Principles of Biblical Studies 1 FINAL

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What kind of introduction to the Psalter is Psalm 2?

a.What does it suggest about what we are going to find in the Book of Psalms? b.Give at least three important references to this Psalm in the New Testament. •Suggests that it will be about the messiah •Royal Intro - Psalm 2 - Baptism, transfiguration. great commission it is an insstruction on the royal son of david. there are two ways of blessing: following gods law and following God's annointed king (same thing in christ)

Why is part of Isa 22 very important for understanding a certain part of the Gospel of Matthew and the structure of the Catholic Church?

22:15-22 says a Royal steward has the keys and power just like Peter does who is the Pope of the Catholic Church

Explain how, in 1 Kings 10-11, we see Solomon break all the prohibitions of the kingship in Deut 17:14-20.

3 fold concupiscence see Question 15 Concupiscence of the flesh: 700 wives, 300 concubines; C. o/the eyes: 666 talents of gold per year; Pride of Life: horses from Egypt

Give six ways Jeremiah was like Jesus. Cite the relevant passages from Jeremiah in each instance.

Jeremiah prophesizes to us by what he says and what he does. Things that happen to Jeremiah will happen to Christ -deuteronomy 18: 15-22 - Jeremiah is like Moses but Jesus is equal to Moses •Both were imprisoned Jer 32:2 -both described as a lamb led to slaughter -both were betrayed •Both were celibate Jer 16:2 (celibacy is a prophetic practice to be completely available to do the will of God) -both are persecuted by the priesthood of their days (Jer: 20) •Both descended and rose Jer 38:67 •Both preached in parables Jer 3 •Both opposed false prophets Jer 28:10 •Both plots to kill him 18:18

How does Solomon's royal administration in 1 Kgs 4 prefigure the authority structure of Jesus' followers?

Son of David = Solomon/Jesus, The Queen mother - The steward has the kings which is type of Peter with the kings - then you have the 12 officials who oversee feeding the kingdom and the bishops oversee the spiritual food of the church. Solomon is 1st king of Israel with role of royal steward/overseer of palace (vs 6). He carries the keys to the kingdom (Isaiah 22:22) --> peter - royal steward; solomon first established this role. Vs 7: 12 officers are placed over the kingdom --> 12 apostles (provide eucharist and feed us).

What are the five steps that we take when we find an apparent error in Scripture?

•1. Review the genre of the text - usually solves the problem •2. Look back at the text itself - the transmission of the text which is copying an recopying •3. Look at the translation - see if it was mistranslated in modern language •4. The accuracy of our own science and history •5. Suspend judgement and wait for more data.

1.What were the two major sins Saul committed that lost him the kingship and the support of God and Samuel? a.Give the two different chapters where these sins take place, and show how Saul loses the kingship in two distinct stages.

•1st was performed unlawful sacrifice and curses his own house- Ch 13 - Loses Dynasty (vs 14: your kingdom will not continue) - but it doesnt say he is not king •2nd spared king Agog (failure to carry out harem command) Ch 15 - Loses Personal Kingship (vs 23 - God rejects him as king) Saul's biggest sin was his disobedience (he falls out of favor with God); his sins grow and grow and lead to his degeneration where he eventually becomes a mass murderer and dabbles in witchcraft; shows how small sins can lead to larger sins; sin needs to be killed of at its root m

1.Give a Christological (messianic) reading of the Song of Songs. a.Identify some places in the Gospels where Jesus uses "marriage feast" images to describe the kingdom.

•Song of Songs is Jesus Christ offering marriage to us (the marriage of the lamb) •Mark 2:18 - Jesus describes himself as the bridegroom •Matthew 22 - compares the kingdom of heaven to a marriage feast given for the kings son •Matthew 25 - compares the kingdom of heaven to 10 virgins who go out to meet the bridegroom

According to Dei Verbum, are Scripture and Tradition two different sources of revelation? Explain to a Protestant or ill-formed Catholic why it is important to venerate both Scripture and Tradition, and why failure to venerate Tradition ultimately ends up undermining Scripture as well.

•They are two methods or modes of transmission of the one word of God •The veracity of scripture is upheld by tradition - the most basic way this is seen is by the church made the canon.

1.The books of Ezra and Nehemiah describe the restoration after the exile. This was a partial fulfillment of prophecy. What were some positive things that were restored, and what were some things that quite clearly were not restored, thus indicating that the messianic age had not arrived?

•They did get: Temple was rebuilt, Capital again, they got Judah back, Liturgy back thru the levitical priesthood. •They did not yet get: Rest of the 12 tribes, Davidic King, New Eden, Resurrection,the new spirit, the new law.

1.How do David and Jonathan solemnly affirm their friendship, and how does this (in the course of time) ultimately preserve Jonathan's line? a.How does the concept hesed relate to the relationship of David and Jonathan? How do David and Saul compare in the practice of hesed?

•They make hesed (covenant) 1st Samuel 18 2 sam 19 david acts on this covenant and preserves Jonathan's heir (saul the apostle was probably from the line of jonathan) •This preserves Jonathan because he binds himself to David - the Lord's anointed which binds his fate to David •a. Jonathan and David keep hesed and preserve each others life - 1st Samuel 20 (hesed = family bond and they are faithful to eacother even unto death -2 sam 1) •b. Saul keeps trying to kill David which is breaking hesed; . Saul was jealous that David would become king and an evil spirit came on him and he tried to kill David. (david doesnt try to kill saul and remains loyal even though he is trying to kill him, that is keeping hesed) David and Jonathan have more than just a friendship; they make a covenant relationship (ch 18 and 20); they do this through the exchange of clothing (family gestures = have become kin) -think of baptism - a "new garment" jonathan's curse from saul is overcome because he makes a covenant with david who has the Holy Spirit (1 Sam 16:14); jonathan ties and binds his fate iwth David who cannot fail which gets rid of the curse from Saul; this is similar to us binding our fate to Jesus through baptism and avoiding the curse of original sin through our parents

1.How religiously observant were Uriah and Bathsheba, and how do we know? a.Were they "born and raised" Israelites? b.How does this make the contrast with David's behavior all the more striking?

