Procedures 2 Exam 1

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How much is the body rotated for an AP axial oblique projection of the cervical intervertebral foramina?

45 degrees

The intervertebral foramina of the cervical spine open:

45 degrees anteriorly and 15 degrees inferiorly.

how many vertebrae are in the lumbar spine?

5 (L1-L5)

For which projection is the patient instructed to softly phonate "ah" during the exposure?

AP "open mouth" atlas and axis

Where is the articular pillar located on a cervical vertebra?

Between the superior and inferior articular processes

Atlas vertebrae

First vertebrae of neck that attaches to skull and forms beginning of the neck.

Where is the central ray directed for a lateral cervical spine?

Fourth cervical vertebra

Which of the following methods is used to demonstrate the dens within the foramen magnum?


The articulating facet on the inferior articular process of the vertebrae is located on its _____ surface.


The superior and inferior articular processes of the cervical spine form thick columns called the:

articular pillars.

The first cervical vertebra is called the:


The second cervical vertebra is called the:


Where is the IR centered for an AP axial cervical spine?

fourth cervical vertebra

The respiration phase for a lateral cervical spine is:

full expiration.

transverse foramen

only found in the cervical vertebrae and allow passage of the vertabral artery, vein, and nerve

intervertebral foramina

openings providing for exit of spinal nerves


part of the vertebral arch

The short, thick processes that project posteriorly on each side of a vertebral body are called the:


articular pillars

portion of the cervical vertebrae is used to evaluate cervical motion

The articulating facet on the superior articular process of the vertebrae is located on its _____ surface.


All are functions of the vertebral column, except: supports the trunk. protects the spinal cord. supports the skull. produces cerebrospinal fluid.

produces cerebrospinal fluid.

dens of axis

projects superiorly into the anterior arch of the atlas and is the pivot for the rotation of the atlas

An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is termed:


The vertebra prominens is the name given to the _____ vertebra.

seventh cervical

spinous process

sharp, slender projection


smooth, nearly flat articular surface

vertebra prominens

spinous process of C7

The most posterior aspect of a typical vertebra is the:

spinous process.

vertebral arch

structure that encloses the nerve cord

body of vertebrae

the thick, disc-shaped anterior portion which is the weight bearing portion

AP axial cervical spine

this projection shows the lower 5 cervical bodies and upper 2 or 3 thoracic

The openings in the cervical vertebrae for the transmission of the vertebral artery and vein are called the:

transverse foramen.

transverse process

two lateral projections from the vertebral arch

The vertebral body and the vertebral arch surround a space called the:

vertebral foramen.

The articulations between the articular processes of the vertebral arches are called the _____ joints.


How many vertebrae make up the vertebral column?


What is the central-ray angulation for the AP projection of the dens, Fuchs method?

0 degrees

For an AP axial cervical projection, the 1. mandibular angles and mastoid tips are positioned at equal distances from the cervical vertebrae. 2. central ray is angled 15 to 20 degrees cephalically. 3. OML is aligned perpendicular to the IR. 4. long axis of the cervical vertebra is aligned with the short axis of the collimated field.

1 and 2 only

The vertebral foramen of the first cervical vertebra contains the: 1. dens. 2. facets. 3. spinal cord.

1 and 3

To achieve uniform density throughout the entire thoracic vertebrae on an AP thoracic projection, 1. position a wedge-type compensating filter over the upper thoracic vertebrae. 2. use a high-ratio grid. 3. position the patient's feet toward the cathode end of the tube. 4. use a low kVp technique.

1 and 3 only

A lateral cervical projection with accurate positioning demonstrates 1. C1 and C2 without cranial or mandibular superimposition. 2. open intervertebral disk spaces. 3. superimposed right and left articular pillars and zygapophyseal joints. 4. the spinous process in profile.

1, 2, 3, and 4

A lateral thoracic projection with accurate positioning demonstrates 1. the intervertebral foramina. 2. about 0.5 inch (1 cm) of space between the posterior ribs. 3. open intervertebral disk spaces. 4. the pedicles in profile.

1, 2, 3, and 4

Which projections of the cervical spine will demonstrate the lower five zygapophyseal joints of the cervical spine? 1. Lateral 2. Lateral in hyperflexion 3. Lateral in hyperextension

1, 2, and 3

An AP atlas and axis projection with accurate positioning demonstrates 1. the axis's spinous process aligned with its body midline. 2. an open atlantoaxial joint. 3. the upper incisors and posterior occiput superior to the dens. 4. the first through fourth cervical vertebrae.

1, 2, and 3 only

The vertebral body of C7 is not demonstrated on a lateral cervical projection. To demonstrate this cervical vertebra 1. take the image on expiration. 2. have the patient hold weights on each arm to depress the shoulders. 3. take a lateral cervicothoracic (swimmer's) image. 4. angle the central ray 10 degrees cephalically.

1, 2, and 3 only

For PA axial oblique cervical projection, 1. the midcoronal plane is aligned at a 45-degree angle with the IR. 2. the central ray is angled 15 degrees caudally. 3. the head's midsagittal plane is aligned perpendicular to the IR. 4. an increased caudal angle is needed to demonstrate the lower vertebrae on a severely kyphotic patient.

1, 2, and 4 only

For a lateral cervicothoracic projection (Twining method), the 1. patient is placed in a lateral projection. 2. arm placed adjacent to the imaging table is elevated. 3. arm placed farther from the imaging table is positioned at a 90-degree angle with the body. 4. midsagittal plane is aligned parallel with the IR.

