Professional Selling - Closing

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What to consider in the closing

- The customer agreed to spend time with you - They followed up on that commitment by giving you some of their time - The customer agreed to work with you to find a "best" solution - They have given you information or talked with you about their satisfaction with past solutions So why wouldn't they expect you to ask them for their business?

Set Expectations and Next Steps

Expectations can be managed with only a little effort by the salesperson Set expectations in 3 areas: - What the product will do and how to measure performance - What you will do to follow up - What the customer should expect from your company

The Trial Close

The trial close is a question usually asked midway through the presentation that is designed to find out where the prospect is in their buying decision The trial close usually is subtle invitation to buy: - "Would something like this work out for you?" - "Are these about the results you expected?" - "How often would you need delivery?" - "How often would you use this service?"

Techniques to Close the Sale

There is no "one best technique" to get commitment But there are five commonly used techniques - the direct close - the summary close - the choice close - the special features close

When to Close

When ever the prospect is ready to buy! This is not a "lecture" on features and benefits but a discussion about solutions It is easy to "oversell" - Many salespeople feel compelled to tell the whole story before asking for the close - They may actually talk themselves out of a sale - "Never bore a buying customer" When the prospect has sufficient information to make an informed decision... CLOSE

Moment of Truth

When you get close to the "moment of truth" remember: - The customer agreed initially to work with you to find a good solution to their problem - The customer expects you to ask for the order - They can't enjoy the benefits you offer unless they actually buy your product - Your customer always has the right to say "no" So be confident and assertive, you are doing your job and you are doing the prospect a favor

When the Prospect says "no"

When you have done the best you can and the prospect still says, "no" remember - They are saying "no" for right now - They are not rejecting you personally After they believe you have accepted their "no" it is a good idea to "probe" to make really sure you understand their real reason for not accepting your offer

Verbal Buying Signals

You will often pick up buying signals - After getting agreement on a key benefit - After handling an important objection well -When the customer asks a question When do you "know" the customer is ready? You never "know" but experience is a great teacher

Closing Throughout the Call

Actually a good salesperson closes several times throughout the call - "Based on what you have told me so far I think I have an idea that could really help, May I share what I have in mind?" - "So the maintenance contract has some real merit for you right?"

Special Features Close

Add something extra - a small discount, an extra service - With some customers, epically those who pride themselves on being good negotiators, this can "tip the scales" and make the sale - Works well with loyal, long-standing customers - When you let a long-standing customer know about a special deal that will benefit them you can often close the sale quickly 2 Cautions using the "special features" close - use of this close may "train" the customer to always expect a "special deal" from you - Some types of buyers may resent this approach, the may feel manipulated and that you may offer "deals" to different people

Why does Closing seem so difficult?

Asking for the oder is the "moment of truth" Many salespeople have difficulty closing because they are afraid of rejection - the only way to be certain a customer will not say no is not to ask them Remember - When the customer says "No" - they are saying no to your product, not you - They are not saying no forever - They are saying "no, not now"

The Summary Close

Briefly summarize the major points made, including benefits to the customer and address any major concerns the prospect may have had Usually involves the following steps: - List the customer's concerns and key needs - List the positive results the proposed solution - Review the list - Ask for a favorable decision

How NOT to close a sale

Closing is a time to show confidence in your solution Never ever start a close by stating their objection "I know you really like your current supplier, but" "You probably don't want to buy any today, but" "I know we're higher priced, but would you consider"

The Assume Close

Do not ask for the order but assume they are ready to buy and move ahead with the details On the surface this sounds presumptive and even arrogant, but when in the context of a STRONG RELATIONSHIP it is natural and sensitive to the customer It works best with current satisfied customers or when the prospect has made it clear they are excited about the idea Routine assumption - Sketch out your next step and go ahead "Great, I'll stop by tomorrow and begin to set up training times!" Command Assumption - Tell the prospect what they need and get started "What I think you need is about three boxes to get you started. I'll get it shipped out by today" Action Assumption: Say nothing, just begin finalizing paperwork for their signature before you leave

After they say Yes

Immediately after a customer says "yes" there are several things that become important - You must reinforce their decision - You must manage expectations - You must make sure the next step is clear

The Choice Close

Offer the customer a small choice - an easy choice, but not the choice between buying or not buying - "Would the standard or deluxe model work best?" - "Would you prefer cash or to be billed later?" - "Is Tuesday a good day for delivery?" The choices the salesperson offers should be drawn from information the customer has shared

The Direct Close

Simply ask the customer for their business "Gloria, we'd like to do business with you. How about giving us a chance to show what we can do?" Works well when: - The sales relationship is open and positive - The salesperson has just handled a difficult objection - The salesperson and customer have a long-standing relationship

What is the "Close"

The close is when you ask the customer to begin working with you The "close is the moment when the customer says "yes." When the customer makes a commitment to work with you, your company and your products or services. The close does not always mean getting the sales - Asking for the sale on $200,000 equipment - Permission to set up a 3 month trial - Asking for information There are many techniques to closing but there are only two guidelines that should always be followed: - Closing always means asking for a commitment from the customer - Every call should have a close

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