PRM391- Không lặp

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How to apply stylesheet with HTML element by id?


Choose right kind of layouts supported in Sencha Touch.

- Justify Layout

Sencha Touch is

- a Java framework

How many main approaches to build GUI of Android app?


Which Android version had the greatest share of the market as of January 2011?


How many kind of Android service do we have?


The methods startForeground() and stopForeground() were introduced in which API level.


What year was development on the Dalvik virtual machine started?


When did Google purchase Android?


What year was the Open Handset Alliance announced?


Maximum results returned by getFromLocationName() method can be


Which doctype is correct for HTML5?

<!DOCTYPE html>

Which HTML5 element is used to display a scalar measurement within a known range?


Applications that require filtering based on screen size can use the attributes.


Which permission needed in order to use MapActivity?

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

What setListAdapter() function used for?

A command that projects your data to the onscreen list on your device by connecting the listActivity

The following content about Fragment

A fragment can be displayed without be embedded in an activity.

What onListItemClick() function used for?

A method called when an item in a list is selected.

What is a change Gravity?

A tool that changes the linear alignment of a control so that is is aligned to the left, center, right top or bottom of an

You must declare all application components in Manifest file in this way:

A. <provider> elements for content providers

What is TRUE about localStorage?

A. It is never expired

How to register a broadcast receiver?

A. Via AndroidManifestxml file

By default UI components made in the UI editor should have text defined in file?

A. string.xml

Intent flag, when finish() method called on A4. What will be the current running activity?


Current running activity?


In Android, which manifest permission is needed when use GPS location


Intent filter contain these component?

Action, data, type and category.

Which of the following is the based class for the main application class in an Android application that has a user interface?


Which of the following is the parent class for the main


Which are levels user interacts with UI in android?

Activity level and view level

Which of the following should be used to save the unsave


Which of the following should be used to save the unsaved data and release resources being used by an Android application?

Activity.onDestroy() Correct

Which of the following is appropriate for restoring the state of an An


Which of the following is appropriate for saving the state of an Android application


Which of the following is/are appropriate


Which of the following is/are appropriate for saving the state of an Android application?

Activity.onPause() Correct

Which dialog box can you use in you Android application?


Android: Which statements are correct about Broadcast receivers ?

All of above

Android: when will onUpgrade() be invoked ?

All of above

Android system uses intents to

All of the above.

Which sensor types that can appear in an Android device?

All of the others

With the Cursor, you can:

All of the others.

Android is based on Linux for the following reason.

All of these

Which of the following are not a component of an APK file?

All of these are components of the APK

While developing Android applications, developers can test their apps on...

All three options will work.

What is an intent object?

An Intent object is a bundle of information Correct

To persist your changes to preference made via the editor, you can use apply() or commit(). When does the apply() method is added in Android?

Android 2.3

What does the .apk extension stand for?

Android Package

To create an emulator, you need an AVD. What does it stand for?

Android Virtual Device

Which company developed android

Android inc

Why cannot you run standard

Android use dalvik

Why cannot you run standard Java bytecode on Android?

Android uses Dalvik Virtual Machine Correct

Gingerbread? is nickname of

Android version 2.3.x

Which one of the following is correct?

AnimateCamera() will smoothly animate the map from its original state to the new state supplied by the CameraUpdate.

Which of the following method can be used to create "OK" button for a AlertDialog?

Any of them

Android is licensed under which open source licensing license?

Apache/MIT Correct

What does the .apk extension stand for?

Application Program Kit Incorrect

What does the apk extension

Application program kit

What is a key difference with the distribution of apps for Android based devices than other mobile device platform applications?

Applications are distributed by multiple vendors with different policies on applications.

From a phone manufacturer's point of view, what makes Android so great?

Aside from some specific drivers, it provides everything to make a phone work

What is an Activity

Asingle screen in an application , with supporting Java

Files in the assets folders are accessed via a( n ) ________.


Name the class for performing background asynchronous task


The R file is a(an) generated file


In android, normally SDCard is

B. External storage

Android UI is threadsafe

B. False

Which statement is NOT correct about PhoneGap?

B. It doesn't support for Java phone

There are five different methods to store persistent data. They are: Shared Preferences. Internal Storage. External Storage. Network and __?

B. SQLite Database

Which attribute will be used in XML if the Java code needs a reference to View?

B. android: id

Which method to open a Hap connection to an Uri?

B. url.openConnection()

What does pressure sensor measure?

Barometric pressure, which could detect altitude for example or be used for weather predictions.

