Principles of Management

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A performance appraisal method that utilizes evaluation info from sueprvisors, employees, and coworkers is known as

360-degree feedback

Which of the following is the primary purpose of the management-by-objectives (MBO) approach?

Aligning goal setting and planning

A homebuilder dominates a market by offering attractive options, higher quality, and value-added services. Which of the following competitive strategies has the homebuilder adopted?


Which of the following people is associated with the development of the Theory X and Theory Y model?

Douglas McGregor

Which technology integrates financial, marketing, operational, and human resource applications on a single computer system?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

According to Maslow, the need to feel genuinely respected by peers, both in and out of the work environment, is included in which of the following need classifications?


Which of the following personality traits best describes individuals who can adapt and adjust their behavior to external factors?

High-self monitoring

Which of the following is a correct statement about controlling as a management function?

It must be closely related to planning in order to work efficiently

A person who believes that the ends justify the means is best describes as?


Which of the following words is NOT a step in the management process?


Which of the following control techniques is most likely to emphasize the importance of time?

Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)

Which of the following models classifies products as stars, question marks, cash cows, or dogs?

The Boston Consulting Group Matrix

A type of control device for assessing the progress of planned activities and the expenditure of resources allocated to their accomplishments is referred to as

a budget

A large span of control throughout an organization invariably results in

a flat (horizontal) organizational structure

"You are always late to meetings and this will have to change!" Which of the following best describes the comment above by a manager to en employee?

a general over-specific comment

Preparation of which of the following is the most logical first step in developing an annual operating plan?

a sales forecast by product

Which of the following terms best describes a corporations sexual harassment policy?

a standing plan

Which of the following is most likely to result from the use of flowcharts in planning?

a visual sequencing of activities

Large organizations are not likely to structure their work operations and personnel in what way?


Which of the following types of leadership is most likely to be effective with workers who have experience and are professionally oriented?


Which of the following procedures are appropriate when disciplining an employee?

advising the employee of what he or she has done wrong, advising the employee of what he or she does well, and disciplining the employee in private

The span of control most appropriate in a given organization is primarily influenced by which of the following?

amount of supervision needed by subordinates

In labor negotiations, if a third party has the power to determine a solutions to a labor dispute between two parties, the negotiation is known as?

an arbitration

Which of the following is a deterrent to "escalation of commitment"?

an efficiency "reality check"

Praise received from an employees peers is best described as an example of

an extrinsic reward

When a company adopts telecommunicating, which core job characteristic is likely to be influenced the most?


If a manager commits a halo error on performance appraisal, the manager may have done which of the following?

based assessment on a single attribute of employees' performance?

The choice of organizational structure to be used in a business should be

based on the objectives of each individual business

The Hawthorne studies are examples of which management approach?


Which of the following management activities is most typically described as a controlling function?

budgetary review

Which of the following quality tools utilizes a visual depiction of a process to help identify problem areas?

cause and effect diagram

In which of the following situations are groups most effective?

cohesive groups in alignment with organizational goals

Which of the following is a conflict-resolutions practice that seeks to satisfy both parties in a conflict?


Which of the following best describes a team that brings together organizational members from various areas such as marketing, engineering, human resources, and production to work on a task?


Which of the following is the type of team that is made up of experts in various specialties working together on various organizational tasks?


The practice in large companies of establishing autonomous divisions whose heads are entirely responsible for what happens in the division is referred to as?

decentralization of authority

Which of the should be the first step in a decision making process?

defining the problem

A manager who outlines a problem to employees, accepts suggestions, and makes a decision is said to be following what style of leadership?


Which of the following is the primary concern of employees responsible for strategic planning in the company?

determining how to pursue long-term goals with available resources

Which of the following can best be described as a planning function?

determining objectives

The extensive use of work teams in an organization is most likely to occur under which of the following circumstances?

employee involvement is a management goal

The best tangible measurement of leadership effectiveness is which of the following?

employee job performance

If an investor buys a stock based on the recommendation of a broker because the brokers previous recommendations have been profitable, the broker possesses which type of power?


The power base that relies on the use of knowledge to persuade is best described as


An employee manual is given by a supervisor to employees reporting to that supervisor. The manual outlines attendance polices. This is an example of which of the following methods of developing norms in groups?

explicit statements from an authority figure

Social Security, unemployment benefits, and workers comp are benefits required by law. If a company has 120 employees, what other benefit does fed law require the company to provide?

family and medical leave

Which of the following refers to gender-related problems int eh career advancement of employees?

glass ceiling

Outsourcing allows an organization to have which of the following?

greater flexibility in staffing

Which of the following best illustrates informal organization?

grouping based on such factors as technical ability, seniority, and personal influence

Group or team cohesiveness is usually influenced by which of the following?

identification with the group by its members

Job enrichment can be an effective tool to achieve which of the following?

increased job resonsibility

Which of the following business situations is most appropriate for telecommuting?

individual productivity is of primary importance

In their classic study of the bases of social power, John R. P. French and Bertram Raven explicitly identified all of the following sources except


Which of the following best describes managerial ethics?

it is the standard of conduct that guides a persons decisions and behavior

Which of the following is the most accurate description of a grapevine in an organization

it plays an important role in organizations

Which of the following best describes a system that requires subassemblies and components to be manufactured in small lots and delivered as needed to the next stage of production?

just in time (JIT)

If a manager announces a casual-dress policy on Fridays and then comes to work dressed casually on the following Friday, this is an example of


Solomon is reviewing the types of power the company has provided him for his job as dept head. A certain degree of authority comes with the positions. He will directly exercise authority through which form of power?