•They were very religious •Uriah practiced continence when he was home from war to stay in solidarity with his men •Bathsheba did the purity washing •Uriah was a Hittite and it is likely that Bathsheba was also a Hittite •David should be leading them closer to his faith, they are converts, but he leads them into sin and DESTRUCTION.

1.In Ezek 40-48, Ezek sees a new temple for Israel. Is this vision literal or figurative? Why? a.What does Jesus identify as the new temple in the Gospel of John? Ezek 47 portrays a river flowing out of the center of the temple. b.How does John show this as being fulfilled in Jesus?

•This is figurative because there are no vertical dimensions, there are stylized measurements, supernatural features like stream that keeps growing. •Temple - Himself John 2:21 •River - John 19:34 blood and water flows from Jesus' side

What is the "todah" sacrifice? What is the "todah" cycle, and why is it important to understanding the psalms?

•Today means Thanksgiving in Hebrew - it is a sacrifice of Thanksgiving. The Seven steps are •Situation of distress, Cry out to the Lord for help, Make a vow to offer Todah, Act of Deliverance, Pay your Vow, Have a feast, Give public praise and public testimony. Lament subcycle = 1,2,3 then deliverance 4, then thanksgiving subcycle 5,6,7. •Important because the entire Psalter is one big Todah Cycle ◦Also: Many psalms are Todah psalms.

Name three similarities between David's expulsion from Jerusalem by Absolom and the betrayal and passion of Jesus.

•Tries to kill the one man in the night and spare the rest who will flee 2 Sam 17:1-4 •David climbs the mountain of olives while he is weeping like JEsus in Gethsemane 2 Sam 15:30 •People hurling insults at him and rejecting him 2 Samuel 16:5-8 •Absolom hangs himself like Judas does. 2 Samuel 18:9 David experience things that the Lrod would experience during holy week: -both are betrayed by those who shared bread @ table -both were driven out of Jerusalem by night and go out sorrowgul by way of the mount of olives -plot agianst david and jesus is similar. Ahithal's plan is carried out by Judas (everyone flees and they capture the king only). Ahithial hangs himself just like judas.

1.According to Dei Verbum, has public revelation ended? a.What are some groups that have accepted public revelation after the close of the canon? b.What is the status of revelations like those to the children of Fatima or to St. Juan Diego?

•Yes it has. •Mormons, MUSLIMS Seven day adventists, Jehovah's witnesses. •1. Private revelations 2. If they are true and and real they normally confirm public revelation and support it.

What are the three objectives of this course?

Understand the content and unity of scripture, deepening your life of prayer, and learn the catholic principles of biblical interpretation.

List and explain four ways Jeremiah was like Moses, and give passages to support your answer.

•Chosen from infancy - Exodus 2:2, Jer 1:5-6 (before you were in the womb i chose you) •Rejected by people of Israel- Exodus 5:21 - Jer 1:18-19 •Condemned idolatry in the same language - Deut 12:2 and Jer 2:20, 3:6, and 13 (upon every high hill and every green tree) •Circumcision of the heart (theme both in moses and jeremiah) Deut 10:16; 30:6 and Jer 4:4 Jer 9:26 Jeremiah finishes off and carries out all the prophecies Moses left behind

1.What is Jeroboam's big sin after the split of the kingdom, and what event does it recall from Exodus? How do you think Jeroboam may have justified his actions from a religious perspective?

•He made the people TWO golden calves (1 Kings 12:28) he said "beholdhj your God" - this was a reversion to the sin of Exodus especially at Sinai (Exodus 32) - Justified because Aaron had already done it. •He was afraid people would kill him. •He may have said they were going back to their roots in Egypt where they obviously had idols -religious persective: hermenutic interoperation of nathan and of moses -how do we know God was speaking to Moses Jeroboam makes a religious schosm (similar to henry VIII) when he sets up illicit sanctuaries in Israel (the 2 golden calves) so the ppl want to go down to Jerusalem to worship. Repeat of the sin of the calf

1.In Daniel 9, how long does Gabriel say it will be until the end times? a.How is this number of years related to Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years of exile? b.Who comes at the end of time, and what does Dan 9 say about him?

•He says 70 weeks of years which is 490 years. •a. - It is seven times longer because it is a biblical principle that if you are punished and you still don't learn the lesson •The Messiah / anointed one will be cut off and this is one of the few prophecies of the savior's death. Dan 9:26

Describe the three main ways that David is connected to the Psalter. Draw the table contrasting the Mosaic covenant economy with the Davidic covenant economy.

•Historical - Davidic authorship •Liturgical - Liturgical Reformer - Sacred Music/Psalms •Covenantal - Psalms flow out of the Davidic Covenant ◦Location - Sinai, Zion ◦Sanctuary - Tabernacle, Temple ◦Form of Instruction - Law handed down, wisdom handed down ◦Polity - Nationalism, international empire ◦Style of liturgy - Silent, Full of Son ◦Preferred Sacrifice - Burnt/holocaust offering, Todah Sacrifice

1.Is the Song of Songs about free love or about marriage? a.Where are some passages that stress the importance of abstaining from relations before marriage? I am looking for at least three passages with some explanation as to why they point to marriage and/or chastity rather than the alternative.

•Song of Songs is about Marriage •3:5 - do not stir up love before its time •4:12 - A garden locked, a fountain sealed (physical integrity entering marital relationship) -is sister a door or wall (chastity for marriage) •8:9-10 - If she is a door we will enclose her with boards; bride claims to be a wall - talking about virginity

Describe some of the parallels between Solomon's accession to the throne and some of the important events of Jesus' life (two in particular).

•The baptism of Jesus and the river Gihon 1 Kings 1:38 •After being anointed Solomon begins his reign and after his baptism Jesus begins to preach 1 Kings 1:39 •Entrance into Jerusalem on Donkey 1 King 1:44 •Rides up to the acclamation of the people 1 Kings 1:40 •Both are called the Prince of Peace - Solomon means peace "Shalom"-on •People come from the east - Queen of Sheba comes from east and wise men

Point to five ways that Psalm 22 points forward to the experience of Jesus Christ. THIS WILL BE ON TEST

•There are 10 types of Christ on the cross •When Jesus says "My God my God, why have you forsaken me" it is actually a reference to all of Psalm because psalms were titled by their first verse. todah cycle

We read Isaiah 55:1-3 in the Easter Vigil. Summarize what this passage means, and then explain why it is significant and relevant to what takes place at the Easter Vigil liturgy.