Android MapActivity is

Base class with code to manage the boring necessities of any activity that displays a MapView

Android Applications must be signed.

Before they are installed

What are 2 ways a Service can run ?

Bouned and Unbouned

How to set layout's attribute programmatically in android?

C. Use LayoutParams class

Intent myIntent = new Intent(this. ActivityTwo.class);

C. myIntent is explicit Intent

Android: Where we can create tables and columns to them, create views or triggers?

C. onCreate()

Which method to display a dialog?

C. show()

In android intent. The activity can be embedded inside of another activity that hosts gadget is belonged to


How to show or hide a Sencha Touch component ? or .hide() method of component itself

______ provides an application with the ability to work with images, either captured directly from the camera or retrieved from the device's photo repository.

Camera PhoneGap API

Besides specifying the action, the data, and the type, an Intent object can also specify a _______.


How to check if browser supports web storage?

Check if typeof(Storage) !== �undefined�

In auto-generated code of an Android app, what is R class?

Contains ID of the project resources

To share data across packages in Android which object you will prefer?


A/An _____ is a/an ____ that appears when the user performs a long-click on an element. It provides actions that affect the selected content or context frame.

Context menu - floating menu

Which class does the Activity class extend?


The Intent object is passed to this method to deliver


The Intent object is passed to this method to deliver the message to all interested broadcast receivers

Context.sendBroadcast() Correct

The Intent object is passed to this method to launch a new activity or get an existing activity to do something new

Context.startActivity() Correct

The Intent object is passed to this method to initiate


The Intent object is passed to this method to initiate a service or deliver new instructions to an ongoing service

Context.startService() Correct

The plus(+) means in statement android:id="@+id/my_id"?

Create new id and add to resources

Which shortcut key we can use to change orientation in an AVD simulator?


Which statements are correct about Broadcast receivers?

D. All of above

Which statement is correct about web storage?

D. It is key/value data

Which among these are NOT a part of Android's native libraries?


When developing for the Android OS, Java byte code is compiled into what?

Dalvik byte code

What is the name of the program that converts Java byte code into Dalvik byte code?

Dex compiler

____ are useful for cases in which you need to obtain the user�s response before continuing with execution.


How to play a video in HTML5?

E. Only a & c

What is not true about the Android application lifecycle

Each activity of an apps is run in its own process

Which of the following is NOT a right codename of Android version?


Which of the following statement is false?

EditText controls are derived from Control class.

How to make a TextView to be editable?

Either set attribute editable = �true� or Use EditText class instead of TextView class

In HTML5, onblur and onfocus are:

Event attributes

Intents designate the target component by its name and they are typically used for application-internal messages.

Explicit Intents Correct

Choose 1 answer)

Explicit Intents specify an exact Activity class to run in the other app.

What is base of all Sencha Touch component?

Ext COmponent

In Android, normally SDCard is

External storage

A device with Android installed is needed to develop apps for Android.


Android is built upon the Java Micro Edition (J2ME) version of Java.


Does Android support AWT and Swing


In Android, can we change the GPS setting by write my own Java code?


In Android, does Service create new thread in background


Is it possible to run java source code directly on Android?


Your Java source code is what is directly run on the Android device.


Can you deploy executable JARs on Android?

False Correct

The file is where you edit the resources for your project

False Correct

The LVL request is not responsible for providing the following information about the expansion files that the application requires:

File size

Android releases since 1.5 have been given nicknames derived how?


Which action does the method setZoomControlsEnabled() support?

For the + and - buttons

Which of the following is layout that you can use in a window in an Android application?


What are location providers in Android ?

GPS & Wifi

In Android, the process technical to convert an address into its latitude and longitude is called


A user who has paid for your application and who has uninstalled it, but not requested a refund, is NOT allowed to reinstall it later if:

Google pulls it due to violation of the rules.

What is the name of the control for adding horizontal scrolling?


To get data from Webserver to Android application, which of the following class you need to use to establish connection?


Which kind of application when creating with Sencha Touch?

Hubrid app

What is the permission you need to declare in your Android.manifest.xml for a HTTP connection


Intents do not name a target and the field for the component name is left blank

Implicit Intents Correct

Where will you declare your activity so the system can access it?

In the manifest xml file Correct

Where can you define the icon for your Activity?

In the style xml file

How to play a video in HTML5 ?

Insert<video> tag to HTML5 page only, the video is played automatically

One of the key aspects of Android programming is using the _____ to call activities from other applications.


Which data storage option is used to store private data on the device memory?

Internal Storage

Which statement is correct about web storage ?