1, 2, and 4 only

For an AP atlas and axis projection, 1. the mandibular angles and the shoulders are positioned at equal distances from the IR. 2. the acanthiomeatal line is aligned parallel with the IR. 3. a 5-degree cephalad angulation is used. 4. an imaginary line connecting the upper occlusal plane and posterior occiput's inferior edge is aligned perpendicular to the IR.

1, 3, and 4 only

When viewed from the side, the vertebral column should present how many curves?


How many thoracic vertebrae have a small concave facet on the transverse process, for articulation with the tubercle of a rib?


how many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine?


How much is the body rotated from the lateral position to demonstrate the zygapophyseal joints of the thoracic region?

15 to 20 degrees

What is the central-ray angle for the PA axial oblique projection of the cervical intervertebral foramina?

15 to 20 degrees caudad

What is the central-ray angle for the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical intervertebral foramina?

15 to 20 degrees cephalad

The central-ray angle for an AP axial of cervical vertebrae is:

15 to 20 degrees cephalad.

An AP axial cervical projection with accurate positioning demonstrates 1. each vertebra's spinous processes within the inferior adjoining vertebral body. 2. open intervertebral disk spaces. 3. the spinous processes aligned with the midline of the cervical bodies. 4. the second cervical vertebra in its entirety.

2 and 3 only

For a lateral thoracic projection, 1. the shoulders are positioned at equal distances from the imaging table. 2. the arms are abducted to a 90-degree angle. 3. a breathing technique is used. 4. a radiolucent sponge is positioned between the patient's lateral body surface and imaging table at a level just inferior to the iliac crest.

2 and 3 only

For a lateral cervical projection, 1. the midcoronal plane is positioned parallel with the IR. 2. the IPL is aligned perpendicular to the IR. 3. the long axis of the cervical vertebral column is aligned with the short axis of the collimated field. 4. a 72-inch (183-cm) SID is used.

2 and 4 only

A PA axial oblique cervical projection with accurate positioning demonstrates 1. the zygapophyseal joints. 2. the intervertebral foramina. 3. open intervertebral disk spaces. 4. the inferior cortical outlines of the mandible without superimposition.

2, 3, and 4 only

An AP thoracic projection with accurate positioning demonstrates 1. distorted vertebral bodies. 2. the long axis of the thoracic vertebrae aligned with the long axis of the collimated field. 3. spinous processes aligned with the midline of the vertebral bodies. 4. open intervertebral joint spaces.

2, 3, and 4 only

How many true, or movable, vertebrae are there in the vertebral column?


How many foramina are located in each cervical vertebra?


What is the recommended SID for the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical spine?

60 to 72 inches

What is the recommended SID for the lateral cervical spine (Grandy method)?

60 to 72 inches

how many vertebrae are in the cervical spine?

7 (C1-C7)

The zygapophyseal joints of the thoracic spine form an angle of how many degrees with the midsagittal plane?

70 to 75

The intervertebral foramina of the thoracic spine form an angle of how many degrees with the midsagittal plane?


Which of the following lines must be perpendicular to the IR for the AP "open mouth" atlas and axis?

A line drawn from the lower edge of the upper incisors to the tip of the mastoid process

Axis vertebrae

C2, has process called Dens (anterior side) for pivot joint to turn head side to side

Which of the following is the first compensatory spinal curvature to develop in the young child?


vertebral notch

Indentation into upper and lower margins of pedicle that forms vertebral foramen

All of the joints of the vertebral column are synovial—freely movable—except one. Which joint is not?


lateral mass

Lateral to Perpendicular plate, riddled with Ethmoidal air cells.

Which aspect of the intervertebral disk is composed of semigelatinous material?

Nucleus pulposus

Which of the following methods uses a chewing motion of the mandible to demonstrate the cervical spine in an AP projection?


Which vertebral process projects posteriorly from the junction of the laminae and pedicles?

Spinous process

Which of the following will demonstrate the cervicothoracic region in the lateral projection?

Swimmer's technique

Which thoracic vertebrae contain costal facets on the transverse process?


Which thoracic vertebrae contain only a single costal facet on each side of its body?

T10, T11, T12

Which intervertebral foramina are demonstrated on the PA axial oblique projection of the cervical spine?

Those closest to the IR

Which intervertebral foramina are demonstrated on an AP axial oblique projection of the cervical spine?

Those farthest from the IR

Where is the center of the IR positioned for the AP projection of the dens, Fuchs method?

Tip of the mastoid process


a supporting column or stalk


abnormal lateral curvature of the spine

vertebral foramen

canal through which spinal cord passes

Which vertebra contains both an anterior and a posterior arch?


The articulating surfaces of the articular processes of the vertebrae are covered with fibrocartilage. These surfaces are called:




Spinal nerves and blood vessels exit the spinal column through the:

intervertebral foramina.

An abnormal increase in the convexity of the thoracic spine is termed:


Scoliosis is defined as an abnormal or exaggerated _____ curvature.


The intervertebral foramina of the thoracic spine are clearly demonstrated on which projection?


The zygapophyseal joints of the cervical spine are clearly demonstrated on which projection?


The Grandy method is a(n):

lateral projection of the cervical vertebrae.

Glabellomeatal line

line from the glabella to the auricular point

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