(all who thirst come to the water and eat and drink without money or price) -the prophet on behalf of God is calling out to the poor and if you come to this free banquet i will initiate you into the davidic covenant -- this happens on the easter vigil because poor people are coming into the covenant Invitation to the Eucharist and it is relevant because of the catechumens about to be baptized and receive the Eucharist. Mosaic covenant kept foreigners and munichs far away but Isaiah says that in the new covenant they will be brought in and even will be allowed to serve as priests David's covenant will be extended to all, even the Gentiles (nations) (Isa 55:1-5). 13. Foreigners and eunuchs enter the covenant and shall approach God for worship (Isa 56, see Acts 8).

Explain the typology of what David does for Mephibosheth in 2 Sam 9, and how it relates to the typology of what went on between David and Jonathan in 1 Sam 18 and 20.

•It is Eucharistic typology, David takes in Mephibosheth and he eats at the king's table for the rest of his life. •David and Jonathan are bound in a covenant as are David and Mephibosheth. AND Mephibosheth is Jonathan's last son. Works with Baptism.

How does the structure of the book of Psalms follow the historical/spiritual experience of Israel from the time of David's early career to the post-exilic restoration? Draw the diagram that we used to describe the ups and downs of the mood of the Psalms as we move through the five books.

1. Saul trying to kill David, 2. David and Solomon rule, 3.Communal laments because of the fall of the kingdom, 4. 90-106 exile in babylon 5. Return to the Israel to have a temple and worship

1.The book of Daniel speaks about the coming Christ, but much of the book is also concerned with the coming of a certain Hellenistic king. a.What was this king's name, what did he do to Judea, and how did the Judeans eventually free themselves from him?

Antiochus the 4th called epiphanes. He tried to destroy Judiasm, defiled the temple with pigs blood in the holy of holies. They freed themselves by revolt under the Maccabees and cleansed the temple.

Why does Dei Verbum stress the "inner unity" of words and deeds in God's revelation?

Because the words explain the deeds and the deeds confirm the words. Some people were saying all you need are words and others were saying all you need are deeds.

Give four ways Ezekiel is like Moses, citing passages to support your answer.

Ezekiel is a prophet like moses and a prophet like Jesus •Ezekiel sees sinai like vision (zekiel 1) - Moses saw God in a mediated way; Ezekiel is given the priveledge of seeing the likeness of God and vision relates to Sinai; the creatures with the four faces are cherubim; ch 1 shows ark •Ezekiel speaks to God directly from God's throne (Ezekiel 1:26-28) (God speaks to Ezekiel from throne; moses and ezekiel are only ones who get this) exodus 25:22 - God speaks to moses directly from throne •Ezekiel experiences rejection from God's people (Ezekiel 3:7) - spiritual condition of Israel is worse than it was in Moses' day; the curses fo the covenant are going to fall on the people of Israel; image of wheels is important becasue they represent mobility to get around (the divine presence can move) - God's presence is not tied to the temple •Ezekiel has a speech impediment (3:26) - calls to mind how moses has a heavy tongue and cant speak well both moses and ezekiel rebuke the people from breaking the laws of moses ezekiel 40-48 goes up on a mountain and gets a new law and sees the plan for the new temple --> recapitulation of Moses on sinai getting laws and blueprint for temple

Discuss how the feeding of the 5000 in Mark 6 and John 6 shows a kind of fulfillment of Ezek 34.

Good shepherd, asks lie down in green pastures, feed them until they are satisfied(satiated) ezekiel 34: coming age = feast in the pasture and i will make my sheep lie down on the mountain mark 5: jesus goes on a mountain; there was much green grass; have them lie down on that grass; I am the good sheperd (just God is the sheperd); i will save my flock and set up the son of david as the one sheperd - how can this be if God is the one sheperd? only possible if the son of david is God ezekiel 34:25 - covenant of peace; new eden/ new creation language ezekiel 36:25 - new heart, new spirit, sprinkling of water,

List the eight different types of psalms, define each type, and give at least one example of each.

Hymns (150, 148), Thanksgiving/Todah(22), Penitential(38, 51), Wisdom(1, 19, 119), Royal(2, 45, 72, 89, 132), Messianic(16), Imprecatory(137), Lament(overlaps with Penitential, first part of todah cycle ps 51, 22, 3).

Explain how Psalm 22 reflects the todah cycle in its structure and progression.

Psalm 22 has all 7 parts of the TODAH cycle---though they are not in order

Selections from Isaiah 54:5-14 are read during the Easter Vigil. Summarize the meaning of this passage, and explain how it relates to what happens in the Easter Vigil.

Restoration of the nuptial relationship fulfilled in Christ and the Eucharist + baptism Resumption of the "marriage" between God and his people (Isa 54:5-8; 61:10-11; 62:4-5).

TEST 1.1 Kings 8 is a highp oint of salvation history. How are almost all the covenants represented at the dedication of the temple? a.Why is the temple so important to salvation history? b.What is God's temple now, and what is the key passage in John that indicates this? c.How does this relate to the Eucharist?

Solomon praying over temple - adamic covenant is present because temple is representation of eden; mosaic bc temple represents ark (ark is present; both have three levels) priests take ark and tabernacke and set up in the temple (davidic assuming mosaic into itself); abrahamic is present because temple is built on mount moriah; davidic is present because son of david and temple (were two of the promises of 2 samuel 7 •Temple has the eden stuff and is the new eden Adamic, Ark had 3 levels/stories of windows Noahic, The ark of the covenant which contains the law is brought into the temple Mosaic, The temple was built on mount moriah where Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac Abrahamic, Davidic represented by the temple being built finally. •Salvation history has a liturgical orientation and the temple is the place of worship - it also represents the stable place where the presence of God dwells. •b. God's temple now is Jesus' body - John 2:19-22 •c. The Eucharist is also Christ's glorified body. ch 8: the whole ppl of Israel have become a great nation; solomon has a great name and prays a prayer to offer temple with 7 petitions = 7 sacraments. he prays for the people and offers sacrifices. solomon is acting as priest (7 day festival in 7th month - this new temple is the new creation). royal steward; 12 officers = fulfilment of abrahamic covenant (as numerous as sand); peace of messianic age (under fig tree) proverbs --> parab;es temple shows fulfilment of all the covenants up to this point because it was the culmination of salvation history and embodiment of the covenant (solomon blesses the ppl) Ch 5-8: similarity between temple, tabernacle and eden: golden stones; cherubim, garden imagery, basin of water. Temple is the new Eden, new place where god an be worshiped. =festival of dedication = highpoint of OT history

In 1 Kings 6, What are some features that the Temple has in common with the Tabernacle and Eden?

