantity of a product at higher prices, and more at lower prices, the demand curve slopes downward.

Which correctly defines the principle of supply and demand?

Producers determine supply. Consumers determine demand.

In the Vietnam War, the United States provoked and supported South Vietnam in their fight against North Vietnam, an enemy of the United States. Because of the US involvement in the war, the war is an example of which of the following?

Proxy war. A proxy war occurs when a nation is provoked to start a war on the behalf of another nation who does not necessarily want to be involved in the war but will benefit from the ideal outcome. Such is the case with the Vietnam War, which was a proxy war provoked by the US.

The settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were

Puritans. The Puritans who fled religious persecution in Britain settled in the Massachusetts region, establishing what became the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

What ancient wonder found in Egypt is the only one to remain standing?

Pyramid of Cheops.

What religious group settled Pennsylvania?

Quakers Led by William Penn, the Quakers bought the land from the Indians and began to create their own cities. They had come to the New World so that they would be free from religious persecution.

Which is an example of a good that is "perfectly inelastic?"

Rabies vaccines Goods that are perfectly inelastic are demanded no matter what the price is. Life-saving drugs, kidnapping ransoms and a drug addict's favored drugs fall into this category. The demand for elastic goods varies with price.

Using the bar graph, which of the following statements can be concluded about the rainfall in Hawaii?

Rainfall is lowest during the summer months. According to this bar graph, Hawaii's rainfall during each of the summer months is less than an inch per month average. Hawaii has over 120 islets.

What word is used to describe the approval of an amendment?


Describe Reconstruction and the 13th 14th and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution.

Reconstruction was the period from 1865 to 1877 during which the South was under strict control of the US government.

Which of the following effects did the Nazi control of the government have on the German economy in the 1930's?

Recovery. The Nazis initiated massive public works programs in Germany, leading to an economic recovery. At the time, the country boasted of having unemployment levels close to zero, and was one of the strongest economies in Europe. However, because of continuing inflation, wages actually decreased in 1930's Germany.

Political location

Refers to the divisions within continents that designate various countries. These divisions are made with borders, which are set according to boundary lines arrived at by legal agreements. Both physical and locations can be precisely determined by geographical surveys and by latitude and longitude.

Physical location

Refers to the placement of the hemispheres and the continents.

All of these are things which can happen to a bill EXCEPT:


Read the following geography assignment given to a fifth grade class. Then, decide which theme of geography is the focus of the assignment. The city of Pittsburgh is located at the intersection of three major rivers. The city has had a thriving steel industry since the 19th century. Describe how the city's location has affected its success in the steel industry.

Relative location

What current political party is known as the conservatives?


Which of the following forms of justice is based on the concept that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?


On June 7, 1776, a formal resolution for Independence was introduced at the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Who proposed it?

Richard Henry Lee Richard Henry Lee was a delegate from Virginia. The Southern colonies had not seen as much disruption as the New England colonies and were unsure whether to join the cause for Independence. When Lee, a Southerner, proposed the resolution, the southern colonies were more likely to consider it. After debate showed that not all colonies were willing to break ties with England, Congress decided to delay the vote on the Lee Resolution. During the delay a committee drafted a formal declaration of independence with Thomas Jefferson as the primary author.

The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States implies that:

Rights not enumerated by the Bill of Rights are retained by the people.

Which geographic features were most conducive to the development of early civilizations?


What famous case dealt with the issue of abortion?

Roe vs Wade.

What was Hannibal's military target when he crossed the Alps?

Rome. Hannibal the head of the Carthaginian army led it east from Iberia now Spain and Portugal over the Alps in 218BCE with elephants and then down into Italy intending to conquer the Roman Empire which he did not succeed in doing.

The Macedonian Wars were fought between Macedonia and what other nation in 215 B.C.E.?

Rome. The Macedonian Wars were fought by Philip V and his successor Perseus to ensure that Rome was not able to expand any further. After the series of wars, Macedonia was conquered by Rome and became the first province of the empire.

What was added to the Monroe Doctrine that gave the right for America to interfere in Latin American affairs?

Roosevelt Corollary.

During the English Civil Wars, those who supported the crown were known as what?


What type of writing was used by Germanic people of Northern Europe during the 3rd to 17th century?


Define Campaign Finance Hard vs Soft Money.

Running a campaign requires money however the means of funding campaigns is often controversial. Both individuals and organizations donate significant private contributions to campaigns. Money donated to campaigns can be characterized as either hard money or soft money.

Deserts cover two-fifths of Africa. What are the principal deserts of Africa?

Sahara, Namib and Kalahari

Which of the following best describes the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

The 10th Amendment reserves all non-specified powers to the states and people.

Which of the following pair of resources were important elements of trade between the Islamic dynasties of theNorth Africa Empire and the kingdoms of West Africa, circa 1000 C.E.?

Salt and gold. This question tests your knowledge of the correlation between the spread of Islam and trade networks in North and West Africa. West African empires such as the Mali, Ghana, and Songhay were rich in gold resources, while regions further to the north and east in the Sahara Desert were rich in salt. The Islamic traders coming down from the north eagerly exchanged salt for gold with the West Africans, and vice versa. The correct answer therefore, is B.

The American Federation of Labor was founded by:

Samuel Gompers. Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor in 1886, with aims to secure skilled workers shorter hours, safer working conditions, and higher wages through the process of collective bargaining.

What nation claims to be the oldest republic still in existence?

San Marino Founded in 301 C.E., San Marino holds the distinction of being the longest thriving republic in the world. It is also one of the only nations not to be conquered in the past years. This is due partly to its small size since it is the second smallest nation in the world as well.

The American Continental Army won which of the following battles?


An area of still moving waters located in the Atlantic is known as what?

Sargasso Sea This sea was first mentioned by Columbus when he crossed it in 1492. It encompasses the Bermuda islands and caused many early navigators the fear that they would become tangled within the seaweed.

Which of the following is associated with Prince Henry of Portugal's contributions to Europe's exploration of the new world?

School of navigation. Prince Henry of Portugal, who was also known as Prince Henry the Navigator, contributed to European exploration because he opened the first school of navigation while also funding and supporting various expeditions and helping cartographers develop maps of new regions.

What is usually used as a baseline for elevation and relief on a map?

Sea Level. The Earth's surface is irregular. Cartographers use elevation and relief to represent these irregularities. The baseline is often above or below sea level. Cartographers use shading or hatching to represent elevation and relief.

This map of the world oceans and seas shows what?

Seas are close to land and have considerably less surface area than oceans.

If a state chooses to go against the federal government and breaks away from it, what is this called?


What group of law enforcement is responsible for protecting the President?

Secret Service This group was created so that the President would be constantly protected from people who would be willing to assassinate him. Throughout history, they have managed to thwart people who would have tried to kill the President and other high ranking political members.

What secretary is in charge of national parks?

Secretary of the Interior Interior refers to the land which is inside of the United States. All national parks and national historical monuments are watched over to make sure that they are well taken care of.

When you sell stocks which you do not own on the basis that you will deliver them soon, it is known as what?

Selling short.

What are the two main parts of the federal legislative branch?

Senate and House of Representatives

Thomas Jefferson embraced a theological philosophy called deism, which promotes which of the following?

Separation of church and state

The President may limit budget expenditures by issuing a writ of:

Sequestration. A writ of sequestration, as it applies to the budgetary powers of the Executive branch, is issued only if the President, on the recommendation of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, deems that immediate budget cuts need to be made.

Learning opportunities that connect students with community activities that foster civic responsibility indicates the use of what type of teaching strategy?

Service learning

Which of the following occurs when someone rents tools, land, and animals to tend a landowner's land while paying landowners with part of their harvest?


The world's largest date palm forest is found in the drainage area of which of the following?

Shatt al-Arab. The Shatt al-Arab is formed where the the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers converge and marks the border between Iran and Iraq.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

She was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

What was the first legislation to limit the powers of trade and regulation?

Sherman Antitrust Act.

The Yenisei River is located in:


What war between Japan and China helped to secure Japan's position as being a leading world power?

Sino-Japanese War This war started with Japan trying to gain control of Korea to open trade relations with the Western nations. China fought against them but eventually lost, forcing them to declare the independence of Korea as well as ceding over their property to Japan.

How long is a senator's term?

Six years.

The term of office for a United States Senator is:

Six years.

What was NOT included in the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Slavery was banned in Washington, D.C.

Which are an example of complementary goods?

Sneakers and shoelaces

What was the first state to secede from the Union?

South Carolina. With the first state gone from the Union, the South quickly gained a following of other like-minded slavery states. They later formed together to create the Confederacy.

Which of the following describes the location of the capital of Colombia most accurately?

Southeast of Panama City and southwest of Caracas.

Which of the following is an intercardinal direction?


After World War II, what nation engaged with the United States in a cold war?

Soviet Union.

Explain how to apply geography to the interpretation of the past.

Space environment and chronology are three different points of view that can be used to study history.

The Pyrenees Mountain range separates continental Europe from the Iberian Peninsula. What country or countries are located on the Iberian Peninsula?

Spain and Portugal


Spread around the world. Resulting fears led to -The Truman Doctrine (1947) This was a policy designed to protect free peoples everywhere against oppression. -The Marshall Plan (1948) This devoted $12 billion to rebuild Western Europe and strengthen its defenses. -The Organization of American States (1948) This was established to bolster democratic relations in the Americas. -The Berlin Blockade (1948-49) The Soviets tried to starve out West Berlin so the United States provided massive supply drops by air. -The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) This was formed to military link the United States and western Europe so that an attack on one was an attack on both. -The Korean War (1950-53) This divided the country into the communist North and the democratic South. -The McCarthy era (1950-54) Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin held hearings on supposed Communist conspiracies that ruined innocent reputations and led to the blacklisting of suspected sympathizers in the government Hollywood and the media.

What was the name of the first Soviet satellite sent into space?

Sputnik I.


Started as a group of city states that were untied by Alexander the Great and joined to create an empire that stretched from the Indus River to Egypt and the Mediterranean coast. Blended Greek values with those of the local cultures which collectively became known as Hellenistic society.

The price of oil drops dramatically, saving soda pop manufacturers great amounts of money spent on making soda pop and delivering their product to market. Prices for soda pop, however, stay the same. This is an example of what?

Sticky prices. The phenomenon of "sticky prices" refers to prices that stay the same even though it seems they should change (either increasing or decreasing).

The Parliament of the European Union was originally located in which of the following cities?


Explain the economic principles of supply and demand scarcity and choice and money and resources.

Supply is the amount of a product or service available to consumers.

What is the name of the highest court in the United States?

Supreme Court.

Define Survey Sampling

Survey sampling is a method that involves the random selection of a sample from a population that is fixed in size. Survey sampling is often used to measure public opinion.

Which two countries are located within South Africa?

Swaziland and Lesotho

You are skiing in the Alps in Europe. You are in a politically neutral country located north of Italy, south of Germany and west of Austria. Where are you?


These countries are known as the Alpine States. What are they?

Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein contain the Alps, a vast mountain range. The Alps also reach into Italy, France, Monaco, Germany, and Slovenia.

What future president was part of the Rough Riders?

T. Roosevelt During the Spanish America War, T. Roosevelt helped to lead the cavalry of Rough Riders. He was later elected president thanks in part to the service he had performed.

Who was the only man to be both President and a Supreme Court judge?

Taft After he left the Presidency, he was later appointed to serve on the Supreme Court. He is the only person to have served on both of these branches of the government.

Which is an example of substitute goods?

Taking the train when the price of gas rises

What organization of Democratic party leaders was based in New York during 1805-1930?

Tammany Hall Society Many presidents tried to break up Tammany Hall but were forced to back off when it proved to be too much for them to handle. In the 1930s it declined under F.D. Roosevelt and mayor Fiorello La Guardia.

One reason the Articles of Confederation created a weak government was because it limited Congress's ability to do what?

Tax. Congress did not have the authority to levy taxes under the Articles of Confederation. Without the ability to levy taxes, there was no way to finance programs, which weakened the government.

Per capita income

Technology has become the strongest factor in determining for many countries. The ease of technology investments as compared to industries that involve factories and large labor forces has resulted in more foreign investments in countries that do not have natural resources to call upon.

Limit campaign contributions

The Act was amended to.

The treaty that ceded Florida to the United States and left Texas under Spanish control was:

The Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819.

In 1961, what did the Soviets build to keep people from crossing from East Germany into West Germany?

The Berlin Wall.

First ten amendments to Constitution are more commonly known as:

The Bill of Rights

This guarantees the basic rights of citizens of the United States. What is it?

The Bill of Rights

In the 14th Century, the Europeans suffered a terrible plague. What was it called?

The Black Death

In the 1770s, the colonies grew restless. Anger at England caused some incidents in Boston. What event occurred when some malcontents began to throw rocks and snowballs at a British sentry outside the customs house?

The Boston Massacre

The Continental Army was not doing well during the fighting of 1776. They settled in to a winter encampment in Valley Forge. They suffered a winter of starvation and cold. Why?

The British held Philadelphia.

Which of the following characterizes the political alignment of Congress during the second administration of Lyndon B. Johnson?

The Democratic party had a two-thirds majority in both Houses.

Which group settled in the colony of New York for the purposes of maritime trade?

The Dutch

One of the major factors for the expansion of the Underground Railroad was:

The Fugitive Slave Law.

In the 1730s, a shift in religious attitudes resulted in great changes in the colonies. Led by a master preacher named Jonathan Edwards, this period is known as:

The Great Awakening

What was a major achievement during the Han dynasty?

The Han dynasty created the Silk Road, a series of trade routes that linked the Far East and West for the first time in world history. Thus, Choice D is the correct answer. The Greeks installed the first representative government; Indian rulers defeated Alexander the Great's legendary military; and the Romans invented a superior type of concrete.

During the years of the Spanish Conquistadors' triumphs in the New World, what was happening in Spain that caused great upheaval?

The Inquisition

What is another name for the line of longitude which stands at 180 degrees?

The International Date Line

In the United States House of Representatives, the tenacious task of overt partisan advocacy falls to:

The Majority Leader Even though officially the Speaker of the House is the leader of the majority party, he or she tends to take a more non-partisan role, and serves to conciliate the two parties, granting members from both parties the right to speak. Thus it is up to the Majority Leader to aggressively vocalize the majority party's agenda during House of Representatives sessions.

Of the following statements, which is true about the March on Versailles during the French Revolution?

The March on Versailles was an action undertaken primarily by women

What did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt call his legislative agenda?

The New Deal

What eastern and north African river is the longest in the world, expanding some 4160 miles?

The Nile.

The Mason-Dixon Line divided:

The North from the South before the Civil War. The Mason-Dixon Line was the manifestation of a border dispute between Great Britain and the colonists. It effectively separated, or illustrated, a cultural divide between North and South before the Civil War.

What occurs within the Northern Hemisphere when the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing its summer solstice?

The Northern Hemisphere experiences its winter solstice. The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year. When the Southern Hemisphere experiences its shortest day of the year, those in the Northern Hemisphere will experience the longest day of the year, their summer solstice.

What event triggered the Occupy Wall Street movement?

The Occupy Wall Street movement was a direct response to the irresponsible investment banking practices that caused the financial crisis of 2007-2008; therefore, Choice C is the correct answer. The War in Afghanistan has never led to large-scale protests, and while the Iraq War became incredibly unpopular, it wasn't directly related to Occupy Wall Street. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) effectively legalized unlimited campaign contributions, and the Occupy Wall Street movement vehemently opposed it. However, the Occupy Wall Street movement predates the Court's decision, so it couldn't have been a triggering event.

A social studies teacher wants to connect geography with the spread of culture. Which of the following would be a good example of the spread of culture through trade?

The Phoenicians in Spain

The specific areas highlighted in yellow on this map that surround the Pacific Ocean constitute what?

The Ring of Fire About 70% of all historically recorded active volcanoes have occurred in this belt. It includes the Andes, the coastal regions of Central and North America, the Aleutian and Kuril islands, Kamchatka peninsula, Taiwan, eastern Indonesia, New Zealand, the Japanese and Philippine islands, and the island arcs of the western Pacific.

During the writing of our Constitution, the three-fifths accommodation was given to the Southern states. What was this?

The Southern states could count three-fifths of the slave population for population determination.

Who were the first Europeans to arrive in California?

The Spanish. The Spanish were the first Europeans to arrive in California. Many Spanish place names are used today in California, such as Sierra Nevada and Los Angeles.

Robert J. Oppenheimer led the "Manhattan Project." What was the "Manhattan Project?"

The project to develop an atomic bomb during WWII Working in Oak Ridge, Tenn. and Los Alamos, NM, Oppenheimer and his team developed the atomic bomb. Some of the scientists on the team had defected from Germany where work on such a bomb had begun. It was tagged the Manhattan Project because it started in N.Y.

During the 1760s, the British Parliament passed a series of acts taxing the American colonies. Which act taxed dice, playing cards, marriage licenses, college degrees and newspapers?

The Stamp Act

A government may impose taxes on its citizens to raise revenues. In the 1760s, a series of these tax increases were imposed on the American colonies. What were these called?

The Stamp Act, the Revenue Acts and the Townshend Act. The Stamp Act taxed almost every legal document as well as the above. In some cases it doubled their cost. The Townshend Act taxed tea, paper and glass, among other things. The Revenue Act raised taxes on linen, wine, sugar, and silk. The "Intolerable Acts" called the "Repressive Acts" in Britain, closed Boston Harbor and repealed the right to assembly.

In order to enter the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean, a ship must pass through:

The Strait of Gibraltar. The Strait of Gibraltar lies between Spain and Morocco.

What is the only country in the world that has all five major types of climates? (Tropical, Dry, Moderate, Continental, Polar)

The United States of America.

The Palestinian National Authority has jurisdiction in which of the following areas?

The West Bank.

Provide a brief history of the Whig Party.

The Whig Party existed from 1833 to 1856.

What intergovernmental organization primarily offers dispute resolution services?

The World Trade Organization

On a compass rose, the four directions north, south, east and west are called:

The cardinal directions

List the earliest Spanish explorers in the United States and their accomplishments.

The claimed and explored huge portions of the after the voyages of Christopher Columbus.

One factor that enabled the transition from feudalism to market economies in Europe was:

The three-field system of farming.

At the beginning of the hostilities with the British, not many Americans understood the causes for war. One man's writings clarified the issues and bolstered support for the American call for Independence. Who was he?

Thomas Paine

How do economists use a "market basket?"

To measure inflation. Economists choose a group of goods or services to track inflation. Figuring the costs of these goods compared to the previous economic period indicates whether prices for the same goods have risen or fallen.


Those who opposed the new constitution, the, wanted a bill of rights included.

How many Punic Wars were there?

Three. The wars were fought between Rome and Carthage over the right to control the Mediterranean. During the final war, Rome conquered Carthage and destroyed the ground so that nothing would ever be able to grow there again.


Thus geography is an study of history anthropology and sociology.

What archipelago is located off of the coast of Chile through which the Drake passage runs through?

Tierra del Fuego. Named for the many volcanoes located on the islands, this archipelago is considered to be one of the most dangerous to cross. The only oil field of Chile is also located on these islands.

What is NOT a responsibility for citizens of democracy?

To avoid political action

Michele Felice Cornè is famous for introducing what into New England?

Tomatoes Michele Felice Cornè was a painter and teacher. He is credited with introducing the tomato into New England about 1800. Many thought tomatoes were poisonous but he ate them to prove otherwise. There is a plaque at his home in Newport crediting this. Tomatoes originated in South America.

A map which only shows the elevation of a country is known as what?

Topographical map.

Which of the following Central Asian regions constituted the northeastern extent of Alexander the Great's Empire and was later ruled by Genghis Khan's son, Chagatai?

Transoxiana. Transoxiana was the region between the Amu Darya (Oxus) and Syr Darya (Jaxartes) Rivers. The bulk of Transoxiana is today made up of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

What treaty ended the War of 1812?

Treaty of Ghent This treaty restored all of the lands which had been taken by both sides. It stated that the war was a draw for both sides although the Battle of New Orleans which took place later led to popular belief that the US had won.

What treaty ended the American Revolution?

Treaty of Paris

On the western front of WWI, the German plan called for a vast encircling movement into northern France then a sweep around Paris. The war quickly settled into stalemate as neither the Germans nor French troops gave ground. This led to a new style of warfare known as:

Trench warfare

Congressional elections are held every years.

Two. Members of the House are elected for two year terms. Senators serve 6 year terms but the election are staggered so roughly one third of the Senate is elected every two years.

Guaranteed rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence possessed by all people are referred to as

Unalienable rights...endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights is excerpted from the Declaration of Independence. These rights are unable to be taken away from individuals referring to the colonists rights that Great Britain could not oppress.

All of the following reflect true effects of unions, EXCEPT:

Unions raise the pay scales of all workers, including those making the highest salaries. Statistics show that while unions have the effect of raising the pay scales of low and middle-income earners whether they are unionized or not, they have little effect on the pay of workers at the highest salary levels.

In 1945, what peacekeeping organization was created by the United States?

United Nations The United States created the United Nations as a peacekeeping organization in hopes of preventing another worldwide war. The UN's Security Council has the ability to send arms and troops to areas around the world in order to promote this peace.

A group that grew in numbers as a result of the Industrial Revolution was

Unskilled workers. As production shifted to factories a large number of unskilled workers were needed to operate the machinery that was beginning to put many skilled craftsmen out of work. As farms grew larger and increasingly mechanized the number of people who owned their own farm began to decrease. The rural population declined as people flocked to the cities in search of employment.

To the west of Thebes lies this famous burial site of the former pharaohs of Egypt. What is it called?

Valley of the Kings.

What is the world's smallest country?

Vatican City.

Cartographers use color to help users "read" a map. What does the color green represent on most maps of the earth's surface?

Vegetation. Cartographers use color to help users read a map. Blue represents water, green, vegetation, red, roads and urban development, and brown, height and depth.

Who is the leader of the Senate?

Vice President One of the few duties which are specifically given to the Vice President through the Constitution is the ability to lead the Senate. While most of the time this is simply a title, every once in a while when there is an important issue, the Vice President may need to come in and settle the issue.

These falls were found by David Livingstone in Africa. The natives called them the 'smoke that thunders' but what did he name it?

Victoria Falls The queen of the time period of England was Queen Victoria, whom Livingstone named the falls after. The falls drop from such a high distance that by the time they reach the bottom, it looks as though smoke is rising from the ground.

The first English baby born in the New World was born on Roanoke Island. What was her name?

Virginia Dare. Roanoke Island was colonized in 1587. Virginia Dare was born to Eleanor Dare, the daughter of the group's leader, John White. The settlement on Roanoke Island vanished in 1590. It is called "The Lost Colony."

The amount of money that a person makes from working is known as what?

Wage. Every person who works is entitled to make a wage so that they are able to use the money for what they want. All wages are reported to the IRS for tax purposes.

James Fenimore Cooper

Was a great writer from this time period. He was the first to write about Native Americans and was the author of the Leatherstocking series which includes The Last of the Mohicans and The Deerslayer.

What was the name given to the illegal scandal of Nixon?


What treaty helped establish the border between Maine and Canada?

Webster-Ashburton Treaty The border between the British controlled Canada and American state Maine was disputed for years before the matter was resolved. The famed lawyer Daniel Webster was in charge on the American side for brokering the treaty.

Which of the following form the borders of the Dead Sea?

West Bank, Israel, Jordan. The Dead Sea is fed by the Jordan River and its west bank consists of the Palestinian territory of the West Bank and the state of Israel, while its east bank is the state of Jordan.

Which of the following were dispatch riders notifying Americans of British troop movements reported by American surveillance in 1775?

William Dawes and Paul Revere

The English Queen granted charters to some to establish colonies in America. Which of these is known for promoting religious tolerance in his colony?

William Penn

Which of the following would comprise a secondary social group?

Work cohorts

Which was the first state to gran women the right to vote?

Wyoming passed the measure as a state in 1890 it was also the first to have done so as a territory in 1869. California passed the measure in 1911 New York in 1917 and Kansas in 1912. The passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granted this right in 1920 to women in every state.

Chile and Uruguay are nations in South America. Chile is an elongated state. What type of state is Uruguay?


Concerning population in relation to ages and gender, in the United States in 2018 there were

more 25 to 29 year old males than males within any other age group

Jefferson Davis

of Mississippi a former US senator and cabinet member was the president of the Confederacy.

Which is caused by an earthquake under the sea?


However, the French made major contributions to the exploration of the new continent including

-Giovanni da Verrazano and Jacques Cartier explored the North American coast and the St. Lawrence Seaway for France -Samuel de Champlain who founded Quebec and set up a fur empire on the St. Lawrence Seaway also explored the coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island between 1604 and 1607 -Fr Jacques Marquette a Jesuit missionary and Louis Joliet were the first Europeans to travel down the Mississippi in 1673. -Rene Robert de la Salle explored the Great Lakes and the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers from 1679-1682 claiming all the land from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Appalachians to the Rockies for France.

They included

-Jackson's election is considered the beginning of the modern political party system and the start of the Democratic Party -Jeffersonian Democracy a system governed by middle and upper class educated property holders was replaced by Jacksonian Democracy a system that allowed universal white male suffrage. -The Indian Removal Act of 1830 took natives out of territories that whites wanted to settle most notably the Trail of Tears that forcibly removed Cherokees from Georgia and relocated them to Oklahoma. -The issue of nullification the right of states to nullify any federal laws they thought unconstitutional came to a head over tariffs. However a strong majority vote in Congress supporting the Tariff Acts cemented the policy that states must comply with federal laws.

You are in Greenwich, England. What line of longitude are you standing on?

0 degrees longitude. Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. The distance from the prime meridian sets the time zones.

Which of the following sets of coordinates indicates the approximate location of the capital of Ecuador?

0º, 80º W. The country of Ecuador extends no further south than about 5º S latitude, and no further north than about 1º50'' N latitude. The capital of Ecuador is Quito. Quito is just below the equator, at 0º15' S latitude. Its longitude is 78º35' W.

When was the League of Nations created?


In what year did the stock market crash and start the Great Depression?


Which of the following sets comprises a primary cause and effect of the American Revolution?

A cause was the French and Indian War, and an effect was the Bill of Rights.

The term Reconquista refers to:

A centuries-long series of battles and population movements culminating with the triumph of Christian forces at Granada and the expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain in 1492.This question tests your knowledge of the Christian reaction to the spread of Islam into the Iberian Peninsula. Muslim rulers conquered the Christian Visigoths of what is now Spain and Portugal by 718 C.E. The Muslim-controlled area ended at the Pyrenees Mountains. An 800-year-long series of sporadic battles and population movements thence commenced, eventually resulting in the complete retreat from Hispania of Islamic governance. The correct answer therefore, is B.

All else being equal which of the following locations is likely to have the coolest climate?

A city located at 6000 feet above sea level is likely to have a cooler climate all other things being equal. Since air is less dense at higher altitudes it holds heat less effectively and temperatures tend to be lower as a result. Precipitation is not as strong an indicator of temperature. Some areas that receive moderate or large amounts of precipitation are cooler (temperate and continental climates) while some areas that receive lots of precipitation like the tropics are warmer.

Benjamin Franklin discovered that the Iroquois tribes were individual tribes that belonged to a larger Iroquois nation. What is this type of dual government called?

A confederation. Ben Franklin found this type of government interesting and thought that "a like union should [not] be impracticable for ten or a dozen English colonies." Before the U.S. had a constitution, we had Articles of Confederation. The Iroquois had a democratic league of six Indian nations.

Discuss countercultures.

A counterculture is any group whose values and norms challenge and seek to alter the values and norms of the dominant culture in their society. Although the term when used today evokes memories of the 1960s youth rebellion in Western Europe and the United States earlier countercultural movements include the Bohemians in nineteenth century France or even the early Christians. Countercultures typically appear at a time when traditional norms and values are felt to no longer be appropriate or helpful in making sense of the world. As in the case of a social movement a counterculture tends to have more and stronger adherents at the beginning of its life once the counterculture's norms have been partially co opted by the larger society countercultures tend to lose stream.

After Stalin's reign of political terror in Soviet Russia, he was succeeded by a series of leaders. The new general secretary of the Communist Party, Nikitaa Krushchev, instituted policies to undo some of the worst of Stalin's edicts. This became known as "de-Stalinization." Which of the following are NOT one of these reform policies?

A decrease in military spending led to more production of consumer goods. Krushchev increased military spending to the detriment of the Soviet economy. His attempt to increase agricultural output failed. His plan to place missiles in Cuba led to his downfall. Soviet officials, angry that he had tried to curb their privileges, voted him out of office while he was away on vacation.

You live in New England in the 19th century. You go to work in a knitting mill. There are hundreds of other women working in your mill. Most came from farms. What is your situation an example of?

A demographic transition

In geographical terms, what is a "ped?"

A developed country Geographers refer to developed countries as "peds." (DeveloPED) These are in the First World. The "pings" (develoPING) are the developing countries, also called the Third World.

The Great Lakes region is most accurately characterized as:

A humid continental, cool summer climate zone. The continental climate zones commonly occur above 40º north latitude. In the summer the average temperature is above 50º F while in winter it is usually below freezing. The summer is shorter and cooler (except in cities like Chicago) in the Great Lakes region than further south in the Mid-Atlantic or Southern New England regions.

Define Police State.

A police state is a form of a totalitarian political system. A nation does not identify itself as a police state rather the characterization is applied by critics of the nation. A police state is regulated by police who exercise power on behalf of an executive authority. It is very difficult to challenge the police and question their conduct in a police state and there is no rule of law the law is simply the will of the leader. The police state is based on the concept of enlightened despotism under which the leader exercises absolute power with the goal of providing for the good of a nation opposition to government policy is an offense against authority and therefore against the nation itself. Because public dissent is not allowed people who oppose the government must do so in secret. Therefore the police must resort to the use of informers and secret police to seek out dissenters.

Which of the following is NOT an example of the probable impact of humans on the environment?

A rise in solar activity. Solar flares are related to the sun's magnetic field. Between human activities and climate change rising ocean temperatures less than half the world's coral reefs are considered to be healthy. In addition to melting icecaps rising ocean temperatures lead to the rise of sea levels. Most scientists tend to agree that the extinction rate has been accelerated because of humankind.

Define material culture.

A society's material culture is the set all of the physical objects that the people of that society have either created or to which they assign cultural meaning. Hence material culture may include objects like books jewelry buildings and furniture but it may also include natural areas if those areas are assigned significance by the members of the society. As an example of this latter kind of material culture a sociologist might point to the Native American society in which the land itself held immense cultural value.

Mr. Kornet, a fourth grade teacher, designs a unit in social studies which focuses on the geographic features and governmental structures of his school's state. He assigns research projects to each of his students. A parent complains that her student had to do a similar project last year in third grade. What would be appropriate for Mr. Kornet to say in defense of his project choice?

According to the widening horizon curriculum, state history and geography are taught in third and fourth grades. This project expands on what the students did in third grade.

Ratified the 14th amendment

After a state government was in operation and the state had its representatives were admitted to Congress. Three constitutional amendments from 1865 to 1870 which tried to rectify the problems caused by slavery became part of the Reconstruction effort.

During the 16th century, called the Elizabethan age, the gentry ate heartily. But many of them had rotten teeth. Why was this so?

All of the choices are correct; they ate too many sweets, they didn't eat many vegetables, and they drank too much wine.

Which of the following empires no longer existed following the armistice ending WWI?

All of these empires no longer existed following the armistice ending WWI. The Austro Hungarian Empire the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire were all among the Central powers that lost the war. As empires capitulated armistices and peace treaties were signed and the map of Europe was redrawn as territories formerly occupied by Central powers were partitioned. For example the former Austro Hungarian Empire was partitioned into Austria Hungary Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia Transylvania and Romania. The Treaty of Lausanne (1923) gave Turkey both independence and recognition as successor to the former Ottoman Empire after Turkey refused the earlier Treaty of Sevres (1920) and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led the Turkish Independence War. Greece Bulgaria and other former Ottoman possessions became independent. The Lausanne Treaty defined the boundaries of these countries as well as the boundaries of Iraq Syria Cyprus Sudan and Egypt.


Are simply social norms that have been made explicit and are forced by the government. There are plenty of norms though that are encoded in law but are also internalized the prohibition of murder for instance.


Are smaller than oceans and are somewhat surrounded by land like a lake but lakes are fresh water and are salt water. Include the Mediterranean Baltic Caspian Caribbean and Coral.


Are social norms that have become habitual or traditional in a society. In the United States we are accustomed to tipping a water or waitress for their service that this is so ingrained in our daily life makes it an American folkway.


Are the items one can barter in exchange for goods. Money is also the cash reserves of a nation while are the minerals labor force armaments and other raw materials or assets a nation has available for trade.

Nonrenewable resources

Are those that cannot be replenished. These include fossils fuels such as oil and coal and mental ores. These cannot be replaced or reused once they have been burned although some of their products can be recycled.

Campaign manager

Are typically led by a.

Subtropical climates

Are very humid areas in the tropical areas of Japan China Australia Africa South America and the United States. The moisture carried by winds traveling over warm ocean currents produces long summers and mild winters. It is possible to produce a continuous cycle of a variety of crops.

"Who can deny but the president general will be a king to all intents and purposes, and one of the most dangerous kind, too—a king elected to command a standing army. Thus our laws are to be administered by this tyrant; for the whole, or at least the most important part if the executive department is put in his hands." The preceding quotation was penned by one of the Anti-Federalists, who went by the pseudonym of Philadelphiensis. Which of the following provisions of the Constitution prevent Philadelphiensis' fear from becoming fact?

Article I, Section 8: "The Congress shall have power [...] To declare War, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water [...] To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions." This question asks you to analyze an argument, and decide how constitutional provisions for checks and balances would refute it. Philadelphiensis' fear of "a king elected to command a standing army," indicates that he fears the potential of the President becoming a military dictator, as "the most important part of the executive department is put in his hands." That is, the president is commander in chief of the military. The only provisions in the constitution which could appease Philadelphiensis' fears, and check the potential for them to become a reality, thus have to involve imposing limits on the President's use of the military; and these provisions are found only in Article I, Section 8, where the power to declare war, and especially the power to deploy the military "to execute the laws of the Union," are granted to Congress. The correct answer therefore, is D.

The procedure for proposing and ratifying additional amendments to the Constitution is found in:

Article V of the Constitution. Article V of the Constitution states: "The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first Article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."

Under what guidelines were the American colonies first organized?

Articles of Confederation.

Boundary lines are marked on maps. What type of boundary is based on lines of latitude or longitude?


Treaty of Ghent

As a result in 1815 when the British ended the war with France they negotiated for peace with the United States as well under the.

Which of the reasons for exploration did Christopher Columbus express to his financial backers, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain?

As he wrote to his financial backers, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain: 'As Catholic Christians, and princes who love and promote the holy Christian faith, and are enemies of infidels, idolatry, and all heresy, you have determined to send me to India. There I will see these new people, learn of their ways, and find the proper way to commit them to our holy faith!'

Values and norms

As opposed to the physical things that are used to express are what makes up a society's nonmaterial culture. Typically nonmaterial culture is more difficult to change than material culture its change is more difficult to observe.

Which of the following is the most likely reason for John Hancock signing his name so large on the Declaration of Independence?

As president of the Continental Congress he was the first person to sign the document.

You love Mr. Shoefly's pies. You offer him $10.00 per pie for 2 pies. He accepts. The next week you have a party and want to order 12 pies. You offer Mr. Shoefly $10.00 per pie and he says he wants $12.00 per pie. Why?

As quantities increase, per unit costs rise. According to economic principles, costs increase as output increases. This means you have to offer Mr. Shoefly a higher price per pie if you want to buy more pies. His costs for materials and labor increase with a higher output.

Energy and water conservation

As well as recycling can extend an area's carrying capacity. In addition to carrying capacity limitations the physical environment can also have occasional extremes that are costly to humans.

Lend Lease program

As with World War I the United States tried to stay out of World War II even though the transferred munitions to Great Britain.

What does the pair of diagrams allow us to conclude in terms of most populated areas?

Asia is the most populated continent with China and India as the number 1 and number 2 most populated countries in the world.

Put the continents in order by size, largest to smallest.

Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia The largest continent is Asia with 17.3 million square miles. It represents about 30% of the earth's land mass. The other continents are smaller with Australia being the smallest with only 3 million square miles.

The USSR was located on which continent?


Market equilibrium occurs when producers are willing to sell a certain quantity of a product in the following manner:

At exactly the same price that consumers are willing to pay for the same quantity. This question tests your understanding of the concept of market equilibrium. Market equilibrium occurs at the point of intersection of the supply and demand curve; that is, for a given price that buyers are demanding the same quantity of goods as producers are willing to sell. The correct answer therefore, is B.

The Articles of Confederation embodied a system of government used by the early United States. With respect to the American Revolutionary War, when were the Articles of Confederation ratified?

At the end of the War. This question tests your knowledge of the chronology of the early government of the United States. The first battles of the American Revolutionary War occurred in the spring of 1775; the last battles in the autumn and winter of 1781; and the War officially ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783. The Second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence justifying the War in July of 1776, and finalized a draft of the Articles of Confederation in November of 1777. However, the Articles of Confederation were not ratified by all of the states until February 2, 1781.

Explain the economic impact of technology.

At the start of the 21st century the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) grew rapidly as the economy shifted to a knowledge based one. Output is increasing in areas where ICT is used intensively which are service areas and knowledge intensive industries such as finance insurance real estate business services health care and environmental goods and services and community social and personal services. Meanwhile the economic share for manufacturers is declining in medium and low technology industries such as chemicals food products textiles gas water electricity construction and transport and communication services. Industries that have traditionally been high tech such as aerospace computers electronics and pharmaceuticals are remaining steady in terms of their economic share.

The biggest coral reef in the world is the Great Barrier Reef located off the coast of what country?

Australia The Great Barrier Reef is home to many species of coral and tropical fish. Each year people come to explore the reef and see for themselves the beauty under the ocean.

In what country is the world's longest national highway found?

Australia. Australia's Highway 1, which circumnavigates the country, is the longest highway in the world.

Which of the following countries is thought to have more species of reptiles than any other?

Australia. There are 340 known reptile species in North America, while 633 species have been identified in in Brazil. So far in Mexico, 707 reptile species have been counted; and in Australia, 850.

From what nation was Archduke Ferdinand?

Austria Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian assassins. This led to all of the nations involved in World War I going to war because of deals which had been made earlier.

Why was U.S. industrialization confined to the Northeast until after the Civil War?

Because the Northeast had faster-running rivers than the rivers found in the South. U.S. industrialization was confined to the Northeast until after the Civil War because the Northeast had faster-running rivers than the South. The earliest American factories used horse-drawn machines. When waterpower was developed and proved superior, the Northeast's faster rivers were more suited to water-powered mills than the South's slower rivers. The war did not delay the development of water power (A). Waterpower was developed before the Civil War in the late 1790s. Steam power, a more efficient alternative to water power, was developed after the Civil War and eventually replaced waterpower. With steam-powered engines, industry could spread to the South since steam engines did not depend on rapidly running water like water-powered engines. While British emigré Samuel Slater's first cotton mill using horse-drawn production did lose a lot of money (C), this was not a reason for industrial delay. In fact, Slater's Beverly Cotton Manufactory in Massachusetts, the first American cotton mill, in spite of its financial problems, was successful in both its volume of cotton production and in developing the water-powered technology that ultimately would succeed the horse-drawn method. Slater's second cotton mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, was water-powered. Industrial delay was not because milling technology had not yet been invented (D). Slater learned of new textile manufacturing techniques as a youth in England, and he brought this knowledge to America in 1789. Resistance of Southern owners of plantations and slaves did not slow the spread of industrialism. Rather, as seen in choice B above, the South did not have the geographic capability to sustain waterpower. Once steam power was developed, the South joined in industrialization.

The peoples of both the Caucasus region in Asia and the island of New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean speak a huge diversity of languages. These languages vary greatly from each other and from the languages spoken in surrounding areas. Which of the following explanations best accounts for this linguistic diversity in two areas so far apart?

Both are mountainous regions creating small cultural pockets relatively isolated from one another. This question tests your knowledge of how geography impacts human culture. Both the Caucasus region in Asia and the island of New Guinea are mountainous areas. Though New Guinea is in the tropics, the climate of its interior is mostly montane temperate rainforest. But it is the relatively isolating quality of the mountains, with steep valleys and microclimates, both ecologically and culturally, that contribute to the linguistic diversity in each area. Both have coastlines, but the cultural diffusion due to extensive trade in these surrounding coastal regions tends to decrease linguistic diversity rather than augment it. Thus, choice B is the best account, as mountains seem to increase cultural and linguistic diversity.

An industry in which there are only a few firms colluding with each other to all sell the same product at a fixed price describes which of the following market types?


What was the primary cause of widespread urbanization in the United States?

Choice B is the correct answer. The United States first industrialized during the First Industrial Revolution to replace the decline in British imports caused by the War of 1812. However, this development was limited to towns in the Northeast. Urbanization didn't occur until after the Civil War, and it was caused by the Second Industrial Revolution's technological innovations, like steel production, railways, and more sophisticated factory machinery. The Great Migration and successive waves of immigration increased the pace of urbanization, supplying labor to the urban boom. Yet, urbanization wouldn't have occurred without the Second Industrial Revolution transforming America from an agricultural to industrial economy.

When did immigration to the United States shift from Great Britain to southeastern Europe?

Choice C is the correct answer. American immigrants' homeland first changed dramatically in the early 20th century. The American colonists were mostly British, and immigration until the late 19th century was mostly confined to the British Isles. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, immigrants arrived from southeastern Europe en masse. This placed considerable strain on American society, as the current residents were Protestant, and the new immigrants were Catholic and Jewish.

Which of the following best describes commodities?

Choice C is the correct answer. Commodities are raw materials or agricultural products—gold, silver, gas, oil, corn, barley, etc. Physical, tangible items are goods. Activities based on labor or skills are services. High-demand products typically have a higher price in a free-market system, depending on the supply.

What principle ensures that political power isn't completely centralized?

Choice D is the correct answer. Federalism is the principle that divides political power between the federal, state, and local government. In the United States, federalism is rooted in the Tenth Amendment. The federal government can limit or prohibit the states from enacting certain policies, and state governments exercise exclusive control over local government. Sovereignty refers to a government's ability to exercise control over a defined territory and population. Legitimacy is the population's acceptance of the government's authority to rule. American constitutional checks and balances divide the power within the federal government, not between the federal government and local governments.

Which of the following civilizations most influenced the drafting of the U.S. Constitution?

Choice D is the correct answer. James Madison used the Roman Republic's separation of powers as a model for the U.S. Constitution. Greece generally influenced the U.S. Constitution in its implementation of the world's first direct democracy, but the Roman influence is more specific. China and Egypt didn't influence the Constitution's drafting.

The Tropic of Capricorn:

is the southernmost latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead at noon. Lying at a little more than 23° south of the equator, the Tropic of Capricorn is the border between the Southern Temperate Zone to the south and the Tropical Zone to the north. The southern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun to its maximum extent each year at the winter solstice in December. The northernmost latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead is at the Tropic of Cancer during the summer solstice. The northern and southern hemispheres are separated by the equator at 0° degrees latitude. The eastern and western hemispheres are separated by the prime meridian at 0° longitude.

Among social issues and events from the late 1950s through the 1970s which of the following is viewed mainly as a questioning of authority?

the Counterculture. This movement was a social reflection of the era's political and civil unrest. Choice B refers to President Johnson's reforms including Medicaid and Medicare. Choice C refers to the failed 1961 US military action in Cuba. Choice D goes well beyond the questioning of authority. It refers to protests in Montgomery Alabama resulting from the 1955 arrest of Rosa Parks which had such far reaching effects as the rise in prominence of Martin Luther King Jr a Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation on buses and the potential of achieving social and political success through nonviolent mass protest.

What land form runs from north to south for hundreds of miles in the eastern region of Africa?

the Great Rift Valley The Great Rift Valley runs for hundreds of miles from north to south in the eastern region of Africa. The Sahara Desert stretches across northern Africa. The Namib desert is in western Africa. Lake Victoria is the world's third largest lake.

A major cause of the Great Depression of the 1930s was:

the overproduction and underconsumption of consumer goods. Along with stock market speculation, a major cause of the Great Depression was an increased supply of cars, radios, and other goods that was not matched by consumer demand. Industrial production far exceeded the population's purchasing power. Farmers were plagued by overproduction and falling prices while international trade suffered from rising tariffs.

