Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple

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x Did you saw the movie last night? ✓ Did you see the movie last night?

Correct the mistake: x Did you saw the movie last night? ✓ __________________________________________________________

x Did you see the movie already? ✓ Have you seen the movie already?

Correct the mistake: x Did you see the movie already? ✓ __________________________________________________________

x He has drank frog juice before. ✓ He has drunk frog juice before.

Correct the mistake: x He has drank frog juice before. ✓ __________________________________________________________

x I haven't brushed my hair since 3 days. ✓ I haven't brushed my hair for 3 days.

Correct the mistake: x I haven't brushed my hair since 3 days. ✓ __________________________________________________________

x She has done her homework last night. ✓ She did her homework last night.

Correct the mistake: x She has done her homework last night. ✓ __________________________________________________________

x She has performed on stage last year. ✓ She performed on stage last year.

Correct the mistake: x She has performed on stage last year. ✓ __________________________________________________________

x They went on vacation recently. ✓ They have gone on vacation recently.

Correct the mistake: x They went on vacation recently. ✓ __________________________________________________________

has broken

He ____ (break) his ankle before.


I ______ (write) an essay in class yesterday.

has been

Ms. Wendy ____ (be) to her students' house recently.

has visited

Ms. Wendy ____ (visit) Iceland lately.

has been

Ms. Wendy _____ (be) an exercise trainer for three months.


My friends and I _____ (play) Pokemon Go last Saturday.

has ridden

My teacher _____ (ride) a horse before.


My teacher _____ (ride) a horse last weekend.

Ms. Wendy went to Iceland last month.

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: Ms. Wendy/ Iceland/ go/ to Iceland/ last month.

She ate a lot of cookies yesterday.

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: She/ a lot of cookies/ eat/ yesterday.

David Beckham has played football for Manchester United for ten years.

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: football/ten years/ for/ David Beckham/play/for Manchester United

Santa gave you the present last night.

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: last night/ Santa/ give/ you/ the present.

The student left for Japan last winter.

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: leave/ for Japan/ the student/ last winter

She has taken piano lessons since a long time ago.

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: since/ a long time ago/ piano lessons/ take/ She

Who took my pen three days ago?

Put the words in order and change the verb to the correct tense: three days ago/ my leadership folder/ who/ take?

has seen

She ____ (see) the Avengers before.

has bought

She _____ (buy) a new Ipad recently.


The boy's mom _____ (pack) his English back this morning.

has not been

The girl _____ (not be) to her grandma's house for two years because her grandma lives in a different country.

has never drunk

The good student _____ (never drink) beer before.

(Look at the picture)

When do we use present perfect vs. past simple?

Has, ever eaten

_____ Ms. Wendy _____(ever eat) sea urchin?

Did, do

_____ you _____(do) your homework last night?

Did, see

_____ you _____(see) the moon last night?

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