It can be accessed by serveral web page running in the same domain

What is Content Provider?

It is a means to share data between applications which are by default run in completely different space by Dalvik instances.

In auto-generated code of an Android app, what is R class

It is the main controller of the app

What happen if the latitude is less than -90 or greater than 90?

It returns an IllegalArgumentException

What is the name of Android class do we need to use to build up an JSON object?


Assume that we have an Android object named stored in reader variable, and inside it has a child object named

JSONObject mainObj = reader.getJSONObject(&amp;quot;main&amp;quot;);

An activity can be thought of as corresponding to what?

Java class

What is the driving force behind an Android application and that ultimately gets converted into a Dalvik executable?

Java source code.

PhoneGap uses HTML5, CSS, and __________ to write and deploy application.


Which of the following is best choice for simple animation for your website ?


How many activities are in focus at any time?

Just one

Which are location provider in Android ?


The ___________ file specifies the layout of your screen.

Layout file

Which of the following file(s) is

Layout file

What operating system is used as the base of the Android stack?


What is NOT correct about Store in Sencha Touch ?

Load data via a proxy

Which class do we use for listening location update ?

LocationListener class

In Android, which is two location providers that you can use to obtain your position data?

LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER and LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER

Setting the choice mode on a ListView object to CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE will:

Make the ListView track only "selected" item.

How many CSS files can be included in a Sencha Touch project?


Which activity class do you need to inherit to show Google Map ?

MapViewActivity class

Which services are not provided as part of the Android SDK?

Mapping services.

What paramaters we need to make a Toast?

Message, duration and context.

Which on is not a nickname of


Which one is not a nickname of a version of Andriod?


For writing Android code using C


For writing Android code using C/C++, you need to use__________

NDK Correct

How can I check if an activity is already running before starting it?

NEW_TASK_LAUNCH in the startActivity() method call.

Do we need to declare all of Controller in app.js with Sencha Touch ?


What is NOT a new elements of input type in HTML5 ?

Non of above

Android: Which statement does not correct about Activity?

None of above

Screen has turned off' is an example

Normal broadcast

To display a notification on upper left of Android screen, which of the following class you need to use?

NotificationManager + Notification

Android is based on which language?

Objective C

Which of the following used to detect when a user clicks or taps on a button?


Although most people's first thought when they think of Android is Google, Android is not actually owned by Google. Who owns the Android platform?

Open Handset Alliance

The ________ menu accessed through the device�s Menu button provides actions and operations for the app�s current screen.


What is contained within the Layout xml file?

Orientations and layouts that specify what the display looks like

You need to process when user clicks on a notification on upper left of Android screen


What is the difference between PhoneGap and Apache Cordova?

PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova.

What is not a type of dialogs available within the Android SDK?


In Android, which layout mode defines the positions of each component relative to each other


What is NOT correct about Controller in Sencha Touch?

Responsible for responding to events that occur within your app\

Activity results handled by the onActivityResult() method are differentiated from one another using which parameter?

Result Code

The emulated device for android.

Runs the same code base as the actual device, all the way down to the machine layer.

Which database is natively supported by android?


When you want system to run the service indefinitely, by restarting it when get killed, use


Which type is not supported in SQLite?


Which of the following statement is false about Sencha Touch?

Sencha Touch is fully based on web standards such as PHP, Python.

When comparing the features of Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile, what the following statement is true?

Sencha Touch supports a more MVC style application design, whereas jQuery mobile will simply be a load of markup and a load of jQuery script converting your HTML elements into touch friendly interface components.

The Emulator is identical to running a real phone EXCEPT when emulating/simulating what?


Which of the following are UI elements that you can not use in a window in an Android application?

SliderBar Correct

Which class do you use to send SMS messages in your application without using built-in Messaging application?


Read the following content and answer the question


If your app takes a while to load, use a (an) _________ an image the will be displayed when the icon it tapped on the screen so that the user sees an immediate response white waiting for the app to load.

Splash screen

Statement A: dp is the default units for fonts. Statement B: sp is the default measurement unit for views

Statement A is False, and Statement B is False

There are two statements

Statement A is False, and Statement B is False

Statement A: android.telephony.SmsManager class can send SMS on both GSM and CDMA network

Statement A is True, and Statement B is False

To develop your own service in Android, which of the following step you need to do?

Step 2 is: implements onStartCommand, onBind, onUnbind, onRebind, onCreate, onDestroy methods

What was the first phone released that ran the Android OS?

T-Mobile G1

Which of the following Sensor types did the SensorCompass application use?


