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A firm pays a fee for rights to use another company's name and operating methods

Cultural intelligence

Ability to adapt to new cultures and work well in situations of cultural diversity


Acquiring products abroad and selling them in domestic markets


Anything that interferes with the communication process

Multicultural organization

Based on pluralism and operates with inclusivity and respect for diversity

Managing diversity

Building an inclusive work environment that allows everyone to reach his or her potential

Channel richness

Capacity of a communication channel to effectively carry information

Absence of prejudice and discrimination

Characteristic of a multicultural organization

Informal network integration

Characteristic of a multicultural organization

Minimum intergroup conflict

Characteristic of a multicultural organization


Characteristic of a multicultural organization

Structural integration

Characteristic of a multicultural organization


Characteristic of open book management


Characteristic of open book management


Characteristic of people with high cultural intelligence

Time and space

Characteristic of people with high cultural intelligence

First mover advantage

Comes from being first to exploit a niche or enter a market

Insufficient financing

Common reason for small business failures

Lack of experience

Common reason for small business failures

Lack of expertise

Common reason for small business failures

International business

Conducts commercial transactions across national boundaries

Adjusting to a new culture

Confusion, small victories, honeymoon, irritation and anger, reality


Creation of a whole greater than the sum of its individual parts


Creation of domestic jobs by foreign employers

Power distance

Degree to which a society accepts unequal distribution of power


Degree to which a society emphasizes individuals and their self-interests

Time orientation

Degree to which a society emphasizes short-term or long-term goals

Uncertainty avoidance

Degree to which a society tolerates risk and uncertainty


Degree to which a society values assertiveness and materialism

Low context culture

Emphasize communication via spoken or written words


Employ workers at very low wages, for long hours, and in poor working conditions

High-quality richness

Face-to-face meeting and conversations

Child labor

Full-time employment of children for work otherwise done by adults

Organizational subcultures

Groupings of people based on shared demographic and job identities

Self-managing teams

Have the authority to make decisions about how they share and complete their work

Information filtering

Intentional distortion of information to make it more favorable to the recipient

Substantive conflict

Involves disagreements over things such as goals, tasks, and resources

Succession problem

Issue of who will run the business when the current head leaves

Birth stage

Life-cycle stage of the small business life cycle

Breakthrough stage

Life-cycle stage of the small business life cycle

Maturity stage

Life-cycle stage of the small business life cycle

Active listening

Listen for message content, listen for feelings, respond to feelings, note all cues, paraphrase, and restate


Local products are sold abroad

Open book management

Managers provide employees with essential financial information about their employers

Employee involvement teams

Meets on a regular basis to help achieve continuous improvement

Low-quality richness

Newsletters, bulletins, blogs

Efficient communication

Occurs at minimum cost to the sender

Formal team

Officially recognized and supported by the organization (e.g. departments, work units, teams, or divisions)


One firm pays a fee for the rights to make or sell another company's products


One of the five stages of team development


One of the five stages of team development


One of the five stages of team development


One of the five stages of team development


One of the five stages of team development

Member composition

One of the four key inputs that are the foundation of team effectiveness

Nature of the task

One of the four key inputs that are the foundation of team effectiveness

Resources and support in the organization

One of the four key inputs that are the foundation of team effectiveness

Team size

One of the four key inputs that are the foundation of team effectiveness

Act as a positive role model

One of the seven ways leaders build teams with the right norms

Control results by performance reviews and regular feedback

One of the seven ways leaders build teams with the right norms

Hold regular meetings to discuss progress and ways of improving

One of the seven ways leaders build teams with the right norms

Reinforce the desired behaviors with rewards

One of the seven ways leaders build teams with the right norms

Train and orient new members to adopt desired behaviors

One of the seven ways leaders build teams with the right norms

Use team decision-making methods to reach agreement

One of the seven ways leaders build teams with the right norms

Member satisfaction

One of the three key output goals for effective teams

Task performance

One of the three key output goals for effective teams

Team viability

One of the three key output goals for effective teams

Cross-functional team

Operates with members who come from different functional units of an organization

Family business

Owned and financially controlled by family members

Communication channel

Pathway used to carry a message


Personality trait of an entrepreneur

High energy level

Personality trait of an entrepreneur

High need for achievement

Personality trait of an entrepreneur

Internal locus of control

Personality trait of an entrepreneur

Passion and action orientation

Personality trait of an entrepreneur


Personality trait of an entrepreneur

Self-reliance and desire for independence

Personality trait of an entrepreneur

Tolerance ambiguity

Personality trait of an entrepreneur

Political risk

Possible loss because of instability and political changes in foreign countries

Currency risk

Possible profit loss because of fluctuating exchange rates


Process of people actively working together to accomplish common goals


Process of sending and receiving symbols with meanings attached

World Trade Organization

Promotes free trade and open markets around the world

Effective communication

Receiver fully understands the intended meaning

High context culture

Rely on nonverbal and situational cues, as well as spoken or written words in communication

Emotional conflict

Results from feelings of anger and distrust, as well as personality clashes


Shifts local jobs to foreign locations to take advantage of lower-wage labor in other countries

Loose cultures

Social norms are mixed and ambiguous, and conformity varies

Tight cultures

Social norms are rigid and clear, and members try to conform

Serial entrepreneur

Starts and runs businesses and nonprofits repeatedly, moving from one interest and opportunity to the next

Social entrepreneurship

Takes risks to find new ways to solve pressing social problems

Social loafing

Tendency of some people to avoid responsibility by free-riding in groups


Tendency to consider one's culture superior to all others


Type of organizational subculture


Type of organizational subculture

Job functions

Type of organizational subculture

Race and ethnicity

Type of organizational subculture

Informal team

Unofficial and emerges from relationships and shared interests among members (e.g. book club, Saturday rugby league)

Cultural etiquette

Use of appropriate manners and behaviors in cross-cultural situations

Classic entrepreneur

Willing to take risks and pursue opportunities in situations that others view as problems or threats

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