The gold, precious stones, cherubim statues, many carvings of trees and fruit - waters like the rivers (1 Kings 7:23) - Covenantal numbers it tooks 7 years to build the temple similarity between temple, tabernacle and eden: golden stones; cherubim, garden imagery, basin of water. Temple is the new Eden, new place where god an be worshiped.

Describe how Song of Songs provides a "nuptial" background to at least three important events in Jesus's life recorded in the Gospels.

•Song of Songs 4:6 and John 12 Frankincense and myrrh preparation for Mary of Bethany anointing the feet with nard •Song of Songs 4:14 and John 19 with 100 pounds of aloes •Song of Songs 3 and John 20 - finds Jesus shortly after meeting the watchmen/angels. •Song of Songs 5:1 and Eucharist - Marital embrace described a meal.

WILL BE ON FINAL!!!! The three great prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, each in their own way describe the final age as one in which (1) there will be a new covenant, (2) the Mosaic covenant will be abrogated in some sense, and (3) the Davidic covenant and kingdom will be reestablished. Discuss the passages in each of the three prophets where these things are described. (This

Will have to do one on the final •Isaiah 1) Is. 42:6, 49:8, 55:3 (the hesed of David), 2) Is. 66 (mosaic covenant forbad gentiles from being part of the covenant?), 3) Is. 9 (Son/savior will be born to us; dcvidic restoration prophecy), 11:1-5 (promises shoot from stump of Jesse to be wise king), 55:1-3 (all who come to this meal will enter into Davidic covenant) •Jeremiah 1) Jer. 31:31, 2) 31:32-34 3) 30:9, 33:15-21 (jeremiah promises that the Davidic covenant is eternal and one day God will raise up the seed to rule over house) •Ezekiel 1) 34:25 (covenant of peace; return to eden), 37:36 (covenant of peace; everlasting), 2) 20:25 (laws of deuteronomy are no good), 40-48 3) 34:23 (sheperd david will be king over people), 34:24, 37:24-25

1.Although there is not much explicit mention of the "covenant" in Proverbs, there are several implicit indications in the book that wisdom is a covenantal concept and reality. What are these? a.From which covenant does the Book of Proverbs flow?

a. •Marital theme and Davidic covenant sonship •Wisdom has setup her 7 pillars = covenantal •Wisdom as wife •Us referred to as a son wisdom is covenantal. it flows out of davidic covenant as way they are supposed to live. Wisdom literature is teh divine instruction for the people of Israel. 3 ways wisdom is covenantal (literary indications): 1.) The adress of the reader as son puts the reader in covenantal relationship with Solomon, heir of the davidic cocenant, and this in a mediated covenantal relationship with God. Each chapter for the first 7 begins with son 2.) the sevenfold structure of the book points to the covenantal nature of wisdom. 7 is covenant #. Through divine wisdom you enter into covenant (marital covenant). Thought to be a description of ideal ancient Israel wife and a personification of wisdom itself (proverbs 3:15 and 8:11 = women more desirable than jewels). moral sense of text = morals we should live by. allegorical sense = wisdom is God's spirit and blessed mother. -sevenfold structure of book in notes. 3.) the use of wife as an icn of wisdom points to a covenantal (nuptial) relationship with wisdom/truth. Proverbs 1-9 = heavy nuptial theme; wisdom is protrayed as most desirable wife and ideal wife (moral and allegorical); son is urged to marital fidelity. flows from davidic covenant. solomon is son of david. book of proverbs is the beginning of the form of instruction associated with the davidic covenant (wisdom associated with davidic covenant)

TEST Why does David choose Jerusalem as his capital?

a.Explain why this is a wise choice; why it is better than David's other options; what the history/significance of Jerusalem was to Israel prior to David taking it over; what archeology reveals about the significance of the city at this time in history. •It's in the middle of the two kingdoms (politically neutral) •It's a giant city with water - with huge fortifications 10x10 stone blocks for the foundation of the gihon. •It's on a mountain good for fortification -the city itself was strategic which means that David must have had significance because he had power to make this fortification (he is a king of regional significance; he overcame a large fortification) •Melchizedek was the ruler of Jerusalem so whoever takes his throne gets into the priestly line of Melchizedek. - Gen 14

What kind of introduction to the Psalter is Psalm 1?

a.What does it suggest that we are going to learn by studying the Book of Psalms? b.How do the Psalms teach? •Wisdom Intro - Psalm 1 •Like Karate you memorize the forms so you know how to pray in every situation and circumstance - initiated into the Davidic Wisdom. •Indirectly - teaching forms like karate it is the wisdom introduction; the psalms are a book of literature to teach you how to live

What does the taking of the ark up into Jerusalem in 2 Sam 6 tell us about David's intentions and motivations as king?

a.What later Scriptures allude to this passage, and explain the significance. b.Why does David not get in trouble for wearing an ephod and doing the other things he does? c.Explain the typological significance of the sacrifice and meal that he offers. •The Liturgical concerns are paramount. •a. - When John the baptist leaps in the womb of Mary Luke 1:39ff - same word used for David dancing when he brought the ark in. •b. Because he has already sat on the throne of Melchizedek and attained the priestly roles. •c. Type of the Eucharist because he feeds everyone from his own cost and gives them bread and wine. Brining of the ark establishes center of worship. David uses his political power to worship the Lord. No more antagonism between king and priesthood like with saul. Uzzah dying by coming into direct contact with God points towards purgatory. David celebrates a feast on the arrival of the ark which points towards the eucharist. tells us that he wants to make worshipt the center of his kingdom so he brings the ark so the political capital will also be the spiritual capital (Saul didn't do this) Luke ch 1 has same words as 2 sam 6 (mary goes up into hill country of Judea to meet Elizabeth - new ark of the covenant) why doesnt david get in trouble for wearing ephod. its because david enters into melchizedek priesthood (psalm 110) in 2 sam 5; and then offers meal which is eucharistic type

How is the Servant of the Lord in Isa 40-66 described in ways similar to David? a.How can the Servant be both Israel, and Israel's savior (for example, compare Isa 49:3 and 49:5)? b.Why is the statement that he will be given "as a covenant" (Isa 42:6; 49:8) striking, and how is it fulfilled (give NT text)?