Fascism is a political philosophy which raises the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler. Opposition is suppressed. In Italy, Benito Mussolini formed bands of Fascists called squadristi or Black Shirts. Mussolini used these bands and various other means to gain complete control over the Italian people. All of the following are facets in his control strategy except:

Complete absorption of the army into the Fascist state and the ousting of Victor Emmanuel as king Mussolini hoped to create a nation of new Italians with his policies, but Italian values and traditions held fast in many areas. Italian women continued to be idolized as homemakers and mothers and as the foundation of society. The Party never acheived total control over the armed forces and Victor Emmanuel was retained as king. He recognized the sovereignty of the Vatican state and the pope as the head of this state. Mussolini declared Catholicism as the official religion of the state and, in return, the church supported his regime.

If the United States Department of Education wished to transfer funds from its Rural and Low-Income Schools Program to its English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants program, which of the following would have to happen first?

Congress would have to pass a law approving the transfer. Unless there is already an existing law specifying that these two programs may share funds, a bill needs to be submitted to both houses of Congress requesting the transfer of funds as well as delineating the reasons for the transfer, and then the bill must be passed by both Houses to become a law granting the funds transfer.

Which of the following correctly lists the Thirteen Colonies?

Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia

Which of the following conquistadores unwittingly gave smallpox to the Indians and destroyed the Aztec empire in Mexico?

Cortes. Hernando Cortes conquered the Mexican Aztecs in 1519. He had several advantages over the Indians including horses armor for his soldiers and guns. In addition Cortes troops unknowingly transmitted smallpox to the Aztecs which devastated their population as they had no immunity to this foreign illness. Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first European explorer to view the Pacific Ocean when he crossed the Isthmus of Panama in 1513. Juan Ponce de Leon also visited claimed Florida in Spain's name in 1513. Cabeza de Vaca was one of only four men out of 400 to return from an expedition led by Panfilio de Narvaez in 1528 and was responsible for spreading the story of the Seven Cities of Cibola (the cities of gold). Hernando de Soto led an expedition from 1539-1541 to the southeastern part of America.

"I declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with." These are the words of one of the leaders of the Revolutionary War. Who was he?

George Washington. John Adams nominated George Washington to head the Continental Army. He had been a commander in the French and Indian Wars but had never commanded more than 1,200 men. The Congress thought having a Virginian as commander would please the Southern colonies.

On June 7, 1776, the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia was considering the cause for Independence. Richard Henry Lee made the resolution that stated that the colonies "are, and of a right ought to be, free and independent states." Why was it important that R.H. Lee make this proposal?

He was a Virginian. The Southern colonies had not seen as much disruption as the New England colonies and were unsure whether to join the cause for Independence. When Lee, a Southerner proposed, they were more likely to consider it.

The U.S. pursued an isolationist policy after WWI. President Roosevelt was dealing with enough troubles here at home, including the Great Depression. What occurred in Europe while the U.S. was tending its own affairs?

Hitler took Austria. In 1936, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. In 1938, Hitler took Austria and Czechoslovakia. Roosevelt wanted to avoid another war. He sent letters to Mussolini and Hitler which were ignored.

The climate and vegetation system of the northwestern United States is best described as:

Humid temperate forest. This question tests your knowledge of the geographic regions of the United States. The northwestern United States is known for its moderate temperatures and significant rainfall that favors stands of tall trees such as sequoias and various species of spruce and fir. The best description for such an ecology and climate would be humid temperate forest, or temperate rainforest. Dry tallgrass prairies exist east of this area, across the Rocky Mountains, in the region known as the Great Plains. There are no regions of dry tropical savanna in the United States, while humid subtropical woodlands occur in the southern states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. For these reasons,

William Penn and Pennsylvania

In 1681 received a royal charter for the establishment of as a colony for Quakers. However religious tolerance allowed immigrants from a mixed group of denominations who prospered from the beginning.

Open Door policy

In 1900 America declared an with China to support its independence and open markets.

Panama Canal

In 1903 Theodore Roosevelt helped become independent of Columbia and then secured the right to build the. Roosevelt also negotiated the peace treaty to end the Russo Japanese War which earned him the Noble Peace prize. He then sent the American fleet on a world cruise to display his country's power.

Woodrow Wilson

In 1916 campaigned on the slogan He kept us out of war.

Scopes trial

In 1925 the in Tennessee convicted a high school teacher for presenting Darwinian theories.

Describe Campaign Finance Reform through the Bipartisan Reform Act.

In 2002 Congress passed the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. The act made it illegal for local and national parties to spend soft money and for national party committees to accept or spend soft money it increased the limit placed on individual campaign contributions from $1000 to $2000 it banned corporations or trade unions from contributing to issue advertising directly and it made it illegal for corporations or trade unions to fund advertisements that mention a federal candidate within 60 days of a general election or within 30 days of a primary.

Japan conquered areas of Asia hoping to use its new possessions to meet the growing need for raw materials and as an outlet for Japan's manufactured goods. They set up local governments, under Japanese control, in Burma, the Dutch East Indies, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The economic resources of these areas provided support to the Japanese military. The Japanese were ruthless in their treatment of conquered peoples and their acts included all but which of the following?

In French Indochina, they used Ho Chi Minh's Communist party to destroy U.S. military units. Ho Chi Minh's Communist party agreed to provide the U.S. with information on Japanese troop movements and to rescue Americans lost in French Indochina, now Vietnam. Japanese contempt for local customs and their ruthless behaviors during the war left them with little support in this area of Asia.

Military occupation

In March 1867 all state governments of the former Confederacy were terminated and began. Commanders called for constitutional conventions to reconstruct that state governments to which delegates were to be elected by universal male suffrage.

Command economy

In a the government controls what and how much is produced the methods used for production and the distribution of goods and services. In a market producers make decisions about methods and distribution on their own. These choices are based on what will sell and bring a profit in the marketplace.

Explain the reason why there were two presidents and two vice presidents from 1972 to 1974.

In a two year time span the United States had two presidents and two vice presidents.

Discuss dominant culture and ethnocentrism.

In any society the dominant culture is the group whose norms values and behavior patterns are most widespread and influential on the rest of the society. Many nations including the United States have laws to restrain the dominant culture from extinguishing minority cultures.

Foreign policy and engage with other countries

In contrast addresses how a country will. Is typically created with the intention of protecting and promoting a country's national interests national security ideological goals and economic prosperity. Can be directed towards peaceful cooperation with other as well as towards aggression war or exploitation. The creation of is typically the responsibility of a country's head of government and foreign minister.

Rutherford B Hayes

In his 1876 election campaign President promised to withdraw the troops and did so in 1877.

According to the graph each of the following is true except

In households where all parents work the gap between all households with children and households where the youngest child is under 12 months than in others was widest in 2005.

Define sanctions as it is used in sociology.

In sociological terms sanctions are any rewards or consequences given to an individual or group to pursue or renounce a certain course of behavior. Sanctions may be positive as when a reward is promised for something done properly or negative as when a punishment is promised for something done improperly. Although the most common use of the word refers to international economic pressures as in for instance the economic restrictions placed on Iraq during the 1990s all societies place sanctions on their members in order to elicit approved behavior. People who uphold the values and norms of the society are rewarded with preferential treatment from their fellows while those who transgress can be punished socially economically or legally.

This country in Asia is often called a sub-continent. What is it?

India By definition, a sub-continent is a large, relatively self-contained landmass that has certain geographical or political independence from the rest of the continent. India and its adjacent countries comprise a peninsula of Asia south of the Himalayas and constitute a distinct geocultural region within Asia.

The British ruled the Asian sub-continent from 1858 to 1947. After independence, they partitioned the sub-continent into two nations. What are they?

India and Pakistan. The British divided the continent into India and Pakistan without taking into consideration the many tribal loyalties which existed. The area of the Kashmir is still being disputed.

In 1840, this nation was almost completely dependent upon the production of potatoes. When the crops failed, they had to migrate. What nation was this?

Ireland By the 1840s the lower stratus of Irish society depended upon potatoes as their primary source of food. When that failed, many families left the area and headed to other countries such as the United States in hopes of being able to find food.

Soft money

Is not contributed directly to a campaign and is not legally coordinated by the official campaign itself it is however spent to fund efforts that benefit the candidate itself it is however spent to fund efforts that benefit the candidate such as advertising. The administration and enforcement of campaign finance law is the responsibility of the Federal Election Commission which was created in 1975. However national party committees are not permitted to make unlimited independent expenditures to support or oppose federal candidates using. State and local party committees are also not permitted to use for the purpose of supporting or opposing federal candidates but they are allowed to spend up to a limit of 10000 per source on voter registration and on efforts aimed at increasing voter participation.

Marine climate

Is one near or surrounded by water. Warm ocean winds bring moisture mild temperatures year round and plentiful rain. These climates are found in Western Europe and parts of the United States Canada Chile New Zealand and Australia.


Is related to scarcity and demand in that when an item in demand is scarce consumers have to make difficult choices. They can pay more for an item go without it or go elsewhere for the item.

Cultural geography

Is the study of the influence of the environment on human behaviors as well as the effect of human activities such as farming building settlements and grazing livestock on the environment. Also identifies and compares the features of different cultures and how they influence interactions with other cultures and the earth.

When reading a map, how does a bar scale or graphic scale help?

It allows the reader to use a ruler to measure the distance between two places on the map and then compare it to the bar scale to determine the distance. Cartographers, or map makers, use scale, the ratio of the distance on the map and the corresponding distance on the surface of the earth, when making maps. Maps are drawn to a reduced scale or they would be as large as the area being represented. A map's scale is expressed as a ratio, such as 1 inch/20,000 miles. Any unit of measurement may be used. A bar scale is often placed on the map to help the reader.

Bicameral legislature

It also created a so that there would be equal representation for the states in the Senate and representation for the population in the House.

Which of the following correctly states the effect of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

It authorized the use of U.S. military troops in Southeast Asia. In response to reports that U.S. Navy ships had been attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on August 2, 1964, both Houses of Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution eight days later. The Resolution gave President Lyndon B. Johnson power to send troops to Southeast Asia despite the lack of a formal declaration of war by Congress, thus escalating the war in Vietnam.

In 1832, Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill that would have allowed the Second Bank of the United States to continue its operations for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:

It backed all of its paper money with gold and silver reserves. In addition, Jackson also believed that the bank used its money to influence elections and legislation in the United States. After not renewing the bank's charter in 1832, and distributing its assets to other state and private banks in 1834, in 1836 Jackson issued the Executive Order, the Specie Circular, in which he mandated that all sales of government land (and most of the western territories were government land) to be contracted in gold or silver. The result was the Panic of 1837, and a nationwide economic depression that lasted several years.

Which of the following changes was brought about by the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It became illegal for hotels and restaurants to exclude people based on race or ethnicity. This question tests your knowledge of civil rights in the United States. Women gained the right to vote in 1920, with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Native Americans were given the rights of full citizenship in 1924 with the passage of the Indian Citizenship Act that is also known as the Snyder Act. Blacks were awarded the right to vote in 1870 with the ratification of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 promoted the desegregation of public schools; equal access to public facilities regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion; and the elimination of Jim Crow laws allowing hotels and restaurants to exclude blacks.

Which of the following statements correctly describes totemism?

It characterizes clans in which members believe they are all descendants of a common ancestor often an animal. This belief characterized societies around the world although it is most commonly associated with Native Americans.

On December 2, 1859, renowned French author Victor Hugo wrote a letter to the London News, in which he said, "Viewed in a political light, the murder of Brown would be an irreparable fault. It would penetrate the Union with a gaping fissure which would lead in the end to its entire disruption. It is possible that the execution of Brown might establish slavery on a firm basis in Virginia, but it is certain that it would shake to its centre the entire fabric of American democracy. You preserve your infamy, but you sacrifice your glory. Viewed in a moral light, it seems to me that a portion of the enlightenment of humanity would be eclipsed, that even the ideas of justice and injustice would be obscured on the day which should witness the assassination of Emancipation by Liberty." Which of the following events led up to the "murder of Brown" that Hugo decries?

John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry.

The Dutch began the slave trade from Africa to Virginia. By the middle of the sixteenth century, an English "sea dog" was running a thriving trade between Africa and the Caribbean. Who was he?

John Hawkins. The Dutch first brought slaves to America. The Portuguese were the first to raid the African coast for slaves in the mid-15th century. By the middle of the 16th century, John Hawkins was operating a slave trade between Africa and the Caribbean. John Newton, a slaver, reformed and wrote "Amazing Grace."

When studying local history you take your class on a field trip to the local historical library which has artifacts and exhibits or your community and the founding of the town. What instructional strategy is this an example of?

Primary source utilization. Choice B is a type of social studies instruction that includes actual items from the time period or place being studied and includes primary source documents such as artifacts maps and clothing. Choice A scaffolded learning would involve setting up structures for learning to occur to help students connect to content. Choice C would be the answer only if all learning that occurred centered on the artifacts found in the museum rather than the museum serving as just an example of what the teacher was teaching. The artifacts in the museum might serve as visual representations Choice D but the lesson included many examples of primary source artifacts as opposed to simply looking at artifacts which might have included looking at pictures rather than taking a field trip.

A teacher wants to use a token system to teach and motivate students during an economy unit. Which of the following actions would best support this approach?

Providing tokens as symbolic reinforcement for work completed by students and then allowing the students to purchase materials such as pencils or classroom privileges such as free computer time or extra library time.

What is the name of a decision made by the government?

Public policy. Any decision which the government makes is supposed to be for the benefit of the people living in the nation. Since it will affect them all because of this decision, the term public policy applies.

Explain the importance of the Louisiana Purchase.

The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 for $15 million may be considered Thomas Jefferson's greatest achievement as president. The reasons for the purchase were to gain the vital port of New Orleans remove the threat of French interference with trade along the Mississippi River and double the territory of the United States. The purchase both answered and raised new questions about the use of federal power including the constitutionality of the president making such a purchase Jefferson asking Congress for permission and Jefferson taking the biggest federalist action up to that time even though he was an anti federalist.

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding the Louisiana Purchase?

The Louisiana Purchase once it was completed increased the territory of the US by 10% overnight. The Louisiana Purchase actually increased the US's territory by 100% overnight not 10%. The Louisiana territory doubled the size of the nation. It is true that Jefferson initially sent a delegation to Paris to see if Napoleon would agree to sell only New Orleans to the United States. It is also true that Napoleon who expected America to encroach on Louisiana decided to avoid this by offering to sell the entire territory to the US. It is likewise true that America only had authority to buy New Orleans. Nevertheless the delegation accepted Napoleon's offer of all of Louisiana. Due to his belief in a strict interpretation of the Constitution Jefferson did require approval from Congress to make the purchase. When his advisors characterized the purchase as being within his purview based on the presidential power to make treaties Congress agreed.

This document established in 1620 helped establish the principle of self-government in America. What is it?

The Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact adopted by the Pilgrims in 1620 stated that political authority flows from the people, not from the king. The Massachusetts School Laws of 1642 required parents to educate every child. Roger Williams Letter to Providence argued for religious freedom.

In 1620, a group left England to settle in America. The colony's leaders adopted a set of rules. This was one of the first official government agreements by Europeans in America. What was it called?

The Mayflower Compact. The Pilgrims had separated from the Church of England. King James I suggested that they rejoin or leave England. They moved to Holland and eventually America. When they arrived, they adopted a set of rules known as a compact named after one of the ships they traveled on.

This body of water is one of the most important commercial waterways in the world. Its name means "middle of the earth." What is it?

The Mediterranean Sea

Describe the Middle Ages in European history listing key events of the time.

The Middle Ages or Medieval times was a period that ran from approximately 500-1500AD. During this time the centers of European civilization moved from the Mediterranean countries to France Germany and England where strong national governments were developing. Key events of this time include -Roman Catholicism was the cultural and religious center of medieval life extending into politics and economics. -Knights with their systems of honor combat and chivalry were loyal to their king. Peasants or serfs served a particular lord and his lands. -Many universities were established that still function in modern times. -The Crusades the recurring wars between European Christians and Middle East Muslims raged over the Holy Lands. -One of the legendary leaders was Charles the Great or Charlemagne who created an empire across France and Germany around 800AD. -The Black Death plague swept across Europe from 1347-1350 leaving between one third and one half of the population dead.

The Agreement by which the United States Congress admitted two new states in 1820 while maintaining an equal number of slave versus free states is known as:

The Missouri Compromise. This question tests your knowledge of political factors leading up to the Civil War. The Monroe Doctrine was a Congressional announcement that the United States would no longer tolerate European incursions into the New World. The California Compromise of 1850 involved creating an imbalance of slave versus free states by admitting California as a free state, while making economic and legal concessions to the slave-holding states. Manifest Destiny was President James K. Polk's justification for the territorial expansion of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Of the four choices, only the Missouri Compromise, which made Missouri a slave state, and Maine a free state, created a balance across the slave-free divide.

Rivers were very important for travel and transport in the early days of America. Which river is the longest in the United States and where does it empty?

The Missouri which empties into the Mississippi. The Missouri River, the longest river in the United States, starts in Montana and covers 2,540 miles before flowing into the Mississippi River, the second longest river in the United States.

A group of immigrants in America in the 17th century were known as "The Separatists" in Europe. What other name do we know them as?

The Pilgrims The Pilgrims had separated from the Church of England. King James I suggested that they rejoin or leave England. They moved to Holland and eventually America. They called themselves "The Saints" and everyone else, "The Strangers."

The President serves as Commander in Chief. What are the President's two limitations in that role?

The President cannot declare war or oversee military regulations. The President of the United States serves as Commander in Chief but the writers of the Constitution who feared how authority was used by monarchs limited the President's power in this role. The President cannot declare war or oversee military regulations although Presidents have traditionally authorized the use of force without war being declared.

To be President of the United States one must meet these requirements

The President must be a natural citizen be at least 35 years old and have lived in the US for 14 years. There is no education requirement for becoming President. Truman did not have a college education but most Presidents have degrees.

Describe presidential elections.

The President of the United States is elected indirectly by members of an electoral college. Members of the electoral college nearly always vote along the lines of the popular vote of their respective states.

The Constitution of the United States provides which of the following instructions regarding the selection of the President?

The President shall be elected by an institution whose members are appointed by the states.

Who negotiates treaties?

The President. The President has the authority to negotiate and sign treaties. A two thirds vote of the Senate however is needed to ratify a treaty for it to be upheld.

Which of the following was achieved during the Progressive Era?

The Progressive Era (1890-1920) strengthened American democracy in a variety of ways. One of those legislative achievements was the 17th Amendment, which established the direct election of U.S. Senators. Previously, state legislatures elected Senators. Thus, Choice B is the correct answer. The 13th amendment freed slaves after the end of the Civil War; Texas was annexed in 1845; and the United States defeated Mexico in 1848.

Explain the effects of the Progressive Movement on foreign affairs.

The Progressive Era which was the time period from the 1890s to the 1920s got its name from progressive reform minded political leaders who wanted to export a just and rational social order to the rest of the world while increasing trade with foreign markets. Consequently the United States interfered in a dispute between Venezuela and Britain.

Which of the following is considered more a cause than an effect of the Industrial Revolution?

The Protestant work ethic. The Protestant work ethic is considered by many historians to have contributed to the Industrial Revolution. In Britain, where industrialization started, financial stability encouraged investment in industry; and the eventual dominance of Protestantism is believed to have contributed to a class of entrepreneurs who believed in education, technological progress, and hard work. The other choices are considered effects of industrialization: Mass production enabled the privately owned, for-profit enterprises that characterize capitalist economic systems. Socialism developed as a criticism of capitalism; Karl Marx argued that capitalism polarized societies into owners versus workers. Marx also viewed capitalism as a necessary precursor to socialism within the logical progression of economies. Romanticism also developed in reaction against mechanization, contrasting nature as more valuable in art and language versus the dark side of scientific progress.

John Winthrop was the leader of this early American group which had an enormous impact on the America of today? What group was it?

The Puritans

Which of the following statements is not an accurate statement about the Puritans in England?

The Puritans unconditionally gave all their support to the English Reformation. The inaccurate statement is the Puritans unconditionally supported the English Reformation. While they agreed with the Reformation in principle, they felt that it had not pursued those principles far enough and should make greater reforms. Similarly, they felt that the Church of England (or Anglican Church), though it had separated from the Catholic Church in the Protestant Reformation, still allowed many practices they found too much like Catholicism (B). The Puritans did become a chief political power in England because of the first English Civil War (C) between Royalists and Parliamentarians. The Royalists had a profound suspicion of the radical Puritans. Among the Parliament's elements of resistance, the strongest was that of the Puritans. They joined in the battle initially for ostensibly political reasons as others had, but soon they brought more attention to religious issues. Following the Restoration in 1660 and the Uniformity Act of 1662, thereby restoring the Church of England to its pre-English Civil War status, the great majority of Puritan clergy defected from the Church of England (D). It is also accurate that the Puritans in England disagreed about separating from the Church of England. Some Puritans desired complete separation; they were known first as Separatists and after the Restoration as Dissenters. Others did not want complete separation but instead desired further reform in the Church of England. While they remained part of the Church of England, they were called Non-Separating Puritans, and after the Restoration, they were called Nonconformists.

One of the first conservation projects in the United States is located in Ohio. It is over 1,300 feet long and is more than 2,000 years old. What is it?

The Serpent Mound. Indians carried tons of dirt to create mounds. When Europeans and Africans arrived in America, there were thousands of these dirt mounds. Thomas Jefferson excavated one of these mounds. Some were graves. Some were platforms for religious ceremonies. In Ohio, there is a large mound called The Serpent Mound which was discovered in the 1800s. It is now a national monument. It coils in the shape of a snake.

Which of the following books had the greatest impact on raising the American public's awareness of the need to regulate business and reform government during the early part of the 20th Century?

The Shame of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens.

Define Westminster System

The Westminster System is a form of representative democracy modeled after the system used in the United Kingdom's Palace of Westminister where the UK Parliament is located. Features of the Westminister system include an executive branch comprised of members of the legislature a Cabinet made up of senior members of the executive branch the existence of opposition parties an elected legislature or a system comprised of two houses one of which is elected and other of which is appointed and a ceremonial head of state who is distinct form the head of government and who may hold reserve powers that are not usually exercised. Members of parliament are elected by popular vote and the head of government is selected via an invitation from the head of state to establish an administration.

Political action committees and PACs

The act limited individual contributions from corporations and trade unions and limited contributions from corporations and trade unions and limited contributions from known as to five thousand dollars per campaign. A PAC is a private group that is organized on behalf of a special interest to aid in efforts to elect or defeat candidates the overriding goal of a PAC is to support candidates who would further legislation that is in the interest of the special interest. The number of in the US exceeds four thousand due to the increase in the creation of in response to the ban on campaign contributions from corporations and trade unions.

What is the main reason that tropical regions near the Equator tend to experience relatively constant year round temperatures?

The angle at which sunlight hits them remains relatively constant throughout the year. Tropical regions near the Equator tend to experience relatively constant temperatures year round because the angle at which sunlight hits them remains relatively constant throughout the year. In regions that are farther north or south the angle at which sunlight hits them changes much more drastically due to the changing angle of the Earth's axis relative to the Sun. This results in greater variations in the length of daylight and in temperatures. Tropical regions do have seasons (usually a wet season and a dry season) but temperature fluctuations are less pronounced than those in regions farther from the Equator.

The bubonic plague spread through Europe in which of the following ways?

The bubonic plague spread along trade routes carried by infected animals and people on ships. After reaching Cyprus in 1347 the epidemic followed trade routes to infect the populations of Italy and France. Then also through trade routes it traveled north to Germany England and eventually Scandinavia and Russia in 1351.

A chamino seller has the choice of entering either the Terragonian chamino market, the Rotagornian chamino market, or the Goratanian chamino market. The seller studies the respective demand curves for each market, and discovers that the Terragonian chamino market is relatively elastic and the Goratanian market is relatively inelastic, while the Rotagornian market falls somewhere in between. Which market should the seller enter in order to maximize revenue?

The chamino seller has the potential to make more revenue by entering the relatively inelastic market, and thus should sell chaminos in Goratania. Relatively elastic demand implies that buyers decrease their consumption with respect to increases in price. Relatively inelastic demand implies that buyers do not decrease their consumption too much with respect to increases in price. Since the demand curve for Goratania shows the most inelastic demand, the seller will be able to sell more chaminos for higher prices in Goratania than in either Terragonia or Rotagornia. The correct answer therefore, is B.

Which of the following projects deals with the geography theme of human-environmental interaction?

The city of New Orleans has been an important focus for trade. Locate the city on the map. Look at the surrounding land forms and rivers. Tell why you think New Orleans has been a center for population and commerce in Louisiana.

Teachers sometimes use activities and projects to explain social studies concepts to their students. Which of the following classroom structures would mirror the structure of a Confederation?

The class is broken into small groups with each group having a separate responsibility in a project. Each group makes its own rules and set of procedures for accomplishing the task assigned. They come together in a culminating discussion to present their part of the projects.

Why was the Boston Tea Party of 1773 important to the fate of the colonies?

The colonies began to unify in support of Boston. The British East India Tea Company had a monopoly on tea. They also upheld the tea tax. The colonists objected to this tax, so on Dec. 16, 1773, a group disguised as Native Americans boarded three ships in Boston Harbor to throw the tea over board. The king was not amused and a series of "Intolerable Acts" were imposed on the colonies in retaliation. These acts caused the colonies to unify. The Tea Party and the Boston Massacre helped start the colonies on the road to independence.

Provide some examples of how geography applies to the interpretation of the present and plans for the future.

The decisions that individual people as well as nations make that may affect the environment have to be made with an understanding of spatial patterns and concepts cultural and transportation connections physical processes and patterns ecosystems and the impact or footprint of people on the physical environment. Sample issues that fit into these considerations are recycling programs loss of agricultural land to further urban expansion air and water pollution deforestation and ease of transportation and communication. In each of these areas present and future uses have to be balanced against possible harmful effects. For example wind is a clean and readily available resource for electric power but the access roads to and noise of wind turbines can make some areas unsuitable for livestock pasture.

Define mountains hills foothills valleys plateaus and mesas.

The definitions for these geographical features are as follows -Mountains are elevated landforms that rise fairly steeply from the earth's surface to a summit of at least 1000-2000 feet definitions vary above sea level -Hills are elevated landforms that rise 500-2000 feet above sea level -Foothills are a low series of hills found between a plain and a mountain range -Valleys are a long depression located between hills or mountains. They are usually products of river erosion. Valleys can vary in terms of width and depth ranging from a few feet to thousands of feet. -Plateaus are elevated landforms that are fairly flat on top. They may be as high as 10000 feet above sea level and are usually next to mountains. -Mesas are flat areas of upland. Their name is derived from the Spanish word for table. They are smaller than plateaus and often found in arid or semi arid areas.

The physical geography of a region most directly affects:

The dietary preferences of the native population.

What do lines of longitude determine?

The distance east-west of the prime meridian. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. They measure the distance east-west from the prime meridian. The distance from the prime meridian guides, but does not determine, the time zones of the earth. Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They measure the distance north-south of the equator. They are parallel to the equator. The poles, North and South, are located 90 degrees from the equator.

Outline the national, concurrent, and state powers of government. Define delegated, expressed, implied, inherent, reserved, and exclusive powers.

The division of powers in the federal government system is as follows National This level can coin money regulate interstate and foreign trade raise and maintain armed forces declare war govern United States territories and admit new states and conduct foreign relations.


The division of voting districts resulting in an unfair advantage to one party in elections is known as. Has been criticized as being undemocratic.

Describe the Protestant Reformation and outline its causes and results.

The dominance of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages in Europe gave it immense power which encouraged corrupt practices such as the selling of indulgences and clerical positions.

Explain the effects that the state of the economy can have on the purchasing decisions of a consumer.

The economy plays an important role in how careful consumers are when using their resources and what they perceive as needs as opposed to what they perceive as wants. When the economy is doing well unemployment figures are low which means that people can easily attain their basic necessities. As a result consumers will are typically more willing to spend their financial resources. Consumers will also be more willing to spend their resources on products and services that are not necessary to their survival but are instead products and services that consumers enjoy having and believe increase their quality of life. On the other hand when the economy is in a slump consumers are much more likely to cut back on their spending because they perceive a significantly higher risk of being unable to acquire basic necessities due to a lack of financial resources.

List and describe the factors of production and the two types of markets that create economic flow.

The factors of production are -Land This includes not only actual land but also forests minerals water etc -Labor This is the work force required to produce goods and services including factors such as talent skills and physical labor. -Capital This is the cash and material equipment needed to produce goods and services including buildings property tools office equipment roads etc. -Entrepreneurship Persons with initiative can capitalize on the free market system by producing goods and services. The two types of markets are factor and product markets.

The first amendment guarantees all below except

The right to bear arms. The first amendment to the Constitution states Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The right to bear arms is guaranteed by the second amendment A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Patrick Henry in 1775 argued for a right which is very controversial in modern America. What was it?

The right to bear arms. When Patrick Henry spoke his famous line to the Virginia Convention in 1775, "Give me liberty or give me death" he was arguing for the right to form a citizen's militia. This right has been the subject of many discussions about just what the "right to bear arms" includes.

Which would have a perfectly inelastic supply curve?

The ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in "The Wizard of Oz". A good with a perfectly inelastic supply curve would be something that is one of a kind and could not be reproduced. Examples are land and the electromagnetic spectrum. Any of the other choices could be reproduced.

Which of the following best describes the significance of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?

The ruling furthered the gap between North and South and hastened the Civil War. In the Dred Scott decision of 1857, the Court ruled that no slave or descendant of slaves could ever be a United States citizen. It also declared the Missouri Compromise of 1820 to be unconstitutional, clearing the way for the expansion of slavery in new American territories. This ruling pleased Southerners and outraged the North further dividing the nation and setting the stage for war.

You are making a map of your home. You decide to set the scale at 1/20 with the numerator representing one inch on the map and the denominator representing yards in the house. Your map is 12 inches square. What will be true?

The scale is good for a very large house. Cartographers, or map makers, use scale, the ratio of the distance on the map and the corresponding distance on the surface of the earth, when making maps. Maps are drawn to a reduced scale or they would be as large as the area being represented. A map's scale is expressed as a ratio, such as 1 inch/20,000 miles. Any unit of measurement may be used. A bar scale is often placed on the map to help the reader. If the map uses one inch for every 20 yards and it is more than 1 inch wide, you have a very large house.

An industry in which there are many firms selling a slightly different product describes which of the following market types?

Monopolistic competition. Monopolistic competition is similar to perfect competition in the sense that there are many competing firms, but instead of all the firms selling identical goods, they sell slightly different variants of the same good.

If someone controls all of a particular field, what is that called?


The world is changing rapidly. Mrs. Ruski has assigned her students the following project: Look at the three maps of the world presented in your text. One is from 1900, one from 1968, and one represents the world in 2010. Compare the three maps. Locate four cities or countries which have had a name change. Note on which map the name first appeared differently. List the cities, the changes, and the date of the map on a chart. Which of the following choices best reflects this project?

Mrs. Ruski is having her students work on the theme of place and is using Level 1 of Depth of Knowledge. There are four levels of DOK, or depth of knowledge. Level 1 is recall. The student focuses on facts, definitions, details or routine procedures. Memorization is a skill at this level. There is one right answer. This project has students naming a place and charting the change of name, and the map which notes the name change. Level 2 is Skill/Concept. The student applies skills or concepts. This requires keeper knowledge than recall. Level 3 is strategic reasoning. The focus is on reasoning and planning. It requires abstract thinking and support for reasoning. There may be more than one correct response. Level 4 is extended reasoning. This requires complex reasoning, planning and thinking often over time. There may be multiple steps. Students may be asked to relate concepts within the content area or with other content areas. Students make real world applications

Which of the following was the first national federation of trade unions in the United States?

National Labor Union. The National Labor Union tried to organize the various trade and labor unions already existing in the United States into a single body to demand, in particular, the legislation of an eight-hour workday in all of the states. The National Labor Union was headed by William H. Sylvis, and existed from 1866 until 1872.

Aside from seeking gold, people flocked to the western United States in the 1840s and 1850s because of which of the following?

Natural resources like oil and coal. Aside from seeking gold, in the mid-19th century, people moved to the west because of a variety of natural resources like oil and coal.

Define nonmaterial culture.

Nonmaterial culture is all of a society's customs beliefs political structures languages and ways of using material objects. In the United States for instance the emphasis placed on religious freedom and individual liberty might be considered an example of nonmaterial culture. The boundary between material and nonmaterial culture is never altogether clear how for instance should one separate the American flag and what it stands for namely the idea of freedom?

Discuss norms.

Norms are specific rules regulating behavior in a culture. Norms may or may not be directly codified in the law of a society but they are intended to encourage behavior that promotes the society's values. Taking again the example of the United States one might say that treating men and women equally is a social norm insofar as equality between the sexes is a value aspired to by our culture. Norms then depend on values for their justification and values depend on norms for their enactment. Norms may vary greatly from society to society such that the same behavior may be approved or condemned depending on where it is performed. Most of the time norms are so customary for the members of a society that they are performed automatically.

When it was founded, what was the Republican Party's primary issue?

Northern Whigs and Free Soil Democrats created the Republican Party to advocate for the abolition of slavery, so Choice D is the correct answer. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican to be elected president. The Republicans exposed the Southern theory of states' rights, and their pro-business agenda didn't develop until after the Civil War. Manifest destiny also wasn't the Republicans primary issue; it was slavery.

Compare and contrast oceans seas lakes rivers and canals.

Oceans are the largest bodies of water on earth and cover nearly 71% of the earth's surface. There are five major oceans Atlantic Pacific largest and deepest Indian Arctic and Southern surrounds Antarctica.


Of a US citizen include: -Paying taxes -Loyalty to the government though the US does not prosecute those who criticize or seek to change the government -Support and defend the Constitution -Serve in the Armed Forces as required by law -Obeying laws as set forth by the various levels of government.


Of a US citizen include: -Voting in elections -Respecting one another's rights and not infringing upon them -Staying informed about various political and national issues -Respecting one another's beliefs.

What conclusion can be reached regarding the world median population as shown on this map?

Of all the continents, Africa has the youngest average population in the world.

In 1995, what city was the site of a domestic terrorist act which killed 168 people?

Oklahoma City.

What state was originally set up as Indian Territory?

Oklahoma The state was not yet formed and consisted mainly of flat land. Congress approved it as an area in which Native Americans would be able to live in exchange for kicking them off of any land elsewhere in the nation.

What country successfully launched the first satellite into orbit?

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit; therefore, Choice B is the correct answer. The United States was shocked by the Soviets' achievement, and they redoubled their efforts, culminating in the Apollo 11 mission's Moon landing. The Japanese and German space exploration program weren't active until 1969, and they weren't major competitors to the American and Soviet programs.


On larger campaigns there may be multiple each serving a particular function within individual departments.

Informal norms

On the other hand are unwritten codes of conduct. Examples of might include the prohibition of spitting in public or the encouragement of deference to women. Typically a society formalizes the which are most important and for which violators should be punished. Formal tend to be much more consistent among different societies than.

If you were an explorer searching for wealth during the Age of Exploration, what else might you have brought back to Europe from your travels besides gold?

Once Europe finally realized Columbus had tripped upon a 'New World,' or as the Europeans soon came to call it, the Mundus Novus, the desire for spices was joined by the desire for gold.

George is arrested for petty theft. He is arraigned and bail is set at $1,000,000. His lawyer protests. Why?

One million dollars is excessive for the crime. Amendment VIII states: Excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Petty theft is a minor crime and usually would have a much lower rate for bail.

Which of the following is not true regarding the Virginia Companies?

One of these companies, the Virginia Company of London, made its base in Massachusetts. The Virginia Company of London was based in London, not Massachusetts. It had a charter to colonize American land between the Hudson and Cape Fear rivers (C). The other Virginia Company was the Virginia Company of Plymouth, which was based in the American colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts (A). It had a charter to colonize North America between the Potomac River and the northern boundary of Maine (D). Both Virginia Companies were joint-stock companies, which had often been used by England for trading with other countries.

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Colonel Mustafa Kemel called for the creation of an elected government and a new Republic of Turkey. Popularly known as father Turk, Kemel became president and tried to transform Turkey into a modern state. Similarly, Reza Shah Pahlavi tried to establish a modern state in Iran. How did the two states differ?

Only Kemel attempted to break the power of the Islamic religion. Shah Pahlavi left Muslims in power. Both leaders introduced government, education and economic reforms with Western overtones. Both forbade women from wearing the veil in public. President Kemel wanted to secularize Turkey. He wanted to break the power of the Islamic religion calling it "a heavy blanket which keeps Turkey asleep."

Prairie climates

Or steppe regions, are found in the interiors of Asia and North America where there are dry flatlands prairies that receive 10-20 inches of rain per year. These dry flatlands can be grasslands or deserts.

List the physical geographical features of the earth that a student would have to know to perform well in the National Geographic Bee.

Organizing place names into categories of physical features helps students learn the type of information they need to know to compete in the National Geographic Bee. The physical features students need to be knowledgeable about are -The continents Although everyone has been taught that there are seven continents some geographers combine Europe and Asia into a single continent called Eurasia. -The five major oceans -The highest and lowest points on each continent Mt Everest is the highest point in the world the Dead Sea is the lowest point -The 10 largest seas The Coral Sea is the largest -The 10 largest lakes The Caspian Sea is actually the largest lake -The 10 largest islands Greenland is the largest island. -The longest rivers The Nile is the longest river -Major mountain ranges -Earth's extremes such as the hottest Ethiopia the coldest Antarctica the wettest India and the driest Atacama Desert places the highest waterfall Angel Falls the largest desert Sahara the largest canyon Grand Canyon the longest reef Great Barrier Reef and the highest tides.

Describe the stages of extending suffrage in the United States.

Originally the Constitution of 1789 provided the right to vote only to white male property owners. Through the years suffrage was extended through the following stages: -In early 1800s states began to eliminate property ownership and tax payment qualifications -By 1810 there was no more religious tests for voting. In the late 1800s the 15th Amendment protected citizens from being denied the right to vote because of race or color. -In 1920 the 19th Amendment prohibited the denial of the right to vote because of gender and women were given the right to vote. -Passed in 1961 and ratified in 1964 the 23rd Amendment added the voters of the District of Columbia to the presidential electorate and eliminated the poll tax as a condition for voting in federal elections. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited disenfranchisement through literary tests and various other means of discrimination. -In 1971 the 26th Amendment set the minimum voting age at 18 years of age.

Leading up to World War I, which group joined with the Triple Alliance after it formed?

Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire joined with the Triple Alliance in 1914 as World War I began. The original Triple Alliance was formed by Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy in 1882 and renewed in 1902. The Ottoman Empire signed the Turco-German Alliance in August 1914, joining with the Central Powers' Triple Alliance. In October 1914, with the bombing of Russian ports on the Black Sea, Turkey formally entered World War I. The Allied Powers of the Triple Entente declared war on the Ottoman Empire in November 1914.

Which of the following was NOT an important invention in the twentieth century?

Out of the four inventions mentioned, the first telegraphs were invented in the 1830s, not in the twentieth century. In contrast, the other inventions had considerable influence over the course of the twentieth century.

Explain the importance of the following major Supreme Court cases Marbury v Madison Dred Scott v Sandford Brown v Board of Education and Miranda v Arizona.

Out of the many Supreme Court rulings several have had critical historical importance. These include -Marbury v Madison (1803) This ruling established judicial review as a power of the Supreme Court. -Dred Scott v Sandford (1857) This decision upheld property rights over human rights in the case of a slave who had been transported to a free state by his master but was still considered a slave. -Brown v Board of Education (1954) The Court ruled that segregation was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and that the separate but equal practice in education was unconstitutional. This decision overturned the 1896 Plessy v Ferguson ruling that permitted segregation if facilities were equal. -Miranda v Arizona (1966) This ruling made the reading of Miranda rights to those arrested for crimes the law. It ensured that confessions could not be illegally obtained and that citizen rights to fair trials and protection under the law would be upheld.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had which of the following effects?

Outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 did not grant the right to vote to all United States citizens (for example, in many states, people in prisons and ex-felons do not have the right to vote), nor did it outlaw the requirement to show some form of identification in order to prove residency that some states have. The Act also did not touch on accessibility requirements for people in wheelchairs or with other mobility impairments. Rather, the Votingl Rights Act of 1965 specifically outlawed the poll tax and literacy test that several southern states had used to disenfranchise Black voters.

The civil rights act that outlawed segregation in schools and public places also:

Outlawed unequal voter registration. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 affected the Jim Crowe laws in the Southern states. Many minorities suffered under unfair voting laws and segregation. President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law after the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, who championed the reform.

List and briefly describe the important events and groups related to the time leading up to the American Revolution.

Over several years various contributed to the rebellion that became a -Sons of Liberty This was the protest group headed by Samuel Adams that incited the -Boston Massacre On March 5, 1770 soldiers fired on a crowd and killed five people -Committees of Correspondence These were set up throughout the colonies to transmit revolutionary ideas and create a unified response -The Boston Tea Party On December 6, 1773 the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawks dumped tea into the harbor from a British ship to protest the tea tax. The harsh British response further aggravated the situation. -First Continental Congress This was held in 1774 to list grievances and develop a response including boycotts. It was attended by all the colonies with the exception of Georgia. -The Shot Heard Round the World In April 1775 English soldiers on their way to confiscate arms in Concord passed through Lexington Massachusetts and met the colonial militia called the Minutemen. A fight ensued. In Concord a larger group of Minutemen forced the British to retreat.

What American author coined the phrase, "These are the times that try men's souls."?

Paine. Thomas Paine created pamphlets to let people in the colonies come together as one. He was responsible for helping keep the colonists interested in continuing through the war.

The nation of Israel was created out of what Middle East country?

Palestine. After World War II, many European Jews were beginning to long to go back to the homeland of their forefathers. With the help of the United Nations, Palestine was divided and the Jews were given their own separate area. Israel was soon born, much to the displeasure of the Arab nations in the area.

Which plan begun by Mikhail Gorbachev was supposed to restructure the economy and government of the U.S.S.R?

Perestroika. Perestroika was Gorbachev's plan to restructure the Russian economy. Détente, or relaxation, is the term which characterized U.S./Russian relations in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Glasnost was Gorbachev's term for a new openness in the public discussions of the problems of the U.S.S.R. Gorbachev's policy of rethinking Soviet foreign police was referred to as his "New Thinking."

The largest lake in South America is bordered by which of the following countries?

Peru and Bolivia. While at 12,500 feet, Lake Titicaca is far from being the world's highest lake, it is large enough to allow traffic of the Bolivian Navy, as well as inhabited floating islands of reeds. Lake Titicaca lies along the borders of Bolivia and Peru.

You are an explorer. You want a good map to prepare for the types of land and waterways that you will be exploring. What type of map will you prefer?


"The petition for the writ of prohibition averred that petitioner was seven-eighths Caucasian and one eighth African blood; that the mixture of colored blood was not discernible in him, and that he was entitled to every right, privilege and immunity secured to citizens of the United States of the White race; and that, upon such theory, he took possession of a vacant seat in a coach where passengers of the White race were accommodated, and was ordered by the conductor to vacate said coach and take a seat in another area assigned to persons of the colored race, and, having refused to comply with such demand, he was forcibly ejected with the aid of a police officer, and imprisoned in the parish jail to answer a charge of having violated the above act." The preceding passage is most likely a selection from which of the following Supreme Court decisions?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).

What type of government is ruled by the wealthy?

Plutocracy People who have the most money will be able to influence how the government is going to run. This can lead to an overrun of monopolies against certain elements.

A map that only gives the names of cities in a state is known as what?

Political map.

On which type of map are different countries represented in different colors with no two adjacent countries sharing a color?

Political map. On a political map countries are represented in different colors and countries that share a border are not given the same color. This is so that the borders between countries will be distinct. Political maps are used to illustrate those aspects of a country that have been determined by people the capital the provincial and national borders and the large cities. Political maps sometimes include major physical features like rivers and mountains but they are not intended to display all such information. On a physical climate or contour map however the borders between nations are more incidental. Colors are used on these maps to represent physical features areas with similar climate etc. It is possible that colors will overrun the borders and be shared by adjacent countries.

Define Campaign Finance and the Activities of Political Parties

Political parties participate in federal elections at the local state and national levels.

Which explorer discovered Florida in 1513?

Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon sailed with Columbus on one of his voyages. He found gold in Puerto Rico and became its governor. He set out to find the fountain of youth and discovered a new land which he named La Florida. Florida means "flowery" in Spanish.

Ben is an immigrant to the U.S. in 1798. He wishes to become a citizen but is told that he has to wait 14 years before he can become naturalized. What happened in 1798 which made this provision?

President John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts. The Alien and Sedition Act extended the naturalization period from five to fourteen years. It also made it a crime to publish "any false, scandalous and malicious writing" about the president, Congress or the government in general. This act was a dark mark on the freedoms granted by the Constitution.