What is the purpose of the IntentService class?

The IntentService runs the tasks in a separate thread and automatically stops the service when the task has finished execution.

What is NotificationManager class?

The NotificationManager class is used to display notifications on the device�s status bar

What is the android:versionCode attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file?

The android:versionCode attribute is used to programmatically check if an application can be upgrade

Given the following statements using openFileOutput function to store data into a file in Android:

The created file can be accessed by all the other applications at the same time.

How is a simulator different from an emulator?

The emulator imitates the machine executing the binary code, rather than simulating the behavior of the code at a higher level.

What is a funny fact about the start of Android?

The first version of Android was released without an actual phone on the market

In Android, what is contained within the XML files in layout folder?

The layouts and direction of screen of the app

The following content

The method is addProximityAlert() is used for monitoring a location

What is contained within the manifest xml file?

The permissions the application requires

What is a fragment like an activity?

They have a lifecycle that includes multiple of callback methods.

Which of the following statement correctly describes about the ResourceCursorAdapter?

This adapter extends CursorAdapter and knows how to create views from resources.

What was Google's main business motivation for supporting Android?

To allow them to advertise more

Android: Which statement is not correct about Toasts ?

Toasts are perfect for informing your users of event without forcing them

Android UI is threadsafe


Android doesn't make any assumptions about a device's screen size, resolution, or chipset.:


Choose whether the statement is true or false Does PhoneGap support iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, webOS, Bada, Symbian at the same time?


Does AsyncTask create new thread in background?


Google licensed some proprietary apps.


On android, a layout can contain other layout ?


Read the following 2 URLs and answer the question


The AWT and Swing libraries have been removed from the Android library set.


The Android SDK ships with an emulator.


The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is all you need to develop applications for Android.


The manifest explains what the application consists of and glues everything together.


To install and run Sencha Touch, we need:


When you distribute your application commercially,you'll want to sign it with your own key.


When you have two or more activities with the same INTENT FILTER action name, the Android OS will display a


There is a kind of animation that using an XML file to define a sequence of pictures using

Tween Animation

Function connection.type will return a list of connection type, they are


If the action is ACTION_CALL, what the data field would be ?

URI with the number to call

How will you pass data to sub-activities?

Use Bundles Correct

How to define a new Sencha Touch class ?

Use Ext.define()

How to set data for a Spinner control?

Use method setAdapter()

Which of the following are true about Intent.CALL_ACTION?

Used when a phone number is to be dialled without the user having to explicitly initiate the call. Incorrect

How does Google check for malicious software in the Android Market?

Users report malicious software to Google

Toast is a class to display a message in Android. How to set position of a Toast

Using setGravity()

In Android, how do you access the string resource stored in the strings

Using the getResources() method

How can you define the minimum version of Android required

Using the minSdkVersion attribute in the AndroidMan

How do you specify the minimum version of Android required by your application?

Using the minSdkVersion attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

As an Android programmer, what version of Android should you use as your minimum development target?

Versions 1.6 or 2.0

How does Android system manage activity?s life cycle

Via system activity stack Correct

What is the permission you need to declare in AndroidManifes


What is not a subclass of class?


Which of these are not one of the three main components of the APK?


What is a type of autocompletion controls?

What is a type of autocompletion controls?

Which piece of code used in Android is not open source?

WiFi? driver

_______ are displays of timely information on the user�s Home screen, such as the current weather, stock prices and news.


Does CSS support to detecting device size and orientation ?


Android: Is the main thread called the UI thread?


Do we need to register all of View classes in app.js with Sencha Touch


Does HTML5 native support for local storage ?


Given the following code AsyncHttpClient asynClient = new AsyncHttpClient()

Yes, if it is not yet completed (success or failed)

How do you access the string resource stored in the strings.xml fil

You can use the getResources()

How do you programmatically determine whether a RadioButton is checked?

You should check the isChecked() method

What mechanism acts as the "glue" between a data source and a ListView control?

a data adapter.

Context menus are launched using ________.

a long-click on a View control.

Android tries hard to _____low-level components, such as the software stack, with interfaces so that vendor-specific code can be managed easily


The intent can communicate messages among

activities , services , broadcast receiver

The intents can communicate messages among any of the three core components of an application:

activities, services, broadcast receivers Correct

Android: When will onUpgrade() be invoked?

all of

How to set position of a Sencha Touch component?

all of above

Bmgr tool is used to

all of the above

Zbmgr tool is used to

all of the above

What part of the Android platform is open source?

all of these answers #The entire stack is an open source platform

The easiest way is to "anchor" your views to the four edges of the screen: when the screen orientation changes, the views can anchor neatly to the edges.