•42, the servant of the lord was chosen by the lord, in Is 61 it talks about anointing the servant of the lord - these are all characteristics of David from Psalm 89 There will be a "servant" who will, like David, be called "my servant," "my chosen one," and "the anointed one" (see Ps 89:19-20; compare Isa 42:1; 61:1) •Corporation Sole is how The Servant represents Israel - He is the king of israel so he embodies the nation; The servant is not just a personification of the whole nation because if he is a savior figure to save Israel, how can he be Israel? - you have to apply corporation sole where one person represents and embodies the entire nation(we see this in the diocese; the bishop is the corporation sole of the diocese; also can be seen in captain of ships) (servant is and is not Israel) •Strange because a person doesn't become a covenant typically and Jesus gives himself thru the Eucharist in Luke 22:20 as a covenant. Isaiah 42: I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nation, to open the covenant of the blind - this relates to Isaiah 35 (the servant will do the healing work) -"i have given you as a covenant = weird language bc people cannot be covenants - only fulfilled when jesus says this cup is the new covenant of my blood (the new covenant is the Eucharistic body and blood of Jesus; at the last supper the Eucharsti becomes the covenant - extension of kinship by giving of body and blood so they become body and blood)

In Psalm 8, who are the four different people that could be understood as "the man" (or the "son of man") in v. 4? Don't just list the four, but give an explanation of the meaning of the psalm depending on which interpretation of "son of man" is taken.

•Adam, Jesus, David, Humanity 1.) adam and seth- glory that god gave to our first father 2.) david and solomon - glorifying god for the glory that was given to the davidiv kings 3.) joseph and the lord - messianic psalm about the chrsist praising god for the glory of christ, the son of man (ephesians 1) 4.) all of humanity - psalm is praising god for the exalted role he has in creation •The psalm is praising God for the place all man has in creation - the top of the food chain. •David is the man, Solomon is the son of man •Adam means "man" so son of man is Adam's line = all people

1.What is the "liturgical orientation of salvation history"? a.Give three examples of it in the parts of the OT we read for this course. b.How does it relate to the "nuptial orientation of salvation history"?

•All of salvation is ordered torward the worship of God seen most perfectly in communion and self-gift. The nuptial is self-gift and are both a communion. •Examples: Bible itself which ends in revelation with the wedding feast of the lamb •Example 2: The creation story with the seventh day being the sabbath and Eden being a temple •Example 3: In the exodus you go from a tabernacle and end up with a temple.

1.How do the troubles in David's household illustrate what we have discussed as the "implicit polemic" against polygamy in the Bible?

•Amnon raped Tamar which causes Absalom to go nuts, civil war ensures,the king is thrown out, he tries patricide and eventually is killed. - 2 Samuel 13 1.Name three similarities between David's expulsion from Jerusalem by Absolom and the betrayal and passion of Jesus. •Tries to kill the one man in the night and spare the rest who will flee 2 Sam 17:1-4 •David climbs the mountain of olives while he is weeping like JEsus in Gethsemane 2 Sam 15:30 •People hurling insults at him and rejecting him 2 Samuel 16:5-8 •Absolom hangs himself like Judas does. 2 Samuel 18:9

1.Why does David continually spare Saul? a.Why did this principle eventually serve to stabilize his own claim to the throne? b.How does principle continue to apply in the life of the Church? c.What is the organic connection between David's authority and the Pope's authority?

•Because he is the Lord's anointed and if he protects the Lord's anointed it sets a precedent for not harming the Lord's anointed and he is the Lord's anointed also! -David doesnt kill saul because saul is the Lord's annointed. If david kills saul his men might think it is okay to kill the Lord's annointed and kill him. This sets a healthy example for his own followers: assasinations were uncommon and his dynasty lasted longest •Continues in the church because it is how you should treat the authority of the Pope. •c. Docility to those in holy order and not rebel against them because they are the Lord's anointed. Chain of hand laying. Pope is serving son of David. -this is visible in the church today, which has the structure of a kingdom with annointed christ as leader and laying of hands on the apostles; it is not our duty to defy these rulers of the church David spares saul because he was the Lord's annointed and that saved him because they no longer had assassinations; it was the longest dynasty in ancient world (400yrs)

• 1.Why does Pius XII stress that understanding ancient literary genres is important for the doctrine of inerrancy?

•Because they may not have meant to be taken literally, by understanding the genre you can understand how it is meant to be taken. ◦Some Genres - Wisdom literature, prophetic, historical

1.What is a "bicola" and a "tricola"? a.What are the three basic types of parallelism we find in verses of Hebrew poetry? b.What are some subcategories of "synthetic" parallelism, with examples?

•Bicola - verse of two lines of poem that either same or contrast •Tricola - One verse, 3 lines of repetition, Slows down pace of poem and makes it feel more epic (Psalm 1:1, 29) •3 basic types - Synonymous , antithetical, synthetic (SAS) ◦Synonymous = Psalm 2 - 2 lines say the same thing ◦Antithetical = Psalm 1:6 - lines say opposite (contrast) ◦Synthetic = everything that doesn't fit •Subcategories of synthetic = Complementary (second line completes the thought of the first) 2:6, stair-step (build on eachother) ps29, emblematic (when one line states something literally and the other uses a figure of speech) ps 42 ps 22:16

1.What roles did both Eli and later Samuel serve for all of Israel? a.Although Samuel was better than Eli, what basic behavior was the downfall of both? b.What does Samuel say to Israel about what a king will be like for them? c.How is the tension between a human king and God himself as king of Israel eventually resolved in salvation history?

•Judge(they are the last two judges and then they are succeeded by kings; epochal change) and High priest •a. Lack of disciplining their sons •b. It will be bad and he will take everything! - 1st Sam 8:10-18 •c. They end up being the same thing in the Man-God King Jesus!!!