As an elementary teacher you are teaching a unit on map making skills. You want your unit to address all the learning intelligences. Which of the following activities would satisfy the needs of a verbal linguistic learner?

Read passages about biographies of important historical mapmakers and explorers. Choice D would interest students who gain knowledge through reading and communication. Choice A would address the naturalistic learner. Choice B would address the musical intelligence learner. Choice C would address the intrapersonal learner.

The level of thinking a student must achieve to complete a task is cognitive demand. Cognitively demanding tasks require complex thinking. This is particularly relevant when teaching English Language Learners. Which of the following is the least demanding task?

Reading a newspaper article about an emerging democracy. This is the least demanding cognitive task. Students should be asked to complete assignments at all levels of the cognitive demand continuum, from the easy to the most difficult. ELL students may have difficulty with more cognitively demanding tasks when asked to perform in English.

When prices are set for an indefinable long time on a rental building, this is known as what?

Rent control.

Protective groups

Represent one part of society for example professional organizations veterans' organizations and trade unions. Membership in is limited to individuals who are members of the organizations representing the specific part of society they do.

Interns and volunteers

Represent the bottom tier of the campaign and they perform the necessary but tedious tasks of the campaign.

"State criminal abortion laws, like those involved here, that except from criminality, only a life-saving procedure on the mother's behalf without regard to the stage of her pregnancy and other interests involved violate the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, which protects against State action the right to privacy, including a woman's qualified right to terminate her pregnancy. Though the State cannot override that right, it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a "compelling" point at various stages of the woman's approach to term." The preceding passage is most likely a selection from which of the following Supreme Court decisions?

Roe v. Wade.

Reinhard Heydrich, head of Hitler's SS Security Service, was given the task of leading the Einsatzgruppen. These special strike forces were ordered to:

Round up Jews and dispose of them The Einsatzgruppen first rounded up Jews and put them in ghettos hoping to starve them or have them die from crowding and the unsanitary conditions. That proved too slow a solution, so they were given the job of acting as mobile killing units, rounding up Jews and executing them. This too was too slow, so they rounded up Jews and shipped them to death camps where thousands were gassed. The Germans killed between five and six million Jews during the war. This extermination is called the Holocaust.

From what nation did the United States buy Alaska?

Russia Russia owned the land now known as Alaska but thought that it was useless to control. When it was originally purchased, Americans laughed and thought the same idea. Gold and oil were soon found in the state.

At the most basic level, justice can be considered as the socio-political instantiation of the economic principle of:

Scarcity. At the very core of the rhetorical welter orbiting the various moral and philosophical takes on justice, there is some deep psycho-sociological playing out of feelings of what is fair and what is not. That is, what is just and unjust involves the allocation of limited resources, whether they be resources of reward and punishment, of wealth and power, of disease and health, of pain and pleasure, or of truth and untruth. Economics also begins with the problem of how to distribute and utilize a finite well of matter and muscle.

Teaching children how to listen to the viewpoints of others reflects the teaching of which of the following skills?

Social Participation skills

Child labor laws and labor unions

Societies had to deal with these new situations by enacting creating to protect the safety of workers.

You are attempting to introduce your class to the Greek philosophers. You engage the class in a round of questions, answering each one of their questions and adding a question of your own. Each question adds a new dimension to the discussion or refutes a previous point. Which philosopher are you attempting to emulate during this introduction?


The capital of Bulgaria is:

Sofia.-Sofia. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skopje is the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, and Sukhumi is the capital of Abkhazia.

The economy of colonial New England focused on manufacture and trade mainly because

Soil and climate conditions in New England were not England and Scotland. Agriculture was not a viable economic model for New Englanders. Although the colonists were mainly from England and Scotland few were merchants before arriving in the colonies. Slavery existed in the north although it was less important to the economy than it was in the agricultural south. New England colonists were not actively competing with their neighbors to the immediate south.

In the past few years, information has been presented before the European Union Parliament showing that the dumping of toxic and nuclear waste has led to an increase in piracy by which of the following countries?

Somalia. Somalian pirates have been active since the 1990's during the Somalian Civil War, but apparently their activity has increased drastically since 2004 when European countries began to dump significant quantities of waste into waters off the coast of Somalia.

Invisible primaries

Some candidates attempt to generate support funding and media coverage prior to the start of the official in what is referred to as the.

"I have found a continent more densely peopled.. than our Europe or Asia or Africa." Amerigo Vespucci. What continent was Vespucci referring to?

South America. Vespucci explored South America and was the first European to see the Amazon River. The continents of North and South America are named for him.

Guessing that a market is going to rise or fall is known as what?


The Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620. The first winter was brutal and many of them died. In the spring, they received help from a native. Who was he?

Squanto. Tisquantum, also called Squanto was a member of the Pawtuxet tribe. He was taken to England in 1605, possibly as a slave, by George Weymouth an explorer. In 1613, he returned as a guide to John Smith. He was abducted again and taken to Spain as a slave. He escaped and returned to America to find his tribe had been decimated by disease. When the Pilgrims arrived, he walked into their village. Because he spoke English, he was very helpful with teaching them survival skills. He died shortly thereafter, probably from disease. He was responsible for the fifty years of peace that the Pilgrims shared with the native Americans.

What country, formerly known as Ceylon, was devastated by the tsunami in 2004?

Sri Lanka This island nation gained its independence in 1948 from the British Crown and created its own country. There is a strong Buddhist faction on the island.

What is the strait that runs between Great Britain and France?

Strait of Dover. The Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel, marks the boundary of the Channel and the North Sea. It also separates Great Britain from France. It now hosts the Eurotunnel, which allows for easy access from Britain to France.

Which lesson would not fit into teaching students about anthropology sociology and psychology?

Students elect a student council in their own classroom by giving speeches voting and establishing a government. Choice C would be part of a lesson for the practice of citizenship. Choice A B and D all focus on helping students understand the lives and cultures of other groups of people from the past as well as having students investigate their own personal identities the aim of teaching sociology psychology and anthropology.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an activity to help children understand scale?

Students point to locations in their community on a real map. Students should be able to locate at least five locations.

In 2006, David Eggers published a book based on the personal narrative of a "Lost Boy" named Valentino Achak Deng. Deng and other Lost Boys were orphaned refugees fleeing the civil war that was raging in which of the following African nations?


Which of the following African countries is most affected by desertification?


In the past 35 years, significant parts of Brazil have been cleared to grow which of the following?

Sugar cane. In addition to being the world's number one exporter of coffee, Brazil is also the world's major exporter of ethanol for fuel use. Brazilian ethanol, unlike the corn-based ethanol produced in the United States, is made from sugar cane.

Cuneiform was developed by this empire.

Sumer. They lived in what was the southern portion of Babylon, which is modern day Iraq. They were credited with not only cuneiform but also wheeled vehicles and codes of law.

King Leopold of Belgium created the country of the Belgian Congo as a private investor. The type of boundaries place by his company on the area are which type of boundaries?


Archaeologists have found early Christian and Buddhist scrolls in caves in the Taklamakan Desert in China. The location of such texts so far from the historical centers of these two religions most likely indicates:

That the scrolls were carried by travelers on the Silk Road.

George Washington was called an "isolationist" because he opposed going to war with foreign powers. In 1940, aviator Charles Lindbergh led rallies for isolationism. Why was the country attracted to this policy?

The American people were still suffering the effects of the Great Depression. The war in Europe was a real worry for Americans. They had been pulled into WWI. They were suffering a Great Depression. 94% of the people wanted to stay out of foreign wars. The Congress passed laws prohibiting the sale of American arms to any warring nation. President Franklin Roosevelt promised to keep us out of the war.

Imitating the success of Japan, a number of Asian nations have been successful in creating industrial societies. This collection of nations, which includes South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, is called:

The Asian Tigers

During WWII, the U.S. worked with the Soviet Union to overcome Italy, Germany and Japan. Collectively, Italy, Germany, and Japan were known as which of the following?

The Axis Powers

"No one was seriously hurt, although one colonist was reportedly roughed up a bit for trying to stuff some of the tea in his coat instead of throwing it overboard." An eyewitness in 1773 reported this quote. What was he talking about?

The Boston Tea Party

The British Parliament presided by Prime Minister George Grenville passed all of the following Acts, EXCEPT:

The Declaratory Act.

Which of the following Presidential elections was the first in which voting was not restricted to property-owning free White males?

The Election of 1824.

The United Kingdom is part of Europe. What separates the United Kingdom from mainland Europe?

The English Channel, the North Sea and the Strait of Dover

The first national legislation that effectively regulated child labor in the United States was:

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.

In the history of the United States, three Presidents have been impeached, and then acquitted of the crimes for which they were impeached. On the other hand, several federal judges have been impeached and removed from office. For all of these cases, which of the following bodies of government initiated the impeachment proceedings?

The House of Representatives. According to Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, "The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment."

Which entity in American government is the closest to true democracy?

The House of Representatives. Members of the House of Representatives are elected in proportion to the population of each state. Representation by senators is not based on population and is therefore skewed in senators is not based on population and is therefore skewed in electoral weight. The Electoral College can and has contradicted the popular vote in the Presidential election.

Missouri Compromise

The In 1820 there were 11 free states and 11 slave states. The fear of a power imbalance between slave and free states when Missouri petitioned to become a slave state brought about this agreement. Maine was brought in as a free state the southern border of Missouri was set as the northernmost line of any slave territory and the western states could come in as free states while Arkansas and Florida could be slave states.

Briefly describe the Industrial Revolution and its consequences.

The Industrial Revolution started in England with the construction of the first cotton mill in 1733. Other inventions and factories followed in rapid succession.

After the Civil War urban populations increased. This growth was likely due to

The Industrial Revolution. Growth of industry was concentrated in urban areas which cyclically drew laborers into cities growing the population of cities and increasing efficiency and quality in industry.

Select all of the following which occurred following the end of WWII.

The Jewish people were granted land that would become Israel and The United Nations was formed. Israel became a country in 1948. The United Nations was established in 1945 its founders sought to improve on the failed League of Nations created after WWI. The Soviet Union was formed in 1924 as a result of the Russian Revolution 1917. The Ottoman or Turkish Empire sided against France Russia and Great Britain in WWI. The Ottomans were defeated along with Germany and when the war ended the British occupied what are now Iraq Palestine Jordan Syria and Lebanon.

The U.S. government consists of three branches. Which decides the constitutionality of the acts of the branches?

The Judicial

Which of the following was the first major intervention by forces deployed under orders of the United Nations Security Council?

The Korean War.

Which of the following ancient civilizations of the Americas lived in Central America?

The Mayans. The ancient Mayan civilization was located in what are today Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador in Central America and also in the Yucatan peninsula and the south of Mexico. The ancient civilization of the Incas was located in what is now Peru in South America. The ancient civilization of the Aztecs lived in what is Mexico today.

Slaves were used in colonial America in many capacities, both in the north and the south. Some opposed slavery. What group was the first to formally oppose slavery in America?

The Mennonites In 1688, the Mennonites were the first to formally oppose slavery. They were a Protestant group in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, groups opposing slavery were few.

Martin Luther King, Jr. first came to widespread public attention in the United States during:

The Montgomery bus boycott.

The tides of Earth are dependent upon what?

The Moon.

What is the Organic Theory's thesis?

The Organic Theory argues that nation-states need to consolidate political power and acquire new geographic territory in order to sustain themselves. Under this conception, the nation-state operates like a living organism, and new territories provide the resources it needs to survive. Thus, Choice C is the correct answer. The Rimland Theory emphasizes the importance of naval power and coastal land, and the World Island is part of the Heartland Theory. In the Cold War era, American foreign policymakers created the domino theory to justify military intervention for limiting the spread of communism.

In the early twentieth century, the economy of Latin America was based primarily on the export of foodstuffs and raw materials. Beginning in the 1920s, which foreign nation was the foremost investor in Latin America?

The United States. At this time, the U.S. replaced Britain as the chief investor in Latin America. U.S investors directly supported the production enterprises of the Latin Americans as well as running companies themselves. This American control of companies angered many Latin Americans. They saw America as just another imperialist power and resented the return of profits to the United States.

Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

The allowed owners to go into free states to retrieve their escaped slaves.

Virginia Company and Chesapeake Bay Company

The and the successfully colonized other states. By 1619 had a House of Burgesses. The crown was indifferent to the colony so local government grew strong and tobacco created wealth. The First Families of dominated politics there for two centuries and four of the first five United States presidents came from these families.

The expansion of railroads across the American west contributed to the demise of which of the following necessities of the Plains Indian diet?

The bison.

List some common traits of the early empires of Mesopotamia Egypt Greece and Rome and then cite some cultural identifiers for each of these empires.

The common traits of these empires were a strong military a centralized government control and standardization of commerce money and taxes a weight system and an official language.

China is credited with all of the following inventions, EXCEPT:

The concept of zero. This question tests your knowledge of technological innovation in Asia. The use of the magnetic compass for navigation dates from around 1000 C.E. in China, while the earliest known printed book, from 868 C.E., also comes from China. China is also considered to be the originator of papermaking, with some of the earliest known text-bearing paper going back to 8 B.C.E. The invention of the concept of zero, on the other hand, is credited to India, where it was used in numerical calculations by 1000 C.E., and as a decimal place holder much earlier (around 450 C.E.). The correct answer therefore, is A.

Factor market

The consists of the people who exchange their services for wages. The people are sellers and companies are buyers.

What term do economists use to refer to all the plotted points on a graph which shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded?

The demand curve

Macroeconomics deals with:

The determination of interest rates

With light blue representing the lowest fertility rate of 0-1, and purple representing the highest of 7-8, what is the most solid conclusion that we can make from this world fertility rate map?

The first world countries have the lowest fertility rate.

Prime Minister

The head of government referred to as the must control a majority of seats within the lower house of parliament or must ensure that there is no absolute majority against them.

Spanish American Wars

The latter resulted in the in 1898 that ended with Cuba Puerto Rico the Philippines and Guam becoming American protectorates at the same time the United States annexed Hawaii.

Identify the major deities of Greek and Roman mythology.

The major gods of the Greek Roman mythological system are -Zeus Jupiter Head of the Pantheon god of the sky -Hera Juno Wife of Zeus Jupiter goddess of marriage -Poseidon Neptune God of the seas -Demeter Ceres Goddess of grain -Apollo God of the sun law music archery healing and truth -Artemis Diana Goddess of the moon wild creatures and hunting -Athena Minerva Goddess of civilized life handicrafts and agriculture -Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire blacksmith -Aphrodite Venus Goddess of love and beauty -Ares Mars God of war -Dionysus Bacchus God of wine and vegetation -Hades Pluto God of the underworld and the dead -Eros Cupid Minor god of love -Hestia Vesta Goddess of the hearth or home -Hermes Mercury Minor god of gracefulness and swiftness

Which of the following is not correct regarding assumptions of mercantilism?

The money and the wealth of a nation are identical properties. In order to prosper a nation should not try to increase its imports. Mercantilism is a economic theory including the idea that prosperity comes from a positive balance of international trade. For any one nation to prosper that nation should increase its exports but decrease its imports. Exporting more to other countries while importing less from them will give a country a positive trade balance. This theory assumes that money and wealth are identical assets of a nation. In addition this theory also assumes that the volume of global trade is an unchangeable quality. Mercantilism dictates that a nation's government should apply a policy of economic protectionism by stimulating more exports and suppressing imports. Some ways to accomplish this task have included granting subsides for exports and imposing tariffs on imports. Mercantilism can be regarded as essentially the opposite of the free trade policies that have been encouraged in more recent years.

Which of the following statements best describes the outcome of the so-called Connecticut, or Great Compromise?

The national legislature would be split into two branches, one retaining the "one state, one vote" format of the legislature as previously structured by the Articles of Confederation; the other bearing representation in proportion to the population of free inhabitants of the states. This question tests your knowledge of debates surrounding the ratification of the Constitution. Statements B and D express different aspects of the plan that Alexander Hamilton proposed to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on June 18, 1787. The Hamilton Plan was rejected. Statement C represents the plan proposed by William Paterson of New Jersey the day before. It too was rejected. Statement A represents the plan Roger Sherman of Connecticut proposed on June 11 as a modification to James Madison's Virginia Plan of May 29. Sherman's Connecticut Compromise pleased both--large states in favor of proportional representation, and small states in favor of the existing "one state, one vote" format. The latter format, by July 23, 1787, eventually evolved into the "one state, two vote" present-day structure of our Senate. The correct answer therefore, is A.

Describe the contributions of the early French explorers in the United States.

The never succeeded in attracting settlers to their territories. Those who came were more interested in the fur and fish trades than in forming colonies. Eventually the ceded their southern possessions and New Orleans founded in 1718 to Spain.

Running mate

The nominated Vice Presidential candidate is referred to as the President's.

Which of the following accurately describes the trend of the United States economy during the past two decades?

The overall trend is toward greater trade deficits, with trade surpluses occurring only during recessions. The trend in the United States has been toward increasing trade deficits, resulting in the current account balance for 2007 of $731 billion dollars. During a recession in 1991, the U.S. had a trade surplus.


The platform was explained in the Federalist Papers written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton.

Which of the following powers is exclusive to the federal government in the United States?

The power to regulate immigration is exclusive to the federal government; so, Choice A is the correct answer. The powers to regulate local government and implement welfare programs are reserved to the states. Both the federal and state governments enjoy the power to levy taxes.

Which of the following exemplifies the multiplier effect of large cities?

The presence of specialized equipment for an industry attracts even more business. One example of the multiplier effect of large cities would be if the presence of specialized equipment for an industry attracted even more business. Large cities tend to grow even larger for a number of reasons they have more skilled workers they have greater concentrations of specialized equipment and they have already functioning markets. These factors all make it easier for a business to begin operations in a large city than elsewhere. Thus the populations and economic productivity of large cities tend to grow quickly. Some governments have sought to mitigate this trend by clustering groups of similar industries in smaller cities.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to European colonization of the Americas?

The question asks what answer did NOT help the Europeans colonize the Americas. While the Native Americans lived sustainably, the Europeans exploited the land to extract the maximum possible value, so Choice B is the correct answer. The European colonists did establish permanent settlements, which facilitated their centralized system of government. Old World diseases did overwhelm the Native American population, decimating some of the western tribes even before the arrival of European colonists. The Europeans were also armed with superior weaponry—steel and firearms.

Which of the following laws was NOT a major cause of the American Revolution?

The question is asking what was NOT a major cause of the American Revolution. The Proclamation of 1763 angered colonists by prohibiting colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains. Likewise, the Quebec Act and Townshend Act increased resentment. The Quebec Act granted rights to French Canadians at the same time Great Britain passed a series of laws to increase taxes in the Thirteen Colonies, like the Townshend Acts. The Indian Removal Acts weren't passed until the Andrew Jackson administration; so, Choice A is the correct answer.

Which statement about factors related to the growth of the US economy between 1945 and 1970 is incorrect?

The reduction in military spending after World War II contributed to the stronger US economy.

Classical liberalism endorses all of the following, EXCEPT:

The right of governments to control supply.

What is the difference between the melting pot and salad bowl approaches to cultural integration?

The salad bowl preserves more of the culture's unique characteristics than the melting pot, so Choice D is the correct answer. Under the salad bowl approach, the "salad" has several ingredients (cultures), and they're mixed together in a bowl without changing the ingredients' individual structure. In contrast, under a melting pot approach, the ingredients (cultures) are all poured into a pot, creating something unique. Neither approach is proven to be more effective at accommodating more cultural diversity, and in practice, most countries use a mixture of the two approaches.

Mrs. Cell often uses videos with her social studies class. Which of the following would be the least effective use of videos in the classroom?

The students watch the complete video and have a discussion. Stopping a video for discussion, note-taking, or summarizing helps students get the most from a video. This method also keeps the students focused on the goal the teacher is using the video to support. Videos should be used judiciously to support lessons. They should not become the lesson.


The subcontinent was seldom unified in terms of government until the British empire controlled the area in the 19th and 20th centuries. In terms of culture has had persistent institutions and religions that have loosely united the people such as the caste system and guilds. These have regulated daily life more than any government.

The Federal Reserve starts buying government bonds. This will cause:

The supply of money to increase and interest rates to decrease. When the Federal Reserve buys bonds, it is putting more money into circulation, thereby causing the money supply to increase. When the government buys bonds, it is also increasing the demand for bonds, which will cause the price at which they are being sold to increase as well. However, bond price and interest rates are inversely correlated, so higher-priced bonds result in lower interest rates. Therefore, since the effect of the government's purchase of bonds is to increase the money supply and lower the interest rates,

Which of the following is not true of the Himalayas?

The tallest mountain therein reaches around 28,251 feet. The Himalaya Range is located within Asia and spans around 1,500 miles. This range is known to include some of the tallest mountains in the world, including Mount Everest, which is the tallest mountain at 29,029 feet.

A fourth grade teacher wants her students to understand that human characteristics can consist of many components including values religious beliefs language systems political structure economic methods and socioeconomic status. Which of the following lesson ideas would be the best way for her to introduce this concept?

The teacher introduces the Inuit people of the Arctic North to the class in a slide show displaying artifacts of clothing made from animal skins homes made of ice money made of fur and travel by dog sled.

If you know the longitude of a city in the United States, you can determine:

The time zone in which it is located.Lines of longitude, which run north-south from pole to pole, are used to separate time zones. Houston, Texas, and Fargo, North Dakota, which are on almost the exact same line of longitude, are both in the Central Time Zone; however, they are not in the same state, do not have the same climate, and are not equidistant from the equator. To calculate the distance from the equator, the latitude of the city would need to be known.

After WWI, economic crises in Japan, inflation and a rapid rise in population, lead to calls for a return to traditional Japanese values and a rejection of Western ideals. Japan needed raw materials for manufacturing, so it seized territories in other nations creating a Japanese Empire. Worried about Japanese expansion and influence in Asia, the United States held a major conference of the nations with interests in the Pacific. What was the major accomplishment of the nine-power treaty which this conference adopted?

The treaty recognized the territorial integrity of China and the maintenance of an Open Door trade policy.

List the types of federal taxes and give a brief description of each.

The types of federal taxes are: -Income taxes on individuals This is a complex system because of demands for various exemptions and rates. Further the schedule of rates can be lowered or raised according to economic conditions in order to stimulate or restrain economic activity. For example a tax cut can provide an economic stimulus while a tax increase can slow down the rate of inflation. Personal income tax generates about five times as much as corporate taxes. Rates are based on an individual's income and range from 10 to 35 percent. -Income taxes on corporations The same complexity of exemptions and rates exists for corporations as individuals. Taxes can be raised or lowered according to the need to stimulate or restrain the economy. -Excise taxes These are taxes on specific goods such as tobacco liquor automobiles gasoline air travel and luxury items or on activities such as highway usage by trucks. -Customs duties These are taxes imposed on imported goods. They serve to regulate trade between the United States and other countries.

Indus Valley

The was also called Harappan after the city of Harappa. This civilization started in the 3rd and 4th centuries BC and was widely dispersed over 400000 square miles. It had a unified culture of luxury and refinement no known national government an advanced system and prosperous trade routes.

In addition to the traditional Old World wine-growing regions—France, Italy, Spain—vineyards also flourish in parts of South Africa, California, Australia, Chile, and Argentina. Which of the following climate patterns best explains this distribution of vineyards around the world?

The wine-growing regions of the world are in subtropical zones where the summers are hot and dry and the winters are wet and cold--but not too cold.

Electoral College votes

The winner of a presidential election is the candidate with at least 270. It is possible for a candidate to win the vote and lose the popular vote. Incumbent Presidents and challengers typically prefer a balanced ticket where the President and Vice President are elected together and generally balance one another with regard to geography ideology or experience working in government.


These are not expressly stated but are reasonably suggested by the expressed powers.


These are powers not expressed by the Constitution but ones that national governments have historically possessed such as granting diplomatic recognition. Powers can also be classified or reserved or exclusive.


These self contained cultures should not be confused with which are smaller cultures within a large culture. Usually have a set of norms and values that are different from those held by the larger society of which they are a member. In the United States we might consider punk rockers or hippies as because they have different values than Americans on the whole but do not really have a self sustaining or separate society of their own.

List some important contributions of the ancient civilizations of Sumer Egypt and the Indus Valley.

These three ancient civilizations are distinguished by their unique contributions to the development of world civilization.

England, France and Spain were constantly warring in the 18th century. The wars were fought over thrones, riches and power. What was different about these wars from previous wars in Europe?

They spilled over into the colonies. The European wars spilled over from the continent into the colonies. The wars involved colonies in North and South America, Asia, and the Caribbean.

The Proclamation of 1763 declared a moratorium on westward expansion for the British colonies. This angered the colonists. Why?

They wanted the land they expected for having fought in the French and Indian War.

Explorers in North America in the 16th and 17th centuries were looking for wealth. But they also claimed other purposes. Which is one of these?

They wanted to civilize the people they found there. Besides finding riches, the Europeans claimed to want to civilize and convert the natives to Christianity. There was an exchange of peoples and crops, but these were not primary purposes.

During the framing of the U.S. Constitution, the states argued about representation. The big states wanted representation based on population; the small wanted equal representation. The South had a particular wish. What was their wish?

They wanted to have their slaves counted into the population count.

The Aztec Civilization was one of the greatest that ever existed. What happened to it?

They were destroyed by Spanish conquerors.

During the early Medieval period in Europe before the 5th century where were the main centers of literacy found?

They were in the churches and monasteries. During the early Medieval period (or Middle Ages) Europe was characterized by widespread illiteracy ignorance and superstition once the unifying influence of the Roman Empire was lost. Few universities like the university at Constantinople founded in 2CE and those at Athens Antioch and Alexandria around the same time existed then. Before the 5th and 6th centuries CE any education was conducted at cathedral or monastery schools or privately in the homes of wealthy families which cannot be considered main centers of literacy. More religious schools were created through Charlemange's reforms in the 9th century and early forms of universities began developing in the 11th and 12 the centuries.

During the Revolutionary War, how were slaves used?

They were promised freedom if they fought for the British.


This level can regulate trade and business within the establish public schools pass license requirements for professionals regulate alcoholic beverages conduct elections and establish local governments. There are three types of delegated powers granted by the Constitution : Expressed or enumerated powers These are specifically spelled out in the Constitution.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

This novelist and short story writer wrote The Scarlet Letter The House of Seven Gables Young Goodman Brown and The Minister's Black Veil.

Map projections

To counter this problem mapmakers use a variety of a system for representing the earth's curvatures on a flat surface through the use of a grid that corresponds to lines of latitude and longitude. Some distortions are still inevitable though so mapmakers make choices based on the scale the size of the area to be mapped and what they want the to show. Some can represent a true shape or area while others may be based on the equator and therefore become less accurate as they near the poles. In summary all maps have some distortion in terms of the shape or size of features of the spherical earth.

Interstate Commerce Commission and Sherman Anti Trust Act

To curb cutthroat competition particularly among the railroads and to prohibit restrained trade Congress created the. Neither of these however was enforced.

Why did the colonies join together in the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia?

To discuss the issues of Boston and the Intolerable Acts

FDR, Churchill and Stalin met at Yalta to plot the end of the war. What did Roosevelt want from the Russians?

To enter the war with Japan and to help with the formation of a group of United Nations after the war. FDR needed Stalin's help with the war in Japan. He also wanted to establish the United Nations to avoid future wars and needed Russia to endorse it.

The anticipatory set that a second grade teacher would use to engage an elementary classroom about learning directions would be

To give students a treasure map with directions to a class prize which can be found in the playground.

How do cartographers use shading or hatching on a map?

To show elevation and relief The Earth's surface is irregular. Cartographers use elevation and relief to represent these irregularities. The baseline is often above or below sea level. Cartographers use shading or hatching to represent elevation and relief.

Why do cartographers use elevation and relief on a map?

To show the earth's irregularities, such as rivers and valleys. The Earth's surface is irregular. Cartographers use elevation and relief to represent these irregularities. The baseline is often above or below sea level. Cartographers use shading, hatching, and contour lines to represent elevation and relief.

List some of the domestic accomplishments of the Progressive Era also known as the Age of Reform.

To the Progressives promoting law and order meant cleaning up city governments to make them honest and efficient bringing more democracy and humanity to state governments and establishing a core of social workers to improve slum housing health and education.

Not all of the American colonists wanted Independence from England. Those who did not were called what?

Tories. The Tory party was conservative. They wanted to maintain relations with the British. They were also called Loyalists.

All of these describe a storm at sea with winds of over 75 mph EXCEPT


You are a tailor in 11th century Germany. Your father was a tailor and your grandfather also. This is an example of what type of economy?

Traditional. In a traditional economy, production and distribution are determined by social standing, caste or tradition. Your family is the tailor family. Laissez faire is an economy with little or no government intervention. Competition means many providers for a service. Command is an economy in which all activity is directed by the government.

Which of the following was one of the treaties that helped to usher in the United States' fulfillment of Manifest Destiny in the 19th century?

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

A social studies teacher needs to adapt his social studies instruction for a group of students who are significantly below grade level in reading. Which of the following actions on the part of the teacher is appropriate?

Using instructional materials with a lower reading level.

Roger Williams

Was banished form Massachusetts in 1636 because he called for separation of church and state.


Was established by Lord Baltimore in 1632 in the hopes of providing refuge for English Catholics. The Protestant majority however opposed this religious tolerance.

Boston and Harvard University

Was established in 1630 and was established in 1636.

Bleeding Kansas

Was the name applied to the state when a civil war broke out between pro and anti slavery advocates while was trying to formalize its statutes before being admitted as a state.

World War II

Was truly a with fighting occurring on nearly every continent. Germany occupied most of Europe and Northern Africa. It was opposed by the countries of the British Empire free France and its colonies Russia and various national resistance forces.


Was united by the Nile River. Egyptians originally settled in villages on its banks had a national religion that held their pharaohs as gods had a central government that controlled civil and artistic affairs and had writing and libraries. Also had a series of governments after extending its territory beyond the Nile area. Compared to Mesopotamia these were more stable and long lived because they blended different peoples to create a single national identity.


When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 the United States joined the effort. Italy changed from the Axis to the side mid war after deposing its own dictator. The war ended in Europe in April 1945 and in Japan in August 1945.

Describe the involvement of the United States in World War I.

When World War I broke out in 1914 America declared neutrality. The huge demand for war goods by the Allies broke a seven year industrial stagnation and gave American factories full time work. The country's sympathies lay mostly with the Allies and before long American business and banking were heavily invested in an Allied victory.

List some of the effects of an economic downturn or recession.

When a recession happens people at all levels of society feel the economic effects. For example: -High unemployment results because businesses have to cut back to keep costs low and may no longer have the work for the labor force they once did. -Mortgage rates go up on variable rate loans as banks try to increase their revenues but the higher rates cause some people who cannot afford increased housing costs to sell or suffer foreclosure. -Credit becomes less available as banks try to lessen their risk. This decreased lending affects business operations home and auto loans etc. -Stock market prices drop and the lower dividends paid to stockholders reduce their income. This is especially hard on retired people who rely on stock dividends. -Psychological depression and trauma may occur in those who suffer bankruptcy unemployment or foreclosure during a depression

What is a town hall meeting?

When community members get together to discuss issues and concerns. One of the few ways in which people will be able to voice their concerns about an issue is when they decide to bring it up in front of other people. The town hall meeting allows a public forum in which all people are able to freely voice their problems without worry about being ridiculed.

List some harmful or potentially harmful ways in which humans interact with their environment.

Wherever humans have gone on the earth they have made changes to their surroundings. Many are harmful or potentially harmful depending on the extent of the alterations.

The entire Roman Empire was destroyed in the fifth century A.D. Is this statement true or false?

While it is true that Rome fell to barbarians in the fifth century A.D., it would be inaccurate to say the Roman Empire had been completely destroyed. The Byzantine Empire considered itself the heir of the Roman Empire. The western sections, on the other hand, certainly collapsed; the later Holy Roman Empire tried to draw on Rome's past glory but was not a true successor.

European expansion

While many civilizations in the Americas thrived and some became very sophisticated many eventually became disastrously entangled in. The historic isolation of China and the modern industrialization of Japan have had huge impacts on relations with the rest of the world. The more students understand this history and its effects on the modern world the better they will be able to function in their own spheres.

Describe the unique characteristics of the Chinese and Indian empires.

While the Chinese had the world's largest lasting and continuous empires the Indians had more of a cohesive culture than an empire system. Their distinct characteristics are as follows: China Since the end of the Warring States period in 221BC China has functioned as an empire. Although the dynasties changed several times the basic governmental structure remained the same into the 20th century. The Chinese also have an extensive written record of their culture which heavily emphasizes history philosophy and a common religion.

Which of the following was not an immediate effect of rapid urban growth in the 1800s?

Widespread urban political corruption was not an immediate effect of the rapid urban growth during this time. The accelerated growth of cities in America did soon result in services being unable to keep up with that growth. The results of this included deficiencies in clean water delivery and garbage collection causing poor sanitation. That poor sanitation led to outbreaks of cholera and typhus as well as typhoid fever epidemics. Police and firefighting services could not keep up with the population increases and were often inadequate. With people moving to the cities at such as fast rate there were also deficits in housing and public transportation.

According to Karl Marx, two groups that are in continual conflict are:

Workers and owners.

Mary is growing an illegal substance in her garden and selling it to her neighbors. The police show up at the door and ask to see her garden. Mary refuses to let them in. The police set up a sting and find a neighbor exiting her property with the substance. They get a warrant and return. Will Mary have to let them in?

Yes, since they have found the neighbor with the illegal substance, and gotten a warrant, they can enter.

What are the three dominant biomes of Africa?

grassland, tropical rainforests and deserts. The continent of Africa has a general climate from warm to hot. The dominant biomes are grassland, tropical rainforests and deserts. Savannah is another name for grassland.

The Rust Belt is a vernacular region because it

has cultural and environmental similarities throughout. A vernacular region is one that does not have boundaries and, instead, is defined by cultural and environmental features. The Rust Belt is known as such because it is a region that shares the feature of industrial deterioration.

Hypothetically, if the United States were allied with a European nation that wanted to expand its territory and invade a neighboring country who was not an ally of the United States, per the Monroe Doctrine, the United States would be expected to

maintain neutrality without any interventions or involvement. The Monroe Doctrine was established on 1823. Among other points, the doctrine emphasized that the United States needed to remain neutral and not become involved in European conflicts.

Ulysses S Grant

of Ohio wasn't appointed to command the Union Army until 1864 after a series of other commanders were unsuccessful. He received Lee's surrender at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia in April 1865 and went on to become President from 1869 to 1877.

Robert E Lee

of Virginia was offered the position of commanding general of the Union Army but declined because of loyalty to his home state. He led the Army of Northern Virginia and the central Confederate force and is still considered a military mastermind.

The Army-McCarthy Hearings are associated with McCarthyism in that the hearings caused McCarthyism to become

ostracized and unsupported

The Columbian Exchange is a term used to describe

things traded between the Old and New Worlds

Eileen has three olive trees on her property. She presses oil from the olives of two trees, and sells the oil for $20. She pickles the olives of one tree, and sells these pickled olives for $100. Since Eileen loves to pickle and press, she does not consider the labor of pressing and pickling to be a cost, and she therefore calculates her profit to be $120. An economist, however, would say that her real, or economic, profit is

-$80.Eileen claims that her explicit costs are zero, and therefore her profit is equal to $120 minus zero. This accounting profit, however, does not take into account the implicit costs represented by the opportunity cost. By not pickling all of her olives, Eileen has incurred an opportunity cost of $200. Therefore, her economic cost is equal to total revenue minus both explicit and implicit costs, that is, the correct answer, A: $120 - (0 + 200) = -$80. The economist would recommend that Eileen specialize in pickling, rather than both pickling and pressing olives.

Among them were

-In 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon became the first European in Florida established the oldest European settlement in Puerto Rico discovered the Gulf Stream and searched for the fountain of youth. -Alonso Alvarez de Pineda charted the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico in 1519. Probably the first European in Texas he claimed it for Spain. -Panfilo de Narvaez docked in Tampa Bay wiht Cabeza de Vaca in 1528 claimed Florida for Spain and then sailed the Gulf Coast -Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca got lost on foot in Texas and New Mexico. Estevanico or Esteban a Moorish slave was a companion who guided to Mexico. -Francisco Vasquez de Coronado While searching for gold in 1540 he became the first European to explore Kansas Oklahoma Texas New Mexico and Arizona. -Hernando De Soto He was the first European to explore the southeastern United States from Tallahassee to Natchez.

At what degree of latitude is the equator located?

0 degrees latitude

What is the prime meridian and where is it located?

0 degrees longitude and it runs through Greenwich, England. Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They measure the distance north-south of the equator. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. They measure the distance east-west from the prime meridian. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. The distance from the prime meridian determines the time zones of the earth. The poles, North and South, are located 90 degrees from the equator.

The United States is divided into 50 states. How is Canada divided?

10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada is the second largest country in the world in land mass. It has a relatively small population living in 10 provinces and 3 territories.

In what year was the schism that separated the Roman and Byzantine church?

1054 The Schism of 1054 was brought about because of differences in doctrine which both churches had. The two popes ended up excommunicating one another.

The United States Supreme Court case of Chisholm v. Georgia held that under the provisions of Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution, a private citizen could bring suit against a state in a federal court. This decision led states to demand which of the following constitutional amendments?


What amendment gave people the right to vote regardless of their skin color?

15th Many Southern states agreed on Black Codes or Jim Crow laws to keep African Americans from voting in elections. This amendment did not give the right to vote to women.

What amendment was the only one to be repealed?

18th This amendment deals with the prohibition against drinking alcohol in the nation. The 21st amendment was passed later to repeal this act. It is the only amendment which has been successfully repealed and required another amendment to be passed in order to do this. This shows how powerful amendments can be.

Based on the graph, during which period did consumers consistently have less purchasing power?

1979-1981. When inflation occurs, consumers lose purchasing power, as they are paying more for necessary goods. While inflation and deflation rates fluctuate, between 1979 and 1982, per the graph, people paid more for various energies and goods and services, thus losing their purchasing power.

What is the range of latitude from the equator to the North Pole?

90 degrees. Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. The poles, North and South, are located 90 degrees from the equator.

Gerardus Mercator was a Flemish cartographer who developed a map or projection of the world. What else did he develop?

A bound collection of maps called an atlas. Mercator's map could be used by sailors to plot a "true" direction. However, his map distorted areas, especially toward the poles. It preserved shape and direction. Atlas was a Greek god who held the world on his shoulders.

The Nazis' Final Solution to eliminate Jews and Gypsies is considered:

A crime of genocide.

Which of the following definitions best characterizes a representative democracy?

A form of government in which citizens choose a body of political decision makers.

When the South seceded from the U.S. they formed a confederacy. What is a confederacy?

A group of democratic states that have their own leaders and laws but which band together for matters of war and the common good. A Confederacy consists of a group of states with its own leaders and laws but which joins together for the common good. Ben Franklin found this type of government interesting and thought that "a like union should [not] be impracticable for ten or a dozen English colonies." Before the U.S. had a constitution, we had Articles of Confederation. The Iroquois had a democratic league of six Indian nations. Each had its own identity and laws but joined together for matters of war or the common good. The South had a president, Jefferson Davis, but each wished to be a sovereign state, that is able to make its own laws.

Define humid continental climate prairie climate subtropical climate and marine climate.

A human continental climate is one that has four seasons including a cold winter and a hot summer and sufficient rainfall for raising crops. Such climates can be found in the United States Canada and Russia. The best farmlands and mining areas are found in these countries.


A is a landscape feature or geomorphological unit. These include hills plateaus mountains deserts deltas canyons mesas marshes swamps and valleys. These units are categorized according to elevation slope orientation stratification rock exposure and soil type. Elements include pits peaks channels ridges passes pools and plains. The highest order landforms are continents and oceans. Elementary landforms such as segments facets and relief units are the smallest homogenous divisions of a land surface at a given scale or resolution.

Closed primary

A is a party nominating election in which only declared party members can vote. Party membership is usually established by registration. Currently 26 states and the District of Columbia use this system.

In 16th Century Spanish America, the term criollo (creole) denoted:

A person of Spanish, French, or Portuguese ancestry born in the New World. According to the casta, or caste system of Spanish and Portuguese America, criollos—French, Spaniards (or Portuguese) born in the New World—ranked second from the top, below peninsulares—Spaniards (or Portuguese) from Spain. Below the criollos were mestizos, of mixed Iberian and indigenous ancestry; beneath them, mulattos, of mixed African and Iberian ancestry.

Political map

A uses lines for state county and country boundaries points or dots for cities and towns and various other symbols for features such as airports and roads.

Describe the War of 1812

A war between France and Britain caused blockades that hurt American trade and caused the British to attack American ships and impress sailors on them. An embargo against France and Britain was imposed by Jefferson but rescinded by Madison with a renewed demand for respect for America sovereignty. However Britain became more aggressive and war resulted.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that the home, papers or effects of a person cannot be searched or seized unless what occurs?

A warrant is issued.

Blanket primary

A which allowed voters to vote in the primaries of both parties was used at various times by three states. The Supreme Court ruled against this practice in 2000.

"In the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation." Who of the following wrote the preceding passage?

Abigail Adams. Abigail Adams, an exponent of women's rights, expressed the quoted sentiments in a letter to her husband, John Adams on March 31, 1776, while the latter was in Philadelphia at the Continental Congress.

The election of a presidential candidate from which party led to the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was elected president as part of the new Republican Party, and his plans to limit and potentially abolish slavery led the southern states to secede from the Union.

Which method is NOT a way that governments manage economies in a market system?

Absolute monarchies often use command system economies, but they do not represent a way that governments manage economies. Laissez-faire, capitalism, and self-interest, in contrast, are all fundamental concepts behind the market system.

Thomas Aquinas

Adapted the ideas of Aristotle to a Christian perspective. His ideas stated that individuals should have certain rights but also certain duties and that these rights and duties should determine the type and extent of government rule. In stating that laws should limit the role of government he laid the groundwork for ideas that would eventually become modern constitutionalism.

Dust storms

Adding to the misery of farmers years of breaking sod on the prairies without adequate conservation techniques caused the topsoil to fly away in great that blackened the skies for years causing deaths from lung disease and failed crops.

What does the pair of diagrams allow us to conclude in terms of population growth?

Africa is the fastest growing continent and Nigeria is the fastest growing country in the world in terms of population. Even though this is the case, it will be a very long time before Africa even comes close to Asia's population. That being said, external factors other then sheer population numbers can influence the course of events in any direction.

From what continent did the Earth's first inhabitants migrate?

Africa. In Ethiopia, there has been evidence that early humans evolved in the area. From there, they were able to cross via land bridges to spread throughout the world.

Which group was the first to get the right to vote in the U.S?

African Americans. African Americans received the right to vote with the XV Amendment in 1870. Women did not get the right to vote until the XIX Amendment in 1920.

Explain why the 1920s were called the Decade of Optimism despite serious problems.

After World War I Warren Harding ran for President on the slogan return to normalcy and concentrated on domestic affairs. The public felt optimistic because life improved due to affordable automobiles from Henry Ford's mass production system better roads electric lights airplanes new communication systems and voting rights for women (19th Amendment 1920). Radio and movies helped develop a national culture.

List the major programs and events that resulted from the Cold War in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

After World War II the Soviet Union kept control of Eastern Europe including half of Germany.

Which of the following identifies the point in time when France directly allied with the Continental Army to battle Great Britain?

After the Battle of Saratoga

What US state is the only one to touch two oceans?

Alaska. Alaska touches two oceans: the Arctic and the Pacific Ocean. It is the only state in which this occurs.

The mountains between the capital of Iran and the Caspian Sea form part of the:

Alborz range. The Alborz range is also known as the Elburz range (with Alburz and Elborz also being other spelling variations) and extends from Armenia to Afghanistan. It stretches east and west to the north of Teheran.

In March, 1794, Congress passed, and Washington signed, the Naval Act, authorizing the federal government to build and man six warships. This diminutive naval force was created in order to deal with which of the following events?

Algerian pirates were harassing American merchant ships. This question tests your knowledge of threats to American national security and interests in the newly independent republic. As a condition of American neutrality in regard to the war between France and Britain that was raging at the time, the neither of these nations' navy was protecting U.S. merchant ships as they had previosly done. Algerian pirates were taking advantage of this weakness and boarding American vessels, confiscating their goods, and holding their crews hostage. To protect U.S. ships, Congress authorized the construction of six armed warships—the beginning of a navy. The correct answer therefore, is B.

Which of the following women formed the National Women's Party which was instrumental in the passing of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution?

Alice Paul. From 1916 until 1920, Alice Paul and other members of the National Woman's Party used peaceful demonstrations, civil disobedience, and other tactics to exert pressure on politicians to pass the 19th Amendment, which states, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this Article by appropriate legislation."

Which of the following is true regarding the Suez Canal?