What is the permission for using the camera?


Android: which attribute will be used in XML if the Java code needs a reference to View ?

android: id

Android: Which attribute will be used in XML if the Java code needs a reference to View?


Which file is entry point for Sencha Touch app?


Foreground service

both a & c

IntentFilter are typically defind via

both of

What is false with respect to onBind()

calling startService() results in a call to onBind()

How to change the main color of Sencha Touch application ?

change the $base-color variable in app.scss

How do you programmatically determine whether a RadioButton is checked

check the isChecked() method of each RadioButton to determine whether it has been checked.

Which of the following are true about Intent.

dai nhat

In Android, what does dp unit stand for


Which of the following are true about Intent.CALL_ACTION?

dial + dialled

Given a table data (click to see the figure). And assume that this is on a device at 160 dpi

dp * scaler = px

As discussed, there are 4 main components in Android application. And in AndroidManifest.xml file, you need to declare:

elements for configurations

Intents do not name a target

explicit inten

Time, in milliseconds, to wait before the gesture fades out after the user is done drawing it" is the description of the following property:


Can you deploy excu


Is it possible to run java source


On android service, onStart() and onBind() are the same?


The file is where you


Which of the following methods is used to return a View from a layout file given the ID of the View?

findViewById(int id)

Which built-in HTML5 object is used to draw on the canvas?


In Android, which method you can use to obtain the path of the external storage


How to get the form data in Sencha Touch?


What method is used to determine how many fingers are being tracked by Android?


Name the methods that you need to override in your own implementation of a content provider?

getType(), onCreate(), query(), insert(), delete(), and update().

If you try to acces the column which does not exit, system throws


Intents designate the target

implicit inten

SQLite database save data in

internal storage

What is an intent

is a bunlde

The corresponding audio effect class.


What is true about localStorage ?

it is never expired

Intent myIntent = new Intent(this. ActivityTwo.class); myIntentputExtra("Value1". "This value one for ActivityTwo "); myIntentputExtra("Value2". "This value two ActivityTwo");

myIntent is explicit Intent

Which of following is true?

myIntent is explicit intent

Intent mylntent = new Intent(IntentACTION_VIEW"")); startActivity(myIntent):

myIntent is implicit Intent


myIntent is implicit Intent

Intent myintent = new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class);

myIntent.putExtra(�Value1�, �This value one for ActivityTwo�)

Which statement correctly changes the nameLabel TextView to Nguyen Van A?

nameLabel.setText(�Nguyen Van A�);

In Android, which statement is NOT correct about AsyncTask

none of

What statement is NOT correct about Canvas?

none of

Which is the method you need to use to post a notification to be shown in the status bar?


Android: where we can create tables and comlumns to them, create views or triggers ?


In class SQLiteOpenHelper class, there are 2 method we usually override. What are they?

onCreate() and onUpdagrade()

Android: When a dialog is requested for the first time, which method Android call from your Activity ?


Which of the following is NOT a life


Which of the following is NOT a life-cycle methods of an Activity?

onInit Correct

Which Android File API to create a file


When you need to use mp3 file in Android application, which folder you need to create and store mp3 file?

raw folder

In Android, which of the following statement is CORRECT to reload a layout


When using class to display a


How will you launch an Activity


How will you launch an Activity within your application?


Which is not the value of attribute android:inputType?


Which of the following are UI elements


In Sencha Touch, app folder contains

the Models, Views, Controllers and Stores for your app.

In Android, what is the meaning of the following code in MainActivity class?

the main thread calls the UI thread

URIMatcher is used for.

to figure out the URIs.

Android Async Task create new thread in background


Can PhoneGap framework support for playing audio?


Can PhoneGap work with Contacts data of mobile device?


Choose whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE


What is the correct HTML5 element for playing video files?


What is Android MIME type that indicates that this type and subtypes are nonstandard, vendor-specific forms?


Android: What is value on component?s attribute ?layout_height? to display the component big enough to enclose its content only ?


What is value on component's attribute layout_widtlf and layout_heighl to display the component big enough to enclose its content only?


Setting the android:layout_width and android:layout_height attributes to ________ indicates that the view should be just large enough to fit its content.


How to listen to an event in Sencha Touch class ?

write event handler within listeners:{} body

How to get the form data in sencha touch?


Graphics defined by SVG is in which format?


Android: Do we need API key for displaying Google Maps in Android?


Is color a new HTML5 element of input type?


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