1.What does David charge Solomon to do in 1 Kgs 2? Does he do it? a.Where does the biblical author most clearly show Solomon's defection from Mosaic law? b. How does Solomon's behavior contrast with Jesus, and at what point in Jesus' life is the contrast drawn most clearly?

•Charges him to keep the law of Moses - 1 Kings 2:1-12 - He does not do it he multiplies his wives, wealth, and horses. - 1 kings 10:14, 10:26, 11:1-3 (solomons three failures that correspond with the three concupiscence---- Deuteronomy 17:16-17 •When Jesus is tempted in the desert he tempted with the threefold concupiscence and responds in quotes from Deuteronomy. Matthew 4 -Jesus responds 3 times always quoting from deuteronomy which were the statutes that David told us to follow and the three concupiscence (lust of flesh, lust of eyes, pride of life) David calls solomon and makes him keep the law of moses that says king isnt supposed to multiply wives, gold, or horses. Solomon violatest ehse 3 rules that moses had left and david charged him to keep. In jesus' temptation in the desert, every time staan tempts him, jesus responds by quoting deuteronomy and upholding the law of moses. Solomon fails moses' law 3 times and Jesus upholds it 3 times 3 errors of solomon: too much gold, horses, and wives; relates to deuteronomy 3 concupiscence (lust of flesh, lust of eyes, pride of life).

What are the three criteria for correctly interpreting the spiritual sense of Scripture given in the Catechism of the Catholic Church? CCC §111-114

•Content and Unity - bible read in the context of the whole •Living tradition - bible should be read in context of the sacraments and the liturgical life of the church Analogy of faith - how the truth of faith fits among themselves and in the whole plan of revelation.

How does Solomon's wisdom for all the nations (1 Kings 4) correspond to Christ's pouring out of the Spirit, and what are three Old Testament texts that establish the connection between wisdom and the Spirit?

•Daniel 5:14 •Genesis 41:38-39 •Wisdom 7:22-35

1.What are some "priestly" things that David does in his career (1 Sam 21, 2 Sam 6), does this relate to Ps. 110, and how does it reflect the original state of Adam and foreshadow the person of Jesus Christ?

•David eats the bread of the presence 1st Samuel 21 •David wears the priestly garments - the ephod •David sacrifices an ox and a fatling 2nd Samuel 6 •David by assuming the throne of Jerusalem gets in the priestly line of Melchizedek. •Adam was a priest and King, David was a priest and king who offers sacrifice - Jesus was a priest and king who offers sacrifice on calvary When david is expelled he immediately goes to the priests (Ahimelech) and gets permission to eat the bread of the face of God (which symbolized God's presence). THis points to the Eucharist; david performs many priestly acts and has roles as both priest and king

List five characteristics of the coming restoration mentioned by Ezekiel in Ezek 34-37 and how they are fulfilled in Christ's first coming.

•Everlasting covenant of peace ezekiel 37:26 Luke 22:20 •Raising the dead 37:13 •Baptism 36:25-28 •God as shepherd 34:11ff •Israel and Judah unified 37:1-10

List a couple of examples of how the theme of "nuptial orientation of salvation history" appears in the three great prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.

•Ez. 16:8 & 23- "I pledge myself, you became mine" •Jer. 2, 3-, 31:34 "I remember your love as a bride" •Is. 1-3, 54:5- Metaphor for Jerusalem, bride that went astray (resroration of marriage between the Lord and Israel after the sacrificial self offering of the servant; 54)

Give four ways Ezekiel is like Jesus, mentioning specific passages from Ezekiel.

•First he is called son of man 2:1 •He is single and wifeless Ezekiel 24:15-27; points again to tradition of prophetic celibacy •He is rejected by the people 3:7 he performs sign acts (ch 4, 12 and 37) - public show and tells to attract attention and provide opportunity to teach; withering of fig tree -both ezekiel and Jesus preach against Jerusalem and the temple •Prophecies a New Temple 40-48 - jesus talks about temple of his body ezekiel founds a new cult and a new sanctuary - he sees a new temple sanctuary to replace the old one and consecrates priests to sacrifice agian -jesus establishes a new temple (with his body) and establishes a new liturgy.

1.How does the magnificence of Solomon's rule (1 Kgs 4:20-34) fulfill the covenants made with Abraham (Gen 15, Gen 17, Gen 22)? a.How does it prefigure Christ?

•Great name, Nation, Universal Blessing •Nation = Solomons people were the sand by the sea - Great commission Matthew 28 •Royalty is fulfillment of the great name - Christ's name above all other names and his king of kings •Universal Blessing = Solomon's Wisdom - Christ's spirit poured out Abrahams seed gains possession of land promised to him through Solomon; sitting under vine and fig tree = peace. When jesus teaches in parables it is similar to the proverbs of Solomon. Royal steward; 12 officers = fulfillment of tabrahamic covenant (as numerous as sand); peace of messianic age (under fig tree).

TEST 1.How does David's situation in 2 Sam 7 meet the conditions for the establishment of a central sanctuary according to Deut 12? a.What word play is used in 2 Sam 7:11-17? b.How are the promises immediately fulfilled in Solomon, and ultimately fulfilled in Christ?

•His rest from his enemies which was the condition for having a central sanctuary. •"House" which can mean temple or dynasty •Solomon builds a stone temple and has David's dynasty/house - Jesus is also from David's dynasty but he himself is the temple. ch 7 is where the terms and conditions with the covenant of david is layed out. Promised great name, place of worship, a house - raise up seed and will establish kingdom (father and son)

1.What are the two senses of Scripture? a.What are the four senses of Scripture? b.How do the four senses build upon each other?

•Literal and Spiritual •Literal, anagogical, allegorical, moral •Moral = Love, Anogogical related to hope, and allegorical related to faith. •Build upon each other looking at the past, present, and future.

1.Who is the woman of Proverbs 31? a.Is she just a good wife, or something more? b.How does this relate to Wisdom 7-9? c.Of what else is this woman a "type"?