All of the above; it connects the red sea and the mediterranean sea, it reduces travel distance for ships by over 4000 miles and it is over one hundred years old.

While the U.S. was following its "Good Neighbor" policy following WWI, other nations were not being good neighbors. Who came to power during this time?

All of the choices are correct. In 1936, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. In 1938, Hitler took Austria and Czechoslovakia. Hirohito came to power in 1929. All caused much grief to the U.S.

Progressive Era

Also during the the national government strengthened or created the following regulatory agencies services and acts to oversee business enterprise -Passed in 1906 the Hepburn Act reinforced the Interstate Commerce Commission. In 1902 Roosevelt used the Justice Department and lawsuits to try to break monopolies and enforce the Sherman Anti Trust Act. The Clayton Anti Trust Act was added in 1914. -From 1898 to 1910 the Forest Service guided lumber companies in the conservation and more efficient use of woodland resources under the direction of Gifford Pinchot. -In 1906 the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed to protect consumers from fraudulent labeling and adulteration of products. -In 1913 the Federal Reserve System was established to supervise banking and commerce. In 1914 the Fair Trade Commission was established to ensure fair competition.

Which of the following is true?

Although monetary systems were invented to solve problems with barter systems, it is wrong to assume that barter systems have ceased to exist; bartering remains a common practice throughout the world, albeit less common than money. The four main categories for economic resources are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The law of supply says that supplies will increase, not decrease, as prices increase. The correct answer is C, as scarcity is determined by human choice. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in Confederate-held territories; southern states still loyal to the Union kept their slaves for the time being. Although Wilson succeeded in instituting the League of Nations, the United Nations would not emerge until decades later. The Bill of Rights was ratified after the Constitution to provide additional protection for individual liberties. However, it is true that the main body of the Declaration of Independence consisted of grievances that the colonies had against British rule.

This research on temperatures of four cities within a fifty mile radius of the Willamette area points to what conclusion?

Although the cities are spread out, they can be paired into two groups of almost identical temperature zones.

Which of these is considered to be an example of a virtual marketplace?

Name some of the most famous speeches in American history that defined government policy foreign relations and the American spirit.

Among the best known speeches and famous lines known to modern Americans are the following: 1. The Gettysburg Address Made by Abraham Lincoln on November 19 1863 it dedicated the battleground's cemetery. 2. The Fourteen Points Made by Woodrow Wilson on January 18 1918 this outlined Wilson's plan for peace and the League of Nations. 3. Address to Congress Made by Franklin Roosevelt on December 8 1941 it declared war on Japan and described the attack on Pearl Harbor as a day which will live in infamy. 4. Inaugural Address Made by John F Kennedy on January 20 1961 it contained the famous line Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. 5. Berlin Address Made by John F Kennedy on June 26 1963 it contained the famous line Ich bin ein Berliner which expressed empathy for West Berliners in their conflict with the Soviet Union. 6. I Have a Dream and I See the Promised Land Made by Martin Luther King Jr on August 28 1963 and April 3 1968 respectively these speeches were hallmarks of the Civil Rights Movement. 7. Brandenburg Gate speech Made by Ronald Reagan on June 12 1987 this speech was about the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. It contained the famous line Tear down this wall.

What was the domino theory?

An American foreign policy approach to contain communism

Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" had a big influence on early America. What arguments did it present?

An end to the monarchy and the right to self-government

Which of the following statements correctly describes the outcome of the 1824 presidential election?

Andrew Jackson won a plurality of the votes, but the House of Representives chose John Quincy Adams to be President. The election of 1824 represents the only time in the history of the United States since the passage of the 12th Amendment in which the House of Representatives was called upon to choose the President. Jackson had won a plurality of the Electoral College votes, but not the majority required, and the members of the House therefore, voted and chose Adams.

These waterfalls are considered to be the highest in the world.

Angel Falls. Discovered by James Angel who crash landed in the region, these are the highest waterfalls in the world. They are located in the Bolivar State in Venezuela.

What religion was created by Henry VIII?


What young girl's diary became a staple for experiencing how Jews were treated during World War II?

Anne Frank's.

What civil protest in New York in 1840's was over rent and led to martial law being enacted to control it?

Anti-rent War.

Define the qualifications of a US citizen and discuss how citizenship may be lost.

Anyone born in the US born abroad to a US citizen or who has gone through a process of naturalization is considered a citizen of the United States. It is possible to lose US citizenship as a result of conviction of certain crimes such as treason. Citizenship may also be lost if a citizen pledges an oath to another country or serves in the military of a country engaged in hostilities with the US. A US citizen can also choose to hold dual citizenship work as an expatriate in another country without losing US citizenship or even to renounce citizenship if he or she so chooses.

Who may write a bill?

Anyone may write a bill but only a member of Congress can introduce a bill. The President often suggests bills. Bills can change drastically throughout the review process.

General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at:


The main purpose of the census is to:

Apportion seats in the House of Representatives.

What desert is spread out through several Middle Eastern nations including Jordan and Iraq?

Arabian Desert.

Which of the following regions is the source of both the second-most popular religion in the world and one-third of the world's crude oil?

Arabian Peninsula.


Are bodies of water in a depression on the earth's surface. Examples of are the Great and Lake Victoria.

Formal norms

Are written laws examples of include the prohibition of murder the forced payment of taxes and the sanctity or marriage.

The area known as the Pampa is found in which of the following pair of countries?

Argentina and Uruguay. This question tests your knowledge of the landforms in South America. The Pampa is a region of temperate grasslands extending through Argentina and Uruguay. Brazil and Guyana have mostly tropical rainforest in common, while Peru and Chile share a high mountain plateau known as the Altiplano. On the island of Hispaniola, the area between the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic consists of varied terrain including dry and moist forests, mountains, and wetlands.The correct answer therefore, is A.

Beachfront property may be purchased on both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in all of the following countries, EXCEPT:

Argentina. This question tests your knowledge of the continental geography of North and South America. The Pacific Ocean defines the western borders of Colombia, Canada, and Mexico. To Colombia's north, the Caribbean Sea may be found, which is technically a western extension across the Greater and Lesser Antilles of part of the Atlantic Ocean. Off the coasts of Canada's eastern provinces the North Atlantic will be found; and off the eastern coast of Mexico, both the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico--which may be considered a northward extension of the Caribbean, as well as a westward extension of the Atlantic. Argentina, having Chile to its west, has beachfront property only along the coasts of the southern Atlantic, and the correct answer therefore, is B.

Which of the following correctly describes the role of the United States Solicitor General?

Argue federal cases in the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General, a position in the Department of Justice, reviews cases involving the federal government in lower courts, and presents, if necessary, appeals involving the federal government's side to the Supreme Court.

What article of the Constitution creates the Judicial branch?

Article Three The judges are outlined and it specifically lists what sort of powers they are to have. This is necessary in order to check against the other branches to make sure that they are not allowed to abuse their power and cause harm to Americans.

The giant Mekong catfish is endemic to which of the following continents?


A sixth grade class is beginning a unit on the Greek city-state. Before beginning the unit, the teacher wants to build background knowledge for her students. Which would be an appropriate activity to do this?

Ask students to brainstorm types of governments previously discussed. From 800-500 BCE, the Greeks organized into city-states. Oligarchs ruled most of these, also called polis. Tyrants replaced these oligarchs and near the end of the sixth century democratic governments replaced many of the tyrants. Reviewing different types of governments will help the students understand these changes.

When people settled into the New World throughout what would become the United States, natives were pushed away from their homes. This was the start of which cultural process?

Assimilation. While assimilation and acculturation refer to the acclimation of one culture to another, assimilation refers to some loss of a minority culture and some change in the majority culture. Because changes associated with native and settler cultures were often the result of conflict, the relationships between such cultures are often identified as assimilation.

In what city is the Parthenon located?

Athens This city-state was the site of cultural thinking and architecture during the time period. The Parthenon was built as a place in which the Greeks would be able to worship their gods.

Your class is studying African cultures. They make statements that make you think that they see the cultures of Africa as inferior to the American culture they live in. You connect with a Peace Corps worker in Namibia and arrange for an exchange of letters with her class in a rural school there. Which type of social studies skill might you be reinforcing?

Attitude goals Skill goals focus on techniques related to research, improving interpersonal relationships within a group (cooperation,) and problem solving. Knowledge goals focus on content. Attitude goals focus on building respect for one's own or another's culture. An exchange of letters should facilitate a greater understanding and appreciation for Namibian culture.

Using lines of latitude and longitude from the map above, what country is located at approximately 20 degrees south latitude and 145 degrees east longitude?


The immense sandstone rock formation known as Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is sacred to the native peoples of which of the following continents?

Australia. Ayers Rock, called Uluru in the local Pitjantjatjara language, is located in central Australia, and rises to 1142 feet while the path around its base is almost six miles long. The Aboriginal peoples of Australia have been using sites on the rock for ceremonial and artistic purposes for at least 10,000 years. Uluru is an important landmark in the great socially-distributed mental map known as Dreamtime that spans the entire continent of Australia.

What is considered a crucial battle for control of the Pacific during World War II?

Battle of Midway By the time America joined into World War II, many nations and islands in the Pacific had already fallen to the Japanese. Midway was considered the most crucial target since it would be an excellent staging area for Japan before entering into the United States. The United States drove the Japanese back and began to reclaim other island nations in the region.

In which of the following Latin American countries is English the official language?

Belize. Formerly known as British Honduras, Belize was a British colony starting in 1862 and gained its independence in 1981.

Benjamin Franklin miscalculated the feelings of the colonists many times when he was in England before the American Revolution. Which of the following projects would best help students explore this?

Ben Franklin offered to pay for the tea thrown into Boston Harbor. Pretend you are one of the participants in the Boston Tea Party. Write a letter to Ben telling him how you feel about his offer.

Department directors

Beneath the campaign manager are. The various departments in a political campaign can include the field the communication the finance the compliance and legal departments the technology and the scheduling and advance which sends people to events in advance of a candidate to ensure that the details of the event are in order. Beneath the level campaign structure varies widely.

In late 1775, two American leaders launched the campaign for the invasion of Canada. One of these leaders would later betray his country. Who was he?

Benedict Arnold. Benedict Arnold and Robert Montgomery invaded Canada. Arnold would later betray the United States to the British.

The Federal Reserve's recently initiated program of purchasing mortgage-backed securities is intended to have which of the following consequences?

Boost the economy by increasing bank to bank lending. Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) essentially represent pools of mortgages, or loans to property-owners. Banks and investment firms trade MBS's on the open market. Since there has been an increase on the number of property-owners defaulting on their mortgages, the value of MBS's has dropped drastically, effectively stalling the MBS market, because very few investors want to buy them, and owners of low-value MBS's—called toxic assets—do not want to sell at a loss. This stalled MBS market freezes the amount of loans that banks make to each other. By buying MBS's, the Federal Reserve hopes to remove most of the toxic assets from the MBS market, thereby getting it going again. This will have the effect of boosting bank to bank lending, which will boost the economy, because bank to bank lending is one of the primary ways to increase the supply of money in the economy.

Which of the following is not a requirement for the President of the United States?

Born in the United States. In order to be President of the United States, the candidate must be at least 35 years of age and lived in the United States for 14 years. Being a natural-born citizen is also a requirement for the candidate, which means he/she could be born outside of the US to a parent that is a US citizen. Therefore being born in the United States is not a requirement.

The freedom of speech is guaranteed to US citizens in the First Amendment of the Constitution. Which of the following describes the exceptions to this freedom?

Both making libelous statements and creating a danger. The Constitution sanctions neither libel nor the creating of danger when none is present such as falsely shouting Fire in a crowded theatre.

Every citizen 18 years of age and older has the constitutional right to vote. What do states govern in the voting process?

Both the registration for elections and the the administration of elections. Nebraska does not require voter registration but all other states do and have their own process. State and local officials administer federal elections and though each state has its own method for holding elections federal elections are always held at the same time.

What ancient British queen led a revolt against the occupying Roman forces?

Boudicca. With the power of her people, she was able to burn down the city of London for the insults the Romans made against her and her family. She managed to kill over 70,000 Roman soldiers and British Roman supporters. She died either from poison or shock when her army was killed in front of her by the Romans.

Which of the following is not correct about the growth of America in the first half of the 19th century?

By 1840, two-thirds of all Americans resided west of the Allegheny Mountains. By 1840, more than one-third of all Americans lived west of the Alleghenies, but not two-thirds. It is correct that in the first half of the 19th century, the American population doubled every 25 years (B). It is also correct that westward expansion increased as more people moved west (C) during these years. It is correct that there was not a lot of immigration to the U.S. from other countries before 1820 (D). It is also true that foreign immigration to America increased quickly around that time, with most immigrants coming from the British Isles.

A teacher wants to most accurately describe the central goal of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States. How should she best introduce this concept?

By telling students that the class is going to read a whole class novel of their choice and then allowing only the boys to have a vote

Local government

Can include the governments of countries and cities. At this level nearly all offices are filled through an election process. Elected offices may include sheriffs county school boards and city mayors.

The United States is a large country spanning North America. What other countries are located in North America?

Canada and Mexico

General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was accidentally shot by his own troops at the Battle of:

Chancellorsville. "Stonewall" Jackson was considered the most brilliant of Lee's generals. He had been instrumental in several previous Confederate victories, and military historians speculate that if Jackson had survived to fight at the Battle of Gettysburg, the outcome there might have been vastly different.

Sequoyah, inventor of a system of writing, was a member of which of the following Native American tribe?


What type of boat offered early European explorers more maneuverability to navigate coastal waters?

Choice A is the correct answer. The caravel is a smaller and more maneuverable ship first developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore the West African coast. Astrolabes and quadrants are naval navigation tools, not types of boats. The steamship wasn't invented until the early 19th century.

What two American presidential campaigns most featured the candidates' opposition to the Iraq War?

Choice B is the correct answer. Barack Obama used his opposition to the Iraq War to differentiate himself from his opponent, John McCain, who wanted to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Although it's unclear whether Donald Trump opposed the Iraq War before the invasion, he was one of its earliest and most vocal public critics. Like Obama, Trump raised the issue to paint his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as the candidate more likely to start another war. Clinton had voted for the Iraq War as a Senator, but she had since publicly recognized it as a mistake.

Which of the following maps is the most subjective?

Choice B is the correct answer. Political maps are the most subjective, because territorial boundaries are frequently contested or otherwise in dispute. For example, 19th century political maps differed on the boundaries between the competing European colonies, as well as what constituted Native American territory. In the present day, there's dispute over who owns Crimea. In contrast, climate, population density, and topographic maps are all based on objective data.

Measuring changes in the atmosphere and the air is a more in-depth way of looking at what geographical feature?


When reading a contour map such as this one of the Kilimanjaro mountain range, a peak is represented by what?

Close contour lines that form a circular shape.


Come in various types. They may be low areas that catch water from rivers large hollows that dip to a central point and are surrounded by higher ground as in the Donets and Kuznetsk in Russia or areas of inland drainage in a desert when the water can't reach the sea and flows into lakes or evaporates in salt flats as a result. An example is the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

What judicial system did America borrow from England?

Common law. America is a common law country because English common law was adopted in all states except Louisiana. Common law is based on precedent and changes over time. Each state develops its own common laws.

The Supreme Court has nine members. How is this number determined?

Congress determines the number. Congress has the authority to shape the judicial branch. The Supreme Court once operated with only six members. Nine has been the standard number since 1869.

Which of these current states was not taken from the Dutch?

Connecticut. When the British defeated the Dutch, they took the land possessions which they had in the New World. This effectively kicked out the Dutch from the area and secured British rule in the area.

A teacher requires students to use at least one primary resource for a project involving the War of 1812. Which of the following sources could the students use?

Correspondence of James Madison during the war. Madison was the President during the war. Choices A and C are secondary sources. Choice D involves a Civil War vessel an ironclad.

Russia fought an alliance of European forces in this war over control of the Ottoman Empire.

Crimean War Russia wanted to be able to exercise control over the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire along with other countries drove Russia back. When Austria threatened to get involved, Russia accepted their peace offering.


Critics of the electoral college argue that it is undemocratic because the President is elected as opposed to directly and that it creates inequality between voters in different states because candidates focus attention on voters in swing states who could influence election results. Critics argue that the electoral college provides more representation for voters in small states than large states where more voters are represented by a single electoral than in small states and discriminates against candidates that do not have support concentrated in a given state.

Of the following countries, which joined the European Union most recently?

Croatia To be considered a candidate for admission into the European Union, a country must work out a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the existing members. This SAA guarantees that the country has sufficient economic and political stability, as well as open policies on trade and human rights that meet the standards of the European Union members. Croatia became a member in 2013. Belgium was a founding member (1952), Finland joined in 1995, and Latvia in 2004.

Which of the following terms suggests that behaviors and judgements stemming from it are determined by one's own culture or society?

Cultural relativism. Cultural relativism emphasizes that how people behave is dictated by culture. Thus, various cultures adhere to a variety of rules and social norms that might not be rules or norms elsewhere.

Thomas Malthus in the nineteenth century proposed the theory that population would outgrow the earth's resources. His studies were based on which type of model of humanity?

Demographic The shift of the world's populations from agricultural to industrialized is a demographic transition. Demography is the study of rates of population change. It encompasses birth and death rates, migration patterns, and population shifts. When a nation shifts to an industrialized economy, the population moves from the country to the cities. Malthus predicted food wars.

The shifting of a population's economy from agricultural to industrialized is part of which type of economic model?

Demographic transition. The shift of the world's populations from agricultural to industrialized is a demographic transition. Demography is the study of rates of population change. It encompasses birth and death rates, migration patterns, and population shifts. When a nation shifts to an industrialized economy, the population moves from the country to the cities.


Describes the tendency to view one's own cultural patterns as superior and to judge all others only at they relate to one's own. This philosophy has been at the root of some of humanity's worst atrocities including the Holocaust which was perpetrated by Germans who believed they must maintain the purity of their race and colonial requests in which Western nations brutally imposed their customs on various indigenous peoples.

What is the term that means that a region or group in a country has demanded and gained a degree of autonomy or independence from a government?

Devolution When a group or territory successfully breaks away from a government it is called devolution. Evolution is when something evolves or changes. Perforation is a rending or tear. Fragmentation is to have parts. The U.S. is a fragmented nation because Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the main territory.

What is the gemstone that is the hardest known to man and is also the subject of much controversy especially in African nations where wars have been fought over the acquisition of it?


Which of the following is not one of the core demographic variables?

Diversity is not one of the demographic variables. Demographers or those who study population rely on fertility mortality and migration to determine the number of people in a region. The general equation is Total Population = Original Population + Births - Deaths + Immigration - Emigration. The natural increase on the other hand is calculated only with the number of births and deaths. The diversity of a population may be relevant to subsequent research performed by the demographer but it is not considered one of the essential three demographic variables.

Define Domestic and Foreign Policy.

Domestic policy entails all government policy decisions laws programs plans actions and behaviors that address internal state matters. Examples of domestic policy include tax policy social security and welfare programs environmental laws and regulations and regulations on businesses and their practices.

Select all of the following that are generally considered to be negative effects of globalization.

Dominance of foreign institutions and loss of domestic industries

Forcing eligible men to join the armed forces is known as what?


What is the Space Race's legacy?

During the Space Race, the United States and Soviet Union invested in computer-based technology to advance their rocket and satellite capabilities. These advancements in computing power led to the Digital Revolution, so Choice C is the correct answer. The United States never dismantled its space exploration program, and the Soviet Union collapsed more than a decade after they gave up trying to put a man on the Moon. Although the Space Race improved the superpowers' relationship, this didn't influence the American withdrawal from Vietnam. Instead, mounting domestic protests caused the United States to leave Vietnam.

Located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, this island is famous for the large monolithic heads which dot it.

Easter Island It is unknown as to what the true purpose of these heads were supposed to be. The island has been declared a world cultural site which is given to certain areas around the world in order to preserve them for generations to come.

Which of the following statements is true?

Eastern and Western hemispheres are defined by the prime meridian. Invasive species can have catastrophic impacts on ecosystems. Shi'a Muslims traditionally follow imams.

Which of the following is NOT an example of cross-cultural interactions?

Egyptian and Mayan pyramids

What civilization was the first to experiment with irrigation for their crops?


Define the electoral college.

Electoral college votes are cast by state by a group of electors each elector casts one electoral college vote. State law regulates how states cast their electoral college votes. In all states except Maine and Nebraska the candidate winning the most votes receives all the state's electoral college votes. In Maine and Nebraska two electoral votes are awarded based on the winner of the statewide election and the rest go to the highest vote winner in each of the state's congressional districts.

What animal is used to represent the current Republican political party?

Elephant This is used to show that they are mighty creatures and never forget where they come from. It is also used by their opponents to show how they are slow to progress since elephants are known for walking slowly.

Cartographers use elevation and relief on maps. What are elevation and relief?

Elevation is the height or depth above or below a baseline. Relief is the variation of elevation from place to place. The Earth's surface is irregular. Cartographers use elevation and relief to represent these irregularities. The baseline is often above or below sea level. Cartographers use shading or hatching to represent elevation and relief.

What contributed to the First Industrial Revolution in the United States?

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793, and the cotton industry exploded. Following its invention, American cotton production doubled every decade until the latter half of the 19th century. As a result, New England textile mills enjoyed access to more cotton at cheaper prices, facilitating the First Industrial Revolution in the United States. Therefore, Choice A is the correct answer. The other three answer choices contributed to the Second Industrial Revolution.

The philosophy of the late 17th-18th centuries that influenced the Constitution was from the Age of:


How often is there an adjustment to the number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives that are allotted to each state?

Every 10 years. The US Census takes place every 10 years which helps to determine how many people reside in each state. Since representation in the House of Representatives is based on population, this may mean that states are allowed to increase or decrease the amount of people they have based upon the percentage as compared to the whole of the nation. Report a problem with this question

Labor protests and Knights of Labor

Exploited immigrant workers started in the 1870s and the was formed in 1878 calling for sweeping social and economic reform. Its membership reached 700000 by 1886.

Goods which are being sent out of a country are known as what?


Which part of a hurricane features the strongest winds and greatest rainfall?

Eye wall. The eye wall of a hurricane has the strongest winds and the greatest rainfall. The eye wall is the tower-like rim of the eye. It is from this wall that clouds extend out, which are seen from above as the classic outward spiral pattern. A hurricane front is the outermost edge of its influence; although there will be heavy winds and rain in this area, the intensity will be relatively small. The eye of a hurricane is actually a place of surprising peace. In this area, dry and cool air rushes down to the ground or sea. Once there, the air is caught up in the winds of the eye wall and is driven outward at a furious pace.

Money which is not backed by gold or silver is known as what?

Fiat in Latin means "let it be done", as declared by a government. The money which is used today only has value because people think that it does.

An area with many banks and even the stock market area is known as what?

Financial district Almost all large cities around the world have a financial district. Banks and other financial institutions are found here so that people do not have to search all over town for what they are looking for.

How long can members of the Federal Judiciary serve?

For life. Article III judges are appointed for life and can retire at 65. They can only be removed from their posts by impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate. Having judges serve life terms is meant to allow them to serve without being governed by the changing opinions of the public.

Libya currently obtains most of its fresh water from which of the following sources?

Fossil water. The bulk of Libya's water comes from a deep source, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer that was formed during the last Ice Age, and thus is considered fossil water. Since it is not currently being replenished, it is a non-renewable source of water.

Which one of the following civilizations first developed advanced irrigation techniques?

Founded in the 31st century B.C., Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations in world history. The Egyptians settled on the Nile River, and they developed advanced irrigation techniques to harness the Nile's rich delta for agriculture. This occurred more than 10,000 years before the ancient Greek, Persian, and Roman civilizations were established. Consequently, Choice C is the correct answer.

When World War II ended, how many different sections was Germany and its capital Berlin divided into?

Four The state of Germany and its capital were divided into four sections - one section for each Allied force that contributed to the fighting. The Soviet Union turned its section of East Germany into a communist state, which caused that portion of the country to remain divided.

How many Supreme Court judges must agree in order for a case to be heard?

Four There are nine judges and even without a majority, they must still hear a case if over a third of them want to hear it. This is the only way in which a case can be heard in that court.

To how many terms was President F.D. Roosevelt elected?

Four. F.D. Roosevelt was the longest-serving president in U.S. history. Later legislation set the term limit to be two terms for someone to remain as president as to avoid having someone remain in power for a prolonged period of time. He was elected president four times, but died shortly into his fourth term.

During World War II, all of these were Axis powers except for:

France Although France was partially captured during World War II, France never officially entered the Axis powers, but was rather considered to be an Allied power. The others joined together to fight the Allies from their various positions in the world.

What country gave the Statue of Liberty to America?

France Eiffel who also developed the Eiffel Tower for France gave the statue to the American people. It has been one of the most endearing signs for the nation.

A ship sailing west through the Strait of Bonifacio will have which of the following countries to its north and south, respectively?

France and Italy The Strait of Bonifacio leads from the Mediterranean to the Tyrrhenian Sea, and passes between Corsica, an island territory of France; and Sardinia, an island belonging to Italy.

Which is the largest country on continental Europe?

France. France covers more than 200,000 square miles. It is not quite as large as Texas. It has nearly 60 million people.

A trio of leaders worked together during WWII to defeat Germany. Who were they?

Franklin Roosevelt, Josef Stalin and Winston Churchill. The allies of the U.S., Russia and England were the Allied Powers. FDR and Churchill did not want to join with Stalin but the war demanded it. They met several times to plot strategy.

Jan and Joan are running for president of the fourth grade. Jan says that Joan will make recess shorter. Joan says that Jan will make them have more homework. What Constitutional right are the candidates invoking?

Freedom of speech. The Bill of Rights guarantees "freedom of speech, or of the press;" Newspapers have a right to publish opinions as long as they are not libelous. Candidates can criticize their opponents as long as they do not slander them.

What war helped secure the British hold over the American colonies?

French and Indian War. The French wanted to take control of the new colonies which were being created along the Atlantic coast. Banding together with the Indians, they were able to win a few skirmishes. The British forces proved to be too powerful though and drove them from the area.

What was a concern that George Washington warned of in his Farewell Address?

George Washington was a slave owner himself in life, so he did not make abolition a theme in his Farewell Address. On the other hand, he was concerned that sectionalism could potentially destroy the United States, and he warned against it. Furthermore, he believed that Americans should avoid getting involved in European affairs. However, one issue that he felt was especially problematic was the formation of political parties, and he urged against it in his farewell.

I heard the bullets whistle, and, believe me, there is something charming in the sound. This quote is attributed to a 22-year-old Virginia militia captain. He is describing the beginnings of the French and Indian War in the 1750s. Who was this charmed captain?

George Washington. George Washington was a captain in the Virginia militia fighting for the British. He was sent into French territory on an spying mission and ran into a French detachment. The Virginians fired and the French fled. Washington set up a fort called "Fort Necessity." which the French overcame. Luckily for America, they let G.W. and his men go home. The war began over the Ohio River Valley.

You are standing in the middle of the "locomotive" of Europe. This is the most populous country and has the largest economy. Where are you?

Germany. Germany is the most populous nation in Europe. It has one of the most concentrated regions of industry and dominates Europe's economy.

Christopher Columbus landed in Hispaniola in the Caribbean in 1492. He sought riches but never found much. He died without getting rich but many other Europeans got rich from the islands. Which was not a product that enriched the Europeans in these islands?

Gold Plantations in the islands would grow cotton, tobacco and sugar cane which would enrich many Europeans. Gold was never in abundance.

Which of the following abolitionists was known for her extensive night shifts on the Underground Railroad as well as her scouting exploits for Union troops during the Civil War?

Harriet Tubman.


Has colder winters and hotter summers than tundra because of its distance from the Arctic Ocean.


Have trees and dry periods. The water is very slow moving and is usually associated with adjacent rivers or lakes. Both taiga and tundra regions have many plants and animals but they have few humans or crops because of their harsh climates.

Amy wants a law passed making it illegal to tie dogs to parking meters. She contacts her Federal representative. Why?

He can introduce a bill in Congress.

Nelson Rockefeller

He chose former governor of New York.

Rhode Island

He established the colony in 1647 and had 800 settlers by 1650 including Anne Hutchinson and her Antinomians who attacked clerical authority.

Christopher Columbus wanted to get to the Orient. How did he learn about the Orient?

He had read Marco Polo's journals.

Which of the following correctly describes the intentions of Oliver North when he "pleaded the Fifth"?

He refused to be a witness against himself.

Champagne Charley, AKA Charles Townshend, the British Prime Minister in 1767, was angered by the American colonists resistance to British tax acts. What did he do to show his displeasure with this resistance?

He sent British troops to Boston.

Herman Melville

He was a novelist essayist short story writer and poet who wrote Moby Dick Billy Budd and Bartleby the Scrivener.

Walk Whitman

He was a poet essayist and journalist who wrote Leaves of Grass and O Captain My Captain.

Edgar Allan Poe

He was a poet literary critic and master of the short story especially horror and detective stories. His notable works include The Tell Tale Heart The Pit and the Pendulum Annabel Lee and The Raven.

Henry David Thoreau

He was a poet naturalist and Transcendentalist who wrote Walden and Civil Disobedience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

He was an essayist philosopher and poet and also the leader of the Transcendentalist movement. His notable works include Self Reliance and The American Scholar.

Herbert Hoover

He was followed by a strong proponent of capitalism under whom unregulated business led to the 1929 stock crash.

George Washington began his military career fighting for the British. On one of his first commands, he set up "Fort Necessity" in the Ohio River Valley. Why did he set up this fort?

He was surprised by a French detachment while on a spying mission. George Washington was a captain in the Virginia militia fighting for the British. He was sent into French territory on an spying mission and ran into a French detachment. The Virginians fired and the French fled. Washington set up a fort called "Fort Necessity." which the French overcame. Luckily for America, they let Washington and his men go home. The war began over the Ohio River Valley.

Who attempted to assassinate Reagan?

Hinkley. John Hinckley was unsuccessful in his attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

What make-shift towns were created during the Great Depression?


Coronado, a Spanish explorer, gave the Native American Indians a gift which changed the way they hunted. What was this gift?

Horses. Horses helped the Indians hunt more efficiently. They could gallop across the plains after prey. They can travel greater distances.

Pearl Harbor

However on December 7 1941 Japan attacked in Hawaii. Since Japan was an ally of Germany the United States declared war on all the Axis powers. Although there was fighting in both Europe and the Pacific the decision was made to concentrate on defeating Hitler first. Since it did not have combat within its borders the United States became the great manufacturer of goods and munitions for the war effort. Women went to work in the factories while the men entered the military. All facets of American life were centered on the war effort including rationing metal collections and buying war bonds.


However when the British ship the was torpedoed in 1915 by a German submarine and many Americans were killed Wilson had already warned the Germans that the United States would enter the war if Germany interfered with neutral ships at sea. Eventually when it was proven that Germany was trying to incite Mexico and Japan into attacking the United States Wilson declared was in 1917 even though America was unprepared.

Which of the following regulations apply to volunteers who drive to rural communities in order to knock on people's doors and tell them why they should vote for a particular candidate? I: Travel expenses cannot be more than $1,000 per volunteer; II: Reimbursed travel expenses are considered to be campaign contributions by the reimburser and are limited by FEC regulations; III: No matter what their expenses are, Federal Election Commission regulations do not apply since they are not paid for their time.

I and II only.

Criminal cases are tried under I. State law II. Federal law III. Civil court

I and II. Criminal cases are tried under both state law and federal law. The nature of the crime determines whether it is tried in state court or federal court.

Which of the following are true of the demand curve? I. It is normally downward sloping II. It is normally upward sloping III. It is influenced by the law of diminishing marginal unity IV. It is unaffected by the law of diminishing marginal unity

I and III only. As people have more and more of something they value it less and less. This is the law of diminishing marginal utility and it is what causes the downward slope of the demand curve.

Tariffs are only placed on goods which are what?

Imported from other countries All goods which are brought in from other countries are subjected to this tax. It can also be referred to as a duty tax. Certain places are allowed to carry duty free items for people to buy.

What did Executive Order 9066 allow for when it was issued by FDR just months after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Imprisonment of Japanese immigrants and Japanese-Americans without due process. Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States set up internment camps for Japanese and Japanese Americans. This protocol was mandated via FDR's executive order.

Outline colonization efforts in Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania.

In 1629 400 Puritans arrived in Salem which became an important port and was made famous by the witch trials in 1692.

What event led to France and England ending their policy of appeasement toward Hitler's Germany?

In September 1939, France and England declared war on Germany two days after the Germans invaded Poland; therefore, Choice C is the correct answer. Previously, France and England had followed a policy of appeasement, allowing Adolf Hitler to remilitarize the Rhineland (1936), deploy proxy forces in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and annex Austria (1938).

Market economy

In a consumers ultimately affect theses decisions by choosing whether or not to buy certain goods and services. The United States has a.

Define parliamentary and democratic systems of government.

In a parliamentary system government involves a legislature and a variety of political parties. The head of government usually a Prime Minister is typically the head of the dominant party. A head of state can be elected or this position can be taken by a monarch as in Great Britain's constitutional monarchy system.

Cluster sampling and multistage sampling

In addition represent other methods of survey.

Identify the following important 19th century American writers and their major works James Fenimore Cooper Ralph Waldo Emerson Nathaniel Hawthorne Herman Melville Edgar Allan Poe Harriet Beecher Stowe Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman.

In the 19th century American literature became an entity of its own and provided a distinct voice for the American experience.

Slavery was prevalent in the American colonies. Where were slaves used?

In the North as well as the South. Slaves were used in colonies in the North and the South. In the South they were employed in the fields and houses. In the North, they were mostly domestic servants and in the shops.

Which of the following is the best example of a factor resulting from Europe's Commercial Revolution that contributed to the 1700s Industrial Revolution?

Increases in population growth supplied additional labor forces helping to enable the Industrial Revolution. These increases were due to the prosperity brought through Europe's Commercial Revolution which preceded the Industrial Revolution. The rediscovery of concrete new advances in iron making and the invention of the steam engine are all examples of developments that occured during the Industrial Revolution.

Using the world map above, which country is located at approximately 20 degrees north latitude and 80 degrees east longitude?


What is the usual effect of inflation?

Inflation is a period of increased prices and decreased currency values, so Choice C is the correct answer. Most countries designate a central bank or government agency to set and enforce monetary policies to control inflation and interest rates. Regulation typically correlates with growth, but that relationship is not inflation.

Most federal judges have served as local judges, lawyers, and law professors. These are qualifications.


What is "asymmetric information?"

Information available to only some producers or consumers

Which of the following types of information can be regulated in spite of the freedom of the press that is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

Information that is deemed obscene

What imaginary line divides one day from the other?

International Date Line. This imaginary line spans across portions of the Pacific Ocean from the North to the South Pole. It follows along the 180th parallel although certain island chains are grouped with nearby larger nations as to keep them on the same day.


Is a Russian word describing marshy plain in an area that has a very cold climate but receives little snow. The ground is usually frozen but is quite spongy when it is not. Taiga is the world's largest forest region located just south of the line. It contains huge mineral resources and fur bearing animals.

Field canvassing

Is done door to door approaching every residence in a voting district. This method typically enables canvassers to speak with an increased number of people who are generally more inclined to speak with someone in person than over the phone and also enables convassers to distribute literature and put up lawn signs. Sometimes the candidate will also conduct efforts.


Is how much consumers are willing to pay for the product or service. These two facets of the market determine the price of goods and services. The higher the the higher the price the supplier will charge the lower the the lower the price.


Is the cash or currency available for payment.

The epigraphically inlaid crown of a tall minaret rises above the carved brick portal and blue-tiled fluted dome of the Tomb of the King in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Called Gur-e Amir in Persian, the tomb houses the remains of Tamerlane and his descendants. The Gur-e Amir is most likely constructed according to the artistic canons of which of the following architectural styles?


The Gaza Strip and West Bank have been fought over by Palestine against what other nation?

Israel Ever since the conception of the state, Israel has had to deal with opposition from the Arabic nations. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are fought over by the Palestinians who believe that land belongs to them.

Gutenberg's printing press revolutionized the printing press. What else is this invention credited with?

It allowed ideas to spread. Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type in 1456. Gutenberg made printing presses more efficient. His invention of letters that could be used repeatedly revolutionized the printing industry. When it became easier to print, more books could be published allowing the spread of ideas. Most common people at this time could not read. Books were still expensive, but more could be distributed.

Which of the following is true regarding the Articles of Confederation?

It featured state's rights. Authority of the central government such as to levy taxes and regulate commerce came largely with the ratification of the US Constitution in 1787. The Articles of Confederation was in fact the first written constitution of the US but it wasn't ratified until 1781 when differences could be ironed out following its somewhat hasty drafting during wartime 1775-1777. The final version was drafted by John Dickinson of Pennsylvania.

"Mahiz" is a word used by the Taino Indians for the what became known as "maize" by the Spaniards. We call it corn. Why was corn so important when it came to Europe from the New World?

It grew well there and was easy to store. A staple is a food you can rely on. Corn grew well and is easy to store. Rye, wheat and rice are also easy to store and were already grown in Europe. Wheat needs good soil and rice needs lots of water. Corn would grow in poorer soil. In England, all cereal plants are called "corn." Potatoes came from the New World too.

Which of the following was an important development in the twentieth century?

It is important to realize that the Cold War was never an official war and that the United States and the Soviet Union instead funded proxy conflicts. The Kyoto Protocol was signed by members of the United Nations, as the League of Nations was long since defunct. While Japan was a minor participant in World War I, it was not defeated by America until World War II. The correct answer is D: India's partition between Hindu India and Islamic Pakistan led to large outbreaks of religious violence.

The illustration is a modern world map. Gerardus Mercator was a sixteenth century Flemish geographer, mathematician and cartographer who mapped the world. His map was important because:

It preserved shape and direction.

When the U.S. Constitution was in the process of being ratified, questions arose about a Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 was an influence on the U.S. Bill of Rights. What is NOT one of the tenets of the English Bill of Rights that continued into the U.S. Bill of Rights?

It prohibited the quartering of soldiers in a citizen's home.

Which of the following statements about the U.S. Constitution is true?

It replaced the Articles of Confederation.

Authoritarian policies

It started in opposition to Jackson's and was particularly concerned with defending the supremacy of Congress over the executive branch states rights economic protectionism and modernization. Notable members included Daniel Webster Henry Clay Winfield Scott and a young Abraham Lincoln. The Whigs had four presidents William Henry Harrison Zachary Taylor John Tyler (expelled from the party) and Millard Fillmore. However the Whigs won only two presidential elections. Harrison and Taylor were elected in 1840 and 1848 respectively. However both died in office so Tyler and Fillmore assumed the presidency. In 1852 the anti slavery faction of the party kept Fillmore from getting the nomination. Instead it went to Scott who was soundly defeated. In 1856 the Whigs supported Fillmore and the National American Party but lost badly.

How does a map key help the user of the map?

It tells him which symbols are used to represent places on the map.

Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, lies at about 3º latitude, yet permanent glaciers can be seen gleaming from atop the mountain's peak all year long. The peak of Kilimanjaro is perpetually covered with ice and snow due to:

Its high altitude. This question tests your knowledge of how altitude, or elevation, affects climate, specifically ambient temperature. Even though Kilimanjaro, at 3º latitude, is in the tropics, where the annual temperatures range from 66º F to 88º F, it is cold enough on its peak to keep water frozen all year long. This is so because increases in altitude mimic increases in latitude. As one climbs Kilimanjaro, one traverses many different climate zones, as if moving from the tropics to arctic tundra all in a few hours or days. Higher elevations are colder because there is less radiative heat trapped in the atmosphere, since the atmosphere at higher elevations is less dense (i.e., has fewer particles) than at lower elevations. The correct answer, therefore, is A. (Sadly, however, climatologists predict that in a decade or so, there will be not be any more snow and ice atop Kilimanjaro—not due to the direct heating effects of global warming, but because a major effect of global warming in that part of Africa is decreased precipitation: less snow is falling on the summit, and the glacier is shrinking because it is not renewed.)

Venice, Italy, was a major trading city during the Renaissance. Which most likely was the reason for its prominence?

Its relative location

Which of the following presidential administrations conquered and annexed the most territory from a foreign power?

James K. Polk won the 1844 presidential election based on his promise to complete America's manifest destiny. Polk annexed the present-day American southwest and California from Mexico, and his administration settled border disputes with Great Britain in the Oregon territory. None of the administrations in the other answer choices annexed a comparable amount of territory; therefore, Choice A is the correct answer.

Which of the following was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931?

Jane Addams. In 1931, Jane Addams received half the money allotted for the Nobel Peace Prize for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (the other half going to Nicholas M. Butler), for her work with the organization she had founded. Jane Addams also founded Hull House in Chicago.

On February 19, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order which stated that, "by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be excluded, and with respect to which, the right of any person to enter, remain in, or leave shall be subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of War or the appropriate Military Commander may impose in his discretion." Which of the following was one of the outcomes of Roosevelt's authorization of "exclusion zones"?

Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps for the rest of the War. Roosevelt's executive order had the effect of removing Japanese-American citizens from their homes, most of which were in California, and relocating them to internment camps scattered in isolated regions throughout western states such as Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, and Arizona. The reason given for the removal was to prevent the risk of espionage. The Supreme Court's ruling in the 1944 appeal of Korematsu v. United States, upheld this line of reasoning to rule that internment was not unconstitutional.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

Jefferson sent to map the new territory and find a means of passage all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Although there was no river that flowed all the way west their expedition and the richness of the land and game started the great western migration of settlers.

John Cabot was an explorer in the 15th century. He landed in Newfoundland. Because of his voyage, England laid claim to North America. Why was this strange?

John Cabot was not English. Giovanni Caboto, an Italian, sailed to England and was called John Cabot there. He sailed across the Atlantic with only 18 sailors in 1497 and landed in Newfoundland, 500 years after the Vikings. His voyage was the basis for England's claim to North America.

"I easily grant, that civil government is the proper remedy for the inconveniencies of the state of nature, which must certainly be great, where men may be judges in their own case, since it is easy to be imagined, that he who was so unjust as to do his brother an injury, will scarce be so just as to condemn himself for it: but I shall desire those who make this objection, to remember, that absolute monarchs are but men; and if government is to be the remedy of those evils, which necessarily follow from men's being judges in their own cases, and the state of nature is therefore not to be endured, I desire to know what kink of government that is, and how much better it is than the state of nature, where one man, commanding a multitude, has the liberty to be judge in his own case, and may do to all his subjects whatever he pleases, without the least liberty to any one to question or control those who execute his pleasure? And in whatsoever he doth, whether led by reason, mistake or passion, must be submitted to? Much better it is in the state of nature, wherein men are not bound to submit to the unjust will of another: and if he that judges, judges amiss in his own, or any other case, he is answerable for it to the rest of mankind." The preceding passage was written by which of the following political theorists?

John Locke.

An economist who advocated government intervention to prevent and remedy recessions and depressions was

John Maynard Keynes. Keynesian economics is based on the notion that governments can effectively stimulate economic growth through taxation adjustment of interest rates and the funding of public projects. His economic philosophy contrasts sharply with the free market philosophies of Smith Hayek and Friedman.

During 1940 and 1941, President Roosevelt was still avoiding the war in Europe. However, he was preparing. All of the following were Roosevelt preparations except;

Joining the League of Nations. To prepare for war, Roosevelt: 1. Authorized the doubling of the Navy 2. Pledged to aid any North, South or Central America country which was attacked 3. Pushed Congress to approve a peacetime draft 4. Traded 50 Navy destroyers to England 5. Pushed the Lend-Lease Act through Congress 6. Ordered the Navy to attack on sight German submarines on our east coast.

Which of the following world religions is the oldest?

Judaism has existed since around 1300 B.C.E. according to historians' estimates. The Greek religion of Stoicism was founded by Zeno in Athens around 313 B.C.E., almost 1,000 years later than Judaism. Confucianism was founded in China by Confucius, who lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E., around 800 years after Judaism. Christianity dates to approximately 30 C.E. in Israel.

What revolution helped bring Louis-Philippe to power in France during 1830?

July Revolution This was done over a period of three days in which Charles X abdicated from the throne. The new ruler was said to be the Citizens' King.

Alienation of the worker in the sense of the worker not being fulfilled by his or her work is a concept attributed to which of the following?

Karl Marx

In 1944, Stalin deported the Chechen and Ingush peoples of the Caucasus to which of the following Soviet Socialist Republics?

Kazakh SSR. In response to an anti-Soviet uprising among the Chechen-and Ingush-speaking people of the Chechen-Ingushetia Republic, Stalin forcibly deported the dissidents to what is now Kazakhstan. Historians estimate that almost half of the total population of 500,000 died on the way. The surviving Chechen and Ingush of the Kazakh SSR were allowed to return to their homeland in 1956.

