Prince Henry

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What did Europeans discover?

Europeans discovered America by accident during this search for a faster, easier way to get to Asia (or the Indies, as the area was also called).

What happened when Prince Henry died?

Even after his death in 1460, Portuguese ship captains were still trying to find the sea route Henry had hoped for.

What happened in 1492?

Finally in 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain with one hundred men in three ships: the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

What did Prince Henry find very very hard?

He had a great deal of difficulty finding someone who would help pay for his trip.

Who is Prince Henry?

Prince Henry of Portugal (who later became known as Henry the Navigator) fought in North Africa as a young man.

Why was Prince Henry so important?

Prince Henry of Portugal was an important explorer of the time we are learning about.

What did Queen Isabella make Prince Henry do?

Queen Isabella made him wait a long time before she gave him permission to go.

What did he see when he was there?

There he saw incredible gold, ivory, spices and silks, and other riches being traded by travelers who had been to Africa, India, China, and Japan.

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