•She is the ideal ancient wife - the "STRONG WOMAN" wife •She is also Wisdom Personified in chapters 7-9 of the book of Wisdom (ebodiment of lady wisdom) •She is a type of Mary (our lady seed of wisdom, full of holy spirit), and a type of Christ, and a type of the Holy Spirit (person of the godhead from which the great feminine virtues flow), and a type of the church (bride of christ, seed of wisdom) Proverbs 31 is a marital reading of the valient woman. foley is personified as a loose immoral woman; engaging in idolatry is portrayed as foley. wisdon - marital fidelity; foley - marital infidelity

1.In the book of Daniel, there are two visions of four successive world kingdoms, one using the image of a statue and the other using the images of animals. In class, what did we argue that the four successive world kingdoms were? a.What is the final (fifth) kingdom that is to come? How was this all historically fulfilled?

•In first vision of King Nebachedar, the statue, Babylon is the gold head, Medo-Persia is the silver chest, Greece is the Bronze loins, and Rome is the Iron/clay feet. in Chapter 2 - 4 statues of the coming kingdom -head of gold, chest silver, midsection bronze, feet of iron mixed with clay -the rock not cut out by human hands (sacred stone) is cast against the feet of the idol and it breaks and becomes larg and grows into a mountain covering the whole earth = temple image (temple will replace empires) -daniel 7 - 4 animals that represent the coming kingdom •In the first vision of Daniel then in second winged Lion is babylon (winged lion was symbol of babylon), the bear is Medo-Persia, the leopard is greece, and rome is the Beast/Monster. -the kingdom is given to son of man and saints of the OT; lopsided ram •The fifth kingdom is the Holy Roman Catholic Church which in the first vision is the rock that becomes a mountain. •Historically the goat is Alexander the Great who conquers persia but when he dies his kingdom splits into 4 parts which is eventually conquered by Rome. -lopsided ram corresponds to lopsided bear (bear and ram and silver are medopersian empire) -the dragon/monster is unidentified but it is the roman empire that succeeded the greek (iron) -the Lord/son of man comes out of the Roman empire = Catholic church = spiritual empire which encompases the whole earth

1.Explain the threefold Marian typology to be found in 1 Kgs 2:13-21 and its significance. a.How does Solomon act in Bathsheba's best interest, even if he denies her formal request?

•Intercession, Veneration, and Coronation •In Theory the queen mother is supposed to get what she asks for ◦The Queen mother is like the last recourse to get what you want which indicates marian intercession ◦Solomon bows to her which indicates veneration ◦The throne at the right hand of the king is a type of the coronation of Mary - Revelation 12 •Solomon acts in her best interest because he would have been dethroned and she could have been killed after. Mother of solomon is bathsheba. Solomon bows down to his mother and has a throne brought and she sits at his right. Solomon says he will not refuse Bathseba. this shows the role of queen mother. Mother of king can intercess. This relates to mary (intercession and veneration). The only person solomon bows to is his mother. When she sits next to Solomon on throne her queenship is established (coronation). Mary is the perfect bathsheba/ queen mother.

1.How does the prophecy in Isaiah 9 indicate the two natures of Christ? a.What does it indicate about where Christ's ministry will begin? Why begin there?

•Isaiah mentions a prophet coming from Galilee and is only place mentioning a prophet coming from Galilee which is where Jesus' ministry begins •Isaiah 9:6-7 talks about a God-Man - divinity inside of the humanity (A God-man will sit on the throne of David) •These were the first tribes that will see hope when God will restore Israel - were first to be broken. (the restoration will begin in the same place of the destruction. that is why in all the gospels jesus works from north to south) Isaiah 9 = formerly zebulin and anaphtali were brought into contempt - they were the northern most tribes that were the first to be destroyed; gospel writers site this passage to explain why Jesus begins his ministry in the north; he is the new life and will restore wonderful counselor, mighty god, everlasting father, prince of peac= solomon attributes on the oustide and divine attributes on the inside = how Jesus is (appearance = human descendent of david but inner life = 2nd person of the trinity)

1.What passage of Scripture does the wording of 2 Sam 5:1-5 allude to? a.What is the significance of the allusion? b.What kind of relationship does the Davidic King have to Israel, and how is this also expressed in the gospels, in Jesus' person and teaching?

•It alludes Genesis 2:23 which is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh •It is nuptial covenantal language signifying Israel as Bride and David as Groom. (bridal relationship between Adam and Eve) •Jesus is the bridegroom who offers himself nuptially thru the Eucharist - Jesus goes to the well which is a site used for proposals, to go to propose to the whole region because she had 5 husbands and they had 5 gods from being conquered 5 times. Ch. 5 marital covenant: Israel comea as a bride to present itself to David. David becomes king over all Israel and the people say behold we are your bone and flesh. This points to the covenant with adam and eve; the tribes offer themselves as part of him. They are adopting the stance of the bride. This is the only kingdom that was established on the basis of covenant

1.According to Providentissimus Deus, what did the Council of Trent mean by calling the Vulgate the "authentic" version of Scripture? a.What role does the Vulgate continue to have in the Catholic Church? b.What did Dr. Bergsma propose this means in practice?

•It meant that its should be used as the official translation for when there are disagreements - and we should be guided by the vulgate when we make our translations. •It remains the official translation of the Latin right. •Dr. Bergsma proposed that we should use translations of the bible based only on the vulgate.

1.Where is Jeremiah's "Book of Comfort" or "Book of Consolation"? a.What passage is the heart of this book? b.Where will the new law of the new covenant be written, and what does that refer to? c.What does it mean that they will "know" the LORD in the new covenant? d.Where does Jesus make reference to this passage?

•Jeremiah 30-33 - only part of the book where he gives positive oracles of good things to come; davidic kingdom and covenant restored (Jer 30:9; 33:15-21) •Heart of book is 31:31 which is the promise of a New Covenant (new covenant is given whic​h is unlike the covenant with Moses) - new covenant will rescind mosaic covenant -this is the only part of the OT where new covenant is used and it is with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. •31:33 write it upon their hearts - refers to the internal law •Know thru infused knowledge of marital intimacy - knowing as experiential knowledge not head-knowledge - even though I was their husband they broke the covenant (Jer 31:32) - refers to the nuptial relationship that God solemnized with the ppl on Mt. Zion; verse 33: I will be their God and they will be my people (marital covenant making language) -aspects of the new covenant through the holy spirit they will know the lord (heart knowledge through experience) - we can have experience with God through the gift of the holy spirit - it forgives our sins and allows us to know God - new covenant is the gift of the holy spirit which flows to us through the sacraments •Jesus says in Luke 22:20 (upper room - this cup is the new covenant of my blood = fulfilling jerimiahs covenant and when the spirit is poured out on pentecost it is this covenant being made in us

Show how "new kingdom," "new creation", and "new exodus" motifs are used to describe the coming messianic age in Isa 11. How is the Eucharist a sacramental fulfillment of these three themes?