What President dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Kennedy The United States and the Soviet Union were in the middle of the Cold War when it was determined that Russian missiles were stationed in Cuba. After a tense stand-off in which war was possible, Kennedy managed to avert a national crisis.

Who was president of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Kennedy When the Soviets in Cuba were discovered to be building weapons, Kennedy began talks on how the Soviets would take down their weapons. It seemed for a moment as though the Soviets and the United States would go to war but when an agreement was finally reached, both sides returned to their previous cold war status.

What pass in the Safed Koh Range was traditionally the only way in which people would be able to invade India?

Khyber Pass This pass was the natural defense used by the Indian Empires to ensure that invaders were not able to easily come into their territory. Now, it is located between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

"The History of the Present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States." In the preceding passage, "the Present King of Great-Britain" refers to:

King George, III.

Richard Nixon's advisers attempted to get information on his opponents in an act called "The Watergate Affair." Even though he was President, Nixon would be held liable for this attempt if he had authorized it. Why?

King John signed the Magna Carta. In 1215, England's powerful barons forced King John to sign a document which limited the power of the king to tax them and protected the rights of landowners. The Magna Carta helped establish the principle that no one is above the law. It also argued that individuals had certain rights granted by their humanity The U.S. adopted these principles.

In the 1950's, the Nile perch, a large freshwater predatory fish, was introduced into the largest lake in Africa. Into which of the following lakes was the Nile perched introduced?

Lake Victoria.

The United States has many large lakes. These provide fresh drinking water. Five large lakes comprise the Great Lakes. What are they named?

Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior

In economics, the idea that prices fall as demand increases is known as which of the following?

Law of demand. The law of demand suggests that as prices fall, demand for goods and services increases as long as everything else, such as production, stay the same.

What is a slang term for dual federalism?

Layer cake federalism This refers to the ability that national laws and state laws are different from one another. The national law is on top with the state law being the lower level. They only touch but do not overlap.

From what political theorist did Jefferson base most of the Declaration of Independence upon?

Locke Locke wrote that people should be entitled to life, liberty, and property. Jefferson took this premise and changed it to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

When you are specifying a distance east or west on the globe, what term would you use?

Longitude. Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They measure the distance north-south of the equator. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. They measure the distance east-west from the prime meridian. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. The distance from the prime meridian determines the time zones of the earth. The poles, North and South, are located 90 degrees from the equator. The International Date line is 180 degrees longitude.

Who operates most of the daily responsibilities in the Senate?

Majority leader Whatever party has the most members in the Senate is declared to be the majority. The leader is elected within the party to be the spokesperson of the party.

In the 1920s, America entered a period of Prohibition. What is prohibition?

Making it illegal to make and sell alcohol.

What is the term for incremental changes in the total utility (or happiness factor) of a good or service?

Marginal utility

What African American minister led the fight against racial segregation in the United States in 1955?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

"We admit, as all must admit, that the powers of the government are limited, and that its limits are not to be transcended. But we think the sound construction of the Constitution must allow to the national legislature that discretion, with respect to the means by which the powers it confers are to be carried into execution, which will enable that body to perform the high duties assigned to it, in the manner most beneficial to the people. Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional." The preceding passage is a quotation from which of the following landmark decision of the Supreme Court?

McCulloch v. Maryland.

House of representatives

Members the are elected for a two year term and elections occur every two years on the first Tuesday after November 1st in even years. A Representative is elected form each 435 districts in the US elections usually occur in the same year as Presidential elections.

Geographic information systems (GIS) provide layers of geographic information on computers. Students have the opportunity to retrieve, store and manipulate geographic data. Maps are interactive. Which of the following is not a focus for GIS programs?

Memorizing facts. GIS programs provide students with the opportunity to use geographic skill in an interactive way. GIS programs engage students in data collection, data analysis, and data reporting. These programs foster critical thinking skills and are highly motivating.

The idea that the purpose of the American colonies was to provide Great Britain with raw materials and a market for its goods is an expression of

Mercantilism. Mercantilism is the economic theory that nations advance the goal of accumulating capital by maintaining a balance of trade such that the value of exports exceeds that of imports. Great Britain maintained colonies to provide an inexpensive source of raw materials while creating markets for the goods manufactured in England. Under free trade governments refrain from hindering the international exchange of goods and services. Nations that are granted most favored nation status are assured of enjoying equal advantages in international trade. A laissez faire capitalist economy would theoretically be completely free of government regulation.

"Prior to any questioning, the person must be warned that he has a right to remain silent, that any statement he does make may be used as evidence against him, and that he has a right to the presence of an attorney, either retained or appointed. The defendant may waive effectuation of these rights, provided the waiver is made voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently. If, however, he indicates in any manner and at any stage of the process that he wishes to consult with an attorney before speaking, there can be no questioning. Likewise, if the individual is alone and indicates in any manner that he does not wish to be interrogated, the police may not question him. The mere fact that he may have answered some questions or volunteered some statements on his own does not deprive him of the right to refrain from answering any further inquiries until he has consulted with an attorney and thereafter consents to be questioned." The preceding passage is a quotation from which of the following Supreme Court decisions?

Miranda v. Arizona.

Steam engine

The which revolutionized transportation and work power came next.

The formula for calculating average variable costs is VC/q with q being quantity. If one worker being paid $10.00 can produce 10 products a day, $10.00/10 =average variable cost of $1.00. Two workers working together can make 25 products. What would the average variable cost be?

$20.00/25 = $0.80Two workers would cost $20.00. Dividing the cost of labor ($20.00) by the units produced (25) equals the average variable costs. Costs fell because the workers together produced more.

The major turning points of the American Revolution were

-The actions of the Second Continental Congress This body established the Continental Army and chose George Washington as its commanding general. They allowed printing of money and created government offices. -Common Sense Published in 1776 by Thomas Paine this pamphlet calling for independence was widely distributed. -The Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson it was ratified on July 4 1776 by the Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia. -Alliance with France Benjamin Franklin negotiated an agreement with France to fight with the Americans in 1778. -Treaty of Paris In 1782 it signaled the official end of the war granted independence to the colonies and gave them generous territorial rights.

In 1791 the federal government added amendments to the United States Constitution that provided the following protections:

1. Freedom of speech religion peaceful assembly petition of the government and petition of the press. 2. The right to keep and bear arms. 3. No quartering of soldiers on private property without the consent of the owner. 4. Regulations on government search and seizure. 5. Provisions concerning prosecution. 6. The right to a speedy public trial and the calling of witnesses. 7. The right to trial by jury. 8. Freedom from excessive bail or cruel punishment. 9. These rights are not necessarily the only rights. 10. Powers not prohibited by the Constitution are reserved to the states.

When the Soviet Union broke, how many new nations were formed out of its previous territory?


In 1954, the Geneva Conference established which of the following as a provisional border between North and South Vietnam?

17th parallel. The 17th parallel marked the "provisional military demarcation line" between the two regions. Free elections were to follow in 1956 to establish unification of the two regions, but did not take place, and Communist incursions from the north coupled with international intervention to stabilize the south led to the Vietnam War.

The federal government of the United States granted African-Americans the right to vote in:

1870. The 15th Amendment, ratified on February 3, 1870, expressly states that "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

In what year was the White House officially named?

1901 T. Roosevelt announced that the White House was going to forever be known by that name. Before then, it had a wide range of different names such as the President's Palace and the Executive Estate.

In what year was the Federal Trade Commission created?

1914 The Federal Trade Commission was created by Congress to deal with the regulation of large businesses. It has been instrumental in making sure that no one business has been able to corner a particular market which is available to the general public.

The Russian Revolution began in what year?

1917 By 1917, Russian citizens were angry at the way that Czar Nicholas II handled World War I. There was also a food shortage which caused the people to revolt. When the leaders of the Bolshevik took control of the country, they declared peace with Germany and took no further part in World War I.

What year did the United States enter World War I?

1917 The United States did not want to enter into World War I, seeing it as a European problem. However, German U-boats continued to sink American ships. Finally, America entered the war in 1917 and in 1918 was instrumental in forcing Germany to sign an armistice.

Americans with Disabilities Act was passed to help people with disabilities living in America. When was it passed?

1990 This act stated that all federal buildings must be able to be accessed by those with physical disabilities. It also provided help for people living with those problems as well as certain rights which could not be taken away.

In what year did the Soviet Union break apart?

1991 As the powers within the Soviet Union began to change hands, more and more people were becoming interested in leaving the communist ways and following capitalism. In 1991, the U.S.S.R. broke apart into different nations with the largest area becoming known as Russia.

What amendment gave women the right to vote?


All but one amendment has been passed through the majority of the Senate. What amendment was not?


What amendment made poll taxes illegal?

24th The amendment made it illegal for anyone to try to stop other people from voting by using other means beyond what is legally allowed. This included poll taxes, grandfather clause, and literacy tests.

How many amendments have been passed?

27 Amendments are added to the Constitution in order to give more rights to Americans. Each amendment is solidified to make sure that these rights cannot be interfered upon by other states.

Jerusalem is located at approximately what latitude?

32º N.

The first democracy in Greece was comprised, in part, of a council made up of how many representatives?

500. Greece's boule, also known as the Council of 500, was made up of 50 representatives from each of the localities around Athens. This democracy was also comprised of an assembly and the courts.

Korematsu vs US was brought forth to say that the United States had violated which amendment?

5th. When World War II broke out, Japanese Americans were sent into camps by executive order because they were thought to be a hazard to national security. When the case was brought before the Supreme Court, it was determined to be unfounded because it was war time and it was necessary for the protection of the nation.

How many major territorial acquisitions over 200000 square miles contributed to the current United States?

6 These acquisitions include the 1783 Treaty of Paris original thirteen colonies 892135 square miles the 1803 Louisiana Purchase 827987 square miles the 1845 annexation of Texas 389166 square miles the 1846 Oregon Treaty with Great Britain for the Oregon Territory 286541 square miles the 1848 Mexican Cession for California Utah Nevada and Arizona 529189 square miles and the 1867 purchase of Alaska 591000 square miles.

How many primary tectonic plates is the Earth made of?

7. Most geologists agree that there are 7 primary/major tectonic plates that comprise the bulk of the continents and the Pacific Ocean. These plates constantly shift against one another which causes seismic activity. In addition, secondary and tertiary plates have been identified.

How many states were initially part of the Confederacy on the day that it established the Confederate States of America?

7. Seven states initially joined to form the Confederate States. These states were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

What percentage of the earth's glaciers are located in either Antarctica or Greenland?


What amendment in the original Bill of Rights is seen as being the most ambiguous?


A paper company decides to hire a full-time temp for one month at $3000. Which of the following represents the opportunity cost of this decision?

A $3000 health coverage policy for the company's existing part-time workers. Opportunity cost measures the relative economic merits of two alternatives of equal value. For any given amount of spending, it represents the second-best option, or the option not taken in order to take the best option.

The Federalist Papers advocated all of the following, EXCEPT:

A Bill of Rights.

Which of the following is an example of the investigative function of Congress?

A Congressional commission determines that members of the executive branch are selling weapons to a declared enemy, and using the proceeds to fund an undeclared war in another country.

Self sufficient

A benefit of the war was that it motivated Americans to become more due to increased manufacturing and fewer imports.

A federal grant intended to finance programs aimed at helping low-income homeowners in various cities throughout the United States is most likely:

A categorical grant.

What is the main difference between a primary election and a caucus?

A caucus is privately run by political parties and a primary is an indirect election run by state and local governments. A caucus is a private event run by political parties and a primary is an indirect election run by state and local governments. Voters may award delegates to candidates for the national conventions depending on state laws.

An economic system in which firms cannot treat market price as a viable indicator of whether they should increase or decrease production is most likely:

A command economy.

Discussion is an integral part of social studies teaching and learning at any grade level. Research shows that students will be more encouraged to engage in discussion if the topic is controversial but non-threatening. J.A. Rossi has identified five conditions for creating a civil climate for discussions. Which of the following is most likely not one of these conditions?

A competitive context

Define culture.

A culture is a comprehensive style of living that is developed in a society and maintained from generation to generation. Culture is manifested in a group's traditions rituals language social norms technology and economic structures. Broadly speaking culture is everything that is learned by a member of a particular society though it may include things that an individual learns but which are never made explicit either in the individual's mind or in his or her social interactions. For this reason many sociologists feel it is difficult to properly study one's own culture they suggest that only the unclouded eye of a foreign observer can perceive a society's most fundamental values.

Trial lawyers must inform the opposition of any witnesses they plan to call. Why is this so?

A defendant has the right to be confronted with the witnesses against him.

All of the following were intended effects of the Marshall Plan except

A discouraging of labor unions

Which of the following appropriately describes civic duty?

A duty required by law. Civic duties, like jury duty, are duties required by law. Civic responsibilities, however, are not required by law.

Residents of the Canadian province of British Columbia must pay into the provincial healthcare system, while residents of the Canadian province of Quebec receive free healthcare. Based on this difference, Canada's form of government is most likely:

A federal system.

If five countries, each with a different currency, allow the values of their currencies to be subject to the laws of supply and demand, then converting from one currency to another takes place under:

A flexible exchange rate system. A flexible exchange rate system allows the free market laws of supply and demand to determine the values of currencies.

In order for students to be civic citizens they must understand political thought processes and the historical development of governance. Which of the following situations would help them to understand the concept of democratic governance?

A formal system of democratic government is necessary to create laws to establish order and to provide security for citizens by a law of majority

The United States is what type of state?

A fragmented state

Explain the differences between a globe and map projections.

A globe is the only accurate representation of the earth's size shape distance and direction since it like the earth is spherical. The flat surface of a map distorts these elements.

At the beginning of our nation's government, an electoral college was established to determine the winner of the presidency. What is an electoral college?

A group elected by popular vote or a state legislature.

The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in 1776. What is a "Congress?"

A group of people selected as representatives of a colony or state

When the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence, they broke ties with the British government. They needed a new government so they decided on a confederation. What is a confederation?

A group of states with a weak central government and most power remaining with the individual states

Topographic map

A is a type of physical that shows the relief and configuration of a landscape such as hills valleys fields forest roads and settlements. It includes natural and human made features.

Topological map

A is one on which lines are stretched or straightened for the sake of clarity but retain their essential geometric relationship. This type of is used for example to show the routes of a subway system.

When the British and Americans began the war in 1775, the British had many advantages. Which of the following was an advantage the Americans had?

A knowledge of the land. The British had a well-trained standing army and employed foreign mercenaries. They had the best navy in the world. The colonists had no regular army, no navy and few resources to assemble them. But they did know the land and had a cause the believed in. They did establish a line of credit with the French much later in the war.

The Underground Railroad was primarily:

A means for slaves to travel to free states

When the delegates met to draft the Constitution for our new nation, they had to have enough representatives to have a quorum. What is a quorum?

A minimum number of members set by the group

What is a monoculture's primary weakness?

A monoculture has a narrow perspective, limiting societal understanding of external forces.

How do geographers differentiate a "nation" from a "state?"

A nation is a unified group sharing customs, territory and ethnicity. A state is a political entity.

List some of the keynotes of the Andrew Jackson presidency.

A number of important milestones occured in American history during the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

Social dialects typically emerge when

A particular group is isolated from the rest of society due to class race age or gender differences. Dialects are language variants and those that result from geographic isolation are called regional dialects. Assimilation of immigrants includes language acquisition and thus would not typically produce new dialect. Jargon is simply the development of a specialized vocabulary and although it may be unintelligible to outsiders this is the result of a vocabulary gap not dialect differences.

Aside from being industrialized, developed nations must have which of the following characteristics?

A per capita income of around $12,000 or more. Developed nations are defined as those that are industrialized with a per capita income of at least $12,000. Other features of such a nation include a stable population and mass consumption of natural resources.

States are a political entity that come in a variety of sizes and shapes. A state which completely surrounds another state is what type of state?

A perforated state

Which of the following is most likely to benefit from inflation?

A person who has taken out a fixed rate loan can benefit from inflation by paying back the loan with dollars that are less valuable than they were when the loan was taken out. In the other examples inflation harms the individual or entity.

Compare and contrast a physical map a political map a topographic map and a topological map.

A physical map is one that shows natural features such as mountains rivers lakes deserts and plains. Color is used to designate the different features.

A government takes a hands on approach to its economy determining prices as well as production and distribution. Which of the following describes this system?

A planned economy. Socialist government exhibit this type of economy. Choice A involves a free price hands off approach and is exhibited by capitalist countries. Choice C uses features of both a market and a planned economy. Choice D an older system depends on traditions within a culture.

Following WWI, the U.S. adopted an isolationist policy. What is an isolationist policy?

A policy to stay out of foreign affairs

Johannes Gutenberg invented something which changed the way information was distributed. What did he invent?

A printing press with moveable type Gutenberg made printing presses more efficient. His invention used letters that were replaceable, or moveable. This invention revolutionized the printing industry.

An electoral system in which the percentage of votes that a political party receives determines the percentage of legislative seats allotted to it is known as:

A proportional representation system.

The illustration of Tibet is which type of map?

A relief map. The Earth's surface is irregular. Cartographers use elevation and relief to represent these irregularities. The baseline is often above or below sea level. Cartographers use shading or hatching to represent elevation and relief. A political map usually shows the countries of the world or other divisions using colors on a "flat" type map.

The Germantown Quakers of Philadelphia were the first group to sign a petition which would become very controversial in the new United States. What was it?

A resolution against slavery. The Mayflower Compact adopted by the Pilgrims in 1620 stated that political authority flows from the people, not from the king. The Massachusetts School Laws of 1642 required parents to educate every child. Roger Williams Letter to Providence, 1655, argued for religious freedom. The Magna Carta of 1215 limited the powers of the king. The Resolution of the Germantown Quakers of 1688 was the first antislavery petition.

Which of the following is a geologically (but not historically) accurate description of Eurasia?

A single landmass and continent. Eurasia, which essentially describes Europe and Asia, is a single landmass. Thus, technically, while Europe and Asia are viewed as two continents, Eurasia is one single continent.

All of the following are examples of fixed costs, EXCEPT:

A soap manufacturer increases his stock of olive oil. Fixed costs are those that remain static with respect to productivity. The theater production company must pay rent for studio space regardless of how many productions it produces; the hardware store must maintain its heating system regardless of how much merchandise it sells; and the publisher must keep his offices spotless regardless of how many books he publishes. On the other hand, a soap manufacturer increases his stock of olive oil in direct proportion to how much soap he is producing, since olive oil is one of the raw materials within this manufacturer's product.

Define social markers laws and folkways.

A social marker is any part of behavior that indicates the identify character or way of understanding of a particular group of people. Social markers can be laws folkways traditions or other patterns of behavior.

Define Special Interest Groups

A special interest group is a political organization that is created to influence policy or legislators involved in a particular policy area. Special interest groups could include corporations trade associations trade unions senior citizens or individuals with disabilities or even groups within the legislature or bureaucracy. The goal of a special interest groups is to attempt to influence government. There are two types of special interest groups including protective groups and promotional groups.

A caste system is BEST described as

A system wherein individuals social economic and political destinies are determined at birth by group membership within the caste. Systems fitting this description have been in place throughout the world and directly impact each individuals economic destiny by circumscribing upward economic and social mobility regardless of ability. Class and caste are distinct in the sense that class is assigned based upon an individual's life path while caste membership is assigned at birth and is essentially immutable. Also caste systems have well defined functions for each group whereas class distinctions are based solely on wealth (as opposed to social function).

The students in Mrs. Robbins fifth grade class are studying a map of the United States showing the rate of Type II Diabetes in children between the ages of ten and eighteen. Which type of map are these students using?

A thematic map

Your government is overcome by a group of religious leaders who establish a new government in which they will rule by religious right. What type of government will this be?

A theocracy

How must inferior courts interpret the law?

According to the Supreme Court's interpretation. The Supreme Court interprets laws and the Constitution. The inferior courts are bound to uphold the law as the Supreme Court interprets and rules on it.

What president passed the Alien and Sedition Act which limited the amount of foreign aliens which could enter the United States?

Adams In anticipation of a war with France because of the XYZ affair, this was passed to hopefully keep French forces out of the nation. This act was highly unpopular and led to it being repealed in 1802.

Which of the following countries produces the largest share of the world's opium?

Afghanistan.-Afghanistan. According to a recent United Nations report, Afghanistan grows more opium than all of Latin America grows coca. Afghanistan grows so much opium that one province alone, Helmand, grows more than the entire opium production of Burma (Myanmar), once the world's main opium exporting country. And it seems that opium production in Afghanistan has significantly increased since the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Canada sent troops there in 2001.

Based upon evidence from continental drift, it can be surmised that the east of South America was once connected to what?


Calvin Coolidge

After Harding died in 1923 became president.

All of the following cities are located within one degree of the prime meridian, EXCEPT:

Algiers, Algeria. Accra, Caen, and Valencia are all within 0º23' of the prime meridian, while Algiers is located at 3º13' E longitude.

Register and file disclosure reports

All party committees are required to themselves and with the Federal Election Committees once their federal election activities exceed specified monetary limits.

Riparian ecosystems occur:

Along river banks. Riparian ecosystems occur along river banks and may include wetlands and floodplains; and are characterized by water-loving plants such as reeds, cattails, and willows.

Verbal culture

Along with material makes up the sum total of what sociologists have at their disposal for study.

Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in what mountain range?

Alps. The Alps are found in Eastern Europe between France and Italy. They form a barrier between the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Sea.

What is the biggest river in the world in terms of width and volume?


Which of the following rivers marks the border between Russia and China?

Amur. The Amur River flows east across Asia and empties into the Sea of Okhotsk.

Which of the following represents the difference between an accounting profit as opposed to an economic profit?

An accounting profit does not take implicit costs into consideration, while economic profit does. Accounting profit is calculated by subtracting total explicit costs from total revenue. Explicit costs include both variable and fixed costs. Economic profit, on the other hand, adds implicit cost to the minus side of the equation; that is, economic profit equals total revenues minus both explicit costs (fixed and variable) and opportunity costs. Since opportunity costs are implicit costs,

The government of your country consists of one man who wrested power from his predecessor by a military coup. He is now the sole leader. He has assumed all power and makes all the laws. What type of leader is he?

An autocrat An autocrat is a one-man ruler. This one might be considered a dictator or tyrant. A monarch is a hereditary ruler. An oligarchy is a group of people who rule. An aristocrat is someone who inherits power and social standing.

Which type of political leader was Fidel Castro?

An autocrat. An autocrat is a one-man ruler. A monarch is a hereditary ruler. An oligarchy is a group of people who rule. An aristocrat is someone who inherits power and social standing.

Nations come in many shapes and sizes. What type of state or nation is Chile?

An elongated state

Vatican City is an example of what type of political state?

An enclave. A perforated state completely surrounds another. An example would be Italy which surrounds San Marino or South Africa which surrounds Lesotho. An enclave is a state completely surrounded by another, like Vatican City in Italy. An island is land completely surrounded by water. An exclave is a piece of territory which is not an island which is separated from its state by another state, like Alaska. A fragmented state is one with parts separated from it. The U.S. is a fragmented state because of Hawaii and Alaska.

What does a contour line represent on a map?

An imaginary, curving line on the ground that follows a single elevation

During the early years of our nation's history, political parties arose. Some were attached to a particular candidate. What else might make a political party form?

An important issue. George Washington was elected by the electoral college in 1789 which had been established by the Constitution. It was composed of men elected by popular vote or by state legislature. The two party system came much later. It is not mandated anywhere in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson said," If I could not go to heaven but with a [political] party, I would not go at all." Parties evolved around the candidates and issues.

Representative democracy was likely motivated by:

An increase in population

Before the Civil War, to which of the following did Southern states object?

An increase in tariffs on Northern manufactured goods. Southern states provided raw materials that were manufactured into commodities in Northern states. Southerners resented paying taxes to Northern states for these products (textiles, furniture, etc.).


An independent expenditure is an expenditure that is made to pay for a form of that supports the election or defeat of a candidate the expenditure must be made independently from the candidate's own campaign. To be considered independent the may not be made with the cooperation or consultation with or at the request or suggestion of any candidate any committees or political party associated with the candidate or any agent that acts on behalf of the candidate. There are no restrictions on the amount that anyone may spend on an independent expenditure however any individual making an independent expenditure must report it and disclose the source of the funds they used.

Define Campaign Finance and Independent Expenditures

An individual or group is legally permitted to make unlimited independent expenditures in association with federal elections.

What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

An intercepted communication from Germany to Mexico stating Germany's willingness to help Mexico invade the United States

Open primary

An is a party nominating election in which any qualified voter can take part. The voter makes a public choice at the polling place about which to participate in and the choice does not depend on any registration or previous choices.

Ancient Sparta had a group of distinguished military men called "ephors" who ruled. What is the type of government that is ruled by a committee of distinguished citizens?

An oligarchy. An autocrat is a one-man ruler. A monarch is a hereditary ruler. An oligarchy is a group of people who rule. An aristocrat is someone who inherits power and social standing.

Briefly outline the influences of the following philosophers on political study Aristotle Plato Saint Thomas Aquinas and Niccolo Machiavelli.

Ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato believed political science would lead to order in political matters and that this scientifically organized order would create stable just societies.

A walking tour that went from Cali to Quito, thence from Quito to Cuenca, Cuenca to Cajamarca, Cajamarca to Ayacucho, Ayacucho to Cuzco, Cuzco to La Paz, La Paz to Sucre, Sucre to Salta, Salta to San Juan, San Juan to Santiago, and, finally, Santiago to Temuco would be traveling the length of which of the following mountain ranges?

Andes Mountains.

The practice of vertical integration was introduced into American business by which of the following industrialists?

Andrew Carnegie. Vertical integration is a business practice in which a company controls its own sources of supply, and sometimes means of distribution, as well its own manufacturing centers. The Carnegie Steel Company, for example, owned not just its steel mills, but also the iron ore and coal mines that supplied the raw materials of steel, and the shipping firms and railroads that distributed the manufactured steel to the buyers.

Who was the first president to have impeachment charges brought against him?

Andrew Johnson

In 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which affirmed all but which of the following human rights?

Any person has the right to deny the rights set forth in the document.

Where would you most likely find a moraine?

Any place there is or has been a glacier. Moraines are glacial deposits they may be on top of inside or at the sides or end of a glacier or where a glacier was. Moraines may occur both on land and undersea such as when drifting ice melts sending glacial deposits into the sea.

What does the 10th Amendment establish?

Any power not given to the federal government belongs to the states or the people

Exclusive powers

Are those reserved to the national government including concurrent powers.

Renewable resources

Are those that can be replenished such as wind solar radiation tides and water with proper conservation and clean up. Soil is with proper conservation and management techniques and timber can be replenished with replanting. Living such as fish and wildlife can replenish themselves if they are not over harvested.

Where would you find a continental divide?

At a high land elevation

Niccolo Machiavelli

Author of The Prince was a proponent of politics based solely on power.

On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson wanted three of his accomplishments listed. What were they?

Author of the Declaration of Independence, Founder of the University of Virginia, Writer of the Statute for Religious Freedom Jefferson wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom as an argument for the separation of church and state. He had argued previously that no state should establish an official religion, as the Anglican church in England. He also founded the U. of Virginia and authored, with some help, the Declaration of Independence.

Those born in the United States between 1946 and 1964 are said to be part of what?

Baby boom.

Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and Greece all traded for lapis lazuli from which of the following regions?

Badakshan, Afghanistan. For at least 6,000 years, mines in Badakshan, Afghanistan have been the major source of lapis lazuli in the world. The other major source is in the Andes Mountains in Chile.

A subregion of Europe, the Low Countries, consists of which Western European countries?

Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg

Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

Booth After planning it with other members of his family, Booth assassinated Lincoln at Ford Theater. He was later charged with treason and killed.

Why did Mexico and the United States go to war?

Border issues in Texas.

What is one downfall of specialization in working?

Boredom Adam Smith the economist stated that making someone specialize in a particular aspect of a company would increase the output of a certain good. This is true but it will lead to boredom which could lead to sloppier work being created.

Between 1950 and the present, a period of social and political upheaval has persisted in Latin America. Which of the following are incorrectly matched?

Brazil : In 1973, the military under Pinochet overthrows Marxist leader Allende and establish a new regime.

What countries formed the Triple Entente in World War I?

Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente in World War I, so Choice B is the correct answer. Canada and the United States both joined the Triple Entente, but they were not original members. Austria-Hungary and Germany fought against the Triple Entente. Italy allied with Austria-Hungary and Germany before the war broke out, but the Italians held out and later joined the Triple Entente once it appeared they would be victorious.

Which of the following is the most populous state in the United States?


What was signed, making Egypt recognize the nation of Israel and the return of the Sinai peninsula to Egypt?

Camp David Accords.

Define Campaign Finance Disclosure

Campaign finance law mandates that candidate committees party committees and PACs must file reports disclosing the money that they fundraise and spend. Federal candidate committees must disclose all PACs and party committees that donate money to them the names occupations employers addresses of all individuals who donate more than $200 in an election cycle and all expenditures greater than $200 per election cycle for services rendered by an individual or vendor. States and local candidates are also mandated to disclose donations from PACs and party committees. It is becoming commonplace for campaign finance statements to be filed electronically.

Civic practice

Campaigns represent a and today they are a high profit industry.

Define carrying capacity and natural hazards and give examples of each.

Carrying capacity is the maximum sustained level of use of an environment can incur without sustaining significant environmental deterioration that would eventually lead to environmental destruction. Environments vary in terms of their carrying capacity.

When a group of businesses gather together to fix prices on an object, they have formed what?

Cartel Fixing prices so that they are all one price eliminates the need for companies to go against one another. This allows for them to also raise the prices to whatever they want so that people have to pay it. These are also called trusts.

When the Senate held an impeachment hearing against Andrew Johnson for overstepping his authority, what did they invoke?

Checks and balances were established to keep one branch of government from taking too much authority. When Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act by replacing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, Johnson was impeached, but the final vote in the Senate trial came up one vote short of the number needed to convict him.

The Presidential veto of legislation passed by Congress illustrates which principal in American government?

Checks and balances. Presidents may veto legislation passed by both houses of Congress and in turn Congress can override a Presidential veto with a 2/3 majority. These governmental practices are a further manifestation that each branch of government is watched by the other branches and when necessary can undo a decision it deems ill advised or unconstitutional.

The Open Door policy was created between the US and what nation?


What was the last group of Americans to be given the right to vote?

Chinese Americans. It was not until 1943 that the Chinese Exclusion Act was lifted by the US government lifting the immigration ban so that Chinese Americans could become citizens.

In 1921, what political party was founded in China?

Chinese Communist Party.


Cities and their grew tremendously because of immigration and industrialization. While previous immigrants had come from Germany Scandinavia and Ireland the 1880s saw a new wave of immigrants from Italy Poland Hungary Bohemia and Greece as well as Jewish groups from central and eastern Europe especially Russia. The Roman Catholic population grew from 1.6 million in 1850 to 12 million in 1900 a growth that ignited an anti Catholic backlash from the anti-Catholic Know Nothing Party of the 1880s and the Ku Klux Klan.

Explain the rights duties and responsibilities granted to or expected from citizens of the United States.

Citizens are granted certain rights under the US government.

In recent years in the United States, there has been a strong internal migration from where to where?

City to rural. More people have begun to move out of the city and towards the countryside because of the availability of technology. People no longer need to live next to their job in order to do it, which allows them to live in less congested areas.

What is a difference between present-day civil rights and civil liberties?

Civil rights are freedom from unequal treatment based on a characteristic, and civil liberties are universal.

Who is the only president to serve twice but not in consecutive sessions?

Cleveland. When he was elected the first time (1884), he supported civil rights and higher tariffs on goods which resulted in him being defeated the next year. He ran again in 1892 and won with a strong popular vote.

Students are learning about stratification systems throughout the world. They partake in an activity where they take on various social roles within different regions of the world. When they discuss India's stratification system, each person is given a role based on their family's status. Students are exemplifying which type of stratification system?

Closed caste

A multicultural approach to teaching social studies at the elementary level should include

Comparing how people from different cultures have responded and still respond to similar life events such as war famine and weather for example. A broad view of teaching social studies is the understanding that people are influenced by and influence their physical surroundings on this planet Earth. Choice A is too broad a concept and students are likely to be unfamiliar with world events and how those events might influence political change. Choice B is not necessarily a possibility. For example when studying a unit on the US Constitution it would be confusing to read and compare constitutions from around the world. That would be more appropriate for later grades. Choice D does not promote multicultural understanding because all cultures are not similar. A multicultural approach looks at commonalities but also includes how cultures uniquely face adversities and challenges.

What is the most common type of volcano on earth?

Composite volcano. The composite volcano, sometimes called the stratovolcano, is the most common type of volcano on earth. A composite volcano has steep sides, so the explosions of ash, pumice, and silica are often accompanied by treacherous mudslides. Indeed, it is these mudslides that cause most of the damage associated with composite volcano eruptions. Krakatoa and Mount Saint Helens are examples of composite volcanoes. A lava dome is a round volcano that emits thick lava very slowly. A shield volcano, one example of which is Mt. Kilauea in Hawaii, emits a small amount of lava over an extended period of time. Shield volcanoes are not known for violent eruptions. A cinder cone has steep sides made of fallen cinders, which themselves are made of the lava that intermittently shoots into the air.

Describe congressional elections.

Congressional elections are every two years.

Your national culture has been living alongside another for generations. Your national boundaries are being redrawn based on this cultural difference. What type of boundaries are being drawn?

Consequent. Consequent boundaries are also called ethnographic. They respond to cultural influences. Superimposed boundaries are created by an outside force which disregards previous cultural borders. A natural boundary is formed by a land form or body of water. Rivers, mountains, lakes or valleys might be natural boundaries. An artificial boundary is a surveyed boundary using lines of latitude and longitude.

What was the primary role of party bosses in 19th century American government?

Consolidate power under a political machine

A man is analyzing the features of a lawnmower. Price does not matter, and the man wants to make sure that he has an expensive lawnmower with various high-tech features so that he upholds his status within the community. The man's actions align with which concept?

Conspicuous consumption

Who was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity?

Constantine I. Constantine I converted to Christianity on his death bed which encouraged his subjects to change their religion as well. It helped to spread Christianity throughout the world.

The index released to show the prices of goods which the average American buys is known as what?

Consumer Price Index.

The modern economy of consumers driving the sales is known as what?


Robber Barons

Control of the major industries was held largely by the following men who were known as for their ruthless business practices and exploitation of workers Jay Gould railroads Andrew Carnegie steel John D Rockefeller Sr oil Philip Danforth Armour meatpacking JP Morgan banking John Jacob Astor fur pelts and Cornelius Vanderbilt steamboat shipping. Of course all of these heads of industry diversified and became involved in multiple business ventures.

What is it called when national government helps state governments?

Cooperative federalism.

Which scientist first proposed the heliocentric universe instead of a geocentric one?

Copernicus's De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) was published in 1543 almost simultaneously with his death. He was the first to contradict the then accepted belief that the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun and other bodies moved around it. This geocentric model was associated with Ptolemy and hence called the Ptolemaic system. Galileo Galilei published Siderius Nuncius (Starry Messenger) in 1610. In it he revealed his observations made through his improvements to the telescope which corroborated Copernicus's theory. Sir Issac Newton (1642-1727) built the first unstable reflecting telescope and erased any lingering doubts about a heliocentric universe by describing universal gravitation and showing its congruence with Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

Explain how coral reefs form and define the three types of reefs.

Coral reefs are formed from millions of tiny tube shaped polyps an animal life form encased in touch limestone skeletons. Once anchored to a rocky surface polyps eat plankton and miniscule shellfish caught with poisonous tentacles near the mouth. Polyps use calcium carbonate absorbed from chemicals given off by algae to harden their body armor and cement themselves together in fantastic shapes of many colors. Polyps reproduce through eggs and larvae but the reef grows by branching out shoots of polyps. There are three types of coral reefs -Fringing reefs These surround or fringe an island. -Barrier reefs Over the centuries a fringe reef grows so large that the island sinks down from the weight and the reef becomes a barrier around the island. Water trapped between the island and the reef is called a lagoon. -Atolls Eventually the sinking island goes under leaving the coral reef around the lagoon.

Located in South America, what is the highest tropical mountain range in the world?

Cordillera Blanca. It is part of the long extending Andes mountain system of South America. The Cordillera Blanca contains the highest Peruvian peak, Mount Huascarán, at 22,205 ft (6,768 m).

An increase in the price of oil will likely result in which of the following?

Cost-push inflation in the short term. An increase in oil prices will cause an increase in production and transportation costs, raising prices. As the economy reaches equilibrium however, overall wages will also rise, and thus the inflation will persist over the short term only. The correct answer therefore, is A.

All of the following are characteristics of opportunity cost, EXCEPT:

Counts as a benefit for the purposes of financial statements.

During negotiations within the Second New Deal, President Roosevelt sought to appoint more Supreme Court justices to the bench. His attempts became known as which of the following?

Court-packing plan

The "Boston Massacre" helped galvanize liberty fighters. Eleven men were wounded or killed. One of the dead was a black man called the "First Martyr" of the Revolution. Who was he?

Crispus Attucks. When the crowd began throwing rocks and snowballs at the sentry, another 20 soldiers appeared. Someone fired into the crowd and 11 members of the mob were wounded or dead, including Crispus Attucks, a black man, the first man to die in the Revolution. The soldiers were put on trial and defended by John Adams who took the case even though no one thought it was prudent. Radicals in Boston called this "The Boston Massacre." The soldiers were mostly acquitted with a few being branded as a punishment.

Teaching children convergent thinking and divergent thinking reflects the teaching of which of the following skills?

Critical thinking skills. Teaching children convergent thinking and divergent thinking reflects the teaching of critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills need to be practiced and help children incorporate useful information into their daily lives.

Define cultural pluralism and subculture.

Cultural pluralism exists when multiple distinct cultures exist within the same society after a process of accommodation.

Sometimes a country's boundaries are determined by a natural geographical feature like a mountain range, ocean or river. Which river forms part of the border between Namibia and Angola?


Before Francisco Pizzarro arrived in 1533, the capital of the Inca Empire was:

Cuzco. Cuzco was situated at the intersection of the four regions of the Inca Empire: Chinchasuyu, Antisuyu, Contisuyu, and Collasuyu--and had been the capital since the Empire was established by Manco Capac around 1200 C.E. Cuzco would remain the capital of the Spanish-conquered regions for only two years beyond that time, when Pizarro founded Lima as the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru.

At the natural rate of unemployment, all of the following may persist, EXCEPT:

Cyclical unemployment. In general, frictional unemployment, or voluntary unemployment caused by people being temporarily out of work while looking for a better job, is taken into account when measuring the natural rate of unemployment, as are involuntary types of unemployment such as classical and structural unemployment. Cyclical unemployment caused by shifts in labor demand in conjunction with changes in the business cycle, is not part of the measurement of the natural unemployment rate. The correct answer therefore, is B.

Destroying the rain forests for logging or farming is known as what?

Deforestation. The process of removing the trees leaves the Earth vulnerable to many natural problems which will occur. The erosion of the Earth happens because the trees are unable to maintain the ground. This also leads to problems known as the greenhouse effect.

What was included in the Connecticut Compromise?

Delegates at the American Constitutional Convention agreed on the Connecticut Compromise, establishing two legislative bodies. Representation in one house was based on population (House of Representatives), and the other granted each state two votes (Senate). As such, Choice A is the correct answer. The New Jersey Plan proposed a single legislative body with one vote per state, but it was rejected in favor of the Connecticut Compromise.

John Maynard Keynes advocated what?

Demand side economics. John Maynard Keynes argued that government could help revitalize a recessionary economy by increasing government spending and therefore increasing aggregate demand. This is known as demand side economics.

By which of the following means did Hitler's Nazi Party rise to power in the German government between 1924 and 1933?

Democratic elections. From the year 1924 to 1933, the Nazi Party gained more and more seats in the German Parliament (Reichstag) by means of democratic elections. Faced with the Nazi Party's overwhelming majority in Parliament, German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler to be the country's Chancellor (equivalent to Prime Minister) in 1933.

What are the two main political parties of the United States?

Democrats and Republicans.

A long period of economic downfall is called which of the following?


According to the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1763, France:

Did not control the territory on the mainland of North America. This question tests your knowledge of the effects of the French and Indian War. The Treaty of Paris officially marked the end of this War, which was won by Great Britain. France ceded all of Canada and Florida to the English, as well as the eastern regions of the land they had claimed west of the Appalachian Mountains. French territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains was ceded to Spain. France therefore, did not control any territory on the mainland of North America.

What protection is given to people visiting the US on official foreign missions?

Diplomatic immunity This is given to let the citizens ignore some of the less permanent style rules which America has. Some of these include getting speeding tickets as well as other minor problems.

Which of the following will likely cause an underestimation of the unemployment rate in the United States?

Discouraged workers. Retired workers, discouraged workers, students, and homemakers are not counted as part of the labor force. However, discouraged workers at some point are unemployed members of the labor force and seek jobs actively, but become discouraged and stop looking for work. Their drop out of the job-seeking process removes them from the statistical count, and thus lowers the rate of unemployment. Yet they are still unemployed, and their unemployment contributes to the the drop in GDP.

What portion of the federal budget is dedicated to transportation, education, national resources, the environment, and international affairs?

Discretionary spending is dedicated to transportation, education, national resources, the environment, and international affairs. State and local governments use this money to help finance programs. Mandatory spending covers entitlements such as Medicare, Social Security, Federal Retirement, and Medicaid.

All but which of the following need to be added together to determine the gross domestic product?

Domestic production by foreign nationals. The gross domestic product (GDP) is determined by adding consumer, investment, and government spending to exports and foreign production by U.S. nationals. Then, domestic production by foreign nationals is subtracted from the total.

What nickname was given to the Great Plains during the drought in the 1930s?

Dust Bowl.

What famous pilot was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic?


You sell bottled water at a concession stand at the beach. You usually stock 1,000 bottles a day. It has been a rainy summer. One Saturday however, the sky brightens and everyone heads to the beach. You sell out by noon. By not having enough bottles for the crowd, you have made which kind of profit?

Economic profit. An economic profit is calculated by considering total revenue and total costs and also considering opportunity costs. You could have sold a lot more water if you had been able to predict the added need. You incurred an economic loss even though you made the usual profit on your water bottles. Next time, check the weather report.

If the Niño Index, show here, corresponds with rises in temperature in the Niño-3.4 region of the Pacific Ocean, which of the following identifies an accurate deduction made from this graph?

El Niño is linked to increased temperatures within the Niño-3.4 region of the Pacific Ocean. This graph shows the variances in temperature of the Niño-3.4 region of the Pacific Ocean between 2004 and 2020. The increases in water temperatures in that region often influence a weather phenomenon known as El Niño.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding English expansionism in the 16th century?

England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 brought a decisive end to their war with Spain. It is not true that England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 ended their war with Spain. It did establish England's naval dominance and strengthened England's future colonization of the New World but the actual war between England and Spain did not end until 1604. It is true that Henry VII's desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon strengthened English expansionism. Catherine was Spanish and Henry split from the Catholic Church because it prohibited divorce. Henry's rejection of his Spanish wife and his subsequent support of the Protestant movement angered King Philip II of Spain and destroyed the formerly close ties between the two countries. When Elizabeth became Queen of England she supported the Reformation as a Protestant which also contributed to English colonization. Sir Francis Drake one of the best known English sea captains during this time period would attack and plunder Spanish ships that had plundered American Indians adding to the enmity between Spain and England. Queen Elizabeth invested in Drake's voyages and gave him her support in claiming territories for England.

Which of the following nations did NOT establish colonies in what would become the United States?

England, France, and Spain all established North American colonies that would later be absorbed into the United States, but Italy, despite Christopher Columbus' role as an explorer, never established a colony in America.

The United Kingdom is part of Europe. Which are parts of the United Kingdom?

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are constituent countries. They are part of the United Kingdom but have a lot of autonomy. The Republic of Ireland is an independent country.

Which of the following represents a renewable form of automotive fuel?

Ethanol. Diesel and natural gas are both derived from crude oil petroleum reserves, while mineral fuels are derived from bitumen deposits known as oil sands. All are fossil fuels derived from long-dead and transformed organic matter of which there is a finite supply. Ethanol, however, can be produced from contemporary organic matter such as corn and sugar cane, and thus, with proper management, is renewable.

What African nation once ruled by Haile Selassie is highlighted in this drawing?

Ethiopia. The country is surrounded by Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya, and Djibouti. Ethiopia is famous throughout history for biblical references and also for ousting a European nation (Italy) with Emperor Manelik II. His successor, Haile Selassie, was known to have bodyguards that were lions.

