Primavera U.S Government A CHECKPOINTS/EXAMS (2019)

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What services did the Catholic Church provide to ease the burden of peasants serving under feudalism? Select all that apply.

- Health care - Education

Read the sentence. John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government changed the nature of government by providing the ideas of _[blank]_. Which options correctly complete the sentence? Select all that apply.

- Natural Rights. - Social Contract.

Which statements describe the role of polls in elections? Select all that apply.

- Polls can reveal how voters feel about issues. - Polls can predict who has won an election.

Why did Benjamin Franklin change Thomas Jefferson's original phase of "We hold these truths to be sacred" to "We hold these truths to be self-evident"?

Only through reason could a new nation protect the rights of the people.

Which statement best describes the difference between an open and a closed primary?

Only voters who are registered members of a party can vote in a closed primary, while independent voters can vote in open primaries.

How do Britain's proportional elections influence the government?

Proportional elections allow minority parties greater representation, but the larger number of representatives may make it difficult for members of government to form coalitions.

What is the upper house also referred to as?


Which statement best describes how the Internet can influence political campaigns?

The Internet enables candidates to raise money more rapidly because they can reach a vast number of people at once using the web and social media.

In which work did Rousseau state that surrendering individual rights for the good of all would create equality for everyone?

The Social Contract.

What was the significance of NFIB v. Sebelius?

The Supreme Court determined that the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act fell under Congress's authority to tax.

How did the Supreme Court limit federal overreach in Bond v. United States?

The Supreme Court ruled that the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act applies to nations, not individuals.

Why did the United States create the Second Bank of the United States?

The United States wanted to pay for debt accumulated after the War of 1812.

How did the Connecticut Compromise in the Philadelphia Convention lead to the acceptance of the Constitution?

The ability for each state to choose their delegates for the upper house allowed for equal representation among the states, allowing for the passage of the Constitution.

What is the significance of the Bill of Rights?

The amendments constitute the government's recognition of naturally occurring rights and liberties.

Which statement best describes the role of the monarch under the British parliamentary system?

The power of the monarch is limited by the constitution.

What did the Second Charter of Virginia provide to the colonists?

The rights to establish a representative government.

What was the significance of the Law of the Twelve Tables?

These laws were easy to understand and made available to the citizens.

Gibbons v. Ogden revolved around what issue?

interstate commerce.

Read the sentence. Baron de Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws changed the nature of government by providing the ideas of _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

three-branch government.

Why did the British Parliament create the English Bill of Rights?

to strengthen the rights of citizens.

How are the governments of Sparta and the United States similar?

Both systems separate governmental powers into three different branches.

How did the Pilgrims influence the notion of representative democracy?

Government officials were selected locally.

How did Alexander Hamilton defend his belief that the federal government had the authority to create a national bank?

Hamilton believed that the Constitution's implied and resulting powers allowed for federal authority to create the bank.

How did Pericles encourage Athenians to take responsibility in government?

He advised them to write their own constitution.

How did Pericles influence the formation of the United States government?

He encouraged the people of Athens to write their own constitution.

What led King John I to sign the Magna Carta?

He wanted to maintain peace with the nobles.

Why was Shays's Rebellion important?

It showed that the Articles of Confederation were weak.

How did the accessibility of individuals to their church council in Jamestown impact government?

Jamestown colonists expected to have access to government officials.

Why did Thomas Jefferson believe that the creation of a national bank was unconstitutional?

Jefferson believed that any power not expressly delegated to the federal government by the Constitution should be reserved for the states or the people.

Which statement is characteristic of a traditional economy?

Most people are involved in agriculture.

Read the sentence. The Albany Plan in 1754 is most significant as an early _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the sentence?

attempt to unite the colonies under one government.

Which document enumerates the limitations of the federal government and the personal freedoms of United States citizens?

Bill of rights.

What governmental practices led to the writing of the English Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.

- The Crown had tortured the accused to receive confessions for crimes. - James II created a standing army that killed hundreds of Protestants. - James II had created laws restricting the right of Protestants to bear arms.

What are roles of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in political elections? Select all that apply.

- The FEC oversees the distribution of public funds to political candidates. - The FEC reports all campaign financial transactions to the public.

What are some of the similarities between the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution? Select all that apply.

- Trial by jury of one's peers. - Separation of church and state.

What are the two ways for ratifying and amending the Constitution? Select all that apply.

- calling an amendment convention. - introducing legislation into Congress.

Which ideas align with the Federalist platform? Select all that apply.

- economic improvements and protections. - strong central government.

Which activities represent ways in which political parties and special interest groups help citizens legally express their needs? Select all that apply.

- participating in political campaigns. - engaging in planned protests.

How did the Romans influence the creation of a representative government and written law? Select all that apply.

- writing down the law and making it available to the public. - allowing elected leaders to speak for the citizens they represented.

Why was the Three-Fifths Compromise necessary? Select all that apply.

1. Southerners feared that they would be taxed twice if each slave were counted as property as well as part of the population. 2. Northerners believed that if slaves were counted as part of the population, then the Southern states would dominate the House of Representatives.

Match the colonies with the definitions. 1. Pennsylvania 2. Massachusetts 3. Virginia

1. colony whose practice of religious tolerance led to a creative atmosphere that promoted cultural and economic development. 2. colony founded by Separatists and Puritans, whose religious values promoted a spirit of hard work that led to economic prosperity through shipping. 3. colony whose economic independence through tobacco production led to the creation of the House of Burgesses.

Match each key term with the correct definition. 1. aristocracy 2. timocracy 3. oligarchy 4. mobocracy 5. tyranny

1. rule by philosopher-kings, selfless individuals who have no interest in monetary gain and rely on the producers to provide life's necessities. 2. rule by leaders who rise from the military to command a society where everyone is required to produce. 3. rule by a small group of wealthy property owners who use their power for their own benefit. 4. rule by the poor gathering large numbers to rebel against existing leadership, then directly voting for how government should operate. 5. rule by a powerful leader who brings order out of chaos.


A government consisting on a small group of people.


A government established through one person coming to power in order to maintain order but exercising power in an unjust matter.


A government in which power is held by the most qualified individuals who have no interest in monetary gain.


A government placed on principles of military glory; rulers include military personnel.


A government that replaced rulers who mistreated the masses and became a system where the lower classes vote for how the government should be run.

Which event led to King John I signing the Magna Carta?

The English nobles rebelled.

How was the House of Burgesses different than the British Parliament?

The House of Burgesses was more open to the average colonist because officials were locally elected.

Why did so many Pilgrims and Puritans move to the New World?

They were persecuted for their religion in England and wanted religious freedom in the New World.

Read the sentence. Adam Smith believed that governments should not interfere in the economy. This approach is known as _[blank]_ . Which best completes the sentence?

laissez faire.

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