•Moses, Adam, and David (fulfillment of all of these covenatns - Sinai, Eden, and Zion are fulfilled in christ) •Eucharist - Sacramental bodily presence of the King which brings us out of sin and recreates us causing order in our souls -eucharist is fruit of the tree of life; only other food in bible that you can eat and not die -the eucharist is all three of these things. when the eucharist is consecrated he becomes the king and we become the kingdom; he is the fruit of the tree of life; he is the new passover which we eat to make our exodus to the new covenant There will be a new kingdom (Isaiah 11:1-5) (new king; new david) There will be a new creation (isaia 11: 6-9; 65:12-25) - new eden; new adam There will be a new exodus (Isa 11: 10-16,35:8-19; 43:1) - new moses new passover (davidic king will play the role of moses in a second exodus) -highwway for the new exodus is mentioned this is read at christmastime because jesus is the new king; the new david; he comes to bring new creation - to restore the frut of the tree of life (new eden, new adam); Jesus is new highway of the new exodus (He is the way)

1.Does Dei Verbum teach that the truth of Scripture is limited only to "salvation issues" or "faith and morals"? a.Give five reasons why or why not.

•No it does not. •1. Latin does not read that way •2. If you look atthe footnotes all of them point to no inerrancy •3. Paul the six did not believe that •4. the comittee said that the bible was completely inerrant •5. Even ifit was true itwouldbe in direct opposition with former church teaching •6. Within the text of the document it says that all that is in the bible is asserted by the holy spirit.

Song of Songs is heavily physical in describing love. When we read the book as Catholics, do we throw out the physicality? Explain why or why not, with examples.

•Physicality is essential because we physically receive christ in this life thru the Eucharist. •We are a religion of God becoming a human being •In the end times our bodies are going to be resurrected

Point to a couple of ways in which the book of Proverbs illustrates the nuptial/bridal orientation of salvation history that we have discussed.

•Prologue, chapters 1-9 focus on marital fidelity •Refers to wisdom as a woman throughout, talks about how you want to enter into a relationship with wisdom in the same way you would enter into marriage with a wife. epescially 7-9 •Proverbs 31 - talks about wisdom as the perfect spouse

Discuss how important Deut 30:1-6 is to the whole history of salvation, and show how both Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesy a clean/circumcised/new heart in the coming era of restoration.

•Prophecy of the new covenant when we are given the holy spirit that cuts us to the heart. Acts 2:37 •Jeremiah 31:33 - write it upon their hearts •Ezekiel 36:26 - I will give you a new heart sprinkling of water is related to new heart which is related to baptism of the holy spirit (new eden/new creation) -ezekiel 37- raise dry bones --> resurection (what if I die before Israel is restored? God says he will raise u up) blessing refers to time of david and solomon when people were blessed cures corresponds to downfall of kingdom from rheboam to exile -scattered you = exile (in daniel and esther) -repent = restoration from exile (ezra and nehemiah) -lord will bless and numberous - takes place under maccabees and herods -cricumcize heart (vs 6) - refers to pentacoust both jeremiah and ezekiel prophesize new heart (Jer 31 - write law into heart) - heart of flesh can be cut/cricumcized --> acts 2:37 -hearts can be cut ezekiel (heart of flesh rather than heart of stone (36:26))

Into what three divisions do many scholars divide the book of Isaiah, and what is each division called? a.What is the historical-critical explanation of the differences between the three sections, and what would be a traditional explanation of the differences?

•Proto Isaiah 1-39 - Situation of Judah during Isaiah's lifetime •Duetero Isaiah 40-55 - Period of exile to Babylon •Trido Isaiah 56-66 - Period of return to Israel •According to modern scholars Isaiah only wrote the first part, only 1-39. •Traditional explanation of the differences was that he was a prophet historical critical explination = 3 authors that lived at different times (pre-exilic, exilic, and post exilic) traditional = all from isaiah but second half is prophetic.

List five characteristics of the coming restoration as prophesied in Isaiah 40-66, with the respective Scripture references, and describe how they are shown to be fulfilled by Christ in the NT. (try to find the NT references yourself)

•Resumption of the Marriage between God and his people - Isaiah 54:5-8 and John 20 and Song of Songs 3 •Priesthood opened up to non-levites and non-aaronites Isaia 61:6 - Christ from tribe of Judah •Anointed one will preach good news to the poor Isaiah 61:1-2 and Luke 4:16-30 •Foreigners and Eunuchs being able to come and worship god in house of prayer (for Isaiah's prophecies to come true the mosaic prophecies are going to thave to be set aside) - Isaiah 56 and Acts 8 •Earthly stone temple will not longer be adequate (1sa 66:1-2) and God will look for a new Temple composed of men with a davidic heart(humble and contrite heart) - John 2:21

1.Where in Jeremiah's Book of Comfort does he discuss the endurance of the Davidic and Levitical covenants? a.How do we explain the fulfillment of this promise in the New Covenant, for both the Davidic line and the Levites? (Don't forget the key NT verse related to the Levitical priests.)

•Second half of book of jeremiah. Jeremiah 33:15 on. He says David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man - Acts 6:7 and before (early on in the church the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. A great many of the priests were obedient to the faith when they shifted from the old to the new because they were baptized and gained the priesthood of Christ) •The fulfillment is Christ on the Davidic line and the Levites is the priesthood of Catholic Church

Discuss the theological significance of the emphasis on "seeing the beloved" in the Song of Songs. Give examples in Song of this emphasis, mention other places in Scripture that relate to this theme, how it relates to the liturgy, and to our eternal destiny.

•Seeing is a deeper form of communion than talking - like old couples who don't talk but only stare at each other. •John 14:8-9 - anyone who sees me has seen the father •Transfiguration - seeing the glory of God •Liturgy = We behold the lamb of God, gaze upon him and commune with him •Eternal destiny = beatific vision which is seeing God face to face as he is.

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