Geographic contexts

Events take place within. If the world is flat then transportation choices are vastly different from those that would be made in a round world for example. Invasions of Russia from the west have normally failed because of the harsh winter conditions the vast distances that inhibit steady supply lines and the number of rivers and marshes to be crossed among other factors. Any invading or defending forces anywhere must make choices based on consideration of space and environmental factors. For instance lands may be too muddy or passages too narrow for certain equipment. Geography played a role in the building of the Panama Canal because the value of a shorter transportation route had to outweigh the costs of labor disease political negotiations and equipment not to mention a myriad of other effects from cutting a canal through an isthmus and changing a natural land structure as a result.

American Federation of Labor

Eventually this organization was replaced by the headed by Samuel Gompers.


Every ten years of Congressional districts occur. However is often partisan and therefore reduces the number of competitive districts.

For the purposes of representation in the House of Representatives, the populations within Congressional districts are assessed:

Every ten years. The primary function of the census taken every ten years in the United States is to determine the allotment of seats in the House. As Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct."

Laws issued directly from the President are called what?

Executive orders At certain times, the President is allowed to enact certain laws most of which have to do when there is a state of emergency. These automatically become laws although they can be repealed if they are found to be unconstitutional.

Since the 1920s, there has been a cycle or scope and sequence for the teaching of social studies. This is based on a student's experience of their environment. Which is the correct term for this type of scope and sequence?

Expanding horizon approach. The Expanding horizon approach, or widening horizon approach, assumes that children learn about their environments in expanding concentric circles. It begins with what children know at a developmental level and moves outward. The topics grow with the children. State standards also influence this instruction. K-1 Family Home, School 2 Community 3 State history and geography and/or holidays and history of the U.S. 4 Regions of the world or state history and geography 5 American history and geography 6 World history and geography 7 State history and/or U.S. History 8 Civics, American History

Karl Marx created scientific socialism which he intended as a militant blueprint for socialist working class success. Which of the following assignments would not reflect Marxist philosophies?

Explain why capitalism is inevitable because socialism contains the seeds of its own destruction.

The impact of a transaction on parties not directly involved in the transaction is known as what?

Externality. The impact of a transaction on third parties not involved in the transaction is known as an externality. An externality can be positive, in which case it's a positive externality or social benefit. An externality can also be negative, in which case it's a negative externality or a social cost.

Scarcity is a term associated with which of the following economic concepts?

Factors of production

Which of the following represents a lasting consequence of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Federal funding for public schools. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was passed by Congress in 1965 and has been renewed every five years since. Income taxes for the wealthy were significantly reduced during John F. Kennedy's administration, while the Social Security System and public works programs were established during the New Deal in the 1930's.

Power divided between local and central branches of government is a definition of what term?

Federalism. Federalists who helped frame the Constitution believed the central government needed to be stronger than what was established under the Articles of Confederation. Anti federalists were against this and feared a strong federal government. A system of checks and balances was established to prevent the central government from taking too much power.

You sailed west from Spain in 1519. You intend to sail to the Spice Islands near Indonesia, but you end up sailing around the world. Who are you?

Ferdinand Magellan In 1519, Magellan sailed west from Spain. He found a passageway, later named the Magellan Strait near the tip of South America which led to the Pacific. He sailed across the Pacific. He had thought the Pacific would be a calm ocean (Pacific=peaceful.) Along the way, he met cannibals, stayed with people he named the Patagones and took two of them with him to display in Spain. When he realized that the Pacific was vast and wild, he continued . He managed to miss every island between South America and Guam and landed in the Spice Islands having survived storms, near mutinies and starvation. They landed in the Philippine Islands. He was killed there. After three years of adventures, his last ship returned to Spain. He and his shipmates wrote about his adventures which is why we know about them today. (Actually a Moluccan slave named Enrique who accompanied Magellan had been enslaved by Spanish traders and taken to Spain. He was the first person to encircle the globe but Magellan gets the credit.)

What term is used for an extended debate for the purpose of delaying or preventing a vote on an issue?

Filibuster. A filibuster is a procedure that allows debate over a proposed piece of legislation that is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal.

What would the government be changing if it lowered taxes?

Fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is increased government spending or the lowering of taxes to stimulate the economy. If taxes decrease, consumers have more money to spend. This increases economic activity and can allay a recession. Monetary policies refer to a change in the money supply or interest rates. Legislative policies refer to the law. Banking policies affect banks.


For the first time the majority of Americans lived in. Young people shortened dresses and haircuts and smoked and drank in public despite Prohibition (18th Amendment 1919).

Who was the only President who was not voted into office for his first term?

Ford. Gerald Ford was originally the House Minority Leader. After Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned in 1973, then President Nixon nominated Ford to replace him. After Nixon resigned in 1974, following the chain of command, Ford was made President and was the only president who was not elected.

List and define the following classic forms of government: feudalism, classical republic, absolute monarchy, authoritarianism, dictatorship, autocracy, oligarchy, liberal democracy, and totalitarianism

Forms of government that have appeared throughout history include -Feudalism This is based on the rule of local lords who are loyal to the king and control the lives and production of those who work on their land. -Classical republic This form is a representative democracy. Small groups of elected leaders represent the interests of the electorate. -Absolute monarchy A king or queen has complete control of the military and government. -Authoritarianism An individual or group has unlimited authority. There is no system in place to restrain the power of the government. -Dictatorship Those in power are not held responsible to the people. -Autocracy This is rule by one person (despot) not necessarily a monarch who uses power tyrannically. -Oligarchy A small usually self appointed elite rules a region. -Liberal democracy This is a government based on the consent of the people that protects individual rights and freedom from any intolerance by the majority. -Totalitarianism All facets of the citizens lives are controlled by the government.

Which list of events is in the correct chronological order?

French and Indian War • American Revolution • French Revolution • War of 1812 The French and Indian War (Seven Years War) 1754-1763 American Revolution 1775-1783 French Revolution 1789-1799 The War of 1812 1812-1815

What event exposed the Articles of Confederation as a deeply flawed system of government?

From 1786 to 1787, Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led an armed insurrection in western Massachusetts, and the government's inability to quash the rebellion exposed the Articles of Confederation's flaws. Thus, Choice D is the correct answer. The Federalist Papers were published during the ratification process, and, at that time, the Articles of Confederation was widely considered to be untenable. The question was what form of government would replace it. John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry increased regional tension before the Civil War, and President George Washington's suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion demonstrated the strength of the U.S. Constitution.

Trade routes

From ancient times linked Africa Asia and Europe resulting in exchanges and migrations of people philosophies and religions as well as goods.

What island chain became popular when Darwin wrote about them in his book, On the Origins of Species by Natural Selection?

Galapagos Islands These islands had been untouched by mankind which helped Darwin see exactly how much evolution had happened. The unusual fauna and giant tortoises on the island helped influence Darwin into believing that natural selection was possible.

What general helped the people of Egypt rise against Britain and secure their own freedom?

General Nasser After World War II, Egypt wanted their independence from the British royal government and General Nasser organized the people of Egypt in a rebellion. They were successful and in 1953, Egypt became its own nation.

People make decisions about how to allocate their resources for maximum success and happiness. They assess the utility, or happiness, each decision will give them. They weigh the costs and benefits of each possible action. These decisions will:

Generate demand that affects prices and output levels in markets.

Literature, earth science, mathematics and fine arts

Geographic principles are useful when reading to help identify visualize the setting also when studying latitude longitude sun angle population statistics song art dance often reflect different cultures. Consequently a good background in geography can help students succeed in other subjects as well.

Describe some uses of geography.

Geography involves learning about the world's primary physical and cultural patterns to help understand how the world functions as an interconnected and dynamic system. Combining information from different sources geography teaches the basic patterns of climate geology vegetation human settlement migration and commerce.

A third grade teacher is going to assess his students on the social studies unit he has been teaching. The unit involves the dance and music of the Ojibwa a Native American tribe whose culture is important in the local area. He wants to make sure that the students are prepared for the end of the year state assessment concerning this unit of historical information. Which of the following assessments should he use in preparation for the test?

Give students a vocabulary test with content terms for music and dance. Choice A is a performance assessment and not likely to give indications of specific content learned. Choice B as a checklist is best used to determine content at a glance but gives no indication of whether or not that content would then be transferable to a state assessment whose format is usually multiple choice. Choice C is not an assessment but an activity. Only Choice D could be used to check student comprehension of the content including specific terms likely to be used on a state assessment.

The Industrial Revolution began in which of the following regions of the world?

Great Britain.


Have no trees and are always wet because of frequent floods and poor drainage that leaves shallow water. Plants are mostly grasses rushes reeds typhas sedges and herbs.

What area has the most geopolitical importance under the Heartland Theory?

Halford John MacKinder's Heartland Theory emphasizes the strategic importance of Eastern Europe, Russia and Western China due to their central position on the World Island. Thus, Choice B is the correct answer. The Eurasian coastal land is prioritized in the Rimland theory. The Arab Gulf, Mesopotamia, North America, and South America all have immense geopolitical value in America's foreign policy approach.

What Carthaginian general is known for his failed attempt to lead elephants over the Alps?


Which of the following world religions believes in many gods and goddesses?

Hinduism. Followers of Hinduism an indigenous religion of India believes in one Supreme Reality (Brahman) manifested in many different gods and goddesses that oversee different aspects of life. Confucianism a Chinese religion does not address whether there are many gods or one. Followers of Sikhism an Indian religion originating in Punjab believe in a single god Om or Ik Om Kar. Islam founded by Muhammad in Saudi Arabia purports a single god Allah.

The Vedas are a body of texts central to which of the following religions?

Hinduism. This question tests your knowledge of the history of Hinduism, one of the world's major religions. The Vedas constitute a canon of hymns, ritual formulas, and incantations upon which all subsequent Hindu sacred texts build. They were written in an Indian language, Sanskrit, and traditionally they are four: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. A fifth text, the great epic Mahabharata, which contains the popular Bhagavadgita, or "Song of God," is often referred to as the "fifth Veda." Roughly, each of the four principle Vedas is broken down into an older core of Samhita, or metrical mantras, and later prose commentaries: the Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads. Buddhism and Jainism, which both evolved from the Hindu substratum of religions on the Indian subcontinent, were considered "heretical" by orthodox Hindus because they did not submit to the sacred authority of the Vedas. Judaism, by contrast, traces its cradle to the Sinai Peninsula, and its core text, to the Torah.

Which of the following represents the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population in the 21st Century?

Hispanic. It is expected that by 2050, Hispanics will make up 30% of the American population, while in 2008 they made up 15% of the population.

As the four major world powers participated in WWII, each mobilized their populations in the war effort. Which of the following is not true?

Hitler ordered a huge increase in the production of armaments and in the size of the army at the beginning of the war but decreased this production to bolster the morale of the German people as the war continued. Women were encouraged to get jobs in factories. During the first two years of the war, Hitler kept the production of consumer goods at pre-war levels and did not increase the production of armaments. As the war continued, he ordered a massive increase in the production of armaments and drastically increased the size of the military. Although women were asked to support the war effort, Nazis preferred that women remain at home. There was only a small increase in the number of women working in factories.

How do economists define elasticity?

How changes in one variable affect another variable. Elasticity describes how changes in one factor affect another variable. If the price of oranges rises, the demand for oranges may fall. But the demand for chocolate may remain high even if the price rises if it happens to be Valentine's Day.

You are using Johnny Appleseed's travels to introduce a theme concerning the deforestation and agricultural development in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. What theme of geography might be your focus?

Human-environmental interaction

The first economic system of the world was what?

Hunter-gatherer system.

A country's currency increases in value on foreign currency exchange markets. What will happen as a result? I. Exports will drop II. Imports will rise III. The balance of payments will rise

I and II

Which of the following countries borders the Red Sea? I: Egypt and Yemen; II:. Saudi Arabia and Sudan; III: Somalia and Oman.

I and II only. This question tests your knowledge of the location of an important body of water--the Red Sea. Egypt, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Sudan all have coastlines along the Red Sea.

Which of the following accurately describes the influence of Hull House?

Improved the social, economic, and educational conditions of the urban poor.

Which of the following is associated with market failure? I. When a firm in a non-competitive industry hires labor at a lower wage II. When the firms in a non-competitive industry create less than the efficient amount of a good or service III. When production of a good creates negative externalities born by third parties IV. Public goods

I, II, III, and IV

The area of the Middle East known historically as Kurdistan lies in which of the following countries? I: Iran and Iraq; II: Turkey and Syria; III: Armenia.

I, II, and III. This question tests your knowledge of human geography. Kurdistan is an area spanning the Zagros and Taurus Mountains in parts of the countries of Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, and Armenia. Despite religious differences in the area, historically the Kurds of Kurdistan share variants of the same Indo-Iranian language and an ancient pastoral-agrarian culture. The historic regions of Kurdistan encompass the area where wheat was first domesticated.

How did Jim Crow laws impact the American South?

Immediately after the federal government withdrew troops from the South, ending Reconstruction, the Southern states enacted Jim Crow laws. These laws contravened the Reconstruction Amendments by preventing African Americans from voting and enforcing segregationist policies. Therefore, Choice D is the correct answer. African Americans voted for the first time during Reconstruction, but following the passage of Jim Crow laws, they couldn't vote until the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. The South didn't diversify from a one-crop economy (cotton) or industrialize until the 20th century. In addition, it wasn't related to Jim Crow. If anything, Jim Crow contributed to the continued focus on cotton as sharecropping replaced slavery.

What are powers not expressly written for an office?

Implied powers.

Outline the major changes in industry in the latter part of the 1800s.

Important events during this time of enormous business growth and large scale exploitation of natural resources were: -Industrialization Like the rest of the world the United States entry into the Industrial Age was marked by many new inventions and the mechanization of factories. -Railroad expansion The Transcontinental Railroad was built from 1865 to 1969. Railroad tracks stretched over 35000 miles in 1865 but that distance reached 240000 miles by 1910. The raw materials and manufactured goods needed for the railroads kept mines and factories very busy. -Gold and silver mining Mines brought many prospectors to the West from 1850 to about 1875 but mining corporations soon took over. -Cattle ranching This was a large scale enterprise beginning in the late 1860s but by the 1880s open ranges were being fenced and plowed for farming and pastures. Millions of farmers moved into the high plains establishing the Bread Basket which was the major wheat growing area of the country.

Describe the colonization of Virginia its effects and the efforts of the Virginia Company.

In 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh landed on Roanoke Island and sent Arthur Barlow to the mainland which they named. Two attempts to establish settlements failed.

Massachusetts Bay Company

In 1628, the self-governed was organized, and the Indians sold most of the land to the English.


In 1787, a convention was called to write a new.

Describe Campaign Finance Reform through the Federal Election Campaign Act.

In 1974 Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act requiring candidates to disclose sources of campaign contributions and expenditures.

Anglican Church

In England King Henry VIII was denied a divorce by the pope so he broke away and established the. The Protestant reformation caused the Catholic to finally reform itself but the Protestant movement continued resulting in a proliferation of new denominations.

The capital of India is located:

In a monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate zone located about 100 degrees west of the antemeridian.

Democratic system

In a of government the people elect their government representatives. The word democracy is a Greek term that means rule of the people. There are two forms of democracy direct and indirect. In a direct democracy each issue or election is decided by a vote where each individual is counted separately. An indirect democracy employs a legislature that votes on issues that affect large numbers of people whom the legislative members represent. Democracy can exist as a parliamentary or a presidential. The US is a presidential indirect democracy.

National Voter Registration Act

In an effort to increase turnout Congress passed the in 1993. The is also known as Motor because it required states to make the process easier by providing services through drivers license centers as well as through disability centers schools libraries and mail in. Some states are exempt because they permit same day which enables voters to register to vote of the day of the election.

Promotional groups

In contrast advocate a greater cause and claim to represent the common interests of humankind. Examples of include Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. Membership in is open to all individuals and as such are much larger than protective.

Describe the Great Depression and the dust Bowl of the 1930s.

In the 1920s the rich got richer. After World War I however farmers were in a depression when foreign markets started growing their own crops again. Increased credit buying bank war debts a huge gap between rich and poor and a belief that the stock market would always go up got the nation into financial trouble.

When were The Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt built?

In the Old Kingdom.

Foreign Relations Authorization bills

In the US the legislature also has substantial power and influence which is reflected in the authority of Congress to pass.


Incorporates geography in discussions of battle strategies slavery trade routes ecological disasters the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and mass migrations.

Less of an item will make prices do what?

Increase in price.

When the prices farmers receive for their crops decline in a developed country this typically results in which of the following?

Increased urbanization. When the prices farmers receive for their crops decline in a developing country this typically results in a developing country this typically results in increased urbanization. When crop prices decline farmers can no longer make a living from their land. As a result they often choose to migrate to cities in search of low wage employment in the manufacturing or service sectors.

Americans in the British colonies in the 1760s were interested in all of the following except:

Independence Despite their increasing outrage at controversial British legislation and taxation, most colonists desired a reconciliation with the British rather than American independence, until the time of the Revolutionary War.

Representatives of the American colonies gathered in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress in 1774. Which was not one of the resolutions which came out of this congress?

Independency. The First Continental Congress resolved: 1. To defend other colonies if they were attacked. 2. To petition Parliament for representation. 3. To abstain from tea and wine (but not rum) to avoid the tax. They also swore off horse racing and cock fighting. The Congress served to unite the Congress for a common cause. The Second Continental Congress declared Independence.

Which of the following nations has the highest population of Muslims?

Indonesia. Indonesia has an estimated population of 238 million, of which 86% are Muslim. The population of Saudi Arabia is 28 million, Pakistan is 166 million, and Iran about 71 million.

Which of the following rivers is NOT in South America?


The Civil War had which of the following effects on the Confederate economy?

Inflation The South's output was primarily cotton. However, the North blockaded Southern ports, and prevented cotton from being exported. Because the South had no income, it was forced to print more and more money, resulting in higher and higher inflation.

A company has established a new process to manufacture biodegradable food containers. After it receives a patent for the process, the process becomes which of the following?

Intangible property

Which type of map is represented with this image?

Interrupted Students should be able to identify each of the four major types of map projections. With a cylindrical map, a cylinder is imagined to circle the globe and the lines of longitude and latitude are projected onto the cylinder from the spherical globe. This can stretch the distances from east to west. With a conic map, meridians are drawn in equal distances from a central point, usually a pole. A plane map imagines a flat surface onto which places on the globe are projected. An interrupted map "opens up" a globe leaving spaces empty to represent the less important areas, such as the expanses of the ocean. The map in the image is an interrupted map projection.

Unpaid childcare and household work is known as?

Invisible work.


Is a measure of supply in that demand is high when there is a or low supply of an item.

Hard money

Is contributed directly to a campaign.

Phone canvassing

Is typically done using a bank and therefore can reach even more people than field efforts. Is particularly useful in rural areas. However many individuals are not receptive to unsolicited calls which they associate with telemarketing.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using inquiry based learning in Social Studies?

It assures thorough content coverage

Which of the following correctly states the significance of the 38th parallel?

It marked the division between the Soviet and American Zones of Korea in 1945.

Some states are considering requiring citizens to have photo identification to vote. Why is this controversial?

It might deny some citizens their right to vote. Amendment XV of the U.S. Constitution states: The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." This was passed because some states were requiring freed blacks to take tests in order to vote. This understanding has been extended to anything that will keep someone from voting. If a photo i.d. is required some may not be able to go through the process of securing an i.d. They will then be denied the right to vote.

In an effort to unite against Napoleon's conquest of the world, a Quadruple Alliance was formed by all of these nations EXCEPT:

Italy. When Napoleon began to conquer lands, it was quickly becoming evident that he would not stop until he had control of all of Europe. Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria banded together in an effort to drive him back from their lands. It remained in effect with changes being made until 1822.

Who was the president of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis.

Who is the economist most responsible for developing antirecessionary policies?

John Maynard Keynes In 1936, John Maynard Keynes wrote the first macroeconomics book about fighting recessions. Adam Smith promoted the idea of the "invisible hand" which guides business. Thomas Malthus argued that the world faced overpopulation. Griffith Park is a park in Los Angeles donated by a millionaire named Griffith J. Griffith.

What secretary of state was responsible for ending the Vietnam War?

Kissinger He was responsible for helping Nixon in many different situations, with the Vietnam War being the most prominent. His books on relationships with other countries was one of the best sellers.

Pollution and the diversion of water for agricultural use have destroyed 90% of the Aral Sea, once a large body of water between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Which other large body of water in Kazakhstan is also under severe threat of ecological damage?

Lake Balkhash. Lake Balkhash is a lake in east-central Kazakhstan, one half of which contains fresh water, the other half, salt water. Like the Aral Sea, Lake Balkhash is shrinking because the rivers that flow into it are diverted for extensive agricultural use. In addition, pollution and overfishing threaten the lake.

The city of Granada, Nicaragua is located on the shores of which of the following bodies of water?

Lake Nicaragua. This question tests your knowledge of the human geography and location of historical cities of Spanish America. Granada, the old colonial capital of Nicaragua, was an important commercial city before the construction of the Panama Canal. Granada lies on the western shore of Lake Nicaragua. The correct answer therefore, is B.

Historical geographers analyze which of the following?

Land through a historical lens

North and South Poles

Latitude is measured in terms of the number of degrees from the equator. The Pole is located at 90 degrees latitude, while the Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude.

In the United States, treason is defined as what?

Levying war against the U.S. or adhering to a foreign enemy. Section 3 of Article III of the Constitution states that treason consists of "levying war against [the U.S.] or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Freedom of speech allows a citizen to speak out against the government.

Striking out a sentence from a bill and then passing it is called what?

Line veto This was declared to be unconstitutional and the bill was not able to be passed. Even today if something is changed in one house after it has passed through another, it must go back to be passed as the exact same bill in both houses.

What are scientists called who study the languages of the world?


What happened to the global population during the 20th century?

The population increased the most in world history.

You are introducing your class to anthropological studies. Who of the following is an example of an ethnographer?

Margaret Mead. Anthropology is the study of human culture. Archaeologists excavate and scientifically analyze the remains of extinct people to try reconstruct their lives. Richard Leaky is an archaeologist. Primatologists, such as Jane Goodall, study the group behavior of non-human primates. Ethnographers gather information about culture through fieldwork done on site. Margaret Mead is an example. Linguistic anthropologists study languages in their social contexts. Physical anthropologists study living and fossil human beings and primates. Sociologists study the social behavior of humans within a group. Gunnar Myrdal was a sociologist. Psychologists , such as B.F. Skinner study the human behavior of small groups and individuals.

Which of the following accurately characterizes the economic principle of marginal cost?

Marginal cost is subject to diminishing returns.

Elizabeth and Mary were both daughters of King Henry VIII. Mary was the older sister. Elizabeth I became queen of England in 1558. What happened to Mary?

Mary died at age 42 of uncertain causes following a false pregnancy. Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain had a large family and married off their daughters to make alliances. Caterina married Henry VIII. She was called Catherine in England. She bore him only one child, Mary, who survived infancy, and he later divorced her. She was his first wife of six. Anne Boleyn was his second wife. She bore Elizabeth, Mary's half sister. Mary was a Catholic like her mother. She married Phillip II of Spain, who encouraged her to reinstate England's Catholicism, after her father had broken with the church and declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England. She is nicknamed "Bloody Mary" because of the numerous Protestants she had arrested or executed. She failed to produce an heir and eventually died at the age of 42, during an influenza outbreak in the country. She died following a false pregnancy, and the pain it caused her has led to speculation that she suffered from uterine cancer or ovarian cysts.

Of the contiguous US states, which state extends farthest north?


What ancient king ruled from the city of Knossos on Crete?

Minos The kingdom of Minoan civilization helped to spread throughout the Mediterranean culture. Ruins have been found which show a strong worship of bulls which were considered to be sacred.

Which Supreme Court case enforced the civil rights of citizens to not incriminate themselves?

Miranda v Arizona. The Supreme Court ruled that statements made in interrogation are not admissible unless the defendant is informed of the right to an attorney and waives that right. The case of Miranda v Arizona was consolidated with Westover v United States Vignera v New York and California v Stewart.

Which is responsible for using change in the money supply to change interest rates in order to stimulate economic activity?

Monetary policy. Fiscal policy is using increased government spending to lower taxes to help fight recessions. 'Monetary' refers to money issues. Lowering interest rates encourages borrowing which leads to purchases which leads to a growing economy.

What is symbolically exchanged for goods?

Money This is exchanged since people have come to associate money with having value. If the value of money increases or decreases, so does this effect the price of the goods being sold.

What is the most influential special interest group in the United States?

NRA. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is considered the most influential special interest group.

What term is used for the meeting in which either the Democrats or Republicans meet in order to officially announce their candidate for Presidential office?

National Convention.

In what way did Native American and European colonists' family structures differ?

Native Americans traditionally live in extended kinship networks. As such, Native Americans define family as the nuclear family, extended family, tribal members, and/or entire nation. Fictive (non-blood related) kin are also commonly included as family members. In contrast, European colonists' families typically only included the nuclear and extended family. Therefore, Choice C is the correct answer. Men served as the primary provider of resources in both family structures; the European colonists didn't live more sustainably than Native Americans; and Native Americans also honored their elders.

Which Italian Renaissance figure was best known as a political philosopher?

Niccolo Machiavelli, perhaps best known for his book The Prince was an Italian Renaissance political philosopher noted for writing more realistic representations and rational interpretations of politics. In The Prince he popularized the political concept of the ends justify the means. Dante Alighieri was a great poet famous for his Commedia (additionally labeled Divina by contemporary poet and author Bocaccio who wrote the Decameron and other works) or Divine Comedy a trilogy consisting of Inferno Purgatorio and Paradiso (Hell Purgatory and Heaven). Dante's work helped propel the transition from the Medieval period to the Renaissance. Francesco Petrarca known in English as Petrarch was famous for his lyrical poetry particularly sonnets.


Nixon resigned the presidency in August of 1974 because some Republican party members broke into Democratic headquarters at the building in Washington DC and the president participated in covering up the crime. Ford succeeded Nixon and had to appoint another vice president.

Alaska is an exclave of the United States. What other state is an exclave?

None of the above; Montana, Florida, nor Maine


Nonetheless America quickly armed and transferred sufficient troops to Europe bringing the to victory in 1918.

Compare and contrast formal norms and informal norms.

Norms may be considered formal or informal depending on whether they are codified in the laws of the society in which they apply.

These teepees were commonly found as the dwelling place for the Plains Indians. On what continent were the Plains Indians found?

North America.

Which is NOT an example of a mixed economy?

North Korea

The Iroquois and the Algonquian tribes are associated with which of the following regions of the United States?

Northeast. The Iroquois and Algonquian tribes are northeastern tribes who lived in the Northeast and as far south as Tennessee.

On this world chart mapping oceanic temperatures, what color represents an unreliable temperature conclusion?

Orange. The middle area in orange can represent anything ranging from tropical to dry temperatures. In contrast, the green represents clearly tropical temperatures, the blue continental ones, and the purple polar temperatures. The temperature conclusion is more reliable as latitudes get closer to the poles, and much less reliable along the equator.

What territory, claimed by four nations, was eventually decided with the line for its control being drawn at 49 degrees?

Oregon. Four nations (US, Russia, Spain, and Britain) all claimed to own Oregon territory. One by one they left until it was just Britain and the US left. The line was drawn at the 49th degree which gave the land to the south to the US and the land to the north to Canada.

This helped to connect North and South America with one central roadway.

Pan-American Highway This was made to help promote the transport of goods and people from North to South America and vice versa. It is connected through a series of multiple highways in different nations.

During the early days of the American government, which was true?

Parties evolved around candidates. George Washington was elected by the electoral college in 1789 which had been established by the Constitution. It was composed of men elected by popular vote or by state legislature. The two party system is not mandated anywhere in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson said," If I could not go to heaven but with a [political] party, I would not go at all." Parties evolved around the candidates and issues.

In 1850, California was admitted into the Union as a state in exchange for which of the following?

Passage of the Fugitive Slave Act. The Compromise of 1850 represented a balance between southern pro-slavery interests and northern anti-slavery interests. On the southern side of the Compromise went passage of the Fugitive Slave Act and federal compensation to Texas (a slave state), for having relinquished certain territorial claims, while the northern side received California as a free state and abolition of the slave trade in Washington D.C. In the middle, the territory of New Mexico was annexed, leaving the issue of slavery to be decided by voters, and the tradition of exploiting the labor of slaves—though not the practice of buying and selling them—was allowed to remain in D.C.

Peace which spread throughout the Roman Empire during Augustus' reign was known as what?

Pax Romana. Augustus established this throughout the empire which led to people not having to worry about constant fighting. It was instrumental in getting people interested in pursuing other arts and helped the Roman Empire to flourish. It remained in place until Marcus Aurelius.

Which of the following colonies was known for its fair treatment of Native Americans?

Pennsylvania. Founded on Quaker principles of non-violence, mutual respect and religious tolerance, William Penn's Pennsylvania was known for its fair treatment of Native Americans as compared to other English colonies.

After the Renaissance, people like Prince Henry of Portugal and others LIKELY believed that:

People could find out new and interesting information from experiencing and observing the world around them.

"The French have no sense; they give us twenty knives... for one beaver skin." An Algonquin Indian, 1634. Why did the French want beaver skins?

People in France and England were craving them for hats.

Adapt and environmental conditions

People to in ways as simple as putting on warm clothing in a cold environment finding means to cool their surroundings in an environment with high temperatures building shelters from wind rain and temperature variations and digging water wells if surface water is unavailable. More complex adaptations result from the physical diversity of the earth in terms of soil climate vegetation and topography. Humans take advantage of opportunities and avoid or minimize limitations. Examples of limitations are that rocky soils offer few opportunities for agriculture and rough terrain limits accessibility.

You pose a question to your fourth grade social studies class: How can we keep our playground clean? You break your class into small groups and ask them to propose solutions to your question. They then report to the whole group which then votes on two choices that might be presented to the rest of the school. Which aspect(s) of the social studies curriculum would this exercise use?

People, places and environment with civics and practices

List the types of physical and cultural features of geographic locations and countries that are frequently studied

Physical features -Vegetation zones or biomes Forests grasslands deserts and tundra are the four main types of vegetation zones. -Climate zones Tropical dry temperate continental and polar are the five different types of climate zones. Climate is the long term average weather conditions of a place. Cultural features: -Population density This is the number of people living in each square mile or kilometer of a place. It is calculated by dividing population by area. -Religion This is the identification of the dominant religions of a place whether Christianity Hinduism Judaism Buddhism Islam Shinto Taoism or Confucianism. All of these originated in Asia. -Languages This is the identification of the dominant or official language of a place. There are 12 major language families. The Indo European family which includes English Russian German French and Spanish is spoken over the widest geographic area but Mandarin Chinese is spoken by the most people.

Compare and contrast physical and cultural geography and physical and political locations.

Physical geography is the study of climate water and land and their relationships with each other and humans. Physical geography locates and identifies the earth's surface features and explores how humans thrive in various locations according to crop and goods production.

Which of the following best describes the interaction of physical systems and human systems?

Physical systems and human systems influence and change each other

In the 16th century, pirates and privateers patrolled the North Atlantic coast. What is the difference between a pirate and a privateer?

Pirates rob under no one's authority while privateers robbed under the order of a ruling nation. A pirate commits robbery under no one's authority, while a privateer's acts are under the orders of a ruling nation. However, the realities of their work were often identical. They had bases along the coast of Virginia to Florida and throughout the Caribbean. Both might take hostages, but for different reasons.

Define plains deserts deltas and basins.

Plains are extensive areas of low lying flat or gently undulating land and are usually lower than the landforms around them. Plains near the seacoast are called lowlands.

What can we conclude of Planet Earth from the point- of-view of a so-called World Ocean, as shown on this map?

Planet Earth is mainly water.

Life in the American British colonies was good. Which is one factor that did not contribute to this good life?

Plentiful labor. In colonial American, there was plenty of land and few people to work it. The land was cheap and available. The wages were high because workers were needed. The taxes were relatively low.

What court case established the separate but equal doctrine?

Plessy vs Ferguson This showed how African Americans could be given separate sections from Caucasian Americans as long as they were deemed to be of equal stature. The dissenting judges in the federal case argued that this was not constitutional. Years later, the ruling was overturned by another group of judges.

What power can the United States use to force states to follow their orders?

Police power. The nation will be allowed to force states to do what they had to do in order to make states follow what they are doing. This is seen as one of the problems in which the founding fathers were having to deal with.

Which type of map is depicted in the illustration?


Describe Modern Election Campaigns in the United States.

Political campaigns in the US have changed and continue to change as advances in technology permit varied campaign methods.

Match the conquerer with the conquered.

Ponce de Leon: Puerto Rico Ponce de Leon sailed with Columbus on one of his voyages. He found gold in Puerto Rico and became its governor. He set out to find the fountain of youth and discovered a new land which he named La Florida. Florida means "flowery" in Spanish. Cortes conquered the Aztecs. Pizarro fought the Incas.

The Treaty of Tordesillas gave the Western portion of the treaty line to Spain and the Eastern portion to which country?

Portugal. For this reason, the country of Brazil has Portuguese as its official language. The Treaty however did not take into account the other nations which were claiming sections of the New World for themselves.

Which of the following identifies an economic process known to improve trade and equipment, thus increasing surpluses?

Positive feedback loop. The positive feedback loop has been evident through various developments throughout the world. This process allows for people to become experts and improve tools and trade to create surplus.

President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce what Supreme Court decision?

President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the Supreme Court's decision in Worcester v. Georgia (1832), which established the concept of tribal sovereignty. Instead, Jackson encouraged the colonization of Native American land. United States v. Windsor (2013) established the right to same-sex marriage. Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) overturned the Missouri Compromise's prohibition on slavery in northern territories. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld the South's "separate but equal" segregation.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is the standard of reference for which of the following legal concepts?

Probable cause. The Fourth Amendment reads in full: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The government supports industry in direct and indirect ways. Direct ways may be safety standards, tax subsidies etc. Indirect support includes all of the following except:

Promoting brand name products in government industries

What are two types of efficiency which economists consider are necessary for success in business?

Productive efficiency and allocative efficiency. Productive efficiency is producing good or services using the fewest possible resources. Allocative efficiency is producing the kinds of goods that people will want in the quantities they want. Costs and distribution patterns are affected by these efficiencies.

The period of time in American history in which alcohol was outlawed was known as what?


What is NOT an effect of monopolies?

Promote a diverse variety of independent businesses

Assessment of environmental conditions

Proper enables responsible decision making with respect to how much and in what ways the resources a particular environment should be consumed.

A country with a large number of major national parties, each with its distinct political agenda, most likely has which of the following electoral systems?

Proportional representation. In proportional representation systems, since political parties obtain legislative seats in proportion to the percentage of votes they receive, there tend to be several national parties distinguished by fairly wide discrepancies in political outlook, pushing forward specific political agendas, as contrasted with the United States, where there are just two major parties, with broadly similar agendas differing mainly in terms of ideology.

The local park plans a concert with a live orchestra. They sell tickets. The neighbors gather outside the park to enjoy the music. What is this concert an example of?

Public goods. Public goods are goods or services that are impossible to provide for just one person or group. The music cannot be contained inside an outdoor park.

Survey sampling

Public opinion is often measured and evaluated using.

Define Public Opinion

Public opinion represents the collective attitudes of individual members of the adult population in the United States of America. There are many varied forces that may influence public opinion. These forces include public relations efforts on the part of political campaigns and political parties. Another force affecting political opinion is the political media and the mass media. Public opinion is very important during elections particularly Presidential elections as it is an indicator of how candidates are perceived by the public and of how well candidates are doing during their election campaigns.

A local library receives government funding while community members pay some fees, at times. This type of institution is part of which of the following?

Public sector

The term re-apportionment refers to:

Re-allotting seats in the House of Representatives based on demographic shifts. As established in 1911 by Public Law 62-5, there are a total of 435 seats currently assigned in the House of Representatives, so the total number of House members will not change until a new law is passed to that effect. Redrawing Congressional districts along partisan lines is known as gerrymandering, while the apportionment of Congressional funding is assigned by budgetary criteria not directly tied to population changes. The correct answer therefore, is B: Re-apportionment refers to the re-allotting of seats in the House of Representatives based on demographic shifts.

Roger Williams of Providence, R.I. was ejected from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for a belief the U.S. guarantees today. What was it?

Religious Freedom

What sort of government does the United States have?

Representative republic. The United States allows for each person who is of legal age to vote for the person who will represent them in the government. This means each representative which goes to office represents the people. It is not a true republic since it would be impossible to have everyone at the same place at once.

The late 19th Century business practice which came to be called "Morganization" involved:

Restructuring railroads on the brink of bankruptcy to make them efficient and profitable. J. P. Morgan used his financial leverage to help organize and consolidate several failing railroads in the late 1880's. Morgan's organizational skills, as well as his wealth, had the effect of attracting new investors, as well as eliminating the intense competition among the country's several railroad companies--competition that had driven most of them to the brink of extinction. As a result of Morganizaton, coast to coast transportation became streamlined, helping to boost America's industrial productivity.

Which of the following rivers marks part of the border between Mexico and the United States?

Rio Grande.

The capital of Saudi Arabia is:

Riyadh.-Riyadh. In addition to being the seat of the royal government, Riyadh, with a population of more than 5 million, is also Saudi Arabia's largest city. Jizan is a city in southwestern Saudi Arabia, near the border of Yemen, on the Red Sea coast. Jeddah is also on the Red Sea coast, but further to the north, just west of Mecca. Dubai, on the other side of the Arabian Peninsula on the Persian Gulf, is one of the seven city-states that make up the United Arab Emirates.

An early settlement in America is called the "Lost Colony." Which colony was this?

Roanoke Island Quebec was established by Champlain. It is the second oldest continuously occupied city in North America. Raleigh was settled by Sir Walter Raleigh. New Amsterdam was established by the Dutch. The settlement on Roanoke Island vanished in 1590. It is called "The Lost Colony."

Which of the following Civil War officers supported a plan to enlist slaves into the Confederate army in exchange for freedom, but rejected a different plan calling for a drawn-out guerilla war against the North?

Robert E. Lee.

Lake Baikal is a fresh water lake claimed to be both--the world's largest, and by volume, the world's deepest. Lake Baikal can be found in which of the following countries?


What treaty between US and Soviet Union put a slowdown on the manufacturing of nuclear weapons?

SALT. The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) were held because both sides were engaged in a Cold War with each other. By getting both sides to agree to it, it helped to cool the relationship which was hostile between both countries.

The 12th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in order to rectify flaws relating to which of the following government procedures?

Selection of the President and Vice-President.

The process of selling illegal goods is known as what?

Shadow economy.

Traditionally, cartographers identify how many continents?


How many original articles are in the U.S. Constitution?

Seven The U.S. constitution has seven original articles, preceded by a preamble and followed by various amendments. The first three articles set up the branches of national government. The next four articles deal with federal relationships.

Which of the following Christian denominations arose from the Second Great Awakening?

Seventh-Day Adventist Church. In approximately 1843, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church evolved from the Millerite movement that believed in the second coming of Christ.

What famous general during the Civil War burned Atlanta?

Sherman While on campaign, he burned down the city so that the South would not be able to use it for their own purposes. He is said to be the advocate for modern warfare and is quoted as saying, "War is hell."

Which of the following most accurately describes the changes China has undergone since 1976?

Shift from command to mixed economy. In 1976, Deng Xiaoping became China's Paramount Leader, and immediately began instituting reforms. In addition to effects on politics and education in China, the reforms led to a gradual shift from a command economy to a mixed economy incorporating free-market elements, such as allowing farmers to sell grain in the international commodities market. Chinese exports in all industries have increased dramatically since then, and China now is the fourth strongest economy in the world.

Which of the following pair of diseases did early European sailors take to, and bring back from the Americas?

Smallpox—Syphilis. In the New World, the historical epicenters of smallpox infection tend to cluster around the sites of first landfall. This is one reason why the indigenous populations of countries such as Cuba and Costa Rica—sites of some of the earliest Spanish exploration—today are far less in number than in countries such as Guatemala and Ecuador. In addition, scholars believe that sailors aboard the ships in Columbus' first voyage contracted syphillis from the native peoples of the Antilles, then initiated the spread of the Disease throughout the Old World when they served in various European wars.

Explain the process of making a formal amendment to the Constitution.

So far there have been only 27 amendments to the federal Constitution. There are four different ways to change the wording of the constitution two methods for proposal and two methods of ratification: -An amendment is proposed by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress and ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures -An amendment is proposed by a two third voice in each house of Congress and ratified by three fourths of the states in special conventions called for that purpose. -An amendment is proposed by a national convention that is called by Congress at the request of two thirds of the state legislatures and ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures. -An amendment is proposed by a national convention that is called by Congress at the request of two thirds of the state legislatures and ratified by three fourths of the states in special conventions called for that purpose.

To what islands does the island of Tahiti belong?

Society Islands The principal administrative city for the region is located in Papeete although most people do not visit that island. It is a grouping of two separate island chains called the Windward Islands and Leeward Islands.


Sometimes allows humans to live in areas that were once inhabitable or undesirable. For example air conditioning allows people to live comfortably in hot climates modern heating systems permit habitation in areas with extremely low temperatures as is the case with research facilities in Antarctica and airplanes have brought people to previously inaccessible places to establish settlements or industries.

Africa has many nations. Which is an example of a perforated state?

South Africa. A perforated state completely surrounds another. An example would be Italy which surrounds San Marino or South Africa which surrounds Lesotho. An enclave is a state completely surrounded by another, like Vatican City in Italy. An island is land completely surrounded by water. An exclave is a piece of territory which is not an island which is separated from its state by another state, like Alaska. A fragmented state is one with parts separated from it. The U.S. is a fragmented state because of Hawaii and Alaska.

Which of the following was the first European colony established in North America?

Spanish explorers established St. Augustine in 1565. All other colonies were founded at least a decade later. Sir Walter Raleigh founded Roanoke in 1585, making it the first British colony, but it was abandoned in 1590. Established in 1607, Jamestown was the first successful British colony. The British explorer Henry Hudson explored Hudson's Bay in the 1610s, and the French established trading outposts in the area during the 1670s. Thus, Choice A is the correct answer.

Describe geography in terms of spatial organization.

Spatial organization in geography refers to how things or people are grouped in a given space anywhere on earth.

What was the first permanent European settlement in North America?

St. Augustine. The Spanish set up a military base in order to gain a foothold in the New World. It is the oldest settlement in the United States which is still standing.

Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler came to power in the 1920s and 1930s after World War I. Each created a dictatorial state. Which of the following are incorrectly matched?

Stalin : Social Darwinism

In what city did the Soviets launch a counterattack against the Germans, driving them back from the U.S.S.R.?


What act passed by Britain against 18th century American colonists was considered the breaking point?

Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was passed to make sure that every piece of paper which entered into the colonies was being taxed. This included all forms of mail as well as any legal documents. This was passed to make sure that Britain was receiving the money it needed from the colonists as well as censoring what was being said.

After WWII, Japan adopted a new constitution which embodied the principles of universal suffrage and a balance of power between three branches of government -- the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Japan's current model for its economy could be labeled:

State capitalism

Describe state and local elections.

State elections are regulated by state laws and constitutions. In keeping with the ideal of separation of powers the legislature and the executive are elected separately at the state level as they are at the federal level. In each state a Governor and a Lieutenant Governor are elected. In some states the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are elected on a joint ticket while in other states they are elected separately from one another. In some states executive positions such as Attorney General and Secretary of State are also elected offices. All members of state legislature are elected including state senators and state representatives. Depending on the state members of the state supreme court and other members of the state judiciary may be chosen in elections.

What speech must the President give once a year about the nation?

State of the Union This address talks about all of the major issues which the nation is dealing with currently. The reasoning behind this address is to be able to alert the people as to what is on the agenda for the upcoming year and what has happened already.

Workers in which of the following economic sectors organized in the early 20th Century to create industrial unions that included non-skilled laborers?

Steel and textile mills.

Which of the following accurately states the shape and mechanism of the long-run Phillips curve?

Straight vertical line; in the long term, there is no correlation between unemployment and inflation, as the latter will continue to rise, and the former will remain stable at a natural rate. In the long term, inflation and unemployment rates are independent of each other. Over long periods of time, unemployment rates tend to stabilize around a natural rate, and this rate can only be determined by economic factors independent of inflation.

These are buildings erected throughout the world which are for either Buddha or another important Buddhist saint figure. What are they called?


Economists have discovered that the demand curve for fresh fruits and vegetables is steeper in Goratania than in Terragonia. Which of the following statements correctly describes consumer behavior in the fresh fruits and vegetables market of these two Pan-Terragonian nations?

