Princess Bride content

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Why does Prince Humperdinck try to kill Westley?

-Buttercup calls him weak and says that Westley is superior

Buttercup's childhood

-all the boys loved because she was so pretty -she just wanted to ride her horse named Horse -when she rejected the boys, they mocked her, saying she thought she was too good for them

What agreement do Buttercup and Humperdinck arrive at regarding the wedding?

-they agree that they will marry without love (Buttercup's love is dead supposedly & Humperdinck needs a wife but would rather hung)

What is Inigo's driving motivation? What does Inigo plan to say to the nobleman when he finds him?

-to avenge his father's death -"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die."

How does the Count die?

Inigo kills him

What triggers Buttercup's feelings towards Westley to change?

The Countess is checking him out and Buttercup gets upset and obsessed over why. She realizes it is because she finds Westley attractive.

What do we learn Humperdink really has had planned for Buttercup all along?

To kill her & frame Guilder

What criteria does Prince Humperdinck establish in his search for a bride?

she must be pretty (can't be bald)

Who is 'the Albino'? What does he do?

tends to the Zoo of Death

How does Westley end up captured in the Zoo of Death?

-Buttercup surrenders and goes with Humperdinck, thinking that he will let Westley go -in reality, he ends up in the Zoo of Death so that Count Rugen can torture him (to experiment with pain)

Why does Goldman decide to write an abridgement for The Princess Bride?

-He gave his son a copy of the book and his son hated it -He realized the reason he loved it as a boy is because his dad skipped over the boring parts -He wants to write a version that only has the fun stuff

What happens to Westley while his is at sea? What resolution does Buttercup make upon hearing the news?

-He is captured and supposedly killed by pirates. -Buttercup says she will never love again.

What do Inigo and Fezzik end up doing after the incidents with the Man in Black?

-Inigo becomes a drunk -Fezzik becomes a member of the Brute Squad

Describe the "Zoo of Death".

-Prince Humperdinck build it -it has levels of difficulty where he can face different animals -on level 5, there is nothing yet because it is meant to be the ultimate challenge?

Who is Yellin? What does the Prince ask him to do? Why?

-Prince Humperdinck falsely informs Yellin that a Guilder assassin is planning to kill Buttercup (even though Humperdinck is the one who wants to kill her) -Yellin is the Chief Enforcer of Florin; he is in charge of a spy network

Describe the character Vizzini. Why do Fezzik & Inigo need Vizzini in their own ways?

-he is arrogant and domineering; he thinks he's smarter than everyone -Fezzik: he feels he is stupid and needs a smart person to lead him -Inigo: he thinks that Vizzini can help him find the 6 fingered man

Fezzik's childhood

-he was strong and big so other kids wanted to challenge him -he didn't fight back and so he was bullied -father teaches to fight back -his parents make him wrestle for money & he hates it

Inigo's childhood

-his father Domingo was a famous swordmaker who makes a sword for the six fingered man (Count Rugen) -Rugen says the sword is not good enough -Domingo says he will keep it and give it to his son -Rugen kills Domingo -Inigo (at age 10) challenges Rugen and loses

Describe at least two obstacles of the fire swamp and how Buttercup/Westley move past them.

-snow sand: Buttercup falls in and Westley saves her by tying himself into a rope and climbing back out -ROUS: Westley kills it

Describe how the Dread Pirate Roberts is Westley and yet is also a lot of other men as well. How did Westley live when captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts?

-the name of the Dread Pirate Roberts is passed down from person to person when the last one wants to retire -Westley said "please, I need to live" and described his love for Buttercup and how beautiful she was.

Describe either the conflict between Inigo and the Man in Black or Fezzik and the Man in Black.

1. Inigo & Man in Black engage in a sword fight and the Man in Black wins. 2. Fezzik & Man in Black fight hand to hand and the Man in Black chokes the Fezzik

What types of 'dead' are there according to Max? How does Max get the truth from Westley? Why does Westley want to come back to life?

Dead, Dead Dead, & Mostly Dead, uses a giant bellow, "true love"

Why do Vizzini (the Sicilian), Inigo (the Spaniard), and Fezzik (the Turk) kidnap Buttercup?

Humperdinck paid Vizzini to kidnap and kill Buttercup and frame the country of Guilder so that Humperdinck's country Florin can go to war with Guilder.

How does Westley manage to ignore the pain of Count Rugen's torture?

he focuses his thoughts on Buttercup

What decision does Fezzik make on his own at the end?

he gets horses for them

What is the Prince's response to news that his father is dying?

he is upset because it means he will have to marry

On the way to the Cliffs of Insanity, what beings are in the water?


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