If jobs are designed so that each worker assembles a different part of product on an automated assembly line, the job design is most likely to

make it easy to train workers

Which is not considered steps in the planning process?

measuring performance

Which of the following best describes the situations in which an employee arrives for work on time in order to avoid being placed on probations for a second time?

negative reinforcement

On one stage of group development, group member come to accept and understand one another; differences are resolved and members develop a sense of team cohesion. This stage of group development is known as


Which of the following types of questions would be the best to use during a job interview?


Which of the following oversees the transformation process that converts inputs such as labor and raw materials into outputs such as goods and services?

operation management

Which of the following is NOT an input, according to equity theory?

pay incentives

Coaching as a leadership technique is most likely to work when which of the following exists?

performance development needs are known

Which of the following is best defined as a process that involves defining organizational objectives and goals, establishing an overall strategy, and developing a hierarchy of plans to integrate activities?


Which of the following pairs of functions of management are most closely interdependent?

planning and controlling

A multinational company expands its operation to Brazil and hires Brazilians to manage the operation of the new branch. The company is using which type of approach to expand its operations?


Which is not criteria commonly used to evaluate decision-making alternatives


Decentralization tends to be encouraged by which of the following business trends?

product diversification, telecommuting, and geographical expansion of operations

Intrinsic rewards can be classified as rewards that do which of the following?

provide a sense of achievement and accomplishment

According to Fiedler's contingency studies, for organizations that were considered" moderately favorable" in terms of leaders authority, task definition, and leader-member relationships, which of the following is the most effective style for the leader to have?

relationship motivated

Beatrice is a full-time employee who is permitted to arrange her schedule so that she works only 4 days a week and does not travel during rush hour. This is an example of Beatrice's employer

scheduling flextime

Frederick Taylor is considered a pioneer in the school of management referred to as

scientific management school

If George blames new software for his groups poor performance in the most recent quarter, but attributes the groups success in the prior quarter to his outstanding managerial skills, he is most likely exhibiting

self-serving bias

Empowerment opportunities are LEAST likely to be found in which of the following?

serving as a messenger

Which of the following best describes a type of planning in which multiple scenarios are developed to test possible future outcomes?


The preparations that a small town might make for a visit by the President of the US would be considered what type of plan?


The behavior of young athletes when they imitate the way they see professional athletes celebrate on tv is most likely explained as

social learning

If individual contributions in a group project are not evaluated, which of the following is likely to occur?

social loafing

The number of subordinates who directly report to a superior refers to the managers

span of control

Knowledge management involves encouraging members of an organization to

systematically gather info and share it with others

Which of the following basic leadership styles most closely matches the "high structure, low consideration" of the Ohio State leadership studies?


A Gantt chart is a visual depiction of the time frame planned for completing specific tasks as compared to which of the following?

the actual progress made on each task

Which of the following can be best determines by consulting an organization chart?

the connections of positions

Which of the following describes the most favorable situation for a leader of a group?

the group has high group cohesiveness and positive group performance norms

Which of the following is most likely to be a major advantage of group-aided decision making?

the likelihood that the decision will be accepted increases

Which of the following describes the critical path in a Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) process?

the most time-consuming sequence of events and activities

Determining whether membership of a group should be heterogeneous or homogeneous should be most influenced by which of the following factors?

the nature of the task

If the verbal and nonverbal parts of a managers message are in conflict, research suggests that an employee usually should believe which of the following?

the nonverbal message only

Which of the following is most commonly used to measure the total productivity of a company?

the ratio between total outputs and total inputs

What is most likely to cause a team to avoid groupthink?

the team holds a second-chance meeting, and outside experts are invited to observe and react to the group process

The breakeven point is defined as the level of production at which

total revenue is sufficient to cover total costs

Which of the following terms best describes leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by stressing rewards and the consequences of not conforming to expectations?


The use of transactional leadership is based on the concept of which of the following?

using rewards and coercive power

A manager decides to lay off 10% of the workforce and justifies the action by noting that 90% still have jobs and the company will remain solvent. The manager utilizes which of the following views of ethics?

utilitarian view of ethics

According to Hofstede, the degree of individualism found in a country is most closely related to which of the following characteristics?


Resolving conflict through collaboration requires that parties do which of the following?

work cooperatively

Requiring a prospective employee to demonstrate the ability to do a specific task during the screening process is defined by which type of test?

work sampling

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