Terragonians demand more fresh fruits and vegetables per given price increase than Goratanians.A steep demand curve compared to a shallow demand curve signifies that for a given change in price, the quantity demanded varies less on the steep curve than on the shallow curve. That is, for a given increase in prices, the less steep demand curve implies that buyers demand more of a product than buyers whose demand is described by the steep curve. The demand curve for fresh fruits and vegetables in Terragonia is less steep than the demand curve for the same produce in Goratania, implying that for a given price increase, Terragonians demand more than do Goratanians. In other words, the price elasticity of demand is greater in Terragonia than in Goratania. As for total quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables consumed, the slope of the demand curve alone cannot shed light on whether Goratanians consume more or less than Terragonians.

Which of the following principles of international law motivates the United States NOT to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

Territorial integrity. The principle of territorial integrity holds that the status quo in regard to the geographic limits of sovereignty takes precedent over pressures for secession even if such pressures are backed by ethnic and national histories that predate the legal establishment of territory, such as through treaties. To change previously recognized borders of a nation, according to the principle of territorial integrity, constitutes an act of aggression, and thus this principle can easily come into conflict with the principles of humanitarian intervention and self-determination, as in the cases of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, that the United States recognizes as regions within the sovereign nation state of Georgia.

Franklin Roosevelt and Josef Stalin worked together in WWII with Winston Churchill. What were these countries known collectively as?

The Allied Powers. Japan, Italy and Germany were the Axis powers. The allies of the U.S. were the Allied Powers.

Terra preta is a type of dark fertile soil found in:

The Amazon Basin.

The age at which citizens of the United States can vote is determined by:

The Constitution of the United States.

The destruction of ancient Chinese teachings, religions, and anything American related in China was known as what?

The Cultural Revolution The communists Chinese, led by Mao, destroyed anything that was related to the ancient Chinese culture as well as anything from the West, meaning America. By doing this, they hoped to discourage people from becoming capitalist and encourage them to stay communist.

You are introducing your advanced social studies class to the "Age of Enlightenment." You want them to understand how the changes in the world at that time have affected the world in which they live. Which project might be appropriate for your students?

The Declaration of Independence and the writings of Thomas Jefferson concerning it

All of the following are ways a bill can be prevented from becoming a law, EXCEPT:

The President forgets about the bill for ten days while Congress is in session.

The duty of trying cases of impeachment falls upon which of the following bodies of government?

The Senate. As Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution states: "The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law."

Well known tropical savanna regions of the world include:

The Serengeti in Tanzania and the Cerrado in Brazil. Tropical (and subtropical) savanna regions are characterized by grasslands with scattered trees and exist at both tropical and subtropical latitudes. They tend to be semi-arid to humid and contain vegetation adapted both to wildfires and grazing animals.

Appearing in brown on this world image, this geographic area is known for having average temperatures of minus 10 degrees Celsius. What is it?

The Tundra. The geographic area characterized by its climate is the subject of much research. The few animal species and vegetation that survives there does so under harsh conditions.

End to the economic depression

The benefit of this production was an. The influx of American personnel and supplies eventually brought victories in Europe in April of 1945 and in Asia the following August.

How was the Vice President chosen before the 12th Amendment was ratified?

The Vice President came in second in the Electoral College

Pilgrims and Mayflower

The Virginia Company sent 24 Puritan families known as to Virginia on the. In 1620 it landed at Plymouth Massachusetts instead.

When the Constitutional Congress asked the states to ratify the new Constitution they took a big risk. What was it?

The big states might not ratify because it might limit their rights.

Protestant Reformation

The began as an attempt to reform the Catholic Church but eventually led to the separation from it. In 1517 Martin Luther posted his Ninety Five Theses on the door of a church in Saxony which criticized unethical practices various doctrines and the authority of the pope. Other reformers such as John Calvin and John Wesley soon followed but disagreed among themselves and divided along doctrinal lines. Consequently the Lutheran Reformed Calvinist and Presbyterian churches were founded among others.

Which of the following most accurately describes manifest destiny?

The belief that America is exceptional and has a duty to spread its virtues westward


The first permanent English colony was founded by Captain John Smith in in 1607

In 1774, the "Intolerable Acts" caused something to happen in the American colonies that had not been happening previously. What was it?

The colonies united to help those in Boston.

Spatial organization is important for students to understand the organization of people places and environments that exists in the world. All of the following topics are essential to understand spatial organization except

The compass rose

The United States is comprised of 50 states. What are the states which are on the sometimes called "the lower 48" defined as?

The contiguous states

Modified gold standard

The currency system is based on a. There is an enormous store of to back up United States currency housed at Fort Knox Kentucky.

13th amendment

The declared slavery illegal.

Briefly define the hemispheres the North and South Poles the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.

The definitions for these terms are as follows Northern Hemisphere This is the area above or north of the equator.

Explain the differences between closed and open primaries in the direct primary system.

The direct primary system is a means for members of a political party of participate in the selection of a candidate from their party to compete against the other party's candidate in a general election.

Explain why and how people have adapted to environmental conditions.

The environment influences the way people live.

The tropical regions of the world are most prevalent near:

The equator.

What is a power that Congress has?

The executive branch determines the cabinet, while the judicial branch has the responsibility of interpreting the Constitution and laws. Even so, the legislative branch can check the president's power by impeaching him.

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government compose:

The federal government

All of the following statements are true of campaign finance in federal elections in the United States, EXCEPT:

The federal government provides unlimited matching funds for all campaign donations. Candidates can only make use of the federal government's public matching funds program for their campaign if they agree to certain restrictions on how much and in what manner they will spend the money raised. In the 2008 election, for example, President Barack Obama chose not to make use of the public matching funds program, and therefore, the government could not impose limits on the amount his campaign spent, nor on the manner in which it did so. Donations received from co-called "527 organizations" fall under the category of "soft money" ,and are not reported to the FEC by the candidates because said type Organizations are officially not directly affiliated with the candidate's campaign.

The Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac represented:

The first use of ironclad ships in naval warfare. The Confederate ironclad, Virginia, was the refurbished and renamed ship Merrimac, and was for a while invincible against the Union Navy off the coast of Virginia. Until, that is-- the Union assembled its own ironclad, Monitor, to serve as foil against the devastating onslaught of the Virginia.

The Trail of Tears was

The forced evacuation of Cherokee peoples into Oklahoma. The Trail of Tears was the forcible removal of Native American tribes from their homes in the Southeastern US to Oklahoma. The name came due to the high number of Native Americans who died on the journey.

Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan have which of the following in common?

The foundations of their financial and industrial dynasties were built on meeting the demands of the Union Army during the Civil War.

Stock Market Crash

The in October 1929 that destroyed fortunes dramatized the downward spiral of the whole economy. Banks failed and customers lost all their money. By 1933 14 million were unemployed industrial production was down to one third of its 1929 level and national income had dropped by half.

When a nation feels threatened, it often undertakes controversial practices to protect itself. Which occurred during WWII?

The internment of Japanese and Italian citizens

The Allied invasion of Nazi-Occupied France needed to be carefully planned and precisely timed, not just to coordinate the massive numbers of troops involved, but also because:

The invasion needed to take place at low tide on a full-moon night. On June 6, 1944, the Nazi forces had occupied France for four years and had had ample time to fortify the coast with sunken defensive devices intended to thwart invasion by crippling ships and making it difficult to get to shore. In order to get landing craft close enough to the coast to unload troops and tanks, the invasion had to coincide with a low tide so that the obstacles were fully exposed on dry beaches.

Travelers to Mexico are often warned about "Montezuma's revenge." Who was Montezuma and why was he seeking revenge?

The king of the Aztecs who was killed by Cortes.

14th amendment

The made all persons born or naturalized in the country US citizens and forbade any state to interfere with their fundamental civil rights.

15th amendment

The made it illegal to deny individuals the right to vote on the grounds of race.

Define Mass Media and Public Opinion

The mass media is critical in developing public opinion. In the short term people generally evaluate information they receive relative to their own beliefs in the long term the media may have a considerable impact on people's beliefs. Due to the impact of the media on an individual's beliefs some experts consider the effects of the media on an individual's independence and autonomy to be negative. Others view the impact of the media on individuals as a positive one because the media provides information that expands worldviews and enriches life and fosters the development of opinions that are informed by many sources of information. A critical aspect of the relationship between the media and public opinion is who is in control of the knowledge and information that is disseminated through the media. Whoever controls the media can propagate their own agenda. The extent to which an individual interprets and evaluates information received through the media can influence behaviors such as voting patterns or consumer behavior as well as social attitudes.

The Pendleton Act of 1883 favored the use of:

The merit system to gain government jobs. This question tests your knowledge of government reform in the United States. The Pendleton Act of 1883 ruled that federal government jobs should be earned on the basis of qualifications, measured by tests, rather than political favoritism, based on party loyalty. It had no effect on the internal composition of political parties, or on local and state political "machines". The correct answer therefore, is C.

According to the numerology of the United States government, the number 13 is crucial since it represents:

The minimum number of appropriations bills Congress must pass every year. While the first states of the United States did number 13, and there are 13 levels to the pyramid on the Great Seal, the number 13 is crucial to the government, since at least 13 regular appropriations bills must be passed in order for the machinery of government to remain functioning every year.

A supply curve shows:

The minimum prices at which a company is willing to sell an amount of a good or service A supply curve shows the minimum prices at which a company is willing to sell a good or service. Production costs rise as quantities produced increase. Suppliers insist on higher prices as quantities increase. The slope of the curve is up.

At a rock concert, the band's newest CDs sell for $25.00. The previously released CDs sell for $15.00. The concession stands have an equal number of each CD. Why do the new CDs cost more?

The new CDs are in higher demand.

Negative economic aspects

The of abundant natural resources are -Environmental degradation if sufficient regulations are not in place to counter strip mining deforestation and contamination. -Corruption if sufficient regulations are not in place to counter bribery political favoritism and exploitation of workers as greedy companies try to maximize their profits. -Social tension if the resources are privately owned such that the rich become richer and the poor do not reap the benefits of their national resources. class divisions become wider resulting in social unrest. -Dependence if the income from the natural resources is not used to develop other industries as well. In this situation the economy becomes dependent on one source and faces potential crises if natural disasters or depletion take away that income source.

List the original 13 colonies and the major turning points of the Revolution.

The original 13 colonies were Connecticut Delaware Georgia Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina and Virginia. Delaware was the first state to ratify the constitution.

The term Velvet Revolution refers to:

The peaceful protests in Czechoslovakia in November,1989 which led to the collapse of the Communist government.

Describe the immigration trends in the late 1800s and their effects.

The population of the United States doubled between 1860 and 1890 the period that saw 10 million immigrants arrive. Most lived in the north.

Explain how the positive economic effects of abundant natural resources can result in negative effects.

The positive economic aspects of abundant natural resources are an increase in revenue and new jobs where those resources have not been previously accessed. For example the growing demand for oil gas and minerals has led companies to venture into new regions.

What power is exclusive to state governments in the United States?

The power to hold and regulate elections is reserved to the states, so Choice D is the correct answer. The powers to enforce immigration laws and establish lower federal courts are exclusive to the federal government. The federal and state governments share the power to charter corporations.

The government publishes a study that eating mangoes reduces wrinkles. Previously mangoes sell for 2 for $1.00. Now the supermarkets list them for $2.00 a piece. Shoppers continue to buy. What is this an example of?

The price reflects the higher demand.

London is the capital of England. Greenwich is also an important city. Why is Greenwich important?

The prime meridian runs through it. Greenwich is located on the prime meridian. It is the place where time zones are set. The time there is called Greenwich Mean Time or GMT.

You are the inventor and primary distributor of "bunny bracelets," an Easter accessory that is all the rage in elementary schools. Kids add or trade bunnies to a bracelet with egg shaped loops. You produce 10,000 bracelets a day. It is May. Your sales are dropping precipitously. Which economic principle is being demonstrated?

The principle of diminishing returns

The United States has NOT successfully overthrown the government in which of the following countries?

The question is asking which government was NOT overthrown with American assistance. President John F. Kennedy attempted to overthrow the Cuban government in 1961, but his Bay of Pigs invasion was a disastrous failure. The United States provided military support, training, and/or funding in Iran, the Dominican Republic, and Chile. All three governments were successfully replaced with pro-American dictators. Therefore, Choice B is the correct answer.

When interpreting a map, what does 'scale' mean?

The ratio of the distance on the map and the corresponding distance on the surface of the earth

This bar graph of average monthly temperatures in Bangkok, Thailand, justifies what fact about that city?

The relative consistency of temperatures year round make it an attractive touristic location.

Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854

The repeated the Missouri Compromise of 1820 to allow the lands from the Louisiana Purchase to settle the slavery issue by popular sovereignty. Outraged Northerners responded by defeating from the Whig Party and starting the Republican Party.

One tenet of geographical studies asks students to identify how conditions of the past affect the present human characteristics of places. For example, deforestation while clearing land for farming during the period of home-steading in the mid-west contributed to the conditions which led to the dust-bowl of the 1930's.. With this in mind, which of the following statements is false?

The richness of the physical environment has no effect on the wealth of the people.

Teapot Dome scandal

The rocked the Harding administration.

Simple random sampling

The simplest method of survey is referred to as. Makes sure that each and every possible subset of the defined population which has the desired sample size is given the same probability of being selected.

Define Political Campaign Staff

The staff employed by a political campaign receive a salary in exchange for their efforts to devise and implement a strategy for a successful campaign.

Shawn is running for president. After a grueling campaign and election day, Shawn wins 26 states! Unfortunately, Shawn still loses. Why?

The states Shawn won did not have enough electoral votes to win.

List the states that formed the Confederacy and identify the following leaders of the War Between the States Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Robert E Lee and Ulysses S Grant.

The states that seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy were Georgia Arkansas South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Florida Mississippi Alabama Louisiana Texas and Tennessee. The slave holding states that were kept in the Union were Delaware Maryland Kentucky and Missouri.

Which of the following statements is an accurate description of the establishment of the judicial branch of the United States federal government?

The structure and staffing of the federal judiciary had to await passage of an act during Washington's tenure before they were clearly enumerated. This question tests your knowledge of how the first federal government of the United States established the structure of the judiciary. Since Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution is rather vague with respect to the structure of the judiciary, stating only that "the judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish," Washington, upon taking office, took the time to help Congress "ordain and establish" it. The result was the Judiciary Act of 1789 which established the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court; its six Justices (one Chief, five Associates); the office of the Attorney General; judicial districts with circuit and district courts, etc.

The fastest growing portion of the Brazilian population lives in:

The suburbs.

This provision of our original U.S. Constitution has been called "a stain" on our democracy. It was a compromise granted to the Southern states. What was it?

The three-fifths rule. This provision granted the Southern states the right to count their slaves as three-fifths of a person for population totals. This determined their representation in the Congress. This rule has often been called a "stain" on our democracy.

Which of the following best defines American GDP?

The value, in American dollars, of all goods and services produced within American borders during one calendar year

Define the term values as it is used in sociology.

The values of a culture are its highest ideals. In the United States for example we would say that freedom and equality are two of our most important values. Values are usually very great concepts. They may be complementary as for example the values of hard work and material success seem to go together. Values are quite fluid and a major focus of sociology is observing how they change over time. Values may come into conflict with one another which can create social conflict and disorganization. An example of this is the conflict in mid twentieth century America between the values of equal rights and segregation ultimately it was clear that only one of these values could remain.

What type of government is ruled by religious figures?


All of the following facts about the Pyrenees mountain range, circled in red in on the map, are true EXCEPT

There are no passes through the mountains and one has to fly across There are a few passes, including the pass of Roncesvalles from the "Song of Roland", based on the 778 battle that took place at that location. The mountain range separates France and Spain, contains the principality of Andorra, and extends 270 mi (430 km) .

Split over slavery

Thereafter the caused the party of dissolve.

How are members of the Federal Judiciary chosen?

They are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. According to Article III of the Constitution Justices of the Supreme Court judges of the courts of appeals and district courts and judges of the Court of International Trade are appointed by the President with the confirmation of the Senate. The judicial branch of the government is the only one not elected by the people.

This world climate map shows that Africa, Australia, and South America have what in common?

They are unaffected by Continental climate.

Central Powers

They fought against the of Germany Austria Hungary Bulgaria and Turkey. In 1917 the United States joined the Allies and Russia withdrew to pursue its own revolution. World War I ended in 1918.

The British needed troops to fight the rebels in the American colonies. They had a standing army of 50,000 men but army life was hard and not attractive to the English people. How did they raise more troops?

They hired Hessians to fight with them. The Hessians were soldiers who worked for German princes. The Americans were insulted that foreigners were being used to fight against them.

The Tuaregs people of the Sahara were nomadic. What does nomadic mean?

They moved from place to place.

Executive, legislative, and judicial

This constitution created the three branches of government with checks and balances of power

Southern hemisphere

This is the area below or south of the equator.

Eastern Hemisphere

This is the area between the North and South Poles. It extends east from the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line.


This level can levy and collect taxes borrow money establish courts define crimes and set punishments and claim private property for public use.

Spiro T Agnew

This situation resulted first from the resignation of Vice President in October of 1973 because of alleged kickbacks.

What was the first cash crop of the New World?


When the Constitution was first created, how were slaves counted in regards to votes?

Three-fifths of a person This allowed for the South to gain significant numbers without having to worry about slaves being able to cast their votes. It also backfired and made them gain more slaves so that they would have higher population numbers.

The chief occupation for the American colonists in the 1760s was farming. What was the number one manufacturing product?

Timber. Most Americans were farmers. Trees were plentiful and cheap to harvest. Shipbuilding boomed with one-third of British ships being built with American timber.

What kind of chart would be best for representing the major events of World War I?


Which of the following terms describes what happens to common resources as a result of human greed?

Tragedy of the commons. The Tragedy of the Commons demonstrates that in a situation where the consequences of a course of action are shared among a collective, while the benefits are reaped by an individual within the collective, people will then to take actions that in the long term are detrimental to the group as a whole. This is a tragedy because, in seeking their own personal gain, the group as a whole is hurt. Examples would be the Gulf of Mexico dead zone and unregulated logging.

In the United States Bill of Rights, the Seventh Amendment ensures which of the following rights?

Trial by jury in civil cases. The right to request a trial by jury in civil cases has been applied to federal cases, but not necessarily to cases under the state jurisdiction. As the Supreme Court stated in Curtis v. Loether (1974): "It is clear that the Seventh Amendment entitles either party to demand a jury trial in an action for damages in the federal courts." The Supreme Court decision of Minneapolis & St. Louis R. Co. v. Bombolis (1916) ruled that "the Seventh Amendment applies only to proceedings in courts of the United States. It does not in any manner govern or regulate trials by jury in state courts." The Seventh Amendment reads in full: "In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

All of the following countries have coasts along the Caspian Sea, EXCEPT:

Turkey. This question tests your knowledge of an important geographic feature in the world. Caspian Sea coastlines are found in Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan. Turkey has coastline along the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

The mountain range located between Russia and Kazakhstan is called what?

Ural Mountains. These mountains form a natural barrier between the two nations. It was rapidly developed after World War II when many Soviets moved their factories to this region in fear of the West.

The Indus River Valley Civilization is best known for which of the following major contributions?

Urban planning. Located in what is now Pakistan and India the civilization is also noted for its recognition of the importance of hygiene in the urban environment. Choice B is attributed to ancient China. Choice C arose in ancient Sumer. Choice D first arose in Mesopotamia and Minoan Crete.


Used the first known writing system which enabled the Sumerians to leave a sizable written record of their myths and religion advanced the development of the wheel and irrigation and urbanized their culture with a cluster of cities.

"Revolutionary Social-Democracy has always included the struggle for reforms as part of its activities. But it utilizes 'economic' agitation for the purpose of presenting to the government, not only demands for all sorts of measures, but also (and primarily) the demand that it cease to be an autocratic government. Moreover, it considers it its duty to present this demand to the government on the basis, not of the economic struggle alone, but of all manifestations in general of public and political life. In a word, it subordinates the struggle for reforms, as the part to the whole, to the revolutionary struggle for freedom and for socialism." The preceding passage most closely reflects the ideas of which of the following political theorists?

V. I. Lenin. The quoted passage is from the third chapter of V. I. Lenin's What Is to Be Done?

Unlike slaves, who were considered to be the property of their masters, most indentured servants in colonial times:

Voluntarily entered into servitude. Indentured servants agreed to work for a set period of time in exchange for transportation to the New World and such basic necessities as food and shelter. They did not receive wages and were generally not highly-educated people. Employers often viewed indentured servants with scorn and treated them as harshly as they treated slaves.

In the United States, only citizens have the right to:


Geographical and environmental connections

Voting citizens need to have an understanding of to make responsible decisions.

The Seven Years War, called the French and Indian War by the Colonists:

Was a conflict related to European colonization. The Seven Years War was a global military conflict. In the Americas, the conflict was largely between Western European countries, Great Britain and France, in particular.


Was an Italian city state that grew into an empire extending from the British Isles across Europe to the Middle East. It lasted for 1000 years and became the foundation of the Western world's culture language and laws.

The Fatah political party controls regions in which of the following areas?

West Bank. The other main Palestinian political party, Hamas, controls regions in the Gaza Strip.

Mrs. Robinson organizes her learning unit on roadways around four questions which reflect her learning objectives. Which learning objective is most likely being addressed by a video presentation: Highways and Byways?

What are the different types of roads and why are they different?

In economic terms, demand means:

What consumers want and are willing and able to pay for

A cross cultural psychologist is starting a new study. Which of the following questions is the psychologist most likely to explore?

What different social clues do people in the US and China rely on?

What is a "price floor?"

When the government keeps the price of a product above the market equilibrium in order to raise the profits of the producers. When the government wants to help a segment of the the economy viable, it will set a price floor. The price is above market equilibrium. An example is setting the price of milk to help dairy farmers.

In Uzbekistan, intensive irrigation for cotton production has caused the Aral Sea to shrink to less than half its size in just 40 years, resulting in:

Widespread desertification

Compare the participants of World War I and World War II.

World War I which began in 1914 was fought by the Allies Britain France Russia Greece Italy Romania and Serbia.

Explain the role of the United States in World War II.

World War II began in 1939.

Maria is born in Italy while her mother is home visiting her family there. Her mother is a naturalized citizen of the U.S as is her father. Is Maria a citizen of the U.S.?

Yes, she is a citizen because her mother is a U.S. citizen. Amendment XIV states: All persons born or naturalized in the United States... are citizens of the United States..." Maria's parents are U.S. citizens. Maria could hold dual citizenship in Italy if she wished but in the U.S. she would be considered a citizen. This is a very difficult question concerning the children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S.

Microeconomics focuses on which of the following?

citizens' expenditures and investment habits

What determines the air temperature of a climate zone?

reradiation. The air temperature of a climate zone is affected by the sun's rays and the surface absorption or reflection factor. Some surfaces absorb more heat (like the dark oceans); some reflect heat (like the polar ice.) Reradiation is the process of the surface reflecting or absorbing heat and thereby heating the air.

Mundus Novus was a European term for

the New World

The continents of the world are not stable masses. They drift on tectonic plates that move as much as several inches a year. When they collide an earthquake might occur. What is the spot on the surface right above the focus of an earthquake called?

the epicenter

What defines the official language of a nation?

the language designated by law. The official language of a nation is decreed by law. The official language of Namibia is English even though only about 2% of the people speak this as a first language. A language family is related to its historic origins. The U.S.A. has no official language.

Who was one of the first sociologists to discuss the concept of social integration by suggesting that there are various types of solidarity among social groups and society?

Émile Durkheim. Durkheim was one of the first modern sociologists, and he helped to establish the concept of social integration. He suggested that there are different types of solidarity among groups: mechanical and organic.

Reserved powers

Are not granted to the national government but not denied to the states.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Puritans?

All of these statements are true regarding the Puritan movement. These are all true. Because the Puritans took on a Reformed theology they were in this sense Calvinists. However many Puritans endorsed radical views that criticized such Calvinists as founder John (Jean) Calvin and Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli in Switzerland. Not only were Puritans critical of Calvinists despite their mutual Reformed approaches reciprocally many Calvinists were opposed to the Puritans as well. The Puritan movement changed less in American colonies than in England during the 1660s. Following the Restoration (1660) and the Uniformity Act (1662) in England nearly all of the Puritan clergy objected and left the Church of England thereby creating a dramatic change in the movement in that country. Nevertheless in America the Puritans who had emigrated from England continued their original Puritan traditions for a longer time as they had neither the same Anglican Church as in England nor the legislation restoring earlier church status against which the English Puritans had reacted.

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation decreed the freedom of slaves in:

All the states of the Confederacy. As the Emancipation Proclamation declares, "That on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1863, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom."

Which of the following mountain ranges is considered the original homeland of the Turkic people?

Altai. The Altai Mountains of Central Asia are located along the borders of northern Mongolia, southeastern Russia, eastern Kazakhstan, and western China.

Which of the following locations was NOT subjected to American imperialism?

Although American forces made several early attempts to take Canada from Britain, the United States was never able to successfully seize this territory. On the other hand, the United States did control the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

Which of the following advancements was NOT invented by Greek culture?

Although Greeks used the alphabet as the basis for their written language, leading to a diverse array of literature, they learned about the alphabet from Phoenician traders. All the other options, in contrast, were invented in Greece.

Which of the following rivers was known to the ancient Greeks as the Oxus and today marks the northern border of Afghanistan?

Amu Darya. The Amu Darya flows from the Pamir Mountains in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tadjikistan, and China, westward along the northern border of Afghanistan before turning north and heading toward the Aral Sea.

After the Civil War, some African American citizens were being denied the right to vote. What corrected this?

An amendment to the Constitution was added.

What is the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy reached when a student diagrams and compares the checks and balances of the legislative executive and judicial powers of the US government?

Analysis. The student project shows analysis of thought in which the student recognizes patterns organizes parts identifies components and clarifies potential misunderstandings. A project of evaluation Choice A would judge the checks and balances process. A project of synthesis Choice C would create new knowledge from the process. A project of knowledge Choice D would just show the checks and balances of the governmental process.

"Hence it is evident, that absolute monarchy, which by some men is regarded as the only government in the world, is indeed inconsistent with civil society, so can no form of civil-government at all. For the end of civil society being to avoid and remedy those inconveniencies of the state of nature, which necessarily follow from every man being judge in his own case, by setting up a known authority, to which every one of that society may appeal upon any injury received, or controversy that may arise, and which every one of the society ought to obey. Wherever any persons are who have not such an authority to appeal to, for the decision of any difference between them, there are those persons still in the state of nature. So is every absolute prince, in respect of those who are under his dominion." The preceding quotation, from John Locke's Second Treatise of Government, is consistent with all of the following political ideologies, EXCEPT:

Anarchism. This question tests your ability to understand an excerpt from a text on political theory and relate its ideas to various political ideologies. The passage argues for a civil society whose citizens may appeal to a known authority to mediate cases of injury or controversy, and also to avoid and remedy inconveniences arising from the state of nature. While communism advocates a classless egalitarian society in which property is held in common by all members, it does not advocate either an absolute ruler, or a complete lack of authority. Socialism too, while favoring an egalitarian society and an equal distribution of goods and property among citizens, does not lobby for the elimination of authority. The same holds true for liberalism which, while differing from both communism and socialism as to ownership of property, is similar to both in that it favors equality under law and a known, but limited, authority. All three, in fact, would argue that their ideology aims to avoid and ameliorate inconveniences arising from humanity's natural state, as opposed to social state. Only anarchism denies the setting up of a known authority, and thus a return to, or continuation of, a state of nature which is but the obverse of that in which Locke would place an absolute prince.


Are a channeled flow of water that start out as a spring or stream formed by runoff from rain or snow. Flow from higher to lower ground and usually empty into a sea or ocean. Great of the world include the Amazon Nile Rhine Mississippi Ganges Mekong and Yangtze.


Are accumulations of silt deposited at river mouths into the seabed. They are eventually converted into very fertile stable ground by vegetation becoming important crop growing areas. Examples include the of the Nile Ganges and Mississippi River.


Are artificial waterways constructed by humans to connect two larger water bodies Examples of are the Panama and the Suez.


Are large dry areas that receive less than 10 inches of rain per year. They are almost barren containing only a few patches of vegetation.


Are natural resources that have to be extracted and purified rather than created such as mineral ores.

Which of the following statement(s) most accurately describe(s) the role played by the United States in the League of Nations? I: President Woodrow Wilson actively campaigned for the establishment of the League of Nations, and urged the United States to join; II: Congress did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, and the United States therefore, never joined the League of Nations; III: The United States joined the League of Nations in March, 1920, but refused to participate in the Security Council.

I and II only. This question tests your knowledge of the history of events following World War I. Toward the end of the War, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson lobbied strongly in Congress for the establishment of "a general association of nations [that] must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike," and personally drafted said "specific covenants" of the association which eventually became the League of Nations. Despite Wilson's efforts of promotion, however, Congress did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, which within it legally established the League, and the United States therefore, never joined.

On July 1, 1987, President Ronald Reagan nominated Robert Bork for the position of Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. The confirmation hearings were extensively debated, and, on October 23, Bork was rejected for the post. Which of the following federal bodies rejected Bork's confirmation? I: Senate; II: House of Representative; III: Conference Committee on Judicial Nominations.

I only. According to Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, the President "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law." Therefore, as the correct answer, A attests, only the Senate is involved in the confirmation hearings of executive nominations such as required for Supreme Court justices. The Senate rejected Bork by a vote of 58 to 42.

In the United States, the term hard money refers to which of the following types of political donations? I: Donations that an individual makes to the campaign of a candidate running for office; II: Donations that an individual makes to a political party; III: Donations that an individual makes to a political action committee.

I only. Hard money is donated directly to specific candidates and is regulated by the Federal Election Commission. Soft money is contributed to political parties and committees to use at their discretion. It is not as heavily regulated by the FEC.

Firms that function in perfect competition have no control over the prices they charge. Assuming perfect competition, which of the following are true? I. There are many firms. II. Each firm has a small share of the market. III. They sell identical or nearly identical products. IV. They produce a unique product.

I, II and III only In perfect competition, there are many firms producing very similar products each providing for a part of the total market. An example of this is corn farmers who all produce corn for the same food market.

African Americans served in the Civil War and WWI. They hoped their service would allow them equality. Which happened during WWII?I. Blacks were admitted to the Army Air Corps and Marines for the first time. II. 600 African American pilots served in the Army Air Corps. III. The first African American general was appointed by the army. IV. Service units were completely integrated.

I, II and III only. Although some units were integrated, this was not universal. It was mostly done for economic reasons, not civil rights.

Following WWI, the U.S. pursued an isolationist policy wanting to stay out of world affairs. What did they "ignore" during the years following the war? I. Japan invaded China. II. Hitler invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia. III Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. IV. China invaded Japan

I, II and III only. Roosevelt wanted to avoid another war. He sent letters to Mussolini and Hitler which were ignored. Japan invaded China and "accidentally" sank a U.S. gunboat in a Chinese river in 1937.

The Treaty of Paris 1763 did much to establish territorial propriety in America. Which of the following are correct? I. The British got all of Canada. II. The British got all of America east of the Mississippi. III, The British got Florida and some Caribbean Islands. IV. The British got all of the territory west of the Mississippi.

I, II and III only. The Treaty of Paris effectively ousted the French from the eastern half of the continent. Some territories remained unexplored. Some west of the Mississippi belonged to the Spanish.

Which of the following are reasons that geography is important to the examination of history? I. Historians make use of maps in their studies to get a clear picture of how history unfolded. II. Knowing the borders of different lands helps historians learn different cultures' interactions. III. Geography is closely linked with the flow of resources, technology, and population in societies. IV. Environmental factors, such as access to water and proximity of mountains, help shape the course of civilization.

I, II, and IV only. Historians make use of maps in their studies to get a clear picture of how history unfolded, knowing the borders of different lands helps historians learn different cultures' interactions, and environmental factors, such as access to water and the proximity of mountains, help determine the course of civilization. The phrase "Geography is closely linked with the flow of resources, technology, and population in societies" is a characteristic of economics.

Which units of measurement may be used as part of the scale on a map? I. Miles II. Inches III. Meters IV. Leagues

I,II,III and IV. Cartographers, or map makers, use scale, the ratio of the distance on the map and the corresponding distance on the surface of the earth, when making maps. Maps are drawn to a reduced scale or they would be as large as the area being represented. A map's scale is expressed as a ratio, such as 1 inch:20,000 miles. Any unit of measurement may be used. A bar scale is often placed on the map to help the reader.

What famous Chinese-American architect is best known for his glass pyramid outside of the Louvre Museum?

I.M. Pei.

A filibuster is used to delay a bill. Where can a filibuster take place? I. The House II. The Senate III. Committees

II only. The House has strict rules that limit debate. A filibuster can only occur in the Senate where Senators can speak on topics other than the bill at hand and introduce amendments. A filibuster can be ended by a supermajority vote of 60 Senators.

All of the following are true of the Supreme Court of the United States, EXCEPT:

It is a court of criminal jurisdiction in cases involving the death penalty. Original jurisdiction means that the court can hear, or try, a case for the first time, while exclusive jurisdiction means that a court is the only court to have original jurisdiction in a given class of cases. Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution states: "The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more states; between a state and citizens of another state; between citizens of different states; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects." While Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 2, of the Constitution specifies: "In all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases mentioned before, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make." U.S. Code, Title 28, Part IV, Chapter 81, § 1251 specifies even further: "(a) The Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies between two or more states. (b) The Supreme Court shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of: (1) All actions or proceedings to which ambassadors, other public ministers, consuls, or vice consuls of foreign states are parties; (2) All controversies between the United States and a State; (3) All actions or proceedings by a State against the citizens of another State or against aliens." The majority of the Supreme Court's cases thus are appellate cases, in which type it reviews the appealed decisions of lower courts, and appealed cases involving the death penalty are not excluded, as in Gregg v. Georgia, where the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was not unconstitutional. The Supreme Court, however, does not try original criminal cases of any kind (except those specified above under "original but not exclusive"—a prerogative, however, that the Supreme Court chooses to delegate to lower federal courts), and the correct answer therefore, is D.

Which of the following statements regarding the Himalaya mountain system, outlined in brown on this map, is not true?

It is an impassible barrier that creates similar climates both to the east and west of it. In fact, the Himalayas create two very different climates to its east (heavy rains and snow) and to its west (aridity). It is indeed the greatest mountain range in the world containing Mount Everest, being a source to 19 major rivers, and forming a barrier between Tibet and India.

Explain the importance of cross cultural comparisons in world history instruction.

It is important to make cross cultural comparisons when studying world history so that the subject is holistic and not oriented to just Western civilization. Not only are the contributions of civilizations around the world important but they are also interesting and more representative of the mix of cultures present in the United States. It is also critical to the understanding of world relations to study the involvement of European countries and the United States in international commerce colonization and development.

Which statement is not true regarding ancient Greek democracy?

It was a democracy completely open to all of the public. Ancient Greek democracy was not completely open to all of the public. However, participating persons were not chosen or excluded based on their respective socioeconomic levels. The city-state of Athens had one of the first and most well-known democracies in ancient Greece (B). It began around 500 B.C.E. (A). The experiment of Athenian democracy was unique in that it was a direct democracy, meaning people voted directly for or against proposed legislation without any representation (C) such as the House of Representatives and the Senate, as we have in modern democracies.

Millions of people in the New World died from smallpox brought by the conquistadors. Why did this happen?

It was accidental.

You live in Los Angeles, California. Why is the city called Los Angeles?

It was founded by Spanish explorers. The Spanish were the first Europeans to arrive in California. Many Spanish place names are used today in California, such as Sierra Nevada and Los Angeles.

You build banana boats. The costs of materials rises. You raise your price to pass along the higher costs to the buyers. Your sales fall. How will this affect the equilibrium quantity?

It will fall. When production costs rise, the producer has to pass along these costs to the consumer in order to stay in business. Some buyers are not willing to buy at the higher cost so sales fall. The equilibrium quantity will fall because fewer buyers are willing to pay the higher price.

What would you expect to happen to marginal products as the number of inputs used is increased?

It will stay the same. According to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns marginal products will initially increase as the units of an input are increased but then the curve will flatten out and eventually the marginal product will begin to decrease.

Virginian advocated a stronger central government and was influential at the Constitutional Convention.

James Madison. James Madison was a close friend of Thomas Jefferson and supported a stronger central government. George Mason and Robert Yates were both against expanding federal authority over the states. Benjamin Franklin was a proponent of a strong federal government but he was from Massachusetts.

All of the following occurred before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941 except:

Japanese forces invaded the Dutch East Indies. The Japanese hoped that their attack on Pearl Harbor would establish their supremacy in the Pacific and keep the U.S. from entering the war. Instead, it unified the people and the U.S. became involved in the war. The U.S. joined with European forces and China to defeat Japan, which was already at war with China. The U.S. had previously applied economic sanctions against Japan when they demanded the right to exploit the resources of French Indochina. Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 but was eventually defeated by the Soviet winter and fierce Soviet resistance. After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies and occupied several islands in the Pacific.

Laws which were passed by the South against African Americans in the late 1800s were called?

Jim Crow laws.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the outcome of the 1796 presidential election?

John Adams was the Federalist Party Presidential candidate while Thomas Jefferson was the Presidential candidate for the Democratic-Republican party; Adams was elected President, and Jefferson was elected Vice-President. Adams and Jefferson both ran for President, each for a different party. Adams was the candidate for the Federalist Party, while Jefferson was the candidate for the Democratic-Republican Party. As Adams received the greatest number of electoral votes, he became President. Adams' opponent, Jefferson, received the second greatest number of votes, and thus became Vice-President.

Which of these four peaks does not belong to the volcanic mountain range of Tanzania known as the Kilimanjaro?

Meru. The Kilimanjaro contains the Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira peaks. Of those, Kibo is the highest peak in Africa, rising to 19, 340 ft (5,395 m). Meru is a peak that is nearby (14,564 ft) but is not part of Kilimanjaro.

Which of the following Acts was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court decision of Hammer v. Dagenhart in 1918?

Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916.The Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 tried to reduce certain industries' reliance on child labor by forbidding the transportation of goods made by children across state lines. Hammer v. Dagenhart ruled the Act unconstitutional, ruling that to sustain it would imply "a recognition of the lawful exertion of Congressional authority over interstate commerce, but would sanction an invasion by the federal power of the control of a matter purely local in its character, and over which no authority has been delegated to Congress in conferring the power to regulate commerce among the states." The majority opinion of the Court maintained that "the necessary effect of this Act is, by means of a prohibition against the movement in interstate commerce of ordinary commercial commodities to regulate the hours of labor of children in factories and mines within the states, a purely state authority. Thus the Act in a two-fold sense is repugnant to the Constitution. It not only transcends the authority delegated to Congress over commerce but also exerts a power as to a purely local matter to which the federal authority does not extend. The far reaching result of upholding the Act cannot be more plainly indicated than by pointing out that if Congress can thus regulate matters entrusted to local authority by prohibition of the movement of commodities in interstate commerce, all freedom of commerce will be at an end, and the power of the states over local matters may be eliminated, and thus our system of government be practically destroyed."

All of the following cities are located within two degrees of the equator, EXCEPT:

Kinshasa. Kampala, the capital of Uganda, is located at 0º19' N latitude; Belém, the capital of the Brazilian state of Pará, at 1º27' S; and the city-state of Singapore at 1º22' N. However, Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is located at 4º19' S latitude.

Which of the following strongly supported the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

Knights of Labor. The Knights of Labor union wished to exclude Chinese from the United States because it believed that Chinese laborers, both unskilled and skilled, had a tendency to keep wages low and working conditions poor.

When you are stating a direction north or south of the equator, what are you determining?

Latitude Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They measure the distance north-south of the equator. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. They measure the distance east-west from the prime meridian. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. The distance from the prime meridian determines the time zones of the earth. The poles, North and South, are located 90 degrees from the equator. The International Date line is 180 degrees longitude.

What US ship sank off the coast of Cuba which prompted the US to get involved in the Spanish American War?

Maine This ship mysteriously blew up off of the coast of Cuba and caused people in America to demand retribution for the act. The US entered into the Cuban civil war and helped Cuba earn its independence.

Which of the following was NOT one of the original Thirteen Colonies?

Maine was NOT one of the original Thirteen Colonies; therefore, Choice A is the correct answer. The Thirteen Colonies were Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia. Maine was admitted in the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Expenses which must be paid by the government are called which of the following?

Mandatory expenditures.

What term is used to describe the western expansion of the United States?

Manifest Destiny.

The law of diminishing returns describes a characteristic of:

Marginal costs. The law of diminishing returns states that as production increases past a certain point, the change in the total cost per unit of output increases fractionally (if MC = ?TC/?q, then ?TC = ?q MC); that is, the marginal revenues decrease as a fractional function of quantity (if MR = MC, then MR = ?TC/?q, and ?q = ?TC/MR). In other words, the law of diminishing returns characterizes the behavior of marginal cost. At the lowest output levels, marginal cost is actually decreasing, because each unit of input yields fractionally increasing marginal revenue. The law of diminishing returns does affect total variable costs, and therefore total costs, but is not a characteristic of total variable costs, but only marginal costs, variable or not. The law of diminishing returns has even less relevance to total fixed costs since fixed costs are calculated independently of output. For these reasons,

The deepest known depression in the world is located where?

Mariana Trench The trench goes down to over 36,000 feet which is taller than Mount Everest on land. It has not been fully studied yet to discover what kind of underwater life lives within the deep trench.

A product is selling at the exact price a seller wants and the exact price consumers are willing to pay. Economists call this what?

Market equilibrium

Which term means "making something to sell to another at a price agreeable to both?"

Market production

In what state did the Revolutionary War begin?

Massachusetts The battle of Lexington and Concord were both on April 19th which started the Revolutionary War. From then forth, the Americans and British fought for control of the colonies.

Which of the following documents associated with the creation of the United States was created earliest?

Mayflower Compact

When the Selective Service Act was passed in 1917, who was required to register for the draft?

Men 21 to 30 years old. President Wilson enacted the Selective Service Act, requiring all men ages 21 to 30 to register for the draft as the United States prepared to support allied efforts in World War I.

Who was responsible for uniting Upper and Lower Egypt around 3100 BCE, thus ushering in the Old Kingdom period?

Menes. Menes was Egypt's first pharaoh who was able to unify upper and lower Egypt around 3100 BCE. Menes' efforts helped to establish Egypt as a kingdom.

Countries who used explorers to seek out new trade opportunities employed which economic policy?


A fifth grade student has just finished reading a text about the settling of the colony of James town Virginia. After he reads he remarks that this is new information for him. He explains that his past experiences led him to believe that the Pilgrims were the first permanent settlers and their colony was the first attempt at colonizing the new world. What comprehension strategy is the student demonstrating with his comments?

Metacognition is thinking about thinking. When the student uses his knowledge to correct previous knowledge he is considering his previous thinking and assimilating his new knowledge. Choice A is incorrect because inferential reading and thinking would have occurred if the student had made a conclusion based on the information or suggested some conclusion that showed he was reading between the lines about why one colony was successful and the other was not. Choice B is incorrect because summarizing would have occurred if the student gave only factual information and did not include any personal thoughts about how the information impacted him. Choice D is incorrect because observation would have occurred if the students gave an insight about the actions that occurred or simply noted the new information without connecting it to previous knowledge.

In 1911, John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was involved in a federal lawsuit because of its:

Monopolistic business practices. In the case of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States (1911), the Supreme Court ruled that Rockefeller's Standard Oil was in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 because it strove to intentionally dominate the oil market through manipulative business practices such as extensive horizontal and vertical integration. As a result of the ruling, the monopoly of Standard Oil was dissolved into several smaller companies so that none would dominate the industry, and competition would increase.

Social movements created to address global problems have been led by ordinary citizens and have addressed issues including environmental problems, women's and men's liberation, the appropriate use of technology and nonviolence. The emergence of these movements has led to an increase in organizations known as:

NGOs NGOs, or nongovernmental organizations, transcend national boundaries to deal with global and human issues. Hazel Henderson, a British economist, wrote in Creating Alternative Futures that change can be brought about by ordinary citizens who join together in a cause. Elise Boulding, American educator who has been active in NGOs, stated that NGOS are an important tool in identifying and addressing global issues.


Native Americans under the leadership of sided with the British. The British captured Washington DC and burned the White House but Dolly Madison had enough forethought to save priceless American treasures such as the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington. Most battles however came to a draw.

The Mississippi River is an example of which type of boundary?


Define natural resources renewable resources nonrenewable resources and commodities.

Natural resources are things provided by nature that have commercial value to humans such as minerals energy timber fish wildlife and the landscape.

Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, were banned by the Montreal Protocol of 1987 in order to counteract atmospheric degradation caused by:

Ozone depletion. This question tests your knowledge of anthropogenic changes to the environment. Acid rain is caused when certain gases in industrial and automobile exhaust such as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, react with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to create acids. These acids then mix with rain, destroying plants, buildings, and small animals. Nuclear fallout can result when reactors at nuclear power plants, as occurred at Chernobyl, blow up, and the ensuing cloud of radioactive particles falls back down to Earth, creating long-lasting toxic effects. Greenhouse gases are gases such as methane and carbon dioxide that build up in the Earth's lower atmosphere, or troposphere, and trap in heat radiation, ultimately warming the atmosphere. Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs—gases used in air-conditioners and refrigerators—destroy ozone molecules high in the Earth's upper atmosphere, or stratosphere. It is important, therefore, to maintain ozone in the stratosphere because it blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Hence, in order to maintain this protective layer of ozone in the stratosphere, CFCs were banned by the Montreal Protocol, and the correct answer therefore, is D.

Define The Elements of a Campaign The campaign Message.

Political campaigns consist of main elements which are the campaign message the money that is necessary run the campaign. A campaign message is a succinct statement expressing why voters should support the campaign and the individual or policy associated with that campaign. The message is one of the most significant aspects of a political campaign and a considerable amount of time money and effort is invested in devising a successful campaign message as it will be repeated throughout the campaign and will be one of the most identifying factors of the campaign.

The first humans to reach Hawaii were:

Polynesians who sailed there in outrigger canoes. Located just south of the Tropic of Cancer, the Hawaiian Islands are the northernmost settlement of the great seafaring civilization of Polynesia. By the time Captain James Cook arrived there in 1778, Hawaii had been inhabited for about 1500 years by Polynesians who had sailed there in outrigger canoes.

Who can pardon people from federal crimes?

President The President is allowed to use this power which was given to him so that he would be able to pardon people from crimes to benefit the rest of the nation. One opponent to this power thought it may be abused. Many Presidents wait until the end of their term in which to pardon multiple people at once.

Who can call Congress into a special session?

President The only one with the ability to call the special session is the President and he must have a reason as to why he is calling this meeting. Congress must then meet to go over whatever issue the President chooses to present to them for their vote.

Briefly describe the following historical events Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Law Kansas Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas and the Dred Scott Case.

The Compromise of 1850 calling upon the principle of popular sovereignty allowed those who lived in the Mexican cession to decide for themselves whether to be a free or slave territory.

List the distinguishing features of the Renaissance and identify some of the most famous people of this era.

Renaissance is the French word for rebirth and is used to describe the renewal of interest in ancient Greek and Latin art literature and philosophy that occurred in Europe especially Italy from the 14th through the 16th centuries. Historically it was also a time of great scientific inquiry the rise of individualism extensive geographical exploration and the rise of secular values. Notable figures of the Renaissance include -Petrarch An Italian scholar writer and key figure in northern Italy which is where the Renaissance started and where chief patrons came from the merchant class -Leonardo da Vinci Artist and inventor -Michelangelo and Raphael Artists -Desiderius Erasmus Applied historical scholarship to the New Testament and laid the seeds for the Protestant Reformation -Sir Thomas More A lawyer and author who wrote Utopia -Nicolo Machiavelli Author of Prince and Discourses which proposed a science of human nature and civil life -William Shakespeare A renowned playwright and poet.

The U.S. Constitution was forged through a series of compromises. The bigger states and the smaller states wanted fair representation. What did the big states want?

Representation based on population

Which of the following choices is/are not considered among causes of the French Revolution?

Resentment against the Protestant Reformation Resentment against the Protestant Reformation was not a cause given for the French Revolution. Choices A, B, and C are just a few among many causes cited for the war. Famines caused malnutrition and even starvation among the poorest people (A). Escalating bread prices contributed greatly to the hunger. Louis XV had amassed a great amount of debt from spending money on many wars in addition to the American Revolution. Military failures, as well as a lack of social services for veterans, exacerbated these debts. In addition, the Court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette spent excessively and obviously on luxuries even while people in the country were starving, and France's monetary system was outdated, inefficient, and thus unable to manage the national debt (B). Much of the populace greatly resented the Catholic Church's control of the country (C). However, there was not great resentment against the Protestant Reformation (D); there were large minorities of Protestants in France, who not only exerted their influence on government institutions, but undoubtedly also contributed to the resentment of the Catholic Church.

Where did two railroad companies battle one another constantly in control of who was able to lay their track where?

Royal Gorge Both sides would lay their tracks during the day and then sabotage the other during the night. Eventually both parties agreed to let one of them buy the other out so that the railroad was able to continue.

As a form of government what does oligarchy mean?

Rule by a few. Oligarchy is defined as the rule by few. An example is aristocracy which in ancient Greece was government by an elite group of citizens as opposed to a monarchy. In later times it meant government by the class of aristocrats a privileged group as opposed to democracy. The rule of one is called autocracy. Examples include monarchy dictatorship and many others. The rule by law is called a republic. Some examples are constitutional republics parliamentary republics and federal republics. The rule by many could apply to democracy which governs according to the people's votes or to the collective leadership form of socialism where no one individual has too much power.

A fifth grade teacher is presenting information on early civilizations. As part of the introduction the teacher reads the chapter from the textbook to the students and then paraphrases the text. What instructional strategy is the teacher using?

Scaffolding of instruction. By reading the text to the students and then paraphrasing the test the teacher is scaffolding instruction by providing supports for those students whose comprehension levels might not allow them to read and comprehend the text or concepts at this level. Cooperative learning Choice B can only be applied if students are placed into a group to complete a task or learn a concept. Deductive learning Choice D would only apply if the teacher then had the students practice some concept after the introduction. Choice C whole class instruction is incorrect because while the teacher is presenting information to the whole class it is simply a presentation of text and does not involve instruction or modeled practice.

Eileen has three olive trees on her property. Eileen can either choose to pick the olives, or let the crows eat them. If Eileen picks the olives, she can either pickle them to eat, or press them into oil. If she presses them into oil, she can either use the oil for cooking, or use the oil to make soap. Which of the following economic principles expresses Eileen's predicament?

Scarcity. The olives on Eileen's three olive trees represent a limited resource, since choosing to use them in one way precludes their use in another way. If Eileen has any economic sense, she will choose to use her olives in the most efficient way possible.

What was the nickname given to the purchase of Alaska?

Seward's Folly.


Some of the changes and activities that can harm the include: -Cutting into mountains by machine or blasting to build roads or construction sites -Cutting down trees and clearing natural growth -Building houses and cities -Using grasslands to graze herds -Polluting water sources -Polluting the ground with chemical and oil waste -Wearing out fertile land and losing topsoil -Placing communication lines cross country using poles and wires or underground cable -Placing railway lines or paved roads cross country -Building gas and oil pipelines cross country -Draining wetlands -Damming up or re routing waterways -Spraying fertilizers pesticides and defoliants -Hunting animals to extinction or near extinction

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the theme and repercussions of Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle?

The Jungle portrayed the harsh and insanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry in Chicago, and led to widespread public outcry culminating in the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, and the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration.

This 33 mile long pass runs along the Hindu Kush Mountains which separate Afghanistan and Pakistan. What is it?

The Khyber Pass. This rugged pass has been used for centuries to invade India. It has an elevation of 3,500 feet.

Identify the following social and religious leaders from the 19th century Susan B Anthony Dorothea Dix Frederick Douglass William Lloyd Garrison Horace Mann Joseph Smith Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Brigham Young.

Some of the important social and religious leaders from the 19th century were: -Susan B Anthony A women's right and abolition activist she lectured across the nation for suffrage property and wage rights and labor organizations for women. -Dorothea Dix She created the first American asylums for the treatment of mental illness and served as the Superintendent of Army Nurses during the War Between the States. -Frederick Douglass An escaped slave who became an abolitionist leader government official and writer. -William Lloyd Garrison An abolitionist and the editor of the Liberator the leading anti slavery newspaper of the time. -Joseph Smith He founded the Latter Day Saints in 1827 and wrote the Book of Mormon. -Horace Mann A leader of the common school movement that made public education a right of all Americans. -Elizabeth Cady Stanton With Lucretia Mott she held the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 demanding women's suffrage and other reforms. -Brigham Young The leader of the Mormons when they fled religious persecution Built Salt Lake City and settled much of the West. He was the first governor of the Utah Territory.

Define Front Loading and Invisible Primaries.

Sometimes too many primaries take place early in the primary season resulting in a reduction in the number of realistic Presidential candidates causing campaign donors to withdraw their support for those candidates that are not viewed as viable options this is called front loading. The candidates that are most successful in their run for office are not always the candidates who do well in the early primaries.

Placement of settlements

Spatial organization applies to the whether hamlets towns or cities. These are located to make the distribution goods and services convenient. For example in farm communities people come to town to get groceries to attend church and school and to access medical services. It is more practical to provide these things to groups that to individuals. These historically have been built close to water sources and agricultural areas. Lands that are topographically difficult have few resources or experience extreme temperatures do not have as many people as temperate zones and flat plains where is it easier to live. Within a town or city will be organized into commercial and residential neighborhoods with hospitals fire stations and shopping centers centrally located. All these organizational considerations are spatial in nature.

If both the President and the Vice President are unable to fulfill their duties of office, who is next in line?

Speaker of the House.

All of the following are sub-committees of the House Appropriations Committe, EXCEPT:

Sub-Committee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation, and Trade. The Sub-committee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation, and Trade is a sub-committee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

A newly introduced bill is first given to a where it is either accepted, amended or rejected completely.

Subcommittee. A bill is usually first reviewed by the appropriate subcommittee. The subcommittee can accept the bill, amend the bill, or reject the bill. If the subcommittee accepts or amends the bill, they send it to the full committee for review. Expert witnesses and testimony are all part of committee review.

What is given by a government in order to help assist in the cost for a good or service such as housing vouchers for the poor?

Subsidies These are given in order to help the people who need them so that they are able to continue to live in a normal degree of comfort. Oftentimes these will not have to be repaid.

This chart of temperatures of Guangzhou, China's biggest port city, shows a variance of temperatures characteristic of what climate?

Subtropic. Guangzhou's climate is considered humid subtropical. It is characterized by the warm winters, hot summers, little frost and snow, and sufficient rain and sunshine.

Natural hazards

Such as hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes volcanoes floods tsunamis and some forest fires and insect infestations are processes or events that are not caused by humans but may have serious consequences for humans and the environment. These events are not preventable and their precise timing location and magnitude are not predictable. However some precautions can be taken to reduce the damage.

A third grade teacher just completed a thematic study of states including important cities and flags. Which of the following types of assessment would be the most beneficial in planning instruction for the next unit state capitols?


Holding all other factors constant, the high price of healthcare in the United States as compared to other developed countries in the world indicates:

That the U.S. healthcare system is less efficient than that of other countries. Taking no other factors into account, high healthcare prices in the U.S. as compared to other developed countries show that demand outstrips supply in the U.S. This indicates inefficiency, as healthcare providers have not increased output enough to meet the demand, and thus bring market price closer to the equilibrium price as indicated by lower prices in the healthcare markets in other countries.

An outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis was:

That the United States withdrew missiles from Turkey. In exchange for the Soviet Union removing nuclear missiles from Cuba, the United States secretly removed its nuclear missiles from Turkey. An additional outcome was the establishment of the Washington-Moscow hotline.

What does this graph of cold and freezing temperatures (close to 0 Celsius) and of precipitations (in centimeters) show?

That there is a direct relationship between colder temperatures and lack of rainfall.

List the major events of the 1960s.

The 1960s were a tumultuous time for the United States. Major events included -The Cuban Missile Crisis (1961) This was a stand off between the United States and the Soviet Union over a build up of missiles in Cuba. Eventually the Soviets stopped their shipments and a nuclear war was averted. -The assassinations of President Kennedy (1963) Senator Robert Kennedy (1968) and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (1968). -The Civil Rights Movement Protest marches held across the nation to draw attention to the plight of black citizens. From 1964 to 1968 race riots exploded in more than 100 cities. -The Vietnam War (1964-73) This resulted in a military draft. There was heavy involvement of American personnel and money. There were also protest demonstrations particularly on college campuses. At Kent State several students died after being shot by National Guardsmen. -Major legislation Legislation passed during this decade included the Civil Rights Act the Clean Air Act and the Water Quality Act. This decade also saw the creation of the Peace Corps Medicare and the War on Poverty in which billions were appropriated for education urban redevelopment and public housing.

Matthew Lyon of Vermont was arrested and tried for his statement about President John Adams's "unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation and selfish avarice" Under what law was he tried?

The Alien and Sedition Acts. The Alien and Sedition Act extended the naturalization period from five to fourteen years. It also made it a crime to publish "any false, scandalous and malicious writing" about the president, Congress or the government in general. This act was a dark mark on the freedoms granted by the Constitution.

William Cobbett wrote that America would only be truly free "when [Thomas] Jefferson's head will be rotting cheek-to-jowl with that of some toil-killed Negro slave." These types of statements caused Congress to pass which laws?

The Alien and Sedition Acts. The Alien and Sedition Act extended the naturalization period from five to fourteen years. It also made it a crime to publish "any false, scandalous and malicious writing" about the president, Congress or the government in general. This act was a dark mark on the freedoms granted by the Constitution.

Many explorers sought new adventures in the Americas. Amerigo Vespucci was one of them. What did he discover?

The Amazon River

Ben Franklin was sent to Paris to get French aid for the American cause for independence. King Louis XVI was not immediately inclined to help. What changed his mind?

The American troops defeated the British at Saratoga

"We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again." Nathaniel Greene. Nathaniel Greene was a General in the Continental Congress. What fighting tactic is he referring to in this quote?

The Americans devised a new way of fighting the British, more guerrilla and less open field. The Americans knew the lay of the land and used this to their advantage. They would strike at the British, retreat, and then strike again. The British used traditional European open-field technique.

Explain the difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation designed to protect states' rights over those of the national government and sent to the colonies for ratification in 1777, had two major elements that proved unworkable. First, there was no centralized national government. Second, there was no centralized power to tax or regulate trade with other nations or between states. With no national tax, the Revolution was financed by printing more and more money, which caused inflation.

Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztec nation. Which is not a factor in his conquest?

The Aztec king surrendered to Cortes because they feared his weapons. When Hernando Cortes arrived in Mexico, he was greeted as a god. He brought horses which the Aztecs had never seen. He found King Moctezuma living in the great city of Tenochtitlan. He captured Moctezuma and held him hostage. At first, the Aztec people helped him because they had been heavily taxed. He enslaved the people and eventually destroyed the city. Most of the population is killed by Cortes or the diseases which travel with him. Cortes wanted the gold and riches he found with the Aztecs. A great civilization was destroyed.

Which act of the colonists in 1773 caused Lord North to declare, "The colonies must either submit or triumph."

The Boston Tea Party. The British East India Tea Company had a monopoly on tea. They had a surplus too. So they lowered their prices to sell in the colonies. They also upheld the tea tax. The colonists objected to this tax, so on Dec. 16, 1773, a group disguised as Native Americans boarded three ships in Boston Harbor to throw the tea over board. The king was not amused and a series of "Intolerable Acts" were imposed on the colonies in retaliation. Lord North was his Prime Minister.

In the 1760s, the British raised taxes for the American colonists which caused much discontent. What was the reason for this tax increase?

The British needed money to pay for the many wars they had fought. The British had overextended themselves fighting many wars and needed money. The national debt was equivalent to $120 million dollars. They taxed the colonies to help defray this because the cost of protecting the colonies was part of this debt.

For many years the American colonists had been satisfied with their status with the British. Then something happened which began an period of discontent. What was it?

The British wanted the Americans to pay the costs of quartering British soldiers there.

All of the following tribes were members of the Iroquois Confederation, EXCEPT:

The Cherokees. This question tests your knowledge of Native American peoples. When European settlers first encountered the Iroquois Confederation in what is now upstate New York, it consisted of five tribes, all speaking Iroquoian languages: the Cayugas, the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, and the Senecas. A sixth Iroquoian-speaking tribe, the Tuscaroras, were later driven out from North Carolina by English settlers and joined the Confederation in 1720. Even though the Cherokees speak an Iroquoian language and are from the same area as the Tuscarora, they did not join the Iroquois Confederation, because they sided with the English. The correct answer therefore, is C.

Which of the following independent agencies of the federal government was established by the Eisenhower Administration?

The Civil Rights Commission. The Civil Rights Commission was created by the Civil Rights Act of 1957, to investigate and report on issues involving discrimination and civil rights in the United States.

Of the following which person or group was not instrumental in the advancement of civil rights and desegregation during the 1940s and 1950s?

The Congress. The person or group not instrumental in advancing civil rights and desegregation immediately after WWII was Congress. As African American soldiers came home from the war racial discord increased. President Harry Truman appointed a Presidential Committee on Civil Rights in 1946. This committee published a report recommending that segregation and lynching be outlawed by the federal government. However Congress ignored this report and took no action. Truman then used his presidential powers to enforce desegregation of the military and policies of fair employment in federal civil service jobs. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) brought lawsuits against racist and discriminatory practices and in resolving these suits the Supreme Court further eroded segregation. For example the Supreme Court ruled that primaries allowing only whites would be illegal and it ended the segregation of interstate bus lines. The landmark civil rights laws were not passed by Congress until the 1960s.

Explain the United States currency system.

The Constitution of 1787 gave the United States Congress the central authority to print or coin money and to regulate its value. Before this time states were permitted to maintain separate currencies.

Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves during the Civil War. After the war, some were still in slavery. Why was this so?

The Constitution still permitted slavery. Amendment XIII of 1865 states: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist in the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Lincoln's documents freed the slaves in the South. He maintained that he has the right to do this as president of all the states even though the South was trying to secede. The Constitution had to be amended to free all slaves in all the states and territories held by the U.S.

Bill of Rights

The Constitution went into effect in 1789 and the was added in 1791. The most important of these are defined in the and include freedom of speech religion assembly and a variety of other the government is not allowed to remove.

Which of the following is not true about the Crusades?

The Crusades succeeded at European kings goal of reclaiming the holy land. It is not true that the Crusades succeeded at Christians reclaiming the holy land (the Middle East) from Muslims. Despite the number (nine not counting the Northern Crusades) and longevity (1095-1291 not counting later similar campaigns) the Crusades never accomplished this purpose. While they did not take back the Middle East the Crusades did succeed in exacerbating the decline of the Byzantine Empire which lost more and more territory to the Ottoman Turks during this period. In addition the Crusades resulted in Egypt's rise once again to become a major power of the Middle East as it had been in the past. It is also true that during the Crusades some Christians and Muslims became allies against common enemies. For example during the Fifth Crusade in Anatolia Christian Crusaders with German Dutch Flemish and Frisian soldiers allied themselves with the Sultanate of Rum a Seljuk Turk Sultanate that attacked the Ayyubids in Syria in order to further their aim of attacking and capturing the port of Damietta in Egypt.

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding these religions under the Roman Empire?

The Druids were a religious group that the Romans ignored but also tolerated. The Druids were neither ignored nor tolerated by the Romans. Conversely, the Druids were viewed as "non-Roman" and therefore were suppressed. Augustus (63 B.C.E.-14 C.E.) forbade Romans to practice Druid rites. According to Pliny, the Senate under Tiberius (42 B.C.E.-37 C.E.) issued a decree suppressing Druids, and in 54 C.E., Claudius outlawed Druid rites entirely. It is correct that the Romans generally protected the Jews up until the rebellion in Judea in 66 C.E. (A). In fact, Julius Caesar circumvented the Roman laws against "secret societies" by designating Jewish synagogues as "colleges," which in essence permitted Jews to have freedom of worship (B). After the rebellion in Judea, according to Suetonius, the Emperor Claudius appeared to have expelled all Jews, probably including early Christians, from Rome. The Roman Empire viewed Christianity as a Jewish sect, which was how Christianity began, for 200 years following its emergence (D). It is also correct that according to Tacitus, when much of the public saw Emperor Nero as responsible for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 C.E. (the origin of the old saying "Nero fiddled while Rome burned"), Nero blamed the Christians for the fire in order to deflect guilt from himself. Following their persecution of Jews, the Roman Empire would continue to persecute Christians for the next two centuries.

During the decolonization of the Cold War years which of the following events occurred chronologically latest?

The Eastern Bloc and Satellite states became independent from the Soviet Union. The latest occurring decolonization event was the Eastern Bloc and Soviet satellite states of Armenia Azerbaijan Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine and Uzbekistan all became independent from the Soviet Union in 1991. (Note: This was the last decolonization of the Cold War years as the end of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War). Canada completed its independence from British Parliament via the Canada Act in 1982. In the Caribbean the Bahamas gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1973. Algeria won its independence from France when the Algerian War of Independence begun in 1954 ended in 1962. In Africa Libya gained independence form Italy and became an independent kingdom in 1951.

Which of the following Presidential elections was the first to be run according to the procedure enumerated in the 12th Amendment to the Constitution?

The Election of 1804.The first Presidential election to be held under the terms of the 12th Amendment was the election of 1804. Before the Twelfth Amendment was adopted, Electoral College members cast two votes each, each vote for a different Presidential candidate. The candidate who received a majority of the votes became President, while the candidate who came in second became Vice-President. The elections of 1796 and 1800 revealed problems with this method of selecting candidates for these two offices.

What caused the Korean War?

The Korean War started with North Korea invading South Korea, so Choice C is correct. The United States entered the war to protect its ally and prevent communism spreading across Asia. China didn't enter the conflict until General MacArthur led the American military across the 38th parallel. The Soviets provided material support to communist North Korea, but they never formally entered the war.

List the mechanisms established by the Employment Act of 1946 that gave primary responsibility for the maintenance of full employment to the federal government.

The Employment Act of 1946 established the following entities to combat unemployment: -The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) Composed of a chair and two other members appointed by the President and approved by the Senate this council assists the President with the development and implementation of US economic policy. The Council members and their staff located in the Executive Office are professionals in economics and statistics who forecast economic trends and provide analysis based on evidence based research. -The Economic Report of the President This is presented every January by the President to Congress. Based on the work of the Council the report recommends a program for maximizing employment and may also recommend legislation. -Joint Economic Committee (JEC) This is a committee composed of 10 members of the House and 10 members of the Senate that makes a report early every year on its continuous study of the economy. Study is conducted through hearings and research and the report is made in response to the president's recommendations.

Explain the reasons for the American Revolution.

The English colonies rebelled for the following: -England was remote yet controlling. By 1775 few Americans had ever been to England. They considered themselves Americans not English. -During the Seven Years' War (aka French and Indian War) from 1754-1763, Americans, including George Washington served in the British army but were treated as inferiors -It was feared that the Anglican Church might try to expand in the colonies and inhibit religious freedom -Heavy taxation such as the Sugar and Stamp Acts which were created solely to create revenue for the crown and business controls such as restricting trade of certain products to England only were burdensome -The colonies had no official representation in the English Parliament and wanted to govern themselves -There were fears that Britain would block westward expansion and independent enterprise -Local government established through elections by property holders was already functioning.

Explain the term Gilded Age and list the most infamous Robber Barons of the time.

The Gilded Age from the 1870s to 1890 was so named because of the enormous wealth and grossly opulent lifestyle enjoyed by a handful of powerful families. This was the time when huge mansions were built as summer cottages in Newport Rhode Island and great lodges were built in mountain areas for the pleasure of families such as the Vanderbilts Ascots ad Rockefellers.

Which of the following statements is not true about the Gilded Age in America?

The Gilded Age is a term whose origins have not been identified clearly. It is not true that the Gilded Age is a term whose origins have not been identified clearly. In 1873 Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner co authored a book entitled The Gilded Age A Tale of Today. Twain and Warner first coined this term to describe the extravagance and excesses of America's wealthy upper class who became richer than ever due to industrialization. Furthermore, the Gilded Age was the era of the robber barons such as John D Rockefeller Cornelius Vanderbilt JP Morgan and others. Because they accumulated enormous wealth through extremely aggressive and occasionally unethical monetary manipulations critics dubbed them robber barons because they seemed to be elite lords of robbery. While these business tycoons grasped huge fortunes some of them such as Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Mellon were also philanthropists using their wealth to support further worthy causes such as literacy education health care charities and the arts. They donated millions of dollars to fund social improvements. Carnegie himself dubbed this large philanthropic movement the Gospel of Wealth. Another characteristic of the Gilded Age was the Beaux Arts architectural style a neo Renaissance style modeled after the great architectural designs of the European Renaissance. The Panic of 1893 ended the Gilded and began a severe four year economic depression. The Progressive Era followed these events.

In 1688-89, a Protestant Anglo-Dutch army overthrew the Catholic king of England and installed William and Mary as regents in an event that became known as:

The Glorious Revolution. William of Orange was a Protestant Dutch grandson of King Charles I of England. He married his cousin Mary, the Protestant daughter of the Catholic King James II of England (she was King Charles' granddaughter, too). William and Mary inaugurated a form of ceasefire to the perpetual struggle between the English Parliament and the English monarch when they invaded England with Parliamentarian conspirators at the head of a mixed Anglo-Dutch army and overthrew Mary's father. William and Mary were installed as regents, a bill of rights was promulgated, detailing the respective powers of Parliament and the Crown, and the Protestant constitutional monarchy of Great Britain began.

Reims, France, is located just above 49º latitude, and has an average temperature in January of about 36º F, and an average temperature in July of about 65º F. Quebec City, Canada, located on a different continent, slightly further south, is located a little under 47º latitude, and has a January average temperature of 9º F, and a July average temperature of 66º F. Which of the following climatic phenomena best explains why Reims is warmer in the winter than Quebec City?

The Gulf Stream This question tests your knowledge of important climatic differences among continents. The Gulf Stream is a major ocean current that flows to the west from Africa, across the Atlantic to South America, where it curves up toward the Caribbean and flows back out into the Atlantic, passing between Cuba and Florida, flowing up the eastern ridge of North America, then crossing back across the Atlantic toward the British Isles, where it branches into separate currents, one of which, (the North Atlantic Current), warms western Europe to the point that the climate is generally warmer during the winter for a given latitude than in other parts of the world.

Which of the following provisions does the United States Constitution make in the event that the votes cast in a Presidential election fail to select a clear winner?

The House of Representative chooses from among the top three candidates. Article II, Section I of the Constitution provides the following provision for selecting the President: "The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there is more than one who has such Majority, and an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person has a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like manner choose the President." In 1804, however, this provision was amended via the 12th Amendment: "The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number is a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person has such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President."

In the 1950's, oil was discovered off the coast of Nigeria. This discovery prompted some geologists to search for oil off the coast of Brazil, and their hunch paid off. Which of the following geographic processes best explains the geologists' choice to look for oil off the coast of Brazil?

The Theory of Plate Tectonics suggests that both countries were one at one time. This question tests your knowledge of geographic processes in relation to resource extraction. Current climate has no effect on oil reserves, which are fossil fuels resulting from the transformation of organic matter laid down hundreds of millions of years ago. Contemporary ecology also has no relation to such deposits of "fossilized ecology". Silt, the non-organic remains of eroded rock, and spewed out to form deltas by rivers such as the Niger and the Amazon, also, by definition, has nothing to do with oil; although if the silt deposition continues for several tens of millions of years, and traps organic matter, it might contribute to petroleum formation in the distant future. However, the geologists chose to look for oil in Brazil, once oil had been discovered in Nigeria, because the Theory of Plate Tectonics suggests that about 200 million years ago, the two countries were actually part of a single continent, and thus the fossilized remains—petroleum—of an ancient shared ecosystem would necessarily be found today in countries thousands of miles apart. The correct answer therefore, is C.

In May of 1768, a British warship entered the Boston Harbor, and in October of that same year, a regiment of British soldiers debarked on its shores. On which of the following historical events is the display of British military force most contingent?

The Townshend Acts. This question tests your knowledge of the escalating conflict between England and America in the years leading up to the Revolution. London burned a century earlier than the occupation under consideration, so event A is not the correct answer. Captain Cook served in the British Royal Navy during the French and Indian Wars, and then sporadically surveyed the coast of Newfoundland from 1763-1767. But his great voyage, that began in August, 1768, from Plymouth to the South Seas, bypassed Boston, so choice D is incorrect as well. The Massacre in B is relevant, but since it did not occur until March 5, 1770, the only correct answer is C: The Townshend Acts were a series of impositions proposed by Charles Townshend, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Goods that the colonists were forbidden to manufacture themselves, and obligated to buy only from England—tea, paper, paint, glass, lead—were levied heavier taxes. Colonial judges and governors, whose salaries, until that time, had been paid by colonial legislatures, were to be paid with the revenue of those taxes, and thus, by making their pay dependent on the Crown, their loyalty and judgments would be placed, in theory, beyond the colonists' control. Additional impositions established a new Crown-controlled American Customs Board that sought to enforce compliance with the Quartering Act. Resentment reigned throughout the colonies, and the unrest in Boston led the fearful Customs Board to request the presence of British troops, eventually leading to the Boston Massacre, and ultimately, to the Revolution.

In 1943, the "zoot suit" riots in Los Angeles caused city officials to prohibit the wearing of "zoot suits." What was this riot about?

The U.S. government allowing Mexican workers in to help alleviate the manpower shortage. Mexican workers were allowed to enter the U.S. to help make up a manpower shortage. Thousands of Mexicans moved to Los Angeles. Tensions rose. The Mexicans wore outrageous suits called "zoot suits." When sailors rioted with the Mexicans, it was called the "Zoot Suit" riots. The sailors objected to the Mexicans taking jobs.

Professional political consultants

The US has an abundance of that employ highly sophisticated campaign management strategies and tools. The election process varies widely between the federal state and local levels. Campaigns are typically controlled by individual candidates rather than by the parties that they are associated with. Larger campaigns utilize a vast array of media to reach their targeted audiences while smaller campaigns are typically limited to direct contact with voters direct mailings and other forms of low cost advertising to reach their audiences. In addition to fundraising and spending done by individual candidates party committees and action committees also raise money and spend it in ways that will advance the cause of the particular campaign they are associated with.

Outline the historical background to the Bill of Rights and briefly identify the amendments to the constitution.

The United States Bill of Rights was based on principles established by the Magna Carta in 1215 the 1688 English Bill of Rights and the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights.

Which of the following statements most accurately represents the involvement of the United States in World War I?

The United States remained neutral for part of the War, then joined the Entente Powers. This question tests your knowledge of the events leading up to America's involvement in World War I. The United States remained officially neutral until April 6, 1917, when it sent forces to Europe to fight on the side of the Entente, or Allied Powers consisting mostly of troops from France, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy, and Russia, against the Central Powers of the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires, as well as the Kingdom of Bulgaria. Before the United States had officially declared war on Germany, however, U.S. merchant ships had been supplying Britain with food and weapons. The correct answer therefore, is C.

Which of the following mountain ranges separates Europe from Asia?

The Ural Mountains. This question tests your knowledge of the world's major landforms. Traversing Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, the Carpathians are the largest mountain range in Europe. The Balkans are an extension of the Carpathians in the Balkan countries of Bulgaria, Serbia, and Macedonia. The Atlas Mountains form a range in the North African countries of Morocco and Tunisia. Geographers traditionally assign the border between Asia and Europe to a mountain chain almost 1,000 kilometers longer than the Carpathians: the Urals. The Urals run through Russia from the Arctic in the north to Kazakhstan in the south. The correct answer therefore, is D.

All of the following rivers are in Europe, EXCEPT:

The Volta River. This question tests your knowledge of the rivers of the world. The Volga, flowing through Russia to the Caspian Sea, is Europe's longest river. The Tagus flows to the Atlantic, across Spain and Portugal, and is the longest river of the Iberian Peninsula. The Ebro, in eastern Spain, flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Volta River is formed from the confluence of the White and Black Volta Rivers, with both originating in the Republic of Upper Volta, and flowing south through Ghana to the Atlantic Ocean. Since these countries are in Africa,

While Federalists called for replacing the Articles of Confederation with a new Constitution, others, known as the Anti-Federalists, defended the Articles and rejected the Constitution on all of the following grounds, EXCEPT:

The federal court system would be too weak under the terms of the Constitution. This question tests your knowledge of the debate over replacing the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. The Federalists felt that the United States needed a strong federal government whose powers would be codified by either amending the Articles of Confederation or replacing them with a new Constitution. The latter task was eventually chosen, and once the proposed Constitution was published and distributed in the hope of being ratified by the several states, writers who came to be known as the Anti-Federalists published arguments both against the proposed Constitution and in favor of the existing Articles of Confederation. The Anti-Federalists argued that the national government was already strong enough in the Articles of Confederation and that the government proposed in the Constitution would be too strong and reminiscent of the authoritarian regime which the states had fought against. The sovereign rights of the states, as well as the personal liberties granted in the Articles risked being infringed upon by the proposed Constitution. As for the federal court system proposed by the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists felt it would be too powerful, rather than too weak.

List and describe the five characteristics of a market economy.

The five characteristics of a market economy are -Economic freedom There is freedom of choice with respect to jobs salaries production and price. -Economic incentives A positive incentive is to make a profit. However if the producer tries to make too high a profit the consequences might be that no one will purchase the item at that price. A negative incentive would be a drop in profits causing the producer to decrease or discontinue production. A boycott which might cause the producer to change business practices or policies is also a negative economic incentive. -Competition There is more than one producer for any given product. Consumers thereby have choices about what to buy which are usually made based on quality and price. Competition is an incentive for a producer to make the best product at the best price. Otherwise producers will lose business to the competition. -Private ownership Production and profits belong to an individual or to a private company not to the government. -Limited government Government plays no role in the economic decisions of its individual citizens.

List the five themes of geography.

The five themes of geography are: -Location This includes relative location described in terms of surrounding geography such as a river sea coast or mountain and absolute location the specific point of latitude and longitude. -Place This includes physical characteristics deserts plains mountains and waterways and human characteristics features created by humans such as architecture roads religion industries and food and folk practices -Human environmental interaction This includes human adaptation to the environment using an umbrella when it rains human modification of the environment building terraces to prevent soil erosion and human dependence on the environment for food water and natural resources. -Movement Interaction through trade migration communications political boundaries ideas and fashions. -Regions This includes formal regions a city state country or other geographical organization as defined by political boundaries functional regions defined by a common function or connection such as a school district and vernacular regions informal divisions determined by perceptions or one's mental image such as the Far East.

List some of the most important documents in United States history and government.

The following are among the greatest American documents because of their impact on foreign and domestic policy: -Declaration of Independence 1776 -The Articles of Confederation (1777) -The Constitution (1787) and the Bill of Rights (1791) -The Northwest Ordinance (1787) The Federalist Papers (1787-88) -George Washington's Inaugural Address (1789) and Farewell Address (1796) -The Alien and Sedition Act (1798) -The Louisiana Purchase Treaty (1803) -The Monroe Doctrine (1823) The Missouri Compromise (1830) -The Compromise of 1850 -The Kansas Nebraska Act (1854) -The Homestead Act (1862) -The Emancipation Proclamation (1863) -The agreement to purchase Alaska (1866) -The Sherman Anti Trust Act (1890) -Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1905) -The Social Security Act (1935) and other acts of the New Deal in the 1930s The Truman Doctrine (1947) The Marshall Plan (1948) The Civil Rights Act (1964).

Which of the following is not true about Democracy and the formation of the United States?

The founding fathers stated in the Constitution that the USA would be a democracy

What is the government's role in a centrally planned economic system?

The government makes all decisions related to production, distribution, and price.

Steel industry

The grew exponentially when it was realized that cheap abundant English coal could be used instead of wood for melting metals.

Product market

The is the selling of products to the people who want to buy them. The people are the buyers and the companies are the sellers. This exchange creates a circular economic flow in which money goes from the producers to workers as wages and then flows back to producers in the form of payment for products.

What geologic force(s)/event(s) helped to usher in the demise of Napoleon's power?

The landscapes and climate of Russia. Napoleon sought to invade Russia in 1812. However, the terrain and winter weather conditions proved too powerful for Napoleon's army, which retreated in disarray, breaking France's power.

Define the following important terms as they relate to maps latitude longitude coordinates absolute location equator parallels and meridians.

The most important terms used when describing items on a map or globe are: -Latitude and longitude Are the imagery lines horizontal and vertical respectively that divide the globe into a grid. Both are measured using the 360 degrees of a circle. -Coordinates These are the latitudes and longitude measures for a place. -Absolute location This is the exact spot where coordinates meet. The grid system allows the location of every place on the planet to be identified. -Equator This is the line at 0degrees latitude that divides the earth into two equal halves called hemispheres. -Parallels This is another name for lines of latitude because they circle the earth in parallel lines that never meet. -Meridians This is another name for lines of longitude. The Prime Meridian is located at 0degrees longitude and is the starting point for measuring distance both east and west around the globe. Meridians circle the earth and connect at the Poles.

Describe the basic principle of the Constitution.

The six basic principles of the Constitution are: -Popular Sovereignty The people establish government and give power to it the government can function only with the consent of the people. -Limited Government The Constitution specifies limits on government authority and no official or entity is above the law. -Separation of Powers Power is divided among three government branches the legislative (Congress) the executive (President) and the judicial (federal courts). -Checks and Balances This is a system that enforces the separation of powers and ensures that each branch has the authority and ability to restrain the powers of the other two branches thus preventing tyranny. -Judicial Review Judges in the federal courts ensure that no act of government is in violation of the Constitution. If an act is unconstitutional the judicial branch has the power to nullify it. -Federalism This is the division of power between the central government and local governments which limits the power of the federal government and allows states to deal with local problems.

Describe geomorphology and the various types of landforms.

The study of landforms is call geomorphology or physiography a science that considers the relationships between geological structures and surface landscape features. It is also concerned with the processes that change these feature such as erosion deposition and plate tectonics. Biological factors can also affect landforms. Examples are when corals build a coral reef or when plants contribute to the development of a salt marsh or a sand dune. Rivers coastlines rock types slope formation ice erosion and weathering are all part of geomorphology.

Dred Scott vs Sandford Case

The was decided by the Supreme Court in 1857. It was ruled that Congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the territories which in effect meant that the Missouri Compromise had been unconstitutional.

Plymouth Plantation

The was established and survived with the help of natives. This is where the first Thanksgiving is believed to have occured.

Describe the three main types of map projections.

There are three main types of map projections -Conical This type of projection superimposes a cone over the sphere of the earth with two reference parallels secant to the globe and intersecting it. There is no distortion along the standard parallels but distortion increases further from the chosen parallels. A Bonne projection is an example of a conical projection in which the areas are accurately represented but the meridians are not on a true scale. -Cylindrical This is any projection in which meridians are mapped using equally spaced vertical lines and circles of latitude parallels are mapped using horizontal lines. A Mercator's projection is a modified cylindrical projection that is helpful to navigators because it allows them to maintain a constant compass direction between two points. However it exaggerates areas in high latitudes. -Azimuthal This is a stereographic projection onto a plane so centered at any given point that a straight line radiating from the center to any other point represents the shortest distance. This distance can be measured to scale.

Which of the following is true of social changes and the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th and early 19th centuries?

They gave rise to a new middle class. The Industrial Revolution did crease a new working class composed of professionals like doctors and lawyers industrialists and businessmen. Formerly Europe was dominated by royalty and landed gentry over the poor working class. Industrialization allowed many ordinary people to start and run businesses. It did not however improve working conditions in the 18th and early 19th centuries but the opposite occurred Big factories with machines made conditions more dangerous and child labor caused many deaths injuries illnesses and so on. Women and children were only banned from working in mines in the mid 19th century housing and work conditions only improved in the late 19th century. Urbanization was the result of industrialization and not vice versa Mechanization allowed factory construction and people moved to cities for jobs. Labor unions developed out of the Industrial Revolution not vice versa to establish and defend factory workers rights.

Which of the following Amendments in the United States Bill of Rights is generally considered to be least relevant to contemporary legal issues?

Third Amendment.

Western Hemisphere

This is the area between the North and South Poles. It extends west from the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line.

Tropic of Cancer

This is the parallel or latitude 23 and a half north the equator.

Tropic of Capricorn

This is the parallel or latitude 23 and a half south the equator. The region between these two parallels is the tropics. The subtropics is the area located between 23 and a half and 40degrees north and south the equator.

Arctic Circle

This is the parallel or latitude 66 and a half north of the equator.

Antarctic Circle

This is the parallel or latitude 66 and a half south of the equator.


This process is called. There are three basic forms of: -If the collision of continental plates causes the crust to buckle and fold a chain of folded mountains such as the Appalachians the Alps or the Himalayas is formed. -If the collision of the plates causes a denser oceanic plate to go under a continental plate a process called subduction strong horizontal forces lift and fold the margin of the continent. A mountain range like the Andes is the result. -If an oceanic plate is driven under another oceanic plate volcanic mountains such as those in Japan and the Philippines are formed.

Manifest Destiny

This was a popular belief during the 1840s that it was the right and duty of the United States to expand westward to the Pacific. The idea became a slogan for the flood of settlers and expansionist power grabs.

Describe the Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, and the Missouri Compromise.

Three important political actions in the 19th century were: The Monroe Doctrine Conceived by President James Monroe in 1823 this foreign policy warned European powers to cease colonization of Central and South America or face military intervention by the United States. In return the United States would not meddle in the political affairs or standing colonies in Europe.

The main reason U.S. forces needed to take over the Japanese island of Okinawa was:

To secure a staging ground for the planned invasion of Mainland Japan. The Battle of Okinawa occurred over three months during the spring of 1945. The only other battle of World I War II in which American forces lost more men was at the Battle of the Bulge in northern Europe. The Japanese also suffered tremendous losses, and it is estimated that almost 25% of the civilian population of Okinawa died during the three-month battle. Thus there were very compelling strategic reasons to accept such immense destruction of life. The guiding vision for the entire U.S. strategy of "island hopping"—taking Japanese controlled territory island by island rather than simply bombing from aircraft carriers and U.S. territory—was the invasion of Japan which had been in the planning stages since 1943. The U.S. needed to get closer and closer to Japan, and take bigger and bigger islands, in order to have ample staging grounds from which to launch a massive invasion force as had been done at Normandy on June 6, 1944. Since Okinawa is only 340 miles from Japan,

Which of the following most accurately represents the effect that the fall of Constantinople had on scholarship in Italy?

When Ottoman forces conquered Constantinople, they closed the universities, and scholars of ancient Greek and Latin fled west to Italy, taking their books and knowledge with them. In 1453, Sultan Mehmed II and his Ottomon forces laid siege to the city of Constantinople and eventually overcame the defending force. Under Ottoman rule, the universities of the Byzantine Empire were closed, and scholars of ancient Greek and Latin had to look for employment elsewhere. They went to Italy, taking books with them that had been brought back by Crusaders from Palestine and Persia centuries earlier: ancient Greek and Roman works of law and literature. These works piqued Western scholars' interest, and eventually led to the intellectual foundations of the Renaissance. The correct answer therefore, is D.

Adam Smith, a famous economist, described an "invisible hand" which guides business. Which best describes this idea?

When constrained by competition, a firm's greed will cause it to act in socially optimal ways. Adam Smith's invisible hand theory is that when firms are constrained by competition, each firms' greed causes it to act in a socially optimal way, as if guided by an invisible hand. The other answers are true of the marketplace but do not define his invisible hand idea. Smith's theory is often used as an argument to keep the government from policing industries, since the invisible hand should guide the market to do what is right for the consumer.

What member of the Senate ensures that all political party members vote a certain way?

Whip. Both the majority and minority parties in the Senate are able to have whips to make sure that the others know which way they are to vote. If a person chooses not to listen to a whip, they run the risk of being ostracized by the party and losing endorsement for their next term.

What rebellion was stopped by Washington during his term in office?

Whiskey Rebellion. Some farmers were mad at the tax which was being charged on their locally made liquor. They tried to rebel to force the government to do away with these taxes. Washington sent in forces and stopped the rebellion quickly.

You produce personalized ping pong balls. Your marginal cost (MC)is $1.00. Your marginal revenue (MR) is $1.00. What does this mean to your business?

You are maximizing profits. When Marginal costs (MC) equal Marginal Revenue (MR) profits are maximized. If MC>MR you lose money. Charging more may cause you to lose market share if others produce ping pong balls similar to yours. Lowering costs may result in less output or an inferior product. When MC=MR you only produce units that bring in more money then they cost to produce.

Which of the following assignments would help your sixth grade social studies class understand the Truman Doctrine which argued that the United States should support free peoples who were resisting Communist domination?

You find out that the first grade recess has been reduced because the second graders want more time. You think that the second graders are being unfair. You decide to present an argument to the principal that all recesses should have equal time. Work in a group to construct your argument. Truman argued that the United States had an obligation to support free peoples who were resisting oppressing Communist governments. The U.S. has sent aid in many such situations. This activity would help the students see how a group can support a group being oppressed by another. Creative activities, such as this, can help students understand complicated issues.

You are a hunter gatherer. You follow the food supply, the animals' migration patterns and the plants as they are ready for harvesting. Which is NOT typical of hunter gatherers?

You have one permanent home.

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